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Letter (surat) adalah sarana komunikasi tertulis yang biasanya dikirim lewat pos. Surat
biasanya dimasukkan dalam amplop dan dibubuhi perangko (apabila dikirim lewat pos).
Surat terdiri atas dua macam, yakni surat pribadi dan surat bisnis. Surat pribadi biasanya
bersifat informal. Sementara itu, surat bisnis bersifat formal dan sangat terikat pada aturan
yang berlaku. Dalam surat harus ada alamat pengirim dan yang dituju, tanggal, salam
pembuka, isi dan yang terakhir adalah penutup. Berikut bagian-bagian dari surat :
a. Alamat surat pengirim yang dituju (the inside address)
b. Tanggal penulisan surat (the date of writing letters)
c. Alamat orang yang dituju ( the inside address)
d. Salam pembuka (greeting)
e. Isi surat ( the body of the letter)
f. Penutup (closing) berisi tanda tangan dan nama pengirim surat

Example :
Dear Aunt Tia

Aunty, I have some good news for you. Last month I passed my final examination. A week
ago I succeeded to join a senior high school competition. Lat night, my parents promised me
to send me to a famous English course in my town. They also promised me if my scores in
English are good, they'll send me to a foreign university. Great, isn't it? I'll work hard. I want
to be a good pediatrician like you, Aunty.
Well, that's all for now. Looking forward to having your news.




1. What is the purpose of the text?

a. to inform some good news
b. to describe the writer's school
c. to retel the writer's experience
d. to entertain the reader with a joke

Pembahasan :

Jawaban yang tepat adalah A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat "Aunty, I have some good
news for you". Sedangkan jawaban yang lainnya tidak sesuai dengan isi surat.

2. What did Deby's parents promise her?

a. to make her pediatrician
b. to send her to an English course
c. to send her to a senior high school
d. to make her pass the final examination


Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B. Deby menulis kalimat "Last night, my parents promised
me to send me to a famous English course in my town". Jadi, yang dijanjikan oleh orang tua
Deby adalah mereka akan mengirimkanny ke kursus bahasa Inggris yang terkenal dikotanya.

3. How does Deby feel?

a. glad
b. anxious
c. scared
d. thoughtful

Pembahasan :

Dalam surat tersebut, Deby menulis kalimat "Aunty, I have some good news for you". Karena
ingin mengabarkan berita yang bagus, dapat dipastikan bahwa Deby merasa senang. Jadi
jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

Sumber :

Text 2

23 Jl. Kartini Surabaya

4th March 2009

Dear Aunt Dewi,

How clever of you to send me blue beads !. I was planning to wear a blue sweater and a plaid
skirt to the morning bazaar next Sunday, and the beads will match perfectly.
Our bazaar is going to be bigger than ever this year. We are having exhibits of arts and crafts,
books, food and flower arrangements. In the bazaar there will be folk dances and games. You
should be there.
Thank you again for your thoughtful gift.

Your loving niece,


4. What did Aunt Dewi give to Nita ?

a. Blue beads
b. A nice sweater
c. A plaid skirt
d. A big book

Jawaban yang tepat adalah A. Dalam suratnya Nita menulis ,” Dear Aunt Dewi,
How clever of you to send me blue beads”. Jadi yang dikirim oleh tante Dewi adalah blue
5. Nita wanted aunt Dewi to go to the bazaar because ……..
a. Her Aunt promised to go there to run the bazaar
b. She wanted Aunt Dewi to watch the folk dances and games
c. She thought her aunt would not be busy then
d. Their flower arrangements would be exhibited there.

Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B. Dalam suratnya Nita menulis, “In the bazaar there will
be folk dances and games. You should be there.”

Exercise 1.

Text 1. For questions number 1 to 2

Dear Galang,
I’m writing from our hotel at Pasir Putih Beach. I’m on vacation with my family. To tell the
truth, we’re having a terrible moment. The weather isn’t very good. In fact, it’s full of
thunder outside. Right now I’m looking out the window, and it’s very frightening. Food is
another problem. The restaurants are many, but the food isn’t very good. In fact, my Mom is
sick right now. She got flu. Well Galang, I hope your vacation will be great. Tell me about it
when the holiday is over.


1. Why did Nia experience a terrible moment on her vacation?

a. Because she was alone
b. Because there were limited restaurants
c. Because the weather is bad and the food is not good
d. Because she missed Galang

2. The followings are Nia’s moment on her vacation, except.....

a. She got wonderful moment
b. Her vacation is horrifying
c. She got awful moment
d. Her vacation is terrifying

Text 2 for questions 3 to 5

Thursday, February 15th,2013

Dear Jamal,

It’s nice to have your letter. I’m glad that your father has bought a new car. What
colour is it? You wrote that he drives you to school everyday. Therefore, you don’t need to
take city bus. We have a car too. It’s colour is silver.
I don’t go to school by car. Here, students go to school by subway. Therefore, subway
stations are very crowded in the morning.
Do you know what a subway is? The subway has underground trains that travel around
the city. We use subway as you use city buses. The buses travel on city streets, but subway
travels in tunnels underneath the streets. They are powered by electricity.
How is your school going? Your English has improved a lot. I’m very happy to have
you as friend. It’s very nice to write to you. However, it’s twelve o’clock. I have to go to bed.
I will write again soon.
Send my warm regards to your parents and your sister, Jameela.

