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(Untuk Mahasiswa Program Pendidikan Kompetensi Umum IPB)

(Untuk Mahasiswa Program Pendidikan Kompetensi Umum IPB)

Tim Penulis:
Dra. Tatie Soedewo, MA
Dra. Irma R. G. Barus, MA
Dra. Dwiningsih Sulistiarti, MS
Dra. R. A. Sri Sugyaningsih, M.Hum
Drs. M. Thonthowi Djauhari, MA
Dra. Alfa Chasanah, MA
Dra. Nilawati, Dipl. TEFL
Dra. Ani Purjayanti, MA
Hesti Sulistyowati, SS

Penerbit IPB Press

IPB Science Park Taman Kencana,
Kota Bogor - Indonesia

Judul Buku:
Integrated Reading (Untuk Mahasiswa Program Pendidikan Kompetensi Umum IPB)
Dra. Tatie Soedewo, MA
Dra. Irma R. G. Barus, MA
Dra. Dwiningsih Sulistiarti, MS
Dra. R. A. Sri Sugyaningsih, M.Hum
Drs. M. Thonthowi Djauhari, MA
Dra. Alfa Chasanah, MA
Dra. Nilawati, Dipl. TEFL
Dra. Ani Purjayanti, MA
Hesti Sulistyowati, SS
Desain Sampul:
Ahmad Syahrul Fakhri
Penata Isi:
Dra. Tatie Soedewo, MA, Dkk.
Sani Etyarsah & Nopionna Dwi Andari
Jumlah Halaman:
205 + 8 halaman romawi
Cetakan 1, Agustus 2015

Sumber foto sampul:

Sani Etyarsah & Ahmad Syahrul Fakhri
PT Penerbit IPB Press
Anggota IKAPI
IPB Science Park Taman Kencana
Jl. Taman Kencana No. 3, Bogor 16128
Telp. 0251 - 8355 158 E-mail:

ISBN: 978-979-493-849-2

Dicetak oleh Percetakan IPB, Bogor - Indonesia

Isi di Luar Tanggung Jawab Percetakan


Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh

isi buku tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit
Dengan mengucapkan puji syukur ke hadirat Illahi kami para penulis akhirnya dapat merevisi
buku yang dipersembahkan untuk para mahasiswa Program Pendidikan Kompetensi Umum (PPKU)
Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Buku ajar Bahasa Inggris yang berjudul ‘Integrated Reading’ ini dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di tingkat pertama. Berbeda dengan diktat-diktat yang telah kami
buat sebelumnya, di dalam buku ini kami menyantumkan semua skills terutama Reading, Structure,
dan Writing dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan kurikulum mayor-minor. Dalam kurikulum mayor-minor
ini Bahasa Inggris menekankan pada pentingnya praktek penggunaan skills tadi dalam kegiatan di
kelas, baik di kelas-kelas kuliah maupun di kelas-kelas responsi. Dengan demikian para lulusan PPKU
nantinya diharapkan dapat menerapkan ilmunya itu pada saat mereka harus membaca teks berbahasa
Inggris di tingkat-tingkat berikutnya.
Para penulis ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya terutama pada seluruh
staf Bahasa Inggris yang telah turut menyumbangkan buah pikirannya hingga selesainya buku ini.
Ucapan terima kasih ini terutama kami tujukan kepada: Drs. Widharto, Gatot Widodo, S.Pd., Amita
Nucifera Syaefuddin, S.TP., Kardina Hadiati, S.S., Reny Astiyarini Umar, S.S., dan Rizdika Mardiana,
S.Si. yang telah membantu memberikan saran dan kritikan demi perbaikan buku ini.
Kami berharap bahwa buku cetakan ke empat ini lebih baik dari yang sebelumnya. Namun,
demikian, kami masih menerima kritikan dan saran untuk kesempurnaan buku ini.

Bogor, 1 Agustus 2015

Tim Penulis

Kata Pengantar .............................................................................................................. iii

Daftar Isi ......................................................................................................................... v

Unit 1 : - Overview on Reading Skills ....................................................................... 1

- Review of Tenses ...................................................................................... 3
- Exercises.................................................................................................... 9

Unit 2 : - Skimming ................................................................................................... 15

- Noun Phrases ............................................................................................ 18
- Exercises.................................................................................................... 23

Unit 3 : - Scanning & Understanding Noun Clauses................................................. 31

- Noun Clauses ............................................................................................ 33
- Exercises.................................................................................................... 38

Unit 4 : - Reference & Expletive ............................................................................... 45

- Exercises.................................................................................................... 53

Unit 5 : - Guessing Meanings of Unknown Words ................................................... 59

- Exercises.................................................................................................... 70

Unit 6 : - Text Organization: Listing, and Process Passive Voice ............................ 79

- Passive....................................................................................................... 83
- Exercises.................................................................................................... 87

Unit 7 : - Review ....................................................................................................... 93

- Exercises.................................................................................................... 102

Unit 8 : - Cause & Effect, Comparison & Contrast, and Adverb Clauses ................ 107
- Adverb Clauses .......................................................................................... 107
- Exercises.................................................................................................... 113

Unit 9 : - Definitions, Exemplification, Classification, and Adjective Clauses........... 121

- Adjective Clauses ...................................................................................... 122
- Exercises.................................................................................................... 129

Unit 10 : - Reading Tables & Graphs (Charts) ............................................................ 137

- Exercises.................................................................................................... 146

Unit 11 : - Transferring Information and Transitional Markers .................................... 153

- Exercises.................................................................................................... 159

Unit 12 : - Making Inferences and Predicting............................................................. 169
- Exercises ................................................................................................... 174

Unit 13 : - Distinguishing Facts from Opinions........................................................... 179

- Exercises ................................................................................................... 184

Unit 14 : - Review....................................................................................................... 189

- Exercises ................................................................................................... 194

Daftar Pustaka .............................................................................................................. 205


1. To overview reading skills needed in reading comprehension
2. To review some of the English tenses

A. Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension means understanding written materials thoroughly,
i.e. getting the information presented in the written materials. Thus, it could not be
called “reading” when you read but you donot get the information from the things
you are reading.

Now read the following text and discuss it with those sitting next to you to learn
whether you get the same information, including all the details and the implied
one, as they do.

The Mac Arthur prizes, or “genius award”, are grants of money from $
128,000 to $ 300,000 given to individuals who show outstanding talents in
their fields. According to a foundation spokesperson, this money frees
geniuses from financial worries and allows them the time to devote
5 themselves to creative thinking. The recipients of the Mac Arthur prizes
are people who have already achieved considerable success. It may be
asked whether they attained success despite the fact that they had to
worry about money or because of it.

There are at least three things which will help you understand and comprehend
the written materials you are reading, namely the reading skills, the vocabulary
mastery, and the grammar mastery.

The skimming skill discussed in UNIT 2, for example, will help you get the general
idea, while thescanning skill presented in UNIT 3 helps you find any specific
information you want to know from a text. Mastering the usage of certain forms
and understanding the meaning of the message in the text will enable you
understand the relationship between ideas, so that you will be able to transfer the
information into other forms. There are still some other skills to learn in the other
units, which will improve your reading ability.

Read the text below and answer the questions which follow to see how good your
existing reading skills are.
Health food addicts have at last gained the support of the National
Academy of Sciences in the argument about the relationship between diet
and cancer. The National Academy has issued a 500-page report called
“Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer” that recommends dietary strategies for
5 protecting yourself from cancer. For example, they advice you to reduce
your consumption of fat, as in pork and butter, and increase your intake of
vitamin C, as in grapefruit and cabbage. More beta-carotene, a type of
vitamin A in yellow and green vegetables, should be added to your diet as

1. What can you infer from what health food addicts have claimed?
(A) They need confirmation from Academy of Sciences.
(B) People need to eat better.
(C) People should cut down their consumption of fat and vitamin A.
(D) People who eat nutritious food are less likey to get cancer.

2. What foods apparently fight cancer?

(A) Fat and vitamins A and C. (C) Fruits and vegetables.
(B) Bacon, grapefruit, and cabbage. (D) Junk foods.

3. The majority of people reading this passage would infer that the Academy
of Science is __________.
(A) an association of nutrition professors.
(B) a reliable scientific organization.
(C) a company that manufactures health food.
(D) a publisher of scientific journals.

4. You can infer from this passage that __________.

(A) experiments were performed on groups of people to show the effect
of nutrition on cancer
(B) health food addicts had already proven that good nutrition prevents
(C) nothing has been proven in regard to the effect of diet upon the
development of cancer
(D) there is no way to prevent cancer

One of the units in this book focuses on improving your vocabulary mastery
which is very important indeed as no matter how good your reading skills are, you
will find it difficult to understand and comprehend a written text to get the
presented information when you have a limited vacabulary.

Read the following text and see whether you can guess the meaning of the
underlined words.

Although most honeybees die in the field while gathering pollen,

some bees die in the hives and must be removed in order to prevent the
spread of disease and to keep the nest from filling up with corpses. These
corpses emit a chemical that signals death. Most of the bees either ignore
5 the corpses, poke at them, lick them, or inspect them. Usually within an
hour, the bees that are in charge of removing the dead bees grasp them
in their mandibles, pull them through the hive toward the entrance, then fly
away and drop them as far as 400 feet from the hive.

Your grammar mastery also plays an important role in enabling you to

understand what you read as ideas are presented in sentences, which are not
only of a row of words but also of certain grammatical rules. However,
considering that you have learnt grammar for at least six years when you were in
your high schools, there will be no discussion on it in this unit except a brief
review of the English tenses as you can see in the next few pages.

B. The English Tenses
There are twelve tenses in English grammar, but only seven of them, the most
commonly found in a written text, will be discussed in this unit. Read the following
and notice that English tenses are expressed in different verb forms.
1. Simple Present Tense 2. Present Progressive* Tense
I write I am writing
You write You are writing
He writes He is writing
We write We are writing
They write They are writing
* also called Continuous
3. Simple Past Tense 4. Past Progressive Tense
I wrote I was writing
You wrote You were writing
He wrote He was writing
We wrote We were writing
They wrote They were writing
5. Future Tense Non-Progressive 6. Future Progressive Tense
I shall write I shall be writing
You will write You will be writing
He will write He will be writing
We shall write We shall be writing
They will write They will be writing
7. Present Perfect Tense Non- 8. Present Perfect Progressive
Progressive Tense
I have written I have been writing
You have written You have been writing
He has written He has been writing
We have written We have been writing
They have written They have been writing
9. Past Perfect Tense Non- 10. Past Perfect ProgressiveTense
I had written I had been writing
You had written You had been writing
He had written He had been writing
We had written We had been writing
They had written They had been writing
11. Future Perfect Tense Non- 12. Future Perfect ProgressiveTense
I shall have written I shall have been writing
You will have written You will have been writing
He will have written He will have been writing
We shall have written We shall have been writing
They will have written They will have been writing

These are four principal forms of the English verbs:

Simple Form Simple Past Past Participle Present Participle

Regular finish finished finished finishing

Verbs stop stopped stopped stopping
hope hoped hoped hoping
wait waited waited waiting
play played played playing
try tried tried trying

Irregular see saw seen seeing

Verbs make made made making
sing sang sung singing
eat ate eaten eating
put put put putting
go went gone going

The Present, Past, and Future Tenses

I. Simple Present, Present Progressive, and Present Perfect
A. The forms


(+) {I-You-We-They} work. I am working. {I-You-We-They} have
{He-She-It} works. {You-We-They} are working. eaten lunch.
{He-She-It} is working {He-She-It} has eaten

(–) {I-You-We-They} do not work. I am not working {I-You-We-They} have not

{He-She-It} does not work. {You-We-They} are not working (haven’t) eaten lunch.
{He-She-It} is not working {He-She-It} has not
(hasn’t) eaten lunch.

(?) Do {I-you-we – they} work? Am I working? Have {I-You-We-They}

Does {he-she-it} work? Are {you-we-they} working? eaten lunch?
Is {he-she-it} working? Has {He-She-It} eaten

B. The Meaning

SIMPLE PRESENT (a) Ann takes a shower The simple present

every day. expresses daily habits or
(b) I usually eat lunch at the usual activities, as in (a)
cafetaria. and (b).
(c) Babies cry. The simple present
(d) The earth revolves expresses general
around the sun. statements of facts, as in
(e) A square has four equal (c) and (d). In short, the
sides. simple present is used for
(f) The sky is blue. events or situations that
(always, usually, or
habitually) exist in the past,
present, and future.

PRESENT PROGRESSIVE (g)Ann can‟t come to the The present progressive
phone right now expresses an activity that is
because she is taking a in progress (is occurring, is
shower. happening) right now.
(h)It‟s noon. I am eating The event is in progress at
lunch at the cafetaria at the time the speaker is
present. saying sentence. The event
(i) Jimmy and Susie are began in the past, is in
babies. They are crying. progress now, and will
Maybe they are hungry. probably continue into the

PRESENT PERFECT (j) Jim has already eaten The present perfect
lunch. expresses activities or
(k) Ann hasn‟t eaten lunch situations that occurred (or
yet. did not occur) “before now”
(l) Have you ever eaten at at some unspecified time in
that restaurant? the past.
(m) I‟ve eaten there.

(n) Pete has eaten at that The present perfect

restaurant many times. expresses activities that
(o) I‟ve been to that theater were repeated several times
five or six times. in the pasts. The exact times
(p) I‟ve had three tests so are unspecified.
far this week.

(q) Erica has lived in this When the present perfect is

city since 1989. used with since or for, it
(r) I have known Ben for expresses situation that
ten years. began in the past and
(s) We’ve been in class continue to the present.
since ten o‟clock this

II. Simple Past, Past Progressive, and Past Perfect

A. The forms

Simple Past
worked yesterday.
STATEMENT {I–You–She–He–It–We–They}
ate breakfast.
did not (didn‟t) work yesterday.
NEGATIVE {I–You–She–He–It–We–They}
did not (didn‟t) eat breakfast.
work yesterday?
QUESTION Did {I–You–She–He–It–We–They}
eat breakfast?

Past Progressive

{I–She–He–It} was working.

{ You–We–They} were working.

{I–She–He–It} was not (wasn‟t) working.
{ You–We–They} were not (weren‟t) working.

Was {I–She–He–It}
QUESTION working?
Were { You–We–They}

Past Perfect

STATEMENT {I–You–She–He–It–We–They} had eaten when Nina came.

NEGATIVE {I–You–She–He–It–We–They} had not eaten when Nina came.

QUESTION eaten when Nina came?

B. The Meaning

SIMPLE PAST (a) Mary walked The simple past is used to

downtown yesterday. talk about activities or
situation that began and
ended at a particular time in
(b) I slept for eight hours
the past (e.g., yesterday, last
last night. night, two days ago, in
1990), as in (a) and (b).

(c) I sat down at the dinner The past progressive

PAST PROGRESSIVE table at 6:00 P.M. expresses an activitiy that
yesterday. Tom came to was in progress (was
my house at 6:10 P.M. I occurring, was happening) at
was eating dinner when a point of time of another
Tome came. action (e.g., when Tom
came.) In (c): Eating eationg
(d) I went to bed at 10:00. was in progress at 6:10;
The phone rang at eating was in progress
11:00. I was sleeping when Tom came.
when the phone rang.

PAST PERFECT The past perfect

(e) I was not hungry at
1:00 P.M. I had expresses an activitythat
already eaten occurred before another
time in the past.
In (e): I ate at noon . I was
not hungry at 1:00 P.M.
because I had alrready
eaten before 1:00 P.M.

III. Simple Future

A. The forms

1. Will
STATEMENT {I–You–She–He–It–We–They} will come tomorrow.
NEGATIVE {I–You–She–He–It–We–They} will not (won’t) come tomorrow.
QUESTION Will{I–You–She–He–It–We–They} come tomorrow?

2. Be going to
I am going to
STATEMENT {She–He–It} is going to
{You–We–They} are going to
come tomorrow.
I am not („m not) going to
NEGATIVE {She–He–It} is not (isn‟t) going to
{You–We–They} are not (aren‟t) going to
Am I going to
QUESTION Is {She–He–It} going to come tomorrow?
Are {You–We–They} going to

B. The Meaning

SIMPLE FUTURE (a) I am going to leave at nine Be going to and will are used to
tomorrow morning. express future time.
(b) I will leave at nine tomorrow (a) and (b) have the same
morning. meaning.
(c) Marie is going to be at the (c) and (d) have the same
meeting tonight. meaning
(d) Marie will be at the meeting NOTE: Going to is sometimes
toninght. pronounced “gonna” ininformal
speech. Will is usually contracted
to “‟ll” in everyday speech.

Exercise 1 Put the verbs in brackets in their correct forms.

Had Finished (Past Perfect S+ had
1. Our lecturer told us that he (finish) correcting the forms. +V3)
2. He (study) when his parents got home. Was Studying (Past Continous S + tobe 2+ V-ing)
3. When I (leave) my office last night, it was still raining very hard. Left (Past Simple S+V2)
Was explaining (Past 4. Arif interrupted the teacher while she (explain) the nation condition.
Continous 5. The Japanese (develop) a transportation system that doesn‟t need human
driver. has developed (Present Perfect : Sudah/belum itu terjadi. S+have/has+V3)
6. Some stress (be) good for us. To be 1 : "is"
7. Everything (go) well so far, and we feel relieved. has gone, Present Perfect S+have/has+V3
8. Teachers (use) a conceptual approach in the classroom next year. Will use, Future Simple
9. Food that (be) previously seasonal may now be eaten at any time. Tobe 2 : "Was"
10. All the students (do) their best for the gathering. are doing, Present Continous S+tobe+V-Ing

Exercise 2 Choose the correct verb form.

1. They (a. realize b. realized c. are realizing)that they should study hard.
2. Our classmates (a. areb. were c. have been) very helpful yesterday.
3. This university (a. has b. hadc. will have) a new faculty next year.
4. The ladies (a. are attending b. have attended c. attend) such kind of
seminars several times.
5. We (a. do not come b. did not come c. had not come) late to the English
class a week ago.
6. When we entered the room, he (a. explainsb. has expalined c. was
explaining) Unit 3.
7. These students (a. studied b. were studying c. have studied) at IPB last
8. We (a. have got b. got c. get) the result of the test a week ago.
9. The success of this system (a. depends b. has depended c. is depending)
on many things.
10. She (a. will come b. was coming c. come) when we arrived.

Exercise 3 Complete the following with an appropriate verb from the list.
Beware of tenses.
a. come d. have g. stand i. swim
b. cry e. jog h. study j. walk
c. do f. play

1. Playing
The children __________ in the background right now.
2. When I left the house he was studying in his own room.
3. Stood
The chief police officer __________ in front of the people that were
protesting against the new traffic regulations.
4. Comes
When he __________, please tell him to see me soon.
5. You can __________
Do whenever you like. I cannot stop you.
6. The little girl Cry
__________ because she lost her mother in the crowd.
7. Do not __________
Swim over there. The stream is dangerous.
8. When we were__________
walking in the park, we met our old friend.
9. I am sorry I am late. My car had__________ a flat tire on the way here.
10. To keep his body healthy he always __________jogs every morning.

Exercises for Tutorial Classes
(Unit 1)

Exercise 1

A. Complete each number in the passage below with the best choice (A,
B, C) provided in the table.

Koalas are the pride of Australia, and __(1)__around USD 1 billion

for the economy of Australia every year. Most of this is from tourists who
__(2)__ in great numbers to see this __(3)__ creature, a national icon in
Australia. However, according to a report by the Australian Koala
5 Foundation, in the last five years, their numbers __(4)__ from around
100,000 to just 40,000. At this rate, they will be completely extinct by the
year 2040.
koalas __(5)__ in No. A B C
10 danger. There 1. generate generated are generating
are several 2. come came are coming
reasons why this 3. beauty beautiful beautifully
is happening. 4. dropped are dropping have dropped
Many of them 5. have been are had been
15 have been 6. attacks is attacking will attack
affected by 7. dead death died
Chlamy-dia, a 8. is coming comes came
disease that 9. are were have been
__(6)__ their 10. science scientific scientist
20 eyes and
bladder, which leads to a very slow and painful __(7)__.
Then, there are numerous car hits and to top it all, many are being
affected by some-thing that has no vaccine or cure – Koala AIDS or KIDS
(Koala Immune Deficiency Syndrome). This is similar to the AIDS that
25 affects human, but in koalas the effect is much more severe and death
__(8)__ much faster. Last year, on an average, 2-3 koalas __(9)__
brought in daily for treatment at the Australia Zoo‟s Wildlife Hospital. Dr
Jon Hanger, a veterinary __(10)__ says “Extinction is inevitable in some
areas. I certainly hope we don‟t see it across Australia, but if we don‟t take
30 the decline seriously, it‟s a risk”.

B. Use the passage above to answer the questions below by crossing

the letter A, B, or C.

1. The best title of the above passage is __________.

A. Koala‟s extinction B. The pride of Australia
C. The disease of Koala

2. The word “this” in line 2 refers to __________.

A. the economy B. pride of Australia C. around USD 1 billion

3. In which lines does the author mention one reason for the decrease of
koalas‟ number?
A. Lines 1-3 B. Lines 4-6 C. Lines 16-22

4. The word “they” in line 6 refers to __________.

A. koalas B. years C. numbers

5. The word “extinct” (line 6) can be best replaced by __________.

A. came back B. cut down C. died out

6. The synonym of the word “numerous” in line 22 is __________.

A. severe B. plenty C. serious

7. Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Chlamydia which affects bladder may cause the decrease in koalas‟
B. Koalas hit by cars contributed the biggest cause of death.
C. Unlike human‟s AIDS, Koalas‟ AIDS can be treated with vaccine.

8. Dr Jon Hanger __________.

A. pays serious attention to the inevitable extinction of koalas.
B. takes a serious risk for the decline of koalas‟ numbers.
C. does not hope to see koala across Australia.

9. According to the passage the word “vaccine” line 23can be replaced by

A. cure B. impact C. disease

Exercise 2
A. Complete each number in the passage below with the best choice (A,
B, C) provided in the table.
Giant pandas __(1)__ in the bamboo forests of China for millions
years. In fact, giant pandas __(2)__ in Chinese art for thousands of years.
Because the giant panda is considered a national treasure in China, it is
protected by law so that it __(3)__ extinct. Although giant pandas have
5 long been known to the Chinese, they__(4)__ a recent discovery for
people living outside of China. The first westerner to observe a live giant
panda in the wild__(5)__ a German zoologist named Hugo Weigold. In
1916, he __(6)__ a cub while he was on an expedition.
There is only one place where giant pandas __(7)__ in the wild: high
10 in the mountains of central China. There, they live in cold and rainy
bamboo forests that are often misty and shrouded in heavy clouds. Once
upon a time, giant pandas __(8)__ in lowland areas. However, as people
__(9)__ more and more farms and cities on that land, the giant pandas
were forced up into the mountains.

No. A B C
1. live are living have lived
2. appear are appearing have appeared
3. isn‟t becoming didn‟t become doesn‟t become
4. are do have
5. is was had been
6. buys bought has bought
7. were living lived live
8. lived are living have lived
9. are building built build

15 Now, they __(10)__ at elevations of 5,000 to 10,000 feet. The giant

panda has five fingers plus a "thumb," which isn't a real thumb but a
modified bone that __(11)__ the panda to grasp bamboo. Docile or
dangerous? Typically thought of as docile and harmless, the giant panda
can be as dangerous as any other bear when provoked and it __(12)__ to
20 attack humans.
In China, people __(13)__ for thousands of years that pandas are
special. It is said that ancient emperors of China __(14)__ pandas as pets.
Chinese books over two thousand years old show giant pandas with
mystical powers. People __(15)__ that they were able to ward off evil
25 spirits and natural disasters. Today, pandas __(16)__ believed to be a
symbol of peace and good fortune.
Nowadays, giant pandas __(17)__ at risk of becoming extinct. Only
about 1,000 giant pandas are left in the wild. All of these __(18)__ a small
area in the bamboo forests of China. About 150 live in captivity. This is
30 why the giant panda __(19)__ as endangered in the World Conservation
Union's Red List of Threatened Animals. It is one of the most
severely __(20)__ species in the world.

No. A B C
10 are living live have lived
11 allows allowed had allowed
12 has been known known was known
13 will believe have believed believe
14 keep have kept kept
15 thought are thinking have thought
16 are were will be
17 are have been will be
18 will inhabit are inhabiting Inhabited
19 listed has listed is listed
20 endangered extinct dangerous

B. Use the passage above to answer the questions below by crossing

the letter A, B, or C

1. According to the passage, where does giant panda live?

A. bamboo forests in China B. lowland areas C. in the mountains

2. The word “it” in line 4 refers to __________.

A. national treasure B.giant panda C. the law

3. The synonym of the word “docile” in line 17 is __________.
A. harmful B. safe C. tamed

4. Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Panda is a really friendly animal.
B. Hugo Weigold once lived with a giant panda
C. In China the panda is protected by the government.

5. All the following statements about pandas are true EXCEPT__________.

A. Pandas spread evil spirit to anyone who keeps them as pets.
B. Ancient Emperors in China took care of the pandas in their castle.
C. Pandas are listed as one of the threatened animals.

Exercise 3

A. Complete each number in the passage below with the best choice (A,
B, C) provided in the table.

For quite some time I __(1)__ that mobiles, mobile phone masts and
other similar types of technology are harmful to our health due to the
exposure of radiation. Since many years ago scientists __(2)__ us that
mobile phones should be used as little as possible. They think it is better to
5 be cautious about using mobiles because they can be harmful to our
Mobile phones are particularly bad for children. The phone
companies say that they are safe, but remember they __(3)__ a product so
they won‟t discourage us to buy their product by saying it is unsafe. Where
10 there is a lot of money involved, there tends to be corruption. So don't think
that they and the government, who gets taxes from the use of masts and
mobile phones that are put up, have our best interests in mind. After all,
people said that smoking, asbestos, a medication called Thalidomide,
pesticides and so on were either safe or wouldn't cause us serious harm.
15 However, they __(4)__ wrong as they cause cancer, disability and terrible
I think
technology __(5)__ No. A B C
as harmful to the next 1 believe believed have believed
20 generation as drink, 2 warned are warning have warned
smoking and drugs 3 Sold are selling had sold
__(6)__ to previous 4 were are have been
generations. In fact, 5 would be has been will be
research claims 6 have been are were
25 mobile phones could 7 have used are using will use
kill more people than 8 don‟t have haven‟t had aren‟t having
smoking. Wireless 9 won‟t do don‟t do didn‟t do
can cause 10 have lost lost will lose
headaches, nausea,
30 tiredness and memory loss in some people.

Technology can be particularly hazardous if you are sensitive to it.
Now, because of technology we __(7)__ TV for the whole 24 hours, using
35 computers, playing video games, and so on. Electrical gadgets in the
bedroom can also cause sleep problems. It is best to have no electronic
items in our bedroom. But if we can't do without them, we can at least
make sure we __(8)__ a computer, cordless phone or mobile in our
bedroom. Cordless phones emit a high amount of radiation. This is
40 because they have to be on all the time for them to be charged up. If you
__(9)__ this, the phone wouldn't work. So keep your technology use to a
limited amount of time each day. Particularly keep your use of mobile
phones to a minimum and use a landline instead, because mobile phones
can cause cancerous brain tumors if they are used for a long period of time
over the years. Always remember that your health is very important as you
might find you are unable to return to good health once you __(10)__ it.

Exercise 4

A. Complete each number in the passage below with the best choice (A,
B, C) provided in the table.

Cows are referred to as the foster mothers of human race because

they __(1)__ most of the milk that people drink. The first cow in America
__(2)__ in Jamestown colony in 1611. Until the 1850‟s, nearly every family
had its own cow. In 1856, Gail Borden __(3)__ the condensed milk
5 process, which removed some of the water from milk so it would __(4)__
up less space. Refrigeration __(5)__ into use in 1880, and the first
pasteurizing machine was introduced fifteen years later.
In the past few years, dairying __(6)__. One cow can produce the
milk that once took 10 cows to produce. Today, people in the United
10 States __(7)__ cows on 110.000 farms. More than 99% of all dairy farms
are family owned and operated.
The following
are some facts No. A B C
about cows. First, 1 produce are producing produced
15 cows are milked for 2 arrives has arrived arrived
an average of 3-4 3 is inventing invented invents
years. A cow must 4 take takes took
have a calf in order 5 comes has come came
to __(8)__ milk. 6 is improving has improved improved
20 Calves are fed with 7 are milking milked have milked
milk until they are 8 produce produced producing
8-9 weeks old. A 9 is chewing chews has chewed
young female cow 10 has been is was
is called a heifer.
25 Cows are ruminants, or cud chewing, mammals. Sheep and camels are
other examples of ruminants. A cow __(9)__ her cud (regurgitated,
partially digested food) for up to 8 hours each day. Contrary to popular
belief, cows do not have four stomachs; they have four digestive
compartments: the rumen, the reticulum (the hardware stomach), the
30 omasum (functioning as a filter), and the obamasum, which __(10)__ like
our stomach.

Dairy cows are excellent producers of milk. They provide 90% of the
world‟s milk supply. The best cows give over 25 gallons of milk each day;
that‟s 400 glasses of milk! US cows give an average of 2000 gallons of
35 milk per year over 30.000 glasses of milk.

B. Choose the best answer

1. The best title of the above passage is __________.

A. Cows‟ Producers B. Dairying C. Cows‟ milk D. Dairy Cows

2. The word “removed” in line 5 can best be replaced with __________.

A. added B.put in C.reduced D.took away

3. The word “it” in line 5 refers to __________.

A. milk process B. the water C.milk D. space

4. The topic of Paragraph Two is __________.

A. dairying B. cow production
C. milking process D. dairy operation

5. In what lines does the author describe the importance of cows?

A. Lines 1-2 B. Lines 8-9 C. Lines 12-20 D. Lines 26-29

6. Camels are mentioned in the passage because they __________.

A. have four stomachs C. milk the calves
B. are similar to cows D. cannot chew their food

7. The word “they” in line 27 refers to __________.

A. belief B. cows C. stomachs D. compartments

C. Indicate whether the following statement is TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)

1. People did not start to raise cows until refrigeration was found.
2. Like the first pasteurizing machine, refrigeration was introduced in 1880.
3. It can be inferred that in the past cows could produce 10 times amount of
milk as much as those of today.
4. The passage states that all cows can produce milk.
5. It can be concluded that not all calves will grow into heifers.
6. It is popularly believed that cows do not have four stomachs.

1. To find the topic of the passage
2. To find the topic sentences and the controlling ideas
3. To get the main and supporting ideas of the passage
4. To understand Noun Phrases


It is not always necessary to read every word of a passage. Your purpose

for reading something determines how closely you should read it. Once you know
what your purpose is, skimming is a valuable procedure. Skimming through a
passage involves reading very fast in order to recognize main ideas and
supporting details while skipping (not reading) parts that are not relevant to your
reading purpose. It can save you time in deciding what or what not to read, in
getting the general content of a passage, and in finding the author‟s main point
without having to deal with details. The way you read the morning newspaper, for
example, is quite different from the way you read an assignment for a class.

A. Topic of the passage

A topic is the general idea of a paragraph or a passage. It tells the

readers what a paragraph or a passage is about.The topic of a passage is usually
stated in the first sentence, although other positions are also possible. However,
sometimes the topic is not stated in the passage at all, but is implied.

Sample Passages

a. Topic stated at the first sentence:

Veterinary medicine is the branch of science that deals with the

prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, disorder and injury in
animals. The scope of veterinary medicine is wide, covering all animal
species, both domesticated and wild, with a wide range of conditions
which can affect different species.

b. Topic stated at the last sentence:

One technique to help with this is to consciously look into one of the
listener‟s eyes and then move to the other eyes. Going back and forth
between the two makes your eyes appear to sparkle. Another trick is to
imagine a letter “T” on the listener‟s face, with the cross bar being an
imaginary line across the eye brows and the vertical line coming down
the center of the nose. Keep your eyes scanning that “T” zone. This is
usually called “eye contact”.

c. Topic implied:

In its broadest, general sense, it is the means through which the aims
and habits of a group of people lives on from one generation to the next.
Generally, it occurs through any experience that has a formative effect
on the way one thinks, feels, or acts. In its narrow, technical sense, it is
the formal process by which society deliberately transmits its
accumulated knowledge, skills, customs and values from one generation
to another, e.g., instruction in schools.

The topic of the passage is education

B. Topic sentences

A paragraph usually tells about one topic. Often one sentence is the topic
sentence. It tells the topic and the main idea of the paragraph. It sums up the
ideas of the other sentences, which give details about the main idea. However,
the topic sentence may not be stated but implied, so we must draw a conclusion
from the paragraph to obtain its topic sentence.

a. Topic sentence at the beginning:

Rice is the only major grain crop that is grown almost exclusively as
human food. There have been a series of remarkable genetic advances
that have made it possible to cultivate high-yield varieties, which are
resistant to disease and insect pests. Because rice constitutes half the
diet of 1.6 billion people, another 400 million people rely on it between
one-fourth and one-half of their diet, these advances have deterred
disasters which otherwise would have left millions of people severely

b. Topic sentence in the middle:

Within the animal world, populations change all the time. Changes in the
animal population depend on many factors. These include the rate of
production of young, and the number of young that survive through the
breeding stage.

c. Topic sentence at the end:

By the year 2009, a vaccine against the common cold will have been
developed. By the same year, the first human will have been successfully
cloned. By the year 2014, parents will be able to create designer children.
Genetic therapy will be able to manipulate genes for abilities, intelligence,
and hair, eye, and skin color. By 2020, most diseases will be able to be
diagnosed and treated at home, and by 2030, cancer and heart disease
will have been wiped out. These are just a few examples of medical
miracles that are expected in the new few decades.

d. Topic sentence implied

Immunization can significantly reduce the microorganisms thought to

cause cavities. The Federal Drug Administration needs to approve the
vaccine before it can be sold to the public. Consequently, the vaccine will
have to undergo a three-year trial period.

The topic sentence of the paragraph is “A new cavity preventing vaccine may
soon be on the market”.

A topic sentence contains a controlling idea that needs to be explained,

described, illustrated, or developed in the sentences that follow or precede the
topic sentence.

A topic sentence is not a statement of a fact. Therefore, the following

statements of facts cannot be a topic sentence:

 Bogor has Botanical Garden and Safari Garden.

 Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia.
 Indonesia declared its independence on August 17 th.

A topic sentence can be a statement of intent or opinion, or both intent

and opinion.

A statement of intent is an objective sentence that tells the reader what

will objectively be explained in the paragraph that follows. The statement can be
expressed with noun phrases, and quantity expressions. Study the following

 There are many ways of learning English.

 Animals can be divided into three groups according to what they eat.
 One reason for occurrence of floods is deforestation.

A statement of opinion makes ajudgment. Words like interesting, bad,

exciting, best, terrifying, etc. give the writer‟s subjective opinion (that is, a
personal feeling or belief of the writer) and the paragraph that follows will support
the writer‟s opinion in the topic sentence. Study the following examples:

 Growing orchids is not easy.

 Living in Bogor is sometimes frustrating.
 Jogging early in the morning makes you healthy.

A topic sentence can be a statement of intent and opinion. Study the

following examples:

 There are some reasons why learning English is important.

 Mountain climbing is a very hazardous sport with special requirements
and strict climbing rules.

C. Controlling ideas

A controlling idea is a word or group of words that give the main thought of
a paragraph. These important words make up part or all of a topic sentence. A
controlling idea helps a reader by telling what a paragraph‟s main subject will be.
The controlling idea may be written in the forms of quantity expressions (three
main reasons, several ways, etc), a directive expression (the following steps), or
adjectives (interesting, important, etc.).

The controlling ideas of the above sentences are underlined.

D. Main and supporting ideas

The main idea of a passage is the topic of a passage and the writer‟s
ideas about the topic. The supporting ideas are the ideas that relate directly to
the main idea or tell more about it.

Sample passage

Plants can be limited in their growth rates by a variety of factors.Mineral

nutrients may diffuse through the soil to the roots, and from there, they
must be carried through the body of the plant. Carbon dioxide must be
taken into the leaves. Sufficient light must fall upon the plant to cause the
rate of photosynthesis greater than the rate of consumption of energy by
the plant.

The main idea of the passage above is stated in the first sentence and the rest of
the sentences are the supporting ideas or details. The topic sentence of this
passage is a statement of intent where its controlling idea is a variety of factors.

Grammar points: Noun Phrases

A. Form

A noun phrase is a phrase that consists of a noun plus a modifier; the

modifier can be:

a. Adjective
Examples: a big house, an extremely expensive car, easy tasks,
complicated problems

b. Prepositional phrases
Examples: a new computer in the classroom, the lecturer with glasses,
the shrubs under the rubber trees

c. Relative clauses
Examples: the students who work in the laboratory of a university,
which is 100 years old,the experiment, which I was carrying
outthe university where you study

B. Function

A noun phrase usually functions as:

a. Subject:
Examples: French and American managers have different
management styles.
Olympic athletes must be strong both physically and
b. Object
Examples: Their teacher was explaining the pronunciation of the
English vowels.
Genetic research has produced both exciting and
frightening possibilities.

Exercise 1
Read the following passage and answer the questions.
A computer is a general purpose device which can be
programmed to carry out a finite set of arithmetic or logical operations.
Since a sequence of operations can be readily changed, the computer
can solve more than one kind of problem. The essential point of a
5 computer is to implement an idea, the terms of which are satisfied by Alan
Turing's Universal Turing machine.
Conventionally, a computer consists of at least one processing
element and some form of memory. The processing element carries out
arithmetic and logic operations, and a sequencing and control unit that
10 can change the order of operations based on stored information.
Peripheral devices allow information to be retrieved from an external
source, and the result of operations saved.
A computer's processing unit executes a series of instructions that
make it read, manipulate and then store data. Conditional instructions
15 change the sequence of instructions as a function of the current state of
the machine or its environment.
In order to interact with such a machine, programmers and
engineers developed the concept of a user interface in order to accept
input from humans and return results for human consumption.
20 The first electronic digital computers were developed between
1940 and 1945 in the United Kingdom and United States. Originally, they
were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several
hundred modern personal computers (PCs). In this era mechanicalanalog
computers were used for military applications.
21 Modern computers based on integrated circuits are millions to
billions of times more capable than the early machines, and occupy a
fraction of the space. Simple computers are small enough to fit into mobile
devices, and mobile computers can be powered by small batteries.
Personal computers in their various forms are icons of the Information
25 Age and are what most people think of as "computers". However, the
embedded computers found in many devices from mp3 players to fighter
aircraft and from toys to industrial robots are the most numerous.

A. Match the topics and their paragraphs.

Topics: Paragraphs:
A. CPU ……..………………..
B. User interface …..…………………..
C. Modern computers ……………..………..
D. Definition of computer ..……………..……...
E. Electronic digital computers …….…………………
F. Elements of computers …….…………………

B. Underline the noun phrases in the above passage.

Exercise 2
After 1492 the world's agricultural patterns were shuffled in the
widespread exchange of plants and animals known as the Columbian
Exchange. Crops and animals that were previously only known in the Old
World were now transplanted to the New and vice versa. The history of
5 agriculture in the Age of Discovery and Early modern era was closely tied
to the processes of European exploration and colonization. Perhaps most
notably, the tomato became a favorite in European cuisine, and maize and
potatoes were widely adopted. Other transplanted crops include
pineapple, cocoa, and tobacco. In the other direction, several wheat
10 strains quickly took to western hemisphere soils and became a dietary
staple even for native North, Central and South Americans. Agriculture
was a key element in the Atlantic slave trade, Triangular trade, and the
expansion by European powers into the Americas. In the expanding
Plantation economy, large plantations producing crops including sugar,
15 cotton, and indigo, were heavily dependent upon slave labor.

Choose the best answer.

