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1. Alat kelamin jantan pada tumbuhan berbunga disebut … Benang sari

2. Sebutkan beberapa penyakit yang menyerang darah dan alat peredaran
darah ! 3 saja. Jantung koroner,hipertensi,anemia
3. Perubahan wujud benda dibedakan menjadi dua, sebutkan dan beri
Perubahan sementara (perubahan fisika): lilin dipanaskan, mentega
dipanaskan, air dibekukan.
* Perubahan tetap (perubahan kimia): kertas dibakar, telur dimasak,
tepung kanji dan air dimasak.

4. Apabila masa jenis benda lebih kecil dari masa jenis air, maka benda akan
…… terapung
5. Sebutkan 3 akibat gaya terhadap benda bergerak !
 Benda menjadi diam
 Bergerak semakin cepat
 Merubah arah
6. Kemampuan untuk melakukan usaha disebut …energi
7. Sebutkan 3 jenis pesawat sederhana !
tuas(pengungkit), bidang mriring dan katrol
8. Menurut penyebabnya, gempa bumi dapat dibedakan menjadi 2, sebutkan
dan penyebabnya apa!
9. Pada saat petugas upacara mengerek bendera ke atas, terjadi gaya
berbentuk tarikan
10. Untuk menarik perhatian serangga agar mau membantu proses
penyerbukan, empat ciri bunga yang harus dimiliki tanaman tersebut adalah
a. mahkota bunga besar
b. warna mahkota mencolok
c. mengeluarkan bau khas
d. memiliki nektar
Soal LCC
1.Negara dikawasan Asia Tenggarayang memiliki garis pantai terpanjang
adalah ... (Indonesia)

2.Mayoritas negara-negara maju berada di belahan bumi bagian ... (utara)

3.Benua yang mempunyai batas wilayah utara dan selatan hingga

menyentuh lingkar kutub adalah (benua amerika)

4.apa arti ungkapan berikut “Lewotana molo kame dore” yang diucapkan
ketika hendak bepergian ke tempat yang jauh.
(memohon restu kekuatan/berkat dari sesama saudara baik yang masih
hidup maupun yang sudah meninggal agar senantiasa melindungi kita
sampai ditempat tujuan)

5.siapa nama Bapak Suku Mela Hurint saat ini?

(Bapak Petrus Udja Hurint/Bapak Petu Loba)

6.siapa nama Ketua BPD Desa Lewoloba sekarang.

(Bapak Matheus Belang)

7.siapa nama anak sulung dari leluhur kita Bapak Lian Nurat?
(Bapak Belawa Burak)

8.menyalakan sebatang lilin di depan rumah pada sore hari menjelang

malam sembari menyebutkan nama-nama para leluhur yang telah
meninggal merupakan hal baik yang biasa dilakukan oleh masyarakat kita
sebagai cermin rasa hormat dan rasa ingat kita pada leluhur. Dalam bahasa
lamaholot orang yang telah meninggal disebut ...
(kewokon pulo/kewokon klite)
9.Dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat kita harus menjaga tutur kata, sopan
santun, timbang rasa, karena sesungguhnya kita tidak hidup sendirian
tetapi semestinya kita bersaudara. Ungkapan ini dalam bahasa
lamaholotnya disebut ...
(pai tutu taan kaka pati, marin ditaan arin beda/tite kakan noon arin, tite tale
noon kebote)

