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˙ NO'IOR j ˜⊆TAI● IUN 2011



PT. BARA ⅳα GA QUA]'''TU、 ⊂
(KW.BT.010 - 024)


emba{,a Bcrita I'carl Kementerian Enε rgi dan S'1mber DayTa Mineral Republik Indonesia Nomor
'‘ 2-● I/DJⅳ IB/20I I tanggㅟ 03 Mei 2011 tentang Semh Terima Data izin LTsaha
Pertamb lngan di ]'(:abupaten Bengku lu τ'e11gah;¨

h/Iε niΠ 1bang a. ba11、 νa berdasa'kan hasil eva1tlasi dan veriΠ kasi kegiatan Rekonξ iliasi Nasional Data Izin
Usⅲ ;an terdapat tι 1mρ ηng tind¡ h koordinat Izin Usaha Pertambangan di
'a Pertambanl●
Kabt】 paten Bengk11lu Ten gah ;

b. bⅲ 1wa ㄴ
lntuk memenuhi maksud huruf a diatas, perlu ditetapkan dengan Keputusan Bupati
Bengkt1] u Tenga]1;

1. U'¬ ('ang— undang Nolnor 9 Tahun 1967 tentang Pelnbentukan Pro''insi Bengkulu
'4ellgingat (Len'baran Negara Rep'Iblik Indonesia Tahun 1967 Nolnor 19 Talnbahan Lembaran
Negara Rept't"ik Indonesia Nornor :282 8);

2:. Undang-'''1dang Non】 or 32 Tahun 2004 Tentang Pernerintahan Dacr'l1

(Lembaran :i'fegar˙ a Republik Indone:sia Ta'1ι 111 2004 Nornor 24¸ Taⅲbahan Lembaran
terakhir dellga【
Negara Republik Indonesiλ NoII10r 443 7) sebatgaimana telah diubah˙ l

Undang— undang omor 24 Tah''n 2008 tentang Pemeⅱ ntahan Daerah ° ιoⅲbaran Negara
bahan LeHlbarar. Nega'a Nomo' 4844);
Repu')1 'k Indone;sia Tahun 2008 Nolnor 59 Ta∏ ㅑ

곳 #누 ;磊 ∬
”毛 꾸
点헒# £∶
o:e岺 :¾ ::Fτ e¥ 出㎋
寃1Π ::∶ #
Indonesia 4724) ;
="무 ='옥 '1:捕 u
4. Undang-ι
'ndang Nomor 24 Tahun 2008 tentang Pembentukan Kabupaten BengktⅡ
Tengal1 (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2008 Non10r 97 TaΠ 1bahan
Lembnran Nε gara Republ ik Indon● sia Nomor 4870);
¸. Undang— t'ndang Nomor 4 Tahun 2009 Tentang Pε rtambangan h‘ in우 raI dan Batubal˙ a
'ambahan Lembaran Nega[a
CLemt aran Negam Republik Indoncsia TΔ hun 2009 Nomor 4 τ
Republik Indonesia 49 ¸9);
6. Perat'¡ 「
a '】 Pe1】 lerintah
Nomor 38 Tahun 2007 tentang Pembagian Urusan antara Pemerintah
Pι ntah Da˛ nΠζota ˛ emba'an
'sat, Pemcrinta11 Daerah Provinsi, Pemeⅱ 'ah Kabupatε
mbaran Nega'a Repⅲ ⅲ¡ k
Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2007 Nomor 82 Tambahan Lε

ndonesia 473 7);

7. Pe'atumn Pemerintah Nomo' 26 tahun 2008 tentang Rencana T'뇨 ta Ruang Wi1● yah
Nas¡ onal (Lernba'an Negara R● publik Indonesia Tahun 2003 No∶ nor 48 Talnbahan
Lemba'an Nega'a Republik Indonesia 4833);

닉适釜 :*않 臘표
H毛 I∴ 1'왔 +⅛ '+::::o汚#棍 ♂
寇円出⅜ 웡
¸ Indonesia 1 10);
=盟 '휨
9. Pcr'turnn Peme'intal1 Nomor 23 tahun 2010 tentang Pelaksanaan Kegiα tan
. Pertambangan Minera' Dan Batubara (I£Inbaran Negara R● pub'ik.Indonesia Tahun 2010
Nomor 29 Talnbahan LeⅡ 1ba'an N● gara Republik Indonesia ¸11 1);
:{'. . ::¼ 놓 :● :::::; :¨ i: :':,'⌒ r ', i、 i'=ii :.:::ι
● ::iki老 [::● ・'●
::* t:i':r●

:ι i느 E・
':: , : : ,'ㅕ
I:∶ i・

i ε i∶ :::':ι :¡ Γ˚ er亡 Fa n ][:,upati Benskui':i
= :'.:,;t:L iii・
υ[j(i {:ii ‘
'ks'η 、
':fiI' :;:'::i˙ ' ,ㅑ ''(:jI;il Ja11 1ㄱ
〕eI:gaI・ Δnggⅲ 之reb:η 】
'】 '1˙

Beng'〈 uiL' ali 2009;

', 'Γ

san Bupati Bengk1】 Iu Tenga11 1√ omor 339 TaI'˙ un 2010 tanggal 22 Aρ

I 1. Sㄴ ]rat Kε puh】 1 ㅇ

tentang Persetⅶ tlan Peningkatan Izin Us alla Pertambangan P) Eksplor˙ asi me玎 'i1

Usaha Pertambangan (fUP) Opera:si Produksi kepada ˙ √f【 ∫ M
( K'ⅳ '.BT. 01 0-024);

PT. BΛ R人 hIECA QUÅ NTI∫ hI (I⊂ W.BT.010 - 024)
PERTAλ /IA MenyetLjui dan menetapkan penlbahan Peta dan Koordinat Izin Usaha Pertaτ Ilba끄 gan αLfP)
Opera쿄 Produksi PT. BARA '4EGA QUANTUM ( KW.BT.010-024) berdasarkan Surat
Keputusan Bι 】p좌 i Bengkulu Tengah Nomor 339 Tahun 2010 tanggal 22 April 201!0 Ineⅲ adi
sebagaimana tcrtera dalam Lampiran I dan Ⅱ keputusan ini.

KEDUA Ketentuan— ketenh】 an yang ada di da] a∏

' Surat Izin
Tahun 2010 tentang Persetlυ uan Peningkatan Keputusan
UsallaBupati Bengkulu Tengah
Perτ alnbangan Nomor 339
σUP) Eksplor˙ asi
me미 adi Izin Usaha Pertambangan ⒁ ) Oper∶ tsl Produksi PT. BARA ,fEGA QUI'J卜 ㄱ
Iτ 〔ιT● Ĭ

(K'V.BT.010-024) sepal」 ang tidak bertentangan dcngall surat kepu㎙ san ini dinyatλkan tetap

KEτ1GA Da] am Pelaksanaan ]〈 epυ undangan

yang ber] ak'1 "1san ini har's berpedoman pada peraturan dan perundang—

KEEM PAT Kepυ tusan Bupati BengklIIu Tengah ¡ ni mulai bε rjaku pada taIIggal ditetapkan dan
berdasarkan pada peratur˙ an perundang—undangan yang berlaku, apabila di kelnudian hari
terdapat kckelirua● akan diperbaiki sebagairn ana mestinya.

丑 모뇨쁘ㅛ ㅛ쁘ㅛρ쑈k旦 뜨뇨 挫 da Yth.

1. '‘ en¸eri Energi dan Surrlber Daya 卜4ineral di Jakarta
2. '【enteⅱ Keuahgan di Jakarta
3. Sokletaris Jenderal Departemc:n Ene「 gi dan Sumbe;'・ D● 'a mineral di Jakarta
4. Inspektur JenderJ Depaⅱ emen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral di Jikarta
¸. Di'e㏏ ur Jend'al PΔ ak→ Depaⅱ emen Keuangan di Jλ karta’ .
6. Dir˛ ktur Jenderal Perbenda'】 araan, Depaltemen Keuangan di Jakarta
7. Direktur Jendε ral Pendapatan Daerah, Depa“ emen Da]ajI' Negε ⅱ di Jakarta
8. GubeΠ lur Ben˛ 1ι

' di Bengku'u
9. Kepaia Biro Hukum
'끄 dan Humns/Kepala Biro.KeuallganIKepalλ Biro.
Pe● enoanaan dan KeJasama Luar Negeri, Seυ en Departe∏ ˙
'en Enerμ
Dan Sumbe' Daya '‘ inera' di Jakarta
1 α. S● kτotaⅱ s. Pirektorat Ien● ral Mineral, Batubam dan Panas. Bunⅱ di 'akaκ a
1 1. Dire㏏ u' Teknik dan Lingkungan h‘ ine'al, Batubara dan Panas Bu'.i di Jokarta
12. Direktur Pelnb¡ naan P'og'am 'κ ineral,Batuba'a dan Panas Bui,、 : di JΔ karta
13., I≥ i'q*'” P˛'● ηPε ngus㎀●an, Mi● βmㅗ d●
' B,atuoara.
14. Dire㏏ uΓ P샴 ak Bumi dan Bangt】 nan, Depar'emen Keuangandi di
1 ¸ ‘
. Kepa'a Dinas Enerμ dan Su'nber D● ya Mine'aI P'ovinsi Bentkulu di Bengku1'】
1 . Kep'la Dinas Pe"ambangan dan Ene'gi, Kabupaten B● ng Tinggi
17. DiIoksi PT. BARA '杷 GA QUANTU'‘ di Bengku!u. 'gkulu Tenglah di KaΠ ˙

~: . :√ : - ~
夕—, :1'’ i̇ ' ㅗ .¼

才'':∋ iξ r:'ㅏ ㅡξ jj・ '':'t'=I~
‘ "=.」 ' r' ==i' :
,i'˙ :甘

⅜꿈 g⅜
aτ : '∫ 「늘
≡‥ :;1느
:∶ :뇽

Narna per1」 sahaan PT. Bara Mega Quantl」 m

Lokas ㅓ
Ξ〔 ⅞용큰 :n '
Bengkul u
Bengkuㄱ u Tengah
— Bahan Gaㄱ jan Batubara
— Kode Wㅓ l ayah KW. BT. 010-024
— Luas ';긍 B074. 14 Ha

-----— 므
느I브 Ξ
-Y二 I브 Ξ
--- Lㅓ ntang (Lu/LS)
¢ '''
B 44B1, 00 LS
B 4626, 46 LS
B ' A626, 46 Ls
B4542 , 20 LS
B4S42 , 20 Ls
B41 27, 00 LS
S ,0012LSLS

B 4B5S, 12 LS
B . 44 04, 63 LS
B 44 04, 63 LS
B 44크 1, 00 LS


⊃ 」⊃ γ OzⅢ m –∽ z,>0ㄸ α ㄸ <ㅁ
: =u」
Nφ = z⊃ 工 <ㅏ 」 <z<ㅏ ∝ ⊃ ⒥ Oγ <m z<Yㄸ <⊃ 」Ⅲˇ ,ㅁ Oz<><ㅏ Ⅱα .α<φ ≤ ● “ Fㅃ α
왼 β – 0닫 ㏈ 뉵 왕 ∞ ,B曷 =돤 P≡ 쁘ㄹ *,曷 ,&Eo¸ ˛묜 욤 “찜 등 B듐 =ㄹ ˛§ ρ
工 寸 -.寸 卜 0∞ ˛㏅ >∞ >φ
,:、 OO」 .
ⅵ ν¸0으 ㄸ ● φ ⅲ 죠 ㅇ
° 0.˜ "m
0」 哥˚
α“ ˛° ㅏ
roㅌ 호 :㎙壁扼斑
‘ⅲ φ ˛Φㅑ υ–
¸ˇ。ㄷ φ∞
' .⊆ >0」 ∝ Σ ⊃ㅏ z<⊃ σ <0Ⅲ Σ <∝ <mㄷ 뇨 : 500ㄷ °ˇ코 드ㄷΦ욘 ㅁ
z<ㅏ ≤ 0ㅃ γ z<ㅁ 芿 <γ O」 z<Φ z<mΣ <← ∝ "ㄸ <工 <∽ ⊃ zO∵ 工 <≥ <」 =><ㅏ Ψα

∽」ω -ωΓ
ㄷ O=γ

Ⅵ미Ⅲ ===Ⅲ ====Ⅱ 미 ="ㅂ

寸 N O


j ・
ㄷ땁 Φㅍ 。ㄷ∋

- ---'
=qN ,˘ E n :
茹 B恁 ㅏ
=–0⒳ .ㅗ卜 υ ㅜ° : ⅛ Eoz .–
EO⒥ ¸ν¸ㄷω∞ ●Oα¸m ㄷ 0∽크ταΦy–°」
ㄷωㅏ ⊃– ¸∽ⅱ =ㄷ 0–
」 ,E面 」
Kepu'u'*1'1 Bι 】:I'o]gah
No'nor gℓ∃:Γ' a'lu'1
pati Bongku1ι
20 I 0
TR''gga' o' De‘ ℃('ber γo '(:’

IIa=˛ d=n I<elvη iib” n

'',. Hⅱ
½ 瀚뮨逋 鹹埋
蔞萍 ㅣ姦 芋疑崇
器윰렴 券*뇹H臀 粃
: ;:j用
3. Yembangun f¸ silitas penυ ⅲa㎎ kegiat㏂ Izi'' Usα r˛ an˙ )ba】 】
f” ε

gan (IUl’ ) Oper3si I’ roduksi

(Kons'1'ks:, Prod'ksi, Pengolahaη /PeΠ cuciη Π
, Pcngangkuta"
'ㅒ dan Pe° ua'an) di dalan1 Π
W¡ yah ∶ z¡ n Usaha Pot● m bangan ('쟈 IIUP); 'aupull di luar

쌓 팜 撤I,s蹴⅜ ¼끊 排 ι ∏ -ㅐ


무 溫 器 Ξ
∫ a堆 닯⅜柑鵲랍L♂ ξ

ι : ,√ Is撥 흉:品 月
bebelapa bagiall WiI학 yall Izin U:saha Pe"aIㄲ bα 1 ('λ /IUP¡
) dcI'8an '']asan biI1、 ν a kε utal1 dari
kegiatan 、
Operasi Produksi (Konstruksi, :Prod''ksi, '1ga¡
':,=꼽 】engolallan/Peη cυ ciaΠ , Pengangkutan dan'a띠

ter˙ sebut tidak layak atau
ρⅲktis .secara ko'ncrsia1 ''lauptin karc''a keadaa11 kahar, kead&all yallg
''ala∶ ')

Inenghalangi sehingga meni【 ṅbulkan pen山 entiall sebagian 'tau seluruh kegiatan υsal'a pert'rI】 baI】 grqn;
¸. ''eng상 ukan permohoⅡ an pengusahaan minera' Iain ya∏ g bukan mε r''pakan βsosiasi m;nera' utama
yang dketelnukan da1η rn Wi1● yah Izin Usaha Pε rmmbangan (WIL’ P);
+揮 ㎃무
爵#몽맒:穽 양:拈 쏴#h溺무ㅒ

;: 選 墨¼ 珏훔]簫⅜ 甘±蕣堪 醫
s곪 +;금 )Γ

(우 :1

【 :uk kepe''uΠ 1 kegiata∶ 1 'zill Usalla Pertal11ba● 8a1 (IUP)

Operasi Produksi (κ o” s¨ oduksi, Pengo'aㅏ ㅂn/Pencucian, Pε :ngangk''tan dan Peⅲ uilan) scteial】
tnemenuhi ketε '1k'i, PΓ
ntuan pe'atu‘ ˙
an ∶ κrundang— undangln;
8: -::室
珀 ρ +τ
擺뇨I出 헒 梯땄
s擺辯 紺t柑 s요 湛 √μ뭉

