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Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3 Arti

Be Was/were Been Ada

Beat Beat Beaten Memukul
Become Became Become Menjadi
Begin Began Begun Memulai
Bite Bit Bitten Menggigit
Buy Bought Bought Membeli
Catch Caught Caught Menangkap
Choose Chose Chosen Memilih
Come Came Come Datang
Cut Cut Cut Memotong
Do Did Done Melakukan
Draw Drew Drawn Menggambar
Drink Drank Drunk Meminum
Drive Drove Driven Mengendarai
Eat Ate Eaten Makan
Fall Fell Fallen Jatuh
Feel Felt Felt Merasa
Fight Fought Fought Berkelahi/berjuang
Find Found Found Menemukan
Fly Flew Flown Terbang
Forget Forgot Forgotten Melupakan
Get Got Got Mendapat
Give Gave Given Memberi
Go Went Gone Pergi
Grow Grew Grown Tumbuh
Hang Hung Hung Menggantung
Have Had Had Memiliki
Hear Heard Heard Mendengar
Hide Hid Hidden Bersembunyi
Hit Hit Hit Memukul
Hold Hold Hold Menahan
Hurt Hurt Hurt Melukai/terluka
Keep Kept Kept Menjaga
Know Knew Known Mengetahui
Leave Left Left Meninggalkan
Lend Lent Lent Meminjami
Let Let Let Membiarkan
Lie Lay Lain Bohong
Light Lit Lit Menyalakan
Lose Lost Lost Kehilangan
Make Made Made Membuat
Mean Meant Meant Maksud
Meet Met Met Bertemu
Pay Paid Paid Membayar
Put Put Put Meletakkan
Read Read Read Membaca
Ring Rang Rung Berbunyi
Rise Rose Risen Terbit
Run Ran Run Lari
Say Said Said Berkata
Unit 1 “ Introducing Yourself “
Introducing Yourself adalah sebuah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memperkenalkan diri seseorang.


 First of all I would like to introduce my self…… (Pertama-tama perkenankanlah saya memperkenalkan diri
 I want introduce myself (saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya).
 My name is …(Nama saya adalah …)
 my full name is … (nama lengkap saya adalah …)
 my nick name is ,,, (nama panggilan saya adalah….)
 Allow me to introduce my self … (Ijinkanlah saya memperkenalkan diri saya …)
 I am … (saya adalah ….)
 Excuse me, my name is … (Permisi nama saya adalah …)
 Hello, my name is … (Hello nama saya adalah …)
 Good Evening, my name is …(Selamat sore, nama saya adalah…)

Dialog 1
Hafizah : Good morning, I want  introduce my self. my full name is Hafizah Salsabillah Putri, and may I know your
name? (Selamat pagi  saya akan memperkenalkan diri saya. Nama lengkap saya adalah  Hafizah Salsabillah Putri)
Faiha  : Good morning too, I would like to introduce my self to you. My name is Faiha maharani. (Selamat pagi juga,
saya akan memperkenalkan diri saya. Nama lengkap saya Faiha maharani.

Dialog 2
Ratna    :  Hello ,I want introduce myself,my name is  Ratnasari  (saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya,nama saya
Tiaara     : Hy, My name is Tiara, but please call me “ara” (Hai, Nama lengkap saya adalah tiara  tapi panggil saja

Unit 2 “ Am,Is,Are (To Be) “

To be (is,are,was,were dll) berarti "adalah" atau tidak memiliki arti sama sekali. To be berarti ada atau adalah. 

Subjects To Be
He Is(= ’s)
She Is(= ‘s)
It Is(= ‘s)
We Are(= ‘re)
You Are(= ‘re)
They Are(= ‘re)
I Am(= ‘m)

To be digunakan sebagai penghubung antara subjek dan predikat. namun perlu kalian ketahui terlebih dahulu to be
apa yang harus digunakan sesuai dengan subject kalimat

 Is: Digunakan jika subject adalah orang ketiga tunggal Contoh: She,He,It.
 Am: Digunakan untuk subject orang pertama tunggal contoh : I
 Are: Digunakan jika subject berbentuk jamak contoh: They,We, bisa digunakan juga untuk orang kedua
tunggal contoh :You.

Penggunaan sebagai penghubung kata benda (noun).


 She IS a girl (dia adalah seorang anak perempuan). She digunakan untuk kata ganti perempuan.
 He IS a boy (dia adalah seorang anak laki laki) He adalah kata ganti untuk laki-laki.
 It Is a lion (ini adalah seekor singa) It dugunakan untuk kata ganti binatang atau benda.