1. The topic sentence of the above paragraph is …….sentence.

A. the first B. the third C. the last

2. The controlling ideas are………………..

A. heavily dependent upon slave labor
B. transplanted to the New and vice versa
C. closely tied to the processes of European exploration and colonization

3. The topic sentence is a statement of ………

A. intent B. opinion

4. What was the dietary staple of native North, Central and South Americans?
A. wheat B. maize C. potatoes

5. Which were not mentioned as transplanted crops in the passage?

A. pineapple B. potatoes C. coffee

Exercise 3

It has been about a decade since oil palm trees were first utilized to
make meal boxes and degradable tableware. Today, by integrating
designers‟ ingenuity, oil palm waste is made into notebooks and bags that
give a tactile sensation. Besides being an eye-opener, the move helps oil
5 palm-based papers achieve a breakthrough in the paper industry! Today,
on the shelves are various types of notebooks with their brown covers
printed with thought-provoking slogans. They are all oil palm-based items
that ooze creativity. “These products were only introduced about two
months ago but they have been receiving overwhelming responses in the
10 market,” quipped Liu Shiwei. Aeiou studio, which started out as a
manufacturer of gift wraps, was founded by Liu, along with three other
friends. Liu was only 24 at that time. Today, the company has several
paper-based brands and printing facilities under its belt. Recently, Liu also
collaborated with a palm oil chemicals company to upgrade the
15 technology in meal box and tableware production, signifying a venture into
the paper manufacturing industry. By leveraging on the company‟s original
expertise in designing, beautiful stationery is being churned out.

Choose the best answer.

1. What is the topic of the above passage?
A. Timbers B. Oil palm products C. Papers

2. What is the main idea of the above passage?

A. Oil palm trees are planted all over the world.
B. There are many products made from oil palm trees.
C. Paper manufacturing industries are popular.

Exercise 4

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

European agriculture underwent a number of significant changes

during the middle Ages. Tools including the scythe and plow were
improved from classical versions, a three field system of crop rotation was
invented, and the moldboard plow and wheeled plow were increasingly
5 used. Draft horses were bred and increasingly used as a working animal
in many parts of Europe, while oxen continued to be used for this purpose.
Metal horseshoes were widely adopted. Much of Europe had low
population densities during this period, to which extensive farming was
well-suited. In parts of Southern Europe, more intensive farming combined
10 techniques continued from classical Roman agriculture and those
transferred from Islamic regions. In the late middle Ages, the use of
manure as fertilizer increased, which in turn decreased the necessity of
regular fallowing of fields.

1. Which isthe topic sentence of the above passage?
A. The first sentence B. The third sentence
C. The last sentence

2. What are the controlling ideas?

A. A number of significant changes C. Regular fallowing of fields
B. Many parts of Europe

3. The topic sentence shows a statement of ………….

A. opinion B. intent C. intent and opinion

4. The scythe (line 2) is ……….

A. a change B. a tool C. a version

5. What animals were used as working animals?

A. Horses B. Both horses and oxen C. oxen

6. What was invented during the middle Ages?

A. classical versions B. a 3-field system C. crop rotation

Exercise 5
Are there any benefits that genetic engineering could bring to
humankind? 2By performing genetic engineering, scientists can obtain
knowledge about genetic mechanisms. 3For example, they may be able to
uncover some secrets of genetic mapping. 4Genetic mapping is the
5 identification of individual genes for various functions. 5If scientists are
raising restriction enzymes to splice certain genes, they must be able to
identify the genes. 6Thus, genetic engineering helps to identify certain
nucleotide sequences, and to use various restriction enzymes to "read"
the sequences. 7For example, if it appears that a single gene is
10 responsible for a certain function, the recombinant-DNA process may tell
us otherwise that two multiple genes, or even other factors are responsible
for the specific function (Zhu).

a. Read the above passage and underline all the noun phrases in the

b. Skim the above passage and say whether the following is TRUE or

1. The topic of the above passage is genetic engineering.

2. The topic sentence is the sixth sentence.
3. It is a statement of opinion.

Exercises for Tutorial Classes

Exercise 1
Underline the topic sentence in each paragraph and circle the controlling
idea. Decide whether it is a statement of intent, opinion, or both intent and
A. There are many ways of communicating that do not utilize language. Cries
of warning and aggression, of contentment and affection, are forms of
communication not limited to human, Or, on the human level, the dirty look
which may convey meaning, does not involve language. Gestures are also
forms of communication. The nod of the head means „yes‟ to Americans,
but a single not in the Middle East is a clear “no”.

B. It is difficult to make a distinction between food additives and food

ingredients. Sugar, which is a natural product, is generally considered to
be an ingredient whereas saccharin, an artificial sweetener, is usually
termed an additive. One method to distinguish between additives and
ingredients is to classify them according to function. Additives are used in
food production to enhance flavor and color, to prolong shelf life and to
preserve or enhance nutritional value. These functions are non-essential
and hence it is possible to classify the substances which perform them as
additives rather than ingredients.

C. Improved sanitation is not the only factor which accounted for the decline
in morbidity and mortality rates. In the period following the Second World
War the use of the pesticide DDT had a profound effect on public health.
DDT was used to control the pests which spread diseases such as
sleeping sickness, malaria and typhus. Used throughout the developing
world, over one billion people were liberated from the threat of these
diseases. Following the wide-scale employment of DDT in Sri Lanka in
1947, the number of deaths resulting from the disease fell from over
10,000 a year to zero in the early „60s. Ten years later, as a result of a
reduction in the DDT spraying campaign, over two million people were
infected with malaria.

D. Multimedia applications are used in many kinds of fields. For example,

some museum, banks and estate agents have information kiosks that use
multimedia. Companies produce training programs on optical disks, and
marketing managers use presentation packages (e.g. Microsoft Power
Point) to make business presentations. Teachers use multimedia to make
video projects or to teach subjects such as music and languages. They
have all found that moving images, sound and music involve viewers
emotionally as well as inform them, and make their message more

E. Water puts out in two ways. When a sufficient amount of water is poured
over a fire, the fire is smothered. It stops burning because it cannot get
enough oxygen. Water also puts out fire by lowering the burning point of
the fire. It does this by taking into itself the heat of the fire and turning into
stems, thus lowering the heat of the burning thing.

Exercise 2
Read the passage and do the exercises that follow.
Memory is a fundamental factor in intelligence. Without it, there could
hardly be any intelligence. If we did not remember any of the words we
heard, the faces we saw, the general information we acquired, the places
we have been, etc., we should be hopeless idiots. We should not remember
5 what food to eat or what clothes to wear, we could learn no lessons, and
consequently, we should be constantly in chaotic state.

a. Choose the best answer.

1. The topic of the paragraph above is a/an __________________.
a. fundamental factor b. intelligence c. memory
2. The topic sentence of the paragraph is stated at ___________ sentence.
a. first b. second c. last
3. The main idea of the paragraph above is _____________.
a. a photographic memory is an advantage for students
b. a necessary condition of intelligence memory
c. a man who suffered from amnesia would probably not be very

b. Underline any noun phrases found in the passage above.

Exercise 3
Read the passage and do the exercises that follow.
The phenomenon that we call light is only a small part of the
spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. Living begins utilize only the
intermediate range of these wavelengths. Reaction to light waves is
mediated by pigment called carotenoids. Plants use carotenoids for
5 photosynthesis, and animals use them to activate sensory nerves. It is not
surprising that living creatures on earth are adapted to the middle range of
electromagnetic radiation, as the atmosphere of earth severely restricts
the range of wavelengths, particularly at sea level.

a. Choose the best answer.

1 What is the topic of the passage?
A. Vision B. Radiation C. Light D. Magnetism
2. Which of the following would make the best title for the passage?
A. The Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation
B. The Spectrum of Light on Earth
C. The Use of Light
D. Adapting to Light Sources
3. What is the primary purpose of this passage?
A. To describe the reaction of living creatures to light on earth.
B. To convince the reader of the need for electromagnetism.
C. To describe the physical basis of electromagnetism.
D. To report on the effect of radiation on living creatures.

b. Underline any noun phrases found in the passage above.

Exercise 4
Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.
The term weathering refers to all the ways in which rock can be
broken down. It takes place because minerals formed in a particular way
(say at high temperatures, in the case of igneous rocks) are often
unstable when exposed to various conditions. Weathering involves the
5 interaction of the lithosphere (the Earth‟s crust) with the atmosphere and
hydrosphere (air and water). It occurs at different rates and in many
different ways, depending on the climatic and environmental conditions.
But all kinds of weathering ultimately produce broken minerals and rock
fragments and other products of the decomposition of stones.
10 Soil is the most obvious, and from the human point of view, the most
important result of weathering process. Soil is the weathered part of the
Earth‟s crust that is capable of sustaining plant life. Its character depends
on the nature of the rock from which it is formed. It also depends on the
climate and on the relative “age” of the soil. Immature soils are little more
15 than broken rock fragments. Overtime, immature soil, which contains
quantities of humus, formed from decayed plant matter. Mature soil is
darker, richer in microscopic life, and more conducive to plant growth.

a. Choose the best answer.

1. The first paragraph primarily describes _____________.
A. the process by which rocks are broken down
B. the weathering of igneous rocks
C. gradual changes in the Earth‟s weather patterns

2. The main topic of the second paragraph is __________.

A. a description of immature soil
B. the growth of plants
C. the evolution of soil

3. The main idea of the entire passage is that ___________.

A. weathering breaks down rocks and leads to the development of soil
B. soils may be classified as mature or immature
C. the Earth‟s crust is constantly changing

b. Underline any noun phrases found in the passage above.

Exercise 5
Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.
Desert tundra, or cold desert, occurs on the Arctic edges of North
America, Europe, and Asia. In these areas the temperatures are almost
always freezing, and they cause an environment in which plant life is
virtually impossible. The existence of ice rather than water for the majority
5 of the year means that vegetation does not have enough moisture for
growth to take place. During the short period of time when the temperature
increases enough for the ice to melt, there is generally a large volume of
water. Too much water and not enough drainage through the frozen
subsoil make it difficult for plants to grow.

a. Choose the best answer.
1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. Where Desert Tundra Is Found
B. The Weather in the Arctic
C. The Effect of Desert Tundra on Plant Life
D. The Variety of Plant Life in Desert Tundra

2. According to the passage, desert tundra is found ___________.

A. throughout North America, Europe and Asia
B. on the Arctic borders of the northern continents
C. in Antarctica
D. at the North Pole

3. According to the passage, what makes plant life almost impossible in areas
of desert tundra during most of the year?
A. Excessive water on the plane C. The frozen state of the water
B. The increase in temperature D. The lack of ice

4. According to the passage, which of the following does NOT happen when
the weather heats up?
A. Plans grow well C. The ice melts
B. There is not enough drainage D. There is too much water

5. According to the passage, why is it impossible for the water to drain after it
A. The land beneath the surface is still frozen
B. The temperature is too high
C. The period of time is too short
D. The vegetation is flourishing

b. Underline any noun phrases found in the passage above.

Exercise 6
Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.

Whales are mammals rather than fish, yet they live in the world‟s
oceans rather than on land. Because of the fact that they are mammals,
scientists have believed for quite some time that whales are descendants
of land animals.
5 Some interesting evidence to support this theory has recently been
found. In Egypt, fossils have been found of a forty-million-year-old- whale
leg, kneecap, ankle, foot-bones, and toes. It appears from the fossil
evidence that the bones were not very strong and not very large in
comparison to the size of the whale.
10 Based on this fossil evidence, the following evolutionary path has
been hypothesized. As the whale began its evolution toward the water, its
legs weakened and disappeared, leaving only the front flippers today.

a. Choose the best answer
1. The main idea of this passage is that ____________.
A. numerous whale fossils have been found in the world‟s oceans
B. there is evidence that whales may have descended from land
C. whales are mammals not fish
D. whales have not evolved very much over the last millions of year

2. All of the following are TRUE about whales, ECXEPT _________.

A. they are mammals C. they are fish
B. they may have come from the land D. they live in the ocean

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the whale fossils in the
A. They were found in Egypt.
B. They support the theory that whales came from land.
C. They are forty million years old.
D. They showed that ancient whales had flippers

4. Which of the following was NOT mentioned in the list of whale fossils found
in Egypt?
A. A whales‟ kneecaps C. A whale‟s foot-bones
B. A whales‟ ankle D. A whale‟s fingers

5. According to the hypothesis in the passage, what happened to whales‟

A. They got stronger over time C. They disappeared quickly
B. They got larger over time D. They became front flippers

b. Underline any noun phrases found in the passage above.

Exercise 7
Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.
NewTech Equipment Company announced that it expects to cut
4,000 jobs within the next six month in Brazil as part of its strategy to
reorganize its money-losing business. NewTech has been struggling to
make a profit after two years of losses worldwide.
5 The reduction in its labor force comes a surprise to business analysts,
who had been impressed with the performance of the company in recent
months. Although its revenues have not matched those of its first two
years of business, they had been increasing steadily since June.
New competition was blamed for this loss of revenue, but sources
10 close to the company place the blame on the lack of direction from the
chairman of the company, Pierre Reinartz. He has been with the company
for only a year, and he will probably resign soon.
It is expected that Mary Strube will succeed him. She was responsible
for opening the international offices, which have been more profitable than
15 those in Brazil. The international offices will not be affected by the staff

a. Choose the best answer.
1. What is the topic of the passage above?
A. The resignation of Mr. Pierre Reinartz
B. The reduction of employees in NewTech Equipment Company
C. The appointment of Miss Mary Strube as the new chairman
D. The profits made by NewTech Equipment Company

2. Why will NewTech cut jobs locally?

A. To be more profitable
B. Because it is moving overseas
C. Because labor costs have gone up
D. Because Chairman Reinartz directed it

3. Where will these jobs be cut?

A. Asia B. Brazil C. The United States D. Europe

4. How long has NewTech been losing money?

A. Six months B. One year C. A year and half D. Two years

5. What surprised analysts?

A. The recent growth of income
C. The decision to reduce employees
B. The resignation of the chairman
D. The opening of an international branch

6. What describes the international branches of NewTech?

A. They earn more money than the Brazilian office.
B. They are less cost-effective.
C. They are older than the Brazilian branch.
D. They will be closed within six months

Exercise 8
Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.
While fats have lately acquired a bad image, one should not forget how
essential they are. Fats provide the body‟s best means of storing energy,
a far more efficient energy source than either carbohydrates or proteins.
They act as insulation against cold, as cushioning for the internal organs,
5 and as lubricants. Without fats, there would be no way to utilize fat soluble
vitamins. Furthermore, some fats contain fatty acids that provide
necessary growth factors, strengthen the immune system, and help with
the digestion of other foods.
An important consideration of fat intake is the ratio of saturated fats to
10 unsaturated fats. Saturated fats, which are derived from dairy products,
animal fats, and tropical oils, increase the amount of cholesterol in the
blood. Cholesterol may lead to coronary heart disease by building up in
the arteries of the heart. However, unsaturated fats, derived from
vegetable oils, tend to lower serum cholesterol if taken in a proportion
15 twice that of saturated fats.
The consumption of a variety of fats is necessary, but the intake of
too much fat may lead to a variety of health problems. Excessive intake of
fats, like all nutritional excesses, is to be avoided.

a. Choose the best answer.
1. The main idea of the first paragraph is that fats ____________.
A. deserve their bad image
B. serve important function in the body
C. can be dangerous if consumed excessively
D. store energy more efficiently than proteins or carbohydrates

2. The main idea of the second paragraph is ______________.

A. unsaturated fats may reduce cholesterol level
B. the consumption of any type of fat leads to heart disease
C. it is important to eat the proper proportion of saturated fats and
unsaturated fats
D. saturated fats are more beneficial than saturated fats

3. The main idea of the third paragraph is ___________.

A. people are eating less and less fat today
B. fat should be gradually eliminated from the diet
C. people should avoid eating fats for health reasons
D. excessive consumption of fats may be dangerous to health

4. A variety of health problems may occur if a person ___________ in his or

her diet.
A. supplies adequate fats
C. combines enough fats with other foods
B. includes sufficient foods
D. consumes excessive fats

Decide whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE.

5. There are four functions of fatty acids mentioned in paragraph 1
6. Unsaturated fats can be obtained from dairy products, animal fats, and
tropical oils.
7. Fatty acids in fats are essential for growth.


1. to find the specific information
2. to locate the source of information


Scanning is another reading skill, besides skimming, that is very important. Unlike
skimming, scanning helps you to find specific pieces of information. It is a skill
that you can use when you want to know what information a text contains and
when you want to find answers to specific questions you have about the subject.

The scanning skill involves questions that refer to detailed information such as
who, what, which, why, etc. Besides the scanning skill, this unit also deals with
questions asking for implied details. This means that the information is not always
stated in the text, but it is drawn from conclusion.

Sample Passage

Scan the advertisement below and answer the questions that follow.

The Bali administration will introduce a bylaw on land protection in an

effort to curb the disturbing rate of rice field conversion, a senior official
said. It is estimated that up to 1,000 hectares of rice fields are converted
annually into tourism activities and housing development on the island.
5 Provincial agricultural agency, Made Putra Suryawan pointed out that
the bylaw would be the local implementation of 2009 Law on rice field
protection issued by the Central Government.

1. Wherewould this article probably appear?

2. What will be introduced?
3. Who stated this?
4. How big is the missing rice field every year?
5. Where did the 2009 Law come from?

Grammar Points:

WH-Question is one type of question that mostly needs to be answered by using

scanning skills. Below are the review on WH-Questions

Wh- Examples Answers Notes
Who Who made that Picasso did. Asking for a
painting? subject/person
Who(m) Who(m) did you see I saw Tom. Asking for an
yesterday? object/person
What What made you cry? The onion. Asking for
What do you wear I wear a uniform. subjectS/things
everyday? or objectS/things
Whose Whose pen do you Yours. Asking for a possession.
When When did you meet I met him last week. Asking for time.
Where Where will you have On Wednesday. Asking for a place.
the meeting?
Why Why did you go to I wanted to buy a Asking for a reason.
Jakarta? radio.
Which Which do you want? The red one. Asking for a choice.
How How did she dance? Beautifully. Asking for
How much does it Fifty dollars. manner/prices/distance/l
cost? Half an hour. ength/
How long does it Ten km. quantity/etc.
take? Around twenty.
How far is it?
How many people are


Sample passage
Art Clokey has been delighting children with his animation techniques
since 1953. He uses a technique called stop-motion in which he films clay
figures, stops the filming, and then repositions the figures to continue the
film. When the film is completed, his clay figures move around to act out
5 his stories. Perhaps the best known of Clokey‟s tridimensional animated
characters is “Gumby”, a little green slab clay who has been around since

Where in the passage does the author mention the first appearance of the clay
figure known as Gumby?

A. Lines 1-2 B. Lines 2-4 C. lines 3-4 D. Lines 5-7

Exercise 1
Read the passage below, and answer the questions that follow.
Dissolved oxygen analysis measures the amount of gaseous oxygen
(O2) dissolved in an aqueous solution. Oxygen gets into water by diffusion
from the surrounding air, by aeration (rapid movement), and as a waste
product of photosynthesis.
5 Total dissolved gas concentrations in water should not exceed 110
percent. Concentration above this level can be harmful to aquatic life. Fish
in waters containing excessive dissolved gasses may suffer from “gas
bubble disease”; however, this is a very rare occurence.
Adequate dissolved oxygen is necessary for good water quality.
10 Oxygen is a necessary element to all forms of life. Natural stream
purification processes require adequate oxygen levels in order to provide
for aerobic life forms. As dissolved oxygen levels in water drop below 5.0
mg/l, aquatic life is put under stress. The lower the concentration, the
greater the stress. Oxygen levels that remain below 1-2 mg/l for a few
15 hours can result in large fish kills.

Where in the passage does the writer.............?

1. discuss how water gets oxygen
2. mentionthe negative effect of too much dissolved gasses
3. explain the importance of oxygen in the water
4. mention when aquatic life experiences stress


A clause is a group or words that contain subject predicate. There are two types
of clauses: main clause and sub-clause. A main clause is a clause that can stand
by itself, whereas a sub-clause is a clause that cannot stand by itself.

For example:

1. The book is interesting. (main clause)

2. The book is expensive because it has hard covers.

main clause sub-clause

There are three types of sub-clause:

1. Noun clause
2. Adjective clause
3. Adverb clause

This unit will only discuss the noun clause. The other sub-clauses will be treated
in other units.

A Noun Clause can function as a subject, object or a complement in a sentence

a. A noun clause that functions as a subject:

E.g. Why he left the country was still a question.
That he accepted the proposal in the first place was a surprise.
What we are going to do next will be considered later.

b. A noun clause that functions as an object:

E.g. I don‟t know when the TOEFL score will be announced.
We are wondering what will happen to them afterwards.
Does everybody realize why we have to reduce car emission in our

c. A noun clause that functions as a complement:

E.g. My question is when we are going to get the promotion.

The problem is (that) we don‟t have enough fund for such an event.

Exercises 1
Indicate whether the underlined words in the following sentences are noun
clauses or not.

1. One of the reasons for seeds not germinating is that badly drained soil may
lack sufficient oxygen.
2. Only a small percentage of the electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by
the sun is ultraviolet radiation.
3. When the sand had passed through the hourglass, the speed of the boat
was determined by counting the number of knots that had been let out.
4. It is a common knowledge that animals are selective in what they eat – one
man‟s meat is another man‟s poison.
5. What we are familiar with is only the upper surface of the skin, or crust.
6. With tomatoes, melons, and cucumber, it is the fruit that is eaten.
7. Researchers have proposed that certain synthetic waxes could be prepared
based on knowledge of desert plants.

Exercises 2
Reading 1

Climate is commonly defined as the weather average over a long

period of time. The standard averaging period is 30 years, but other
periods may be used depending on the purpose. Climate also includes
statistics other than average, such as the magnitudes of day-to-day or
5 year-to year variations.
The difference between climate and weather is usually summarized
by the popular phrase “Climate is what you expect, weather is what you
get.” Over historical time spans there are a number of nearly constant
variables that determine climate, including latitude, altitude, proportion of
10 land to water, and proximity to oceans and mountains. These change only
over periods of millions of years due to processes such as plate tectonics.
Other climate determinations are more dynamic. For example, the
thermohaline circulation of the ocean leads to a 5 °C (9 °F) warming of the

northern Atlantic ocean compared to other basins. The ocean currents
15 redistribute heat between land and water on a more regional scale. The
density and type of vegetation coverage affects solar heat absorption,
water retention, and rainfall on a regional level. Alterations in the quantity
of atmospheric greenhouse gases determine the amount of solar energy
retained by the planet, leading to global warming or global cooling. The
20 variables which determine climate are numerous and the interactions are
complex, but there is general agreement that the broad outlines are

Indicate whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE based

on the above passage.

1. The topic of the above passage is climate and weather.

2. In determining the climate, the standard averaging of 30 year period may
be used.
3. The controlling idea of paragraph two is popular.
4. In lines 6-8 the author outlines the factors that influence climate.
5. It is just in recent time that both latitude and altitude are used as climate
6. Constant variables are easily changed on a daily basis.
7. Plate tectonics can change in a relatively short time.
8. The topic sentence of paragraph three (lines 12- 23) is a statement of
9. Global warming and global cooling are due to the amount of greenhouse
10. “which determine climate” in line 20 is a noun clause.

Reading 2

Research has indicated that dyslexia has biological origins, and most
investigators now suspect that dyslexic children read poorly as a result of
unawareness. Dyslexic children cannot easily learn to read because they
have trouble associating printed letters with the sounds of speech. A
5 similar problem occurs in congenitally deaf people who have mastered the
linguistic complexities and subtleties of sign language but have trouble
learning to read.
Evidence also exists suggesting that the root cause for much
dyslexia is a problem with processing very rapidly changing sensory
10 stimuli. For example, studies have shown that dyslexic children have
trouble making accurate decisions between similar auditory signals. They
often cannot hear the difference between speech sounds such as “pah”,
“dah”, and “bah”. Recently, differences have been noted between the
visual pathways of dyslexics that suggest a comparable problem with fast-
15 changingvisual stimuli. Researchers have also found several other
neuroanatomical abnormalities in the temporal lobe and in other areas of
the brain. All of these studies are extremely valuable in helping
researchers understand the mechanisms underlying reading problems so
that dyslexic children can be accurately identified and more efficiently

Choose the best answer
1. What is the purpose of this passage?
A. To change current ideas about dyslexia
B. To explore the causes of dyslexia
C. To distinguish between dyslexia and congenital deafness
D. To cite examples of dyslexic behavior

2. According to the passage, “phonological unawareness” means

A. trouble with hearing and sensory stimuli.
B. inability to distinguish between auditory signals.
C. problems associating printed letters and sounds.
D. abnormalities in the temporal lobe.

3. In what lines does the author state where neuroanatomical abnormalities

are located?
A. Line 4-7 C. lines 11-13
B. Lines 8-10 D. lines 15-17

4. The author compares the problems of dyslexic children with

A. dyslexic adults
B. the subtleties of sign language
C. the visual pathways of other dyslexics
D. the problems of congenitally deaf people

5. Both dyslexic people and deaf people have a problem with

A. hearing C. reading
B. speaking D. writing

6. How many noun clauses are there in paragraph 1?

A. None B. One C. Two D. More than two

Reading 3
Carbon is the 15th most abundant element in the Earth‟s crust and the
fourth most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen,
helium, and oxygen. It is present in all known life forms, and in the human
body carbon is the second most plentiful element by mass (about 18.5%)
5 after oxygen. This abundance, together with the unique diversity of
organic compounds and their unusual polymer-forming ability at the
temperatures commonly encountered on Earth, makes this element the
chemical basis of all known life.
There are several allotropes of carbon of which the best known are
10 graphite, diamond, and amorphous carbon. The physical properties of
carbon vary widely with the allotropic form. For instance, diamond is highly
transparent, while graphite is opaque and black. Diamond is among the
hardest materials known, whereas graphite is soft enough to form a streak
on paper. Diamond has a very low electrical conductivity, while graphite is
15 a very good conductor. All the allotropic forms are solids under normal
conditions but graphite is the most thermodynamically stable.
Itis widely known that all forms of carbon are highly stable, requiring
high temperature to react even with oxygen – called oxidation. The most
common oxidation state of carbon in inorganic compounds is +4, while +2

20 is found in carbon monoxide and other transition metal carbonyl
complexes. The largest sources of inorganic carbon are limestone,
dolomites, and carbon dioxide, but significant quantities occur in organic
deposits of coal, peat, oil and methane clathrates. Carbon forms more
compounds than any other element, with almost ten million pure organic
25 compounds described to date.

Choose the best answer. Cross (X) A, B, or C

1. According to the passage, the amount of oxygen in the universe is _____

A. the same as B. more than C. not as much as

2. The controlling idea of paragraph two (lines 9-16) is ______

A. several B. carbon C. best

3. Which statement is NOT supported by the above passage?

A. Carbon cannot only be found in human body.
B. Carbon has the ability to form polymer.
C. Carbon‟s organic compound is uniquely indifferent.

4. Where in the passage does the author discuss the famous carbon
A. Lines 3-5 B. Lines 9-10 C. 17-18

5. According to the passage, graphite is ______

A. not stable under normal condition. C. not as hard as diamond
B. not as good conductor as diamond.

6. The topic sentence of paragraph three is stated in the _______ sentence.

A. first B. third C. last

7. Carbons can _______ . Which statement is WRONG according to the

A. be very stable in their forms
B. reach high but stable temperature
C. react with oxygen when its temperature is high

8. How many noun clauses can be found in paragraph three?

A. None B. One C. Two

9. The topic sentence of paragraph 3 is a statement of__________.

A. intent B. opinion C. intent and opinion

10. The word „it‟ in line 17 refers to _____________.

A. allotroph B. graphite C. nothing

Exercises for Tutorial Classes
(UNIT 3)
Reading 1
Seaweeds, or algae, do not have roots like higher land plants. Some
of them attach themselves to stationary objects such as rocks or piers by
the suction of organs called holdfasts. This keeps them from being swept
out to open sea or washed ashore. Other free-floating algae, such as
Sargasso weed or giant brown kelp, live in colonies and travel with the
5 currents and tides.

Exercise 1
Choose the best answer to each question.
1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
a. Seaweeds and the Land Plants
b. Composition of Seaweeds
c. The Rootless Seaweed
d. Suction and the Seaweeds

2. Another general name for seaweeds is

a. suction weeds
b. sargasso plants
c. kelp
d. algae

3. Many seaweeds attach themselves to objects in order to

a. remain in one place
b. suck food from the water
c. wash themselves
d. form large group

4. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the free-floating

a. They are extremely large
b. They move with the water
c. They are frequent near rocks and piers
d. They resemble higher land plants.

Reading 2
Because a large portion of the land in Hawaii is rugged and
mountainous, the state has little space to grow crops. Some areas are
covered with hard, black lava on which nothing can grow. Even so, Hawaii
produces large quantities of farm products. The volcanic soil in the valleys
5 and lowlands is very fertile, and the warm climate makes it possible to grow
crops all year long. Rainfall is plentiful on the northern and eastern sides of
each island. Much of the land on the southern and western sides of each
island receives too little rainfall for most crops to grow well. However, in
many places where rainfall is light, wells and mountain streams supply
10 water for irrigation.

Exercise 2
Choose the best answer to each question.
1. The main purpose of the passage is to describe the Hawaiian_________.
a. Geography
b. market system
c. farming condition
d. settlement pattern

2. Where is most of the farming done in Hawaii?

a. Along the coast
b. On the mountain slopes
c. On the rich lava beds
d. In the lowlands

3. When is the Hawaiian growing season?

a. Through the entire year
b. During all seasons except winter
c. Mainly in spring and summer
d. Only during the long summer months

4. How do dry areas in Hawaii get their water?

a. It is carefully collected when it rains
b. It is stored in mountain reservoirs
c. It is brought in from other areas
d. It is provided by wells.

5. Where can you find information about the condition of the volcanic soil?
a. Lines 1-2
b. Line 2-3
c. Line 4-6
d. Lines 7-8

Reading 3
Indonesia‟s forests represent 10% of the world‟s remaining tropical
rainforests. By 2001 Indonesia had lost 99 million acres of forest during the
previous 32 years, which is equivalent to the combined size of Germany
and the Netherlands. The current rate of forest loss is accelerating.
5 Indonesia is one of the five most species-diverse countries in the
world, home to 12% of all mammal species, 16% of all reptile and
amphibian species, and 17% of all bird species. It also contains 33% of
insect species, 24% of fungi species, and 10% of higher plant species.
Tanjung Puting National Park (TPNP), site of Camp Leakey, is home to
10 more than 230 bird species, at least 17 reptile species, and 29 mammal
After Malaysia and the United States, Indonesia has the third highest
number of threatened species with 772 species. However, Indonesia has
the absolute highest number of threatened mammal species with 147
15 species – an increase of seven species since the year 2000. According to a
recent article in the conservation journal Oryx, 1000 orangutans are lost in
Sumatra each year; in Borneo, the number is probably even higher.

Exercise 3
A. Scan the above passage, and answer the questions below briefly.

1. What is the text primarily concerned with?

2. What percentage of the world‟s remaining tropical rainforests do
Indonesian‟s forests represent?
3. How many bird species can we find in the TPNP?
4. How many threatened species are there in Indonesia?
5. According to the conservation journal Oryx, how many orangutans are lost
in Sumatra each year?

B. Indicate whether each of the following is TRUE or FALSE.

1. The topic of the above passage is the condition of Indonesia‟s forests and
2. By 2001, Indonesia, Germany and the Netherlands had the same amount
of forest loss.
3. The topic of the second paragraph is the diversity of Indonesia‟s fauna‟s
4. According to the above passage, the number of forests has decreased
5. Indonesia has 17% of bird species found in the world.
6. In Tanjung Puting National Park, we can find at least 17 mammal species.
7. Since 2000, there have been seven species of mammal that are
8. Malaysia has the third highest number of threatened species in the world.
9. The topic of the third paragraph is the highest number of species in the
10. The number of orangutans lost in Sumatra is higher than that in Borneo.

Reading 4
Indonesia is planning to produce more than 50,000 units of bird flu
vaccine to ensure that it is well prepared in case a pandemic occurs and
to assist foreign countries as well.
Indonesian Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi said that the country is
5 attempting to produce sufficient bird flu vaccine although the H5N1 virus
attacks had eased recently. She added that the country needs to remain
alert to possible risk as the virus has killed seven people in the country in
2012. "The process of production has been done in Bandung. We must
be ready when pandemic take place. We need over 50,000 units
10 vaccines for it and to assist foreign countries," she said.
More than 6,000 chickens at a farm in a village in Luyang, a town in
Jingtai County, showed symptoms of suspected avian flu and 260 of
them have died, according to the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA). The
National Avian Influenza Reference Laboratory confirmed the epidemic
15 was H5N1 bird flu after testing samples collected at the farm, the MOA
said. Local authorities have sealed off and sterilized the infected area,
where a total of 18,460 chickens have been culled and safely disposed
of in order to prevent the disease from spreading. Bird flu, or avian

influenza, is a contagious disease of animal origin caused by viruses that
20 normally infect only birds and, less commonly, pigs. It can be fatal to
The watering system in your poultry house and how you manage it
are central to the quality of environment in which you raise your flock.
This is especially true during the critical first 24 hours of a chick‟s life and
25 the following two weeks. Poor conditions during brooding will damage
the flock‟s performance and negatively impact results at the end of the
grow-out. It is vital that new chicks have immediate access to fresh,
hygienic water and that their environment is as clean as possible.

Exercise 4
A. Underline each noun clause in the passage above.

B. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. The topic of the passage is ___________.

A. Avian influenza B. The Ministry of health C. Bird flu vaccine

2. How many units of bird vaccine is Indonesia going to produce?

A. 5,000 B. 50,000 C. Unknown

3. Which is NOT the reason for producing the bird vaccine?

A. A pandemic B. Helping other countries C. Assistants

4. H5N1 is _________.
A. a virus B. an attack C. a vaccine

5. The vaccine is produced__________.

A. In 2011 B. in Bandung C. significantly

6. How many chickens died in Luyang?

A. 260 B. 6,000 C. 9

7. Where can you find information about the place where the vaccine is
A. Lines 4-7 B. Lines 8-10 C. Line 16-18

8. Bird flu is also called…………..

A. an outbreak B. a contagious disease C. avian influenza

9. Which can cause bird flu?

A. Hygienic water B. Poor brooding conditions C. Clean environment

10. The last paragraph discusses…………..

A. effects of bird flu B. preventive actions C. clean environment

Reading 5
Rhetoric is the art of speaking or writing effectively. In Factual
Information questions you are asked what information an author has
presented. In Rhetorical Purpose questions you are asked why the author has
presented a particular piece of information in a particular place or manner.
5 Rhetorical Purpose questions ask you to show that you understand the
rhetorical function of a statement or paragraph as it relates to the rest of the

Exercise 5
A. Underline the noun clauses in the above passage.

B. Identify whether the noun clause is subject, object or subject


Reading 6
The wrasse is a small, brightly colored fish that has the habit of
picking parasites. As it swims toward such large fish as groups or moray
eels, it is recognized as a friend and is allowed to come close. The wrasse
then begins to gorge itself on parasites that it picks from the bodies of the
5 large fish. The association for mutual benefit goes so far that when a
wrasse nudges at a group‟s gull covers, the grouper obliges by extending
them to give the picker access to the delicate breathing organs
underneath. Barracudas even permit the spaces between their razor-sharp
teeth to be cleaned without harm to the dental assistants. Some other
10 small fish have color patterns and swimming habits that make them
indistinguishable from the wrasse. The imposters do not pick parasites;
instead, they take bites from the soft tissue of the unsuspecting fish.

Exercise 6
1. What would be the most appropriate title for this passage?
A. Large fish and eels
B. Feeding habits of Barracudas
C. Parasite infestation of fish
D. Parasite pickers and imitators

2. Because of their size and appearance, one might expect that wrasses
could be ___________.
A. mistaken for parasites
B. eaten immediately by large fish
C. hidden by their protective coloring
D. known as slow swimmers

3. According to the passage, what benefit do larger fish gain by their

association with wrasses?
A. Removal of parasitic organism
B. A stable food supply
C. Protection from barracudas
D. Camouflage from enemies

4. According to the passage, larger fish may respond to the wrasse by ___.
A. eating the parasites
B. retreating rapidly
C. opening vulnerable organs
D. breathing more quickly

5. By referring to “dental assistants” in the passage, the author is suggesting

that _________.
A. wrasses can clean teeth
B. barracudas have to keep their teeth very sharp
C. parasites can clean teeth
D. wrasses like to have their teeth picked by parasites

6. According to the passage, the imposters resemble the real wrasses

because they _________.
A. have the same diet
B. have the same coloration
C. are from the same family
D. share a common enemy

Exercise 7
Indicate whether the following sentences containing noun clauses are
correct or incorrect. Correct them.

1. Whatever she does it is not important.

2. We have to do what the teacher told us last week.
3. The girls were interested in whom made the speech.
4. It has not been announced who will get the scholarships.
5. Maybe we should find out who has donated such a big amount of money.
6. The man said that his wallet was lost on that street.
7. When will they have the meeting is not known yet.
8. Most students worried about whether they passed the test or not.
9. The scientist did not tell us how did he do the experiment.
10. Which movie they watched did not interest me.

1. To identify pronouns as references and to identify (an) other and others
2. To recognize expletive „There‟ and „It‟

1. Reference

Writers often use reference when they don‟t want to use the same noun
more than one time in a sentence. Reference words are often, but not always
pronouns. Pronouns may refer to a single noun or to a noun phrase.

Sample Passage

The human body uses foods in different ways. Some foods give us
heat and energy. They are called carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates
are fuels for the body like gasoline is fuel for a car. Other foods help the
body grow and repair itself. For example, many give proteins. Proteins
5 help the body grow. They build muscles, skin and blood. Still others give
us minerals and vitamins. They also help the body works well.

1. The word „They‟ line 2 refers to „foods‟.

2. The word „itself‟ line 4 refers to „the body‟.
3. The word „many‟ line 4 refers to „foods‟.
4. The word „They‟ line 5 refers to „proteins‟.
5. The word „others‟ line 5 refers to „foods‟.

There are 8 types of pronouns:

a. Subject pronouns
b. Object pronouns
c. Possessive adjectives
d. Possessive pronouns
e. Demonstrative pronouns
f. Relative pronouns
g. Reflexive pronouns
h. Other References

a. Subject b. Object c. Possessive d. Possessive e. Reflexive

Pronouns Pronouns Adjective Pronouns Pronouns
I Me My mine myself
You You Your yours yourself
Singular He Him His his himself
She Her Her hers herself
It It Its its itself
You You Your yours yourselves
Plural We Us Our ours ourselves
They Them Their theirs themselves

f. Demonstrative Pronouns g. Relative Pronouns h. Other References
Singular Plural Who some
What several
This These Which all
That Those Whose many
Whom a few
Where none
When most
the other(s)

1. We are reading the books
2. We are reading them.
3. The teacher is talking to us
4. Our books are here.
5. These books are ours.
6. Your classmates, whose experiences are different from yours, are
eager to help and be helped.
7. A : How long does it take them to get used to eating American food?
B : That depends on the student and where he is from.

There are 2 kinds of reference words: forward and backward. A forward

reference word is used to refer to a word in front of the reference. For example:

-“For the first time that they can remember farmers in Latin America are
relieved of the constant fear of vampire bats.”

The word „they‟ refers forward to „farmers in Latin America‟.

A backward reference word is used to refer to a word following the reference.

For example:

- “Computers have many uses today. They can solve difficult problems and
control complex machines.”

The word „they‟ refers backward to „computers‟.

Remember that „it‟ is not always used as a reference word.

Although it is difficult to say anything definite about events that took

place so long ago, scientists have been able to suggest some dates for the
main stages in the history of our planet.

2. Another, other and the other(s)
a. Another
„Another‟ is used with singular nouns to talk about an additional person or
e.g. Could I have another cup of tea?

„Another‟ is used with singular nouns to talk about an additional person or

e.g. He opened another shop last month.

„Another‟ is also used with a number and a plural noun to talk about „more
people or things’.
e.g. 1. We need another two hours to complete this assignment.
2. I‟ve got another three books to read.

