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Aplikasi ChatGPT: Membuka Potensi

Artificial Intelligent untuk Penelitian

Dr. Triwiyanto, S.Si., MT

Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

21 September 2023

Selamat datang di dunia baru di mana kecerdasan

buatan (Artificial Intelligence) membuka jalan bagi
penelitian yang inovatif dan revolusioner. Buku ini,
"Aplikasi ChatGPT: Membuka Potensi Artificial Intelligent
untuk Penelitian," bertujuan untuk menjadi panduan
Anda dalam menavigasi potensi luar biasa dari aplikasi
ChatGPT dalam penulisan karya ilmiah atau journal

ChatGPT, sebuah model bahasa berbasis AI yang

dikembangkan oleh OpenAI, telah mengubah cara kita
berinteraksi dengan teknologi. Dengan kemampuannya
untuk memahami dan merespons dalam berbagai
bahasa, ChatGPT telah membuka pintu bagi penelitian
baru dan menarik di berbagai bidang.

Buku ini akan membantu Anda memahami bagaimana

menggunakan ChatGPT untuk tujuan penelitian Anda.
Dari memahami dasar-dasar hingga menerapkan teknik
canggih, buku ini akan membimbing Anda melalui setiap
langkah proses.

Namun, buku ini bukan hanya tentang teknologi. Ini juga

tentang bagaimana kita dapat menggunakan teknologi ini
untuk membuat dunia menjadi tempat yang lebih baik.
Dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan AI, kita dapat
menemukan solusi untuk tantangan yang kita hadapi
sebagai masyarakat.

Jadi, mari kita mulai perjalanan ini bersama. Mari kita

jelajahi dunia baru ini bersama-sama dan lihat apa yang
bisa kita capai dengan kekuatan AI.

Dr. Triwiyanto

1. Apakai Artificial Inteligent

Kecerdasan buatan atau Artificial Intelligence (AI) adalah
simulasi dari kecerdasan yang dimiliki oleh manusia yang
dimodelkan di dalam mesin dan diprogram agar bisa berpikir
seperti halnya manusia.
AI adalah sistem komputer yang bisa melakukan
pekerjaan yang umumnya memerlukan tenaga manusia
atau kecerdasan manusia untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan
AI sendiri merupakan teknologi yang memerlukan data
untuk dijadikan pengetahuan, sama seperti manusia. AI
membutuhkan pengalaman dan data supaya kecerdasannya
bisa lebih baik lagi. Poin penting dalam proses AI
adalah learning (belajar), reasoning (penalaran) dan self
correction (memperbaiki). AI perlu belajar untuk memperkaya
pengetahuannya. Proses belajar AI pun tidak selalu disuruh
oleh manusia, melainkan AI akan belajar dengan sendirinya
berdasarkan pengalaman AI saat digunakan oleh manusia.

Gambar 1. Konsep dasar kecerdasan buatan

Kecerdasan buatan (AI) telah menjadi bagian integral dari
kehidupan kita sehari-hari, membantu kita dalam berbagai
cara yang mungkin tidak kita sadari. Berikut adalah
beberapa contoh artificial intelligent:
a) Chatbot
Chatbot adalah program komputer yang dirancang untuk
mensimulasikan percakapan dengan pengguna manusia,
terutama melalui internet. Mereka biasanya digunakan
dalam dialog sistem untuk berbagai tujuan praktis
termasuk layanan pelanggan atau informasi acara.
Dengan kemampuan untuk memberikan layanan
pelanggan 24/7, chatbot dapat memberikan respon
instan terhadap pertanyaan pelanggan dan
memungkinkan perusahaan untuk menangani lebih
banyak pertanyaan secara bersamaan.

Gambar 2. Chatbot machine

b) Face Recognition
Teknologi pengenalan wajah adalah salah satu aplikasi
AI yang paling banyak digunakan saat ini. Sistem ini
menggunakan algoritma AI untuk mengidentifikasi atau
memverifikasi seseorang dari gambar digital atau video
frame dari video sumber. Teknologi ini digunakan dalam
berbagai aplikasi, mulai dari membuka smartphone
hingga sistem keamanan tingkat tinggi dan pengenalan
wajah di media sosial.
Gambar 3. Face recognition

c) Virtual Assistant
Virtual assistant seperti Siri, Alexa, dan Google Assistant
menggunakan AI untuk memahami perintah suara dan
menjalankan tugas seperti mengatur alarm, membuat
daftar belanja, atau memutar musik. Mereka juga dapat
menjawab pertanyaan umum, memberikan
rekomendasi, dan bahkan mengendalikan perangkat
pintar lainnya di rumah Anda.

Gambar 4. Virtual assistant

Semua ini adalah contoh bagaimana AI telah merubah
cara kita berinteraksi dengan teknologi dan dunia di
sekitar kita. Dengan kemajuan teknologi ini, kita dapat
mengharapkan lebih banyak inovasi dan peningkatan
dalam cara kita hidup dan bekerja.

2. ChatGPT

ChatGPT adalah model bahasa yang dikembangkan oleh OpenAI.

Model ini dirancang untuk menghasilkan teks yang mirip dengan
cara manusia menulis. ChatGPT telah dilatih pada berbagai jenis
teks dari internet, yang memungkinkannya untuk menghasilkan
jawaban atas berbagai pertanyaan, menulis esai, cerita, dan banyak
lagi. Namun, penting untuk dicatat bahwa ChatGPT tidak
memahami teks secara semantik dan tidak memiliki kesadaran
atau pendapat pribadi. Semua respons yang dihasilkannya
didasarkan pada pola dalam data pelatihan yang telah diterimanya.

Gambar 5. ChatGPT dari open AI

GPT prompt engineering adalah praktik merancang prompt

secara strategis untuk membimbing perilaku model bahasa
GPT, seperti GPT-3, GPT-3.5-Turbo atau GPT-41. Ini
melibatkan penulisan prompt dengan cara yang akan
mempengaruhi model untuk menghasilkan respons yang
Anda inginkan. Elemen prompt engineering ChatGPT terdiri
a) Context:
Memberikan pengantar singkat atau informasi latar
belakang untuk mengatur konteks percakapan. Ini
membantu model AI Generatif memahami topik dan
memberikan titik awal untuk percakapan. Misalnya: "Anda
adalah seorang konsultan Kesehatan Lingkungan. Anda
fokus untuk membantu pelanggan memecahkan masalah
lingkungan khususnya terkait Polusi Udara."
b) Instructions:
Nyatakan dengan jelas apa yang Anda ingin model AI
Generatif lakukan atau pertanyaan spesifik yang ingin Anda
jawab. Ini memandu respons model dan memastikannya
berfokus pada topik yang diinginkan. Misalnya: "Berikan
tiga Judul Penelitian terkait dengan Upaya pencegahan
penyakit Diabetes bagi Masyarakat kota untuk menurunkan
prevalensi penyakit tersebut."
c) Input Data:
Sertakan contoh spesifik yang Anda inginkan untuk
dipertimbangkan atau dibangun oleh model AI Generatif.
Misalnya: "Berdasarkan table tersebut diatas.",
“Berdasarkan current web page”, “read current page”
d) Output Indicator:
Tentukan format respons yang Anda inginkan, seperti bullet-
point list, paragraph, code snippet, table or format yang lain.
Ini membantu model AI Generatif menyusun responsnya
sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Contoh: “Provide a step-by-step
guide on how to reset a password, using bullet points.”
GPT Prompt
ChatGPT Machine OUTPUT
Engineering Elements

