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1. Terdapat 30 topik/bab di buku Biologi di SMA (11 bab kelas X, 11 bab kelas XI, dan 8
bab kelas XII). Urutkan menjadi bab 1 – 30.
2. Setiap mahasiswa mengambil 1 topik (mahasiswa dengan no urut 1 di daftar absensi
mengerjakan topik 1; dan mahasiswa dengan no urut 31 mengerjakan topik 1, no urut
32 mengerjakan topik 2). Lalu pilihlah satu video berbahasa Inggris yang
mengajarkan tentang topik yang sudah ditentukan buat kamu.
3. Tuliskan narasi yang ada di video, terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia dan buatlah
didalam tabel seperti Tabel 1 dibawah.
4. Perhatikan dengan baik-baik tata letak setiap kalimat, tentukan panjang sebuah
kalimat untuk diterjemahkan (harus memiliki arti yang jelas).


5. Buatlah kelompok yang terdiri dari 3 orang (berarti terdiri dari tiga topik).
6. Kelompok disusun berdasarkan daftar absensi, 123 (kelompok 1), dan 456 (kelompok
2), lalu kelompok 1 mengerjakan topik no. 1,2, 3; lalu kelompok 2 mengerjakan topik
no. 4,5,6 dan seterusnya.
7. Buat tabel seperti Tabel 2 dibawah dan urutkan kata-kata biologi yang ada di
kelompok lalu tentukan apakah kata itu adjective, noun, atau verb, terjemahkan
kedalam bahasa Indonesia.

TR 1. Tabel 1. Narasi Materi Biodiversity/Keanekaragaman Hayati

NO English Indonesian

1 Biodiversity keanekaragaman hayati

2 to discover (v); discovery (n) menemukan; penemuan

2 Hello students, welcome back to our science Halo anak-anak, selamat datang kembali di sesi
session for today's topic we will discover the sains kita, topik kita hari ini kita akan
importance of biodiversity, mempelajari/ ‘menemukan’ pentingnya
Keanekaragaman hayati.

3 and why is it important not only for us dan mengapa keanekaragaman hayati penting
humans but for all living organisms here on dipelajari, bukan hanya untuk kita manusia,
earth. tetapijuga untuk semua organisma hidup
dibumi ini.

4 At the end of this session, learners are Setelah kita mempelajarinya, diharapkan kamu
expected to explain the concept and dapat menjelaskan konsep dan mengapa
importance of biodiversity. keanekaragaman hayati itu penting.

5 What is biodiversity?. Apa yang dimaksud dengan biodiversitas?

6 Biodiversity is all a different kind of life you'll Biodiversitas atau keanekaragaman adalah
find in one area the variety of animals, semua jenis kehidupan yang berbeda yang dapt
plants, fungi, and even microorganisms like kita temui disuatu area yang memiliki hewan
bacteria that make up our natural worlds. yang berbeda, tumbuhan, fungi, dan juga
mikroorganisme seperti bakteri, yang
membentuk dunia alamiah kita.

7 Each of the species and organisms works Setiap spesies and organisms akan bekerja
together in ecosystems like an intricate web sama seperti sebuah web atau jaring-jaring
to maintain balance and support life. kompleks/rumit untuk dapat mempertahankan
keseimbangan dan mendukung kehidupan.

8 Biodiversity is the shortened form of two

words biological and diversity it refers to all
the variety of life that can be found on earth
like plants, animals, fungi, and
microorganisms as well as the communities
that they form and the habitats in which
they live.

8 Biodiversity consists of the entire range of

living organisms across levels of
organization: genes, species, and

9 There are three types of biodiversity:

genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity.

10 Genetic diversity refers to the sum total of

genetic information contained in the genes
of an organism it is also the diversity of
genetic characteristics either expressed or
recessive within a species especially
between individuals and populations of the
same species.

11 What are the examples of genetic diversity?

12 Different breeds of dogs, dogs are selectively

bred to get the desired treats even for the
cat family genetic diversity is important
because it helps maintain the health of a
population by including alleles that may be
valuable in resisting diseases, pests, and
other stresses. If the environment changes a
population that has a higher variability of
alleles will be better able to evolve to adapt
to the new environment.

13 Species diversity is defined as the number of

species and abundance of each species that
live in a particular location.

14 As you can see in the pictures, there are

different kinds of animals that live all
together in a specific area it also gives us the
idea that there is a specific kind of animal
only that can survive in a given location.

