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Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah &

Menyenangkan ini?
Sebagian besar file dalam Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah &
Menyenangkan adalah file audio berbentuk mp3. Dengan
demikian Anda leluasa menggunakannya di berbagai piranti
berbeda seperti:

Notebook/PC mp3/mp4 player Ipod Atau Handphone

Jadi Anda bisa membawanya ke manapun Anda mau dan

kapanpun Anda inginkan. Tidak ada lagi keterbatasan waktu
dan tempat belajar.Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah &
Menyenangkan terdiri dari 2 bagian: Basic English dan Real

A. Basic English
Basic English berisi beberapa pelajaran yang sangat
dasar dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Pelajaran-pelajaran dasar tersebut mencakup:

 English Alphabet
 English Number
 Colors
 Day and dates
 Seasons
 The Weather
 Time
 Appearances
 Greetings
Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 1
Jika Anda belum pernah mendapatkan atau belum
mengetahui pelajaran-pelajaran di atas, silakan mulai
dari Basic English ini. Tapi kalau Anda merasa ini terlalu
mudah, Anda boleh melewatinya dan langsung menuju
Real English, karena pelajaran utama dalam Belajar
Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan adalah yang
termuat dalam Real English.

Setiap pelajaran dalam Basic English terdiri atas 1 file

audio (mp3) dan 1 file teks (pdf).
Baca dan review file teks tersebut sambil mendengarkan
audionya. Ingat, jangan dihafalkan. Anda cukup
mereviewnya saja. Gunakan kamus jika mendapati kata-
kata sulit.

Dengarkan berulang-ulang audionya, sambil Anda

perhatikan cara pengucapannya. Dengarkan dengan
santai, rileks dan berulang-ulang.

B. Real English
Terdapat 4 level dalam Real English.
Level 1 sampai 3 Masing-masing terdiri atas beberapa
set pelajaran, dan dalam setiap setnya terdapat minimal
4 pelajaran yang berbeda, yaitu beberapa file audio
(mp3) dengan topik yang sama, dan 1 file pdf.

Setiap hari Anda harus mendengarkan SATU SET

pelajaran. Dengarkan secara berulang-ulang selama satu
minggu atau lebih. Ingat! Anda hanya akan mendengarkan
1 set pelajaran selama sekurang-kurangnya 1 minggu.

Gb.1 Terdapat 4 level dalam Real English

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 2

Gb.2 Masing-masing level terdiri atas beberapa set

Anda hanya boleh mendengarkan satu set pelajaran

selama minimal satu minggu. Hal ini sangat penting!
Kemampuan bahasa Inggris Anda akan meningkat dengan
cepat hanya dengan mengikuti metode tersebut –
mendengarkan satu set pelajaran setiap hari selama
minimal satu minggu.

Apa saja yang termuat dalam setiap set pelajaran?

Level 1 sampai 3
1. Story (pdf)
Merupakan cerita singkat dalam format pdf.
Baca cerita tersebut dan review daftar kata-katanya.
Jangan “mempelajarinya”. Jangan pula mencoba
menghafalnya. Yang perlu Anda lakukan hanya
membacanya beberapa kali setiap hari dan mereview
beberapa kata baru (lakukan dengan santai).
Gunakan kamus untuk menerjemahkan kata-kata sulit
jika diperlukan.

2. Audio story (mp3)

Merupakan file audio dari cerita di atas. dengarkan saja.
Rileks dan nikmatilah. Dengarkan beberapa kali setiap
hari selama minimal satu minggu. Tujuan Anda adalah
memahami 100% secara instant dan otomatis, bukan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 3
3. Listen and Answer (mp3)
Ini merupakan pelajaran yang paling penting dalam
Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan . Anda
akan sering menggunakan tombol pause (tombol jeda
sejenak) pada bagian ini.

Akan diajukan banyak pertanyaan dalam pelajaran ini.

Tentunya pertanyaan yang masih berkaitan dengan
story sebelumnya. Anda juga akan mendengarkan

Pertama, dengarkan saja. Kemudian, dengarkan dan

pause di setiap akhir pertanyaan. Jawablah setiap
pertanyaan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan suara
keras, kemudian lanjutkan mendengar lagi. Pause lagi di
setiap akhir pertanyaan dan jawablah dengan suara
keras (jangan hanya bergumam). Lakukan hal tersebut
sampai semua pertanyaan habis Anda dengarkan dan
anda jawab.

jawaban di setiap akhir pertanyaan.

Jangan khawatir kalau di awal anda tidak memahami

semuanya. Jangan takut salah. Anda punya banyak
waktu untuk melakukannya berulang-ulang.

Pada beberapa bagian tertentu mungkin Anda

mendengar statement (pernyataan) sebelum sebuah
question (pertanyaan) diajukan. Hal ini untuk me-refresh
ingatan Anda tentang beberapa hal pada cerita
sebelumnya, agar Anda mudah menjawab pertanyaan
yang diajukan.
Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 4
Anda tidak harus menjawab dengan kalimat lengkap.
Anda boleh menjawabnya hanya dengan satu atau dua
kata, atau sekadar yes dan no saja.

Ketika Anda menjawab pertanyaan, jangan takut kalau

jawaban Anda salah. Jawaban salah dan benar tidak
penting. Yang paling penting adalah kecepatan Anda
menjawabnya. Cobalah untuk menjawabnya dengan
sangat cepat (ingat, boleh menjawab dengan satu kata).
Kecepatan adalah tujuan Anda.

Di awal, mungkin agak sulit. Tidak masalah, gunakan

tombol pause Anda. Kemudian sedikit demi sedikit
cobalah untuk melakukannya dengan tanpa
menggunakan tombol pause tersebut.

Dengarkan berkali-kali bagian pelajaran ini setiap hari

selama minimal satu minggu (sekurang-kurangnya 30
Listen and Answer adalah bagian terpenting dalam
Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan ini,
karena inilah yang akan melatih refleks bicara bahasa
Inggris Anda. Jadi Sering-seringlah mendengar bagian

4. Dictation (mp3)
Merupakan bagian pengayaan. Akan diucapkan
beberapa kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris. Tugas Anda
adalah, menekan tombol pause (menghentikan sejenak)
di setiap akhir kalimat yang diucapkan, kemudian
menuliskan kalimat tersebut di kertas.

Demikian Anda lakukan berulang-ulang sampai seluruh

kalimat habis Anda tulis. Lakukan dengan santai dan
pelan-pelan. Ulangi lagi jika masih ada kesalahan.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 5

Lakukan beberapa kali sampai Anda bisa memahami
dengan jelas dan menuliskannya dengan benar setiap
kalimat yang diucapkan.

5. Multi-perspective Story (hanya di level 3)

Ini merupakan bagian pendalaman. Anda hanya akan
menemukan pelajaran ini di level 3.
Pada pelajaran ini Anda akan mendengarkan sebuah
cerita dibacakan dengan beberapa perspektif waktu
yang berbeda.

Ini adalah cara untuk meningkatkan kemampuan

grammar Anda, tanpa mempelajarinya. Dengarkan saja
dengan saksama, jangan berfikir tentang aturan-aturan
grammar. Just listen!

Mungkin akan terasa agak sulit di awal, tapi tenang saja,

tidak usah melakukan hal lain. Dengarkan saja.

Setelah Anda dengarkan berkali-kali, cobalah untuk

menceritakan kembali apa yang telah Anda dengar
tersebut. Coba untuk menceritakan dengan beberapa
perspektif waktu yang berbeda.

Tapi ingat, jangan memaksakan diri. Biarkan

kemampuan Anda berkembang secara natural. Kalau
merasa masih sulit, coba dengarkan lagi.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 6

Level 4
Ini merupakan level terakhir dalam Belajar Bahasa
Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan . Orientasi level adalah
Business English. Pelajari level ini hanya jika Anda
sudah merasa ‘matang’ dengan semua pelajaran di level
Terdapat lebih dari 20 set pelajaran di level ini. Tiap set

1. Conversation model (mp3)

2. Conversation Script (pdf/doc)

Sama seperti pelajaran-pelajaran sebelumnya, tugas

anda adalah mendengarkan.

Ambil satu set pelajaran, baca beberapa kali script-nya.

Ingat, jangan dihafal. Cukup dibaca dan direview.
Gunakan kamus kalau menemui kata-kata sulit.

Setelah itu dengarkan file audionya. Dengarkan

berulang-ulang sampai Anda bisa memahami 100% apa
yang menjadi topik utama dalam percakapan tersebut.

Pertama, dengarkan saja. Kemudian cobalah untuk ikut

terlibat dalam sebuah percakapan. Gunakan tombol
pause Anda. Berperanlah sebagai salah satu pelaku
percakapan. Pause di setiap akhir pertanyaan dan
jawablah dengan suara keras.

Jangan takut salah. Lakukan dengan santai dan rileks.

Anda punya banyak waktu untuk mendengarkan kembali
setiap isi percakapan.

Kunci dari setiap pelajaran dalam Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Mudah & Menyenangkan adalah mendengarkan
Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 7
Bagaimana menggunakan rangkaian materi-materi di
1. Pertama, bacalah story (pdf) yang ada di setiap set.
Hanya baca dan review,
jangan “mempelajarinya”. Jangan pula mencoba
2. Dengarkan audio story beberapa kali.
3. Dengarkan Listen and Answer berkali-kali.
4. Dengarkan multi-perspective story (khusus level 3)
beberapa kali.
5. Dengar dan tuliskan Dictation beberapa kali.
6. Dengar dan perankan conversation model berkali-kali
(khusus level 4)

Jadwal belajar yang disarankan

Sistem ini merupakan sistem belajar yang mendalam.
Tujuannya adalah membuat Anda memiliki reflek Bahasa
Inggris bawah sadar. Anda akan mempelajari setiap
pelajaran dengan baik dan santai. Belajarlah pelan-pelan
sesuai dengan petunjuk di atas dan akan merasakan betapa
mudahnya berbicara Bahasa Inggris.
Anda akan melihat hasil yang luar biasa pada diri Anda.
Anda akan mengalami peningkatan tajam dalam
kemampuan Bahasa Inggris.

