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A. Definition/Pengertian Invitations

What is an Invitation? Menurut, invitation adalah:

An invitation is a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person to join you at a
specific event.
Kalau kita artikan dalam bahasa Indonesia, invitation adalah sebuah permintaan, ajakan,
atau upaya terhadap orang lain agar bersedia bergabung atau datang dengan kita pada
suatu acara tertentu.
Invitation a text which containing a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another
person to join you at a specific event (sebuah teks yang berisi sebuah permintaan)

Menurut Oxford Learner’s Dictionary mengartikan “invitation” sebagai berikut:

a spoken or written request to somebody to do something or to go somewhere
Jadi “invitation” adalah sebuah permintaan yang berupa ucapan atau tulisan yang ditujukan
kepada seseorang untuk melakukan Sesuatu atau pergi ke suatu tempat.
B. The Purpose/Tujuan Invitation (Undangan)
“To invite someone attend/come an event.”
Untuk mengajak atau mengundang seseorang untuk hadir dalam suatu acara

Sebuah undangan dapat digunakan untuk mengunadang seseorang untuk datang

ke suatu acara, adapun beberapa hal diantaranya adalah:

Birthday : Ulang tahun

Weeding : Pernikahan
Anniversary: Hari jadi
Meeting : Rapat
Graduation : Kelulusan
Dinner : Makan malam
C.Generic Structure of an invitation/Bagian –bagian teks undangan
Secara umum/dasar bagian teks sebuah undangan meliputi:

Receiver/To: nama orang yang dituju/yang diundang

Body of invitation/isi undangan: Isi undangan biasanya berupa hal hal berikut
Subjek: Nama Acara
Day or Date: Hari dan tanggal
Time: Waktu yang ditetapkan
Place: Tempat dimana acara tersebut diadakan

Sender/from: Orang yang mengirim undangan

Kinds of invitation expressions:
Inviting : Accepting an invitation :
- Would you like to………..? - Of course !
- Would you like to come to………….? - Thank you, I will come.
- Do you want to………? - OK!
- We would like to invite you to………….. - I’d love to……….
- We would like you join us for………. - I’d like to………….
- How about………….? - That sounds great.
- Do you mind to come to………..? - It sounds a nice idea.
- Please come to…………. - That would be terrific !
- I’ll be happy if you come to……… - That would be amazing!
- Let’s we go to………… - That would be wonderful!
- Etc. - Thanks for inviting me.
Declining an invitation : - It’s very kind of you to invite me.
- No, thank you. - I’d be happy to……..
- I’d love to, but…………. - I like that.
- I’m sorry. I can’t. - I’d be delighted to……..
- I’d like to, but I have many thing to do - Surely.
right now. - That’s nice.
- I don’t think I can go. Sorry. - Etc.
- I would love to, but………..
- It’s good, but………….
- Sorry. It’s good, but I can’t.
- Etc.
There are 2 type of Invitation:

a. Formal invitation
Formal invitation is usually originate from university, companies, and a kind of
it. Normally formal invitation is written invitation.
Example of formal invitation :

Palangkaraya, 28th September 2012

To : Mr. Stewart
Jalan Hiu Putih No. 9
At Palangkaraya

Good morning, Mr. Stewart. We are from the jewelry company want to inform you
that we have make a meeting on :
Day/date : Monday, 5th October 2012
Time : at 8.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.
Place : at Aquarius Hotel Ballroom

It’s a pleasure that you would like to come.

Jewelry Company
b. Informal invitation
Informal invitation is personal invitation given to a friend, family, etc. Informal
invitation can be written invitation and verbal invitation.
Example of informal invitation :

Hi, guys.
I’d like to invite you to come to my halloween party on :
Saturday, 2nd November 2012
Tonight at 9 p.m.
At my home, jalan Badak No. 97

Don’t be late guys ! trick or treat ! yeaahh .....

With love,
Sekian pembahasan singkat tentang Invitation. Semoga bermanfaat.
Mohon maaf jika masih terdapat kekurangan. Jangan lupa kritik dan
sarannya. karena tak ada manusia yang sempurna. hehehehe.
Terima kasih.

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