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Edisi Pertama 2021
Copyright © 2021 A.P1996

Halaman Judul.................................................................................................................................................................................1

Daftar Isi..........................................................................................................................................................................................2

Sekilas Tentang Koleksi Panduan Memasak.....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Resep Hidangan Pembuka...............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Poached eggs with breads......................................................................................................................................................6

Breakfast recipe title 02..........................................................................................................................................................6
Breakfast recipe title 03..........................................................................................................................................................8

Recipes for Lunch...................................................................................................................................... 9

Pakistani special Degi Biryani...............................................................................................................................................10

Lunch recipe title 02.............................................................................................................................................................10
Lunch recipe title 03.............................................................................................................................................................12

Recipes for Dinner........................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Quick & tasty chicken pasta..................................................................................................................................................14

Dinner recipe title 02............................................................................................................................................................15
Dinner recipe title 03............................................................................................................................................................16

MEMASAK Halaman 2
Edisi Pertama 2021
Kemajuan teknologi dimasa globalisasi saat ini memudahkan Anda untuk mendapatkan resep masakan melalui internet.
Namun, tidak ada yang dapat mengalahkan sensasi membaca buku resep. Dengan memiliki buku resep, Anda tidak perlu
repot soal sinyal internet smartphone, menggunakan gawai sembari memasak atau membaca resep dan khawatir gawai
anda rusak dampak anda memasak. Saat ini, masih ada banyak buku resep yang dijual, baik di toko buku maupun e-
commerce namun Koleksi Panduan Memasak memiliki kesederhanaan, keunikan dan kemudahan tersendiri bagi

Anda masih bingung dalam memilih buku resep masakan? Buku Koleksi Panduan Memasak edisi pertama akan memberikan
tipsnya untuk Anda. Buku ini juga akan membagikan resep terbaik, mulai dari resep masakan hidangan pembuka, hidangan
utama dan hidangan penutup. Baca panduan ini sampai habis dan temukan resep yang sesuai untuk Anda.

MEMASAK Halaman 3
Edisi Pertama 2021
This page intentionally left blank

MEMASAK Halaman 4
Edisi Pertama 2021

MEMASAK Halaman 5
Edisi Pertama 2021
Poached eggs with breads

Time required:
25 minutes

Servings: 02


Please first read our “Important 1. Looking for a DIY recipe book in Word? This is what we have
Notes” document attached in the prepared for you in Microsoft Word format!
download package. 2. You can use this digital cookbook to make an outstanding
recipe book including recipes for breakfast, lunch & dinner.
• List ingredient here 3. Even if you are not very good with Microsoft Word, still by
• List another ingredient using this template, you can prepare a professional looking
• More ingredients recipe book.
• Add as many as needed 4. Either write your recipes from scratch or copy your existing
• List ingredient here content into this template.
• List another ingredient 5. Make sure you check the “Navigation Pane” to know about the
• More ingredients headings’ level and also check the “Styles” group for available
• Add as many as needed styles.
6. This template is formatted through “Styles”, so please also take
Our templates usually consist of care of these things when inserting or deleting content from
dummy text throughout the this template.
document so before you submit 7. You will definitely not find such a great-looking recipe book
your book for final publishing, template anywhere else for free, especially in Word format.
make sure there remains no
8. When you create pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also
placeholder text in the template.
coordinate with your current document look.
9. You can easily change the formatting of selected text in the
document text by choosing a look for the selected text from
the Quick Styles gallery on the Home tab.
10. On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed
to coordinate with the overall look of your document.

