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Palembang, 9 Juni 2022

Proposal Kerjasama penyelenggaraan linkage

one-semester-only program
Prof. Dr. Alfitri, M.Si
Magister Administrasi Publik
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
Universitas Sriwijaya
Dengan Moto:
Keluwesan, Keuletan Menuju Keunggulan.
Sejak Tahun 2003
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Sriwijaya (FISIP
UNSRI) melalui Program Studi Administrasi Publik (PRODI AP)
telah menjalin kerjasama baik dengan instansi pemerintah pusat
maupun pemerintah daerah
Magister Administrasi Publik Universitas Sriwijaya (MAP Unsri)

▪ Menyelenggarakan pendidikan profesional dengan gelar Magister Sains untuk

mempersiapkan individu untuk melayani masyarakat baik sebagai manajer, eksekutif
dan analis kebijakan di pemerintah lokal, provinsi, dan nasional
▪ Menempatkan fokus pada penyelidikan sistematis organisasi publik dan mencakup
peran, pengembangan, dan prinsip-prinsip administrasi publik; manajemen dan
implementasi kebijakan publik
▪ Menyediakan program terintegrasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pejabat publik
menengah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan mereka. Di bawah
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, kurikulum terapan diberikan dengan penekanan
pada fitur praktis administrasi publik
Program Linkage dan One-semester-only
Master of Social Development and Administration Course (MSDA)
Graduate School of Social Design Studies
Rikkyo University

1. Linkage Program merupakan kerjasama dua gelar

▪ Berkuliah selama dua semester di MAP Universitas Sriwijaya dan dua semester di MSDA Rikkyo
▪ Proses ujian tesis juga akan dilakukan dua kali, pertama di Rikkyo University untuk mendapatkan gelar
MSDA dan di Universitas Sriwijaya untuk mendapatkan gelar M.Si
2. One-semester-only Program
▪ Melakukan perkuliahan selama satu semester di Rikkyo University
▪ Mahasiswa hanya mendapat satu gelar dari Universitas Sriwijaya. Selama satu semester mahasiswa
mengambil beberapa mata kuliah yang ditawarkan di Rikkyo University dan kemudian kembali ke
Universitas Sriwijaya pada semester keempat untuk menyelesaikan tesis.
Tujuan Proposal Kerjasama penyelenggaraan linkage
one-semester-only program

Menawarkan kerjasama dengan Pemerintah Daerah untuk

bersama-sama memfasilitasi penyelenggaraan pendidikan S2
linkage antara MAP Unsri dan MSDA, Rikkyo University agar dapat
meningkatkan kompetensi SDM aparatur pemerintah baik di
Pusat, Provinsi, Kota maupun Kabupaten
▪ Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi : Pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian yang
diarahkan pada penyelesaian masalah lokal dan global
▪ Didirikan pada Tanggal 9 Februari 2000
▪ Pengalaman lebih dari 21 tahun
▪ Komitmen FISIP UNSRI
1. Berkomitmen untuk berkembang menjadi lembaga kelas dunia melalui
kerjasama dengan berbagai universitas mitra baik di dalam negeri
maupun internasional, serta dengan pemerintah pusat, provinsi, dan
daerah serta lembaga swasta
2. Mengembangkan lulusan yang tidak hanya kompeten secara akademis,
tetapi juga cerdas secara sosial dan mampu berkontribusi dalam
penyelesaian tantangan bangsa yang beragam
▪ Program di FISIP UNSRI
1. Sarjana : Administrasi Publik, Sosiologi, Ilmu Komunikasi, dan Hubungan
2. Magister : Sosiologi dan Administrasi Publik
3. Doktor : Administrasi Publik
▪ Didirikan Pada Tahun 2003
▪ Menyelenggarakan pendidikan profesional untuk pengembangan
sektor publik dan mempersiapkan individu untuk melayani sebagai
manajer, eksekutif dan analis kebijakan di lengan eksekutif
pemerintah lokal, provinsi, dan nasional
▪ Menempatkan fokus pada penyelidikan sistematis organisasi eksekutif
dan manajemen, mencakup peran, pengembangan, dan prinsip-prinsip
administrasi publik, manajemen serta implementasi kebijakan publik
▪ Menyajikan teori-teori modern dan dididik untuk menjadi profesional
yang mempertahankan posisi integritas dan etika masing-masing
▪ Menyediakan program terintegrasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan
pejabat publik menengah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan
Profil Pengajar
Gelar Jumlah Nama
5 Prof. Dr. Kgs. M Sobri, M.Si; Prof. Dr. Alfitri, M.Si
Profesor Prof., Dr. Slamet Widodo, M.S, MM; Prof. Dr. Sriati, M.S.; Prof.
Waspodo, M.Ed., Ph.D;
16 Dr. Andy Alfatih, MPA.; Dr. Ardiyan Saptawan, M.Si.; Dr. Andries
Lionardo, M.Si.; Dr. H. Azhar, SH., M.Sc., LL.M., LL.D.; Dr. Hj. Lili
Erina, M.Si.; Dr. Nengyanti, M.Hum.; Dr. Hj. Nurmah, M.Si. Dr.
Dosen dengan pendidikan S3 Yoyok Hendarso, MA.; Dr. Raniasa Putra, M.Si.; Dr. M. Husni
Thamrin, M.Si; Dr. Alamsyah S.IP., M.Si.; Dr. Ir. Abdul Nadjib,
MM.; Dr. Yuliani MM; Dr. M. Abduh, M.Si; Dr. Ridho Taqwa, M.Si;
Ir. Ari Siswanto, Ph.D
Pengajar Praktisi 2 Dr. Akhmad Mustain, M.Si; Dr. Mega Nugraha, M.Si
1. Program Reguler : Pegawai Pemerintah dan Fresh Graduate
2. Program Afirmasi Bappenas : Beasiswa Afirmasi Pegawai negeri
sipil dari kabupaten/kota/provinsi di Kalimantan Utara, Nusa
Tenggara Timur, Maluku, Maluku Utara, Papua, dan Papua Barat
3. Program Reguler Bappenas : Program Reguler bagi pegawai
pemerintah dari berbagai kementerian dan pemerintah daerah. Ini
dirancang sebagai program 18 bulan oleh Bappenas
4. Program Kerjasama : Program MAP Pemkot Pangkal Pinang,
program kerjasama dengan POLRI, BIN dan TNI
Peminat dan Jumlah Mahasiswa di Magister Administrasi Publik

