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Vale Mereka yang Menjaga Area Domestik
Dari Community ValePensiunan
Vale untuk Para
Disiplin Ketika Muda,
Bebas Cedera
Tua Menikmatinya
Pesawat Baru di Bandara Sorowako
Menciptakan Lingkungan Sehat

Tetap Bahagia
Ketika Pensiun Tiba

Pembaca yang budiman, Dear readers,

Seperti apa Anda nanti ketika sudah pensiun adalah apa yang What you will look like in retirement depends on how you prepare
Anda siapkan hari ini. Apakah Anda mau berleha-leha saja today. Will you relax and enjoy yourself when you are a retiree?
menikmati masa tua? Tetap berkarya memanfaatkan keahlian Will you continue to be productive and maintain your skills? Most
Anda? Dan, terpenting, masih sehat dan makmurkah Anda di masa importantly, will you still be healthy and prosperous in old age?
tua itu?
For some people, retirement is daunting, but for others it is not.
Bagi sebagian orang, pensiun adalah masa depan yang Nevertheless, ready or not, we are all getting older. The main report
menggentarkan, tapi tidak bagi yang lain. Namun, siap tidak siap, of this edition of Halo Vale contains some important information
kita semua akan menjadi tua. Laporan utama Halo Vale edisi ini on preparing for retirement not only psychologically but financially.
memberi Anda sejumlah informasi penting seputar kesiapan
menjelang pensiun. Bukan saja secara mental, tapi juga finansial. With regards to preparation, there is something worth noting in the
wise words a French soldier, essayist and literary critique Charles
Soal kesiapan itu, ada kata-kata yang menarik dari Charles de
de Saint-Evremond (1613-1703): “When you retire, think and act as
Saint-Evremond (1613-1703), seorang tentara Perancis, esais,
if you were working. When you are working, think and act as if you
dan sastrawan. “Ketika Anda pensiun, berpikir dan bertindaklah
will soon retired.”
seolah-olah Anda masih bekerja. Ketika Anda masih bekerja,
berpikir dan bertindaklah seolah-olah Anda akan pensiun.”
We hope that when the day comes for you to retire, you will feel like
Hartman Jule. “I made a beautiful discovery in retirement. Before, I
Redaksi berharap, ketika pensiun nanti Anda dapat merasakan
seperti yang dirasakan Hartman Jule, seorang pengarang. “Pensiun didn’t have time to see the beauty of my grandchildren, my wife, or
telah menjadi penemuan keindahan bagi saya. Sebelumnya, saya the trees growing in front of my house. Beauty is time itself,” he said.
tidak pernah punya waktu untuk memandang kecantikan cucu-
cucu saya, istri saya, atau keindahan pohon di depan rumah saya. As usual, we have other articles as well. It is worth reading about
Dan, keindahan waktu itu sendiri,” kata dia. the cost saving program introduced by the company as a result of
declining nickel prices.
Seperti biasa, kami turunkan pula artikel-artikel lain. Patut kita
simak program cost saving yang dicanangkan perusahaan sebagai We hope that being in the midst of the current crisis will not stop
dampak dari merosotnya harga nikel. us from maintaining the spirit of giving our best, including where
health and work safety is concerned.
Kami berharap di tengah situasi krisis seperti sekarang ini,
semangat memberikan yang terbaik tetap kita pertahankan. Happy reading
Termasuk menjaga kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja.
Selamat membaca.


Pelindung/Patron: Board of Directors PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, Penasihat/Advisor: Basrie Kamba (Director of External Relations & Corporate Affairs),
Penanggung jawab/Chief Editor: Teuku Mufizar Mahmud (General Manager Communications), Redaksi/Editors: Sihanto B. Bela, Rohman Hidayat
Yuliawan, Nala Dipa Alamsyah, Nuki Adiati, Maman Ashari, Eko Rusdianto, Fotografer/Photographer: Doni Setiadi, Desain & Tata Letak/Design &
Layout: Sandy Pauling, Alamat Redaksi/Address: Jl. Ternate No. 44 Sorowako, Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Telp. 021-5249628 Fax. 021-

Redaksi Halo Vale menerima sumbangan naskah dari pembaca. Naskah ditulis dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti dan populer. Panjang naskah
maksimal satu setengah halaman kuarto, spasi satu setengah. Sertakan foto atau ilustrasi baik gambar maupun grafik jika diperlukan. Saran dan
naskah dikirimkan ke alamat email editor: dan

Readers are welcome to contribute articles for publication in Halo Vale. Articles should be written in prose that is easy to understand, with a line-space
of 1.5 and a maximum length of 1.5 A4 pages. Include photos or illustrations, drawings or graphs, if necessary. Please send suggestions and articles to
the editor at and

02 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013



Town Hall Meeting Cost Saving Ideas in
Times of Market Instability 44
Perwakilan Mitsui Kunjungi PT Vale 46
LAPORAN UTAMA I COVER STORY Mitsui Representatives Visit PT Vale 48
Tetap Bahagia Ketika Pensiun Tiba 05 Tabloid Verbeek, Bacaan Baru
Staying Happy in Retirement 08 Masyarakat Lutim 50
Persiapan yang Perlu Dilakukan 11 Verbeek Tabloid, New Reading for Luwu
Preparation Needs to be Done 14 Timur People 51
Buka Wawasan Lewat Pelatihan 17 Sekolah Baru di Tahun Ajaran Baru 52
Open Insights Through Training 19 New School for a New Academic Year 53
Dari Vale untuk Para Pensiunan 21
From Vale for Pensioners 23 ATMOSFER I ATMOSPHERE
Disiplin Ketika Muda, Tua Menciptakan Lingkungan Sehat 54
Menikmatinya 24 Creating a Healthy Environment 56
Having Discipline When Young,
Reaping the Benefits When Old 27 PROFIL I PROFILE
Usia senja dan pensiun bisa Kami Sudah Memulainya, Mereka yang Menjaga Area
menjadi momok bagi seorang Sekarang! 30 Domestik 58
pekerja. Persiapan dan rencana We Are the Preppers! 32 Stories of the Domestic Wardens 60
matang adalah jurus menghindari
nestapa masa tua itu.
Growing old and becoming Pesawat Baru di Bandara Sorowako 34 Fitness Community Vale Indonesia:
a retiree can be daunting for
New Airplanes at Sorowako Airport 35 Otot Kuat, Jiwa Sehat 62
employees. Good preparation and
planning will prevent sorrow in Situs Baru PT Vale Telah Rilis 36 Vale Indonesia Fitness Community:
old age. PT Vale’s New Website Launched 37 Strengthening the Body, Invigorating
Modifikasi VSD ala Tim Electric the Soul 64
Shop, Plant Maintenance, dan MSE 38
VSD Modification a la Team Electric SEHAT SELAMAT I SAFE AND HEALTHY
Shop, Plant Maintenance and MSE 40 Jogging Bebas Cedera 66
Injury-free Jogging 68
Town Hall Meeting: Ide Penghematan KUIS I Quiz 70
untuk Hadapi Pasar Labil 42

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 03



Akhir-akhir ini perusahaan mempunyai kebijakan cost saving Recently the company initiated a cost saving policy to rescue the
untuk penyelamatan kinerja dan keuangan perusahaan. Menurut company’s finances and performance. I think Halo Vale can facilitate
saya, Halo Vale dapat memfasilitasi kebutuhan kebijakan ini dalam this policy by gathering input from various departments on cost
hal menghimpun masukan penghematan biaya dari berbagai saving efforts through the addition of a column, or something similar.
departemen melalui penambahan rubrik atau sejenisnya. Dengan That way, employees would have many channels for sending their
demikian karyawan mempunyai banyak channel untuk mengirimkan ideas, not limited to emails or suggestion boxes located at several
ide, tidak hanya melalui email atau kotak saran yang ada di beberapa gates.
R u f a i da h To a h a [S h i ppi n g & Tr a f f i c ]
R ufaid ah To aha [S hip p i n g & Traffi c ] Thank you for your input. We think this is a brilliant idea. We will communicate this
Terima kasih atas masukannya. Kami kira itu ide yang yang brilian. Untuk hal ini, idea to the Cost-saving Team (Task Force).
kami perlu mengkomunikasikan dengan Tim Cost Saving (Task Force).


BERITA DARI LUAR SOROWAKO I think the content of Halo Vale has improved. However, I have yet to
Menurut saya, konten Halo Vale sudah semakin baik. Namun saya see coverage or news on company activities and development projects
belum pernah melihat hasil liputan atau berita yang mengulas in Bahodopi and Pomalaa.
aktivitas dan proyek pengembangan perusahaan di Bahodopi dan
Pomalaa. A m a r M a’r u f [M i n i n g D e pa r t m e n t ]
The editorial team will try to follow up on this good suggestion. We would also be
Amar M a’ruf [Mining D ep ar t m en t ] happy to receive information from readers/employees in those areas. Thank you for your
Redaksi akan coba mem-follow up usulan ini. Kami juga dengan senang hati menerima feedback.
informasi dari pembaca/karyawan di daerah tersebut. Terima kasih masukannya.


SENANG DENGAN TAMPILAN BARU YANG LEBIH LENTUR I enjoyed the print result of Halo Vale’s fourth edition. The choice of
Saya senang dengan hasil cetak Halo Vale edisi 4. Kertasnya membuat paper made the magazine thinner and more flexible. Hats off also to
majalah lebih tipis dan lentur. Saya juga salut atas usaha redaksi the editorial support for the company’s cost efficiency policy.
mendukung kebijakan cost efficiency perusahaan.
M u l awa r m a n S u l a i m a n [G ove r n m e n t Re l at i o n s ]
Mulawarman S ulaima n [Govern m en t Relat i on s] Thank you for your appreciation. We hope you enjoy reading the magazine even more.
Terima kasih atas apresiasinya. Semoga semakin nyaman dan senang membacanya.


BRAVO UNTUK TAMPILAN BARU Actually I was surprised to see the most recent edition (edition 4) of
Sebenarnya, saya kaget dengan tampilan Halo Vale terbaru (edisi 4) Halo Vale, which was thinner than the previous edition. Turns out it
yang lebih tipis dari edisi sebelumnya. Tapi ternyata hal itu untuk was done in support of the company’s cost saving program. I think this
mendukung program cost saving perusahaan. Menurut saya, ini ide is a good idea because it shows team support. Bravo!
yang baik karena inisiatif ini juga dilakukan tim supporting. Bravo!
Ko e s h a r j a n to [Fi re & Re s c u e ]
Koesharjanto [ Fire & Resc ue] Thank you for your kind words. Hopefully our efforts to support the program will
Terima kasih pujiannya. Semoga upaya redaksi mendukung program tersebut dapat inspire others.
menginspirasi banyak hal.

Kirimkan kritik, saran, dan tanggapan Anda tentang Halo Vale ke internal. atau kirimkan surat ke DP 23B. Surat yang dimuat
akan mendapatkan suvenir menarik. Pengirim surat pembaca yang dimuat,
silahkan mengambil suvenir di External Relations Department pada hari
dan jam kerja.

Send your opinion, comment and feedback about Halo Vale to internal.communica- or letters to DP 23B. For each letter published will receive a souvenir.
For letter senders, kindly pick up your souvenir at External Relations Department
during the days and working hour.

04 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S epetem ber 2013


Tetap Bahagia Ketika

Pensiun Tiba
Usia senja dan pensiun bisa menjadi momok bagi seorang
pekerja. Persiapan dan rencana matang adalah jurus
menghindari nestapa masa tua itu.
Bagi sebagian orang, pensiun adalah “hadiah” setelah
puluhan tahun bekerja. Ini waktunya mereka bersantai,
bereksplorasi, bersenang-senang, dan melepaskan diri dari
tekanan pekerjaan. Namun bagi sebagian orang yang lain,
pensiun justru dianggap sebagai masa yang mencemaskan.
Selain kondisi fisik merosot, produktivitas juga turun.

Bahkan ada yang mengatakan bahwa masa enak pensiun

cuma tiga bulan pertama. Setelah berpuas-puas istirahat di
rumah dan berkumpul bersama keluarga, di hari berikutnya
bingung mencari kesibukan. Waktu menjadi terasa panjang
dan membosankan.
Kolonel Harland Sanders, baru
merasakan kesuksesan hidupnya ketika
Sugito (59), pensiunan Mining Department PT Vale, punya berusia senja, 66 tahun.
cerita. ”Ada sahabat saya, dulu supervisor di Vale. Tapi ketika
pensiun, dia tidak punya apa-apa. Balik ke Jawa, tinggal di
rumah menantu. Padahal, kalau dilihat jabatannya, jauh
lebih tinggi dibandingkan saya waktu itu,” ujarnya. karyawan di bagian administrasi ketika pensiun membuka
usaha bengkel. Padahal usaha itu tak sesuai dengan minat
Menurut Sugito, cerita memprihatinkan seperti itu dan kemampuannya. Akhirnya usahanya itu macet.”
sebenarnya tidak perlu terjadi bila seorang calon pensiunan
punya rencana matang dan menjalani pola hidup yang baik. Anda tidak usah berkecil hati mendengar cerita pilu
tersebut. Banyak contoh pensiunan yang justru mengalami
Hal senada dinyatakan Latief Hasyim (60). Menurut Ketua titik balik dalam hidupnya. Semakin berumur, semakin
Kerukunan Purnabakti Inco Vale ini, karyawan sering terbuai sukses mereka.
dengan jumlah uang pensiunan yang lumayan besar. Dana
pensiun tidak dikelola dengan tepat, dan tanpa persiapan Ambil misal kisah Kolonel Harland Sanders. Pria berkumis
yang baik. “Jadi wajar bila beberapa teman justru kelabakan tebal dan berjanggut rapi pengusaha restoran cepat saji
ketika masa pensiun tiba,” ujar Latief. tersohor di dunia, Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Dia menambahkan, “Andai sebelum pensiun karyawan Sanders baru merasakan kesuksesan hidupnya ketika
punya persiapan, pasti hal itu tidak terjadi. Pernah ada berusia 66 tahun. Pensiun dari Angkatan Darat AS, pria

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 05


dok. liputan

ini hidup luntang-lantung dengan uang selalu bokek. Dia
pernah menjalani profesi sebagai salesman asuransi.

Suatu kali dia membuat restoran kecil dengan modal 105

dollar AS atau kurang dari 10 juta rupiah saat ini. Menu
utamanya ayam goreng yang kini terkenal itu, namun
restorannya itu tergusur pembangunan jalan tol.

Meski demikian dia tidak patah semangat. Dia nekat

ura yang
berkeliling dari restoran ke restoran menjajakan resep Semangat belajar para lansia di Singap
of Singapore
kembali kuliah di National University
rahasia ayam gorengnya tersebut. Dia berharap mendapat
royalti 1 sen dari tiap potong ayam yang terjual. Idenya
dianggap gila. Tidak ada restoran yang mau menerimanya. Untuk memasak, Nyonya Fish memilih kompor kayu.
Tenaga surya juga dijadikan pilihan untuk mobil mereka,
Akhirnya dia bertemu seorang investor bernama John walau sebenarnya lebih sering di garasi. Mereka memilih
Y Brown Jr. Sanders dimodali perusahaan Brown dan menggunakan transportasi umum untuk perjalanan jauh
membangun restoran berlabel Kentucky Fried Chicken dan jalan kaki untuk jarak dekat.
(KFC). Dua belas tahun kemudian, 1964, KFC booming.
Jaringan restorannya berjumlah ratusan di seluruh penjuru Untuk kebutuhan bahan makanan, mereka berusaha
AS. Sanders pun meraup keuntungan 2 juta dollar AS ketika mandiri dengan membuat peternakan dan kebun sayur.
itu, dan masuk deretan bisnis top dunia. Kini KFC sedikitnya ”Untuk mewujudkan hal ini di rumah, awalnya kami
memiliki 11.000 restoran, tersebar di 80 negara. memang membayar mahal. Namun itu tidak sebanding
dengan pengiritan jangka panjang yang kami dapat. Kami
Lain lagi cerita pasangan Meet Dan (77) & Jane Fish (79) berharap gaya hidup kami ini dapat menginspirasi orang
asal New Forest, Hants, Inggris. Di masa pensiun mereka dalam mengantisipasi perubahan iklim,” ujar Tuan Dan.
merealisasikan mimpi masa muda untuk hidup hemat dan
ramah lingkungan. Biaya hidup mereka per bulan cuma Contoh semangat hidup di usia pensiun juga ada di
dua poundsterling atau sekitar Rp30.000. Caranya, mereka Indonesia. Salah satunya Ibu Yayah Hidayah Andriani
memotong biaya pembelian gas dengan memanfaatkan Dimyati (61). Dia tak kenal lelah mengejar ilmu. Pensiunan
panel tenaga surya yang terpasang di atap rumah untuk guru SD ini, yang telah mengabdi selama 33 tahun, berhasil
penghangat air. mendapatkan gelar doktor dan masuk dalam daftar 1.182
orang di Indonesia bergelar doktor pendidikan. Dalam
kesehariannya, Ibu Yayah juga kerap memotivasi guru muda
Untuk persiapan masa untuk terus maju dan belajar sepanjang hayat.
pensiun, sebaiknya
dimulai sejak seorang Bahagia di usia pensiun memang tak melulu soal materi.
karyawan menerima gaji Justru di masa pensiun kita dapat merealisasikan mimpi
pertamanya yang belum terwujud. Modalnya cuma menjaga agar api
hidup, passion, tetap menyala. “Chase your passion, not your
pension,” kata Denis Waitley, seorang penulis dan motivator

Butuh Persiapan
Kecemasan menghadapi pensiun memang beralasan.
Bagaimanapun, kata Robin Moon, pensiun adalah “Transisi

06 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Biar rileks menghadapi

jalan kehidupan yang melibatkan perubahan lingkungan
pensiun, kita perlu
sehingga mengubah kebiasaan hidup sehat, interaksi
melakukan persiapan
sosial, tekanan psikososial, sekaligus mengubah identitas
jauh-jauh hari. Kita
dan pilihan-pilihan hidup”. Dengan kata lain, perpindahan
bisa belajar dari buku,
dari fase bekerja menjadi tidak bekerja punya segudang
internet, ngobrol
perubahan yang menyertainya. Robin adalah penasihat
dengan teman, atau
kesehatan senior untuk Walikota New York City, Michael
ikut pelatihan.

Sementara itu data United Nations Development

Programme 2011 menyebutkan, harapan hidup penduduk
Indonesia meningkat dari 50 tahun pada 1970 menjadi
menjadi 69 tahun pada 2010. Artinya, rata-rata orang
Indonesia bakal punya waktu 15-20 tahun “cuma-cuma”
yang perlu dijalani ketika masa kerja usai.

Karena itu, biar rileks menghadapi pensiun, kita perlu

melakukan persiapan jauh-jauh hari. Menurut GM of HR &
People Development PT Vale Eko Nugroho, ada banyak cara
atau sumber untuk mencari tahu persiapan pensiun yang
sesuai dengan masing-masing pribadi.

“Mereka bisa belajar dari buku, internet, ngobrol dengan

teman, atau mengikuti pelatihan,” ujar Eko Nugroho. Selain itu,
persiapan pensiun juga dibutuhkan waktu yang tidak mepet.
Idealnya, menurut perhitungan Eko, 10 tahun sebelum pensiun
sudah harus disiapkan.

Menyangkut pengelolaan finansial untuk persiapan hari tua,

Manager of Compensation & Benefit I Wayan Gede Dewantara
menyatakan memang tidak semua individu bisa melaluinya
dengan well finished. Kesuksesannya sangat bergantung pada Komunikasi yang Baik
perilaku gaya hidup. ”Banyak orang menganggap mudah Menurut financial planner dari
mengatur uang. Padahal ini soal behavior. Tak heran, yang Desy Widjaja, dalam masa pensiun, perlu diperhatikan
terjadi adalah gaji tinggi belum tentu dapat menabung kemampuan diri dalam menyesuaikan gaya hidup,
banyak. Malah sebaliknya, pengeluarannya semakin tinggi. kecekatan mengendus kegiatan produktif untuk mengisi
Banyak dari mereka yang gagal mengembangkan dana waktu, dan menjaga kesehatan. Dalam kalimat sederhana,
tersebut untuk mandiri,” ungkap Dewantara. Desy mengatakan, ”Besaran dana pensiun sangat
bergantung pada gaya hidup masing-masing individu.”
Untuk persiapan masa pensiun ini, Dewantara berpendapat
sebaiknya dimulai sejak seorang karyawan menerima gaji Hal tersebut ditegaskan pula oleh Eko Nugroho. ”Persiapan
pertamanya. Sedangkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bulanan juga perlu kolaborasi dan kerja sama antara suami dan
dan menjaga kestabilan finansial, Dewantara menyatakan istri. Perlu dibangun suasana keluarga yang bersahabat,
bahwa idealnya pensiunan masih mendapatkan minimal 80% harmonis, dan komunikasi yang baik dengan pasangan.
dari gaji terakhirnya per bulan yang dia terima ketika masih Termasuk mempunyai pandangan hidup yang kuat dan
bekerja. Caranya bisa melalui investasi, bisnis dan sebagainya. mereka tipe pembelajar,” ungkap Eko. []

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 07


Staying Happy in Retirement

Growing old and becoming a retiree can be daunting for some
employees. Good preparation and planning will help to avoid regret
in old age.
For some people, retiring is a “reward” in return for several

Dok.i ndob m

decades of dedication to work. It is a time to relax, explore,
have fun and be free from the pressures of work. For others,
however, retiring can be a time fraught with anxiety; not
only does the body deteriorate, but the productivity as well.

