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Pengertian Expressing Certainty dan Uncertainty

Asking Certainty digunakan untuk menanyakan kepastian tentang suatu hal.

Expressing Certainty digunakan untuk menyatakan kepastian tentang suatu hal.
Expressing Uncertainty digunakan untuk menyatakan ketidakpastian tentang suatu

Penggunaan Expressing Certainty dalam Dialog Singkat

Jack: We will have a field trip to Kebun Raya Bogor this semester.
(Jack: Kita akan ada karyawisata ke Kebun Raya Bogor semester ini.)

Gary: Really? Are you sure?

(Gary: Benarkah? Apa kamu yakin?)

Jack: Yes, absolutely. I heard the headmaster talked about it yesterday.

(Jack: Ya, tentu saja. Aku mendengar kepala sekolah berbicara tentang hal itu kemarin.)

Gary: Wow! Thats great.

(Gary: Wow! Itu bagus.)

Jack: Yes, of course. We can observe the old trees there.

(Jack: Ya tentu saja. Kita bisa mengamati pohon-pohon tua di sana.)

Gary: Old trees? Are you serious?!

(Gary: Pohon tua? Apa kamu serius?!)

Jack: Yes. I read on the internet. Kebun Raya Bogor has many collection of old trees.
(Jack: Iya. Aku baca di internet. Kebun Raya Bogor memiliki banyak koleksi pohon-pohon

gary: Old trees? Oh come on! I would rather see the animals.
(Gary: Pohon-pohon tua? Oh ayolah! Aku lebih suka melihat binatang.)

Jack: Well. Just wait and see.

(Jack: Baiklah. Tunggu dan lihat saja.)

Pada dialog di atas dapat kalian temukan ungkapan untuk menanyakan dan menyatakan
kepastian (certainty).

Simak beberapa ungkapan lain tentang Certainty dan Uncertainty di bawah ini:

Asking Certainty:

Digunakan untuk menanyakan sebuah kepastian.

Are you sure?

Are you certain about the name of the plant?
Are you positive about it?
Is that definite?

Expressing Certainty:

Digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah kepastian.

Im sure about it.

Im quite sure that he told the truth.
Im absolutely sure about the news.
Im no doubt about it.
Im absolutely certain that they told the truth.
Im certain about that.
Ive no doubt about that information.

Expressing Uncertainty:

Digunakan untuk menyatakan ketidakpastian.

Im not sure.
I doubt it.
I dont believe that.
I have doubt about the news.
I doubt that.

A. Asking Certainty (menanyakan kepastian/kebenaran)

Are you sure ? (apakah kamu yakin ?)

Are you absolutely sure ? (apakah kamu benar-benar yakin ?)

Do you think so ? (apa kamu berpikir begitu ?)

Really ? (sungguh ?)

Are you really certain about that ? (apakah kamu benar-benar yakin dengan
hal itu ?)

How do you sure ? (bagaimana anda bisa yakin ?)

B. Expressing Certainty (menyatakan kebenaran/kepastian)

Im sure he is right (saya yakin dia benar)

Im sure of it (saya yakin akan itu)

Im certainty about that (saya benar tentang itu)

Im convinced of it (saya meyakini itu)

I have no doubt about it (saya tidak ragu tentang itu)

Im positive (saya yakin)

Im absolutely sure that he will come (saya benar-benar yakin bahwa dia akan

Im quite that they will help us (saya sungguh bahwa mereka akan menolong

I dont doubt that he want to help her (saya tidak ragu bahwa dia ingin

Theres no doubt about that (tidak ada keraguan tentang hal itu)

Without doubt (tanpa keraguan)

C. Expressing Uncertainty (menyatakan ketidakpastian)

Im not sure about it (saya tidak yakin tentang itu)

I dont think so (aku tidak berpikir begitu)

Im not certainty about that (saya tidak pasti tentang hal itu)

I doubt that (saya ragu)

Contoh dialog dalam penggunaan ungkapan kepastian dan ketidakpastian

Marvin : Guys, yesterday I watched on the news, in China there are two
human bee.

