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Asking and Giving Directions

Vocabulary in Asking and Giving Directions

A. Points of Compass (Wind Direction)

East (E) : Timur

South-East (SE) : Tenggara

South (S) : Selatan

South-West (SW) : Barat daya

West (W) : Barat

North-West (NW) : Barat laut

North (N) : Utara

North-East (NE) : Timur laut

B. Directions

Up = Atas (bisa juga digunakan Straight = Lurus

untuk menyebut North (Utara)
Cross = Menyebrang
Down = Bawah (bisa juga
Opposite/Across = Seberang
digunakan untuk menyebut South (Selatan)
Between = Antara
Near = Dekat
Beside = Samping
Left = Kiri
Near = Dekat
Right = Kanan
Behind = Belakang
On the left = Disebelah kiri
Front = Depan
On the right = Disebelah kanan
Above = Atas
Past = Melewati
In front of … = Di depan …
Along = Telusur
C. Vocabulary of Point of place and streets
Highway = Jalan Raya (di luar kota)
Street = Jalan
Boulevard = Jalan Raya (lebih lebar)
Lane = Lajur
Junction = Simpang
T-Junction (Three = Simpang tiga
Intersection/Crossroads = Simpang Empat
Five-road intersection = Simpang lima
Signpost = Rambu Jalan
Zebra Cross = Penyebrangan Jalan
Sidewalk = Trotoar
Bridge = Jembatan
Pedestrian = Pejalan kaki
Traffic Light = Lampu Lalu lintas
Alley = Gang
Walkway = Jalan Setapak
Roundabout = Bundaran
Tunnel = Terowongan
Fly over = Jembatan layang

D. Expression For asking Directions

Expression Meaning
Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to…? Permisi, bisakah anda memberitahu saya bagaimana
jalan untuk sampai ke…?.
Excuse me, do you know where the…is? Permisi, tahukah anda dimana…?.
Are we on the right road to…? Apakah kita dijalan yang benar menuju…?.
Is this the right way to…? Apakah ini jalan yang benar menuju…?
Could you show me how to go to…? Bisakah anda menunjukan kepada saya bagaimana
cara untuk pergi ke….?.
Excuse me, can you tell me the way to… , Please? Permisi, bisakah kamu memberitahu saya jalan
menuju ke…
How do I get to the main street? Bagaimana agar saya bisa sampai ke jalan utama?.
Will you show me the way to…, please? Bisakah anda tolong menunjukan saya jalan
Excuse me, do you know where the nearest post Permisi, apakah kamu tahu dimana kantor pos
office is? terdekat?
Where is the nearest supermarket? dimanakah supermarket terdekat?
How far is it to…? seberapa jauh untuk ke…?
Do you know where is…? Apakah kamu tahun dimana…?
I’m looking for … Saya mencari…
Do you have a map? Apakah kamu memiliki peta?
Could you show me on the map? Bisakah kamu perlihatkan di peta?
Am I going to….? Apakah saya menuju… ?
Am I going in the right direction? Apakah saya menuju arah yang tepat?
E. Expression For Giving direction
Expression Meaning
You are going the wrong way! Kamu menuju jalan yang salah
You are going the right way! Kamu menuju jalan yang benar
Please turn left at the intersection Silahkan belok kiri pada perempatan
Continue straight for about two kilometers Jalan terus kira-kira dua kilometer
Go straight until you found a roundabout Jalan terus sampai kamu menemukan bundaran
Go along this road until you find an intersection Telusuri jalan ini sampai kamu menemukan simpang
Go up the hill road and you’ll find the university Naiki jalan bukit dan kamu akan menemukan
At the T-junction turn right and it is across … Pada pertigaan belok kanan dan tempatnya
and beside… diseberang dari… dan di sebelah…
Go straight until you see a hospital then turn at Jalan terus sampai kamu melihat rumah sakit
the second left kemudian belok pada kiri kedua
First, go ahead this street about.. kilometers. Then Pertama, jalan terus sekitar … kilometer. Kemudian
go right at the T-junction. The place is in your left belok kanan pada pertigaan. Tempatnya disebelah
next to the …. kiri kamu disamping…
Take the second road on you right Ambil jalan kedua disebelah kanan
Take the third road on the left and you will see the
office on the right
The hospital is opposite the clothing store Rumah sakitnya berada diseberang took baju
Go past the cinema and turn left you’ll find the Jalan lewati bioskop dan belok kiri kamu akan
library menemukan perpustakaan
If you have reached the bridge, you went to far, Kalau kamu sudah sampai ke jembatan, kamu sudah
you will have to turn back kelewatan, kamu harus putar balik
Turn right at the next corner Belok kanan pada simpang berikutnya
At the corner of the road, you will see red building Di pojokan jalan, kamu akan melihat bangunan
ACT OUT THESE Conversations
Conversation 1
Juki : Excuse me. Could you tell me where the Post Office is?
Jajang : The post office? Oh, I’m afraid that you are quite far from that.
Juki : What? I’m lost? I thought I was near!
Jajang : Oh no. Post office is in Soedirman Street near Kartini Road
Juki : Could you please tell me how to get there?
Jajang : Hmmm. Let me see… Go straight on this road, turn left at the traffic lights…
Juki : Is that all?
Jajang : Hmmm… Hold on. Let me think… Ah! After that, go past the big mosque and turn left again into
Soedirman street. And…
Juki : Okay. And?
Jajang : Opposite Kartini Road is the Soedirman Street. You will see Red Mall. The post office is beside
it. It’s huge. The building is red. You can’t miss it. You surely won’t be lost anymore.
Juki : Got it! But is that the quickest way of getting there?
Jajang : Yes, it is.
Juki : Do you have a map?
Jajang : I’m sorry I don’t have.
Juki : Okay. Thanks.
Jajang : You are welcome.

Conversation 2
Ryu : Excuse me. Could you tell me where the cinema is?
Carl : Cinema? Oh, I’m afraid that you are going the wrong way.
Ryu : Really? I thought I was on the right path.
Carl : No, you have passed the cinema.
Ryu : Then, how do I get to the cinema?
Carl : Hmmm…. I think you should go straight on this road, then turn left at the crossroad.
Ryu : Alright, is that all?
Carl : Wait, then you have to pass the post office and turn left at the traffic lights. The cinema is on the
left next to a big restaurant.
Ryu : Okay, I got it!
Carl : Alright.
Ryu : Thank you very much for helping me.
Carl : You are very welcome.

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