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Program Studi Teknik Kimia Universitas Syiah Kuala

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

COSHH Risk Assessment
Form ini harus dikirim ke email ketua Lab dan ditandatangani oleh praktikan, laboran dan dosen pembimbing di laboratorium.

Section 1: Project Details

1.1. Nama Penelitian/ Ekstraksi Padat Cair
1.2. Nama Praktikan Halimatussakdiah, Dewi Anzani, Aradiah Thinisah
1.3. Jurusan Teknik Kimia
1.4. Lokasi Lantai 1, Laboratorium Satuan Operasi Dan Proses
Gedung dan Nama Lab
1.5. Deskripsi Singkat dari Kegiatan merupakan praktikum untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor lingkungan fisis
Kegiatan yang dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan mikroba. Praktikum dilakukan dengan
membandingkan beberapa variable dari parameter utama seperti: suhu, pH,
tekanan osmosis, kelembaban, dan pengaruh cahaya.
1.6. Tanggal assessmen 10 september 2022 1.7. Tanggal Revisi*

Section 2: Emergency Procedure

2.1. Emergency contacts Nama: Dr. Ir Adisalamun, M.T. Halimatussakdiah
Salah satu dari penanggung jawab Praktikum
Posisi: Ketua Lab Asisten Lab
harus termasuk dalam list ini
No HP: 0852-8272-5294 0823-9204-7573

2.2. Hazard pictograms –centang gambar resiko bahaya yang sesuai dengan kegiatan

Health hazard Toxic Corrosive Harmful/ Flammable Oxidising Explosive Compressed Danger for the
Irritant gas environment
√√√ √√√√ √√√√√

2.3. Nama 2.4. Sifat dari 2.5. Prosedur Kegawatan

Hazard/ hazard/bahaya Tulisprosedur kegawatan yang cocok sesuai jenis zat/bahan misalnya jika terjadi kasus :
Bahaya Deskripsikan dengan jelas  Contained Spill (tumpah)
bahaya dari zat/bahan misalnya  First aid (pertolongan pertama)
toxic, flammable carcinogen  Fire (kebakaran)

Nutrium iritasi kulit, iritasi JIKA TERKENA KULIT: tanggalkan semua pakaian yang terkontaminasi, bilas dengan
Carbonat mata,bersifat korosif air yang banyak.
(Na2Co3) Jika TERHIRUP : segera menghirup udara segar dan jaga tetap relaks pada posisi
yang nyaman untuk bernafas.
√ JIKA KONTAK DENGAN MATA: Bilas dengan air yang banyak, Jika iritasi berlanjut,
hubungi klinik atau dokter.
JIKA TERTELAN: Beri air minum( paling banyak dua gelas) dan segera menghubungi
dokter jika merasa tidak sehat

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Owner: TM Approved by: Date of creation: 16/01/2022 Review Date:
2.3. Nama 2.4. Sifat dari 2.5. Prosedur Kegawatan
Hazard/ hazard/bahaya Tulisprosedur kegawatan yang cocok sesuai jenis zat/bahan misalnya jika terjadi kasus :
Bahaya Deskripsikan dengan jelas  Contained Spill (tumpah)
bahaya dari zat/bahan misalnya  First aid (pertolongan pertama)
toxic, flammable carcinogen  Fire (kebakaran)

Calsium Iritasi kulit, Iritasi mata JIKA TERKENA KULIT: tanggalkan semua pakaian yang terkontaminasi, bilas dengan
Oksida (CaO) serius, gangguan pernapasan air yang banyak.
√ Jika TERHIRUP : segera menghirup udara segar dan jaga tetap relaks pada posisi
yang nyaman untuk bernafas.
JIKA KONTAK DENGAN MATA: Bilas dengan air yang banyak.
Natrium Korosif, iritasi kulit dan iritasi JIKA KONTAK DENGAN KULIT:Lepaskan pakaian yang terkontaminasi. Cuci bersih
hidroksida mata. area yang terkena dengan menggunakan air dan sabun.
(NaOH) JIKA KONTAK DENGAN MATA: Bilas mata setidaknya selama 15 menit. Jika iritasi
√ berlanjut, hubungi dokter atau klinik
JIKA TERHIRUP: Segera pinahkan ke tempat yang memilki udara segar.jika alergi
pernafasan berlanjut, segera hubungi klinik atau dokter.
Kalsium Bersifat korosif, iritasi kulit, JIKA TERKENA KULIT (atau rambut) : Lepaskan semua pakaian yang
Hidroksida iritasi mata dan gangguan terkontaminasi, bilas kulit dengan air yang banyak.
(CaOH) pernapasan JIKA TERHIRUP : Pindahkan korban ke tempat yang berudara segar dan jaga
√ agar tetap nyaman untuk bernapas.
JIKA TERKENA MATA : Bilas mata dengan hati-hati menggunakan air selama
beberapa menit, melepaskan lensa kontak jika ada dan mudah dilakukan,
dan lanjutkan membilas. Segera hubungi pusat medis
Kalsium iritasi kulit, iritasi mata dan JIKA TERKENA KULIT (atau rambut) : Lepaskan semua pakaian yang
Karbonat gangguan pernapasan terkontaminasi, bilas kulit dengan air yang banyak.
(CaCO3) JIKA TERHIRUP : Pindahkan korban ke tempat yang berudara segar dan jaga
√ agar tetap nyaman untuk bernapas.
JIKA TERKENA MATA : Bilas mata dengan hati-hati menggunakan air selama
beberapa menit, melepaskan lensa kontak jika ada dan mudah dilakukan,
dan lanjutkan membilas. Segera hubungi pusat medis
Asam Sulfat Menyebabkan korosi pada JIKA TERKENA KULIT (atau rambut) : Lepaskan semua pakaian yang
(H2SO4) logam. Dapat menyebabkan terkontaminasi, bilas kulit dengan air yang banyak.
√ kulit terbakar yang parah JIKA TERHIRUP : Pindahkan korban ke tempat yang berudara segar dan jaga
dan kerusakan mata. agar tetap nyaman untuk bernapas.
JIKA TERKENA MATA : Bilas mata dengan hati-hati menggunakan air selama
beberapa menit, melepaskan lensa kontak jika ada dan mudah dilakukan,
dan lanjutkan membilas. Segera hubungi pusat medis
Air (H2O) Tidak terindikasi terjadinya -

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Owner: TM Approved by: Date of creation: 16/01/2022 Review Date:
Section 3: The Risk Assessment
3.1. Name of 3.2. Properties of hazard 3.3. Bentuk 3.4. Jumlah 3.5. 3.6. Jalur terpapar.
hazard Jelaskan dalam bentuk hazard statement Fisik yang Frekuen Contoh: tertelan,
Tulis juga zat bagaimana zat/bahan mengakibatkan bahaya contoh: g. digunakan si terhirup, kontak
atau produk dan batas aman penggunaan (workplace powder, dust, kulit/mata, terserap
Tulis unit Penggu
samping yang exposure limit) granular, pellet, lewat kulit, tersuntik/
mungkin cairan, gas. naan tertusuk
diproduksi Harian,
selama mingguan,
pekerjaan bulanan,
berlangsung sekali saja
Natrium H290 Dapat korosif terhadap logam. Powder Harian Kontak kulit/ mata
karbonat H316 Menyebabkan iritasi kulit ringan < 10 gr
H320 Menyebabkan iritasi mata
H332 Berbahaya jika terhirup

Kalsium H316 Menyebabkan iritasi kulit ringan Powder < 10 gr Harian Inhalasi, Kontak
Oksida H320 Menyebabkan iritasi mata kulit/ mata
H332 Berbahaya jika terhirup
H335 Menyebabkan Iritasi pernapasan

Natrium H290 Dapat korosif terhadap logam. Larutan < 250 mL 1 hari Inhalasi, kontak
hidroksida H228 Padatan yang mudah terbakar kulit/ mata
H314 Menyebabkan luka bakar parah
pada kulit dan kerusakan mata.
H332 Berbahaya jika terhirup
H402 Berbahaya bagi kehidupan
Kalsium H290 Dapat korosif terhadap logam. Powder < 10 gr Harian Inhalasi, kontak
Hidroksida H316 Menyebabkan iritasi kulit ringan kulit/ mata
H320 Menyebabkan iritasi mata
H332 Berbahaya jika terhirup
H335 Menyebabkan Iritasi pernapasan
Kalsium H316 Menyebabkan iritasi kulit ringan Powder < 10 gr Harian Inhalasi, kontak
Karbonat H320 Menyebabkan iritasi mata kulit/ mata
H332 Berbahaya jika terhirup
H335 Menyebabkan Iritasi pernapasan
Asam Sulfat H290 Dapat korosif terhadap logam. Cairan < 250 mL Harian Tertelan, kontak
H314 Menyebabkan luka bakar kulit kulit/mata,
yang parah dan kerusakan mata terserap lewat kulit

Air Tidak terindikasi terjadinya bahaya Cairan ± 250 mL Harian Tertelan, kontak
(hazard) kulit/mata,
terserap lewat kulit

3.2 Karsinogenik (bila ada) jelaskan

3.8. Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres (DSEAR)/Potensi Ledakan Yes No

Apakah anda melaksanakan aktivitas/reaksi kimia yang mengakibatkan panas berlebih atau √
resiko meledak ?
Apakah aktivitas ini melibatkan penyimpanan zat/bahan yang bersifat tidak stabil seperti √
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Owner: TM Approved by: Date of creation: 16/01/2022 Review Date:
peroxide ?
Apakah akan ada uap yang mudah terbakar, partikel solid (debu) dan partikel yang dapat √
mengakibatkan ledakan dalam pekerjaan ini ?

