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Bunga dan Riba

Dalam Perspektif
Sejarah Agama dan
Sosial Ekonomi
Umi Faizah H (22030011)
Pandangan Filsuf Yunani Tentang
Pada masa itu terdapat Undang-Undang yang membenarkan penduduknya untuk
mengambil bunga sesuai dengan tingkat yang ditentukan oleh hukum. Tingkatan bunga
tersebut berubah-ubah seiring berjalanya waktu. Meski pengambilan bunga
diperbolehkan, namun tidak dibenarkan dengan cara double countable atau bunga-
Hukum mengenai kebolehan tersebut di sisi pemerintahan terjadi perubahan di
beberapa masa. Sebut saja pada masa pemerintahan Genucia (342 SM), praktik
pengambilan bunga ini dilarang, namun pada masa Unciaria (88 SM) praktik ini
dibolehkan kembali sebagaimana mulanya.
Perkembangan Romawi tak lepas dari pemikiran besar para filsuf seperti Plato (427-347
SM), Aristoteles (384-322 SM), Cato (234-149 SM) dan Cicero (106-43 SM). Pemikiran
keduanya memiliki pengaruh besar bagi rakyat Romawi.
• Bunga (riba) merupakan alat yang
digunakan oleh golongan masyarakat
kaya untuk merampas golongan
masyarakat miskin, sehingga
masyarakat miskin akan tetap
menderita dengan adanya
pembayaran yang melebihi pokok
• Riba (bunga) menyebabkan
perpecahan dan kerasaan tidak puas
dalam masyarakat, sehingga golongan
masyarakat miskin selalu eksploitasi
dan menjadi objek kedzaliman.
Aristoteles berpendapat dengan
pendapatnya mengenai uang. Ia
mengemukakan bahwa uang memiliki
fungsi sebagai alat tukar dan bukan
alat sebagai menghasilkan tambahan
melalui bunga mengenai bunga,
Aristoteles menganggapnya sebagai
uang yang berasal dari uang yang
keberadaannya dari sesuatu yang
belum tentu pasti terjadi.
Pandangan Kitab Suci Yahudi Tentang
Bunga Kitab Exodus (Keluaran)
01 pasal 22 ayat 25
Dalam Turat ayat 25 pasal
04 22 (Sakurul Huruj)

Kitab Deuteronomy
02 (Ulangan) pasal 23 ayat 19

Dalam Taurat ayat 35

05 pasal 25 (Sakarul Awbin)
Kitab Levicitus (Imamat)
03 pasal 35 ayat 7
Petikan Kitab Suci Kristen Tentang

01 Keluaran 22:25-27 02 Ulangan 23:19

03 Imamat 25:36-37 04 Amsal 28:8

Petikan Kitab Suci Al-Qur’an Tentang
‫َت ُت‬ ‫۟ا‬ Riba
‫ِّل ۟ا َأ َٰو َّن َف اَل‬ ‫َت ُت‬
‫َيْرُبو ِع نَد ٱِهَّللۖ َو َمٓا َء ا ْي م ِّمن‬ ‫َو َمٓا َء ا ْي م ِّمن ِّرًبا َيْر ُبَو ِفٓى ْم ِل ٱل اِس‬

‫و‬ ‫ُف‬ ‫ْل‬‫ٱ‬ ‫ُه‬ ‫َك‬ ‫َٰٓل‬

‫َز َك ٰو ٍة ُتِريُدوَن َو ْج َه ٱِهَّلل َف ُأ۟و ِئ ُم ُمْض ِع َن‬
Artinya: “Dan, sesuatu riba (tambahan) yang kamu berikan agar dia menambah
pada harta manusia, maka riba itu tidak menambah pada sisi Allah. Dan apa
yang kamu berikan berupa zakat yang kamu maksudkan untuk mencapai
keridhaan Allah, maka (yang berbuat demikian) itulah orang-orang yang melipat
gandakan (pahalanya).” (QS Al-Rum: 39)
Konsep Fundamental Keuangan
Berbicara mengenai konsep dasar ekonomi dan keuangan
Islam, maka idealnya adalah berbicara mengenai fondasi dan
ekonomi dan keuangan Islam. Hal ini untuk mendapatkan
gambaran secara utuh dari mana sumber ekonomi dan
keuangan Islam berasal dan supaya dapat memaknai secara
mendalam akan karakteristik ekonomi dan keuangan Islam.
Ketidaktahuan akan sumber ini akan menyebabkan adanya
anggapan bahwa ekonomi dan kauangan Islam merupakan
sumber sistem ekonomi dan keuangan Islam. Memiliki
kesamaan dengan sistem ekonomi keuangan lainnya.
Konsep Fundamental Keuangan
Artinya: “Diriwayatkan dari ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab R.A juga, ia berkata : ketika
kami sedang duduk-duduk di dekat Rasulullah –Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam-
pada suatu hari, tiba-tiba muncul di hadapan kami seorang laki- laki dengan
pakaian yang sangat putih, dan rambut yang sangat hitam. Tak tampak
padanya bekas menempuh perjalanan dan tak seorangpun di antara kami
yang mengenalnya, hingga ia duduk di hadapan Nabi Saw. Ia menyandarkan
lututnya ke lutut Nabi dan meletakkan tangannya di atas pahanya, dan
berkata : Hai Muhammad. Beritahukan kepadaku apa itu Islam! Rasulullah
Saw berkata : “Islam adalah Anda bersaksi tiada tuhan yang disembah
kecuali Allah dan Muhammad adalah utusan Allah, tegakkan shalat, tunaikan
zakat, berpuasa pada bulan Ramadhan, laksanakan haji jika Anda mampu
berjalan ke sana. Ia berkata : Anda benar. Kami heran, ia bertanya kemudian
ia membenarkan.
Para Pendukung Riba
• Yang dilaknat bukanlah hanya para renternir dalam transaksi
ria. Namun setiap yang mendukung langsung dalam praktek
riba, semua terkena laknat. Laknat itu berarti jauh dari rahmat
• Renternir kena laknat, nasabah yang meminjam riba pun kena,
begitu pula pencatat dan yang menjadi saksi. Laknat sendiri
berarti jauh dari rahmat Allah, sebagaimana dikatakan oleh
para ulama.
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was created by Slidesgo, and includes
icons by Flaticon, infographics & images
by Freepik and videos from Vidfy
You can enter a subtitle here if you need it
Comparing poetry: poetic devices

