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Students’ Ability in Translating Politeness Marker from English to

Indonesian at Third Year of English Department Universitas Negeri Padang


NIM 15018103/ K-3 2015

“Students’ Ability in Translating Politeness Marker from English to
Indonesian at Third Year Student of English Department Universitas
Negeri Padang”

This research intends to find out students’ ability in translating utterances from
English (Source Language) to Indonesian (Target Language). Students will translate
utterances that have politeness marker prepared by researcher. The politeness markers
are taken from two politeness strategy: positive politeness and negative politeness.

To all the honorable respondents, follow the instructions below to participate in the test:
1. Write your name and NIM on the answer sheet
2. Translate the following underlined utterances that contain politeness marker into
Indonesian. See the context in the situation given on the sheet.
3. Submit the translation to email below.

Omer, Abed dan Piyu adalah teman sekamar, yang mereka semua adalah orang asing
baru saja tiba di Amerika Serikat. Omer, dari Istanbul, adalah seorang mahasiswa Ph.D
dalam ilmu politik yang cepat beradaptasi dengan rumah barunya, dan jatuh cinta pada
Gail. Gail adalah seorang wanita intelektual yang ternyata seorang biseksual. Gail adalah
orang Amerika yang merasa terlantar di tanah airnya dan berpindah dari satu tujuan ke
tujuan lainnya dalam upaya menemukan jati diri. Abed mengejar gelar di bidang
bioteknologi, kekhawatiran tentang cara Omer yang sulit diatur, kunjungan ibunya,
Zahra, yang tiba - tiba, dan stereotip orang Arab di Amerika; dia berjuang untuk
mempertahankan hubungan dengan pacarnya di Maroko.

Debra adalah seorang penasehat bidang hukum dan Zerpandit adalah kliennya. Piyu
seorang berkebangsaan Spanyol yang belajar menjadi dokter gigi meskipun takut benda
tajam, dan dibingungkan oleh banyak kerabat pacar Meksiko-Amerika-nya, Algre, serta
banyak hal lain mengenai pacarnya itu. Safiya adalah pacar Omer di turki yang tidak
disetujui ibunya Omer.

NAMA :_________

NIM :_________

No. Source Language Target Language

1. Situation 1 Apa kamu sudah selesai?
Sudah lima jam ini teman.
“What are you writing on the napkin?” Ayo, mari pergi, Cepatlah
“My feelings, I am summarizing my
feeling… so that I won’t forget” Answered
“Haven’t you summarized them enough? It’s
been five hours man. Come on, move, let’s go”
“Come on, they are gonna close this place”
Shouted Abed. (Page 4)
2. Situation 2 Apakah kamu tahu nama bar
dimana kamu memaksa saya
“Did you notice the name of the bar you untuk duduk selama empat
jam, teman?
force me to sit in four hours, Dostum?”
(Dostum means ‘My friend’ in Turkish)
“Do you know what that depressing dive was
called?” Abed asked. (Page 7)
3. Situation 3 The Laughing Magpie, itulah
nama tempat itu!
“The Laughing Magpie, that’s what the
damn name was! But Magpies don’t laugh, they
chatter! There is even an expression. An
American one ‘To chatter like a magpie!’”
Abed shouted to Omer (Page 7)
4. Situation 4 Tidak ada pengawet, kimia,
After Omer had been quoting what Gail said, tidak ada Gails, sampai aku
mengantarmu pulang dengan
Abed hollered aman, OK?
“Gail, Gail, Gail”
“You’ve been babbling about her for five
hours. I was the one who sat next to you and
listen all ears, remember? So have some pity,

