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Kapasitas daya dukung aksial tiang berdasarkan data sondir :

Qu= Daya dukung batas tiang

Qall = Daya dukung ijin tiang
Qp =Daya dukung ujung batas tiang
Qs = Daya dukung gesekan batas sepanjang tiang
SF = Faktor keamanan

Metode Lansung (Direct Cone)

Tahanan selimut pada tiang dapat diambil langsung dari gesekan total
(jumlah hambatan lekat =JHL) dikalikan dengan keliling tiang, sehingga formula untuk
metoda langsung dapat dituliskan :

Rumusan ini diambil di Indonesia dengan mengambil angka keamanan 3 (tiga)

untuk tahanan ujung dan angka keamanan 2 (dua) untuk gesekannya.
Sehingga daya dukung ijin pondasi dapat dinyatakan dalam :

q p .ApJHL .kll
Q all  
3 2
dengan :qc1 : tahanan konus pada kedalaman 4d diatas ujung tiang.
qc2 : tahanan konus pada kedalaman 4d dibawah ujung tiang.
d : diameter tiang

Dipakai tiang Borpile dengan Data sebagai berikut:

Kedalaman rencana pondasi tiang = 3.0 m
Dimensi tiang = 30.0 cm
Keliling Tiang = 94.285714 cm
Luas Penampang tiang Ag = 707.14286 cm2
= 70714.29 mm2

Daya dukung izin tiang tunggal berdasarkan data Sondir :

qc1 = 100 kg/cm2 qc2 = 200 kg/cm2
JHL = 125 kg/cm2
4d = 120 cm
qp = 150 kg/cm2

Qizin-a= 37120.00 kg ………………………… (a)

= 37.12 ton

Kapasitas Nominal Tiang Beton :

Mutu beton f'c = 20.75 Mpa
Baja Tulangan fy = 400 Mpa
Diameter Tulangan : 13 mm
As = 132.665 mm2
Jumlah Tulangan = 6 btg
Ast = 795.99 mm2
f= 0.75 (untuk elemen aksial dengan tulangan spiral)
Kapasitas Aksial Nominal Tiang beton : (dengan sengkang spiral)
fPnmax = 989132.212 N
= 989.132 kN
= 98.913 ton
SF = 3
Kapasitas izin aksial dari tiang betonnya :
Qizin-b= 32.971 ton ………………………… (b)

Daya dukung tiang tunggal dari hasil soil test:

f Pn= 54.300 ton (per tiang)
= 543.00 kN.




Kuat tekan beton, fc' = 20.75 MPa
Kuat leleh baja tulangan deform ( Æ > 12 mm ), fy = 400 MPa
Kuat leleh baja tulangan polos ( Æ ≤ 12 mm ), fy = 240 MPa
Berat beton bertulang, wc = 24 kN/m3
Lebar kolom arah x, bx = 0.30 m
Lebar kolom arah y, by = 0.30 m
Jarak tiang tepi terhadap sisi luar beton, a= 0.45 m
Tebal pilecap, h= 0.40 m
Tebal tanah di atas pilecap, z= 0.10 m
Berat volume tanah di atas pilecap, ws = 18.17 kN/m3


Gaya aksial kolom akibat beban terfaktor, Puk = 689 kN
Tahanan aksial tiang , f * Pn = 543.00 kN
Tahanan lateral tiang , f * Hn = 6.97 kN

Menentukan Jumlah minimum Tiang : n = Puk /Pn = 1.9

Dipasang : 1 Tiang

Susunan tiang arah x : Susunan tiang arah y :
No. Jml. x n*x2
No. Jml. y n * y2
n (m) (m2) n (m) (m2)
1 1 0.45 0.20 1 1 0.00 0.00
2 1 0.45 0.20 2 0 0.00 0.00

n= 2 S x2 = 0.41 n= 1 S y2 = 0.00
Lebar minimum pilecap arah x, Lx = 1.80 m
Lebar minimum pilecap arah y, Ly = 0.90 m
Ukuran Pilecap (Lx x Ly) : 1.80 x 0.90 m


