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Carbamazepin Phenytoin Asam Valproat

Peringatan - SERIOUS DERMATOLOGIC REACTIONS (TEN, - Risiko KV karena injeksi yang cepat: - Hepatotoksis, umumnya terjadi pada 6 bulan
SJS) 1-6:10.000 pengguna baru , 10x lebih kecepatan iv tidak boleh melebihi 50 pertama: gejalanya malaise, weakness,
sering di ASIAN kejadian TEN/SJS lebih mg/menit dan 1-3 mg/kg/menit (50 lethargy, facial edema, anorexia, dan
sering pada variasi HLA-B*1502 ALLELE mg/menit); risiko terjadi hipotensi dan vomiting, kontrol kejang menghilang
aritmia, kejadian terbanyak bila kecepatan - malformasi kongenital mayor terutama
- APLASTIC ANEMIA AND AGRANULOCYTOSIS lebih dari yang direkomendasikanm tetapi neural tube defects (eg, spina bifida)
5-8x > populasi umum, tetapi risiko reaksi kecepatan dibawah itu juga ada risiko - pancreatitis: abdominal pain, nausea,
ini sebenarnya rendah 6:1000.000 kejadian vomiting, and/or anorexia can be symptoms
agranulositosis pertahun dan 2:1000.000 of pancreatitis that require prompt medical
kejadian anemia aplastic pertahun, evaluation, sifatnya progresif dan dapat
penurunan plt transient/persisten atau meninggal
penurutan wbc dilaporkan tetapi kejadian
leukopenia tidak progresif menjadi anemia
aplastic atau agranulositosis (evaluasi DL
diperlukan sebagai baseline, dan dipantau
bila ada tanda depresi sumsum tulang)

Karbamazepine USP merupakan antikonvulsan Menstabilkan membrane neuronal dan Meningkatkan availabilitas gamma-aminobutyric
Farmakologi dan analgesic yang spesifik untuk neuralgia menurunkan kejang dengan aktivitas kejang acid (GABA), sebuah neurotransmitter
trigeminal dengan meningkatkan efflux atau menurunkan inhibitor, ,terhadap neuron di otak atau
influx ion sodium yang melewati membrane sel meningkatkan aksi GABA atau mimiking aksi
Dosis obat extended-release tablet: 100, 200, pada motor cortex selama terjadinya impuls GABA di reseptor postsinaps dan memblok kanal
dan 400 mg. saraf, pemanjangan efektivitas periode sodium yang hasilnya mensupresi high-frequency
refraktori dan supresi automatisasi ventrikular repetitive neuronal firing (Bourin 2009).
5H-dibenz[b,f ]azepine-5-carboxamide pacemaker, pemendekan potensial aksi di
jantung Divalproex sodium merupakan gabungan asam
valproate dan sodium valproate, divalproex
dipecah menjadi valproate di saluran cerna
Bahan inactive: cellulose acetate, dextrates,
hydroxyethyl cellulose, hypromellose,
magnesium stearate, mannitol, polyethylene
glycol and sodium lauryl sulfate. Each tablet is
printed with opacode black S-1-17823 ink
which contains ammonium hydroxide, iron
oxide black, isopropyl alcohol, n-butyl alcohol,
propylene glycol and shellac.

Mekanisme Carbamazepine sebagai antikonvulsi: Dosis dependent; waktu paruh bergantung Distribusi konsentrasi obat di CSF serupa dengan
kerja obat mengurangi respon polisinaps dan pada konsentrasi serum konsentrasi di plasma yang tidak terikat (ie,
menghambat potensial post-tetanic. ∼10% of total plasma concentration)
Perhitungan metabolism Vmax (metabolic
Untuk analgetik neuralgia trigeminal dengan capacity) and Km (constant equal to the Vd: Total valproate: 11 L/1.73 m2; Free valproate
stimulasi nervus infraorbital , akan menurunkan concentration at which the rate of metabolism 92 L/1.73 m2
potensial thalamus dan bulbar dan refleks is 1/2 of Vmax); Vmax is increased in infants >6
polisinaps termasuk refleks lingomandibular months and children compared to adults; major Metabolisme : dihati melalui konjugasi
pada pada percobaan di kucing metabolite (via oxidation) HPPA undergoes glukuronidase (30-50% dosis yang diberikan)
enterohepatic recycling and elimination in urine dan 40% melalui mitochondrial beta-oxidation;
Carbamazepine suspension, conventional as glucuronides other oxidative metabolic pathways occur to a
tablets, and extended-release tablets delivered lesser extent.
equivalent amounts of drug to the systemic Eksresi : urine (5% dalam bentuk awal, tidak
circulation. dimetabolisme): glucuronides Eksresi: urine 30-50%