In fact, there are people who say the most enjoyable time
in retirement is the first three months. After spending a
satisfactory time at home with the family, they wake up the
next day wondering what to do. Days become long and

Sugito (59), a retiree from PT Vale’s Mining Department,

shared a story. “I have a friend who was a supervisor at Vale
but had nothing when he retired. He returned to Java and
lived with his in-laws. His position at the company had in One of KFC’s outlet in Indonesia. In
year 1952, Sanders start his business
fact been much higher than mine,” he said. with a small restaurant. Now days ,
has 11,000 restaurant.

Sugito said such situations need not happen if a prospective

retiree had planned well and lived a reasonable lifestyle.
According to Chairperson of the Vale Retirees Association Don’t let these disheartening stories discourage you. There
Latief Hasyim (60), employees are often lulled by the are many examples of retirees whose life took a turn for
amount of pension they receive on retirement, they the better; the older they grew, the more successful they
mismanage their retirement fund, and plan poorly. “So it is became.
easy to see how some colleagues can be at a loss when they
retire,” Latief said. Take for example the story of Colonel Harland Sanders, the
man with the trademark mustache and goatee who founded
He added, “If they had prepared for their retirement, it the world renowned Kentucky Fried Chicken fast food chain.
would not have happened. There once was an employee
from an administrative department who opened a garage Sanders’s success began when he was 66 years old. After
when he retired. It was a field in which he had no interest, retiring from the US Army, he did many jobs, including
and as a result the business failed completely.” selling insurance, and was constantly on the verge of

Then he set up a small restaurant with $105 or less than

$1,000 in today’s value, where he sold his famous fried
chicken as the main fare. Later, the outlet had to make way
for a new highway.

08 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013

Dan and Jane Fish fulfilling their dreams to live frugally

and be environmentally friendly when their retirement.

But this did not deter him. He began going around to other
restaurants in the hope of selling the secret recipe for his
famous fried chicken; he hoped to receive a 1 cent royalty For food, the couple tries to be self-sufficient by keeping
for each piece of chicken sold. His idea was considered livestock and growing a vegetable garden. “To do this in
crazy. No restaurant took it up. our home has been costly but is worth it in the long run. We
hope to inspire others to anticipate climate change,” Dan
He finally met an investor, John Y Brown Jr, whose company said.
provided capital for a restaurant called Kentucky Fried
Chicken (KFC). Twelve years later, in 1964, KFC boomed Examples of retirees with an incredible zest for life can also
into a business with hundreds of franchises across the US. be found in Indonesia. One of them, Yayah Hidayah Andriani
Sanders reaped $2 millions at the time and the business Dimyati (61), worked for 33 years as a dedicated teacher
was listed among the top in the world. KFC now has at least before retiring. She then returned to university and gained
11,000 restaurants spread across 80 countries. a doctorate in education and is now listed as one of 1,182
others with the same title in Indonesia. In her daily life, Ibu
Then there is the story of Dan (77) and Jane Fish (79), a Yayah never fails to motivate younger teachers to keep
couple from New Forest, Hants, in the United Kingdom. developing and applying lifelong learning.
In their retirement, they are fulfilling their dreams to live
frugally and be environmentally friendly. They spend just 2 Being happy in retirement is not always about materialistic
poundsterling a month, or about IDR30,000, by cutting back things. In fact, it is during retirement that we can fulfill our
on their gas consumption through the use of solar hot water dreams. The important thing is to keep our passion alive.
panels installed on their roof. “Chase your passion, not your pension,” says American writer
and motivator Denis Waitley.
For cooking, Mrs Fish chooses to use a wood fuelled stove.
Their car runs on solar energy, though most of the time it The Need to Prepare
stays in the garage as they use public transport for long-
There is reason to be anxious in the lead up to retirement.
distance travel, and walk for short distances.
After all, according to Robin Moon, retiring is “A transition in
the walk of life involving environmental change, so changes

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 09


occur to healthy life habits, social interactions, psychosocial

pressures, as well as to one’s identity and life choices.” In
other words, the change from being in the work phase
to the no-work phase is followed with huge implications.
Robin is a senior advisor to New York City Mayor Michael

According to data from the 2011 United Nations

Development Program, the life expectancy of Indonesians
increased from 50 years in 1970 to 69 in 2010. This means
Indonesians have about 15-20 years of “free time” after their
For retirement should begin
To make that time in life more relaxing, we need to prepare the moment employees
early on. PT Vale HR & People Development GM Eko receive their first paycheck.
Nugroho, said there are many ways and resources available
to help us prepare for retirement, which can be adapted to
our personal needs.
To make that time in life more relaxing,
we need to prepare early on, people can
“People can read books, go on the internet, chat with
read books, go on the Internet, chat with
colleagues or participate in a training course,” said Eko
colleagues or
Nugroho. Also, it is important that people allow sufficient
participate in a
time for this preparation; ideally, he said, this would be
training course,
about 10 years before retirement.
and Husband and
wife couples also
When it came to managing the finances in the lead up to
need to have good
retirement, Manager of Compensation & Benefit I Wayan
collaboration and
Gede Dewantara said not everyone was well established;
success depended on one’s lifestyle. “Many people think it’s
easy to manage money. In fact, it is a matter of behavior. Not
surprisingly, it is often the case that a high salary doesn’t
lead to high savings, and the opposite happens that is, it
leads to high expenses. Many people in cases like these end
Good Communication
up failing to develop their funds to self-sufficiency,” said
Dewantara. According to financial planner Desy Widjaja from, people in retirement should be able
Dewantara said preparing for retirement should begin the to adjust to the pensioner lifestyle, be wise in seeking out
moment employees receive their first paycheck. While to productive activities, and stay healthy. In short, Desy said,
meet monthly needs and maintaining financial stability, “How far retirement funds go depends on the lifestyle of
we sad that ideally retirees still get minimun 80% of salary each individual.”
per month which he received when he was working. For
examples from investment, business, and many more. Eko Nugroho said, “Husband and wife couples also need to
have good collaboration and cooperation. It is important
to build a family atmosphere that encourages warmth,
harmony and good communication. Couples should have a
strong vision and be willing to learn,” Eko said. []

10 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Persiapan yang
Perlu Dilakukan
Hari pensiun, cepat atau lambat,
pasti datang. Bersiap diri perlu dilakukan.

Persepsi seseorang terhadap pensiun sangat personal. Studi

dari Harvard School of Public Health menyebutkan, banyak
aspek yang memengaruhi kebahagiaan di usia pensiun.
Dikatakan, mereka yang punya hubungan harmonis
sebagai suami-istri lebih mudah menghadapi masa pensiun
ketimbang orang yang tidak bahagia rumah tangganya dan 1. Persiapan finansial
menganggap pekerjaan sebagai pelarian dari rumah. Menyederhanakan hidup. Hal ini bisa dilakukan bahkan
sejak menerima gaji pertama di usia 20-an. Ketika Anda
Sementara individu yang memiliki hobi, menikmati punya penghasilan yang bagus di tengah karir, seringkali
hidup, dan sering melakukan kegiatan sosial tidak terlalu gaya hidup ikut menanjak. Perencanaan keuangan dan gaya
bermasalah dengan waktu luang yang berlimpah setelah hidup berkaitan erat. Ada baiknya Anda melihat kembali
dia pensiun. Sebaliknya, mereka yang jarang beraktivitas di pengeluaran bulanan dan mencermati pos-pos pengeluaran
luar kerja lebih sering menemui kesulitan mengisi waktu. yang bisa disederhanakan. Jangan lupa biasakan menabung.

Studi juga menyebutkan, karyawan yang pensiun karena Merencanakan dana pensiun. Walaupun Anda
sakit, terutama sakit kronis, besar kemungkinan tidak dapat mendapatkan uang pensiun dari perusahaan, besar
menikmati masa pensiun sebaik mereka yang tetap bugar kemungkinan uang tersebut tidak cukup untuk
di usia senja. Karena itu, jika pensiun Anda masih terbilang mempertahankan kualitas hidup. Karena itu, perlu ada
lama, masih cukup waktu untuk menyiapkan fisik, mental, tambahan dana pensiun yang harus direncanakan. Lakukan
finansial, dan aktivitas sosial demi meraih kebahagiaan masa investasi atau rencana bisnis jangka panjang selagi masih
depan. berusia produktif.

Berikut beberapa hal yang Berlatih mengurangi penggunaan fasilitas perusahaan.

bisa Anda lakukan untuk Contoh konkret, meskipun biaya listrik dan air di rumah
menyiapkan masa pensiun yang Anda ditanggung perusahaan, tetaplah berhemat
sehat, sejahtera, dan bahagia. menggunakan listrik dan air. Jika kelak fasilitas itu tidak
Tentu, di luar daftar ini ada Anda nikmati lagi, Anda tidak kaget membayar tagihan.
hal-hal lain yang perlu Anda Tanamkan juga perilaku hidup hemat kepada anggota
siapkan, karena karakter tiap keluarga.
individu berbeda. Yang jelas,
semakin dini Anda bersiap diri, Lengkapi dan simpan dokumen kepegawaian. Hal
semakin baik hasilnya. ini untuk menghindari sengketa antara karyawan dan
perusahaan saat penghitungan hak-hak karyawan di waktu
pensiun normal.

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 11


3. Persiapan mental
Punya cita-cita. Mulailah memikirkan apa yang ingin
Anda lakukan untuk mengisi masa pensiun. Misalnya
berkebun lima hari dalam seminggu dan jalan-jalan ke luar
negeri tiap dua tahun sambil menulis jurnal perjalanan
untuk diterbitkan menjadi buku. Cita-cita akan membuat
Anda fokus dan mulai memikirkan langkah untuk

Libatkan keluarga, terutama pasangan. Dukungan

dari keluarga akan memudahkan proses dan membuat
persiapan pensiun sebagai tujuan bersama.

Berkegiatan di luar pekerjaan. Cobalah berbagai aktivitas

baru yang kemungkinan besar akan Anda sukai, atau tetap
tekuni hobi di akhir pekan atau di waktu luang. Akan sangat
bagus jika Anda menemukan keahlian lain di dalam diri
yang bisa digunakan agar tetap produktif selepas pensiun.

Jalin pertemanan. Jangan putus bersilaturahmi dengan

rekan kerja dan jalin pertemanan dengan orang-orang baru.
Pertemanan merupakan komponen penting untuk menjaga
kesehatan mental. []

2. Persiapan kesehatan
Jaga kesehatan. Asupan makanan yang bagus sangat
penting bagi kelompok usia manapun, terutama saat usia
Anda semakin bertambah. Mengonsumsi makanan bergizi
secara teratur, berolahraga rutin, dan mengembangkan
perilaku positif dapat meningkatkan kondisi fisik.

Tetap aktif. Berapa pun usia Anda, menjaga mental,

kehidupan sosial, dan fisik yang aktif akan berdampak baik
bagi kesehatan. Penelitian di Swedia terhadap 1.810 orang
berusia di atas 75 tahun menyarankan, para pensiunan perlu
tetap memiliki gaya hidup sehat dan aktif secara fisik supaya
panjang umur. Penelitian juga menyebutkan, pria yang
memiliki gaya hidup sehat dan berkegiatan aktif memiliki
usia enam tahun lebih panjang. Pada wanita, “bonusnya”
Apa yang
ingin Anda
lima tahun.

Lakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan rutin. Ini untuk lakukan untuk

mendeteksi gejala penyakit sejak dini sehingga Anda punya mengisi masa
banyak waktu untuk mengoptimalkan kondisi fisik. pensiun?...

12 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Tips dari Dr. Vaillant

Selama empat dekade, Dr. George E. Vaillant, guru
besar psikiatri Harvard Medical School, dan koleganya
meneliti ratusan pria dan wanita sebagai responden
”Study of Adult Development”. Ketika mereka bertanya
kepada partisipan berusia 80 tahun ke atas seputar
resep pensiun yang sehat dan menyenangkan, empat
elemen kunci ini selalu disebut.

Bangun jejaring sosial baru. Pensiun bukan hanya

berhenti bekerja. Anda juga berhenti menjalin Jurus Jitu dari Tessie Setiabudi
kontak rutin harian dengan teman dan rekan kerja. Tessie Setiabudi, konsultan keuangan dari Training
Membangun pertemanan dengan orang-orang baru for Excellence Pte Ltd, Singapura, penulis buku
akan berdampak positif pada kesehatan fisik dan Pensiun Gaul, mengungkapkan 5 dari 7 hal yang harus
mental. diperhatikan agar hari-hari pensiun berlangsung
Bermain. Aktivitas seperti golf, berwisata, dan bermain
kartu dapat membantu Anda melepaskan cemas, 1. Anda harus memahami adanya perubahan
sekaligus mendapatkan teman baru dan memperkuat hidup. Perhatikan gaya hidup, kesehatan, dan
ikatan dengan teman-teman lama. psikologis.
2. Perlu menyadari ketika tidak lagi bekerja, Anda
Asah kreativitas. Mengaktifkan sisi kreatif dapat sebenarnya tetap bisa melakukan banyak aktivitas
menjaga kesehatan otak. Kreativitas bisa berwujud positif dan tantangan yang mengasyikkan.
berbagai kegiatan, mulai dari melukis, berkebun, 3. Mau belajar “ilmu” baru dan menyadari bahwa
hingga mengajari cucu beberapa kosakata bahasa tidak ada istilah “terlalu tua untuk belajar”. Sebagai
asing. Anda juga menemukan sisi lain dari dalam diri contoh, otak seseorang berusia 50 tahun atau lebih
yang terpendam selama ini. dapat memproses daya pikir setara, bahkan lebih
baik, dibandingkan ketika dia remaja. Artinya,
Terus belajar. Seperti mengasah kreativitas, belajar kemampuan mempelajari hal baru tetap terbuka
dapat menjaga pikiran tetap aktif dan otak tetap sehat. lebar. Hanya kemampuan mengingat saja yang
Banyak hal bisa Anda pelajari, mulai dari merajut, turun.
belajar bahasa asing, bahkan kembali belajar bermain 4. Mampu mengelola uang dengan bijak, dapat
alat musik yang dulu sempat Anda mainkan di masa mengendus peluang dan investasi yang aman dan
kuliah. Anda bisa mempertajam keahlian atau mencari menghasilkan.
hal baru untuk dipelajari. 5. Jalani aktivitas Anda sesuai minat dan kemampuan.

sisi kreatif
dapat menjaga
kesehatan otak.”

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 13


Preparation Needs to be Done

The day one must retire will arrive sooner or later,
so it is important to be prepared. Savi
ng m
yo ur for o ne
cing retir y
Re d u e... em e
d i tu r nt...
The way individuals perceive retirement can be very
personal. A study conducted by the Harvard School
of Public Health mentions that many factors influence
individuals’ level of happiness in their retirement age: those
who have had harmonious relationships with their spouses
will find it easier to face retirement than those who have
lived in unhappy households and considered their jobs as
an escape from home.
1. Preparing finances
Individuals who have hobbies, enjoy life and frequently
Simplify life. This can be done from the day you receive
engage in social activities will have no trouble spending
your first paycheck, when you are still in your 20s. When
the abundance of spare time that comes with retirement.
your career results in a good income, your lifestyle often
On the other hand, those who seldom engage in activities
perks up as well. Financial planning and lifestyle are closely
outside of work will struggle to fill their time.
related. Your monthly expenditures are well worth revisiting
and you may want to reconsider any expenses that could be
Research has also discovered that workers who retire for
simplified. Don’t forget, make it a habit to save.
health reasons, particularly chronic illness, are less likely to
enjoy their retirement than those who are still fit in their
Plan a retirement fund. Although you may receive a
old age. So if your retirement is a long way off, you should
pension from the company, most probably those funds
have plenty of time to prepare yourself physically, mentally,
will not be able to sustain your quality of life. For this
financially and socially for the sake of your future happiness.
reason, you need to plan additional pension funds. Make
investments or a long-term business plan while you are still
The following section describes several things you can do to
in your productive age.
prepare for a healthy, prosperous and contented retirement.
Of course, there are other things to arrange apart from
Practice reducing your use of company facilities. Take for
those listed here, because every individual is different. The
example your home’s electricity and water usage. Although
point is, the earlier you prepare yourself the better the result
this is paid for by the company, try to conserve electricity
will be.
and water nonetheless; this will stop you from getting a
Those who have nasty shock from your utilities bill when you no longer
had harmonious have access to such facilities. Instill prudent behavior to all
relationships with members of your family.
their spouses will
find it easier to face Complete and safekeep all staffing-related documents.
retirement than those This is important to avoid any potential conflict between
who have lived in the employee and the company when it comes time to
unhappy households calculating employee rights and benefits at retirement.

14 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


2. Preparing health
Stay healthy. A regular intake of good food is very
important for people of all ages; even more so as one grows
older. Regularly consuming nutritious food, engaging in a
sport and developing a positive attitude to life can improve 3. Preparing the mind
physical wellbeing.
Have a dream. Start by thinking about what you would
like to spend time doing in your retirement. For example,
Keep active. Regardless of age, maintaining an active mind,
you might wish to do gardening five days a week and travel
body and social life can only be good for your health. A
overseas every second year while writing a travel journal
study in Sweden of 1,810 people over the age of 75 suggests
which will one day get published. Dreams will make you
that pensioners need to maintain a physically healthy and
focus and encourage you to think about the next step you
active life to prolong their lifespan. The research also claims
need to reach them.
that leading a healthy, active life increases a man’s life by six
years and a woman’s by five years.
Involve the family, particularly your partner. Support
from your family will ease the retirement process and make
Conduct regular health checks. This aids in the early
the preparations something of a common goal.
detection of illnesses so you have plenty of time to improve
your physical health. Get involved outside of work. Try new activities which
you think you will like, or maintain your involvement in a
weekend or spare-time hobby. It would be good to discover
a different talent or ability within yourself which may be

useful and keep you productive throughout retirement.

Make friends. Don’t cut ties with former work colleagues

and build new friendships with new acquaintances.
Friendships are important for maintaining mental health. []

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 15


Tips from Dr. Vaillant Smart moves from Tessie Setiabudi

For four decades, Dr. George E. Vaillant, professor Tessie Setiabudi, a financial consultant from Training
of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and his For Excellence Pte Ltd of Singapore and author of
colleagues studied hundreds of male and female “Pensiun Gaul”, lists 5 out of 7 things to watch for if you
respondents in a research titled “Study of Adult want to have a successful retirement.
Development”. When respondents over 80 years of age
were asked to explain their recipe for a healthy and 1. Understand that you will have a change in life.
enjoyable retirement, these four key elements were Watch your lifestyle, health and psychological
always mentioned. condition.
2. Be aware that although you are no longer working,
Build new networks. Becoming a pensioner not only you can still engage in many positive activities and
means that you stop work. You also stop the daily fun challenges.
routine of engaging with friends and work colleagues. 3. Be willing to discover new knowledge and
Building friendships with new people will have a understand that there is no such thing as being “too
positive impact on your physical and mental health. old to learn”. The brain of someone aged 50 or over
has a processing capacity that is the same as, or
Play. Activities like playing golf, going on tours and even better than it was in adolescence. This means
playing cards will help ease your anxiety, allow you to there is a great opportunity to learn new things; it is
make new friends, and strengthen your bond with old only the memory that deteriorates.
ones. 4. Be able to manage money wisely and to seek out
opportunities and investments that are safe and
Sharpen creativity. Activating your creative side helps productive.
maintain brain health. Creativity may come in many 5. Engage in activities that relate to your skills and
forms: from painting and gardening to teaching the interests.
grandchildren some foreign vocabulary. In the process,
you may find a part of yourself that thus far had been “Be able to
unleashed. manage money
wisely and to
seek out
Keep learning. Like sharpening your creativity,

learning helps to keep the mind active and the brain
healthy. You can learn many things: from knitting
to mastering a foreign language, to re-learning that and investments
musical instrument you used to play in university. You that are safe and
may improve an existing skill or find something new to

16 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Buka Wawasan
Lewat Pelatihan
Banyak cara untuk menggali informasi seputar persiapan
pensiun. Salah satunya dengan mengikuti pelatihan yang
diadakan perusahaan. Banyak pengetahuan yang didapat.

Pensiun bukan akhir segalanya. Namun banyak hal

Suasana pelatihan Pre-Retirement Program PT Vale.
akan berubah dalam hidup. Perlu strategi khusus untuk
mengelola keuangan, karena Anda tidak lagi mendapat
gaji bulanan. Perlu kesiapan mental, perlu ekstra hati-hati
menjaga kesehatan karena fisik tak lagi prima, dan perlu
perencanaan untuk mengisi hari-hari pensiun supaya tetap
semangat menyambut esok.

Persiapan pensiun tidak bisa dilakukan secara mendadak.