give me a few Gail-less minutes. No pinch of
Gail in my magpie monologue, please. No
preservatives, no chemical, no Gails, until I
walk you home safe, OK? (Page 7-8)
5. Situation 5 Pak, maafkan rasa penasaran
Abed was telling a story of the opening day saya, tapi kenapa bapak
menamakan bar ini "the
of a bar “A sober man ask the owner of the bar, laughing Magpie"?
he said ‘Sir, forgive my curiosity, but why did
you name your bar The Laughing Magpie?’ The
Boss recalls his wife words: ‘Because it gives
the place a cheerful atmosphere’. (Page 11)
6. Situation 6 Omer, temanku, kenapa
Abed felt disappointed to Omer, kamu mulai minum lagi?
“Omer, my friend, why did you start to drink
again?” Page (12)
7. Situation 7 Omer, itu hal paling masuk
“Fourteen months sixteen days. You know what akal yang keluar dari
mulutmu malam ini.
I’ve realized? If eleven months before I had just Mengapa tidak sekalian
put on my headphones, and played this this membuatnya dua tahun saja?

Nick Cave song continuously . . . after 99,533

rounds, I could just take my headphones off,
and fourteen months would have passed. For me
it’d be just one song.” Omer speak.
Abed’s shouted to Omer, “Omer, that’s the
most reasonable thing that came out of your
mouth this evening. Why don’t we make it two
years?” Page (12)
8. Situation 8 Itu yang Gail lakukan pada
kita sepanjang waktu, bukan?
“As to my nondrinking, you can be totally open Jadi jika apa kamu berfikir
and totally aggressive. That’s what Gail does to aku kuno, membosankan
mencoba untuk
us all the time, no? So if you think I am an mengamankan padang
rumput kecil di surga untuk
outdated, boring trying to secure a nice little melambai padamu, katakan

pasture in heaven to wave down at you, just say saja.
it aloud.” (Page 12)
9. Situation 9 Abed … sudahlah … ya?
“I just don’t get it. If you are going to throw it
all up at the end”, Abed went on without
realizing the physical aggravation he was about
to cause,” why do you bothered drinking it
“Abed… stop it… will you?” grunted Omer to
Abed for being so annoying. (Page 15)
10. Situation 10 Bisakah kamu berbaik hati
untuk memberitahuku apa
Abed asked Omer pessimistically for forbidding yang kulakukan di bar?
him to grumbles about alcohol

“Can you please be kind enough to tell me what

on earth am I doing in bars?”
(Page 15)
11. Situation 11 Tetapi izinkan aku
mengatakan ini:
Omer presupposed Abed about the alcohol in kemungkinan luarbiasa
the café they are now staying in and the alcohol seorang warga turki yang
mengganti minuman
from Omer’s city in Turkey. nasionalnya dengan ouzo
daripada seseorang dengan
kebangsaan lain mengganti
“But let me tell you this: the likelihood of a minuman nasionalnya
dengan ouzo"
Turk substituting his national drink with ouzo is
greater than someone with another nationality to
substitute his national drink with ouzo” Omer
explained (Page 16)
12. Situation 12 Omer, sahabatku... Tidak
“. . . So, I told you ouzo was fine with me but apa-apa,
then of course you must’ve felt angry because if
I was going to be content with ouzo eventually,
I made you walk all that way for raki (alcoholic

drink in Turkish)” Omer explained
“Omer my friend . . . that’s all right,” Abed
tried to placate in vain. (Page 17)
13. Situation 13 Bahkan lebih baik dari susu,
“Gail will be all right and we’ll help each
other, dostum. (‘My friend’ in Turkish)
“A Good friend is better than milk.” Added
Abed with proverb
“Even better than milk,” Omer squawked
heartily. (Page 17)
14. Situation 14 sepertinya iya
“So, you’ve started drinking again?” Asked
“Maybe yes,” Omer answered. (Page 23)
15. Situation 15 Mereka punya nama, tau!
“Are you talking to yourself? Why do you
keep calling them male cat and female cat?
They have name, you know!” Gail said
tonelessly to Omer. (Page 25)
16. Situation 16 Kenapa kau tidak pernah
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Omer memberitahuku?
groaned to Gail
“Probably because you never asked.”
Answered Gail. (Page 25)
17. Situation 17 Jika itu membuatmu terkejut,
“Zarpendit is an ancient name. It belonged to aku juga punya nama lain.
an early Assyro-Babylonian pregnant goddess
who worshiped each night as the moon rose. It
means silver-shining.” Explained Gail.
“Really? It is poetic!” murmered Omer half-
“If it surprise you so much, I better tell you I
have some other names, too.” Gail said. (Page