Carbamazepin suspension diabsorbsi lebih Clearance: bervariasi, bergantung pada fungsi Waktu puncak:
cepat dibandingkan tablet extended-release hepar dan dosis, demam akan meniyebabkan Oral:
dan dibandingkan dengan tablet konvensional peningkatan clearance dan penurunan Divalproex sodium:
konsentrasi serum Delayed release: tablet and sprinkle capsules: ~4
Pemberian dosis 2xsehari suspensi hours, Extended release, 24 hour: 4 to 17 hours
karbamazepin : level puncak yang lebih tinggi Onset kerja IV: 0.5 - 1 jam Valproic acid delayed release capsule: 2 hours
dan lower trough level dibandingkan pada
pemebrian tablet konvensional. Waktu Puncak Serum (formulation dependent): Waktu paruh:
Oral dengan Extended-release capsule: 4 – 12
Pemberian regimen 3 kali sehari suspense jam, Immediate-release preparation: 1.5 - 3 jam Meningkat pada neonatus, orangtua dan pasien
karbamazepin akan memberikan steady state
plasma dibandingkan tablet karbamazepin Half-Life Elimination Range: 7 to 42 hours; dengan gangguan hepar
yang diberikan 2xsehari. newborns (PNA <7 days): Apparent half-life
greatly prolonged (clearance decreased) and Protein Binding
Pemberian 2x1 tablet carbamazepine then rapidly accelerates to infant levels by 5
extended-release tablets memberikan steady- weeks of life. Note: Elimination is not first- Concentration dependent: 80% to 90%; free
state plasma levels dibandingkan pemberian order (ie, follows Michaelis-Menten fraction: ~10% at 40 mcg/mL and ~18.5% at 130
4xtablet karbamazepin yang konvensional pharmacokinetics); half-life increases with mcg/mL; protein binding decreased in neonates,
comparable to conventional carbamazepine increasing phenytoin concentrations; best the elderly and patients with hepatic or renal
described using parameters such as Vmax and Km. impairment
Kadar karbamazepin dalam darah 76%
berikatan dengan protein plasma. Kadar Protein Binding
karbamazepin dalam plasma bervariasi antara Special Populations: Hepatic Function
0,5 mcg/mL – 25 mcg/mL tanpa melihat intake Impairment
harian karbamazepin.
Increased fraction of unbound phenytoin may
Pada pemberian politerapi, konsentrasi occur.
karbamazepin dan obat lainnya dapat turun
atau naik, dan efek obat dapat berubah. Special Populations: Elderly

Pada pemberian suspensi yang kronik, level Clearance decreases ~20% in patients >70 years
obat di plasma akan mencapai puncak pada 1,5 of age.
setelahnya dibandingkan 4-5 jam pada
pemberian obat karbamazepin yang
convensional dan 3-12 jam setelah pemberian
carbamazepine extended release

Rasio CSF/serum = 0.22, serupa dengan 24%

unbound karbamazepine di serum.
Karbamazepine menginduksi metabolismenya
sendiri sehingga waktu paruhnya
bervariasi.Autoinduction komplit setelah 3-5
minggu pemberian dosisi regimen yang fixed

Initial half-life values range mulai dari 25 to 65

hours, menurun menjadi 12 - 17 hours pada
dosisi ulangan.

Karbamazepin di metabolisme di hati,

cytochrome P450 3A4 was identified as the
major isoform responsible for the formation of
carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide from
carbamazepine. Human microsomal epoxide
hydrolase has been identified as the enzyme
responsible for the formation of the 10,11-
transdiol derivative from carbamazepine-10,11
epoxide. After oral administration of 14C-
carbamazepine, 72% of the administered
radioactivity was found in the urine and 28% in
the feces. This urinary radioactivity was
composed largely of hydroxylated and
conjugated metabolites, with only 3% of
unchanged carbamazepine.

