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Anas M Fauzi Dept Teknologi Industri Pertanian

A man paddles through the infamous Citarum river in West Java, Indonesia
Limbah padat merupakan buangan dari hasil- hasil industri yang tidak terpakai lagi
yang berbentuk padatan, lumpur maupun bubur yang berasal dari suatu proses
pengolahan, ataupun sampah yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan- kegiatan industri, serta
dari tempat- tempat umum.

Limbah padat seperti ini apabila dibuang di dalam peariran pastinya akan mencemari
air tersebut dan dapat menyebabkan makhluk hidup yang tinggal di dalamnya akan
mati. Sementara apabila dibuang di wilayah daratan tanpa adanya proses
pengolahan, maka akan mencemari tanah di wilayah tersebut.

Beberapa contoh dari limbah industri padat antara lain adalah plastik, kantong,
sisa pakaian, sampah kertas, kabel, listrik, bubur- bubur sisa semen, lumpur- lumpur
sisa industri, dan lain sebagainya.
Meskipun belum digolongkan dalam limbah B3,
limbah tatalan karet termasuk dalam limbah yang
memiliki daya pencemar yang cukup tinggi pada
tanah, air dan udara

Limbah padatan berupa lumpur aktif di dasar kolam

IPAL yang mengandung tatalan karet rusak dan
bahan anorganik telah menjadi pencemar
dilingkungan pabrik. Selain bau yang cukup
menyengat pada tumpukan limbah padat yang baru, limbah ini hanya tertumpuk saja di area pabrik tanpa
busuk-dan-mengganggu-warga-pabrik-karet- dimanfaatkan atau dibuang ke tempat pembuangan
mojokerto-ditutup/ khusus
bda580afbd33115b8a95/pemanfaatan- kulit-di-garut-masih-kesulitan-mengolah-limbah-
limbah-pengolahan-hasil-perikanan padat-ini-upaya-yang-akan-dilakukan
4828971/limbah-b3-yang-dibuang-di-mojokerto-berasal- a1d541df1416044a53/sekilas-tentang-sweet-
dari-pabrik-kertas-gresik sugar-5-teknologi-kompos-dari-limbah-padat-

 ONGGOK Jika tidak dimanfaatkan akan membusuk

Terbawa ke perairan  BOD tinggi

Some major generators of industrial solid wastes are
 thermal power plants producing coal ash,
 integrated Iron and Steel mills producing blast furnace slag and steel melting
slag, non-ferrous industries like aluminum, zinc and copper producing red mud
and tailings,
 sugar industries generating press mud,
 pulp and paper industries producing lime and fertilizer and
 allied industries producing gypsum.

Conceptual model of life cycle management of industrial solid waste. Industrial process A: the industrial process
which produces industrial solid waste. Industrial process B: the industrial process which uses industrial solid
waste as feedstock.

 FISIK  ukuran, bentuk, soliditas, suhu

 KIMIAWI  kandungan komponen B3, volatilitas (bau)
 BIOLOGIS  pathogen, mikroba pembusuk
 BIODEGRADABLE  limbah organic (kayu, kertas, kulit, dsb)
 NON BIODEGRADABLE  logam, kaca, plastic, dsb
 COMBUSTIBLE  dapat dibakar (kayu, kertas, kulit, plastic, dsb)
 NON COMBUSTIBLE  tidak bisa dibakar (logam, kaca, batuan, dsb)
 B3
 NON B3
Dampak yang disebabkan oleh limbah padat antara lain:
 menimbulkan/ mengeluarkan gas beracun, seperti asam sulfat(H2S),
amonia(NH3), methan(CH4), CO2, dll.
 menurunkan kualitas udara pada sampah yang ditumpuk.
 menurunkan kualitas air karena limbah padat biasanya langsung dibuang
pada perairan seperti sungai, laut dan lainya.
 menyebabkan kerusakan permukaan tanah
PP MenKLH No 6 /2021

Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun yang selanjutnya disingkat B3 adalah zat, energi, dan/atau
komponen lain yang karena sifat, konsentrasi, dan/atau jumlahnya, baik secara langsung
maupun tidak langsung, dapat mencemarkan dan/atau merusak Lingkungan Hidup, dan/atau
membahayakan Lingkungan Hidup, kesehatan, serta kelangsungan hidup manusia dan makhluk
hidup lain.

‘Solid waste’ which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or
infectious characteristics may pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human
health or the environment when improperly treated, stored or disposed of, or otherwise
mismanaged; or cause or contribute to an increase in mortality, or an increase in irreversible
or incapasitating illness

A solid waste can physically be a solid, liquid, semi-solid, or container of gaseous material
The solid waste generated from industrial sources contains a large number of
chemicals, some of which are toxic. The waste is considered toxic, if the
concentration of the ingredients exceeds a specified value

It is necessary to know the properties of the waste so as to assess whether its

uncontrolled release to the environment would lead to toxic effects on humans
or other living organism in ecosystem.

