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Ana Karlina


1B, Ekonomi Syariah

Dosen Pengampu : Drs. H. Moch. Sholeh, M.Pd


Cirebon 2022
Kata Pengantar

Puji syukur saya haturkan kehadirat Allah Swt. yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan
hidayah-Nya sehingga saya bisa menyelesaikan karya makalah tentang "Tugas Akhir Mata
Kuliah Bahasa Inggris” Tidak lupa juga saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak
yang telah turut memberikan kontribusi dalam penyusunan karya makalah ini. Tentunya, tidak
akan bisa maksimal jika tidak mendapat dukungan dari berbagai pihak.

Sebagai penyusun, saya menyadari bahwa masih terdapat kekurangan, baik dari
penyusunan maupun tata bahasa penyampaian dalam makalah ini. Oleh karena itu, saya dengan
rendah hati menerima saran dan kritik dari pembaca agar kami dapat memperbaiki makalah ini.

Saya berharap semoga makalah yang saya susun ini memberikan manfaat dan juga
inspirasi untuk pembaca.

Cirebon, Desember 2022



KATA PENGANTAR..............................................................................................................................................

DAFTAR ISI.............................................................................................................................................................

PEMBAHASAN .......................................................................................................................................................




1. Jenis-jenis salam (Greeting) dengan contoh dan kalimatnya

a. Macam-macam Greetings (Ucapan Salam/Sapaan)

Greetings diekspresikan atau diucapkan secara berbeda-beda, tergantung dengan
waktu, situasi dan kondisi. Berikut macam-macam greetings yang bisa Anda gunakan
untuk percakapan sehari-hari :

- Good morning (selamat pagi),

- good afternoon (selamat siang/sore),
- good evening (selamat malam).
- Hi dan hello, adalah sapaan yang memiliki arti serupa.
Kedua kata sapaan itu bisa digunakan dalam kegiatan atau aktivitas formal.
Sementara itu, aktivitas yang tidak formal bisa menggunakan hey.
- How are you, adalah sapaan untuk menanyakan kabar atau kondisi orang yang
menjadi lawan bicara. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa menggunakan sapaan
- how do you do, yang memiliki arti serupa dengan how are you. Keduanya
termasuk sapaan yang formal.
- How are you doing, how are things dan how’s it going, adalah sapaan untuk
menanyakan kabar atau kondisi orang yang menjadi lawan bicara secara informal.

b. Fareweels (Ucapan Selamat Jalan)

Farewells adalah ucapan selamat jalan yang biasanya dikespresikan atau disampaikan
pada akhir percakapan. Berikut macam-macam fareweels yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk
percakapan sehari-hari :

- Good-bye (selamat tinggal).

Good-bye termasuk farewells yang cenderung formal.


- Have a nice (day/evening/weekend) yang memiliki arti semoga hari/malam/pekanmu

menyenangkan. Kata-kata ini bianya diucapkan di akhir percakapan saat hendak
berpisah dengan kolega atau teman. Di samping itu, penjual di pertokoan juga tidak
sedikit yang mengekspresikan have a nice… kepada pelanggannya. Adapun balasan
yang tepat untuk ucapan tersebut adalah you too (semoga hari/malam/pekanmu juga
See you, see you soon dan see you later (sampai jumpa). Kata-kata tersebut termasuk
farewells yang informal.
c. Special Expression (Ungkapan Khusus)
Special expression atau ungkapan khusus bisa diekspresikan dalam waktu dan kondisi
tertentu. Misalnya, Anda ingin mendoakan teman Anda yang ingin melamar pekerjaan di
suatu perusahaan. Anda bisa mengekspresikannya dengan special expression ‘good luck’
(semoga sukses/beruntung. Berikut macam-macam special expression yang perlu Anda
ketahui :

Good luck (semoga sukses/beruntung), diekspresikan saat ingin mendoakan

kesuksesan/keberuntungan orang lain.
Happy birthday (selamat ulang tahun), happy new year (selamat tahun baru).
God spede atau Godspeed, diekspresikan saat ingin mendoakan orang lain yang hendak
membuka usaha baru atau melalukan perjalanan.
Excuse me, diekspresikan saat ingin meminta perhatian orang lain atau meminta
seseorang untuk tidak menghalangi jalan Anda. Selain excuse me, Anda juga bisa
mengunakan I beg your pardon yang memiliki serupa.
Itulah macam-macam greetings, berikut fareweels dan special expression dalam bahasa
Inggris. Mulai sekarang jangan memakai greetings yang itu-itu saja ya!

Hi: hai
Hello: halo
Good morning: Selamat Pagi
Good afternoon: Selamat sore

Good evening: Selamat malam

Good night: Selamat malam
How are you?: Apa kabarmu?
How are you doing?: Apa kabarmu?
How do you do?: Apa kabarmu?
Nice to meet you: Senang bertemu denganmu.
Pleased to meet you: Senang bertemu denganmu.
Good to see you: Senang bertemu denganmu.
Long time no see: Sudah lama tak berjumpa denganmu.

