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Part of Speech adalah hal yang pendasar yang harus diketahui oleh
pembelajar bahasa Inggris. Dalam materi ini, kita akan belajar
bagaimana kata dalam bahasa inggris itu digolongkan. Terdapat 8
pengolongan kata, yaitu:
1. Pronoun (kata ganti) ~ pron
Berfungsi sebagai Subject ataupun Object
Contoh : I, you, we , they, she, he, it, my, us, them, her, myself,
mine dll.

2. Adjective (kata sifat) ~ adj

Berfungsi untuk menjelaskan pronoun ataupun noun Contoh :
handsome boy, kind person, smart student dll

3. Noun (kata benda) ~ n

Berfungsi sebagai Subject ataupun Object
Contoh : book, car, tree, ghost, God, wind, oxygen, water dll.

4. Conjunction (kata sambung) ~ conj

Berfungsi untuk menghubungan 2 hal yang setara; seperti noun
dan noun, verb dan verb, sentence dan sentence.
Contoh : you and I, apple or banana, read and write, I sleep
because I am tired.

5. Adverb (kata keterangan) ~ adv

Berfungsi untuk menjelasakn AVAS (adjective, verb, adverb
maupun sentence)
Contoh : she walks slowly. (adverb menjelaskan verb)
Extremely easy (adverb menjelaskan adjective)

6. Verb (kata kerja) ~ v

Berfungsi sebagai predikat
Contoh : sleep, study, run, jump dll.

7. Interjection (kata seru) ~ inter

Berfungsi untuk menggambarkan ekspresi atau perasaan Contoh :
wow! Ouch! Awesome! Fantastic! Dl

8. Preposition (kata depan) ~ prep

Berfungsi untuk mengawali sebuat keterangan
Contoh : in the office, at home, on the tree, after getting up dll.

8 macam Part of Speech ini bisa disingkat menjadi PANCA VIP

(dilihat dari inisialnya).
Ini digunakan agar mempermudah kita mengingat nama-nama
penggolongan kata dalam bahasa Inggris.
NOUN (kata benda)

Countable noun <nC> (dapat dihitung)

o Bisa diawali a/an/the/numeral
a book, an apple, the student, 2 books

Singular <nSing> (tunggal) Plural <nPl> (jamak)

Book Books

Car Cars
Key Keys
Knife Knives
Man Men

Child Children
Sheep Sheep
Mouse Mice
Person People
Deer Deer

Uncountable noun <nU> (tidak dapat dihitung)

o Tidak bisa diawali a/an
o Hitungannya dianggap singular (tunggal) The water is salt.
My money is lost
Uncountable Noun (singular)
Equipment Soap Meat Honey Sugar Snow
Furniture Paper Cake Fish Art Energy Education
Gold Wood Bread Fruit Music Rain Knowledge
Silver Hair Cheese Salt Advice Ice Homework
Jewelry Food Butter Tea Help Wind Photography
Perfume Flour Oil Coffee News Light Intelligence

ADJECTIVE (kata sifat)


Zero No article for general noun

The Followed by specific noun
A Followed by consonant voice
An Followed by vocal voice

Example of Zero article: Fish lives in water. (merujuk ke semua

jenis ikan)

(a/an) girl (a/an) umbrella (a/an/the) cheese

(a/an) apple (a/an) university (a/an/the) news
(a/an) hour (a/an) half (a/an/the) furniture

Ini Itu
This That + noun Singular (noun tunggal)
These Those + noun Plural (noun jamak)

(That/Those) car is expensive. I need to buy (that/those) apples.

(This/These) girls are beautiful. He will eat (this/these) food.

My, Your, Our, Their, Her, His, Its + noun

Specific Person: Roy’s book, Anis’ book, My mother’s book

Specific Non-person: Car key, Key of car

1. Murid-muridnya guru-guruku My teachers’ students

2. Rumahnya pamanku
3. Suaminya saudariku
4. Tulangnya anjingmu
5. Uangnya ibunya temanku

Banyak Many+ noun Plural
Much + noun Uncountable

Sedidikit Few / a few + noun Plural

Little / a little bit of + noun Uncountable

Beberapa Some (+) + noun Plural & noun Uncountable

Any (-)(?)
Several (+)(-)(?) + noun Plural

+ noun Singular

PRONOUN (kata ganti)

Subject Object Possessive Pronoun Reflexive

I me Mine Myself
You you Yours Yourself/ Yourselves
We us Ours Ourselves
They them Theirs Themselves
She her Hers Herself
He him His Himself
It it Its Itself
Example: I like her.
You are mine.
They made it by themselves.