Breakfast recipe title 02

MEMASAK Halaman 6
Edisi Pertama 2021
Time required:
00 minutes

Servings: 00


Please first read our “Important 1. Looking for a DIY recipe book in Word? This is what we have
Notes” document attached in the prepared for you in Microsoft Word format!
download package. 2. You can use this digital cookbook to make an outstanding
recipe book including recipes for breakfast, lunch & dinner.
• List ingredient here 3. Even if you are not very good with Microsoft Word, still by
• List another ingredient using this template, you can prepare a professional looking
• More ingredients recipe book.
• Add as many as needed 4. Either write your recipes from scratch or copy your existing
• List ingredient here content into this template.
• List another ingredient 5. Make sure you check the “Navigation Pane” to know about the
• More ingredients headings’ level and also check the “Styles” group for available
• Add as many as needed styles.
6. This template is formatted through “Styles”, so please also take
Our templates usually consist of care of these things when inserting or deleting content from
dummy text throughout the this template.
document so before you submit 7. You will definitely not find such a great-looking recipe book
your book for final publishing, template anywhere else for free, especially in Word format.
make sure there remains no
8. When you create pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also
placeholder text in the template.
coordinate with your current document look.
9. You can easily change the formatting of selected text in the
document text by choosing a look for the selected text from
the Quick Styles gallery on the Home tab.
10. On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed
to coordinate with the overall look of your document.

MEMASAK Halaman 7
Edisi Pertama 2021
Breakfast recipe title 03

Time required:
00 minutes

Servings: 00


Please first read our “Important 1. Looking for a DIY recipe book in Word? This is what we have
Notes” document attached in the prepared for you in Microsoft Word format!
download package. 2. You can use this digital cookbook to make an outstanding
recipe book including recipes for breakfast, lunch & dinner.
• List ingredient here 3. Even if you are not very good with Microsoft Word, still by
• List another ingredient using this template, you can prepare a professional looking
• More ingredients recipe book.
• Add as many as needed 4. Either write your recipes from scratch or copy your existing
• List ingredient here content into this template.
• List another ingredient 5. Make sure you check the “Navigation Pane” to know about the
• More ingredients headings’ level and also check the “Styles” group for available
• Add as many as needed styles.
6. This template is formatted through “Styles”, so please also take
Our templates usually consist of care of these things when inserting or deleting content from
dummy text throughout the this template.
document so before you submit 7. You will definitely not find such a great-looking recipe book
your book for final publishing, template anywhere else for free, especially in Word format.
make sure there remains no
8. When you create pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also
placeholder text in the template.
coordinate with your current document look.
9. You can easily change the formatting of selected text in the
document text by choosing a look for the selected text from
the Quick Styles gallery on the Home tab.
10. On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed
to coordinate with the overall look of your document.

MEMASAK Halaman 8
Edisi Pertama 2021

MEMASAK Halaman 9
Edisi Pertama 2021
Pakistani special Degi Biryani

Time required:
85 minutes

Servings: 06


Please first read our “Important 1. Looking for a DIY recipe book in Word? This is what we have
Notes” document attached in the prepared for you in Microsoft Word format!
download package. 2. You can use this digital cookbook to make an outstanding
recipe book including recipes for breakfast, lunch & dinner.
• List ingredient here 3. Even if you are not very good with Microsoft Word, still by
• List another ingredient using this template, you can prepare a professional looking
• More ingredients recipe book.
• Add as many as needed 4. Either write your recipes from scratch or copy your existing
• List ingredient here content into this template.
• List another ingredient 5. Make sure you check the “Navigation Pane” to know about the
• More ingredients headings’ level and also check the “Styles” group for available
• Add as many as needed styles.
6. This template is formatted through “Styles”, so please also take
Our templates usually consist of care of these things when inserting or deleting content from
dummy text throughout the this template.
document so before you submit 7. You will definitely not find such a great-looking recipe book
your book for final publishing, template anywhere else for free, especially in Word format.
make sure there remains no
8. When you create pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also
placeholder text in the template.
coordinate with your current document look.
9. You can easily change the formatting of selected text in the
document text by choosing a look for the selected text from
the Quick Styles gallery on the Home tab.
10. On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed
to coordinate with the overall look of your document.