„Another‟ can also replace a noun.

e.g. This is Tom‟s car. He also still has another. (another = another car)

b. Other
„Other‟ is used with plural nouns.
e.g. I‟ve got other things to think about.

c. The other(s)

„The other‟ is used with singular or plural nouns

e.g. 1. We have two students. One is still here, but the other (student) is
2. We have beaten three European countries in the football matches,
but the others have beaten us. (= the other countries)

In the first example „the other‟ is a pronoun, and so is „the others‟ in the
second example.

3. Expletive ‘There’ and ‘It’.

a. Expletive ‘There’

„There‟ is sometimes an expletive, that is, a word which means nothing

in particular but which calls attention to the existence of whatever is
mentioned in the rest of the sentence.

For example: „ I like Miami; there are many nice beaches there.‟

There are 2 kinds of words “there” in the above sentence. The word “there” in
italics in the sentence above is an expletive. But the word “there” at the end
of the sentence is an adverb of place.

b. Expletive ‘It’

„It‟ is sometimes a kind of expletive. It doesn‟t refer to anything at all; it just fills
a position in a sentence pattern. „It‟ is used in statements about time, weather,
distance and identification.

Time Weather
Is it late? No, it‟s early. What‟s it like out there? It‟s
pretty cold.
What time is it? It‟s two o‟clock. Is it raining? No, but it looks
like rain.
What day is it? It‟s Tuesday.
Distance Identification
How long does it take to go there? There is a telephone call for
It takes two hours. Who is it? It was Jack.

Exercise 1

In the world as a whole, the mere numbers of the sick with

preventable diseases soon overwhelm us by their magnitude.
Fifty million people were dying in England and Wales in 1975 and
600.000 of them died. Half of them did so from diseases of the
5 cardiovascular system, with cancer and respiratory diseases killing most
of the rest. Of these deaths, over 10 per cent and perhaps as as many
as 100.000 were due to smoking. In spite of this, nearly half the
population of Britain, including one doctor in five, still smokes. If only it
were possible to control tobacco, 40-50 per cent of all cancer deaths in
10 males would be prevented. Although the tobacco companies are doing
their utmost to promote the sake of cigarettes in the developing world,
their major effect on mortality here has yet to come.
In spite of the „green revolution‟ more people are hungry, even
starving, than at any time in the past. A billion people are said to be
15 malnourished, and 400 million on the brink of starvation. The mortality
rate of children between one and five years which is perhaps the best
indicator of nutrition, is 10 to 40 times higher in parts of Asia, Africa, Latin
America, than it is in Europe or the United States.
Human faeces transmit some of the most important diseases of the
20 developing world, particularly the diarrhoeas of childhood, but also
poliomyelitis, typhoid, cholera, and the worms of the gut. These and the
airborne respiratory infections are the main cause of death in poor
communities. Both are prevalence and severity of most of them are
increased by malnutrition. In the developed world economic progress has
25 fortunately controlled them by providing enough food, clean water, safe
sanitation, and decent houses.

I. Decide whether the sentences below are True or False based on the text

1. The pronoun „us‟ in line 2 refers to the „writer‟.

2. The pronoun „their‟ in line 2 refers to „the mere numbers of the sick‟.

3. The pronoun „them‟ in line 4 refers to „Fifty million people‟.
4. The word „this‟ in line 7 refers to the previous sentence.
5. The pronoun „it‟in line 8 refers to „population‟.
6. The pronoun „their‟ in line 11 refers to „males‟.
7. The pronoun „their‟ in line 12 refers to „cigarettes‟.
8. The pronoun „which‟ in line 16 refers to „between one and five years‟.
9. The pronoun „it‟ in line 18 refers to „the best indicator of nutrition‟.
10. The word „Both‟ in line 23 refers to „These and airborne respiratory
11. The pronoun „them‟ in 23 refers to „worms‟.
12. The pronoun „them‟ in line 25 refers to „poor communities‟.
13. Paragraph 2 discusses about bad effect of smoking in England and Wales.
14. Green Revolution is very useful for people in Asia, Africa, Europe, and
15. The welfare of people increased after the green revolution.
16. The promotion of the tobacco companies in the developing world is useless.
17. Green Revolution does not make the developing world free from starvation.
18. The developmet in economic will make the developing world gets good
19. There are a lot of diseases in the developing world.
20. Males are the victims of cancer deaths caused by cigarettes.

Exercise 2
Anteaters are so named because they eat white termites. Few people
realize that anteaters have no teeth. Their jawbones protrude and are
almost entirely covered with skin, making their oral cavities very small. An
anteater‟s tongue, covered with adhesive saliva to hold termites on touch,
5 can be extended a long way beyond its mouth. Then the animal draws it
back and swallows. Although some termites build sizable mud nests, the
anteater‟s powerful front paws have lengthy claws that can tear open the
termites‟ nests, either on the ground or in trees.
The claws on anteaters‟ front legs are so long that the animals walk on
10 the outer edges of their feet rather than on the soles. The longest claw folds
back into a skin pouch in the sole of the foot. The solitary Tamandua
anteater utilizes its prehensile tail as an arm to grasp a tree branch and lift
itself as high as the tree crown. This physical characteristic enables the
Tamandua anteaters to live and hunt in trees. The silky anteater can also
15 live in trees and sleeps curled up on a branch, to which it anchors itself by
its tail and hind feet. Although the animals rarely attack, when disturbed they
rear up on their hind legs and draw their forefeet alongside their head to
strike an enemy with their claws or to squeeze it in their forearms. With only
one offspring at a time, these mammals are extremely protective of their
20 young, which ride on their mothers‟ backs. Little is known about anteaters‟
habitats and social organization. .

A. Choose the best one.

1. The above text discusses about __________ kinds of anteaters

a. two b. three c. four

2. The topic of the above paragraph is_____________.
a. anteaters c. physical characteristic of anteaters
b. the use of the jawbones and claws of anteaters

3. The pronoun „they‟ in line 1 refers to ____________.

a. anteaters b. termites c. people

4. The pronoun „Their‟ in line 2 refers to _____________.

a. termites‟ b. anteaters c. anteaters‟

5. The pronoun „its‟in line 5 refers to ___________.

a. people‟s b. anteaters‟ c. termites‟

6. The relative pronoun „that‟ in line 7 refers to _____________.

a. paws b. claws c. nests

7. The pronoun „itself‟ in line 13 refers to the ______________.

a. skin b. tail c. anteater

8. The pronoun „it‟ in line 15 refers to __________.

a. a branch b. the silky anteater c. animals

9. The pronoun „its‟ in line 16 refers to _____________.

a. animal‟s b. silky anteater‟s c. anteaters‟

10. The relative pronoun „which‟ in line 20 refers to ___________.

a. mammals b. anteaters c. their young

B. Decide whether the sentences below are True or False based on the
text above.

1. There are two kinds of anteaters discussed in the text above.

2. Paragraph 2 discusses about the physical characteristic of anteaters
3. The silky anteater often attacks its enemy.
4. Paragraph 1 discusses about the physical characteristic and the way
the anteater attack their enemy.

Exercise 3

In a similar study published in Nature in October 2005, the chimpanzee

controlling the food received food regardless of whether or not it chose to
deliver food to a neighbor only about a quarter of the time – even when
the other chimpanzee was begging frantically.
5 If able to help others at no cost to themselves, most humans will do so.
This is called “other regarding”, which means that humans are
considerate to each other. Unfortunately, it seems that chimps are not.
The findings may come as a surprise to field primatologists who often
observe chimpanzees sharing food in the wild, even precious sources of
10 protein like meat. But for now it appears that humans are the only
animals known to think considerately and inconsiderately about others
even when they are strangers. Chimpanzees do not appear to have
either the ability or the inclination.

Complete the following sentences according to the text above.

1. The pronoun „it‟ in line 3 refers to __________.

2. The word „others‟ in line 5 refers to ___________.
3. The pronoun „themselves‟ in line 5 refers to _________.
4. The word „This‟ in line 6 refers to ___________.
5. The word „other‟ in line 7 refers to ___________.
6. The pronoun „it‟ in line 7 refers to ___________.
7. The relative pronoun „who‟ in line 8 refers to ___________.
8. The pronoun „it‟ in line 10 refers to __________.
9. The word „others‟ in line 11 refers to _________.
10. The pronoun „they‟ in line 12 refers to ____________.

Exercise 4

It was long ago scientists noticed that different plants open and close at
different times of the day. In fact, in the nineteenth century they used to
make garden in the shape of a clock face, with different flowers opening at
different times. It was possible to tell the time just by looking at this „flower
5 clock‟. No one really understands why flowers open and close like this at
particular times, but recently some interesting experiments have been
done. In one, flowers were put in a laboratory in constant darkness. One
might predict that these flowers, not having any information about the time
of the day, would not open as they usually do. But in fact they continue to
10 open as if they were in a normal garden. This suggests that they have
some mysterious way of keeping time; that they have, in other words, a
kind of „biological clock‟.
It has recently been found that not just flowers, but all living things
(including man) have „cycles of activity‟. Because these cycles last about
15 twenty-four hours, they are called „circadian cycles‟ (circa = about, diem =
day). Some scientists believed these cycles are controlled by an „internal
clock‟. According to this theory, the flowers in the laboratory open because
their „internal clock‟ tells them to do so.
There are other scientists, including the American Dr Brown, who believes
20 that the biological clock is controlled by the environment. He studied the
way the oysters open and close their shells at high and low tide. He took
some oysters from „internal clock‟ theory one would expect the oysters to
open and close as they had done before. But in fact their cycle changed.
Brown and his colleagues could not understand this until they asked
25 themselves the question: If Illinois were on the sea to his laboratory a
thousand miles away in Illinois. According to the sea, when would high and
low tides take place?‟ He found that the oysters were opening and closing
at exactly these times. Brown concluded that the oysters‟ cycle was
controlled by changes in the atmosphere – changes that, in places
30 wherethere is a sea, are associated with the tides.

I. Choose the best answer.

1. „It‟ line 1 refers to ____________.

a. time b. day c. nothing

2. „they‟ line 2 refers to ___________.

a. times b. scientists c. plants

3. „one‟ line 7 refers to _____________.

a. experiment b. flower c. laboratory

4. „One‟ line 7 refers to _____________.

a. experiment b. laboratory c. scientist

5. „This‟ line 10 refers to ___________.

a. previous sentence b. normal garden c. information

6. „It‟ line 13 refers to ____________.

a. biological clock b. mysterious way c. nothing

7. „them‟ in line 18 refers to _____________.

a. hours b. flowers c. cycles

8. „He‟ line 20 refers to ____________.

a. theory b. Dr. Brown c. internal clock

9. „themselves‟ line 25 refers to ___________.

a. Brown‟s colleagues b. Brown c. Brown and his colleagues

10. „where‟ line 29 refers to ____________.

a. in the atmosphere b. in places c. the sea

II. Answer the questions below.

1. Are the words „There‟ on line 19 and „there‟ line 30 an adverb or an
2. What are the topic sentence and the controlling idea of paragraph 1?
3. Is the topic sentence of paragraph 1 a statement of intent or opinion?

Exercises for Tutorial Classes
(UNIT 4)
Exercise 1

The net economic and social benefits of development or policy

proposals are often emphasized in environmental assessments. But
there are resilience counterparts to these impact indicators. If the
development were to fail unexpectedly, or if social objectives were to
5 shift to such an extent as to require removal of the project or policy,
there would be an associated cost. A computer model provides an
explicit way of measuring this cost of failure, by merely programming
such a hypothetical event during the course of the computer simulation.
Example: regional insect pest control projects can have several forms.
10 One might be intensive and extensive insecticide spraying. Another
might combine cultural practices with limited and controlled application
of insecticide at critical times or in critical places. Both policies might
achieve generally favourable and not too dissimilar results. Suppose
however, that the insecticides were removed suddenly as a result of
15 rising costs or new government regulation. In the first case,the removal
could produce intensive outbreaks covering large areas, with disastrous
effects on benefits. In the second case, the loss of benefits could be
The impact of policy failure can be evaluated with the aid of
20 computer model in many such instances, providing a measure not of the
relative fail-safe features of the proposed programme or policy, but of its
degree of safe-failure.

Choose the best answer.

1. The words “there” in line 3 and 6 is an ___________.

a. adverb b. expletive c. adjective
2. The word “one” in line 10 refers to ___________.
a. insect b. project c. form
3. The word “Another” line 10 refers to ___________.
a. form b. spraying c. practice
4. The word “Both” in line 12 refers to _____________.
a. critical times b. critical places c. previous sentences
5. The pronoun “its” in line 21 refers to _____________.
a. policy failure b. the proposed programme c. instances
6. There are ________ forms of regional insect pest control projects.
a. one b. two c. three
7. Computer model is used to ____________ the effect of policy failure.
a. evaluate b. decrease c. increase
8. There are __________ impacts of removing the insecticides.
a. one b. two c. no

Exercise 2

One hundred years ago, the invention of the automobile was

viewed as a great step forward. Today autos are not always
considered such wonderful machines.In fact, they are the cause of a
number of social and environmental problems worldwide. The most
5 serious of these is air pollution. In fact, burning gasoline and diesel
fuel in motor vehicles releases many chemicals into the atmosphere,
including large amounts of CO 2. . Higher levels of CO2 in the
atmosphere have led to warmer weather and climate change around
the world.
10 One way to limit the amount of CO 2 produced by cars and trucks
is to encourage people to use motor vehicles less. In many places
now, that will mean making major changes in transportion systems,
In most parts of the United States, for example, the only way to get
around is by car. It is often dangerous or impossible to travel on foot
15 or by bicycle , and there may be few or no busses or trains. In some
US cities, public transportation does exist, but few people use it
because it is often unattractive, inconvenient, and expensive.
The number of cars and trucks on the road can also be limited
by charging drivers taxes and fees. For example, some countries,
20 including Norway,Sweden, and New Zealand, require diesel truck
drivers to pay for travelling on the road. In a number of cities,
including Singapore and some European cities, drivers of cars who
wish to go downtown must pay a fee. These fees keep people from
driving unnecessarily, and the money they bring in can be used for
25 public transportation.

Choose the best answer.

1. This passage is about ____________.

a. ways to limit the CO2 from motorvehicles.
b. the amount of CO2 produced by motor vehicles
c. a new kind of fuel for cars and trucks.
d. different kinds of transportation around the world.

2. When gasoline and diesel fuel are burned, they _____________.

a. don‟t release any chemicals. c. release only water
b. don‟t release any CO2. d. release a lot of CO2.

3. We can infer from this passage that most people in the United States __.
a. take buses often c. use cars a lot
b. like to walk and bicycle d. travel a lot

4. In Norway, Sweden, and New Zealand, ____________.

a. drivers of cars have to pay for using the road.
b. diesel truck drivers do not have to pay anything.
c. diesel truck drivers pay for using the roads.
d. bus drivers have to pay for using the roads.

What do the following words refer to?
1. They (line 3) 4. It (line 14)
2. These (line 5) 5. It (line 16)
3. That (line 12) 6. Who (line 22)

Exercise 3

Pollution from motor vehicles can be further reduced by changing the

engines of motor vehicles so they use different fuels. There are several
nonpolluting fuels already available. One is natural gas. Several large
cities in the United States are setting an example by replacing older
5 busses and vans with vehicles that burn natural gas. Electricity is another
important source of energy that pollutes less. Electric vehicles are
becoming more efficient as the technology improves. In fact, the US
Postal Service has decided to use electric vehicles to deliver the mail.The
“hybrid” car, already on the market in some countries, has an engine that
10 runs on gasoline as well as an electric battery. Tests of the hybrid have
shown that it burns about one-fourth the amount of gasoline used by an
ordinary car.
Of all new fuels, hydrogen is the “clean” fuel that scientists believe
could be the fuel of the future. Hydrogen fuel cells create energy by
15 combining hydrogen with oxygen. They do not release any pollution into
the atmosphere – only water. A small amount of energy is required to
produce the hydrogen, but this energy could be supplied by pollution -
free solar or wind power. Though the first fuel cells, invented in the
1980s, were very large and quite expensive, the newest fuel cells are
20 much smaller and less expensive. Hydrogen – powered vehicles could
soon be sold at reasonable prices if governments and automobile
manufacturers invest in the development of this nonpolluting technology.

1. We can infer from the passage that cars using “clean” fuel _____.
a. release only CO2 c. do not get very dirty
b. do not release CO2 d. are not convinient

2. Several cities in the United States have begun buying buses that _____.
a. run on electricity c. have old engine
b. burn diesel fuel d. use natural gas

3.A hybrid automobile _________.

a. uses gasoline and electric battery
b. requires hydrogen and oxygen
c. is powered by solar or wind energy
d. does not pollute the atmosphere

4.To create energy, hydrogen fuel cells require ________.

a. a small amount of water. c. a small amount of energy
b. carbon dioxide d. hydrogen and oxygen.

Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1. The word „they‟ in line 2 refers to the engines.

2. The word „one‟ in line 3 refers to nonpolluting fuel.
3. The word „there‟ in line 2 refers to nothing.
4. The word ‟that‟ in line 6 refers to source of energy.
5. The word „that‟ in line 9 refers to hybrid car.
6. The word „it‟ in line 11 refers to the hybrid.
7. The word „they‟ in line 15 refers to scientists.
8. The first fuel cells were found in the twentieth century.
9. The newest fuel cells are cheaper than the old ones.
10. The part of speech of the word „invest‟ in line 22 is Noun.

Exersice 4

The planet earth seems to us a very stable and unmoving place –

continents of solid rock surrounded by the oceans. In one sense, of
course, it is stable, or our kind of life would be impossible. But when
we experience or hear about violent natural events like earthquakes
5 and volcanoes, we also get some idea of the great forces at work
under its surface. In fact the earth is a very complex object, made up
of many layers. What we are familiar with is only the upper surface of
the „skin‟, or crust. This crust is altogether rather more than 100 km
deep. The outer crust, of a depth of approximately 8 km, is made
10 mostly of very hard rock, a kind of granite. This makes up the
continents or major land masses. Below it is a much thicker layer,
the inner crust, also made of a hard but different kind of rock, basalt.
Beneath this lies the upper mantle, a semi-fluid layer about 600 km
deep, where temperatures reach 1,500⁰C. The lower mantle is more
15 rigid, because of the great pressure at those depths. It extends a
further 2,900 km towards the center of the earth and has a
temperature twice that of the layer immediately above it. Within the
mantle is the core. This again is divided into two layers, the outer
and the inner. The former consists of molten nickel and iron and has
20 a temperature of 3,900⁰C. The latter of the same constituents, is
however, relatively solid, again because of the great pressure of
those depths. The temperature of the inner core is about 900⁰C
higher than that of the outer core and its diameter is approximately
4,300 km.

A. Decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE

according to text above.

1. Basalt is a kind of rock

2. The inner crust lies between the outer crust and the lower mantle.
3. The temperature of the center of the earth is about 600 c.
4. The diameter of the mantle is 4,300 km.
5. The topic of the text is the layers of the earth.

B. What do these words refer to?
1. “it” (line 3 ) 6. “those” (line 15)
2. “its” (line 6) 7. “it” (line 15)
3. “This” (line 8) 8. “The former” (line 19)
4. “it” (line 11) 9. “The latter” (line 20)
5. “this” (line 13) 10. “its” (line 23)

Exercise 5

RMS Titanic was believed to be unsinkable because the hull was

divided into sixteen watertight compartments. Even if two of these
compartments flooded, the ship could still float. The ship‟s owners
could not imagine that, in the case of an accident, the Titanic would
5 not be able to float until she was rescued. It was largely as a result of
this confidence in the ship and in the safety of ocean travel that the
disaster could claim such a great loss of life.
In the ten hours prior to the Titanic‟s fatal collision with an ice berg
at 11.40 pm, six warnings of icebergs in her path were received by the
10 Titanic‟s wireless operators. Only one of these messages was formally
posted on the bridge: the others were in various locations across the
ship. If the combined informaton in these messages of iceberg
positions had been plotted, the ice field which lay across the Titanic‟s
path would have been apparent. Instead, the lack formal procedures
15 for dealing with information from a relatively new piece of technology,
the wireless, meant that the danger was not known until too late. This
was not the fault of the Titanic crew. Procedures for dealing with
warnings received through the wireless had not been formalised
across the shipping industry at the time. The fact that wireless
20 operators were not even Titanic crew, but rather contracted workers
from a wireless company, made their role in the ship‟s operation quite

Decide whether the statements below True or False according to the text above.

1. The word “these” in line 2 refers to “watertight compartments”.

2. The pronoun “she” in line 5 refers to “ship‟s owners”.
3. The pronoun “It”in line 5 refers to “the ship”.
4. The pronoun “her” in line 9 refers to “Titanic”s”.
5. The word “others” in line 11 refers to “operators”.
6. The pronoun “their” in line 21 refers to “contracted workers”.
7. It was said that Titanic could not float.
8. There was no notice of danger before the tragedy happened.
9. The Titanic was not equiped with modern technology for information.
10. The contracted workers from a wireless company were responsible for the
11. The cause of the accident was the lack of procedures to manage the

Exercise 6

A. Underline the correct answer.

e.g. I‟m going to take my new CD player back and ask for another / other one.

1. If I can‟t find the box that it came in, I‟ll put it in another / other.
2. The other / others things I bought from them were fine.
3. My others / other CD player broke a few weeks ago.
4. I chose this one because the others / other one was too expensive.
5. One of the buttons works, but the other / others don‟t.
6. Another / other problem is that the headphones don‟t fit.
7. I‟m not sure I want another / other one that‟s the same as this one.
8. I might go to another / other shop to compare prices.

B. Complete the blank spaces below with other, others or another.

I‟m writing to express my objections to the plan for a car park near the river. My
first objection is that we have three car parks, so we do not need (1)………….
one.The one near the supermarket are often empty and the (2)
……………….one is never full. My second objection is that this area is an
important green space within the town. We don‟t have (3)
…………………….place where we can walk by the river. I would like to make two
suggestions for this area. The first is to make it into a nature reserve. There are a
lot of trees on this side of the river, and on the (4) …………side there is a field
with rare orchids. The whole area is home to a lot of birds and (5)
………………….wildlife. My second suggestion is to build a footbridge over the
river near Ferry Path, about 500 meters away from the (6) ……………….at Mill
Lane. If we had (7) …………………footbridge, more people would walk into town
and wouldn‟t use their cars. This would benefit the town and would mean that a
fourth car park would not be necessary. The (8)……………..would provide plenty
of parking.


1. to guess the meaning of unknown words from context
2. to find the meaning of a word by using a dictionary

1. Guessing meaning from context / context clues

1a. Guessing meaning from context clues / structural clues

When you read a scientific or technical text in English, you will probably
encounter many words you do not know. Searching for them in a bilingual
dictionary is time consuming and tiring. Sometimes the procedure takes so long
that you become discouraged and close the book. It may be possible to guess
the meaning of a word from the context.

A context is a sentence, paragraph, or longer unit of writing that surrounds

a word. The context sometimes provides structural clues, which include:

3. a definition ( by using verb “be”, that is, etc.) e.g. Graphology is the
study and analysis of handwriting for the purpose of interpreting
character and personality.

4. punctuations; e.g. commas ( , ), dashes ( – ), brackets, quotation

marks (“…”)
e.g. Natural medicine became hugely popular, especially acupuncture
(an ancient Chinese method of anaesthetizing patients by sticking
pins into points in the nervous system)

5. words showing similarities (e.g. or, in other words, for example, etc)
e.g. Many prominent universities, such as IPB and ITB can produce
qualified human resources.

6. appositives, or more explanation, examples, etc.

e.g. In a remarkable documentary, Wings of Hope, German Director
Werner Herzog recounts the true story of an eighteen year old girl.

7. synonym and antonym

e.g. Everybody knows where the Reynold Building is, but only a few
can have an exhibition in that Grey Building.

8. prefixes / suffixes, etc.

e.g. Alan Macfarlane thinks he could rewrite the story.

Sample passage

Two Italian psychologists, Vincenzo Marte and Giovanni Notarnicola,

describe the traditional spontaneous practice of sport by children –
climbing trees, riding a bicycle along quiet roads, racing their friends
across the field – as an activity of freedom, a special activity of discovery
5 and learning. In the case of free sporting activity, the child‟s time is given
up entirely to the activity, as can be seen in the endless games of football
young children play, which may then be followed by bicycle races and/or a
swim in the river, for example.
(Source: IELTS on Track, 2003:88)

After reading the above passage, we can make a conclusion that:

a. Vincenzo Marte (line 1) is an Italian psychologists.
b. climbing trees (line 2) is one of the traditional spontaneous practice of sport
by children.
c. an activity of freedom (line 3)means a special activity of discovery and
learning, etc.

Exercise 1
Find the meaning of the underlined words in the following passage

Uncontrolled blazes fueled by weather, wind, and dry underbrush;

wildfires can burn acres of land and consume everything in their paths in
mere minutes. On average, more than 100,000 wildfires, also called
wildland fires or forest fires, clear 4 million to 5 million acres in the U.S.
5 every year.
There are three conditions that need to be present in order for a
wildfire to burn, which firefighters refer to as the fire triangle: fuel, oxygen,
and a heat source. Fuel is any flammable material surrounding fire, and
heat sources help spark the wildfire and bring fuel to temperatures hot
10 enough to ignite.
Although four out of five wildfires are started by people, nature is
more than happy to help fan the flames. Dry weather and drought convert
vegetation into bone-dry, flammable fuel; strong winds spread fire quickly
over land; and warm temperature encourage combustion, the wildfire.

1. The word wildfires in line 2 is _______________________________

2. The wordsforest fires in line 4 mean ____________________________
3. What is a heat source in line 8? _______________________________
4. The word “fuel” in line 8 means __________________________________
5. The word drought in line 12 probably means _______________________
6. What is wildfire in line 14? _____________________________________

1. b. Guessing meaning from synonyms / antonyms

A synonym means a word having the same or nearly the same meaning
as another in the language, e.g. joyful, elated, glad. The use of synonyms
increases variety and interest by avoiding needless repetition of the same word.

An antonym, on the other hand, is a word opposed in meaning to another. For
instance, “good” is the antonym of “bad”. The synonym or/and antonym of
specific word with its specific meaning can be found in the dictionary.

Sample Passage
A first possible reason for the imbalance in the practice of sport by
children is therefore, linked to the urban society we live in today. We need
not regret the past; it is rather a question of knowing how to recreate this
freedom in our towns and in the country, where sport is increasingly based
5 on organized leisure activities. Doing one sport is now the rule in clubs.
Sports grounds are often on the outskirts of cities, and are overcrowded
and invariably enclosed, while recreational areas, such as parks or hard-
parked surfaces, are very few and far between. How can we find the
balance of a varied and spontaneous relationship to sport under such
(Source: IELTS on Track, 2003:88)
The passage above includes a number of words with their synonym or/and
Words which have similar meaning to the following are:
a. town : urban
b. hard-parked surfaces : park

While the antonym of the following words are:

c. town : country
d. today : past
e. overcrowded : few
f. balance : imbalance

Exercise 2
Read the following passage and then answer the questions.
Sea has a very important role in controlling Earth‟s climate by
transferring heat from the equator toward the poles. Without the role of the
ocean, then almost the entire planet Earth would be too cold for humans to
live. Sea is also a source of food, energy (both renewable an
5 nonrenewable), and drugs. The coastal area is also a very large role in
human life. Nearly 50% of the inhabitants of Earth live in the area around
the beach. As we know, more than 70% of the planet Earth is covered by
water (which is mostly ocean).
Oceans also play capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere in
10 very large quantities. About a quarter of the CO2 produced by man from
burning of fossil fuels is absorbedand stored in the oceans. In some parts
of the ocean, CO2 can be stored up to be centuries old and very large role in
reducing global warming. Because the ocean is crucial to human life
meaning, then it is the duty of man to keep guard. Ability of the ocean to
15 absorb Co2 is reduced if there is a damage in marine ecosystems such as
the destruction of coral reefs and mangrove forests.

A. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Find one word in paragraph two which has similar meaning to the word
“important” in line 1.

2. Mention the synonym of the word “transferring” in line 2.
3. What is the antonym of the “covered” in line 7?
4. Find one word in paragraph one which can be used as the synonym of “a

B. Indicate whether the following statement is TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)

5. The word “nearly” in line 6 is the synonym as “more than” in line 7.
6. The word “a quarter”in line 10 can be best replaced by “one-third”
7. The word “absorbed” and “stored” in line 11 are antonym.
8. The word “damage” in line 15 is the antonym of the word “destruction” in

Below are some examples of synonym and antonym from a dictionary.

Please fill in the blank provided.
No Words Parts of Synonym Antonym
1. Abrupt adjective ------------------------------ Gradual
2. Bulky adjective massive ------------------------
3. Clever adjective quick-witted, skillful ------------------------
4. --------------------- adjective chill, freezing hot, warm
5. Colloquial adjective conversational, ------------------------
6. Combine verb amalgamate, merger ------------------------
7. Come verb arrive ------------------------
8. Common adjective universal, popular ------------------------

I. c. Guessing meaning from prefixes, suffixes, word stems

Using context clues is a way to discover the meaning of an unfamiliar word.

Another way is word analysis, that is looking at the meanings of parts of words.
Many English words have been formed by combining parts of older English,
Greek and Latin words. If you know the meanings of some of these parts, you
can often guess the meaning of unfamiliar English word.

For example, report is formed from re, which means back, and port which
means carry. Scientist is derived from sci, which means know, and ist, which
means one who. Port and sci are called stems. A stem is the basic part on
which groups of related words are built. Re and ist are called affixes, that is word
parts which are attached to stems. Affixes like re, which are attached to the
beginning of stems are called prefixes. Affixes attached to the end, like ist, are
called suffixes.

The following are some other examples of Prefixes, Suffixes and Stem words and
their meanings:


Prefix Meaning Examples

un- Not unfortunate, unattractive
dis- Not disuse, distrust, disappear, ________, _________
in- (im-, inactive, immature, injustice, imbalance,
ir-, il- Not __________,________, _________, ___________
non- nonalcoholic, nonpolitical, _________ , ________
mis- wrongly misfortune, misconduct, __________ , _________

ante- before, preceding antecedent, antedate, _________, _________,

anti- Against antigovernment, _____ , ______, _______, _______
co- together, joint co-author, coeducation, _____ , _______,
contra- Against contradict, ______, _________, __________
Inter- between, among international, ______, ______, ______,
intra- Within intrastate, ______, ______, _______, _________
mal- bad, wrong malfunction, _____ , _______, _________,
multi - Many multicolored, ______, _____, _________,
post- after, later, postwar, _____, ________, __________,
pre- before, earlier prewar, ______, _______, ________,
re- Again readmit, refill, _______, _______, ________
sub- under, below subnormal, ________, ________, _________
super- above, over superhuman, ________, ________, ________

Suffix Meaning Examples
-full full of
successful, careful, ________, _________
-less without
useless, careless, _________, _________

-able capable of /able to
usable, understandable, _________, __________
-ous of the nature of /
dangerous, mountainous, ________, __________
full of
-er/or the one who …./
reader, speaker, mixer, _________, __________
something which ..
expert in / having a scientist, dentist, typist, _________, _________
duty as
-ness state of being
happiness, carelessness, _________, _________
-ize to make
minimize, stabilize, ___________, ___________

I. c. 3. STEMS
Stems Meanings Examples

-audi, audit - hear

-chron time
-dic, -dict say, speak
-log, -ology speech, study
-scope instrument for seeing or
-phon- sound
-spir- breathe
-tele- far
-anthro-, man
-onym- name

Sample passage
The hemp plant, one of the world‟s oldest industrial resources, is
back. The rediscovery of this renewable resource is making the fiber of
choice for future textiles, personal care products, building materials, paper
and fuel.
5 Hemp has been grown for paper, textiles, food and medicine
throughout human history. The earliest known woven fabric, made of
hemp, dates back to the eight millennium (8,000-7,000 BC). Hemp seeds
were regularly used as a source of food and protein.
(Source: IELTS on Track, 2003:76)
After reading the above passage, we can guess the meaning of the

a. a hem plant is one of the world‟s oldest industrial resources

b. rediscovery means the discovery but NOT for the first time, it was
discovered before
c. renewable means can be made into new again, etc.

Exercise 3
Explain the meaning of each italicized word below by analyzing its prefix,
suffix and/or word stem.
Today there is much concern with the earth‟s dwindling resources. Most of
our energy sources, such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas, are
nonrenewable resources. If the consumption of these energy sources
continues at the present rate, we can foresee their being used up. For this
5 reason, scientists are taking a closer look at alternate sources of power:
nuclear, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind and solar. Scientists are now
looking into photovoltaics as a growing solar technology that will be one of
the most valuable sources power in the future.
A photovoltaic cell is also known as a solar cell. At present, photovoltaic
10 cells are used to power everything from watches and calculators to telephone
and orbiting satellites.
Many believers in photovoltaics are excited about plans for a new solar-
powered satellite. It will be launched in the mid-1980s. The satellite will be
placed in such an orbit that it will remain in total sunlight close to 100 percent
15 of the time (unlike earth-bound solar cells that spend part of their time under

Words Line Prefixes Word Stem Suffix Meaning

Nonrenewable 3
Foresee 4
Scientist 5
Geothermal 6
Hydroelectric 6
Photovoltaics 7
Valuable 8
Calculators 10
Believers 12
Unlike 15

2. Finding the meaning of a word by using a dictionary

2.1. The part of Speech

Knowing “part of speech” is very important in guessing meaning. Read the

following examples:

1. He tried to answer the question.

(in the above sentence, “answer” is a VERB, it is part of the infinitive “to
2. It is difficult to find an answer to the problem.
(“answer” is the object of the sentence; therefore, it is a NOUN.)

Thus, in some cases, different parts of speech can have the same spelling. Some
of these words are:

cause Cause
change Change
dream Dream
drink Drink
edge Edge
glow Glow
mark Mark
watch Watch
water Water

Other words are related to one another as word families. Although it is

usually very easy to identify the part of speech, word families can be confusing.
Each word in the family is a different part of speech. For example, agreement is a
noun; agreeable is an adjective; to agree is a verb.

Looking at the endings of a word may help you identify the part of speech
of that particular word. For instance:
Nouns derived from Verbs:
Verb Ending Noun
store -age storage
accept -ance acceptance
insist -ence insistence
agree -ment agreement
authorize -sion/-tion authorization

Nouns derived from Adjectives:

Adjective Ending Noun
convenient -ce convenience
redundant -cy redundancy
opposite -tion opposition
Soft -ness softness
durable -ty durability
Adjectives derived from Nouns:
Noun Ending Adjective
possibility -able/-ible possible
intention -al intentional
distance -ant distant
frequency -ent frequent
Juice -y juicy

Adverbs derived from Adjectives:

Adjective Ending Adverb
efficient -ly efficiently

Exercise 4.

Identify the part of speech of each underlined word, and then write the
related words.
Plant breeding is the purposeful manipulation of plant species in order to
createdesired genotypes for specific purposes. This manipulation involves
either controlled pollination, genetic engineering, or both, followed by
artificial selection of progeny.
5 Plant breeding often, but not always, leads to plant domestication. Plant
breeding has been practiced for thousands of years, since near the
beginning of human civilization. It is now practiced worldwide by
government institutions and commercial enterprises. Classical plant
breeding uses deliberate interbreeding of closely or distantly related
10 individuals to produce new crop varieties.

Words/Lines Verb Noun Adjective Adverb

purposeful (1)
create (2)
desired (2)
involves (3)
selection (4)
lead (5)
government (8)
commercial (8)
closely (9)
produce (10)

2. 2. Using a Dictionary

You know that you don‟t need to look up every new word in a dictionary
because you can often guess the meanings from the context. Sometimes,
however, you may want to use a dictionary for other purposes-for instance, to find
out the part of speech of a word or to learn related words.
A dictionary will tell you the part of speech a word can be, usually with
these abbreviation: n.= noun, v.= verb, adj. = adjective, adv. = adverb, pre. =
preposition, conj. = conjunction. The abbreviation appears before the meanings
of the word with that part of speech.

Some words have only one meaning. You can find the meaning in a dictionary entry
which sometimes includes an example.
A. Read these dictionary entries and answer the questions about them.

sight-see-ing / „sait si‟ing/ n visiting places of interest

usu. while on a vacation: We often go sightseeing. –
see also SIGHT' -sightseer /sait si'є/ n

1. What part of speech is sightseeing? ______________________________
2. What is the dictionary definition of the word? ________________________
3. What word is related to it? ______________________________________

B. Answer the following questions based on the dictionary entry below.

1. How many parts of speech does the word „coach‟ have?

2. Which definition (noun or verb) of „coach‟ means „a person who trains
3. As a noun how many meanings does the word „coach‟ have?
4. What is the other definition of the word?
5. The coach was unhealthy when his players won in the biggest game.
6. What is the part of speech of the word “coach” in the above sentence
7. What is its meaning?

coach /kəutƒ/ n 1 teacher esp one who gives private lessons to

prepare students for a public examination; 2 person who trains
athletes for contests: a baseball ~. Vt, vi teach or train: ~ sb for
an exam; ~ the crew for the boat race.

C. Read the following dictionary entries, and answer the following

continue /k∂ntInju/ v 1. (cause something to) go or move further. How far does
the road continue? 2. stay, remain. He is to continue as manager. 3. start again
after stopping. The story is continued in the next issue. 4. speak or say (sth)
again after stopping. “And what‟s more”, he continued, “they wouldn‟t let me in!”
5. (with sth) (cause sth to) go on existing or happening.
continuedadj going on without stopping: continuedopposition.
paper /╵peip ∂ (r)/ n1. [U] substance made in thin sheets from wood pulp used
for writing, printing, etc. a piece of paper; writing paper2. [C] newspaper: The
Sunday Morning paper has arrived. 3. [C, U] wallpaper: a pretty paper for the
bedroom. 4. [C] a set of examination questions on a particular subject. The
French paper was set by our teacher. 5. article or essay, (esp one read to an
audience of academics or specialists). He read a paper at that conference.
paper v 1. put wallpaper on (the walls of a room): We are papering the
bathroom. 2. (phrase verb) paper something over: cover with wallpaper. We
papered over the stains on the wall.
papery / ╵peip∂ri/ adj like paper in texture.

Answer the questions below based on the above dictionary entries. Choose the
best choice.
1. As a verb, how many meanings does the word “continue” have?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
They continued to rehearse after a small break.
2. What is the part of speech of the word continued in the above sentence?
A. verb B. noun C. adjective D. adverb

3. Based on the above dictionary, what is its meaning?
A. going on without stopping C. start again after stopping
B. stay, remain D. speak or say something after stopping
Wet weather may continue for a few more months.
4. What is the part of speech of the word continue in the above sentence?
A. verb B. noun C. adjective D. adverb
5. Based on the above dictionary, what is its meaning?
A. going on without stopping C. start again after stopping
B. stay , remain D. go or move further
This will need continued efforts from all the committee.
6. What is the part of speech of the word continued in the above sentence?
A. verb B. noun C. adjective D. adverb
7. How many parts of speech does the word “paper” have?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
8. What is its related word?
A. paper B. papery C. substance D. wallpaper
9. Which of the following is NOT the meaning of paper?
A. a substance B. wallpaper C. test paper D. writing paper
Where is today‟s paper?
10. What is the part of speech of the word “paper” in the above sentence?
A. verb B. noun C. adjective D. adverb
11. According to the dictionary entry, what is the meaning of that word?
A. put wallpaper B. article C. newspaper D. substance
You need to paper the kitchen now.
12. According to the dictionary entry, what is the meaning of that word?
A. put wallpaper B. article C. newspaper D. substance

13. Which of the following is both noun and verb?

A. papery B. paper C. continue D. continued

Exercises for Tutorial Classes
(Unit 5)
Exercise 1
Use the context to help you choose the best meaning or synonym for each
underlined word.

Example: The snake slithered through the grass. He was hunting.