3.9. Siapa yang mungkin Staf/ laboran Mahasiswa Wanita hamil Personal di sekitar
terpapar resiko dalam (bila ada) Laboratorium
kegiatan ini? √ √ √

3.10. Bagaimana resiko kecelakaan dalam High Medium Medium/low Low

pekerjaan ini? √

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Section 4: Pengendalian
Detailkan hazard untuk bahan/zat di section 3
4.1. Pengendalian secara Fsik dan Batas aman pemakaian bahan yaitu bahan tidak digunakan secara berlebih-lebihan di
Teknikal luar kebutuhan praktikum. Pada proses praktikum tetap menggunakan alat pelindung
Batas aman penggunaan bahan, fume hood diri berupa sarung tangan, baju lab, masker, sepatu bertali dan kacamata pelindung.
, sarung tangan dll untuk setiap bahan/zat

4.2. Pengendalian secara Administrasi Dibutuhkan pemahaman yang baik mengenai msds bahan yang dibutuhkan saat
Training yang dibutuhkan, akses control, praktikum dan penggunaan bahan tetap dibawah pengawasan asisten laboratorium
approval yg dibutuhkan. dan laboran.

4.3. Metode Pemindahan Zat Memindahkan bahan dengan tetap memakai sarung tangan. Botol larutan tetap
Berbahaya dalam keadaan tertutup dan dipindahkan dengan menggunakan 2 tangan, tangan
Jelaskan bagaimana memindahkan kanan di letakkan pada bagian atas botol dan tangan kiri diletakkan pada bagian
bahan/zat antar lab atau dilingkungan bawah botol. Bahan dipindahkan dengan hati-hati.

4.7. Resiko yang Tersisa Setelah Penerapan Pengendalian High Medium Medium/low Low
di Atas
Personal Protective Equipment identify type and specification
Menggunakan masker kesehatan yN95
√ dengan baik dan benar agar tidterhirup
bahan kimia.
Dust mask visor
Goggles atau kacamata laboratorium
digunakan untuk melindungi mata dari
√ bahan-bahan kimia berbahaya.
Respirator Goggles
Jas laboratorium digunakan untuk
√ Menggunakan sarung tangan latex √ melindungi diri dan hanya boleh digunakan
tebal berwarna kuning agar tidak saat melakukan praktikum.
Gloves bersentuhan langsung dengan bahan Overalls
kimia dan meminimalkan resiko bahaya.

√ Sepatu yang digunakan saat praktikum

merupakan sepatu bertali yang
Footwear memudahkan penanganan saat terjadi Other
hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.
First Aid Measures (apa saja yg dibutuhkan)
Periksa fungsi vital. Tidak sadar : pertahankan jalan napas dan pernapasan yang memadai. Henti pernapasan :
pernapasan buatan atau oksigen. Henti jantung : lakukan resusitasi. Korban sadar dengan sesak napas : setengah
duduk. Korban shock : telentang dengan kaki sedikit terangkat. Muntah : mencegah asfiksia/pneumonia aspirasi .
Cegah pendinginan dengan menutupi korban (tidak ada pemanasan) . Terus awasi korbannya. Berikan bantuan
psikologis. Jaga agar korban tetap tenang, hindari ketegangan fisik. Tergantung kondisi korban : dokter/rumah sakit.

Jenis Fire Extinguisher yg diperlukan Jika ada combustion dari zat berbahaya dapat dituliskan
pada kolom dibawah secara detail
Powder CO2 Water √ Foam Fire Blanket

Metode pembungan limbah yg dihasilkan

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Hazardous Waste √ General waste √ Biological waste Return to Supplier Other

Section 5: Approval
Saya menyatakan bahwa risk assessment ini Nama Tanda Tangan Tanggal
telah menggambarkan secara detail
kegiatan/praktikum yang saya lakukan

Ketua Lab/Asisten

Matriks Estimasi Resiko : lingkari matriks berikut

Likelihood of harm (kemungkinan Terjadi
Tingkat Bahaya Bahaya) *Review of assessment
High Medium Low Formulir assesmen harus diisi untuk setiap kegiatan dan
Severe (Parah) High High Medium dikaji ulang setiap 6 bulan sekali jika kegiatannya memiliki
Moderate (sedang) High Medium Medium/low
durasi jangka panjang
Minor (ringan) Medium/low Low Low

Please keep a record of this risk assessment

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Owner: TM Approved by: Date of creation: 16/01/2022 Review Date:
Universitas Syiah Kuala
Penilaian Risiko Peralatan
Judul proyek atau kegiatan Ekstraksi Padat Cair

Penanggung Jawab / Manajer Wahyu Rinaldi, S.T., M.Sc.

Jurusan/Prodi Teknik Kimia Unsyiah

Penilaian Tanggal 13 September 2022
Lokasi Kerja Laboratorium Satuan Operasi dan Proses
Formulir Penilaian Risiko dan panduan ini dibuat untuk menilai kegiatan yang mengandung
bahaya, risiko serta untuk mengidentifikasi pencegahan dan kontrol yang perlu dilakukan.

Aktivitas dengan Potensi Berbahaya dan Risiko Signifikan

Kegiatan yang mengandung potensi dan bahaya, harus dilakukan dalam ruang yang sesuai

Bantuan dan Dukungan

Kantor Keamanan Pejabat Departemen/kantor keselamatan tingkat jurusan harus
melapor secara berkala kegiatan yang berisiko berbaya kepada
kantor keamanan universitas.

Diimplementa Tanggal
Bahaya 1 Kalsium Hidroksida (Ca(OH)2)
Mudah Terbakar
Iritasi kulit dan kerusakan mata

Memakai pakaian pelindung (APD)

Jauhkan dari api
Disimpan pada wadah yang tertutup ditempat kering dan berventilasi baik

Diimplementa Tanggal
Bahaya 2 Kalsium Oksida (CaO)
Mudah Terbakar
Iritasi kulit dan kerusakan mata
Gangguan Pernafasan
Memakai pakaian pelindung (APD)
Disimpan pada wadah yang tertutup ditempat kering dan berventilasi baik
Dijauhkan dari api
Diimplementa Tanggal
Bahaya 3 Asam Sulfat (H2SO4)
Kulit terbakar parah dan kerusakan mata
Memakai pakaian pelindung (APD)
Produk dibuang pada tempat sampah kimia atau dinetralkan dengan
Tindakan basa lemah
Kontrol Disimpan pada wadah yang tertutup ditempat kering dan berventilasi baik
Dijauhkan dari material yang tidak cocok

Diimplementa Tanggal
Prosedur darurat
Luka bakar di kulit
Gangguan Pernafasan
Tindakan Penggunaan sesuai SOP
Kontrol Memakai pakaian pelindung (APD)

Diperlukan Tindakan Kontrol Tambahan Diimplement Tanggal T/A

(Daftar dan Implementasikan) asikan
Praktikan sebelumnya sudah mengenali bahan yang digunakan dengan
Risiko membaca MSDS dari bahan yang ingin digunakan, dan sudah mengikuti
responsi alat dengan asisten laboratorium guna mengetahui prosedur
Mengetahui SOP yang sesuai

Nama Tanda tangan Tanggal
Dewi Anzani 13 September 2022
Aradiah Thinisah
Penanggung Jawab / Manajer
Nama Tanda tangan Tanggal
Wahyu Rinaldi, S.T., M.Sc.

Salinan dari formulir catatan yang ditandatangani dan dibuat 2 rangkap, satu
diserahkan kepada petugas keselamatan jurusan/lembaga unit kerja, satu ditempel di dekat
peralatan/aktivitas praktikum atau penelitian yang sedang dilakukan. COSHH Risk
Assesment adalah form terpisah yang harus disertakan bersama form ini. Skematik peralatan
praktikum/penelitian harus disertakan

Risk Assessment dibuat oleh: Dewi Anzani, Halimahtusakkdiah dan Aradiah Thinnisah Tanggal: 13/9/2022
Skema Peralatan Praktikum Ektraksi Padat Cair

Risk Assessment dibuat oleh: Dewi Anzani, Halimahtusakkdiah dan Aradiah Thinnisah Tanggal: 13/9/2022
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) – NATRIUM KARBONAT – Na2CO3
Rev 01
Format SDS berdasarkan GHS - WHMIS *)
SDS #: 716

