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Announcement atau pengumuman adalah pernyataan yang berisikan informasi tentang peristiwa atau event yang akan terjadi

untuk diketahui masyarakat umum.

Announcement dibuat dengan tujuan untuk mengumumkan suatu informasi penting yang harus diketahui oleh orang banyak. Jenis-Jenis Announcement1. Public service
announcements, 2. High school graduation announcements, 3. Job announcements, 4. Promotion announcements, 5. Marriage and wedding announcements.

Suggestion: Let’s go to the bookstore this weekend! / Ayo pergi ke toko buku akhir pekan ini! |Why don’t we play Taylor Swift’s new song? / Mengapa kita tidak memutar lagu
baru Taylor Swift? |We could go to her house tomorrow. / Kita bisa pergi ke rumahnya besok. What about going to the beach? / Bagaimana kalau pergi ke pantai? How about
making a sandwich? / Bagaimana kalau membuat roti isi? I suggest that you meet her now. / Aku menyarankanmu untuk menemuinya sekarang. You might want see it now. /
Kamu mungkin mau melihatnya sekarang. I think you need to see a doctor. / Aku pikir kamu perlu ke dokter. I don’t think you should buy the bag. / Aku tidak berpikir kamu
harus membeli tasnya. I recommend you to watch this movie. / Aku merekomendasikan kamu untuk menonton film ini. I propose that you be taking this course. / Aku
mengusulkan agar kamu mengambil mata pelajaran ini. I put forward that we work together on this final project. / Saya mengajukan kita bekerja sama di proyek akhir ini. I
advise you to take a bus. / Saya menyarankan Anda untuk naik bus. I advocate you to wait until 1 p.m. / Saya menganjurkan Anda untuk menunggu hingga pukul 1 siang

Offering: May I help you? / Bisa saya bantu? Can I bring this luggage for you? / Bisakah saya membawa koper ini untuk Anda? Shall I make a cup of tea for you? / Haruskah aku
membuat secangkir teh untukmu? Would you like me to find another product? / Apakah Anda ingin saya mencarikan produk lain? How about I accompany you? / Bagaimana
kalau aku menemanimu?

Asking Opinion or Giving Opinion: In my opinion..... I think..... What I mean is..... Personally I think..... In my experience..... According to me..... I strongly believe that..... As far as
I am concerned..... From my point of view..... As I understand..... As I see it..... I reckon..... I am compelled to say..... By this I mean..... To my mind..... Would like to point out
that..... In my humble opinion.....

Agreeing with an Opinion Of course. This is absolutely right. I agree with this opinion. I couldn't agree more. I agree with what you are saying. I agree, I never thought of that.
Neither do I. That's a good point. I think so too

Disagreeing with an opinion: I am sorry, I don't agree with you. I am not sure I agree with you. I don't agree with you. I am afraid I have to disagree with you. I do not believe
that. By this I mean..... I disagree with you. I think you are wrong. That's not the same thing at all. It is not justified to say so. I am not convinced that....

I can't say I agree with this, and here's why

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