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Kecelakaan di Tulungagung, Empat Remaja Tewas Tertabrak Truk, 19 November 2023, 12:41 WIB - Kecelakaan maut terjadi di Kabupaten Tulungagung, Jawa Timur (Jatim),

Jumat (17/11/2023) malam. Tabrakan antara sebuah sepeda motor dan satu truk ini
menewaskan empat remaja. Keempat korban menaiki satu sepeda motor.

Insiden terjadi di Jalan Raya Tulungagung-Blitar Desa Srikaton, Kecamatan Ngantru,


Kepala Seksi (Kasi) Humas Kepolisian Resor (Polres) Tulungagung Iptu Mujiatno
memaparkan identitas keempat korban.

Sebanyak tiga korban merupakan warga Dusun Dermosari, Desa Pinggirsari, Kecamatan
Ngantru, yaitu FDS (17), DP (16), dan MHF (16). Sedangkan, satu korban lainnya, ASDY
(16), berasal dari Desa Ngantru, Kecamatan Ngantru. ASDY dan DP meninggal dunia di
lokasi kejadian. FDS dan MHF yang mengalami luka parah, sempat dibawa ke rumah sakit.
"FDS dan MHF sempat dievakuasi ke IGD RSUD dr Iskak. Namun, sesampai di rumah sakit,
kedua korban juga meninggal dunia karena lukanya sangat parah," ujarnya, Sabtu
(18/11/2023), dikutip dari Tribunnews.

Adapun mengenai kronologi kecelakaan di Ngantru, Tulungagung, Mujianto mengatakan

bahwa kejadian itu bermula saat empat korban berboncengan dalam satu sepada motor.
Mereka melaju dari arah barat menuju timur. Diduga, pengendara memacu cepat

Dari arah berlawanan, melintas truk yang disopiri BH, warga Kelurahan Gayam, Kecamatan
Mojoroto, Kota Kediri, Jatim. Diduga, sepeda motor korban sempat oleng ke kanan, sehingga
tertabrak truk tersebut. "Sopir dump truk sudah berusaha banting setir ke kiri, tapi jaraknya
terlalu dekat, sehingga tetap terjadi benturan kedua kendaraan," ucapnya.

Usai banting setir, truk itu menabrak pohon di pinggir jalan. Akibat tertabrak truk, sepeda
motor yang dikendarai korban, ringsek. Mujianto menuturkan, polisi telah melakukan olah
tempat kejadian perkara (TKP), meminta keterangan sopir dan saksi-saksi TKP.

"Setelah saksi dan barang bukti cukup, kami akan melakukan gelar perkara untuk
menentukan status hukum para pihak yang terlibat kecelakaan ini," ungkapnya.
Accident in Tulungagung, Four Teenagers Killed by a Truck, 19 November 2023, 12:41 WIB - Death accident occurred in Tulungagung Regency, East Java (Jatim), Friday
(17/11/2023) night. The collision between a motorcycle and one truck killed four teenagers.
The four victims ride a motorcycle.

The incident occurred on Tulungagung-Blitar Village Srikaton, Ngantru District,


Head of Section (Kasi) Police Resort (Polres) Tulungagung Iptu Mujiatno explained the
identity of the four victims.

The three victims are residents of Dermosari Hamlet, Pinggirsari Village, Ngantru District,
namely FDS (17), DP (16), and MHF (16). Another victim, ASDY (16), was from Ngantru
Village, Ngantru District. ASDY and DP died at the scene. FDS and MHF, who were severely
injured, were taken to hospital. "FDS and MHF were evacuated to IGD RSUD dr Iskak."
However, after arriving at the hospital, both victims also died because of severe injuries, he
said, Saturday (18/11/2023), quoted from Tribunnews.

As for the chronology of the accident in Ngantru, Tulungagung, Mujanto, said the incident
began when four victims stood in one bike. They drove from the west to the east. It is
suspected that the rider spurred the vehicle quickly.

From the opposite direction, passing the truck driven by BH, residents of Gayam Village,
Mojoroto District, Kediri City, Jatim. It is suspected that the victim's motorcycle had been
sloped to the right, so it was hit by the truck. "The driver of the dump truck has tried to slam
the steering wheel to the left, but the distance is too close, so there is still a impact of both
vehicles, he said."

After the steering wheel, the truck hit a tree by the roadside. Due to a truck, a motorcycle
driven by the victim, ringsek. Mujanto said the police had conducted the scene of the crime
scene, requesting the information of the driver and witnesses of the crime scene.

Once witnesses and evidence are sufficient, we will do a degree of matters to determine the
legal status of the parties involved in the accident, he said.

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