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Asuhan Keperawatan Komunitas Dengan Masalah Hipertensi pada Agregat

Lansia Di Dusun Plalangan Desa Sukamakmur , Kecamata Ajung,

Kabupaten Jember

Faculty of Nursing, University of Jember


Hipertensi menjadi masalah utama di berbagai daerah, tidak hanya di Indonesia

tetapi di dunia, karena hipertensi ini merupakan salah satu pintu masuk atau
faktor risiko penyakit seperti jantung, gagal ginjal.Pentingnya untuk penderita
hipertensi untu kselalu mnegontrol tekanan darahnya. Data sekunder
menunujukan tingginya penderita hipertensi pada tahun 2020 sebanyak 808
temuan kasus baru.Kejadian hipertensi yang paling dominan yaitu di Kecamatan
Ajung sebanyak 20%. Berdasarkan hasil pengkajian di Kelurahan Baratan RT
03 RW 02 didapatkan 34 lansia yang mengalami hipertensi.Tujuan asuhan
keperawatan komunitas ini yaitu melaksanakan kegiatan yang berfokus pada
pendidikan kesehatan, pencegahan penyakit, pemberdayaan masyarakat yang
ada, serta pemeliharaan kesehatan. Dimana nanti implementasi yang
dilaksanakan meliputi pendidikan kesehatan, senam hipertensi dan melakukan
pelatihan pembuatan seduhan daun salam. Setelah dilakukan implementasi hasil
skor posttest yang diperoleh para warga 71,4% lansia mengalami penurunan
tekanan darah dimana hasil tersebut menunjukkan kriteria cukup dan baik
artinya warga sudah sadar akan bahaya hipertensi dan sikap yang harus
dilakukan bagi penderita hipertensi

Kata Kunci : Lansia, Hipertensi

Community Nursing Care With Hypertension Problems in The Aggregate of
The Elderly in Plalangan Village Sukamakmur Village, Kecamata Ajung,
Jember Regency

Faculty of Nursing, University of Jember


Hypertension is a major problem in various regions, not only in Indonesia but in

the world, because hypertension is one of the entrances or risk factors for
diseases such as heart, kidney failure. The importance for people with
hypertension to overcome their blood pressure. Secondary data showed the high
number of people with hypertension in 2020 as many as 808 new case findings.
The most dominant incidence of hypertension is in The Baratan Village as much
as 40%. Based on the results of the study in Baratan Village RT 01 RW 07
obtained 12 people who have hypertension. The purpose of this community
nursing care is to carry out activities that focus on health education, disease
prevention, empowerment of existing communities, and health maintenance.
Where later the implementation carried out includes health education,
empowerment of cadres and doing hypertension gymnastics and do training in
making steeping of bay leaves. After the implementation of the posttest score
obtained by the residents of 71.4% of the elderly experienced a decrease in blood
pressure where the results showed sufficient and good criteria meaning that
residents were already aware of the dangers of hypertension and the attitude that
must be done for people with hypertension.

Keywords: Elderly, Hypertension

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