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Bahasa English

Terdapat seorang remaja 18 th didampingi sang ibu datang ke rumah There was an 18years old teenager accompanied by her mother came
sakit Adi Husada Kapasari menuju ke Front Office untuk periksa ke to Adi Husada Kapasari Hospital. They came to the information
klinik penyakit dalam center to ask the procedure for checking to clinic.
Petugas : selamat pagi bu, ada yang bisa saya bantu? Front Office : Good morning mam, may I help you ?
Ibu : iya selamat pagi, saya mau mendaftarkan anak saya Mothers’s Patient : Good morning.. I want to see an internal medicine
untuk ke poli. Bagaimana prosedur pendaftarannya? doctor, because my daughter is sick. How is the procedure ?
Petugas : baik ibu saya jelaskan terlebih dahulu dan bantu cara Front Office : Ok mam, I will help you. First of all, are you an
daftarnya, ibu mau menggunakan bpjs atau umum? insurance patient or general?
Ibu : I want to be a general patient Mother’s Patient : I don’t have insurance, so I just pay for it
Petugas : sebelumnya ibu bisa ke mesin anjungan terlebih Front Office : Allright mam. The first step is you have to take the
dahulu untuk mengambil nomor antrian, setelah itu ibu number in the queue machine. After that you can go to the registration
bisa masuk ke TPP (Tempat pendaftaran pasien) yang room until your number called. At the registration you will get the
ada di belakang ibu dan menunggu nama anak ibu ticket to use to see the doctor. Let me assist and help you.
dipanggil untuk membeli karcis ke poli. silahkan bu ke
mesin anjungan saya bantu untuk mengambil no Go to the queue machine
antrian. Front Office : So, this is your queue number, now you can go to the
Ibu : baik, terimakasih banyak. registration room until your number called.
Mother : ok, thank you so much Mother’s Patient : Thank you
Di Tempat Pendaftaran At the Registration
Suara dari TV Pemanggil *PD010 Silahkan ke Loket 2* Sound from Caller TV *PD010 to counter 2*
Petugas : selamat pagi bu, ada yang bisa dibantu? Staf : Good morning miss, may I help you?
Remaja : selamat pagi mba, saya ada keluhan pusing, muntah, Patient : Good morning, I want to see a doctor. I feel unhealthy like
keringat dingin, perut terasa begah, saya harus ke poli headache, vomit, stomachache, and fever. Is it true that I have to go to
apaya mba? internist?
Petugas : bisa ke poli Umum atau langsung dr spesialis poli Staf : Ok, my suggestion you can go to general practitioners or you
penyakit dalam, maaf apa sebelumnya pernah ke can directly go to internist. May I ask if you have ever been treated at
Rumah Sakit Adi Husada Kapasari? Adi Husada Kapasari Hospital ?
Remaja : saya baru pertama kali, saya ke poli penyakit dalam Patient : Not yet. Ok then, I want to see an internist
bu Staf : All right, then I need your id card to enter the data patient
Petugas : baik, bisa pinjam ktp dan minta tolong untuk mengisi
form pasien baru
Remaja : sudah mba Few minutes later
Petugas : silahkan karcisnya bisa dibawa dan diserahkan Staf : Thank you for waiting. Here is your ticket to go to see the
perawat nya. doctor. Can I make sure your identity is correct?
Ibu : terimakasih mba, untuk poli penyakit dalam ada di Patient : Sure
sebelah mana ya? Staf : Your name and date of birth please ?
Petugas : dari lobby ibu bisa belok ke sebelah kanan, poli Patient : Andina Nuraini, 12 Desember 2001
penyakit dalam ada di samping farmasi. Staf : Ok thank you, our staf will confirm your identity when you get
Ibu : baik, terimakasih banyak atas informasinya. the examination or treatment to make sure the patient safety. I hope
you can understand the procedure.
Patient : Oke, it’s fine
Staf : Now you can go to the internal medicine clinic, give your ticket
to the nurse, and wait until called.
Patient : Where is the clinic ?
Staf : From this room, just turn right. When you see a pharmacy, the
clinic is on the left.
Mother’s Patient : Thank you for your information
Staf : Thank you mam, and get well soon
DI Rawat Jalan Poli Penyakit Dalam (Outpatient Patients) In the clinic
Ibu : selamat pagi sus *sembari menyerahkan karcis* Mother’s Patient : Good morning nurse, this is my daughter’s ticket.
Perawat : selamat pagi ibu, ada yang bisa saya bantu? silahkan Nurse : Good morning mam, thank you. Please wait, there’s still one
duduk dulu sambil menungu antrian. more patient
10 menit kemudian *ANDINA silahkan ke poli penyakit dalam* Mother’s Patient : Ok, thank you
Perawat : selamat pagi bu, silahkan duduk. Caller TV *Andina to internal medicine clinic*
Ibu : Terimakasih Nurse : Good morning mam, miss Andina..Please have a sit
Perawat : perkenalkan saya suster A. saya bekerja shift pagi di Mother’s Patient and Patient : Good morning, thank you
poli penyakit dalam ini. bolehkah saya ukur suhu dan Nurse : Hello, my name is Ani and I’m your nurse in this morning.
ttv? Can I check your blood pressure and body temperature?