Jadwal terbaik agar sistem ini bekerja optimal adalah:

Pelajari setiap set pelajaran selama satu minggu atau lebih.
Benar! HANYA SATU SET selama minimal satu minggu.
Tidak masalah jika Anda melakukannya 2 atau 3 minggu.

Tiap hari, dengarkan setiap pelajaran minimal 3 kali.

Lakukan selama minimal satu minggu. Sehingga anda
mengulang tiap pelajaran minimal 20 kali. Akan lebih baik
jika Anda mengulanginya 30 kali atau lebih. Tetapi ingat,
Listen and Answer adalah bagian terpentingnya. Jadi jika

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 8

waktu Anda terbatas, yang menjadi prioritas terbesar Anda
adalah Listen and Answer.

Anda boleh membagi waktu belajar Anda. Misalnya, 30

menit di pagi hari, 30 menit dalam perjalanan ke
kantor/sekolah, 30 menit dalam perjalanan pulang, dan 30
menit terakhir sebelum tidur.

Rileks, jangan berfikir tentang grammar. Dengarkan dan

nikmati setiap pelajaran yang diberikan. Jangan merasa
tertekan. Anda hanya perlu mendengarkan dan menjawab
pertanyaan (dalam Listen and Answer). Gunakan tombol
pause untuk memudahkan. Jika Anda mengalami kesulitan,
kembalilah ke depan dan dengarkan lagi. Listening adalah
aktifitas terpenting dalam Belajar Bahasa.

Mulailah dari level 1. Pelajaran di level ini adalah pelajaran

yang paling pelan, pendek, dan paling mudah. Kemudian
beralihlah ke level 2. Pelajaran di level 2 ini diucapkan lebih
cepat dari level 1. Setelah Anda merasa cukup, Pindahlah ke
level 3. pertama mungkin akan terasa sulit karena pelajaran
yang disampaikan mungkin terlalu cepat bagi Anda. Lakukan
saja hal sama seperti dalam level-level sebelumnya.
Listen, listen, and listen!

Kemudian jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan dalam Listen

and Answer. Cobalah untuk selalu meningkatkan kecepatan
Anda dalam menjawab setiap pertanyaan. Faster is better!
Itulah prinsip yang harus Anda pegang dalam Listen and

Jika Anda merasa 1 minggu masih kurang, Anda boleh untuk

mendengarkan hanya satu set pelajaran selama 4 minggu,
bahkan 8 atau 10 minggu jika perlu. Jangan berfikir untuk
segera menghabiskan semua set pelajaran yang ada.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 9

Bahkan jika Anda merasa pelajaran di level 1 masih terlalu
sulit, rileks saja. Lakukan dengan pelan. Jangan terburu-buru
untuk berpindah ke level berikutnya jika Anda merasa belum
‘matang’ dengan semua pelajaran di level itu. Rileks dan
fokus pada pemahaman.

Mulailah dengan memilih satu set pelajaran di level 1.

dengarkan semua pelajaran yang ada di dalamnya setiap
hari sampai Anda memahaminya 100%.
Lakukan pelan-pelan, santai, dan Anda akan mendapati
kemampuan Bahasa Inggris Anda meningkat dengan cepat.
Bahkan jika Anda hanya mendengarkan 1 pelajaran selama
10 minggu sekalipun.

OK. Anda lihat kan? Sama sekali tidak ada aturan grammar
dalam sistem ini. Karena sistem ini mengikuti pola Natural
Order (Belajar secara alamiah seperti anak-anak). Inilah
yang membuat belajar Bahasa Inggris menjadi mudah dan

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 11

The English Alphabet

The alphabet A-Z

Aa BbCcDdEe Ff Gq Hh

Ii Ji Kk LI Mm Nn 0o Pp
Qq R r S s T t Uu VvWw Xx

A E I 0 U


Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 12

The Phonetic Alphabet

When spelling (especially over the phone) use the

phonetic alphabet to avoid confusion.
A Alpha B Bravo C Charlie D Delta E Echo F Foxtrot G Golf H
Hotel I India J Juliet K Kilo L Lima M Mike N November O Oscar
P Papa Q Quebec R Romeo S Sierra T Tango U Uniform V Victor
W Whisky X X-Ray Y Yankee Z Zulu

Common Symbols

Symbol Word (common term in brackets) . full stop , comma ?

question mark ! exclamation mark : colon ; semi-colon - hyphen
(dash) & ampersand / virgule (forward slash) \ reversed virgule
(backward slash) @ at # hash £ pound symbol € euro symbol $
dollar symbol ' apostrophe — tilde * asterisk ' acute accent ' grave
accent " quotation mark ( ) left / right parentheses MN left / right
square bracket {} left / right brace < > left / right angle bracket

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 13

English Numbers

Whole Numbers also known as Cardinal Numbers - used for


Symbol Word

0 Nought

1 One

2 Two

3 Three

4 Four

5 Five

6 Six

7 Seven

8 Eight

9 Nine

10 Ten

11 Eleven

12 Twelve

13 Thirteen

14 Fourteen

15 Fifteen

16 Sixteen

17 Seventeen

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 14

18 Eighteen

19 Nineteen

20 Twenty

21 Twenty one

30 Thirty
40 Fourty

50 Fifty

60 Sixty

70 Seventy

80 Eighty

90 Ninety

100 One hundred / a


101 One hundred and one

1.000 One thousand

1000.000 One million One billion

Ordinal Numbers - used for ranking

In figures In words

1st The first

2nd The second
3rd The third
4th The fourth

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 15

5th The fifth
6th The sixth
7th The seventh
8th The eighth
9th The ninth
10th The tenth
11th The eleventh
12th The twelfth
13th The thirteenth
14th The fourteenth
15th The fifteen
16th The sixteen
17th The seventeen
18th The eighteen
19th The nineteen
20th The twentieth
21st The twenty-first
22nd The twenty-second
23rd The twenty-third
24th The twenty-fourth
25th The twenty-fifth
26th The twenty-sixth
27th The twenty-seventh
28th The twenty-eighth
29th The twenty-nine
30th The thirtieth
40th The fortieth
50th The fiftieth
60th The sixtieth
70th The seventieth
80th The eightieth
90th The ninetieth
100th The hundredth
101st The hundred and first
1000th The thousandth

Ordinal numbers are often used in fractions

Symbol Word

1/8 One eighth

1/5 One fifth

% One quarter

% Three quarters

1/3 One third

2/3 Two third

1/2 One half

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 17


Primary Colours
In art, there are three primary colours. These are colours that
cannot be made by mixing other colours together. They are - red,
blue, and yellow:-


Secondary Colours
If you mix two primary colours together, you create what is called
a secondary colour. Mixing red and blue creates purple; blue and
yellow make green and yellow and red make orange.


Tertiary Colours
Tertiary colours are neutral colours such as browns and greys.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 18

If you mix three primary colours together, you get a tertiary
colour or if you mix a primary colour and a secondary colour,
you get a tertiary colour.


Black and White


Black adds shadow to a colour.

But white makes a colour lighter.


Light blue


Light green,

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 19

Days and Dates

The days of the week The months of the year

Monday January
Tuesday February
Wednesday March

Thursday April

Friday May
Saturday June
Sunday July




In figures In words
1st The first
2nd The second
3rd The third

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 20

4th The fourth
5th The fifth

6th The sixth

7th The seventh

8th The eighth
9th The ninth

10th The tenth

11th The eleventh

12th The twelfth

13th The thirteenth

14th The fourteenth

15th The fifteen

16th The sixteen

17th The seventeen

18th The eighteen

19th The nineteen

20th The twentieth

21st The twenty-first

22nd The twenty-second

23rd The twenty-third

24th The twenty-fourth

25th The twenty-fifth

26th The twenty-sixth

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 21
27th The twenty-seventh
28th The twenty-eighth
29th The twenty-nine

30th The thirtieth

31st The thirty first

E4pressing the year

2008 Two thousand and eight

1900 Nineteen hundred

1959 Nineteen fifty-nine

2000 The year 2000

E4pressing the date

1st January 2004 The first of January 2004

07/09/1959 The seventh of September 1959

August 12 2003 August the 12th 2003

For single days and dates we use on.

For example:

I was born on the 7th of the month.

For months we use in.

For example:

I was born in September.

My birthday is on September the 7th.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 22
Additional Lesson
AD stands for Anno Domini (Latin for "In the year of (Our) Lord"), abbreviated
as AD. It defines an epoch based on the traditionally-reckoned year of the
conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth. it is used in the English language to
denote years after the start of this time.

BC stands for Before Christ (from the Ancient Greek "Christos" or "Anointed
One", referring to Jesus), abbreviated as BC, it is used in the English
language to denote years before the start of this time.

Some non-Christians also use the abbreviations AD and BC without

intending to acknowledge the Christian connotation, but some people prefer
the alternatives 'CE' (Common Era) and 'BCE' (Before Common Era),
arguing that they are more neutral terms. .

A millennium (pl. millennia) is a period of one thousand years.

A century is a period of one hundred consecutive years. Centuries

are numbered ordinally (e.g. "the nineteenth century").

A decade is a period of 10 years.

The decades from 1920 to 1999, are called "the Twenties", "the Sixties", etc.
But the current decade has no universally accepted name. Some refer to the
decade as the "twenty hundreds" while others may refer to it as the "two
thousands". In written form, this could appear as "the '00s" or "the 2000s". But
writing "the 2000s" or simply saying "the two-thousands" can cause confusion,
since this could refer to the entire 21st century or even the entire millennium.
Some people tried to popularize "the Noughties" as the decade's name. This is
a play on words, nought means "zero" and noughties sounds both like nineties
and naughty.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 23

The Seasons

Spring Dry





Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 24

The Weather

Using verbs to describe the weather

The sun is shining It's drizzling

It's raining (The rain is

The wind is blowing

It's pouring (The rain is

It's hailing
pouring down).