鹽 淮櫻 缸 麗 舞

i¡ :i!::i¡

9. D'pat nlembangun saτ ana daII pra$a'ana p㏅ a 'λ Ii1●y▲h Izi:Π

'ㅄUsaha Pe'1t】 ⅲbangan (W【 UD lⅲ n setol짧1
mendapat ¡
zin daripemegang 】
zin Usaha PeIㅓ ι rsΠ n‘ ;''μ tall.
':rγ 'bangan (IUP) yang l)ε
B. ⅞ ew可 iba”

“. '4emi1귑 sdiksi pada PengadⅡ an Ncgε Γ
i ten,pat diΠ ㄳTila¸ 'al1 Izin Usaha Pertan'baΠ gaj1
(WIU˙ P)'berada.
yu● 'ana Iokasi
2. Sε iaIⅡ bat-】 ambatnya 6 (enam) bulan setE'ah Δitetψ ㎄ i pe【 negaΠ g Izin L’ saha
Pe“ 茁nbangan (∏JP) Operasi Produksi harus stldΔ I1 Ⅱ
'ya kep''tusan
o㎩ kmna¨ iΠ men’ ampⅲ kan ㏊
kㅗ n dan porat】
Π ba鈺 ⅶ η ⅲ ㅂ n Uⅲ a ㎩ ⅱambanε an fIUo Ope姻 : Produ㏏ ㎏ la Bψ ⅲ 隣 ngk㎡ u
琶 :ㅏ 'I〔


iiii!i:∶ s性
꿈 묽
√ 섦무】 #PTξ 毬

f뀨 :¼ 땋 쑈⅛ £뇨⅜P뚜 出 I田∶
:sㅑ 蟲飄 1ρ 充
4. Mc]apo'kan Rencana II)ν es㏊ si.
s、 hκe'yampㄶ Ukψ Γ εnoana R● ki,mgsi.
6. nyampaikan '˛ noa” o pasogt'mbang
7. λenempatka'' jaI” ina" penutupan tamb''nⅲ (sesuη i υ
'4˛ mu:Γ mn'bang)
3. Μenyalnpa:kan R˛ ncana Kegiatan Angga¨ a'' Biηy" (RKAB) selaJI'bat.l"nbatnya pada bulα n

ㅃΞ 腔ε
ξ點'喆⅛絮 밍尹
聽罕鋌 ⅛땠

鹽쁑㎩항 ::s#鶴 ↓ 瑚●
= '雕 ㏊⑴ⅲ
ㅃhkm ⅲ ㎎ka waktu ¨
''괆 ㎴㏐ υ
錐구 꿩⅛ ∶#땄 #˚踞쥼
器ㅐ ξ
λ ㅒ ㅛ

맑 i胛
s jα

ⅲ 쿰
ㅑξ 虎
h denga● ongα

nbusan kepadη
tα n Sumber Dξ Menteri Eilergi
‘ a*¾ 1#;ξ ,느 ;;ξ +i::: 1˙

拈¾ 超裙 撰뇨
#종 묘능品∴ 琺b侖;芋笛
fd澣'⅛밍 꼽능
;구 乳ι鈴承J뀨
10・ ' '”
H∬f℉ (覩 :」 :盂

〓 r Pcⅲ inbm胛
pcmeE多 a"Π g ㅂ n U:ㅚ
' fIUη
operⅲ pⅲ duks¡ 放 an d” eⅱ ㎞ ρⅲ n"tm

1 1・ aⅡ Iaporan p'odμ ks: dan pcmαsaran sesuai d˚ g"】 ketentuan perτ turan perundan8:
l'⅜ :∶ f'ⅸ '】
I2.'4enya∏ 1paikan Re】 1cana Pengembang'n da∶ 】Pemberdayaan Mas)'arakat:sekitΣ r wilayah pcrtambangan
kepada Bupati Bengkⅲ u Tengah.
13.:'{˚ nyalnpaikan Renca” a Kegiat'!1 Tahunan
rat요 l,inBku'˙ TTL) setiap tahu'】 s¿be'uln
ponyam1 *¡ 하n Roncin"κ φBi#tlr】 Λnggη r˛ ¡ 'Ban
rl,'"(Rl<Λ n):kepl'√ ㅣi1μ(Rκ
∶ p’ l,° jlg'˛ ㅒlu˙ Γong'I'
]4.Memenμ hi ketentυ an perp텨 akaτ 1ses''a¡
denga'1kete【 ltu'''pernturan peΠ '¡
】¸.λ ombηyai iuran Tε ㎩ρsot:¡ ap ˛ ・
JILln dan mcn'bηya'˙ '、 oy'alty sosua¡ 'ndang-'1ndangan.
den8;'】 1 kete:''tι1a'1 peratura'】
pcr'Indanㅏ ˛
16.ⅳ‘ 'ndangan.
Ienempatlmn jamina” rekla:'nasi scbelt''n 'nelakuka】 1 keg'atα 】
1 ')roduksi dan rencana penυ tupaΠ
tambang sosμ a¡ dengan ketentuan poraturan pemnda1˙ u'1dangan.
17.'/IenyaTnpaikan RPT(Rdllcana Penut'’ pan Talnbang)2t'hι ∶
n sebe∫ u【 n kegiatan ρ uksi berakllir.
18.'4engangko'sε o'an8Kepal1Toknik Talnbang yang bortan8gUng jaw'bn'aβ κeg¡
'o° ∫
Pcⅲamban8an αUP)O● erasi Pτ 'oduksi(Konstrul˛ si,】 누oduksi,Pc’ :1golaha】 I/Pencucia!1,Pengangkutao
'tan Izi'¡

dan Peⅲ udlan), κese'쇼matan dan Kiesehatai1 】

〈eυ a Pε rtanlbangan serta Penge'o'aan Lingkunga',
Peⅱ a∏1bangan.
19.Kegiatan produksi di∏ 1μ pabⅡ a kapasitas produksi te「 pasang sudah mencapai 70% yang

direncanakan; 'ai
20-:PeΠ n˚ honan pcrpaⅲ angan˙ 1zi''Usalla Pertalnbangan (IUP) untuk kegiatan Prod''ksi I・ larus di씨 uka'1
2(dua)tahun sebelurn borakhi'nya ITlasa iziII dε ˙lle'1''I'a!1per¸ yarat¸ n;
21.Ke】 a】 ⅲan atas ket¿ ntuan ''gan diserta;pc∶
rsebut pada butir20,rhenυ kibatkan lzill Usalla Pertambangar'σ υP)o∶κrasi

Πfξ ⅛ 표 #出Γ 志 t淺 】 뵤1ㅆ 쭐 ⅛馬뇨
¾fㄸ*甘 挽J逞 묘
:1ξ ;¥ ⅛
gangkat kelu'r scga'.t sesυ
Produ'㎏ ,; ha:rus rncΠ u yaΠ 【 ε a˛ g '11cⅲ ad¡ i';kny∶ ua'' 1,cΠ da—
', kε
bendMbangunan— bangunan yang d:p우 naka'˙]uΠ tuk*epcntingan tlnlun1.

'gμ ∫
22.Apobi]a d뇨 laⅶ angka waktu 3ebagailnana di'naksud dalF.【 n butir 21, pc】 legang Izi'1 ιsa1'a
: Pcrtalnbany'n(IUP)Opcrasi Produksi tidak】 nc'aksal】 akan]】 gang【 zin'’ sⅲ u'
Pertanlbangal1(【 UP)・rne● jΔ ⅲil:kp:blnerio㎩ 'aka barang/aset pcmε
'di ba∏ gan(【 UP)Operasi
23.Pemegang Izin IJsat】 a Pe【 ●ⅲ '1; Produksi1'arus Ine∶ 1,'ediak'n dam dan keter˙ anga'1
sε ・ ak'u apabila d'kehendaki oIolI pelne'iΠ tah;
24.P¸'vakt“ 'ˇ
nlegang I:τ in IJsaha P˛ rtambangη n αUP) Oper요 si Produksi rne'〕 1bo'e1】 kan da'】 1nenel・ i'1''a apabila
peΠ 1oHnt'h sewⅲ αu— wλkt''mo'Δ kμ k● n ρ e∏
25.'κ enerap㎄ n kⅲ dah pertanlbang● n yang baik; 、 .
26° ngelola keua∏ gan sesuai dengan Sisten'AkuI'tansi Itldoncsia: ˙
'4˚ aan pengernbangan dan ρe【 nbcrd리 yaan n'asν 'aτ ˙
akat:setεiIIpat secara berka]a;
28.Mengt''α rnakan pemanfaa'an teΠ agα ke● a sε Inpaξ ba‘ ang dan .iI'sa da'a'n '】 eger, sε suθ ¡dengaΠ
ketcntuan perat:uI˙ an pert】 η●ang— undaΠ gan; 'ε .

29.'/Iengutalr'akan pernbeliah dη Iaτn ''egeri dari p♀ k』 yang ada di daerah tersebut sesuai
'a lδ
dell” n ketentuan petatu'aτ ˙ ‘ uα da∏ g:und''g'n; 'gus㎋
30.ⅳIengut“ makan seopti∏ 】 aI"'ungkin peη ggunaa"perusallaanja3a pertaτ nbangan'okal daη /½ tau nasional;
31.Dilalan3melibatkan anak perusahaan dan/atau ItFlliasinya dalaΠ
'bidang usaha
WHη ah I≥ in Usaha Peⅱ ambλ ngan(놔 /IUP),‘anB diυ sa'】 akannya,kecuali Je'gRnJasa
izinpertambnagan di
λ εn'e';Energi
’ ・
: dan Sⅱ mbor D미 ya Μ illεra1; :::

-T 32.'4elaporkan data dao poI쏘
ksanaan penggunaa'l usahajasa',enu미 a''g; . ‘ ˙
33.Menyelahk“ ㅏdata yang dipeloleh dari h㎱ Izin Usaha Pertainbmg'n(IUη
Operasi Produksi d軾 βtlpati Bong㏐
kepada "kegia㎙μsan kepada h/fen:teri Energi dal1
Sumber D●ya Mineraldan Guben'ur Bengkulu. 'u Tcngah dengan te'nt〉
34.、 eJIy'mpaikan ρ Γoposal yanB se*υ m'B・ ku” ngnya mε I'gga'” ㏊「kan aspek tekn;s,keuanB:a'',ρ roduks¡
da"peⅡ :atal'peng섧 】 ρeΓρ●
ⅲaI'gaΠ Iz¡ n'J● a''a
'asaran serta'intk'1ngan
‘ Inbangan(IUP)Operasi
Per㎩ sobagai persya】
PI'oduksi; ''aI'pem1˚ 'onan
3¸ .'κ eⅲb˛ rikan gaㄸ ⅲ ugi k!epada pe'tlcg‘ ⅲnah dan tegakㅆ 【
l yang te˛ganggu akibat kegitα n
'1g1'ik atas
Izin Usaha Pertambangan(IUP)Operasi Produksi;
˙ ‘
B6.'4engutalnakan pe【 nenuhan kob'】 tuhan da]● m'】 egc'i (Do【n˛ stic M:“ket O¡ iented) sesua¡ kc':ontuan
peraturan porundang・ unda”gan;
37.Poⅲ u¸Ian pIodUksi kopadη aflliasi hβ rus ineΠ gaou kopada I¸ arga pasa':;
38.Kontrak pe마 ualanj"mg㏊ pa可 ang˚ ㄲiniΠ la'3t㎋ )harus'1lendapat ρ ˛
rset띠 ua'1terlε bi]'dal】 u】 :'i

Me● teli Enerμ dan Su'"ber Daya Mine'ㅚ ; '''” ・ .


39.Perusahaan w미 ib m˛ ngolm produks㎙ ya ⅲ dⅱlanl n˛ ger¡ ; :

40.Pelnbangunao saran dan pㅁ sa【 ’
a∏ Ii pada kcgia● an koΠ struksi a:'mτ αlain:
a..fasilitas— 伍sⅡ itas dη n peralatan poⅲ ˙ ・
b. inst● lasi d'np!e'a'“ tan peningkatan"luttl'nⅲ e'aν bαtubara;
c. fasilitas.fagiliψ s Bandaτyang dㅛ pat meliputi dok・ ● ok,peI''buhal● -pe'abuhan,deΠ n●ga— der【nη ga,
jembat“ tpngkang,pelneoall-ρ omecah aiη fas:':tas.fasi'itas teΠ lina1,benㅄ el—
bengkel,● aemh— d¨ rall penimbur'an,ⅲ dang— gudang da” pcla'atan bongkarmυ a˛
d. fλ silitas.f½ silitas tmnsportasi dan ko∶ nunikasi yang dapat ∏ 1cliputi ja'anJΠ lan, jenlbatan¸ eΠ
knpa'.kapa', f˛ fcri, p˛ rlabuhan・ peI'buhαI' ud'ra, rc1-re'¸ te'IIpat— tφ mμat pondarata'1 pesa'ν 'b'tan,
h뇨 ngar— han8gar, garRsi— garasi, pon'ρ a— pon'pη BBM, Fasⅱ itas— fas¡ l itas radio dan telekonlulrlⅸ asi

serta fas‘ Iitas-㎩ siI[tas Jaringan '˛ Iegrapll dan tclcpon;

e. pelkotaan, yang dapat Inelipt'ti rι ㅏun'ah te:mpRt t’ gga', toko— toko, sekolah— sekojal1, ru"laI】

sakiξ teater— teat˛ r dan bangun3'˙ ˛]ain, fasi】 itas— fasilitas dan peralat&n pcga'ν ai kontraktor teⅡ nasuk
tanggungan pegawai ter,obut;
rik, fas;I¡ taㅏfasilitas air da:n air buallga'' dan da● at meliputi pelnbangk¡ t—
rκ mbangkit ten'ga
' liⅲ

많:A⅛ 튜
#땄 :;;i:;::;ㄸ β
F짧 긍
覩 錨¼
溫낢裙 :* i琺 얇⅜ 挽㎋¡ B:
,않 :욕 n'ㅒ :::;I;常
쑈r b・ uangan pabrik, da● air bι tangan rum¸ h tΔ ngga;
g. fasiliυ s-㎩ silitas lain¨ Iain, yang 'f匕
dapat meliputi 'lan1˛ 1n tidak terbatas bengke】 -beΠ gke' Inesin,
bcngkel:bengke】 pengecoran daI' repasrasi; '患
h. sε mua fasⅡ itas tainbahan atau fasilitas 'aiη p'brik dar' pe[nlat요 yang dianggap per'u atau cocok

untυ k opolasi pengusahaan yang belkaitait dengan 'λ Ii】 ayah 【 z】 n Usa'la PeⅡ λI11bangan (WIUP) atau
untuk I˙ nenyediak● n pelayana∶ rnelaksa'laka【 l aktifltas¨ aktifitrls pendukung atau aI˛ tiΠ tas yang
' atat∶
sifatnya insidentⅡ .