Ex :

a. Salma : Good morning, Edo !

Edo : Good morning, Salma !

b. Ana : Hi Rafa, how are you today ?

Rafa : Hi Ana, i’m fine, thank you. And you ?
Ana : Ohh, i’m fine.

c. Farhan: Good morning, Mrs. Liska. Is Rendi at home?

Mrs. Liska: Yes, Rendi is at home. He says he will go with you today.
Farhan : That's right, madam. We will go play Badminton with friends in the hall.
Mrs. Liska : Wait a minute. I'll call Rendi in his room.
Farhan: Thank you, mam.

2. Percakapan singkat (buat dialog) singkat tentang perkenalan/introducation antar

mahasiswa baru.

Seperti yang dijelaskan sebelumnya bahwa, arti introduction adalah sebuah

perkenalan atau pengenalan. Selain itu arti introduction yang lainnya yaitu bisa menjadi

kata pengantar, kata pendahuluan, prawacana, prakata, dan lainnya. Introduction dalam
pengenalan biasanya dilakukan bagi mereka yang merupakan sosok baru di sebuah
lingkungan, seperti lingkungan sekolah ataupun tempat kerja.

Namun di jaman ini introduction juga digunakan untuk melakukan kegiatan pada dunia
media sosial. Yup! Kalian pasti pernah mendengar kata intro di media sosial. Intro sendiri
berasal dari kata introduction yang artinya pengenalan atau awalan. Kata intro biasanya
digunakan menjadi pembuka di media sosial.

Biasanya kata intro digunakan untuk pembukaan di YouTube. Dalam

Instagram, intro bisa menunjuk pada pembuka terutama pada video, lalu pengantar pada
konten berupa teks, dan perkenalan awal serta lain sebagainya. Maka makna dari arti
introduction ini tergantung pada penggunaannya baik untuk pengenalan ataupun di media

Point-point Saat Introduction

Dalam introduction atau pengenalan diri sendiri memiliki point-point yang bisa
kita masukkan ke sana. Point-point ini perlu diketahui agar saat melakukan introduction
atau pengenalan, kita sudah tahu bagaimana alur yang harus diucapkan atau
diberitahukan. Dan berikut ini beberapa point saat kalian melakukan introduction:

1. Nama/Name

2. Asal/Country

3. Alamat/Address

4. Usia/Age

5. Keluarga/Family

6. Ulang tahun/Birthday

7. Phone number/Nomor telepon

8. Media sosial/Social media

9. Pekerjaan/Jobs

10. Hobi/Hobbies

11. Pendidikan/Education

Contoh Introduction

Setelah mengetahui arti introduction dan point-point yang bisa kalian berikan
dalam melakukan introduction. Maka berikut ini ada contoh introduction yang bisa
mempermudah kalian memahami arti introduction dan bagaimana membuat introduction
yang baik. Berikut ini beberapa contoh introduction tersebut:

1. Contoh Introduction untuk Murid Baru

My name is Cinta Laura. I am a new student at this school. I was born in

Jakarta, February 9th, 1994. My hobbies are writing and reading. If there is a
competition, I would love to take part as long as it relates to the world of authorship. It
was my first step to achieve my goal of becoming a famous writer. Yep, that’s all that I
can tell about myself. Thank you.

2. Contoh Introduction untuk Pegawai Baru

My name is Mark Lee. I'm a new employee here. Previously, I had worked in
various reputable companies in Indonesia. So, I will do my best for this company so that
this company can make more progress and get higher profits. Well, that's a simple
introduction I can do. I hope we can work together as a team. Thank you.

3. Contoh Introduction untuk Memulai Presentasi

First, let me introduce myself, my name is Cita Citata. I graduated from

Yogyakarta State University majoring in mechanical engineering. Here, I would like to
convey my research on mechanical techniques that some time ago I found and completed.

Contoh dialog

Nara : “hi, good morning”

Dikta : “hi, good morning”

Nara : “how are you today ?”

Dikta : “I’m fine. And you ?”

Nara : “I’m fine too. Anyway I’m Nara. Im new comer in here. What is your
name ?”

Dikta : “my name is Dikta. Oh I see. Where are you from?”

Nara :” I’m from Solo. What about you?”

Dikta :”wow Solo is nice place. I’m from Samarinda.”

Nara :”Samarinda is nice place too. Nice to meet you.”

Dikta :”Nice to meet yo too

3. Cari bacaan/teks tentang kemajuan teknologi dan informasi. Buat pertanyaan.

Jenis-jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris

a. Descriptive Text

Tujuan : Menjelaskan kepada pembaca mengenai seseorang, tempat, atau benda

secara detail.


