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Susunan acara

Acara peringatan isra miraj nabi besar muhammad saw. yang diselenggarakan oleh
keluarga besar pondok pesantren nurul haq benteng lewo tanggal 15 mei 2016 bertepatan
dengan rabiul awal, segera dimulai

Acara pertama

1. pembukaan

Marilah kita membuka acara ini dengan mengajak hadirin bersama mengucapkan kalimat

2. pembacaan ayat suci alquran yang akan dibawakan oleh Zeti sari purnama dewi dan
terjemahan oleh selfiana, dengan ini di silahkan.

3. pidato 3 bahasa.

@. pidato bahasa indonesia dibawakan oleh Indrawan, waktu dan tempat di silahkan.

@.pidato bahasa inggris dibawakan oleh Citra ayuni safran waktu dan tempatdi silahkan

@pidato bahasa arab dibawakan oleh Rasmi waktu dan tampat di silahkan

4. Sambutan oleh pimpinan pondok pesantren nurul haq benten lewo, Al ustad H Mukhtar
langkusen, dengan ini disilahkan.

5. Hikmah isra miraj nabi besar muhammad saw oleh Al ustad Drs KH ramli rette SQ
dengan ini disilahkan.

6. Istirahat/penutup, dengan berakhirnya pembacaan doa maka berakhirlah seluruh

rangkaian acara pada pagi hari ini. marilah kita menutup acara ini dengan bersama
membaca basmalah.

Schedule of
Isra Miraj commemorations great prophet Muhammad SAW. organized by a big family of
Islamic boarding school Nurul Haq benteng Lewo 15 May 2016 to coincide with........
Rabiul Awal, immediately began

The first event

1. opening
Let us open the event by inviting the audience together reciting Basmalah

2. recitation the holy Qur'an which will be present by Zeti sari purnama dewi and
translation by Selfiana, with this time please.

3. 3 languages speech.
@. Indonesian speech delivered by Indrawan time please.
@ .English speech delivered by Citra ayuni safran time please
@ Arabic speech delivered by Rasmi time in please

4. Lecture by the head of the boarding school Benten Lewo Nurul Haq, Al ustadz
H. Mukhtar langkusen, with this time please.

5. Lessons Isra Miraj the great prophet muhammad saw by Al Ustadz Drs KH Ramli rette SQ,
this time please

6. Closing, with the end of a prayer then ended the whole series of events this morning. Let us
Close This Event With Reading Basmalah.

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.

Firstly... Praise and thanksgiving let's said and practiced to gain the pleasure of Allah Almighty
and merciful love of the almighty elected affection
Greetings and hopefully always for our the Prophet muhammad saw who received intercession.

Ladies and Gentlements,

Drugs is a term that is so popular in Indonesia and the world. In Indonesian, we know drugs as
Narkoba which stands for narcotic, psychotropic and addictive. Drugs are commonly known as
shabu and ectasy. Both substances are widely used by middle and high school students. However,
many adults also consume it, because we often see on the television that adults are arrested by the
police because they were using ectasy.

Ladies and Gentlements

People usually take drugs to have fun or escape the pressures of life. Drug users among students are
particularly worrying. It was reported that a number of traffickers operate around schools by
cheating, forcing or giving free illicit drugs to students. Once the students are addicted, they then go
to the traffickers to buy the illicit drugs. If they do not have money, they steal it from their family
members or others. Narkoba’ is the Indonesian term for narcotics, psychotropic and addictive
substances. Psychotropic substances popularly called Ecstasy and Shabu-shabu are considered
favorites among the middle and upper class users. However, for an increasing number of young
people, the drug of choice is low-grade heroin, known as putaw, which is cheap, plentiful, but
potentially deadly. These drugs are readily available in all major urban areas, including schools,
Karaoke lounges, bars, cafes, discotheques, nightclubs, and they even spread into remote villages.
Therefore it is not surprising that drug users continue to increase from year to year.

Ladies and Gentlements

Drug abuse has also contributed to the increase of HIV/AIDS patients, through the usage of
unsterile injections. According to a report based on an illicit drug and injection safety study of 20
Asian countries conducted by the Center for Harm Reduction in Australia’s Burnet Institute, drug
injecting is spreading to all the countries [of Asia] and its popularity is increasing. Our Country,
Indonesia have up to 1 million drug injectors, and 19% of them were infected HIV/AIDS. How
Dangerous the drugs abuse for us.

Ladies and Gentlements especially,The young Generation

This is an extremely serious issue for us. It’s a threat that could kill an entire generation. One
generation of this nation will be lost if we do not take action together and immediately. In short, we
must be ready to go to war against illicit drugs and the war must start from home.

then, what can we do as the young generation? Prevention is better than cure. AVOID the Drugs,
don’t ever think to try just b’coz you curios. because once you try, you will be trapped and later
become addicted, and the addiction will finally turn you into criminals or take your lives. We have
so many example around us, what happened to the users. Some b’come crazy, Some was going to
the jail, And The others were died. All of them loose their future. I believe we don’t want such
things happened to ourselves.
The Young Generation,

Now its time for us to say ‘NO’ to drugs. It’s time for us to arrange our future. It’s time for us to
face the world with our ability. It’s time for us to prove that we can do something for our country,
With The spirit of ‘Indonesian Awakening Day’.

Thank you.

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