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Pembelahan Sel

Arjanti Witasani I. (03)

Astaqhoffi sabil ()
Nadia Urelia ()
M. Rafli Fiesar ()
Pengertian Mekanisme
Pembelahan sel secara
langsung tanpa melalui tahap- • Kromosom bakteri menempel pada
tahap pembelahan. Amitosis membran plasma.
• Kromosom berduplikasi
terjadi pada organisme • Protein FtsZ berpindah ke tengah
prokariotik. sel dan membentuk cincin.
• Membran plasma melekuk ke dalam
membagi sel menjadi dua bagian.
• Terbentuk dinding sel baru diatara
sel sel anak sehingga dihasilkan dua
sel anak yang sifatnya sama dengan
sel induk nya
Sel mengalami pertumbuhan
Mitosis 1. Interfase primer

pembelahan inti sel

(nukleus) melalui
tahapan-tahapan yang G2
berurutan dan teratur. Terjadi sintesis
Mitosis menghasilkan dan replikasi
nucleus pada kedua sel DNA
anakan dengan sifat
genetic sama dengan
Fase persiapan yang G3
lamanya 90% dari Pertumbuhan sekunder
siklus sel dan persiapan sel
2. Mitosis
• Benang kromatin menebal membentuk
kromosom dan berduplikasi • Pasangan sentromer berpisah
• Nukleolus menghilang • Kromatid menuju kutub yang
• Terbentuk benang-benang spindel berlawanan

Berkas mikrotubula Telofase
memanjang dari tiap
• Nukleolus terbentuk
kutub ke tengah sel
pada kedua kutub sel.
• Kromosom membuka
Metafase kumparannya menjadi
Kromosom berjajar benang-benang
ditengah sel kromatin
3. Sitokinesis

Hewan Tumbuhan

• Terbentuk alur pembelahan Fase sitokinesis adalah ● Vesikoula hasil badan golgi
di ekuator pembelahan sitoplasma pindah ke mikrotubula
• Terdapat cincin kontraktil diikuti pembentukan ● Vesikula bersatu membentuk
yang menyebabkan alur sekat yang memisahkan lempeng sel, dan membesar
pembelahan semakin dalam kedua bagian sel ● Terbentuk dinding baru
DNA bereplikasi sehingga
menjadi dua salinan DNA dan
Pengertian Sentrosom bereplikasi menjadi
dua buah.

pembelahan sel yang terjadi

pada organisme eukariotik yang Fase-fase 1.
bereproduksi secara seksual.
Disebut juga pembelahan
reduktif karena terjadi
pengurangan jumlah kromosom Interfase
pada sel anak yang dihasilkan.
2. Meiosis I Telofase I dan
tahapan pemisahan
Profase I kromosom atau
Sitokinesis I
pembelah reduksional • Kromosom homolog berada di
• Leptoten, benang kromatin yang menhasilkan dua dua kutub.
menebal membentuk sel haploid dari satu sel • pembentukan anak inti
kromosom. diploid • Selnya membelah 2 dengan
• Zigoten, kromosom homolog kromosom haploid (n)
berpasangan membentuk
• Pakiten, kromosom Metafase I Anafase I
berduplikasi, terlihat sebagai
• Kromosom homolog berpisah
• Diploten, kromosom homolog dan bergerak ke kutub yang
Kromosom bergerak di berseberangan.
saling menyilang membentuk bidang ekuatorial sehingga • Sentrometer tidak berpisah
kiasma, dan pindah silang
tampak dua barisan • Unit kromosom diploid (2n)
• Diakinesis, nukleolus dan
kromosom kembar terbagi menjadi dua unit
membran inti menghilang.
kromosom yang masing-masing
bersifat haploid (n).
3. Interkinesis
4. Meiosis II
Membran nukleus akan
terbentuk kembali dan Meiosis II
menyelubungi kromosom.
Selama interkinesis tidak
merupakan tahapan
terjadi proses penggandaan pemisahan kromatid
materi genetik. Materi saudara dari
genetik hanya akan kromosom haploid.
digandakan pada interfase.
Meiosis II

Telofase II dan
Sitokinesis II
Profase II Metafase II Anafase II
Masing-masing kutub memiliki
Benang spindel sebuah kromosom yang haploid.
Pembelahan dua Kromosom Setiap inti memiliki 1/2 pasang
menarik salinan
sentriol menjadi bergerak menuju kromosom (haploid) atau satu
kromosom dan
sentriol baru bidang ekuator. salinan DNA. Terjadi sitokinesis
bergerak ke kutub
yang berlawanan. yang menghasilkan empat sel baru
Pengaruh Kegagalan Mitosis dan Meiosis
Jupiter is the biggest
Neptune is very far
away from us

60% 30%
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place
STEM infographics
Science Technology
Jupiter is a gas giant 01 02 Neptune is very far
and the biggest planet from the Sun


Engineering Mathematics
Mercury is the closest 04 03 Despite being red, Mars
planet to the Sun is a cold place
STEM infographics

01 02 03 04
Epithelial Nerve Muscle Connective
Jupiter is a gas Neptune is the Mercury is the Despite being red,
giant and the farthest planet closest planet to Mars is a very cold
biggest planet from the Sun the Sun place
STEM infographics

Cells are considered

the basic units of Internal

All cells are surrounded External

by a structure called
It serves as a boundary
between the cell's internal
The cell membrane and external environments
STEM infographics
Jupiter is a huge gas giant
Eukaryote named after the Roman god of
the skies and the lightning