18. Situation 18 Maaf terlambat.
“Sorry for being late” mumbled a man of a
counter who is late to serve customer

“I wouldn’t mind if it were any other day but

this afternoon, with so much work to do . . .” the
edgy-looking Debra yelled at him, looking even
more edgy. (Page 35)
19. Situation 19 Dan jika kamu membutuhkan
“Are you sure you’re right?” Debra Ellen sesuatu... Dan aku serius,
masalah apapun, jangan ragu
Thompson asked. untuk meneleponku kapan
“Sure thanks!” answered The girl. saja.

“Listen, once you’ve settled down, don’t

forget to give me a call” Debra smiled
solicitiously as she scribbled her dorm name
and room number on a piece of paper. “And if
you need anything . . . and I mean it, any
problem whatsoever, don’t hesitate to call me
“Sure, thanks!” replied the girl. (Page 36-
20. Situation 20 Maaf, sepertinya aku lupa
“Hellooo, hiii!” she (zerpandit) exclaimed in namamu.
ecstasy. “I was looking for you!”
“Oh hi,” Debra Ellen Thompson faltered, not
knowing quite what to say in return for such an
excited greetign. “I’m sorry, I forgot your
name.” (Page 42)
21. Situation 21 Waah, aku jadi takut
“Does it have meaning?” Ellen asked bertanya siapa nama saudara
kandung kamu
“Oh, yes, the name belongs to an Assyro-

Babylonian goddess” she replied
“Gee, I’m afraid to ask what your siblings
are named” Ellen continued. (Page 42)
22. Situation 22 Zarpandit, senang bertemu
“Debra! Hi Debra!” Zarpandit shouted. denganmu! Aku senang
kamu datang
“Zarpandit, how nice to see you! I’m glad
you come. Listen, will you do me a favor?” said
Debra Ellen Thompson (Page 43)
23. Situation 23 Kuharap kamu tak keberatan
“Everyone here calls me by my fulll name,
Debra-Ellen-Thompson. I’d rather all three of
‘em. I hope you don’t mind” explained Debra
Ellen Thompson to Zarpandit. (Page 44)
24. Situation 24 Kita akan bermain squash
Debra direct Zerpandit to play a game secara patriarki, kita akan
secara sukarela menjadi raket
“We’re going to play a game of squash with patriarkal yang memukul
patriarchy, We’ll voluntarily become the wall dengan bola mereka
patriarchal rackets hit with their balls!” (Page
25. Situation 25 Dan semakin kuat raket itu
“And the stronger it hits us, the stronger memukul kita, semakin kuat
kita akan memukul kembali.
we’ll hit back. For so long women have been Sudah lama perempuan
accused, attacked, targeted for being hysteric, disalahkan, diserang,
dijadikan target karena
right?” added Zarpandit. (Page 47) histeris, iya kan?
26. Situation 26 Itu adalah kontribusi yang
Debra cheer Zarpandit up for bringing Rilke sangat baik untuk membawa
Rilke dan Lou, terima kasih
and Lou’s poets
“It was a very good contribution to bring up
Rilke and Lou, thank you” Zarpandit thanked
Debra Ellen Thompson. (Page 51)
27. Situation 27 Kami sudah memikirkan
tentang kamu, kami yakin
“Zarpendit, do you have spare moment? We’ve kamu memerlukan bantuan
been having quite a think about you, as we kami

believe you needed us to do.” Miriam asked
Zarpendit. Debra Ellen Thompson give her card
of a psychotherapist.
(Page 54)
28. Situation 28 Bagaimana menurutmu?
“I would like you to talk a little bit about
your mother. How does that sound to you?”
Asked Ava O’Connell
“My a terrible cook” (Page 56)