Perlu waktu bertahun-tahun sebelum hari H tiba. Bagi
karyawan PT Vale, bisa mengikuti pre-retirement program
atau pelatihan pra-purnabakti tiga tahun sebelum pensiun.
Dalam program tersebut, peserta mendapat materi terkait
dengan kesehatan, psikologi, serta pelatihan dasar-dasar
memulai bisnis dan melakukan investasi.

Selain mendatangkan trainer, perusahaan juga turut

mengundang para pensiunan yang sudah memiliki usaha
untuk berbagi pengalaman. Program pelatihan dijalankan
sejak akhir 2012, dilakukan dalam empat kali pertemuan
berturut-turut dengan durasi delapan jam tiap kali
pertemuan. Batch pelatihan selanjutnya dijadwalkan pada
September 2013 dan awal 2014.

Dengan pelatihan tersebut peserta diharapkan dapat

memiliki gambaran mengenai nominal manfaat pensiun
yang diterima. Sementara trainer akan membuat simulasi
investasi atau usaha yang dapat dijalankan oleh calon
pensiunan. Bagi karyawan yang ingin mengisi masa pensiun
dengan berbisnis, trainer akan memaparkan langkah-
langkah memulai usaha yang dapat dilakukan tiga tahun
menjelang pensiun.

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 17


Terbiasa menjadi karyawan selama puluhan tahun, wajar Suami-istri Harus Kompak
jika seseorang menjadi canggung memulai bisnis atau
Ketika seorang karyawan memasuki masa pensiun, bukan
mengembangkan dana pribadi melalui investasi. Pelatihan
dia sendiri yang perlu persiapan. Suami, istri, dan anggota
semacam ini bisa memberi pengetahuan baru kepada
keluarga lain juga perlu menyiapkan diri. Contoh paling
karyawan untuk mencapai kemandirian finansial.
mudah, istri perlu bersiap ketika tidak lagi menerima uang
belanja dengan jumlah yang sama dan rutin setiap akhir
“Sayang sekali kalau punya uang tapi tidak tahu cara
bulan. Dan yang paling penting, suami-istri harus kompak
mengelolanya. Besar kemungkinan (uang tersebut)
dan punya visi sama dalam menjalani masa pensiun.
akan cepat habis dan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup

pasca-pensiun,” kata Gatot Budiawan, Manager of Talent
“Dalam pre-retirement program, kami mengundang
Development PT Vale. Pasca-pelatihan, calon pensiunan
karyawan beserta istri atau suaminya. Menjalani pensiun
masih dimungkinkan untuk berkonsultasi dengan trainer
itu perlu kerja sama yang baik antara suami dan istri,” kata
melalui telepon.
Sarah Bungin, Training Officer HRPD PT Vale.

Kemandirian finansial “hanya” satu dari berbagai dimensi

Menjadi sulit jika istri ingin membuka usaha toko kelontong
pensiun. Masih banyak hal yang perlu disiapkan. Tiga
dengan uang yang didapat dari manfaat pensiun,
tahun memang terlalu singkat untuk menyiapkan diri.
sementara suami ingin membeli mobil baru. Sebaliknya,
Maka, pre-retirement program ini sebaiknya dijadikan ajang
akan sangat menyenangkan jika suami-istri punya visi sama.
memperkaya pengetahuan dan menggali informasi lebih
Misalnya ingin menghabiskan sebagian besar hari bersama
dalam. Idealnya, karyawan sudah punya rencana matang
anak cucu dan hidup sederhana. Dengan menyamakan
dan memulai persiapan pensiun puluhan tahun sebelum
tujuan dan saling mendukung, perencanaan keuangan jadi
masa purnabakti tiba.
lebih matang, lebih mantap, serta bahagia menjalani masa
pensiun. Doa pernikahan “langgeng sampai kakek-nenek”
atau “cinta hingga usia senja” akan terwujud. []

Salah satu kelompok peserta pelatihan Pre-Retirement Program yang digelar PT Vale.

18 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Open Insights
Through Training
There are many ways of finding information on how best to
prepare for retirement. One of these is by participating in
company-hosted training sessions which are highly informative.

While retirement is not the end of the world, many things

in life will change. A special strategy is needed to manage
finances because you will no longer receive a monthly
salary. You need to be mentally prepared; pay extra
attention to your health, as you will be past the peak of your
physical prime; and plan how you will spend your days with are thinking of running their own business after retiring are
continued vitality. provided with knowledge on the steps needed to start a
business three years prior to retirement.
Preparing for retirement cannot be done abruptly and can
take many years before the day arrives. PT Vale employees Having been an employee for decades, it is quite
may participate in a preretirement program three years understandable that individuals may feel uncertain about
before retiring. The program provides information on health, starting their own business, or about investing their
psychology and basic training on starting a business and personal funds. This kind of training provides employees
investing. with new knowledge on how to achieve financial
Besides having trainers, the company also invites pensioners
who own businesses to share their experience. Training “It is sad to know how the people has money bur not
programs have been conducted since late 2012 and involve knowing how to manage it. Most likely the money will be
four eight-hour meetings. The next batch of training is spent quickly, and this may affect the quality of life in post
scheduled for September 2013 and early 2014. retirement,” said Gatot Budiawan, PT Vale’s Manager of
Talent Development. After training, future pensioners can
Through the training, participants gain an understanding still consult trainers by phone.
of the nominal benefits of the pension they will receive. The
trainers create simulations of investments or businesses Financial independence is one of retirement’s many
that future pensioners might like to have. Employees who dimensions. Many other things need to be prepared.
Three years alone to do this may be too short. Therefore
this preretirement program should be considered an
opportunity to enrich one’s knowledge and gain as much
information as possible. Employees should ideally have
a sound plan and start preparing many years before the
retirement arrives.

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 19


Couples Have Common Vision

When an employee enters retirement, it is not just the
individual who needs to be prepared. The husband, wife and
other family members must do so as well. For example, the
wife may need to be ready to not receive the same amount
of money at the end of every month. Most importantly,
couples must be united and have a common vision of how
they want to spend their retirement years.

“In the preretirement program, we invite employees and

their spouses. It requires good cooperation between the
two,” said Sarah Bungin, PT Vale’s HRPD Training Officer.

It would be difficult if the wife wanted to use the pension

funds for opening a shop, while the husband wanted to
buy a new car. On the other hand, it would be enjoyable
if couples have the same vision. For example, they may
want to spend most of their time with their grandchildren
and live a simple life. Having a common goal and being
The Atmosphere from Pre-Retirement
supportive of each other makes financial planning better, Training Program PT Vale.
more solid and will result in a happier retirement. Wedding
wishes for couples to “live a long and happy life together”
and for their love and happiness to “last for many years to
come” will come true. []

20 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Dari Vale untuk

Para Pensiunan
Empat kompensasi yang didapat karyawan
ketika purnabakti tiba.

Idealnya, inisiatif menyiapkan pensiun muncul dari individu pekerja sendiri. Meski demikian, perusahaan juga merancang
sejumlah upaya persiapan finansial bagi karyawan ketika masa purnabakti tiba.

Di PT Vale, kebijakan persiapan finansial dilakukan oleh bagian kompensasi HR Process & Industrial Relations Management
Department. Menurut Manager of Compensation & Benefit I Wayan Gede Dewantara, ada empat komponen kompensasi yang
didapat karyawan PT Vale ketika pensiun. Berikut perinciannya:

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 21


1. Manfaat Pensiun
Merupakan akumulasi dana yang tersimpan di program Dana Pensiun Lembaga Keuangan (DPLK) dengan program
bernama “Manfaat Pensiun”. Peserta DPLK adalah mereka yang telah menjadi karyawan tetap dan masa kerja lebih
dari tiga tahun. Untuk komposisi pembayaran program ini, iuran dibayarkan karyawan sebesar 2% dari gaji bulanan
dan 10% oleh perusahaan setiap bulannya.

Menurut Dewantara, sesuai ketentuan UU No. 11 Tahun 1992 (UU Dana Pensiun), peserta yang diterima setelah
bulan April 1992 dan memiliki total Manfaat Pensiun lebih dari Rp625 juta dapat mencairkan 20% dana yang ada,
sedangkan 80% sisanya diwajibkan untuk dibelikan anuitas di perusahaan asuransi jiwa yang memiliki produk
anuitas. ”Dengan membeli anuitas, karyawan pensiun seperti menerima gaji bulanan, karena setiap bulan ada dana
yang diterima terus-menerus sepanjang sisa hidupnya sampai dengan janda/duda dan anak dengan usia sekurang-
kurangnya 21 tahun,” ujar Dewantara.

Dengan kata lain, tambah Dewantara, anuitas ini untuk menjaga kesinambungan penghasilan seseorang pasca dia
tak lagi menerima gaji bulanan. Tambah Dewantara, anuitas bisa dibeli di perusahaan asuransi jiwa yang punya
produk itu, misalnya Asuransi Jiwa Bumiputera, Jiwasraya, dan sebagainya.

2. Saving Plan
Saving Plan merupakan kombinasi produk asuransi jiwa dan tabungan yang disiapkan PT Vale dan bekerja sama
dengan provider asuransi. Sejak tahun 2013, Saving Plan PT Vale dikelola oleh Jiwasraya.

Iuran Saving Plan dibayarkan oleh PT Vale dengan perincian 10% dari gaji per bulan untuk karyawan non staf dan 4%
untuk karyawan berstatus staf. Dari iuran ini, sebesar 0,7% dibayarkan sebagai premi asuransi jiwa dengan manfaat
sebesar 24 kali gaji ditambah uang tunai Rp10 juta, yang diberikan jika karyawan meninggal dunia.

3. Jaminan Hari Tua Jamsostek

Merupakan proteksi standar yang ditetapkan sesuai regulasi pemerintah kepada pelaku usaha yang memiliki pekerja.
Pertanggungan premi Jaminan Hari Tua sebesar 5,7%. Perusahaan membayar 3,7%, dan sisanya 2% dipotong dari gaji
bulanan karyawan.

4. Penghargaan Masa Kerja

Diberikan bagi karyawan yang memasuki pensiun normal pada usia 55 tahun. Perhitungannya bagi karyawan non
staf dan staf adalah (Masa Kerja/30) x (6 x Upah Pokok). Bagi karyawan staf senior akan mendapatkan perhitungan
(Masa Kerja/30) x (4 x Upah Pokok). Pensiunan juga akan mendapat cincin emas 10 gram untuk istri dan 5 gram untuk
suami, ditambah pakaian batik untuk suami dan istri. []

22 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


From Vale for Pensioners

On retiring, employees receive four types of compensation.

Ideally, the initiative to prepare for retirement would come 2. Saving Plan
from employees themselves. But the company has also Saving Plan is a combination of life insurance and savings
created ways to prepare employees for retirement. prepared jointly by PT Vale and an insurance provider. Since
2013, PT Vale’s Saving Plan has been managed by Jiwasraya.
At PT Vale, policies on financial preparation are
implemented by the compensation division of the HR Contributions to the Saving Plan come from PT Vale; more
Process & Industrial Relations Management Department. specifically this amounts to 10% from Non-staff employees’
According to Compensation & Benefit Manager, I Wayan salaries and 4% from Staff salaries each month. From this
Gede Dewantara, there are four types of compensation that contribution, 0.7% is paid as a life insurance premium which
PT Vale employees receive on their retirement: gives a benefit of 24 times the salary, plus IDR10 million in
cash, in the case of an employee’s death.
1.Pension Benefit
This is the accumulated funds kept in the Financial 3. Jamsostek Old Age Security
Institution Pension Fund (DPLK) under a program called This is the standard protection, stipulated by law, that is
“Pension Benefits”. DPLK participants are permanent provided by businesses employing workers. The Old Age
employees who have worked for over three years. This Security premium is 5.7%; the company contributes 3.7%
program involves a 2% contribution from employees’ and the remaining 2% is taken from employees’ monthly
salaries and 10% contribution from the company each salaries.
4. Tenure Award
According to Dewantara, as stipulated by Law No. 11 of 1992 This is given to employees who start at the normal pension
on Pension Funds, members joining after April 1992 whose age of 55 years. For non-staff and staff employees, the
total Pension Benefits exceed IDR625 million can withdraw amount is calculated (Tenure/30) x (6 x Basic Salary) senior
20% of their available funds; the remaining 80% must staff will receive (Tenure/30) x (4 x Basic Salary).
be used to purchase annuity at life insurance companies
offering annuity products. “By purchasing annuity, retirees Pensioners also receive a 10-gram gold ring for the wife and
will feel like they are earning a monthly salary as they a 5-gram gold ring for the husband, plus batik clothing for
receive funds every month for the rest of their lives, until both husband and wife. []
they are widows or widowed with children of at least 21
years of age,” said Dewantara

In other words, Dewantara added, this annuity helps to

sustain an individual’s income after he or she no longer
receives a monthly salary. Dewantara said annuity can be
purchased at insurance companies such as Asuransi Jiwa
Bumiputera and Jiwasraya.

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 23


Disiplin Ketika Muda,

Tua Menikmatinya
Para pensiunan PT Vale ini menceritakan bagaimana mereka
tetap hidup bahagia, jeli membaca situasi, dan disiplin terhadap
sesuatu yang direncanakan.

Abraham Sutjiadi (55, masa bakti 36 tahun) memilih mengendarai motor pribadinya. “Saya yakin, pola
hidup sederhana akan menuntun cara kita menghadapi
hari tua,” ungkap pria yang rutin melakukan yoga sejak SMP
hingga sekarang ini.

Di masa pensiunnya, selain usaha perdagangan, Abraham

juga memiliki bekal investasi di bidang properti.
Rencananya, Abraham hendak mengembangkan usaha di
bidang IT bersama sang anak untuk mengisi kesibukan di
masa purnabakti. “Bagi saya, masa pensiun adalah waktu
yang dirindukan karena penuh ketenangan dan keceriaan.
Mantan Direktur Program Pelatihan Industri yang baru saja Tapi bukan berarti pensiun berhenti beraktivitas. Saya tetap
pensiun Agustus 2013 ini, cukup disiplin dan jeli dalam beraktivitas dan menjalankan usaha yang saya minati dan
merencanakan masa pensiunnya. Sejak berusia 19 tahun, telah saya rintis,” ujar pria yang memiliki lima anak ini.
ketika pertama kali bekerja di PT Vale, Abraham telah
menyisihkan 25 persen gajinya untuk ditabung.

Tips ala Pak Abraham

“Ketika itu saya masih muda, gaji lebih dari cukup, dan
• Jadikan pekerjaan Anda sebagai hobi. Jangan
bekerja di tempat yang tenang. Yang ada di benak saya,
dijadikan beban. Maka Anda akan menikmati
bagaimana agar keuangan tetap stabil dan hasilnya dapat
waktu-waktu bekerja dan tak terasa puluhan
saya manfaatkan kelak. Saya sadar, masa pensiun itu pasti
tahun telah dilewati.
akan tiba,” ujar Abraham.
• Ingatlah usia Anda bertambah dan fisik menjadi
tua. Jagalah kesehatan, karena hal itu modal
Kebiasaan menabung itu membuahkan hasil. Ketika berusia
melakukan semua hal dan berpikirlah positif.
29 tahun, Abraham mampu merintis usaha kecil-kecilan
• Jadikan keluarga motivasi hidup Anda.
di bidang perdagangan. Ketika itu dia juga baru menikah.
Perlahan usahanya terus berkembang.

Kebiasaan menabung itu juga dikombinasikan dengan hidup

sederhana. “Hal ini juga saya tanamkan kepada keluarga,” Abd. Rahim Said (57, masa bakti 34 tahun)
tambah Abraham. Contohnya, keberadaan fasilitas mobil Lima tahun sebelum pensiun, Pak Rahim, begitu sapaannya,
kantor dia gunakan untuk aktivitas kerjanya. Sedangkan sudah mulai memikirkan apa yang akan dia lakukan jika
untuk hal di luar kantor dan di sekitar Sorowako, Abraham pensiun tiba. Dia ingin melakukan hal yang dia senangi

24 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


sekaligus menghasilkan. ”Akhirnya saya merintis usaha kios Latief Hasyim (60, masa bakti 35 tahun)
dan sekarang sudah terwujud. Usaha itu bukan untuk diri
saya, tapi untuk anak cucu. Saya merasa perlu membangun
pondasi finansial bagi keluarga, apalagi di zaman seperti
sekarang ini,” ujar dia.

Ketika pensiun pada Juni 2011 silam, Pak Rahim merasa lebih
dari bahagia. ”Segala sesuatu yang saya miliki lebih dari
cukup. Di usia 57 tahun, kualitas hidup dan hubungan sosial
saya sama sekali tidak menurun. Selalu bersyukur, itu kunci
kebahagiaan menurut saya,” tutur dia. Menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga dan melakukan hal-
hal yang menyenangkan merupakan pilihan Latief Hasyim
Lebih daripada itu, hati Pak Rahim mengatakan untuk tidak untuk mengisi masa-masa pensiun. Pasalnya, Latief merasa
putus hubungan dengan PT Vale, meski dia telah memasuki ketika masih bekerja dulu dia banyak kehilangan waktu
masa purna bakti. ”Entah kenapa, saya merasa punya bersama keluarga. “Jadi ini seperti balas dendam. Ketika
utang budi kepada perusahaan dan berpikir masih bisa masih kerja dulu, kalau mau silahturahmi selalu terbentur
berkontribusi bagi perusahaan,” ungkap dia. jam kerja. Sekarang tidak ada lagi. Saya benar-benar
menikmatinya dan bahagia. Lihat saja wajah saya cerah,
Maka ketika mendengar perusahaan menghadapi tantangan kan?” ujar pria ini tersenyum sumringah.
cukup berat dan membutuhkan pekerja, Pak Rahim tidak
menolak ketika diajak kembali bergabung. Pada Juni Salah satu aktivitas Latief adalah mengurus perhimpunan
2012, Pak Rahim dipercaya men-support perusahaan dan Kerukunan Purnabakti Inco Vale yang sekretariatnya berada
bergabung sebagai External Relations Special Project. “Saya di Makassar. Latief juga dipercaya teman-teman pensiunan
selalu tanamkan prinsip kepada diri sendiri untuk bekerja Vale menjadi ketua perhimpunan yang beranggotakan 300
semaksimal mungkin. Bagaimana perusahaan memberi orang lebih itu. “Kerukunan ini semacam wadah silahturahmi
keuntungan kepada pekerjanya jika kita tidak memberi dan menjaga ikatan emosional. Kalau pensiunan di Jakarta
keuntungan kepada perusahaan?” ungkap dia. dan Bandung, mereka namakan Mitra Malili Matano. Setiap
tiga bulan sekali kami melakukan reuni,” tambah Latief
yang berencana bersama sang istri bersilahturahmi dengan
sahabatnya di Amerika akhir tahun ini.
Tips ala Pak Rahim
• Sisihkan gaji Anda untuk persiapa Ketika masih produktif dan memiliki penghasilan, Latief
n masa tua.
Akan lebih baik bila dapat menduk sudah menyisihkan pendapatannya. “Hal yang paling
ung aktivitas
pengembangan finansial berupa penting sebelum mencapai masa pensiun adalah
usaha atau
investasi lainnya. perencanaan. Setiap karyawan sebaiknya memahami bahwa
• Diskusikan semua rencana Anda tidak mungkin dia bekerja terus-menerus. Ada usia dan
dengan keluarga
karena mereka yang selalu men kemampuan yang membatasinya,” ungkap pria dengan
dukung Anda.
• Tanamkan sikap mandiri kepada posisi terakhir Manager Provincial External Relations ini.
anggota keluarga.

Dengan pandangan hidup tersebut, Latief telah memikirkan

persiapan pensiun 20 tahun sebelumnya. Tahun 1989 Latief
sudah menyisihkan tabungan dan penghasilan untuk
memulai investasi rumah. “Jadi setelah pensiun langsung
memiliki rumah sendiri, bukan lagi fasilitas yang diberikan
oleh perusahaan,” tambah dia. Selain investasi secara fisik,
investasi untuk pendidikan anak juga tak kalah penting.

