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Pati 7 Agustus 2021

Perihal : Lamaran Pekerjaan

Lampiran : 1 (satu)

Yth. Bapak/Ibu atasan

Karanganyar, Demak

Dengan Hormat,
Berdasarkan informasi dari Media Sosial, perihal lowongan  pekerjaan di perusahaan tempat
Bapak/Ibu pimpin. Melalui surat lamaran ini saya ingin mengajukan diri untuk melamar
pekerjaan di perusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin guna mengisi posisi yang dibutuhkan saat

Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

nama : Bima Setya
tempat tanggal lahir : Pati, 15 Februari 2004
jenis kelamin : Pria
status : Belum Kawin
agama : Islam
pendidikan/jurusan : SMA Sederajat
alamat : Kp. Getak’an RT03/RW03, Kelurahan Pati Wetan, Kecamatan Pati,
Kabupaten Pati, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.
nomor telepon/hp : 0895395192004

Untuk melengkapi beberapa data yang diperlukan sebagai bahan pertimbangan Bapak/Ibu
pimpinan diwaktu yang akan datang,saya lampirkan juga kelengkapan data diri sebagai

 Pas Photo ukuran 3x4 cm sebanyak dua lembar;

 Fotocopy KTP sebanyak satu lembar;
 Daftar Riwayat Hidup sebanyak satu lembar;
 Fotocopy Ijasah Terakhir sebanyak satu lembar;
 Fotocopy Akta Kelahiran sebanyak satu lembar;
 Fotocopy SKCK sebanyak satu lembar;
 Fotocopy KK sebanyak satu lembar;
 Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter sebanyak satu lembar;

Demikian surat lamaran saya buat dengan sebenarnya dan atas perhatian serta kebijaksanaan
Bapak/Ibu pimpinan saya mengucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat Saya,
Bima Setya

Medan, May 10th, 2021

Ms. Afni Mediarti
Human Resources Manager
PT Mimpi Indah
Jl. Menuju Masa Depan No. 10

Dear Ms. Afni,

Based on the advertisement posted on that PT Mimpi Indah is
looking for Staff Administration. I am interested in applying for this position.
I have graduated from Muhammadiyah North Sumatra University, majoring in
Management. I have worked as freelance Staff Administration at PT Unicever for
two years after graduating and as a Staff Marketing for PT Indomood since 2016-
2018. I believe I could be a strong candidate through the skills and experiences I
I am a fast learner and have good motivation. I am proficient in many computer
software programs, including Miscrosoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. I
work effectively under pressure and developed excellent communication skills
through my job experience.
Please take the time to review my resume. With my qualifications, I confident that
I will be able to contribute to your company. Please contact me on
+628121111222. I hope I can get the opportunity to discuss with you about an
interview. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your time and


Winda Eka Maya

Differences Indonesian Aplication Latter
1. There are subjects and attachments.
2. The identity of the applicant in the Indonesian application letter is
made up of points, such as
1. name : ...
2. place of birth date: ...
3. e-mail address: ...
3. there is the applicant's home address.
4. there is evidence of the applicant's personal data and expertise
written in point form, such as:
 photocopy of ID card
 passport photo
 Etc
English Aplication Letter
1. There are not subject and attachments.
2. The identity of the applicant in the form of a paragraph.
3. There is no applicant's home address
4. The applicant's personal data and expertise are written in
paragraph form.
5. Passive voice
Similarities 1. The language used is the same as formal or official language.
2. There are similarities in the date of the letter, company address,
greeting, closing, closing greeting, applicant's signature and
applicant's name.

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