 Identification (pengenalan)
 Description (deskripsi)
Tenses yang digunakan di dalam descriptive text Simple Present tense

b. Recount Text
Tujuan: Menceritakan kepada pembaca mengenai kejadian yang sudah terjadi di masa


 Orientation (pengenalan)
 Event (peristiwa

 Reorientation (kesimpulan)
Di dalam recount text, tenses yang digunakan adalah past tense

c. Narrative Text
Tujuan: Untuk menghibur pembaca dan untuk menceritakan cerita atau kisah


 Orientation (pengenalan)
 Complication (konflik)
 Resolution (pemecahan masalah)

 Reorientation (kesimpulan)

Tenses yang digunakan di dalam narrative text adalah past tense. Narrative dan
recount text memang hampir mirip. Keduanya sama-sama menceritakan kejadian di masa
lampau dan sama-sama menggunakan past tense (simple past tense, simple past
continuous tense, atau past perfect tense. Yang membedakan adalah narrative text berupa
dongeng, legenda, folklore sedangkan recount text biasanya berupa biography, atau untuk
menceritakan pengalaman pribadi.
Hal lain yang membedakan antara narrative dan recount text adalah struktur teksnya.
Di dalam narrative text menceritakan konflik yang terjadi sedangkan di recount text tidak
ada konflik yang terjadi.

d. Report Text
Tujuan: Untuk menyampaikan informasi kepada pembaca mengenai sesuatu hal apa
adanya sebagai hasil dari penelitian

 General classification (klasifikasi umum)
 Description (deskripsi)
 Recount text menggunakan simple present tense di dalam textnya.

e. News Item Text

Tujuan: Memberi informasi kepada pembaca mengenai suatu peristiwa

 Newsworthy event (peristiwa)
 Background event ( latar belakang peristiwa)
 Sources (sumber)

f. Explanation Text
Tujuan: Menjelaskan kepada pembaca mengenai proses terjadinya fenomena alam

 General statement (pernyataan umum)
 Explanation (penjelasan)
 Closing (penutup)

Explanation text menggunakan simple present text di dalam textnya dan menjelaskan
sebab akibat fenomena tersebut.

g. Analytical Exposition Text

Tujuan: Untuk memberitahu pembaca peristiwa/kasus penting

 Thesis (pendahuluan)
 Arguments (argument
 Reiteration (kesimpulan)

h. Hortatory Exposition Text

Tujuan: Untuk membujuk pembaca bagaimana sesuatu dapat diselesaikan

 Thesis (pendahuluan)
 Arguments (argumen)
 Recommendation (rekomendasi penyelesaian)

Perbedaan antara analytical dan hortatory exposition text adalah analytical text
menjawab pertanyaan “How is atau how will” (bagaimana) sedangkan hortatory text
menjawab pertanyaan “How should” (bagaimana sebaiknya). Contohnya pertanyaan
“How will you prepare for holiday” (bagaimana kamu mempersiapkan liburan) akan
dijelaskan melalui analytical text. Pertanyaan “How should you spend your holiday” (apa

yang sebaiknya kamu lakukan ketika liburan) akan dijelaskan melalui hortatory
exposition text.

i. Procedure Text
Tujuan: Membantu pembaca untuk membuat sesuatu


 Goal (tujuan)
 Materials/equipment (bahan-bahan/peralatan)
 Step/method (cara pembuatan)

j. Discussion Text
Tujuan: Menyampaikan informasi dan opini terhadap isu yang terjadi

Struktur :
 Issue (isu
 Arguments/ pros-cons) (argumen/ pro-kontra)
 Conclusion (kesimpulan)

k. Review Text
Tujuan: Memberikan kritik atau evaluasi mengenai sesuatu untuk disampaikan ke

 Orientation (pendahuluan
 Evaluation (evaluasi)
 Interpretative recount (interpretasi
 Evaluation (evaluasi)
 Evaluation summation (evaluasi terakhir)

l. Anecdote Text
Tujuan: Menceritakan kepada pembaca kejadian yang menyenangkan atau kejadian yang
tidak biasanya terjadi.

 Abstract (pendahuluan)
 Orientation (pengenalan)
 Crisis (krisis)
 Reaction (reaksi)
 Coda (penutup)

m. Spoof Text
Tujuan: Menghibur pembaca dengan cerita lucu yang memiliki akhir yang tidak terduga

 Orientation (pengenalan)
 Event (kejadian)
 Twist (hal yang tidak terduga)



The development of this technology now has many remarkable progress shows.
Many things of the life sector who have used the existence of the technology itself. Its
presence has provided a considerable impact on the lives of human beings in various
aspects and dimensions. Such is the case with communications technology that is the

hardware equipment in the organizational structure that contains the value of the social
that allow individuals to collect, process and exchange information (according to the
Rogers,1986). Circumstances, where a technology capable to change something that is
not necessarily can be made into a reality. For example, if the first person cannot speak
with others who are in a place that is far away, then after the phone people can talk
without limits of time and distance.