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 25


Tak patah arang, Sugito kembali belajar untuk mencari

Tips ala Pak Latief
solusi. Lagi-lagi, inspirasi dia temukan dari buku. Di buku
• Usia dan kemampuan Anda ada batasnya.
tersebut, kata Sugito, jualan juga butuh strategi, yakni
Persiapkan pensiun sejak dini.
“iklankan dagangan Anda”. Sugito juga mencari cara untuk
• Jangan terbuai dengan fasilitas perusahaan,
mendapatkan stok dagangan langsung dari pemasok
seperti rumah. Itu hanya pinjaman. Anda perlu
utama. Pelan tapi pasti, kiosnya mulai ramai pengunjung.
mempunyai rumah sendiri ketika pensiun,
Menurut Sugito, ada tiga syarat agar seorang karyawan
ungkap Latief.
siap pensiun, yakni pandai mengatur pola hidup, pintar
• Pensiun juga perlu penguatan mental. Temukan
mengelola finansial, dan mengurangi ego terhadap
hal ini melalui dukungan dan komunikasi positif
pasangannya. “Soalnya, kalau dengan istri saja kita tidak
dengan keluarga, orang-orang dekat, dan teman-
mau ngalah, rencana masa tua mau ngapain bisa enggak
teman Anda.
tercapai,” tambah dia.
• Jagalah kebugaran tubuh dengan melakukan
olahraga ringan dan yang Anda senangi.
Masa pensiun juga tidak mesti membuat orang berdiam
• Kombinasikan juga dengan tetap berpikir positif,
diri atau menghentikan aktivitas. Menjalin pertemanan dan
menyantap menu sehat, dan tidak berlebihan.
bekerja sesuai kompetensi tetap bisa dilakukan. “Misalnya
seperti saya saat ini. Karena pertemanan dan mereka
melihat kompetensi saya dapat berguna untuk pekerjaan
mereka, saya diminta membantu mereka. Padahal saya
enggak mau, tapi dipaksa ikut dan digaji pula,” ujar dia
tersenyum lepas.
Sugito (59, masa bakti 25 tahun)
Untuk menjaga kesehatan, Sugito rutin berolahraga
Belajar dan terus belajar menjadi pandangan hidup Sugito
sepeda statis selama 20 menit tiga kali seminggu. Dia juga
meski masa purnabakti datang menghampiri. “Belajar bisa
melakukan diet sesuai golongan darah—yang infonya lagi-
dari mana saja. Dari pertemanan, keluarga, atau relasi. Tapi
lagi dari sebuah buku. “Hasilnya, sejak tiga tahun lalu, saya
saya banyak termotivasi dari buku,” ujar pria mantan pekerja
tidak ada keluhan sakit sama sekali,” ujar dia. []
Mining Department PT Vale ini.

Ilmu dari buku itu pula yang membuka pikirannya dua

tahun menjelang pensiun tiba, 2006. ”Ada dua kalimat yang Tips ala Pak Sugito
sangat menginspirasi saya, ‘Orang tidak bisa maju kalau • Memprioritaskan kebutuhan dan kegunaan suatu
tidak total’ dan ‘Kalau main air jangan cuma ciprat-cipratan, barang daripada sekadar keinginan untuk membeli.
tapi sekalian basah’,” ujar dia mengutip kalimat dari buku • Jalani hidup dengan wajar. Tidak perlu berlebihan.
Safir Senduk dan Mario Teguh yang menginspirasinya. • Teruslah belajar untuk mencari inspirasi kegiatan.
Maka Sugito memutuskan membuka kios sembako di Bisa dari buku atau pertemanan.
rumahnya di sebuah kompleks perumahan di Sorowako.
“Padahal saya enggak punya pengalaman dan enggak
ngerti dagang. Tapi saya beranikan diri untuk mencobanya,”
tambah pria kelahiran Jember, 17 Agustus 1954 ini.

Namun, menurut Sugito, keberanian itu tidak dia putuskan

tanpa perhitungan. Letak rumahnya yang strategis dan
kejeliannya membaca peluang menjadi modal utama.
Ternyata, membuka usaha bukan perkara mudah. “Selama
tiga bulan, kios saya sepi pengunjung,” ujar Sugito tertawa.

26 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Having Discipline When

Young, Reaping the Benefits
When Old
These retirees from PT Vale tell us how they stay happy, assess
situations cleverly and have a disciplined approach to planning.

Abraham Sutjiadi (55 years old, 36 years of He combined his habit of saving with living a simple
service) lifestyle. “I also instill these principles in my family,” Abraham
added. He uses the company car for work-related travel
and his own motorbike for personal use and for traveling
within Sorowako. “I am sure that a simple lifestyle will guide
how we live in our old age,” said Abraham, who has been
practicing yoga since junior high school.

Now retired, Abraham has an investment property aside

from his trading business. He plans to develop an IT
business with his children as a way to spend his days.
“Retirement is something that I have been looking forward
to, because it is a time of peace and happiness. But it
doesn’t mean that I will stop being active. I will continue my
activities, run a business which I started and in which I have
an interest,” said the father of five.
The former Industrial Training Program Director who retired
in August 2013 had cleverly, and in a disciplined manner,
planned his retirement. Since he was 19, when he first
started working at PT Vale, Abraham has diligently set aside Tips from Pak Abraham
25 percents of his salary in his savings. • Make work your hobb
y. Don’t see it as a burde
This way you will enjoy n.
the time at work and you
“At the time, I was young, I was paid more than enough and won’t feel the decad
es go by, Abraham said.
I worked in a peaceful place. In my mind I wanted to be sure • Remember that your
age and your physique
become older. Stay he will
to have stable finances and be able to use the yield later althy because that is you
asset for doing everyt r
on. I was conscious of the fact that one day I would retire,” hing, and think positive.
Abraham said. • Make your family you
r motivation for life.

His habit of saving money proved fruitful. At the age of 29,

Abraham was able to start a small trading business. He had
just been married. His business grew slowly.

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 27


Said Abd. Rahim (57 years old, 34 years of Latief Hasyim (60 years old, 35 years of
service) service)
Five years before retiring, Pak Rahim, as he is fondly called,
started thinking about what to do in his retirement. He
wanted to do something he enjoyed, but productive as well.
“In the end I opened a kiosk. The business is not for me, but
for my children and grandchildren. I feel I need to build a
financial foundation for my family, particularly in times like
these,” he said.

When he retired in June 2011, Pak Rahim felt more than

overjoyed. “Everything I have is more than enough. At 57,
the quality of life and my social relationships have not
deteriorated at all. To always be grateful, that is the key to Latief Hasyim has chosen to keep busy in retirement by
happiness, I think,” he said. spending time with his family and getting involved in fun
activities. This is because Latief feels that he lost a lot of
More than anything, Pak Rahim decided not to cut ties with family time when he was working. “So now it’s like payback
PT Vale despite having retired from there. “I don’t know why, time. When I was working, work hours always got in the way
but I feel like I am indebted to the company, and I feel like I of catching up with people. But not anymore; I am really
can still make a contribution to the company,” he said. happy and enjoying my time. Just look at my face, see how
it’s glowing?” he said, beaming.
So when he heard the company was going through tough
times and needed workers, Pak Rahim did not hesitate the One of Latief’s activities is managing the Inco Vale Retirees
offer and rejoined the company. In June 2012, Pak Rahim Alliance, which has a secretariat in Makassar. Latief has
was entrusted to support the company’s External Relations been entrusted by his Vale-retiree colleagues to chair the
Special Project. “It has always been my belief that I should organization, which has more than 300 members. “This
work maximally. How can the company give benefits to its alliance provides a meeting space and maintains members’
employees if we don’t provide a benefit to the company?” emotional bonds. Retirees living in Jakarta and Bandung call
he said. themselves Mitra Malili Matano. Every three months we hold
a reunion,” added Latief, who plans to travel with his wife to
Tips from Pak Rahim visit a friend in the US.
• Set aside your salary
to prepare for your old
Better still, use it for age. During his productive years, when he was earning an
supporting a financial
growth activity, such income, Latief started setting aside some of his salary. “The
as a business or other typ
investment. e of most important thing before retiring is planning. Employees
• Discuss all your plans should understand that it is impossible for them to keep
with the family. They are
people who will always the working forever; one’s age and ability will limit this,” said
support you, said Rahim
• Instill a sense of self-su . Latief, whose last position in the company was manager of
fficiency within your fam
members. ily Provincial External Relations.

With this outlook on life, Latief started thinking about

retirement preparations 20 years earlier. In 1989 Latief
began setting aside his income in savings and started to
invest in a house. “That way, I would have my own house
straight away on retirement, when I’d no longer have one as

28 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


a job perk,” he added. Besides making physical investments, intuition were his main assets. And it turned out that starting
Latief considered it just as important to invest in education a business was not easy. “For three months, the kiosk had
for his children. hardly any customers,” he said with a laugh.
Refusing to give up, Sugito learned his way to a solution.
Again, he found inspiration in a book, which advised readers
that selling required a strategy and that it was necessary to
Tips from Pak Latief
“advertise your merchandise”. Sugito also looked for ways
• Your age and ability have limits. Prepare for your
to buy his supplies directly from the wholesaler. Slowly but
retirement early on.
surely his kiosk started attracting customers.
• Don’t be lulled by employee perks, such as
housing. It is only a loan. You need to have your
Sugito said three things ensure employees are ready for
own house when you retire,” Latief said.
retirement: they must be clever at managing their lifestyle,
• A pensioner needs to have mental strength. Find
good at managing finances, and be less egotistical with
this through the support of, and positive
their spouse. “If you can’t even give in to your wife, there is a
communication with families, close friends and
chance your dreams can never be fulfilled,” he added.
• Stay fit by engaging in lightweight sport that you
Retiring is also not a time for sitting around and doing
enjoy. I still make time to play badminton, tennis
nothing, or stopping activities altogether. Retirees can still
and golf, he said.
make friends and engage in activities in which they are
• Combine this also with positive thinking, eating
skilled. “Take me, for example. I have friends who know my
healthily and in moderation.
competency in certain areas and ask me to help them in their
jobs. I have in fact turned them down, but they keep forcing
me to join and are even willing to pay me,” he said with a smile.

Sugito (59 years old, 25 years of service) To maintain his health, Sugito rides his stationary bike three
Learn and keep learning was Sugito’s outlook on life as times a week for 20 minutes. He is also on a blood-type diet,
retirement approached. “You can learn from anywhere the information for which he discovered again in a book. “As a
friends, family or relatives. But I am motivated mostly by result, for the last three years I have never been sick,” he said. []
books,” said the former employee of PT Vale’s Civil Mining
Tips from Pak Sugito
It was the knowledge from books that broadened his • It is more important to prioritize
buying an item
horizon two years before his retirement in 2006. “Two that is necessar y and functional
rather than to
sentences greatly inspired me: ‘You can’t move forward if simply fulfill an urge to consume
you don’t give it your all’, and ‘If you play with water, don’t • Live sensibly; there is no need to
be extravagant.
just splash around; get soaked’,” he said, quoting from • Keep learning to find inspiring activ
ities. This can
inspirational books by Safir Senduk and Mario Teguh. be through books or friends.

So Sugito decided to open a kiosk selling staple groceries

in a housing estate in Sorowako. “Actually I didn’t have
experience and knew nothing about trading. But I found
the courage to give it a go,” added Sugito, who was born in
Jember on 17 August 1954.

His decision, however, was not made without careful

calculation. The strategic location of his house and his sharp

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 29


Kami Sudah Memulainya,

Masih bekerja dan punya pendapatan, mereka telah menyusun
rencana bila masa pensiun tiba. Inilah kisah mereka.

Anwar Laso’, Operation Process Controller

Saya banyak melihat dan mendengar cerita karyawan Vale yang memprihatinkan hidupnya ketika
pensiun. Akhirnya mereka memilih kembali bekerja melalui perusahaan kontraktor. Pilihan itu bukan
karena fisik mereka masih kuat, tapi karena tuntutan ekonomi.

Saya tidak ingin hal itu terjadi pada saya dan keluarga. Ketika pensiun nanti, saya ingin menikmati
hidup dengan bersantai bersama keluarga atau jalan-jalan, memiliki tempat tinggal yang baik, dan
anak-anak sudah mandiri. Bukan kembali bekerja.

Maka itu, saya dan istri sejak sekarang mulai mencicil kebutuhan masa tua tersebut. Mumpung kami
berdua masih sama-sama bekerja dan masa kerja saya masih 20 tahun lagi.

Persiapan kami berupa menabung dan membeli properti berupa tanah. Selain itu, membesarkan dan mendidik anak sejak sekarang dengan
baik agar kelak mereka mandiri. Ini menurut saya juga merupakan investasi. Tentu kami juga membekali mereka dengan proteksi berupa
asuransi pendidikan.

Saya juga pelan-pelan mulai mempelajari bagaimana menjalankan sebuah bisnis. Meski belum tahu mau buka usaha apa. Tapi setidaknya
bisa menambah referensi saya yang mungkin kelak berguna.

Asriani Amiruddin, Senior Coordinator External Relations Makassar

Pensiun itu butuh persiapan yang lama dan tidak mudah. Tapi persiapan ini juga bisa jadi
menyenangkan. Yang pertama saya lakukan adalah membicarakan target dengan suami. Misalnya,
kami sepakat di 10 tahun pertama pernikahan, kebutuhan utama seperti asuransi jiwa, dana darurat,
rumah, kendaraan, dan tabungan pendidikan anak-anak harus sudah terpenuhi.

Setelah semua itu terpenuhi, kami mulai fokus pada investasi hari tua. Untuk memulai investasi di
hari tua, saya rasa kita semua juga perlu memasang target. Kalau saya, targetnya pensiun saya bisa
hidup sejahtera. Bukan jadi kaya tapi sejahtera.

Saya beruntung sekali kenal pensiunan PT Vale yang mengajari berbagai cara berinvestasi. Saya
juga senang membaca artikel dari para perencana keuangan dan semakin tertarik untuk
mengembangkan aset. Awalnya saya membuka tabungan rencana dan deposito. Hal itu saya lakukan sebelum menjadi karyawan PT Vale.
Setelah banyak mendapat masukan dan membaca artikel, mulailah saya melirik obligasi negara ritel (ORI). Lumayan bagus tapi hasilnya
tidak seperti yang saya harapkan. Bagi saya, coba-coba itu tidak apa-apa, sebagai pembelajaran.

30 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Lalu saya beralih ke emas dan reksadana. Sedikit demi sedikit saya kumpulkan dan ternyata hasilnya bagus. Kenaikan harga emas selalu
di atas inflasi, jadi bagi saya ini investasi yang menarik. Beberapa tahun terakhir, saya dan suami ingin meningkatkan nilai investasi.
Maka kami mulai mencari tahu seputar properti. Ternyata investasi di bidang inilah yang paling menguntungkan untuk jangka panjang.
Mulailah kami mengembangkan aset properti. Ternyata investasi juga bikin kecanduan. Sekarang saya antusias sekali berinvestasi,
belanja belakangan. Setiap tahun, saya dan suami me-review aset dan merancang target untuk tahun berikutnya. Saya yakin, kalau punya
kemauan, semua orang bisa menabung dan berinvestasi. Pelan-pelan saja, sedikit demi sedikit. Tapi memang harus dimulai sejak dini dan

Saya membayangkan, di hari tua nanti saya hidup sejahtera di sebuah peternakan besar. Mungkin saya terinspirasi dari nenek saya di
kampung yang tetap awet muda dengan berkebun dan beternak. Menjadi peternak yang sejahtera, itu harapan saya.

Joni Rangan, Defense Security & Service

Meski pensiun saya 17 tahun lagi, saya mulai mempersiapkan diri dan belajar dari sekarang.
Ada tiga hal yang saya persiapkan: finansial, pola hidup, dan menjaga kesehatan. Untuk finansial,
saya hidup sesuai kemampuan. Tidak memaksakan harus punya ini-itu atau hidup bermewah-
mewah. Yang prioritas adalah kebutuhan utama terpenuhi. Saya berharap dari pola hidup dan cara
mengatur uang seperti ini, ketika pensiun nanti tidak terkaget-kaget dengan perubahan yang terjadi.

Yang saya tahu, orang yang pensiun banyak tidak siap karena perubahan pola hidup mereka. Dari
yang punya penghasilan dan hidup bermewah-mewah, menjadi tidak punya pendapatan, tapi
sulit mengerem keinginan. Maka itu, setiap akhir pekan saya juga selalu pergi berkebun atau
menggarap sawah saya. Ini penting untuk membiasakan diri ketika pensiun nanti tiba. Jadi
perubahannya tidak terlalu drastis dari karyawan lalu menjadi orang yang kerja di kebun. Selain
itu, saya sangat mengupayakan tabungan yang memadai untuk kebutuhan pendidikan anak-anak. Mereka juga saya bekali dengan
asuransi jiwa dan pendidikan.

Yati Surachman, Mining Department

Yang saya pikirkan ketika pensiun, sederhananya, hidup tanpa harus memikirkan makan apa
besok, bisa tidur tenang di rumah, dan menikmati hari-hari bersama keluarga. Maka itu saya
bersama suami mulai berusaha sedikit-sedikit sekarang. Menyisihkan 20 persen gaji kami per
bulan. Membeli tanah dan membekali diri kami dengan asuransi tambahan di luar yang di-cover

Kami punya mimpi memiliki investasi yang cukup untuk masa depan. Saya optimistis mimpi itu
terwujud karena pasangan saya juga mendukung hal tersebut. Apalagi masa kerja saya sebelum
usia pensiun masih 26 tahun lagi.

Darius Tandiabang, Medical

Bagi saya, materi memang penting untuk persiapan pensiun atau masa tua saya nanti. Namun
menurut saya, materi bukanlah segalanya. Bagi saya, memberikan pelayanan kemanusiaan
merupakan kepuasan bagi saya saat ini dan ketika pensiun nanti. Saya yakin bila kita hidup dengan
benar, maka Tuhan akan mencukupkan rezeki kita.

Maka itu, modal yang saya cicil untuk masa tua sejak sekarang, lebih ke pengembangan diri,
memperbaiki kualitas diri termasuk pengetahuan. Sehingga hari-hari pensiun saya nanti dapat
saya isi dengan membantu dan pelayanan kemanusiaan. []

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 31


We Are The Preppers!

They still work, receive an income and are planning for their
retirement. These are their stories.

Anwar Laso’, Operation Process Controller

I have seen and heard stories of Vale employees who live a heartrending life after retiring. In the
end they choose to be reemployed by contractors. They come to the decision not because they are
physically fit but because of economic pressure.

I don’t want that to happen to me and my family. When I retire, I want to enjoy life by relaxing with
my family or traveling, owning a comfortable house and seeing my children become independent.
Not by going back to work.

That’s why my wife and I have already started setting aside installments for what we will need in our
old age, while we are both still working and while I have 20 years more of service.

Our preparation consists of building up our savings and buying property. We also raise and educate our children well so they will grow to
become self-sufficient I also consider this as an investment. Of course, we also protect them with education insurance.

Also, I have started learning about how to run a business, though I don’t know what kind of business to have. Nonetheless, it will be a
reference point that may prove useful in future.

Asriani Amiruddin, Senior Coordinator External Relations Makassar

Retiring requires long-term preparation that is not necessarily easy, but it can be fun. The first thing I
have done is to discuss my targets with my husband. For instance, we agreed that in the first 10 years
of our marriage, we would cover major necessities such as life insurance, emergency funds, housing,
vehicles and an education savings fund for the children.

After that, we would start focusing on investing for our old age. To do this, I think we should also set a
target. My personal target for retirement is to be able to live in comfort. Not to be rich, but

I have been fortunate to know PT Vale retirees who have taught me how to invest. I also enjoy
reading articles by financial planners and I am interested in asset development. I started by opening
a planned savings account and term deposit. I did this before I joined PT Vale. After getting lots of input and reading articles, I started looking
at Indonesian retail bonds (ORI). It was alright, but not as good as I had expected. I think experimenting like this is fine because it is a learning

Then I looked at gold and mutual funds. I started slowly accumulating funds, and the results were pleasing. Gold prices were always
increasing at a higher rate than inflation, so I saw that as an attractive investment. In the last few years, my husband and I decided to increase
the value of our investment, so we started looking at property. It turns out that investment in this field is the most profitable in the long run.
And so we decided to develop our property assets. I found that investing is addictive. Now I enthusiastically invest first and go shopping later.

32 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Each year, my husband and I review our assets and set a target for the following year. I’m sure that anyone can save and invest if they want to.
Just go slowly, do it a little bit at a time. But it’s true that you should start early and be consistent.

I am imagining that in my old age, I will live comfortably in a large farm. Maybe I’ve been inspired by my grandmother who lives in the
countryside and who has managed to look young through her gardening and farming activities. My hope is to one day become a farmer
living comfortably.

Joni Rangan, Defense Security & Service

Although I don’t retire for another 17 years, I have already started preparing and studying for it.
There are three things to prepare: finances, lifestyle and health. In terms of finances, I live within
my means; I won’t pressure myself into own this or that, or live extravagantly. My priority is to fulfill
my basic needs. I hope that by living and managing my money this way, the changes that will
come with retirement won’t come as such a shock.

From what I gather, many pensioners are not prepared for the change in lifestyle. From having
once earned a salary and lived extravagantly, they end up with no income and yet they cannot
resist their desires. That’s why every weekend I do some gardening or work in my rice field. This is
important so I’ll be used to it when I retire, and the change from being an employee to a being
a garden worker will not come as such a shock. I am also building up my savings for my children’s
education and provide them with education and life insurance.

Yati Surachman, Mining Department

When I retire I want, quite simply, to live a life without wondering what to eat tomorrow, being
able to sleep peacefully at home, and enjoy days with my family. That’s why my husband and I have
started preparing now. We set aside 20 percent of our salary each month, buy land and protect
ourselves with extra insurance outside what the company has covered.

Our dream is to have sufficient investments for the future. I am optimistic we can fulfill this dream
because my partner is also supportive of this. I still have 26 years of service before retiring.

Darius Tandiabang, Medical

I think it is important to prepare the material side of things for retirement, but I don’t think the
material aspect is everything. For me, providing humanitarian services is satisfying, and I hope to
continue doing so when I retire in future. I am sure that if we live righteously, God will provide.