It's snowing (The

It's thundering
snow is falling).

Using adjectives to describe the weather

It's sweltering. or It's It's freezing. or It's a

a sweltering day. freezing day.

It's warm. or It's a It's cold. or It's a cold

warm day. day.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 25

It's sunny. or It's a It's cloudy. or It's a
sunny day. cloudy day.

It's clear. or It's It's stormy. or It's a

a clear day. stormy day.

It's misty. or It's It's foggy. or It's

a misty day. a foggy day.

It's breezy. or It's a It's windy. or It's

breezy day a windy day.

It's showery. or It's a It's rainy. or It's a rainy

showery day. day.

It's frosty. or It's a It's snowy. or It's a

frosty day. snowy day.

It's icy. or It's an icy It's drizzly. or It's a

day. drizzly day.

It's dry. or It's a dry It's wet. or It's a wet

day. day.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 26

Describing the weather generally

wet, miserable,
hot, scorching

warm, mild,
dull, grey
fine, dry

cool, refreshing cold, chilly

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 27


Time (1)

When it's "on the hour" we say "o'clock". But only when it's on the hour.

Twelve o'clock Six o'clock

One o'clock Seven o'clock

Two o'clock Eight o'clock

Three o'clock Nine o'clock

Four o'clock Ten o'clock

Five o'clock Eleven o'clock

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 28

Time (2)
When it's past the hour (up to 30 minutes past) we say

"past". When it's before the hour (after 30 minutes past) we

say "to". There are 60 minutes in an hour.

30 minutes is half an hour, we say "half past" or "thirty".

15 minutes is quarter of an hour, we say "quarter past" or "fifteen" or "quarter to"

or "forty-five".

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 29

Twelve fifteen
Twelve o'clock or
Quarter past twelve

Twelve thirty
or Twelve forty-five
Half past twelve or
Quarter to one
We never say "half

00:00 and 24:00 =

12:00 = Twelve
Twelve midnight
noon (or noon)
(or midnight)

Writing the time

morning 00:01 - 11:59

a.m. - stands for Ante Meridiem (the time between

00:01 - 12:00
midnight and noon)

noon or midday 12:00

p.m. - stands for Post Meridian (after noon) 12:01 - 24:00

afternoon 12:01 - 18:00

evening 18:01 - 22:00

night 22:01 - 24:00

midnight 24:00 / 00:00

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 30

Appearances - How to describe someone in


He is tall. He is short. He is normal height.


She is skinny. (negative/impolite) She is fat. (negative)

She is underweight. (negative/impolite) She is overweight. (negative)

She is thin. (negative/impolite) She is plump. (neutral)

She is slim. (positive/polite) She is stocky. (neutral)

She is slender. (positive/polite) She is bonny. (positive)

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 31

Note - if a man is fat (especially round the waist) we often say he has a beer belly.


Blonde/fair hair:
Brown hair
Red hair
Black hair
Grey hair


Grey eyes
Green eyes
Blue eyes
Brown eyes
Dark eyes

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 32


Everyday Greetings

Good Morning

Good Afternoon

Good Evening

Good Bye

good Night

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 33

Special Greetings

Merry Christmas

Happy new year

Good luck!


Get well soon!

Shaking Hands

When meeting someone formally for the first time, we shake their hand and say
"How do you do?" or "Pleased to meet you."
"How do you do?" isn't really a question, it just means "Hello".

Generally we do not shake hands with people we know well.

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A Drunk Pilot

There were 102 passengers on the plane. They were waiting for the plane
to take off. But the plane was just sitting there. The plane could not take
off without a pilot. The co-pilot was already on board. But the pilot was
not. Where was the pilot? The flight attendants didn't know. The co-pilot
didn't know. The passengers didn't know. Finally, the pilot got on the
plane. He was singing and laughing. He waved to all the passengers. He
said hello. He told them his name--three times. His eyes were bloodshot.
His breath smelled of alcohol. He said, "Are you all ready to fly? We're
going to fly. We're going to fly high into the sky." A passenger close to
him was angry. "Why are you so late?" The pilot said, "I'm not late—you're
early!" He laughed at his own joke. "You're drunk," the passenger said. He
dialed 911. The police came. They talked to the pilot. They took him off
the plane. He was still laughing and singing. "Mom, if the police take the
pilot to jail, who will fly our plane?" a little boy asked his mother. The flight
attendant announced that a new pilot would arrive shortly. Many
passengers looked at their watches.

A Wedding
"Tomorrow will be the best day of my life," Betty said. "Yes, it will be,"
said her mom. "I'm so happy for you. Paul is such a good man. He will
make a great husband and father. And he's so nice. Your dad and I both

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love him." Betty met Paul after she broke her leg. She broke her leg
skiing. Paul was the doctor who fixed her leg. He visited her every day in
the hospital. Then he visited her at home. He brought her Get Well
cards and gifts. They fell in love with each other. "I never thought a
broken leg would be a good thing," Betty told her mom. "But it was the
best thing that ever happened to you. Life is strange sometimes," her
mom said. After Betty's leg healed, she and Paul started dating. They
went to movies and restaurants. They went to the beach. They even went
skiing. They were so happy together. One day Paul asked Betty to marry
him. "Can we have lots of kids?" she asked. "Of course," he said. "But let
me teach them how to ski." They both laughed.

A Windy Day

It's a windy day. The wind is blowing hard. Paper is blowing

everywhere. The wind blew the man's hat off. It blew the woman's hat off.
It blew a bird off the telephone wire. The other birds laughed. The wind
keeps blowing. The trees are bending over. The people outside are
bending over. The wind makes it hard to walk. The wind makes it hard to
drive. The big trucks have to pull over. They have to stop on the side of
the freeway. One driver did not stop. He was in a hurry. The wind blew
his truck over. The big truck is on its side. The wheels are spinning in the
wind. The driver was not hurt. He is waiting for a crane. The crane will
pick up the truck. The crane will put the truck on its wheels again. The
driver learned his lesson. He will never drive in the wind again. The wind

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makes it hard to fly, too. Pilots know the wind is dangerous. They do not
fly their small planes in windy weather. They do not want to crash into the
ground. A crash will kill them. They sit at the airport. They drink coffee.
They wait for the wind to die down.

Brush Your Teeth

She walked into the bathroom. She took the cap off the tube of
toothpaste. She squeezed some toothpaste onto her toothbrush. She
turned on the cold water. She brushed her upper teeth and spit out some
toothpaste. She brushed her lower teeth and spit out some more
toothpaste. She rinsed out her toothbrush. She put the toothbrush back
into the toothbrush holder. She put some water into a cup and rinsed out
her mouth. She spit out the water and walked out of the bathroom.

Bus Accident

There was a bus accident. The bus accident was near a dam. The
bus ran off the road. The bus tipped over. Two people died. Eight people
were hurt. The bus driver was going too fast. The road is a two-lane road.
It is a narrow road. It isn't a wide road. The road is not straight. It bends
a lot. It curves a lot. The road looks like a snake. The speed limit is 25
mph. The bus was going 50 mph. The passengers were afraid. The bus
ran into a guard rail. Then the bus tipped over. Passengers yelled.

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Passengers screamed. Passengers fell down. Passengers fell on other
passengers. Luggage flew through the air. Luggage hit people. Luggage
hit people in the face. Luggage hit people in the head. The windows broke.
The windshield broke. Glass was everywhere. Bodies were everywhere.
Luggage was everywhere. The ambulances came. They took people to
the hospital. The police came. They took the driver to jail.

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$100 Deposit

The well-dressed, gray-haired woman was crying her eyes out. She
had just been fined $100 by the judge because a month ago her dog
made a mess on the front lawn of the courthouse.

"I just got out of the cab and I leashed Poopsie to the light pole. After
I paid the fare and gave the driver a dollar tip, I turned around and saw
that Poopsie had made a mess. I didn't have any plastic bags, so I said,
'Well, Poopsie, let's go home. There's nothing I can do about this now.'

"We were just starting home when I heard this voice out of nowhere:
'Excuse me, ma'am. Is that your dog?' I turned around. It was an officer of
the law. Well, of course, it was my dog. 'That dog just made an illegal
deposit on the courthouse lawn. As its owner, it's your responsibility to
dispose of that deposit. See the sign over there? I'm going to have to
write you a citation.'

"I asked him what sign he was talking about. He pointed all the way
down to the end of the block. One little sign, a block away! How could
anyone see that? I couldn't see that sign with my best opera glasses. The
officer said that I could fight the ticket. He said the judge was a nice old
man who owned four dogs. So I said, 'OK, thank you, I'll fight the ticket.'

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"So when I went to court, I dressed Poopsie up in his prettiest
ribbons and made extra sure he did his business first. We were both so
excited. I just knew the judge and Poopsie would hit it off.

"But do you know what happened when we got inside? They had a
different judge, a judge who is allergic to dogs, and he immediately
started sniffling, coughing, sneezing, and looking around. And then he
yelled at me to get the dog out of the courtroom. He fined me $100 on the
way out without even giving me a chance to talk about Poopsie's chronic
dyspepsia. It was terrible! I'm still upset."

A Missing Cat

The owner of a missing cat is asking for help. "My baby has been
missing for over a month now, and I want him back so badly," said Mrs.
Brown, a 56-year-old woman. Mrs. Brown lives by herself in a trailer park
near Clovis. She said that Clyde, her 7-year-old cat, didn't come home for
dinner more than a month ago. The next morning he didn't appear for
breakfast either. After Clyde missed an extra-special lunch, she called the

When the policeman asked her to describe Clyde, she told him that
Clyde had beautiful green eyes, had all his teeth but was missing half of
his left ear, and was seven years old and completely white. She then told
the officer that Clyde was about a foot high.