Jarak pusat tulangan terhadap sisi luar beton, d' = 0.040 m
Tebal efektif pilecap, d = h - d' = 0.360 m
Jarak bid. kritis terhadap sisi luar, cx = ( Lx - bx - d ) / 2 = 0.570 m
Berat beton, W 1 = cx * L y * h * w c = 4.925 kN
Berat tanah, W2 = cx * Ly * z * ws = 0.932 kN
Gaya geser arah x, Vux = pumax - W1 - W2 = 349.9404 kN
Lebar bidang geser untuk tinjauan arah x, b = Ly = 900 mm
Tebal efektif pilecap, d= 360 mm
Rasio sisi panjang thd. sisi pendek kolom, bc = b x / b y = 1.0000
Kuat geser pilecap arah x, diambil nilai terkecil dari V c yang diperoleh dari pers.sbb. :
Vc = [ 1 + 2 / bc ] * √ fc' * b * d / 6 * 10-3 = 737.945 kN
Vc = [ as * d / b + 2 ] * √ fc' * b * d / 12 * 10 = -3 2213.835 kN
Vc = 1 / 3 * √ fc' * b * d * 10-3 = 491.963 kN
Diambil, kuat geser pilecap, ® Vc = 491.963 kN
Faktor reduksi kekuatan geser, f = 0.75
Kuat geser pilecap, f * Vc = 368.973 kN
Syarat yang harus dipenuhi,
f * Vc ≥ Vux
368.97 > 349.94 ® AMAN (OK)


Jarak tepi kolom terhadap sisi luar pilecap, cx = ( Lx - bx ) / 2 = 0.750 m

Jarak tiang thd. sisi kolom, ex = cx - a = 0.300 m
Berat beton, W 1 = cx * L y * h * w c = 6.480 kN
Berat tanah, W2 = cx * Ly * z * ws = 1.226 kN
Momen yang terjadi pada pilecap,
Mux = 2 * pumax * ex - W1 * cx / 2 - W2 * cx / 2 = 210.588 kNm
Lebar pilecap yang ditinjau, b = Ly = 900 mm
Tebal pilecap, h= 400 mm
Jarak pusat tulangan thd. sisi luar beton, d' = 40 mm
Tebal efektif plat, d = h - d' = 360 mm
Kuat tekan beton, fc' = 21 MPa
Kuat leleh baja tulangan, fy = 400 MPa
Modulus elastis baja, Es = 2.00E+05 MPa
Faktor distribusi teg. beton, b1 = 0.85
rb = b1* 0.85 * fc’/ fy * 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0.0224878125
Faktor reduksi kekuatan lentur, f = 0.80
Rmax = 0.75 * rb * fy * [1-½*0.75* rb * fy / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) ] = 5.456
Mn = Mux / f = 263.236 kNm
Rn = Mn * 10 / ( b * d ) =
6 2
Rn < Rmax ® (OK)
Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan,
r = 0.85 * fc’ / fy * [ 1 - Ö {1 – 2 * Rn / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) } ] = 0.0061
Rasio tulangan minimum, rmin = 0.0025
Rasio tulangan yang digunakan, ® r= 0.0061
Luas tulangan yang diperlukan, As = r * b * d = 1962.87 mm2
Diameter tulangan yang digunakan, D 19 mm
Jarak tulangan yang diperlukan, s = p / 4 * D * b / As =
324 mm
Jarak tulangan maksimum, smax = 200 mm
Jarak tulangan yang digunakan, ® s= 150 mm
Dipasang tulangan, D 19 - 150 mm
Luas tulangan terpasang As = p / 4 * D 2 * b / s = 1701.17 mm2
Tulangan bagi diambil 50% tulangan pokok, Asb = 50% * As = 850.59 mm2
Jarak tulangan bagi yang diperlukan, s = p / 4 * D2 * b / Asb = 300 mm
Jarak tulangan maksimum, smax = 200 mm
Jarak tulangan yang digunakan, ® s= 200 mm
Digunakan tulangan, D 19 - 150
Luas tulangan terpasang As = p / 4 * D * b / s =
2 1701.17 mm2