Parameter farmakokinetik disposisi

karbamazepin pada anak dan dewasa serupa,
tetapi terdapat korelasi yang buruk antara
konsentrasi karbamzepin diplasma dan dosis
karbamazepin pada anak2. Carbamazepine
dimetabolisme lebih cepat menjadi
carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide (bentuk
metabolit yang memiliki potensi antikonvulsi
yang sama pada binatang) pada grup usia lebih
muda dibandingkan dewasa.

Pada anak dengan usia kurang dari 15 tahun

terdapat relasi yang berlawanan antara CBZ-
E/CBZ ratio dan peningkatan usia (terdapat
laporan 0,44 pada anak usia < 1 tahun dan -,18
pada usia 10-15 tahun.
Indikasi a. Epilepsy Use: Labeled Indications Focal (partial) onset and generalized onset
seizures: Monotherapy and adjunctive therapy in
Carbamazepine extended-release tablets are Focal (partial) onset seizures and generalized the treatment of patients with focal onset
indicated for use as an anticonvulsant drug. onset seizures: Treatment of patients with seizures with impairment of consciousness or
Evidence supporting efficacy of carbamazepine focal and generalized onset seizures and awareness (complex partial) and generalized
extended-release tablets as an anticonvulsant prevention of seizures following craniotomy. onset nonmotor seizures (absence), and as
was derived from active drug-controlled studies May be used off-label for other seizure types. adjunctive therapy for multiple seizure types.
that enrolled patients with the following May be used off-label as monotherapy for other
seizure types: seizure types.
Status epilepticus: Treatment of patients with
convulsive and nonconvulsive status
1. 1. Partial seizures dengan kompleks epilepticus. .
simtomatologi (psychomotor, temporal lobe) ~
perbaikan lebih baik disbandingkan kejang tipe Off Label Uses
2. 2. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures
Seizures, posttraumatic (prevention)
(grand mal).
3. Mixed seizure patterns which include
the above, or other partial or generalized Data from a randomized, double-blind,
seizures. placebo-controlled trial in patients with serious
4. 3. Absence seizures (petit mal) tidak head trauma support the use of phenytoin to
dapat terkontrol dengan pemberian prevent posttraumatic seizures (PTSs) in
karbamazepin. patients who recently (within 1 week)
experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Phenytoin did not reduce the incidence of late
b. Trigeminal Neuralgia
(day 8 or later) PTS [Temkin 1990]. Similarly, a meta-
analysis that included this controlled trial as
well as several retrospective cohort studies also
found a decrease in early PTS with phenytoin
[Wilson 2018]

