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Beberapa cara menggunakan GET

A. Get bermakna “menjadi” = “To Be”.

Bermakna menjadi jika Get + Adj.

Contoh :

• I am black → I get black

• I am not black → I dont get black
• Put your coat and scarf on or you’ll get cold.
• Let’s hope she gets better soon.
• It’s getting dark.

B. Get + V3 menjadi bermakna Passive.

Contoh :

• Our pen was stolen → Our pen got stolen.

• Our pen was not stolen → our pent did not get stolen.
• The cottage got really badly damaged in the floods last year.
• Sorry we’re late. The train got delayed for over an hour outside Manchester.

C. Menggunakan “Have Something Done” (have dalam hal ini disebut dengan
Causative verb)
Kita menggunakan causative verb ketika kita mau bicara soal sesuatu yang orang lain
lakukan untuk kita atau untuk orang lain. Itu artinya si subyek menyebabkan orang lain
melakukan tindakan tertentu. Itu artinya tindakan itu tidak dilakukan oleh si subyek, namun
tindakan itu dilakukan oleh orang lain, tapi yang nyuruh adalah si subyek.
Contoh :

• I cleaned my house. (ini artinya saya yang membersihkan rumahku).

Tapi, jika aku bayar seseorang untuk bersihkan rumahku, tentu aku akan bilang :

• A cleaner cleaned my house. (seorang pembersih membersihkan rumahku.)

Tapi ada cara lain untuk menyebutkan kalimat di atas, yaitu dengan menggunakan pola “have
something done”. Yaitu :

• I had my house cleaned. (ini artinya “saya membersihkan rumah ku” namun itu
dilakukan bukan oleh saya, namun oleh orang lain yang saya suruh.)
• I want to have my hair cut. (ketika kita bilang “saya mau potong rambut ku”, apakah
itu artinya kita yang memotong sendiri atau kita suruh/bayar orang lain? tentu kita bayar
orang lain. itu artinya walau kita bilang “saya mau potong rambut saya”, namun itu
dilakukan oleh orang lain yang kita suruh. Kita menggunakan pola “have something

Get + object + past participle (get something done)

Namun, kita juga bisa menggunakan “Get something done” sebagaiman “Have
something done”. Hanya saja, jika menggunakan Get, ini dipakai untuk kalimat yang kurang
Contoh ;

• They get their essays checked. (mereka mengecek mata mereka.)

• I'll get my hair cut next week. (saya akan potong rambutku minggu depan.)
• He got his washing machine fixed. (dia memperbaiki mesin cucinya.)
Get + place = arrive
“I can’t wait to get home and have a shower and a cup of tea.”

“As soon as we got there, we had to go back again.”

“What time does she get back? I miss her already!”

Get + adjective = become

“Don’t talk about his nose. He’ll get really angry.”

“I’m really getting excited about this trip.”

“Did you see her? She got so serious when we started talking about giraffes.”

Get + -ing = start

“We met at the café on Short Street and just got talking immediately.”

“I’ll feel better as soon as I can get working on this.”

Get + noun = take

“Right, I’m going to the kitchen to get some tea.”

“Can you believe it? He got a gun for his 15th birthday! That family’s crazy.”

Get + to verb = have the opportunity to

“Then, when we went on the ship, we got to go into the captain’s room and push all the

“Egypt was great, but we never got to see the Sphinx — there just wasn’t enough time!”

Indonesiakan →

My pet got stolen 2 years ago when it was 2 yers old. Now I buy the new one but again I can’t
forget the old one because it was so cute. It hurt my heart so much to lose a pet. But I needed
to go to see doctor because I had my soul cured. I got my body washed. I got my head touched

Speaking Time

1. Are you a happy person?

2. What is happiness for you?
3. What do you think is the color for happiness?
4. Do you think that happiness lies within you? Or does it depend upon other people and
external things?
5. Can money buy happiness?
6. Is happiness a state of mind?
7. What makes you feel happy?
8. What are the three most important things for you to be happy?
9. Is happiness relative, that is, does it have a different meaning for each person?
10. Are single people happy?
11. Would you be happier with a soul mate or single?
12. Does having an animal/pet make you happy?

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