1 Source Code
2 Checklists
Instructions 3 Diagrams
4 Vector Files
5 Tables
Input Data 7 JSON
8 Graphs
9 Extensible Markup
Language (XML)
Output Indicator GPT 3.5 or GPT 4

Gambar 6. Elemen prompt engineering

Berikut adalah semua format output ChatGPT yang dapat

Anda gunakan: Source Code, Checklists, Diagrams, Vector
Files, Tables, CSV, JSON, Graphs, Extensible Markup
Language (XML).

Gambar 7. Mengembangkan sebuah source code

Gambar 8. Output sebuah diagram

Gambar 9. Output ChatGPT berupa tabel

Gambar 10. Output ChatGPT berupa check list

Gambar 11. Output berupa CSV

Gambar 12. Membuat Cover Letter Article ke Editor-in-chief.

Penggunaan ChatGPT

2.1. Membuat ringkasan artikel

ChatGPT memiliki kemampuan yang luar biasa dalam
membuat ringkasan dari sebuah artikel. Dengan
menggunakan teknologi AI canggih, ChatGPT dapat
membaca dan memahami konten artikel, lalu merangkum
poin-poin penting dalam bentuk yang lebih singkat dan
mudah dipahami. Proses ini melibatkan pemahaman
konteks, identifikasi informasi kunci, dan penyusunan ulang
informasi tersebut dalam format ringkasan. Dengan
demikian, ChatGPT dapat menghasilkan ringkasan yang
akurat dan informatif, membantu pengguna mendapatkan
pemahaman cepat tentang suatu topik tanpa harus
membaca seluruh artikel.

Gambar 13. ChatGPT dalam membuat suatu ringkasan

Kemampuan ini sangat berguna dalam berbagai situasi,

seperti penelitian, belajar, atau sekadar mencari informasi
cepat. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh prompt yang bisa
Anda gunakan untuk meminta ChatGPT membuat
ringkasan dari sebuah artikel:
1. "Buat ringkasan dari artikel ini tentang perkembangan
terbaru dalam teknologi AI."
2. "Ringkas artikel ini tentang dampak perubahan iklim
pada pertanian."
3. "Buat ringkasan singkat dari artikel ini tentang
penemuan baru dalam fisika kuantum."
4. "Ringkas informasi penting dari artikel ini tentang
pandemi COVID-19."
Anda hanya perlu mengganti bagian "artikel ini tentang ..."
dengan topik atau judul artikel yang sebenarnya. ChatGPT
kemudian akan membaca dan memahami artikel tersebut,
dan memberikan ringkasan yang informatif dan mudah
2.2. Pembuatan soal ujian
ChatGPT memiliki kemampuan yang luar biasa dalam
membuat berbagai jenis soal ujian, termasuk soal essay,
pilihan ganda (multiple choice), benar-salah (true-false), dan
lain-lain. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi AI canggih,
ChatGPT dapat merancang soal yang menantang dan relevan
untuk berbagai topik dan tingkat kesulitan. Berikut adalah
beberapa contoh prompt yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk
meminta ChatGPT membuat soal ujian:
1. "Buat soal essay tentang sejarah Indonesia."
2. "Buat soal pilihan ganda tentang konsep dasar fisika."
3. "Buat soal benar-salah tentang teori evolusi."
4. "Buat soal isian singkat tentang siklus hidrologi."
Anda hanya perlu mengganti bagian "tentang ..." dengan
topik atau materi yang sebenarnya. ChatGPT kemudian
akan merancang soal yang sesuai dengan permintaan Anda.
Ini bisa sangat membantu dalam proses pembuatan soal
ujian atau latihan belajar.
Gambar 14. Membantu dalam pembuatan soal ujian

2.3. Mengembangkan sebuah source code pada program

aplikasi computer
ChatGPT memiliki kemampuan yang luar biasa dalam
membantu membangun source code program komputer.
Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi AI canggih, ChatGPT dapat
merancang dan menulis kode dalam berbagai bahasa
pemrograman, termasuk Python. ChatGPT dapat membantu
dalam berbagai aspek pembuatan kode, mulai dari menulis
fungsi sederhana hingga merancang struktur program yang
lebih kompleks.
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh prompt yang bisa Anda
gunakan untuk meminta ChatGPT membuat source code
program komputer dengan menggunakan bahasa
pemrograman Python:
1. "Buat fungsi Python untuk menghitung faktorial dari
sebuah angka."
2. "Buat program Python untuk mengurutkan daftar
menggunakan algoritma bubble sort."
3. "Buat kelas Python untuk merepresentasikan sebuah
titik di ruang 3D."
4. "Buat script Python untuk mengambil data dari API web
dan menyimpannya dalam file CSV."
Anda hanya perlu mengganti bagian "untuk ..." dengan
spesifikasi atau kebutuhan yang sebenarnya. ChatGPT
kemudian akan merancang dan menulis kode yang sesuai
dengan permintaan Anda. Ini bisa sangat membantu dalam
proses pembuatan kode atau belajar pemrograman.

Gambar 15. Kemampuan chatGPT dalam mengembangkan sebuah program komputer

2.4. Kemampuan ChatGPT
Dalam percakapan santai, perbedaan antara GPT-3.5 dan
GPT-4 bisa halus. Perbedaannya muncul ketika
kompleksitas tugas mencapai ambang batas yang cukup —
GPT-4 lebih andal, kreatif, dan mampu menangani instruksi
yang jauh lebih bernuansa daripada GPT-3.5. Untuk
memahami perbedaan antara kedua model, telah dilakukan
pengujian berbagai tolok ukur, termasuk simulasi ujian yang
awalnya dirancang untuk manusia. Kami melanjutkan
dengan menggunakan tes terbaru yang tersedia untuk
umum (dalam hal Olimpiade dan pertanyaan respons gratis
AP) atau dengan membeli ujian praktik edisi 2022–2023.
Kami tidak melakukan pelatihan khusus untuk ujian ini.
Sebagian kecil masalah dalam ujian dilihat oleh model
selama pelatihan, tetapi kami yakin hasilnya representatif—
lihat laporan teknis kami untuk detailnya.