The word „slithered‟ most probably means _______________.

(a) stopped moving (c) ate something
(b) slept in the grass (d) moved or traveled

You must discover what slithered means by using logic. Here are the analyses.
(a) is incorrect because the sentence says “through the grass”. “Through”
means there is some movement.
(b) is incorrect because the sentence says “he is hunting”. Snakes don‟t sleep
when they hunt.
(c) is incorrect because the sentence says “he is hunting”. Snakes don‟t eat
when they are hunting. They eat after they hunt.
(d) is correct because the sentence says “through the grass”. “Through” means
there is movement.

1. The news story was based on a letter that was a fabrication. Now the
reporter who wrote the story is in big trouble. Will anyone believe him
A fabrication is _______________.
(a) made of cloth (b) full of long words (c) funny (d) fake
2. The reporter insisted that the letter he used was authentic. He said that he
had shown it to many experts before he used it in his story.
When something is authentic, it is _______________.
(a) real (b) very old (c) very small (d) tasty
3. The tiger‟s roar could be heard in villages far away.
The word „roar‟ probably means _______________.
(a) food (b) dream (c) ear (d) sound
4. The thought of eating a rat is abhorrent to most people.
The word „abhorrent‟ probably means _______________.
(a) fun (b) horrible (c) delicious (d) sweet
5. You can trust the salesmen at the store because they always conduct
business in an aboveboard manner.
The word „aboveboard‟ probably means _______________.
(a) honest (b) dishonest (c) horrible (d) strange
6. Petra has so many friends because she is a gregarious person.
The word „gregarious‟ probably means _______________.
(a) introvert (b) shy (c) friendly (d) rude

7. After the harvest, we had an abundant amount of apples. We made apple
pie, apple sauce, and apple juice because we had so many apples.
The word „abundant‟ probably means _______________.
(a) shortage (b) inadequate (c) reddish (d) plentiful

8. When Sara was sick, her voice was almost inaudible. We couldn‟t hear
what she was trying to say clearly.
The word „inaudible‟ probably means _______________.
(a) very loud (b) very soft (c) very strange (d) very shy

9. Hurricanes and tornadoes are treacherous. Only a very foolish person

would go out during that kind of weather.
The word „treacherous‟ probably means _______________.
(a) exciting (b) dangerous (c) delirious (d) safe

10. Many ships have vanished during hurricanes. No survivors from the lost
ships have ever been found.
The word „vanished‟ probably means _______________.
(a) arrived (b) departed (c) returned (d) disappeared

Exercise 2
Read the sentences and try to guess the meaning of the underlined words from
the context. Match them with their definitions on the right.
1. Food comes in many different kinds of containers, a) for example
such as bottles, bags, cans, and packages. b) to use again
2. The car was out of gas, so he filled up the gas tank. c) to make
Then, the car was full of gas. something full
3. We use many kinds of paper every day, such as d) many different
paper bags, newspapers, and notebook paper. types
4. We put most of our garbage in landfills, which are e) something
big holes in the ground that hold the garbage. used to hold
5. A department store sells miscellaneous items. It something
sells many different types of things, such as clothing, f) to find the
radios and televisions, and furniture. answer to a
6. Plastic is not a natural material because it is made problem
by people. Wood is a natural material because it g) coming from
comes from trees, which are a part of nature. nature or the
7. We can recycle old cans. We can use the metal from earth
the old cans to make new cans. h) to make
8. If you‟re too fat, you can eat less and reduce your smaller
weight. i) a place that
9. “Please throw away your garbage. There is a holds a lot of
garbage can over there.” garbage
10. She couldn‟t solve the problem in her homework, so j) to put into the
she asked the teacher to help her find the answer to garbage can
the problem.

Exercise 3
Read the following passage and try to guess the meanings of the underlined
words. Make your own guesses based on the context. Then, check the guided
questions and answer them.
When we hear the word shark, we probably 1. „Shark‟ is a _________.
think of a big dangerous fish that kills and eats
2. We can say that an
people, like the shark in the movie Jaws. This is a
animal is dangerous
very popular movie about a dangerous shark that
when it _____________
attacked and killed many people. The shark in the
movie was a Great White shark. This species of
sharks is the most dangerous to people. Great White 3. Jaws is a __________.
sharks can sometimes grow to be 40 feet long. 4. When a shark grows, it
Most people are afraid of sharks because they gets __________.
sometimes attack swimmers and surfers, but in 5. Surfers do their
reality, only some species of sharks are dangerous to activities at _________.
people. There are about 350 species of sharks that 6. When sharks are huge,
live in oceans all over the world, but most of these they are very ________.
species don‟t attack people. For example, some
sharks are very small – the smallest shark is only 7. When we weigh
about 6 inches long and they only eat small fish. The something, the unit is
largest species of sharks arehuge – they may be 60 measured in ________.
feet long and weigh 15 tons, but these large sharks 8. The opposite of „large‟
do not eat people, either. They eat small animals and is __________.
sea plants that live in the ocean. Most other species 9. Seals live in ________.
of sharks eat fish, seals, and sometimes even
garbage in the ocean.

Exercise 4
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Scientists are reporting for the first time that the use of weed killers
in farmers' fields boosts the nutritional value of an important food crop.
Application of two common herbicides to several varieties of sweet corn
significantly increased the amount of key nutrients termed carotenoids
5 in the corn kernels, according to a new study.
In the new study, Dean Kopsell and colleagues note that farmers
grow about 240,000 acres of sweet corn in the United States each year,
making it an important food crop. Corn is among only a few vegetable
crops that are good sources of zeaxanthin carotenoids. Consuming
10 carotenoid-rich vegetables may reduce the risk of age-related macular
degeneration (a leading cause of vision loss among older people), heart
disease, and cancer, the study notes.
The scientists exposed several varieties of sweet corn plants to
the herbicide mesotrione or a combination of mesotrione and atrazine,
15 another commonly used weed killer, and harvested mature corn 45 days
later. Herbicide applications made the corn an even-better source of
carotenoids, boosting levels in the mature kernels of some varieties by up
to 15 percent. Itspecifically increased levels of lutein and zeaxanthin, the
major carotenoids in sweet corn kernels, whichstudies have linked to a
20 reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration.

Answer the following questions
1. Read Paragraph 1 & 3 and find the synonyms of the following words in the
same paragraphs
a. herbicides (line 3) d. atrazine (line 14)
b. increased (line 4) e. lutein and zeaxanthin (line 18)
c. carotenoids (line 4)
2. The following words are taken from the passage. Can you fill in the other
parts of speech of the same root? You may consult your dictionary.

Line Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

4 significantly
10 related
13 scientist
14 combination
16 application

3. Find the following pairs of words in the passage. Can you identify their
parts of speech as they appear in the passage? Give your reason for your
a. use (line 1) vs. used (line 15)
b. increased (line 4) vs. increased (line 18)
c. study (line 6) vs. studies (line 19)
d. note (line 6) vs. notes (line 12)
e. reduce (line 10) vs. reduced (line 20)

4. Find the following words in the passage and identify what they refer to.
a. it (line 8) c. It (line 18)
b. that (line 9) d. which (line 19)
5. What is the topic of the passage above?
6. In which paragraph does the writer state the names of two common
herbicides stated in line 3? What are they?
7. The writer mentions several diseases whose risk can be reduced with the
consumption of carotenoid-rich vegetables. What diseases are they?
8. How soon after the exposure of herbicidecan you harvest the corn?
9. By reading Paragraph 3 we can conclude that kernels are parts of ____
10. Why does the writer think that „corn‟ is an important food crop?
11. There are four different tenses used in the passage above. What are they?
Write down one example of each tense that you can find in the passage.
12. Find examples of the following forms of noun phrases in the passage.
a. Noun of Noun c. Quantity + Noun
b. Adjective + Noun d. Noun Modifier + Noun
13. Find two examples of noun phrases in the passage.

Exercise 5
Use the dictionary entries below to answer the questions that follow.

agricultureUSnoun[U]farming:Agriculture is still largely based

on traditional methods in some countries.The area depends on agriculture for
most of its income.Seventy percent of the country's population practices
subsistence agriculture.Compare horticulture.
agriculturalUSadjectiveThe world's supply of agricultural
land is shrinking fast.She's studying agricultural science.The country's economy is
mainly agricultural (= based on farming) and depends on crops like coffee.
agrochemicalUSnoun[C]a chemical that is used in farming
to help grow crops or kill insects
ecologyUSnoun[U]the relationships between the air, land,
water, animals, plants, etc., usually of a particular area, or the scientific study of
this:The oil spill caused terrible damage to the fragile ecology of the coast.She
hopes to study ecology at college.
ecologicalUSadjectiverelating to ecology or the
environment:The destruction of the rain forests is an ecological disaster that
threatens the future of life on Earth.
ecologicallyUSadverbIt's an ecologically
friendly/sound(= not harmful) means of transportation.
ecologistUSnoun[C]a person who studies the natural
relationships between the air, land, water, animals, plants, etc.

1. What is the part of speech of „agriculture‟?

2. Are both „agricultural‟ and „agrochemical‟ adjectives?
3. Can we have the word „ecology‟ in a plural form? Why?
4. What do you call someone who studies ecology?
5. Complete the following sentences with the suitable word from the dictionary
entries above.
a. Not all students in this university are studying __________ sciences.
b. People are now turning to use „bio-fuel‟ because it is __________
c. Some farmers in this country are still practicing traditional ways in
d. If we do not take care of our environment well, we will disturb the
balance of our __________.
e. The researchers used __________ in their research to help them
grow crops better.

Exercise 6
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Finding renewable and economic sources of energy is one of the
most important concerns for the continuation of the human species. New
research, published in BioMed Central's open access journal
Biotechnology for Biofuels, has produced a novelstrain of yeast with
5 improved xylose tolerance and metabolism, and consequently improved
ethanol production.
Bioethanol is considered one of cleanest renewable replacements
for fossil fuel. However, using glucose from crops, such as sugar cane or
starch crops, uses up resources which could otherwise be used to produce
10 food. Xylose is the second most abundant sugar in plants (after glucose)
and is plentiful in agricultural and wood waste. However, the yeast which
is most efficient at producing ethanol cannot ferment pentose sugars, such
as xylose, and yeast which can ferment xylose is not very good at
producing ethanol.
15 Researchers from Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore, used the
process of gene shuffling to integrate the genomes of xylose tolerant P.
Stipitis and the glucose loving, ethanol tolerant (but xylose intolerant) S.
Cerevisiae. In the first round of shuffling the P. Stipitis genome was
transferred into S. Cerevisiae. Recombinant strains were selected for their
20 ability to grow on xylose and then for their ability to produce ethanol. In the
second round of gene shuffling the S. Cerevisiae genome was transferred
into the best of these strains and the resulting strains were tested for
ethanol tolerance. Anli Geng, who led this study, explained that they
produced hybrid yeast, capable of producing bioethanol from xylose, which
25 was also able to survive in high concentrations of ethanol. The main by-
product of xylose fermentation was xylitol and by measuring this, along
with ethanol production, they found that their hybrid was more efficient at
using xylose and in producing ethanol than either of the parent strains.
This yeast is only a prototype and further improvement is possible.
30 However, their results show that there is a future in recycling waste
vegetation into bioethanol.

A. Write T if the following statement is TRUE, and F if it is FALSE based

on the passage above.

1. The passage above mainly talks about the importance of finding alternative
sources of energy.
2. The word „concerns‟ in line 2 is a verb.
3. Paragraph One implies that xylose can be used to produce ethanol.
4. According to the passage bioethanol isthe cleanest source of energy.
5. From Paragraph Two we know that both glucose and xylose are sugars.
6. The word „plentiful‟ in line 11 is opposite to „abundant‟ (line 10).
7. Both agricultural waste and wood waste contain a lot of sugar.
8. The word „ferment‟ in line 12 is an adjective.
9. Xylose is one example of pentose sugars.

10. S. Cerevisiae is as tolerant to xylose as P. Stipitis.
11. The word „round‟ line 18 means „circular‟.
12. The word „their‟ in line 20 refers to „xylose‟.
13. „These strains‟ in line 22 refers to „recombinant strains‟.
14. The word „they‟ in line 23 refers to „the resulting strains‟.
15. The yeast that the researchers produced is used to produce bioethanol.
16. The word „this‟ in line 26 refers to xylitol.
17. “The parent strains‟ in lines 28-29 refers to „both recombinant strains and
the resulting strains‟.
18. „This yeast‟ in line 29 refers to „hybrid yeast‟.

B. Find the meanings of the following words taken from the passage by
referring to the dictionary entries below.
1. concerns (line 2)
2. novel (line 4)
3. strain (line 4)
4. shuffling (line 16)

concern(INVOLVE)USverb1 [T] to be important to someone or to involve

someone directly: Matters of pollution and the environment concern us all.What I have to
say to Amy doesn't concern you.2 [T] FORMAL If a story, film or article concerns a
particular subject, person, etc., it is about that person or subject: The film concerns a
woman who goes to China as a missionary.3 [R] to become involved with something, or
worried about something: There's no need for you to concern yourself with what
happened.Don't concern yourself. She'll be home soon.To whom it may concern
something you write at the start of a formal letter or notice when you do not know exactly
who it should be addressed to
concernUSnoun [C or U] something that involves or affects you or is
important to you: What were the major concerns of the writers from this period?I don't
want to hear about it - it's no concern of mine!"What's happening?" "That's none of/not
any of your concern."be of concern to be important: The results of the election are of
concern to us all.
concernedUSadjective [after verb] involved in something or affected by
it: I'd like to thank everyone concerned for making the occasion run so smoothly.It was
quite a shock for all/everyone concerned.Her job is something concerned with
computers.I'm not very good where money is concerned (= when dealing with
money).be concerned with sth/sb to be about a particular thing or person: Today's
lesson is concerned with far as sb is concerned in a particular person's
opinion: As far as I'm concerned, feng shui is a load of far as sth is
concerned if we are discussing or thinking about a particular thing: As far as
unemployment's concerned, a change of government would be a good idea.
concerningUSpreposition SLIGHTLY FORMAL about: I've had a letter
from the tax authorities concerning my tax payments.
novel(BOOK)US noun [C] a long printed story about imaginary characters
and events: a paperback novelhistorical/romantic novels. Have you read any of Jane
Austen's novels?His latest novel is selling really well.novelistUSnoun
[C] a person who writes novels
novel(NEW)US adjective new and original, not like anything seen before: a
novel idea/suggestionKeeping a sheep in the garden is a novel way of keeping the grass

shuffle(MOVE AROUND)verb [T] to move similar things from one position or place to
another, often to give an appearance of activity when nothing useful is being done: She
shuffled her papers nervously on her desk.Many prisoners have to be shuffled around
police stations because of prison overcrowding.
shufflenoun [C] 1 when things are moved around from one position to another: She
gave her papers a quick shuffle.2 MAINLY US a reshuffle
strain(TYPE)noun [C] 1 a particular type or quality: A strain of puritanism runs
through all her work.2 an animal or plant from a particular group whose characteristics
are different in some way from others of the same group: Scientists have discovered a
new strain of the virus which is much more dangerous.

C. Many words in different languages are formed by adding affixes to base

words. Write down the root of the following words taken from the passage
and fill in the prefix or suffix when there is one.

Line Word Prefix Base (Root) Suffix

1 Renewable re~ new ~able
7 Replacements
15 Researchers
19 Recombinant

D. Some affixes add meanings to the base words, and some others signal a
change in parts of speech. Identify the prefix/suffix of the following words
taken from the passage and write down the meanings or the parts of

Line Word Prefix/Suffix Meaning Part of Speech

1 Renewable re~ again
~able can be Adjective
1 Economic
5 Tolerance
5 Consequently
6 Production
11 Plentiful
11 Agricultural
12 Efficient
15 Researchers
17 Tolerant
20 Ability
29 Improvement


1. To list relevant points in the appropriate category
2. To identify signals/clues that indicate listing
3. To list steps based on the correct order
4. To identify signals/clues that indicate processes
5. To distinguish active from passive sentences

1. Listing

One of the most common means of relating ideas is by listing them – in

other words, by taking items that refer to the same general idea and arranging
them one after the other. In its loosest form, listing can be a simple list of any
number of related items – for example, a list of adjectives used to describe some
object. However, there are some signal words that the writer uses to show listing.

The following are possible common signals to show listing:

first, second, third, last …
firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally…
parallel structures, e.g. adjective…., adjective…, and adjective…

Sample Passage 1

Human blood serves the body in three important ways. First, blood
carries substances needed to maintain and repair the body tissues. In this
way, blood serves as a provider. Second, blood also serves as a disposer,
since it carries wastes and gases away from the tissues of the body. In
5 addition, blood acts as a defender. The white corpuscles in the
bloodstream constantly guard against and try to destroy bacteria and other
agents that threaten the body‟s welfare.

In the sample passage above, the topic sentence/main idea of the passage is:
Human blood serves the body in three important ways, with three important ways
as its controlling idea. The writer lists these three important ways by using the
signal words: First (line 1), Second (line 3), In addition (line 4).

Main Idea: Human blood serves the body in three important ways.
1) as a provider: carry substances needed to maintain and repair the
body tissues
2) as a disposer: carry wastes and gases away from the tissues of the
3) as a defender: guard against and try to destroy bacteria and other
threatening agents

If the writer wants to change the order by putting “as a defender” first, “a provider”
second, and “a disposer” last, there is no significant difference since this is only a
matter of ordering. The case will be different if it involves process (will be
discussed in the later section).

Sample Passage 2
Food is a basic need of all living organisms. It provides the
materials they need to build their own tissues and to grow. It provides the
chemical substances vital for all the interconnected chemical changes of
an organism‟s metabolism, and the energy needed to make these
5 changes take place. Food also provides animals with energy for
movement and, in the case of warm-blooded animals, for maintaining their
body temperature.

In the sample passage above, the writer does not use explicit signal words to
indicate the listing, but s/he uses a parallel structure “It provides (line 1), It
provides (line 2), Food also provides (line 4)”.Thus, the sample passage above
can be summarized as follows:

Main Idea/Topic Sentence: Food is a basic need of all living organisms.

Controlling idea: a basic need
1) provide materials to build tissues and grow
2) provide chemical substances for metabolisms and energy for chemical
3) provide energy for movement and for maintaining body temperature

Exercises 1
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Many uncertainties have been sprouting up in corn production.
Researchers and producers have been wondering whether precision
agricultural technologies can improve crop yield and quality or reduce their
variability. Farmers have been asking a number of questions from which
5 hybrid they should plant for best yield and quality to whether applying
nitrogen fertilizer at a uniform rate produces a better crop outcome, and if
it does not, what nitrogen fertilization strategy produces a better crop in
yield and quality.
A number of scientists have been attempting to answer those
10 questions by investigating the potential impact of precision nitrogen
management on corn yield, protein content and test weight in a new
Precision agriculture is defined as the usage of available
technology to develop custom management of soil and crops to fit specific
15 conditions of a small area that is within a larger unit, such as a field. This
practice has revolutionized modern farming by allowing farmers to choose
the best management strategy at a specific time and place in their fields. It
has the potential to increase agricultural resource use efficiency, reduce
environmental contamination, and maintain or increase crop yield. Corn
20 farmers use this application by varying the rate of fertilizer depending on
differences in potential crop yield, soil type and landscape features across

the field. As grain markets shift to a greater emphasis on ethanol, more
attention is being directed to optimizing grain quality, where traditionally
the emphasis was on quantity. The significant variability of abundance in a
25 given area and abundance over a period of time in crop yield and grain
quality has not influenced use efficiency or profit of products made from
the crops, but made it difficult for farmers to get premium prices for their

Answer the following questions based on the passage above.

1. Read Paragraph One.
a. Name two things that people do when they face uncertainty.

b. List three questions that farmers have been asking.

c. What markers does the writer use to show that there is a list of

d. Look at the word „uncertainties‟ (line 1)
 What is the root for this word?
 What affixes does it get?
 What are the meanings of the affixes?
e. Write down two examples of noun phrases in line 1.

f. Write down four examples of noun clauses in Paragraph One.

g. Can you guess the meanings of the following words from the context?
 reduce (line 3)
 yield (line 8)
h. What do the following words refer to?
 they (line 5)
 it does not (line 7)
2. Read Paragraph Two
a. List three potential impacts that precision nitrogen management has
on corn.

b. What does „those questions‟ (line 9-10) refer to?

3. Read Paragraph Three
a. What is precision agriculture?

b. How many potentials does precision agriculture have? What are

they? Does the writer use certain signals to show the list of

c. Name three factors that make corn farmers have to vary the rate of

d. Find the following words and identify what they refer to.
 This practice (line 14-15)
 It (line 16)
 this application (line 20)
 their (line 27)
e. Refer to Paragraph Three and identify the parts of speech of the
following words:
 place (line 17)
 shift (line 22)
4. The following sentences are taken from the passage above. Can you
identify the tenses used in the following sentences? Why do you think the
writer uses such a specific tense? If you have not reviewed some of the
tenses in Unit 1, try to make some guesses.

a. Farmers have been asking a number of questions… (line 4).

b. This practice has revolutionized modern farming… (lines 15-16).
c. It has the potential to increase agricultural resource … (lines 17-18).
d. Corn farmers use this application… (line 19-20).
e. … traditionally the emphasis was on quantity. (lines 23-24).

2. Process

As stated earlier, there is another text organization that looks like “listing”
but it describes a fixed order. This organization is a “process” type, which mainly
describes continuous processes, consisting of events occurring one after the
other, or simultaneously, in sequences, stages and cycles.

The following are possible common signals to indicate processes:

Before When On + V-ing Subsequently Finally
Prior to As soon as During Later
First While After Afterwards
Initially At this stage Next Until
As Meanwhile Then Eventually

Sample Passage
In processing coffee using a wet processing technique, the fresh
fruit is first pulped by a pulping machine. Some pulp still clings to the
coffee, however, and this residue is removed by fermentation in tanks. The
few remaining traces of pulp are then removed by washing. The coffee
5 seeds are then dried to a moisture content of about 12 per cent either by
exposure to the sun or by hot-air driers. If dried in the sun, they must be
turned by hand several times a day for even drying.

Based on the passage above, there are four different stages of the wet
processing technique:
(i) pulping
(ii) fermentation
(iii) washing
(iv) drying

The passage above states four different stages but only three of them are
signaled explicitly, using the markers “first” (line 1), “then” (line 4), “then” (line 4).

Structural Point
Passive Voice

In Unit 1 you have reviewed seven of the twelve existing tenses. Those seven
tenses you have learned in Unit 1 can be summarized as follows:

Active Sentences (with VERB)

Past Present Future

Simple S + V2 S + V1(+s/es) S + will + V1

Progressive S + was/were + V-ing S + am/is/are + V-ing

Perfect S + had + V3 S + has/have + V3


The seven tenses above can appear in either active or passive form. The main
difference is that the passive form will always have a component of BE + V 3. The
summary of the passive form of the seven tenses can be summarized as follows:


Past Present Future

Simple S + was/were + V3 S + am/is/are + V3 S + will + be + V3

Progressive S + was/were + being S + am/is/are + being

+V3 +V3

Perfect S + had + been + V3 S + has/have + been +



Exercises 2
Refer to the previous passages and identify the passive sentences.
1. Passage in Exercise 1 (line 11)
2. Passage in Exercise 1 (line 20)
3. Sample passage about coffee processing in the previous page.

Exercises 3
Change the following active sentences into passive forms.
1. Corn farmers use precision agricultural technologies in their farms.
2. Scientists are investigating the potential impact of precision nitrogen
3. Has nitrogen fertilizer produced a better crop outcome?
4. Traditionally grain markets gave more emphasis on quantity.
5. The researchers were preparing some equipment in the laboratory.
6. Two scientists had modernized soap production.
7. Can precision agricultural technologies improve crop yield and quality?

Exercises 4
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

While washing your hands, have you ever wondered what
materials are in a bar of soap and why it cleans? Mary Kearns, a soap
maker in Falls Church, Virginia near Washington, creates soaps that
contain inventive combinations of herbs and essential oils. She uses
5 organic and fairly traded ingredients, and she takes great care to operate
her business in a way that is environmentally friendly.
One way to learn more about soap-making is to watch Mary
Kearns at work. She shows us the ingredients she will use. They include
water into which she has dissolved lye, or sodium hydroxide. She warns
10 that working with lye can be dangerous because it burns the skin. She
makes sure to wear special protective glasses and gloves when making

Oil is the other important ingredient in soap. Different oils give soap
different properties. For example, olive oil makes a harder soap, while
15 coconut oil makes a soap that produces suds. Ms. Kearns uses organic
coconut oil, or all organic oils. And the palm kernel oil is organic and
sustainably harvested.
Once the ingredients have been gathered and measured, the basic
ingredients are mixed together. First, she adds the water and lye solution
20 little by little to a large pot of heated oil. Then, she uses an electric blender
to mix the oils with the lye and water. When the soap has reached “trace”,
it means the liquid soap has come to a point where it will not separate
back into oil and water. She then adds exact measurements of herbs or
flowers and essential oils. She adds the dried herbs and flowers for looks
25 and texture. The essential oils give the soap its intense smell. However,
not all of her soaps contain essential oils because some people‟s skin is
too sensitive for essential oils, so Ms. Kearns also makes soaps that have
no intense smell. In fact, about half of her soaps have no added essential
oils. This is for people with very sensitive skin, or for those who want to
30 avoid essential oils for any reason.
Next, she pours the liquid soap into wooden mold forms. The forms
make small rectangular soaps or large bricks of soap. Ms. Kearns puts
paper on top of the molds. She lets them sit for a day or two in a warm
place so the soap can dry and harden. Later, she takes the soap out of
35 the mold and places it in a storage area to cure or dry for four to six
weeks. This curing process permits water to evaporate from the soap. The
soap soon becomes firmer which helps it last longer.

A. Complete the following outline based on the passage above.

How to make soap



B. Write T if the following statement is True or F if it is False based on

the passage above.

1. Mary Kearns owns a soap business.

2. Lye and sodium hydroxide are two different chemicals.
3. There are three basic ingredients needed to make soap.
4. The first step in making soap is heating the oil in a large pot.
5. The hardness of the soap depends on the quantity of herbs and flowers
added to the ingredients.
6. Herbs and flowers are not basic ingredients to make soap.
7. Essential oil is one of the most important ingredients in soap.
8. The liquid soap needs a warm place to harden.
9. According to the passage it takes a few days to make a hard soap.
10. Evaporating the water in the soap makes it last longer.

C. Study the following sentences taken from the passage. If they are
active, change them into passive, and if they are passive, change
them into active.

1. Mary Kearns creates different kinds of soap.

2. She is wearing special protective glasses and gloves.
3. The ingredients have been gathered and measured.
4. The basic ingredients are mixed together.
5. Blending will not separate oil and water.
6. She pours the liquid soap into wooden mold forms.

D. Focus on grammar

1. Find 2 examples of Noun Clauses in Paragraph One, and 1 example of

Noun Clause in Paragraph Two.

2. Identify the parts of speech of the following words and write down their
base forms.

Word Part of Speech Base form

a. inventive (line 4)
b. combinations (line 4)
c. environmentally (line 6)
d. friendly (line 6)
e. dangerous (line 10)
f. sustainably (line 17)
g. solution (line 19)
h. harden (line 34)

3. Identify the referents of the following words:

a. it (line 2) d. This (line 29)
b. they (line 7) e. those (line 29)
c. that (line 27

4. Find the markers that indicate a process.

Exercises for Tutorial Classes
(UNIT 6)

A. Exercise 1

Read the following passage. Underline the passive verbs you find in the

There are many different kinds of plants. Do you know that there are
plants that can kill and eat insects? It may sound very strange but it is true.
There are plants that use clever ways to trap insects and they are
called the pitcher plants. The pitcher plant is common insects eating plant
5 in many countries. This plant has a clever trap-shaped like a pitcher or jug.
The pitcher is covered with a sweet, sticky substance. Wheninsect come,
they crawl into the pitcher and drink the honey that is found at the bottom.
At this stage insect cannot climb out of the pitcher. It‟s because the inner
wall of the pitcher is covered with fine hairs that point downwards. Finally,
10 they die inside it and the plant digests their body and absorbs the insect as
a food.
There is also the story of a giant flesh-eating plant in South America.
They say that the branches of this plant spread out like arms. Sometimes
an animal strikes against these branches. The branches quickly fold around
the animal and crush it to death.

A. Choose the best answer based on the text above.

1. The topic sentence of the second paragraph is stated in?

A. The first sentence C. The third sentence
B. The second sentence D. The fourth sentence

2. Why is this plant called “the pitcher plant”?

A. Because the leaves are covered with fine hairs tipped with droplets of
B. Because it has a clever trap-shaped like a pitcher or jug
C. Because there are small green bladders
D. Because it has long leaves surrounded by sensitive hairs

3. What will happen in the first stage when an insect come to this plant?
A. The droplets of a golden fluid attract the plant‟s prey
B. The edges of the leaf tend to curl over towards the insects
C. Insect crawl into the pitcher and drink the honey
D. Insect touched the sensitive hairs in the digestive glands

4. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. The insect will alight on the plant
B. The process of how the pitcher plant eat
C. The insect will swim inside the plant
D. The function of the plant

5. The word „also‟ in line 12 shows ___________.

A. contrast C. listing
B. process D. example

B. Using information in paragraph 2, complete this diagram to show the
process of howthe pitcher plant eats an insect. Please write the marker
as well.

an insect comes¹

(marker : _________________ )


(marker : _________________ )


(marker:___________________ )


Exercise 2
Read the following passage. Underline the passive verbs you find in the

¹Cotton is a shrubby plant that is a member of the Mallow family. Its

name refers to the cream-colored fluffy fibers surrounding small
cottonseeds called a boll. The small, sticky seeds must be separated from
the wool in order to process the cotton for spinning and weaving.Cotton is
5 grown in fields, a long way from the processing plant.
²The manufacture of cotton cloth is a complex process involving many
highly skilled workers and each performing a particular critical step in the
overall process. The cotton making process begins with harvesting. Once
cotton is harvested, it is cleaned and separated from the seeds in a
10 process called ginning. This is done mechanically via machines created
byEli Whitney. Such a machine helps to make the cotton process from
harvest to usage go much faster. Cotton gin is then wrapped up into bales
for further processing into materials. The cotton is then yarned and sold as
pieces of material to make cloths and other garments.
15 ³Cotton fabric alone accounts for fully half of the fiber worn in the world.
It is a comfortable choice for warm climates in that it easily absorbs skin
moisture. Cotton is planted annually by using the seeds found within the
downy wool. The states that primarily cultivate cotton are located in the
"Cotton Belt," which runs east and west and includes parts of California,
20 Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Arizona, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri,
New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and
Texas, which alone produces nearly five million bales. Together, these
states produce approximately 16 million bales a year, second only to

25 4The cotton plant is a source for many important products other than fabric.
Among the most important is cottonseed, which is pressed for cottonseed
oil, used in commercial products such as salad oils and snack foods,
cosmetics, soap, candles, detergents, and paint. The hulls and meal are
used for animal feed. Cotton is also a source for cellulose products,
30 fertilizer, fuel, automobile tire cord, pressed paper, and cardboard.

A. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What is the topic of paragraph One?

2. What should be performed before the spinning and weaving process?
3. What is a boll in line 3?
4. What does the word „Its‟ in line 1 refer to?
5. What is a „plant‟ in line 5?
6. Is that is a member of the Mallow family(line 1)a noun clause?
7. What is the controlling idea of paragraph Two?
8. What is the text organization of paragraph Two?
9. What are the markers that support your answer in no 8?
10. How many noun clauses can you find in paragraph 3?
11. When will cotton fabric be a good choice?
12. What is meant by the „Cotton Belt‟ in line 19?
13. What is the text organization of paragraph 4?
14. What are the markers that support your answer in no13?
15. Is the topic sentence of Paragraph Four a statement of Intent or Opinion?

B. What is the part of speech of the following word (s)?

16. shrubby in line 1 ______________ 19. cultivate in line 18 ___________

17. plant in line 5 ______________ 20. nearly in line 22 ____________
18. skilled in line 7 ______________ 21. pressed in line 26 __________

C. Based on paragraph Two, arrange the following activities to show the

manufacture of cotton cloth. Write A, B, C only.

A. wrapping B. selling C. cleaning D. material processing

E. harvesting F. yarning H. ginning

Exercise 3

A. Read the following text, and chose the best choice (A, B, or C) to
complete the text.
Yogurt is classified as a dairy product that (1.A.makes B. made made) by
blending fermented milk with different ingredients that gives flavor and color.
The possible origin of yogurt is (2. A. says B. saying C. said) to be from Middle
line East, Turkey, or Iran. In 1900, Dr. Ilya Metchnikoff (3. A. sets B. set C. was set)
5 apart bacillus cultures that was used for making yogurt. In 1925, the first modern
yogurt plant (4. A.discovered B. was discovered C.was discovering) and in
1970s yogurt (5. A. gained B. was gaining C. was gained) an increasing (6. A.
popular B. popularity C. popularize) in the United States.
In the production of yogurt, cream, milk or skim milk is cultured with two bacteria;
10 namely, Lactobacillusbulgaricus and Strptococcusthermophilus. Sometimes,
yogurt (6.A.treats B. is treating C. is treated) with heat after it has been cultured
in order to get rid of viable organisms and their extended shelf-life.
(7. A.Generation B. General C. Generally), there are three categories of yogurt:
first, firm yogurt which is also called set-style: just as the name implies, (8.
15 B. its C.they) is a firm gel in a pack and it is consumed with a spoon. Second,
stirred yogurt: the gel (9. A.has B. has been C. have been) dissolved, cooled,
and packaged after coagulation. Finally, drinkable yogurt: this is similar to stirred
yogurt; the only (10.A.differ B. different
C. difference) is that it has been homogenized and reduced to liquid before
20 filling.
The composition of commercial yogurt includes fat which is about 0 to 3.5%, milk
solid non-fat (8.25-14%), sugar (0-10%), and stabilizer (0-2%). There are different
types of commercial yogurt, covering non-fat yogurt, 99% fat free, low-fat yogurt,
and whole milk which is just plain yogurt.

B. Indicate whether each of the following statement is TRUE or FALSE according to

thepassage above.

11. The topic of the above passage is the classification of yogurt.

12. The basic ingredient of yogurt is milk.
13. Yogurt was fairly widespread in the U S soon after its first making.
14. The word „increasing‟ in line 7 is a verb.
15. After cultured with Lactobacillusbulgaricus and Strptococcusthermophilus, all kinds of
yogurt need to be heated.
16. According to paragraph Two, there are two steps to produce all kinds of yogurt.
17. The controlling idea of paragraph three is three categories.
18. The word „their‟ in line 12 refers to viable organisms.
19. The text organization of paragraph Three is mostly process.
20. Both „that gives flavor and color’(in line 2) and „that it has been homogenized
and reduced to liquid‟ (in line 17) are NOUN clauses.
21. Yogurt is divided into three categories according to its raw material.
22. Suffix „-able‟ in the word “drinkable” (line 17) means „can be‟.
23. The verb to „get rid of‟ in line 12 can be best replaced by to „keep‟.
24. The biggest composition found in all commercial yogurt is non-fat solid milk.
25. There are commercially three types of yogurt: non-fat, low-fat, and whole milk.

C. Answer the following questions briefly (no more than TWO words)

26. The word “after” in line 11 is used as a marker for ________________________.

27. The word “Finally” in line 17 is use as a marker for _______________________.
28. The part of speech of the word “cultured” in line9 is a/an _________________.
29. The word set-style in line 14 means __________________________________.
30. The topic of the last paragraph is _____________________________________.

D. Based on paragraph One, write the chronology of how yogurt was found and
became popular in the following table.

Time The occurrence

bacillus cultures were set apart

Exercise 4

There are a number of reasons why animals should not be kept in captivity.
This is wrong because zoos are often unsanitary and the animals suffer
unnecessary pain and suffering because they easily become sick and die. In
many cases zoos do not have effective breeding programs and they actually
5 contribute to the decline in numbers of certain endangered species. Moreover,
in many countries zoos have become less and less popular because of the
influence of natural history programs on television.

A. Answer the following questions briefly

1. What is the topic sentence of the above text?

2. What are the controlling ideas?
3. How many reasons does the text mention?
4. What is the text organization of the text?
5. What are the signal words that show the text oraganization?
6. What does the word “this” in line 2 refers to?
7. What word in the paragraph that has the same meaning as “extinct”?
8. What is the part of speech of the word „endangered‟ in line 5?
9. What does the prefix „un‟ in the word „unnecessary‟ in line 3 mean?
10. What does the word „they‟ in line 3 refer to?

Unit 7

1. To review some learned skills and materials
2. To establish mastery of learned skills and materials

Comprehending or Understanding a Text

As a summary of what have been learned in the previous units by having several
types of exercises, you are expected to have mastery on the following reading
 Skimming to find the topic and the main idea of a text
 Scanning to find specific pieces of information
 Finding referents
 Guessing meaning of unknown words

Some grammar points in each related unit such as noun phrase, noun clause,
etc. are also important elements for better understanding of a text.

Exercise 1
Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.

The relationship of economics to history is rather different from that of

the other social sciences. Curious as it may sound, this relationship in
many respects comes close to that between history and literature.
Economics, after all, is the science (in the broad meaning of the term) of
5 something which men actually do. Even if the science did not exist, men
would still make economic decisions, economic predictions, and participate
in the various forms of economic organization which, in part, it is the
economist‟s function to describe. Similarly, the disciplined study of
literature is concerned with something which men would also do anyway
10 even if the disciplined study did not exist: compose poems, act out dramas,
write novels, and read them. Political science, or the discipline of politics,
has it is true, many similarities to economics, particularly where it is
concerned with generalization about political structures.

A. Choose the best answer.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

a. Economics interrelationship with other subjects
b. The similarity between economics and politics
c. History and literature‟s curious relationship
d. A definition of economics

2. History is related to economics _________.

a. just as political science is related to economics
b. in many different kinds of ways
c. in a different way from its relationship to literature
d. in the same way as it is related to literature

3. The word “broad” (line 4) is closest in meaning to which of the following?
a. vague b. typical c. popular d. general

4. Economics look at _____________.

a. people‟s real life behavior c. the description of historical events
b. all kinds of decision making d. broad aspects of organization over time

5. The word “that” (line 1) refers to ____________.

a. Economics c. history
b. the other social sciences d. the relationship

6. Studying literature involves _________.

a. putting poems and plays to music c. reading and writing novels
b. looking at some normal d. much hard workactivities of man

7. Where in the passage does the author describe economics?

a. lines 1 – 2 b. lines 4 – 5 c. lines 5 – 8 d. lines 11 – 13

B. Decide if the following statement is TRUE or FALSE according to the

text above.

8. The word „it‟ (line 2) refers to social sciences.

9. The word „that‟ (line 3) refers to relationship.
10. The word „it‟ (line 7) refers to nothing.
11. Political science is an example of social sciences.
12. Economics and literature have some similarities.
13. Economics means the science of something men really do.
14. Economics is the same as literature.
15. Like history, economics is concerned with generalization.

Exercise 2

It has been documented that, almost twelve million years ago at the
beginning of the Pliocene Age, a horse, about midway through its
evolutionary development crossed a land bridge where the Bering Straits
are now located, from Alaska into the grassland of Europe. The horse was
5 the hipparion about the size of a modern-day pony with three toes and
specialized cheek teeth for grazing. In Europe, the hipparion encountered
another less advanced horse called the anchitheres which had previously
invaded Europe by the same route, probably during the Miocene Period.
Less developed and smaller than the hipparion, the anchitheres was
10 completely replaced it. By the end of the Pleistocene Age both the
anchitheres and the hipparion had become extinct in North America where
they had originated. In Europe, they had evolved into an animal very similar
to the horse as we know it today. It was the descendant of this horse that
was brought by the European colonists to the Americas.