15 Some examples may include the presence of

four or five different species of tree in a
woodland forest or perhaps a 100 different
species of fish crustaceans and coral in a
certain reef.

16 The number of different kinds of species in a

particular area is called species richness.

17 While the abundance of the individual

members within a particular species is called
species evenness.

18 Ecosystem biodiversity refers to the number

of ecosystems in a certain area.

19 An example of ecological diversity on a

global scale would be the variation in
ecosystems such as deserts, forests,
grasslands, wetlands and oceans.

20 Ecological diversity is the largest scale of

biodiversity in within each ecosystem. There
is a great deal of boat species and genetic
diversity species richness is greatest in
tropical ecosystems tropical rainforest on
land and coral reefs in marine systems are
among the most biological diverse
ecosystems on earth

21 Why is biodiversity important?

22 Biodiversity is important to humans for

many reasons. Biodiversity is also considered
by many to have intrinsic value that is each
species has a value and a right to exist
whether or not it is known to have value to

23 Other importance of biodiversity isn't

economic it provides humans with raw
materials for consumption and prduction
many livelihoods, such as those of farmers,
fishers and timber workers, are dependent
on biodiversity

24 While on ecological life support biodiversity

provides functioning ecosystems that supply
oxygen, clean air and water, pollination of
plants, pest control, wastewater treatment
and many ecosystem services.

25 Many recreational pursuits rely on our

unique biodiversity. such as bird watching,
hiking, camping, and fishing. our tourism
industry also depends on biodiversity.

26 For scientific biodiversity represents a

wealth of systematic ecological data that
help us to understand the natural world and
its origins.

27 Since biodiversity plays an important role in

sustaining the ecological balance it needs to
be protected and conserved. There are four
types of biodiversity conservation: soil,
water, habitat, and wildlife.

28 Soil conservation is the prevention of loss of

the topmost layer of the soil from erosion or
prevention of reduced fertility caused by
overusage, acidification, salinization or other
chemical soil contamination.

29 What are the causes of land and soil

pollution first is poor agricultural practices,
improper solid waste management, unsafe
storage of hazardous chemicals and nuclear
waste, decisions from mismanaged landfills,
and uncontrolled dumping of waste from
households industrial plants and mining

30 Water conservation is the practice of using

water efficiently to reduce unnecessary
water usage according to fresh water watch,
water conservation is important because
fresh clean water is a limited resource.

31 As every individual depends on water for

livelihood we must learn how to keep our
limited supply of water pure and away from

32 Some eighty percent of the world's waste

water is dumped largely untreated back into
the environment polluting rivers, lakes, and
oceans this widespread problem of water
pollution is jeopardizing our health.

33 Water pollution can be caused by a pleasure

of different contaminants, including toxic
waste, petroleum and disease-causing

34 Preserving habitats essential in preserving

biodiversity. Habitat conservation is a
management practice that seeks to conserve
protect and restore habitats and prevent
species extinction fragmentation or
reduction in range.

35 Habitat destruction occurs when natural

habitats are no longer able to support the
species present resulting in the displacement
or destruction of its biodiversity cleaning
habitats for agriculture is the principal cause
of habitat destruction other causes of
habitat destruction includes mining, lagging,
trolling and urban sprawl. Habitat
destruction is currently ranked as the
primary cause of species extinction

36 Wildlife conservation is the practice of

protecting plant and animal species and
their habitats. By conserving wildlife we're
ensuring that future generations can enjoy
our natural world and the incredible species
that live within it. To help protect wildlife it's
important to understand how species
interact within their ecosystems and how
they're affected by environmental and
human influences.

37 Some of the biggest threats to wildlife

include illegal wildlife trade habitat
destruction invasive species pollution and
climate change.

38 The illegal wildlife plate is the fourth largest

criminal industry in the world after drugs,
arms and human trafficking. Lions are
currently listed as vulnerable on the
International Union for the Conservation of
Nature or IUCN.
39 In some parts of Africa lions are classified as
critically endangered because lion
populations are still plummeting at an
unexpected rate.

40 Altogether let's protect and conserve

biodiversity because biodiversity matters.

TR 2. Tabel 2. Words and Meaning (biology context)

No. Words Meaning in Indonesian

1. Biodiversity (n) Biodiversitas; keanekaragaman hayati
2. Population (n) Populasi
3. Protection (n); to protect; protected Perlindungan; melindungi; dilindungi
4. Conservation (n); to conserve; Konservasi; melakukan kegiatan konservasi; dan
conserved dikonservasi
5. Classification (n); to classify: classified Membuat klasifikasi

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