This evaluation is carried out using criteria such as toxicity, phytotoxicity,

genetic activity and bio-concentration. The potential toxic effects also depend
on quantity of the toxic constituents.
Wastes from non hazardous industries can at times produce health problems,
not only among the workers and handlers of waste, but also among general

One example of this category is the cotton dust. Cotton waste are generally non
hazardous; however they may, in susceptible individuals provoke respiratory
allergic reactions; allergy may be due to inhalation of dust containing cotton
wastes or fungus or other contaminants in the waste dust.
General definition
A hazardous waste has the potential to cause an unacceptable risk to:
Public health & the environment




PP No 71/2001
Mudah meledak (explosive) : meledak pada 2500C, 1 atm
Pengoksidasi (oxidizing)
Sangat mudah sekali menyala (extremely flamable): titik nyala <00C
Sangat mudah menyala (highly flamable): titik nyala 0 – 210C
Mudah menyala (flamable): pada suhu < 600C terbakar oleh percikan api
Amat sangat beracun (extremely toxic): LD50 < 1 mg/kg
Sangat beracun (highly toxic): LD50 = 1 – 50 mg/kg
Beracun (moderately toxic): LD50 = 51 – 500 mg/kg
Berbahaya (harmful)
Korosif (corrosive): pH  2 atau 12
Bersifat iritasi (irritant)
Berbahaya bagi lingkungan (dangerous to the environment)
Karsinogenik (carcinogenic)
Teratogenik (teratogenic)
Mutagenik (mutagenic)
Quantifying waste generation:
• Factory visits/records
• Interviews with contractors & suppliers
• On - site inspections
• Raw materials and product records
• Waste disposal records at generating,
treatment & disposal sites
• Industry associations
• Local government staff/inspectors
• Surveys
Problems of industries located in cities and towns while dealing with industrial
solid waste
• There are no specific disposal sites where industries can dispose their waste;
• Mostly, industries generating solid waste in city and town limits are of small
scale nature
• Industries are located in non-conforming areas and as a result they cause
water and air pollution problems besides disposing solid waste.
• Industrial estates located in city limits do not have adequate facilities so that
industries can organise their collection, treatment and disposal of liquid and
solid waste;
• There is no regular interaction between urban local bodies and SPCBs/PCCs
(Pollution Control Board/Committees) to deal such issues relating to
treatment and disposal of waste and issuance of licenses in non-conforming
Uji karakteristik Limbah B3 meliputi:
a. mudah meledak;
b. mudah menyala;
c. reaktif;
d. infeksius;
e. korosif; dan/atau
f. beracun melalui: 1. uji TCLP; 2. Uji Toksikologi LD50; dan 3. uji toksikologi sub-

Standar Nasional Indonesia Nomor: SNI 8520:2018 tentang Cara Pengambilan

Contoh Uji Limbah Padat B3, untuk pengambilan contoh uji Limbah B3 padat.
Biamis et al. (2021)

Dampak limbah plastik

Adverse Outcome Pathway Framework.

Prior scientific knowledge assists construction of
the pathway, and each key event is an independent
measurement at a particular level of organization

The plastics entering into the marine environment may remain for hundreds and thousands of years,
during which they get fragmented due to the mechanical and photochemical processes resulting in
the formation of microplastics (< 5 mm) or nanoplastics (< 1 μm)
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 1509

MPs/NPs’ Potential Systemic Effect in Humans

MPs/NPs are expected to reach the human gut through consumption of contaminated
food materials. Undigested MPs would be largely excreted though fecal matter, but
smaller NPs could potential enter the circulation. Ingested MPs/NPs would first
encounter the intestinal epithelium.

Only unrealistically high concentration of plastics, or those carrying adsorbed toxicants,

would likely cause acute impairment of viability and inflammation of the gut lining.
However, the effect of persistent presence of inefficiently cleared MPs/NPs in the gut is
yet unknown.
Microplastics from the Pantanal surroundings. On the top row, microplastics from the Cuiaba city area. From
left to right: black fiber, pink fiber, and orange fragment. On the bottom row, microplastics from the Pantanal
lowlands. From left to right: blue fiber, pink fragment, and red fragment. Scale 0.1 mm. Faria et al. (2021)

Microplastic pathway in organisms

In 2015, a global study estimating inputs of plastic waste into the oceans ranked Indonesia as the
second largest contributor to plastic marine pollution. In 2017, another study ranked four Indonesian
rivers in the world’s most polluting top 20
Heavy metal pollution
ge_Footprint_Full-Cost_Accounting_Final_Report/figures?lo=1 mulai-hari-ini/

The Economist Intelligence Unit, Indonesia menduduki

peringkat kedua sebagai negara yang membuang
makanan terbanyak di dunia setelah Arab Saudi. Rata-
rata satu orang Indonesia membuang sekitar 300 kg
First approximation of direct impacts of food wastage makanan layak makan setiap tahun
Wang et al. (2020): Effects of bisphenol A
and nanoscale and microscale polystyrene
plastic exposure on particle uptake and
toxicity in human Caco-2 cells

BPA exposure may lead to metabolic dysfunction affecting glucose homeostasis at different levels involving the main
tissues that control glucose homeostasis. BPA increases glucose production and reduces glycogen synthesis in liver
with a reduction of glucose oxidation and impairment in insulin signaling. In pancreas BPA modulates positively or
negatively insulin production and release. In muscles BPA is able to decrease glucose utilization and insulin sensitivity.
White adipose tissue endocrine function is modulated by BPA affecting leptin and adiponectin secretion, reducing
glucose utilization and increasing fatty acids accumulation. Hypothalamus can be affected by BPA disruption
regulating POMC and NPY/AgRP expression in the arcuate nucleus.
Video pendek tentang limbah padat
(1) How San Francisco Is Becoming A Zero Waste City

(2) Japan’s Town With No Waste

(3) How Singapore fixed its big trash problem

(4) Solid Waste

(5) How microplastics affect your health

(6) Plastic Ocean
1. Apakah karakteristik limbah padat dari industri
2. Apakah karakteristik limbah padat yang masuk kategori B3
3. Jelaskan dampak limbah padat yang bukan masuk kategori B3
4. Apakah dampak limbah plastik terhadap kesehatan manusia

Dibuat menjadi 3 kelompok. Masing-masing kelompok bertugas (1)
mengindentifikasi limbah padat dari agroindustri, dan menjelaskan
dampaknya pada lingkungan, (2) melihat 2 video pendek (youtube) tentang
limbah padat dan memberikan ulasan singkat

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