4]. Sobelum melaku˘ n ke⅛ ia'an; pemegang Izin Usaha Pe'1Bmba'1gan :Izin Usaha Per!ta∶ ṅbangan (fUP))
Oper˙asi Pr㏅ uksi harus lebih φahu】 ψe∶ nbe'1tahuka∶ ’
】kepΔ da Camat setempat dan Instansi yang terka' ;
42. IIubυ ngan ant요 a pemoga'g 【
r’ ¼n ''Usaha Pertalnbangan fzi'' Usaha Perta】 nbη ngan (IUP) OIκ asi
Prodㅃ6i dehgan po,iⅱ k t,naI' dan pihak ket㎏ a, 【 lleⅲ adi tallggung jawab pemegal】 g IΔ Usaha

Per●a∶ ⅡbangⅡΠ IΔ Π Uξ aha P˛ ba● gaΠ (IUP)) Ope「 Π ua'' ,α ng
sI I'rod“ ks' scsuㄸ i denga'1 '˛ e'cΠ ˛
'tψ ”
b er] aku.
43. Pemegang 【 zin Usalla Per㎩mbaj'gan Izin 'Jsalla 【ertaIItba【 Ig"1 α UP) O:pcrasi Produksi w寸 ib
τneIIlbayar Iuran T˛ ㎩p (I"” J’
’ αIf,少 Incnurut kctσ ntuan yang
'e” ')m뇨
be'1aku, jik요 toriadi kqtc'lambatan dan
ka ':ulan Ope'asiķan
ķan dikc” P'oduksi
sㄻ 1'si(Re,’
gebesal 2% (dua perser˙ ,tus) perbulan
ⅲ bemmya itmn tetap dBn iuran Oρ ⒁ i Produksi yaI】 g harus dib'yaη
44. Pemε gaΠ g ∶ ¼Π Usahη Pcκ ambangΠ n Iz'Π Usaha Pε ,mba"gan (fUP) Operasi Pr우 d"ks: harus
me【 nberⅸ an kesempata' kopα da Pelaksana 【nspeksi Tan'ba'1B danlat요 u ρ
ctugη s yang ditu'Uuk oIol1

Kepala Din● s Peκ ambangan dan ESDM Kab나 ρα¢n Benㅄ di˛ ukan tugα s∏ ya di
'''u Tengah untuk me¡

' wl14yal' Opε
ra3i ?rod” :ksl yang belsantkutait;、
4¸ . Pembcrian
'a∏ IΔ n Ugaha Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) 0p° τ asi Produk'˙ i iΠ i tidak dirκ
mengadakan keJasalna dala'n rangka PeJ‘ k<'Eζ jatan
yr' Ba':ubala ataupun pelaksana요 n 'k:enankan
''Jian Kπ i Bupβ t' Bengku'υ q. Kepalα Dinas
taΠ11’ α
1ng dengttl' pihok moda' αs:Π g, 'aI1ρ a ''τ iΠ 'e"uIIs da'・ Te∶ 1l' c・

PertambangaII dan ESDM Bengkulu Tengah ;
46. Bupati berwenaη g ㅍ λ1kan Izin IJsaha Pertan'banga1' Izin 'Jsaha PeltaΠ 1baΠ gan (IUP) Operasi
Ptoduksi wㅗ 'emba‘ rlΔ ku'ya belu“ bis; j'ka :
b˛yang di]akukaΠ 'tidak memberikJ*n Ilasil sebagliⅱ ㄲalla mestinya a'au tidak
'aupun masa ●
a. U'섧 ha pertambangⅡ
tercapainya hasil produks¡ sesuai deη 8an . rencana produks: yang 'ㄺ al1 dⅱ etapkan a㎩ u Jdak
Π1˚ rne● Ⅱhi kε b” tυ ● dalR'” υegeri sesυ a' kε h'쇼 n 1,en'ndal】 g— ur'daΠ g’ .

b. Apibi】 a pemegang Izin Π (IUP) 。ρe'asi I,'oduksi

” Usaha Pertη 'nbangan Izin UBa'1, Pqrt"nbangα

tidak me【 nenuhil‘ nelaksanokan ketentua'’ :kβ tentt'a'● /kew● j ib3∏ -kε waJiban sost¡ ai pe'at''ra,˙
perundang-μ udangan bi!d요 ●g pe'tambat1ι ¸'쇼ng be:'1 'ku:

47. Pε megang I쑈 n Usaha Peτ ㎩mbangan 】 'n

zi';1 'Js¸ 1'a Pe【tambatlg,‘ ib
mon삐 ukkaⅱ bUkt¡ getor 'oya'● yI¡ u∶ 1I' produks¡ padㄸ bulan scbe':unt” ' (IUP)y쇼 Operasi P'oduksi w써
●ρ¸bi¡ a akan me'akukan
penga” gkυ tan dao ρ에 υa'an pada bu'a'】 beⅱ ku'” ya k。 paJa K● ρa', :D'” as Perta'】 gan da'】 ES:D'4
κ●bⅱ paten Beτ u]u Te'8alI.



일반 사업지역(APL)

변경된 지역 (HPT)
F>匡 F번 JELASAN TÅ 隣釀尉 ¼AN ㅜ匿庠
其匡㎌ 頁 F》

P匡 NGUR㎋ UMÅ ● 驍iι』Å篇⅜ξU『 듕

빌R厓 KO坪 越

1 . Da卑 ar IUP yang d¡ unlunㄱ kan adalah IUP yang dikategcir¡ kan εIoar a''''σ eleaΠ
yaitu mernenuh[ syarat sesua¡ PP 23 Tahun 2010 serta Su「 at Eda「an Menter¡
ESDM No 03. EI31IDJBI2009, anta「 a iain :

˚VⅦ ayahnya t¡ dak tunlpang t¡ nd'h ;

. Diterbitkan sebelurn l Mei 20f0;
˚dan !ain— Iain.

2. Bagi IUP yang belu‘ ㄲd¡ urnuΠ 1kan (dikategonikan Πoρ oI˚ ∂ΓaΠ σεI˚ aΠ ), Πlasih
rnenη erlukan ke'engkapan persyaratan daⅱ pember¡ izin untuk diproses
verif'kas¡ Iebih ¡

3. Bagi pe「 usahaan Pemegang IUP yang be'u‘ㄲ diurnumkan (d¡ kategorikan ΠoΠ
cI˚ aΓ al,σ eIoθ η, tanggapan d¡ Iakukan dengan cara tertu[is dan dikiri∏ ㄱ
kan ke
pembeⅱ ¡zin sesua¡ kewenangannya (Mente ⅱIGubernur/Bupaⅱ /VVa likota)
dengan tenlbusan’kepada D¡ ●
ektorat Jenderal Minera l dan Batubara, alanlat JI.
Pr˙ of. DΓ . Soeporno No. 10 Jakarta Selatan;

Daiam ha! terdapat kekel¡ ruan dalam pengumu man ini dan penye[esa¡ an t¡ ndak
jutnya seperti te「 sebut pada but¡ F (3) akan d¡ nas¡ dengan
¡nstansi terka¡ t
'aη sesua¡ undangan
dengan pe'aturan peΠ 」ndang—'akukan yang be「[aku.

Jakarta, 30 Jun¡ 201 1

Dinektur Jenderal Mine「 aI dan Batubara,

Thamrin S¡ hite

Untuk nㄱ engunduh liile hasil ve'¨ ¡¡

kas¡ [UP ε
1「Ioar aΠ d eIoaΠ klik 'ink d¡ bawah ¡
ni :

1 . P¨ ov¡ ns¡ Nangg¨ oo Aceh DaΠIssalanη

2. Prov¡ nsi Sunㄱ atera :Jtara
3. Prov¡ ns¡ Surnatera Ba「 at
4. P¨ov¡ nsi R¡ au
5. P"ovins¡ Jarnbi
6. P「ovins¡ Surnatera SelataΠ
7. P¨ov¡ nsi Bengkulu
8. Prov¡ ns¡ ㄴanη pung
9. P¨ ov'ns' Bangka Be'itung
10. PΓ ov¡ nsi Kepulauan Riau
1 1 . Prov¡ ns: Jawa Ba「 at
12. P「 bv¡ ns¡ Jaⅲ a Tengah˙
1 3. Prov¡ nsi Daerah lstirriewa Yogyakarta '
14. P¨ovins¡ Jawa Tinlur
1 5. P¨ ovinsi
1 6. Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Ba「 at
f 7. P「ov¡ ns' Nusa Tengga:ra T¡ mu r
f 8. PΓov¡ ns¡ KaI¡ rnantan Ba「 at
19. ProviΠ si Kaiirㄲ antan Tengah
20. P …
ovins¡ Kai¡ mantan Selatan
21 . P●ovinsi KaliΠ mur
lantan ㅜ¡
22. PΠ ov¡ nsi Su¡ a™esi Utara
23. P¨oν ¡
ns: Su;awes¡ Tengah
24. Pro˘ ¡
ns[ Sulawes¡ Selatan
25. P¨ovinsi Sulawesi Tengga ra
26. Prov¡ ns¡ Go¨ onta¡ o
27. P¨ovins¡ Ma ¡u ku
28. P¨ov¡ nsi Maluku ˛」tara
29. P¨ovinsi Papua
30. Prov¡ ns¡ Papua Ba「 at
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z<<Ξ <0<ㅁ
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卜φ φδ ㄷ

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="ㅁ =00<τ ,r¸ ⊃」⊃ˇ Oz"ⅲ
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Φㅏ ㅟψ
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0:0˜ ,α Jδ N ° 0.˜Φ∽
0」 α”
ㄶ°느°– "
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8R≥ B농 Φ α Eo ψ oE"
'˚ ,OΞ ⅵ˜山 ע
ㅏ˛ 、

HO여 z⊃ =<ㅏ Φ寸˜ <“ <ㅏ ⊃ ⊃ ㅢ∋ˇ Oz"∽
Φ z<:Σ ‘ Γ‘ ⅲ zΔ
∽ 00˜ ˘ψㅁ ,ON
、 α E● 沿 ㅌ" 枋므 으 .里u 、
Φ 寸
H– 0: z∋ =<ㅏ :어 <α <ㅏ ⊃ ∋」⊃ˇ Oz:∞
ㅏㄸ ,υ z<Φ Σ‘Γ ˛




⊃ ㅢ⊃ ˇφ z"m =z,>Oα
Ro였 :
頁늄 =<∋ ㅏ <∞ '=¸ 00」 ,枋 .δ 쇼ㅇ 00.N OHON z∋ =<ㅏ <卜 였 <Σ ⊃出 ∽ ≥∶ <Σ “ "ㄷ ㄹ "∽ Oz<Φ Σ :보 0寸
되ㅇ,늄 Σㅑㅓ z<⊃ 」 gㅁ 'ˇ ¸ 00」 : ⅵ°˛φoO 00.Φ ⅱ HON z⊃ =<– φHN <Σ ⊃ 」"∽ >닛 “⊃ ,ιˇ <,˛ z<마 <∝ <ㅍ m
요 ㅇ,뉴 Σ늉 °0¸˜°∞
0˛ '=,00」 ● '° ˛φ.0 00.:Φ Φ 0– 0: ㄷ¸‘φ← 0∞ N <Σ ηㅌ: ㅏ˛σ z≥ -Σ z<Φ Σ <:⊇ 냥ㄹ ∞∞
요 Rㅑ =<¸
0.– ° : ⅛코 ¸ 00˛ ˛ 石 뫄ㅇ
⊃」 "∽ Σ ∋ㅑㄹ
:,Φ 00.Φ :0,Φ OHO˜ z⊃ =<ㅏ <Σ =<∞ <∽ 卜Φ
요 00– ● <,Φ N Oι :
φO¸˜° "
ⅵ°늣므 ˛φ∶ m∞
NO: 0– 0식 z⊃ =<ㅏ <.寸 ∞˜ <Σ oㅁ ∽ ㅏ● ,,ㅀ "zOOz, z,OzOO
유 RΞ {R 0,“ 0¸˜°∞ 'ˇ ¸●°˛∝ ⅝°–φαO 00
OHON z⊃ ,<ㅏ Φ∞˜ <Σ ∋㏅ ∽ ㅏ ,ㅌ <● 볍 =<ㅁ ≡ <ㄷ <m

요 R、 읖 늄N ㄶ Φ∞ ", ⅵˇ¸● 。˛˛ ㄳ°」ΦOO
*∽ 00.:寸 ψ OHON ㄷ .‘ °ㅏ :卜 “ Σ ⊃」ㅂ∽ ㅏ아 →츠 <¼ 二

0:0˜ \」 0<,Φ
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유 R,웅 농: ㄳΦ ⅛코 O
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m '=mO●
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(ˇ 」 <,ψ : 0」 :
φO¸ :° "
注 、
Oφ ΦOH ˛¸‘°ㅏ
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,˜ 으 ㄲ늉드≥
000˜ E呂
,υ =00˛ O
ㄷ ⅝° ,φα μ :.∞ 寸 ㄷ .˛ °ㅏ N::
∝ ⊃ <ˇ ㅏ ,0– ˜ <⊃ >z<0 0α oΣ Oㅂ ㅆ ON
유 R≥ ,<、
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∝胡 .–φOO ע ∞: 0ㅢ 0˜ ㄷ¸‘ :ㅏ ∞ .H”
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Private & Confidential

1. PT. BMQ 광구 개발 전망
 광구의 기본 개발 필수 조건과 개요는 하기와 같다 :


위치 Kab. Bengkulu Tengah, Prov. Bengkulu

허가 광업 생산 사업 허가 ( Clear & Clean )

매장 량 30,000,000 MT (생산 물량 기준)

개토 비율 1:9

운송 로 약 50 Km

칼로리 평균 칼로리(ADB) 6,800~8,400 Kcal/kg 이상

초기 월 생산 물량을 근거로 한 총 15년간 생산은 하기와 같다.:
생산 계획 1st month : 50,000 Ton, 2nd month : 80,000 Ton, 3rd month : 100,000 Ton, after 5th
month : 200,000 Ton.

예상 투자액 취득 및 개발 : 총 US$ 60,000,000

현금 흐름의 기본 예상은 하기와 같다 :

불변 조건 기준환율 : IDR 9,500/US$1.-, 법인세 : 30%, 연간 고정자본 비율: 5%

계약 생산시 : 연간 5% 인상 적용.
변동 조건
운영 비용 : 연간 5% 인상 적용.