A. Choose the best answer.

1. The suffix „ment‟ in the word „development‟ (line 3) shows that this word is
a/an ___________.
a. noun b. verb c. adverb d. adjective

2. The word „crossed‟ (line 3) is a (n) __________.

3. a. noun b. verb c. adverb d. adjective

4. The suffix „ly‟ in the word „completely‟ (line 10) indicates that this word is a (n)
a. noun b. verb c. adverb d. adjective

5. The suffix „-ed‟ in the word„specialized‟ (line 6) shows that it is a (n) ___.
a. noun b. verb c. adverb d. adjective

6. The word „documented‟ (line 1) can best be replaced by ________.

a. noted b. excluded c. located d. developed

B. Decide whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE according

to the text above.

7. The word “it” (line 1) refers to nothing.

8. The word “its” (line 2) refers to the Pliocene Age.
9. The word “which” (line 7) refers to the hipparion.
10. The word “they” (line 12) refers to the anchitheres and the hipparion.
11. The word “it” (line 13) refers to Europe.

Exercise 3

Read the following dictionary entry. Choose the best answer for each question.

mark1/mark/ n 1 A sign that can be seen. 2 a stain. 3 a scar. 4 an object

aimed at. 5 a sign used as a guide to position. 6 a cross used instead of a
signature. 7 a point or number of points awarded according to the merit of
one‟s work, etc. 8 a distinguishing sign. 9 (usu. with a number) a type or model
mark2. –v.t. 1 to make a mark on. 2 to correct and value by giving marks (e.g.
an examination paper). 3 to show. 4 to note. 5 to watch closely, give attention
to. 6 (in football, etc.) to keep close to (an opponent) so as to hinder him if he
receives the ball. 7 to be a feature of: Ancient villages marked the lonely
valley. 8 to be a sign of: A movement in the crowd marked his approach.

1. “The boys marked the stone to let people know that they had been there”
In this sentence the word “marked” means
a. kept close to c. gave attention to
b. made a mark on d. were features of

2. “He got a bad mark for his math” The word “mark” in this sentence is a(n)...
a. noun b. verb c. adjective d. adverb

3. The dictionary meaning of the word “mark” in sentence no 2 is stated in no

a. 1 b. 4 c. 7 d. 9

4. As a noun “mark” has _________ meanings.

a. 4 b. 5 c. 9 d. 7

5. The word “mark” in the dictionary entry above has ______ parts of speech.
a. 1 b. 2 c. 7 d. 9

Exercise 4

The protozoans, minute, aquatic creatures, each of which consists of

a single cell of protoplasm, constitute a classification of the most primitive
forms of animal life. They are fantastically diverse, but three major groups
may be identified on the basis of their motility. The Mastigophora have one
5 or more long tails, which they use to project themselves forward. The
Ciliata, which use the same basic means for locomotion as the
Mastigophora, have a larger number of short tails. The Sarcodina, which
include amoebae, float or row themselves about on their crusted bodies.
In addition to their form of movement, several other features
10 discriminate among the three groups of protozoans. For example, at least
two nuclei per cell have been identified in the Ciliata, usually a large nucleus
that regulates growth but decomposes during reproduction, and a smaller
one that contains the genetic code necessary to generate the large nucleus.
Protozoans are considered animals because, unlike pigmented plants
15 to which some protozoans are otherwise almost identical, they do not live
on simple organic compounds. Their cell demonstrates all of the major
characteristics of the cells of higher animals.
Many species of protozoans collect into colonies, physically
connected to each other and responding uniformly to outside stimulate.
20 Current research into this phenomenon along with investigations carried
out with advanced microscopes may necessitate a redefinition of what
constitutes protozoans, even calling into question the basic premise that
they have only one cell. Nevertheless, with the current data available,
almost 40,000 species of protozoans have been identified. No doubt, as
25 the technology improves our methods of observation, better models of
classification will be proposed.

A. Decide whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE

according to the text above.

1. The word „minute‟ (line 1 ) can be best replaced by “very small”

2. The protozoans probably do not live in the water.
3. Protoplasm is the substance that forms the cell of a protozoan.

4. The amoebae belong to the Ciliata.
5. The purpose of the large nucleus in Ciliata is to regulate growth.
6. Protozoans are classified as the most primitive animals since each has only
one cell of protoplasm.
7. The word „uniformly‟ (line 19) is closest in meaning to “in the same way”.
8. The word „they‟ (line 15) refers to “protozoans”
9. Protozoans are difficult to observe.
10. The word „diverse‟ (line 3) is an adjective.
11. The word „they‟ (line 5) refers to “long tails”.
12. The word „their‟ (line 8) refers to “Mastigophora”.
13. The word „decomposes‟ (line 12) is a verb.
14. The word „proposed‟ (line 26) is an adjective.
15. The passage above is primarily concerned with the characteristics of

Exercise 5
Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.
Obesity is a huge problem in many Western countries and one which now
attracts considerable medical interest as researchers take up the challenge
to find a „cure‟for the common condition of being seriously overweight.
However, rather than take responsibility for their weight, obese people
5 have often solace in the excuse that they have a slow metabolism, a
genetic hiccup which sentences more than half the Australian population
(63% of men and 37% of women) to a life of battling with their weight. The
argument goes like this: it doesn‟t matter how little they eat, they gain
weight because their bodies break down food and turn it into energy more
10 slowly than those with a so-called normal metabolic rate.

A. Choose the best answer. Cross (X) a, b, c on your answer sheet.

1. The controlling idea of the paragraph is __________.

a. a huge problem b. considerable c. seriously over weight
2. The main idea of the paragraph is stated in the __________ sentence.
a. first b. second c. third
3. The word „one‟ on line 1 refers to ___________.
a. medical interest b. problem c. country
4. The part of speech of the word „sentences‟ line 6 is a(n) __________.
a. noun b. verb c. adjective
5. The verb form of the word „responsibility‟ line 4 is ___________.
a. responsibly b. responsible c. respond
6. According to the obese people their obesity results from a/an ______.
a. normal metabolic rate
b. abnormal metabolic rate
c. excessive meal

7. Researchers try to discover a(n) ___________ for the obesity.
a. cure b. solace c. excuse

8. Which of the following is not mentioned as the excuse of the people in

Western countries for their obesity problem?
a. Having a slow metabolism
b. Having a genetic hiccup
c. Having a bad eating habit

B. Identify if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE according to

the passage.

9. Obese people fight with their weight for all their life.
10. Fewer women than men in Australia are overweight.
11. According to the passage obesity is not a very big problem.
12. The word „argument‟ in line 8 is closest in meaning to the word „reasoning‟.
13. Obesity cannot be considered as the attraction of medical interest.

Exercise 6

Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.
We tend to think of water in the personal terms - a mother
bathing her child in Calcuta, India, or a cool drink on a hot day – but only
10 percent of the water consumed worldwide is for household use.
Agriculture takes 70 percent, and half or more of that water is lost to
5 evaporation or runoff. Drip irrigation, whichuses perforated tubing to
deliver water to crops,uses 30 to 70 percent less than traditional methods
and increases crop yields. The first drip systems were developed in the
1960s, but even now they‟re use on less than one percent of irrigated
land. Most governments subsidize irrigation water so heavily that
10 farmers have little incentive to invest in drip systems or other water-
saving methods. Industry consumes the remaining 20 percent of water,
often inefficiently. In Binzhou, China, workers at a liquor company wash
bottles with water that is used once and discarded. Reusing water and
adopting other conservatiob measures could help the world‟s industry cut
15 its water demands by more than half.

A. Identify if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE according to

the text.

1. The topic of the above text is the usage of water.

2. According to the text, households use the least amount of wateron earth.
3. At least 50% of water supply on earth is lost to evaporation or run off.

4. Although drip systems help farmers save their water usage, they are not
popularly used on irrigated land.
5. Farmers are not encouraged to put their money on water-saving systems
due to the government subsidy.
6. In Binzhou, workers at a liquor company use recycled water to wash bottles.
7. It can be concluded from the passage that water demands could actually be
8. The word „which‟ line 5 refers to evaporation.
9. The part of speech of the word „subsidize‟ in line 9 is a noun.
10. From lines 10-11 we can conclude that „systems‟ and „methods‟ are
11. The meaning of the word „inefficiently‟ in line 12 is „in an efficientway‟.
12. The word „discarded‟ line 13 most probably means „not used‟.
13. The prefix „re-„ in the word „reusing‟ line 13 means „before‟.

Exercise 7
Read the following text and answer the questions that follow
Zoos and aquariums in the future will be critical for the survival of many
species and an integral part of in situ conservation programs for many
others. However, animal collections in individual zoos and aquariums are
typically too small to be of much value to long-term conservation. How then
5 can these individual collections serve a conservation purpose? The answer
will lie in cooperative international or regional ex situ breeding programs to
form large, viable populations. These cooperative breeding programs serve
many purposes: providing animal for public educational and/or exhibit
opportunities; providing fund-raising material; providing research collections
10 from which to gain basic knowledge of animal biology and husbandry; and,
on a large scale, providing demographic and genetic backup to wild
populations. To serve in all of these roles fully, these populations must be
viable over the long term. This requires that they be: demographically
stable; healthy, well maintained and capable of self-sustaining reproduction;
15 distributed among several institutions to lessen the risks of catastrophic
loss; of sufficcient size to maintain high levels of genetic diversity.
Demographic stability is needed to ensure that an adequate number of
animals of breeding age are available to reproduce at the rates needed to
increase or maintain the population at its desired size. Healthy populations
20 are needed to ensure that animals are capable of breeding when needed.
Genetic diversity is required for populations to remain healthy and adapt to
changing environments (i.e. experience natural selection). Ex situ breeding
programs need to preserve this diversity; otherwise, the long-term fitness of
these populations will be compromised.

A. Identify if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE according to
the passage.

1. Paragraph One states that the cooperative breeding programs have four
2. Zoos and aquariums collection will depend on the cooperation of the
International or regional ex situ breeding programs.
3. Zoos and aquariums are parts of ex situ breeding programs.
4. It can be assumed that healthy animals are needed in the cooperative
breeding programs.
5. The transition „However‟ in line 3 indicates a contrast.
6. The writer uses the „roles‟ (line 12) to mean the same as „purposes‟.
7. The words „viable‟ (line 13) is closest in meaning to „able to survive‟.
8. The words „an adequate number‟ (line 17) is closest in meaning to „a
sufficient quantity‟.
9. The word „This‟ (line 13) refers to „the long term‟.
10. The verb form of the word „conservation‟ (line 5) is „conserve‟.
11. TFThe suffix „-al‟ both in the word in the word „critical‟ and „survival‟ (line 1)
shows the same part of speech.
12. The prefix „co-„ in the word „cooperative‟ (line 6) means „together‟.
13. The suffix „-en‟ in the „lessen‟(line 15) is used to form a noun.
14. The word „loss‟in line 16 is an adjective.

Exercise 8
A problem for some breeding programs is confiscated or
abandoned animals. These may have been illegally held as pets or
confiscated as illegally imported. They may be animals rescued and
turned over to wildlife authorities to avoid human/animal conflicts. When
5 assimilating confiscated and abandoned animals into a breeding program
the following points should be considered : questionable health, disease
risks; questinable origin because of lack of life history (wild born, wild-
caught,taxonomy); questionable relationships among individuals in
confiscated groups.
10 On the other hand, healthy confiscated or rescued wild-caught animals
can provide a breeding program with an opportunity to refresh the
founder stock, or replace post-reproductive old animals with young
breeders. Most breeding programs have not been established with an
adequate number of founders and the periodic inclusion of new
15 unrelated animals may be a bonus for such programs. Every effort must
be made, however, to ensure that any individuals that are included are
healthy, of known taxonomy, wild born (or, if collection born, their
relationship to the population is known) and appriately placed.

A. Identify if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE according to
the passage.

1. The existence of confiscated animals in the breeding program is

2. Confiscated and abandoned animals rescued and turned over to wildlife is
used to prevent human conflict.
3. Any animal can get into breeding program without any consideration.

4. The problem of all breeding programs is the confiscated animals.

5. In the breeding programs information about taxonomy and the relationship to

the population is important.

6. „These‟ (line 2) refers to programs.

7. „They‟ (line 3) refers to „pets or confiscated animals‟.

8. The prefix „il-„ in the word „illegally‟ (line 2) means „without‟.

9. The suffix „-able‟ in the word „questionable‟ (line 6) means „can be‟.

10. „On the other hand‟ (line 10) does NOT show contrast.

11. „post-reproductive‟ (line12) can be replaced by „after productive again‟.

12. „healthy‟ (line 10) is the noun form of the word „health‟.

13. „inclusion‟ (line 14) is the noun form of the verd „include‟.

14. „refresh‟ (line 11) gets NO affix.

15. The words „confiscated‟ and „abandoned‟ (lines 1-2) have the same parts of

Exercises for Tutorial Classes
(UNIT 7)

Exercise 1
Line Since time is immemorial, advances in agriculture have been closely linked to
the selection of the best strains of plants. For breeding, there are two plant types:
self-fertilizers and cross-fertilizers. Self-fertilizers, such as wheat, can inseminate
themselves or very close relatives. After a first cross with a donor plant that is
intended to contribute new characteristics, a plant can be back-crossed with its plant
5 of origin until it becomes almost identical genetically – except for the new
characteristics, which was intentionally crossed in. Most self-fertilizers – such as
commercial cereals, including rice – are homozygous. That means that both sets of
their chromosomes are broadly identical. They, therefore, produce identical progeny.
A farmer can use his harvest for seed as it has the same characteristics as the
10 parent material.
The pollen of cross-fertilizers such as apples, grapes or bananas, however,
cannot fertilize the flowers of its plant origin. Instead, fertilization requires the pollen
of a genetically different plant. When thathappens, the seed inherits half the genome
of the mother plant and half that of the father plant or pollen donor. Genomes of
15 such plants are heterozygous. Planting seeds of apples or grapes of a particular
variety produces a host of genetically different, individually unique plants. Their fruits
are all identical because they are defined by the genetic make-up of the mother
plant, but their seeds are different.
To produce seed for a pure variety – that is a genetically identical one – of
20 cross-fertilizers, conventional breeders employ vegetative reproduction methods,
such as using cuttings from the plant of origin. Therefore, all apples of a single
cultivar like Gala or Golden Delicious are basically clones of a single plant. Every
Golden Delicious apple tree, for instance, can be traced back to a seedling found by
chance in 19th America.
25 Some varieties, however, share characteristics of both cross-fertilizers and self-
fertilizers. They are, however, subject to what is known as inbreeding depression.
They have the capacity to fertilize themselves – but the more often they do so, the
more negative traits they display. If different inbred lines are crossed with one
another, however, they produce hybrids with better characteristics. The drawback is
30 that the hybrid seed material cannot be reproduced: inbreeding depression reduces
the hybrid effect from one generation to the next. Maize is a classic example. Unlike
wheat, which yields seed that farmers can harvest and plant again the next year, or
grape-vines, which can grow from cuttings, hybrid maize seed needs to be bought
every year.

Indicate whether the following is TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

1. The topic of the passage above is self-fertilizers.

2. Better characteristic hybrids can be obtained by crossing different inbred
lines with one another.
3. The passage mentions two plant types: self-fertilizers and cross-fertilizers.
4. In self-fertilizers, the plants cannot inseminate themselves.
5. Examples of self-fertilizers are apples and bananas.
6. Homozygous in line 7 means both sets of the chromosomes are identical.
7. The Golden Delicious apple tree originated in America.

8. The fourth paragraph discusses the negative effect of having the
characteristics of both fertilizers.
9. The word „the next‟ in line 31 refers to inbreeding depression.
10. Examples of cross-fertilizers can be found in lines 11-12.
11. The phrase „a pure variety‟ in line 19 means a genetically identical one.
12. In the fourth paragraph there are 3 noun clauses.
13. Hybrid maize seed can be harvested and planted again and again.
14. The word „that‟ in line 7 refers to the information in the previous sentence.
15. You can find the antonym of the word „homozygous‟ (in line 7) in
Paragraph 2.

Exercise 2

Dictionary Entry
Fur/f3:r/ n 1 [U] soft thick hair covering certain animals, eg cats, rabbits. 2 [C]
animal skin with fur on it, especially when made into garments. 3 [U] rough
coating on a person‟s tongue when ill.
Furious/fjüəriəs/ adj violent; uncontrolled; full of fury.
Gassy /gǽsi/ adj of or like gas; full of gas; (of talk, etc) empty; vain and
Gem /d3em/ n 1 precious stone or jewel, esp cut or polished. 2 sth valued
because of great beauty; sth much prized: the gem of the collection, the most
valued item in it.
Germ / d33:m/ n [C] 1 portion of a living organism capable of becoming a new
organism; (fig) beginning or starting-point (of an idea, etc). 2 microbe or
bacillus, esp one causing disease: ~ warfare, use of bacteria as a weapon in
Gesture / d3est∫ə(r)/ n 1 [C] movement of the hand or head to indicate or
illustrate an idea, feeling, etc; sth done to convey a friendly intention: a ~ of
refusal; make a friendly ~ to sb. 2 [U] use of expressive movements: an actor
who is a master of the art of ~.

Choose the best answer for each question.

16.Women usually like to have __________. Some of them even collect it.
A. gem B. germ C. gesture

17. Nobody likes him. They say he is ___________; he talks too much.
A. gem B. gassy C. furious

18. When she wore her fur coat, animal lovers launched a protest.
The meaning of the word „fur‟ is number_________.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

19. How many meanings does the word „gesture‟ have? What is its part of
A. one/adjective B. one/noun C. two/noun

20. Which of the following cannot be an Uncountable noun?

A. gesture B. germ C. fur

Exercise 3

Questions no 21 –33 are in the following text.

Nowadays, Russian agriculture (21. A. develops B. is developing

C. have been developing) dynamically due to some factors. On the one
hand, world market prices for farm products in 2006-2007 (22. A have
Lines B. have had C.had) a good impacton agribusiness. Some (23. A. another
5 B. other C. others) factors, such as oil price growth, attempts to
substitute standard fuel with biofuel, increasing food demand from
developing countries, have led to a new world scene. All over the world
prices for food are growing drastically and they are difficult to
(24.A.forecast B.forecasting C.forecasted). Agriculture (25.A.becoming
10 B.became C. has become) one of the key industries over the last 10
Frequent (26. A.grow B.grown C. growth) of grain and oil-bearing
crops prices in global markets has made the investment fund of Russian
agriculture improving. It is estimated that Russian agriculture is at
15 tens of billion US dollars. The agribusiness in Russia (27.A. has grown
B. grew C. had grown) by 3-4% in 2007, twice more than that of 2004-
2005, and we can forecast further growth in this (28. A.industry
B.industrial C.industrially).The class of professionals and investors has
been formed. One of the 2007 tendencies was that companies are
20 actively consolidating big land assets in various regions in Russia and
Ukraine. Nowadays, foreign investors (29. A. create B.are creating
C.created) available lands of thousand hectares. This (30. A.cause
B.causes C.causing) emergence of new market oriented providers.
Ward Howell is the only Executive search company with an
25 agricultural practices focusing on searching for Russian and foreign highly
(31. A.quality B. qualify C. qualified) managers. (32. A. It B. Its
C.Their) clients include big and middle Russian agricultural companies
and those processing agricultural materials. In the near future, this
company (33. A. will expand B. expanding C. has expanded) to many
30 other agricultural sectors.

Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

34. The topic of the above passage is Russian agriculture.

35. The controlling idea of paragraph 1 is some factors.
36. The main idea of the passage is that Russian agriculture needs foreign
37. The passage reveals that the use of biofuel has been replaced by fuel.
38. The need for food in some countries has a good impact on Russian
39. Unlike the prices for farm products, the ones of grains have been rising.
40.“that Russian agriculture is at tens of billion US dolllars….” is a noun
41. The word „It‟ in line 14 refers to Russian agriculture.
42. There are three noun phrases in the last sentence (lines 28-30).
43. The word „growing‟ (in line 8) is the synonym of the word „improving‟ (in line
44. Unlike grain prices, the ones of oil bearing crops are rising.
45. The part of speech of the word „forecast’in line 17 is a noun.

46. One of the impacts of improving agriculture is the interest on owning land.
47. The word „those‟ in line 28 refers to clients.

Exercise 5

Rabies, the disease that drives infected victims wild, is almost

always fatal once it reaches the brain. It jumps from host to host through
Lines the bite of an infected animal. The virus itself travels from the wound to
the brain through an unusual highway. Instead of swirling through the
5 blood, it creeps along nerve fibers. This explains the variable timing of
symptoms following a bite: the farther the bite is from the brain, the longer
the virus must crawl. The time lag also gives bite victims the opportunity
to seek treatment. The critical moment is when the virus reaches the
central nervous system (CNS). Without treatment, weeks or months
10 after an attack the virus triggers a full-blown CNS infection, complete with
slavering, aggression and hydrophobia. At this point, it is usually too late
for even the best medical treatment.
. A new finding from two remote communities in the Peruvian Amazon
may reveal a gap in the virus‟ chain. Scientists have tested six native
15 people who have never received a vaccination yet appear to have
developed natural antibodies to the virus. The researchers think that
vampire bats, common in the region, bit the sleeping humans and
passed along small amounts of the virus over time. “The multiple,
low-dose exposure gave each person‟s immune system a chance to learn
20 how to fight back”, says Amy Gilbert, a postdoctoral fellow at the Center
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Gilbert and her fellow researchers, first, interviewed 92 people in the
two communities, all of whom reported exposure to bats, whether to a
bite, scratch, or just abrush against bare skin.They then drew blood
samples from 63 of them. “Generally, the communities do not appreciate
25 the risk of rabies from a bite. They don‟t know how it is transmitted and
are unlikely to seek treatment because of the low perceived risk.” It was
finally found that several native individuals in the Peruvian Amazone
appear to have developed natural antibodies to the rabies virus.

Choose the best answer by crossing A, B, or C.

48. The best title for the above passage will be ______________________
A. Natural antibodies against rabies
B.Rabies disease that drives infected victims wild
C. Scientists studying Peruvian Amazone

49. The word „It‟ in line 2 refers to ___________

A. the brain B. the bite C. rabies

50. The virus of rabies travels _________. Which is NOT true according to the
A. to reach the brain B. through the blood C. along nerve fibers

51. The topic sentence of paragraph 1 is a statement of __________

A. intent B. opinion C. both intent and opinion

52. The symptoms of rabies can be seen _________
A. immediately after the bite
B. in the wound to the brain
C. differently from one victim to another

53. Which of the following is NOT a noun clause.

A. when the virus reaches the central nervous system (CNS) (line 8-9)
B. who have never received a vaccination (line 15)
C. that vampire bats, bit the sleeping humans and passed…over time (line

54. Which word can be used to replace the word „exposure‟ in line 23?
A. Disappointment B. Opportunity C. Contact

55. The word „first‟ in line 22 is a marker / signal word for _______
A. process B. listing C. cause effect

56. Hydrophobia will be experienced by those who ______________

A. get the best treatment B. are attacked by bats C. have CNS infection

57. Scientists believe that the virus‟ chain in rabies might be cut by ___________
A. vampire bat‟s bites B. vaccination C. living in remote areas

58. The word transmitted in line 25 is a/an ___________

A. adjective B. adverb C. verb

59. According to the passage people ignore bats‟ exposure because they ______
A. do not know that they can get rabies.
B. do not like any treatment C. do not have the risk

60. The word „it‟ in line 26 refers to _______________

A. treatment B. nothing C. risk

Answer the following questions in NO MORE than three words.

61. The part of speech of the word „timing‟ in line 5 is ____________

62. Prefix „post‟ in the word „postdoctoral‟ line 20 means _________
63. The word „This‟ in line 5 refers to _______
64. What is CNS (in line 9)? ________________
65. Which is the topic sentence of the second paragraph? _________

1. To identify signals/clues that indicate causes or effects
2. To identify causes and effects
3. To identify signals/clues that indicate comparison & contrast
4. To identify comparison & contrast
5. To identify adverb clauses

1. Adverb Clauses

An adverb clause is a dependent clause used as an adverb within a sentence

to indicate time, place, condition, contrast, concession, reason, purpose, or
result. Also, it is known as adverbial clause.

An adverb clause begins with a subordinating conjunction (such as if, when,

because, or although) and includes a subject and a predicate.

Kinds of adverbial clauses

Kind of Common
Function Examples
clause conjunctions

These clauses are When you finished

when, before, your homework, you
used to say when
after, since, may go home.
time something happens by
while, as, as
clauses referring to a period of
long as, until, As soon as he heard
time or to another
as soon as the news, he called
These clauses are
used to talk about a Unless you work hard,
if, unless possible or counter- you will fail in this
factual situation and its exam.

These clauses are I will give you a map

purpose so that, in
used to indicate the so that you can find
clauses order that
purpose of an action. the library easily.

These clauses are I did this work because

reason because,
used to indicate the it is part of my
clauses since, as
reason for something. educational project.

There were so many

These clauses are
result books on the subject
so….that used to indicate the
clauses that Mary didn’t know
result of something.
where to begin.

These clauses are
used to make two I used to read a lot
concession although, statements, one of although I don't get
clauses though, while, which contrasts with much time for books
even though the other or makes it now.
seem surprising.

where, These clauses are

place wherever, used to talk about the He said he was happy
clauses anywhere, location or position of where he was.
everywhere something.

Exercise 1
Complete the following sentences with a suitable word or phrase from the table

1. Living in Bogor is sometimes frustrating ____________there are a lot of

traffic jams in every part of the city.
2. ___________dolphin lives in the sea, it is not a fish – it‘s a mammal.
3. I want to live __________ there are a lot of trees.
4. Riding a motorcycle needs fuel ____________ riding a bicycle needs
human energy.
5. ____________ you study hard, I am sure you‘ll pass the test.

2. Causes & Effects

When describing a sequence of events or actions, the writer can relate them
in two ways: by showing their order in time or showing how one causes the other,
if it does. Often, one action following another in time is also the result of that
action. There are a number of ways the writers can express these causal
relations. Some of them are listed below as the common cause and effect

The following are possible common signals to indicate cause and effect relations:

Verbs linking cause and effect: result, produce, allow, prevent, enable,
cause, result in, result from, bring about

Connectives: due to, as a result of, since, because, because of, in response
to, as, with the result that, so that, thus, therefore, consequently, hence, for
this reason, thereby

Implied marker: if, means

Sample Passage

Pulmonary Tuberculosis is caused by infection of the lungs with the

tubercle bacillus. Pulmonary lesions are due almost entirely to the human
form of the tubercle bacillus, as distinct from the bovine type, which is
Line mainly responsible for glandular and bovine tuberculosis. The bacilli lodge
5 in the lungs and set up a chronic inflammation of a specific type. They
produce areas of infiltration which have a characteristic tubercle
formation; hence the name for the organism.

The above passage shows relations of cause and effects. Some of the relations
are marked but others are linked implicitly.

Cause Effect Marker

Tubercle bacillus Infection of lungs

Infection of lungs Pulmonary Tuberculosis caused by
Human form of tubercle Pulmonary lesions due to
Bovine type of tubercle Glandular and bovine responsible for
bacillus tuberculosis
Bacilli lodge in lungs Chronic inflammation set up
Inflammation Infiltration produce

Exercise 2
Read the text below and complete the table that follows.
Scientific studies have shown that vitamin A may have beneficial
effects in clearing up skin problems, treating eye disorders, and fighting
infection. Tablets with vitamin A have been used effectively in treating
Line skin problems like acne. When it is applied directly to the skin, vitamin A
5 can also clear up boils and heal ulcers. Injections of vitamin A have been
used to remove warts from people‘s skin. Vitamin A is a successful way
of treating such eye disorders as night blindness and blurred vision. In
addition, therapeutic doses of vitamin A are used to treat glaucoma and
conjunctivitis (inflammation of the eyelids). Most important, vitamin A
10 protects the mucous membrane from invading bacteria. Furthermore,
dosages of vitamin A have shortened the duration of communicable
diseases, such as cold and measles. In conclusion, these many
beneficial effects demonstrate the importance of encouraging people to
take regular dietary supplements of vitamin A.

CAUSE: Use of Vitamin A in the Body
…………………………… ………………………….. ……………………………
…………………………… ………………………….. ……………………………
Examples: Examples: Examples:
…………………………… ………………………….. ……………………………
…………………………… ………………………….. ……………………………
…………………………… ………………………….. ……………………………

Exercise 3
Read the text below and do the exercises that follow.
There are three reasons why solar energy generation has not
developed more rapidly. First, the cost per watt of solar cell generation is
more expensive than that of the steam power or nuclear power
Line generation. Therefore, the researchers are still looking for ways to make
5 solar cells cheaper. Second, nature plays a large part in solar cell
generation. For example, some days are cloudy and rainy. Because there
is no always fine weather, solar energy cannot be generated every day.
No solar energy is generated at night. Consequently, solar cells which are
very expensive must have the capacity to store energy for use during
10 these times. As a result, in low latitude areas can enough solar energy be
generated effectively at these times. Finally, building plants for solar cell
generation is extremely expensive. A very large space is needed, and the
need for maintenance is constant. To illustrate, the surface of the solar
cell plants has to be cleaned daily.
15 For all these reasons, it is very difficult to develop solar cell plants and
make solar cell energy available to the general public for a competitive
price. Despite all these problems, it is believed that the day will come and
when we use solar energy cells because they are a form of clean energy
with no pollution.

a. Underline the signal words for Cause & Effect.

b. Complete the following table based on the text above.

Effect: Solar Generation has not developed more rapidly

First Reason/Cause Second Reason/Cause Third Reason/Cause
………………………… …………………………… …………………………
………………………… …………………………… …………………………
………………………… …………………………… …………………………
………………………… …………………………… …………………………

c. Decide whether the following sentences and decide whether they are TRUE
1. The topic sentence of paragraph 1 is stated at the first sentence of the
2. The controlling idea of the topic sentence is solar energy generation has not
developed more rapidly.
3. The words ―First‖ (line 2), ―Second‖ (line 5) and ―Finally (line 11) are markers
for process.
4. The word ―it‖ in line 15 refers to the solar energy.
5. The word ―they‖ in line 18 refers to solar energy cells.

d. Underline the adjective, noun, adverb clauses in the text above.

2. Comparison & Contrast

In most academic subjects, we often need to compare and contrast

things. Thus, one type of text organization is one in which several things are
compared or contrasted, where the language of comparison and contrast is used.
Paragraphs of this type of passage usually state the main idea of the things being
demonstrated as similar or different in the first sentence. Then, the idea is
developed in subsequent sentences, often with examples.

To compare means to show in what ways several things are similar, and
to contrast means to show in what ways they are different.

Signal Words/Markers

Some common signal words/markers for comparison

also in the same manner in comparison like

similarly in the same way likewise too
as Correspondingly the same as well as
similar to in comparison both resemble

Some common signal words/markers for contrast

however on the other hand while but

nevertheless on the contrary in contrast yet
more (than) --er than whereas conversely
rather than Although despite/in spite of unless
unlike Instead different from by contrast

Sample Passage

Both New York City and Paris depend on vast subway lines to transport
their millions of commuters. In both cities, the subways are often crowded,
especially at rush hours. Another likeness is the terrible noise level in the
trains. A further similarity is that the two subway systems both cover a wide
area at little expense for commuters. However, the differences between the
5 two are quite striking. While subway stations in New York range from plain
to ugly, Paris stations are generally attractive. Many of the French stations
are filled with works of art. In Paris, the subway trains are clean and they
run every few minutes. On the other hand, New York‘s trains can be less
clean and reliable.

The above paragraph compares and contrasts the subways in New York
City and with those in Paris. If we transfer the passage into a note form, this
would like the following.

Subways in NY City Subways in Paris Markers

Crowded Both
Terribly noisy Another likeness
Relatively cheap A further similarity
Stations range from Stations are attractive and However
plain to ugly filled with art works
Less clean Clean While
Less reliable Run every few minutes On the other hand

Exercise 1

Even though Arizona and Rhode Island are both states of the U.S., they are
strikingly different in many ways. For example, the physical size of each
state is different. Arizona is large, having an area of 114,000 square miles,
whereas Rhode Island is only about a tenth the size, having an area of only
5 1,214 square miles. Another difference is in the size of the population of
each state. Arizona has about four million people living in it, but Rhode
Island has less than one million. The two states also differ in the kinds of
natural environments that each has. For example, Arizona is a very dry
state, consisting of large desert areas that do not receive much rainfall
10 every year. However, Rhode Island is located in a temperate zone and
receives an average of 44 inches of rain per year. In addition, while Arizona
is a landlocked state and thus has no seashore, Rhode Island lies on the
Atlantic Ocean and does have a significant coastline.

1. What are being compared or contrasted?

2. How many points of contrast are there?
3. What are signals that show contrast?

Exercises for Tutorial Classes
(Unit 8)

Exercise 1
A. Read the following text and complete the table that follows.
Though some people may term communism and fascism as the two
sides of the same coin, they are different in their ideology and other
aspects. Communism is a socio-economic system that stands for a
Line classless, stateless and an egalitarian society. Fascism is an ideology that
5 tries to bring together radical and authoritarian nationalism. Fascism is
derived from Italian fascio, meaning bundle, whereas Communism comes
from French communisme, meaning common.
Fascism became popular between 1919 and 1945 and the term has
become an epithet for all bad things. Fascism originally referred to the
10 Fascists under Benito Mussolini. The authoritative document of Fascism is
―The Doctrine of Fascism.‖
Communism became popular after the Bolshevik Revolution of
Russia in 1917. The Communist Manifesto was made by Karl Marx, and
Friedrich Engels is considered to be the bible of communism.
15 Communism stands for a stateless society where all are equal. No
one is rich or poor in a communist system. In Communism, it is the
community that holds the production and the major resources. On the
other hand, Fascism pertains to state and it considers the state on top of
everything. In fascism the state is all embracing; no human values exist
20 outside the state.

Fascism Communism
1. Communism is a socio economic
system that stands for a class less,
state less and an egalitarian society
2. 3.

4. 5.

Fascism originally referred to the The Communist Manifesto was

Fascists under Benito Mussolini made by Karl Marx
6. 7.

Fascism pertains to state and it 8.

considers the state on top of
9. The community that holds the
production and the major resources.

B. Answer the following questions briefly.
1. The first paragraph contains definitions. What are the terms being defined?
And what are the signal words for definitions?
2. What is the topic of the above passage?
3. Which country refers to fascism?
4. What is the holy book of communism?
5. Which ideology says that the state is above everything?

Exercise 2
A. Read the text and complete the table below.
DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is like a blueprint of biological guidelines
that a living organism must follow to exist and remain functional. RNA, or
ribonucleic acid, helps carry out this blueprint's guidelines. Of the two,
Line RNA is more versatile than DNA, capable of performing numerous, diverse
5 tasks in an organism, but DNA is more stable and holds more complex
information for longer periods of time.
DNA provides living organisms with guidelines—genetic information in
chromosomal DNA—that help determine the nature of an organism's
biology, how it will look and function, based on information passed down
10 from former generations through reproduction. The slow, steady changes
found in DNA over time, known as mutations, which can be destructive,
neutral, or beneficial to an organism, are at the core of the theory of
Genes are found in small segments of long DNA strands; humans
15 have around 19,000 genes. The detailed instructions found in genes—
determined by how nucleobases in DNA are ordered—are responsible for
both the big and small differences between different living organisms and
even among similar living organisms. The genetic information in DNA is
what makes plants look like plants, dogs look like dogs, and humans look
20 like humans; it is also what prevents different species from producing
offspring (their DNA will not match up to form new, healthy life). Genetic
DNA is what leads some people to have curly, black hair and others to
have straight, blond hair.

Some Differences between DNA and RNA


I. the name stands for 1.

II. more versatile

B. Find any sub-clauses (noun, adjective, or adverb) that you can find in the

C. Indicate whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE.

1. The main idea of the above passage is the differences between DNA and
2. The first paragraph explains what DNA and RNA are.
3. It can be inferred from Paragraph One that RNA does not have as many
functions as DNA.
4. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid.
5. The slow, steady changes in DNA can destroy, neutralize, and benefit an
6. We know what plant is like because of the genetic information in DNA.
7. The guidelines in DNA provide genetic information in chromosomal DNA.
8. The part of speech of the word ‗function‘ in line 9 is a NOUN.
9. The word ‗which‘ in line 11 refers to mutations.
10. The word ‗others‘ in line 22 refers to genes.

Exercise 3
Mitosis and meiosis have different purposes, but share common features
in how they work. Mitosis allows multicellular organisms to grow and repair
damaged tissue. Meiosis enables organisms to reproduce sexually.
Line The fundamental difference between mitosis and meiosis is that
5 mitosis produces two daughter cells with the same number of
chromosomes as the parent cell. Meiosis results in four daughter cells
harboring only half of their parent's chromosomes, which underwent
recombination. Aside from these two distinct purposes, both mitosis and
meiosis occur in multiple stages during which the same general things
10 happen: DNA replication and condensation, nuclear membrane
degradation, spindle formation, chromosomal segregation and nuclear
reformation. The same mechanisms of chromosomal segregation are at
work in both mitosis and meiosis -- centrosomes, microtubules and motor
15 Both mitosis and meiosis are multistage processes. The stages are
interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. The same
general processes occur in each of these stages for mitosis and meiosis.
Interphase is cell growth and DNA replication in preparation for cell
division. Prophase is when the nuclear membrane degrades. Metaphase is
20 when the chromosomes align in the middle of the cell. Anaphase is when
the chromosomes are pulled apart. Lastly, telophase is when one cell
splits into two separate cells.

Complete the following table to show similarities and differences between mitosis
and meiosis.
Mitosis Meiosis


Number of Daughter
Cells produced

Chromosome Number



Exercise 4
Read the text below.
According to researchers, two viruses cause Aids, namely HIV-1
and HIV-2. HIV-1 is the predominant virus in most parts of the world,
whereas HIV-2 is most commonly found in West Africa. These viruses
Line belong to a family called the retroviruses. They are unique viruses in that
5 they are able to insert their genetic material into the genetic material (DNA)
of cells of the person that they have infected. In this way they are able to
infect a person for the rest of that person's life. Viruses that are very
closely related to HIV are found in other primates (apes and monkeys).
These viruses are called Simian Immunodeficiency Viruses (SIV). HIV-2 is
10 genetically almost indistinguishable from the SIV found in sooty
mangabeys. A very close genetic relative of HIV-1 has been found in
chimpanzees. Therefore, most scientists accept that the human immune-
deficiency viruses are recently derived from these primate viruses. The
earliest human blood sample found to contain HIV dates from 1959; this
15 sample was collected in Central Africa.
Based on molecular technology and the use of large computer
programs, scientists have been able to trace back the genetic origins of
HIV-1 and HIV-2 and roughly pinpoint the time when these viruses first
appeared in humans. The current theory is that sometime between 1930
20 and 1940 there was a "species-jump" of certain SIV's into human
populations, probably through the practice of slaughtering, preparing and
consuming of "bush meat" from monkeys in parts of Central and West
HIV is not as contagious as is often believed. The virus does not
25 survive long outside the body and can only be transmitted through the
direct exchange of certain body fluids such as blood, semen and vaginal
fluid. The virus can gain access to the body at its moist surfaces ("mucous

membranes") during sex, or through direct injection into the blood stream.
Sex is the major mode of transmission of HIV worldwide.

Choose the best answer for the following questions.