Problem Solution
Mercury is the closest planet Venus has a beautiful name
to the Sun and the smallest and is the second planet
one in the Solar System from the Sun
Table of contents
Comparing poetry Simple sentences
You can describe the topic 01 04 You can describe the topic
of the section here of the section here

Ideas and purpose Arts students

You can describe the topic 02 05 You can describe the topic
of the section here of the section here

Argumentative texts Exercises

You can describe the topic 03 06 You can describe the topic
of the section here of the section here
This can be the part of the
presentation where you
introduce yourself, write
your email…
0 Compari
ng poetry

You can enter a subtitle
here if you need it
You can enter a subtitle here if you need it
Comparing poetry: poetic devices

Problem Solution
Mercury is the closest planet Venus has a beautiful name
to the Sun and the smallest and is the second planet
one in the Solar System from the Sun
What are poetic devices?

Mars Jupiter
Despite being red, Mars It’s a gas giant and the
is a cold place biggest planet

Venus has a very
beautiful name
What are poetic devices?
01 Mercury is the closest planet to
the Sun and the smallest one

02 Venus has a beautiful name and
is the second planet from the Sun
Focus on similarities and differences

Mars Mercury
Mars is a cold Mercury is the
place full of iron closest planet to
oxide dust the Sun

Jupiter Venus
Jupiter is the Venus is the
biggest planet in second planet
the Solar System from the Sun
About argumentative texts
75% 25% Neptune is the
farthest planet
Moon Ceres from the Sun

Jupiter Mars Saturn
20% 30% 50%
Focus on similarities and differences

Mercury Venus Mars

Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful Despite being red, Mars
planet to the Sun and name and is the second is a cold place. It's full of
the smallest one planet from the Sun iron oxide dust
Compare poems
throughout the essay

Mercury Venus Mars

Mercury is the closest Venus has a very Despite being red,
planet to the Sun beautiful name Mars is a cold place

Jupiter Saturn Neptune

Jupiter is the biggest Saturn is a gas giant It’s the farthest planet
planet of them all and has several rings from the Sun
You can enter a subtitle
here if you need it
e words
“This is a quote, words full of
wisdom that someone important
said and can make the reader
get inspired”

—Someone Famous
“This is a quote, words full of
wisdom that someone
important said and can make
the reader get inspired”

—Someone Famous
A picture is worth
a thousand words
A picture is
worth a
thousand words
A picture always
reinforces the
Images reveal largeconcept
amounts of data, so remember:
use an image instead of a long text
A picture always
reinforces the
Images reveal large amounts of
data, so remember: use an image
instead of a long text
Big numbers catch your
audience’s attention
Mercury Venus
Mercury is the closest Venus is the second
planet to the Sun planet from the Sun
386,000 km
Distance between Earth
and the Moon

333,000,000 9h 55m 23s

The Sun’s mass Jupiter’s rotation period
compared to Earth’s in total
Here are some percentages

25% 30% 75%

Mercury Saturn Venus

Mercury is the closest Saturn is a gas giant Venus is the second
planet to the Sun and has rings planet from the Sun
This is a map

01 It’s the closest
planet to the Sun

02 It has a very
beautiful name
A timeline always works well

2015 2017 2020 2023

Mars Mercury Saturn Venus

Despite being Mercury is the Saturn is a gas Venus is the
red, Mars is a closest planet giant and has second planet
cold planet to the Sun several rings from the Sun
Use a graph to show your data

Mercury is the closest
planet to Sun

Venus has a very
beautiful name
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste
the new one here. For more info, click here

