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Thesis Formatting

Quick Guide
For PBI Students

Department of English Language Education

Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Last updated - 31/07/2019

(Declaration of Originality)

Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Muhammad Ali

NIM : 123456789
Tempat/tanggal lahir : Bireuen, 4 Juli 1995
Alamat : Sektor Utara, Darussalam, Banda Aceh, 23111,

Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa skripsi yang berjudul:

The Main Title of the Thesis (A Study at Department of English Language

Education Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh)

adalah benar-benar karya saya, kecuali semua kutipan dan referensi yang

disebutkan sumbernya. Apabila terdapat kesalahan dan kekeliruan di dalamnya,

maka akan sepenuhnya menjadi tanggungjawab saya. Demikianlah surat

pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya.

Banda Aceh, 7 Juli 2019

Saya yang membuat surat pernyataan,

Duty Stamp
Rp. 6.000,- i g n a t u r
Muhammad Ali
(Optional Subtitle must be Times New Roman Bold 12pts)


Submitted by


Student of Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Department of English Language Education


2019 M / 1440 H

Submitted to Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Universitas Islam Negeri Ar- Raniry Banda Aceh

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Degree

Bachelor of Education in English Language Teaching



Student of Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Department of English Language Education

Approved by:

Main Supervisor, Co-Supervisor,

Rahmat Yusny, M. TESOL Mulia, M. Ed

Date: / / Date: / /
It has been defended in Sidang Munaqasyah
in front of the board of the Examination for the working paper
and has been accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for Bachelor of Education Degree in English Language Teaching


22 May 2019
17 Ramadhan, 1440 H

In Darussalam, Banda Aceh

Board of Examiner,

Chairperson, Secretary,

Dr. T. Zulfikar, S.Ag., M.Ed. Dr. phil. Saiful Akmal, MA.

Member, Member,

Syarifah Dahliana, Ph.D. Dr. Syarwan, M.LIS.

Certified by:
The Dean of Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Dr. Muslim Razali, S.H., M.Ag.

NIP. 195903091989031001

Name : Muhammad Ali

Reg. No. : 1234567890
Faculty : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Major : Department of English Language Education
Thesis working : This is Only a Dummy Thesis Title, Not a Real One
Main Supervisor : Prof. Siti Fulin, MA, Ph.D
Co-Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Sayed Fulan, M.Ed
Keywords : keyword1; keyword2; keyword3; keyword4; keyword5

The abstract is a brief and comprehensive summary of the contents of your thesis.
Abstract allows readers to quickly survey the contents of the thesis. It must
provide information on the background of the study; identifies the purpose and
aim of the study; who are the subjects; how the study was conducted; what are the
techniques and steps undertaken; the results of data analysis; and the implication
of the study. Abstract should also indicate the importance of the study conducted
by providing information that makes the research thesis worth reading, or what it
contributes to the field of English language education. The abstract length is 250
words maximum and must fit onto a single page. Name of the author(s) appeared
on the abstract page (if any) does not follow the citation format. The text of the
abstract is single-spaced and in a form of a single paragraph. Please note that the
first line of the abstract is not indented, but begins aligned to the left margin
similar to other subsequent lines.


DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ....................................................................... i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................ iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ iv
LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................................. viii

A. Backgrounds of the Study .......................................................... 1
B. Previous Studies ........................................................................ 2
C. Research Questions .................................................................... 3
D. Research Aims ........................................................................... 4
E. Significance of the Study............................................................ 5
F. Terminologies ............................................................................ 6
G. Research Methodology ............................................................... 7
1. Research Design .................................................................. 8
2. Research Subjects................................................................ 9


A. Discussion of Theory/Concept A ............................................... 10
1. Subheading of Theory/Concept A ....................................... 11
2. Another Subheading of Theory/Concept A ......................... 12
B. Discussion of Theory/Concept B................................................ 12
1. Subheading of Theory/Concept B ....................................... 13
2. Another Subheading of Theory/Concept B ......................... 14
C. Discussion of Theory/Concept C................................................ 15
D. Discussion of Theory/Concept D ............................................... 17
1. Subheading of Theory/Concept D ....................................... 18
2. Another Subheading of Theory/Concept D ......................... 19
3. Another Subheading of Theory/Concept D ......................... 20
4. Another Subheading of Theory/Concept D ......................... 20
5. Another Subheading of Theory/Concept D ......................... 21


A. Research Design ......................................................................... 22
B. Research Sites and Participants .................................................. 24
C. Methods of Data Collection........................................................ 26
1. Interview .............................................................................. 26
2. Questionnaires ..................................................................... 27
3. Focus Group Discussion ...................................................... 28
4. Observation ......................................................................... 28
5. The Experiments.................................................................. 29
D. Methods of Analysis .................................................................. 30

1. Data Analysis Technique for Data Collection Method 1..... 30
2. Data Analysis Technique for Data Collection Method 2 .... 31
3. Data Analysis Technique for Data Collection Method 3..... 31