Kerjasama Beasiswa Beasiswa

Bappenas Bappenas
Tahun Akademik Pendaftar Diterima Reguler Pangkal Universitas Polda, Kodam
Reguler Afirmasi
Pinang Sriwijaya dan BIN

2020/2021 Ganjil 36 36 17 13 4 9 14 -

2020/2021 Genap 23 23 14 - 3 - - 6

2021/2022 Ganjil 38 35 18 - 9 5 3
▪ Rikkyo University started in 1874 as Rikkyo School, a small private school
teaching English and Bible studies in the foreign settlement in Tsukiji, Tokyo
▪ The School was founded by Bishop Channing Moore Williams, a missionary
dispatched from the American Episcopal Church
▪ Nearly 144 years later, Rikkyo University today still retains its tradition of
education modeled on the Western traditional liberal arts college
▪ Based on the founding principle of “Pro Deo et Patria (For God and Nation)”,
the University offers education based upon humanistic values and Christian
concern for others
▪ Rikkyo University has been selected for “Top Global University Project (Global
Traction Type)” by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology (MEXT)
▪ The university is making further improvements and advances in unique
initiatives, such as the liberal arts education it has been providing for 140
years and its pioneering leadership education, and working to create a world-
class educational system by engaging in dialogue with liberal arts universities
in Europe and America
a. Program Outline
▪ Our program is designed to equip students with skills and expertise essential for being future leaders in government,
international businesses, non-governmental organizations, and international organizations. Students undergo the
academic and research training through the required and elective coursework and the process of thesis writing.
▪ Our coursework curriculum consists of three groups: Required course in which students receive research guidance
toward completion of the master’s thesis; Elective 1 course in which students nurture the basic problem-solving
approach on subjects including qualitative research methods, philosophy, corporate social responsibilities,
organizational theory, social development, research methodology, and human resource development; and Elective 2
courses in which students develop the academic and hands-on expertise on the fields of Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), public management, and economics.
▪ In their first year, students take at least five Elective 1 courses related to social design, acquiring foundational
knowledge and a capacity for logical thinking. In the second year, they take Elective 2 courses in line with their research
interests and complete a Master’s thesis. Through this combination of coursework and thesis writing process, students
can acquire expertise in public policy and social design.