Selena : Me too.

Brad : Are you sure about it ?

Adam : Im not really sure about the news.

Jessy : They named Lu Kongjiang 20 years old and Wang Dalin 42 years old.

Mora : Why are they called the humans bee ?

Marvin : Because their whole body covered with hundreds of thousands

of bee.
Brad : Im still not sure about the news.

Mily : Why dont you try to get the truth ?

Brad : OK. I will try to get the truth.

Nesty : The drinks coming, here youre guys.

Adam : Thank you.

memberi dan menanggapi certainy/kepastian or uncertainty/ketidakpastian
Ketika kita tak yakin dengan informasi yang disampaikan orang lain. Kita akan mencari suatu
kepastian yang menanyakan apakah informasi itu meyakinkan atau tidak. Jika dalam bahasa
indonesia kita sering menggunakan kata "benarkah?", "kau yakin?", dll. Kalau dalam bahasa
inggris kita bisa menggunakan beberapa kata berikut:
>1> are you sure?
>2> are you certain?
>3> really?
>4> are you really sure?
>5> are you really certain?
Yang artinya:
>1> apakah kamu yakin?
>2> apakah kamu yakin?
>3> benarkah?
>4> apakah kamu benar-benar yakin?
>5> apakah kamu benar-benar yakin?

Kalimat /kata diatas digunakan untuk bertanya apakah informasi itu meyakinkan atau tidak.
Mereka atau kamu jika ditanya seperti diatas bisa menjawab menggunakan kata/kalimat
jika meyakinkan
>1> i'm quite sure.
>2> i'm really sure.
>3> i'm quite certain.
>4> i'm really certain.
>5> i have no doubt about it.
>6> absolurely.
>7> definitely.
Yang artinya:
>1> aku cukup yakin.
>2> aku benar-benar yakin.
>3> aku cukup yakin.
>4> aku benar-benar yakin.
>5> aku tidak punya keraguan tentang itu.
>6> mutlak.
>7> tentu.
jika tidak meyakinkan
>1> i'm not sure.
>2> i have a doubt about that.
>3> i can't say anything right now.
>4> probably.
Yang artinya:
>1> aku tidak yakin.
>2> aku memiliti keraguan tentang itu.
>3> aku tidak bisa mengatakan apa-apa sekarang.
>4> mungkin.

Contoh dialog:

ucok: "hi, saskia. Do you know that Mr Rangga is getting married this sunday?"
Saskia: "Really? Are you sure with that news?"
ucok: "definitely. I have the invitation to his wedding party. Will you come with me?"
saskia: "sorry. I can't say anything right now. I have to talk to my dad and mom, first."
(source: passport to the world 3)

Sebagai orang indonesia pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan yang namanya pujian
(compliment). Karena emang orang indonesia ini selain baik hati, ramah, dan santun, juga
memiliki kelebihan lain yaitu suka memuji lawan bicara untuk menyenangkan hati orang lain.
Sobat pasti pernah kan mengalaminya. Entah itu sobat yang memberikannya
(pujian/compliment) atau yang mendapatkannya dari sahabat sobat atau keluarga. Oke
langsung saja kita penjelasan dibawah ini untuk mendapatkan penjelasan lebih..

Definition of Expression of Compliment

Expression of Compliment is an expression that we say to express or give praise to someone
else. (Expression of Compliment adalah ekspresi yang kita katakan untuk mengungkapkan
atau memberikan pujian kepada orang lain).

Jadi ungkapan pujian atau kekaguman diberikan oleh seseorang kepada orang lain apabila ia
merasa heran atau merasa seseorang telah memiliki sesuatu yang luar biasa, bagus, indah atau
melakukan sesuatu yang dianggapnya diluar kemampuan normalnya.