Based on the Brain Trauma Foundation's

guidelines for the management of severe
traumatic brain injury and the American
Academy of Neurology's practice parameter for
antiepileptic drug prophylaxis in severe
traumatic brain injury, phenytoin is effective
and recommended to decrease the risk of PTS
occurring within the first 7 days of TBI [AAN [Chang
2003]] [BTF [Carney 2017]]
, .
Kontraindikasi 1. riwayat depresi SST 1. Hypersensitivity terhadap 1. Hypersensitivity to valproic acid,
2. hipersensitivitas terhadap obat phenytoin/hydantoins atau komponen divalproex, derivatives, or any
tersebut. dan pada komponen trisiklik: lainnya didalam formula tersebut component of the formulation
amitriptyline, desipramine, 2. hepatic disease or significant
imipramine, protriptyline, 2. penggunaan delavirdine impairment
nortriptyline, etc. 3. urea cycle disorders;
3. Penggunaan obat monoamine oxidase 3. riwayat acute hepatotoxicity akibat 4. known mitochondrial disorders caused
(MAO) inhibitors, sebelum pemberian fenitoin by mutations in mitochondrial DNA
MAO inhibitor harus dhentikan polymerase gamma (POLG; eg, Alpers-
minimal 14 hari. Huttenlocher syndrome [AHS]) or
4. pemberian iv: contraindications
4. Pemberian bersamaan dengan 5. children <2 years of age suspected of
tambahan bila terdapat Sinus
nefazodone karena akan menurunkan having a POLG-related disorder
bradycardia, sinoatrial block, second-
konsentrasi plasma dari nefazone
and third-degree heart block, Adams-
5. Positif HLA-B*1502
Stokes syndrome
6. riwayat hepatik porphyria (e.g., acute
intermittent porphyria, variegate
5. pada Canadian labeling (oral
porphyria, porphyria cutanea tarda)
formulation): kontraindikasi tambahan
Sick sinus syndrome, sinus
bradycardia, sinoatrial block, second-
and third-degree heart block; QT
interval prolongation; Adams-Stokes
syndrome; or other heart rhythm
Efek Samping - 90% pasien yang mengalami gejala - Cardiovascular: Cardiac arrhythmia,
SJS/TEN terjadi dalam bulan2 awal cardiac conduction disturbance
terapi. penelitian terbatas mengira (depression), circulatory shock,
HLA-B*1502, HLA-A 3101 adalah faktor hypotension, ventricular fibrillation
risiko terjadinya SJS/TEN,
makulopapular eruption dan Drug - Central nervous system: Ataxia,
Reaction with Eosinophilia and cerebral atrophy (elevated serum
Systemic Symptoms pada pemberian
antikonvulsi termasuk phenytoin. levels and/or long-term use), cerebral
dysfunction (elevated serum levels
- Aplastic anemia and agranulocytosis and/or long-term use), confusion,
dizziness, drowsiness, headache,
- Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and insomnia, nervousness, paresthesia,
Systemic Symptoms peripheral neuropathy (associated
(DRESS)/Multiorgan Hypersensitivity : with chronic treatment), slurred
DRESS terkadang muncul tidak khas, speech, suicidal ideation, suicidal
fever, rash, lymphadenopathy, dan tendencies, twitching, vertigo
facial swelling, keterlibatan organ
seperti hepatitis, nephritis, - Dermatologic: Bullous dermatitis,
hematologic abnormalities, exfoliative dermatitis, morbilliform
myocarditis, or myositis sometimes rash, scarlatiniform rash, skin or other
resembling an acute viral infection, tissue necrosis, skin rash
eosinophilia is often present.
- Endocrine & metabolic: Decreased T4,
- Hypersensitivity pada karbamazepin increased gamma-glutamyl
dilaporkan pada pasien yang juga transferase, vitamin D deficiency
memiliki reaksi terhadap (associated with chronic treatment)
antikonvulsan lainnya : including
phenytoin, primidone, and - Gastrointestinal: Constipation,
phenobarbital dysgeusia, gingival hyperplasia,
nausea, swelling of lips, vomiting
- hipersensitif terhadapa carbamazepin
akan menimbulkan reaksi terhadap - Genitourinary: Peyronie's disease
oxcarbazepine (Trileptal®*)
- Hematologic & oncologic:
- anaphylaxis dan angioedema involving Macrocytosis, megaloblastic anemia,
the larynx, glottis, lips, and eyelids pseudolymphoma, purpuric dermatitis
dapat ditemukan pada pasien yang
mendapatkan dosis pertama/lanjutan - Hepatic: Acute hepatic failure, hepatic
carbamazepine. Angioedema ~ injury, hepatitis, increased serum
laryngeal edema alkaline phosphatase, toxic hepatitis

- Keinginan bunuh diri karena - Local: Injection site reaction ("purple

cenderung depresi, gangguan mood glove syndrome;" edema,
dan perilaku discoloration, and pain distal to
injection site), local inflammation,
- Hyponatremia karena syndrome of local irritation, localized tenderness,
inappropriate antidiuretic hormone local tissue necrosis
secretion (SIADH), risiko terjadinya
SIADH ternyata berhubungan dengan - Neuromuscular & skeletal:
dosis, gejala hiponatremia antara lain Osteomalacia
sakit kepala, peningkatan frekuensi
kejang, sulit konsentrasi, gangguan - Ophthalmic: Nystagmus
memori, bingung, kelemahan, tidak
seimbang, pingsan.  hentikan gejala - Miscellaneous: Fever, tissue sloughing
- <1%, postmarketing, and/or case
reports: Acute generalized
exanthematous pustulosis,
agranulocytosis, anaphylaxis,
angioedema, asterixis, bone fracture,
bone marrow depression, bradycardia,
chorea, decreased bone mineral
density, DRESS syndrome, dyskinesia,
dystonia, enlargement of facial
features, granulocytopenia,
hepatotoxicity, Hodgkin lymphoma,
hyperglycemia, hypertrichosis,
immunoglobulin abnormality,
leukopenia, lymphadenopathy,
malignant lymphoma, osteoporosis,
pancytopenia, polyarteritis nodosa,
Stevens-Johnson syndrome, systemic
lupus erythematosus,
thrombocytopenia, toxic epidermal
necrolysis, tremor, urticarial