For this reason, the assets I am slowly accumulating for retirement have more to do with self-
development and self-improvement; this applies also to knowledge. This way, I will be able to fill
my days in retirement by helping others and providing humanitarian services. []

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 33


Pesawat Baru
di Bandara Sorowako
ATR 42-500 gantikan Fokker 50.

Setelah melayani penerbangan Makassar-Sorowako dan Menurut Kapten Wildi Manua, ATR 42-500 lebih canggih
sebaliknya selama lima tahun, sejak 21 Mei lalu pesawat dibandingkan pesawat sebelumnya. ”Teknologi safety dan
Fokker 50 buatan Belanda tahun 1994 itu resmi “pensiun”. Ia kenyamanannya juga lebih bagus. Pesawat ini juga banyak
digantikan ATR 42-500 bikinan Perancis tahun 1998. dipakai dalam penerbangan non komersial di Indonesia,”
ungkap Wildi.
Acara peresmian dihadiri Presiden Direktur PT Vale Nico
Kanter, Chief Financial Officer Febriany Eddy, Senior GM Peremajaan pesawat ini merupakan komitmen PT Vale
Operation Excellence Mario Paventi, Direktur External dalam meningkatkan kenyamanan dan keselamatan
Relations Basrie Kamba, dan Kapten Pesawat Indonesia Air penerbangan bisnis karyawan dan mitranya. Dalam
Transport Wildi Manua. Acara ditandai dengan pemotongan sambutannya, Manager of Maintenance Planning Agus
pita dan penyerahan miniatur ATR 42-500 oleh Kapten Wildi Nunar Hikmawan mengatakan, ”Pesawat baru ini
Manua kepada Presdir PT Vale Nico Kanter. merupakan salah satu kesepakatan PT Vale dengan IAT,
bertujuan agar penerbangan lebih nyaman dan aman.”
Situs ATR menyebutkan, seri 42-500 merupakan pesawat Hal ini sejalan dengan perbaikan infrastruktur dan fasilitas
penumpang berukuran medium yang lincah. Mampu Bandara Sorowako serta upgrading dan sertifikasi operator
menembus ketinggian 1.500-17.000 kaki dalam tempo 10 dan petugas keamanan yang telah rampung tahun lalu.
menit. Pesawat dengan panjang 22,6 meter ini irit bahan
bakar untuk kelas 50 penumpang dan emisi CO2-nya lebih Khusus untuk penerbangan PT Vale ini, kapasitas ATR 42-500
rendah 20 persen daripada model sebelumnya. menjadi 40 kursi dari sebelumnya 46 kursi. Hingga seluruh
suku cadang ATR 42-500 terpenuhi, Fokker 50 berstatus
stand by di Bandara Sorowako. []

34 Ha l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


New Airplanes
at Sorowako Airport
ATR 42-500 replaces Fokker 50.

After serving the Makassar-Sorowako route for five (?) years,

the 1994 Dutch-manufactured Fokker 50 was officially
decommissioned on 21 May. It has been replaced by a 1998
French-made ATR 42-500.

An inauguration ceremony was held and attended by PT

Vale President Director Nico Kanter, Chief Financial Officer
Febriany Eddy, Operation Excellence Senior GM Mario
Paventi, External Relations Director Basrie Kamba, and
Indonesia Air Transport Captain Wildi Manua. The event
featured a ribbon cutting ceremony and the presentation of
a miniature ATR 42-500 by Captain Wildi Manua to PT Vale
President Director Nico Kanter.
According to Captain Wildi Manua, the ATR 42-500 is more
According to the ATR website, the 42-500 is an agile sophisticated than the previous aircraft. “It also has better
medium-size passenger aircraft. It can make a fast climb safety technology and comfort. This type of aircraft is used
from 1,500 feet to 17,000 feet in less than 10 minutes. widely for non-commercial flights across Indonesia,” Wildi
Measuring 22.6 meters in length, it is economical in terms said.
of fuel consumption for the 50-passenger aircraft category;
its CO2 emissions are 20 percent lower than that of earlier The regeneration of airplanes reflects PT Vale’s commitment
models. to improving the comfort and safety of business flights for
company partners and employees. In his welcome address,
Manager of Maintenance Planning Agus Nunar Hikmawan
said, “This new airplane comes as the result of an agreement
between PT Vale and IAT aiming to make flights safer and
more comfortable.” This is also in line with infrastructure
developments and improved facilities at Sorowako Airport
as well as the upgrade and certification of security officers
and operators last year.

For PT Vale, seating capacity of the ATR 42-500 has been set
at 40 seats; previously this was 46 seats. The Fokker 50 will
be on standby at Sorowako Airport until all the ATR 42-500’s
spare parts are complete. []

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 35


Situs Baru
PT Vale Rilis
Tampil modern minimalis dan padat informasi. Lebih segar
dibandingkan situs era Inco yang telah ada sejak 2004.

Situs PT Vale kini beralamat Sebagai Langkah itu dimulai pada November 2012, ketika Microsoft
bagian dari situs global, ia terkoneksi dengan situs Share Point dipilih sebagai content management system
unit bisnis Vale lainnya di dunia, seperti Kanada, Kaledonia yang baru untuk pengelolaan website, berkolaborasi dengan
Baru, dan lainnya. tim lokal maupun global.

Ketua Dewan Komisaris PT Vale Ricardo Carvalho Situs baru PT Vale memiliki enam kanal informasi: “About
meresmikan situs baru PT Vale tersebut di TAB tanggal Vale”, “Business”, “Careers”, “Investors”, “Press”, dan “Supplier”.
16 Juli lalu. Hadir dalam acara tersebut Presiden Direktur Melalui situs ini, kita juga dapat mengakses beberapa
Nico Kanter, Wapresdir Bernardus Irmanto, COO Josimar laporan perusahaan, seperti laporan tahunan, laporan
Pires, Project Director Dani Widjaja, dan Direktur External keuangan, pers rilis, dan publikasi lainnya.
Relations & Corporate Affairs Basrie Kamba.
Ricardo menyarankan, isi website sebaiknya difokuskan
Menurut Communications Coordinator Sihanto Bela, pada materi-materi unggulan. ”Tidak usah terlalu banyak
website sebelumnya,, sempat diubah dua kali, isinya, yang penting berkualitas dan selalu diperbarui,”
pada Januari 2012 dan Juli 2013. Ini sejalan dengan brand pesannya. Dia mengapresiasi kolaborasi intra-departemen
activation Vale pada akhir 2012, dan dimaksudkan agar isi dalam mengembangkan isi lokal website. Dalam
dan perwajahan website PT Vale selaras dengan website pengembangannya, tim Communications bekerja erat
global Alamatnya juga berubah, menjadi www. dengan IT, Investor Relations, Procurement-Contract Admin, “Dengan tujuan menampilkan brand Human Resources, dan YPS.[]
tunggal, pada akhir 2012 Vale merombak drastis tampilan
dan pengelolaan website,” tambah Sihanto Bela.

36 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


PT Vale’s
New Website Launched
Looking sleek, modern and packed with information,
the site is a fresh change from the Inco-era website
which has existed since 2004.

PT Vale can now be found at As part of Ricardo suggested the website focus on selected content.
the global site, PT Vale’s site is connected to Vale’s “It doesn’t need to contain too much, so long as it has high
other business units, such as those in Canada and New quality and is continually updated,” he said. He appreciated
Caledonia. the intra-departmental collaboration undertaken in
developing local content. The Communications team
Chairperson of PT Vale’s Board of Commissioners Ricardo worked closely with IT, Investor Relations, Procurement-
Carvalho inaugurated the new website at TAB on 16 July. Contract Admin, Human Resources and YPS teams. []
The event was attended by President Director Nico Kanter,
Vice President Director Bernardus Irmanto, COO Josimar
Pires, Project Director Dani Widjaja, and External Relations &
Corporate Affairs Director Basrie Kamba.

Communications Coordinator Sihanto Bela explained that

the old website,, has changed twice, first in
January 2012 and then in July 2013. The change part of
Vale’s brand activation program in late 2012 is aimed at
synchronizing the content and appearance of PT Vale’s site
with that of the global website, Before, the URL
has also been changed to “In late
2012 Vale changed the appearance and management of its
website quite drastically to reflect the single brand,” added
Sihanto Bela.

The changes commenced in November 2012 when

Microsoft Share Point was selected as the website’s new
content management system, in collaboration with local
and global teams.

PT Vale’s new site consists of six information channels:

“About Vale”, “Business”, “Careers”, “Investors”, “Press”, and
“Suppliers”. The site allows us to access several company
reports, including annual reports, financial reports, press
releases and other publications.

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 37


Modifikasi VSD
ala Tim Electric
Shop, Plant
dan MSE
Menghemat biaya sekaligus
menurunkan operation delay.
Alat pengetesan motor VCD di Electric Workshop Support Service.

Di balik tantangan, ada peluang. Semangat ini disadari oleh pengetesan motor bisa mencapai 500.000 dollar AS,” ujar
Tim Electric Workshop, Plant Maintenance, dan Maintenance Manager Electrical Engineering Process Plant & Utilities
System & Engineering (MSE). Ketika dihadapkan pada Rustam Saleh.
target peningkatan produksi dengan biaya yang efisien,
mereka berinovasi dengan memanfaatkan alat bekas, yang Dengan cara lama itu, tim pernah mengalami kegagalan
dimodifikasi menjadi alat pendukung produksi di area beberapa kali. Ketika dites di Electric Workshop berhasil,
Process Plant. namun ketika diuji langsung di lokasi kiln atau converter
mengalami kegagalan setelah beroperasi beberapa minggu.
Alat hasil modifikasi Tim Electric Workshop tersebut “Kondisi ini pernah terjadi ketika kami memperbaiki
dinamakan variable speed drive (VSD). Selama ini, tes Main Drive Motor Kiln 3 pada bulan April tahun 2013,” ujar
motor di main drive, dryer, kiln, dan converter mengunakan Electrical Engineer Suherman.
alat yang kurang sepadan tenaganya. Alat yang tersedia
di Electric Workshop hanya mampu mengetes motor Ide memodifikasi alat muncul sekitar Februari 2013. Mereka
berkekuatan 200 horsepower. Padahal, motor-motor di teringat keberadaan VSD yang tersimpan di warehouse dan
alat produksi tidak sedikit yang berkekuatan lebih dari sama sekali belum pernah digunakan. VSD itu merupakan
200 horsepower. Akibatnya, tim Electric Workshop hanya eks proyek 2006. “Ketika itu (2005—Red), harga VSD
menggunakan fasilitas pengukuran yang ada tanpa mencapai 35.000 dollar AS. Bersama tim Process Plant
mengujinya, yakni dengan menghubungkan ke sumber Maintenance, Electric Workshop, kami memodifikasi VSD.
energi langsung (run test). Power distribusi untuk pengetesan motor-motor listrik
berdaya besar didongkrak naik. Voltase motor listrik yang
Demikianlah, bila Electric Workshop kedatangan alat di atas semula hanya dapat mengetes alat bertegangan 380 volt
kapasitas motor pengetesan, mereka harus menyediakan dinaikkan menjadi 680 volt. Sedangkan tenaga motor yang
beberapa komponen baru, seperti transformer, stater motor, mampu dites bisa mencapai 800 horsepower,” ujar Suhrman.
dan kabel-kabel. “Sementara proyek pengadaan komponen Dia menambahkan, “Inti VSD ini bervoltase kecil tapi

38 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Komponen alat pengetesan motor VCD di Electric Workshop Support Service.

Seorang pekerja sedang mengontrol operasi converter. Tempat Instalasi Magnetic Field Power Supply di area converter.

mampu mengetes motor bertegangan dan bertenaga lebih Bukan hanya sukses dengan kinerja alat, biaya modifikasi
besar daripada kapasitasnya. Caranya dengan memanipulasi dan desain alat ini juga jauh efisien. Untuk membuat external
kontrol VSD.” magnetic field, Tim Electric Maintenance dan MSE butuh dana
tak lebih dari 2.000 dollar AS.
Kini, dengan alat baru ciptaan sendiri itu, Tim Electric
Workshop tidak pernah mengalami kegagalan pengetesan Desain baru yang dilakukan ini telah membuahkan hasil
motor alat produksi. “Kondisi ini membuat delay operasi ketika internal field card Converter 4 mengalami kegagalan
dapat semakin ditekan. Tentunya ini sesuai dengan target lagi pada 20 Juni 2013. Operasional Converter 4 tidak
peningkatan volume produksi perusahaan,” ungkap mengalami delay karena tersedia back up system external
Coordinator Electric Workshop Butro. magnetic field. Perusahaan pun terhindar dari kerugian
produksi sekitar 74.000 dollar AS.
Kurang dari 2.000 Dollar AS
Terkadang ide sederhana berdampak besar bagi perusahaan.
Lain halnya di area converter. Beberapa kali VSD DC
Bila modifikasi ini tidak pernah lahir, Electric Workshop
Simoreg yang dipergunakan untuk mengontrol operational
terpaksa menganggarkan 250.000 dollar AS ditambah
Converter 4 mengalami kegagalan, khususnya pada sisi
500.000 dollar AS untuk pengadaan peralatan tes dan power
internal field card VSD. Ini menyebabkan perusahaan
supply. Demikian halnya di area converter jika terjadi masalah
kehilangan produksi karena Converter 4 tidak bisa
internal field card pada VSD DC Simoreg. Perusahaan bisa
dioperasikan selama perbaikan dilakukan.
kehilangan produksi sekitar 74.000 dollar AS. []

“Telah dilakukan beberapa modifikasi sederhana, namun

baru efektif menghilangkan kegagalan yang sama pada
sistem VSD Converter 4 dengan membuat desain tambahan,
yakni dengan membuat external magnetic field,” ujar
Electrical Designer Djeli Toding.

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 39


VSD Modification a la
Team Electric Shop, Plant
Maintenance and MSE
Both a cost cutting measure and an effort to reduce operational delays.

Component 0f VCD’s motor tester

installation at Electr ic Workshop
Support Service.

Behind every challenge is an opportunity: this was the

spirit behind the work of the team from Electric Workshop,
Plant Maintenance and Maintenance System & Engineering
(MSE). When faced by a target to increase production while
keeping costs low, team members improvised by using As a result, when Electric Workshop receives equipment
old equipment and modifying these into product support with a capacity larger than that of exiting testing tools,
equipment for the Process Plant area. new components must be brought in. These may include
transformers, engine starters and cabling. “Meanwhile,
The variable speed drive (VSD) is the name of the procuring engine testing components can cost up to
equipment resulting from the Electric Workshop Team’s $500,000,” said Electrical Engineering Process Plant &
modifications. Currently, engine tests on the main drive, Utilities Manager Rustam Saleh.
dryer, kiln and converter are conducted using tools that
lack the necessary power capacity; equipment at Electric Under those circumstances, the team had experienced
Workshop can only test engines measuring 200 horsepower. several failures: equipment would be tested successfully
In fact, the capacity of many engines in production at Electric Workshop, but failed when tested directly, on
equipment exceeds 200 horsepower, so the Electric location at the kiln or converter, after operating for several
Workshop team has been using measuring facilities without weeks. “This happened when we fixed Main Drive Motor Kiln
testing, or conducting a test run on them. 3 in April 2013,” said Electrical Engineer Suherman.

40 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


The idea to modify old equipment emerged around

February 2013, when they remembered the brand-new
VSD stored in the warehouse that had never been used. The
VSD was left over from a 2006 project. “At the time (in 2005
Ed.), VSDs cost $35,000. Together with the Process Plant
Maintenance and Electric Workshop teams we modified the
VSD. Power distribution for testing large capacity electrical
engines was increased. The voltage of electrical engines
originally capable of testing only 380 volt equipment was
increased to 680 volts. Meanwhile, testing could be done Activity at converter area.

on engines with capacities of up to 800 horsepower,” said

Less than $2,000
“The core of this VSD has a small voltage but it is capable of A different situation exists in the Converter area. Several
testing engines with a higher voltage and power capacity times the Simoreg DC VSD that was used to control
than its own. This is done by manipulating the VSD’s operations at Converter 4 had failed; more specifically this
controls,” he added. was related to the VSD’s internal field card. The situation
resulted in significant production losses as Converter 4
Now, with the new equipment, Electric Workshop team no could not operate while undergoing repair.
longer experiences failures in their testing of production
equipment engines. “This means operational delays are “Some simple modifications were made, but then what
reduced, and of course it is also in line with the company’s effectively eliminated the failure to Converter 4’s VSD system
target to increase production volume,” said Electric was when an extra feature was added: an external magnetic
Workshop Coordinator Butro. field,” said Electrical Designer Djeli Toding.

Not only did this improve equipment performance, the

modification and redesign of the equipment was extremely
cost efficient. To make the external magnetic field, the
Electrical Maintenance and MSE team needed no more than

The new design proved successful in resolving Converter

4’s internal field card failure which happened again on 20
June 2013. Thanks to the external magnetic field backup
system, Converter 4’s operations were not delayed and the
company avoided production losses potentially amounting
to $74,000.

Sometimes simple ideas have a big impact on the

company. If these modifications had not taken place,
Electric Workshop would have had to budget $250,000 plus
$500,000 for the procurement of testing equipment and
power supplies. And in the converter area, if there was a
problem with the internal field card of the Simoreg DC VSD,
Installation PlaceM agnetic Field
Power Supply. the company would have had to suffer about $74,000 in
losses. []

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 41


Town Hall Meeting

Ide Penghematan
untuk Hadapi Pasar Labil
Perlu peran seluruh departemen untuk mencari solusi.

Bernardus Irmanto, Chief Operation Officer Josimar Pires, dan

Chief Financial Officer Febriany Eddy. Mereka menyajikan
presentasi bersama berjudul ”To Keep, To Survive”.

Town Hall Meeting kali ini sedikit berbeda dari sebelum-

sebelumnya. Berlangsung hampir tiga jam, pertemuan
membahas isu yang sedang hangat, yakni kelesuan pasar
nikel dunia dan posisi keuangan perusahaan yang dianggap
tidak sehat.

Febriany Eddy, pengganti CFO sebelumnya, Fabio Bechara,

mengatakan, situasi pasar nikel tidak dapat diprediksi.
Karena itu, PT Vale perlu ekstra menyiapkan skenario
terburuk. Salah satu antisipasinya adalah menginventarisasi
proyek/inisiatif untuk disinkronkan dengan agenda
penghematan dan kondisi kas perusahaan.

”Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, saya membentuk task

force guna memberikan ide-ide penghematan biaya. Task
“Apa yang membedakan kita dengan perusahaan yang force ini efektif bekerja pada Juni dan beranggotakan leaders
nasibnya sama, yang sangat bergantung pada kondisi pasar? seluruh departemen,” ujar Febriany.
Apa artinya tahun 2013 bagi perusahaan kita?” Pertanyaan
retorik ini dilontarkan Presiden Direktur PT Vale Nico Kanter, Menurut wanita yang pernah menjabat Business Planning
satu dari tiga panelis dalam Town Hall Meeting yang digelar & Performance Manager Vale Base Metal Asia & Pacific
di Gedung Ontaeluwu pada 20 Mei lalu, dan dihadiri ini, pembentukan task force ini penting untuk membuat
karyawan level L1 ke atas. keuangan perusahaan sehat. Pasalnya, harga nikel yang
cenderung lesu pada Mei-Juni dapat mengancam kinerja
Pertanyaan tersebut dilontarkan Nico setelah sebelumnya dan keuangan perusahaan.
dia memaparkan soal belum kondusifnya situasi pasar nikel
dunia dan tantangan perusahaan. ”Yang membedakan Dalam simulasi yang dipaparkan Febriany, bila penjualan
adalah kita punya komitmen. Kita mau bekerja sama untuk PT Vale pada 2013 mampu menembus 980 juta dollar AS,
mencari solusi dari situasi tertekan ini,” jawab Nico. sedangkan biaya produksi, belanja modal, dan riset sebesar
Selain CEO, narasumber lain adalah Wakil Presiden Direktur 741 juta dollar AS, sementara aktivitas finansial senilai 96

42 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Sementara Bernardus Irmanto menjelaskan soal

perkembangan program HR Breakthrough, yang terdiri atas
juta dollar AS dengan perhitungan harga nikel sampai akhir survei karyawan, perbaikan kompetensi dan nilai, serta
tahun 14.000 dollar AS per metrik ton, cash flow PT Vale inisiatif peningkatan kualitas lingkungan kerja.
minus 71 juta dollar AS. Pun bila harga nikel 15.000 dollar AS,
keuangan perusahaan belum baik pula, karena masih minus Presentasi dilanjutkan oleh Nico Kanter. Dia menyampaikan
39 juta dollar AS. perkembangan terbaru renegosiasi Kontrak karya
yang ditargetkan rampung tahun ini. Tantangan yang
”Perusahaan yang sehat adalah perusahaan yang dapat dihadapi perusahaan terkait luasan areal tambang, durasi
men-generate kas yang cukup untuk investasi dan pengelolaan lahan, dan divestasi. “Ada poin-poin lain dalam
operasinya. Secara finansial, kita dapat saja melakukan pembicaraan renegosiasi ini, misalnya terkait added value
pemangkasan proyek demi proyek, namun itu bukan solusi processing, namun kita sudah punya smelter di Sorowako.
yang bijak. Ini tugas seluruh departemen untuk mencari Ini menjadi modal kita. Termasuk transparansi pelaksanaan
solusi terbaik,” tambah Febriany. CSR perusahaan melalui program Commdev, yang dapat
dipantau pemerintah melalui laporan berkala yang kita
Keselamatan Kerja & Renegosiasi Kontrak sampaikan,” ujar Nico. []
Sebelumnya, Josimar Pires melakukan presentasi tentang
tren kecelakaan kerja. Menurut dia, angkanya masih
tergolong tinggi. Karena itu, Josimar mengingatkan untuk
memprioritaskan prosedur keselamatan kerja. Josimar
juga mengulas operation factor di pabrik yang ditargetkan
mencapai 80,8 persen pada tahun 2013.