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A bell went off. "Is Clyde your child or your pet?" the officer
suspiciously asked. "Well, he's my cat, of course," Mrs. Brown replied.
"Lady, you're supposed to report missing PERSONS, not missing CATS,"
said the irritated policeman. "Well, who can I report this to?" she asked.
"You can't. You have to ask around your neighborhood or put up flyers,"
replied the officer.

Mrs. Brown figured that a billboard would work a lot better than an
8"x11" piece of paper on a telephone pole. There was an empty billboard
at the end of her street just off the interstate highway. The billboard had a
phone number on it. She called that number, and they told her they could
blow up a picture of Clyde (from Mrs. Brown's family album) and put it on
the billboard for all to see.

"But how can people see it when they whiz by on the interstate?"
she asked. "Oh, don't worry, ma'am, they only whiz by between 2 a.m.
and 5:30 a.m. The rest of the day, the interstate is so full of commuters
that no one moves." They told her it would cost only $3,000 a month. So
she took most of the money out of her savings account and rented the
billboard for a month.

The month has passed, but Clyde has not appeared. Because she
has almost no money in savings, Mrs. Brown called the local newspaper to
see if anyone could help her rent the billboard for just one more month.
She is waiting but, so far, no one has stepped forward.

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Better To Be Unlucky
Sam, an unemployed piano tuner, said it was only the second thing
he had ever won in his life. The first thing was an Afghan blanket at a
church raffle when he was 25 years old. But this was much bigger: it was
$120,000! He had won the Big Cube, a state lottery game. To win, a
contestant must first guess which number a spinning cube will stop on.
The cube has six numbers on it: 1X, 10X, 50X, 100X, 500X, and 1000X. If
he is correct, the contestant must then guess which of two selected
variables is going to be greater. So, just guessing which number appears
on the cube does not guarantee that you will win any money.

Sam correctly guessed 1000X, but he still had to choose between two
variables. One variable was the number of cars that would run the stop
sign at Hill Street and Lake Avenue in six hours. The other variable was
the number of times that a teenage boy would change TV channels in a
three-hour period. This was a tough decision.

Finally, Sam flipped a coin. It came up heads, so Sam picked the

teenager. He picked right. The stop sign was run only 76 times, but the
teen clicked 120 times. Sixty-year-old Sam jumped for joy, for he had just
won 1000 times 120, or $120,000. Sam dreamily left the lottery studio.
Talking excitedly on his cell phone while crossing the street, he got hit by a
little sports car.

Sam is slowly getting better. He was in the hospital for a month. His
hospital bill was $110,000. And the insurance company for the little sports

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car's owner sued Sam for $9,000 worth of repairs. Also, Sam still has to
pay federal taxes on his winnings. Sam doesn't play the state lottery any
more. He says it's better to be unlucky.

Book Him

A man accused of failing to return more than 700 children's books to

five different libraries in the county was released from jail yesterday after
a book publisher agreed to post his bond of $1,000. The publisher said,
"There's a story here. This is a man who loves books. He just can't let go
of them. He hasn't stolen a single book. So what's the crime? We think
that Mr. Barush has a story to tell. We plan to publish his story."

When asked why he didn't return the books, Mr. Barush said, "Well,
how could I? They became family to me. I was afraid to return them,
because I knew that kids or dogs would get hold of these books and chew
them up, throw them around, rip the pages, spill soda on them, get jam
and jelly on them, and drown them in the toilet."

He continued, "Books are people, too! They talk to you, they take care
of you, and they enrich you with wisdom and humor and love. A book is
my guest in my home. How could I kick it out? I repaired torn pages. I
dusted them with a soft clean cloth. I turned their pages so they could
breathe and get some fresh air.

"Every week I reorganized them on their shelves so they could meet new
friends. My books were HAPPY books. You could tell just by looking at
them. Now they're all back in the library, on the lower shelves, on the

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floors, at the mercy of all those runny-nosed kids. I can hear them calling
me! I need to rescue them. Excuse me. I have to go now."

Fishing for girls

Wednesday night, Howard asked Glenn if he wanted to go fishing and

girl-watching that weekend at Santa Fe Lake. "We'll leave Friday morning
and return late Sunday night," he said. Glenn said he had to clean out his
garage, so Howard went by himself.

Howard had also planned to lie around the hotel pool, soak up the
sun, read a good book, and look at pretty women in their bathing suits.
His own apartment didn't have a pool, so whenever he traveled, he always
liked to stay at a place with a pool. But when he arrived at the hotel about
noon, he saw that there were no pretty girls at the pool. There were no girls
at all. There was nobody at the pool, because the pool was empty. It was
being repaired all that week. The staff had "forgotten" to tell Howard this
little detail.

Howard called Glenn late Friday night.

"How was the fishing?" Glenn asked.

"Didn't see any, didn't catch any," replied Howard.

"Well, did you catch any women?"

"No. And don't even ask how many beauties I saw at the pool. I didn't
go to any bars. But I did go to a Mongolian all-you-can-eat place and had
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a good dinner. I think one of the waitresses liked me. She asked me if I
wanted extra ketchup."

"Well, I hope you said yes. Any time a woman asks you if you want
extra anything, that's female code. It means they like you."

"I said no. There was a whole bottle right in front of me."

"Well, you blew it. I don't know when you're going to learn to pick up
on those signals. Next time I'll go with you and show you all the tricks."

"If you knew all the tricks, you wouldn't be divorced three times."

Man Injured at Fast Food Place

A 79-year-old man was slightly injured on Saturday while waiting in

his brand new convertible in a drive-through lane at Burger Prince
restaurant. Herman Sherman of Northville suffered a mild burn about
9:00 p.m. when a young female employee accidentally spilled a cup of
coffee into his lap. Sherman said the coffee was hot but not scalding.

He refused medical aid, saying the only problem was the stain on
his slacks, but it would wash out. He was given a fresh refill. Before
Sherman drove off, the restaurant manager, John Johnson, gave him two
free gift certificates--one for an extra-large coffee and one for the
restaurant's newest sandwich, the McRap.

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The employee, who was a new hire, was let go later that evening. She
was quite upset. She said she would probably sue Burger Prince for
letting her go. She said it was the man's fault for ordering something that
she might be able to spill.

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Bad Choices

David Beckham is a man who wants to have his cake and eat it too. He
wants to be a famous movie star, and a famous footbal player. So he
moves to Hollywood. He hookes up with Tom Cruise. They hit it off
immediately. David likes Tom, Tom likes David. Beckham says, "the
bottom line is that I want to be a famous movie star, just like you Tom. Can
you help me?"

Tom says, "ofcourse, my God tells me that you'll be a big success in


So Tom introduces Beckham to a director who is very powerful. The

director makes a movie with Beckham. But it's a terrible movie. Everybody
hates it, and they hate Beckham. The public feels a powerful animosity
towards Beckham. They can't stand him. They yell at him. They shouting at
him. Beckham can't deal with the public animosity. He is a guwyw who is
very sensitive. He becomes scared. He feels this is a dire situation.
Beckham is so scared. He won't leave his house. He keeps the windows
closed and the door locked. He becomes paranoid. He won't leave the
house even to play soccer. Finally his team manager calls and says, "this
is a situation which is unacceptable, you're fired!"

Beckham cries, "no...!" He has no job and nobody can stand him.

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Busty Woman

Sara longs for a fella (fellow) named Bobby. She loves him deeply. But
Bobby lives in Norway and Sara live in San Fransisco. Everyday Sara
thinks about Bobby and feels unsettle. Finally she decides she must she
him to be happy. She flies to Norway to retrieve him and bring him back to
San Fransisco. She spots him at a beach. She wants to run to him but she
hesitates, because he's in the buff. She shocked Because he's with a
beautiful busty woman who is also in the buff. Sara starts to cry, then she
runs away. She returns to San Fransisco. Sara and Bobby never cross
path again.

Double Standard

There is a badass marine named sharon. He has an intimate relationship

with Julia Robert. They are very close. Sharon likes Julia. One day he
decides she's just not what he's looking for. He breaks up with Julia. Julia
feels betrayed. She says, "how can you do this to me? Why're you hurting
me? Please take me back". But sharon won't budge. He says "No, I don't
want you Julia". Julia can't get pass the break up. Everyday she follow
Sharon. Everyday she calls him. At first Sharon turns a blind eye to her
behavior. But finally, he can't ignore it anymore. He yells at Julia and says,
"I won't budge to this pressure, I won't take you back, so leave me alone!".
Julia asks, "do you have another girl friend?". He says, "yes, I'm dating
Hillary Clinton now. She is rich and very powerful". "really? I like her, I'm
going to vote for her", says Julia. She says, "I still feel little uneasy, but if

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you dating Hillary I guess it's okey. Julia smile and walks away. As she
leaves she yells, "so, is Bill free for dating?"

Lazy Husband

There was a girl name Tomoe. One day she took it upon herself to
change her husband. Tome was very picky. She wanted the apartment to
always be perfecly clean. But her husband was a lazy housekeeper. One
day Tomoe said, "when you do the laundry, please sort the clothes by
color". Tomoe was very polite, but her husband took this the wrong way.
He yelled, "why're you critisizing me, why do you hate me, I'm not a lazy
husband!". Then he jumped up and down. Pulled his hair and said, "I wash
my hand of this. I will never do the laundry again".


I'm walking down the street when a guy come to me and says, "hi, can I
chat with you for a moment?". He looks clean and very neat. I'm quite naïve
so I think he's just friendly. I say, "okey". The man asks me, "how far would
you go to save yourself?". I say, "what do you mean?". He says, "I'm talking
about the Christian faith. I want you to convert to Christianity". "actually I'm
a Buddist", I say. "what about your relatives, are they Buddist too?", he
asks. I tell him, "no, just me". He then tells me that I will go to hell if I don't
convert. He says I'm a bad person. He tells me all Buddist will go

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to hell. Finally he says that the Buddha and all Buddist serve the devil. I
yell at him, "go away, I refuse to listen to you anymore!".