Rasio tulangan susut minimum, rsmin = 0.0014
Luas tulangan susut, As = rsmin* b * d = 454 mm2
Diameter tulangan yang digunakan, D 19 mm
Jarak tulangan susut, s = p / 4 * Æ * b / As =
2 563 mm
Jarak tulangan susut maksimum, smax = 200 mm
Jarak tulangan susut arah x yang digunakan, ® s= 200 mm
Digunakan tulangan susut arah x, Æ 19 - 150


Pile axial bearing capacity based on sondir data:

Qu = The limit bearing capacity of the pile

Qall = The allowable bearing capacity of the pile
Qp = Bearing capacity at the end of the pile boundary
Qs = The frictional bearing capacity along the pile
SF = Safety factor

Direct Cone
The decking resistance of the post can be taken directly from the total friction
(the amount of sticky resistance = JHL) is multiplied by the circumference of the pile,
so the formula for the direct method can be written:

safety number = 3 (end resistance) and safety number 2 = for friction.

So that the bearing capacity of the foundation permit can be stated in:

q p .A p JHL .kll
Q all  
3 2
with qc1 : resistance cone at a depth of 4d above the end of the pile.
qc2 : resistance cone at a depth of 4d under the end of the pile.
d : pile diameter

Used Borepile piles with the following data:

Pile Deep = 6.5 m
Pile Diameter = 30.0 cm
Pile Circumference = 120 cm
Pile Area 900 cm2
= 90000.00 mm2

Single pile bearing capacity based on Sondir data:

qc1 = 220 kg/cm2 qc2 = 210 kg/cm2
JHL = 244 kg/cm2
4d = 120 cm
qp = 215 kg/cm2

Qizin-a= 37120.00 kg ………………………… (a)

= 37.12 ton

Nominal Capacity of Concrete Pile:

Concrete Quality f'c = 20.75 Mpa
Reinforcement Steel fy = 400 Mpa
Bar Diameter : 13 mm
As = 132.665 mm2
Reinforcement Amount = 8 btg
Ast = 1061.32 mm2
f= 0.75 (for axial elements with spiral reinforcement)


Specified Concrete Compression Strength, f'c fc' = 20.75 MPa
Bending Reinforcement Yield Stress ( Æ > 12 mm ), fy = 400 MPa
Shear Reinforcement Yield Stress ( Æ ≤ 12 mm ), fy = 240 MPa
Weight for Reinforced Concrete wc = 24 kN/m3
Column Width bx = 0.25 m
Column Length by = 0.50 m
The distance of the pile to the outer side of the concrete, a= 0.45 m
Pilecap thickness, h= 0.50 m
The thickness of the soil above the pilecap, z= 0.10 m
Soil volume weight above pilecap, ws = 18.17 kN/m3

The axial force of the column due to factored loads, Puk = 492 kN
Pile Axial resistance, f * Pn = 350.00 kN
Pile Lateral resistance, f * Hn = 6.97 kN

number of piles : n = P uk /Pn = 1.3

installed 2 Tiang

X - Direction Y Direction
No. Sum x n * x2 No. Sum y n * y2
n (m) (m2) n (m) (m2)
1 2 0.45 0.41 1 2 0.45 0.41
2 2 0.45 0.41 2 2 0.45 0.41

n= 4 S x2 = 0.81 n= 4 S y2 = 0.81
Pilecap minimum width x direction, Lx = 1.80 m
The minimum width of the y direction pilecap, Ly = 1.80 m
Dimension of Pilecap (L x x Ly) : 1.80 x 1.80 m


