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Keperawatan Dasar
Teori Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia
Rohni Taufika Sari

1. Memahami konsep teori kebutuhan

dasar manusia
2. Memahami faktor yang mempengaruhi
kebutuhan dasar manusia
3. Mampu menganalisa kebutuhan dasar
Konsep dasar Manusia
Sebagai Mahluk

Sebagai Sistem
Manusia sbg Klien

Makhluk Biopsikososial & Spiritual

merupakan kesatuan dari aspek
jasmani & rohani yg memiliki sifat
unik dg kebutuhan yg berbeda sesuai
dg tingkat perkembangannya
Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia
“Kebutuhan yang diperlukan oleh semua
manusia dan bersifat essensial agar
seseorang dapat bertahan hidup”
“sesuatu hal yang penting utk
mempertahankan hidup & kesehatan”
Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia
Prinsip pemenuhan KDM;
“pada dasarnya, manusia dapat
memenuhi kebutuhannya secara
mandiri ataupun dengan bantuan orang
Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia

“Terpenuhi atau tidak terpenuhinya

kebutuhan dasar seseorang menentukan
tingkat kesehatan seseorang dan posisinya
dalam rentang sehat-sakit”
Ada 2 dorongan 1. Deficiency
(motivasi) yg dp motivation
2. Growth
kebutuhan manusia,
yaitu: (Asmadi, 2008)
Faktor yg Mempengaruhi
Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia
1. Penyakit
2. Hubungan yg berarti
(Support system)
3. Konsep Diri
4. Tahap Perkembangan
5. Struktur keluarga
(Mubarak, 2007)
Faktor yg Mempengaruhi
Perbedaan Kebutuhan

1. Kondisi alam 5. Pendidikan

2. Peradaban 6. Pekerjaan
3. Adat istiadat 7. Penghasilan
4. Agama & 8. Usia
Kebutuhan Manusia berdasarkan
sudut pandang lain;
Teori KDM menurut Ahli

• Abraham Maslow
• Virginia Henderson
• Jean Watson
Who is Abraham

Abraham Harold Maslow ( 1 April 1908 – 8

Juni 1970); Anak pertama dari tujuh
bersaudara; dgn orangtua imigran yahudi
dan rusia;
Gelar B.A. (1930), gelar M.A. (1931), dan
gelar Ph.D (1934); semuanya beliau dapat
di bidang psikologi dari The University of
Who is Abraham
Maslow?? (Cont)

Maslow menjabat sebagai ketua

departemen psikologi di Brandeis pada
periode (1951-1969). Disinilah Maslow
mulai mengembangkan gagasan dan
menciptakan teorinya yang paling
terkenal, yaitu tentang hierarki
kebutuhan Maslow,
Who is Abraham
Maslow?? (cont)

Karya lainnya Yang paling

dikenal adalah Toward a
Psychology of Being (1968),
Motivation and Personality (1954
dan 1970), dan The Further
Reaches of Human Nature (1971).
A. Maslow’s
Maslow’s Hierarchy
Who is Virginia
Henderson ?

Born in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1897,

Virginia Henderson was the fifth of eight
children. Henderson entered the Army School of
Nursing at Walter Reed Army Hospital.
While working on the 1955 revision of the
Textbook of the Principles and Practice of
Nursing, Henderson focused on the need to be
clear about the function of nurses.
The Nature of
Nursing 1897-

Fungsi unik perawat adalah membantu individu baik sehat,

maupun sakit dengan tindakan - tindakan yang memberikan
kontribusi bagi kesehatan atau penyembuhan, atau untuk
memperoleh kematian dengan damai, dan harus dilakukannya
tanpa bantuan, sehingga sangat membutuhkan kekuatan,
kemauan, serta pengetahuan. Untuk dapat melakukan hal
tersebut, maka dapat dilakukan berbagai cara agar dapat
mempercepat kemandirian pasien sesegera mungkin”
Definition of

Nursing is primarily assisting the individual (sick or

well) in the performance of those activities
contributing to health or its recovery (or to a
peaceful death), that he would perform unaided if
he had the necessary strength, will, or knowledge. It
is likewise the unique contribution of nursing to
help people be independent of such assistance as
soon as possible,
Definition of

Virginia Henderson viewed the patient as an

individual who requires help toward achieving
independence and completeness or wholeness of
mind and body.
Henderson identified 14
components of basic nursing
care that reflect needs
pertaining to personal hygiene
and healthful living,including
helping the patient carry out
the physician’s therapeutic
plan (Henderson, 1960; 1966,
pp. 16–17)
1. Breathe normally
2. Eat and drink adequately
3. Eliminate body wastes
4. Move and maintain
desirable postures
5. Sleep and rest
6. Select suitable clothes—
dress and undress
7. Maintain body temperature
within normal range by
adjusting clothing and
modifying the environment
8. Keep the body clean and well groomed and
protect the integument
9. Avoid dangers in the environment and
avoid injuring others
10. Communicate with others in expressing
emotions, needs, fears, or opinions
11. Worship according to one’s faith
12. Work in such a way that there is a sense of
13. Play or participate in various forms of
14. Learn, discover, or satisfy the curiosity that
leads to normal development and health and
use the available health facilities.
Who is
Jean Watson’s ?

Jean Watson dilahirkan pada juni 1940 di West

Virginia. Dia lulus Bachelor of Science dalam
Keperawatan di University of Colorado pada tahun
1964 dan juga Master (psikiatris-jiwa
keperawatan kesehatan) dan PhD (psikologi
pendidikan dan konseling) pada tahun 1966 dan
Who is
Jean Watson’s ?

Jean Watson is an American nurse theorist and nursing

professor who is best known for her Theory of human
caring. She is the author of numerous texts, including
Nursing: The Philosophy and Science of Caring. Watson's
research on caring has been incorporated into
education and patient care at hundreds of nursing
schools and healthcare facilities across the world
Who is
Jean Watson’s ?

Watson developed the Theory of

Human Caring. She founded the non-
profit Watson Caring Science Institute
in 2008
Who is
Jean Watson’s ?

“we are the light in institusional darkness, and in

the model we get to return the light of our

“Caring is the essence of nursing”

3. Watson’s
Caring Model for
The goal of Watson’s
Caring Model for

1. Mengarahkan perawat untuk kembali ke akar yang

mendalam dari nilai-nilai profesional.
2. Memunculkan peran asli perawat ideal, Merawat
mendukung identitas profesional kita dalam konteks
di mana nilai-nilai kemanusiaan yang terus
3. Menegakkan nilai-nilai kepedulian dalam praktek
asuhan keperawatan
• Alligood, Martha Raile. 2013: Nursing theorists and
their work / [edited by] Martha Raile Alligood. —
Eighth edition. MosbyElsevier
• Wartonah, Tarwoto. 2010: Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia
dan Proses Keperawatan. Jakarta: Salemba Medika
• Alligood, Martha R, and Tomey, Ann Marriner. 2006,
“Nursing theory: utilization and application. Fourth
Edition”, St.Louis: MosbyElsevier
• Parker, Marilyn E. 2005: Nursing theories and nursing
practice / [edited by] Marilyn E. Parker—2nd ed,
• Black, B (2014). Professional Nursing Concepts
and challenges (7th Ed). St. Louis, MO:
• Master, K (2015). Philosophy and Theory of
Transpersonal caring Jean Watson in Nursing
Theories: a framework for professional
practice. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett

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