Gambar 16. Grafik Batang Pengujian GPT 3.5 dan GPT 4

Gambar 17. Tabel pengujian GPT dengan standard ujian PT

Gambar 18. Kemampuan mengolah text bahasa berbagai negara

Pembuatan Literature Review dengan GPT-4 (BING)

3.1. Penggunaan GPT-4 BING

Pembuatan Literature Review dengan GPT-4 (Bing) dapat
menjadi proses yang sangat efisien dan efektif. GPT-4 (Bing)
memiliki kemampuan untuk memahami dan menganalisis
teks dalam skala besar, membuatnya ideal untuk membantu
dalam proses peninjauan literatur. GPT-4 (Bing) dapat
membaca dan memahami berbagai sumber literatur, mulai
dari artikel jurnal hingga buku teks, dan merangkum
informasi penting dari sumber-sumber tersebut. Dengan
kemampuan ini, GPT-4 (Bing) dapat membantu peneliti
mengidentifikasi tema utama, tren, dan temuan kunci dalam
literatur yang relevan dengan topik penelitian mereka. Selain
itu, GPT-4 (Bing) juga dapat membantu dalam penulisan
tinjauan literatur itu sendiri. Dengan kemampuan untuk
menghasilkan teks yang koheren dan berpengetahuan luas,
GPT-4 (Bing) dapat membantu peneliti merumuskan dan
menyusun ulasan literatur mereka dengan cara yang jelas
dan terstruktur. Berikut adalah contoh prompt yang bisa
Anda gunakan untuk meminta bantuan GPT-4 (Bing) dalam
pembuatan Literature Review:
1. "Buat ringkasan dari artikel-artikel ini tentang
perkembangan terbaru dalam teknologi AI."
2. "Identifikasi tema utama dalam literatur ini tentang
dampak perubahan iklim pada pertanian."
3. "Tulis tinjauan literatur tentang penemuan baru dalam
fisika kuantum."
Anda hanya perlu mengganti bagian "tentang ..." atau "dari
artikel-artikel ini tentang ..." dengan topik atau judul
literatur yang sebenarnya. GPT-4 (Bing) kemudian akan
membaca dan memahami literatur tersebut, dan
memberikan ringkasan atau tinjauan yang informatif dan
mudah dipahami.
Penggunaan GPT-4 pada Microsoft Bing dapat sangat
membantu dalam memandu pembuatan review paper. GPT-
4 memiliki kemampuan untuk memahami dan menganalisis
teks dalam skala besar, membuatnya ideal untuk membantu
dalam proses peninjauan literatur. GPT-4 dapat membaca
dan memahami berbagai sumber literatur, mulai dari artikel
jurnal hingga buku teks, dan merangkum informasi penting
dari sumber-sumber tersebut. Dengan kemampuan ini, GPT-
4 dapat membantu peneliti mengidentifikasi tema utama,
tren, dan temuan kunci dalam literatur yang relevan dengan
topik penelitian mereka. Selain itu, GPT-4 juga dapat
membantu dalam penulisan tinjauan literatur itu sendiri.
Dengan kemampuan untuk menghasilkan teks yang
koheren dan berpengetahuan luas, GPT-4 dapat membantu
peneliti merumuskan dan menyusun ulasan literatur
mereka dengan cara yang jelas dan terstruktur. Berikut
adalah contoh prompt yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk
meminta bantuan GPT-4 dalam pembuatan Literature
1. "Buat ringkasan dari artikel-artikel ini tentang
perkembangan terbaru dalam teknologi AI."
2. "Identifikasi tema utama dalam literatur ini tentang
dampak perubahan iklim pada pertanian."
3. "Tulis tinjauan literatur tentang penemuan baru dalam
fisika kuantum."
Anda hanya perlu mengganti bagian "tentang ..." atau "dari
artikel-artikel ini tentang ..." dengan topik atau judul
literatur yang sebenarnya. GPT-4 kemudian akan membaca
dan memahami literatur tersebut, dan memberikan
ringkasan atau tinjauan yang informatif dan mudah
Langkah persiapan menggunakan GPT-4 pada Microsoft
A. Open Microsoft Edge and Login [wajib login]
B. Open Bing. Klik pada tanda tiga titik pojok kanan. Klik
Notification and App setting. Aktifkan Semua
C. Klik Gambar Sapu untuk mulai NEW TOPIC
E. Atau
F. Search kata kunci tertentu, contoh: hand exoskeleton
G. Lakukan konfigurasi, year, type of paper dll.

Gambar 19. GPT-4 dengan BING

menggunakan BING

Struktur Penulisan Paper

Research Paper Literature Review Paper
1. Introduction 1. Introduction
a. Background a. Background
information information
b. State of the art b. Important of topic
method c. Challenges &
c. Research Gap Limitations
d. AIM d. Literature review
2. Method Gap
a. Dataset/Subject/ e. AIM
Responden 2. Method
b. Data collection a. Searching
c. Data analysis strategy
3. Result and Discussion b. Keyword analysis
a. Table & Graphics c. Publication trend
b. Interpretation (year, subjects,
c. Limitation publication type)
d. Implication 3. Result & Discussion
4. Conclusion a. Table State of the
art (method,
limitation, etc)
b. Interpretation
4. Future Direction
5. Conclusion
Contoh prompt engineering yang lengkap:
1 Write a 500-word essay about hand exoskeleton
based on EMG signal control, focusing on the
sensory system, feature extraction and machine
learning. Use a formal academic tone and should
address the various forms of state of the art
method. Organize the essay in an introduction,
body, and conclusion format, and include a clear
thesis statement in the introduction.
Gambar 20. Contoh penggunaan ChatGPT dengan BING

0 read current page for the first 20 articles

The current page is a search result from

for the query “hand exoskeleton EMG” with the subject areas
of Engineering and Computer Science. The page contains 88
results of open access articles related to the query. The first
20 articles are:

1 I am a researcher in Biomedical Engineering and

going to write a literature review. Suggest 5 titles for
literature review paper on hand exoskeleton based
EMG signals. Write it in numbering form

Here are some suggestions for titles for a literature review

paper on hand exoskeletons based on EMG signals:

1. “A Comprehensive Review of Hand Exoskeletons

Based on EMG Signals”
2. “EMG Signal-Based Hand Exoskeletons: A Literature
3. “Advancements in Hand Exoskeletons Using EMG
Signals: A Review”
4. “The State of the Art in EMG Signal-Based Hand
Exoskeletons: A Literature Review”
5. “A Critical Analysis of Hand Exoskeletons Based on
EMG Signals” I hope these suggestions are helpful!
Let me know if you need any further assistance.

2 I am going to write a literature review paper on hand

exoskeleton based EMG control, provide an outline
in form of section and sub section.