Obsessive Behavior

Katie always obsesses about English. She consteadly worries about

taking the TOEFL test. When she worries, she always rubs her hand
together. They are always chafed. Her friend Gabrielle is the opposite. He
always ups to remain relax. He always reprimands Katie. "Katie, stop
obsessing about English dammed!". Katie never stands up to Gabrielle
directly. He just says, "I'm sorry, please don't be mad". Then she says,
"let's go to the library now and study English please..". Gabrielle always
nixes this idea. "hell no! we'll not studying English!". Katie feels unsettled,
but she says hesitatedly, "okay". However in her head she silently start to
review English grammar. Then she feels much better.

Small Man

There is a very small man named Jim. Jim is only one foot tall. Even
though Jim is 40 years old, people always perceive him as a child. In the
eyes of the public Jim is a cute little boy. Jim hates this. He says, "I want
people to accept me as I really am. I want them to give me unconditional
respect. I don't want people to go on treating me like a child". So, Jim goes
to the gym an exercises everyday. He becomes very strong. He also learns
kick boxing. One day a tall man sees him, laughs and says, "you're
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such a cute little man!". Jim gets angry. And he kicks the man. They start
fighting. The fight last for 20 hours. The man's head, and legs, and arms
become intertwined. They fall down. Jim finally breaks away from the man.
Then he jumps up, kicks him in the head, and the man falls down. Jim wins
the fight and yells, "no matter how you slice it, I just kick your ass".

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How to Find a Jo

Model 1
A: I was wondering if you could help me use the Student Job Center.
B: There are many ways; what kind of job would you like?
A: I want to work in a restaurant.
B: Fine! Will you need part-time or full-time work?
A: I want to work part-time.
B: Fine, the two best ways are to use our local listings binders over there
or you can use the computers with the Internet job listing sites. See
them over there?
A: Yes, I know what to do.
B: Well, in addition, you can schedule an appointment with a job counselor
on this list. If you would like to do that, sign here, OK?
A: Yes, I think that would be great.
B: Fine, well the job search tools are all here for you to use. Feel free
to look around and use what works best for you. Have fun with it!

Model 2
A: Could you help me figure out how to look for a job?
B: We have lots of options, what type of job do you need?
A: I want to work in an office
B: Do you want to work part-time or full-time?
A: I want to work full-time.
B: We have binders with local job listings or you can make use of the
computers. OK?
A: I am confused a bit but I am sure that I can figure it out.
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B: If you make an appointment with a job counselor, they can also provide
you with a lot of information. Do you want to see a counselor?
A: No, I don't think I need to do that.
B: Well, you know that this job center is here for your use, so help
yourself. Good luck!

Model 3
A: What is the best way to find a job here?
B: There are different ways of conducting a job search. Do you know what
you want to do?
A: I don't know.
B: Can you work part-time or full-time?
A: It doesn't matter right now, either one would be OK.
B: The binders have current local jobs listings and the computer jobs lists
are good too. Understand?
A: OK, I'll go check it out.
B: Schedule an appointment with a counselor and you can get more
information. Would that work for you?
A: I am not sure.
B: Everything that you need for a successful job search is here. Happy job

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Preparing for Job Interview

Model 1
A: Hey, could you help me try and figure out how to get ready for my job
B: The most important thing to do is to make sure you know the company
and what services or products it provides. Do you know all about them?
A: Yes, I pretty much understand the company.
B: Well, after you've done your research, you have to decide whether
the company is casual or formal. Have you decided what they are yet?
A: Yes, I've been observing them.
B: When you are choosing what to wear, keep all of that in mind. Have you
chosen what to wear?
A: I already have something to wear.
B: I would always be ready to go shopping with you! Should we talk
about other basics?
A: OK, I am ready to think of other things.
B: You need to make sure you arrive on time, smile, be pleasant and
friendly, look the person in the eye and answer all questions to the best of
your ability. You'll do great!

Model 2
A: I am not sure what to do to get ready for my job interview.
B: Make sure that you understand the company. Do you understand what
it is that they do?
A: No, I probably need to do some more research.
B: When you've finished your research it will help you figure out whether
your company is rigid in philosophy or kind of more relaxed. Does that
make sense?
A: I think that their attitude is rather casual.
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B: So all of that information will help you to pick out what to wear. Do
you have something to wear?
A: I have absolutely nothing so far.
B: I could go shopping with you sometime if you need it, but can we
talk about other basics?
A: Yes, where should we go from here?
B: Focus on being relaxed and open, don't forget to smile and shake
hands and be genuinely interested in what their company is about. I'm
sure you'll do well.

Model 3
A: What should I do to prepare for a job interview?
B: An understanding of the basic workings of a company and the
services or goods it provides is essential. Do you have that?
A: Sort of, but I could know more, I guess.
B: With that understanding, you can figure out what your company
is looking for in terms of basic attitude. Right?
A: I think that they are a very formal company.
B: What you wear is important. So keep in mind what is suitable for the
company and type of work you will be doing. Need help?
A: I need a lot of help in this area.
B: In addition to clothes we need to think about other basics, OK?
A: Yes, what else should we think of?
B: Be prompt. Don't forget to be friendly and interested. Listen carefully
and listen to what they are really asking you. You'll be a hit!

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Job Interview

Model 1
A: Good morning, I am here for my interview.
B: Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Mr. Gotcha. Have any trouble finding the
A: No problem.
B: So why don't you tell me why you are interested in changing positions?
A: Unfortunately, our company is shutting down due to the economy.
B: What would you consider your strengths?
A: I am probably best at researching for marketing purposes.
B: What is your biggest weakness?
A: I tend to get bored easily and so love to keep myself challenged.
B: We have a position where that could work out well.

Model 2
A: Hello, thank you for taking the time to interview me.
B: Hi there, I'm Bill Gotcha, the owner of Gotcha Enterprises. Did you find
your way here OK?
A: Your assistant gave wonderful directions.
B: Why are you switching jobs at this point in your career?
A: Our company is moving overseas and I wish to stay in the
United States.
B: What are you best at?
A: I am good at organizing systems that have been having problems.
B: What is your biggest challenge in terms of skills?
A: I don't like to sit around and so like to always find things to do to keep
myself busy.
B: That is good to hear!

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Model 3
A: Good afternoon. Thank you for the opportunity to interview for this
B: Hello, have a seat. I'm Bill Gotcha. I am assuming you found your way
here with no trouble?
A: Actually, I am very familiar with the area so there was absolutely
no problem.
B: I am curious as to why you want to leave your current employer.
A: I am interested in switching fields.
B: Do you feel that you are exceptionally good at anything in particular.
A: I am good at pulling together teams of people to accomplish a task.
B: What are you not good at?
A: I am impatient with myself at times and am hard on myself.
B: We appreciate hearing that about you!

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Job Interview II

Model 1
A: Good morning. Thank you for the interview.
B: No problem. Now, do you prefer working with others or flying solo?
A: Actually, I enjoy both.
B: So, what is most important to you in a job? Do you need job security
or professional growth and a chance to advance?
A: I need job security.
B: Would you be able to relocate?
A: I am open to relocating.
B: What are your annual salary requirements?
A: I need at least 75,000 per year.
B: I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for coming in today. We'll be in touch.

Model 2
A: Thank you so much for interviewing me this evening.
B: Happy to meet with you. Now, do you prefer group projects?
A: I like to work alone on some things and then bring those things to
the group.
B: Do you value a steady job more or one that offers a chance to
move ahead?
A: I want to grow in my job and move ahead.
B: Could you work for us in another state, if need be?
A: I need to stay in the area because of family.
B: How much do you need to make per year?
A: 75,000 per year.
B: Yikes! Thanks for your interest in this job. We'll be getting back to you.

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Model 3
A: Hello, I really appreciate the opportunity to interview for this position.
B: I was wondering if you like team projects, or projects that you work
on alone.
A: I like to work on group projects that value and need each
individual's contributions.
B: Are you most interested in a good steady job with benefits or one
that will allow you to quickly advance?
A: I have children so a steady job is important but I would like a chance
to advance.
B: How would you feel about relocating to another state?
A: I could not relocate in the next year, but might be open to it in
the future.
B: Do you know how much this job offers per year?
A: A minimum of 75,000 per year.
B: OK, well, that's all I need to know for now. If something comes up,
we'll be contacting you.

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Asking Questions at an Interview

Model 1
A: May I ask you how much this position pays per year?
B: This job pays sixty-five thousand dollars per year.
A: What kind of benefits does this job have?
B: This job provides full medical, dental, and disability.
A: What type of vacation time do we get?
B: You get 3 weeks paid vacation that you may use as you wish.
A: Do we have a 401K?
B: We offer a 401K with some matching funds available depending
on length of service.
A: What type of professional development do you offer?
B: We provide up-to-date training on state of the art equipment.
A: Where do I sign up for my benefits package?
B: Down the hall. I'll show you when the interview is over.

Model 2
A: What is the annual salary for this job?
B: The annual salary is sixty-five thousand dollars per year.
A: What does the benefits package include?
B: This job pays for half of your medical, dental, and disability.
A: Do we get paid time off?
B: You have a total of 21 days paid time off which can be used for
vacation, personal, or sick leave.
A: How about retirement?
B: We still offer a traditional retirement plan that pays out if you stay
with the company for 5 years or more.
A: Can I get company provided specialized training?
B: We offer full tuition reimbursement for job related classes.
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A: Where is the benefits office?
B: ItGs on the second floor in Suite 201.

Model 3
A: What will I earn per year in this job?
B: You can expect to earn sixty-five thousand dollars per year.
A: Are we covered by a good benefits plan?
B: The job has a menu plan where you are given a fixed amount of money
and you choose what you most need in terms of benefits.
A: Can we take personal days off?
B: You get 2 weeks paid vacation and an additional 10 days of sick leave.
A: What do you offer in terms of a retirement plan?
B: We do not currently offer any retirement plan.
A: Do you reimburse for education that relates to my job?
B: We allow several weeks release time each year for our employees to
attend job-related seminars and conferences.
A: Do you have a benefits brochure?
B: Whoa! Who said you got the job?