Lunch recipe title 02

MEMASAK Halaman 10
Edisi Pertama 2021
Time required:
00 minutes

Servings: 00


Please first read our “Important 1. Looking for a DIY recipe book in Word? This is what we have
Notes” document attached in the prepared for you in Microsoft Word format!
download package. 2. You can use this digital cookbook to make an outstanding
recipe book including recipes for breakfast, lunch & dinner.
• List ingredient here 3. Even if you are not very good with Microsoft Word, still by
• List another ingredient using this template, you can prepare a professional looking
• More ingredients recipe book.
• Add as many as needed 4. Either write your recipes from scratch or copy your existing
• List ingredient here content into this template.
• List another ingredient 5. Make sure you check the “Navigation Pane” to know about the
• More ingredients headings’ level and also check the “Styles” group for available
• Add as many as needed styles.
6. This template is formatted through “Styles”, so please also take
Our templates usually consist of care of these things when inserting or deleting content from
dummy text throughout the this template.
document so before you submit 7. You will definitely not find such a great-looking recipe book
your book for final publishing, template anywhere else for free, especially in Word format.
make sure there remains no
8. When you create pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also
placeholder text in the template.
coordinate with your current document look.
9. You can easily change the formatting of selected text in the
document text by choosing a look for the selected text from
the Quick Styles gallery on the Home tab.
10. On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed
to coordinate with the overall look of your document.

MEMASAK Halaman 11
Edisi Pertama 2021
Lunch recipe title 03

Time required:
00 minutes

Servings: 00


Please first read our “Important 1. Looking for a DIY recipe book in Word? This is what we have
Notes” document attached in the prepared for you in Microsoft Word format!
download package. 2. You can use this digital cookbook to make an outstanding
recipe book including recipes for breakfast, lunch & dinner.
• List ingredient here 3. Even if you are not very good with Microsoft Word, still by
• List another ingredient using this template, you can prepare a professional looking
• More ingredients recipe book.
• Add as many as needed 4. Either write your recipes from scratch or copy your existing
• List ingredient here content into this template.
• List another ingredient 5. Make sure you check the “Navigation Pane” to know about the
• More ingredients headings’ level and also check the “Styles” group for available
• Add as many as needed styles.
6. This template is formatted through “Styles”, so please also take
Our templates usually consist of care of these things when inserting or deleting content from
dummy text throughout the this template.
document so before you submit 7. You will definitely not find such a great-looking recipe book
your book for final publishing, template anywhere else for free, especially in Word format.
make sure there remains no
8. When you create pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also
placeholder text in the template.
coordinate with your current document look.
9. You can easily change the formatting of selected text in the
document text by choosing a look for the selected text from
the Quick Styles gallery on the Home tab.
10. On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed
to coordinate with the overall look of your document.

MEMASAK Halaman 12
Edisi Pertama 2021

MEMASAK Halaman 13
Edisi Pertama 2021
Coffee Banana Muffin

Waktu diperlukan:
30 menit

Penyajian: 01


 4 buah pisang ambon 1. Campur minyak dan telur menggunakan whisk,

Lumatkan dengan garpu aduk rata lalu masukkan pisangnya, aduk rata.
 120 ml minyak sayur
 2 butir telur 2. Ayak tepung, baking powder dan cokelat bubuk,
 180 gr tepung lalu masukkan gula palm dan kopi sachet, buat
lubang tengah kemudian tuang bahan cair, aduk
segitiga biru
dengan spatula, aduk asal rata saja jangan
 2 sdt baking powder
overmix agar hasilnya tidak bantet.
 100 gr gula palm
 2 sdm coklat bubuk 3. Tuang ke cup muffin, jangan terlalu penuh, beri
 1 sachet kopi bubuk topping sesuai selera
tanpa ampas
4. Panggang dengan suhu 180°c selama 25-30 menit
Topping : atau sampai matang (oven sudah dipanaskan
Chocochips dan kacang terlebih dahulu). Angkat dan dinginkan di cooling
tanah cincang rack.

5. Sajikan sesuai selera anda.

MEMASAK Halaman 14
Edisi Pertama 2021
Kue Mangkok

Waktu diperlukan:
30 menit

Penyajian: 01


 250 g tapai singkong 6.

 350 g tepung beras
 600 ml air hangat
 350 g gula pasir
 60 g tepung terigu
 2 sdt baking powder
 ¼ sdt pewarna makanan
merah muda
 minyak goring (untuk

Topping :
Chocochips dan kacang
tanah cincang

MEMASAK Halaman 15
Edisi Pertama 2021

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