Best wishes,


3. From the above letter, we know that ...

a. Jamal and Josh live in the same city
b. Jamal’s car is silver
c. Jamal is Josh’s pen pal
d. Jameela is Josh’s sister

4. How does Jamal go to school?

a. by car
b. by city bus
c. by subway
d. on foot

5. When does Josh write the letter?

a. in the morning
b. at noon
c. in the evening
d. at night

Sumber :

A schedule is a printed from with lists of information: stock prices, train departure times,
payment schedules, etc.

Text 1 for questions 1 to 2
Read the text and answer question











1. What is the name of train departure to Bandung?

A. Rapih Dhoho
B. Penataran
C. Agrowilis
D. Pasundan

Kunci jawaban: C
Kereta api tujuan Bandung dapat dilihat jelas pada kolom pertama baris kelima

2. “ The departure train schedule of ...”

The underlined word has the same meaning to....
A. leave
B. arrive
C. direct
D. come

Kunci jawaban: A
Makna kata yang setara ( dapat menggantikan / memiliki makna yang sama ) dengan
departure adalah leave.
Text 2 for questions number 3 to 5
No Airlines Type Flight Destination Arrival Departure Days
. Number
B.737 – GA-400 Jakarta 07.00 1–7
1. Garuda
B.737 – GA-401 07.25 1–7
B.737 – RW-309 Jakarta 08.05 2,4,6
2. Rajawali
B.737 – RW-310 08.45 2,4,6
B.737 – GA-402 Jakarta 09.15 1–7
3. Garuda
B.737 – GA-403 10.00 1–7
F.100 RW-311 Jakarta 10.15 1-7
4. Rajawali
F.100 RW-312 11.00 2,4,6
B.737 – GA-404 Jakarta 14.25 1–7
5. Garuda
B.737 – GA-405 Jakarta 15.00 1,3

Days 1 – 7 = Monday – Sunday

3. There are ….. airlines written on the schedule.

A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five

Kunci jawaban: D
Jumlah perusahaan penerbangan dapat dilihat jelas pada kolom kedua, ada 5 buah

4. Garuda flies at 3 p.m from Surabaya to Jakarta on ….

A. Monday and Wednesday C. Tuesday and Sunday
B. Monday and Saturday D. Saturday and Thursday

Kunci jawaban: A
Hari keberangkatan penerbangan dapat dilihat di kolom terakhir. Berdasarkan kode hari 1-
7 yang ada dibaris paling bawah dapat disimpulkan bahwa hari 1 adalah Monday dan hari
3 adalah Wednesday.

5. Rajawali Airline F.100 lands on Juanda Airport at 10.15 a.m …..

A. On Monday and Friday C. Sunday and Saturday
B. On Wednesday and Tuesday D. Everyday

Kunci jawaban: D
Dari kolom terakhir dapat dilihat kedatangan pesawat pada hari 1-7 berarti setiap hari.

Exercise 1:
Text 1
Read the schedule below!
First Day (Saturday, 23rd March, 2012)
07.30 a.m – Assemble at the World Trade Center
08.30 a.m – Board the Blue Marine to Batam Island
08.40 – Breakfast buffet on cruise ship
09.30 – Arrival at Batam Pier, checking in at Niagoya Hotel
10.30 – Coach tour of the marketplace
12.30 p.m – Buffet lunch at Niagoya Hotel
Second Day (Sunday, 24th March, 2012)
02.00 p.m – Free time
05.00 p.m – Visit to Duty Free Shop
06.00 p.m – Dinner at Seafood Beach Center
10.00 p.m – Return to hotel for karaoke or disco session
07.30 a.m – Breakfast buffet at Niagoya Hotel
10.00 a.m – Tour of Palm Beach
11.30 a.m – Free time
02.00 p.m – Set Nonya Luncah at Niagoya Hotel
03.00 p.m – Board the Blue Marine to Singapore
03.50 p.m – Arrival at Singapore

1. What is the suitable title for the schedule above?

A. World Trade Center C. Duty Free Shop
B. Board the Blue Marine D. Cruise to Batam

2. The tour group will be provided with …. Free meals on the first day.
A. Two B. four C. three D. five

3. Which of the following activities is not done on the second day of the tour?
A. Assemble at the cruise ship C. Arrive at Singapore
B. Go to Palm Beach D. Board the Blue Marine

4. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the schedule?