A. Findings from The Analysis of Data for RQ1 ............................ 32
1. Subheading of A ................................................................. 35
2. Another Subheading of A .................................................... 36
B. Findings from the Analysis of Data for RQ2.............................. 37
1. Subheading of B .................................................................. 38
2. Another Subheading of B .................................................... 38
C. Discussion................................................................................... 39


A. Conclusions ................................................................................ 43
B. Recommendations ...................................................................... 46

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 48



Table 1.1 The head of the table number (x. ) represents the chapter
where the table appears .............................................................. 1
Table 1.2 The tail of the table number ( .x) represents the order the
table appeared in the chapter ...................................................... 9
Table 2.1 The title of the table ................................................................... 10
Table 2.2 The title of the table ................................................................... 11
Table 2.3 The title of the table ................................................................... 20
Table 3.1 The title of the table ................................................................... 22
Table 3.2 The title of the table ................................................................... 23
Table 3.3 The title of the table ................................................................... 24
Table 3.4 The title of the table ................................................................... 28
Table 4.1 The title of the table ................................................................... 33
Table 4.2 The title of the table ................................................................... 37
Table 4.3 The title of the table ................................................................... 38
Table 4.4 The title of the table ................................................................... 39

Dotted Tab


Figure 1.1 The head of the figure number (x. ) represents the chapter
where the figure appears ............................................................ 1
Figure 1.2 The tail of the figure number ( .x) represents the order of the
figure appearance in the chapter ................................................ 9
Figure 2.1 The title of the figure ................................................................. 10
Figure 2.2 The title of the figure ................................................................. 11
Figure 2.3 The title of the figure ................................................................. 20
Figure 3.1 The title of the figure ................................................................. 22
Figure 3.2 The title of the figure ................................................................. 23
Figure 3.3 The title of the figure ................................................................. 24
Figure 3.4 The title of the figure ................................................................. 28
Figure 4.1 The title of the figure ................................................................. 33
Figure 4.2 The title of the figure ................................................................. 37
Figure 4.3 The title of the figure ................................................................. 38
Figure 4.4 The title of the figure ................................................................. 39


Appendix A Appointment Letter of Supervisor

Appendix B Recommendation Letter from The Fakultas Tarbiyah dan
Keguruan to conduct field research
Appendix C Confirmation letter from Department of English Language
Appendix D Instruments used in during data collection (Lesson
plans/observation sheet/questionnaires/List of questions for
the interview/test items Consult with your
Research Supervisor
Appendix E Samples from data collection (student works, interview
transcript, etc.)
Appendix F Letter of consent (signed by the research subject)


Left Margin
4cm Right Margin

Leave some

All subheadings A. Background of Study

are left aligned
Quisque auctor, magna ac porta ultricies, risus nisi eleifend est, nec

sollicitudin enim eros eu sapien. Maecenas tempor laoreet varius. Vivamus eget

tincidunt nisi. Proin eleifend sapien id dui ultrices dignissim. Ut ultricies at felis a

Paragraphs use congue. Vestibulum in turpis sit amet est lacinia laoreet. Phasellus vitae volutpat
full justification Double line
(left & right) spacing
mauris, sed elementum ipsum. Sed hendrerit vitae ante non hendrerit. Pellentesque

cursus malesuada tempus.

Add 6pt every
after paragraph
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eleifend

Only use dui sodales ultricies iaculis. Aliquam viverra imperdiet nisi ut porttitor. Nunc
Times New Roman
Font Size 12 pts in
your chapters rutrum euismod auctor. Nulla ac lectus est. Donec eleifend dapibus sagittis.
except in tables.

Quisque et erat porta, congue est et, gravida ex. Nunc congue finibus ipsum.
Use open and
close quotation
mark in every
Phasellus tincidunt pretium mauris in efficitur. Integer bibendum, dolor direct quote,
ac vestibulum sagittis, tellus justo congue ligula, lobortis vehicula purus ex (except for
quotation =/>4
Direct quote that takes
sit amet urna. Integer placerat tellus mi, nec blandit purus condimentum lines.
4 or more lines must be eget. Cras mattis bibendum lorem, sed rhoncus dolor fermentum vitae.
indented and
used single line spacing. (Fidyati, 2018, p. 113). Page number is
required for direct
but still keeping it to citations.
full justification)
Morbi elementum iaculis augue, ac convallis ante venenatis ac. Cras

facilisis, lorem eu iaculis pulvinar, enim urna ultricies erat, vel maximus ipsum

facilisis, lorem eu iaculis pulvinar, enim urna ultricies erat, vel maximus ipsum

facilisis, (Peele, 2010; Fidyati, 2018). Siurna ultricies erat, vel maximus ipsum

quam quis neque. Integer ac porta dolor. Pellentesque pulvinar aliquet dolor, eu

egestas est bibendum in (Peele, 2010).

Semicolon to separate 1
multiple works cited. Please The page number in
refer to the referencing book EVERY FIRST PAGE
provided in Prodi PBI homepage. of chapter is Bottom Center
Approximately 1cm from the
Bottom margin 3cm last line of the text in the page.
Subsequent page numbers in
of chapter is Top Right
Approximately 1cm above the
first line of the text in the page.
Table 1.1
Wood the woodchucks chucked in Experiment 1
Use Franklin Gothic Book
Font size 10-12pts only in

No vertical cell
Table numbers border in the table
and table titles (italicized)
before the table.