 They ARE human (mereka adalah manusia)

 We are human (kita adalah manusia)
 You are a student. (Anda seorang siswa)


 I am a human (saya adalah manusia)

Penggunaan sebagai penghubung kata sifat (adjective).


 He is handsome (dia tampan)

 She is beautiful (dia cantik)
 It is Nice (ini bagus)


 They ARE good

 You are beautiful. (Kamu cantik)


 I AM good
 I am sad. (saya sedih, bukan saya adalah sedih)

Penghubung kata Keterangan (adverb).


 She is in the park. (Dia berada di taman)

 He Is at the parking zone


 We are at home. (Kami di rumah)

 They are at school
 You are in My house


 I am at home (Saya sedang dirumah)

 I am in the class. (Saya di dalam kelas)
Penghubung Kata kerja yang menyatakan sedang melakukan sesuatu.

 He is watching television (Dia sedang menonton televisi)

 Rabbit is eating grass. (Kelinci sedang makan rumput)


 You are reading a book. (Anda sedang membaca buku)


 I am studying English. (Saya sedang mempelajari bahasa Inggris)

Unit 3 “ I/Me/My He/Him/His “

Pronoun atau kata ganti adalah kata yang dapat menggantikan suatu kata benda atau frasa kata benda. Kata
ganti berfungsi menghindari pengulangan kata benda atau frasa kata benda yang sama yang telah disebut

Dalam bahasa Inggris, pronoun terdiri dari tujuh jenis, yaitu:

Reflexive Pronoun
Reflexive pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan tindakan atau kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh
diri subjek sendiri (subject of the verb) atau dengan kata lain memberi penekanan pada unsur subjek atau objek.
Kata ganti bentuk tunggal mendapat akhiran –self, dan bentuk jamak dengan akhiran –selves.


Myself = Saya sendiri

Yourself/yourselves = Kamu sendiri/kalian sendiri

Themselves = Mereka sendiri

Ourselves = Kami sendiri

Himself = Dia sendiri (laki-laki)

Herself = Dia sendiri (perempuan)

Itself= Dia sendiri (benda atau binatang)

Contoh kalimatnya:

- Sunny made this book by herself.

- He enjoyed himself by watching two movies.

- The children are old enough to look after themselves.

Possessive Pronoun
Possessive pronoun adalah kata ganti yang memperlihatkan kepunyaan seseorang atau kelompok.

Ada dua bentuk possessive pronoun yaitu dependent (ditempatkan sebelum suatu kata benda) dan independent
(ditempatkan setelah suatu kata kerja).

Contoh :

Dependent seperti my, your, his, her, its, our, their

Independent seperti mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs

 This green bag is hers. (Tas hijau itu adalah miliknya).
 This small car is mine. Those are theirs. (Mobil mini ini milikku. Milik mereka yang itu)
 This is not your suitcase. I think that is yours. (Koper ini bukan kopermu. Saya rasa punyamu yang di sana)

Personal Pronoun
Personal pronoun adalah kata ganti pada subyek dan obyek yang menunjukkan pada orang atau penamaan.


I => Me

You => You

She => Her

He => Him

It => It

We => Us

They => Them

Contoh kalimatnya:
 I gave this book to Anita yesterday. She feels great when read it. (Saya memberikan buku ini kepada Anita
kemarin. Dia merasa sangat senang ketika membacanya).
 My mother take a glass with her. She wants fill it with the juice. (Ibu saya mengambil sebuah gelas
bersamanya. Dia ingin mengisinya dengan jus).

Interrogative Pronoun
Interrogative pronoun adalah kata-kata yang mempertanyakan orang atau benda. Ini antara lain: who, whom (siapa),
whose (punya siapa), why (mengapa), which (yang mana), dan what (apa).

kata ganti atau pronomina yang digunakan untuk menanyakan orang, benda, atau suatu pilihan. Kata ganti yang
sering dipakai adalah what, which who, whom dan whose.

- What is broken? (Apa yang pecah?)

- Who has make you sad? (Siapa yang membuat kamu sedih?))

- Which shop sold the kimchi? (Toko yang mana menjual Kimchi?)

Unit 4 “ I am doing (present continuous) “

Present Continuous Tense merupakan tense bentuk yang menunjuk pada tindakan yang sedang berlangsung
sekarang atau ketika pembicaraan itu sedang berlangsung.

1.The present continuous is :

Am/is/are + V-ing


-What's all that noise? What is going on?