PERUSAHAAN Kenakan sarung tangan pelindung, pakaian pelindung, dan
Sodium Carbonate pelindung mata (P280).
Flinn Scientific, Inc. P.O. Box 219, Batavia, IL 60510 (800) 452-1261 Cuci tangan dengan seksama setelah memegang (P264).
Chemtrec Emergency Phone Number: (800) 424-10300
Kata Sinyal: PERINGATAN Kristal atau bubuk putih.
Tidak berbau.
Larut: Air dan gliserol.
Kelas bahaya: Toksisitas akut, oral (Kategori 5).
Tidak larut dalam alkohol.
Mungkin berbahaya jika tertelan (H303).
Titik lebur: 856 °C
Kelas bahaya: Korosi atau iritasi kulit (Kategori 3). Gravitasi spesifik: 2,54
Menyebabkan iritasi kulit ringan (H316).
Kelas bahaya: Kerusakan atau iritasi mata yang serius (Kategori 2A). Hindari kontak dengan asam, aluminium.
Menyebabkan gangguan mata berat (H319). Bereaksi keras dengan fluorin.
Pictograms Umur simpan: Wajar, higroskopis.
Lihat Bagian 7 untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
Efek akut: Iritan
Efek kronis: NA.
Organ target: Diselidiki sebagai mutagen.
Oral-tikus LD50: 4090 mg/kg
Terhirup-tikus LC50: 2300 mg/m 2 Jam
Nama Komponen Nomor CAS Formula Rumus Berat Konsentrasi
Sodium carbonate, LC50 96 Jam Lepomis macrochirus: 300 mg/L EC50 48 Jam
anhydrous 497-19-8 Na2CO3 105.99
Daphnia magna: 265 mg/L
Synonyms: Soda ash
BAGIAN 4 - TINDAKAN PERTOLONGAN PERTAMA Harap tinjau semua peraturan yang mungkin berlaku sebelum
Hubungi PUSAT RACUN atau dokter jika Anda merasa tidak sehat melanjutkan.
(P312). Saran pembuangan (Flinn): Metode #26a adalah salah satu opsi.
Jika terhirup: Pindahkan korban ke udara segar dan jaga posisi Lihat : PP 27 2020 tentang Pengelolaan Sampah Spesifik
istirahat yang nyaman untuk bernafas.
Jika di mata: Bilas secara hati-hati dengan air selama beberapa
Nama pengiriman: Tidak diatur. Kelas bahaya: N / A.
menit. Lepaskan lensa kontak jika ada dan mudah dilakukan.
Nomor PBB: N / A.
Lanjutkan pembilasan (P305 + P351 + P338). Jika iritasi mata
Lihat: Permen LHK P.4/.../2020 tentang Pengangkutan Limbah B3
berlanjut, dapatkan nasihat atau perhatian medis (P337 + P313).
Jika pada kulit: Cuci dengan banyak air. Jika iritasi kulit terjadi: BAGIAN 15 - INFORMASI REGULASI
Dapatkan saran atau perhatian medis (P332 + P313). Terdaftar TSCA, terdaftar EINECS (207-838-8).
Jika tertelan: Bilas mulut. BAGIAN 16 - INFORMASI LAINNYA
BAGIAN 5 - TINDAKAN PENANGANAN KEBAKARAN Lembar Data Keselamatan (SDS) ini untuk panduan dan didasarkan
Padatan tidak mudah terbakar. pada informasi dan tes yang diyakini dapat diandalkan. Flinn
Saat dipanaskan hingga terurai, dapat mengeluarkan asap beracun. Scientific, Inc. tidak menjamin keakuratan atau kelengkapan data
Jika terjadi kebakaran: Gunakan alat pemadam api kimia kering dan tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas segala kerusakan yang
kelas tiga. terkait dengannya. Data ditawarkan semata-mata untuk
pertimbangan, penyelidikan, dan verifikasi Anda. Data tidak boleh
Kode NFPA dikacaukan dengan mandat, peraturan, atau persyaratan lokal,
Tidak ada yang ditetapkan negara atau asuransi dan TIDAK ADA JAMINAN HUKUM.
Setiap penggunaan data dan informasi ini harus ditentukan oleh
BAGIAN 6 - TINDAKAN RILIS TAK DISENGAJA instruktur sains agar sesuai dengan hukum dan peraturan.
Jangan biarkan benda padat mengudara. Ventilasikan area. Kondisi atau metode penanganan, penyimpanan, penggunaan dan
Bersihkan, tempatkan dalam kantong atau wadah tertutup dan pembuangan produk yang dijelaskan di luar kendali Flinn Scientific,
buang. Inc. dan mungkin di luar pengetahuan kami.
Cuci lokasi tumpahan setelah pengambilan material selesai. UNTUK ALASAN INI DAN LAINNYA, KAMI TIDAK
Lihat Bagian 8 dan 13 untuk informasi lebih lanjut. BERTANGGUNG JAWAB DAN MENGUNGKAPKAN TANGGUNG
Saran Pola Penyimpanan Bahan Kimia (Flinn): Anorganik # 4. TERKAIT DENGAN PENANGANAN, PENYIMPANAN,
Simpan dengan hidroksida, oksida, silikat, dan karbonat. PENGGUNAAN ATAU PEMBUANGAN PRODUK INI.
Simpan wadah tertutup rapat. Simpan di tas Flinn Chem-Saf ™. N.A. = Tidak tersedia, tidak semua aspek kesehatan dari zat ini telah diselidiki sepenuhnya.
Simpan di tempat kering yang sejuk. N / A = Tidak berlaku
Lihat: Permen LHK P.12/.../2020 tentang Penyimpanan Limbah B3
Revision Date: July 11, 2016
*) GHS= Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, WHMIS =Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System

Jul 2020 - From: (free pdf - Manajemen Modern dan Kesehatan Masyarakat)
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – Asam Sulfat – H2SO4
Bagian 1. Identifikasi Bagian 7. Penanganan dan Penyimpanan
Nomor Kesehatan: 3 Simpan di tempat yang dingin, kering, dan
Produk: Kemungkinan terbakar 0 mempunyai ventilasi yang baik. Letakkan jauh di
Asam sulfat 93% Reaktivitas 0 material yang tidak cocok. Jangan lupa mencuci
Nama Produk: Persentase tangan setelah memegang.
kekentalan 2

Merek Dagang Bagian 8. Pengontrolan & Perlindungan Diri

Formula: H2SO4 Alat Bantu Pernapasan: tidak diperlukan
RTECS: WS5600000 Sarung tangan
Mekanik: yang disetujui
C.A.S CAS# 7664-93-9 Ventilasi: NIOSH
Proteksi Kacamata dan
Exhaust Lokal: mata: pelindung muka
Bagian 2. Komposisi Perlengkapan Proteksi lainnya: Gunakan pakaian yang
tepat untuk melindungi kulit.
Sara Batas
Komponen Nomor CAS % Dim
313 penggunaan: Bagian 9. Data Fisik dan Kimiawi
Gravitasi yang
Water, Titik cair: tidak 1.84
Tidak digunakan
Deionized ASTM CAS# 7732-18-5 ~7% V/V tersedia
dimuat Informasi Informasi
Type II Persentase
Titik Didih: tidak tidak
tersedia tersedia
OSHA TWA Tekanan 1mm Hg @ Tingkat
Sulfuric Acid 1 mg/mƒ, <1
CAS# 7664-93-9 ~93% V/V uap: 145.8°C Penguapan:
93% ACGIH STEL Kepadatan <0.3 @ Standar
3 ppm Uap: 25°C Penguapan:
Kelarutan Dapat
Bagian 3. Pengenalan Bahaya menyala Tidak ada
dalam Air: Larut
Dapat menyebabkan iritasi dan terbakar. Berbahaya jika otomatis:
teroles. Hindari uap ataupun asapnya. Gunakan dlm ventilasi Cairan
cukup. Hindari kontak dgn mata, kulit atau baju. Cuci tangan Bentuk bening
minimun di Tidak Ada
dengan bersih setelah memegang dan simpan rapat-rapat. dan bau: tidak
udara terbuka:
Bagian 4. Tata Cara Pertolongan Pertama informasi Jumlah
Pertolongan Pertama: Panggil dokter. tidak maksimum di Tidak ada
tersedia udara terbuka:
KULIT: bila terjadi kontak, segera basuh kulit dengan air paling
sedikit 15 menit saat membersihkan pakaian dan sepatu yang Bagian 10. Stabilitas dan Reaktivitas
terkontaminasi. Bersihkan secara menyeluruh pakaian dan
Kondisi yang harus dihindari:
sepatu sebelum digunakan lagi.
Stabilitas: Stabil Hindari sentuhan dengan material
MATA: basuh mata dg air selama paling sedikit 15 menit, buka yang tidak cocok.
tutup pelupuk mata beberapa kali. Cari pertolongan medis. Material yang dihindari:
PERNAPASAN: Segera cari udara segar. Pengoksidasi, logam, bases, amines.
Jika tidak bisa bernapas, berikan pernapasan buatan, jika Produk Dekomposisi Berbahaya:
masih sulit bernapas, berikan oksigen. Asap beracun: Sulfur Oksida
TERTELAN: Berikan beberapa gelas susu atau air. Akan terjadi Bahaya Polimerisasi: Tidak akan terjadi
beberapa kali muntah, jangan memasukkan apapun kedalam Kondisi yang harus dihindari: Tidak diketahui
mulut orang yang tidak sadar. Bagian 11. Informasi Tambahan
Bagian 5. Tata Cara Penanggulangan Kebakaran Kondisi yang paling buruk:
• Karat !
Tipe Dicurigai sebagai penyebab kanker.
Semua jenis pemadam dapat digunakan •
Pemadam Apabila terpapar dapat berakibat fatal.
untuk memadamkan api. •
• Bersifat menghancurkan jaringan tubuh.
Bahaya Dekomposisi pada kondisi panas
ledakan: menghasilkan banyak uap beracun. Akut: rasa terbakar hebat pada kulit, mata atau
Bereaksi dgn air, melepaskan panas dan saluran nafas, saluran pencernaan; kejang²;
Prosedur oksigen; jadi bila digunakan akan luber. edema saluran nafas dan paru².
terhadap api: Gunakan pakaian pelindung dan alat bantu Akibat kronis : infeksi kulit, kerusakan pada mata,
pernapasan. saluran pencernaan dan saluran pernafasan.
Klasifikasi DOT : Sulfuric Acid, 8, UN1830, PG II
Bagian 6. Tata Cara Penanggulangan Tumpahan
Regulasi DOT dapat berubah dari waktu ke waktu.
Serap tumpahan dengan lap basah, kemudian letakkan dalam Silahkan konsultasikan dg versi terbaru dr kondisi yg ada
tempat sampah kimia. Atau bisa juga dinetralkan dengan basa
Revisi Tanggal data masuk: Disetujui oleh:
No:0 9/1/2006 WPF
Informasi yang terkandung disini dianggap dan akurat dan dibuat untuk kepentingan pertimbangan dan pemikiran pengguna. Tidak ada garansi yang dapat
diutarakan atau dinyatakan atas kelengkapan atupun keakuratan informasi ini, semuanya didapat dari Science Stuff, Inc. atau dari tempat lain. Pengguna materi
ini seharusnya melengkapi dirinya dengan investigasi pribadi dan informasi medis terkini, agar material ini dapat ditangani dengan aman.
Sumber: Science Stuff, Inc

Sept 2009 - From: (free pdf - Manajemen Modern dan Kesehatan Masyarakat)
Prepared in accordance with Annex II of Regulation REACH / EU / 1907/2006,
Regulation /EC/ 1272/2008 and Regulation /EC/ 453/2010
Manufacturer: CALCIT JSC Date: 10.11.2010
Asenovgrad Edition: 3/2010.
VAT: 115005545 Pages: 10