- Blood dyscrasias: A spectrum of

hematologic effects have been
reported (eg, agranulocytosis,
leukopenia, granulocytopenia,
thrombocytopenia, and pancytopenia
with or without bone marrow
suppression) and may be fatal;
patients with a previous history of
adverse hematologic reaction to any
drug may be at increased risk. Early
detection of hematologic change is
important; advise patients of early
signs and symptoms including fever,
sore throat, mouth ulcers, infections,
easy bruising, petechial or purpuric

Special populations:

• Asian ancestry: Asian patients with the

variant HLA-B*1502 may be at an increased
risk of developing Stevens-Johnson syndrome
and/or TEN. Note: Carbamazepine, another
antiepileptic with a chemical structure similar
to phenytoin, includes in the manufacturer
labeling a recommendation to screen patients
of Asian descent for the HLA-B*1502 allele
prior to initiating therapy; this is not a current
recommendation in the phenytoin
manufacturer labeling. Patients with a positive
result should avoid phenytoin.
Dosis Carbamazepine ER Excipient information presented when available The dosing recommendations in this monograph
(limited, particularly for generics); consult are expressed as the total daily dose (ie, per 24
Epilepsy specific product labeling. hours) unless stated otherwise. The total daily
Adults and children over 12 years of age - oral dose is given in 1 to 4 divided doses per day
Initial: depending on the type of preparation.
Focal (partial) onset seizures and generalized
Inisial 200 mg tiap 12 jam untuk pemberian
onset seizures: Note: FDA approved for
tablet (ER atau konvensional) atau 1 sendok the
generalized tonic-clonic and complex partial Available preparations include: Oral immediate
suspension 400 mg/hari tiap 6 jam
seizures; may be used off-label for other release (usually dosed 3 to 4 times daily [Koch-
Naik setiap minggu 200 mg/hari tiap 12 jam seizure types. Use of a loading dose is Weser 1980]), delayed release (DR) (usually
carbamazepin ER atau tiap 8-6 jam sehari tablet suggested for patients who require rapid dosed 2 to 3 times daily) and 24-hour extended
konvensional attainment of a therapeutic serum level; in the release (ER) (dosed once daily) formulations and
absence of a loading dose, full effect is an IV injection.
Dosis tidak melebihi 1000 mg/hari untuk usia typically achieved after 1 to 3 weeks (ie, when
12-15 tahun steady-state serum concentrations are The 24-hour ER oral formulation is not available
reached). in Canada. Available formulations of valproate
Untuk > 15 tahun tidak melebihi 1,200 mg daily (active moiety) include valproic acid, valproate
Fixed (nonweight-based) dosing sodium, and divalproex sodium (also known as
Dosis hingga 1,600 mg/hari untuk dewasa (manufacturer's labeling): valproate semisodium) salts. All doses in this
dengan kondisi khusus monograph are expressed as the equivalent
Loading dose (optional) (phenytoin naive): amounts of valproic acid.
Maintenance: Pada level minimal yang efektive Oral (capsule [extended release]): 1 g divided
800 mg - 1,200 mg daily. into 3 doses (eg, 400 mg, 300 mg, 300 mg) Focal (partial) onset seizures and generalized
administered at 2-hour intervals; begin onset seizures (FDA-approved for monotherapy
maintenance dose 24 hours after first loading or adjunctive therapy of complex partial and
Terapi kombinasi: Carbamazepine dapat
dose. absence seizures, and as adjunctive therapy for
digunakan sendiri atau bersama dengan
multiple seizure types; may be used off-label as
antikonvulsan lainnya, ketika carbamazepin
Maintenance dose: Oral (capsule [extended monotherapy for other seizure types):
ditambah setelah pemberian antikonvulsan lain
carbamazepin di naikan bertahap dan release]): Initial: 100 mg 3 to 4 times daily;
antikonvulsan pertama dimaintenance atau di adjust dose based on response and serum Oral: Initial monotherapy or adjunctive therapy:
turunkan perlahan, kecuali phenitoin harus concentrations. 10 to 15 mg/kg/day for complex partial seizures
dinaikan dosisnya or 15 mg/kg/day for absence seizures; increase
Weight-based dosing (off-label): Note: May be by 5 to 10 mg/kg/day at weekly intervals until
used to individualize loading dose and optimal clinical response and/or therapeutic
Conversion of patients from oral
estimate initial maintenance dose levels are achieved; maximum recommended
carbamazepine tablets to carbamazepine
requirements according to body weight. dose: 60 mg/kg/day (manufacturer's labeling).
suspension: Patients should be converted by
Some experts suggest checking serum level ~1 to
administering the same number of mg per day
Loading dose (optional) (phenytoin naive): IV, 2 weeks after initial dose to help guide dose
in smaller, more frequent doses (i.e., twice a
Oral: 15 mg/kg given in 1 to 3 divided doses adjustment (Schachter 2018).
day tablets to three times a day suspension).
over 24 hours; usual total loading dose is 1 to
1.5 g (AES [Glauser 2016]; Gaspard 2019; Conversion to monotherapy from valproate
Carbamazepine extended-release tablets are an
Osborn 1987); begin maintenance dose 8 to 12 adjunctive therapy: Initial oral dosage as above.
extended-release formulation for twice a day
hours after loading dose. Dosage reduction of the concomitant antiseizure
administration. When converting patients from
drug may begin when valproate therapy is
carbamazepine conventional tablets to
Maintenance dose: IV, Oral: Initial: 4 to 7 initiated or 1 to 2 weeks following valproate
carbamazepine extended-release tablets, the
same total daily mg dose of carbamazepine mg/kg/day (usual 300 to 400 mg/day) given in initiation; taper the concomitant antiseizure drug
extended-release tablets should be 2 to 4 divided doses; adjust dose based on over 8 weeks (ie, by ~25% every 2 weeks).
administered. Carbamazepine extended- response and serum concentrations (Murphy
release tablets must be swallowed whole and 2016). Some experts recommend initiating IV (for non-status epilepticus): Total daily IV dose
never crushed or chewed. Carbamazepine maintenance therapy with 5 mg/kg/day in 2 should be equivalent to the total daily oral
extended-release tablets should be inspected divided doses (Schachter 2019a). A maximum valproate dose (expressed as valproic acid) and
for chips or cracks. Damaged tablets, or tablets dose has not been established; caution should divided every 6 hours. Administer each dose as a
without a release portal, should not be be used in prescribing maintenance doses 60-minute infusion (rate ≤20 mg/minute). Note:
consumed. Carbamazepine extended-release >600 mg/day. In non-status epilepticus, IV formulation should
tablet coating is not absorbed and is excreted be used only for those who temporarily cannot
in the feces; these coatings may be noticeable use oral formulations; switch to oral formulation
in the stool as soon as appropriate.

Discontinuation of therapy: In patients receiving

valproic acid chronically, unless safety concerns
require a more rapid withdrawal, valproic acid
should be withdrawn gradually over 2 to 6
months to minimize the potential of increased
seizure frequency (in patients with epilepsy) or
other withdrawal symptoms (Medical Research
Council Antiepileptic Drug Withdrawal Study
Group 1991; Schachter 2019). In patients
discontinuing therapy for treatment of bipolar
disorder, close monitoring for several weeks to
months for reemergence of mania/hypomania is
recommended (Post 2019).

Dosing conversions: Note: The 24-hour ER

formulation is not available in Canada:

Conversion from immediate release to DR or 24-

hour ER: When converting to DR, use the same
total daily dose as the immediate release and
divide into 2 to 3 daily doses. When converting
from immediate release to 24-hour ER, increase
the total daily dose of 24-hour ER by 8 to 20%
and dose once daily.