Chief Financial Officer Febriany Eddy memaparkan soal kondisi pasar nikel
dunia dan imbas terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan.

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 43


Town Hall Meeting

Cost Saving Ideas in Times

of Market Instability
The involvement of all departments is crucial to find a solution.

“What sets us apart from other companies who face the

same fate as us and rely heavily on market conditions?
What does the year 2013 means for our company?” These
rhetorical questions came from PT Vale President Director
Nico Kanter, who was one of three panelists speaking at a
Town Hall Meeting held in Ontaeluwu Building on 20 May.
The talk was attended by employees from level L1 and

Nico’s questions came after he had explained about the

challenges currently faced by the company and unfavorable The Town Hall Meeting this time was slightly different from
conditions of the world’s nickel market. “What sets us apart others. Lasting almost three hours, it discussed the hot topic
from the others is our commitment. We are willing to work of slumping world nickel prices and the company’s financial
together to find a solution despite the depressing situation,” position, which many regarded as being unhealthy.
Nico answered.
Febriany Eddy, who replaced Fabio Bechara as CFO, said the
Other keynote speakers besides the CEO were Vice President nickel market was unpredictable and for this reason it was
Director Bernardus Irmanto, Chief Operation Officer Josimar important for PT Vale to prepare for a worst-case scenario.
Pires, and Chief Financial Officer Febriany Eddy. Their joint One way to do this was by making an inventory of projects
presentation was titled “To Keep, To Survive”. or initiatives that could by synchronized with the company’s
financial and cost-saving agenda.

“To do this, I have set up a task force aimed at generating

cost-saving ideas. This task force effectively starts working
in June and consists of leaders of all departments,” Febriany

According to Febriany, who was previously Vale’s Base Metal

Asia & Pacific Business Planning & Performance Manager,
the task force was important for improving the company’s
financial health as low nickel prices in the May-June period
continued to threaten the company’s performance and

44 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Febriany illustrated that if PT Vale’s sales in 2013 exceeded

$980 million while production costs, capital expenditure and
research amounted to $741 million, and financial activities
came to $96 million, taking into account nickel prices of Meanwhile, Bernardus Irmanto explained the progress of
$14,000 per metric ton until the end of this year, PT Vale the HR Breakthrough program involving employee surveys,
would have a negative cash flow of $71 million. Even if nickel improvements in competence and values and initiatives to
prices were $15,000, the company’s finances would still be improve workplace quality.
languishing, with negative $39 million.
In his presentation, Nico Kanter explained the latest
“A healthy company is one that can generate enough cash developments of the Contract of Work renegotiations
for investing and operating. Financially, we could of course targeted for completion this year. The challenges faced by
cut back project after project, but that is not a wise solution. the company relate to mining area size, the duration of land
It is the job of all departments to find the best solution,” management and divestiture. “Then there are other points of
Febriany added. discussion, such as added value processing, but we already
have a smelter in Sorowako; this is our capital. Also, there is
Occupational Safety & Contract of Work the issue of transparency in implementing the company’s
Renegotiations Work Commdev CSR program, which the government can monitor
Prior to that, Josimar Pires made a presentation on the through the regular reports we send them,” said Nico. []

trend in workplace accidents. He said the figures were still

very high so occupational safety procedures should remain
a priority. Josimar said the factory’s operation factor was
targeted at 80.8 percent for 2013.

Chief Operation Officer Josimar Pires made a

presentation on the trend in workplace accidents.

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 45


Selama tiga hari, 25-27 Juni 2013, perwakilan Mitsui
mengunjungi area operasi PT Vale di Sorowako dan
proyek pengembangan bisnis di Pomalaa. Rombongan

terdiri atas Shinichi Takei (CEO Mitsui Philipina), Tatsuhiro
Torikai (Director Supervisor Mitsui & Co), Takayuki Suchida
(Manager of Base Metals Marketing at Mitsui & Co), Kenta
Kato (GM Mitsui Indonesia), dan Benny Kartakusumah

Kunjungi (Business Development Coordinator Mitsui Indonesia).

Mitsui merupakan perusahaan perdagangan kedua terbesar
di Jepang yang memiliki 18% saham Vale SA (global) sejak

PT Vale 2008.

Hari pertama, dipaparkan operasi, strategi, dan manajemen

Agenda untuk studi kelayakan lingkungan pasca-tambang PT Vale oleh Senior GM

Operation Excellence, Mario Paventi, dan tim di ruang rapat
investasi. gedung TAB. Hari kedua, dipandu Acting Senior General
Manager Mines and Exploration Department, Basri Kambatu
dan Manager of Mine Rehabilitation, Prio Ambodo Aris,
perwakilan Mitsui meninjau lokasi tambang di Anoa Selatan,
reklamasi di Puncak Himalaya, dan pengolahan limbah cair
di Pakalangkai Cromium Waste Water Treatment.

Ketika di area tambang, diskusi seputar operasi di Sorowako

dan proses penambangan berlangsung. Takayuki Suchida

46 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


menanyakan soal kualitas nikel dan volume produksi nickel dibuka dengan presentasi soal PLTA, yang kemudian
ore di Sorowako. “Setiap tahun area Mining ini mampu berkembang tentang kinerja produksi, pajak, royalti, dan
menghasilkan dua juta ton nickel ore dengan grade yang program CSR PT Vale.
bagus. Sedangkan produksi kami tahun 2013 ditargetkan
naik 10% dari tahun sebelumnya atau menjadi 78.000 Dalam sesi ini Shinichi Takei mengungkapkan, kunjungan
metrik ton,” jawab Basri Kambatu. selama tiga hari ini memberikan impresi tersendiri bagi
Mitsui. Takei juga menanyakan soal komposisi tenaga kerja,
Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan diskusi dengan Tim rencana pengembangan bisnis dan operasi PT Vale ke
Process Development, yang diwakili Manager of Process depan. “Saat ini kami memiliki 3.000 lebih pekerja dan 80%
Development Setianto Daniel dan Senior Process Engineer merupakan orang lokal. Kami juga ingin beroperasi di sini
Hari Setiawan. Presentasi ditambah soal Coal Convertion untuk jangka panjang, karena potensi nikelnya masih besar
Project 1 (CCP 1) oleh Senior Process Engineer Themy Salim, sekali,” papar Josimar Pires.
yang mengundang ketertarikan perwakilan Mitsui. Kenta
Kato, misalnya, menanyakan efisiensi yang dihasilkan dari Menurut Benny Kartakusumah, kunjungan Mitsui
proyek konversi bahan bakar Process Plant ke batu bara. ini bertujuan melakukan review dan studi kelayakan
“Dalam perhitungan kami, bisa menghemat biaya sampai pengembangan bisnis PT Vale. “Kami ingin melihat prospek
dua juta dollar AS per bulan,” ujar Themy Salim. Acara bisnis PT Vale, khususnya rencana pengembangan di
ditutup dengan melihat dari dekat Process Plant. Pomala. Tapi kami juga ingin melihat hasil renegosiasi
Kontrak Karya,” ujar Benny. Usai dari Sorowako, rombongan
Pada hari ketiga, rombongan Mitsui berkunjung ke kebun Mitsui melanjutkan kunjungan ke Pomala. []
pembibitan dan fasilitas publik, yakni rumah sakit dan
permukiman karyawan. Dilanjutkan dengan closing meeting
di TAB. Sesi ini dipimpin COO Josimar Pires, didampingi tim
Mining, Operation, dan Supporting Department. Diskusi

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 47


Mitsui Representatives
Visit PT Vale
On the agenda is an investment feasibility study.

For three days, from 25 to 27 June 2013, representatives 1 (CCP 1) by Senior Process Engineer Themy Salim, which
from Mitsui visited PT Vale’s operational area in Sorowako prompted Mitsui’s Kenta Kato to ask about the efficiency of
and business development project in Pomalaa. The group the Process Plant’s fuel conversion project. “According to our
of visitors included Shinichi Takei (Mitsui Philippines CEO), calculations, it can save us up to $2 million a month,” said
Tatsuhiro Torikai (Mitsui & Co Director Supervisor), Takayuki Themy Salim. The day’s events ended with a tour of Process
Suchida (Manager of Base Metals Marketing at Mitsui & Co), Plant.
Kenta Kato (Mitsui Indonesia GM) and Benny Kartakusumah
(Mitsui Indonesia Business Development Coordinator). On the third day, the group visited the seedling nursery
Mitsui is the second largest trading company in Japan and and public facilities, which consisted of the hospital
since 2008 has 18% ownership of global Vale SA shares. and employee residences, and ended with a closing
meeting at TAB. This session was led by COO Josimar Pires,
On the first day of their visit, a team led by Operation who was accompanied by the Mining, Operation and
Excellence Senior GM, Mario Paventi, provided the group Supporting Department team. The discussions opened
with information on PT Vale’s operations, strategies and with a presentation on the hydroelectric power plant and
post-mining environmental management program. continued with PT Vale’s production performance, taxes,
This was held in the meeting room of the TAB building. royalties and CSR program.
On the second day, Mines and Exploration Department
Acting Senior General Manager, Basri Kambatu, and Mine During the session, Shinichi Takei said the three-day visit
Rehabilitation Manager, Prio Ambodo Aris, took the visitors provided Mitsui with an impressive picture. Takei also
to the Anoa Selatan mining site, the reclamation in Puncak asked about the composition of the workforce and PT Vale’s
Himalaya and the Pakalangkai Cromium Waste Water business development and operational plans. “Currently we
Treatment facility. have 3,000 employees, 80% of whom are locals. We would
also like to continue long term operations here because
At the mining site, while discussing operations in Sorowako, there is still a very large potential for nickel,” said Josimar
Takayuki Suchida asked about the quality of nickel and the Pires.
production volume of nickel ore in Sorowako. “Each year
this mining area can produce two million tons of good According to Benny Kartakusumah, Mitsui’s visit was
grade nickel ore. Our production target for 2013 is 10% or intended as a review and a business development feasibility
78,000 metric tons more than the previous year,” said Basri study of PT Vale. “We would like to see PT Vale’s business
Kambatu. prospects, particularly the development plans in Pomala.
But we would also like to see the result of the Contract of
The group held discussions with the Process Development Work renegotiations,” said Benny. From Sorowako, the group
Team represented by Manager of Process Development, continued on to Pomala. []
Setianto Daniel, and Senior Process Engineer, Hari Setiawan.
There was also a presentation on Coal Conversion Project

48 Ha l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 49


Tabloid Verbeek, Bacaan

Baru Masyarakat Lutim
Hadir sebagai media komunikasi PT Vale dengan
pemangku kepentingan.

Setelah dirancang hampir setengah tahun, akhirnya

tabloid Verbeek edisi pertama resmi diluncurkan pada 20
Juli lalu. Acara peluncuran berlangsung di Kantor Camat
Nuha, dihadiri Camat Nuha Kamal Rasyid, Camat Towuti keterbukaan informasi, para pihak yang saling berinteraksi
Mohammad Salman, Camat Wasuponda Awaluddin Anwar, akan semakin dewasa dan tidak mudah diprovokasi dan
GM Communications & Media Relations Teuku Mufizar dipolitisir,” kata Kamal. Tabloid dengan slogan ”Informasi,
Mahmud, GM Goverment Relations Rimba Andi Lolo, Ketua Interaksi, Inspirasi” ini diarahkan menjadi media komunikasi
FKUB Ardias Barah, tokoh masyarakat, perwakilan organisasi antara tiga pihak tersebut.
masyarakat, organisasi wanita, pemuda, dan keagamaan.
Edisi perdana Verbeek hadir setebal 12 halaman dengan
“Nama Verbeek dipilih karena sudah akrab di telinga kita. laporan utama monitoring dan evaluasi Crash Program
Inilah nama pegunungan di wilayah Luwu Timur, yang 2012. Artikel lainnya berisi wawasan dan berita umum,
mewadahi dinamika masyarakat, pemerintah, dan industri. seperti tips kesehatan, cara membuat kue, safety, cerita
Ketiganya adalah stakeholder utama perusahaan,” ujar Teuku rakyat, dan karya lukis siswa TK.
Mufizar Mahmud.
Direncanakan, Verbeek terbit dua bulanan dengan oplah
Camat Nuha Kamal Rasyid menyambut baik kehadiran 3.000 eksemplar, dan didistribusikan ke empat wilayah
tabloid Verbeek. ”Semoga tabloid ini menyokong upaya pemberdayaan PT Vale. Saat ini Verbeek masih dikelola tim
transparansi pengelolaan pemberdayaan masyarakat yang Communications dan Community Relations PT Vale. “Ke
dirintis PT Vale, pemerintah, dan masyarakat. Dengan depan, pengelolaan tabloid ini diharapkan bisa melibatkan
para kontributor dari elemen masyarakat di wilayah
pemberdayaan,” kata Teuku Mufizar Mahmud. []

50 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Verbeek Tabloid, New

Reading for Luwu Timur
A media of communication between PT Vale and stakeholders.

After undergoing a design process of almost half a year, the

first edition of the tabloid Verbeek was officially launched
on 20 July. The inauguration ceremony was held at the PT Vale more transparent. With access to information, various
office of the Nuha Subdistrict head and was attended by interacting parties can be expected to behave more maturely
the Nuha Subdistrict Head Kamal Rasyid; Towuti Subdistrict and less easily provoked and politicized,” said Kamal. The
Head Mohammad Salman; Wasuponda Subdistrict Head tabloid, which carries the slogan “Information, Interaction,
Awaluddin Anwar; Communications GM Teuku Mufizar Inspiration” is designed to be a media of communication
Mahmud; Government Relations GM Rimba Andi Lolo; FKUB between the three stakeholders.
Chairperson Ardias Barah; community figures, representatives
of community organizations and women’s, youth and The first edition of Verbeek contains 12 pages and features
religious groups. a main report on monitoring and evaluating the 2012 Crash
Program. Other articles include general news and articles,
“The name Verbeek was chosen because we are familiar with including tips on health, cooking, safety, as well as folklores
it. It is the name of the mountain ranges in Luwu Timur, and and artwork from preschool children.
reflects community, government and industry dynamics.
All three are the company’s main stakeholders,” said Teuku Verbeek will be published every two months with a print run
Mufizar Mahmud. of 3,000 copies and distributed in PT Vale’s four empowerment
areas. Currently, Verbeek is still managed by PT Vale’s
Nuha Subdistrict Head Kamal Rasyid warmly welcomed Communications and Community Relations team. “In future,
Verbeek. “I hope this tabloid supports efforts to make the we hope that the tabloid’s management will involve
management of community empowerment programs by contributors from the communities within the empowerment
areas,” said Teuku Mufizar Mahmud []

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 51


Sekolah Baru
di Tahun Ajaran Baru
Bangunan yang layak akan memberikan kenyamanan
bagi peserta didik.

Presiden Direktur PT Vale, Nico Kanter, berjalan menuju ruang Menurut Nico Kanter, pembangunan sekolah ini merupakan
pameran pendidikan di lantai dasar bangunan sekolah baru itu. wujud kepedulian perusahaan, sekaligus salah satu pilar penting
Kemudian dia berhenti memperhatikan jemari seorang siswa pengembangan masyarakat dalam menciptakan sumber daya
sekolah dasar mengoperasikan komputer. Mouse bergerak lincah manusia yang andal. “Dari sekolahlah manusia-manusia yang luar
di tangan si anak. “Ini adalah game yang dibuat siswa sendiri,” kata biasa terlahir,” katanya.
seorang pemandu.
Sekolah, kata Nico Kanter lebih jauh, adalah aset jangka panjang
Nico Kanter menepuk dan memegang pundak anak itu. yang menentukan masa depan sebuah bangsa. Berdirinya
Dia mengucapkan sesuatu, dan kemudian mereka berfoto bangunan sekolah baru ini hanyalah langkah awal untuk
bersama. Semua orang yang melihatnya pada tersenyum. menciptakan manusia yang memiliki potensi. “Bukan tidak
Pameran pendidikan itu merupakan rangkaian kegiatan yang mungkin, kelak anak-anak kitalah yang berdiri memberikan
diselenggarakan Yayasan Pendidikan Sorowako (YPS) saat sambutan sebagai Presiden PT Vale,” katanya disambut tepuk
peresmian gedung sekolah baru, 19 Juni 2013. tangan.

Selain pameran pendidikan, peresmian gedung sekolah ditandai Menurut catatan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan tahun
dengan pelepasan balon dan beragam atraksi kesenian, mulai dari 2010, SMU YPS merupakan salah satu sekolah terbaik di Indonesia.
tari Paddupa hingga marching band. Setiap orang terlihat antusias, Khusus untuk Luwu Timur, pada tahun ajaran 2012-2013 angka
bertepuk tangan, bernyanyi, hingga berjoget bersama. Puncak kelulusan peserta didik tingkat sekolah dasar adalah 100%.
acara adalah penandatanganan prasasti oleh Nico Kanter.
“YPS adalah salah satu sekolah terbaik yang dimiliki Luwu Timur
Acara persemian juga disaksikan oleh Chief Operation Officer dan Sulawesi Selatan. Kita harus bangga memiliki YPS,” kata Kepala
Josimar Pires, Ketua YPS Eko Nugroho, Kepala Bidang Pendidikan Bidang Pendidikan Dasar Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga
Dasar Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga Luwu Timur H. Luwu Timur, H. Ahmar. []
Ahmar, Camat Nuha Kamal Rasyid, serta tenaga pengajar di YPS dan
orangtua murid.

Gedung sekolah berlantai dua itu dibangun sejak 2009 dengan luas
5.042 m2. Memiliki 24 ruangan kelas, lengkap dengan pendingin
udara, ruangan penyimpanan arsip, aula yang dapat menampung
ratusan orang, kantin, ruang guru, serta ruangan Total Quality
Improvement (TQI). Gedung diperuntukkan bagi siswa kelas 4, 5, dan 6
SD Lawewu dan Singkole.

Ketua Yayasan Pendidikan Sorowako, Eko Nugroho, dalam

sambutannya mengatakan, diwujudkannya bangunan sekolah
baru ini adalah bukti kepedulian betapa pentingnya pendidikan.
“Bangunan ini bukan penentu proses belajar. Namun bangunan
yang layak akan memberikan kenyamanan bagi peserta didik kita,”

52 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


New School for a

New Academic Year
Decent buildings provide comfort for students.

PT Vale President Director Nico Kanter walked towards the

education exhibition hall on the ground floor of the new school
building. He stopped to watch a primary school student working on
a computer, fingers skillfully moving the mouse. “This is a game this
student made themself,” a guide explained.

Nico Kanter gave the student a pat on the shoulders and said
something to them. The two of them then had their photo taken.
It was a heartwarming moment that brought a smile to everyone’s
face. The education exhibition was one of several events held by
Sorowako Education Fund (YPS) for the opening of the new school
building on 19 July 2013.
Besides the exhibition, the inauguration ceremony featured
a balloon release and various arts attractions, including a
presentation of the Paddupa dance and marching band displays.
The audience was enthusiastic and people clapped, sang and
danced. The highlight of the events was the signing of a plaque by
Nico Kanter.

Nico Kanter said construction of the school demonstrates

The ceremony was attended by Chief Operation Officer Josimar
corporate responsibility and is an important pillar in community
Pires; YPS Chairperson Eko Nugroho; Head of Primary Education
development, which is aimed at creating reliable human resources.
of Luwu Timur Office for Education, Youth and Sport, H. Ahmar;
“It is from schools that we are able to have extraordinary people,”
Nuha Subdistrict Head Kamal Rasyid; and teachers and parents of
he said.
students of YPS.

Nico described schools as long-term assets that determine the

Construction of the two-storey building started in 2009. Measuring
future of a nation; the new building itself was simply a start to the
5,042 square meters, the building consists of 24 classrooms and
creation of human beings with potential. “It is not impossible that
is equipped with air-conditioning, storage rooms, an assembly
in future, our children will be the ones standing here and giving this
hall with a capacity of several hundred people, a canteen, a staff
speech as the president of PT Vale,” he said to applause from the
room and a Total Quality Improvement (TQI) room. The building
is allocated for grades 4, 5, and 6 students from SD Lawewu and
Singkole primary schools.
The Ministry of Education and Culture in 2010 listed SMU YPS (YPS
Senior High School) as one of the best in Indonesia. The percentage
Chairperson of the foundation, Eko Nugroho, in his welcome
of primary school students in Luwu Timur who graduated in the
address said the new building demonstrates a concern for, and the
2012-2013 academic year was 100%.
importance of education. “The learning process is not determined
by this building, but a decent building will certainly make the
“YPS is one of the best schools in Luwu Timur and South Sulawesi.
process more comfortable for our students,” he said.
We should be proud to have YPS,” said Head of Primary Education of
Luwu Timur’s Office for Education, Youth and Sport, H. Ahmar. []

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 53


Lingkungan Sehat
Menjaga dan menciptakan lingkungan yang sehat dan baik
merupakan tanggung jawab semua lapisan masyarakat.