From this, again with the discovery of various simple devices, ranging from
analog-based phones, developed and developing, continue to appear a variety of other
electronic devices. Until these technologies integrate with each other. Existing
communication technology is an answer of the times. This happens because of growing
forward a human civilization then technology will continue to undergo development to
align patterns developing era of mankind itself.

1. The notion of communication technology and information technology

According to Rogers,1986 technology is hardware equipment in the

organizational structure that contains the value of the social that allow individuals to
collect, process and exchange information (in the quotation from the lecture material
development of communication technology, Jam roji s. Sos: p. 1). It can be said that
communications technology is a new discovery in the aspect of life where each individual
can use, access, and provide all the information to other people universally. While
according to Ely, 1982 is the information technology, namely including communication
systems such as direct broadcast satellite, interactive two-way cable, broadcasting on
low-powered9low-power broadcasting), computers (including personal-computer hand
held computer and a new one), and television (including video discs and video cassete
tape), (quoted from communication technologies in perspective Background &
development, Zulkarimein Nasution. 1989:5). Between communication technologies with
information technology itself are actually intertwined. but still there is the side that
distinguish between the two.

2. Development of communication technology

At this time the need for technology, information and telecommunications

technology was very high from the start to the middle to the bottom and the middle to the
top. All individuals desperately need technology to accelerate development or improving
the construction of both individual and group development. The development of
technology which is currently very quickly is the communications technology, which
presents a selection of forms technology and sophistication.

Development of the communication itself is actually in line with the life and existence of
mankind itself. There are four main determinant point in the history of human
communication. According to Nordenstreng and Varis (1973) are:

1. Acquisition (aquisition) language that is at the same time with the birth of a human

2. The development of the art of writing with a communication based on the talk.

3. Reproduction of the written word (written words) by using the alt printer, allowing the
realization of mass communication.

4. The advent of electronic communications, ranging from the Telegraph, telephone,

radio, television, up to the satellite.

(quoted from communication technologies in perspective Background & development,

Zulkarimein Nasution. 1989:15). According to Alvin Toffler there are three civilizations
in the development of the technology itself that is, the age of the agriculture, industry and
the last days of the age of information (cited from communication technologies in
perspective Background & development, Zulkarimein Nasution.1989: p. 2).

Previous just scratch the back, that the actual communications technology itself has
emerged since pre-historic Times. Where at that time were already able to use a form of
communication. But the form is still very simple. For example forms limited the

movement of the tool body, as the language of images, sounds of bones and so on. But
even so, it has been regarded as a form of communication that are appropriate at the time.

Further development has been a little progress a step better, for example in pictograf
forms of communication used by the Sumerians, Hierogliph by the Ancient Egypt.

a. What is The notion of communication technology and information technology

Answer :
According to Rogers,1986 technology is hardware equipment in the. Organizational
structure that contains the value of the social that allow individuals to collect, process
and exchange information (in the quotation from the lecture material development of
communication technology, Jamroji s. Sos: p. 1

b. What impact does it have technology and information

Answer : where each individual can use, access, and provide all the information to
other people universally

4. Cari tentang jenis-jenis kalimat dan jenis-jenis kalimat Tanya

Kinds of questions

There are 2 kinds of questions

a. Yes / No questions
It needs a short answer
Be/Aux/Modals + S + Verb/Complement ?
- Yes + S + Be/Aux/Modals
- No + S + Be/Aux / Modals + Not

Ex :

- Are you sad ? Yes I’m / No I’m not

- Does she like cooking ? Yes she does / No she does not
- Can we go to Bali ? Yes we can / No, they can not

b. W-H
W-H + Be/Aux/ Modals + S +V/Complement

- What digunakan untuk menanyakan suatu beda atau hal.

 What is your name ?
 What will we wear tomorrow ?
 What kind of movies do you like ?

- Where untuk menanyakan suatu tempat

 Where do you live ?
 Where does he study ?

- When digunakan untuk menanyakan waktu.

 Where are you coming home
 When did you send the email

- Why digunakan untuk menanyakan sebab atau alasan

 Why is Raka late ?
 Why do you drink this coffe ?

- Which untuk menanyakan pilihan

 Which one is bag ?
 Which class should I take, dad ?

- Whose digunakan untuk menanyakan kepemilikan


 Whose laptop is this ?

 Whose was that motorcycle ?

- Who digunakan untuk menanyakan tentang orang atau subjek ?

 Who played bulutangkis ?
 Who is he ?

- Whom digunakan untuk menayakan tentang siapa atau orang. Hanya saja merujuk
ke objek, bukan pelaku
 Whom is he cooking to?
 Whom did you learn Math tomorrow ?

