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Quantifier adalah kata-kata yang menunjukkan seberapa banyak jumlah sesuatu yakni quantifier menunjukkan kuantitas. Bilangan misalnya juga merupakan quantifier. Some

Some digunakan untuk menunjukkan jumlah yang tidak pasti, jumlah pasti dianggap tidak penting. Some digunakan pada pernyataan-pernyataan afirmatif, misalnya: - I have some books. - She wants some apples. Some juga digunakan dalam pertanyaan, tetapi hanya apabila kita memperkirakan jawaban pertanyaan tersebut adalah Ya. Contoh: - Do you have some paper? (penanya berharap jawabannya adalah Ya) - Would you like some french fries? (penanya berharapan jawabannya adalah Ya).

Any digunakan dalam pernyataan-pernyataan negatif. Misalnya: - I dont have any money. - There arent any taxis near here.
Any juga umumnya digunakan dalam pertanyaan, khususnya jika kita memperkirakan jawabannya adalah Tidak. Contoh: - Do you have any paper? (penanya memperkirakan jawabannya kemungkinan Tidak) - Is there any time to go to the doctors? (penanya memperkirakan kemungkinan tidak ada waktu). Much / Many / A lot of Much dan many digunakan dalam kaliamat tanya dan negatif. Much digunakan untuk uncountable noun (kata benda tak bisa dihitung) sedangkan many digunakan untuk countable noun (kata benda bisa dihitung). A lot of digunakan dalam kalimat positif, tetapi bisa digunakan bersamaan dengan countable dan uncountable noun.

- How much money have you got? - How many candles do you need? - I have a lot of work to do. A few / a little A few digunakan bersamaan dengan countable noun sedangkan a little digunakan bersamaan dengan uncountable noun. - There are a few coats hanging by the door. - Theres a little snow left on the roof. Exercise! Fill it with much much or many! 1. _________books 2. _________sugar 3. _________water 4. _________pens 5. _________apples
6. _________coffee

9. _________children 10. _________milk 11. _________time 12. _________dollars 13. _________dogs 14. _________people 15. _________fun 16. _________friends

7. _________money 8. _________milk

Complete these sentences with much , many, some or any! 1. We have to hurry. We havent got___________time. 2. She is a very introvert person. She doesnt say____________. 3. I put ____________ sugar in the coffee. Perhaps it is too_____________. 4. _____________people do not like flying. 5. He has lost ________ blood because of the accident. 6. We need ___________bananas.

7. You can't buy________ posters in this shop. 8. We haven't got________ oranges at the moment. 9. Peter has bought________ new books. 10. She always takes ________sugar with her coffee. 11. I have seen nice postcards in this souvenir shop. 12. There aren't________ folders in my bag. 13. I have________ magazines for you. 14. There are ________apples on the table. 15. Pam does not have________ pencils on her desk. Fill the blanks with a few or a little! 1. He has________plans. 2. She has got ________ milk. 3. He drank________ whisky. 4. Andy has ________ friends. 5. We saw________ people at the restaurant. 6. I bought ________newspapers. 7. There is ________ petrol in his car. 8. There are ________bottles on the table. 9. There are________ hotels in this town. 10. I want to eat ________ bread. 11. Have you got ________ magazines at home? 12. Put________ cooking oil in the pan. 13. Sindy has only________ flowers. 14. There are quite ________ buffaloes in the field. 15. There is only ________ food in the refrigerator.

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