Private & Confidential

2. 석탄 채광 비 분석
 석탄 생산 비( 톤당) 는 하기와 같다:

Ton당 금액 (생산원가)
구분 항목 ( Rp.9,500 / U$1)

루피아(Rupiah) 달러(USD)

1-1. 박토 (OB REMOVAL) 1 : 9 Rp171,000 $18.00

1-2. 채탄(COAL GETTING) Rp19,000 $2.00

1-3. 스톡파일,분쇄,바지선적(Stockpile,Crushing,Jetty & Loading Barge) Rp19,000 $2.00

1. 채탄원가비용 합계 Rp209,000 $22.00

2-1. 육상 광구-제티운송(Trucking - Mine to Jetty) 50 km Rp85,000 $8.95

2-2. 해상 바지운송(Transshipments) -운송 감독료 포함 FOB Barge Rp51,585 $5.43
2. 운송비용 합계 Rp136,585 $14.38

3-1. 주민보상비 및 민원관리비 (매립비용 포함) Rp14,250 $1.50

3-2. 광구주 로열티 (Royalty) Rp0 $0.00

3. 로열티 합계 Rp14,250 $1.50

4-1. 지방정부세 (원산지 증명 발급시 납부)-수출서류 및 CoA비용 포함 Rp70,870 $7.46

4. 판매관련 제반비 &세금 Rp70,870 $7.46

합계 Rp430,705 $45.34

5. 운영 관리비(Management cost) - 현장 운영 및 자카르타 사무소 비용 포함 Rp19,000 $2.00

6. 감가상각비 (Depreciation) - 설비 및 차량공구 등 Rp4,600 $0.48
7. 자본비용 (Capital cost) Rp11,875 $1.25

합계 Rp35,475 $3.73

총 생산원가 (Total Product Cost) Rp466,180 $49.07

판매가격 (FOB MV 기준) Rp997,500 $105.00

판매이익(Profit before Tax) Rp531,320 $55.93

법인세 (이익금의 30% 적용) Rp159,396 $16.78

순이익 (Net Profit after Tax) Rp371,924 $39.15

Private & Confidential

3. 현금 흐름 분석표(1/2)
 미화 기준 현금 흐름표는 하기와 같다. : 1차년도 부터 7차 년도 까지

1년차 2년차 3년차 4년차 5년차 6년차 7년차

년도 0년차(-)
(2012) (2013) (2014) (2015) (2016) (2017) (2018)

현금유입( Cash Inflow)

1,330,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000

우기2개월 제외
연간 생산량(MT) 총 10개월 생산 기준 초기5개월-330,000톤
월 200,000톤 월 200,000톤 월 200,000톤 월 200,000톤 월 200,000톤 월 200,000톤

(연간 3% 가격인상율 적용)
FOB M/V $105 $108 $111 $115 $118 $122 $125

매출액 $139,650,000 $216,300,000 $222,789,000 $229,472,670 $236,356,850 $243,447,556 $250,750,982

현금 ( Cash Outflow)

초기 개발투자비용 $60,000,000 (사업권인수 및 생산운영비Etc 포함)

증설 재투자비 $1,000,000 (설비보수 및 교체비용 등) $1,000,000 (설비보수 및 교체비용 등)

1. 채탄원가비용(인상율5%적용) $22.00 $29,260,000 $46,200,000 $48,510,000 $50,935,500 $53,482,275 $56,156,389 $58,964,208

2. 운송비용(인상율 5%적용) $14.38 $19,121,900 $30,192,474 $19,807,368 $20,797,737 $21,837,624 $22,929,505 $24,075,980

3. 로열티 (Royalty) $1.50 $1,995,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000
4. 판매관련비 & 세금 $7.46 $9,921,800 $14,920,000 $14,920,000 $14,920,000 $14,920,000 $14,920,000 $14,920,000

생산직접비용 $45.34 $60,298,700 $94,312,474 $87,237,368 $89,653,237 $93,239,899 $98,005,894 $100,960,188

5. 운영 관리비 $2.00 $2,660,000 $4,200,000 $4,410,000 $4,630,500 $4,862,025 $5,105,126 $5,360,383

6. 감가상각비 $0.48 $644,000 $968,421 $968,421 $968,421 $968,421 $968,421 $968,421
7. 자본비용 $1.25 $1,662,500 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000
(운영관리비인상율 5%적용)
$3.73 $4,966,500 $7,668,421 $7,878,421 $8,098,921 $8,330,446 $8,573,547 $8,828,804

생산 판매원가 $49.07 $65,265,200 $101,980,895 $95,115,789 $97,752,158 $101,570,345 $106,579,441 $109,788,992

판매이익 - 세전
($60,000,000) $74,384,800 $114,319,105 $127,673,211 $131,720,512 $134,786,505 $136,868,115 $140,961,990
(Cash Inflow)

매출액대비 수익율(%) 53.3% 52.9% 57.3% 57.4% 57.0% 56.2% 56.2%

Private & Confidential

4. 현금 흐름 분석표(2/2)
 미화 기준 현금 흐름표는 하기와 같다 . : 8차년도 부터 15년차 년도 까지.

8년차 9년차 10년차 11년차 12년차 13년차 14년차 15년차

년도 (2019) (2020) (2021) (2022) (2023) (2024) (2025) (2026)

현금유입( Cash Inflow)

2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,670,000

연간 생산량(MT)
월 200,000톤 월 200,000톤 월 200,000톤 월 200,000톤 월 200,000톤 월 200,000톤 월 200,000톤 월 200,000톤
(연간 3% 가격인상율 적용)
$129 $133 $137 $141 $145 $150 $154 $159

매출액 $258,273,512 $266,021,717 $274,002,369 $282,222,440 $290,689,113 $299,409,786 $308,392,080 $424,054,529

현금 ( Cash Outflow)

초기 개발투자비용

증설 재투자비 $1,000,000 (설비보수 및 교체비용 등) $1,000,000 (설비보수 및 교체비용 등) $0

1. 채탄원가비용(인상율5%적용) $61,912,419 $65,008,040 $68,258,442 $71,671,364 $75,254,932 $79,017,678 $82,968,562 $116,301,182
2. 운송비용(인상율 5%적용) $25,279,779 $26,543,768 $27,870,956 $29,264,504 $30,727,730 $32,264,116 $33,877,322 $47,487,536
3. 로열티 (Royalty) $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,005,000
4. 판매관련비 & 세금 $14,920,000 $14,920,000 $14,920,000 $14,920,000 $14,920,000 $14,920,000 $14,920,000 $19,918,200

생산직접비용 $105,112,198 $110,471,808 $114,049,398 $118,855,868 $124,902,661 $129,201,794 $134,765,884 $187,711,918

5. 운영 관리비 $5,628,402 $5,909,822 $6,205,313 $6,515,579 $6,841,357 $7,183,425 $7,542,597 $10,572,835

6. 감가상각비 $968,421 $968,421 $968,421 $968,421 $968,421 $968,421 $968,421 $1,292,842
7. 자본비용 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $3,337,500
(운영관리비인상율 5%적용)
$9,096,823 $9,378,243 $9,673,734 $9,984,000 $10,309,778 $10,651,846 $11,011,018 $15,203,177

생산 판매원가 $114,209,020 $119,850,050 $123,723,132 $128,839,867 $135,212,440 $139,853,641 $145,776,902 $202,915,095

순이익 - 세전
$144,064,491 $146,171,667 $150,279,237 $153,382,572 $155,476,673 $159,556,146 $162,615,178 $221,139,435
(Cash Inflow)

매출액대비 수익율(%) 55.8% 54.9% 54.8% 54.3% 53.5% 53.3% 52.7% 52.1%

Private & Confidential

5. 순 현금 흐름 분석 & 평가
 미화 달러 기준 순 현금 흐름 분석은 하기와 같다.:

순 현금흐름 (Net Cash Flow) 분석 - 미화 달러(US$) 기준

1년차 2년차 3년차 4년차 5년차 6년차 7년차
년도 0년차(-)
(2012) (2013) (2014) (2015) (2016) (2017) (2018)

현금 유입 (Cash Inflow) $139,650,000 $216,300,000 $222,789,000 $229,472,670 $236,356,850 $243,447,556 $250,750,982

현금 유출 (Cash Outflow) $60,000,000 $83,861,400 $130,560,671 $128,034,092 $130,682,286 $135,266,971 $141,796,470 $145,029,490

CAPEX $60,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000

Operation Cost $65,265,200 $101,980,895 $95,115,789 $97,752,158 $101,570,345 $106,579,441 $109,788,992

Tax (25%적용) $18,596,200 $28,579,776 $31,918,303 $32,930,128 $33,696,626 $34,217,029 $35,240,498

순현금흐름 (Net Cash Flow) ($60,000,000) $55,788,600 $85,739,329 $94,754,908 $98,790,384 $101,089,879 $101,651,086 $105,721,493

IRR (%) - 세후 -7% 75% 102% 112% 117% 118% 119%

8년차 9년차 10년차 11년차 12년차 13년차 14년차 15년차

년도 (2019) (2020) (2021) (2022) (2023) (2024) (2025) (2026)

현금 유입 (Cash Inflow) $258,273,512 $266,021,717 $274,002,369 $282,222,440 $290,689,113 $299,409,786 $308,392,080 $424,054,529

현금 유출 (Cash Outflow) $150,225,143 $157,392,967 $161,292,941 $167,185,510 $175,081,608 $179,742,677 $186,430,696 $258,199,953

CAPEX $1,000,000 (설비보수 및 교체비용 등) $1,000,000 (설비보수 및 교체비용 등) $0

Operation Cost $114,209,020 $119,850,050 $123,723,132 $128,839,867 $135,212,440 $139,853,641 $145,776,902 $202,915,095

Tax (25%적용) $36,016,123 $36,542,917 $37,569,809 $38,345,643 $38,869,168 $39,889,036 $40,653,795 $55,284,859

순현금흐름 (Net Cash Flow) $108,048,368 $108,628,750 $112,709,428 $115,036,929 $115,607,505 $119,667,109 $121,961,384 $165,854,576

IRR (%) - 세후 119% 120% 120% 120% 120% 120% 120% 120%

평가 (Valuation)- 미화 달러(US$) 기준

내부수익률(Projection IRR) 120% 순 현재가치 (NPV) $544,285,579

회수기간 (Payback Period) 1년 2개월 내 분석조건 15년간 평가, 할인율 12% 적용

Private & Confidential

6. 민감도 분석

판매가 & 활율변동에 따른 수익구조의 민감도 분석은 하기와 같다. :

$80 $100 $120

평균 연간수익 $78,624,000 $118,260,000 $157,896,000

연간 수익율 46.3% 55.7% 62.0%

평균 연간수익 $78,128,211 $117,764,211 $157,400,211

연간 수익율 46.0% 55.5% 61.8%

평균 연간수익 $76,269,000 $115,905,000 $155,541,000

연간 수익율 44.9% 54.6% 61.1%


Bukit Endu,
Picture of JJK property, 2012
PT. Bara Mega Quantum (BMQ) as a company engaged in coal mine which
obtained Operation-Production Mining Business Permits (IUP-OP) in Rindu Hati
Village, Taba Penanjung District, Central Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province, as
stipulated by Regent of Central Bengkulu’s Decree on last December 1st, 2010.

The IUP-OP of PT. BMQ is located approximately 50 km to the east-northeast

of the Bengkulu City. The area can be reached by plane from Jakarta to Bengkulu,
which it takes about 1 hour 10 minutes, and then from Bengkulu to the Taba
Penanjung District heading eastward through provincial roads towards Curup City by
car is around 1 hour. Then about 1 km from Taba Penanjung District, precisely at km
37, in Taba Teret village, turn right or to the south through an unpaved mine roads,
owned by PT. Danau Mas Hitam, which is about 15 km to the IUP-OP PT. BMQ’s
location. According to the Decree of Central Bengkulu Regent No. 339 year 2010
which is valid until December 31, 2020, with a total width of the IUP-OP area is
3,074.14 Ha. Status of land of the BMQ area consists of : (i) Other Land Use
Application (APL) of 763 Ha or 25 % from the total of BMQ Area; (ii) Protected Forest
(HL) area is 690 Ha or 22%, and (iii) Forest Cultivation Area (KBK) is1,621.14 Ha or

On this occasion, JJK Team on behalf of PT. BMQ conducted a detail

observation on distribution of coal outcrops in the concession area, based on outcrop
of coal exposures that can be observed through its strike and dip, thickness, as well as
their structural pattern, then followed by drilling in order to obtain an estimation of
coal resources.
Geology of the PT. BMQ area is consists of Lemau Formation (Tertiary Miocene
Lemau or Tml) of about 35% and Quaternary Rock Unit of Andesite - Basalt (Qv, dn)
of about 65%, as shown on Geological Map of Bengkulu Sheet by Gafoer, et al, 1983.
The Lemau Formation is conformably overlaid by the Quaternary volcanic rocks of
andesitic to basaltic rocks, and comprising shallow marine to fresh water muddy
sediments and lignite or coals. Geological structures found in the study area are
mostly folds and faults which mostly developed in the middle-southern part of the
area. Folds trending with generally have orientation as northwest to southeast

direction, ranging from N330oE to N1400E. The slope of the rock layers are generally
upright ranged between 25o to 60o.

Coal outcrops were found in the study area so far of 108 (one hundred and
eight) locations with thickness varying from 0.25 m at OC-25 up to 6.0 m at OC-13,
with a dominant strike directions northwest to southeast, north to south and
northeast to southwest with dip ranging between 20o to 40o. However local
deviations are also found adjacent to fault area with dip ranging between 50o to 75o.

The coal is black, with luster shows glassy or shinny to slightly dull,
hard to brittle, sub-conchoidal fractures, locally crushed to gravel size in adjacent to
fault area, black scratch, and it does not significantly stained on hand. The results of
laboratory analyses of coal samples which were examined by the PT. Surveyor CCI
and PT. SUCOFINDO laboratories, they can generally be classified as bituminous to
anthracite with calories ranging from 7,225 kcal / kg to 7,988 kcal / kg (adb) up to
8,390 kcal / kg (dafb), Fixed Carbon 79.33% to 81.98% (adb), Total Moisture 3.69%
to 12.3% (adb), Ash 2.41% to 6.81 % (adb), Sulfur from 0.32 to 0.48 % (adb); Volatile
Matter from 8.57% to 13.43% (adb).

From the construction seam results obtained 7 coal seams, with a thickness
ranges from 6 meters on the seam-2 with a strike length of 1.402 meters and the
thinnest is 0.60 meters at seam-6 with a strike length of 2,235 meters. For use dip
greatest value of 700 on seam-7 and the smallest is 220 in seam-4. Meanwhile, the
value of coal specific gravity (SG) of 1.3 is based on references from coal mining
generally applicable in Indonesia.

Furthermore, the above data are used to calculate with SR (stripping ratio) is
1 : 12, the depth of the mine (h) and the weight (m2). Based on the values above
(thickness, strike / dip, the depth of the mine, SR, SG), therefore the the estimated
coal resource in PT. BMQ area can be acquired is 8,480,801 MTs.

Since this calculation is only done in an area of 740 Ha, therefore if the value is
extrapolated to an area of 2,400 Ha (for APL and KBK area only), then the value of the
total coal resource estimation for 2,400 Ha of PT. BMQ is = 8,480,801 MTs x
2,400/740 = 27,505,301 MTs.

First of all, we are grateful to God Almighty for the mercy and blessings that
our continuation of geological exploration activities and report writing as an efforts
for the calculation of the coal resources estimation in the concession of PT. Bara Mega
Quantum’s (BMQ) Operation-Production Mining Business Permit in the Rindu Hati
Village, Taba Penanjung District, Central Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province has
done, which conducted by Geological and Drilling Team of JJK on behalf of the PT.
BMQ which was began on August 7th up to September 22nd, 2012.

The field research was conducted by the Geological and Drilling Team of JJK
which consisting of the Project Manager as Manager of Quality Control and geological
and drilling team, assisted by a local communities of the Rindu Hati area.

The purpose of geological exploration and drilling activities were in order to

find out and clarify the total reserved which guaranteed by the BMQ IUP’s owner of
about 30.000.000 (thirty million) MT. Therefore, we conducted a detail observation
on distribution of coal outcrops in the concession area of PT. BMQ IUP-OP based on
outcrop of coal exposures that can be observed through its strike and dip, thickness,
and their structural pattern, as well as drilling to determine the coal seam content
vertically and stripping ratio over its overburden.

Finally we are on behalf of the management of Geology and Drilling JJK Team
and the PT. BMQ would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to the
field research Team, and also especially to related institutions of Local Government,
as well as local communities which have helped the field research team activities.

Jakarta, October 2012.


Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1
1.1 Background 1-1
1.2 Purpose and Objectives 1-2
2.1 Data and Tools 2-1
2.2 Personnel 2-1
2.3 Method and Analysis 2-2
2.3.1 Mapping and Detail Investigation 2-2
2.3.2 Drilling 2-2
2.3.3 Coal Sample Analysis 2-3
2.3.4 Data Analysis 2-3
3.1 Condition of Location 3-1
3.2 Physiographic and Environmental Condition 3-6
4.1 Geology of the IUP- OP of PT. BMQ Area 4-1
4.2 Geological Structure in the IUP-OP of PT BMQ Area 4-3
4.3 Coal Resource in the BMQ Area 4-8
4.3.1 Coal Occurence Distribution 4-8
4.3.2 Drill Hole Activity 4-9
4.3.3 Coal Quality Analysis 4-10
4.4 Coal Resource Estimation 4-12
5.1 Conclusion 5-1
5.2 Recommendation For Future Works 5-2
APPENDIX Appendix-1

Table 3.1. The Coordinate Boundaries of the IUP-OP of PT. BMQ Area.................................. 3-2

Table 4.1 Coal Outcrops that were found in the BMQ Area ....................................................... 4-6

Table 4.2 The 21 (twenty) of Drill Holes Result was performed by JJK Team in PT.
BMQ Area...................................................................................................................................4-10

Table 4.3 Result of Coal samples (by CODE) Laboratory Analyses of thePT. BMQ
Area ..............................................................................................................................................4-11

Table 4.4 Estimation of Hypothetical Coal Resource in 740 Ha of the PT. BMQ
Area. .............................................................................................................................................4-13


Figure 3.1 Map of accessibilty from Jakarta (by plane) - Bengkulu City (by four
wheel vehicle) to the BMQ Concession Area (red line) ........................................... 3-1

Figure 3.2 Map of The Concession Boundaries of The IUP-OP of The PT. BMQ Area
(red line) ...................................................................................................................................... 3-3

Figure 3.3. Map of Forestry Land Status within The IUP-OP of PT. BMQ Area...................... 3-4

Figure 3.4 Map of Accessibility from Location of PT. BMQ to PT. PELINDO Coal
Terminal Area. ........................................................................................................................... 3-5

Figure 3.5 Infrastructure and Situation in PT. PELINDO II Coal Terminal ............................ 3-5

Figure 3.6 Morphological Condition in The IUP-OP of The PT. BMQ........................................ 3-6

Figure 3.7 Topographic Map of the IUP-OP of PT. BMQ Area ...................................................... 3-7

Figure 3.8 Circumstances and Livelihoods in the PT. BMQ Area. .............................................. 3-8

Figure 3.9 River pattern and Watershed conditions (Sub-DAS Rindu Hati) in the PT.
BMQ Area..................................................................................................................................... 3-9

Figure 4.1 Map of Geology in IUP-OP of The PT. BMQ Area ......................................................... 4-2

Figure 4.2 Map of Structural Geology in the PT. BMQ Area.......................................................... 4-5

Figure 4.3 Estimation of Hypotetical Coal Resource Calculation. ............................................4-12

Appendix- 1 List of 6 (six) Maps of : Accessibility, Concession of PT. BMQ, Forestry,
Topography, Geological and Structural Geology........................................................2
Appendix- 2 Map of Coal Outcrops and Drill Holes.............................................................................9
Appendix- 3 List of 7 (seven) Maps of Drill Lines and Drill Hole Cross Sections,
Crop Lines (Coal Seam) Map, Line andCross Section of Structural
Geology Map........................................................................................................................... 11
Appendix- 4 List of 51 (fifty-one) Coal Outcrops that were found by JJK Team
Surveyed in the PT. BMQ Concession .......................................................................... 19
Appendix- 5 List of 81 (eighty-one) Coal Outcrops from others Data Source ...................... 21
Appendix- 6 List of 38 Points Coal Outcrop Description of Mapping Results by JJK
Team.......................................................................................................................................... 23
Appendix- 7 Coordinate of the 21 (twenty-one) Drill Hole Locations in the PT.
BMQ Concession. .................................................................................................................. 66
Appendix- 8 Result Descriptions of 21 (twenty-one) of Drilling Holes.................................. 67
Appendix- 9 List of 21 (twenty-one) Logbooks of Drill Holes in PT. BMQ
Concession .............................................................................................................................. 68
Appendix- 10 Group of Certificate of Coal Sample Laboratory Analyses Results .................. 90
Appendix- 11 Documentation photographs of mapping and drilling activities in
conducting detail the geological survey in the area of PT. BMQ and in
PELINDO II Coal Terminal area................................................................................... 100

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area



Coal is an organic sedimentary rocks derived from decomposition of a

remaining plants which area heterogeneous mixture or a compound with some
inorganic substances are fused and composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen
and sulfur elements.

A large part of the world depends on coal for its source of energy and
electricity. Coal is a fossil fuel formed from layer upon layer of annual plant remains
for millions of years. Thus, it is a type of non-renewable energy source. It is a readily
combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock chiefly composed of carbons
and hydrocarbons, as well as sulfur, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Coal is
extracted or mined from rock strata in layers known as coal beds either in
underground or open pits.

Coal as one of the primary energy commodities whose presenceis needed,

especially as fuel-fired power plants and other related industries, which in recent
years this demand is increase sharply in both the local and international markets. In
an effort to meet requirements of raw material, the exploration activities are
required for new reserves to ensure the availability of coal to extend the life of
steam power plants, or other related industries.

Potential distribution of coal deposits are widespread and are found in

Indonesia, especially on the islands of Kalimantan of about 50% of total coal
occurrences in Indonesia, followed by Sumatra around 40%, as well as a small
portion is also found on islands such as Papua, Java, and Sulawesi, although until
now a very limited data has been recorded and so far a detailed exploration activity
related to it has not been done optimally yet.

PT. Bara Mega Quantum (BMQ) as a company engaged in coal mine which
obtained Operation - Production Mining Business Permits (IUP-OP) inRindu Hati
Village, Taba PenanjungDistrict, Central Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province, as
stipulated by Regent of Central Bengkulu’s Decree on last December 1st, 2010.
Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 1-1
Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

On this occasion, JJK Team on behalf of PT. Bara Mega Quantum (BMQ)was
carry out a detail geological survey for verification of the coal reserve data which
has been studied by previous works in order to find out the coal resource by
identified the coal potential and distribution of their occurrence based on outcrop
observations which were found and drilled, from last August 7th up to September
22nd, 2012.


The purpose and objectives of this detail geological survey were carried out
in order to find out and clarify the total reserved which guaranteed by the previous
BMQ IUP’s shareholders owner of about 30,000,000 (thirty million) MT. Therefore,
the JJK Team conducted a detail observation on distribution of coal outcrops in the
concession area of PT. BMQ IUP-OP based on outcrop of coal exposures that can be
observed through its strike and dip, thickness, as well as their structural pattern,
then followed by drilling in order to obtain an estimation of coal resources.

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 1-2

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Chapter 2 METHODS OF

In order to reveal an understanding the geology of the investigation area, the

data used in this geological survey in the IUP-OP PT. BMQ area are includes:
a. Geological Quadrangle Map of Bengkulu, Sumatera (Gafoer,, 2007)
b. Outcrop distribution base on Previous Report from Regional Office of
Mining and Energy of Bengkulu Province and from other previous

The tools used in this activity are:

a. Compass: Brunton Type (4 units)
b. GPS: Garmin (4 units)
c. Digital camera: 4 units
d. Geological Hammer: 4 units
e. Measurement tape: 4 units
f. Plastic Sample for Collecting Coal Samples
g. Drilling Equipment: 1 units (Power Rig Type)


The number of experts and personnel involved in this activity are as follow:
a. Project Manager: 1 person/Kim Jong Jin
b. Site Manager: 1 person/Anton Jaelani
c. Camp Manager: 1 person/Tri Hartono
d. Geologists: 3 persons/Kustomo, Yudi Wahyudi, Agie
e. Mining Engineer: 1 person/Amran
f. Drilling Master: 2 persons/Suripto & Anton
g. Drilling team: 12 persons
h. Helper: 6 persons

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 2-1

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area



The survey area is divided into 3(three) regions, it is based on extensive and
status of land in concession of IUP-OP PT. BMQ of protected forest area (HL), the
other purpose landuse area (APL) and forestry cultivation area (KBK).

This coal outcrop mapping and investigations conducted by 2 (two) teams

which only focus in the APL and the cultivation of forestry (KBK) areas, at this stage.
In order to figure out the total estimation coal resources and reserves in the IUP-OP
of PT. BMQ, therefore the mapping and detail investigation was conducted based on
the following stages:
a. Mapping traverses were carried out mostly along a river valleys and
hilly terrains
b. Search outcrops based on information gathered from local communities
c. Search outcrops of coordinate raised from surveyed of previous owner
of PT. BMQ

Drilling was performed after the data obtained from coal outcrop mapping
result. In order to reveal a resource and reserve of the subsurface area, therefore
the drilling activity was conducted through the following:
a. Drilling conducted on coal outcrops or carbonaceous clay or sandstone
for avoiding to drill on the volcanics andesitics rocks which are very
hard and massive
b. Drilling always strived by cutting perpendicular of strike direction with
distanced from 50m up to 250m.
c. The current average drilling depth which were done only reach of up to
30 m depth.

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 2-2

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area


In order to get an understanding of the coal quality was carried out by
collected samples from coal outcrop locations found in the concession. To obtain the
good result laboratory analysis of data that meet the standards, then it must be
considered the basic methods in the conducting treatment of collecting sample and
sample preparation. The main purpose of sampling is to take a small portion of
material that will represent the overall properties of material in accordance with
the purpose of analysis to be performed and the data you want to get, as well as the
requirement to capture and reat containamed samples are thus not of anything that
could interfere with the results of the analysis.

Coal samples were collected from different outcrop locations in order to

distinguish the characteristics and quality of each coal seam.Weight of samples
taken approximately 2 kg and each sample was coded. Sample should be kept to the
order does not change, such as due to influenced of rain, sun, drastic temperature
changes, ad contact with other materials. Next, The Samples were analyzed in PT.
SUCOFINDO laboratory to get coal quality value in detail.


Approach activities to determine the amount of coal resource in the BMQ
concession area, then the data were analyzed through determination and study
a. Outcrop distributions
b. Geological structure analysis
c. Cross section and coal seam construction were based on outcrops and
drilling results
d. Coal resource estimation was based on coal seam constructions and
drilling results

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 2-3

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area



The IUP-OP of PT. BMQ area is situated in the Rindu Hati Village, Taba
Penanjung District, Central Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province. It is located
approximately 50 km to the east-northeast of the Bengkulu City. The area can be
reached by airplane from Jakarta to Bengkulu, which it takes about 1 hour 10
minutes, and then from Bengkulu to the Taba Penanjung District heading eastward
through paved provincial roads towards Curup City by car is around 1 hour. Then
about 1 km from Taba Penanjung District, precisely at km 37, in Taba Teret village,
turn right or to the south through an unpaved mine roads, owned by PT. Danau Mas
Hitam, which is about 15 km to the IUP-OP PT. BMQ location. To the coal outcrop
locations can only be reached by motor bikes or by foot. Accessibility by road from
the city of Bengkulu to the location of the BMQ concession area can be seen in
Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 Map of accessibilty from Jakarta (by plane) - Bengkulu City
(by fourwheelvehicle) to the PT. BMQ Concession Area (red
According to the Decree of Central Bengkulu Regent Number 339 year 2010
which is valid until December 31, 2020. The total width of the IUP-OP area is
3,074.14 Ha. Status of land that is on the BMQ concession area consists of protected
forest areas (HL), the other landuse area (APL), and the Forest Cultivation area

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 3-1

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

(KBK). The extent of Other Land Use Application (APL) is 763 Ha or 25 % from the
total of BMQ Area; and as the Protected Forest (HL) area is 690 Ha or 22%, and
land in the Moratorium area or the Forest Cultivation area (KBK) is 1,621.14 Ha or
53%. The coordinate boundaries of the BMQ concession area are as shown in Table
3.1 and Figure 3.2. While the land status maps in BMQ can be seen in Figure 3.3.

Table 3.1. The Coordinate Boundaries ofthe IUP-OP of PT. BMQ Area
No. East Longitude South Latitude

1. 102" 32’ 06.54” 03" 44’ 31.00”

2. 102" 32’ 06.54’ 03" 46’ 26.46”

3. 102" 33’ 31.59” 03" 46’ 26.46”

4. 102" 33’ 31.59” 03" 45’ 42.20”

5. 102" 33’ 57.69” 03" 45’ 42.20”

6. 102" 33’ 57.69” 03" 41’ 27.00”

7. 102" 32’ 11.00” 03" 41’ 27.00”

8. 102" 32’ 11.00” 03" 43’ 55.12”

9. 102" 31’ 53.59” 03" 43’ 55.12”

10. 102" 31’ 53.59” 03" 44’ 04.63”

11. 102" 31’ 40.05” 03" 44’ 04.63”

12. 102" 31’ 40.05” 03" 44’ 31.00”

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 3-2

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Figure 3.2 Map of the Concession Boundaries of the IUP-OP of BMQ Area
(red line)

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 3-3

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Legend of Forestry Map

Figure 3.3. Map of Forestry Land Status within the IUP-OP of PT. BMQ

The hauling distance from the mine location to Baai Island Harbor is about
65 km. The ocean depth condition at the Baai Island harbor only about minus 10
meter depth, therefore capacity of ships that can anchor with a maximum weight of
35,000 MTs and barge 12,000 MTs. In port Baai Island there are 2 (two) belt
conveyors that can serve the transport and unloading coal, where coal companies
in the Bengkulu Province hire from and under the management of PT. PELINDO II of
State Own Company (BUMN). In the near future, PELINDO II has programmed that
the Baai Harbour can be anchored by vessels up to 55,000 MTs of weight i.e. in the
year of 2013, as well as the belt of conveyor loading will be increased their capacity
and technology.Map of acessibilty and and infrastructure contained in the coal
terminal owned by PT. PELINDO II can be seen in Figure 3.4 and some the following
photographs in Figure 3.5.

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 3-4

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Figure 3.4 Map of Accessibility from the BMQ’s location to PT. PELINDO
Coal Terminal Area.

Figure 3.5 Infrastructure and situation in the PT. PELINDO II Coal


Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 3-5

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area


Landscape or the morphology of the BMQ area is dominated and strongly

influenced by the Bukit Barisan and part of the Bengkulu Basin.

Morphologically, this region can be separated into 2 (two) units i.e. rolling
hills and plateau plains. However, in general terms, the western part of the area
comprises gentle low lying hilly area which characterized by rounded hills with
relatively gentle slopes with elevations ranging from 400 meters up to 650 meters
above sea level. morphology and environmental conditions in the IUP-OP PT BMQ
area which can be seen in Figure 3.6 below.

Figure 3.6 Morphological Condition in the IUP-OP of PT BMQ

This unit is generally formed predominantly on Tertiary sediments such as

Tomh or Tertiary Oligo-Miosen Hulusimpang Formation; and Tml of Tertiary
Miosen Lemau Formation as coal bearing formations of this area.

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 3-6

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

The plateau morphological unit is extends from north to south and generally
moderate to steep sloping, ranges from 30o to 60o, with an altitude ranging from
550 meters up to about 650 meters above sea level (asl); while in the eastern part
mostly covered by volcanic material of Qv(dn) or Quaternary Volcanic of andesitic-
basaltic rocks. Topography in IUP-OP of PT. BMQ can be seen as shown in Figure

Figure 3.7 Topographic Map of the IUP-OP of PT. BMQ Area

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Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Environmental condition in the IUP-OP of PT. BMQ concession is sparsely

populated, with an average population of about 20 people per square kilometer, and
they are not clustered in one village, but they scattered. Generally they live in
garden huts or rice fields and work as farmers, and loggers. The inhabitants of the
area make a living off the land cultivation mostly coffee and subsidiary padi field,
rubber plantation and fruits such as durian. Circumstances and livelihoods in the PT.
BMQ concession are shown in the pictures below.

Paddy field (in APL area) Garden Huts

Rubber Trees Coffee Trees & Beans

Figure 3.8 Circumstances and Livelihoods in the PT. BMQ Area.

Types of fauna found in this area mostly is kind of pet population, mainly
chickens and dogs, while wild animals are still numerous and frequently
encountered such as wild bears, pigs, monkeys, deer and several species of snakes.

The climate in this area as generally the climate in most parts of Sumatra,
which is the rainy season occurs from September until April, while the dry season
usually falls in May to August. Rainfall ranges from 2,.000 to 2,600 mm/year. An

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 3-8

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

average of air temperature in hilly areas ranged from 20o to 34o with humidity
averaging around 75% to 80%.