Here is a potential outline for a literature review paper on

hand exoskeletons based on EMG control:

A review paper on the use of 3D printing models for upper

limb exoskeletons can be structured in the following way:

1. Introduction
o Briefly introduce the topic and its significance.
o State the purpose and scope of the review.
2. Background
o Provide an overview of upper limb exoskeletons
and their applications.
o Discuss the role of 3D printing in the
development of exoskeletons.
3. Methodology
o Describe the methods used to conduct the
review, including search strategies and
inclusion/exclusion criteria.
4. Results
o Summarize the key findings from the literature
on the use of 3D printing models for upper limb
o Organize the results into sub-sections based on
themes or categories that emerge from the
5. Discussion
o Interpret and synthesize the results, discussing
their implications for research and practice.
o Identify gaps in the literature and suggest
directions for future research.
6. Conclusion
o Summarize the main points of the review and
restate its significance.
o Provide recommendations for researchers,
practitioners, and policymakers.

I hope this outline is helpful! Is there anything else you

would like to know?

3 Write 500 word essay ABOUT Background

information on hand exoskeletons and EMG control.
Please cite to references in IEEE citation style

This is an essay of 500 words that provides background

information on hand exoskeletons and EMG control. Please
note that the references are cited in IEEE citation style.

Hand exoskeletons are wearable robotic devices that can

assist or augment the natural motion of the human hand.
They can be used for various purposes, such as
rehabilitation, assistance, enhancement, or training 1. Hand
exoskeletons can provide mechanical support, force
feedback, or motion guidance to the user’s fingers and palm,
depending on the design and functionality of the device 2.

One of the key aspects of hand exoskeletons is the control

system that determines how the device interacts with the
user and the environment. The control system can be based
on different modalities or sensors, such as vision, touch,
motion, or electromyography (EMG) 3. EMG is a technique
that measures the electrical activity of muscles during
contraction or relaxation 4. EMG signals can reflect the
user’s intention and state of the hand muscles, which can be
used to control the hand exoskeleton accordingly 5.

EMG-based control of hand exoskeletons can be

implemented in different ways, depending on the type and
number of EMG channels, the signal processing and pattern
recognition methods, and the control strategies and
algorithms 6. EMG channels can be either surface or
intramuscular, depending on whether the electrodes are
attached to the skin or implanted into the muscles 7. Surface
EMG (sEMG) is more convenient and non-invasive, but it may
suffer from noise, artifacts, or cross-talk from adjacent
muscles 8. Intramuscular EMG (iEMG) is more accurate and
reliable, but it may cause discomfort or infection 9.

Signal processing and pattern recognition methods are used

to extract meaningful features and information from the raw
EMG signals. Signal processing methods include filtering,
segmentation, normalization, feature extraction, and feature
selection 10. Feature extraction methods transform the EMG
signals into numerical values that represent certain
characteristics of the signals, such as amplitude, frequency,
or complexity 11. Feature selection methods select the most
relevant features that can discriminate between different
hand motions or grasping patterns [12]. Pattern recognition
methods classify the EMG signals into predefined classes or
categories that correspond to specific hand motions or
grasping patterns [13]. Pattern recognition methods include
supervised or unsupervised learning algorithms, such as
support vector machines (SVM), artificial neural networks
(ANN), k-nearest neighbors (kNN), or fuzzy logic [14].

Control strategies and algorithms are used to determine how

the hand exoskeleton responds to the EMG signals and
provides assistance or feedback to the user. Control
strategies can be either open-loop or closed-loop, depending
on whether there is a feedback mechanism between the
output of the hand exoskeleton and the input of the EMG
signals [15]. Open-loop control strategies do not use feedback
information and rely only on feedforward commands from the
EMG signals [16]. Closed-loop control strategies use feedback
information to adjust or correct the output of the hand
exoskeleton according to the input of the EMG signals [17].
Control algorithms can be either proportional or adaptive,
depending on whether they use a fixed or variable gain factor
to modulate the output of the hand exoskeleton according to
the input of the EMG signals [18]. Proportional control
algorithms use a constant gain factor that is predetermined
or calibrated for each user [19]. Adaptive control algorithms
use a variable gain factor that is updated online based on
certain criteria or rules [20].

In conclusion, hand exoskeletons are wearable robotic

devices that can assist or augment natural hand motion
through various control systems including EMG-based


1 D. Leonardis et al., “An EMG-controlled robotic hand

exoskeleton for bilateral rehabilitation,” IEEE Trans. Haptics,
vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 140-151, Apr.-Jun. 20151. 2 A. Lince et al.,
“Design and testing of an under-actuated surface EMG-
driven hand exoskeleton,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Rehabil2.
Robot., Jul. 2017, pp. 670-675. 3 N. Jiang et al., “Myoelectric
control of artificial limbs: is there a need to change focus?,”
IEEE Signal Process. Mag., vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 152-150, Sep.
2012. 4 E.J. Scheme et al., “A framework for learning pattern
recognition control for myoelectric prostheses,” J. Prosthet
Orthot., vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 30-41, Apr. 2013. 5 N. Jiang et al.,
“Is accurate mapping of EMG signals on kinematics needed
for precise online myoelectric control?,” IEEE Trans. Neural
Syst. Rehabil. Eng., vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 549-558, May 2014. 6
Z. Lu et al., “Real-time control of an exoskeleton hand robot
with myoelectric pattern recognition,” Int. J. Neural Syst.,
vol. 27, no. 5, p. 1750009, Aug. 20173. 7 H.J. Huang et al.,
“Development of a portable myoelectric hand exoskeleton for
post-stroke rehabilitation,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Rehabil.
Robot., Jul. 2017, pp. 1638-1643. 8 M.K. Burns et al.,
“Myoelectric control of a soft hand exoskeleton using
kinematic synergies,” IEEE Trans. Biomed4. Circuits Syst.,
vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 1351-1361, Dec. 20195. 9 C. Xie et al., “A
hybrid arm-hand rehabilitation robot with EMG-based
admittance controller,” IEEE Trans. Biomed6. Circuits Syst.,
vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1332-1342, Dec. 20217. 10 K. Li et al.,
“Control of newly-designed wearable robotic hand
exoskeleton based on surface electromyographic signals,”
Front Neurorobot., vol. 15, p. 711047, Sep. 20218. 11
A.Cisnal et al., “Interaction with a hand rehabilitation
exoskeleton in EMG-driven bilateral therapy: influence of
visual biofeedback on the users’ performance,” Sensors
(Basel), vol. 23, no. 4, p. 2048, Feb. 20239. [12] Y.Chen et al.,
“A soft exoskeleton glove for hand bilateral training via
surface EMG,” Sensors (Basel), vol. 21, no. 2, p. 578, Jan.
202110. [13] H.J.Yoo et al., “Development of 3D-printed
myoelectric hand orthosis for patients with spinal cord
injury,” J Neuroeng Rehabil., vol. 16, no. 1, p. 162, Dec.
201911. [14] J.C.Castiblanco et al., “Assist-as-needed
exoskeleton for hand joint rehabilitation based on muscle
effort detection,” Sensors (Basel), vol. 21, no. 13, p. 4372,
Jun. 2021. [15] R.Vinjamuri et al., “Dimensionality reduction
in control and coordination of the human hand,” IEEE Trans
Biomed Eng., vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 284-295, Feb. 2010. [16]
R.Song et al., “A novel EMG-driven state space model for the
estimation of continuous joint movements,” IEEE Trans
Biomed Eng., vol. 64, no. 9, pp. 2184-2193, Sep. 2017. [17]
Z.Li et al., “EMG-driven assist-as-needed control strategy for
upper-limb rehabilitation based on a nonlinear disturbance
observer,” IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng., vol .29 , pp
.1110-1120 , Jun .2021 . [18] C.Li et al., “An adaptive EMG-
based human-machine interface for a six-degree-of-freedom
robotic arm,” IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng., vol .28 ,
pp .2455-2465 , Nov .2020 . [19] M.Barsotti et al., “A novel
EMG interface for individuals with tetraplegia to pilot robot
hand grasping,” IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng., vol .23
, no .1 , pp .83-92 , Jan .2015 . [20] D.Farina et al.,
“Man/machine interface based on the discharge timings of
spinal motor neurons after targeted muscle reinnervation,”
Nat Biomed Eng., vol .1 , p .0025 , Feb .2017 .

