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Penjelasan, Soal, dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense

Grammar, Materi Bahasa Inggris , Tenses

Penjelasan, Soal, dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense - Pernahkah kalian mendengar kalimat dalam
bahasa inggris yang berakhiran -ed di belakangnya? Jika kalian pernah mendengar maupun membacanya
berarti sedikitnya kalian sudah pernah mendengar mengenai simple past tense. Simple Past Tense
adalah salah satu dari 16 tenses yang menunjukkan sebuah aktivitas yang sudah terjadi di masa lalu. lalu
apa bedanya simple past tense dengan simple present tense? silahkan simak penjelasan lebih
lengkapnya di bawah ini.

Definisi Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense adalah sebuah pola atau aturan kalimat yang menunjukkan sebuah aktifitas yang
terjadi di masa lalu atau di waktu lampau. Jika sulit mengingatnya kita ingat saja bahwa kata 'past' itu
sendiri adalah lampau atau lalu, berarti kejadian yang sedang diceritakan adalah kejadian yang telah
terjadi. Lalu apa bedanya simple past tense dengan simple present tense? Jika simple past tense
menerangkan kejadian di masa lalu, maka simple present tense menceritakan kejadian di masa kini.
Nah, dengan begini kalian sudah tidak bingung lagi kan?

Rumus Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense menggunakan verb 2 sebagai kata kerjanya. Maka rumusnya adalah: S + Verb 2.
Simple Past Tense ini sangatlah sederhana karena hanya ingin menjelaskan saja kejadian atau aktivitas
yang terjadi di masa lalu. Untuk kalimat nominal Simple Past Tense, 'to be' harus diubah menjadi verb-2
yakni menjadi was / were. Simple Past Tense menggunakan keterangan waktu yang menunjukkan
kejadian tersebut terjadi di masa lalu dengan adanya kata yesterday (kemarin), last week (minggu lalu),
last night (kemarin malam), last friday (jumat lalu), a year ago (setahun yang lalu), dan lain lain. Berikut
ini adalah rumus dari Simple Past Tense.

Diunduh dari :


Jika kalian bertanya tanya kenapa pada bagian negative dan interogative, Verb-nya memakai Verb 1,
bukan Verb 2? Itu karena Verb 2 nya sudah diwakili oleh kata DID, jadi Verb-nya kembali bentuk awal ke
Verb 1.

Fungsi Simple Past Tense

 Simple Past Tense berfungsi untuk menunjukkan aktifitas yang terjadi di masa lalu. Contoh: I ate
the pudding on the fridge last night.

 Simple Past Tense digunakan dalam conditional sentence type 2. Contoh : I would go with you to
the date if my mom wasn't sick.

 Simple Past Tense digunakan ketika ada kejadian yang terjadi bersamaan di masa lalu. Contoh : I
was listening to my sister when she played the violin

 Simple Past Tense juga berfungsi untuk menunjukkan aktivitas di masa lalu setelah aktivitas yang
lainnya selesai dilakukan atau kejadian yang bersifat kronologis. Contoh : She had finished her
lunch before the bell rang

Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense

 Tom arrived here five days ago (Tom sampai disini lima hari yang lalu)

 Last november, I met my parents for the first time in my life (November lalu, aku bertemu
dengan orang tuaku untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidupku)

 I have a new pen, I bought it yesterday (aku punya pulpen baru, aku membelinya kemarin)

 I failed to call you last night. The line was very busy (aku gagal meneleponmu semalam,
jaringannya sibuk sekali)

Diunduh dari :


 My sister ate all the pudding on the fridge last night (Saudara perempuanku memakan semua
puding yang ada di dalam kulkas malam tadi)

 I didn't take the scholarship to go abroad because i have no money to stay there (Aku tidak
mengambil beasiswa ke luar negeri karena aku tidak punya uang untuk diam disana)

 I was so sleepy when i came to the office (Aku sangat mengantuk ketika aku datang ke kantor)

 The weather was so good to play sand on the beach yesterday (Cuacanya sangat bagus untuk
bermain pasir di pantai kemarin)

 My boyfriend didn't see me when i was sick. (Pacarku tidak menjengukku ketika aku sakit)