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Accepting a Job Offer

Model 1
A: Hello, is this Mr. Wallace?
B: Yes, this is Mr. Wallace.
A: Mr. Wallace, this is the Xenon Company.
B: Oh, hello, how are you doing?
A: Mr. Wallace, we were very pleased with your interview and would like to
offer you the position.
B: Wonderful! I am very happy to be able to join your organization.
A: We are interested in having you begin as soon as possible, perhaps
in two weeks?
B: Yes, that would be perfect! A:
OK, then, we will see you then.

Model 2
A: Good morning, may I speak with Mr. Wallace, please?
B: You are speaking to him, may I help you?
A: Hello, Mr. Wallace, this is the Xenon Company calling to speak with
B: Yes, good to hear from you!
A: We are calling you today to offer you the job you interviewed for last
B: That's great! I am looking forward to working for you.
A: Would you be able to begin working for us in two weeks?
B: I could begin working then with no problem. A:
Welcome to our company; we will see you then.

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Model 3
A: This is Jason Brack calling, is Mr. Wallace in?
B: Yes, how may I help you?
A: I am calling you from the Xenon Company.
B: Yes, I was hoping to hear from you!
A: You had great interview and we are pleased to be able to offer you a
B: Excellent. I will consider it an honor to join your organization.
A: Would two weeks from now be a good start date for you?
B: That would be great. I could give notice to my current job and start with
you on that date.
A: Glad that will work for both of us; I look forward to seeing you then.

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Talking on the Phone

Model 1
A: Hello, this is Ray. May I speak with Lee?
B: Yes, this is Lee speaking.
A: Hi, Lee. How are you today?
B: Oh, things are going great. What's up?
A: I was wondering if you could meet me tomorrow for lunch?
B: Sure! Where did you have in mind?
A: I was thinking of Joe's in the village.
B: I love that place. Sure, let's go there.
A: Fine then, I'll meet you around twelve.
B: I'll see you there. Look forward to it.

Model 2
A: Good morning, this is Ray speaking. Is Lee in?
B: Hi, Ray. This is Lee.
A: Good morning, Lee. How is it going with you today?
B: Things are wonderful. What can I help you with?
A: Could we meet for lunch tomorrow to discuss the new project?
B: That would be great. What restaurant did you have in mind?
A: We could go to Lozano's downtown.
B: That would be perfect. It's a nice quiet place to meet.
A: I'll see you there around twelve then.
B: I am looking forward to meeting with you. See you then.

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Model 3
A: Hi, may I speak with Lee? This is Ray.
B: Lee here.
A: Lee, I thought that was you. How's it going?
B: I am doing well. How can I help you?
A: I would like to treat you to lunch tomorrow so I can get
some suggestions from you.
B: Sounds like a plan. Where would you like to meet?
A: How about the new Chinese place next door?
B: Yes, that would work well for me.
A: OK, I'll join you around twelve for lunch then.
B: It's a go then. See you there.

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Making a Request for Office Supplies

Model 1
A: Excuse me. I was wondering how to order office supplies.
B: We have a requisition form on the company web site. What type of
supplies do you need?
A: I need paper, ink cartridges, and paper clips.
B: How quickly will you need your supplies?
A: I need all of my supplies right away.
B: We also will have to check your department budget. Do you know
how much money you have for office supplies?
A: I will check to see what my budget is.
B: Would you like these supplies delivered or would you like to pick
them up?
A: Please deliver them to my office.
B: Fine, well just send the form to us and we will let you know as soon
as your supplies come in. Have a good day!
A: Thank you!

Model 2
A: I need help in ordering my office supplies.
B: You can print out a copy of the Order Supply Form from our
company web site and turn in into me. What will you be needing?
A: I need ink cartridges, staples, and Post-its.
B: Will you need all of them right away or can some wait?
A: Some of these can wait but there are a few things that I need
right away.
B: You can only buy supplies that you have a budget for. Do you
know what your budget is?
A: We have plenty of money for office supplies.
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B: You can pick these supplies up or they can be delivered to
your building. Which would you prefer?
A: I want to pick them up.
B: Well, just finish the request and we will contact you when the supplies
come in. Have a good day!
A: You too!

Model 3
A: How do I order the office supplies that I need?
B: Fill out this form with whatever you need. What do you need the most?
A: I need many things.
B: I can get a few of them right away, but might have to order some.
A: I can wait a few days for these items.
B: Make sure that you have money allocated for these supplies.
How much do you have for office supplies?
A: I don't think we have very much money for supplies, but we have a little.
B: Would you like them delivered to you or can you come get them here?
A: I am not sure yet.
B: When you finish completing the request form, we will order and let you
know when the supplies are here. Have a great day!
A: Good-bye!

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Offering Help

Model 1
A: I was wondering if you need any help on your new project.
B: Sure! That would be great! Are you good at writing or would you rather
do the computer work?
A: I would like to help with the computer work.
B: Great! We are going to be working in teams of three. Are you OK
working with others?
A: Yes, I like working like that.
B: We will begin next Monday. Would you be available then?
A: Yes, I can be there.
B: Well, if you could send me your basic background information
before next Monday, it would be useful.
A: OK, I will send the information to you.
B: Well then, thanks for your help. Have a great day!

Model 2
A: Would you like me to help you on your new project?
B: I would love the help! Would you prefer helping with the writing part or
is programming more your thing?
A: I would enjoy helping with the writing portion.
B: Perfect! You'll be working alone on that portion. Do you like to work
A: That is OK sometimes.
B: Our first meeting is next Monday. Could you meet with us at that time?
A: No, I can't be there.
B: Please send me your background information before the meeting so
I can look at it.

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A: I can send that information to you.
B: OK. I look forward to working with you. Enjoy your week!

Model 3

A: Could I help you on your new project?

B: I have a need for help with writing and also a need for help with
the computer work. Which would you prefer?
A: I want to help with both.
B: That would be wonderful. Sometimes we will be working together
and sometimes independently. Would that be OK?
A: Most of the time that is what I prefer.
B: We start on Monday. Can you be there?
A: I am not sure yet.
B: I need your background information before the meeting.
A: I will do that.
B: I'll enjoy working with you. Have a great day!

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Asking for Help

Model 1
A: Can you help me plan the office party?
B: Sure. What do you need the most help with, the food or entertainment?
A: I need help with food.
B: OK, well, let's coordinate our efforts. Should this party be formal
or casual?
A: I think it should be casual.
B: I agree. Next, we have to decide on food. We have a choice of
Chinese or Continental Cuisine. Which one should we have?
A: I would prefer Chinese food for this party.
B: Perfect choice. For music, should we have a live band or a DJ?
A: I think we should hire a live band.
B: OK then. Well, I will work on my part and get back to you with
my progress on Friday.

Model 2
A: I need help with the office party.
B: Yes, of course. We could split it. What part would you like to do,
the food or the entertainment?
A: I have no idea what the entertainment should be.
B: Let's make sure we are on the same page. Do we want a formal
or informal gathering?
A: Let's make it a formal affair.
B: Yes, that would be best. Now, for food should we have Chinese or
American food?
A: American food would be the best choice.
B: That would be great. What kind of music would you like, a band or
recorded music?
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A: We should bring in a really good DJ.
B: That works for me. Let's see what we can each do about planning
our part and meet again on Friday.

Model 3
A: Would you help me figure out what to do about the office party?
B: I would be happy to help. What would you like me to help with, food or
A: I would like to help you with both.
B: That will work out fine. To make sure everything goes together, do
you think this party should be casual or dressy?
A: A dressy party would be fun!
B: That will work out fine. Do you think that Chinese or Continental
food would be best?
A: We should probably have both.
B: Yes, that will work out fine. Should we hire a band or bring in a DJ?
A: Maybe we could do both!
B: Everything sounds great then! I'll meet you back here on Friday
to discuss the details.

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Responding to a Plea for Help

Model 1
A: Is there anything I can help?
B: Yes, thank you. I am really far behind on this project. Could you help
me with the extra typing or xeroxing?
A: I can do either one.
B: Good. That would be very helpful. Can you start with those pages over
A: No problem.
B: Thank you very much! How long have you been working here?
A: I have been working here for 5 years.
B: Well, we have some special projects coming up. Would you be
interested in working on any of those?
A: Yes, I would love to work on a special project!
B: Well then, I'll keep you in the loop. Thank you for your help today.

Model 2
A: Do you need any help?
B: I need some help catching up. Are you good at typing or could you help
me xerox?
A: I like xeroxing.
B: Thank you! There are papers on the table to start with.
A: That would be OK.
B: I really appreciate the help. How many years have you been with the
A: I just started working here.
B: I have a special assignment coming up. Would you be interested
in helping me on it?
A: I'd like to, but I am very busy.
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B: I'll make sure that management keeps you in mind for special projects
in the future. Thanks for the help!

Model 3
A: What can I do to help you?
B: I have some extra help with my project. What would you prefer to help
me with, typing or xeroxing?
A: I could do some typing for you.
B: That is very kind of you to offer to do that. Can you start with the pages
on the table?
A: That would be a good place to start.
B: I like your positive attitude. How many years have you been employed
A: I have worked here long time.
B: We have a really interesting project coming up. Would you want to
join us on it?
A: I'm not sure. Let me think about it.
B: OK. I will mention how great you were about helping me today. I
appreciate your help.