1. Name of the substance/ chemical and the company/ factory.

1.1. Name of the substance/ chemical
Substance name: Calcium oxide
Synonyms: Lime, Burnt lime, Un-slaked lime, Building lime, Calcia, Fat
lime, Chemical lime, Fluxing lime, Hard burnt lime, Soft burnt
lime, Pebble lime, Calcium oxide, Calcium monoxide, Quick
lime, Calcined limestone.
Chemical name and formula: Calcium oxide –CaO
Trade name: Unslaked lime
CAS: 1305-78-8
EINECS: 215-138-9
Molecular Weight: 56.08 g/mol
REACH Registration number: 01-2119475325-36-0092
1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Manufacture and industrial uses of aqueous solutions of lime substances.
Manufacture and industrial uses of low dusty solids/powders of lime substances.
Manufacture and industrial uses of medium dusty solids/powders of lime substances.
Manufacture and industrial uses of high dusty solids/powders of lime substances.
Manufacture and industrial uses of massive objects containing lime substances.
Professional uses of aqueous solutions of lime substances.
Professional uses of low dusty solids/powders of lime substances.
Professional uses of medium dusty solids/powders of lime substances.
Professional uses of high dusty solids/powders of lime substances.
Professional use of lime substances in soil treatment.
Professional uses of articles/containers containing lime substances.
Consumer use of building and construction material (DIY).
Consumer use of CO2 absorbent in breathing apparatuses.
Uses advise against: There are no uses advised against.
1.3. Name and address of the producer/ importer
Name: Calcit JSC
Address: 4230 Asenovgrad
Industrial area “North”
Telephone: 033162723, 033163300
Fax: 033167426
1.4. Emergency telephone
European emergency phone number: 112
Company emergency number during holidays and days off: 033165114
2. Hazard identification
2.1 Classification of the substance
2.1.1 Classification according to EU Regulation 1272/2008
Specific Toxicity to certain organs - Single Exp. 3,
Route of exposure: Inhalation
Skin Irritation 2
Eye Damage 1
2.1.2 Classification according to Directive 67/548/EEC
Xi – irritant
2.2 Labelling
2.2.1 Labelling according to Regulation (EC) 1272/2008
Signal word: Danger
Hazard pictogram: GHS05 – Corrosion, GHS07 – Exclamation mark
Danger warnings:
H315: Causes skin irritation
H318: Causes serious eye damage
H335: May cause respiratory irritation
Safety recommendations:
P102: Keep out of reach of children
P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face
P305+P351+P310: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes.
Immediately call a POISON CENTRE or doctor/physician
P302+P352: IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water
P261: Avoid breathing dust/spray
P304+P340: IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position
comfortable for breathing
P501: Dispose of contents/container in accordance with national regulation
2.2.2 Labelling according to Directive 67/548/EEC
Indication of danger:
Xi irritant
Risk phrases:
R37: Irritating to respiratory system
R38: Irritating to skin
R41: Risk of serious damage to eyes
Warning phrases:
S2: Keep out of the reach of children
S25: Avoid contact with eyes
S26: In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical
S37: Wear suitable gloves
S39: Wear eye/face protection
2.3 Other hazards
The substance does not meet the criteria for PBT or vPvB substance.
No other hazards identified.
3. Composition of the substance/information on ingredients
3.1 Substances
Main ingredient
Name: Calcium oxide
CAS: 1305-78-8
EINECS: 215-138-9
No admixtures relevant for classification and labelling.
4. First aid measures
4.1. Description of the first aid measures
General advice
No known delayed effects. Consult a physician for all exposures except for minor instances.
Following inhalation
Move source of dust or move person to fresh air. Obtain medical attention immediately.
Following skin contact
Carefully and gently brush the contaminated body surfaces in order to remove all traces of
product. Wash affected area immediately with plenty of water. Remove contaminated
clothing. If necessary seek medical advice.
Following eye contact
Rinse eyes immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
Following ingestion
Clean mouth with water and drink afterwards plenty of water. Do NOT induce vomiting.
Obtain medical attention.
4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
Calcium oxide is not acutely toxic via the oral, dermal, or inhalation route. The substance is
classified as irritating to skin and the respiratory tract, and entails a risk of serious damage to
the eye. There is no concern for adverse systemic effects because local effects (pH-effect) are
the major health hazard.
4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Follow the advises given in section 4.1
5. Measures for fire extinguishing
5.1. Fire extinguishing means
5.1.1 Suitable extinguishing means
Suitable extinguishing means: The product is not combustible. Use a dry powder, foam or
CO2 fire extinguisher to extinguish the surrounding fire.
Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local circumstances and the surrounding
5.1.2 Unsuitable extinguishing means
Do not use water. Avoid humidification.
5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture
Calcium oxide reacts with water and generates heat. This may cause risk to flammable
5.3 Advice for firefighters
Avoid generation of dust. Use breathing apparatus. Use extinguishing measures that are
appropriate to local circumstances and the surrounding environment.
6. Measures in cases of emergency emissions.
6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
6.1.1 For non-emergency personnel
Ensure adequate ventilation.
Keep dust levels to a minimum.
Keep unprotected persons away.
Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing – wear suitable protective equipment (see sect. 8).
Avoid inhalation of dust – ensure that sufficient ventilation or suitable respiratory protective
equipment is used, wear suitable protective equipment (see section 8).
Avoid humidification.
6.1.2 For emergency responders
Keep dust levels to a minimum.
Ensure adequate ventilation.
Keep unprotected persons away.
Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing – wear suitable protective equipment (see sect. 8).
Avoid inhalation of dust – ensure that sufficient ventilation or suitable respiratory protective
equipment is used, wear suitable protective equipment (see section 8).
Avoid humidification.
6.2. Measures for environmental protection
Contain the spillage. Keep the material dry if possible. Cover area if possible to avoid
unnecessary dust hazard. Avoid uncontrolled spills to watercourses and drains (pH increase).
Any large spillage into watercourses must be alerted to the Environment Agency or other
regulatory body.
6.3 Methods and materials for collecting and cleaning up
In all cases avoid dust formation.
Keep the material dry if possible.
Pick up the product mechanically in a dry way.
Use vacuum suction unit, or shovel into bags.
6.4 Reference to other sections
For more information on exposure controls/personal protection or disposal considerations,
please check section 8 and 13 and the Annex of this safety data sheet.
7. Work with the substance/ chemical and storage.
7.1 Protective measures for safe work with the substance/ chemical
7.1.1 Protective measures
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Wear protective equipment (refer to section 8 of this safety
data sheet). Do not wear contact lenses when handling this product. It is also advisable to
have individual pocket eyewash. Keep dust levels to a minimum. Minimize dust generation.
Enclose dust sources, use exhaust ventilation (dust collector at handling points). Handling
systems should preferably be enclosed. When handling bags usual precautions should be paid
to the risks outlined in the Council Directive 90/269/EEC.
7.1.2 Advice on general occupational hygiene
Avoid inhalation or ingestion and contact with skin and eyes. General occupational hygiene
measures are required to ensure safe handling of the substance. These measures involve good
personal and housekeeping practices (i.e. regular cleaning with suitable cleaning devices), no
drinking, eating and smoking at the workplace. Shower and change clothes at end of work
shift. Do not wear contaminated clothing at home.
7.2 Conditions for safe storage
The substance should be stored under dry conditions. Any contact with air and moisture
should be avoided. Bulk storage should be in purpose – designed silos. Keep away from acids,
significant quantities of paper, straw, and nitro compounds. Keep out of reach of children. Do
not use aluminium for transport or storage if there is a risk of contact with water.
8. Exposition control and personal protective means.
8.1 Control parameters
SCOEL recommendation (SCOEL/SUM/137 February 2008; see Section 16.6):
Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL), 8 h TWA: 1 mg/m³ respirable dust of calcium oxide
Short-term exposure limit (STEL), 15 min: 4 mg/m³ respirable dust of calcium oxide
PNEC aqua = 370 µg/l
PNEC soil/groundwater = 816 mg/l
8.2 Exposure controls
To control potential exposures, generation of dust should be avoided. Further, appropriate
protective equipment is recommended. Eye protection equipment (e.g. goggles or visors) must
be worn, unless potential contact with the eye can be excluded by the nature and type of
application (i.e. closed process). Additionally, face protection, protective clothing and safety
shoes are required to be worn as appropriate.
8.2.1 Appropriate engineering controls
If user operations generate dust, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other
engineering controls to keep airborne dust levels below recommended exposure limits.
8.2.2 Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment Eye/face protection
Do not wear contact lenses. For powders, tight fitting goggles with side shields, or wide
vision full goggles. It is also advisable to have individual pocket eyewash. Skin protection
Since calcium oxide is classified as irritating to skin, dermal exposure has to be minimised as
far as technically feasible. The use of protective gloves (nitrile), protective standard working
clothes fully covering skin, full length trousers, long sleeved overalls, with close fittings at
openings and shoes resistant to caustics and avoiding dust penetration are required to be worn. Respiratory protection
Local ventilation to keep levels below established threshold values is recommended. A
suitable particle filter mask is recommended, depending on the expected exposure levels Thermal hazards
The substance does not represent a thermal hazard, thus special consideration is not required.
8.2.3 Environmental exposure controls
All ventilation systems should be filtered before discharge to atmosphere.
Avoid releasing to the environment.
Contain the spillage. Any large spillage into watercourses must be alerted to the regulatory
authority responsible for environmental protection or other regulatory body.
For detailed explanations of the risk management measures that adequately control exposure
of the environment to the substance please check the relevant exposure scenario, available via
your supplier.
9. Physical and chemical properties
9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical properties
Appearance: White or off white (beige) solid material of varying sizes:
Lump, granular or fine powder
Odour: odourless
Odour threshold: not applicable
pH: 12.3 (saturated solution at 20 °C)
Melting point: > 450 °C (study result, EU A.1 method)
Boiling point: not applicable (solid with a melting point > 450 °C)
Flash point: not applicable (solid with a melting point > 450 °C)
Evaporation rate: not applicable (solid with a melting point > 450 °C)
Flammability: non flammable (study result, EU A.10 method)
Explosive limits: non explosive (void of any chemical structures commonly
associated with explosive properties)
Vapour pressure: not applicable (solid with a melting point > 450 °C)
Vapour density: not applicable
Relative density: 3.31 (study result, EU A.3 method)
Solubility in water: 1337.6 mg/L (study results, EU A.6 method)
Partition coefficient: not applicable (inorganic substance)
Auto ignition temperature: no relative self-ignition temperature below 400 °C (study
result, EU A.16 method)
Decomposition temperature: not applicable
Viscosity: not applicable (solid with a melting point > 450 °C)
Oxidising properties: no oxidising properties (Based on the chemical structure, the
substance does not contain a surplus of oxygen or any
structural groups known to be correlated with a tendency to
react exothermally with combustible material)
9.2 Other information
Not available
10. Stability and reactivity
10.1 Reactivity
Calcium oxide reacts exothermically with water to form Calcium dihydroxide.
10.2 Chemical stability
Under normal conditions of use and storage (dry conditions), calcium oxide is stable.
10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions
Calcium oxide reacts exothermically with acids to form calcium salts.
10.4 Conditions to avoid
Minimise exposure to air and moisture to avoid degradation.
10.5 Incompatible materials
Calcium oxide reacts exothermically with water to form calcium dihydroxide:
CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2 + 1155 kJ/kg CaO
Calcium oxide reacts exothermically with acids to form calcium salts.
Calcium oxide reacts with aluminium and brass in the presence of moisture leading to the
production of hydrogen: CaO + 2 Al + 7 H2O → Ca(Al (OH)4)2 + 3 H2
10.6 Hazardous decomposition products
Further information: calcium oxide absorbs moisture and carbon dioxide from air to form
calcium carbonate, which is a common material in nature.
11. Toxicological information
Calcium oxide is classified as irritating to skin and the respiratory tract and it entails a risk of
serious damage to the eye. The occupational exposure limit for the prevention of local sensory
irritation and decrease of lung function parameters as critical effects is OEL (8 h) = 1 mg/m³
respirable dust.