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Despite being Mercury is the Neptune is the Jupiter is the
red, Mars is a smallest planet farthest planet biggest planet of
cold planet of them all from the Sun them all
What are argumentative texts?
Mars Saturn
Despite being red, Saturn is a gas giant
Mars is a cold place and has rings
Earth is the
planet that
harbors life
Mercury Venus
Mercury is the closest Venus has a very
planet to the Sun beautiful name
This is a table

Mass Diameter Gravity

Mercury 0.06 0.38 0.38

Mars 0.11 0.53 0.38

Saturn 95.2 9.4 1.16

You can add your own
multimedia content here.
Delete this image and insert
your video in its place
Another graph

Neptune is the farthest
planet from the Sun

Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste
the new one here. For more info, click here
Parts of language arts
Listening Reading Speaking Writing

20% 20% 30% 30%

Despite being red,

Saturn is the Mercury is the Venus has a very
Mars is a cold
ringed planet smallest planet beautiful name

● Mercury ● Neptune
● Jupiter
● Venus ● Sun ● Earth
● Saturn
● Mars ● Moon
More percentages



Mercury Venus Mars

Mercury is the closest Venus is the second Despite being red, it's a
planet to the Sun planet from the Sun very cold place
Venus has a Neptune is far
beautiful name away from us

10% 20% 30% 40%

Despite being Mercury is the

red, Mars is cold smallest planet
Studying organization
The Sun is the star at the
center of the Solar System
Method 1
Ceres is located in the main
Neptune asteroid belt
Neptune is the
farthest planet
from the Sun The Moon is Earth’s only
natural satellite
Method 2
Pluto is now considered a
dwarf planet
Simple sentences

01 02 03

Mars Jupiter Venus

Despite being red, It's a gas giant and It has a beautiful
Mars is actually a the biggest planet in name and high
cold place the Solar System temperatures

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and

the smallest one in the Solar System—it’s only
a little bit larger than our satellite, the Moon
Exercise 1

Roses are red, violets are blue

Clouds are as white as my lies gone through
Even if you get mad, I still here for you
This is the way I feel it too

Which lines rhyme?

Exercise 2

In winter, I get up at night

It's too cold I cannot asleep.
In summer, it's too much light,
I still wide awake until the sun rises.

Which lines rhyme?

Exercise 3

I am recalling the way back to my

home. It once as bright as rainbow, but
now only the gray shadow remains.

In this excerpt, the phrase ______

best shows the author's tone of despair
Exercise 4
Choose the correct answer

Despite being red, Mars is Neptune is the farthest planet

1 actually a cold place. It's full of 2 from the Sun and the fourth-
iron oxide dust largest of them all

a. Earth harbors life a. The Sun is a star

b. Venus is terribly hot b. The Moon is a satellite

c. Mercury is a small planet c. Jupiter is a gas giant

Exercise 5
Complete with the correct word

Saturn is the ringed planet. It's Helium

1 composed mostly of hydrogen
and Planet Object

Diameter Agriculture
Jupiter is a gas giant and the
2 biggest planet in the entire
Exercise 6
Classify the following words

Mercury Saturn Neptune Jupiter Mars

Group A Group B
Write here Write here

Write here Write here

Write here Write here

Write here Write here

Exercise 7
Reading the following text and answer the questions

Mercury is the closest

1 planet to the Sun
“Saturn is a gas giant and has
several rings. It's composed Write here
mostly of hydrogen and helium.
It was named after the Roman
god of wealth and agriculture
The Sun is the closest
Neptune is the farthest planet 2 star to Earth
from the Sun. It's also the
fourth-largest of them all” Write here
Exercise 8
True or false

Neptune is the farthest planet Saturn is the ringed planet. It's

1 from the Sun. It's also the 3 composed mostly of hydrogen
fourth-largest of them all and helium

True False True False

Despite being red, Mars is Mercury is the closest planet

2 actually a cold place. It's full of 4 to the Sun and the smallest
iron oxide dust one in the Solar System

True False True False

Exercise 9
Which of the following sentences is correct?

a. Earth harbors life

b. Mars is actually a cold place

c. Mercury is the smallest planet

d. Pluto is a dwarf planet

Exercise 10
Match the words with the correct definition

Despite being red, it’s

a cold place
It’s the closest planet
to the Sun
It’s the farthest planet
from the Sun
It’s the second planet
from the Sun
Exercise 11
Add the correct prefix

Load Unload Order Write here

Happy Write here Trust Write here

Comfort Write here Friendly Write here

Continue Write here Honest Write here

Exercise 12
Read the following words and add their definition


Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun

Venus Write here

Mars Write here

Jupiter Write here

Exercise 13
Write the sentence correctly using correct punctuation marks

Saturn is a gas giant and has Mars is actually a cold place.

1 several rings 1 It's full of iron oxide dust

Write here Write here

Mercury is the closest planet Neptune is the farthest planet

2 to the Sun and the smallest 2 from the Sun

Write here Write here

Language arts students

Amazing Anna Brilliant Birdie

Mercury is the closest Despite being red, Mars
planet to the Sun is a cold place
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30% 40% Saturn Neptune Venus

1 Mercury

20% 2 Jupiter

70% 3 Mars
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