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Giving Instructions on How to Do a Timesheet

Model 1
A: Can you help me with my timesheet?
B: Sure! I can help you. Do you know where the timesheets are kept?
A: No, I don't know where to find one.
B: Well, once you get one off the shelf over there, you first put your name
on it. OK?
A: Yes, I can do that.
B: Now you have to fill in the hours in the blanks and total the hours for
the week. Do you know how to use military time?
A: No, I don't know what that is.
B: OK, so we just start counting hours at midnight and record it. Show
all minutes as a dot and then write how many minutes. OK?
A: Yes, I understand how to do this.
B: After you total your hours, make sure you sign it and turn it in to
your supervisor.
A: That was easy!
B: Good luck and let me know if you need any help later on.

Model 2
A: How do we do timesheets here?
B: They are actually fairly straightforward. Do you know where the blanks
are kept?
A: Yes, I already have one.
B: OK, well after you take one out of that second drawer, you put your
name on the top. Do you see?
A: I am kind of confused.
B: Next you fill in all of your hours for each day and total them. Do
you know how to show time on a 24-hour clock?
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A: I'm not quite sure.
B: Midnight is zero and when you put the minutes in, make sure that you
show them with a dot followed by the minutes. Do you understand?
A: No, I have no idea what you are talking about.
B: It's easy, just write in the hours, total it, sign it, and put it in the box.
A: Thanks for your help.
B: Try it and if you can't do it, one of us can always help you later.

Model 3
A: I need help with my timesheet.
B: OK, no problem. Have you found the blank ones?
A: Yes, I have seen them.
B: Yes, well put your name on it after you have downloaded it off the
company website. OK?
A: Yes, I understand what to do.
B: You fill in the hours and total them for the week. Have you ever used a
24 hour clock?
A: What? Huh?
B: So after you noted the hours, starting at zero which is midnight, you just
write down the minutes as a dot followed by minutes. Get it?
A: Huh? What?
B: Just make sure you show your total, sign it, and turn it in.
A: I thought you said this was easy.
B: You are a quick learner. I don't think you'll have any trouble with this.

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Making a Phone Call

Model 1
A: I need help figuring out how to use this phone.
B: Sure. First you pick up the receiver and hit one of the first 3 buttons. Do
you hear a tone?
A: Yes, I hear the tone.
B: OK. Now you dial 9 on the keypad. Do you hear the tone change?
A: Yes, it changed.
B: Well, when you hear it change, that means you have an outside line.
Where are you trying to call?
A: I am trying to call home.
B: OK. Well, to dial to the outside you just now dial the number. For a call
inside the company just hit the extension number. Do you know the
A: Yes, I have a list of extensions.
B: Well, if you ever need help with an extension, you can dial O.

Model 2
A: Can you show me how to use this phone?
B: Yes, I can help you with that. Pick up the receiver and hit one of the
buttons. Do you hear a tone?
A: No, I don't hear anything.
B: Next you dial 9 on the keypad. You should hear the tone change. Did
you hear it change?
A: I'm not sure.
B: OK. Well, after you get the line to change you have an outside line.
Who are you trying to call?
A: I am trying to call a client.
B: To call a number on the outside you now just dial the number. For
Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah & Menyenangkan 77
inside calls, punch in the extension number. Has someone given you
an extension list?
A: No, I don't know anyone's extension.
B: All of the extensions are listed on the wall chart over there if you ever
need help.

Model 3
A: I want to make a phone call. Can you show me how?
B: Of course, pick up the receiver, hit a button and listen for a tone. Are
you hearing it?
A: Yes, now what do I do?
B: Well, after you dial 9 on the keypad, you should hear the tone change.
A: No, nothing changed.
B: When you dial 9 and hear the tone change it means you have
an outside line. Who are you trying to call?
A: I am trying to call my boss.
B: For an outside call you now just dial the number. For a company number
you need to know the extension. Do you have a list of extensions?
A: I know a few extensions but I don't know all of them.
B: You can always look an extension up on the company website.

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Making an Appointment for a Meeting

Model 1
A: I would like to make an appointment for a project meeting.
B: Of course, I have Monday or Tuesday available. What day would
be best for you?
A: I would like to meet on Monday.
B: Very well then. Are mornings or afternoons best?
A: I want to come in the morning.
B: I will have my assistant check my calendar and get back to you with the
exact time. Can you bring me an outline of the project when you come?
A: Yes, I can bring the outline when I come to the meeting.
B: Do you think that we should include the entire committee in the meeting
or just our sub-committee?
A: I think that we should have just the sub-committee.
B: OK then, I will make the arrangements for them to attend. Do you know
how to get there?
A: No, I need directions, please.
B: Fine, we will make sure that we send you all of the information that you
need. See you there!

Model 2
A: Could I meet with you to discuss the project?
B: Good idea. We could meet on Monday or Tuesday. Which day would
you prefer?
A: Tuesday would be good for me.
B: OK. Do you think we should meet in the morning or in the afternoon?
A: I think the afternoon would be best.
B: That will work out. I will e-mail the exact time tomorrow. I need you to
bring your plans with you.
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A: Yes, I will bring my plans with me to the meeting.
B: Should we invite the whole committee or should we just have the sub-
committee there?
A: I feel that the whole committee needs to be there.
B: Yes, I agree. We'll make sure that they get notified. Can you find the
meeting place?
A: Yes, I know how to get there on my own.
B: Great! We will send you all the details later. Looking forward to
meeting with you!
Model 3
A: When could we meet to discuss the project?
B: I will be available on Monday or Tuesday. Choose which day is best for
A: I prefer Monday.
B: Good. Can you come in the morning or would afternoon be best?
A: Either one is OK.
B: Great! When I check with the others, I will send you an exact time.
When you come, be prepared to do your presentation.
A: I will be prepared to do my presentation.
B: Who would you like to see there? Just the sub-committee or should we
ask the whole committee?
A: Everyone needs to be there.
B: That will probably be best. Do you need help with directions?
A: I think I know where it is. Maybe you could send me directions just to
make sure.
B: OK. We will e-mail you all the information you need tomorrow. Have a
good day!
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Rearranging an Appointment
Model 1
A: I had an appointment tomorrow and I need to change it to a different
B: Certainly, what day would be best for you?
A: I think that Monday or Tuesday would be good for me.
B: I can give you Monday; I have ten or eleven in the morning.
A: I think ten o'clock is best.
B: Fine, I'll put you down for that.
A. That would be great!
B. Happy I could help you; see you then!
Model 2
A: I was wondering if I could reschedule my appointment to a later date?
B: OK, just tell me what day would be best for your appointment.
A: Wednesday or Thursday would be perfect.
B: Thursday is available; would ten or eleven be best?
A: I would love to have an eleven o'clock appointment.
B: Great, I'll just add you in, if that works.
A. Perfect, I appreciate that.
B. So happy that we had an opening for you.
Model 3
A: I can't make my appointment and need to make another one.
B: That's OK, we can reschedule it if you tell me what day works for you.
A: Friday, Saturday, or Sunday would be good for me.
B: I can give you Friday; would you prefer ten or eleven?
A: Ten o'clock is perfect.
B: Well, in that case, I'll just write you in.
A. Thanks. That will work out well.
B. It was my pleasure to have been able to make it work.

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Giving an E4cuse for Being Late to Work

Model 1
A: Excuse me for being late to work.
B: Where have you been?
A: My car broke down.
B: That's too bad. Please try to fix it so that it doesn't happen again.
A: Yes, I'll work on it.
B: Thank you, have a seat. We are working on the new project
A: Great! Fill me in.
B: Let's take a look at the Campbell Project.
A: I don't understand the projected revenues.
B: Let's take another look at it for those of you who don't understand.

Model 2
A: I am sorry I am so late to work.
B: What was the problem?
A: I lost track of time.
B: Things happen; make sure it doesn't become a habit.
A: OK, it won't happen again.
B: All right, please take this message and call this client.
A: OK, no problem.
B: Now does everyone understand the diagram on the board?
A: Yes, I understand the numbers.
B: I will explain it again; especially for those of you who arrived late.

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Model 3
A: I lost track of time, am I late?
B: Yes. What kept you from arriving on time?
A: My friend needed me to help him.
B: I realize that everyone has emergencies; just get here on time from
now on.
A: My apologies.
B: I appreciate you saying that and would like you to join us in our
A: Sure, I'll sit right here.
B: Wonderful, does anyone have any questions about this project?
A: I am confused about the projected revenues.
B: I'm glad that some of you get it, but let's go over it once more.

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Accepting E4cuses for Not Meeting Commitments

Model 1
A: So tell me again, why couldn't you get the supplies I ordered?
B: Well I ordered them when you asked, but the supplier said they
might need to back order them.
A: OK, when do you think they will finally arrive?
B: I think maybe by Tuesday.
A: If they don't arrive by then, what are our options?
B: I could try another supplier down the street.
A: That would work for me.
B: OK, I will stay on it and let you know how it's going.
A: Thank you for taking care of the problem.
B: Thank you for your business. We appreciate you as a client.

Model 2
A: You promised me the supplies would be in today and now you say they
aren't here?
B: They said they had part of the order, but the rest won't be available until
A: I guess that's it then, when will you be able to get the rest?
B: I am not sure.
A: I am not convinced that will work for me, what now?
B: I could order them from another supplier as a back-up.
A: That is a good plan.
B: Good! I will call you later this afternoon and let you know when your
supplies will arrive.
A: I appreciate you staying on it.
B: We appreciate your business and aim to please.

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Model 3
A: I really needed the supplies today and you are telling me you don't
have them?
B: The supplier said that it will be a few more days until they can ship
the order.
A: Fine, what day will the whole order be here?
B: If we are lucky, they may get here tomorrow.
A: Is there anywhere else we can get these supplies?
B: Let's order the missing items from someone else just to be sure.
A: I appreciate that suggestion.
B: I will track your order on the internet and e-mail you the moment it
A: I look forward to hearing from you.
B: Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you in the

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Asking for a Description of a Person

Model 1

A: What does she look like?