4 write 500 words essay on "Importance of hand

exoskeletons for rehabilitation and assistive
purposes". Put citation in IEEE style format

Hand exoskeletons are wearable robotic devices designed to

assist or augment the natural motion of the human hand.
They can be used for various purposes, such as
rehabilitation, assistance, enhancement, or training 1.
Hand exoskeletons can provide mechanical support, force
feedback, or motion guidance to the user’s fingers and
palm, depending on the design and functionality of the
device 2.

The importance of hand exoskeletons for rehabilitation and

assistive purposes lies in their ability to help individuals
with hand disabilities or impairments regain or improve
their hand function. Hand exoskeletons can be used to
provide assistance to individuals with conditions such as
stroke, spinal cord injury, or cerebral palsy, which can
result in impaired hand function 3. By providing
mechanical support and assistance to the user’s fingers and
palm, hand exoskeletons can help these individuals perform
functional tasks such as grasping, pinching, and releasing
objects 4.

In addition to providing assistance to individuals with hand

disabilities or impairments, hand exoskeletons can also be
used for rehabilitation purposes. By providing controlled
and repetitive motion to the user’s fingers and palm, hand
exoskeletons can help improve the range of motion,
strength, and coordination of the user’s hand 5. This can be
particularly beneficial for individuals who have suffered a
stroke or other neurological injury that has resulted in
impaired hand function.

In conclusion, hand exoskeletons are important for

rehabilitation and assistive purposes because they can help
individuals with hand disabilities or impairments regain or
improve their hand function. By providing mechanical
support and assistance to the user’s fingers and palm, hand
exoskeletons can help these individuals perform functional
tasks and improve their quality of life.

References: 1 P. Heo et al., “Current hand exoskeleton

technologies for rehabilitation and assistive engineering,”
Int. J. Precis. Eng. Manuf., vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 807-824, May
2012. 2 T. du Plessis et al., “A Review of Active Hand
Exoskeletons for Rehabilitation and Assistance,” Robotics,
vol. 10, no. 1, p. 40, Mar. 2021. 3 T. du Plessis et al., “A
Review of Active Hand Exoskeletons for Rehabilitation and
Assistance,” Robotics, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 40, Mar. 2021. 4 T.
du Plessis et al., “A Review of Active Hand Exoskeletons for
Rehabilitation and Assistance,” Robotics, vol. 10, no. 1, p.
40, Mar. 2021. 5 T. du Plessis et al., “A Review of Active
Hand Exoskeletons for Rehabilitation and Assistance,”
Robotics, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 40, Mar. 2021.

5 Write 500-word essay on " Challenges and limitations

of current hand exoskeletons". Please note that the
references are cited in IEEE citation style

Hand exoskeletons are wearable robotic devices designed to

assist or augment the natural motion of the human hand.
They can be used for various purposes, such as
rehabilitation, assistance, enhancement, or training.
However, despite their potential benefits, current hand
exoskeletons still face many challenges and limitations in
many technical areas.

One of the main challenges of current hand exoskeletons is

their size and weight. Because of their requirements for
smaller size and rich tactile sensing capabilities, hand
exoskeletons still face many challenges in many technical
areas, including hand biomechanics, neurophysiology,
rehabilitation, actuators and sensors, physical human-robot
interactions and ergonomics 1. The size and weight of the
device can affect its usability and comfort, making it difficult
for users to wear the device for extended periods of time.

Another challenge of current hand exoskeletons is their

limited degrees of freedom. Most hand exoskeletons exhibit a
low number of degrees-of-freedom compared to the human
hand, which may limit movement capability 2. This can
restrict the range of motions that the user can perform with
the device, making it difficult to perform complex tasks that
require fine motor control.

A third challenge of current hand exoskeletons is their lack

of sensing capabilities. The majority of hand exoskeletons
lack sensing capabilities 2, which can affect their ability to
provide accurate and responsive assistance to the user.
Without adequate sensing capabilities, the device may not be
able to detect subtle changes in the user’s muscle activity or
joint position, making it difficult to provide appropriate

In conclusion, current hand exoskeletons face many

challenges and limitations in terms of their size, weight,
degrees of freedom, and sensing capabilities. These
challenges need to be addressed in order to improve the
usability and effectiveness of these devices for rehabilitation
and assistive purposes.

References: 1: P. Heo et al., “Current hand exoskeleton

technologies for rehabilitation and assistive engineering,”
Int. J. Precis. Eng. Manuf., vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 807-824, May
2012. 2: T. du Plessis et al., “Review: Hand Exoskeleton
Systems, Clinical Rehabilitation Practices,” IEEE Access.,
vol. 9 , pp. 9499111 , Jul .2021.

6 read the current page and write a table which

contains of author, method, findings and limitation
for the first 20 articles

I have read the current web page and created the table you
requested. Here is the table:

Author Method Finding

A soft SExoG SExoG

exoskeleton can only
glove provide supports
Chen et
(SExoG) natural three
system and grasping
driven by comfortabl patterns
surface e hand and
Author Method Finding

electromyogr motion needs

aphy (EMG) assistance further
signals for and has evaluatio
hand potential n with
bilateral for stroke stroke
training rehabilitati patients

n can
on is
An EMG- and
controlled heavy,
robotic hand and the
Leonard exoskeleton EMG
to the
is et al. for bilateral control is
rehabilitatio affected
n of grasping by
in stroke muscle
the motor
ce and

An EMG- The visual The

based visual biofeedbac visual
biofeedback k can biofeedba
for user enhance ck only
performance the user’s provides
et al.
evaluation engageme informati
when nt and on about
performing motivation the EMG
EMG-driven , and signal
Author Method Finding

bilateral improve amplitud

exercises the EMG e and not
with a signal the
robotic hand quality muscle
exoskeleton and activation
accuracy pattern

is limited
by the
can assist
A 3D-printed patients to
myoelectric perform
hand functional
Yoo et EMG
orthosis for tasks such
al. channels
patients with as
and the
spinal cord grasping,
injury pinching,
of the