Orang barar mengatakan compliment is used to butter up somebody or to flatter in order

to increase good will, for example :(pujian digunakan untuk menyanjung seseorang untuk
meningkatkan niat baik, misalnya)
On his/her general appearance
(Pada penamplannya secara umum)
If you notice something new about the persons appearance
(Jika Anda melihat sesuatu yang baru tentang penampilan seseorang)
When you visit someones house for the first time
(Ketika Anda mengunjungi rumah seseorang untuk pertama kalinya)
When other people do their best
(Ketika orang lain melakukan yang terbaik)

Asking for Compliments

What do you think of my new , (then)?
(Apa yang Anda pikirkan tentang .baru saya, (kemudian)?
I think . suits me. Dont you?
(Saya pikir . pas untuk saya, bukan?)
Do you like my (new) ..?
(Apakah kamu suka . baru saya?)

Expressing Compliment
Well done!
(Sudah selesai dilakukan dengan baik!)
Thats great!
(Itu hebat!)
I like .
(Saya suka .)
That/Those . is/are nice.
(. itu/ini bagus)
.. look/looks nice on you.
( tampak bagus pada kamu)
You do look nice in .
(Kamu tampak sangat bagus dengan)
You have a beautiful hair.
(Kamu memiliki sebuah rambut yang bagus)
You have a nice voice.
(Kamu memiliki sebuah suara yang bagus)
Mary got nine for English. What a clever girl.
(Mari mendapat nilai sembilan pada pelajaran bahasa inggris. Betapa pintarnya dia)
How beautiful flower is.
(Bunga ini bagus sekali)
What a beautiful flower.
(Bunga ini bagus sekali)

Responding to a Compliment
Thank you/Thanks.
(terima kasih
Its nice of you to say so.
(Ini bagus sekali Anda mengatakan begitu.)
Really? Im not sure about it, actualy.
(Benarkah? Saya tidak yakin tentang hal itu, sebenarnya.)
Do you really think so?
(Apa kau benar-benar berpikir begitu?)
Its very kind of you to say that.
(Sangat baik bagi Anda untuk mengatakan itu.)
Thanks, I need that.
(Terima kasih, saya butuh itu)
Youve my day.
(Kamu punya hari saya)

Contoh Dialog Tentang Complimenting

Dialog 1
Harsya: What a great Motorcycle you have, Pandu.
Pandu : Thank you, Harsya. I just finished modifying it.
Harsya: You mean this is the old motorcycle that you used to drive to school?
Pandu : Yes, it is.
Harsya: It looks a lot different. What did you do to it?
Pandu : Not much. I had it paint with a brighter colour and add some new accessories.
Harsya: Great job!
Pandu : Thanks.

Terjemahannya :
Harsya: Bagus sekali motor kamu, Pandu.
Pandu: Terima kasih, Harsya. Saya baru saja selesai memodifikasinya.
Harsya: Maksudmu ini adalah motor tua yang digunakan untuk pergi ke sekolah?
Pandu: Ya, betul.
Harsya: Ini terlihat jauh berbeda. Apa yang kamu lakukan terhadap motor kamu?
Pandu: Tidak banyak. Aku sudah mengecat dengan warna cerah dan menambahkan beberapa
aksesoris baru.
Harsya: Kerja yang bagus!
Pandu: Terima kasih.

Dialog 2
Situation 2. Marsya is wearing a new T-shirt. She meets his friend, Ilham. Ilham admires
Marsyas T-shirt
Ilham: Thats a nice and cute T-shirt youre wearing.
Marsya: I appreciate you compliment. It was a birthday present from my mother.
Ilham: Where did your mother buy it?
Marsya: My mother said that she had bought it for me when she was in Singapore
Ilham: Your look beautiful with that expensive T-shirt
Marsya: Thank you but this is a really cheap T-shirt.