B: Well, she was pretty tall, about 5 feet 10 inches and kind of
scary looking!
A: What do you mean, scary?
B: Well, she had a crazy sounding laugh and wild hair. Do you know
what I mean?
A: Yes, I know what you mean.
B: And her piercing eyes! She looked like an alien who just came
down from outer space. Do you believe that people from outer
space live amongst us?
A: No, that's impossible!
B: Unless they beam us up for a ride, we will never know for sure.
Have you ever thought that you saw a flying saucer?
A: Are you crazy?
B: Hah, I guess we never know what can happen. Do you like Star
Wars movies?
A: Yes, I have seen all of the Star Wars movies.
B: I loved Star Wars movies. My favorite character was Yoda. What
about you?
A: I liked Darth Vader.
B: Yeah, that character was pretty cool. If you had to describe
that character, what would you say about them?
A: She was very beautiful.
B: Yeah, I know what you mean!

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Model 2

A: Can you describe her for me?

B: She was large, hairy, and scary!
A: What are you talking about?
B: When she laughed, it sent chills up my spine. Have you ever met
someone like that?
A: Yes, one time I met someone like that.
B: She had eyes like laser beams. Sometimes I wonder if aliens from
UFOs live here with us. Do you think that's possible?
A: Sure, I think it could happen.
B: I guess it's impossible to say for sure unless you go for a ride in
one. Do you think that would be an interesting experience?
A: No, I never want to be near a UFO!
B: Well, you will probably never see one. Have you seen any Star
Wars movies?
A: No, I haven't seen any Star Wars movies.
B: Star Wars was the best. I really like Darth Vader. Do you have
a favorite character?
A: I like Luke Skywalker.
B: Oh yeah, I forgot about that character! What words do you think would
best describe that character?
A: He looked like a black vacuum cleaner.
B: I totally agree!

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Model 3

A: How does she look?

B: I am not sure how tall she was but she was very scary!
A: Is this a joke?
B: Oh my god, you should have seen her! She looked like she had just
crawled out from underneath something. Do you get what I am saying?
A: No, I have no idea what you are talking about.
B: Oh man, her eyes were the most incredible glowing green. She might
be a Martian or something. Do you think that is possible?
A: Yes, I believe in UFOs.
B: I've never seen a UFO but I would like to. How about you?
A: Yes, I think that seeing a UFO would be fascinating.
B: Personally, I've never seen one. I think is would be fun to see the
universe like in a Star Wars movie. Have you seen the Star Wars movies?
A: I saw some of them.
B: I loved the special effects and the story. I like Princess Leah. Who did
you like the best?
A: I like Yoda.
B: Yes, that is a good choice. How would you describe that character if
you had to tell someone what they looked like?
A: He was hot!
B: That's a really good description.

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Asking for Permission
Model 1
A: I was wondering if I could borrow the company van for a fundraiser this
B: Sure, I think that would be possible. Where is the fundraiser?
A: It is in the park downtown.
B: Would you need it for both Saturday and Sunday?
A: We will need it for Saturday only.
B: I think that would be OK. Who will be driving it?
A: Mary and I will be driving the van.
B: Could you drop it off on Sunday night?
A: Yes, we can do that. Can we borrow the chairs from the lunchroom
B: Yes, that would be fine. Just make sure that everything is returned by
Sunday night.

Model 2
A: Our unit is participating in a fundraiser this weekend and would like to
borrow the van, if possible.
B: I would need to check on that. Where is the fundraiser?
A: It will be at the beach by the pier.
B: What day will you need it for?
A: We will only be needing it for Sunday.
B: Maybe that could work. I need to know who will be driving it.
A: The only two drivers will be Mary and I.
B: If I give you the keys to the garage, could you bring it back on
Sunday evening?
A: Sure. We also would like to use the chairs from the lunchroom.
Would that be OK?
B: OK, but make sure that everything is back by Sunday night at the latest.

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Model 3
A: Could we borrow the company van for a fundraiser this weekend?
B: That would be a possibility. Where is this fundraiser taking place?
A: It is in the hotel ballroom down the street.
B: Do you need it for the whole weekend?
A: We will need it for both days.
B: We will need to know who will be driving the van.
A: The van will be driven by Mary and me.
B: It needs to be back on Sunday night. Can you arrange for that?
A: Oh yeah, no problem. Would you mind if we borrowed a few of the
chairs from the lunchroom.
B: Just keep track of everything and get it all back where you took it
from by Sunday evening.

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Agreement and Disagreement

Model 1
A: I was thinking of holding the company retreat in the mountains.
B: I agree, I think that that would be perfect!
A: I was thinking it could take place sometime in January.
B: That might be a little too cold for some people.
A: Yes, you are right.
B: What about April? April has good weather that isn't too cold or too hot.
A: Yes, that would work out better.
B: You know, maybe we could take a survey to see how that works for
A: Good idea! We'll have to get right on it.
B: Fine! Well, I'll get right on it now!

Model 2
A: I think that the company retreat should be in the mountains this year.
B: What a great idea!
A: January would be a good month for a mountain retreat.
B: I like the mountain idea, but I am not so sure about the month of
A: You know, now that I think about it, you might be right.
B: April might be nice. It is far enough away to make the necessary
A: That is a good suggestion.
B: We could ask everyone what would be the best time for them.
A: Yeah, that would let us know what would work best.
B: I'll put the survey online this afternoon.

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Model 3
A: The Mountains would be a great place for the company retreat.
B: That's a wonderful choice.
A: I have chosen January as the month for this retreat.
B: January is a little too close to the Christmas holidays.
A: Yes, maybe another choice might be better.
B: I think that April would work. Spring is a lovely time to be in
the mountains.
A: Thank you for thinking of that.
B: Maybe if we asked around we could see what people would prefer.
A: That is a good idea.
B: I'll take care of taking the survey and get back to you with the answers.

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Certainty and Uncertainty

Model 1

A: I was thinking about applying for the new position.

B: Do you think that is a good idea?
A: It seems like a good idea but I am not really sure.
B: What are your main concerns?
A: Well, it would give me a chance to grow, but I am wondering if I
would like the job.
B: I know what you mean, I've thought about that myself.
A: I also am thinking about the pay.
B: Could you take a slight pay decrease for a chance to move forward?
A: Yes, it might be worth it. I am not certain.
B: I think I'm convinced that trying for this position is the best choice for

Model 2

A: I am not certain, but I think I might ask to be considered for the new job.
B: Why are you considering trying for it?
A: I think that I might like it, but I am still thinking about it.
B: What is it about this job that appeals to you?
A: I think that I would enjoy the position but there isn't a lot of creativity
B: Yes, you could be right. There is a lot to consider.
A: I am also wondering about the pay.
B: Would a slight decrease in pay be worth it for a new opportunity for
A: I am thinking that might be the case.
B: I think you should give it a shot. What do you have to lose? You
can always change your mind.
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Model 3
A: I am considering going for the new job that was posted yesterday.
B: Are you certain that that is what you want to do.
A: It may not be the best choice for me, but I am considering it.
B: Why do you think that this would be a good move?
A: I believe that this job would allow me to move up but might be a little
boring for me.
B: Yes, there are always pros and cons to making a career change.
A: Also, the matter of pay is also a consideration.
B: I think the slight pay decrease might be worth it. The benefits are much
A: Yes, sometimes giving up a little to move forward is the best choice.
B: I think you definitely should apply for the position.

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Likes and Dislikes

Model 1
A: Whoa, look at all those ice cream choices!
B: Yes, that is a lot of choices. What is your favorite?
A: I love anything with chocolate the best.
B: I like chocolate myself.
A: Is there any kind of ice cream you don't like?
B: I really don't like any ice cream with nuts in it.
A: I haven't ever cared for that myself.
B: Have you ever had garlic ice cream?
A: That sounds absolutely disgusting!
B: It was. Let's stick with the regular choices today, though.

Model 2
A: There are so many flavors of ice cream to choose from!
B: Yes, there must be about a hundred. Do you have a favorite?
A: I love fruit flavored ices the best.
B: Yes, fresh fruit flavored is the best ever.
A: What is your least favorite ice cream?
B: I don't like peppermint ice cream.
A: Yeah, I know what you mean.
B: One time, I tried garlic ice cream.
A: That could be interesting.
B: That doesn't sound like a good choice for today. Let's order!

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Model 3
A: I have never seen so many flavors of ice cream in one place!
B: There certainly are a lot. Can you choose a favorite?
A: Vanilla with toppings is my favorite.
B: Is there anything as good as a hot fudge sundae?
A: No way!
B: I don't like ice cream with too many different flavors in it.
A: I agree with that, it just doesn't work for me.
B: I saw garlic ice cream on the menu once.
A: I think that that would be horrible!
B: I think I'll stick with a more traditional choice today!

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Making Promises

Model 1
A: I need help preparing for my presentation on Friday.
B: I could help you with that.
A: Are you sure you have the time?
B: I promise you that I have the time to do this. If I didn't, I wouldn't offer to
A: What would be the best time for you to help me?
B: Tomorrow night would work for me.
A: Should we just meet here?
B: OK, and I'll bring some information that helped me with my
A: I'll see you then.
B: See you tomorrow night.

Model 2
A: Could you help me prepare for my presentation on Friday?
B: I would love to help you prepare for your presentation.
A: I hate to ask you to do something like that.
B: This will not interfere with my work. I promise you that.
A: When could we get together?
B: I could easily give you some time tomorrow night.
A: Would you like to meet at the coffee house next door?
B: Yes, and could you write down anything you might be having trouble
A: I'll come prepared.
B: Goodbye until then. I promise you that you'll do well after we meet.

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Model 3
A: I am a little nervous about my presentation on Friday.
B: If you would like me to, I could help you with that.
A: Wouldn't that take you away from your project?
B: I have plenty of time to do this. I promise you it won't be a problem for
A: Is there a good time for you to help me?
B: If we work on this tomorrow night, you could easily be ready for Friday.
A: How about meeting in my office?
B: That would work out well. Bring any concerns that you might have.
A: Sounds like you'll be able to help me a lot.
B: Don't worry. Everything will go well. I promise!

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