1. What is the best title for the passage above?
A. How Aids are transmitted. C. Where Aids come from.
B. The two viruses that cause Aids. D. The most dangerous viruses.
2. Which of the following is NOT true about HIV-2?
A. It is mostly found in West Africa. C. It belongs to retroviruses family.
B. It is dominant all over the world. D. It is unique.
3. According to the text, SIV found in sooty mangabeys is similar to ____.
A. HIV-2 B. HIV-1 C. apes D. monkeys
4. The first sample of human blood containing HIV was found in ____.
A. Central Africa B. West Africa C. chimpanzees D. monkeys
5. The passage mentions the means of transmitting HIV through these
fluids, EXCEPT _______.
A. blood B. vaginal fluid C. semen D. water
6. The synonym of the word ‗contagious‘ in line 24 is probably……
A. dangerous B. infectious C. famous D. serious
7. It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that……
A. HIV cannot infect other people.
B. we can share food and drink with an HIV patient.
C. HIV victims cannot be cured.
D. HIV can only survive in a fluid.
8. The first sentence of Paragraph 3 is a statement of ……
A. Opinion B. Fact
9. Information about the first human blood containing HIV can be found in
A. lines 7-8 B. lines 13-15 C. lines 16-19 D. lines 24-27
10. The last paragraph is mainly talking about ……
A. how HIV is transmitted
B. how to prevent HIV
C. what causes HIV
D. why HIV cannot survive outside the body

Exercise 5
World War I was a direct result of a tangled system of secret
alliances. Beginning after the unification of Germany in 1871, many
European nations began secretly allying themselves with each other.
Line Starting with the Dual Alliance between Austria-Hungary and Germany in
5 1879, the nations of Europe allied themselves in mutual protection pacts in
such a way that if any one nation became the target of aggression, all of
Europe would be pulled into war. That act of aggression occurred in
Bosnia in 1914 when a young Serb, Gavrilo Princip, assassinated
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. Austria-
10 Hungary declared war on the nation of Serbia soon after. Within a year,

Austria-Hungary, Germany and Italy had allied themselves against France,
Britain, Russia and the Ottoman Empire.
The after-effects of the war are numerous. Four empires
disappeared: Austria-Hungary, the Ottomans, Germany and Russia. Four
15 age-old royal lines were shattered: the Hapsburgs, Romanov‘s,
Hohenzollerens and the Ottman Turks. Of the 60 million soldiers mobilized
during the war, 8 million were dead, 7 million were disabled in some way
and 15 million were seriously injured. 15% of German‘s men aged 18-40
were gone, as were 17% of Austria-Hungary. A global famine also came
20 after the war, killing 100,000 people in Lebanon and 10 million in Russia!
One of the most important effects was that Germany was saddled with a
huge war debt that bankrupted the nation and provided fertile ground for
the rise of Hitler and the Nazi's, so one could argue World War I caused
World War II.

A. Choose the best answer to each question.

1. What is the topic sentence of Paragraph 1?

A. The first sentence C. The third sentence
B. The second sentence D. The last sentence

2. The controlling idea of the topic sentence of the first paragraph is _______.
A. a tangled system of secret alliances
B. secretly allying themselves with each other
C. mutual protection pacts
D. heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne

3. The text organization of the first paragraph is _______.

A. process B. cause-effect C. comparison D. contrast

4. The signal words to support the above text organization are _____.
A. a way B. when C. soon after D. each other

5. The controlling idea of the second paragraph is _____.

A. after-effects B. are C. the war D. numerous

6. With which country did Germany ally in 1879?

A. Austria-Hungary B. France C. Britain D. Russia

7. How many adverb clauses are there in Paragraph One?

A. One C. Three
B. Two D. None

B. Complete the following table with the information from Paragraph 1.

Causes Effects Markers

any one nation became the 1. If

target of aggression

2. Austria-Hungary declared war 3.

on the nation of Serbia soon

C. Complete the following table with the information from Paragraph 2.

Causes Effects

World War 1 1.


Of 60 million 1. 8 million were dead

during the war


4. 15% of German‘s men aged 18-40 were gone


Global famine 1.


World War 1


1. To identify a text organization of definition and exemplification
2. To identify the adjective clauses
3. To identify a text organization of classification

1. Definition and Exemplification

a. Definition
The purpose of a paragraph of definition is to define, explain, or clarify the
meaning of something. Because of the nature of definition, it may involve
analysis, comparison and contrast.
A paragraph of definition provides the meaning or an example of a term or
concept. Paragraphs of definition often begin with a single-sentence dictionary
definition as a topic sentence and then go on to provide further explanation or
The following are the common signal words for definitions:
This is referred to as X is/are known as X is/are
X can be defined as X refers to X means
This means that In other words X is/are called

Sample Passage
Education theory can refer to either a normative or a descriptive theory
of education. In the first case, a theory means a postulation about what
ought to be. It provides the "goals, norms, and standards for conducting
Line the process of education." In the second case, it means "a hypothesis
5 or set of hypotheses that have been verified by observation and
experiment." A descriptive theory of education can be thought of as a
conceptual scheme that ties together various "otherwise discrete

b. Exemplification
It is often useful in definitions to give examples; this action is known as
exemplification (or exemplifying) and it is commonly used throughout academic
The following are the common signal words for exemplifications:
an example for example This is analogous to
an instance for instance such as
an illustration

Sample Passage
Some of the most fascinating works of modern architecture are
associated with cities. In capitals such as Brasilia, monumental modern
structures determine the appearance of the city. Such buildings,
Line however, are not the only structures created by architects. They also
5 create buildings that are used by all of us in our everyday lives. Houses,
stores, shopping malls, schools, and factories, for example, are usually
built according to an architect‟s instructions. Architects also design
sports arenas, museums, hotels, and theaters, an example of which is
the Opera House in Sydney, Australia, designed by the Danish architect
10 Jorn Utzon. This building and others like it remind us of sculpture more
than of the tall towers of cities

2. Grammar points: Adjective Clauses

An adjective clause is often used in definitions to list their characteristics. It is a
dependent clause, which modifies a noun, describes, identifies, or gives further
information about a noun. (It is also called a relative clause). A dependent clause
is not a complete sentence. It must be connected to an independent clause.

A chair is a piece of furniture that has a back and a single seat.
(independent clause) (dependent clause)
Mariculture is a type of agriculture that specializes marine plants and animals.
(independent clause) (dependent clause)

The patterns of Adjective Clauses

1. Using Subject Pronouns: WHO, WHICH, THAT
a. I thanked the librarian who helped finish my report.
b. I thanked the librarian that helped finish my report.
2. Using Object Pronouns: WHOM, WHICH, THAT
a. The man whom/that I saw was Mr. Jones.
b. The movie which/that we saw last night wasn‟t very good.
3. Using WHOSE (possession)
a. The student whose composition I read is a good writer.
b. I am from a country whose history goes back thousands of years.
4. Using WHERE
a. The building where he lives is very old.
b. The building which/that he lives in is very old.

5. Using WHEN
a. Monday is the day when we learn English.
b. Monday is the day on which we learn English.
c. Monday is the day that we learn English.
a. In my class there are 50 students, some of whom are from Bogor.
b. John gave several reasons, only a few of which were valid.
c. The teachers discussed Jim, one of whose problems was poor
study habits.

Sample Passage
Higher education, also called tertiary, third stage, or post secondary
education, is the non-compulsory educational level that follows the
completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a
Line high school or secondary school. Tertiary education is normally taken to
5 include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as
vocational education and training. Colleges and universities are the main
institutions that provide tertiary education. Collectively, these are
sometimes known as tertiary institutions. Tertiary education generally
results in the receipt of certificates, diplomas, or academic degrees.

1. An adjective clauses that is used to identify (distinguish one person or thing

from another) is called restrictive clauses.
Example: Judges are people who prefer a structured and predictable

2. An adjective clauses that is not used to identify something but simply adds
extra information is called nonrestrictive clauses.
Example: Whales, which were once plentiful, are now in danger of

3. An adjective clause can often be reduced to adjective phrases when the

relative pronoun of the adjective clause is the subject of the clause.
Example: Anyone who is interested in cinema should experience this film.
Anyone interested in cinema should experience this film.

The dictionary which is on the table is mine.

The dictionary on the table is mine.

I bought a new book that contains descriptions of illuminated


I bought a new book containing descriptions of illuminated


Exercise 1
Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being.
In humans, it is the general condition of a person's mind, body and spirit,
and usually means to be free from illness, injury or pain (as in "good
Line health" or "healthy"). In 1946 the World Health Organization (WHO)
5 defined health in its broader sense as "a state of complete physical,
mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or
infirmity." Although this definition has been subject to controversy, in
particular as having a lack of operational value and the problem created
by use of the word "complete", it remains the most enduring.
10 Classification systems such as the WHO Family of International
Classifications, including the International Classification of Functioning,
Disability and Health (ICF) and the International Classification of
Diseases (ICD), are commonly used to define and measure the
components of health.

Read the above paragraph and answer the following questions.

1. What is the definition of health?
2. How many definitions of health does the text mention?
3. What words are used to show each definition?
4. Is there any exemplification given in the text?
5. What words are used to show examples?

Exercise 2
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
In most contemporary educational systems of the world, secondary
education comprises the formal education that occurs during
adolescence. It is characterized by transition from the typically
Line compulsory, comprehensive primary education for minors, to the optional,
5 selective tertiary, "post-secondary", or "higher" education (e.g. university,
vocational school) for adults. Depending on the system, schools for this
period, or a part of it, may be called secondary or high schools,
gymnasiums, lyceums, middle schools, colleges, or vocational schools.
The exact meaning of any of these terms varies from one system to
10 another. The exact boundary between primary and secondary education
also varies from country to country and even within them, but is generally
around the seventh to the tenth year of schooling. Secondary education
occurs mainly during the teenage years. In the United States, Canada
and Australia primary and secondary education together are sometimes
15 referred to as K-12 education, and in New Zealand Year 1–13 is used.
The purpose of secondary education can be to give common knowledge,
to prepare for higher education or to train directly in a profession.
The emergence of secondary education in the United States did not
happen until 1910, caused by the rise in big businesses and
20 technological advances in factories (for instance, the emergence of
electrification), that required skilled workers. In order to meet this new job
demand, high schools were created and the curriculum focused on
practical job skills that would better prepare students for white collar or

skilled blue collar work. This proved to be beneficial for both the employer
25 and the employee, because this improvement in human capital caused
employees to become more efficient, which lowered costs for the
employer, and skilled employees received a higher wage than employees
with just primary educational attainment.

a. Underline the signal markers for definition and exemplification. (if there is any)

b. Underline the adjectives clauses found in the passage above.

c. Underline the noun clauses found in the passage above. (If there is any).

Exercise 3
It is common knowledge that forecasting is an attempt by
meteorologists to determine what weather will be in the future. Hindcasting
is the opposite of forecasting, an attempt to determine what weather was
Line like in the past. Meteorologists, experts who study the earth‟s atmosphere
5 and its changes, wish that records of weather had been kept in full for at
least a few millennia, but it has been only in the last century that detailed
records of the weather have been kept. Thus, meteorologists need to
hindcast the weather, and they do so by using all sorts of information from
other fields as diverse as archeology, botany, geology, literature, and art.
10 These pieces of information from other fields that are used as a basis for
drawing conclusions about what the weather must have been like at some
point in the past are called proxies.

Complete the table below with the information from the text.

Concept/term Definition Signal marker





3. Classifications
Classification means the grouping of items to show relationship between
them. Items that are classified together have something in common; that is
something must apply to all the items in that group or category. Therefore,
paragraphs that divide people, places, or things into categories are called
paragraph of classification.

The following are the signal words commonly used in classification:

X consists of to classify
comprises to sub-classify
X may be classified according to … to divide into
may be divided on the basis of … to sub-divide into
may be sub-divided depending on … to categorize
may further be sub-divided to sub-categorize
to fall into
Sample Passage
Three of the vertebrate classes are fish. The most primitive of these is
Agnatha. It consists of jawless fish that do not have scales. These are
the lampreys and hagfish. Fish that have skeletons consisting of hard
Line rubber-like cartilage rather than bone are members of the class
5 Chondrichthyes. These are the sharks and rays. All of the bony fish are
members of the class Osteichthyes. Tuna, bass, salmon, and trout are
examples of Osteichthyes

Exercise 1
Organisms may be divided into three groups based on how they obtain
food. These groups are producers, decomposers, and consumers.
Organisms that contain chlorophyll are producers. Thus, green plants are
Line producers. Animals that eat other animals and plants are consumers.
5 Microbes, one-celled organisms that cause the decay of dead plants and
animals, are decomposers. Since decomposers cannot make their own
food, they are also consumers.

Indicate whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE.

1. The topic of the above passage is how to obtain food.
2. The topic sentence is the first sentence.
3. The controlling idea is three groups.
4. The text above has a text organization of classification.
5. Green plants are producers.
6. Microbes are consumers.
7. Animals are decomposers.
8. Microbes have one cell.

Exercise 2
Like birds, mammals are endothermic, or warm blooded. They are
able to maintain a relatively constant body temperature regardless of
external environmental conditions mainly by using internal physiological
Line mechanisms. In other words, they are homoeothermic, or stable in
5 core body temperature, as a result of endothermy. All of the living
species of insects, fish, reptiles, and amphibians are ectothermic, or
cold blooded. They keep their body temperature in a normal range

mainly by avoiding exposure to environmental temperature extremes.
For instance, reptiles usually remain in shaded areas on hot days to
10 prevent fatal overheating. On cold nights, their lowered body
temperature can cause them to become sluggish and inactive. In
contrast, endothermic animals are able to remain active at night and
often in the winter when the air temperatures are especially cold. They
can also move about in the heat of very warm days. This ability most
15 likely provided an advantage for the early small mammals in surviving
alongside dinosaurs and other large reptiles, which apparently were
mostly ectothermic.

Read the above passage and the answer the following questions briefly
1. What is being classified in the passage?
2. What is the principle of classification?
3. What does endothermic mean?
4. What are the examples of endothermic?
5. What is homoeothermic?
6. What is the cause of homoeothermic?
7. What is ectothermic?
8. What examples of ectothermic are given in the passage?
9. How do reptiles prevent themselves from overheating?
10. What make reptiles sluggish and inactive?

Reading 3
Goats are considered small livestock animals, compared to bigger
animals such as cattle, camels and horses, but larger than micro-
livestock such as poultry, rabbits, cavies, and bees. Each recognized
Line breed of goats has specific weight ranges, which vary from over 300 lbs
5 for bucks of larger breeds such as the Boer, to 45 to 60 lbs for smaller
goat does. Within each breed, different strains or bloodlines may have
different recognized sizes. At the bottom of the size range are miniature
breeds such as the African Pigmy, which stand 16 to 23 inches at the
shoulder as adults.
10 Most goats naturally have two horns, of various shapes and sizes
depending on the breed. Goats have horns unless they are "polled"
(meaning, genetically hornless) or the horns have been removed,
typically soon after birth. There have been incidents of polycerate
goats (having as many as eight horns) although this is a genetic rarity
15 thought to be inherited. The horns are most typically removed in
commercial dairy goat herds to reduce the injuries to humans and other
goats. Unlike cattle, goats have not been successfully bred to be
reliably polled as the genes determining sex and those determining
horns are closely linked. Breeding together two genetically polled goats
20 results in a high number of intersex individuals among the offspring,
which are typically sterile. Their horns are made of living bone
surrounded by keratin and other proteins, and are used for defense,
dominance, and territoriality.

Goats are ruminants. They have a four-chambered stomach
25 consisting of the rumen, the reticulum, the omasum, and the
abomasum. As with other mammal ruminants, they are even-toed
ungulates. The females have an udder consisting of two teats, in
contrast to cattle, which have four teats.

Choose the best answer based on the passage above.

1. The topic of the above passage is ……
A. Description of goats
B. Processes of breeding goats
C. Differences between goats and other ruminants
2. The topic sentence of the third paragraph is …… sentence.
A. the first B. the second C. the last
3. The controlling idea of the last paragraph is……
A. ruminants B. an udder C. even-toed ungulates
4. The word “polled” (line 11) most probably means ……
A. without horns B. with horns C. with two horns
5. The prefix “poly” in the word “polycerate” (line 13) means …….
A. more than eight B. less than eight C. many
6. In commercial dairy goats, the horns are removed ……
A. to make them tamed
B. to reduce hurting others
C. to make injuries
7. According to the passage, the word „ruminants‟ means ……
A. having four stomachs
B. having a stomach consisting of four chambers
C. having a chamber

Exercises for Tutorial Classes
(UNIT 9)

Exercise 1
Read the following four texts and answer the questions that follow.

Text I
Cholera is an intestinal infection that can be described according to
its cause, symptoms, and treatment. A bacterium, called Vibrio cholera,
is the causative agent of cholera. It can be spread through contaminated
Line food, water, or feces. Cholera patients may exhibit different symptoms
5 that can vary from mild to severe. Some symptoms are watery diarrhea
and loss of water and salts. Oral or intravenous replacement of fluids
and salts as well as specific antibiotics is a possible treatment for
cholera. Patients can be treated with an oral dehydration solution or, in
severe cases, an intravenous fluid.

Text II
The term protein quality refers to the ratio of essential amino acids
in a protein in comparison with the ratio required by the body. A high
quality protein contains essential amino acids in a ratio that matches
Line human requirements. A protein which is lacking or low in one or more
5 essential amino acids is termed a low quality protein. The essential
amino acids which are in the shortest supply are called the „limiting‟
amino acid. In general, animal proteins tend to be of a high quality while
vegetable proteins tend to be of a low quality. The exception is soy
protein, which is quite of a high quality.

Text III
Defining the city is a difficult task. We usually use vague phrases,
such as “a place larger than a village or town” to describe a city. The
word urban also has a vague connotation. For example, Webster’s New
Line Collegiate Dictionary defines urban as “of, relating to, characteristics of,
5 constituting a city.” Being more specific with either the term city or urban
can lead to arbitrary distinctions, but generally a city can be described
as a concentration of people with a distinctive way of life in terms of
unemployment patterns and lifestyles. A high degree of specialized land
uses and a wide variety of social, economic, and political institutions that
10 coordinate the use of the facilities and resources in the city make them
very complex machines.
When strong interconnections, in terms of work trip commuting,
exist between two or more metropolitan areas that share a common
boundary, the region is defined as a consolidated metropolitan statistical
15 area (CMSA). Each of the metropolitan areas within this designation is
then called a Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA).

Text IV
Pitt defines development as the perceived increased effectiveness
of social and economic activities and functions of the society or situation
and in the range of options open to people. Therefore, development
Line should be seen as the perceived improvement in the quality of life
5 although this means fewer goods and services.

A. Complete the following table based on the reading texts above.

I. 1.
II. 1.
III. 1.
IV 1.

B. Underline the adjective, noun, and adverb clauses found in the texts above if any

Exercise 2
The canines are the long, sharp teeth found in the front corners of
the upper and lower rows of teeth, between the incisors and bicuspids.
Because they are long and strong and deeply rooted, they have several
Line functions. First, even though canines do not chew food, they guide the jaw
5 during the chewing process. Second, they shape the face. They can also
serve as anchors for other teeth when a dentist puts in bridge work. And
finally, as the name "canine" suggests, they work like the teeth of a dog to
cut and tear food-and to bite."

Answer the following questions based on the passage above.

1. What term is being defined? What does it mean?
2. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
3. Is it a statement of intent or opinion?
4. What are the functions of canines?
5. What are the signal words found in the paragraph?

Exercise 1
Read the following passage and underline all the signal words for exemplification.
There are 27 main orders of birds, for example, falcon-like birds. Each
order may be divided into families, such as falcons, and each family may
be sub-divided into genera: eagles are an example. Finally, each genus
may further be sub-divided into a number of species, e.g. golden eagle.

Exercise 2
a. Read the following text. What do the underlined words mean?
b. Circle the signal words for definition.
c. Underline the signal words for exemplifications.

There are about 109 basic building blocks of matter. These are
called elements. Out of these, 92 occur naturally, for example, iron, gold,
oxygen, and hydrogen. The smallest particle of an element is the atom
Line of the element. Each element has its own characteristic properties.
5 Substances, such as water, carbon dioxide, salt, sugar, which are
made up of two or more elements, are called compounds. The smallest
particle of a compound is a molecule. A molecule contains two or more
atoms combined together. There are millions of compounds around us.
Most elements do not occur in a free state in nature. They occur in
10 the combined form as molecule.

Exercise 3
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Different types of relationships exist between living things. One type
of relationship is parasitism, in which one partner benefits while the other
loses. A very different type of relationship is symbiosis, in which both
Line partners benefit.
5 An example of a parasitic relationship exists between the stone crab
and sacculina, a type of barnacle. The sacculina attaches itself to the
stone crab. It then eats into the crab, and the stone crab becomes
An example of symbiotic relationship exists between the hermit crab
10 and the calliactic anemone. The anemone attaches itself to the crab, but it
is not a parasite because it does not harm the crab; it feeds on food that
is dropped by the crab. The anemone even helps the crab by protecting
the crab from other predators with its tentacles.

a. Answer the following questions.

1. What is parasitism?
2. What is symbiosis?
3. What is the example of a parasitic relationship?
4. Where in the passage does the author describe such a relationship
mentioned in number 3?

5. What is the example of a symbiotic relationship?
6. Where in the passage does the author describe such a relationship
mentioned in number 5?

b. Choose the best answer.

1. The subject of this passage is __________.
A. two different kinds of relationship among living things
B. parasitic relationship
C. relationship that are mutually beneficial to living things
D. symbiosis
2. Which of the following is NOT true about parasitic relationships?
A. There are two partners in a parasitic relationship.
B. One partner in a parasitic relationship hurts the other.
C. The stone crab can be part of a parasitic relationship.
D. A parasitic relationship is usually symbiotic.
3. According to the passage, what does sacculina eat?
A. The stone crab C. Barnacles
B. Food dropped by the crab D. Other parasites
4. The calliactic anemone ____________.
A. is a parasite C. eats into the hermit crab
B. harms the hermit crab D. assist the hermit crab
5. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. All crabs are involved in parasitic relationships.
B. All crabs are involved in symbiotic relationships.
C. Some crabs are involved in symbiotic relationships, while others are not.
D. Crabs are involved in neither parasitic nor symbiotic relationship.


Exercise 1
Read the following carefully. Then complete the diagram below.

The Classification of Birds

Birds are instantly recognizable creatures. Perhaps, it is their ability
to fly that causes this. Some people might consider that their shape was
the most distinguishing feature. Everyone, however, agrees on the
Line characteristics that a bird possesses: two wings, feathers, two legs, a
5 toothless bill or beak, warm blood, and it lays eggs.
The modern system of classifying birds is like a pyramid, with the
base formed by 8,514 different species. A convenient definition of
species is: an interbreeding group of birds which do not normally mate
with other such groups.
10 The next division above the species is the genus, a group of species
showing strong similarities. The scientific name of a bird gives the genus
first, the species. Thus, the scientific (Latin) name of the golden eagle is
“Aquila chrysaetos” (eagle, golden). When there are strong points of
similarities between one genus and another, these related genera are

15 grouped together and are said to belong to the same family. The names
of 215 families of birds always end in “idae”. The golden eagle, for
instance, is one of the “Falconidae” (falcon family).
Families with broadly similar characteristics are grouped together into
27 orders, whose names end in “iformes”. The golden eagle falls into the
20 order of “Falconiformes” (falcon-like birds). The larger order is
“Passeriformes” or perching birds. This contains 63 families, and more
species than all the rest put together. The feet are designed so that they
can grip a perch, with three toes in front and one behind. In addition, all
are known as song-birds. Two large families within this order are
25 sparrows, with 155 species, and crows, with 100 species.
Finally the orders make up the class “Aves” (birds). This system of
classification has enabled scientists to differentiate 8,514 species of birds.
Placing a bird at the right family depends upon a number of features.
Among them are external characteristics, such as the shape of the beak
30 and feet, and the color pattern of the feathers. However, at the level of
order, the next higher category, distinctions are based on such features
as the structure of the skull, the arrangement of the muscles in the legs,
and the condition of the young at the time of hatching.

a. Complete the following table.

The Classification of Birds

Classification division or Example of classification of Number of the

categories Golden Eagle (in English) for division
each division
1. …………………. Falcon-like 27
Family Falcon 2. ……………..
Genus 3. ……………………….. ---
4. …………………… Golden Eagle 8541

b. Answer the questions that follow.

1. What is the definition of a bird?
2. What is the definition of a species?
3. What are the two criteria that are used in assigning birds to the order of
4. What are the two examples of families of birds from the order of
5. What are the general characteristics of families of birds?
6. What are the general characteristics of order of birds?

Exercise 2
Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
The Earth is a solid sphere. It is made up of three concentric spheres
or layers. These are called the core, the mantle, and the crust. The solid
sphere is surrounded by a gaseous sphere, which is called the
Line atmosphere.
5 We know most about crust of the Earth which is the outermost
sphere. This layer is very thin compared with the diameter of the whole
Earth. It is only about 10 km thick under the ocean and about 30 km thick
on land. It consists of rock which contains a lot of minerals. These are
usually in compounds called oxides, containing oxygen, or sulfides,
10 containing sulfur.
The mantle is much thicker than the crust. It is about 30 km thick. It
consists mainly of rocks, but we do not know much about their
The core, which is situated inside the mantle, seems to be divided
15 into two parts. The inner core is about 2,800 km in diameter. We believe
that it is mainly composed of iron, but it also contains about 10 % nickel.
The layer surrounding the inner core is called the outer core and is
approximately 200 km thick. It is probably composed of molten iron and
nickel. However, the metals in the inner core seem to be rigid, and
20 therefore, solid. This is because they are under very high pressure, which
caused solidification in spite of the high temperatures at the center of the

a. Complete the following table based on passage above.

Layers Contents

1. The crust

2. The mantle

3. The core:
a. …………… …………………………………………………………………
b. …………… …………………………………………………………………

b. Answer the following questions.

1. What do the underlined words mean? (Circle their meanings)
2. What are the signal words of „classification” found in the above passage?
3. What relationship does the signal word “however” in paragraph 4 show?
4. What relationship does the signal word “therefore” in paragraph 4 show?
5. What relationship does the signal word “because” in paragraph 4 show?

c. Underline the adjective, noun, adverb clauses found in the passage above if

Exercise 3
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
An alga is a primitive form a life, a single-celled or simple multiple-
celled organism that is able to conduct the process of photosynthesis. It is
generally found in water but can also be found elsewhere, growing on
Line such surfaces as rocks or trees. The various types of algae are classified
5 according to pigment.
Blue-green algae, or Cyanophyta, can grow at very high
temperatures and under high-intensity light. This type of algae is the
oldest form of life with photosynthetic capabilities. Fossilized remains of
blue-green algae more than 3.4 billion years old have been found in parts
10 of Africa.
Green algae, or Chlorophyta, is generally found in fresh water. It
reproduces on the surfaces of enclosed bodies of water such as ponds or
lakes and has the appearance of a fuzzy green coating on the surface of
the water.
15 Brown algae, or Phaeophyta, grows in shallow, temperate water. This
type of algae is the largest in size and is most recognizable as a type of
seaweed. Its long stalks can be enmeshed on the ocean floor, or it can
float freely on the ocean‟s surface.
Red algae, or Rhodophyta, is a small, delicate organism found in the
20 deep waters of the subtropics. This type of algae has an essential role in
the formation of coral reefs: it secretes lime from the seawater to foster
the formation of limestone deposits.

Complete the following table based on the passage above.

1. Blue-green algae (Cyanophyta)
2. Green algae, or Chlorophyta
3. Brown algae, or Phaeophyta
4. Red algae, or Rhodophyta
Choose the best answer.
1. What is the author‟s main purpose?
A. To show what color algae is.
B. To differentiate the various classification of algae.
C. To describe where algae is found.
2. Which of the following is NOT true about algae?
A. All types of algae have one cell only.
B. It can be found out of water.
C. It can use photosynthesis.
3. Algae remnants found in Africa are ___________.
A. still flourishing B. extremely old C. photogenic
4. Brown algae would most likely be found _____________.
A. on trees B. near green algae C. in the ocean
5. According to the passage, red algae is ____________.
A. fragile B. sturdy C. huge


1. To understand kinds of illustrated information
2. To familiarize with tables, graphs or charts
3. To read graphs, tables, or charts

Very often scientists and business people need to present a lot of

information. They set their information in such a way by presenting illustration
such as tables, graphs, diagrams, photos, maps, and pictures. Illustration will
enable the writers to present information more effectively. The basic principle in
presenting illustration is that it has to be interesting and can automatically
describe the essence of the information.

In scientific reading, all illustrated information in the form of tables is

called Table. Meanwhile, the illustrated information in the form of graphs or
charts is called graph or chart.


A. Tables

A writer will present a table as his illustrated information. If s/he has a lot
of variables to be presented and the units in its variables are not the same value,
s/he will set the data in a logical sequence before writing into a table. Compared
to graphs (charts) that have only two axes (X and Y), a table can contain more
than two variables.

A table normally consists of five main components:

1. Title of the table
2. Head of its rows
3. Head of its columns
4. Information, and
5. Footnote of the table

The weekly averages in Fort William during the summer months.

Week Average Week Average

temperature temperature
1 9°C 9 20°C
2 7°C 10 16°C
3 11°C 11 20°C
4 13°C 12 22°C
5 13°C 13 19°C
6 14°C 14 17°C
7 19°C 15 10°C
8 17°C 16 12°C

B. Graphs or Charts

There are three types of graphs/charts: 1) Histogram (Bar Graph), 2) Pie

Chart, and 3) Line Chart.

1. Histogram (Bar Graph)

Histogram is used to compare results or horizontal format. The example

of vertical histogram is as follows:

Find the facts:

 read the title
 read the labels
 look at the graph
 look at the scale.

Use the facts to answer questions like these:

Who didn’t use their phone? How can you tell?

How many calls did Val make?
How many calls were made altogether?
Which two people made the same number of calls?

2) Pie Chart

Pie charts are useful to compare different parts of a whole amount. They
are often used to present financial information. E.g. A company's expenditure
can be shown to be the sum of its parts including different expense categories
such as salaries, borrowing interest, taxation and general running costs (i.e. rent,
electricity, heating, etc.).

A pie chart is a circular chart in which the circle is divided into sectors.
Each sector visually represents an item in a data set to match the amount of the
item as a percentage or fraction of the total data set. The example of pie chart is
given below.



12% 15% 22%


30% 26%

18% 14%
6% 11%

Formal study Accompany join Looking for work

Definite job No reason stated Other

The above pie chart tells us about the percentage of immigration or
emigration to the United Kingdom in 2007. Here, we can see the writer divides
both the immigration and emigration into six categories, namely for formal study,
definite job, accompany/join, no reason stated, looking for work, and other. Each
category has its percentage value to the total number of immigration and

3). Line Graph (Chart)

Line graph is generally used when the writer intends to present the
relationship between two variables, namely a dependent variable at Y
axis and an independent variable at X axis. Sample of a line graph is
presented below:

Computer Sales of Brands in 1997

Number of Units Sold





1st Qtr 2ndQtr 3rdQtr 4thQtr

Source: Com puter Brand Industry, 1997

So, based on the figures, we can describe that:

1. The title of the table or graph is Computer Sales of Brands in

2. The source is Computer Brand Industry, 1997.
3. The variable in Axis Y is the number of units sold.
The variable in Axis X is the period of Sale (quarter)
4. There are three types of computer brands: A, B and C.

Explaining and Comparing a Chart

Read the following presentation by a Manager about the monthly sales of

food and drink in a cinema. Focus on how the Manager explains and compares
the data contained in the below chart. Think about the meaning of the words
in BOLD and how they compare to the data/information in the chart and when
they should be used.

Monthly food & drink sales in Keighley Cinema in 2010



Sales (in units)

2000 Ice Cream


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

'The above chart shows the monthly food and drink sales in the Keighley
cinema during 2010. The chart shows unit sales. As you can see, there are
three lines on the chart. The sales of popcorn are represented by the green line.
The blue line represents drinks. The red line represents ice cream. The
chart demonstrates that drinks are by far the biggest type of food and drink sold
in the cinema throughout the year.

The chart also shows that there is a correlation between popcorn sales
and drinks. When popcorn sales rise, there is also a rise in the sales of drinks.
This trend supports the theory that people drink more when they eat food that
contains a lot of salt. During the summer, sales of drinks and popcorn showed a
steady increase, by contrast, unit sales of ice cream actually fell slightly. In fact,
sales of ice cream fell from April to July, falling from 1025 units to 821 units per
month respectively. These results would seem to contradict the idea that
people consume more ice cream during summer, because as we can see from
the results there is no link.

Lastly, the results indicate that during the Christmas period of December
to January, people are willing to spend more money. Sales of all three types of
products went up during the period. But this could be due to a general increase in
attendance at that time of year.

The following are the expressions used to present a graph/table:

Introduction Topic Circumstances

This graph shows ... the results of our products ... over 10 years.
The diagram outlines ... rates of economic growth ... between 1990 and 1996.
This table lists ... the top ten agencies ... in the industrial world.
This pie chart represents the company's turnover ... for this year in our sector.
This line chart depicts ... the changes in sales ... over the past year.
This chart breaks down (ventile) ... the sales of each salesman ... during the past ten weeks.


The four basic trends (tendencies) are :

 upward movement : 
 downward movement : 
 no movement : 
 change in direction :  or 

Indicating upward movement: 
Verbs Nouns
Transitive Intransitive
(to) increase (to) increase (an) increase
(to) raise (to) rise (rose, risen) (a) raise (US), a rise (UK)
(to) push/put/step up (to) go/be up (an) upswing
(to) grow (a) growth
(to) extend, (to) expand (to) extend, (to) expand (an) extension, expansion
(to) progress (a) progression
(to) boom/soar/climb (a) boom
(to) jump, (to) skyrocket (a) jump
(to) reach a peak, (to) peak (a) peak
(to) reach an all-time high

Indicating downward movement: 

Verbs Nouns
Transitive Intransitive
(to) decrease (to) decrease (a) decrease
(to) cut, (to) reduce (a) cut, (a) reduction
(to) fall (off) (fall, fell, fallen) (a) fall
(to) plunge, to plummet (a) plunge
(to) drop (off) (a) drop
(to) go down (a) downswing
(to) decline (a) decline
(to) collapse (a) collapse (dramatic fall)
(to) slump, (to) go bust (a) slump
(to) bottom out

Indicating no movement: 
Verbs Nouns
Transitive Intransitive
(to) keep ... stable (to) remain stable
(to) hold ... constant (to) stay constant
(to) stabilize (to) stabilize stability

Indicating a change of direction:  or  ...

Verbs Nouns
Transitive Intransitive
(to) level off (to) level off/out, to flatten out (a) levelling-off
(to) stop falling/rising (a) change
(to) stand at (to) remain steady
(to) stop falling and start rising
(to) stop rising and start falling

Exercise 1
Look at the line graph below. Identify whether the following is TRUE or FALSE

1. The graph shows monthly ice-cream

2. The vertical line represents the months.
3. In April as many as 4000 units of ice-
cream were sold.
4. The sales reached its peak in May.
5. From February to March sales decreased.
6. From August to September sales declined
7. From October to December sales
increased dramatically.
8. In July sales remained at 4000 units.

Exercise 2 Chart Reading

Number of cars sold in a week

18 Blue

Number of cars sold


Color of cars

1. The title of this graph is: a. the number cars sold in a week.
b. the color of the cars
c. the number of cars sold

2. The horizontal axis shows: a. the number cars sold in a week

b. the color of the cars
c. the number of cars sold

3. The vertical axis shows: a. the number cars sold in a week
b. the color of the cars

4. Which color of car sold the most? a. Blue b. White c. Red

d. Green e. Black

5. How many blue cars were sold? a. 4 cars b. 5 cars c. 6 cars

6. Which two colors of cars sold the same amount?

a. blue and white b. black and blue c. black and white
d. white and green e. red and green

7. There were six cars of this color sold: a. green b. white c. blue

8. How many red cars were sold? a. 12 cars b. 15 cars c. 18 cars

9. What is the total number of black and white cars sold? a. 5 cars
b. 10 cars

10. How many total cars (all colors) were sold in this week? a 18 cars
b. 35 cars c. 25 cars

Exercise 3
Look at the table below. Answer the questions that follow.

1. What is the table about?

2. What age group spends the most time socializing with 4 or more people?
3. Do the 70s like doing group exercise/sport?
4. Which group spends the least time doing individual exercise?
5. How many hours do teenagers go to the cinema per year?
6. What age groups spend the same amount of time watching TV/videos?
7. Which age group spends the most time doing group exercise/sport?

Exercise 4

Look at the graph below, and then complete the sentences.

1. The ............................................... compares three products : A, B and C.

2. The ............. shows time over ten years while the ............. shows sales in
number of units.
3. As you can see, product A is represented by the ........................................
4. The performance of Product B is shown by the ..........................................
5. And a …………………………………. has been used to show the results of
Product C.
6. Clearly, ............................. is the most successful product .........................
7. Sales of Product B .......................... in recent years while sales of Product
C ......................
8. On the contrary, product A has shown a ..................................................

Exercises for Tutorial Classes
(UNIT 10)

Exercise 1

Read the table on “World Temperatures” and then choose the best answer based
on the information from the table.

January 5
Hi Lo
Amsterdam 6 / 41 3 / 37 c
Athens 13 / 55 8 / 46 sh
Bangkok 32 / 90 27 / 80 sh
Beijing 12 / 53 1 / 34 pc
Brussels 4 / 39 1 / 34 sh
Budapest 3 / 37 0 / 32 r
Frankfurt 3 / 37 1 / 34 r
Jakarta 29 / 84 24 / 75 sh
Kuala Lumpur 31 / 88 24 / 75 t
Madrid 9 / 48 1 / 34 sh
Manila 33 / 91 21 / 70 pc
Seoul 9 / 48 -2 / 29 s
Taipei 21 / 70 14 / 57 c
Tokyo 9 / 48 -2 / 29 pc

s : sunny sh : shower pc : partly cloudy
t : thunder c : cloudy r : rain

1. Which two cities were cloudy on January 5?

a. Amsterdam and Taipei b. Beijing and Manila
c. Athens and Tokyo d. Bangkok and Seoul

2. Which city had the highest temperature?

a. Athens b. Bangkok c. Jakarta d. Manila

3. Which city had the closest spread between high and low temperature?
a. Brussels b. Frankfurt c. Seoul d. Tokyo

4. Kuala Lumpur had ……

a. sun b. thunderstorms c. rain d. showers

5. Which city had the lowest temperature?

a. Frankfurt b. Brussels c. Budapest d. Tokyo

6. Which two cities rain on January 5?

a. Taipei and Tokyo b. Seoul and Manila
c. Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta d. Frankfurt and Budapest

7. Which two cities were partly cloudy on January 5?
a. Taipei and Tokyo b. Seoul and Manila
c. Beijing and Jakarta d. Tokyo and Beijing

8. What kinds of weather in Brussels, and Madrid?

a. Rain b. Cloudy c. Shower d. Sunny

9. What did Seoul have on January 5?

a. Rain b. Cloudy c. Shower d. Sunny

10. How many cities had shower?

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

Exercise 2

Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What is the line graph about?


2. What is the busiest time of day at the store?


3. At what time does business start to slow down?


4. How many people are in the store when it opens?

5. About how many people are in the store at 2:30 pm?


6. What was the greatest number of people in the store?


7. What was the least number of people in the store?


Exercise 3

Read the table and fill in the blank spaces with 10 words/phrases provided. Write
down the corresponding letters only.

Results of airline survey in 2002 of economy class business travelers

In-flight Feature Females Males

Ranked First Age 25-45 Age 45+ Age 25-45 Age 45+
Seat/Leg room 30 35 39 46
Meals/Drinks 26 31 20 24
Attendant Service 34 30 27 26
Movies/In-flight Entertainment 10 4 14 4
TOTALS INTERVIEWED 100 100 100 100

A. 26 B. 30 C. 2002 D. drinks and E. entertainment F. former

G. older H. respectively I. rising to J. seat/leg K. service L. younger

The table indicates in-flight preferences of 400 regular male and female
economy class travelers in two age groups, based on an airline survey in
Specifically 39 of the 100 men aged 25-45 rated seat/leg room as the
most important feature, ___(2)____ 46 of the older men. ___(3)____ was next
with 27 of the 25-45 male group and ___(4)____ of the 45+ group rating that first.
After that, at 20 and 24 ___(5)____ comes meals/drinks. Last is entertainment,
chosen by only 14 of the __(6)_____ and 4 of the 45+ males.
Turning to the female groups, it is clear that ___(7)____ is also of low
importance with only 10 of the younger and 4 of the older age group placing it
first. ___(8)____ are rated number one by 26 younger women and 31 of the over
45s. Service and ___(9)____ are the most important in-flight features for women,
with 34 younger and 30 older women choosing the ___(10)____; while 30 and 35
chose the latter.