A. The Blue Marine is a ship
B. Palm Beach is one of the places of interest
C. The tour group will stay at Hotel Niagoya
D. Entertainment will be provided on both nights

5. “Board to the Blue Marine to Batam Island”. The underlined word has the same meaning
as …..
A. Get off B. Take off C. Get on D. switch on

Sumber :

A. Pengertian Descriptive Text

Dalam artian luas, Description, seperti dijelaskan oleh Kane (2000: 352), diartikan
seperti pada kalimat di bawah ini :
Description is about sensory experience—how something looks, sounds, tastes. Mostly it
is about visual experience, but description also deals with other kinds of perception. Jadi,
jika disimpulkan dari penjelasan Kane di atas, tulisan deskriptif bermakna teks yang
menjelaskan tentang pengalaman yang berhubungan dengan pancaindera, seperti apa
bentuknya, suaranya, rasanya. Kebanyakan teks deskriptif memang tentang pengalaman
visual, tapi nyatanya pengalaman selain dari indera penglihatanpun bisa digunakan
dalam descriptive text.

Namun secara khusus, descriptive text adalah, "...... is a text which says what a person or
a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing."
[teks yang menjelaskan gambaran seseorang atau benda. Tujuannya adalah
mengambarkan atau mengungkapkan orang, tempat atau benda tertentu]

Jadi, bisa dikatakan bahwa descriptive text ini adalah teks yang menjelaskan tentang
seperti apakah orang atau suatu benda dideskripsikan, baik bentuknya, sifat-sifatnya,
jumlahnya dan lain-lain. Tujuan (purpose) dari descriptive text pun jelas, yaitu untuk
menjelaskan, MENGGAMBARKAN atau mengungkapkan seseorang atau suatu benda.

B. Generic Structure dalam Descriptive Text

Ketika menulis descriptive text, ada beberapa susunan umum / generic structure
(sebenarnya tidak wajib) agar tulisan kita dianggap benar. Susunan tersebut adalah :
1. Identification : berisi tentang identifikasi hal / seorang yang akan dideskripsikan.
2. Description : berisi tentang penjelasan / penggambaran tentang hal / seseorang
dengan menyebutkan beberapa sifatnya.

Ketika kita menulis descriptive text, hal yang wajib kita ketahui adalah cara kita
menyampaikan deskripsi tulisan kita tersebut. Oleh karena itu pemahaman tentang
adjective (kata sifat bahasa Inggris) wajib kita kuasai.

Selain adjective, beberapa struktur bahasa Inggris yang berfungsi sebagai adjective pun
harus kita pahami agar penulisan descriptive text kita terlihat tidak kaku.

Example :
Read the text and answer question number 1 to 3.
Penyengat is a small island situated in 1.5 km from Tanjungpinang (Bintan island).
Administratively speaking, it belongs to the province of the archipelago of Riau. The island
has a 3,5 Km length. Its population is about 2,000 persons. Among them, 1/3 are descendants
of the former royal family of Riau. Actually, in the early 16th century, the ruler of Malacca
took refuge to Bintan after the Portuguese conquered Malacca. The court moved several
times, to Johor and to Lingga, and a branch of the royal family eventually returned and settled
on Pulau Penyengat.
In the centre of the island is the restored palace of Raja Ali, who is remembered for
his strict adherence to Islam. Raja Ali decided to build a mosque. According to legends,
people donated food to the workers to help to build the mosque. At one time, they donated so
much that the number of donated eggs exceeded the needs of workers. Thus, the eggs where
mixed with the lime, resulting in the fine cement the mosque has been built of. The mosque
was completed in 1844 and became an important centre of Muslim Malay learning in the 19th
The mosque is worth to be seen, with its original yellow and green colors, but you
can’t get in if you are not Muslim. Do not hesitate to check out also the numerous royal
graves around the island, and the remains of the Raja’s houses. For those interested in
military history, you can also see in the middle of the island an old citadel. It is worth getting
there if you want an amazing sight over the whole island. There is also a second lonely little
fort located on the west part of the island.
1. The purpose of the text above is….
A. To describe Penyengat Island.
B. To promote Penyengat Island.
C. To describe the culture of Penyengat Island.
D. To describe the population of Penyengat Island.

Kunci jawaban: A
Pembahasan: Teks tersebut bertujuan mendeskripsikan tentang Pulau Penyengat.
2. The main idea of the second paragraph is Penyengat island ….
A. is a small island
B. is a populated area
C. has a historical masque
D. has same historical places

Kunci jawaban: B
Pembahasan: pikiran utama dalam paragraf dua yaitu menceritakan sejarah berdirinya
bangunan mesjid penyengat.

