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1. Pengenalan
Passive voice adalah salah satu topik yang penting dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris.
Dalam buku ajar ini, Anda akan mempelajari tentang apa itu passive voice, bagaimana cara
menggunakannya, dan kapan penggunaannya lebih disarankan daripada active voice. Buku ajar
ini disusun dengan menarik dan mudah dipahami, serta dilengkapi dengan ilustrasi dan contoh
yang relevan dengan topik computer science.

2. Pengertian Passive Voice

Passive voice adalah bentuk kalimat di mana subjek menerima aksi dari kata kerja, bukan
melakukan aksi tersebut. Dalam passive voice, fokus kalimat adalah pada objek atau penerima
aksi, bukan pada pelaku aksi itu sendiri.
Contoh kalimat passive voice:
• The cake was eaten by John. (Kue itu dimakan oleh John.)
• The window was broken by the ball. (Jendela itu dipecahkan oleh bola.)
Dalam contoh di atas, fokus kalimat adalah pada kue dan jendela (objek), bukan pada John dan
bola (subjek).

3. Kegunaan Passive Voice

Passive voice digunakan untuk menekankan tindakan yang dilakukan pada subjek, bukan
pelaku tindakan itu sendiri. Passive voice sering digunakan dalam situasi-situasi berikut:
• Ketika pelaku tindakan tidak diketahui atau tidak penting: The car was stolen. (Mobil
itu dicuri.)
• Ketika ingin menekankan hasil dari suatu tindakan: The city was destroyed by the
hurricane. (Kota itu dihancurkan oleh badai.)
• Dalam tulisan ilmiah atau formal: The experiment was conducted by the research team.
(Eksperimen itu dilakukan oleh tim peneliti.)

4. Bentuk Perbandingan Aktif dan Passive Voice di Berbagai Tenses
Simple Present
• Active: Subject + Verb1 + Object
o Contoh: The programmer writes the code. (Programmer menulis kode itu.)
• Passive: Object + to be (is/am/are) + Verb3 + by + Subject
o Contoh: The code is written by the programmer. (Kode itu ditulis oleh
Simple Past
• Active: Subject + Verb2 + Object
o Contoh: The programmer wrote the code. (Programmer menulis kode itu.)
• Passive: Object + to be (was/were) + Verb3 + by + Subject
o Contoh: The code was written by the programmer. (Kode itu ditulis oleh
Simple Future
• Active: Subject + will + Verb1 + Object
o Contoh: The programmer will write the code. (Programmer akan menulis kode
• Passive: Object + will + be + Verb3 + by + Subject
o Contoh: The code will be written by the programmer. (Kode itu akan ditulis
oleh programmer.)
Present Continuous
• Active: Subject + to be (is/am/are) + Verb-ing + Object
o Contoh: The programmer is writing the code. (Programmer sedang menulis
kode itu.)
• Passive: Object + to be (is/am/are) + being + Verb3 + by + Subject
o Contoh: The code is being written by the programmer. (Kode itu sedang ditulis
oleh programmer.)
Past Continuous
• Active: Subject + to be (was/were) + Verb-ing + Object
o Contoh: The programmer was writing the code. (Programmer sedang menulis
kode itu.)
• Passive: Object + to be (was/were) + being + Verb3 + by + Subject
o Contoh: The code was being written by the programmer. (Kode itu sedang
ditulis oleh programmer.)
Present Perfect
• Active: Subject+ have/has+ Verb3+ Object
o Contoh: The programmer has written the code. (Programmer telah menulis kode
• Passive: Object+ have/has+ been+ Verb3+ by+ Subject
o Contoh: The code has been written by the programmer. (Kode itu telah ditulis
oleh programmer.)
Past Perfect
• Active: Subject+ had+ Verb3+ Object
o Contoh: The programmer had written the code. (Programmer telah menulis
kode itu.)
• Passive: Object+ had+ been+ Verb3+ by+ Subject
o Contoh: The code had been written by the programmer. (Kode itu telah ditulis
oleh programmer.)
Present Perfect Continuous
• Active: Subject+ have/has been+ Verb-ing+ Object
o Contoh: The programmer has been writing the code. (Programmer telah sedang
menulis kode itu.)
• Passive: Passive voice is not commonly used for this tense.
Past Perfect Continuous
• Active: Subject+ had been+ Verb-ing+ Object
o Contoh: The programmer had been writing the code. (Programmer telah sedang
menulis kode itu.)
• Passive: Passive voice is not commonly used for this tense.

5. Dialog Mengenai Computer Science dan Perkuliahan dengan Menggunakan

Passive Voice
Dialog 1:
A : Hey, do you know that the new software is being developed by our professor? (Present
B : Really? What is it about?
C : It’s a program that can predict stock market trends using artificial intelligence.
D : That sounds interesting! Has it been tested on real-world data yet? (Present Perfect)
E : Yes, it has been tested and the results were promising.
Dialog 2:
A : Hey, did you hear that the computer lab was being renovated last week? (Past
B : No, I didn’t. What changes were made?
C : They installed new computers and updated the software.
D : That’s great news! When can we use it?
E : It has been reopened for students to use. (Present Perfect)

Dialog 3:
A : Hey, have you seen the project that was presented by our classmates yesterday?
(Simple Past)
B : No, I haven’t. What was it about? (Simple Past)
C : It was a website that helps students find internships in the tech industry.
D : That’s useful! Was it well-received by the audience? (Simple Past)
E : Yes, it was. Many students were interested in using it.
• Kalimat pertama menggunakan passive voice dalam bentuk simple past tense.
• Kalimat kelima menggunakan passive voice dalam bentuk simple past tense.
• Kalimat kesembilan menggunakan passive voice dalam bentuk simple past tense.

6. Latihan Soal
Dalam bab ini, akan disajikan beberapa latihan soal untuk menguji pemahaman Anda
tentang materi yang telah disampaikan sebelumnya.
a) Ubahlah kalimat aktif berikut menjadi passive voice:
1) The student solves the problem.
2) The teacher explains the lesson.
3) The researcher publishes the paper.

b) Tentukan apakah kalimat berikut adalah active voice atau passive voice:
1) The cake is eaten by John.
2) John eats the cake.
3) The window was broken by the ball.

c) Ubahlah kalimat passive voice berikut menjadi active voice:
1) The problem is solved by the student.
2) The lesson is explained by the teacher.
3) The paper is published by the researcher.

d) Pilihlah jawaban yang benar untuk mengubah kalimat aktif berikut menjadi passive
voice: John writes a letter.
a) A letter writes John.
b) A letter is written by John.
c) A letter was written John.

e) Pilihlah jawaban yang benar untuk mengubah kalimat aktif berikut menjadi passive
voice: They are building a new bridge.
1) A new bridge is being built.
2) A new bridge is built.
3) A new bridge was being built.

f) Buatlah dialog dengan menggunakan beberapa contoh kalimat pasif! Kerjakan secara
kelompok maksimal 4 orang kemudian hasilnya diposting di forum LMS.

7. Referensi
• “English Grammar in Use” oleh Raymond Murphy
• “The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation” oleh Jane Straus
• “Essential Grammar in Use” oleh Raymond Murphy
• “Oxford Guide to English Grammar” oleh John Eastwood
• “Practical English Usage” oleh Michael Swan
• “Understanding and Using English Grammar” oleh Betty Schrampfer Azar
• Passive Voice Definition & Meaning
• British Council: Active and Passive Voice
• LanguageTool: Passive Voice—What It Is and When To Use It
• ThoughtCo: Passive Voice Usage and Examples for ESL/EFL
• Ginger Software: Passive Voice - Definition, Examples & Exercises


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