-Father is playing guitar in studio.

-Where are the children? The are playing football at backyard.

-Please don't make so much noise. I am trying to study.

-What are you doing Shawn? I am looking for my key.

-Jane is cooking for dinner.

Unit 5 “ Are You Doing ? (present continuous questions) “

positive question

• Are you feeling OK? Yes, I'm fine, thank you.

• Is it raining? Yes, take an umbrella.

• Why are you wearing a coat? It's not cold.

• What's Paul doing? He's reading the newspaper.

• What are the children doing? They're watching television.

• Look, there's Sally? Where's she going?

• Who are you waiting for? Are you waiting for Sue?
Short answers

• Are you going now? Yes, I am.

• Is Paul working today? Yes, he is.

• Is it raining? No, it isn't.

• Are your friends staying at a hotel? No, they aren't. they're staying with me.

Unit 6 “ I do… I don’t “

They read / he likes / I work etc. = the present simple :

I/we/you/they read like work live watch do have

He/she/it reads likes works lives watches does has

We use the present simple for things that are true in general ,or for things that happen sometimes or all all the time :

-I like big cities.

-The shops open at 9 o’clock and close at 5.30

-Tim works very hard. He starts at 7.30 and finishes at 8 o’clock in the evening

-The Earth goes round the sun

Positive negative

-I drink coffee but I don’t drink tea.

-Sue drinks tea but she doesn’t drink coffee.

-You don’t work very hard

-We don’t watch television very often

-The weather is usually nice. It doesn’t rain very often.

-Gerry and Linda don’t know many people

Unit 7 “ Do you … ? “
A.We use do/does in present simple questions :

Positive question positive question

I work do I work? He works does he work?

We like do we like? She likes does she likes?

You do do you do? It has does it have?

They have do they have?

B. do/does + subject infinitive

Do you work in the evening?

Does Chris play tennis?

Where do your parents live?

How often do you wash your hair?

What does this word mean?

How much does it cost to fly Rome?

C. Short answer

Do you play tennis? No, I don’t

Do your parents speak English? Yes,they do

Does George work hard? Yes,he does

Unit 8 “ Was/were “ (present) was(past)

-I am tired.(now) -I was tired last night

-where is Ann?(now) -where was Ann yesterday?

-the weather is good today -the weather was good last week

Are(present) were(past)

-you are late. (now) -you were late yesterday

-they aren’t here. (now) -they weren’t here last Sunday

B. -Last year Rachel was 22,so she is 23 now

-When I was a child,I was afraid of dogs.

-We were hungry after the journey but we weren’t tired.

-Was the weather good when you were on holiday?

-Those shoes are nice. Were they expensive?

-Why were you late this morning?

C. Short answer

- Were you late? No,I wasn’t

- Was Ted at work yesterday? Yes,he was

-Were Sue and Steve at the party? No,they weren’t

Unit 9 “ Worked/got/went/ etc. (past simple) “
A.They watch television every evening. (present simple)

They watched television yesterday evening. (past simple)

B. The past simple is often -ed(regular verbs).For example:

- I clean my teeth every morning. This morning I cleaned my teeth.

- Terry worked in a bank from 1986 to 1993

- Yesterday it rained all morning. It stopped at lunch time.

- We enjoyed the party last night. We danced a lot and talked to a lot of people. The party finished at midnight.

C. Some verbs are irregular. The past simple is not –ed . Here are some important irregular verbs:

- I usually get up early but this morning I got up at 9.30

- We did a lot of work yesterday

- Caroline went to the cinema three times last week

- Jim came into the room , took off his coat and sat down

Unit 10 “ I didn’t … did you…?(past simple negative and question) “

A . positive negative question

I played I didn’t play did I play?

We started we didn’t star did we start?

You watched you didn’t watch did you watch?

They had they didn’t have did they have?

B . do/does (present) – did (past) E. Short answer

-I don’t watch television very often -Did you see Joe yesterday? No,I didn’t

-I didn’t watch television yesterday -Did it rain on Sunday? Yes,it did

-Does she often go away? -Did Helen come on the party? No,she didn’t

-Did she go away last week? -Did your parents have a good holiday? Yes,they did

C. Use did/didn’t + infinitive

-I played tennis yesterday but I didn’t win

-“Did you do the shopping?” No,I didn’t have time.

-We went to the cinema but we didn’t enjoy the film

D. did + subject + infinitive

-Did your sister phone you?

-What did you do yesterday evening?

- How did the accident happen?

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