Pada 22 April 2013, ketika beberapa orang berkumpul

merayakan Hari Bumi di Sorowako, PT Vale membagikan Kebijakan Lingkungan ini tak ubahnya sebagai dasar dan
bantuan bibit tanaman, mengadakan lomba gambar aturan perusahaan dalam melakukan penambangan, mulai
bertema lingkungan hidup, dan merilis Kebijakan dari eksplorasi hingga pengiriman produk. Contohnya,
Lingkungan (Environment Policy). “Sejak saat itu, kerja-kerja meminimalisir angka polusi dari debu cerobong pabrik
dan perencanaan lingkungan semakin dimatangkan dan dengan memasang alat penangkap elektromagnetik atau
digenjot lagi,” kata Sunarso, GM Environment PT Vale. pembuatan proses segregasi sampah perusahaan maupun
Pentingnya lingkungan bagi perusahaan dibuktikan
dengan menjadikannya salah satu nilai dasar perusahaan. Sejak puluhan tahun lalu, perumahaan karyawan juga
Bumi dan alam, walaupun di sekitarnya terdapat aktivitas ditata dengan halaman dan suasana yang sehat. Setiap
penambangan, harus selalu segar. “Saya kira, ini merupakan tahun, perusahaan juga melakukan kegiatan pembersihan
pengenjawantahan dari misi dan visi Vale, yakni prize the sedimen dan mengangkat sampah yang tercebur di Danau
planet,” katanya. Matano. Dilakukan pula pemantauan kondisi baku mutu
air dan sosialisasi penyelamatan ikan endemik Matano dari
ikan introduce. Danau Matano adalah aset paling berharga
Sulawesi Selatan.

54 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Menurut Sunarso, untuk program tahun ini, perusahaan

melakukan list biodiversity. Kegiatan ini dimaksudkan untuk
menentukan dan memastikan flora dan fauna apa saja yang
menghuni sebuah kawasan sebelum dilakukan pembukaan
lahan untuk aktivitas penambangan. Untuk kegiatan ini
perusahaan melibatkan konsultan lingkungan yang sudah
berpengalaman, seperti Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Kebijakan Lingkungan PT Vale
Indonesia (LIPI). Untuk mencapai keunggulan di bidang lingkungan, PT
Vale berkomitmen:
Apa dampaknya jika perusahaan tak menjalankan aturan 1. Melaksanakan pembangunan berkelanjutan.
mengenai lingkungan? “Paling berat akan dilakukan 2. Memahami setiap aspek lingkungan yang penting
penutupan. Sementara efek paling besar adalah dan mengetahui dampak aktivitas.
meninggalkan sisa aktivitas yang tidak sehat, sehingga 3. Mematuhi peraturan hukum yang berlaku untuk
menyebarkan penyakit pada masyarakat setempat,” kata Unit Bisnis Operasional.
Sunarso. Secara umum, perusahaan selalu berusaha 4. Mengoptimalkan penggunaan sumber daya alam.
menjalankan aturan yang ditetapkan pemerintah. 5. Praktik selektif pengumpulan sampah, baik di unit
operasional dan daerah administratif.
Sunarso menambahkan, “Kita sudah melaluinya dengan 6. Meminimalkan penciptaan emisi dan buangan
baik. Buktinya, pada 2011-2012, melalui Program Penilaian semua jenis polutan atau limbah.
Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan (PROPER) Menteri Lingkungan 7. Mencegah dampak terhadap flora dan fauna yang
Hidup, PT Vale berhasil mendapatkan nilai “biru”. Ini artinya timbul dari kegiatan perusahaan.
sudah baik dan komplit,” lanjut Sunarso. 8. Mengindentifikasi penyimpangan semua proses
yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan.
9. Melaporkan kejadian lingkungan ke bagian
Kebijakan Lingkungan PT Vale
lingkungan dan mengadopsi langkah-langkah
Setiap tahun perusahaan menganggarkan biaya untuk untuk memperbaiki dan mencegah kejadian
rehabilitasi alam, pengelolaan limbah cair, pengolahan menjadi lebih buruk.
limbah B3, hingga fee kontrak senilai 4,5-5 juta dolar AS. Ini 10. Mengusulkan ide untuk membuat proyek-proyek
terbilang tinggi. baru yang mengembangkan teknologi eko-efisien.

Namun anggaran yang besar tidak selalu menghasilkan

dampak maksimal jika tidak diikuti pembaruan. Karena itu,
PT Vale menganti energi diesel dengan energi yang lebih
ramah lingkungan seperti tenaga air. Sejak resmi beroperasi

tahun 2011, PLTA Karebbe telah menekan dampak Prinsip Lingkungan PT Vale
lingkungan operasi perusahaan.
1. Aspek lingkungan adalah tanggung jawab semua
Sebelumnya, untuk menyuplai energi pabrik, perusahaan
2. Mencegah pencemaran.
memerlukan 32 buah diesel yang masing-masing
3. Meningkatkan kinerja lingkungan secara terus
berkapasitas 1 Megawatt dengan waktu operasi 24 jam.
menerus dan konsisten.
Ketika PLTA Karebbe berfungsi, penggunaan solar diesel
4. Fokus pada sasaran dan tujuan keunggulan
sudah tak ada lagi. Ceceran atau bahkan sisa limbah oli juga
sudah tak ada. []
5. Memprioritas penilaian aspek lingkungan.
6. Pembangunan berkelanjutan.
7. Keberlanjutan sebagai sebuah peninggalan.

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 55


Creating a Healthy
Maintaining and creating a good, healthy environment is the
responsibility of everyone in the community.

On 22 April 2013, when a group of people gathered to by factory vents through the installation of electromagnetic
celebrate Earth Day in Sorowako, PT Vale distributed plant filters; or establishing a system segregating company rubbish
seedlings, held an environment-themed drawing contest from community waste.
and released an Environmental Policy. “Ever since, all sorts of
work and environmental planning have been finalized and For many decades, employee housing has been arranged
enhanced,” said Sunarso, PT Vale’s Environment GM. to include a garden and healthy environment. Each year,
the company conducts activities to clear sedimentation
The importance of environment to the company can be seen and remove rubbish from Lake Matano. There is also the
from the fact that it is featured in one of the company’s basic monitoring of water quality standards and the public
principles. The Earth and nature, despite being in the midst dissemination of information aimed at rescuing endemic
of mining activities, must always stay fresh. “I think this is a Matano fish from introduced species. Lake Matano is South
manifestation of Vale’s vision and mission to prize our planet,” Sulawesi’s most valuable asset.
he said.
Sunarso said that this year’s program consists of compiling
The Environmental Policy is nothing less than a fundamental a biodiversity list to determine the type of flora and fauna
company rule that must be followed when conducting living in an area before land is cleared for mining. This
mining activities, from exploration to product shipment. involved experienced environmental consultants, including
One example is minimizing the level of pollution emitted those from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI).

56 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


What happens if the company reneges on environmental

regulations? “The worst thing would have to be a shutdown. PT Vale Environmental Policy
And the biggest effect would be leaving unhealthy materials To achieve excellence in the field of environment, PT
behind, which might cause the spread of diseases among Vale is committed to:
surrounding communities,” said Sunarso. Generally, the 1. Sustainable development.
company has always attempted to obey the rules set by 2. Understanding every important environmental
government. aspect and knowing the impact of activities.
3. Obeying existing laws applicable to Operational
“We have done this well. This is evident from the “blue” Business Units.
grade achieved by PT Vale in the Ministry of Environment’s 4. Optimizing the use of natural resources.
Company Performance Rating (PROPER) for 2011-2012. This 5. Applying the selective practice of rubbish collection
means it is good and complete,” Sunarso continued. at operational units and administrative areas.
6. Minimizing the creation of emissions and refuse
PT Vale Environmental Policy from all types of pollutants and waste.
7. Preventing the impact on flora and fauna caused by
Each year the company has a budget for nature
company activities.
rehabilitation, wastewater treatment, hazardous and toxic
8. Identifying any deviations in processes that may
waste processing and a contract fee of $4 million to $4.5
lead to environmental destruction.
million. This is quite high.
9. Reporting environmental incidents to the
environment department and taking necessary
But the big budget may not necessarily result in maximum
steps to repair and prevent the situation from
impact if not followed by renewal. For this reason, PT Vale is
becoming worse.
changing its diesel-based energy to more environmentally
10. Providing ideas for making new projects that
friendly energy, such as hydropower. Since the start of its
develop eco-efficient technologies.
operations in 2011, the Karebbe hydroelectric plant has
reduced the environmental impact caused by company

Previously, the company needed 32 diesel engines, with

a capacity of 1 Megawatt each, operating 24 hours, as an
energy source for its factory. By the time the Karebbe plant
PT Vale Environmental Principles
started operating, the diesel engines were gone. Spills and 1. The environment is everyone’s responsibility.
leftover oil pollution were also gone. [] 2. Prevent pollution.
3. Increase environmental performance continually
and consistently.
4. Focus on the aim and goal of environmental
5. Prioritize environmental aspect evaluations.
6. Apply sustainable development.
7. Regard sustainability as a legacy.

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 57


Mereka yang Menjaga

Area Domestik
Tantangan di balik mengelola sampah dan suplai
air bagi kebutuhan rumah tangga.

Menjaga ketersediaan air minum dan mengelola sampah ton,” tambah dia. Alhasil, bisa dihitung berapa kali Heri
bukanlah hal mudah. Apalagi bila itu menyangkut hajat harus bolak-balik ke Konde untuk membereskan tumpukan
hidup ratusan rumah karyawan PT Vale dan ribuan rumah sampah-sampah itu.
warga di Sorowako. Heri Sudarto dan Benediktus “mengawal
kebutuhan domestik” itu dengan sigap dan penuh Masalahnya, dia tidak mungkin selalu stand by di Konde,
semangat. karena profesi ground worker bukan hanya mengurusi
sampah. Perawatan fasilitas publik seperti pemotongan
Heri Sudarto, Ground Worker General pohon dan rumput, pembersihan kavling rumah karyawan
Facilities & Service, GFS dan driving range, pest control, sampai pemakaman juga
perlu diurus. ”Besok saya ada bantu-bantu pekerjaan di
Teman-teman di tempat kerjanya menjuluki pria ini
masjid Sorowako. Meratakan pekarangannya dan mencabut
“Tukang Sampah PT Vale”. Ketika ditanya soal julukan itu,
beton pake loader,” ujar dia.
Heri menjawab santai sambil tertawa, ”Saya ndak masalah
dengan julukan itu. Saya senang kalau melihat lingkungan
Seperti pada suatu hari, Halo Vale mengikuti Heri bekerja.
Sebelum ke Konde, Heri melesat ke salah satu rumah
karyawan di Salonsa. Di sana dia mengecek pengerjaan
Pekerjaan pria kelahiran Blitar, 4 Februari 1972, menuntut
tangga menuju danau yang digarap kontraktor sejak
dia bergerak lincah dalam waktu yang sempit. Pasalnya,
beberapa pekan sebelumnya. ”Hati-hati Pak, tanahnya
dia mesti beradu cepat dengan tumpukan sampah rumah
curam,” ujar Heri mengingatkan para kontraktor yang sedang
tangga dan perkantoran PT Vale yang dibawa truk sampah
kontraktor ke tempat pembuangan sampah ke daerah
Konde, satu kilometer di belakang kantor GFS.
Beberapa menit kemudian, telepon genggam Heri berdering.
Heri menjawab dengan ”siap” dan ”baik Pak”. Ternyata di
Di tempat itu, Heri bersama loader-nya sudah ditunggu
ujung sambungan adalah atasan Heri. Dia meminta Heri dan
sampah-sampah yang masuk. ”Setiap dua jam saya harus
rekan kerjanya segera meluncur ke Malili. ”Ada laporan got
ke sini untuk mengeruk sampah. Kalau terlambat sedikit,
tersumbat dekat Balantang. Jadi kami harus ke sana untuk
sampah bisa menggunung dan menutup jalan,” ujar pria
mengecek,” ujar pria yang masih medok dialek Jawanya ini.
yang telah dikarunia dua orang anak bernama Nestri (12)
Hari semakin sore, hampir pukul tiga. Dalam hitungan detik,
dan Varids (7) ini. Heri sudah hampir 15 tahun bekerja di PT
Heri telah meluncur menuju Malili.

Menurut perhitungan Heri, volume sampah rumah tangga

dan perkantoran di wilayah Sorowako mencapai 50 ton
dalam sehari. ”Namun enggak jarang bisa mencapai 70

58 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Benediktus, Supervisor Infrastructure &

Facilities, GFS
Bicara ketersediaan air minum di permukiman karyawan
dan warga di Sorowako, Benediktus adalah “ pengawalnya”.
Tugas utama pria kelahiran Wasuponda, 27 Oktober 1978
ini adalah mengecek kualitas air minum dan menjaga agar
ketersediaannya tak pernah putus.

Sudah tujuh tahun Bene, begitu dia disapa, melakoni

pekerjaan ini. Setiap hari dia memeriksa instalasi air minum
wilayah Sorowako dan Gunung Batu di Salonsa Intake Pump
dan Salonsa Water Tank. Tempat pertama merupakan pompa
penyedot air Danau Matano untuk bahan baku air minum.
Air itu ditampung dan diolah di water tank, kemudian
dialirkan ke rumah-rumah warga.

Kata Bene, kebutuhan air minum di Sorowako mencapai

15.000 liter per menit. ”Jadi kalau listrik mati dan tidak segera
diatasi, dalam empat jam tangki penampungan air di Salonsa
ini sudah kosong,” ujar dia sambil menunjuk tangki raksasa
berkapasitas hampir satu juta galon. ”Karena itu, di sini ada
Heri Sudarto
back up genset untuk jaga-jaga kalau listrik mati,” tambah

Tantangan pekerjaannya, menurut Bene adalah menjaga

kontinuitas dan kualitas air minum sesuai standar baku mutu
yang diatur regulasi. Ada 583 rumah karyawan dan ribuan
rumah warga di Sorowako dan Gunung Batu berstatus
pelanggan air minum.

Selain mengecek kedua instalasi vital tersebut, setiap hari

Bene berkeliling Sorowako memeriksa pipa-pipa induk
air minum. ”Pipa-pipa induk itu sudah berumur puluhan
tahun, jadi salah satu yang terpenting adalah kontrol dan
perawatannya. Apalagi panjangnya mencapai 16 kilometer,”
ungkap Bene.

Selain mengurus air minum, Bene juga memantau limbah

cair. Untuk urusan ini ada beberapa titik yang mesti
diperhatikan, yakni Enggano, Helai, F Lagoon, D Lagoon,
dan RS Inco. Bene kadang juga mengurusi konstruksi
fasilitas publik yang berhubungan dengan logam, misalnya
pembangunan kanopi di F Gym dan driving range. ”Pekerjaan
kami di GFS ini dituntut serba bisa untuk mengurus
kebutuhan rumah dan fasilitas publik. Tapi justru di situ Benediktus
tantangan kerjanya,” ujar Bene tersenyum. []

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 59


Stories of the
Domestic Wardens
There are challenges to managing waste and
water for domestic consumption. Heri Sudar to

Ensuring that people have a constant supply of drinking delivered by contractors’ trucks to the rubbish tip in Konde,
water and managing domestic waste are not easy, especially about a kilometer away from the GFS office.
when it affects hundreds of PT Vale employee households
and thousands of Sorowako residents. Heri Sudarto and It is there that Heri and his loader greet the incoming
Benediktus are the wardens of these domestic tasks and they rubbish. “Every two hours I have to come here to dig it up.
carry out their duties swiftly and vigorously. If I’m late, even just a little bit, the rubbish would have piled
up and blocked the road,” said the father of Nestri (12) and
Heri Sudarto, Ground Worker General Varids (7). Heri has worked at PT Vale for almost 15 years.
Facilities & Service (GFS)
Based on his calculations, households and offices in
His work colleagues call him “The Bin Man of PT Vale”. Asked
Sorowako produce up to 50 tons of waste a day. “But
if he was offended by the title, Heri laughed and said,
sometimes this can reach 70 tons,” he added. You can
“I don’t mind being called that. I just like seeing a clean
imagine how many times Heri must go back and forth to
Konde to deal with the mountains of rubbish.
Born in Blitar on 4 February 1972, Heri’s job requires him
The trouble is, he cannot always be on standby in Konde
to move quickly in a short amount of time. This is because
because a grounds worker’s job is not just dealing with
he must race against the piles of domestic and office waste
rubbish. The maintenance of public facilities, such as
tree pruning, lawn mowing, cleaning of housing lots and
driving ranges, applying pest control and even maintaining
cemeteries all come under his care. “Tomorrow I’m helping
out with some work at the Sorowako mosque; leveling out
the grounds and pulling out concrete with the loader,” he

60 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


On the day that Halo Vale followed him as he went about his Bene said demand for drinking water in Sorowako reached
duties, Heri visited an employee’s house in Salonsa before 15,000 liters per minute. “So when the power is out and
going to Konde. There he checked the progress of some nothing is done, it takes just four hours to empty out the
steps that contractors had started making several weeks Salonsa water tank,” he said, pointing to the gigantic tank
earlier; the steps were to lead to a lake. “Be careful, the land with a capacity of almost one million gallons. “That’s why we
there is steep,” Heri reminded the contractors, who were busy have a backup genset here, in case there’s a power outage,”
working. Bene added.

A few minutes later, his mobile phone rang; he responded One of the challenges of his work is maintaining the
with a short “ready” and “yes, Sir”. It turns out the caller was continuity of drinking water supplies and ensuring it meets
his superior, who had asked Heri and his colleagues to go to regulation quality standards. There are 583 employee houses
Malili. “Someone’s reported a blocked drain near Balantang, and thousands of residents in Sorowako and Gunung Batu
so we have to go there to check,” he said in his thick Javanese who are listed as consumers.
accent. It was getting late, almost three o’clock, but all it took
was a few seconds for Heri to be on his way to Malili. Besides checking the two vital installations, Bene goes
around Sorowako each day to check drinking water mains.
Benediktus, Supervisor Infrastructure & “These mains are decades old, so it is important to control
Facilities GFS and maintain them, particularly as they are 16 kilometers
long,” said Bene.
When it comes to guaranteeing the supply of drinking water
in the houses of employees and residents of Sorowako,
Bene’s job also involves monitoring wastewater and to
Benediktus is “the guardian”. Born in Wasuponda on 27
do this, there are several places which require special
October 1978, Benediktus’s main duty is to check the quality
attention. These are Enggano, Helai, F Lagoon, D Lagoon
and ensure the constant supply of drinking water.
and Inco Hospital. Bene also deals with public facilities that
use metal, such as the construction of canopies in F Gym
Bene, as he is fondly known, has been at the job for seven
and the driving range. “Our work at GFS requires us to be
years. Every day he checks the water installation for the
multitasking so we can deal with the demands of households
Sorowako and Gunung Batu area at the Salonsa Intake Pump
and public facilities. That is where the challenge lies,” Bene
and Salonsa Water Tank. The intake pump sucks water from
smiled. []
Lake Matano and uses this as the raw material for drinking
water. The water is held and processed in the water tank then
distributed to residences.


Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 61


Fitness Community Vale Indonesia

Otot Kuat, Jiwa Sehat

Berada dalam ruangan, berpendingin udara dan tak tersengat
matahari, fitness menjadi olahraga yang menyenangkan.

Banyak anggapan fitness ataupun gym adalah olahraga kaum

laki-laki. Anggapan lain, olahraga ini cukup berat dan hanya
untuk kalangan tertentu, sebab biayanya mahal. Bahkan ada
yang bilang setelah berhenti fitness, kulit akan mengerut,
keriput, dan bergelambir.

Benarkah anggapan itu? Anton Said punya jawabannya.

“Ini kau lihat lenganku. Sudah sekitar tiga bulan ndak fitness
karena terlalu sibuk. Tetap bagus kan? walaupun sedikit Fitness Community resmi terbentuk 4 April 2012. Mereka
lembek,” katanya. Anton Said adalah Ketua Komunitas yang tergabung dalam kelompok ini berlatih tanpa jadwal
Gym atau Fitness Community Vale Indonesia. Anggotanya tetap, melainkan sesuai keinginan masing-masing anggota.
mencapai 300 orang, namun yang aktif sekitar 100 orang, Mereka bisa datang pagi, siang, sore, atau malam hari.
puluhan di antaranya perempuan. Mereka berlatih di Intinya 24 jam. Tidak adanya jadwal latihan bersama, karena
ruangan bekas Wet Monkey dekat dormitory atau mes anggota memiliki aktvitas dan jam kerja yang berbeda.
karyawan PT Vale di kawasan Pontada, Sorowako.
“Jadi, anggota komunitas gym ini adalah karyawan PT Vale.
Untuk memasuki ruangan harus menggunakan badge
atau ID card,” kata Anton. Karyawan kontraktor yang ingin
tergabung dalam komunitas ini disyaratkan menggunakan
kartu visitor yang diperpanjang setiap satu tahun.