Distance from center of reinforcement to outer side of concrete, d' = 0.040 m

Pilecap effective thickness, d = h - d' = 0.460 m
The critical plane distance to the outside, cx = ( L x - bx - d ) / 2 = 0.545 m
Concrete weight, W1 = cx * Ly * h * wc = 11.772 kN
Soil weight, W2 = cx * Ly * z * ws = 1.782 kN
X direction shear force, Vux = pumax - W1 - W2 = 122.8756 kN
Shear width for x direction view, b = Ly = 1800 mm
Pilecap effective thickness, d= 460 mm
Length side to side ratio. short side of the column, bc = bx / by = 0.5000
The shear strength of the pilecap in the x direction is taken the smallest value of Vc which is obtained from eq. :
Vc = [ 1 + 2 / bc ] * √ fc' * b * d / 6 * 10 -3 = 3143.100 kN
Vc = [ as * d / b + 2 ] * √ fc' * b * d / 12 * 10 -3 = 3841.566 kN
Vc = 1 / 3 * √ fc' * b * d * 10 = -3
1257.240 kN
Taken, pilecap shear strength, ® Vc = 1257.240 kN
Shear strength reduction factor, f = 0.75
Pilecap shear strength, f * Vc = 942.930 kN
Requirements that must be met,
f * Vc ≥ Vux
942.93 > 122.88 ® OK


Distance of the column edge to the outer side of the pilecap, cx = ( Lx - bx ) / 2 = 0.775 m
Pile distance to column side, ex = cx - a = 0.325 m
Concrete weight, W1 = cx * Ly * h * wc = 16.740 kN
Soil weight, W2 = cx * Ly * z * ws = 2.535 kN
The moment of the pilecap,
Mux = 2 * pumax * ex - W1 * cx / 2 - W2 * cx / 2 = 81.211 kNm
Pilecap width b = Ly = 1800 mm
Pilecap thickness, h= 500 mm
Distance from center of reinforcement to outer side of concrete, d' = 40 mm
Plate effective thickness, d = h - d' = 460 mm
Concrete compressive strength, fc' = 21 MPa
The yield strength of reinforcing steel, fy = 400 MPa
Steel elastic modulus, Es = 2.00E+05 MPa
Distribution factor teg. concrete, b1 = 0.85
rb = b1* 0.85 * fc’/ fy * 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0.0224878125
Bending strength reduction factor, f = 0.80
Rmax = 0.75 * rb * fy * [1-½*0.75* rb * fy / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) ] = 5.456
Mn = Mux / f = 101.513 kNm
Rn = Mn * 10 / ( b * d ) =
6 2
Rn < Rmax ® (OK)
Ratio of required reinforcement,
r = 0.85 * fc’ / fy * [ 1 - Ö {1 – 2 * Rn / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) } ] = 0.0007
Minimum reinforcement ratio, rmin = 0.0025
The ratio of reinforcement used, ® r= 0.0025
Reinforcement area required, As = r * b * d = 2070.00 mm2
Diameter of reinforcement used, D 19 mm
Required reinforcement spacing, s = p / 4 * D2 * b / A s = 150 mm
Maximum reinforcement spacing, smax = 200 mm
Distance reinforcement used, ® s= 150 mm
Dipasang tulangan, D 19 - 150 mm
Area of reinforcement installed As = p / 4 * D 2 * b / s = 3402.34 mm2
Reinforcement for 50% of the main reinforcement is taken, Asb = 50% * As = 1701.17 mm2
Reinforcement spacing for the required, s = p / 4 * D2 * b / Asb = 300 mm
Maximum reinforcement spacing, smax = 200 mm
Distance reinforcement used, ® s= 200 mm
Used reinforcement, D 19 - 150
Area of reinforcement installed As = p / 4 * D 2 * b / s = 3402.34 mm2
Minimum shrinkage ratio, rsmin = 0.0014
Shrinkage reinforcement area, As = rsmin* b * d = 1159 mm2
Diameter of reinforcement used, D 19 mm
Shrinkage reinforcement distance, s = p / 4 * Æ2 * b / A s = 440 mm
Maximum shrinkage reinforcement distance, smax = 200 mm
The distance of the shrinkage reinforcement in the x direction u ® s= 200 mm
Use x direction shrinkage reinforcement, Æ 19 - 150

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