Toxicity endpoints Outcome of the effects assessment

Absorption The primary health effect of calcium oxide is local irritation due to a pH
shift. Therefore, absorption is not a relevant parameter for the effects
Acute toxicity Calcium oxide is not acutely toxic.
Oral LD50> 2000 mg/kg bw (OECD 425, rat)
Dermal LD50> 2500 mg/kg bw (calcium dihydroxide, OECD 402,
rabbit); by read across these results are also applicable to
calcium oxide, since in contact with moisture calcium
hydroxide is formed.
Inhalation no data available
Classification for acute toxicity is not warranted.
For irritating effects to the respiratory tract see below.
Irritation / Calcium oxide entails a risk of serious damage to the eye (eye irritation
corrosion studies (in vivo, rabbit).
Calcium oxide is irritating to skin (in vivo, rabbit).
From human data it is concluded that CaO is irritating to the respiratory
Based on experimental results, calcium oxide requires classification as
irritating to skin [R38, irritating to skin; Skin Irrit 2 (H315 – Causes skin
irritation)] and as severely irritating to the eye [R41, Risk of serious
damage to eye; Eye Damage 1 (H318 - Causes serious eye damage)].
As summarised and evaluated in the SCOEL recommendation
(Anonymous, 2008), based on human data calcium oxide is classified as
irritating to the respiratory system [R37, Irritating to respiratory system;
STOT SE 3 (H335 – May cause respiratory irritation)].
Sensitisation No data available. Calcium oxide is considered not to be a skin
sensitizer, based on the nature of the effect (pH shift) and the essential
requirement of calcium for human nutrition.
Classification for sensitisation is not warranted.
Toxicity endpoints Outcome of the effects assessment

Repeated dose Toxicity of calcium via the oral route is addressed by upper intake levels
toxicity (UL) for adults determined by the Scientific Committee on Food (SCF),
UL = 2500 mg/d, corresponding to 36 mg/kg bw/d (70 kg person) for
Toxicity of CaO via the dermal route is not considered as relevant in
view of the anticipated insignificant absorption through skin and due to
local irritation as the primary health effect (pH shift).
Toxicity of CaO via inhalation (local effect, irritation of mucous
membranes) is addressed by an 8-h TWA determined by the Scientific
Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits (SCOEL) of 1 mg/m³
respirable dust (see Section 8.1).
Therefore, classification of CaO for toxicity upon prolonged exposure is
not required.
Mutagenicity Bacterial reverse mutation assay (Ames test, OECD 471): Negative
In view of the omnipresence and essentiality of Ca and of the
physiological non-relevance of any pH shift induced by calcium oxide in
aqueous media, CaO is obviously void of any genotoxic potential.
Classification for genotoxicity is not warranted.
Carcinogenicity Calcium (administered as Ca-lactate) is not carcinogenic (experimental
result, rat).
The pH effect of calcium oxide does not give rise to a carcinogenic risk.
Human epidemiological data support lack of any carcinogenic potential
of calcium oxide.
Classification for carcinogenicity is not warranted.
Toxicity for Calcium (administered as Ca-carbonate) is not toxic to reproduction
reproduction (experimental result, mouse).
The pH effect does not give rise to a reproductive risk.
Human epidemiological data support lack of any potential for
reproductive toxicity of calcium oxide.
Both in animal studies and human clinical studies on various calcium
salts no reproductive or developmental effects were detected. Also see
the Scientific Committee on Food (Section 16.6).
Thus, calcium oxide is not toxic for reproduction and/or development.
Classification for reproductive toxicity according to regulation (EC)
1272/2008 is not required.

12. Ecological information

12.1 Toxicity
12.1.1 Acute/Prolonged toxicity to fish
LC50 (96h) for freshwater fish: 50.6 mg/l (calciumdihydroxide)
LC50 (96h) for marine water fish: 457 mg/l (calciumdihydroxide)
12.1.2 Acute/Prolonged toxicity to aquatic invertebrates
EC50 (48h) for freshwater invertebrates: 49.1 mg/l (calciumdihydroxide)
LC50 (96h) for marine water invertebrates: 158 mg/l (calciumdihydroxide)
12.1.3 Acute/Prolonged toxicity to aquatic plants
EC50 (72h) for freshwater algae: 184.57 mg/l (calciumdihydroxide)
NOEC (72h) for freshwater algae: 48 mg/l (calciumdihydroxide)
12.1.4 Toxicity to micro-organisms e.g. bacteria
At high concentration, through the rise of temperature and pH, calcium oxide is used for
disinfection of sewage sludges
12.1.5 Chronic toxicity to aquatic organisms
NOEC (14d) for marine water invertebrates: 32 mg/l (calciumdihydroxide)
12.1.6 Toxicity to soil dwelling organisms
EC10/LC10 or NOEC for soil macroorganisms: 2000 mg/kg soil dw(calciumdihydroxide)
EC10/LC10 or NOEC for soil microorganisms: 12000 mg/kg soil dw(calciumdihydroxide)
12.1.7 Toxicity to terrestrial plants
NOEC (21d) for terrestrial plants: 1080 mg/kg (calciumdihydroxide)
12.1.8 General effect
Acute pH- effect. Although this product is useful to correct water acidity, an excess of more
than 1 g/l may be harmful to aquatic life. pH- value of > 12 will rapidly decrease as result of
dilution and carbonation
12.1.9 Further information
The results by read across are also applicable to calcium oxide, since in contact with moisture
calcium hydroxide is formed
12.2 Persistence and degradability
Not relevant for inorganic substances
12.3 Bioaccumulative potential
Not relevant for inorganic substances
12.4 Mobility in soil
Calcium oxide reacts with water and/or carbon dioxide to form respectively calcium
dihydroxide and/or calcium carbonate, which are sparingly soluble, and present a low
mobility in most soils.
12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB assessment
Not relevant for inorganic substances
12.6 Other adverse effects
No other adverse effects are identified
13. Waste treatment methods
Disposal of calcium oxide should be in accordance with local and national legislation.
Processing, use or contamination of this product may change the waste management options.
Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with applicable member state and
local requirements.
The used packing is only meant for packing this product; it should not be reused for other
purposes. After usage, empty the packing completely.
14. Transport
Calcium oxide is not classified as hazardous for transport (ADR (Road), RID (Rail), IMDG /
GGVSea (Sea).
14.1 UN-Number
UN 1910
14.2 UN proper shipping name
Calcium oxide
14.3 Transport hazard class
Class 8
Calcium oxide is listed in IMDG (Amendment 34-08).
14.4 Packing group
Group III (Air transport (ICAO/IATA))
14.5 Environmental hazards
14.6 Special precautions for user
Avoid any release of dust during transportation, by using air-tight tanks for powders and
covered trucks for pebbles.
14.7 Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL73/78 and the IBC Code
Not regulated.
15. Regulatory information
15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance
Authorisations: Not required
Restrictions on use: None
Other EU regulations: Calcium oxide is not a SEVESO substance, not ozone depleting
substance and not a persistent organic pollutant.
National regulations: Water endangering class 1 (Germany)
15.2 Chemical safety assessment
A chemical safety assessment has been carried out for this substance.
16. Other information
Data are based on our latest knowledge but do not constitute a guarantee for any specific
product features and do not establish a legally valid contractual relationship.
16.1 Danger warnings
H315: Causes skin irritation
H318: Causes serious eye damage
H335: May cause respiratory irritation
16.2 Safety recommendations
P102: Keep out of reach of children
P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection
P305+P351: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes
P310: Immediately call a POISON CENTRE or doctor/physician
P302+P352: IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water
P261: Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray
P304+P340: IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position
comfortable for breathing
P501: Dispose of contents/container in accordance with national regulation
16.3 Risk Phrases
R37: Irritating to respiratory system
R38: Irritating to skin
R41: Risk of serious damage to eyes
16.4 Safety Phrases
S2: Keep out of the reach of children
S25: Avoid contact with eyes
S26: In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical
S37: Wear suitable gloves
S39: Wear eye/face protection
16.5 Abbreviations
EC50: median effective concentration
LC50: median lethal concentration
LD50: median lethal dose
NOEC: no observable effect concentration
OEL: occupational exposure limit
PBT: persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic chemical
PNEC: predicted no-effect concentration
STEL: short-term exposure limit
TWA: time weighted average
vPvB: very persistent, very bioaccumulative chemical
16.6 Key literature references
Anonymous, 2006: Tolerable upper intake levels for vitamins and minerals Scientific
Committee on Food, European Food Safety Authority, ISBN: 92-9199-014-0 [SCF document]
Anonymous, 2008: Recommendation from the Scientific Committee on Occupational
Exposure Limits (SCOEL) for calcium oxide (CaO) and calcium dihydroxide (Ca(OH)2),
European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities,
SCOEL/SUM/137 February 2008
16.7 Revision
This version is revised version in order to be in accordance with Annex II of REACH
Regulation /EC/ 1907/2006