Yes Nucleus No

Venus has a very beautiful name

but is actually terribly hot, even Prokaryote
more than Mercury
• DNA bereplikasi
sehingga menjadi dua
01 Interfase salinan DNA
pembelahan sel yang • Sentrosom bereplikasi
terjadi pada menjadi dua buah.
organisme eukariotik
yang bereproduksi
Jupiter is a gas giant and
secara seksual. 02 Meiosis I the biggest planet
Disebut juga
pembelahan reduktif
karena terjadi
pengurangan jumlah
Despite being red, Mars
kromosom pada sel 03 Microvilli is a cold place
anak yang
STEM infographics

Structure Function Life cycle

Mercury is the Mars is actually a Saturn is a gas giant
Mercury smallest planet cold place with rings

Venus has a beautiful Jupiter is the biggest Earth is the planet

Jupiter name planet where we live on

Neptune is very far Ceres is located in Pluto is considered a

Mars from the Sun the asteroid belt dwarf planet
STEM infographics
30% 10%
Gap 2 Mitosis
Jupiter is a gas giant and Neptune is the farthest
the biggest planet planet from the Sun

40% 20%
Synthesis Gap 1
Mercury is the closest Despite being red, Mars
planet to the Sun is a cold place

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
STEM infographics

01 02
Mitosis Meiosis
● 4 stages ● 8 stages
● New cells
● Somatic cells ● Germ cells
● Similar basic steps
● Cellular proliferation ● Reproduction
● Single parent cell
● 2 diploid cells ● 4 haploid cells
STEM infographics
Prophase Prometaphase
Jupiter is the biggest Neptune is very far
planet from the Sun

Cytokinesis Metaphase
Mercury is quite a Mitosis Despite being red,
small planet Mars is a cold place

Telophase Anaphase
Venus is the second Pluto is considered a
planet from the Sun dwarf planet
STEM infographics
01 03

Ribosomes Vacuoles
Jupiter is a gas giant Mercury is the
and the biggest closest planet to the
planet 02 Sun 04

Lysosomes Peroxisomes
Neptune is the Despite being red,
farthest planet from Mars is actually a
the Sun very cold place
STEM infographics
01 Mitochondria 02
Matrix Granules
Jupiter is a gas giant and Neptune is the farthest
the biggest planet planet from the Sun

03 04
Membrane DNA
Mercury is the closest Despite being red, Mars
planet to the Sun is a cold place
STEM infographics
45 Mitosis Cell nucleus divides

Pairs of chromatid

15 Cytokinesis Cytoplasm divides


Two new cells

STEM infographics
01 Interphase
The cell cycle

Metaphase The cell’s nucleus

02 Mitosis divides during the
Anaphase mitosis phase

03 Cytokinesis
STEM infographics

01 02 03

Glycolysis The Krebs cycle Transport chain

Jupiter is a gas giant and Neptune is the farthest Mercury is the closest
the biggest planet planet from the Sun planet to the Sun
STEM infographics
Prophase Metaphase Anaphase

Venus has a Mercury is the Earth is where we all

Somatic beautiful name smallest planet live on

Saturn is a gas giant Jupiter is the biggest Neptune is very far

Stem with rings planet from the Sun

Ceres is located in Pluto is now a dwarf Despite being red,

Embryonic the asteroid belt planet Mars is cold
STEM infographics
Granules Mitochondria
Jupiter is a gas giant and 01
the biggest planet

Membrane 03 Neptune is the farthest
Mercury is the closest 02 planet from the Sun
planet to the Sun

04 Despite being red, Mars
is a cold place
STEM infographics
Neptune is the farthest
01 Chloroplasts planet from the Sun

Specialised Jupiter is a gas giant and

02 Granules the biggest planet

Despite being red, Mars

03 Microvilli is a cold place
STEM infographics
Prophase Prometaphase Metaphase
Jupiter is the biggest Neptune is very far Despite being red,
planet from the Sun Mars is a cold place

01 02 03

04 05 06
Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis
Pluto is considered a Venus is the second Mercury is quite a
dwarf planet planet from the Sun small planet
STEM infographics
Jupiter is the biggest

Mitochondria Chloroplast
Neptune is very far Venus is the second
from the Sun planet from the Sun

Cytoplasm Cell wall

Despite being red, Mercury is quite a
Mars is a cold place small planet

Pluto is considered a
dwarf planet
STEM infographics
Cell life cycle

Jupiter is a gas giant and

20% 30% 50% 70% the biggest planet
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
STEM infographics

01 02 03 04
Membrane Matrix Granules DNA
Mercury is the Jupiter is a gas Neptune is the Despite being red,
closest planet to the giant and the farthest planet from Mars is actually a
Sun biggest planet the Sun very cold place
STEM infographics

70% 60% 90%

Plant cells Animal cells Mutation
Mercury is the closest Jupiter is the biggest planet Neptune is the farthest
planet to the Sun in the Solar System planet from the Sun
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
STEM infographics
Animal cells
Jupiter is the biggest planet
of them all

01 03
Plant cells Mutation
Mercury is the closest Neptune is the farthest
planet to the Sun planet from the Sun
STEM infographics
8 stages Germ cells
Jupiter is the biggest planet Saturn is composed of
of them all hydrogen and helium

Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun

Reproduction 4 haploid cells

Neptune is the farthest Despite being red, Mars is
planet from the Sun a very cold planet
STEM infographics
Jupiter is the biggest
Neptune is very far
away from us

60% 30%
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place

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