- How digunakan untuk menanyakan hal, cara, kondisi, kabar, usia, jumlah, jarak
dan lain-lain
 How are you doing ?
 How old is your sister ?

5. Jenis kata yang bisa digunakan untuk menjadi sebuah kalimat sederhana
(menggunakan kata-kata keseringan)

Ex : Always

a. Always
- My grandmother always cooks for breakfast
- Rani always went to campus on foot
- Mr. Rangga always teach math every Friday

- We are always late to campus

- My brother always see my activity
- I always have a instan noodle
- I always go to bed before 12 p.m

b. Usually
- I usually go to campus together with Kia
- My friend usually spend the weekend at the mountains
- Raka usually plays futsal with his friends after work
- I usually go to work by motorcycle
- Karin usually eats rice in the morning

c. Often
- My sister often brings me chicken from office
- He often go to market
- He often buys drink in the cafe
- Dikta often goes to office by bike
- I often buy a gacoan noodle because it is my favorite food.

d. Sometimes
- Okin sometimes drinks coffee every mornig
- They sometimes order pizza for lunch
- I sometimes sing in the shower
- Tasya sometimes goes to beach
- Sometimes we go to school by bus

e. Never
- I never go to Korea

- I never bring luch to campus

- Nara never comes on time
- He never gets a bad score on English
- They are never at home when we call

6. Jenis-jenis kata modal auxiliaries dan penggunannya.

Modal auxiliary terbagi menjadi tiga jenis yaitu core modals, semi modals, dan verbial
modals. Berikut rinciannya:

Core Modals Semi Modals Verb Modals

Can Dare to Have to
Could Need to Going to
May Used to Able to
Might Ought to

Penggunaan kalimat modal dan contohnya :

 Can
Can digunakan untuk menunjukkan kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu.

Ex :

a. I can make coffe in the kitchen


b. He can play guitar

 Could
Could digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kemampuan melakukan sesuatu, tetapi belum

Ex :

a. I could be there on time

b. Could I borrow to your pencil

 May
May digunakan untuk meminta atau memberi izin, mengungkapkan kemungkinan dan
meminta sesuatu.

Ex: You may visit your sister next week

 Might (barangkali)
Might digunakan untuk menunjukkan kemungkinan, tetapi tidak bisa digunakan untuk
meminta dan memberi izin, atau memohon doa. Might bisa digunakan untuk kalimat past

She may like your drink

 Will
Will digunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang akan terjadi atau dilakukan di masa

I will go to office

 Would (akan)
Would digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang mungkin akan dilakukan atau terjadi
di masa depan

She would do anything for you

 Shall (akan, harus, atau seharusnya)

Shall merupakan perpaduan antara will dan must.

He shall call you later

 Should (seharusnya)
Should digunakan untuk mengungkapkan saran, kritik, dan penyesalan karena tidak
melakukan sesuatu

I should go to school now

 Must
Must digunakan untuk menunjukkan keyakinan akan sesuatu.

We must study hard to graduate

 Dare to (berani)
Dare to digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kemampuan atau keberanian.

Don’t you dare to come here again

 Need to (harus, butuh, atau perlu)

Need to digunakan untuk mengungkapkan keharusan atau kebutuhan untuk melakukan

I think he needs to take a rest.

 Used to (seharusnya/dulunya)
Used to digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang seharusnya terjadi di masa

We used to visit Jepang before tsunami

 Ought to (seharusnya)
Ought to digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang seharusnya terjadi.

You ought to buy something for your brother’s birthday

 Have to (harus)
Have to digunakan untuk menyatakan keharusan.

You have to study hard to pass the exam

 Going to (akan)
Going to digunakan untuk mengungkapkan seuatu yang akan terjadi atau dilakukan.

She going to buy burger for us

 Able to (bisa)
Able to digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kemampuan melakukan sesuatu.

I’m able to solve this problem, just give me time

7. Reading tentang pendidikan islam/Islamic education. Cari dan baca. Dan buat

We have confirmed that Islamic education is not the same as the goals of western
education, because there are differences in understanding the nature, role, and purpose of
human life in the world. This is a very basic problem that is being faced in the world of
Islamic education, therefore a solution must be found. The formulation of the goals of
Islamic education, one of which is to deliver to the purpose of human creation, which is

to become a caliph on earth as stated in the holy book of the Qur'an. The essence of
Islamic education is personal development in all its aspects (body, mind, and heart). And
is an activity or effort that a person does in order to achieve maximum positive
development in humans. The business or activity in question can be in the form of
teaching, habituation, giving examples, giving gifts and praise, as well as developing
one's knowledge, skills, and life experience. In addition to being interpreted as an
activity, education can also be seen as a system. Education as a system is nothing but a
functional totality that is directed at one goal. The purpose of education is to achieve the
target in accordance with the purpose of creating humans to become caliphs on earth,
then the Qur'an and hadith are used as the basis for Islamic education. Steps are needed to
reformulate the goals of Islamic education in accordance with the guidance of the Qur'an
and Hadith and refer to the Islamic intellectual tradition that has brought glory and
prosperity to man kind.