Exercise 4

a. sharply b. stood c. 6.4 percent d. shows e. increase

f. remained g. rose h. reported i. October 2008
j. inflation rate

The graph above _ _1__ about __2__in Indonesia from 2008 to 2010. In
February of 2008 , the inflation rate __3__ at 7.5 percent. Over the next 6
months it __4__ dramatically. It reached the highest __5___ of inflation rate at
12.14 percent in __6__. But at the end of this month, it dropped __7__ at 2.40
percent. It __8__ at this level between August of 2009 and January of 2010. It
was__9__ at __10__in August of 2010.

Exercise 5

Use the pie chart/circle graph to find the best answer to each question.

1. Approximately how many hours a day are spent sleeping?
A. 6 hours B. 9 hours
C. 8 hours D. 10 hours

2. According to this graph, for every 24 hours, about how many hours are
spent socializing and watching TV?
A. 4 hours B. 2 hours C. 5 hours D. 6 hours

3. If a student ate ¾ (three-fourths) of their meals away from home, what %

of the total day is spent eating other than at home?
A. 6% B. 4% C. 7% D. 12%

4. Approximately how many hours a day are spent in school and doing
A. 7 hours B. 8.5 hours C. 9 hours D. 8 hours

5. Which equation shows how to figure the amount of time a student spends
watching TV during a week? A equals the total amount of time watching
TV for a week.
A. A = 13% X 24 X 7
B. A = 24 X 13 X 7
C. A = 1.3 X 7 X 24
D. A = 24 DIVIDED BY 13% X 7

6. Approximately how much time is spent in a week on socializing?

A. 20 hours B. 21 hours C. 22 hours D. 23 hours

Exercise 6

Read the following graph on Water Temperature and answer the questions
that follow.

Water Temperature Over 14 Days




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Cross (X) T (TRUE) or F (FALSE) on your answer sheet.
1. The line graph above shows temperatures of water over 14 days.
2. The vertical axis of the graph indicates water temperatures (ºC).
3. The temperature of water slightly decreases on the third day.
4. The highest temperature reached by water is 27ºC.
5. The lowest temperature of water occurs on the seventh day.
6. Water has the same temperature on the fifth and eighth days.
7. The water temperature fluctuates from the first to fifth day.
8. The temperature of 25ºC is reached by water on the fifth of the fourteen
9. Water temperature starts to dramatically increase on the seventh day.
10. At the end of 14 days, water reaches 25ºC.



1. To transfer text into diagrams, charts, or tables
2. To recognize each transitional marker and its function
3. To choose the right transitional markers to complete a text

A. Advantages of Transferring Information

a. Help you remember main points easily
b. Help you have a better understanding of text organization (how
are connected to produce a paragraph)

B. What You Need to Know When Transferring Information

 Topic sentences (main idea and controlling idea)
 Supporting ideas/sentences
 Sentence relationships
 Transitional markers

C. Definition of Transitional Markers

Transitional markers are words or phrases that indicate the flow or
direction of the writer‟s idea. The transitional markers help readers
understand the organization of a text as well. In turn, understanding of the
text organization will help readers transfer the text into tables or charts
etc., or make it into an outline.

Function Common words and phrases

Addition First of all, for one thing, second, the third reason, also,
next, another, and, in addition, moreover, furthermore,
finally, last of all.
Time First, then, next, after, as, before, when, while, meanwhile,
now, during, finally
Space/ Next to, across, on the opposite side, to the left, to the right,
position in front, in back, above, behind, nearby
Contrast But, however, yet, in contrast, otherwise, still, on the
contrary, on
Illustration For example, for instance, specifically, as an illustration,
such as
Conclusion/ Therefore, consequently, thus, then, as a result, in summary

Exercise 1
Read the paragraph and transfer it into the diagram below
Pets are often an important part of people‟s lives. Different types of
animals can be pets, ranging from reptiles to horses. One of the most common
pets is a dog. In fact, dogs serve a variety of purposes for humankind. One way
dogs serve human is they are great just for companionship. Many an only child
has bonded with his/her “Fido”, thus having a wiling and loyal friend to play with
on a daily basis. Additionally, dogs have served humans as work animals,
corralling sheep, conquering rats, and guarding the homestead Finally, dogs are
also used to serve the disabled, for example, by leading the blind, alerting the
hearing impaired, and alerting epileptics of impending seizures.

To complete the diagram, you need to know:

1. The topic sentence, i.e. In fact, dogs serve a variety of purposes for
2. The transitional markers to connect the supporting ideas/sentences: one
way, additionally, and finally.

1. 4.
services 2. 5.

7. 8. 9.

Exercise 2
Read the following passage and study how the transitional markers are used.
Then arrange the phrases below according to the steps of processing green
coffee shown in the passage.
Processing green coffee (wet process). First, the skin and pulp of the fresh fruit is
removed by a pulping machine, which consists of a rotating drum or disk that
presses the fruit against a sharp-edged or slotted plate, disengaging the pulp
from the seed. Pulp still clings to the coffee, however, as a thin, mucilaginous
layer. This is then eliminated by fermentation, actually a form of digestion in
which naturally occurring pectic enzymes decompose the pulp while the wetted
seeds are held in tanks for one to three days. Washing clears all remaining
traces of pulp from the coffee seeds, which are then dried either by exposure to
sunlight on concrete terraces or by passing through hot-air driers. The dry skin
around the seed, called the parchment, is then mechanically removed,
sometimes with polishing.

a. Mechanical removal of dry skin
b. Decomposition of remaining pulp by 1-3 day fermentation in tanks
c. Skin/pulp removal by machine
d. Drying by sunlight or hot-air driers
e. Washing traces of pulp from coffee seeds

Processing Green Coffee (Wet Process)






Exercise 3
Read the paragraph and transfer it into the table below.

In recent decades, cities have grown so large that now about 50% of the
Earth‟s population lives in urban areas. There are several reasons for this
occurrence. First, the increasing industrialization of the nineteenth century
resulted in the creation of many factory jobs, which tended to be located in cities.
These jobs, with their promise of a better material life, attracted many people
from rural areas. Second, there were many factory laborers. The promise of a
better education persuaded many families to leave farming communities and
move to the cities. Finally, as the cities grew, people established places of
leisure, entertainment, and culture, such as sports stadiums, theatres, and
museums. For many people, these facilities made city life appear more
interesting than life on the farm, and therefore drew them away from rural

EFFECT (Topic sentence) CAUSES (Supporting sentences)



Exercise 4
Read the following passage and complete the diagram below.
Orchids can be classified based on different criteria. The criteria for
classification of orchids are floral features and how they live and survive.
On the basis of definite floral features, orchids are divided into
Line different orchid tribes. Most interesting types of orchids under these
5 criteria are the Lady‟s Slipper orchid tribe, the Rein orchid tribe, the
Bird‟s Nest orchid tribe and the Tree orchid tribe. According to the way
they live and survive, there are three types of orchids: Epiphyte orchids,
Terrestrial orchids and Lithophyte orchids
Epiphyte orchid plants have evolved to live upon trees are
10 epiphytes. They are not parasites but merely take advantage of the tree
as a support. Epiphyte orchids obtain their nutrients from the moisture in
the air and from any debris collected on the branches or beneath
mosses where their roots penetrate. Example of this type of orchids is
Sophronitis Coccinea orchids. Scarlet flowers of the epiphytic
15 Sophronitis Coccinea orchid plants sparkle like bright gems on the trees
on high ridges of the Brazilian coastal forest.
Terrestrial orchid plants grow in the ground and there is hardly any
area on Earth where terrestrial orchids have not adapted to grow. They
are found in places as diverse as hot dry Australian deserts, to the
20 gentler climates of temperate woodlands, to the very edge of Arctic
Circle. Examples of this type of orchids are the fragrant Zygopetalum
crinitum orchids, found growing under the trees away from the Brazilian
sunshine; Cypripedium calceolus, a lady‟s slipper orchid, a terrestrial
orchid found in Europe and North America; and Stenoglottis fimbriata, a
25 terrestrial orchid from South Africa.
Lithophyte orchid plants take a middle path between the above
mentioned two classes. Lithophyte orchids make their home on rocky
cliff faces and sometimes on near vertical slopes. Lithophyte orchid
plants obtain their nourishment in a similar way to epiphyte orchids. But
30 they sometime have to withstand longer period of extreme dryness.
Extra water and nutrients are obtained from roots that penetrate into the
crevices in the rocks. Examples of this type of orchids are the species
cytopodium andersoniae grows mainly on smooth, flat rock surfaces, the
pleiones and some species of paphiopedilum



7. 8. 9.

Exercise 5
The following passage is taken from the previous unit. Complete the diagram that
follows based on the information from the passage.
The planet earth seems to us a very stable and unmoving place –
continents of solid rock surrounded by the oceans. In one sense, of
course, it is stable, or our kind of life would be impossible. But when we
Line experience or hear about violent natural events like earthquakes and
5 volcanoes, we also get some idea of the great forces at work under its
surface. In fact the earth is a very complex object, made up of many
layers. What we are familiar with is only the upper surface of the „skin‟, or
crust. This crust is altogether rather more than 100 km deep. The outer
crust, of a depth of approximately 8 km, is made mostly of very hard rock,
10 a kind of granite. This makes up the continents or major land masses.
Below it is a much thicker layer, the inner crust, also made of a hard but
different kind of rock, basalt. Beneath this lies the upper mantle, a semi-
fluid layer about 600 km deep, where temperatures reach 1,500⁰C. The
lower mantle is more rigid, because of the great pressure at those depths.
15 It extends a further 2,900 km towards the center of the earth and has a
temperature twice that of the layer immediately above it. Within the mantle
is the core. This again is divided into two layers, the outer and the inner.
The former consists of molten nickel and iron and has a temperature of
3,900⁰C. The latter of the same constituents, is however, relatively solid,
20 again because of the great pressure of those depths. The temperature of
the inner core is about 900⁰C higher than that of the outer core and its
diameter is approximately 4,300 km.

4. 2.

Layer Composition Temperature Depth







Exercise 6
Read the text and do the exercises that follow.
Some scientists warn that the gradual warming of the earth‟s
atmosphere, known as the Greenhouse Effect, will cause dramatic
changes in the world as we know it. First of all, because of the increase
Line in temperature of up to 10 degrees F by the end of the next century,
5 which some believe has already begun, there will be changes in existing
patterns of agriculture. Such fertile areas as the U.S. Great Plains may
become deserts, while the now arid lands in Saudi Arabia may become
grain-producing farmland. Secondly, since rainfall patterns will change,
water supplies in some areas will diminish. Experts predict, for instance,
10 that the rice fields in Southeast Asia will someday require irrigation to
sustain crops. Changes in water levels will also be responsible for
altered living creatures. Coastal areas, such as Florida and the
Netherlands, will experience such a dramatic rise in water levels that
they will fall below sea level and become uninhabitable. In other areas,
15 like the Great Lakes, water levels will fall; consequently, they will no
longer be able to support industry with energy supplies and a ready
means of transportation.

Complete the table below based on the reading above with ONE or TWO
WORDS for each answer

Signal Examples of
Cause Effect
words Areas
Increased Changes in agricultural because of
................ (1) …………. (2)
For example :
Fertile land  ……… (3) ……..…… (5)
Arid land  …….….. (4) ……....…… (6)
Changes in Reduction in ……... (10)
………... (7) …………..… (8)
For example:
Rice fields will need ……..…… (11)
Changes in water Altered living creature …..…. (12)
Increased …….... Coastal areas under sea ……….… (15)
(13) level and …… (14) and …… (16)
Decreased Unable to support …..… (19) ………… (20)
……….... (17) ……………… (18)

Exercises for Tutorial Classes
(Unit 11)

Exercise 1
Read the text and do the exercises that follow.
Are you nervous? Maybe you should sit in a blue room. Are you
always cold? Maybe you should sit in a room painted in a “warm color”
such as soft orange. Are you often sad? Maybe you should sit in a
Line yellow room. Some researchers believe that colors affect almost
5 everyone in the same way. They tested this idea in different settings.
One study was in a workplace. The researchers painted heavy
boxes white and they painted light boxes black. They wanted to see
how colors affected the workers’ feelings. Which boxes do you think
were more difficult to lift? The heavy white one? No, the black boxes
10 were more difficult. The white boxes were heavier but they looked light.
The researchers think that this is because light colors seem light.
Another study was at a hospital with brown and green-grey walls.
Painters repainted the hospital walls in bright colors – bright orange on
the first floor, bright pink on the second floor, bright green on the third
15 floor. What do you think happened? The hospital says patients
changed. They visited each other and talked more. The workers also
changed and were happier about work.
Another study was in a school. Researchers at the University of
Alberta in Edmonton, Canada studied children with behavior problems
20 in their classroom. When the walls were brown and yellow, the
children‟s heart rate went up and they were over-active. When the walls
were light and dark blue, the children‟s heart rate was slower and the
children were much calmer.
If this is true, people might want to think carefully about the colors
25 around them – not just in houses, but also in offices, schools, hospitals,
gyms, prisons, museums, and restaurants!

Based on the passage above, complete the following table with the words
provided below. Write A, B, C, etc. on the space provided.

(A) black (D) brown (G) easier (J) patients (M) white
(B) blue (E) calmer (H) higher (K) school (N) workers
(C) bright (F) difficult (I) hospital (L) slower (O) workplace

Research Types of Color Results

1)……….. 2) ………. heavy boxes Seem 3)…………. to lift
4)……….. light boxes Look more 5)………… to lift
6)……….. 7)……….. colored walls 8)…..…… visit each other &
(orange, pink, green) talk more
9)………. feel happier about
10)………. 11)………. and yellow walls Children‟s 12) ……….. heart
rate & over-active children
Light & dark 13)……….. walls Children‟s 14)………. heart rate
& 15)…………. children

Identify whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE based on the
passage above.
1. The passage above mainly describes the success of researchers in affecting
people‟s feelings.
2. The word affect in line 4 is a noun.
3. The words this idea in line 5 refers to “everyone in the same way”.
4. The word settings in line 5 is closest in meaning to “places”.
5. The transitional markers (One study, Another study) in lines 6, 12, and 18
show a chronological (process) type of text organization.
6. “how colors affected the workers’ feelings” in line 8 is a noun clause.
7. The word light in line 10 is the opposite or antonym of “heavy”.
8. “that this is because light colors seem light” in line 11 is an adjective clause.
9. The word When in line 20 implicitly indicates a cause-effect relationship in the
10. The word carefully in line 24 is an adverb.

Exercise 2
Read the text and do the exercises that follow.
It is important to plan your trips carefully. For example, when you go
on a trip, you need to think about how much money to allot for things
like transportation, food, and hotels. In particular, hotels and
Line transportation on trips can be expensive if you don‟t book them with
5 plenty of time in advance. Another thing to plan for is how much time
you want to spend sightseeing and doing different sorts of activities.
Even though you may want to do everything, you have to remember that
there are only so few hours in the day! In sum, planning your trip
carefully will allow you to have a more relaxed trip.

Read the passage above again and transfer it to the following tree diagram by
filling in the blank with ONE WORD from the passage.

Careful planning of trips

1) ….... to spend 2) ….... to spend

transportation 3) ….... 4) ….... 5) ….... 6) different …....

Reason: 7) ….... if not booked in 8) ….... 9) limited …....

Conclusion: careful planning 10) …... trip

Indicate whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE based on the
passage above.
11. The first sentence is the topic sentence of the paragraph.
12. The word „like‟ in line 2 signals a similarity (comparison).
13. The word “Another” in line 5 indicates that the writer is showing a contrasting
14. The sentence connector “Even though” in line 7 is to show a cause-effect
15. It can be inferred from the passage that there are some things that you
cannot do in your trips.

Exercise 3
Read the text and do the exercises that follow.
Gold used in jewelry is mixed with harder metals to add strength
and durability. The metals added can also be used to change gold‟s
color, giving it a fashionable rose or white tint, or to lighten or darken the
Line natural yellow tone of pure gold. Mixtures like these, of less costly
5 metals with more valuable ones, are called alloys. Copper and silver are
the most common metals mixed with gold to make yellow gold jewelry.
White gold is usually made with an alloy of gold and nickel.
There are some types of gold based on the measure of gold‟s
purity, which is called a karat. The higher the karat rating, the higher the
10 amount of pure gold: 24 karat is pure gold,18 karat is 75% pure gold, 14
karat is 58.5% pure gold, and 9 karat is 37.5% pure gold. All other
things being equal, the higher the percentage of pure gold used in the
alloy, the more valuable and expensive the jewelry will be.
Gold jewelry pieces are usually stamped with a marking to identify
15 the karat amount. While gold that is 24K is too soft for jewelry, 18K, 14K
and 9K gold are all appropriate for jewelry, and they all make pieces
that look great and wear beautifully.

Complete this diagram with ONLY ONE WORD from the reading passage

Other Metals in Gold

Examples Functions (what for)

Silver 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____

Identify whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE based on the

passage above.
1. The main idea of this passage is that gold jewelry is made using alloys.
2. The suffix –en in the word „darken‟ in line 3 indicates that this word is a verb.
3. It can be understood that pure gold is not used to make rings.

4. The use of other metals in gold alloys can be used to make the gold different
5. The word „an alloy‟ in line 7 is most similar to a combination.
6. The lower the karat rating, the less pure the gold.
7. Pure gold does not contain other metals.
8. The text organization of Paragraph 2 is a Definition.
9. Iron is not mentioned as the metal to mix with gold.
10. The word „While‟ in line 15 is used to show time relationship.

Exercise 4
Read the text and do the exercises that follow.
The coffee plant, an evergreen shrub or small tree of African
origin, begins to produce fruit 3 or 4 years after being planted. The fruit
is hand gathered when it is fully ripe and a reddish purple in color. The
Line ripened fruits of the coffee shrubs are processed where they are
5 produced to separate the coffee seeds from their covering and from the
pulp. Two different techniques are in use: a wet process and a dry
The wet process. First the fresh fruit is pulped by a pulping
machine. Some pulp still clings to the coffee, however, and this residue
10 is removed by fermentation in tanks. The few remaining traces of pulp
are then removed by washing. The coffee seeds are then dried to a
moisture content of about 12 per cent either by exposure to the sun or
by hot air driers. If dried in the sun, they must be turned by hand several
times a day for even drying.
15 The dry process. In the dry process the fruits are immediately
placed to dry either in the sun or in hot air driers. Considerably more
time and equipment is needed for drying than in the wet process. When
the fruits have been dried to a water content of about 12 per cent the
seeds are mechanically freed from their coverings.
20 The characteristic aroma and taste of coffee only appear later and
are developed by the process known as roasting. Temperatures are
raised progressively to about 220-2300C. This releases steam, carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide and other volatiles from the beans, resulting
in a loss of weight of between 14 and 23 per cent. Internal pressure of
25 gas expands the volume of the coffee seeds from 30 to 100 per cent.
The seeds become rich brown in color; their texture becomes porous
and crumbly under pressure. However, the most important phenomenon
of roasting is the appearance of the characteristic aroma of coffee,
which arises from very complex chemical transformations within the
30 beans. The coffee, on leaving the industrial roasters, is rapidly cooled in
a vat where it is stirred and subjected to cold air propelled by a blower.
Good quality coffees are then sorted by electronic sorters to eliminate
the seeds that roasted badly.

Based on the passage above, complete the following outline with the words
provided below. Write A, B, C, etc. on your answer sheet.

A. 3/4 years F. evergreen K. in the sun P. rich brown

B. Africa G. fermentation L. machine Q. roasting
C. aroma H. freed M. moisture R. sorting
D. dried I. gases N. porous S. volume
E. driers J. gathered O. reddish T. washing

Coffee plant
 Physical characteristics : 1) _____ shrub
 Origin : 2) _____
 When produces fruit : 3) after _____ of planting
 Color of ripe fruit : 4) _____ purple
 Ways of collecting fruit : 5) _____ by hand

A. Separating seeds from covering (two processes used)
 wet process  fruit pulped by 6) _____
 7) _____ in tanks
 8) _____
 seeds dried to 12% 9)_____ by sun or hot air 10)_____
 turned by hand for even drying 11) _____
 dry process  12) _____ immediately in sun or with driers
 when dried to 12% seeds, mechanically 13) _____ from

B. 14) _____  To release 15) _____ etc.  loss of weight,

at 220- increased 16) _____ up to 100%, become
230o C 17) _____, texture becomes 18) _____
 development of 19) _____ and taste

C. Finally 20) _____ good quality coffee

Give short answers based on the passage above

21. Write ONE word from Paragraph 2 that indicates a process relationship
22. Write ONE word from Paragraph 4 that indicates a cause-effect relationship
23. Write ONE word from Paragraph 4 that indicates a contrast relationship
24. „This‟ in line 22 refers to roasting at 220-2300 C. (True/False?)
25. The last paragraph is mainly about sorting processed coffee. (True/False?)

Exercise 5
Read the text and do the exercises that follow.
Before the mid-nineteenth century, people in the United States ate
most foods only in season. Drying, smoking, and salting could preserve
meat for a short time, but the availability of fresh meat, like that of fresh
Line milk, was very limited; there was no way to prevent spoilage.
5 But in 1810 a French inventor named Nicolas Appert developed the
cooking-and-sealing process of canning. And in the 1850's an American
named Gail Borden developed a means of condensing and preserving
milk. Canned goods and condensed milk became more common during
the 1860's, but supplies remained low because cans had to be made by
10 hand.
By 1880, however, inventors had fashioned stamping and soldering
machines that mass-produced cans from tinplate. Suddenly all kinds of
food could be preserved and bought at all times of the year.
Other trends and inventions had also helped make it possible for
15 Americans to vary their daily diets. Growing urban populations created
demand that encouraged fruit and vegetable farmers to raise more
produce. Railroad refrigerator cars enabled growers and meat packers
to ship perishables to great distances and to preserve them for longer
periods. Thus, by the 1890's, northern city dwellers could enjoy
20 southern and western strawberries, grapes, and tomatoes, previously
available for a month at most, for up to six months of the year. In
addition, increased use of iceboxes enabled families to store
perishables. An easy means of producing ice commercially had been
invented in the 1870's, and by 1900 the nation had more than two
25 thousand commercial ice plants, most of which made home deliveries.
The icebox became a fixture in most homes and remained so until the
mechanized refrigerator replaced it in the 1920's and 1930's.
Almost everyone now had a more diversified diet. Some people
continued to eat mainly foods that were heavy in starches or
30 carbohydrates, and not everyone could afford meat. Nevertheless,
many families could take advantage of previously unavailable fruits,
vegetables, and dairy products to achieve more varied fare.

Below are the trends and inventions that changed the American diet. Put them in
the chronological order as shown in the passage above. Write ONLY the letters
A, B, C, etc. on the space provided. The first one has been done for you as the
Chronological Order Trends and inventions
Example A (i). A. Process of canning
1. _______ (ii). B. Method of milk preservation
2. _______ (iii). C. Urban population growth
3. _______ (iv). D. Railroad refrigerator cars
4. _______ (v). E. Commercial ice plants
5. _______ (vi). F. Machines for mass-production of cans
6. _______ (vii). G. Mechanized refrigerators
7. _______ (viii). H. Method of producing ice commercially

Choose the best answer based on the passage above
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Causes of food spoilage
B. Commercial production of ice
C. Inventions that led to changes in the American diet
D. Population movements in the nineteenth century
2. The phrase “in season” in line 2 refers to _____.
A. a kind of weather C. an official schedule
B. a particular time of year D. a method of flavoring food
3. The word “prevent” in line 4 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. estimate B. avoid C. correct D. confine
4. During the 1860's, canned food products were ______.
A. unavailable in rural areas C. available in limited quantities
B. shipped in refrigerator cars D. a staple part of the American diet
5. It can be inferred that railroad refrigerator cars came into use ______.
A. before 1860 B. after 1900 C. before 1890 D. after 1920
6. The word “them” in line 18 refers to ______.
A. growers C. distances
B. refrigerator cars D. perishables
7. The word “fixture” in line 26 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. luxury item C. commonplace object
B. substance D. mechanical device
8. The author implies that in the 1920's and 1930's home deliveries of ice ___.
A. decreased in number C. increased in cost
B. were on an irregular schedule D. occurred only in the summer
9. The word “Nevertheless” in line 30 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. therefore B. because C. occasionally D. however
10. Which of the following types of food preservation was NOT mentioned in the
A. Drying C. Canning
B. Cold storage D. Chemical additives

Exercise 6
Read the text and do the exercises that follow.
Some air pollutants harm plants and animals directly. Other
pollutants harm the habitat, food or water that plants and animals need
to survive.
Line When acidic air pollutants combine with water droplets in clouds,
5 the water becomes acidic. When those droplets fall to the ground, the
acid rain can damage the environment. Damage due to acid rain kills
trees and harms animals, fish, and other wildlife. Acid rain can destroy
the leaves of plants. When acid rain soaks into the ground, it can make
the soil an unfit habitat for many living things. Acid rain also changes the
10 chemistry of the water in lakes and streams, harming fish and other
aquatic life.

Air pollutants called chlorofluorocarbons(or CFCs) have destroyed
parts of the ozone layer. The ozone layer, located in the stratosphere
layer of Earth's atmosphere, shields our planet from the Sun's ultraviolet
15 radiation. The areas of thin ozone are called ozone holes. Ultraviolet
radiation causes skin cancer and damages plants and wildlife.
Ozone molecules wind up near the Earth's surface as a part of air
pollution. Ozone molecules near the ground damages lung tissues of
animals and prevent plant respiration by blocking the openings in leaves
20 where respiration occurs. Without respiration, a plant is not able to
photosynthesize at a high rate and so it will not be able to grow.

Complete the outline for the types of air pollutants and their effects with NOT
MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage.

Types of pollutants Effects

2). dead ________ and harm animal, fish and wildlife;
3). damage plants‟ ________;
1). ________
4). unhealthy ________;
5). change water ________ in lakes and streams
7). damage ________ layer, causing ultraviolet
6). ________ radiation reaching atmosphere resulting in skin
cancer and destroyed plants and wildlife
9). Destroy animals‟ _____, making plants unable to
8). ________
photosynthesize and thus unable to grow

Give short answers to the following questions

10. What is the text organization of the reading passage?
11. Mention two signal words indicating cause-effect relationship.
12. From the passage, find and write a word having the same meaning with the
word „damage‟ as a verb

Exercise 7
Read the text and do the exercises that follow.
Another type of a highly infectious disease is cholera. It has
resulted in millions of deaths time after time over centuries. It is caused
by the bacterium Vibrio cholera, first isolated by Robert Koch in 1883.
Line The organism enters the body through the digestive tract when
5 contaminated food or water is ingested. The bacteria multiply in the
digestive tract and establish infection. As they die, they release a potent
toxin that leads to severe diarrhea and vomiting. This results in
extreme dehydration, muscle cramps, kidney failure, collapse, and
sometimes death. If the disease is treated promptly, death is less likely.
10 In many countries, a common source of the organism is raw or
poorly cooked seafood taken from contaminated waters. The disease is
especially prevalent after a natural disaster or other destruction that
results in a lack of fresh water. Sewer systems fail, and waste travels
into rivers or streams; piped water is not available, so people must take

15 their drinking and cooking water from rivers or streams. Because
people frequently develop communities along waterways, the
disease can be spread easily from one community to the next
community downstream, resulting in serious epidemics.

Put the following events into the logical process leading to the illness. Write A, B,
C, etc. on the space provided.
A. sanitary system fails D. people drink the water
B. fresh water is unavailable E. contaminated water flows into
C. disaster occurs waterways

1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ illness

Choose the best answer based on the passage above.

11. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A. Dysentery and its Effects
B. Results of War and Natural Disasters
C. Water Purification Systems and Their Importance
D. The Causes and Effects of Cholera
12. The word „infectious‟ in line 1 is closest in meaning to_______.
A. communicable B. severe C. isolated D. common
13. According to the passage, cholera is caused by _______.
A. a bacterium B. a virus C. kidney failure D. dehydration
14. All of the following are probable causes of infection except eating _______.
A. overcooked pork C. food cooked with contaminated water
B. undercooked seafood D. raw oysters
15. According to the passage, what is a symptom of the infection?
A. Release of a toxin by the bacteria C. Overeating
B. Vomiting D. Epidemics
16. The word „As‟ in line 6 is used to show a _______ relationship.
A. cause-effect B. time C. comparison D. contrast
17. The verb „leads to‟ in line 7 is used to indicate a _______ relationship.
A. cause-effect B. time C. comparison D. contrast
18. The clause „that leads to severe diarrhea and vomiting‟ in line 7 is
a/an_______ CLAUSE.
19. The word „This‟ in line 7 refers to _______.
A. dead bacteria C. patent toxin
B. diarrhea and vomiting D. nothing
20. The word „If‟ in line 9 implicitly indicates a/an _______ relationship.
A. time B. cause-effect C. contrast D. parallel
21. The word „prevalent‟ in line 12 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. dangerous B. commonplace C. unusual D. organized
22. The word „lack‟ in line 13 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. contamination B. multitude C. shortage D. well

23. According to the passage, cholera _______.
A. is easily passed from one person to another
B. is not a real threat
C. is no more dangerous than the common cold
D. cannot be passed from one to another by casual contact
24. The word „piped‟ in line 14 is a/an _______.
A. adjective B. noun C. verb D. adverb
25. The clause „Because people frequently develop communities along
waterways‟ in lines 15–16 is a/an_______ CLAUSE.

Exercise 8
Read the text and do the exercises that follow.
The banana is a fruit produced in tropical climates by a giant,
herbaceous, flowering plant. It is one of the most widely consumed
foods in the world. Banana plants are often mistaken for trees because
Line they are sturdy and usually 20 to 25 feet tall. While all bananas are
5 similar in nutritional composition, the characteristics of the fruits of the
individual varieties are distinctive with respect to taste, color, size, and
texture. Even though it is not known for its superior taste, the Dwarf
Cavendish is the most popular variety for global commerce because it is
easy to ship and has a long shelf life.
10 Bananas grown for export are picked before they ripen. They
require careful handling, rapid transport to ports, and temperature
control during shipping. The goal is to prevent further ripening by
keeping the bananas from producing their natural ripening agent,
ethylene. Upon arrival to the destination country, the bananas undergo
15 an artificial ripening process. Green bananas are placed in warm,
airtight rooms filled with ethylene gas. In a few days, the fruit begins to
ripen and is distributed for final sale. Artificially ripened bananas
develop a vivid yellow color, while those harvested when fully ripe have
a greenish-yellow appearance which changes to brownish-yellow as
20 they ripen further. Bananas that ripen naturally on the plant taste better
and have a better texture than any type of green-picked fruit, but they
only have a shelf life of 7 to 10 days.

Transfer the information from both paragraphs into the following summary by
filling the blanks with the words.
All bananas contain 1) _______ nutritional content, but each kind of banana
has _______ characteristics for 3) ______, size, taste, and texture. Dwarf
Cavendish is not 4) _______ in taste, but globally is the most 5) _______ because
it is easy to deliver and its shelf life is 6) _______.
Bananas for export are harvested when they are still 7) ______. During the
delivery to destination countries, bananas need careful 8) _______, fast
transportation and heat control. This is to avoid further 9) _______. On arrival
bananas are kept in 10) _______ containing ethylene gas to make the bananas
ripen in a few days for final sale.

UNIT 12:
1. To make inferences based on stated details in a reading text
2. To predict the organization of ideas in a reading text

1. Making inferences
a. What is an inference?
Making inferences is a higher-level thinking skill in comprehending ideas
of a passage. An inference is an idea that we conclude based on stated details
in a reading text or a passage. The process of making an inference is also called
reading between the lines. The stated details give us the meaning clues or hints
to make a conclusion. We rely on the ability to make a supposition based on
actions or feelings that are stated in a reading passage. The conclusion or the
supposition should be logically drawn, and it is not explicitly stated in the reading.
Making an inference is a process to deeper meaning and makes us more aware
of the author‘s purpose.

b. What are some common types of inference questions?

Some inference questions will have the word infer, suggest, or imply.
Look at the following examples:
1. Which of the following can be inferred about X?
2. The author of the passage implies that X ...
3. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about X?
When you decide an answer to an inference question, you have to be
sure that your answer does not contradict the main idea of the passage. Also,
the correct answer must be inferable from the passage. This means that you
should be able to defend your choice by pointing to explicitly stated information in
the passage that leads to the inference you have selected.

―...The nineteenth century brought with it a burst of new discoveries and
inventions that revolutionized the candle industry and made lighting
available to all. In the early-to-mid-nineteenth century, a process was
Line developed to refine tallow (fat from animals) with alkali and sulfuric acid.
5 The result was a product called stearin. Stearin is harder and burns
longer than unrefined tallow. This breakthrough meant that it was
possible to make tallow candles that would not produce the usual smoke
and rancid odor. Stearis were also derived from palm oils, so vegetable
waxes as well as animal fats could be used to make candles ...‖

Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about candles before the
nineteenth century?
a. They did not smoke when they were burned.
b. They produced a pleasant odor as they burned.
c. They were not available to all.
d. They contained sulfuric acid.

In the first sentence the author says that ―new discoveries and inventions‖
made ―lighting available to all.‖ The only kind of lighting discussed in the
passage is candles. If the new discoveries were important because they made
candles available to all, we can infer that before the discoveries, candles were
not available to everyone. Therefore, choice c is an inference about candles we
can make from the passage.
Choice a and b can be eliminated because they explicitly contradict the
passage (―the usual smoke‖ and ―rancid odor‖).
Choice d can be eliminated because sulfuric acid was first used to make
stearin in the nineteenth century, not before the nineteenth century.

2. Predicting the organization of ideas in a reading text

a. How do you predict the organization of ideas in a reading passage?
As a good reader, you are expected to predict what probably came before
the reading passage (in the preceding paragraph) or what probably comes after
the reading passage (in the following paragraph). Of course, the topic of the
preceding or following paragraph is not directly stated, and you must draw a
conclusion to determine what is probably in these paragraphs. When you make
a prediction, use key words and ideas in the passage, your general
understanding of the author‘s message, reason, logic, and common sense.
When you deal with this predicting question, you actually answer a
transition question. It asks you to demonstrate that you understand that good
writing contains transitions from one paragraph to the next. A paragraph may
start out with the idea of the previous paragraph as a way of linking the ideas in
the two paragraphs. A paragraph may also end with an idea that will be further
developed in the following paragraph.

Another program instrumental in the popularization of science was Cosmos.
This series, broadcast on public television, dealt with topics and issues from
varied fields of science. The principal writer and narrator of the program was
Carl Sagan, a noted astronomer and Pulitzer Prize-winning author.

1. The paragraph preceding this passage most probably discusses _____.

A. a different scientific television series
B. Carl Sagan‘s scientific achievements
C. the Pulitzer Prize won by Carl Sagan
D. public television

2. What does the paragraph following this passage most likely discuss?
A. The popularity of science.
B. The program Cosmos.
C. The astronomer Carl Sagan.
D. Topics and issues from various fields of science.

The paragraph starts with ‗‘Another program ...Cosmos. The transition word
―Another program‖ grammatically signals that the new paragraph is going to
present a second television program that popularized science, and the previous
paragraph probably presented the first program in the popularization of science.

Cosmos is a television program, so the best answer to the first question is A.
Meanwhile, the second question wants you to predict what the paragraph will be
following the one you are reading. Since the existing paragraph ends with the
name Carl Sagan as the principal writer and narrator of the program and he was
a noted astronomer and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, the following paragraph
will probably be about Carl Sagan. So, the answer to the second question is C.

b. Another example of questions on making inferences and predicting what

is discussed in the previous paragraph and the following one.
Ever since people discovered the importance of exchanging
information, communications have been vital to society. Improvements
in communication have broadened people‘s knowledge of the world.
Line Today it is possible to follow events taking place around the globe
5 simply by turning on television or logging onto the Internet, yet, for
much of human existence, communication moved only as fast as a
person could move.
A breakthrough occurred in the fifteenth century with the
development of printing with movable type. In the 1830s, Samuel
10 Morse‘s invention of the telegraph showed that messages could move
at the speed of electricity. Since then, telephone, radio, television, and
satellite relays have continued to revolutionize communications. Today
the revolution is still going on.

How many of the following statements can you infer or conclude from reading this
passage? Check as many as you know to be true, based on the information in
the passage.
___ Societies value the exchange of information.
___ The Internet is a form of communication.
___ Before the fifteenth century people had no technology.
___ The telegraph is a form of communication.
___ Samuel Morse invented electricity.
___ The passage was written during a war.

From the information given, we can conclude that societies value the exchange
of information, the Internet is a form of communication, and the telegraph is a
form of communication. While the other statements might be true, there is
nothing in the passage to support them.

Now, answer a question:

What does the paragraph following this passage probably discuss?
A. Improvement in our standard of living
B. How satellite television has changed society
C. Global events at the turn of the century
D. Current breakthroughs in communications technology

The second paragraph discusses important developments in communication

technology from the fifteenth century to the present. It concludes with, ―Today
the revolution is still going on‖. This implies that the next paragraph will discuss
Current breakthrough in communication technology. (D)

Read the following passages and choose the one best answer to each question
Reading 1
Temporary workers often receive their assignments through temporary
employment agencies. They work for firms that require additional help on an
occasional basis. In other cases, temporary workers are hired by shops
during busy seasons, such as Christmas. Temporary workers include
5 cashiers, sales demonstrators, and marketing researchers.

It can be inferred from the paragraph that _____.

A. temporary workers are well paid
B. some firms hire only temporary workers
C. shops need extra help at Christmas
D. temporary workers hope to find permanent jobs

Reading 2
Middle age has been regarded as a vague interim period when one is no
longer young and not quite old. The connotations of youth are vitality,
growth, and the heroic; whereas old age connotes vulnerability, withering,
and the brink of nothingness. This overly negative imagery of old age adds
5 greatly to the burden of middle age. It is terrifying to go through middle age
as though one was already very old, and it is a self-defeating illusion to live it
as though one was still young.

The author of the paragraph implies that middle age _____.

A. is preparation for the nothingness of old age
B. is when people have illusion about still being young
C. is defined primarily in negative terms
D. lasts several years

Reading 3
Although most honeybees die in the field while gathering pollen, some bees
die in the hives and must be removed in order to prevent the spread of
disease and to keep the nest from filling up with corpses. These corpses
emit a chemical that signals death. While some bees ignore the corpses,
5 other pokes them, lick them, or inspect them. Usually within an hour, the
bees that are in charge of removing dead bees grasp the corpses in their
mandibles, pull them through the hive toward the entrance, then fly away
and drop them as far as 400 feet from the hive.

It can be inferred from the passage that some bees _____.

A. do not care about the corpses of dead bees
B. have a special task related to what happens in the colony
C. do not always die in the hives

Reading 4
The extinction of many species of birds has undoubtedly been hastened by
modern man. Since 1600 it has been estimated that approximately 100 bird
species have become extinct over the world. In North America, the first
species known to be annihilated was the great auk, a flightless bird that
5 served as an easy source of food and bait for Atlantic fishermen through the
beginning of the nineteenth century.

Shortly after the great auk‘s extinction, two other North American
species, the Carolina parakeet and the passenger pigeon in captivity both
died in September 1914. In addition to these extinct species, several others
such as the bald eagle, the peregrine falcon, and the California condor are
today recognized as endangered; steps are being taken to prevent their

Answer each of the following questions.