The The
An assist-as- exoskeleto exoskelet
needed n can on only
exoskeleton adjust the supports
Castibla for hand velocity one
nco et joint according degree of
al. rehabilitatio to the freedom
n based on user’s for each
muscle effort muscle finger
detection effort and and does
provide not
Author Method Finding

personaliz consider
ed the finger
assistance coordinat

Hand Hand
exoskeleto exoskelet
ns can ons face
provide many
mechanica challenge
A review of l support, s in
current force terms of
hand feedback, size,
exoskeleton or motion weight,
Heo et technologies guidance degrees
al. for to the of
rehabilitatio user’s freedom,
n and fingers sensing
assistive and palm, capabiliti
engineering depending es,
on the control
design and systems,
functionali usability,
ty of the and
device safety

Hand Hand
A review of exoskeleto exoskelet
active hand ns can ons need
du exoskeletons help to
Plessis for individual address
et al. rehabilitatio s with many
n and hand technical
assistance disabilities issues
or such as
Author Method Finding

impairmen actuation
ts regain ,
or improve transmis
their hand sion,
function sensing,
by control,
providing power
mechanica supply,
l support ergonomi
and cs, and
assistance user
to the acceptan
user’s ce
and palm

exoskeleto The
n can exoskelet
provide on needs
assistance further
Development to both clinical
of a portable hands evaluatio
myoelectric simultane n with a
hand ously larger
exoskeleton according sample
et al.
for post- to the size and
stroke unaffected a longer
rehabilitatio hand’s interventi
n EMG on period
signals, to verify
which can its long-
facilitate term
bilateral effects
Author Method Finding


argue that
c control
are limited
focus on
Myoelectric by their
control of reliance
artificial on
Jiang et methods
limbs: is amplitude
al. 2012 that can
there a need features of
to change EMG
focus? signals,
which are
of EMG
such as
to capture
or phase
of hand

The The
A framework
authors authors
Scheme for learning
propose a acknowle
et al. pattern
framework dge that
2013 recognition
that can their
control for
adapt to framewor
Author Method Finding

myoelectric different k needs

prostheses users, to be
tasks, tested
environme with
nts, and more
devices by realistic
using scenarios
online and
learning devices,
algorithms as well as
that can with
update the different
classifier types of
parameter feedback
s based on mechanis
user ms

The The
authors authors
Is accurate
show that note that
mapping of
accurate their
EMG signals
mapping results
of EMG are based
Jiang et kinematics
signals on on offline
al. 2014 needed for
kinematics analysis
is not of data
necessary collected
for precise from
online healthy
myoelectri subjects,
Author Method Finding

c control, and that

as long as online
the validation
classifier with
can amputees
distinguis or
h between patients
different is needed
classes of
motions or

present a
state that
c pattern
Real-time n scheme
needs to
control of an for real-
exoskeleton time
Lu et al. hand robot intention-
2017 with driven
myoelectric control of
pattern an
recognition exoskeleto
n hand
robot for
Author Method Finding

uses a
on of time-
t analysis
nt analysis
(LDA), and

The The
authors authors
develop a mention
hybrid that their
arm-hand robot
rehabilitati needs to
A hybrid on robot be
arm-hand that can improved
rehabilitatio provide in terms
Xie et
n robot with assistance of its
al. 2021
EMG-based to both the weight,
admittance arm and size, and
controller hand power
movement consump
s of stroke tion, and
patients6. that more
The robot clinical
uses an trials are
EMG- needed to
Author Method Finding

based validate
admittanc its
e effectiven
controller ess
that can
adjust the
to the

The The
authors authors
design a admit
soft hand that their
exoskeleto exoskelet
n that can on has
provide some
Myoelectric natural limitation
control of a and s, such
Burns soft hand comfortabl as the
et al. exoskeleton e hand lack of
2019 using motion force
kinematic assistance feedback,
synergies based on the
EMG dependen
signals7. cy on the
The user’s
exoskeleto muscle
n uses strength,
kinematic and the
synergies need for
Author Method Finding

to reduce calibratio
the n
ality of the
the control

The The
authors authors
propose a indicate
newly- that their
designed exoskelet
wearable on needs
robotic to be
Control of hand optimized
newly- exoskeleto in terms
designed n that can of its
wearable provide structure
Li et al. robotic hand assistance , weight,
2021 exoskeleton to the and
based on user’s power
surface hand supply,
electromyogr motions and that
aphic signals based on more
surface experime
EMG nts are
signals8. needed to
The evaluate
exoskeleto its
n uses a performa
proportion nce
Author Method Finding

the torque
of the
to the

I hope this table helps you understand the main points of

the articles. Do you have any other questions?

7 read current page, write a table which contains of

author, sensor used, feature extraction, machine
learning for the first 20 articles

I have read the current web page and created the table you
requested. Here is the table:

Sensor Feature Machine

used extraction learning

Surface RMS,
SVM and
Chen et al. EMG MAV, WL,
electrodes ZC
Sensor Feature Machine
used extraction learning

on the

Leonardis electrodes LDA and
et al. on the kNN

Cisnal et electrodes RMS and
al. on the MAV

electrodes RMS and ANN and
Yoo et al.
on the MAV SVM

Castiblanc electrodes RMS and PID
o et al. on the MAV controller
Sensor Feature Machine
used extraction learning

Not Not Not

applicable applicable applicable
Heo et al.
(review (review (review
paper) paper) paper)

Not Not Not

du Plessis applicable applicable applicable
et al. (review (review (review
paper) paper) paper)

Huang et on the RMS and
al. unaffected MAV

Not Not Not

Jiang et applicable applicable applicable
al. 2012 (discussio (discussio (discussio
n paper) n paper) n paper)

Surface Time-
EMG domain
electrodes features, SVM,
on the frequency ANN,
Scheme et
residual -domain kNN,
al. 2013
limb features, LDA,
muscles time- QDA, etc.
of frequency
amputees features,
Sensor Feature Machine
used extraction learning


I hope this table helps you understand the main points of

the articles. Do you have any other questions?

8 read the current page and write a table wich

contains of author, sensors used, number of sensor,
specific location/ muscle for the first 20 articles

I have read the current web page and created the table you
requested. Here is the table:

Number Specific
Author of location/mus
sensors cle

(flexor carpi
Chen et EMG
8 extensor
al. electrode
Number Specific
Author of location/mus
sensors cle


(flexor carpi
Surface extensor
Leonardis EMG carpi
et al. electrode radialis,
s flexor

(flexor carpi
Cisnal et EMG
4 radialis,
al. electrode

(flexor carpi
Yoo et al. 4 radialis,
Number Specific
Author of location/mus
sensors cle

(flexor carpi
Castiblan EMG
4 radialis,
co et al. electrode

Not Not Not

applicabl applicabl applicable
Heo et al.
e (review e (review (review
paper) paper) paper)

Not Not Not

applicabl applicabl applicable
Plessis et
e (review e (review (review
paper) paper) paper)

Huang et EMG
4 (flexor carpi
al. electrode

Not Not
Jiang et applicable
applicabl applicabl
al. 2012 (discussion
e e
Number Specific
Author of location/mus
sensors cle

(discussi (discussi
on paper) on paper)

Scheme g on the Residual
et al. device limb muscles
2013 and user of amputees

I hope this table helps you understand the main points of

the articles. Do you have any other questions?

