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Guru Pembimbing:


TAHUN AJARAN 2019/2020



1.1 Rumusan Masalah

1.2 Tujuan Penulisan



A. The definition of procedure text

B. The purpose of procedure text

C. Generic structure of procedure text

1. Goal/Aim (Tujuan)

2. Materials (Bahan-Bahan)

3. Steps (Langkah-Langkah)

D. Kind of procedure text

E. Characteristic of procedure text

F. The procedure text

G. Unsur kebahasaan procedure text





1.1 Background problem

1.2 Formulation of the problem

1. What is the definition of the text procedure?

2. What is the purpose of the text procedure?
3. What is the structure of the procedure text?
4. What is the shape and characteristics of the procedure text?
5. What is the language of procedure text?
1.3 Writing purpose
1. To know the task of English.
2. To find out the definition of the text procedure.
3. To find out the purpose of the text procedure.
4. To be able to know the structure of the procedure text.
5. To find out the shape and characteristics of the procedure text.

A. Definition of procedure text

Procedure Text is text of its contens related to how to make, do, or operate
something in sequence. Usually mention various materials or tools required.

B. Purpose of procedure text

Communicative purpose of procedure text is describe that something done in
accodance with the rules through a clear and orderly step. In other words, type of this
text memberikan petunjuk cara – cara melakukan sesuatu dengan menempuh urutan
yang benar.

C. Generic structure of procedure text (ciri-ciri teks prosedure)

1. Goal/Aim
Goal atau aim berarti tujuan dalam pembuatan atau peng- operasian sesuatu.

2. Materials
Materials adalah bahan-bahan yang diperlukan untuk melakukan sesuatu. Namun
demikian, terdapat pula Procedure Text yang tidak memerlukan bahan-bahan.
Seba¬gai contoh, “How to use the computer.” (Bagaimana cara menggunakan
Ada 3 jenis Procedural Text yang tidak menggunakan bagian materials. Perhatikan
penjelasan berikut ini.
-Pertama, Procedure Text yang menjelaskan bagaimana bekerja atau cara melakukan
instruksi secara manual contohnya, How to use video game, the computer, the tape
recorder, the fax, dan sebagainya.
-Kedua, Procedural Text yang menginstruksikan bagai-mana melakukan aktivitas-
aktivitas tertentu serta peraturannya. Contohnya, road safety rules, video game rules,
dan sebagainya.
-Ketiga, Procedural Text yang berhubungan dengan sifat atau kebiasaan manusia.
Contohnya, How to live happily, atau How to succeed, dan sebagainya.

3. Steps (Langkah-Langkah)
Memuat langkah-langkah atau urutan yang harus dilakukan agartujuan dapat
tercapai. Sebagai catatan, pada Procedure Text berupa How to biasanya tidak
menyebutkan (menyertakan) materi.yang dibutuhkan (material needed).
D. Bentuk-Bentuk Procedure Text

Procedural Text dapat digunakan dalam bentuk recipes/ cookbooks, craft instructions,
game rules, science experiments/ report, dan sebagainya.

E. Ciri ciri teks prosedur

a. Menggunakan pola kalimat imperative (perintah), misalnya, cut, don’t mix, dan
b. Menggunakan action verbs, misalnya turn, put, don’t, mix, dan sebagainya;
c. Menggunakan connectives (kata penghubung) untuk mengurutkan kegiatan,
misalnya then, while, dan sebagainya.
d. Menggunakan adverbials ( kata keterangan ) untuk menyatakan secara rinci
waktu, tempat, serta cara yang akurat, misalnya for five minutes, 2 hours, dan
e. Menggunakan simple present tense.
f. Biasanya menggunakan penomoran, firstly, secondly, next, then, dan
g. Menjelaskan bahan bahan yang ada, walaupun tidak harus selalu ada.

F. Contoh kalimat procedure text

How To Make Fried Rice

Goal ( Tujuan )
Tujuan prosedur adalah memberikan instruksi mengenai cara membuat
nasi goreng.

Materials ( Bahan Bahan )

inggridients ( Bahan-bahan )
1. a plate of rice ( 1 Piring nasi )
2. 1 red chili pepper chopped ( 1 Buah cabai merah yang dirajang )
3. 1 clove garlic chopped fine ( 1 siung bawang putih yang dirajang halus )
4. 1 clove chopped onion ( 1 siung bawang merah yang dirajang )
5. pinch of salt ( sedikit garam )
6. 2 tbsp margarine ( 2 sendok makan mentega )
7. 2 tbsp soy sauce ( 2 sendok makan kecap )
Steps ( Langkah-langkah )
Crush the red pepper, garlic, and onion until very fine. (Ulek cabai merah, bawang
putih, dan bawang merah sampai halus.)
1. Add the salt and saute in margarine over low heat for 2 minutes. (Tambahkan
garam dan goreng dalam mentega di api kecil selama 2 menit.)
2. Add the rice and soya sauce. (Tambahkan nasi dan kecap.)
3. Stir until well mixed and rice is hot. ( aduk sampai tercampur rata dan nasi
matang )
Presentation (Cara Menyajikan)
Serve hot on a plate. (Hidangkan panas-panas diatas piring).
Garnish With shredded omelet, sliced cucumber, and tomatoes. (Hias dengan irisan
telur dadar, mentimun, dan tomat.)

G. Linguistic elements

Linguistic Elements of Procedure Text.How to make the procedure text quite easy.
One way is to find out what linguistic elements are used in the procedure text,

1. Temporal conjunctions

Temporal conjunction is another name for a conjunction that states the time of the
activity that is present and is chronological or sequential. Examples of temporal
conjunctions such as then, then, next, next and after that.

2. Imperative verbs

The imperative verb contains the command or prohibition sentence. The reader must
obey the imperative verbs that exist in the text of the procedure so that the final result
matches the expected goal.Examples of imperative verbs are, leave the yams for 5
minutes, don't mix them with other ingredients, and so on.

3. Material verbs

What is meant by material verbs is everything that refers to physical action.

Examples of material verbs are chopped chili, puree ingredients and so on.

4. Verb behavior

Verbs of behavior are all actions carried out using expressions. For example, wait for
about 5 minutes, wait for it to cook, and keep it.

5. Human participants

Procedural texts are texts intended for humans, both to read and to hear. Therefore,
the procedure text is obliged to include humans in the writing to help with the steps.
6. Markers or sequence number

Generally, the sequence markers in the procedure text are numbers. But there are
some who use markers (bullet), such as dots.

7. Interrogative sentences or questions

Interrogative sentence is a sentence which contains questions The function of the

question is to ask for information about something or ask the reader who follows the
steps in the writing.For example, do you understand? Already understand? Already
have not? Has it been included ?, and so on.

8. Declarative sentences or statements

Declarative sentences are sentences which contain statements. The function of this
sentence is to provide information or news about a matter.You must understand the
language elements of the procedure above when creating the text. Then, in addition to
knowing the linguistic elements, you must also understand the characteristics of the
procedure text.

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