Quisque lacinia felis vel metus pulvinar molestie. Curabitur ex magna,

tempus aliquam lacinia felis vel metus pulvinar molestie. Curabitur ex magna,

vehicula ut consectetur nec, aliquam eget nisl (Australian Psychology Society,

2010). Sed tempus condimentum tortor id interdum. Vivamus nulla velit,

malesuada id posuere sodales, porttitor non quam (Selwyn, 2012a). Nam ut lacinia If author is
an organisation/
arcu, ac gravida neque. In vel velit condimentum, rutrum risus nec, interdum

mauris (Selwyn, 2012b). Proin eu mollis risus. Integer condimentum ac ipsum eu

tincidunt. Salamah sam tristique velit arcu, eu accumsan lorem dignissim ac.

Aenean pharetra elit ut vestibulum consectetur (2014). Put a, b, c... next to the year
in cases of the occurrence of same
author-year. Please take a look how
these items are showed in the
1. Sub-heading References below.

Phasellus eu nisl eu dui facilisis vulputate in sed turpis. Lorem ipsum

Sub headings
with number, bold,
and italicized. dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit (Yacob & Ahmad Shah, 2016).

Maecenas vitae efficitur lacus. In hendrerit nibh ligula, sit amet tincidunt ligula

sollicitudin at (Selwyn, 2012a, 2012b) lacus nib elementum, non ultricies velit

NOTE: Comma to separate same author

For more comprehensive guide to referencing using with different publications.
APA 6th, please download the "Guide to Referencing
in Assignments and Thesis Writing" from:
Subsequent page numbers in
of chapter is Top Right
Approximately 1cm above the
first line of the text in the page.

fringilla. Nulla ornare massa ac lacus varius, non viverra ligula tincidunt. Aliquam

vel “laoreet eros” (Reinders & Hubbard, 2013, p. 360). Phasellus maximus id

tellus vitae sagittis.

Figure numbers
and title for charts
image, diagrams, map

Figure 1.1 Percentage of women with gestational diabetes as a percentage of all

pregnancies in Texas. Adapted from “Natality Public-Use Data 2007-2004, “by
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, February 2016 (as cited in Fidyati,
Quisque auctor, magna ac porta ultricies, risus nisi eleifend est, nec

sollicitudin enim eros eu sapien. Maecenas tempor laoreet varius. Vivamus eget

tincidunt nisi. Proin eleifend sapien id dui ultrices dignissim. Ut ultricies at felis a

congue. Vestibulum in turpis sit amet est lacinia laoreet. Phasellus vitae volutpat

mauris, sed elementum ipsum. Sed hendrerit vitae ante non hendrerit. Pellentesque

cursus malesuada tempus.


Leave some
line space

Do not justify
the reference list
Australian Psychological Society. (2010). Bushfire resources: Psychological
preparedness and recovery. Retrieved from

Fidyati, F. (2018). Improving architecture students’ english vocabulary through

the use of architectural drawings. Englisia Journal, 5(2), 113-126.

Peele, S. (2010, January 10). The most important psychology article of the 1.5
st spacing
21 century: The u.s. isn’t discovering how mental illness works, it’s inside
spreading it worldwide [Web log post]. Retrieved from
http://wwwpsychologytoday. com /blog/addiction-in -society/201001/the-
most-important-psychology-article-in-the-21st -century add 12pts
spacing after
First line is flushed left
all remaining lines are each reference
indented Reinders, H., & Hubbard, P. (2013). Call and learner autonomy: Affordances
and constraints. In M. Thomas, H. Reinders & M. Warschauer (Eds.),
For U.S. states, use the official
two-letter postal service Contemporary Compute r Assisted Language Learning (pp. 359-375). New

abbreviation next
to the city of the publisher York, NY: Continuum
(e.g. Los Angeles, CA: Big-Hill).
For location outside U.S.,
spell out the city and the name
of the country Salamah, U. (2014). Gender representation in the english textbook: A content
(Tanjung Malim, Malaysia:
Excellent Publisher; analysis of bright for seventh grade students published by erlangga.
Banda Aceh, Indonesia: Ar-Raniry
Press). (Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis). Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif
Hidayatullah, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Only capitalize
Selwyn, N. (2012a). Social media in higher education. The Europa World of the initial letter of
Different Cited the title
works that have Learning, 1, 1-10.
same Author-Year
Selwyn, N. (2012b). School 2.0: Rethinking the future of schools in the digital
age. In Research on e Learning and ICT in Education (pp. 3-16). New

York, NY: Springer.

Yacob, F. Y., & Shah, F. A. (2017). Metode penentuan awal ramadhan dan hari
raya menurut ulama dayah aceh. Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura, 16(1), 9-31.

Capitalize each initial letter

in for periodicals (journal, newsletter,
magazine, etc) Volume number is italicised,
issue number is not

For more comprehensive guide to referencing using
APA 6th, please download the "Guide to Referencing
in Assignments and Thesis Writing" from:


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