Version November, 2010

This safety data sheet (SDS) is based on the legal provisions of the REACH Regulation (EC
1907/2006; article 31 and Annex II), as amended. Its contents are intended as a guide to the
appropriate precautionary handling of the material. It is the responsibility of recipients of this
SDS to ensure that the information contained therein is properly read and understood by all
people who may use, handle, dispose or in any way come in contact with the product.
Information and instructions provided in this SDS are based on the current state of scientific
and technical knowledge at the date of issue indicated. It should not be construed as any
guarantee of technical performance, suitability for particular applications, and does not
establish a legally valid contractual relationship. This version of the SDS supersedes all
previous versions.
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – Caustic Soda (NaOH)
Bagian 1. Identifikasi Bagian 7. Penanganan dan Penyimpanan
Nomor Kesehatan: 3 Menyimpan di tempat yang sejuk, kering, berventilasi baik
Produk tempat yang jauh dari bahan-bahan yang tidak
Kemungkinan terbakar 0 kompatibel. Tetap tertutup rapat.
Sodium Hydroxide
Nama Reaktivitas 2 Cuci bersih setelah memegang material.
Technical Grade,
Bagian 8. Pengendalian dan Perlindungan Diri
Dagang Proteksi pernapasan yang disetujui NIOSH/MSHA
Pakailah sarung
Formula: NaOH Proteksi tangan yg tepat untuk
Mekanik : tangan: mencegah kulit yang
RTECS: WB4900000 Ventilasi:
C.A.S CAS# 1310-73-2 Proteksi Kaca mata debu dan
Exhaust lokal: mata: Pelindung Wajah
Bagian 2. Komposisi Perlindungan lain Peralatan: pakaian untuk mencegah kerusakan
Sara Batas
Komponen Nomor CAS % Dim Bagian 9. Data Fisik dan Kimia
313 penggunaan:
Gravitasi Tidak
Titik leleh 318ºC (604ºF)
OSHA PEL 2 spesifik tersedia
CAS# 1310-73-2 100.00% W/W mg/mƒ ACGIH Persentase
2mg/mƒ Titik Didih 1390ºC (2534ºF) penguapan 0
per Volume
Bagian 3. Pengenalan Bahaya Tingkat
Tekanan Uap Diabaikan N/A
Parah menyebabkan iritasi dan luka bakar.
Berbahaya jika tertelan. Kepadatan Uap >1
Hindari menghirup uap atau debunya. Gunakan dengan ventilasi Kelarutan Suhu menyala
yang memadai. Hindari kontak dengan mata, kulit, dan pakaian. Larut NA/
dalam air: sendiri
Cuci tangan sampai bersih setelah memegang. Kristal
Jagalah agar wadah tertutup. Penampilan Lower Flamm.
deliquescent N/A
dan bau: Limit in Air:
Bagian 4. Tata Cara Pertolongan Pertama Tidak mudah Upper Flamm.
Titik nyala: N/A
terbakar Limit in Air:
Pertolongan Pertama : PANGGIL DOKTER
KULIT: Dalam kasus kontak, segera basuh kulit dengan air Bagian 10. Stabilitas dan Reaktivitas
selama minimal 15 menit sambil melepas pakaian dan sepatu
Kondisi yang dihindari: air, material
yang tercemar. Bersihkan pakaian dan sepatu sampai benar- Stabilitas: Stabil
yg sifatnya tidak sesuai, suhu ekstrim
benar bersih sebelum digunakan kembali.
Bahan-bahan yang dihindari:
MATA: Cuci mata dengan banyak air sedikitnya selama 15 menit,
Suasana Asam, cairan yg mudah terbakar, organic halogens,
buka tutup mata beberapa kali. Cari pertolongan medis.
logam, nitrocompounds
PERNAFASAN: Hirup udara segar. Jika tidak bernapas, berikan
pernapasan buatan. Jika sulit bernapas, berikan oksigen Produk dekomposisi berbahaya: Natrium Oksida
Polimerisasi berbahaya: Tidak akan terjadi
Tertelan: Berikan beberapa gelas susu atau air. Muntah dapat
terjadi secara spontan, tetapi JANGAN DIBUAT MUNTAH! Jangan Kondisi untuk dihindari: Tidak diketahui
memberikan apapun melalui mulut kepada orang yang tidak
sadar. Bagian 11. Informasi Tambahan
Bagian 5. Tata Cara Penanggulangan Kebakaran Korosif !
Tipe Pemadam Semua pemadam dapat digunakan. Dapat berakibat fatal jika tertelan !
Kebakaran: Tambahan air akan melepaskan panas. Dapat berbahaya jika dihirup.
Tidak berbahaya kebakaran, tetapi material Menyebabkan luka bakar untuk setiap bagian yang
Bahaya api /
panas atau cair dapat bereaksi hebat terkena !
dengan air atau metal Untuk mata atau kontak kulit, segera bilas dengan air
Prosedur Pakailah diri alat bantu pernapasan dan selama paling sedikit 15 menit.
penanggulangan pakaian pelindung untuk mencegah kontak Dalam kasus tertelan, JANGAN dibuat muntah. Berikan
kebakaran: dengan kulit dan pakaian. sejumlah besar air atau susu.
Dapatkan pertolongan medis segera.
Bagian 6. Tata Cara Penanggulangan Tumpahan
Klasifikasi DOT: Sodium Hydroxide Solid, 8, UN1823, PG II
Pakaian pelindung diperlukan saat menyapu, menyendok, atau Peraturan DOT Bisa berubah dari waktu ke waktu. Silakan cari
mengambil materi tumpah. versi terbaru peraturan yang relevan
Pindahkan ke wadah logam yang sebaiknya tertutup untuk Revision Tanggal data masuk: Disetujui oleh:
pembuangan limbah ke fasilitas yang telah disetujui. No:0 9/1/2006 WPF

Informasi yang terkandung disini dianggap dan akurat dan dibuat untuk kepentingan pertimbangan dan pemikiran pengguna. Tidak ada garansi yang dapat
diutarakan atau dinyatakan atas kelengkapan atupun keakuratan informasi ini, semuanya didapat dari Science Stuff, Inc. atau dari tempat lain. Pengguna
materi ini seharusnya melengkapi dirinya dengan investigasi pribadi dan informasi medis terkini, agar material ini dapat ditangani dengan aman.

Sumber: Science Stuff, Inc

Okt 2009 - From: (free pdf - Manajemen Modern dan Kesehatan Masyarakat)
Calcium Carbonate
Safety Data Sheet
according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations
Date of issue: 04/10/2014 Revision date: 12/29/2016 Supersedes: 07/08/2016 Version: 1.2

SECTION 1: Identification
1.1. Identification
Product form : Substance
Substance name : Calcium Carbonate
CAS No : 471-34-1
Product code : LC12690
Formula : CaCO3
1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Use of the substance/mixture : For laboratory and manufacturing use only.
Recommended use : Laboratory chemicals
Restrictions on use : Not for food, drug or household use
1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet
LabChem Inc
Jackson's Pointe Commerce Park Building 1000, 1010 Jackson's Pointe Court
Zelienople, PA 16063 - USA
T 412-826-5230 - F 724-473-0647 -

1.4. Emergency telephone number

Emergency number : CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 or 011-703-527-3887

SECTION 2: Hazard(s) identification

2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture
GHS-US classification
Skin corrosion/irritation Category 2 H315
Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 2B H320
Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure) Category 3 H335
Full text of H statements : see section 16

2.2. Label elements

GHS-US labeling
Hazard pictograms (GHS-US) :

Signal word (GHS-US) : Warning
Hazard statements (GHS-US) : H315 - Causes skin irritation
H320 - Causes eye irritation
H335 - May cause respiratory irritation
Precautionary statements (GHS-US) : P261 - Avoid breathing dust
P264 - Wash exposed skin thoroughly after handling
P271 - Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area
P280 - Wear protective gloves, eye protection
P302+P352 - IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water
P305+P351+P338 - If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact
lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing
P312 - Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell
P332+P313 - If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention
P337+P313 - If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention
P362+P364 - Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse
P403+P233 - Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed
P405 - Store locked up
P501 - Dispose of contents/container to comply with local, state and federal regulations
If inhaled: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing

12/29/2016 EN (English US) Page 1

Calcium Carbonate
Safety Data Sheet
according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations

2.3. Other hazards

Other hazards not contributing to the : None under normal conditions.
2.4. Unknown acute toxicity (GHS US)
Not applicable

SECTION 3: Composition/Information on ingredients

3.1. Substances
Substance type : Mono-constituent
Name Product identifier % GHS-US classification
Calcium Carbonate (CAS No) 471-34-1 100 Skin Irrit. 2, H315
(Main constituent) Eye Irrit. 2B, H320
STOT SE 3, H335

Full text of hazard classes and H-statements : see section 16

3.2. Mixtures
Not applicable
SECTION 4: First aid measures
4.1. Description of first aid measures
First-aid measures general : Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If you feel unwell, seek medical
advice (show the label where possible).
First-aid measures after inhalation : Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a
POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.
First-aid measures after skin contact : Wash with plenty of soap and water. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. If skin irritation
occurs: Get medical advice/attention.
First-aid measures after eye contact : IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present
and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
First-aid measures after ingestion : Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Obtain emergency medical attention.
4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
Symptoms/injuries after inhalation : May cause respiratory irritation.
Symptoms/injuries after skin contact : Causes skin irritation.
Symptoms/injuries after eye contact : Causes eye irritation.
4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Obtain medical assistance.

SECTION 5: Firefighting measures

5.1. Extinguishing media
Suitable extinguishing media : Foam. Dry powder. Carbon dioxide. Water spray. Sand.
Unsuitable extinguishing media : Do not use a heavy water stream.
5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture
Fire hazard : Not flammable.
Reactivity : Upon combustion: CO and CO2 are formed. Violent to explosive reaction with (some) acids.
5.3. Advice for firefighters
Firefighting instructions : Use water spray or fog for cooling exposed containers. Exercise caution when fighting any
chemical fire. Prevent fire-fighting water from entering environment.
Protection during firefighting : Do not enter fire area without proper protective equipment, including respiratory protection.

SECTION 6: Accidental release measures

6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
6.1.1. For non-emergency personnel
Protective equipment : Safety glasses. Gloves. Dust mask.
Emergency procedures : Evacuate unnecessary personnel.

6.1.2. For emergency responders

Protective equipment : Equip cleanup crew with proper protection.
Emergency procedures : Ventilate area.