Terjemahan bebasnya contoh dialog copliment dalam bahasa Inggris diatas adalah:

Situasi 2. Marsya sedang mamakai kaos baru. Dia bertemu temannya, Ilham. Ilham
mengagumi kaosnya
Ilham: Itu kaos yang kamu pakai sangat bagus
Marsya: Aku hargai pujianmu. Ini adalah kaos hadiah ulang tahun dari ibuku
Ilham: Dimana ibumu membelinya?
Marsya: Ibu bilang beliau membeli kaos ini khusus untuk aku ketika berada di Singapore
Ilham: Kamu kelihatan begitu cantik dengan kaos yang mahal itu
Marsya: Terimah kasih tapi ini adalah kaos yang harganya murah.

Demikianlah pembahasan mengenai Expressions of Giving & Responding Compliments.

Semoga bisa menambah pemahaman anda mengenai materi ini.
Sekian dulu ya. Trimakasih atas kunjungannya Bye..

Giving and responding to compliments (Memberi dan menanggapi suatu pujian)

Giving complimentsComments intended response to the work of someone

whose only objective was to describe or explain the work of the person. The
work referred to here is the work of information, including news, stories,
articles, speeches, issues, and so on.

To comment on the issue is not only the origin. Comments can only be
delivered if the full information obtained from this problem. Not only that,
comments can be submitted only when a logical reason to have a taste or in

If seen from the way penyampainnya, comments were divided two kinds,
namely verbal comments and comments in writing. Examples of written
comments is often seen on the internet. On the internet media works someone
who can not do comments, either orally, in writing only. Later examples of
verbal commentary that is often seen is on campus. Students comment on what
the faculty, students commented that the group made a presentation to the class,
and so on.

How to respond to existing problems procedures. Comments made politely so as

not to offend the people who commented. Feedback or comments are also
presented logically and with good reason.

If the views of its kind, the kind of divided into 3 types of comments, such as:

Praise, praise is something the recognition of one's advantage or benefit of a

work. Praise is an appreciation of the worshipers who is credited for his work.
Usually this is followed by a word of praise, incredible, wow, etc.

Saran, Saran is the opinion of one of the works created by someone. Provide
suggestions on the proposed suggestion of someone who should be considered
or reconsidered. Usually followed by the words must, must, etc.
Everyone likes to hear compliments. Compliments make people feel good
about themselves, and we all need that at times. Hotel guests and staff are no
exceptions. Guests may give hotel staff compliments for the quality of their
service, for their English ability, for their appearance in an unique uniform, or
for doing something a little extra for the guest.
A hotel staff may give a guest a compliment about how they look in a newly
purchased outfit, or for their patience when a problem arises, or for a beautiful
new hair style after visiting a beauty parlor. Look at the expressions below that
can be used when giving and responding to compliments.
Expression Of Giving Compaliment
Giving Complaiments
Thats a very nice (dress).
Great job on the (presentation).
You look very good in (that new hair-do).
This dish is delicious, my compliments to the chef.
That (tie) looks great on you.

Responses to compliments
How kind of you to say so.
Thank you.
Im glad you like it.
It was nothing really. (an expression of modesty and humility)
Learn the expressions used for giving compliments to others. Practice by saying
them loudly.
Your performance on the stage is amazing.
How wonderful to listen to your great voice.
How mar vellous .
Great ! (You look great) / Great for you.
Terrific ! (Hey, thats terrific !)
Thats really remarkable /well done.

Now, learn the expressions use for responding to compliments.

Its very kind of you to say so.
Thank you.
I can say how pleased (delighted) I am.
Im delighted to hear that.
Thank for your compliment.