 I didn't hear my phone ringing, so i don't know there was a meeting. (Aku tidak mendengar
ponselku berdering, jadi aku tidak tahu tadi ada pertemuan)

Diunduh dari :


Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris tentang Simple Past Tense

Choose the right answer between a, b, c, or d

Diunduh dari :


1. I ……………………… my phone two days ago

a. loss
b. lost
c. was losing
d. is losing

2. I was listening to music when my t\mother ……………………… my room.

a. has entered
b. was entering
c. entered
d. enter

3. My father ……………………… the newspaper when he was waiting my mother.

a. read
b. was reading
c. had read
d. is readed

4. My sister and me went to campus and then we ……………………… in a cafeteria.

a. had relaxed
b. relaxed
c. were relaxing
d. relax

5. Daniella ……………………… George when she was reading book in library.

a. was meeting
b. met
c. had met
d. have meet

6. The students ………………… to museum when they were studying history

a. were going
b. went
c. had gone
d. go

7. Anissa ……………………… to English conversation when her friend was singing

beside her.
a. listened
b. listens
c. was listening
d. listen
8. I ……………………… to school alone when my friend was coming late.
a. walked
b. walk

Diunduh dari :


c. was walking
d. is walking

9. ……………………… she read book last morning?

a. Do
b. Does
c. Did
d. Done

10. My brother ……………………… a car three weeks ago.

a. has
b. had
c. have
d. is

11. I ……………………… when my niece was going to abroad.

a. am sad
b. were sad
c. was sad
d. is sad

12. When I lived in South Korea, I ……………………… in a hospital.

a. work
b. worked
c. was working
d. was worked

13. He passed his examination because he ……………………… very hard.

a. was studying
b. studies
c. studied
d. were studying

14. My teachers were angry because I ……………………… lazy.

a. am
b. was
c. were
d. are

15. When my sister………………………, it was raining

a. a.. got up
b. gets up
c. get up
d. is getting up

16. My teacher………………… new book yesterday.

Diunduh dari :


a. bring
b. brought
c. brings
d. is bringing

17. I……………………… Julian at the Nick’s party. He was handsome.

a. see
b. saw
c. seen
d. is seen

18. Julio………………. student last year.

a. was active
b. were active
c. is active
d. are active

19. I was watching movie when my mother ……………………… me.

a. was calling
b. calls
c. called
d. is called

20. I was writing journal when my brother ……………………… game.

a. played
b. was playing
c. plays
d. is playing

21. I………to the school alone yesterday

a. walk
b. walked
c. walks
d. walking

22. we……in this restaurant 2 days ago

a. ate
b. eaten
c. eating
d. eat

23. I……in this sofa with him

a. sleeping
b. sleep
c. slept

Diunduh dari :


d. sleped

24. We…… each other 2 years ago

a. love
b. be loving
c. are love
d. loved

25. I……this scissors to cut the grass yesterday

a. cuted
b. cuting
c. cut
d. be cutted

26. ………he read novel last night?

a. do
b. did
c. done
d. are

27. We….. to aceh two weeks ago

a. gone
b. come
c. went
d. go

28. They……. this musc two hours ago

a. listened
b. listen
c. listening
d. be listen

29. Anita……me in this market yesterday

a. meeting
b. meets
c. met
d. meet

30. Dona……. this delicious food for us, 1 hour ago

a. cooking
b. cooked
c. cooks
d. cook

31. I….. this floor yesterday

a. swept

Diunduh dari :


b. sweep
c. sweeps
d. sweeped

32. My brother…….this novel yesterday

a. reading
b. reads
c. read
d. readed

33. We……to the collage yesterday

a. walking
b. walk
c. walked
d. be walking

34. My lil bro……..a new motorcycle yesterday

a. has
b. have
c. having
d. had

35. I….. sad when my bestfriend left me yesterday

a. am sad
b. were
c. was
d. did
36. I……in this office 2 years ago
a. working
b. worked
c. work
d. be working

37. I……my wallet in this market two months ago

a. loose
b. losed
c. lose
d. losing

38. My brother…….a letter for me

a. write
b. wrote
c. writing
d. was writing

39. My students……hard last night

Diunduh dari :


a. study
b. studied
c. was study
d. studying

40. When I… is raining 5 minutes ago

a. got up
b. getting up
c. gets up
d. get up

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