Remaja : iya sus Patient : Sure
Perawat : Tensi 100/69 nadi 95x/menit suhu 36,7 saturasi 99% Nurse : Ok, your blood pressure is 100/69, pulse is 95beat
dokter. /minute and temperature 36,7ºC. The doctor will check you now
Dokter : baik sus terimakasih, selamat pagi Nn Andina Doctor : Good morning..Can I confirm your name and date of birth
bisakah anda menceritakan mengenai kondisi anda please ?
saat ini? Patient : Andina Nuraini, 12 Desember 2001 doctor
Remaja : kemarin sore saya demam, nyeri perut, merasa mual, Doctor : Ok thank you. Now can you tell me about your condition?
badan terasa lebih lelah dari biasanya, dan saat ini Patient : I had a fever, stomach ache, feel nauseous, and now my
lidah agak terasa pahit, pusing. Kenapa ya dokter? tongue feels a bit bitter and dizzy since yesterday.
Dokter : apa anda sudah ada hasil laboratorium? Doctor : Have you had a laboratory test
Remaja : ada dokter Patient : Yes I have, the doctor in laboratory advised me to do a widal
Perawat : apa boleh saya copy satu untuk berkas disini? blood test
Remaja : Silahkan sus Doctor : Ok, can I see the result?
Dokter : dari hasil widal pemeriksan laboratorium Nn Andina Patient : Here is the result
didapatkan hasil widal positif tyfoid yang disebabkan Doctor : Ok thank you, nurse Ani can you copy this result
oleh bakteri salmonella typhi. Anda harus merubah Nurse Ani : Right away doc
pola makan Anda. Jangan lewatkan sarapan, makan Doctor : Ok, let me explain your condition. From your symptoms and
tiga kali sehari, , makan makanan yang lunak dulu the laboratory test, you have a typhoid fever. This caused by bacteria
bubur atau nasi yang lembek. called salmonella typhi. I will give you antibiotics for 5 days, and you
Perawat : dan jangan makan makanan cepat saji dan kurangi have to finish them, and also I give medicine to reduce your fever and
makanan pedas, berminyak. nausea. You have to make sure to eat properly, choose the soft food,
Remaja : Akan sulit, tapi akan saya coba. low fiber, and do not eat spicy.
Dokter : dari hasil laboratorium Saya akan berikan antibiotik Patient : Thank you doctor, I will try to do what you tell me. Can I ask
selama 5 hari tolong diminum sampai habis. Obat you what sould I do to prevent it to be more carefull again?
mual diminum ketika masih merasa mual dan kembali Doctor : First of all, you have to make sure live clean and healthy. For
kontrol bila keluhan tidak berkurang. example : wash you hand frequently with soap and water especially
Remaja : Baik dokter, apa ada pencegahannya ya dok agar before eat, avoid raw food, ensure your food properly cooked, don’t be
saya lebih berhati hati. late to eat. And you also can get vaccinated.
Dokter : ada, yang pertama dengan melakukan vaksinasi, Patient : Thank you for you explanation doc
mencuci makanan dan sayur sebelum dikonsumsi, dan Doctor : You’re welcome, and make sure take your medicine properly
jangan lupa cuci tangan sebelum makan, setelah and if it gets worse, come back to checked with me again.
beraktivitas, terutama ketika mempunyai hewan Patient : I will doc
peliharaan. Mother’s Patient : Thank you doc
Perawat : untuk resep obat bisa menunjukkan karcis ke Nurse : For your medicine you just need to show this ticket to the
farmasi. pharmacist
Ibu : Baik sus terimakasih. Patient : Thank you nurse
Nures : You’re welcome and Get well soon
In the Pharmacy
Pharmacist : Good morning, can I help you ?
DI FARMASI Mother’s Patient : Sure, I want to take my daughter’s medicine
Apoteker : selamat siang, Ada yang bisa saya bantu? Pharmacist : Ok, can I see your ticket ?
Remaja : siang, saya ingin mengambil resep. Mother’s Patient : Here is the ticket
Apoteker : Baik, bisa saya pinjam karcis anda? Pharmacist : Ok, thank you. Please wait I will prepare the medicine
Remaja : Ini dia. Mother’s Patient : Ok, thank you
Apoteker : Mohon tunggu sebentar. Saya akan menyiapkan Pharmacist : Andina Nuraini
obatnya. Patient : Yes..
Remaja : Tentu, terima kasih. Pharmacist : Can I confirm your name and date of birth?
10 menit kemudian Patient : Andina Nuraini, 12 Desember 2001
Apoteker : Ini obatnya. Ada antibiotik diminum 3 x 1 Pharmacist : Ok, so this is your medicine. Cefat 500mg 3x/day for
dihabiskan, obat untuk demam tiga kali sehari. Kemudian, obat antibiotic and make sure to finish it. Paracetamol 500mg 3x/day when
muntah 2x1 bila merasa mual. you still have a fever and Vomitas 2x/day when nauseous.
Remaja : Baiklah. Terima kasih. Patient : Ok, thank you I will remember it
Pharmacist : Is there’s anything you want to ask, or is it clear ?
Patient : No thank you, all is clear
Pharmacist : You’re welcome and get well soon
Patient : Thank you

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