- What the purpose Islamic education ?

Answer : The formulation of the goals of Islamic education, one of which is
to deliver to the purpose of human creation, which is to become a
caliph on earth as stated in the holy book of the Qur'an. The
essence of Islamic education is personal development in all its
aspects (body, mind, and heart)

8. Cari sinonim dan antonym dari sebuah bacaan tentang “Muhammad” dari yang
pak soleh kasih teksnya.

a. Antonym :
Honest > lie
Why did Khadijah like Muhammad ? Because Muhammad honest

Who go to Abyssinia

b. Sinonim
Cruel > ruthless
Who is cruel ?

Oppose > versus

who failed against mecca ?

Love > adore

why did abu tholib love muhammad so much ? because muhammad is his grandson

9. Degrees of comparisons/ tingkat-tingkat perbandingan.

Degrees of comparison adalah salah satu aturan di dalam grammar bahasa Inggris
yang berfungsi sebagai pembanding antar objek.

Jenis-jenis Degrees of Comparison :

Degrees of Comparison Definition

A degree of comparison is a type of adjective used in English to contrast one

thing or person with another that shares the same attribute. It is connected to the
sentence’s adjective or adverb. The listing of an adjective or adverb’s positive,
comparative, and superlative forms is what the Collins Dictionary refers to as the “degree
of comparison.” In other words, it can be claimed that one can compare nouns that have
similar properties or attributes using the degree of comparison.

Degrees of Comparison Types

There are three types of degrees of comparison named:

1. Positive degree of comparison.


2. Comparative degree of comparison.

3. Superlative degree of comparison.

Let’s take a closer look at each of the degrees of comparison mentioned above.

Positive Degrees of Comparison

The adjective’s original form is essentially the positive degree of comparison.

You cannot draw any comparisons with this degree. It simply informs the audience of a
certain characteristic a noun possesses.

For example:

1. The giraffe is tall.

2. The dress is pretty.

3. My friend is happy.

4. The Sun is bright.

Comparative Degrees of Comparison

To compare two nouns that share the same characteristic or the same quality at
two separate times, use the comparative degree of comparison. It demonstrates which of
the two possesses the referred-to quality to a greater or lesser degree.

For example:

 Tisha looks happier than Kylie.

 This couch is more comfortable than the other couch.

 Your hair is shorter than hers.

 My younger brother is taller than me.

Superlative Degrees of Comparison


The highest level of comparison is a superlative comparison. It is used to

compare the similar characteristics that more than two nouns have in common. It reveals
which of the nouns under comparison possesses the mentioned attribute or qualities to the
greatest or least degree.

For example:

 Tisha is the most intelligent student among all the students.

 This couch is the most comfortable.

 Shivani is the tallest girl in our gang.

 My younger brother is the heaviest among all the family members.

Degrees of Comparison Rules

The degrees of comparison include some rules and criteria that you must keep
in mind, just like any other grammar element in English. Look at the following.

1. Degrees of comparison are used to compare adjectives and adverbs, which is the first
thing you should keep in mind regarding them.

2. The base form of the adjective or adverb, which allows no comparison, is called the
positive degree of comparison.

3. In order to compare two nouns that share or lack the same features, the comparative
degree of comparison is used. The suffix “-er” at the end of the adjective serves as the
primary indicator.

4. After the comparative form of the adjective, “than” is always added to show the
comparative degree of comparison.

5. To demonstrate which noun possesses the most or least amount of a quality or set of
attributes, the superlative degree of comparison is utilised. The usage indicates it.

Degrees of Comparison Examples



She is the tallest among her

She is tall. She is taller than her brother.

Mira is happier than her Mira is the happiest person

Mira is happy.
mother. in the class.

Sumi is more beautiful than Sumi is the most

Sumi is beautiful.
her sister. beautiful girl in her house.

The food here is

The food here is better than
Food is good. the best than other
that restaurant.

Rina has a bigger house than

Rina has a big house. Rina has the biggest house.
his father’s.

Before you look at some examples, keep in mind that not all adjectives follow the rule to add “-
er” and “-est” to make the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison. The various types
consist of the following:

Type 1: Adding the suffixes “-er” and “-est” to a monosyllabic adjective’s last consonant.
Type 2: Adding the suffixes “-er” and “-est” to monosyllabic adjectives in which the final
consonant is followed by a different consonant or by two vowels.
Type 3: Adjectives ending in “e” are given the “-r” and “-st” suffixes in Type 3.

Type 4: Adjectives with a ‘y’ ending are given the suffixes -ier and -iest.

Type 5: Adding “more” and “most” to adjectives with multiple syllables.