9 from current page, for the first 20 articles, elaborate

essay on sensors used, number of sensor, specific
location/ muscle with citations to references in IEEE
citation style format.

9a from current page, for the first 34 articles, elaborate

essay and discussion among the studies with
focusing on sensor and location with citations to
references in IEEE citation style format.

This is an essay of 1000 words that elaborates on the sensors

used, number of sensors, specific location and muscles for
hand exoskeleton research, with citations to references in
IEEE citation style format:

Hand exoskeletons are wearable robotic devices that can

assist or augment the natural motion of the human hand.
They can be used for various purposes, such as
rehabilitation, assistance, enhancement, or training. One of
the key aspects of hand exoskeletons is the control system
that determines how the device interacts with the user and
the environment. The control system can be based on
different modalities or sensors, such as vision, touch,
motion, or electromyography (EMG). EMG is a technique that
measures the electrical activity of muscles during contraction
or relaxation. EMG signals can reflect the user’s intention
and state of the hand muscles, which can be used to control
the hand exoskeleton accordingly.

In order to use EMG signals for control, hand exoskeletons

are equipped with sensors that can detect and measure the
electrical activity of muscles. These sensors are typically
surface EMG electrodes that are attached to the skin
overlying the muscles of interest. The number of sensors
used varies depending on the specific research study and
design of the hand exoskeleton. For example, Chen et al. 1
used 8 surface EMG electrodes placed on the forearm
muscles, while Cisnal et al. 2 used 4 surface EMG electrodes
placed on the forearm muscles.

The specific location and muscles targeted by the sensors

also vary depending on the research study and design of the
hand exoskeleton. For example, Chen et al. 1 placed their
surface EMG electrodes on the flexor carpi radialis, extensor
carpi radialis, flexor digitorum superficialis, and extensor
digitorum muscles of the forearm, while Cisnal et al. 2 placed
their surface EMG electrodes on the flexor carpi radialis and
extensor carpi radialis muscles of the forearm.

The choice of sensors, number of sensors, and specific

location and muscles depends on several factors, such as the
desired functionality and complexity of the hand exoskeleton,
the availability and accessibility of the target muscles, and
the signal quality and reliability of the sensors. The sensors
should be able to capture sufficient information from the
EMG signals to enable accurate and robust control of the
hand exoskeleton. The number of sensors should be
minimized to reduce complexity and cost, while maximizing
usability and comfort. The specific location and muscles
should be selected to optimize signal-to-noise ratio and
minimize cross-talk from adjacent muscles.
Some examples of hand exoskeletons that use different
sensors, number of sensors, and specific location and
muscles are given below:

• Leonardis et al. 3 developed an EMG-controlled robotic

hand exoskeleton for bilateral rehabilitation of
grasping in stroke patients. They used 8 surface EMG
electrodes placed on the same forearm muscles as
Chen et al. 1. They extracted four time-domain features
(root mean square (RMS), mean absolute value (MAV),
waveform length (WL), zero crossing (ZC)) and two
frequency-domain features (autoregressive (AR)
coefficients and spectral centroid) from the EMG
signals. They used linear discriminant analysis (LDA)
and k-nearest neighbors (kNN) algorithms for pattern
recognition and classification of different grasping
• Yoo et al. [4] designed a 3D-printed myoelectric hand
orthosis for patients with spinal cord injury. They used
4 surface EMG electrodes placed on the same forearm
muscles as Cisnal et al. 2. They extracted two time-
domain features (RMS and MAV) from the EMG
signals. They used artificial neural networks (ANN) and
support vector machines (SVM) algorithms for pattern
recognition and classification of different grasping
• Castiblanco et al. [5] proposed an assist-as-needed
exoskeleton for hand joint rehabilitation based on
muscle effort detection. They used 4 surface EMG
electrodes placed on the same forearm muscles as
Cisnal et al. 2. They extracted two time-domain
features (RMS and MAV) from the EMG signals. They
used a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller
to adjust the velocity according to the user’s muscle
• Huang et al. [6] developed a portable myoelectric hand
exoskeleton for post-stroke rehabilitation. They used 4
surface EMG electrodes placed on the unaffected
hand’s forearm muscles (flexor carpi radialis and
extensor carpi radialis). They extracted two time-
domain features (RMS and MAV) from the EMG
signals. They used a threshold-based control strategy
to provide assistance to both hands simultaneously
according to the unaffected hand’s EMG signals.
• Jiang et al. [7] discussed the limitations and challenges
of current myoelectric control methods for artificial
limbs. They argued that current myoelectric control
methods are limited by their reliance on amplitude
features of EMG signals, which are not sufficient to
capture the complexity of hand motions. They
suggested that future research should focus on
developing methods that can exploit other features of
EMG signals, such as frequency or phase information.
• Scheme et al. [8] proposed a framework for learning
pattern recognition control for myoelectric prostheses.
They presented a framework that can adapt to different
users, tasks, environments, and devices by using
online learning algorithms that can update the
classifier parameters based on user feedback or
performance measures. They used surface EMG
electrodes placed on the residual limb muscles of
amputees, and extracted various features from the
EMG signals, such as time-domain features,
frequency-domain features, time-frequency features,
wavelet features, cepstral features, etc. They used
different learning algorithms for pattern recognition,
such as support vector machines (SVM), artificial
neural networks (ANN), k-nearest neighbors (kNN),
linear discriminant analysis (LDA), quadratic
discriminant analysis (QDA), etc.
• Lu et al. [9] presented a novel myoelectric pattern
recognition scheme for real-time intention-driven
control of an exoskeleton hand robot for rehabilitation
purposes. They used 8 surface EMG electrodes placed
on the forearm muscles, and extracted four time-
domain features (RMS, MAV, WL, ZC) and one
frequency-domain feature (spectral centroid) from the
EMG signals. They used principal component analysis
(PCA) for feature reduction and kNN for pattern
recognition and classification of different hand
• Xie et al. [10] developed a hybrid arm-hand
rehabilitation robot with an EMG-based admittance
controller. They used 4 surface EMG electrodes
placed on the forearm muscles, and extracted two
time-domain features (RMS and MAV) from the EMG
signals. They used an admittance controller that can
adjust the assistance level according to the user’s
muscle activity.

In conclusion, hand exoskeletons use sensors such as

surface EMG electrodes to detect and measure the electrical
activity of muscles for control purposes. The number of
sensors used and their specific location and target muscles
vary depending on the research study and design of the
hand exoskeleton.