The river flow generally as sub-dendritics shows relatively parallel pattern

with general direction of northeast to southwest and east to west, as shown on
Figure 3.9, although locally they also found a rectangle as they are controlled by
fault lines.

In the upstream section, the river valleys are commonly show “V” shaped
incised into the underlying rocks which characterized that their stage of erosion
stadium of the area is still relatively young.

Figure 3.9 River pattern and Watershed conditions (Sub-DAS Rindu Hati)
around the PT. BMQ area

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 3-9

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area



Tectonic activity of the area continued through until the early Tertiary and
regional block faulting resulted in the formation of two major elongate sedimentary
basins, i.e. the Bengkulu Basin in the western part, and to the east is the South
Sumatera Basin. During the Palaeogene period, transgressive sedimentation took
place in these basins followed by a period of regression in the Neogene times.
Granitic to dioritic plutonic activity and minor tectonism took place during the
middle Miocene with further plutonic activity occurring in the Pliocene period.
During Plio-Pleistocene times, tectonism produced important regional northwest to
southeast structures evident throughout Sumatera which also strongly influenced
structural geology of the BMQ area.

Volcanic activity in the Barisan Range which also included the BMQ area
throughout the Quaternary period resulted in the formation of tuffs, lavas and
volcanic breccias of andesitic to basaltic composition.

Geology of the PT. BMQ area is consists of Lemau Formation (Tertiary

Miocene Lemau or Tml) of about 35% and Quaternary Rock Unit of Andesite -
Basalt (Qv, dn) of about 65%, as shown on Geological Map of Bengkulu Sheet
(Gafoer, et al, 1983). Geological condition surrounding in the BMQ concession is
shown in Figure 4.1.

The Lemau Formation is conformably overlaid and interfingering with the

Tomh or Tertiary Oligo-Miosen Hulusimpang Formation comprising shallow marine
to fresh water muddy sediments and lignite – coals. Sedimentation of Lemau and
upper part of the Hulusimpang formations took place during the mid to late
Miocene regressive stage in the Bengkulu Basin within a depositional environment
ranging from transitional brackish water or parallic to shallow marine.

The Lemau Formation is a sedimentary rocks formation and volcanic

epiclastic rocks. The lower part of the formation comprises breccias intercalations
with tuffaceous-sandstones, while in the upper part consists of sandstone and
mudstone with intercalations of coal, carbonaceous clay and subsidiary limestone.
Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 4-1
Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Figure 4.1 Map of Geology in the IUP-OP of BMQ Area (source: Geological
Map of Bengkulu Quandrangle, Sumatera)

Breccia is generally poorly sorted with fragments of several centimeters to

gravel size, consist of mostly derived from volcanic and metamorphic rocks, with
angular to sub angular grain shaped, and mostly as matrix supported.

Tuffaceous sandstone, fine to medium grains, locally also found slates, well
bedded with a thickness of several cm up to 60 cm, also shows cross- and parallel
bedding, dacitics in composition, gray to dark gray in color, carbonaceous at

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 4-2

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

alternating with coal. In general the sandstone hardness is hard to be squeezed or

not well cemented. Mudstone, dark grey, solid and generally still can be squeezed.
Coal is found as an intercalation with sandstone and claystone, black, hard to brittle,
subconchoidal, black scratch and shinny with thickness ranging from 25 cm up to
6.0 metres.

This formation is generally in the IUP-OP area has a direction of bedding

strike or trending northwest (NW) or around N3000E with dipping of 200 to 400,
however in some areas were also find fault with slope ranging from 600 to 850
towards the northeast (NE). In several places found strike around N185oE to N50oE
or become irregular due to faults and folds of active tectonics.

According to the regional geological map of Bengkulu Sheet, Gafoer et al,

1983, the Lemau Formation has an age ranging from middle to late Miocene and has
a thickness of about up to 400 meters. The formation was deposited in transition
between paralic to shallow marine environment or neritic zone towards the upper
part of the succession.

Upper part of the Lemau Formation is unconformably overlaid by Basalt -

Andesitic Volcanics. This rock unit consists of lava composed of andesite to basalt,
tuff and lava breccias, which have spread out in the PT. BMQ IUP-OP area of about
65%. The thickness of this volcanic rock units were estimated by S. Gafoer et al.
(2007) of about 100 meters. The Quaternary volcanism activity which affected an
increase in temperature and pressure of the older rock formations, so that the coal
in the Lemau Formation also an increase in calorific and decrease in humidity or
moisture content of it.


The main geological structures that affected to this area was the Sumatera
major faults with trending northwest (NW) to southeast (SE) and folds especially in
the eastern part of this area, see at Geological Map of Bengkulu Quadrangle of
Sumatera. These features of geological structures developed due to the compression
force of the oblique collision between Indo-Australia Plate which has been moving
towards the northeast (NE) with a rate of about 7 cm per year, and the Eurasian

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Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Plate or Burma Sub Plate which has been moving towards the southeast (SW) with a
movement rate of about 2 to 4 cm per year.

Therefore, the Tertiary and Quaternary rocks were both folded and faulted
with directions of northwest to southeast axes parallel to the structural trend of
Sumatera. The deformation is resulted in upright, open and gentle folds of both
anticline and syncline with no associated cleavage.

Geological structures found in the study area are mostly folds and faults
which mostly developed in the middle-southern part of the area. Folds trending
with generally have orientation as northwest to southeast direction, ranging from
N330oE to N1400E. The slope of the rock layers are generally upright ranged
between 25o to 60o.

Some reverse faults found caused folded of a sedimentary succession and un-
continued or faulted with northeast to southwest and some northwest to southeast
directions, as well as also caused of strike slip movement of rock units and
increasing of its dip direction. These tectonics movement also caused of un-
continued and difficult to correlate coal seams distribution, as shown on the
description of some outcrops at Table of List of Distribution of Coal Outcrops of the
BMQ Area in Table 4.1. Some folds as syncline and anticline are also found in the
study area with northwest to southeast directions. This overview as shown at the
locations OC-01 JJK or DH – 01 JJK with an outcrop of coal thickness of 4.20 meters,
OC-13 with coal thickness of 6.0 meters, OC-09 is 2.50 meters thick and OC-15 of
2.50 meters thickness of coal, but it shows has been folded and faulted, therefore
detail geological structure observation and measurement are needed, in order to
find out direction of the coal potential distribution. Due to this condition, therefore
will certainly require geological mapping and detailed structural geology
observations to determine and reconstruct the coal seam distribution, so that the
mining plan of coal getting can be obtained optimally.In general, geological
structure in this study area as shown in Figure 4.2, while in detail such as cross line
section of structural geology in the PT. BMQ area can be seen in appendixes 8, 17
and 18.

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 4-4

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Figure 4.2 Map of Structural Geology in the PT. BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 4-5

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Table 4.1a The Coal Outcrops that were found in the BMQ Area *)
DEGREE MM SS (meter) (... ) (... ) (meter)
1 OC-01 S3 44 46.6 E102 32 07.2 432 m 180 75 4
2 OC-02 S3 45 02.2 E102 32 34.0 555 m 300 15 1,5
3 OC-03 S3 44 59.3 E102 32 27.3 532 m 300 10 0,80
4 OC-04 S3 44 57.2 E102 32 40.5 607 m 245 45
5 OC-05 S3 44 47.3 E102 32 29.8 542 m 255 25
6 OC-06 S3 45 29.8 E102 32 52.7 532 m 340 30 2
7 OC-07 S3 45 33.7 E102 32 57.4 485 m
8 OC-08 S3 44 58.2 E102 32 36.1 595 m 180 15 0,40
9 OC-09 S3 44 59.3 E102 32 37.1 606 m 90 45 4
10 OC-10 S3 44 51.2 E102 32 56.1 612 m 270 40 2
11 OC-11 S3 44 50.9 E102 32 55.9 614 m 190 40 2
12 OC-12 S3 44 49.4 E102 32 58.2 608m 70 80 1,5
13 OC-13 S3 44 48.3 E102 33 00.1 600m 235 60 6
14 OC-14 S3 44 48.0 E102 33 01.6 592 m can't be measured
15 OC-15 S3 44 50.9 E102 32 56.5 616 m 95 55 2,50
16 OC-16 S3 45 17.2 E102 32 54.8 575 m 90 10 1,5
17 OC-17 S3 45 16.0 E102 32 54.6 530 m 340 20 0,40
18 OC-18 S3 45 15.8 E102 32 53.9 540 m 215 10 0,70
19 OC-19 S3 45 30.5 E102 32 52.5 527 m 340 30 1,50
20 OC-20 S3 45 33.9 E102 32 50.4 536 m 335 33 1,40
21 OC-21 S3 45 33.6 E102 32 49.3 534 m 315 45 1,40
22 OC-22 S3 45 08.9 E102 32 13.4 547 m can't be measured
23 OC-23 S3 45 19.5 E102 32 25.0 586 m 155 50 1
24 OC-24 S3 45 26.7 E102 32 34.4 527 m 350 20 0,35
25 OC-25 S3 45 27.2 E102 32 37.2 520 m 300 20 0,25
26 OC-26 S3 45 45.3 E102 32 34.9 537 m 310 35 0,50
27 OC-27 S3 45 45.3 E102 32 36.9 531 m 300 35 1,90
28 OC-28 S3 45 40.0 E102 32 58.2 457 m can't be measured
29 OC-29 S3 45 39.7 E102 32 58.6 464 m can't be measured
30 OC-30 S3 45 44.26 E102 32 56.85 454 m 320 23 1.5
31 OC-31 S3 45 44.81 E102 32 56.85 454 m 260 15 1.70
32 OC-32 S3 45 40.56 E102 32 58.14 455 m 310 64 0.41
33 OC-33 S3 45 39.54 E102 32 58.67 460 m 355 15 0.10
34 OC-34 S3 45 44.29 E102 32 57.02 453 m 301 14 0.70
35 OC-35 S3 46 30.58 E102 32 48.20 419 m 265 25 0.20
36 OC-36 S3 44 54.4 E102 32 32.6 568 m can't be measured
37 OC-37 S3 44 54.6 E102 32 47.2 651 m 0.15
38 OC-38 S3 45 00.0 E102 32 37.2 603 m can't be measured 0.68
39 OC-39 S3 44 59.5 E102 32 37.2 597 m can't be measured 0.85
40 OC-40 S3 45 18.2E102 32 35.3 545 m can't be measured 0.65
41 OC-41 S3 43 58.0 E102 32 33.8 524 m can't be measured 0.30
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Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area


DEGREE MM SS (meter) (... ) (... ) (meter)
42 OC-42 S3 45 27.7 E102 32 55.2 532 m can't be measured 1.20 Meter
43 OC-43 S3 45 17.5E102 32 54.5 563 m can't be measured 1.00 Meter
44 OC-44 S3 45 16.2E102 32 55.0 559 m can't be measured 0.70 Meter
45 OC-45 S3 45 15.1E102 32 58.8 552 m 172 23 2.90 Meter
46 OC-46 S3 45 19.0 E102 33 00.6 555 m 112 13 3.40 Meter
47 OC-47 S3 45 22.1E102 32 54.3 556 m 170 25 1.25 Meter
48 OC-48 S3 45 3,36E102 32 7.21 556 m 230 33 0.20 Meter
49 OC-49 S3 44 47.9 E102 33 01.4 600 m 0.50 Meter
50 OC-50 S3 44 48.7 E102 33 01.1 610 m can't be measured
51 OC-51 S3 44 35.2 E102 32 49.9 610 m can't be measured
*) Note : based on survey result by JJK Team

Table 4.1b. The Coal Outcrops that were found in The BMQ Area **)
DEGREE MM SS (meter) (... ) (... ) (meter)
52 OC-76 S3 44 46.6 E102 32 07.2 432 m 180 75
53 OC-77 S3 45 54.4 E102 32 54.8 450 m 326 15
54 OC-78 S3 45 02.2 E102 32 34.0 555 m 300 15
55 OC-79 S3 44 59.3 E102 32 27.3 532 m 300 10 4
56 OC-80 S3 45 33.9 E102 32 50.4 640 m 320 43
57 OC-81 S3 44 57.2 E102 32 40.5 607 m 245 45
58 OC-82 S3 45 33.7 E102 32 49.5 530 m 315 80
59 OC-83 S3 44 47.3 E102 32 29.8 542 m 255 25
60 OC-84 S3 45 31.6 E102 32 40.4 432 m 320 43
61 OC-85 S3 45 22.3 E102 32 54.2 540 m 55 18
62 OC-86 S3 45 28.8 E102 32 51.8 530 m 70 30
63 OC-87 S3 45 29.9 E102 32 53.2 530 m 358 20
64 OC-88 S3 45 29.9 E102 32 53.2 430 m 358 20
65 OC-89 S3 45 31.5 E102 32 58.5 520 m 34 4 4
66 OC-90 S3 45 39.5 E102 32 58.9 490 m 15 16
67 OC-91 S3 45 45.5 E102 32 02.0 420 m 30 32
68 OC-92 S3 45 27.3 E102 33 03.0 540 m 133 43 1,5 m
69 OC-93 S3 45 28.0 E102 33 03.8 540 m 135 40 1,5 m
70 OC-94 S3 45 46.0 E102 32 37.3 520 m 275 24 6m
71 OC-95 S3 45 19.1 E102 33 05.0 520 m 195 22 1,5 m
72 OC-96 S3 45 19.5 E102 33 00.2 590 m 345 24 1,5 m
73 OC-97 S3 45 18.3 E102 33 00.7 590 m 357 43 1,5 m
74 OC-98 S3 45 15.3 E102 32 59.4 590 m 32 35 4m
75 OC-99 S3 45 50.1 E102 32 53.1 470 m 98 15 2m
76 OC-100 S3 45 14.4 E102 32 58.0 480 m 65 20 2m
77 OC-101 S3 45 20.1 E102 32 58.6 460 m 10 26 1,5 m
78 OC-102 S3 45 22.6 E102 32 59.6 540 m 34 26 2,5 m

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Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area


DEGREE MM SS (meter) (... ) (... ) (meter)
79 OC-103 S3 45 16.3 E102 32 53.8 530 m 85 32 2m
80 OC-104 S3 45 15.7 E102 32 55.2 430 m 115 37 2m
81 OC-105 S3 45 16.0 E102 32 53.9 410 m 330 25 2m
82 OC-106 S3 45 08.4 E102 32 50.8 340 m 128 19 0,15 m
83 OC-107 S3 45 41.0 E102 32 51.2 490 m 21 28 1,5 m
84 OC-108 S3 45 02.4 E102 32 33.7 460 m 225 23 2m
85 OC-109 S3 44 59.5 E102 32 31.5 470 m 170 30 2m
86 OC-110 S3 44 59.3 E102 32 27.4 540 m 190 24 1,5 m
87 OC-111 S3 44 46.6 E102 32 06.9 590 m 194 43 1,5 m
88 OC-112 S3 45 19.5 E102 33 00.2 550 m 65 43 1m
89 OC-113 S3 44 39.1 E102 32 08.2 550 m 220 55 1m
90 OC-114 S3 44 52.0 E102 32 31.3 510 m 120 60 2m
91 OC-115 S3 44 52.3 E102 32 32.2 480 m 115 8 2m
92 OC-116 S3 44 54.5 E102 32 33.2 520 m 345 19 1m
93 OC-117 S3 44 23.9 E102 32 46.6 340 m 80 30 3m
94 OC-118 S3 44 23.2 E102 32 46.6 520 m 265 65
95 OC-119 S3 44 35.2 E102 32 49.4 480 m 340 45 2,5 m
96 OC-120 S3 45 25.4 E102 33 02.2 420 m 355 25
97 OC-121 S3 44 36.1 E102 32 49.4 450 m 162 41
98 OC-122 S3 44 51.0 E102 32 56.5 440 m 27 34
99 OC-123 S3 44 50.2 E102 32 58.6 530 m 65 64
100 OC-124 S3 44 48.2 E102 33 00.4 520 m 295 38 2m
101 OC-125 S3 44 47.8 E102 32 59.6 340 m 305 22 2m
102 OC-126 S3 44 48.8 E102 33 01.1 320 m 110 15 2m
103 OC-127 S3 44 48.5 E102 33 01.8 440 m 135 40 2m
104 OC-128 S3 44 49.0 E102 32 58.0 520 m 155 10 3m
105 OC-129 S3 44 58.9 E102 32 37.6 570 m 210 58
106 OC-130 S3 44 49.1 E102 32 58.1 590 m 30 20
107 OC-131 S3 44 50.9 E102 32 55.5 600 m 255 30
108 OC-132 S3 45 15.5 E102 32 58.6 590 m 160 16
**). Note : Data taken from previous study of PT. BMQ



A coal occurrence in the IUP – OP of PT. BMQ area as shown on the outcrop
observations in List of Distribution of Coal Outcrops (Table 4.1) in the BMQ area
which mostly crops-out in the central to southern part of the area, as shown on the
Map of Coal Outcrops in the BMQ area.

