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Darwis atau yang lebih kita kenal sebagai ‘Tere Liye’ dilahirkan di sebuah kota kecil di Provinsi

Sumatera Selatan, tepatnya yaitu Kota Lahat pada tanggal 21 Mei 1979. Dia lahir dari keluarga
sederhana, kedua orang tuanya adalah petani biasa di pedalaman Sumatera. Tere Liye menyelesaikan
pendidikan Sekolah Dasar di SD Negeri 2 Kikim Timur dan juga menyelesaikan pendidikan SMP di
kota yang sama yaitu di SMP Negeri 2 Kikim, Lahat, Sumatera Selatan. Kemudian dia melanjutkan
sekolahnya ke SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung. Setelah lulus SMA, dia melanjutkan studinya ke
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia.

Setelah menyelesaikan studinya, Tere Liye bekerja sebagai seorang akuntan di sebuah perusahaan.
Tere Liye memiliki ketrampilan dalam menulis novel berkat hobinya dalam menulis. Ia memulai
debut kepenulisan pada tahun 2005 melalui novel Hafalan Sholat Delisa. Selain best seller, novel
Hafalan Shalat Delisa juga berhasil tayang ke layar lebar bahkan menjadi salah satu film yang
paling diburu penonton.setelah rilis. Film Hafalan Shalat Delisa memiliki cerita yang hampir
sama dengan novelnya yakni cerita tentang bencana tsunami Aceh tahun 2004. Film yang
pertama kali tayang pada 22 Desember 2011 ini berhasil menggaet lebih dari 668 ribu
penonton. Kemudian, Tere Liye juga menunjukkan kemampuan menulis serba bisanya pada
seri novel yang berjudul Negeri Para Bedebah dan Negeri di Ujung Tanduk. Kedua novel
tersebut diketahui memiliki genre sebagai novel action. Novel action sendiri dapat dipahami
sebagai cerita yang menggambarkan pertarungan seru antara tokoh utama dengan berbagai

Beberapa tahun terakhir ini, Tere Liye menjadi salah satu sosok penulis yang tengah menjadi sorotan.
Hal ini tentu saja bukan karena kontroversinya, melainkan karena produvitasnya dalam menciptakan
karya sastra yang luar biasa, baik itu novel maupun dalam bentuk serius atau cerita bersambung.

Novel karangan Tere Liye tidak hanya memiliki daya tarik terkait kemampuan menulisnya.
Sebagai alumnus dari salah satu kampus terkemuka di Indonesia, Tere Liye juga ternyata
memiliki pemikiran yang kritis. Pemikiran kritis tersebut dapat dilihat dari cerita yang dibuat
untuk memberikan pendidikan politik kepada para pembaca. Selain itu, dalam beberapa
kesempatan, Tere Liye menggunakan akun media sosial untuk menyampaikan berbagai
pendapat atau kritik untuk kebijakan yang dibuat oleh pemerintah. Tidak hanya melontarkan
berbagai kritik terkait kebijakan, Tere Liye atau Darwis ini juga aktif dalam melakukan aksi
atau protes secara nyata. Misalnya saja, terkait kebijakan pajak yang tinggi untuk para penulis
di Indonesia. Sebagai cara untuk merespon kebijakan tersebut, dia bahkan sampai meminta
penerbit untuk menghentikan proses pencetakan buku-bukunya.
Darwis or 'Tere Liye' was born in a small town in South Sumatra Province, Lahat City on May 21,
1979. He was born into a simple family, his parents were ordinary farmers in the interior of Sumatra.
Tere Liye completed his elementary school education at SD Negeri 2 Kikim Timur and also
completed his junior high school education in the same city, namely at SMP Negeri 2 Kikim, Lahat,
South Sumatra. Then he continued his schooling to SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung. After graduating
from high school, she continued her studies at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia.

After completing his studies, Tere Liye worked as an accountant in a company. Tere Liye has skills in
writing novels thanks to his hobby in writing. He made his writing debut in 2005 through the novel
Hafalan Sholat Delisa. In addition to being a best seller, the novel Hafalan Shalat Delisa also made it
to the big screen and even became one of the most hunted films by the audience after its release. The
movie Hafalan Shalat Delisa has a story that is almost the same as the novel, which is a story about
the 2004 Aceh tsunami disaster. The film, which first aired on December 22, 2011, managed to attract
more than 668 thousand viewers. Then, Tere Liye also showed his versatile writing skills in a series of
novels entitled Negeri Para Bedebah and Negeri di Ujung Tanduk. Both novels are known to have a
genre as action novels. An action novel itself can be understood as a story that describes an exciting
battle between the main character and various opponents.

In recent years, Tere Liye has become one of the writers in the spotlight. This is of course not because
of the controversy, but because of his productivity in creating extraordinary literary works, both
novels and in serious form or serialized stories.

Tere Liye's novels not only have an appeal related to his writing skills. As an alumnus of one of the
leading universities in Indonesia, Tere Liye also has critical thinking. This critical thinking can be
seen from the stories created to provide political education to readers. In addition, on several
occasions, Tere Liye used social media accounts to express various opinions or criticisms for policies
made by the government. Not only expressing various criticisms related to policies, Tere Liye or
Darwis is also active in taking action or protesting in real life. For example, regarding the high tax
policy for writers in Indonesia. As a way to respond to the policy, he even asked publishers to stop the
printing process of his books.

Darwis or 'Tere Liye' was born in a small town in South Sumatra Province, precisely Lahat City on
May 21, 1979. He was born into a simple family, his parents were ordinary farmers in the interior of
Sumatra. After graduating from high school, she continued her studies at the Faculty of Economics,
University of Indonesia.


Tere Liye has skills in writing novels thanks to his hobby in writing. She made her writing debut in
2005 through the novel Hafalan Sholat Delisa. In addition to being a best seller, the novel Hafalan
Shalat Delisa also made it to the big screen and even became one of the most sought-after films. Then,
Tere Liye also showed his versatile writing skills in a series of novels entitled Negeri Para Bedebah
and Negeri di Ujung Tanduk.

In recent years, Tere Liye has become one of the writers in the spotlight. This is certainly not because
of the controversy, but because of his productivity in creating extraordinary literary works, be it
novels or in serious form or serialized stories.


Tere Liye's novels are not only interesting for their writing skills. As an alumnus of one of the leading
universities in Indonesia, Tere Liye also has critical thinking. This critical thinking can be seen from
the stories created to provide political education to readers. In addition, on several occasions, Tere
Liye used social media accounts to express various opinions or criticisms for policies made by the
government. Not only expressing various criticisms related to policies, Tere Liye or Darwis is also
active in taking action or protesting in real life.

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