b. Objective of Research and Education

The Graduate School of Social Design Studies pursues in-
depth research on social development founded on the liberal
arts education in the bachelor’s degree programs, and to
contribute to the benefit of our community by maximize each
student’s potential interests
c. Diploma Policy
To be awarded a degree in our master's program, a student must have been
enrolled for at least two years (four semesters), earned the required
number of course credits in accordance with our educational and research
goals, undergone research guidance under our faculty members, and
successfully passed a master's thesis screening and examination. The
students that fulfill the graduation requirement shall be deemed to have
obtained the following three knowledge and skills
1) Specialized scholarly and hands-on knowledge pertaining to management theories of
social organizations, global risk, and governance, as required to benefit a civil society in
the 21st century.
2) Practical capabilities as a highly skilled professional, underpinned by the convictions,
knowledge, skills, and awareness of human rights needed to promote a greater
multidimensional social inclusion.
3) The capacity to work mutually with public policy and civil society to solve various evident
and underlying problems in society hinging on the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), which are goals for international society in the period from 2016 to 2030.
d. Curriculum Policy
The Master of Social Development and Administration Course (MSDA) of the Graduate
Program in Business Administration Network and Social Organization offers a curriculum
designed to foster highly skilled professionals. MSDA students undertake all courses in
an English medium and ultimately produce a Master’s thesis. There is also a double
degree program allowing students to earn a degree from both Rikkyo University and an
international partner institution at the same time. The 30 credits required for completion
of the MSDA comprise the following: Required courses: Master’s thesis supervision – 4
credits; Elective 1 courses: Foundation courses in social development – 10 credits; and
Elective 2 courses: 16 or more credits

The courses for Linkage Program students are as follows
Course Code Course Name Credits Year
Semester 1
SAK 50507 Public Policy Formulation Process 3 1
SPA 50207 Political Economy of Development 3 1
SAK 50607 The Economy of Public Policy 3 1
SPA 50107 Principles of Public Administration 3 1
SAK 52207 Concept and Issue in Development 2 1
SAK 52007 Management of Development Budget 2 1
Semester 2
SPA 50307 Analysis of Public Organization Development 3 1
SAK 50707 Issues and The Policy of Poverty Alleviation 2 1
SAK 50807 Public Policy Implementation and Evaluation 3 1
SAK 50907 Issues and The Policy of Human Resource 2 1
SAK 52307 Entrepreneurship in Public Sector 2 1
SPA 50407 Research Methodology in Administration 3 1
After finishing the first year in MAP Unsri, Linkage students are to spend
another two semesters in Rikkyo University, in which they would take courses
and write a thesis under foreign supervisors. Overall, it is expected that Linkage
students finish courses of 44 units in total.
The followings are the course list in MSDA Rikkyo University
The followings are the course list in MSDA Rikkyo University
The followings are the course list in MSDA Rikkyo University
Schedule for Double Degree Program 1st Year at Universitas Sriwijaya
Rikkyo University Universitas Sriwijaya
March-June Students enroll in the Universitas Sriwijaya
Early August Orientation Week (O’week)
August-December First semester at Universitas Sriwijaya
Students take courses and credits that may be counted in their degree requirements at Rikkyo University
January-July Second Semester at Universitas Sriwijaya
Students take courses and credits that may be counted in their degree requirements at Rikkyo University
July Students submit their thesis proposal and thesis supervisory committee conducts on a thesis proposal seminar at
Universitas Sriwijaya.
Rikkyo University Universitas Sriwijaya
September Orientation
Late September-Late January Fall term at Rikkyo University
Students take regular courses and
Thesis Supervision 1
Students draft their thesis

Early April-Late July Spring term at Rikkyo University

Students take regular courses and
Thesis Supervision 2
Students draft their thesis

Early July Students submit their thesis for an Students submit their thesis for an oral examination to Universitas Sriwijaya
oral examination to Rikkyo
1. Pelatihan Academic Writing
2. Academic Conversation
3. Pelatihan Bahasa Jepang
Pembiayaan pada program Linkage akan dilakukan dua skema yakni:
- 2 (dua) Semester di MAP UNSRI akan dibiayai oleh Bappenas;
- 2(dua) semester di Rikkyo University, Jepang dibiayai oleh
Pemda/Pemkot/Pemkab di lingkungan provinsi Sumatra Selatan