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Calcium Carbonate
Safety Data Sheet
according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations

6.2. Environmental precautions

Prevent entry to sewers and public waters. Notify authorities if liquid enters sewers or public waters.
6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up
Methods for cleaning up : On land, sweep or shovel into suitable containers. Minimize generation of dust. Store away
from other materials.
6.4. Reference to other sections
See Heading 8. Exposure controls and personal protection.

SECTION 7: Handling and storage

7.1. Precautions for safe handling
Precautions for safe handling : Wash hands and other exposed areas with mild soap and water before eating, drinking or
smoking and when leaving work. Provide good ventilation in process area to prevent formation
of vapor. Avoid breathing dust. Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
Hygiene measures : Wash exposed skin thoroughly after handling.
7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities
Storage conditions : Keep container tightly closed.
Incompatible products : Strong oxidizers. Strong acids.
Incompatible materials : Sources of ignition. Direct sunlight.

SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection

8.1. Control parameters
Calcium Carbonate (471-34-1)
OSHA OSHA PEL (TWA) (mg/m³) 5 mg/m³
NIOSH NIOSH REL (TWA) (mg/m³) 5 mg/m³

8.2. Exposure controls

Appropriate engineering controls : Emergency eye wash fountains and safety showers should be available in the immediate
vicinity of any potential exposure. Ensure good ventilation of the work station.
Personal protective equipment : Safety glasses. Gloves. Dust formation: dust mask.

Hand protection : Wear protective gloves.

Eye protection : Chemical goggles or safety glasses.
Respiratory protection : Dust formation: dust mask.
Other information : Do not eat, drink or smoke during use.

SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties

9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties
Physical state : Solid
Appearance : White powder or lumps.
Color : white
Odor : None.
Odor threshold : No data available
pH : No data available
Melting point : 825 °C
Freezing point : No data available
Boiling point : No data available
Flash point : No data available
Relative evaporation rate (butyl acetate=1) : No data available
Flammability (solid, gas) : Non flammable.

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Calcium Carbonate
Safety Data Sheet
according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations

Vapor pressure : No data available

Relative vapor density at 20 °C : No data available
Relative density : No data available
Specific gravity / density : 2.93 g/cm³
Molecular mass : 100.09 g/mol
Solubility : Water: 0.00153 g/100ml
Log Pow : No data available
Auto-ignition temperature : No data available
Decomposition temperature : 825 °C
Viscosity, kinematic : No data available
Viscosity, dynamic : No data available
Explosion limits : No data available
Explosive properties : No data available
Oxidizing properties : No data available
9.2. Other information
No additional information available

SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity

10.1. Reactivity
Upon combustion: CO and CO2 are formed. Violent to explosive reaction with (some) acids.
10.2. Chemical stability
Stable under normal conditions.
10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions
Reacts violently with acids.
10.4. Conditions to avoid
Direct sunlight. Extremely high or low temperatures.
10.5. Incompatible materials
Strong acids. Strong oxidizers.
10.6. Hazardous decomposition products
Carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide.

SECTION 11: Toxicological information

11.1. Information on toxicological effects

Likely routes of exposure : Inhalation; Skin and eye contact

Acute toxicity : Not classified
Calcium Carbonate (471-34-1)
LD50 oral rat 6450 mg/kg
ATE US (oral) 6450.000 mg/kg body weight
Skin corrosion/irritation : Causes skin irritation.
Serious eye damage/irritation : Causes eye irritation.
Respiratory or skin sensitization : Not classified
Germ cell mutagenicity : Not classified
Carcinogenicity : Not classified
Reproductive toxicity : Not classified
Specific target organ toxicity – single exposure : May cause respiratory irritation.
Specific target organ toxicity – repeated : Not classified
Aspiration hazard : Not classified

Potential Adverse human health effects and : Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.

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Calcium Carbonate
Safety Data Sheet
according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations

Symptoms/injuries after inhalation : May cause respiratory irritation.

Symptoms/injuries after skin contact : Causes skin irritation.
Symptoms/injuries after eye contact : Causes eye irritation.

SECTION 12: Ecological information

12.1. Toxicity
No additional information available
12.2. Persistence and degradability
Calcium Carbonate (471-34-1)
Persistence and degradability Not established.

12.3. Bioaccumulative potential

Calcium Carbonate (471-34-1)
Bioaccumulative potential Not established.

12.4. Mobility in soil

No additional information available

12.5. Other adverse effects

Other information : Avoid release to the environment.

SECTION 13: Disposal considerations

13.1. Waste treatment methods
Waste disposal recommendations : Dispose in a safe manner in accordance with local/national regulations.
Ecology - waste materials : Avoid release to the environment.

SECTION 14: Transport information

Department of Transportation (DOT)
In accordance with DOT
Not regulated

SECTION 15: Regulatory information

15.1. US Federal regulations
Calcium Carbonate (471-34-1)
Listed on the United States TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) inventory
SARA Section 311/312 Hazard Classes Immediate (acute) health hazard
All components of this product are listed, or excluded from listing, on the United States Environmental Protection Agency Toxic
Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory

This product or mixture does not contain a toxic chemical or chemicals in excess of the applicable de minimis concentration as specified in 40
CFR §372.38(a) subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986
and 40 CFR Part 372.

15.2. International regulations

Calcium Carbonate (471-34-1)
Listed on the Canadian DSL (Domestic Substances List)
WHMIS Classification Class D Division 2 Subdivision B - Toxic material causing other toxic effects

No additional information available

National regulations
Calcium Carbonate (471-34-1)
Not listed on the Canadian IDL (Ingredient Disclosure List)

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Calcium Carbonate
Safety Data Sheet
according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations

15.3. US State regulations

California Proposition 65 - This product does not contain any substances known to the state of California to cause cancer,
developmental and/or reproductive harm

SECTION 16: Other information

Revision date : 12/29/2016
Other information : None.
Full text of H-phrases: see section 16:
------ H315 Causes skin irritation
------ H320 Causes eye irritation
------ H335 May cause respiratory irritation
NFPA health hazard : 1 - Materials that, under emergency conditions, can cause
significant irritation.
NFPA fire hazard : 0 - Materials that will not burn under typical dire conditions,
including intrinsically noncombustible materials such as
concrete, stone, and sand.
NFPA reactivity : 0 - Material that in themselves are normally stable, even
under fire conditions.


Health : 1 Slight Hazard - Irritation or minor reversible injury possible
Flammability : 0 Minimal Hazard - Materials that will not burn
Physical : 0 Minimal Hazard - Materials that are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and will NOT
react with water, polymerize, decompose, condense, or self-react. Non-Explosives.
Personal protection : E
E - Safety glasses, Gloves, Dust respirator

SDS US LabChem

Information in this SDS is from available published sources and is believed to be accurate. No warranty, express or implied, is made and LabChem Inc assumes no liability resulting from the use of this
SDS. The user must determine suitability of this information for his application.

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Safety Data Sheet
according to 29CFR1910/1200 and GHS Rev. 3
Effective date : 12.14.2014 Page 1 of 7
Calcium Hydroxide,

SECTION 1 : Identification of the substance/mixture and of the supplier

Product name : Calcium Hydroxide,
Manufacturer/Supplier Trade name:
Manufacturer/Supplier Article number: S25225
Recommended uses of the product and uses restrictions on use:
Manufacturer Details:
AquaPhoenix Scientific
9 Barnhart Drive, Hanover, PA 17331

Supplier Details:
Fisher Science Education
15 Jet View Drive, Rochester, NY 14624

Emergency telephone number:

Fisher Science Education Emergency Telephone No.: 800-535-5053

SECTION 2 : Hazards identification

Classification of the substance or mixture:

Skin irritation, category 2
Specific target organ toxicity following single exposure, category 3

Serious eye damage, category 1

Skin Irritation 2
Eye Damage 1
Specific Target Organ Toxicity, Single Exposure (respiratory) 3

Signal word :Danger

Hazard statements:
Precautionary statements:
If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand
Keep out of reach of children
Read label before use
Wash … thoroughly after handling
Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection
Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray
Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area
Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product
IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do.
Continue rinsing
If eye irritation persists get medical advice/attention
IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing
IF ON SKIN: Wash with soap and water
If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention

Created by Global Safety Management, Inc. -Tel: 1-813-435-5161 -

Safety Data Sheet
according to 29CFR1910/1200 and GHS Rev. 3
Effective date : 12.14.2014 Page 2 of 7
Calcium Hydroxide,

Specific treatment (see … on this label)

Store locked up
Store in a well ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed

Combustible Dust Hazard: :

May form combustible dust concentrations in air (during processing).

Other Non-GHS Classification:




SECTION 3 : Composition/information on ingredients


CAS 1305-62-0 Calcium Hydroxide >95 %

Percentages are by weight

SECTION 4 : First aid measures

Description of first aid measures
After inhalation: Move exposed individual to fresh air. Loosen clothing as necessary and position individual in
a comfortable position.Seek medical advice if discomfort or irritation persists.If breathing difficult, give oxygen.
After skin contact: Wash affected area with soap and water. Rinse thoroughly. Seek medical attention if
irritation, discomfort or vomiting persists.
After eye contact: Protect unexposed eye. Rinse/flush exposed eye(s) gently using water for 15-20 minutes.
Remove contact lens(es) if able to do so during rinsing. Seek medical attention if irritation persists or if
After swallowing: Rinse mouth thoroughly. Do not induce vomiting. Have exposed individual drink sips of
water. Seek medical attention if irritation, discomfort or vomiting persists.

Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed:

Skin, eye, and upper respiratory tract irritation. Irritation, Nausea,Headache, Shortness of breath.;
Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed:

Created by Global Safety Management, Inc. -Tel: 1-813-435-5161 -

Safety Data Sheet
according to 29CFR1910/1200 and GHS Rev. 3
Effective date : 12.14.2014 Page 3 of 7
Calcium Hydroxide,

If seeking medical attention, provide SDS document to physician.