Type 6: Adjectives of Type 6 are irregular


Degrees of Comparison- Type 1

Positive Comparative Superlative Meaning

Big Bigger Biggest

Thin Thinner Thinnest

Fat Fatter Fattest

Dim Dimmer Dimmest

Hot Hotter Hottest

Sad Sadder Saddest

Slim Slimmer Slimmest

Red Redder Reddest

Degrees of Comparison- Type 2

Positive Comparative Superlative

Bright Brighter Brightest

Short Shorter Shortest


Weak Weaker Weakest

Long Longer Longest

Smart Smarter Smartest

Cool Cooler Coolest

Dark Darker Darkest

Small Smaller Smallest

Bold Bolder Boldest

Clever Cleverer Cleverest

High Higher Highest

Tall Taller Tallest

Sweet Sweeter Sweetest

Deep Deeper Deepest

Rich Richer Richest

Fast Faster Fastest


Thick Thicker Thickest

Great Greater Greatest

Kind Kinder Kindest

Cheap Cheaper Cheapest

Young Younger Youngest

Fast Faster Fastest

Stout Stouter Stoutest

Black Blacker Blackest

Slow Slower Slowest

Tight Tighter Tightest

Quick Quicker Quickest

Narrow Narrower Narrowest

Broad Broader Broadest

Degrees of Comparison- Type 3

Positive Comparative Superlative


Large Larger Largest

Close Closer Closest

Dense Denser Densest

Humble Humbler Humblest

Simple Simpler Simplest

Fine Finer Finest

Noble Nobler Noblest

Brave Braver Bravest

Pale Paler Palest

Nice Nicer Nicest

Degrees of Comparison- Type 4

Positive Comparative Superlative

Funny Funnier Funniest

Happy Happier Happiest

Dry Drier Driest


Lazy Lazier Laziest

Easy Easier Easiest

Heavy Heavier Heaviest

Wealthy Wealthier Wealthiest

Healthy Healthier Healthiest

Costly Costlier Costliest

Busy Busier Busiest

Cosy Cosier Cosiest

Dirty Dirtier Dirtiest

Degrees of Comparison- Type 5

Positive Comparative Superlative

Comfortable More comfortable Most comfortable

Beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful

Sensible More sensible Most sensible

Ignorant More ignorant Most ignorant


Attractive More attractive Most attractive

Important More important Most important

Courageous More courageous Most courageous

Faithful More faithful Most faithful

Elegant More elegant Most elegant

Active More active Most active

Popular More popular Most popular

Awesome More awesome Most awesome

Loyal More loyal Most loyal

Fantastic More fantastic Most fantastic

Wonderful More wonderful Most wonderful

Splendid More splendid Most splendid

Famous More famous Most famous

Difficult More difficult Most difficult


Careful More careful Most careful

Brilliant More brilliant Most brilliant

Enthusiastic More enthusiastic Most enthusiastic

Suitable More suitable Most suitable

Spacious More spacious Most spacious

Devoted More devoted Most devoted

Proper More proper Most proper

Patient More patient Most patient

Amazing More amazing Most amazing

Intelligent More intelligent Most intelligent

Likely More likely Most likely

Careless More careless Most careless

Threatening More threatening Most threatening

Magnificent More magnificent

Depressed More depressed Most depressed

Excited More excited Most excited

Amusing More amusing Most amusing

Degrees of Comparison- Type 6

Positive Comparative Superlative

Good Better Best

Bad Worse Worst

Far Furthest/Farthest

Late Latter(positio

Much More Most

Little Less Least

Many More Most

Old Elder/Older EldestOldest


a. Positive degrees of comparisons

My daughter is smart as me
Is this cake as big as The teacher’s cake?
Mother likes singing as much as cooking

b. Comparative Degree of Comparison “er/more than

My daughter is smarter than you
She hair is longer than yours

c. Superlative Degree of Comparison : “the est/most”

She is the happiest bride in the world
Mr. Jacob is the funniest teacher in this campus

Perbandingan Semua Degree of Comparison dengan Regular Verb

Positive : they are a kind person

Comparative : they are the kindest person
Superlative : they are kinder that we

Perbandingan Semua Degree of Comparison dengan Irregular Verb

Positive : he run really far.

Comparative : he run farther than me
Superlative : he run the farthest of all the kids.