Conversion from DR to 24-hour ER: For patients

on a stable dose of DR, increase the total daily
dose of 24-hour ER by 8% to 20% to maintain
similar serum concentrations, and dose once

Dosing: Pediatric

Note: Use of Depakote ER in pediatric patients

<10 years of age is not recommended; do not
confuse Depakote ER with Depakote. Erroneous
substitution of Depakote (delayed-release
tablets) for Depakote ER has resulted in
toxicities; only Depakote ER is intended for once
daily administration.

Depakote ER: Limited data available: Children

≥12 years and Adolescents: Oral: 500 mg once
daily for 15 days, may increase to 1,000 mg once
daily; adjust dose based on patient response;
usual dosage range: 250 to 1,000 mg/day; dose
should be individualized; if smaller dosage
adjustments are needed, use Depakote delayed-
release tablets; results from a Phase 3, long-term
(12 months) open-label trial of 241 patients (age:
12 to 17 years) showed a 75% decrease in
median 4-week headache days between the first
and fourth months of the trial (Apostol 2009a). In
a short-term (12 weeks), double-blind,
randomized placebo-controlled trial of 304
patients (age: 12 to 17 years), Depakote ER (250
to 1,000 mg/day) was no different than placebo
at reducing the 4-week headache rate; however,
a large placebo effect was observed in the study
population (Apostol 2008).

Seizures disorders: Note: Due to the increased

risk of valproic acid and derivatives-associated
hepatotoxicity in patients <2 years, valproic acid
and derivatives are not preferred agents in this
Interaksi 1. MONITOR: Hydantoins may decrease CarBAMazepine: May decrease the serum CarBAMazepine: Valproate Products may
carbamazepine levels, and carbamazepine may concentration of Phenytoin. Phenytoin may increase serum concentrations of the active
have variable effects on hydantoin levels. The decrease the serum concentration of metabolite(s) of CarBAMazepine. Parent
mechanism may be related to induction of CarBAMazepine. CarBAMazepine may increase carbamazepine concentrations may be increased,
CYP450 hepatic metabolism of carbamazepine the serum concentration of Phenytoin. Possibly decreased, or unchanged. CarBAMazepine may
and alteration of hydantoin metabolism. by competitive inhibition at sites of decrease the serum concentration of Valproate
metabolism. Consider therapy modification Products. Monitor therapy
MANAGEMENT: Close observation for clinical
and laboratory evidence of altered effects is
Dietary Considerations
recommended, particularly when one drug is
started or discontinued. Patients should be
advised to notify their physician if they Folic acid: Phenytoin may decrease mucosal
experience loss of seizure control or symptoms uptake of folic acid; to avoid folic acid
of hydantoin toxicity (drowsiness, visual deficiency and megaloblastic anemia, some
disturbances, change in mental status, nausea, clinicians recommend giving patients on
or ataxia). anticonvulsants prophylactic doses of folic acid
and cyanocobalamin (Belcastro 2012). Folic acid
0.5 mg/day has been shown to reduce the
Agents That May Affect Carbamazepine
incidence of phenytoin-induced gingival
Plasma Levels
overgrowth in children (Arya 2011). However,
folate supplementation may increase seizures
Agents That Increase Carbamazepine Levels in some patients (dose dependent). Discuss
Human microsomal epoxide hydrolase has with health care provider prior to using any
been identified as the enzyme responsible for supplements.
the formation of the 10,11-transdiol derivative
from carbamazepine-10,11 epoxide.
Calcium: Hypocalcemia has been reported in
Coadministration of inhibitors of human
patients taking prolonged high-dose therapy
microsomal epoxide hydrolase may result in
with an anticonvulsant. Some clinicians have
increased carbamazepine-10,11 epoxide
given an additional 4,000 units/week of vitamin
plasma concentrations. Accordingly, the dosage
D (especially in those receiving poor nutrition
of carbamazepine should be adjusted and/or and getting no sun exposure) to prevent
the plasma levels monitored when used hypocalcemia.
concomitantly with loxapine, quetiapine, or
valproic acid. Vitamin B: Phenytoin use has been associated
with low serum concentrations of vitamin B 2
Agents That Decrease Carbamazepine Levels (riboflavin), B6 (pyridoxine) and B12
CYP3A4 inducers can increase the rate of (cyanocobalamin), which may contribute to
carbamazepine metabolism. Drugs that have hyperhomocysteinemia.
been shown, or that would be expected, to Hyperhomocysteinemia may contribute to
decrease plasma carbamazepine levels include cardiovascular disease, venous
cisplatin, doxorubicin hydrochloride, felbamate, thromboembolic disease, dementia,
fosphenytoin, rifampin, phenobarbital, neuropsychiatric symptoms and poor seizure
phenytoin, primidone, methsuximide, control. Some clinicians recommend
theophylline, aminophylline. administering riboflavin, pyridoxine and
cyanocobalamin supplements in patients taking
 Monitor concentrations of valproate phenytoin (Apeland 2003; Apeland 2008;
when carbamazepine is introduced or Belcastro 2012; Bochyńska 2012).
withdrawn in patients using valproic
acid. Vitamin D: Phenytoin interferes with vitamin D
metabolism and osteomalacia may result; may
In addition, carbamazepine causes, or would need to supplement with vitamin D
be expected to cause, decreased levels of the
following drugs, for which monitoring of
concentrations or dosage adjustment may be
necessary: acetaminophen, albendazole,
alprazolam, aprepitant, buprenorphone,
bupropion, citalopram, clonazepam, clozapine,
corticosteroids (e.g., prednisolone,
dexamethasone), cyclosporine, dicumarol,
dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (e.g.,
felodipine), doxycycline, eslicarbazepine,
ethosuximide, everolimus, haloperidol,
imatinib, itraconazole, lamotrigine,
levothyroxine, methadone, methsuximide,
mianserin, midazolam, olanzapine, oral and
other hormonal contraceptives, oxcarbazepine,
paliperidone, phensuximide, phenytoin,
praziquantel, protease inhibitors, risperidone,
sertraline, sirolimus, tadalafil, theophylline,
tiagabine, topiramate, tramadol, trazodone,
tricyclic antidepressants (e.g., imipramine,
amitriptyline, nortriptyline), valproate,
warfarin, ziprasidone, zonisamide.