10.Apa makna tarian Hedung yang sering ditarikan oleh Kaum laki-laki
dalam upacara adat atau upacara resmi.
(merupakan tarian perang yang menyambut ksatria perang yang menang
dalam pertempuran melawan musuh)
Soal LCC Bahasa Inggris
1. How do you spell the following word: LIBRARY
2. How do you spell this word : SCHOOL
3. How do you spell this word : CLASSROOM
4. How do you spell the following word: FLOWER
1. How do you spell the word : TEACHER
2. How do you spell the word : DILLIGENT
Soal Rebutan
1. What do you say if some helps you?
Jawaban: Thank you
3. What do you say if you meet your friend in the morning?
Jawaban: Good morning
Soal Penyisihan
1. What is the opposite of BAD?
Jawaban: Good
2. What is the opposite of FAR?
Jawaban: Near
3. What is the opposite of TAKE?
Jawaban: Give
4. What is the opposite of LAZY?
Jawaban: Dilligent
1. What is the opposite of STRONG?
2. What is the opposite of OLD?
Soal Rebutan
1. Someone who flies an aeroplane is called…….
Jawaban: PILOT
1. Someone who usually helps a doctor is called……..
Jawaban: NURSE)
Soal Penyisihan
1. Complete this sentence: I need to ……. I am so thirsty.
Jawaban: DRINK
2. Complete this sentence: Let’s go to ………. I need to borrow some books.
Jawaban: LIBRARY
3. Complete this sentence: If you are sick you should see a ……….
Jawaban: DOCTOR
4. Complete this sentence: May I borrow your ……… I need to look up words I
don’t know.
Jawaban: LIBRARY
1. Complete this sentence: I need to go to …….. to save my money.
Jawaban: BANK

Soal Rebutan
1. Change the following sentence into present continuous tense : He waters the
Jawaban: He is watering the flowers
Change the following sentence into present continuous tense : I wash my clothes
Jawaban: I am washing my clothes

Soal Penyisihan
1. What is the past form of the verb GO?
Jawaban: WENT
2. What is the past form of the verb DO?
Jawaban: DID
3. What is the past form of the verb COME?
Jawaban: CAME
4. What is the past form of the verb FIND?
Jawaban: FOUND
1. What is the past form of the verb TAKE?
Jawaban: TOOK
2. What is the past form of the verb WRITE?
Jawaban: WROTE
Soal Rebutan
1. Determine whether this sentence is true or false : MY MOTHER ARE
Jawaban: FALSE
1. Determine whether this sentence is true or false : I DOES NOT HAVE ANY
Jawaban: FALSE
Soal Penyisihan
1. What day comes after Tuesday?
2. What day number comes after eleven?
Jawaban: TWELVE
3. What month comes after July?
Jawaban: AUGUST
4. What year comes after 2010?
Jawaban: 2011
1. What day comes after Saturday?
Jawaban: SUNDAY
2. What month comes after March?
Jawaban: APRIL

Soal Rebutan
1. Someone who flies an aeroplane is called…….
Jawaban: PILOT
1. Someone who delivers letters is called………
Jawaban: POSTMAN
Soal Penyisihan
1. Complete the following sentence with correct form of possessive pronouns.
I have a car. This is … … car.
Jawaban: MY
2. Complete the following sentence with correct form of possessive pronouns.
You have two horses. They are … … horses.
Jawaban: YOUR
3. Complete the following sentence with correct form of possessive pronouns!
He has a basket. That is … … basket.
Jawaban: HIS
4. Complete the following sentence with correct form of possessive pronouns.
She has two baskets. Those are …… baskets.
Jawaban: HER
1. Complete the following sentence with correct form of possessive pronouns.
We have five apples. These are … …apples.
Jawaban: OUR
2. Complete the following sentence with correct form of possessive pronouns.
They have boat. It is … … boat.
Jawaban: THEIR
Soal Rebutan
1. Change the following sentence into simple past tense
I do not have much money
2. Change the following sentence into simple past tense.
I cannot open the door
Jawaban: I could not open the door
1. Complete the sentence with appropriate word!
You go to a …to check your teeth.
Jawaban: DENTIST
2. Complete the sentence with appropriate word!
….helps a doctor to examine a patient.
Jawaban: NURSE
3. Complete the sentence with appropriate word!
A…makes wooden tables and chairs.
4. Complete the sentence with appropriate word!
A ………… makes a shirt for you.
Jawaban: TAILOR
1. Complete the sentence with appropriate word!
Your …………. gives you homework everyday
Jawaban: TEACHER
2. Complete the sentence with appropriate word!
Every restaurant has……………………
Jawaban: COOKS
Soal Rebutan
1. What is the sport played by eleven players of each team?
2. What is the sport played by six players of each team?

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