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Rekomendasi American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

(ASRA) untuk tatalaksana toksisitas sistemik lokal anestesi (LAST)

Minta tolong
Fokus awal
 Tatalaksana jalan napas : ventilasi dengan oksigen 100 %
 Supresi kejang : disarankan benzodiazepine HINDARI propofol
 Ketahui fasilitas terdekat yang memiliki kemampuan untuk bypass
Tatalaksana aritmia jantung
 Bantuan hidup dasar dan lanjut (ACLS)
 HINDARI penggunaan vasopressin, penghambat kanal Kalsium,
penghambat beta atau anestesi lokal
 KURANGI dosis epinefrin hingga <1mcg/kg
Terapi emulsi lemak (20%)(nilai parenthesis untuk pasien 70 kg)
 Bolus 1,5 mL/kg intravena selama 1 menit (100 mL)
 Infus kontinyu 0,25 mL/kg/menit (18 mL/menit)
 Ulangi bolus satu atau dua kali bagi kolaps kardiovaskuler persisten
 Gandakan kecepatan infus hingga 0,5 mL/kg/menit bila tekanan darah
tetap rendah
 Infus kontinyu selama 10 menit setelah mencapai kestabilan sirkulasi.
 Dosis maksimal lipid adalah 10 mL/kg emulsi lemak selama 30 menit

Disarankan bagi yang akan menggunakan anestesi lokal dalam dosis yang dapat
menimbulkan LAST, menetapkan sebuah rencana untuk menangani komplikasi ini
seperti menyediakan kotak toksisitas anestesi lokal dan membuat instruksi

Mengurangi Resiko (BE SENSIBLE)

 Menggunakan dosis paling kecil yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai efek dan
durasi yang diharapkan.
 Tingkat anestesi lokal dalam darah dipengaruhi oleh tempat dan dosis
penyuntikan. Faktor yang dapat meningkatkan resiko LAST : usia lanjut, gagal
jantung, penyakit jantung iskemik, abnormalitas konduksi, penyakit metabolic,
penyakit hati, konsentrasi protein plasma rendah, asidosis metabolic atau
respiratorik, obat-obatan yang menghambat kanal Natrium. Pasien dengan
gangguan jantung berat, terutama `

of injection and dose. Factors that can increase the like- lihood of LAST
include: advanced age, heart failure, ischemic heart disease, conduction
abnormalities, met- abolic (e.g., mitochondrial) disease, liver disease, low
plasma protein concentration, metabolic or respiratory acidosis, medications
that inhibit sodium channels. Pa- tients with severe cardiac dysfunction,
particularly very low ejection fraction, are more sensitive to LAST and also
more prone to ‘stacked’ injections (with resulting elevated LA tissue
concentrations) due to slowed circu- lation time.
 Consider using a pharmacologic marker and/or test dose, e.g. epinephrine 5
mcg/mL of LA. Know the expected response, onset, duration, and limitations
of “test dose” in identifying intravascular injection.
 Aspirate the syringe prior to each injection while ob- serving for blood.
 Inject incrementally, while observing for signs and querying for symptoms of
toxicity between each in- jection.


 Use standard American Society of Anesthesiologists

(ASA) monitors.

 Monitor the patient during and after completing injec-

tion as clinical toxicity can be delayed up to 30 min-


 Communicate frequently with the patient to query for

symptoms of toxicity.

 Consider LAST in any patient with altered mental sta-

tus, neurological symptoms or cardiovascular instabil-

ity following a regional anesthetic.

 Central nervous system signs (may be subtle or absent)

  Excitation (agitation, confusion, muscle twitch- ing, seizure)
  Depression (drowsiness, obtundation, coma or apnea)
  Non-specific (metallic taste, circumoral numb- ness, diplopia, tinnitus,

• Cardiovascular signs (often the only manifestation of severe LAST)

Initially may be hyperdynamic (hypertension, tachycardia, ventricular arrhythmias),


Progressive hypotension
Conduction block, bradycardia or asystole
Ventricular arrhythmia (ventricular tachycardia,

Torsades de Pointes, ventricular fibrillation)

• Sedative hypnotic drugs reduce seizure risk but even light sedation may abolish the
patient’s ability to recog-

nize or report symptoms of rising LA concentrations.


• Timing of lipid infusion in LAST is controversial. The most conservative approach,

waiting until after ACLS has proven unsuccessful, is unreasonable because ear- ly
treatment can prevent cardiovascular collapse. In- fusing lipid at the earliest sign of
LAST can result in unnecessary treatment since only a fraction of patients will
progress to severe toxicity. The most reasonable approach is to implement lipid
therapy on the basis of clinical severity and rate of progression of LAST.

• There is laboratory evidence that epinephrine can im- pair resuscitation from LAST
and reduce the efficacy of lipid rescue. Therefore it is recommended to avoid high
doses of epinephrine and use smaller doses, e.g., <1mcg/kg, for treating hypotension.

• Propofol should not be used when there are signs of cardiovascular instability.
Propofol is a cardiovascu- lar depressant with lipid content too low to provide benefit.
Its use is discouraged when there is a risk of progression to cardiovascular collapse.

• Prolonged monitoring (> 12 hours) is recommended after any signs of systemic LA

toxicity, since cardio- vascular depression due to local anesthetics can per- sist or
recur after treatment.

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