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 4-8

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Coal outcrops were found in the study area so far of 108 (one hundred and
eight) locations with thickness varying from 0.25 m at OC-25 up to 6.0 m at OC-13,
with a dominant strike directions northwest to southeast, north to south and
northeast to southwest with dip ranging between 20o to 40o. However local
deviations are also found adjacent to fault area with dip ranging from 50o up to 75o
with the strike directions of bedding are shows irregular.

The coal is black, with luster shows glassy or shinny to slightly dull, hard to
brittle, sub-conchoidal fractures, locally crushed to gravel size in adjacent to fault
area which evident from the dips that are almost straight, black scratch, does not
significantly stained on hand. The results of laboratory analyses of coal from several
outcfrop locations show that the coal can be classified ranging from sub-bituminous,
bituminous to Anthracite with calories ranging from 7.225 kcal/kg up to 7.988
kcal/kg(adb), with volatile matter (VM) ranging from 4.72 up to 13.43 % (adb), as
seen at the List of Laboratory Analysis Report (Table 4.3).


Drilling activity has been carried out as many as 21 points in the areas of coal
outcrop mapping survey of coal by JJK Team. Drilling was conducted mostly above
the coal outcrops and also following the strike direction of the coal outcrop. From
the drilling obtained results the description of coal potential in PT. BMQ concession
area that have been found coal thickness ranging from 0.25 meter up to 6.0 meters.
Based on the drilling results in this study area which can be revealed that the coal
was consist of 5 (five) seams. At the point of this drill hole, coal seams thicknesses
are varying from 0.1 meters up to the thickest 6.0 meters found at in drill point with
code DH-11 JJK. While the thinnest coal seam is 0.1 meters thick, it found at point of
the drill code DH-14 JJK. Of the 21 (twenty) drilling points that have been made
with three (3) drill holes which found no coal layer, ie JJK DH-02, DH-10 JJK and DH-
15 JJK with each drill hole depth was 17.5 m, 15 m and 5.31 m respectively.

The drilling results of 21 (twenty one) drill holes in detail can be seen in
Table 4.2 below, as follow:

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 4-9

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Table 4.2 The drill hole results were performed by JJK Team in PT. BMQ
Area (see also Appendixies 69 to 89).
Coal Layers (in meter) Thickness Depth Elevation
No Code In Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 In meter In meter
1 DH-01 JJK 4 2,75 0,5 4,4 3 14,65 28 432 OC-01
2 DH-02 JJK 17,5 445
3 DH-03 JJK 2,15 2,5 4,65 8,05 555 OC-02
4 DH-04 JJK 1,85 1,85 13,5 534 OC-03
5 DH-05 JJK 2,2 9 620 OC-05
6 DH-06 JJK 0,7 0,70 7,5
7 DH-07 JJK 1,1 1,10 6 607 OC-04
8 DH-08 JJK 0,7 0,6 0,2 3,4 16,5 612 AG-05
9 DH-09 JJK 1,95 2,25 0,95 1,75 6,90 15 636 AG-05
10 DH-10 JJK 0,00 15 590 AG-08
11 DH-11 JJK 0,85 6 30 590 AG-08
12 DH-12 JJK 4,45 4,45 31,5 585
13 DH-13 JJK 1,1 0,5 0,7 0,7 3,00 30 583
14 DH-14 JJK 0,5 0,1 5 24 580
15 DH-15 JJK 0,00 31,5 587
16 DH-16 JJK 4,5 1,4 2,35 5,90 25 599
17 DH-17 JJK 3,6 15 568 OC-07 AM
18 DH-18 JJK 2,8 0,35 3,15 12,5 530 OC-14 AM
19 DH-19 JJK 2,35 0,9 3,25 11,15 532 AG-01
20 DH-20 JJK 0,7 15,5 530 AG-14
21 DH-21 JJK 1,7 1,70 10,5 525


The results of laboratory analysis of coal samples which were examined by
the PT. Surveyor CCI and PT. SUCOFINDO laboratories, as shown in Table 4.1 can
generally be classified as bituminous to anthracite coal with calories from 7,225
kcal / kg up to 7,988 kcal / kg (adb), Fixed Carbon 79.33% to 81.98% (adb), Total
Moisture 3.69% to 12.3% (adb), Ash 2.41% to 6.81 % (adb), and Volatile Matter
from 8.57% to 13.43% (adb). Certificate of all coal samples analyses result can be
seen in the detail in the appendixes 90 up to 99.

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 4-10

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Table4.3 Some of Coal samples (by CODE) Laboratory Analyses Result that
collected from PT. BMQ Area by JJK Team

Note: this laboratory analysis result was performed by PT. SUCOFINDO in BENGKULU City.

According to the management of PT. BMQ, estimation of total coal measure

reserved that can be guaranteed from the IUP – OP of PT. BMQ based on outcrop
observational data and drilling results from 152 (one hundred and fifty two) points
with a depth up to 60 meters are about 30 million tons, with a stripping ratio of
about 1: 12; however no data of drill holes so far we received from the previous of
BMQ’s management.

A coal reserves are the most important in determining the economic coal
mining sediment. Estimation of coal resources and reserves covering classification
or categorization of coal resource and reserve calculations.

The calculation of a reserve is the most vital in the coal exploration activities.
The calculation is generally starts from resources then to reserves in the mine to a
final stage after detailed exploration stage of the exploration processes. Mineable
reserve calculation results will then be used to evaluate whether a planned mining
operations at the mine deserves to be carried-out or not.

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 4-11

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area


For the calculation of the estimated coal resources are used in this activity by
using trigonometry approached as shown on Figure below. Furthermore, based on
this method is used a hypothetical coal resources estimation by the following
equation such as follows:

Figure 4.3 Estimation of Hypotetical Coal Resource Calculation.

Remarks :
t = thickness of coal (in meter)
= coal DIP (..oin degree)
= overall slope (900- )
h = depth of mining
x1 = overburden of mining1
x2 = overburden of mining2
SR = stripping ratio
SG = specific gravity (using 1.3)

Furthermore, to estimate the hypothetical coal resources necessary data and

information such as the thickness, strike length and dip based on the construction of
Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 4-12
Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

coal seam (can be seen in appendix pages). From the construction seam results
obtained 7 coal seams, with a thickness found most 6 meters on the seam-4 with a
strike length of 1,.831 meters and the thinnest is 1.2 meters in the seam-5 with a
strike length of 2,252 meters. For use dip greatest value of 700 on seam-7 and the
smallest is 220 in seam-4. Meanwhile, the value of coal specific gravity (SG) of 1.3 is
based on references from coal mining generally applicable in Indonesia.

Furthermore, the above data are used to calculate SR (stripping ratio), the
depth of the mine (h) and the weight (m2). Based on the values above (thickness,
strike / dip, the depth of the mine, SR, SG), an estimated coal resources can be
acquired in the amount of 8,480,801 MTs. This calculation is only done in an area of
740 Ha, so if the value is extrapolated to an area of 2,400 Ha (for APL and KBK area
only), therefore the total value of the coal resource estimation for 2,400 Ha of land
is 8,480,801 MTs x 2,400/740 = 27,505,301 MTs (metric tonnes).

The detailed results of the calculation of a hypothetical coal resource

estimation can be seen in the Table 4.4.

Table 4.4 Estimation of Hypothetical Coal Resource in 740 Ha of PT. BMQ

Depth Length
Thickness DIP SG Coal Coal
(h) of Strike
Seam Max SR
2 (Metric
(meter) (…..o) gr/cm3 (meter) (m ) (meter)
SEAM -1 0.90 38 1,3 12 15.39 29 1,620 61,587

SEAM -2 5.00 27 1.3 12 89.22 1,277 1,402 2,328,187

SEAM -3 4.45 45 1.3 12 75.52 618 1,380 1,108,401

SEAM -4 3.20 22 1.3 12 59.00 655 1,831 1,559,444

SEAM -5 4.00 35 1.3 12 68.93 625 2,252 1,829,484

SEAM -6 0.60 33 1.3 12 10.41 15 2,235 43,316

SEAM -7 4.40 70 1.3 12 82.39 502 2,378 1,550,382

Total 8,480,801

Basic Calculation of the Coal Resource Estimation:

1. Data from the above calculation of mining approach with measurable
2. Data above is derived from the mapping and drilling which has been carried
out by JJK Team from August 7th up to 22nd September 2012

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 4-13

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

3. Geological survey was recently conducted in the area of the Other Land Use
Application (APL) and a Forestry Cultivation Area (KBK) is in the IUP-BMQ
4. However data coal resource estimate above is only the calculation based on
the total area of 740 ha.
5. The total land of APL and KBK in the IUP-BMQ is 2.400 ha, therefore the total
coal resources in the IUP-OP BMQ approximately 8,480,801 MT x 2.400 /
740 = 27,505,301 MTs

For additional information, the Tml of Lemau Formation on the location of

the IUP PT Bukit Sunur which is located at about 1,5 to 2,0 kms towards the
southeastern part of IUP PT.BMQ has discovered coal seams at a depth of up to 200
meters as many as 3 (three) seams with maximum a seam thickness reach of about
7.0 meters with the total resource is about 32,000,000 (thirty two million) M Ton;
and the PT Bukit Sunur which currently have been undertaking underground mine
from a depth of about 200 meters.

Moreover, according to an information from the PT. Bukit Sunur’s technician

that they also have drilled up to 300 meters depth and found 4 (four) coal seams
with maximum seam thickness of approximately 6.0 meters. Therefore, the above
information could give us a positive motivation in order to carry out deep drilling
test for finding out the posibility of coal seam occurence in rock bearing of coal in
the Tml as same as it most likely also might occurs in the PT BMQ Area.

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 4-14

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area



1. Based on the geological survey results were found 108 (one hundred and
eight) coal outcrop locations in a Forestry Cultivation Area (KBK) within the
IUP-OP PT. BMQ of 740 Ha width, with general strike directions of northeast
to southwest, dipping around 35o towards to southeast.
2. The results of drilling in 21 (twenty one) drill holes were identified 5 (five)
coal layers with a thickness ranging from 0.1 m up to the thickest 6.0 meters
found at in drill point with code DH-11 JJK. While the thinnest coal seam is
found at point of the drill code DH-14 JJK, as seen at Drill Hole Map attached.
3. The results of laboratory analyses of coal samples from several outcrop
locations show that the coals can be classified ranging from sub-bituminous,
bituminous to anthracite with calories ranging from 7,225 kcal / kg up to
7,988 kcal / kg (adb), Fixed Carbon 79.33% to 81.98% (adb), Total Moisture
3.69% to 12.3% (adb), Ash 2.41% to 6.81 % (adb), and with Volatile Matter
(VM) ranged from 4.72 up to 13.2 % (adb).
4. Referring to the result of mapping, drill holes and cross sections analyses
revealed that Tml rock of the Lemau Formation distribution not only in the
middle of the western part of the area, but also occupy the rest of the IUP-OP
BMQ region or the hole area of the concession, however the Tml is overlaid
by Quaternary volcanics of andesitic to basaltic rocks with thickness up to
about 100 meters.
5. From the result of this study indicated that the estimation amount of
resources contained in the area of 740 ha is about 8,740,026 M Ton,
therefore can be assumed that the total coal resources in the IUP-OP PT. BMQ
area of about 2,400 Ha is 28,346,031 M.
6. From the result of this study, there are some points that can be considered
such as the amount of total coal resource; coal quality, and also some other
positive considerations i.e. hauling distance from mine site to jetty and
harbor of Baai Port of about 65 km through provincial road of 50 km, and 15
Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 5-1
Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

km through Danau Mas Hitam Mine, as well as the availability of the

stockpile and belt conveyors facilities owned by the PT. PELINDO of State
Owned Company (Badan Usaha Milik Negara/BUMN) in Pulau Baai Harbour.


1. To open an access of the former logging roads into priority areas in the IUP-
OP of PT. BMQ concession, in order to facilitate the mobilization and
demobilization of geophysical- and drilling-equipments, as well as for
logistics supply to and from the location of the survey.
2. To conduct further detailed research studies include using geophysical
methods (geo-electric and geo-physical logging) and deeper drilling hole up
to about 100 meter depth with a spacing of 50 m, 100 m and 250 m.
3. To conduct topographic mapping with a scale of 1: 1,000, as the basis for
planning the preparation of detailed mine maps.
4. To divide the IUP-OP of PT.BMQ concession into several block prospects as
priority in order to plan for starting mine activity such as from the easier
accessibility and the most potential coal reserved.
5. To carry out socialization programmes with local communities and related
Local Governments in order to anticipate the plan for land acquisition and
CSR (Company Social Responsibility) and or Commodity Development
(Comdev) programmes in order to avoid dispute in the near future.