Staff: What a beautiful dress, Mrs. Elliot.
Guest: Thanks, Im glad you like it.
Staff: Your new hair-do looks absolutely gorgeous, Mrs. Simpson.
Guest: How kind of you to say so.
Guest: My compliments to the chef. This linguine is superb.
Staff: Thank you maam. Ill be sure to let the chef know.
Guest: Your English is very good.
Staff: Thank you very much.
Staff: Excellent game Mr. Johnson. You really gave me a workout.
Guest: Thanks, I guess all those private lessons are finally paying off.
Guest: I really appreciate all the extra work you did on helping us solve that
problem. It truly went above and beyond. My compliments to your work ethic.

Staff: Thank you sir, how kind of you to say so.

Dalam bahasa inggris kita mengenal ungkapan memberikan pujian dengan giving
compliment. Dalam penggunaaannya dan cara mengungkapkannya, ada beberapa ungkapan
yang seringk ita gunakan untuk memuji sesseorang, seperti ungkapan-ungkapan dibawah ini:
1. May i say how elegent you look (Bolehkah aku berkata bahwa kamu begitu terlihat sangat
2. If i may so, you are quite charming (kamu begitu mempesona)
3. My compliments on your beautiful (Pujian-pujianku ada kecantikanmu)
4. I really must expess my admiration for your party (aku harus mengungkapkan kekeguman
5. You are looking good (kamu terlihat cantik)
6. What a charming drees (begitu mempesonanya gaun ini)

Untuk merespon atau menanggapi pujian (compliment) yang seseorang sampaikan, kita bisa
menggunakan ungkapan sebagai berikut:
1. Thank you (terima kasih)
2. Oh, it is not necessary (tidak perlu begitu)

Dibawah ini adalah beberapa contoh dialog yang menggunkaan ungkapan memuji seseorang
(giving compliiment) dan beserta ilustrasinya, sebagai berikut:

Dialog 1

Miftah and Fairuz meet in the edge of the road to school.

Miftah : What a great motorcycle you have, Fairuz
Fairuz : Thank you, my father has bought me a new black one
Miftah : So where is your old motorcycle?
Fairuz : i am still modifiying in workshop
Miftah : Wow, you have a good idea
Fairuz : Hee just for fun


Miftah dan Fairuz bertemu di pinggir jalan menuju kesekolah

Miftah : Begitu luarbiasanya motor barumu, Fairuz
Fairuz : Terima kasih, ayahku sudah membelikanku sebuah motor hitam yang baru
Miftah : Lalu, dimanakah motormu yang dulu
Fairuz : aku asih memodifikasinya di bengkel
Miftah : Wow, kamu mempunyai ide yang bagus
Fairuz : Hee hanya untuk kesenangan saja

Dialog 2

Tia comes to Dwis home and Dwi is still making a cookies.

Dwi : Tia,, would you like to try my cookies from my newest recipe?
Tia : Yes, of couse, i woud
Dwi : How about the taste of my cookies?
Tia : What a sweet cookes i have ever tried. It is really great in mouth
Dwi : Thank you,
Tia : May i try again?
Dwi : Enjoy it as possible as you want
Tia : Heheheh, How about if i buy your cookies fo my mom?
Dwi : Dont make a joke


Tia datang krumah Dwi dan Dwi sedang membuat kueh kering
Dwi : Tia,, Maukah kamu mencoba kueh keringku dari resep terbaruku?
Tia : Ya, tentu . aku mau
Dwi : Bagaimana dengan rasa keu keringku?
Tia : Begitu manisnya kue kering ini yang pernah aku coba. Ini lumer dimulut
Dwi : Terima kasih
Tia : Bolehkah saya mencobanya lagi
Dwi : Nikmatilah semau kamu
Tia : Heheheh, Bagaimana kalau aku membeli kueh keringmu untuk ibuku?
Dwi : Jangan membuat lelucon

Demikian penjelasan yang bisa kami sampaikan tentang Pengertian, Contoh Ungkapan Dan
Dialog Giving Compliment Dalam Bahasa Inggris semoga artikel ini bermanfaat dan dapat
membantu anda dalam mengerjakan tugas. sampai jumpa di artikel kami selanjut nya.

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