Anton Said menggambarkan keuntungan bergabung dalam

Fitness Community dibanding komunitas gym yang dikelola
secara komersial. Selain biayanya jauh lebih murah, fasilitas
yang disediakan PT Vale juga jauh lebih baik dan memenuhi
standar. Anggota Fitness Community cuma membayar iuran
Rp250 ribu per tahun. Iuran ini untuk perawatan alat setiap
tiga bulan.

“Setahu saya, komunitas gym komersial seperti di Makassar

mensyaratkan uang iuran hingga jutaan rupiah setiap bulan,
dengan jadwal latihan tidak setiap hari. Waktunya juga
dibatasi. Di Sorowako, dengan fasilitas dari perusahaan,
anggota bisa berlatih semaunya dan semampunya,” kata

62 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Untuk anggota baru yang hendak melakukan kegiatan

fitness tak perlu khawatir. Fitness Community menyiapkan
beberapa orang instruktur berpengalaman. Mereka akan
membantu melatih gerakan-gerakan ringan, sebelum beralih
ke alat-alat berat. Anggota dihindarkan dari cedera.
Tempat yang lebih luas
Fitness, pada dasarnya merupakan kegiatan olahraga untuk Misi Fitness Community adalah mewujudkan karyawan yang
mendapatkan tubuh yang sehat. Untuk sebagian orang, sehat, bugar, dan kuat. Motto mereka; otot kuat dan bugar
fitness dilakukan untuk mendapatkan tubuh ideal. Seperti akan menciptakan jiwa dan pikiran yang tenang.
membentuk otot lengan, paha, hingga perut atau untuk
membakar lemak. Komunitas ini berharap ruangan sementara yang digunakan
Toko Baru di dormitory bisa digunakan untuk Fitness
Salah satu yang populer dan dibayangkan masyarakat Community. “Kami masih memiliki beberapa peralatan
umum adalah membentuk tubuh layaknya binaragawan. olahraga yang belum diset karena keterbatasan ruangan,”
Membentuk tubuh seperti itu cukup sulit, sebab kita harus kata Anton.
mengatur pola makan, memperketat diet, dan latihan rutin.
Waktu yang dibutuhkan pun cukup lama, bulanan hingga Tahun ini, bila ruangan latihan sudah lebih lapang, Fitness
tahunan. Community berencana mengadakan latihan bersama
dengan mendatangkan instruktur dari luar daerah. “Kami
”Tapi jika ada yang ingin melakukannya, kami siap berharap, 2013 ada latihan bersama bersama ratusan
membimbingnya. Namun perlu kesabaran. Yang paling orang sekaligus. Mungkin di kawasan Pantai Ide untuk
utama, kami meminta anggota menghindari obat-obatan lebih mengenalkan masyarakat betapa olahraga ini sangat
untuk merangsang pembentukan otot,” kata Anton. menyenangkan,” ujar Anton. []

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 63


Fitness Community Vale Indonesia

Strengthening the Body,

Invigorating the Soul
Being indoors, in an air-conditioned room, away from sunlight,
makes working out at the gym an attractive sport.

64 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Being indoors, in an air-conditioned room, away from

sunlight, makes working out at the gym an attractive sport.
There are many who say that working out at the gym is a
sport that only men do. Then there are others who say it is
hard work and suitable only for certain people because it
costs so much. Still others say that when you stop working
out, your skin will become wrinkled and flabby.
New members who want to work out at the gym need
Is any of this true? Anton Said has the answer. “Here, look at not worry. Fitness Community has several experienced
my arm. It’s been three months since I worked out at the gym instructors who can assist members with light exercises
because I’ve been so busy. But it still looks good, right? even before they move on to heavy equipment so injuries can be
if it has gone a bit soft,” he said. Anton Said is the head of the avoided.
gym community, or Vale Indonesia Fitness Community. The
group has 300 members; about 100 are active and dozens Working out is basically a form of sport aimed at getting
are women. They train in the old Wet Monkey room near PT a healthy body. Some people do it to achieve their ideal
Vale’s employee dormitory in Pontada, Sorowako. physique, such as by toning arm, leg and stomach muscles,
as well as to burn fat.
Fitness Community was officially formed on 4 April 2012.
Members train without a regular schedule, so different One of the most popular perceptions of people working
people come at different times of the day mornings, out at the gym is that they are there to get a bodybuilder’s
afternoons, evenings and nights over 24 hours. There is no physique. Sculpting one’s body like that is not easy, and
group training timetable because everyone has different requires a strict diet, specific eating habits and regular
activities and working hours. training. It also takes a long time to achieve, from several
months to many years.
“So gym community members are all employees of PT
Vale and a badge or ID card is needed to enter the room,” “But if anyone is interested in doing this, we are ready to
Anton said. Employees of contractors wanting to join the help. But you need a lot of patience. And most importantly,
community are required to use a visitor card that can be we ask members to avoid muscle-enhancing drugs,” said
renewed annually. Anton.

Anton Said explained that there are several advantages A Spacious Place
of joining Fitness Community as opposed to joining a The Fitness Community’s mission is to create fit, healthy and
commercially-managed gym. Besides costing less, the strong employees. Their slogan is “strong, fit muscles makes
facilities provided by PT Vale are much better and higher for a calm mind and soul”.
standards. Fitness Community members need to pay just
IDR250,000 a year, which covers the cost of equipment The community hopes that the temporary area occupied
maintenance every three months. by Toko Baru in the dormitory can be used by Fitness
Community. “There is still some equipment we haven’t set up
“As far as I know, commercial gyms, such as those in due to limited space,” Anton said.
Makassar, charge members up to several million rupiah each
month, and there isn’t a daily training schedule. Also, they This year, when there is more room, Fitness Community plans
have a certain time limit. In Sorowako, we use company to hold a group training session led by an outside instructor.
facilities and members can train whenever and however they “We hope that in 2013 we can have a training session
want,” Anton said. involving hundreds of people at once, maybe around Ide
Beach so community members can see how fun this sport is,”
Anton said. []

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 65


Jogging Bebas Cedera

Dengan melakukan beberapa pencegahan dan perencanaan,
Anda bisa terhindar dari cedera. Kiat berikut bisa Anda coba.

Jogging sore hari melintasi jogging track dari Bandara hingga aktivitas Anda. Jika sol sepatu Anda sudah tipis atau
Salonsa adalah aktivitas yang jamak dilakukan warga Sorowako. rusak, saatnya mengganti sepatu. Jika Anda punya
Orang dewasa, anak-anak, warga asli, hingga ekspatriat sering masalah kaki seperti kaki datar (flat feet) atau lengkungan
terlihat mencari keringat dengan cara berlari kecil. Tentulah hal itu kaki terlalu tinggi (high arches), pertimbangkan untuk
merupakan kegiatan positif. menambahkan bantalan sepatu (orthotic shoe inserts).
• Jaga keselamatan. Jika Anda berlari sambil memakai
Studi terbaru menunjukkan, aktivitas jalan cepat maupun jogging headphones, dengarkan musik dalam volume rendah
selama 2-4 jam dalam rentang satu minggu bisa menurunkan risiko agar Anda tetap bisa mendengar kendaraan dan suara-
penyakit jantung dan dibetes sebanyak 50%. Studi yang dilakukan di suara lain di sekitar. Cari teman berlari jika
Denmark ini melibatkan 10.000 orang dewasa usia 21-98 tahun. memungkinkan.
• Perhitungkan cuaca. Amati kondisi cuaca sebelum berlari.
Kendati demikian, bukan berarti jogging bebas dari risiko. Jika tidak Jangan berlari di udara terbuka jika kondisi terlalu terik,
hati-hati, tidak dilakukan dengan teknik yang benar, cedera bisa sangat dingin, atau kelembaban sedang tinggi.
terjadi. Berikut kiat untuk mengurangi risiko cedera. • Tetap terhidrasi. 15-20 menit sebelum mulai jogging atau
lari, Anda disarankan minum 2 gelas air putih. Selagi
• Dengarkan tubuh Anda. Sedikit pegal itu wajar. Namun jogging, sebaiknya Anda minum segelas air setiap 15
jika Anda merasakan rasa sakit terus-menerus pada otot menit. Jika Anda jogging lebih dari 90 menit, disarankan
atau sendi yang tidak membaik dengan beristirahat, mengonsumsi minuman olahraga yang dipasarkan
segera konsultasikan dengan dokter. dengan sebutan minuman isotonik.
• Pemanasan dan peregangan. Banyak cedera akibat
kurang peregangan. Sebelum dan setelah berlari,
regangkan seluruh otot Anda—terutama betis, paha
Jika Cedera Terlanjur terjadi
belakang, selangkangan, dan paha depan. Selain itu, Sebagian besar cedera bisa diredakan dengan perawatan berikut
lakukan pemanasan selama lima menit—misalnya ini. Namun jika rasa sakit dan tidak nyaman berlanjut, konsultasikan
dengan cara berjalan kaki—sebelum memulai kondisi Anda dengan staf medis. Anda mungkin memerlukan
peregangan. Meregangkan otot yang ”dingin” justru perawatan khusus untuk menyembuhkan cedera akibat berlari.
bisa menyebabkan cedera. Peregangan setelah berlari
juga sangat penting. Setelah otot “panas” atau seusai • Beristirahat dari olahraga lari untuk mencegah cedera
berolahraga adalah saat yang tepat untuk mengolah memburuk. Pilih cara lain untuk berolahraga di masa
kelenturan tubuh. penyembuhan, misalnya berenang atau bersepeda.
• Latihan kekuatan. Masukkan latihan beban dan latihan • Kompres area nyeri, radang, dan bengkak dengan
otot perut ke dalam rutinitas Anda. Olahraga tersebut sekantong es batu.
dapat memperkuat inti tubuh. • Bebat dengan perban khusus berbahan kain elastis.
• Variasi olahraga. Jangan hanya berlari. Cobalah berenang, • Angkat posisi kaki jika Anda mengalami cedera
bersepeda, bermain tenis, atau jenis olahraga lain. Variasi pergelangan atau ketika kaki terasa nyeri untuk
tersebut mencegah risiko cedera yang mungkin terjadi mengurangi bengkak.
jika Anda melakukan olahraga yang sama secara terus- • Peregangan untuk mengurangi sakit dan kaku. Lakukan
menerus. peregangan dengan perlahan dan pijat area yang sakit.
• Berbusana dengan benar. Pilih pakaian yang ringan • Obat pereda rasa sakit, seperti paracetamol atau
dan berpori-pori untuk menyerap kelembaban kulit ibuprofen, dikonsumsi atas petunjuk dokter.
Anda. Kenakan pakaian berlapis. Dan pakailah topi untuk • Jangan memaksa diri. Jika Anda merasa tidak enak
melindungi dari udara panas maupun dingin. badan, hentikan aktivitas berlari. []
• Cermat memilih sepatu. Kenakan kaos kaki dan sepatu
dengan ukuran yang pas dan mampu menopang

66 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Memilih Sepatu Lari

Perlengkapan paling penting untuk olahraga
apapun—lari, aerobik, mendaki, tenis, bola basket—
adalah sepasang sepatu yang tepat. Sepatu bisa
mengoptimalkan atau merusak program olahraga
Anda. Sepatu untuk lari sangat berbeda dengan
sepatu basket atau sepatu tenis. Anda perlu banyak
menggerakkan kaki ke samping saat berolahraga
Sudahkah Anda Berlari dengan Benar?
basket atau tenis, sehingga sepatu untuk dua
Teknik berlari yang salah dapat berujung pada cedera. olahraga tersebut didesain stabil menopang gerakan
Mike Antoniades, penggagas dan Coaching Director di menyamping. Sementara ketika berlari, Anda hanya
The Running School, sekolah bagi para pelari di Eropa bergerak maju. Pilih sepatu lari yang didesain untuk
dan AS, mengembangkan teknik berlari yang benar memberi dukungan dan stabilitas pada fase gerakan
dan efisien yang bisa dipraktikkan setiap orang, mulai lari Anda. Selain itu, sepatu lari sebaiknya ringan.
dari pelari Olimpiade hingga penghobi jogging.
Sepatu lari sendiri berbeda dengan sepatu untuk
• Saat mendarat, gunakan kaki bagian depan berjalan. Pelari mendarat dengan kaki depan (forefoot),
(forefoot), dengan jari kaki menghadap ke atas, sementara pejalan kaki lebih banyak menggunakan
bukan ke bawah. Hindari gerakan mengerem yang tumit. Maka untuk berlari, Anda perlu sepatu yang
tercipta jika Anda menekuk jari kaki. empuk di bagian depan, sementara pejalan kaki
• Lakukan pendaratan “ringan” dengan lutut tertekuk sebaiknya mengenakan sepatu dengan karet yang
sedikit. lebih kuat untuk menyangga tumit.
• Bayangkan kaki Anda bergerak melingkar, mulai
dari sendi pinggul sehingga tumit Anda berada di Satu lagi yang perlu diperhatikan adalah usia sepatu.
belakang garis tubuh dan otot paha serta otot Setelah pemakaian terus-menerus, daya dukung
bokong memainkan peran penting. Paha bergerak sepatu terhadap gerakan lari Anda memudar. Memakai
ke depan, kaki melebar dan telapak kaki jatuh lagi, sepatu tua bisa menyebabkan Anda mulai merasakan
lalu mendarat dengan forefoot. Inilah yang disebut pegal atau nyeri pada lutut, pinggang, dan punggung.
gerakan mengayuh kaki. Para ahli merekomendasikan untuk mengganti sepatu
• Pinggang dan pinggul stabil tanpa banyak gerakan setelah pemakaian 480-800 km. Jika Anda tidak
ke arah samping. menghitung jarak lari Anda, sebaiknya ganti sepatu
• Punggung lurus dan rileks, tidak membungkuk. tiap tahun.
• Bahu bergerak rileks, siku tertekuk kira-kira 90
derajat dan gerakan berasal dari bahu, bukan dari
• Telapak tangan sebaiknya terbuka dan saling
berhadapan. Jika Anda lebih nyaman telapak dalam
posisi menggenggam, letakkan ibu jari di atas
• Kepala tegak, mata menatap ke depan.
• Usahakan jangan terlalu memikirkan gerakan.
Lebih baik Anda mencoba merasakan gerakan
mengayuh dan visualisasikan gerakan itu saat

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 67


Injury-free Jogging
Avoid injury through prevention exercises and planning.
Try the following tips.

Having an evening jog along the jogging track between the airport
and Salonsa is an activity done by many Sorowako residents. Adults,
children, locals and expatriates can often be seen on the track, trying
hard to work up a sweat. This is of course a positive activity.

Recent studies show that walking briskly and jogging for 2 to 4

hours a week can reduce the risk of coronary diseases and diabetes
by 50%. The Danish study involved 10,000 adults aged between 21
and 98.

This does not mean, however, that jogging is risk-free. If you are not
careful, or fail to apply correct jogging techniques, you might suffer
an injury. The following are some tips to reduce this risk.

• Listen to your body. A bit of stiffness is quite normal, but if you flat feet or high arched feet, consider using orthotic shoe inserts.
feel chronic pain in your muscles or joints that does not go away • Stay safe. If you run while listening to your headphones, make
after a rest, consult your doctor. sure you keep the volume low so you can still hear traffic and
• Warm up and stretch. Many injuries occur due to lack of other sounds around you. If possible, run with a friend.
stretching. Before and after running, stretch all your muscles • Consider the weather. Observe weather conditions before you
particularly your calf, back thigh, groin, and front thigh muscles. run. Don’t run in the open when it is too sunny, too cold or too
Also, do a five-minute warm-up such as by walking before you humid.
stretch. Stretching muscles that are still “cold” can potentially • Keep hydrated. It is advisable to have 2 glasses of water about
cause injury. Stretching after a jog is also very important; the 15 to 20 minutes before you start jogging. While jogging, drink a
correct time to flex your body is when your muscles have glass of water every 15 minutes. If you run for more than 90
warmed up, or after doing sport. minutes, have a sports, or isotonic drink.
• Perform strength training exercises. Include weightlifting and
abdominal muscle exercises in your routine. These exercises help
strengthen your core. When an Injury Occurs
• Vary your sport. Don’t just run. Try swimming, cycling, playing Most injuries can be remedied using the following treatment, but if
tennis or some other sport. By varying your sport, you reduce the pain and discomfort persist, consult your medical professional.
the risk of injury which may result from performing one sport You may need more specific treatment for running-related injuries.
• Wear suitable gear. Choose lightweight, breathable clothes that • Take a break from running to stop the injury getting worse.
can absorb dampness from your skin. Wear layers and put on a Choose another sport during your recovery period such as
hat to protect against hot and cold weather. swimming or cycling.
• Choose your shoes wisely. Wear socks and shoes that are • Apply a compress in areas of pain, inflammation and swelling
suitable for your activity and fit comfortably. If the soles of your using an ice pack.
shoes are worn out or damaged, it is time you get new ones. If • Apply a bandage made of elasticized material.
you have • Lift your leg to reduce swelling if you have injured your ankle or
feel any pain.
• Perform stretches to reduce pain or stiffness. Stretch slowly and
gently massage the painful area.
• Pain-killers, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, should be taken
after consulting your doctor.
• Do not overextend yourself. If you feel unwell, don’t jog. []

68 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013


Are You Running Correctly?
Using the wrong running technique may result in
injury. Mike Antoniades, the founder and Coaching
Director at The Running School, a school for runners
in Europe and the US, has developed a correct and Choosing Your Running Shoes
efficient running technique that can be applied by
anyone from Olympic runners to recreational runners.

• When landing, use the front part of your foot (or

forefoot), with toes facing upwards. Avoid a braking
motion, which happens when you curl your toes
• Land lightly by slightly bending your knees.
• Imagine that your legs are moving forward in a
circular motion; starting from your hip joint so
that your heel is behind your body line your thigh
and buttock muscles play an important role. As you
lift your thigh and bring it forward, you cause your The most important gear for any land sport whether
legs to spread apart before you land on your it is running, aerobics, rock-climbing, tennis, or
forefoot. This creates what is called a pedaling basketball is shoes. Shoes can make or break your
motion. chosen sport. Running shoes are very different
• Keep your waist and hips steady, avoiding too from basketball shoes or tennis shoes. You need to
much sideways movement. frequently move your legs sideways in basketball or
• Keep your back straight and relaxed and avoid tennis, so shoes designed for those sports provide
bending over. support for sideways movement. In running, you only
• Keep your shoulders relaxed as you move, move forwards, so choose shoes designed to support
bending elbows at a 90 degree angle. Move from and provide stability for the phases of your running
your shoulders, not from your arms. movement. Also, they should ideally be light.
• Keep the palm of your hands open and facing each
other. If you feel more comfortable making a fist, Running shoes are different from walking shoes.
keep your thumbs above your index finger. Runners land on their forefoot while walkers use their
• Keep your head straight and look forwards. heels more. For this reason, you need shoes that are
• Try not to think too much about your movements. soft on the front for running, and shoes with sturdy
It is better to try and feel the pedaling motion and rubber soles to support your heels for walking.
visualize it as you run.
Another thing to watch is the age of your shoes. After
continuous use, the ability of your shoes to support the
movement of your feet will deteriorate. Wearing old
shoes may cause you to feel stiffness or pain in your
knees, waist and back. Experts recommend changing
shoes every 480 to 800 km. If you do not calculate your
running distance, it is advisable you change each year.

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 69

Kuis/Quiz Get this

Temukan 15 perbedaan dalam gambar. Sepuluh pengirim yang

beruntung akan mendapatkan Flash Disk.

Spot 15 differences in these pictures. Ten lucky winners will get a Flash Disk.

Kuis Halo Vale
edisi 4

1. Ratnamah Mulyo, 6481

2. Oktavianto Beta, 8890
3. Supardi Turusi, 7018
4. Joko Mulianto, 5636
5. Samsir, 7708
6. Muhammad Hidayat,
7. Rasdin, 5910
8. Munir Syam, 7576
9. Pither Rukka, 6962
10. Ikbal, 8124

Selamat kepada pemenang.

Hadiah dapat langsung
diambil di External Relations
Department pada hari dan
jam kerja.

Scan atau fotokopi jawaban Anda dan kirim ke atau masukkan ke DP 23B.
Pengundian secara acak dilakukan melalui situs Pemenang akan diumumkan di Halo Vale edisi
mendatang. Semoga Anda beruntung!
Scan or photocopy your answer and send to or submit to DP23B. A draw will be made
at Winners will be announced in the next edition of Halo Vale. Good luck!

70 H a l o Va l e I Edis i S eptem ber 2013

Zoom In
Rubrik Zoom In memuat potret unik dan menarik seputar tempat, orang, atau kejadian di sekitar kita.
Kirimkan foto Anda ke
Zoom In publishes unique and interesting pictures about places, people, or events around us. Send your photograph

“Before and After”

- Aryanto Bhrata -

“Real Wong Fei Hung ”

- Doni Setiadi -
“Antre Fotokopi”
“Queuing for Photocopy”
- Doni Setiadi -

Ed i si S eptember 2013 I H alo Val e 71

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