Prepared by JJK Team Chapter 5-2

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area


Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-1

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Appendix- 1 List of 6 (six) Maps of: Accessibilities, Concession of PT. BMQ,

Forestry Land Status, Topography, Geological and Structural

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-2

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Appendix- 2 Map of Coal Outcrops and Drill Hole

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-9

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Appendix- 3 List of 7 (seven) Maps of Drill Lines and Drill Hole Cross
Section, Crop Lines (Coal Seam) Map, Line and Cross Section of
Structural Geology Map

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-11

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Appendix- 4 List of 51 (fifty-one) Coal Outcrops that were found by JJK

Team Survey in PT. BMQ Concession

1 OC-01 S3 44 46.6 E102 32 07.2 432 m 180 75 4 Meter
2 OC-02 S3 45 02.2 E102 32 34.0 555 m 300 15 1,5 Meter
3 OC-03 S3 44 59.3 E102 32 27.3 532 m 300 10 0,80 Meter
4 OC-04 S3 44 57.2 E102 32 40.5 607 m 245 45
5 OC-05 S3 44 47.3 E102 32 29.8 542 m 255 25 0,3 meter
6 OC-06 S3 45 29.8 E102 32 52.7 532 m 340 30 2 Meter
7 OC-07 S3 45 33.7 E102 32 57.4 485 m
8 OC-08 S3 44 58.2 E102 32 36.1 595 m 180 15 0,40 Meter
9 OC-09 S3 44 59.3 E102 32 37.1 606 m 90 45 4 Meter
10 OC-10 S3 44 51.2 E102 32 56.1 612 m 270 40 2 Meter
11 OC-11 S3 44 50.9 E102 32 55.9 614 m 190 40 2 Meter
12 OC-12 S3 44 49.4 E102 32 58.2 608m 70 80 1,5 Meter
13 OC-13 S3 44 48.3 E102 33 00.1 600m 235 60 6 Meter
14 OC-14 S3 44 48.0 E102 33 01.6 592 m can't be measured
15 OC-15 S3 44 50.9 E102 32 56.5 616 m 95 55 2,50 Meter
16 OC-16 S3 45 17.2 E102 32 54.8 575 m 90 10 1,5 Meter
17 OC-17 S3 45 16.0 E102 32 54.6 530 m 340 20 0,40Meter
18 OC-18 S3 45 15.8 E102 32 53.9 540 m 215 10 0,70 Meter
19 OC-19 S3 45 30.5 E102 32 52.5 527 m 340 30 1,50 Meter
20 OC-20 S3 45 33.9 E102 32 50.4 536 m 335 33 1,40 Meter
21 OC-21 S3 45 33.6 E102 32 49.3 534 m 315 45 1,40 Meter
22 OC-22 S3 45 08.9 E102 32 13.4 547 m can't be measured
23 OC-23 S3 45 19.5 E102 32 25.0 586 m 155 50 1 Meter
24 OC-24 S3 45 26.7 E102 32 34.4 527 m 350 20 0,35 Meter
25 OC-25 S3 45 27.2 E102 32 37.2 520 m 300 20 0,25 Meter
26 OC-26 S3 45 45.3 E102 32 34.9 537 m 310 35 0,50 Meter
27 OC-27 S3 45 45.3 E102 32 36.9 531 m 300 35 1,90 Meter
28 OC-28 S3 45 40.0 E102 32 58.2 457 m can't be measured
29 OC-29 S3 45 39.7 E102 32 58.6 464 m can't be measured
30 OC-30 S3 45 44.26 E102 32 56.85 454 m 320 23 1.5 Meter
31 OC-31 S3 45 44.81 E102 32 56.85 454 m 260 15 1.70 Meter
32 OC-32 S3 45 40.56 E102 32 58.14 455 m 310 64 0.41 Meter
33 OC-33 S3 45 39.54 E102 32 58.67 460 m 355 15 0.10 Meter
34 OC-34 S3 45 44.29 E102 32 57.02 453 m 301 14 0.70 Meter
35 OC-35 S3 46 30.58 E102 32 48.20 419 m 265 25 0.20 Meter
36 OC-36 S3 44 54.4 E102 32 32.6 568 m can't be measured
37 OC-37 S3 44 54.6 E102 32 47.2 651 m 0.15 Meter
38 OC-38 S3 45 00.0 E102 32 37.2 603 m can't be measured 0.68 Meter
39 OC-39 S3 44 59.5 E102 32 37.2 597 m can't be measured 0.85 Meter

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Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

40 OC-40 S3 45 18.2E102 32 35.3 545 m can't be measured 0.65 Meter
41 OC-41 S3 43 58.0 E102 32 33.8 524 m can't be measured 0.30 Meter
42 OC-42 S3 45 27.7 E102 32 55.2 532 m can't be measured 1.20 Meter
43 OC-43 S3 45 17.5E102 32 54.5 563 m can't be measured 1.00 Meter
44 OC-44 S3 45 16.2E102 32 55.0 559 m can't be measured 0.70 Meter
45 OC-45 S3 45 15.1E102 32 58.8 552 m 172 23 2.90 Meter
46 OC-46 S3 45 19.0 E102 33 00.6 555 m 112 13 3.40 Meter
47 OC-47 S3 45 22.1E102 32 54.3 556 m 170 25 1.25 Meter
48 OC-48 S3 45 3,36E102 32 7.21 556 m 230 33 0.20 Meter
49 OC-49 S3 44 47.9 E102 33 01.4 600 m 0.50 Meter
50 OC-50 S3 44 48.7 E102 33 01.1 610 m can't be measured
51 OC-51 S3 44 35.2 E102 32 49.9 610 m can't be measured

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-20

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Appendix- 5 List of 30 (thirty) Coal Outcrops from others Data Source

52 OC-01-180-75- OC-76 S3 44 46.6 E102 32 07.2 432 m 180 75
53 OC-01-326-15 OC-77 S3 45 54.4 E102 32 54.8 450 m 326 15
54 OC-02-300-15 OC-78 S3 45 02.2 E102 32 34.0 555 m 300 15
55 OC-03-300-10-4 OC-79 S3 44 59.3 E102 32 27.3 532 m 300 10 4
56 OC-03-320-43 OC-80 S3 45 33.9 E102 32 50.4 640 m 320 43
57 OC-04-245-45-U OC-81 S3 44 57.2 E102 32 40.5 607 m 245 45
58 OC-04-315/80 OC-82 S3 45 33.7 E102 32 49.5 530 m 315 80
59 OC-05-255-25 OC-83 S3 44 47.3 E102 32 29.8 542 m 255 25
60 OC-05-320/43 OC-84 S3 45 31.6 E102 32 40.4 432 m 320 43
61 OC-06-55/18 OC-85 S3 45 22.3 E102 32 54.2 540 m 55 18
62 OC-07-70/30 OC-86 S3 45 28.8 E102 32 51.8 530 m 70 30
63 OC-08-358/20 OC-87 S3 45 29.9 E102 32 53.2 530 m 358 20
64 OC-09-358/20 OC-88 S3 45 29.9 E102 32 53.2 430 m 358 20
65 OC-10-34/4 OC-89 S3 45 31.5 E102 32 58.5 520 m 34 4 4
66 OC-11-15/16 OC-90 S3 45 39.5 E102 32 58.9 490 m 15 16
67 OC-12-30/32 OC-91 S3 45 45.5 E102 32 02.0 420 m 30 32
68 OC-13-133/43 OC-92 S3 45 27.3 E102 33 03.0 540 m 133 43 1,5 m
69 OC-14-135/40 OC-93 S3 45 28.0 E102 33 03.8 540 m 135 40 1,5 m
70 OC-15-275/24 OC-94 S3 45 46.0 E102 32 37.3 520 m 275 24 6m
71 OC-16-195/22 OC-95 S3 45 19.1 E102 33 05.0 520 m 195 22 1,5 m
72 OC-17-345/24 OC-96 S3 45 19.5 E102 33 00.2 590 m 345 24 1,5 m
73 OC-18-357/43 OC-97 S3 45 18.3 E102 33 00.7 590 m 357 43 1,5 m
74 OC-19-32/35 OC-98 S3 45 15.3 E102 32 59.4 590 m 32 35 4m
75 OC-2-98/15 OC-99 S3 45 50.1 E102 32 53.1 470 m 98 15 2m
76 OC-20-65/20 OC-100 S3 45 14.4 E102 32 58.0 480 m 65 20 2m
77 OC-21-10/26 OC-101 S3 45 20.1 E102 32 58.6 460 m 10 26 1,5 m
78 OC-22-34/26 OC-102 S3 45 22.6 E102 32 59.6 540 m 34 26 2,5 m
79 OC-23-85/32 OC-103 S3 45 16.3 E102 32 53.8 530 m 85 32 2m
80 OC-24-115/37 OC-104 S3 45 15.7 E102 32 55.2 430 m 115 37 2m
81 OC-25-330/25 OC-105 S3 45 16.0 E102 32 53.9 410 m 330 25 2m
82 OC-26-128/19 OC-106 S3 45 08.4 E102 32 50.8 340 m 128 19 0,15 m
83 OC-27-21/28 OC-107 S3 45 41.0 E102 32 51.2 490 m 21 28 1,5 m
84 OC-28-225/23 OC-108 S3 45 02.4 E102 32 33.7 460 m 225 23 2m
85 OC-29-170-30 OC-109 S3 44 59.5 E102 32 31.5 470 m 170 30 2m
86 OC-30-190/24 OC-110 S3 44 59.3 E102 32 27.4 540 m 190 24 1,5 m
87 OC-31-194/43 OC-111 S3 44 46.6 E102 32 06.9 590 m 194 43 1,5 m
88 OC-32-65/43 OC-112 S3 45 19.5 E102 33 00.2 550 m 65 43 1m
89 OC-33-220/55 OC-113 S3 44 39.1 E102 32 08.2 550 m 220 55 1m
90 OC-34-120/60 OC-114 S3 44 52.0 E102 32 31.3 510 m 120 60 2m
91 OC-35-115/8 OC-115 S3 44 52.3 E102 32 32.2 480 m 115 8 2m
92 OC-36-345/19 OC-116 S3 44 54.5 E102 32 33.2 520 m 345 19 1m

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Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

93 OC-37-80/30 OC-117 S3 44 23.9 E102 32 46.6 340 m 80 30 3m
94 OC-38-240-265/ OC-118 S3 44 23.2 E102 32 46.6 520 m 265 65
95 OC-39-340-45 OC-119 S3 44 35.2 E102 32 49.4 480 m 340 45 2,5 m
96 OC-3AZ-355-25 OC-120 S3 45 25.4 E102 33 02.2 420 m 355 25
97 OC-40-162/41 OC-121 S3 44 36.1 E102 32 49.4 450 m 162 41
98 OC-41-27/58-34 OC-122 S3 44 51.0 E102 32 56.5 440 m 27 34
99 OC-42-65/64 OC-123 S3 44 50.2 E102 32 58.6 530 m 65 64
100 OC-43-295/38 OC-124 S3 44 48.2 E102 33 00.4 520 m 295 38 2m
101 OC-44-305/22 OC-125 S3 44 47.8 E102 32 59.6 340 m 305 22 2m
102 OC-45-110/15 OC-126 S3 44 48.8 E102 33 01.1 320 m 110 15 2m
103 OC-46-135/40 OC-127 S3 44 48.5 E102 33 01.8 440 m 135 40 2m
104 OC-47-155/10 OC-128 S3 44 49.0 E102 32 58.0 520 m 155 10 3m
105 S-05-210-58 OC-129 S3 44 58.9 E102 32 37.6 570 m 210 58
106 S-09-30-20 OC-130 S3 44 49.1 E102 32 58.1 590 m 30 20
107 S-8L-255-30 OC-131 S3 44 50.9 E102 32 55.5 600 m 255 30
108 S7-160-16 OC-132 S3 45 15.5 E102 32 58.6 590 m 160 16

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-22

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Appendix- 6 List of 38 Points Coal Outcrop Description (with photographs)

of Mapping Results by JJK Team and 4 Points Coal Outcrop in
PT. BMQ area from others source

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Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-24

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

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Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

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Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-64

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-65

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Appendix- 7 Coordinate of the 21 (twenty-one) Drill Hole Location in the

PT. BMQ Concession.

1 DH-01 JJK 48 M 226241 9585533 S3.74628 E102.53532 S3 44 46.6 E102 32 07.2
2 DH-02 JJK 48 M 226292 9585807 S3.74380 E102.53579 S3 44 37.7 E102 32 08.8
3 DH-03 JJK 48 M 227084 9585056 S3.75061 E102.54290 S3 45 02.2 E102 32 34.4
4 DH-04 JJK 48 M 226871 9585148 S3.74978 E102.54098 S3 44 59.2 E102 32 27.5
5 DH-05 JJK 48 M 226940 9585513 S3.74647 E102.54161 S3 44 47.3 E102 32 29.8
6 DH-06 JJK 48 M 226990 9585363 S3.74783 E102.54206 S3 44 52.2 E102 32 31.4
7 DH-07 JJK 48 M 227271 9585210 S3.74922 E102.54458 S3 44 57.2 E102 32 40.5
8 DH-08 JJK 48 M 227740 9585420 S3.74733 E102.54881 S3 44 50.6 E102 32 55.9
9 DH-09 JJK 48 M 227746 9585411 S3.74742 E102.54886 S3 44 50.7 E102 32 55.9
10 DH-10 JJK 48 M 227882 9585485 S3.74675 E102.55008 S3 44 48.3 E102 33 00.3
11 DH-11 JJK 48 M 227882 9585485 S3.74675 E102.55008 S3 44 48.3 E102 33 00.3
12 DH-12 JJK 48 M 227916 9585494 S3.74667 E102.55040 S3 44 48.0 E102 33 01.4
13 DH-13 JJK 48 M 227903 9585470 S3.74688 E102.55028 S3 44 48.8 E102 33 01.0
14 DH-14 JJK 48 M 227923 9585493 S3.74668 E102.55046 S3 44 48.0 E102 33 01.7
15 DH-15 JJK 48 M 227867 9585470 S3.74689 E102.54996 S3 44 48.8 E102 32 59.8
16 DH-16 JJK 48 M 227862 9585504 S3.74658 E102.54991 S3 44 47.7 E102 32 59.7
17 DH-17 JJK 48 M 227704 9584453 S3.75608 E102.54846 S3 45 21.9 E102 32 54.5
18 DH-18 JJK 48 M 227724 9584274 S3.75769 E102.54864 S3 45 27.7 E102 32 55.1
19 DH-19 JJK 48 M 227644 9584215 S3.75822 E102.54792 S3 45 29.6 E102 32 52.5
20 DH-20 JJK 48 M 227651 9584187 S3.75848 E102.54798 S3 45 30.5 E102 32 52.7
21 DH-21 JJK 48 M 227743 9584204 S3.75833 E102.54881 S3 45 30.0 E102 32 55.7
* Note : Held by & Property of JJK Team

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-66

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Appendix- 8 21 (twenty-one) of Drilling Results Description

Coal Layers ( M ) TOTAL TOTAL

1 2 3 4 5
(M) (M)
1 DH-01 JJK 4 2,75 0,5 4,4 3 14,65 28 432 OC-01
2 DH-02 JJK 17,5 445
3 DH-03 JJK 2,15 2,5 4,65 8,05 555 OC-02
4 DH-04 JJK 1,85 1,85 13,5 534 OC-03
5 DH-05 JJK 2,2 2,2 9 620 OC-05
6 DH-06 JJK 0,7 0,70 7,5
7 DH-07 JJK 1,1 1,10 6 607 OC-04
8 DH-08 JJK 0,7 0,6 0,2 3,4 5,3 16,5 612 AG-05
9 DH-09 JJK 1,95 2,25 0,95 1,75 6,90 15 636 AG-05
10 DH-10 JJK 0,00 15 590 AG-08
11 DH-11 JJK 0,85 6 6,85 30 590 AG-08
12 DH-12 JJK 4,45 4,45 31,5 585
13 DH-13 JJK 1,1 0,5 0,7 0,7 3,00 30 583
14 DH-14 JJK 0,05 0,1 5 5,15 24 580
15 DH-15 JJK 0,00 31,5 587
16 DH-16 JJK 4,5 1,4 2,35 8,25 25 599
17 DH-17 JJK 3,6 3,6 15 568 OC-07 AM
18 DH-18 JJK 2,8 0,35 3,15 12,5 530 OC-14 AM
19 DH-19 JJK 2,35 0,9 3,25 11,15 532 AG-01
20 DH-20 JJK 0,7 0,7 15,5 530 AG-14
21 DH-21 JJK 1,7 1,70 10,5 525

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-67

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Appendix- 9 List of 21 (twenty-one) Logbookof Drill Hole in PT. BMQ


Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-68

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Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-69

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Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-76

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-77

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-78

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-79

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-80

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-81

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-82

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-83

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-84

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-85

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-86

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-87

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-88

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-89

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Appendix- 10 Group of Certificate of Coal Sample Laboratory Analysis


Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-90

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-91

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-92

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-93

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-94

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-95

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-96

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-97

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-98

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-99

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Appendix- 11 Documentation photographs of a variety of mapping and

drilling activities for conducting in detail the geology survey in
the area of PT. BMQ during August 7 to September 22, 2012&
Activities in PELINDO Coal Terminal

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-100

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-101

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-102

Final Report Detail Geological Survey in the IUP-OP of the BMQ Area

Prepared by JJK Team Appendix-103

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