3. Penyengat is a small island situated in 1.5 km from Tanjungpinang (Bintan island).

The underlined word means…
A. located
B. covered
C. exposed
D. enclosed

Kunci jawaban: A
Pembahasan: arti kata yang paling tepat untuk kata situated adalah kata located.

Text 2
Read the text and answer question number 4 and 5.
Sultan Riau Mosque is one of the must-be-visited tourism destinations when you are
travelling to Riau Islands Province. It is a worth visiting historical tourism destination in
Penyengat Island, a district in Riau Islands Province, in which the number of historical
properties are kept well within the mosque.
It was built when Engku Puteri Hamidah, the consort of Sultan Mahmudsyah (1761 -
1812 A.D.), chose the island as her residence. In its early years, the mosque was just a simple
building made of wood with tiled-brick floor. Moreover, the mosque’s minaret was only six
meters in high.
As the mosque could not take the number of Muslims when they were going to
praying within anymore, Yang Dipertuan Muda Raja Abdurrahman, the ruling Sultan of Riau
Kingdom during 1831-1844 A.D. initiated to enlarge and carried out some refurbishments to
the mosque.
To renovate in full-scale of the mosque, the Sultan summoned his people to give
charity and to work collectively in term of shouldering highly in the name of Allah. This
historical moment took place on Shawwal 1st, 1248 H (1832 A.D.), coinciding perfectly with
Islamic holy day of Idul Fitri.
All people, men and women, from every corner of Penyengat Island and neighbouring
islands enthusiastically took part to the mosque’s refurbishment process. They came to the
island to give materials, foods, and to offer their powers. There was no another motive except
for getting God’s blessing and showing their loves to the Sultan, who was known as a wise
and prudent Sultan. At least, the three-meter high foundations of the mosque could be created
only in three weeks.
Refering to a historical data, the mosque’s walls and foundations were the mixture of
albumens, sands, and limes together. Thousands of eggs were donated by people everyday,
thus the workers only wanted to eat the yolks. Knowing such a fact, the architect, who was an
Indian coming from Singapore, initiated to create the walls from the mixtures of albumens,
sands, and limes. As the results, the mosque can stand firmly up to these days. In addition, the
mosque’s wall is about 50 centimetres thickness now.
The mosque is a rare historical building and the only remnant of Riau-Lingga
Sultanate. The entire width of the mosque complex measures 54,4 x 32,2 meters wide with
the main building which is 29,3 x 19,5 meters wide. Its roof is supported by four
underpinnings inside.
There are two sotoh houses where can be functioned as inns for travellers, and
likewise, a place to organize prayer meeting. Near the sotoh houses, there are two warehouses
called balai houses to put some foods for public during the fasting month of Ramadhan.
4. What is the topic of the text about?
A. Tourism Destination
B. Riau Island Province
C. Sultan Riau Mosque
D. The History of Riau

Kunci jawaban: C
Pembahasan: Teks deskreptif diatas mendeskrepsikan tentang Mesjid Sultan Riau. Jadi
jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

5. From the text above we can conclude that....

A. Sultan Riau Mosque is a pride building of Riau Island provinsi
B. there are no visitors comming to Sultan Riau Mosque
C. the Sultan Riau Mosque is located in Lingga island
D. the people did not enthusiast make contribution

Kunci jawaban: A
Pembahasan: dari kalimat “it is a worth viviting historical destination in Penyengat island”
sudah jelas bahwa Masjid Sultan Riau adalah kekayaan bagi penduduk Provinsi Kepulauan
Riau, jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

Exercise 1.

Text for no. 1 to 5

1000 root rubber tree is an old tree located in Dukuh Petir, Plajan village in the district of
Mlonggo. The villagers said that the tree is quit old of about 65 years of age. This tree is
called 1000 root rubber tree because it has so many roots so that people think that the tree has
about 1000 root.
The rubber tree now becomes on of the destination objects to visit in Mlonggo district.
People can camp or relax under the tree. Nowadays, many youngsters come to this place to
have sight seeing or enjoy the freshness of nature around the tree, especially on Friday and
Sunday. Near the tree, there is a dam for irrigating the farmers' rice field in which visitors can
enjoy swimming in its fresh water.

1. The above text tells us about....

a. How to go to Plajan village
b. What must we do around the rubber tree
c. the description of 1000 root rubber tree
d. the writer's experience in Plajan village

2. Why is the tree called 1000 root rubber tree? Because....

a. it has so many roots
b. it produces rubber root
c. It is very old
d. the root forms a number of 1000

3. “Nowadays, many youngsters come to this place..” (paragraph 2)

The underlined word means....
a. villagers c. young people
b. visitors d. foreigners

4. Based on the text, when do most visitors come to the place?

a. at night c. in weekend
b. in holidays d. on Friday

5. What does the text tell us about?

a. Tourist object c. Beautiful beach
b. Situation of beach d. Kartini beach

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