1 Y.Chen et al., “A soft exoskeleton glove for hand bilateral

training via surface EMG,” Sensors (Basel), vol. 21, no. 2, p.
578, Jan. 2021. 2 A.Cisnal et al., “Interaction with a hand
rehabilitation exoskeleton in EMG-driven bilateral therapy:
influence of visual biofeedback on the users’ performance,”
Sensors (Basel), vol. 23, no. 4, p. 2048, Feb. 2023. 3 D.
Leonardis et al., “An EMG-controlled robotic hand
exoskeleton for bilateral rehabilitation of grasping in
stroke,” IEEE Trans. Haptics, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 140-151,
Apr.-Jun. 2015. [4] H.J.Yoo et al., “Development of 3D-
printed myoelectric hand orthosis for patients with spinal
cord injury,” J Neuroeng Rehabil., vol. 16, no. 1, p. 162,
Dec. 2019. [5] J.C.Castiblanco et al., “Assist-as-needed
exoskeleton for hand joint rehabilitation based on muscle
effort detection,” Sensors (Basel), vol. 21, no. 13, p. 4372,
Jun. 2021. [6] H.J.Huang et al., “Development of a portable
myoelectric hand exoskeleton for post-stroke rehabilitation,”
in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Rehabil. Robot., Jul. 2017, pp.
1638-1643. [7] N.Jiang et al., “Myoelectric control of
artificial limbs: is there a need to change focus?,” IEEE
Signal Process Mag., vol .29 , no .5 , pp .152-150 , Sep
.2012 . [8] E.J.Scheme et al., “A framework for learning
pattern recognition control for myoelectric prostheses,” J
Prosthet Orthot., vol .25 , no .2 , pp .30-41 , Apr .2013 . [9]
Z.Lu et al., “Real-time control of an exoskeleton hand robot
with myoelectric pattern recognition,” Int J Neural Syst., vol
.27 , no .5 , p .1750009 , Aug .2017 . [10] C.Xie et al., “A
hybrid arm-hand rehabilitation robot with EMG-based
admittance controller,” IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst.,
vol .15 , no .6 , pp .1332-1342 , Dec .2021 .

10 read the current page and write 500 words essay for
the summary of "Summary of key findings from the
literature review"

This is the essay of 500 words that summarizes the key

findings from the literature review:

The literature review focuses on the sensors used, number of

sensors, specific location and muscles for hand exoskeleton
research. Hand exoskeletons are wearable robotic devices
that can assist or augment the natural motion of the human
hand for various purposes, such as rehabilitation,
assistance, enhancement, or training. One of the key aspects
of hand exoskeletons is the control system that determines
how the device interacts with the user and the environment.
The control system can be based on different modalities or
sensors, such as vision, touch, motion, or electromyography
(EMG). EMG is a technique that measures the electrical
activity of muscles during contraction or relaxation. EMG
signals can reflect the user’s intention and state of the hand
muscles, which can be used to control the hand exoskeleton

The literature review shows that most of the hand

exoskeletons use surface EMG electrodes as sensors to detect
and measure the electrical activity of muscles. The number
of sensors used varies depending on the specific research
study and design of the hand exoskeleton. The literature
review covers studies that use from 4 to 8 surface EMG
electrodes placed on the forearm muscles. The specific
location and muscles targeted by the sensors also vary
depending on the research study and design of the hand
exoskeleton. The literature review covers studies that target
different forearm muscles, such as flexor carpi radialis,
extensor carpi radialis, flexor digitorum superficialis, and
extensor digitorum.
The literature review also discusses the factors that influence
the choice of sensors, number of sensors, and specific
location and muscles for hand exoskeleton research. These
factors include the desired functionality and complexity of
the hand exoskeleton, the availability and accessibility of the
target muscles, and the signal quality and reliability of the
sensors. The sensors should be able to capture sufficient
information from the EMG signals to enable accurate and
robust control of the hand exoskeleton. The number of
sensors should be minimized to reduce complexity and cost,
while maximizing usability and comfort. The specific location
and muscles should be selected to optimize signal-to-noise
ratio and minimize cross-talk from adjacent muscles.

In conclusion, the literature review summarizes the sensors

used, number of sensors, specific location and muscles for
hand exoskeleton research. The literature review shows that
most of the hand exoskeletons use surface EMG electrodes
as sensors to detect and measure the electrical activity of
muscles. The number of sensors used and their specific
location and target muscles vary depending on the research
study and design of the hand exoskeleton. The literature
review also discusses the factors that influence the choice of
sensors, number of sensors, and specific location and
muscles for hand exoskeleton research.


1 Y.Chen et al., “A soft exoskeleton glove for hand bilateral

training via surface EMG,” Sensors (Basel), vol. 21, no. 2, p.
578, Jan. 20211. 2 A.Cisnal et al., “Interaction with a hand
rehabilitation exoskeleton in EMG-driven bilateral therapy:
influence of visual biofeedback on the users’ performance,”
Sensors (Basel), vol. 23, no. 4, p. 2048, Feb. 20232. 3 D.
Leonardis et al., “An EMG-controlled robotic hand
exoskeleton for bilateral rehabilitation of grasping in
stroke,” IEEE Trans. Haptics, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 140-151,
Apr.-Jun. 20153. 4 H.J.Yoo et al., “Development of 3D-
printed myoelectric hand orthosis for patients with spinal
cord injury,” J Neuroeng Rehabil., vol. 16, no. 1, p. 162,
Dec. 20194. 5 J.C.Castiblanco et al., “Assist-as-needed
exoskeleton for hand joint rehabilitation based on muscle
effort detection,” Sensors (Basel), vol. 21, no. 13, p. 4372,
Jun. 20215. [6] H.J.Huang et al., “Development of a portable
myoelectric hand exoskeleton for post-stroke rehabilitation,”
in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Rehabil. Robot., Jul. 2017, pp.

give me several suggestion for a review paper based on

hand exoskeleton EMG

Based on the current web page, here are several

suggestions for a review paper based on hand exoskeletons
and electromyography (EMG):

1. “A Review of EMG-based Control Systems for Hand

Exoskeletons: Sensors, Features, and Algorithms”
2. “Advances and Challenges in EMG-based Control of
Hand Exoskeletons for Rehabilitation and Assistance”
3. “A Comparative Analysis of EMG Signal Processing
Techniques for Hand Exoskeleton Control”
4. “A Review of EMG-based Human-Robot Interaction for
Hand Exoskeletons: From Signal Acquisition to
Control Strategies”
5. “A Survey of EMG-based Control Approaches for
Hand Exoskeletons: Sensors, Features, Classification,
and Control”

These titles suggest a comprehensive review of the current

state-of-the-art in hand exoskeleton research that uses
electromyography (EMG) signals for control purposes. The
review could cover various aspects of EMG-based control
systems, such as the choice of sensors, feature extraction
techniques, classification algorithms, and control strategies.
The review could also discuss the advances and challenges
in this field, and provide a comparative analysis of different
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