- 3 (tiga) Semester di MAP UNSRI akan dibiayai oleh Bappenas;
-1 (Satu) semester di Rikkyo University, Jepang dibiayai oleh
Pemda/Pemkot/Pemkab di lingkungan provinsi Sumatra Selatan
1. Komponen Pembiayaan Program Linkage
Komponen Jumlah Satuan Harga/Unit Total (Rupiah) (1 JPY-124.82 IDR) Total (Yen)
Komponen Biaya Kuliah di MAP UNSRI
Biaya Pendaftaran 1 Orang IDR500.000 IDR500.000 JPY 124,82 JPY 4.005,77
Biaya Kuliah (Tuition Fee) 2 Semester IDR6.600.000 IDR13.200.000 JPY 124,82 JPY 105.752,28
Pelatihan Academic Writing dan Academic Conversation 2 Semester IDR2.000.000 IDR4.000.000 JPY 124,82 JPY 32.046,15
Pelatihan Bahasa Jepang 1 Semester IDR2.000.000 IDR2.000.000 JPY 124,82 JPY 16.023,07
Biaya Studi Lapangan/Lab Sosial 1 Semester IDR2.000.000 IDR2.000.000 JPY 124,82 JPY 16.023,07
Medical Check up 1 Semester IDR1.000.000 IDR1.000.000 JPY 124,82 JPY 8.011,54
Test Psikologi 1 Semester IDR1.000.000 IDR1.000.000 JPY 124,82 JPY 8.011,54
Biaya Hidup di Palembang 12 Bulan IDR1.900.000 IDR22.800.000 JPY 124,82 JPY 182.663,03
Komponen Biaya Kuliah di MSDA Rikkyo
Tuition Fee 1 Year JPY 1.500.000,00 JPY 1.500.000,00 IDR 124,82 IDR 187.230.000
Entrance and Admission Fee 1 Program JPY 10.000,00 JPY 10.000,00 IDR 124,82 IDR 1.248.200
Living Allowance 12 Months JPY 100.000,00 JPY 1.200.000,00 IDR 124,82 IDR 149.784.000
Seminar Allowance 1 Program JPY 50.000,00 JPY 50.000,00 IDR 124,82 IDR 6.241.000
Research Allowance 1 Program JPY 50.000,00 JPY 50.000,00 IDR 124,82 IDR 6.241.000
Settling in Allowance 1 Program JPY 145.000,00 JPY 145.000,00 IDR 124,82 IDR 18.098.900
Shipping Allowance 1 Program JPY 50.000,00 JPY 50.000,00 IDR 124,82 IDR 6.241.000
Health Insurance 12 Months JPY 1.500,00 JPY 18.000,00 IDR 124,82 IDR 2.246.760
International Travel 2 Times JPY 56.080.22 JPY112.161,51 IDR 124,82 IDR 14.000.000

IDR 391.330.860
2. Komponen Pembiayaan One-semester-only Program
Komponen Jumlah Satuan Harga/Unit Total (Rupiah) (1 JPY-124.82 IDR) Total (Yen)
Komponen Biaya Kuliah di MAP UNSRI 3 Semester
Biaya Pendaftaran 1 Orang IDR500.000 IDR500.000 JPY 124,82 JPY 4.005,77
Biaya Kuliah (Tuition Fee) 3 Semester IDR6.600.000 IDR19.800.000 JPY 124,82 JPY 158.628,42
Pelatihan Academic Writing dan Academic Conversation 2 Semester IDR2.000.000 IDR4.000.000 JPY 124,82 JPY 32.046,15
Pelatihan Bahasa Jepang 1 Semester IDR2.000.000 IDR2.000.000 JPY 124,82 JPY 16.023,07
Biaya Studi Lapangan/Lab Sosial 1 Semester IDR2.000.000 IDR2.000.000 JPY 124,82 JPY 16.023,07
Medical Check up 1 Semester IDR1.000.000 IDR1.000.000 JPY 124,82 JPY 8.011,54
Test Psikologi 1 Semester IDR1.000.000 IDR1.000.000 JPY 124,82 JPY 8.011,54
Biaya Hidup di Palembang 18 Bulan IDR1.900.000 IDR34.200.000 JPY 124,82 JPY 273.994,55
Komponen Biaya Kuliah di MSDA Rikkyo
Tuition Fee 1 Semester JPY 350.000,00 JPY 350.000,00 IDR 124,82 IDR 43.687.000
Entrance and Admission Fee 1 Program JPY 10.000,00 JPY 10.000,00 IDR 124,82 IDR 1.248.200
Living Allowance 6 Months JPY 100.000,00 JPY 600.000,00 IDR 124,82 IDR 74.892.000
Seminar Allowance 1 Program JPY 50.000,00 JPY 50.000,00 IDR 124,82 IDR 6.241.000
Research Allowance 1 Program JPY 50.000,00 JPY 50.000,00 IDR 124,82 IDR 6.241.000
Settling in Allowance 1 Program JPY 100.000,00 JPY 100.000,00 IDR 124,82 IDR 12.482.000
Shipping Allowance 1 Program JPY 50.000,00 JPY 50.000,00 IDR 124,82 IDR 6.241.000
Health Insurance 6 Months JPY 1.500,00 JPY 9.000,00 IDR 124,82 IDR 1.123.380
International Travel 2 Times JPY 56.080.22 JPY 112.161,51 IDR 124,82 IDR 14000.000
JPY1.331.060. IDR 166.155.580.
Profil FISIP Unsri

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