1. Could you / her / your take a message, please?
2. They showed us all they / their / ours holiday photos last
3. I’m sorry but these seats are my / their / ours .
4. Sandy and I / me / her are going to the café.
5. Do you want I / me / my to turn this off?
6. I saw your sister’s paintings yesterday. She / They / Its were
very good.
7. They’ve got two babies and they take they / their / them
8. Let he / my / him help you with that!
9. They / Us / Its will repair my car.
10. You / She / I is helping me.

VERB (kata kerja)

Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3 Verb+ing Verb+s/es

Play Played Played Playing Plays Regular
Study Studied Studied Studying Studies
Eat Ate Eaten Eating Eats Irregular
Buy Bought Bought Buying Buys
Be Was/Were Been Being Is/Am/Are Special Verb

CONJUNCTION (kata sambung)

Menyambungkan hal yang setara (noun) conj (noun) (verb) conj
(verb) (adj) conj (adj (MC) conj (MC)
(adv) conj (adv) etc.


For : Karena Or : Atau
And : Dan Yet : Tetapi
Nor : Dan…..tidak….. So : Sehingga
But : Tetapi

And, but, or Menghubungkan Word, Phrase, Clause
For, so, yet, nor Hanya Clause
For, so, yet Didahului koma (,)
Nor Terdapat pola inverse (susun balik)

Example: Harry and Mike are having dinner.

The teacher or the students are in the class.
Romeo is diligent, but/yet Juliet is lazy. (keduanya boleh) He is rich
but/yet stingy. (karena menghubungkan words)
Hans is smart and he is not lazy. => Huda is kind nor is he arrogant.
George is smart, for he always studies hard.
Lee is smart, so he can get the best score.


a) Both… and… (baik… maupun…)
b) Not only… but also… (tidak hanya… tetapi juga…)
c) Either… or… (jika bukan.. berarti…)
d) Neither… nor… (baik… maupun…. tidak….)

Rule: Jika menghubungkan antra Subject

• Untuk a) => selalu menggunakan Verb Plural
• Untuk b) c) d) => Verb nya melihat Subject yang ke-2 (akhir)
Example: My mother talked to both the teacher and my friend.
Both you and he are my best friends
Suci saw not only the mouse but also the cat.
Not only Zidan but also Ivan is here.
Not only you but also all students are cleaning the school. John will
call either Mary or Bob.
Either Mr. Joe or Mrs. Jill is going to teach us. Neither Dian nor
Dani dislikes apple.

ADVERB (kata keterangan)

Adverb of Manner (cara melakukan sesuatu) Slowly, quickly,

suddenly, hard, well etc. Example: They run fast.
She walks slowly.
Adverb of Place (tempat atau arah)
Here, there, inside, on the table, in the class etc. Example: We are
in the class.
My father is in the office.

Adverb of Time (waktu)

• Definite time (jelas): now, three days ago, last night etc.
• Indefinite time (tdk jelas): already, just, soon etc.
• Adv of frequency (keseringan) always, usually, often, seldom,
never etc. Example: We went to the beach last week.
He has just finished his work.
I always buy a novel every month.

PREPOSITION (kata depan)

One-word Prepositions (Preposition 1 kata)

aboard among besides for on through up

about around between from onto throughout upon
above as but in opposite till via
across at by inside outside to with
after before despite into over towards within
against behind down like round under without
along below during near sinceunlike
amid beside except of than until

Two- and three-word Prepositions (Preposition lebih dari 1 kata)

according to but for in aid of in spite of outside of
ahead of by means of in exchange for instead of owing to
apart from by virtue of in favor of near to prior to
as for due to in front/back of next to subsequent to
as of except for in line with on account of such as
as well as for lack of in place of on top of thanks to
because of in addition to inside of out of up to

AT, ON, dan IN untuk waktu dan tempat

• At + hal yang specsifik (jam, alamat lengkap) I usually sleep at
11.00 p.m.
They live at Melati Street no. 13 Pasuruan, East Java.

• On + pada suatu hal (Hari, Tanggal, Jalan) The event will be

on Sunday.
She was born on April 1, 2002.
Now, I’m on Pahlawan Street.

• In + dalam hal yang besar (bulan, tahun, desa, kota, negara)

They will have an exam in March.
It happened in 2012.
My family was in New York last year.

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