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■ Tablets are convenient to use and are an elegant dosage form.

Tablet sangat baik untuk digunakan dan merupakan sediaan yang elegan
■ A wide range of tablet types is available, offering a range of
drug release rates and durations of clinical effect. Tablets may
be formulated to offer rapid drug release or controlled drug
release, the latter reducing the number of daily doses required
(and in so doing increasing patient compliance).
Berbagai jenis tablet tersedia, menawarkan berbagai tingkat pelepasan
obat dan durasi efek klinis. Tablet dapat diformulasikan untuk
menawarkan pelepasan obat cepat atau pelepasan obat yang
terkontrol, ynag terakhir dapat mengurangi umlah dosis harian yang
dibutuhkan (dan dengan demikian meningkatkan kepatuhan terhadap
pasian )
■ Tablets may be formulated to release the therapeutic agent at a
particular site within the gastrointestinal tract to reduce sideeffects,
promote absorption at that site and provide a local
effect (e.g. ulcerative colitis). This may not be easily achieved
by other dosage forms that are administered orally.
Tablet dapat diformulasikan untuk menghasilkan atau melepaskan zat
terapeutik di tepat tertentu di dalam saluran gastrointestinal untuk
mnegurangi efek samping, meningktkan penyerapan pada areaa
tersebut dan menmberikan efek lokal (misalnya kolitis ulserativa).
Hal ini mungkin tidak mudah dicapai dnegan bentuk sediaan lain
yang dierikan secaa oral
■ Tablets may be formulated to contain more than one
therapeutic agent (even if there is a physical or chemical
incompatibility between each active agent). Moreover, the
release of each therapeutic agent may be effectively controlled
by the tablet formulation and design.
Tablet dapat diformulasikan untuk mengandung lebih dari pada agen terapeutik yang dapat dikendalikan secra eektif
oleh perumusan dan perumusan tablet

■ With the exception of proteins, all classes of therapeutic

agents may be administered orally in the form of tablets.
Dengan pengecualian protein, semua kelas agen terapetik dapat diberikan secara oral dalam bentuk tablet
■ It is easier to mask the taste of bitter drugs using tablets than
for other dosage forms, e.g. liquids.
Lebih mudah untuk menutupi rasa obat yang pahit dengan menggunakan tablet dari pada bentuk sediaan lainnya,
misalnya cairan

■ Tablets are generally an inexpensive dosage form.

Tablet pada umumnya merupakan bentuk sediaan yang murah

■ Tablets may be easily manufactured to show product

identification, e.g. exhibiting the required markings on the
Tablet dapat dengan mudah diproduksi

■ The chemical, physical and microbiological stability of tablet

dosage forms is superior to other dosage forms.

■ The manufacture of tablets requires a series of unit operations
and therefore there is an increased level of product loss at
each stage in the manufacturing process.
■ The absorption of therapeutic agents from tablets is
dependent on physiological factors, e.g. gastric emptying rate,
and shows interpatient variation.
■ The compression properties of certain therapeutic agents are
poor and may present problems in their subsequent
formulation and manufacture as tablets.
■ The administration of tablets to certain groups, e.g. children and the elderly, may be problematic due to difficulties
swallowing. These problems may be overcome by using
effervescent tablet dosage forms.

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