Pediatric Use


Toksisitas akut: lethal dose terendah yang

diketahui dewasa 3.2 g (a 24-year-old woman
died of a cardiac arrest and a 24-year-old man
died of pneumonia and hypoxic
encephalopathy); anak 4 g (a 14-year-ol d girl
died of a cardiac arrest), 1.6 g (a 3-year-old girl
died of aspiration pneumonia).

Oral LD50 in animals (mg/kg): mice, 1,100 to

3,750; rats, 3,850 to 4,025; rabbits, 1,500 to
2,680; guinea pigs, 920.
Pemantauan Pemantauan: 1. DL

1. DL (trombosit dan WBC) 2. LFT

2. Retikulosit (baseline) 3. vitamin D status (chronic use)

3. Serum Iron (baseline) 4. suicidality (eg, suicidal thoughts,

depression, behavioral changes);
4. LFT
5. plasma phenytoin concentrations (if
5. Baseline and periodic eye available, free phenytoin
examinations, including slit-lamp, concentrations should be obtained in
funduscopy, and tonometry, are patients with renal impairment and/or
recommended since many hypoalbuminemia; if free phenytoin
phenothiazines and related drugs concentrations are unavailable, the
have been shown to cause eye adjusted total concentration may be
changes. determined based upon equations in
adult patients). Trough concentrations
6. Baseline dan perodik UL dan Bun/Sc are generally recommended for
untuk evaluasi disfungsi renal routine monitoring.

7. monitoring lever antikonvulsan 6. Additional monitoring with IV use:

berguna bila terdapat peningkatan Continuous cardiac monitoring (rate,
frekuensi kejang dan konfirmasi rhythm, blood pressure) and
komplikasi, terutam bila lebih dari 1 observation during administration
obat yang diberikan recommended; blood pressure and
pulse should be monitored every 15
8. Thyroid function tests (karena minutes for 1 hour after
terdapat laporan penurunan level administration (Meek, 1999); infusion
tiroid pada pemberian karbamazepin site reactions
saja) Interference with some
pregnancy tests has been reported

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