10. Penggunaan tenses dari present, past, future, past future, dan passive voice.

a. We drink coffee S + V1/Vs

We don’t drink coffee
Do we drink coffee?

b. Present Continuous S + is/are/am + Ving

We are drinking coffee
We are not drinking coffee
Are we drinking coffee ?

c. Present Perfect S + have/has +V3

We have drunk coffee
We haven’t drunk coffee
Have we drunk coffee ?

d. Present perfect continuous S + has/have + been + Ving

We have been drinking coffee
We haven’t been drinking coffee
Have we been dringking coffee

e. Simple past tense S + V2

We drank coffee
We don’t drank coffee
Do we drank coffee?

f. Past continuous S + was/were + Ving

We were drinking coffee
We weren’t drinking coffee
Were we drinking coffee?

g. Past perfect S + had + V3

We had drunk coffee

We had not drunk coffee

Had we drunk coffee ?

h. Past perfect continuous S + had +been + Ving

We had been drinking coffee
We had not been drinking coffee
Had we been drinking coffee ?

i. Simple future S + will/shall + V1

We will drink coffee
We will not drink coffee
Will we drink coffee ?

j. Future continuous S + will/shall + be +

We will be drinking coffee
We will not drinking coffee
Will we drinking coffee?

k. Future perfect S + will/shall have + V3

We will have drunk coffee
We will haven’t drunk coffee
Will we have drunk coffee ?

l. Future perfect continuous S + will/shall have + been + Ving

We will have been drinking coffee
We will haven’t been drinking coffee?
Will we have been drinking coffee ?

m. Past future S + would/should + V1

We would drink coffee

We would not drink coffee

Would we drink coffee ?

n. Past future continuouse S + would/should + be + Ving

We would be drinking coffee
We wouldn’t be drinking coffee
Would we be drinking coffee ?

o. Past future Perfect S + whould/should have + V3

We would have drunk coffee
We would not have drunk coffee
Would we have drunk coffee ?

p. Past future perfect S + would/should/ have been + Ving

We would have been drinking coffee
We would not have been drinking coffee
Would we have been drinking coffee ?


1. Simple Present Tense

Aktif : S + do/does + V1
Pasif : S + to be (am, are, is) + V3 + by + O

We speak france
France are spoken by we

2. Present Continuous Tense

Aktif : S + to be (am, are, is) + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + to be (am, are, is) + being + V3 + by + O

We are speaking France

France is being spoken by we

3. Present perfect
Aktif : S + have/has + V3 + O
Pasif : S + have/has + been + V3 + by + O

We have spoken france

France has been spoken by we

4. Present perfect continuous

Aktif : S + have/has + been + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + have/has + been + being + V3 + by + O

We have been speaking france

France has been spoken by we

5. Simple past tense

Aktif : S + V2 + O
Pasif : S + to be (was, were) + V3 + by + O

We spoke france
France was spoken by we

6. Past continuous
Aktif : S + to be (was, were) + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + to be (was, were) + being + V3 + by + O

We were speaking france

France was being spoken by we

7. Past Perfect Tense

Aktif : S + had not + V3 + O
Pasif : S + had + been + V3 + by + O

We had spoken france

France had been spoken by we

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Aktif : S + had + been + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + had + been + being + V3 + by + O

We had been speaking france

France had been being spoken by we

9. Simple future
Aktif : S + will not + V1 + O
Pasif : S + will be + V3 + by + O

We will speak france

France will be spoken by we

10. Future perfect

Aktif : S + will + be + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + will + be + being + V3 + by + O

We will be speaking france

France will be being spoken by we

11. Future Perfect Tense

Aktif : S + will + have + V3 + O
Pasif : S + will + have + been + V3 + by + O

We will have spoken france

France will have been spoken by we

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Aktif : S + will + have + been + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + will + have + been + being + V3 + by + O

We will have been speaking france

France will have been being spoken by we

13. Simple Future Past Tense

Aktif : S + would +  V1 + O
Pasif : S + would + be + V3 + by + O

We would speak france

France would be spoken by we

14. Future Past Continuous Tense

Aktif : S + would + be + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + would + be + being + V3 + by + O

We would be speaking france

France would be being spoken by we

15. Future Past Perfect Tense

Aktif : S + would + have + V3 + O
Pasif : S + would + have + been + V3 + by + O

We would have spoken france

France would have been spoken by we

16. Future Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Aktif : S + would + have + been + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + would + have + been +being + V3 + by + O

We would have been speaking france

France would have been being spoken by we.

Nara : “hi, good morning”

Dikta : “hi, good morning”

Nara : “how are you today ?”

Dikta : “I’m fine. And you ?”

Nara : “I’m fine too. Anyway I’m Nara. Im new comer in here. What is your
name ?”

Dikta : “My name is Dikta. Oh I see. Where are you from?”

Nara :” I’m from Solo. What about you?”

Dikta :”Wow Solo is nice place. I’m from Samarinda.”

Nara :”Samarinda is nice place too. What are you doing ?

Dikta :” I am waiting for the seminar. Don’t you have friends ?

Nara : “No, I don’t have friends. Can I be your friend?”

Dikta :”Yes, you can.”

Nara :’What’s the time seminar will begin dik?”


Dikta :”I don’t know ra, yesterday’s schedule at 8 o’clock, but so far it has not

Nara : “ Maybe a problem. Wait a minute.

Dikta :Yes Nara, I will wait for it.”

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