29. Situation 29 Apakah tidak masalah?

“There’s a set of questioning I’d like you to Bagaimana kedengarannya
reply to before we start. It’s pretty much
routine, we’ll go over them as quickly as
possible. But the information is essential for me
to geta glimpse of your personal history. Will
that be OK? How does it sound to you?” Ava
O’Connell asked Zarpandit. (Page 57)
30. Situation 30 Tentu saja. Kritik diri sendiri
“I appreciate what you’ve said” said Debra selalu yang paling sulit untuk
mengarang dalam segala
Ellen Thompson jenis kolektivitas manusia.
“You do?” Zarpandit gasped.
“I definitely do. Self-criticism is always the
most difficult to fabricate in any type of human
collectivity.” Debra Ellen Thompson continued.
(Page 60)
31. Situation 31 Sekarang dengar sayang, kita
“Now look honey, we might not be The New mungkin bukan New York
Times, tapi kami punya
York Times, but we got readers that confide in pembaca yang mempercayai
us. Confiding in you.” Said Helen Lehman to kami. Curahkan isi hatimu.
(Page 65)
32. Situation 32 Jadi, apakah mungkin untuk

“So, is it possible to see the house?” Asked kembali rumah?
“Sure, you can see the house. But first thing
first. We have a small questionnaire. It doesn’t
take much time. Just to see if we’ll get a long
well. What the rush? As they say, we are not
eating eggplant, are we?” The roommate said.
(Page 87 – 88)

33. Situation 33 Kami tidak makan terong, ya

“We have a small questionnaire. It doesn’t kan?
take much time . . . As they say, we are not
eating eggplant, are we?” asked a housemate to
Omer. (Page 88)
34. Situation 34 Selamat! Anda telah
“Congratulations! You have scored the mencetak poin tertinggi
dalam tes bawang putih
highest in our garlic test.” Said Omer’s kami.
housemate boost him up for winning their
home-contest (Page 92)
35. Situation 35 Saya melihat anda khawatir,
kekhawatiran hari ini;
“I see you worried these worried these days;
you look thinner, too. Are you loosing weight
again?” Asked Doctor Marc Fitzpatrick to
Alegre. (Page 98)

36. Situation 36 Kamu akan membaca hari

“You’ll be at the reading today, won’t you? ini, bukan? Kamu dapat pergi
lebih awal jika perlu,
You can leave early if you need to,” The Doctor
asked Alegre. “And please, Alegre, try harder to
open up”. (Page 100)
37. Situation 37 Ketika anda adalah orang
“When you are a foreigner, you can’t be your asing, anda tidak bisa rendah
hati lagi. Aku adalah
humble self anymore. I am my nation, my place negeriku, tempat
kelahiranku. Aku adalah

of birth. I am everything except me.” Omer segalanya tanpa diriku.
mumbled to Abed. (Page 110)
38. Situation 38 Kebetulan sekali. Aku sangat
“What a nice coincidence. I’m so glad. I senang. Aku tahu kamu
pandai memasak.
know what a wonderful cook you are.” Debra
forced herself to smile for Alegre’s food. (Page
39. Situation 39 Dengan segala hormat
“With all due respect to you, I’ll have to kepada anda, saya
disagree bitterly. There is a thin line, I believe,
after which all you have been talking about ends
up in pure plain fatalism!” said the black-hair-
black-chemise girl to Alegre’s opinion. (Page
40. Situation 40 Jadi, katakan padaku, Ma,
Abed asked his mom, Zahra, about Safiya bagaimana Safiya?
Bukankah dia... Kirimi aku
(Abed’s girlfriend) “So tell me, Mama, how is sesuatu, atau sapaannya?
Safiya? Didn’t she . . . send me anything, or her
greeting?”. (Page 179)
41. Situation 41 Bisakah kamu bertanya
Abed’s mom, Zahra, wants to know more padanya Abed, Dapatkah
tempat-tempat memiliki
about Gail’s perspective about baraka baraka sendiri?
”Could you ask her, Abed, can places have a
baraka of their own?” Mosques and saints’
tombs sure had, and so did wells. (Page 185)
42. Situation 42 Pastikan untuk
“Be sure to give it to someone poor,” Zahra memberikannya kepada
orang yang membutuhkan ,
told Piyu. (Page 200)


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