SECTION 5 : Firefighting measures

Extinguishing media
Suitable extinguishing agents: If in laboratory setting, follow laboratory fire suppression procedures. Use
appropriate fire suppression agents for adjacent combustible materials or sources of ignition
For safety reasons unsuitable extinguishing agents: Carbon Dioxide
Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture:
Combustion products may include carbon oxides or other toxic vapors.Thermal decomposition can lead to
release of irritating gases and vapors.Avoid generating dust; fine dust dispersed in air in sufficient
concentrations, and in the presence of an ignition source is a potential dust explosion hazard.Calcium Oxide.
Advice for firefighters:
Protective equipment: Use NIOSH-approved respiratory protection/breathing apparatus.
Additional information (precautions): Move product containers away from fire or keep cool with water
spray as a protective measure, where feasible.Use spark-proof tools and explosion-proof equipment.

SECTION 6 : Accidental release measures

Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures:
Wear protective equipment. Transfer to a disposal or recovery container.Use spark-proof tools and explosion-
proof equipment.Use respiratory protective device against the effects of fumes/dust/aerosol. Keep unprotected
persons away. Ensure adequate ventilation.Keep away from ignition sources. Protect from heat.Stop the spill, if
possible. Contain spilled material by diking or using inert absorbent.
Environmental precautions:
Prevent from reaching drains, sewer or waterway. Collect contaminated soil for characterization per Section 13
Methods and material for containment and cleaning up:
If in a laboratory setting, follow Chemical Hygiene Plan procedures.Collect liquids using vacuum or by use of
absorbents. Place into properly labeled containers for recovery or disposal. If necessary, use trained response
staff/contractor.Dust deposits should not be allowed to accumulate on surfaces, as these may form an
explosive mixture if they are released into the atmosphere in sufficient concentration. Avoid dispersal of dust in
the air (i.e., clearing dust surfaces with compressed air).
Reference to other sections:

SECTION 7 : Handling and storage

Precautions for safe handling:
Minimize dust generation and accumulation. Wash hands after handling. Avoid dispersal of dust in the air (i.e.,
clearing dust surfaces with compressed air). Routine housekeeping should be instituted to ensure that dusts do
not accumulate on surfaces. Dry powders can build static electricity charges when subjected to the friction of
transfer and mixing operations. Follow good hygiene procedures when handling chemical materials. Do not eat,
drink, smoke, or use personal products when handling chemical substances. If in a laboratory setting, follow
Chemical Hygiene Plan.Use only in well ventilated areas.Avoid generation of dust or fine particulate.Avoid
contact with eyes, skin, and clothing.
Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities:
Store in a cool location. Provide ventilation for containers. Avoid storage near extreme heat, ignition sources or
open flame. Store away from foodstuffs. Store away from oxidizing agents.Store in cool, dry conditions in well
sealed containers. Keep container tightly sealed.

SECTION 8 : Exposure controls/personal protection

Created by Global Safety Management, Inc. -Tel: 1-813-435-5161 -

Safety Data Sheet
according to 29CFR1910/1200 and GHS Rev. 3
Effective date : 12.14.2014 Page 4 of 7
Calcium Hydroxide,

Control Parameters: 1305-62-0, Calcium hydroxide, NIOSH REL: TWA 5 mg/m3

1305-62-0, Calcium hydroxide, ACGIH TLV TWA 5 mg/m3
1305-62-0, Calcium hydroxide, OSHA PEL TWA: 15 mg/m3 (total dust)
1305-62-0, Calcium hydroxide, OSHA PEL TWA: 5 mg/m3 (respirable
Appropriate Engineering controls: Emergency eye wash fountains and safety showers should be available in
the immediate vicinity of use/handling.Provide exhaust ventilation or
other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of vapor
or dusts (total/respirable) below the applicable workplace exposure limits
(Occupational Exposure Limits-OELs) indicated above.Use under a fume
hood. It is recommended that all dust control equipment such as local
exhaust ventilation and material transport systems involved in handling
of this product contain explosion relief vents or an explosion suppression
system or an oxygen deficient environment.Ensure that dust-handling
systems (such as exhaust ducts, dust collectors, vessels, and processing
equipment) are designed in a manner to prevent the escape of dust into
the work area (i.e., there is no leakage from the equipment).
Respiratory protection: Not required under normal conditions of use. Use suitable respiratory
protective device when high concentrations are present. Use suitable
respiratory protective device when aerosol or mist is formed. For spills,
respiratory protection may be advisable.
Protection of skin: The glove material has to be impermeable and resistant to the product/
the substance/ the preparation being used/handled.Selection of the glove
material on consideration of the penetration times, rates of diffusion and
the degradation.
Eye protection: Safety glasses with side shields or goggles.
General hygienic measures: The usual precautionary measures are to be adhered to when handling
chemicals. Keep away from food, beverages and feed sources.
Immediately remove all soiled and contaminated clothing. Wash hands
before breaks and at the end of work. Do not inhale
gases/fumes/dust/mist/vapor/aerosols. Avoid contact with the eyes and

SECTION 9 : Physical and chemical properties

Appearance (physical Explosion limit lower: Not Determined

Off - white solid
state,color): Explosion limit upper: Not Determined

Odor: Odorless Vapor pressure: Not Determined

Odor threshold: Not Determined Vapor density: Not Determined

12.4 saturated
pH-value: Relative density: 2.24

ND = Not Determined. N/A =

Melting/Freezing point: 580 C Solubilities: Not Applicable. Slightlyt
soluble in water.

Created by Global Safety Management, Inc. -Tel: 1-813-435-5161 -

Safety Data Sheet
according to 29CFR1910/1200 and GHS Rev. 3
Effective date : 12.14.2014 Page 5 of 7
Calcium Hydroxide,

Boiling point/Boiling Partition coefficient (n-

2850C Not Determined
range: octanol/water):

Flash point (closed Auto/Self-ignition

Not Determined Not Determined
cup): temperature:

Evaporation rate: Not Determined Not Determined

Flammability a. Kinematic:Not Determined

Not Determined Viscosity:
(solid,gaseous): b. Dynamic: Not Determined

Density: Not Determined

SECTION 10 : Stability and reactivity

Reactivity:Nonreactive under normal conditions.

Chemical stability:No decomposition if used and stored according to specifications.
Possible hazardous reactions:None under normal processing
Conditions to avoid:Store away from oxidizing agents, strong acids or bases.Incompatible Materials.Dust
generation.excess heat.
Incompatible materials:Metals, acids, bases, strong oxidizing and reducing agents.
Hazardous decomposition products:Carbon oxides (CO, CO2).Oxides of calcium.

SECTION 11 : Toxicological information

Acute Toxicity:

Oral: 7340 mg/kg LD50 (rat)

Chronic Toxicity: No additional information.

Corrosion Irritation: No additional information.

Sensitization: No additional information.

Single Target Organ (STOT): May cause respiratory irritation.

Numerical Measures: No additional information.

Carcinogenicity: No additional information.

Mutagenicity: No additional information.

Reproductive Toxicity: No additional information.

SECTION 12 : Ecological information

Ecotoxicity Persistence and degradability: Readily degradable in the environment.

Bioaccumulative potential:
Mobility in soil:
Other adverse effects:

SECTION 13 : Disposal considerations

Waste disposal recommendations:

Created by Global Safety Management, Inc. -Tel: 1-813-435-5161 -

Safety Data Sheet
according to 29CFR1910/1200 and GHS Rev. 3
Effective date : 12.14.2014 Page 6 of 7
Calcium Hydroxide,

Product/containers must not be disposed together with household garbage. Do not allow product to reach
sewage system or open water.It is the responsibility of the waste generator to properly characterize all waste
materials according to applicable regulatory entities (US 40CFR262.11). Consult federal state/ provincial and
local regulations regarding the proper disposal of waste material that may incorporate some amount of this

SECTION 14 : Transport information

UN proper shipping name
Corrosive solid, basic, inorganic, n.o.s.
Transport hazard class(es)
8 Corrosive substances
Packing group:III
Environmental hazard:
Transport in bulk:
Special precautions for user:

SECTION 15 : Regulatory information

United States (USA)

SARA Section 311/312 (Specific toxic chemical listings):
SARA Section 313 (Specific toxic chemical listings):
None of the ingredients is listed
RCRA (hazardous waste code):
None of the ingredients is listed
TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act):
All ingredients are listed.
CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act):
None of the ingredients is listed

Proposition 65 (California):

Chemicals known to cause cancer:

None of the ingredients is listed
Chemicals known to cause reproductive toxicity for females:
None of the ingredients is listed
Chemicals known to cause reproductive toxicity for males:
None of the ingredients is listed
Chemicals known to cause developmental toxicity:
None of the ingredients is listed


Created by Global Safety Management, Inc. -Tel: 1-813-435-5161 -

Safety Data Sheet
according to 29CFR1910/1200 and GHS Rev. 3
Effective date : 12.14.2014 Page 7 of 7
Calcium Hydroxide,

Canadian Domestic Substances List (DSL):

All ingredients are listed.
Canadian NPRI Ingredient Disclosure list (limit 0.1%):
None of the ingredients is listed
Canadian NPRI Ingredient Disclosure list (limit 1%):
1305-62-0 Calcium hydroxide

SECTION 16 : Other information

This product has been classified in accordance with hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations and the
SDS contains all the information required by the Controlled Products Regulations.Note:. The responsibility to
provide a safe workplace remains with the user.The user should consider the health hazards and safety information
contained herein as a guide and should take those precautions required in an individual operation to instruct
employees and develop work practice procedures for a safe work environment.The information contained herein is,
to the best of our knowledge and belief, accurate.However, since the conditions of handling and use are beyond
our control, we make no guarantee of results, and assume no liability for damages incurred by the use of this
material.It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all applicable laws and regulations applicable to this
GHS Full Text Phrases:

Abbreviations and acronyms:

IMDG: International Maritime Code for Dangerous Goods
PNEC: Predicted No-Effect Concentration (REACH)
CFR: Code of Federal Regulations (USA)
SARA: Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (USA)
RCRA: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (USA)
TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act (USA)
NPRI: National Pollutant Release Inventory (Canada)
DOT: US Department of Transportation
IATA: International Air Transport Association
GHS: Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (division of the American Chemical Society)
NFPA: National Fire Protection Association (USA)
HMIS: Hazardous Materials Identification System (USA)
WHMIS: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (Canada)
DNEL: Derived No-Effect Level (REACH)

Effective date : 12.14.2014

Last updated : 03.19.2015

Created by Global Safety Management, Inc. -Tel: 1-813-435-5161 -

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