1. The passage implies that the great auk disappeared _____.
A. before 1600 C. In the 1800s
B. in the 1600s D. In the last fifty years
2. The paragraph following this passage most probably discusses _____.
A. what is being done to save endangered birds
B. what the bald eagle symbolizes to American
C. how several bird species became endangered
D. other extinct species
3. It can be inferred from the passage that the great auk was killed because ___.
A. it flew over fishing areas C. it was eating the fishermen‘s catch
B. fishermen wanted to eat it D. it baited fishermen

Reading 5
Manic depression is another psychiatric illness that mainly affects the
mood. A patient suffering from this disease will alternate between periods
of manic excitement and extreme depression, with or without relatively
normal periods in between. The changes in mood suffered by a manic-
5 depressive patient go far beyond the day-to-day mood changes
experienced by the general population. In the period of manic excitement,
the mood elevation can become so intense that it can result in extended
insomnia, extreme irritability, and heightened aggressiveness. In the period
of depression, which may last for several weeks or months, a patient
10 experiences feelings of general fatigue, uselessness, and hopelessness,
and in serious cases may contemplate suicide.

1. The paragraph preceding this passage most probably discusses _____.

A. when manic depression develops
B. a different type of mental disease
C. how moods are determined
D. how manic depression can result in suicide
2. According to the passage, a manic depressive patient in a manic phase would
be feeling _____.
A. unhappy B. listless C. quite normal D. highly emotional
3. The passage implies that _____,
A. changes from excitement to depression occur frequently and often
B. only manic-depressive patients experience aggression
C. the depressive phase can be more harmful than the manic phase
D. suicide is inevitable in cases of manic depression
4. The word ―intense‖ (line 7) is closest in meaning to _____.
A. lengthy B. naughty C. strong D. extensive

Exercises for Tutorial Classes
(UNIT 12)
Exercise 1
The telephone system makes contacting consumers easier, and customers
can also phone in orders. Personal computers and the Internet have
revolutionized how people buy and sell. The nationwide system of highways, on
which large trucks can travel, enables huge quantities of goods to be transported
over great distances in a very short time. Sales workers, traveling by road or air,
can visit numerous customers every week.

Which of the following can be concluded from the paragraph?

A. The telephone will soon be superseded by personal computers and the
B. Improvements in communication and transportation have influenced
C. Changes in technology have made human society more complex.
D. Traveling by road is less necessary because of telephones and the Internet.

Exercise 2
About 750 million acres, or one-third of the land in the United States, is
covered with forests. All fifty states have forest lands.The forests provide trees for
building materials, paper, fuel, and a variety of other uses. They help clean the
air, protect water supplies, and make a home for wildlife. They are a major
source of recreational opportunities for people and are the basis of hundreds of
thousands of jobs.

It can be inferred from the paragraph that _____.

A. forests in the United States have been replanted
B. Americans prefer houses built from wood
C. the number of jobs in forests is increasing
D. industrialized and urbanized states have forests

Exercise 3
The traditional English wooden house was built to insure strength and
durability. The house was built on a sturdy frame of heavy timbers about a foot
thick. These were held together by cutting down the end of the one beam into a
tounge which was then fitted into a groove in the adjoining beam. This kind of
construction required shaping tongues and grooves, making wooden pegs, and
fitting all these nearly together.

It can be inferred that traditional English houses _____.

A. required the tools and the training of a skilled carpenter
B. took as long as a year to complete
C. were sturdier and more durable than the houses built today
D. are no longer being built

Exercise 4
When Thomas Lincoln took his family across the Ohio River into
indiana in 1816, he was searching for a permanent homestead site. He
found it near Little Pigeon Creek on a plot of land he had laid claim to
Line earlier. Here the family settled down and remained for fourteen years, and
5 it was here that Nancy Hanks lincoln died from ―milksick‖, an illness
caused by milk from cattle that had eaten snakeroot.
Today the site of the Lincoln cabin is marked by bronze castings of
sill logs and a stone heart.Just beyond this, behind a split-rail fence, is a
reconstruction of the little house. It contains the homely and convincing
10 clutter of Abraham Lincoln‘s boyhood home: log table and benches, a
trundle bed, spinning wheels, and a fireplace with iron pots. In a shed
behind the cabin the tobacco crop is dried. A few horses, sheep, and
chickens complete the pleasant pioneer farm scene. Interpreters in period
dress are at hand-tending the crops, working the farm-and are happy to
15 answer one‘s questions.
Five bas-relief panels depicting scenes from Abraham Lincoln‘s life
decorate the visitor center. A walkway leads from the center to the small
hill where the president‘s mother is buried. Another walk is the Trail of
Twelve Stones. Each stone is from a site that played an important part in
20 lincoln‘s life.

Choose the best answer based on the passage above.

1. It can be concluded from lines 4 – 6 that _____.
A. ―milksick‖ was a common illness on farms
B. snakes killed many cattle
C. snakeroot is a poisonous plant
D. both people and cattle died from ‗milksick‖
2. It can be inferred from paragraphs 2 and 3 that _____.
A. the site of the Lincoln homestead is now a museum
B. the Lincoln cabin was built of stone and bronze
C. the Lincoln raised mainly tobacco
D. the Lincoln farm was modest but beautiful
3. Which of the following is most likely true?
A. Thomas Lincoln was originally from Indiana.
B. The Lincoln farm produced crops for only fourteen years.
C. President Lincoln is buried on a small hill at the homestead.
D. Thomas and Nancy Hanks Lincoln were president Lincoln‘s parents.

Exercise 5
Psychology recognizes two types of research, experimental and
differential. The former is concerned mainly with the overall processes
governing human activities, and the latter sets out to establish individual
Line differences in performance. More recent studies have demonstrated the
5 need for a third type of psychological study, namely, that which has to do
with human development. Rather than considering this aspect of human
performance as part of the first two types, scientists have noted that
developmental research indeed belongs in a separate category in and of
itself. Piaget‘s work would indisputably fall in the area of developmental
10 theories that have had great impact on both experimental and differential

research. When examining Piaget‘s studies, it is necessary to keep in
mind that, while his theories have been highly influential, his
methodology has been strongly criticized. The primary shortfall of his
work had to do with a lack of definition and standardization in his data
15 and experiment design.

1. According to the passage, what is the central goal of experimental research?

A. To arrive at a general classification of individuals.
B. To analyze individual differences in human activity
C. To establish the psychological process governing humans
D. To administer experiments on humans and processes
2. In line 5, the word ―namely‖ is closest in meaning to _____.
A. specially B. specifically C. hence D. nearly
3. It can be inferred from the passage that the author is a proponent of _____.
A. reversing current trends in research
B. furthering a third branch of investigation
C. abolishing experimental and differential studies
D. assessing a need for human development
4. In line 8, the word ―category‖ is closest in meaning to
A. case B. cause C. calling D. class
5. According to the passage, developmental psychology belongs in _____.
A. the domain of Piaget‘s work C. its own unique area of study
B. a category of dispute studies D. other domains of research
7. It can be inferred from the passage that studies of human performance and of
Individual variations ____.
A. should not be perceived as fundamental
B. should be taken with a grain of salt
C. cannot enumerate all facets of human brain
D. cannot account for all aspects of human psychology

Exercise 6
While draft laws are federal laws, marriage laws are state laws rather than
federal; marriage regulations are therefore not uniform throughout the country.
The legal marriage age serves as example of this lack of conformity. In most
states, both the man and the woman must be at least eighteen years old to marry
without parental consent; however, the states of Nebraska and Wyoming require
the couple to be at least nineteen, while the minimum age in Mississippi is
twenty-one. If parental permission is given, then a couple can marry at sixteen in
some states, and a few states even allow marriage before the age of sixteen.,
though a judge‘s permission, in addition to the permission of the parents, is
sometimes required in this situation. Some states which allow couples to marry at
such a young age are now considering doing away with such early marriages
because of the numerous negative effects of these young marriages.

1. The paragraph preceding the passage most probably discuss _____.

A. state mariage laws C. the lack of uniformity in marriage laws
B. federal draft laws D. the minimum legal marriage age

2. The topic of paragraph following the passage is most likely to be _____.
A. disadvantages of youthful marriages
B. reasons why young people decide to marry
C. the age when parental consent for marriage is required
D. a discussion of why some states allow marriages before the age of sixteen

Exercise 7
Various other native American tribes also lived on the Great Plains. The
Sioux, a group of seven American tribes, are best known for the fiercely
combative posture against encroaching White civilization in the 1800s.
Line Although they are popularly referred to as Sioux, these native American
5 tribes did not call themselves Sioux; the name was given to them by an
enemy tribe. The seven Sioux tribes called themselves by some variation
of the word Dakota, which means ―allies‖ in their language. Four tribes of
the eastern Sioux community living in Minnesota were known by the
name Dakota. The Nakota included two tribes that left the eastern
10 woodlands and moved out onto the plains. The Teton Sioux, or Lakota,
moved even farther west to the plains of the present-day states of North
Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming.

1. The paragraph preceding this passage most probably discusses _____.

A. how the Sioux battled the white man
B. one of the tribes of the plains
C. where the Sioux lived
D. Native American tribes on the East Coast
2. Which of the following represents a likely reaction of the Sioux in the 1800s to
the encroaching white civilization?
A. The Sioux would probably help the whites to settle in the West.
B. The Sioux would probably attack the white settlers.
C. The Sioux would probably invite the whites to smoke a peace pipe.
D. The Sioux would probably join together in hunting parties with the white
3. It is implied in the passage that the seven Sioux tribes called each other by
some form of the word Dakota because they were _____.
A. united in a cause C. fiercely combative
B. all living in North Dakota D. enemies
4. It can be inferred from the passage that the present-day states of North and
South Dakota _____.
A. are east of Minnesota
B. are home to the four tribes known by the name Dakota
C. received their names from the tribes living there
D. are part of the eastern woodlands

Exercise 8
Most people think of deserts as dry, flat areas with little vegetation and
little or no rainfall, but this is hardly true. Many deserts have varied
geographical formations ranging from soft, rolling hills to stark, jagged
Line cliffs, and most deserts have a permanent source of water. Although
5 deserts do not receive a high amount of rainfall—to be classified as a
desert, an area must get less than 25 centimeters of rainfall per year----

there are many plants that thrive on only small amounts of water, and
deserts are often full of such plant life.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Deserts are dry, flat areas with few plants.
B. There is little rainfall in the desert.
C. many kinds of vegetation can survive with little water.
D. Deserts are not really flat areas with little plant life.
2. The passage implies that _____.
A. the typical conception of a desert is incorrect
B. all deserts are dry, flat areas
C. most people are well informed about deserts
D. the lack of rainfall in deserts causes the lack of vegetation
3. The passage describes the geography of deserts as _____.
A. flat B. sandy C. varied D. void of vegetation
4. According to the passage, what causes an area to be classified as a desert?
A. The type of plants C. The amount of precipitation
B. The geographical formations D. The source of water
5. What is most likely the topic of the paragraph following this passage?
A. The geography of deserts C. Plants that do not require much water
B. The water sources of deserts D. The amount of rainfall in a desert

Exercise 9
Read the passages and the statements that follow it. Write I in the space if the
statement is an inference. Write R if the statement is a restatement. Leave the
space blank if the statement is neither an inference nor a statement.

a. The northern elephant seal, a 2,000-pound mammal, is making a dramatic

comeback after being hunted to near extinction in the late 19th century. The seals
that once thrived off the coast of California now receive protection from both the
Mexican and the US governments. A contributing factor to their survival is the
reduced demand for seal oil due to the ready availability of petroleum products.
A. ----- Products that were once made from seal oil are now made from
B. ----- Petroleum is easier to obtain now than seal oil is.
C. ----- Northern elephant seals are now numerous.

b. The white shark, having acquired a reputation for mindless ferocity unequaled
among terrestrial or aquatic predators, belongs to the family known as the
mackerel shark. Nothing about this terrifying fish is predictable: its behavior,
range, or diet. Despite this fearsome reputation, evidence from the remains of
victims of shark attacks suggests that the white shark does not eat people.
A. ----- A white shark is a kind of mackerel shark.
B. ----- The white shark has gained a terrifying reputation because it attacks
C. ----- The white shark attacks its victims for reasons other than hunger.

1. To differentiate facts from opinions.

A fact is something which is certainly known to have occurred, to exist or to
be true, and the truth of which can be justified through experience, evidence,
observation, or research. A fact reflects an absolute certainty.

For examples:
 People need food to survive.
 IPB is located in Bogor.
 She has been working for IPB for two years.
 There are more females than males in this class.

An opinion is someone's "belief" or "view". Opinions differ from facts in that
they are open to debate and cannot be proved to be true or they are true only to
certain groups of people. They may also change over time. Some writers might
make opinions sound like facts, but there are often phrases or markers that
indicate that they are actually opinions.

For examples:
 The students in my class looked so happy with the result of their test.
 I think they were satisfied with their scores.
 Perhaps they were of the assumption that they didn‟t deserve it.
 Some of them were even speechless.

Common markers to indicate opinions:

a. Certain verbs: appear, argue, assume, believe, consider, guess, seem,
suggest, suspect, say, etc.
For example:  I believe this debate is so important.

b. Adjectives (adjectives usually, not always, indicate opinions).

When an adjective is used to present a common belief, it is stating a fact, not
an opinion.
For examples:
Fact:  The weather in winter time is cold.
 The stars are uncountable.
 Sugar is sweet.
Opinion:  He is nice and helpful.
 Houses in this area are expensive.
 Bogor is beautiful.

c. Certain nouns: opinion, view, consideration

For example:  In my point of view, we should include poverty in
this discussion.

d. Certain adverbs: maybe, perhaps, possibly, probably, likely, unlikely.
For example:  Perhaps he needs nobody in his life.

e. Certain ways which provide rooms for discussion by avoiding using

absolute expressions:
i. By reducing the size of the group
a few, a little, some, many, much, most (note: all and none indicate
For example:  A few people like living by themselves

ii. By reducing the number of times something occurs:

usually, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally, seldom (note: always
and never show absoluteness)
For example:  He is always/ never on time.
 He sometimes comes late.

iii. By using modal auxiliaries to say something is possible/probable:

may, might, can, could, should, will, could, must
For example:  Student should prepare themselves for the test.

will (when it is not used in a schedule)

For example:  The final test will be held for two weeks. (fact)
 We will run out of the fossil fuel soon. (opinion)

must (when it is not used to show regulation)

For example:  The diploma students must wear uniforms on
certain different days. (fact)
 They must prepare themselves well for the exam.

NOTE: A statement in a compound sentence can be a fact, an opinion, or a fact

and an opinion:
For example:  IPB is located in Bogor, and it has eleven faculties.
(a fact)
 IPB is very attractive to high school students, and it
is very promising as well. (an opinion)
 IPB has nine faculties, and they are all excellent.
(a fact and an opinion)

Exercise 1
Indicate whether each of the following statements is a FACT or an OPINION and
when it is an OPINION, indicate the markers.

1) People all over the world drink tea.

2) Now scientists are suggesting that tea may not be as safe as we had
previously believed.
3) Tea contains caffeine, but caffeine is also a larger component of other
4) Pregnant women are advised to reduce their intake of tea until after their
baby is born.
5) Chocolate drinks contain about 30 mg of caffeine per glass.
6) The average American seems to favor rich desserts at the end of a full meal.

7) Cherry, blueberry, peach and apple are used as fillings in fruit pies in
8) If a poll were taken today, most Americans would choose the fruit pie as their
9) Obesity could be one of the major health problems in America.
10) Most nutritionists would say that ice cream remains rather high in calories
when sweetened.

Exercise 2
Identify whether the following short paragraphs contain statements of Fact or
Opinion. Underline the markers for opinion.
1. There are also 504 Buddha figures in the Borobudur Temple. There is no
cement or mortar was used, instead the pieces of stone were fitted together
like interlocking pieces of Lego. About 55,000 cubic meters of stone were
used in the construction and they were joined together with knobs,
indentations and dovetails.
2. Spices, such as coriander, cardamom or ginger have been used for centuries
in the preparation of both meat dishes for consumption and meat dishes for
long-term storage. However, an initial analysis of traditional meat-based
recipes indicated that spices are not used equally in different countries and
regions, so we set about investigating global patterns of spice use.
3. Kangaroos have adapted over millions of years to fit into their ecological niche.
They have large ears, and relatively small heads. Their front limbs are very
small, but their paws are very nimble. Their hind legs are very large and
powerful. When they are moving slowly, kangaroos walk on all four limbs, with
the front limbs barely touching the ground. To move quickly, they stand nearly
upright, and start hopping on their hind legs.

Exercise 3
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Current studies show that what goes on labels is an important
consideration for manufacturers, since more than seventy percent of
shoppers read food labels when considering whether to buy a product.
Line A recent controversy as to whether labels on prepared foods should
5 educate or merely inform the consumer is over, and a consumer group got
its way. The group had maintained that product labels should do more
than simply list how many grams of nutrients a food contains. Their
contention was that labels should also list the percentage of a day's total
nutrients that the product will supply to the consumer, because this
information is essential in planning a healthy diet.
10 A government agency disagreed strongly favoring a label that merely
informs the consumer, in other words, a label that only lists the contents of
the product. The agency maintained that consumers could decide for
themselves if the food is nutritious and is meeting their daily needs.
The consumer group, in supporting its case, had cited a survey in
15 which shoppers were shown a food label, and were then asked if they
would need more or less of a certain nutrient after eating a serving of this
product. The shoppers weren't able to answer the questions easily when
they were not given a specific percentage.

A. Underline any words signaling an opinion.

B. Choose the best answer.

1. What was the controversy about?
A. Whether it is necessary to put label on prepared foods.
B. What the daily requirements for certain nutrients should be.
C. How to get consumers to read labels more carefully.
D. What information food manufacturers should provide to consumers.
2. Why does the speaker mention that more than 70% people read food
A. To demonstrate that current consumer trends are stable.
B. To compare current consumer trends to those of the past.
C. To indicate that most consumers actively research the products they
D. To show that there has been a decrease in consumer awareness.
3. What did the consumer group propose?
A. Stricter standards for food preparation.
B. More detailed labels on food.
C. Removing certain foods from the market.
D. Regular testing of food products.
4. What did the survey of food shoppers reveal?
A. They were unable to comprehend a label without percentages.
B. They preferred more basic labeling.
C. They were unwilling to do simple arithmetic.
D. They thought the language on labels was too technical.

C. Underline all the sub-clauses and identify whether they are adjective clauses,
noun clauses, or adverb clauses.

Exercise 4
Choose the correct word out of the given choice in brackets while you are
reading the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

Experts say the food people eat (1. A. great, B. greatly, C. greatness)
affects their health. They say that some foods (2. A. is, B. are, C. were)
especially good for preventing disease.
Line Many foods (3. A. contain, B. containing, C. contains) substances
5 that protect against tissue damage. One of these (4. A. are, B. was, C. is)
tomatoes. The substance lycopene is (5. A. release, B. releasing, C.
released) when tomatoes are cooked. Lycopene helps reduce the (6. A.
risk, B. risky, C. risks) of developing cancer in the digestive system, which
(7. A. process, B. processes, C. processing) food.
10 The dark green vegetable spinach (8. A. to contain, B. contains, c.
containing) folic acid that prevents problems in developing fetuses. It also
lowers (9. A, blooding, B. bloody, C. blood) levels of homocysteine. High
homocysteine levels have (10. A. - , B. been, C. be) linked to heart attacks
and strokes. Another vegetable, broccoli, can (11. A. to help, B. helped, C.
15 help) protect against cancers of the breast, colon and stomach.
Oats help lower blood pressure and protect against heart disease.
They may also (12. A. improvement, B. improving, C. improve) the levels

of sugar in the blood. (13. A. It, B. These, C. The) reduces the chance of
developing the disease, diabetes.
20 Fish that contain omega three fatty acids help prevent blockages in
the arteries. Omega three also (14. A. lowers, B. low, C. lower) bad
cholesterol and may protect brain cells from diseases (15. A. as, B. like, C.
for) Alzheimer's. Fish that provide a (16. A. lot, B. less, little) of omega
three acids are salmon, herring, mackerel and bluefish.
25 Garlic may help protect the heart by (17. A. reducing, B. reduces, C.
reduce) cholesterol and making the blood less (18. A. sticky, B. stick, C.
stickiness). Health experts also suggest cooking with olive oil (19. A. after,
B. when, C. because) it also has been shown to help prevent cancer and
heart disease.

A. Underline the signal words for opinion.

B. Change the followings in all possible ways to make them statements of

For example:
1. Many foods contain substances that protect against tissue damage.
I think many foods contain substances that protect against tissue
2. One of these is tomatoes.

3. Certain substance is released when tomatoes are cooked.

4. Lycopene helps reduce the risk of developing cancer in the digestive

system, which processes food.

5. Fish that provide a lot of omega three acids are salmon, herring, mackerel
and bluefish.

C. Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1. The word „affect‟ in line 2 could be best replaced with “provide.”
2. The main idea of the second paragraph is stated in the first sentence.
3. The word „lowers‟ in line 12 is an adjective.
4. Paragraph three is presenting fact only.
5. Oats can improve the availability of our blood.
6. Garlic is good for the health of our heart.
7. The main idea of the last paragraph is the relationship between the
chocolate and weight.

D. Answer the following questions

1. Identify noun clauses in the text (if any).
2. Identify adjective clauses in the text (if any).
3. Identify adverb clauses in the text (if any).

Exercises for Tutorial Classes
(UNIT 13)
Exercise 1
Say whether the following sentences indicate FACTS or OPINIONS.

1. Indonesia got its independence in 1945.

2. Indonesia got its independent in 1945 with a great struggle.
3. The number of people who have high credit card debt is astonishing.
4. Indonesia proposed Jokowi and Prabowo as candidates for presidents.
5. The president is a person of a good reputation for most Indonesian people.
6. "Spam" is the e-mail equivalent of junk mail.
7. A person with a good communication skill usually lives economically better.
8. Female doctors are more caring than male doctors.
9. My mother does not speak English at all; she is Javanese.
10. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is a government agency that is
responsible for the control and suppression of infectious diseases.
11. Last year there was a horrible outbreak of flu.
12. Babies generally start to talk between 18 and 24 months of age.
13. The average temperature in Jogjakarta in January is 30°C.
14. Italian is an easier language to learn than Spanish.
15. The capital of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) is Moscow.
16. More people stopped smoking last year than two years ago.
17. Many people believe a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet is the healthiest
18. Thousands of people die each year from the interaction of their prescribed
19. Cell phones should be banned in all classrooms.
20. Children should not be allowed to watch more than five hours of television
per week.

Exercise 2
Identify whether the following short paragraphs contain statements of Fact or
Opinion. Underline the markers for opinion.

1. Archaeologists analyzed data from nearly 3,000 cod bones found in 95

different excavations in and around London. They identified a sudden change
in the origin of the fish during the early 13th century, indicating the onset of a
large-scale import trade.

2. COTAP is the global warming solution which also empowers you to fight global
poverty. By offsetting your unavoidable carbon emissions through our certified
forestry projects, you are not only taking action on global warming, but also
creating life-changing income in regions where income levels are less than $2
per day.

3. A livestock show is an event where livestock are exhibited and judged on
certain phenotypical breed traits as specified by their respective breed
standard. Species of livestock that may be shown include pigs, cattle, sheep,
goats, horses, llamas and alpacas. Poultry such as chickens, geese, ducks,
turkeys and pigeons are also shown competitively. A livestock show may be
part of an agricultural show.

4. As late as 1900, Indonesia was still a densely forested country: the total forest
represented 84 per cent of the total land area. Deforestation intensified in the
1970s and continuously accelerated since then. As a result, the estimated
forest cover of 170 million ha around 1900 decreased to 98 million ha by the
end of the 20th century.

5. You could be an ideal candidate for this program if you have a strong
analytical or programming background, and are accustomed to using
numerical data to describe and understand many situations. The curriculum of
the Bachelor of Science degree places a strong emphasis on mathematics,
statistics, and programming; the most successful candidates will be those who
are passionate about quantitative analysis.

6. This vibrant South America combines Latin American flare with all the warmth
of the Caribbean. It's colorful, exotic, sexy, historic and modern all at the same
time. It's mysterious. It's amazing. It's an adventure.

7. The Borobudur Temple is situated on the island of Java, in Magelang, in the

Kedu Plain, 40km from Yogyakarta, 53km from Surakarta and it lies in the
shadow of two active volcanoes. It covers 123m² and there are 2,672
intricately carved, stone relief panels most of which feature scenes from
Buddha‟s life and tell the story of Buddhist cosmology.

Exercise 3
Choose the correct word out of the provided choice in the brackets while you are
reading the text and then answer the questions that follow.
When people are in conflict during (1. A. active, B. activate, C.
activity) listening, they often contradict each (2. A. other, B. another, C.
others) denying the opponent's description of a situation. This (3. A.
Line tended, B. tends, C. tend) to make people defensive, and they will (4. A.
5 whether, B. either) lash out, or withdraw and say nothing (5. A. again, B.
more, C. against). However, if they feel that (6. A. them, B. their, C. theirs)
opponent is really attuned to their concerns and (7. A. want, B. wants, C.
wanting) to listen, they are likely to (8. A. explanation, B. explain, C.
explaining) in detail what they feel and why. If both (9. A. parties, B.
10 people, C. persons) to a conflict do this, the chances of being able to
develop a (10. A. solve, B. solvable, C. solution) to their mutual problem
becomes much greater. This paragraph is a (11. A. descriptive, B.

describe, C. description) of what happen when people are in conflict
during the listening.

A. Which sentences in the above text are statements of opinion? Mention the
signal words.

B. Guess the meaning of the underlined words.

C. Underline all the sub-clauses and identify whether they are adjective, noun or
adverb clauses.

D. Decide if the followings are true or false.

1. The word „they‟ in line 2 refers to people.
2. The word „This‟ in line 3 refers to situation.
3. The part of speech of the words „defensive‟ in line 4 is a verb.
4. The part of speech of the words „lash out‟ line 5 is a noun.
5. The word „However‟ in line 6 is a signal word for cause and effect.
6. The part of speech of the words „concerns‟ line 7 is an adverb.
7. The phrase „do this‟ in line 10 refers to oppose each other.
8. The part of speech of the words „chances‟ line 10 is a noun.
9. The part of speech of the words „mutual‟ line 11 is an adjective.
10. The part of speech of the words „happen‟ line 13 is a verb.

Exercise 4
Choose the correct word out of the provided choice in the brackets while you are
reading the text and then answer the questions which follow.
Third parties can make (1. A. communicative, B. communicating, C.
communication) better, or they can make it worse. (2. A. Skilled, B. Skill)
third parties can help speakers clarify (3. A. what, B. which, C. that) they
Line are saying, and they can (4. A. helped, B. help, C. helping) listeners hear
5 what is really (5. A. meant, B. mean, C. meaning). They can act as go-
betweens, carrying messages between people (6. A. who, B. whom, C.
whose) cannot or will not meet face-to-face. Untrained third parties, or
third parties with a (7. A. differ, B. difference, C. different) agenda can
make matters worse. The media's goal, for example, is (8. A. seldom. B.
10 often, C. never) not helping people understand each other (9. A. good, B.
better), but rather, presenting the story to (10. A. met, B. meet, C.
meeting) the media's own goals which may be to (11. A. inflaming, B.
inflame, C. inflammation) the readers' anger in order to sell more
newspapers (12. A. but, B. or, C. so) to support the publisher's or
15 government's own (13. A. interesting, B. interests, C. interested) and

A. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph?

2. Which third parties can improve communication? Why can they improve it?

3. And which third parties can worsen it? How can it happen?

4. What is the example of a bad third party mentioned in the paragraph?

5. What are the two possible purposes of the media according to the author?

B. Based on the above text, which statements are opinions and what are the

Exercise 5
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
An American food company recently recalled about eight-million
kilograms of ground beef that is used to make hamburgers. The meat had
sickened at least twenty-six people in five states.
Line The beef contained the bacteria E. coli. The bacteria are passed from
5 one person to another through infected solid human waste.
Most people with E. coli infections have pains in the stomach. They
may have diarrhea--waste that is loose and watery instead of solid.
Children under the age of five and older people might die if the bacteria
destroy red blood cells and cause kidney failure.
10 Experts say people should drink only pasteurized milk that has been
heated to kill bacteria. And people should drink only water that has been
treated with chemicals to kill bacteria. They also say all ground beef
should be cooked well to kill any bacteria that might be present.
Listeria are other dangerous bacteria spread in food: They are found
15 naturally in the soil and water. Vegetables can become infected from the
soil or from solid waste materials used as fertilizer. Unpasteurized milk
may also contain the bacteria.
People suffering from listeria infection have a high body temperature,
muscle aches and diarrhea. Experts say cooking all foods until they are
20 very hot and washing uncooked vegetables can prevent the infection.
They also say people who cook foods should always wash their hands and
cooking tools after touching uncooked foods.
Other dangerous bacteria are salmonella. This infection is spread by
eating foods that contain particles of animal waste. The victim gets a high
25 fever, diarrhea and stomach pain. Salmonella infection can kill a person if
it spreads through the bloodstream untreated. It can be prevented by
making sure that eggs, chicken and meat are cooked well.

A. Answer the following questions.

1. Name five examples of statements of FACTS from the passage above.
2. Name five examples of statements of OPINIONS from the passage above.
3. Are there any Noun Clauses in the first paragraph?
4. How many Adjective Clauses are there in the fourth paragraph?
5. How many Adverb Clauses are there in the passage?

B. Decide whether the followings are true or false
1. The main idea of the third paragraph is stated in the first sentence.
2. A three-year old girl may die if E. coli bacteria destroy the red blood.
3. Salmonella bacteria can be found in the meat that is not well cooked.
4. The word „another‟ in line 5 refers to person.
5. The word „They‟ in line 6 refers to infections.
6. People who suffer from listeria infection will get fever.
7. Cooking the eggs well can prevent salmonella infection.
8. All the sentences in Paragraph Three are statements of opinion.
9. The root word of the word „naturally‟ in line 15 is natural.
10. The part of speech of the word „uncooked‟ in line 22 is verb.

C. Change the followings in all possible ways to make them statements of


1. The bacteria are passed from one person to another through infected solid
human waste.

2. Listeria are found naturally in the soil and water.

3. People suffering from listeria infection have a high body temperature,

muscle aches and diarrhea.

4. Salmonella infection is spread by eating foods that contain particles of animal


5. The victim gets a high fever, diarrhea and stomach pain.


1. To have an integrated picture of all the reading skills
2. To apply different skills when reading texts
3. To use grammatical points appropriately

A. Reading

What skills are necessary to understand a piece of writing?

From the previous units you know that the skills you apply when reading a
text depends so much on your purpose. When you want to get a general
overview of what you read, you apply skimming – reading quickly to get a
general idea. Usually when a word, typically a noun, constantly appears
throughout the passage, this word is most probably the topic.

In a different occasion you might know the topic from the title, e.g. the history
of soap. After reading the title, you might want to find out when people
started making soap and who created it for the first time. In this case, you
can apply scanning – reading quickly for specific information. In this example,
you will move your eyes quickly to find the time, probably date, year, or
period, which are normally in figures, to get the information regarding when
people started making soap. Trying to find the first person making soap can
also be done quickly by reading fast with the focus of someone‘s name, which
will always start with a capital letter.

However, to be able to have a thorough comprehension on what you read,

you need to read in detail – finding referents of the existing pronouns,
guessing meanings of difficult words, recognizing how the writer organizes
his/her ideas, mapping out how these ideas are linked with each other either
with or without the transitional markers that the writer uses, making
inferences of the implied information and even distinguishing facts from
opinions. By understanding all these details, when you have to summarize
the content of what you read, you will have no problem in transferring the
information into different forms.

You might be aware that you cannot always guess the meaning of difficult
words you find in texts. In this situation, you normally need to consult your
dictionary. However, there is often a list of meanings for one word you are
looking for. Thus, it is necessary for you to know how to use dictionary

Since a piece of information does not always come in words, it is also

necessary for you to be able to interpret information from graphs/charts and

If you learn all these skills throughout the previous units carefully, you will
most probably improve your reading skills.

B. Grammatical Points
As you know, a paragraph consists of sentences or clauses. Thus,
understanding a paragraph requires understanding of sentences. Let us
review the sentence components that you have learned.
1. Subject
The subject of a sentence can be in the form of a single noun, a noun
phrase, a pronoun, an infinitive, a gerund, an expletive, a noun clause, or
a noun plus an adjective clause.
2. Predicate
The predicate is normally occupied by a verb. When there is no verb, ‗BE‘
will always be used. The verb indicates the tense and the voice (active or
3. Object
What can occur in the subject position can also occupy the object
position, except an expletive, which is only used as a Subject.
4. Complement
Since only transitive verbs require objects, what follows other types of
verbs is called a complement.

There are two types of clauses in English:
1. Main clause (independent clause)
2. Subordinate clause (dependent clause)
There are three types of subordinate clauses:
a) Noun Clause
A noun clause functions either as a subject, an object, or as a
The markers that indicate a noun clause are that, whether/if, wh-.

b) Adjective Clause
An adjective clause always follows or modifies a noun. The markers of
an adjective clause are that, wh-.

c) Adverb Clause
An adverb clause can come at the beginning or in the middle of a
sentence. Similar to the other subordinate clauses, an adverb clause
is always signaled with an adverb clause marker, which varies
depending on the function, e.g. because, although, while.

1. You should plan when you will get your first degree. (Noun clause)
2. The year when you will get your first degree might be different from now.
(Adjective clause)
3. Your parents will be very happy when you get your first degree. (Adverb
4. When you get your first degree, your parents will be very happy. (Adverb

Exercise 1
The following passage consists of three paragraphs. Read each paragraph and
answer the questions that follow. Try to apply all the reading skills you have
learned in previous units.

(A) Focus on Paragraph One

Understanding soap-making requires a short chemistry and
history lesson. Soap is made from a chemical reaction called
saponification. During saponification, an alkali base such as sodium
Line hydroxide reacts with a fat. This forms a small amount of alcohol
5 called glycerol and a metal salt of fatty acids, or soap. Soap cleans
because its molecules attach to non-polar molecules like oil and polar
molecules like water. One end of the soap molecule is attracted to oil
and keeps away water, while the other end attaches itself to water
and repels oil. This special quality of the soap molecule allows it to
10 suspend oils, which attract dirt. Water can then wash away the soap
and the dirt.

1. How many lessons does understanding soap-making require?

2. Read the second sentence. Is this a statement of fact of opinion?
3. ‗Saponification‘ (line 3) is a __________ reaction.
4. ‗sodium hydroxide‘ in lines 3-4 is an example of __________.
5. What happens during saponification?
6. What does ‗This‘ (line 4) refer to?
7. What is the parts of speech of the word ‗forms‘ in line 4?
8. ‗glycerol‘ in line 5 is a type of __________.
9. Do the molecules of soap attach only to one type of molecules?
10. How do molecules of oil and those of water differ?
11. Find the synonyms of the following words in the same paragraph:
a. attach (line 6) b. like (line 6) c. repels (line 9)
12. Explain why and how soap can clean dirt.
13. What tense is used in this paragraph? Why do you think the writer uses
this tense?
14. Find one example of a passive sentence.
15. What text organization do you think the writer uses in this paragraph?
Why do you think so?

(B) Focus on Paragraph Two

No one knows exactly when humans first developed soap.
Archeologists have found containers filled with a material similar to
Line soap while studying the ancient cultures of Babylon and Egypt. One
15 story says that soap got its name from Mount Sapo, a place where
ancient Romans used to sacrifice animals to their lovely gods.
Rainwater washed melted animal fat and wood ashes down the
mountain into a river where women were washing clothes in running
water. The women found that the ashes and fat combination made
20 their clothes much cleaner. Although the story may not be true, it is
likely that the discovery of how to make soap may have been

1. Can you tell us when soap was first developed? Why/Why not?
2. Does the word ‗soap‘ come from a name of a mountain?
3. What did the ancient Romans do at Mount Sapo?
4. According to the story, what contained in the ingredients that made
clothes cleaner?
5. Read the last sentence of this paragraph again. Is this sentence a
statement of fact or opinion?
6. The tenses used in Paragraph Two are more varied. Identify four
different tenses used in this paragraph. Why do you think the writer uses
each of them?
7. Identify whether the following is a noun clause, an adjective clause, or an
adverb clause.
a. …when humans first developed soap (line 12).
b. …that soap got its name from Mount Sapo (line 15).
c. …where ancient Romans used to sacrifice animals to their gods (lines
d. …where women were washing clothes in running water (lines 18-19).
e. …that the ashes and fat combination made their clothes much cleaner
(lines 19-20).
f. Although the story may not be true… (line 20).
g. …that the discovery of how to make soap may have been accidental
(lines 21-22)
8. Identify the parts of speech of the following words:
a. exactly (line 12) e. lovely (line 16)
b. developed (line 12) f. melted (line 17)
c. material (line 13) g. washing (line 18)
d. cultures (line 14) h. running (line 18)
e. says (line 15) i. accidental (line 22)

(C) Focus on Paragraph Three

Soap businesses began to appear in England, France, and
Line Italy during the Middle Ages. By the 12 century, soap-making centers
25 had developed in cities such as Marseilles, France and Savona, Italy.
Later, Bristol, England also became an important city for soap
production. Two scientists helped modernize soap production. The
French chemist Nicolas Leblanc discovered how to make soda ash
from salt in the late 18 th century. As a result, soda, a main material in
30 soap, became easier to make. But this process also released large
amounts of deadly hydrochloric acid gas. The Belgian chemist Ernest
Solvay later developed a better method of soda ash production in the

1. Where did soap business start to appear during the Middle Ages?
2. Name the two cities where soap-making centers had developed by the
12th century.
3. Name the two scientists who had helped modernize soap production.
4. What are the contributions of each of those two scientists?
5. What is the text organization of Paragraph Three above? Why do you
think so?
6. Identify the functions of the following transitional markers found in the
a. such as (line 25) d. As a result (line 29)
b. Later (line 26) e. But (line 30)
c. also (line 26)

Exercise 2
Choose the best answer to complete the missing parts.
When a company needs to hire someone for a managerial position,
there is often a choice of either promoting an employee who is already
working inside the company or (1)_______ in a person from outside. Hiring
Line a qualified outsider is often to a company‘s advantage for several reasons.
5 An (2)_______ reason for hiring outsiders as managers is that they
bring a new perspective. This contributes to the (3)_______ of ideas and
allows company practices to be seen in a new light. Often, an outside hire
will ask, ―What‘s the reason for doing things this way?‖ This (4)_______
may lead to a re-evaluation of practices that are actually inefficient but
10 have become so much a part of the routine that it‘s difficult for insiders to
question them.
(5)_______ No. A B C
major factor to 1 bring to bring bringing
be considered is 2 important importance importantly
15 the cost of on- 3 classification diversity similarity
the-job training.
4 answer statement question
Hiring outsiders
5 Other The other Another
allows a
6 who whom whose
company to look
20 for people 7 intern internal internally
(6)_______ 8 promotes is promoted has promoted
already have the 9 Finally Similarly On the contrary
particular skills 10 his its their
and experience required for the job. The company will not have to spend
25 time and money training an (7)_______ employee for the new job –
something that has to be done when, for example, an employee
(8)_______ from a technical position to a managerial one. In such a case,
usually the employee would be sent to classes to help learn needed
managerial skills.
30 (9)_______, managers hired from the outside will often have business
contacts with suppliers, customers, and technicians that they have
developed in (10)_______ previous job. Clearly these contacts can be a
valuable asset for the company that hires managers from the outside.

Exercises for Tutorial Classes
(Unit 14)

Exercise 1
Consumers who plan to buy eco-friendly bamboo apparel are
attracted if the price is right, but their next consideration is the product's
novelty, according to a new study by Baylor University researchers. The
Line study, based on an online questionnaire of 122 participants, is published
5 in the International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and
Education. The University of Minnesota's department of design, housing
and apparel was co-researcher.
When buying products in general, consumers are influenced by
emotion, price, functionality, social image and curiosity, said lead
10 researcher Jay Yoo, Ph.D., an assistant professor of family and
consumer sciences in Baylor's College of Arts & Sciences. In the case
of bamboo, "if I have it and you don't, there's novelty – and curiosity can
make something more appealing," Yoo said. Social considerations such
as whether bamboo reflects social status and function such as whether
15 bamboo wrinkles easily had the least bearing on whether participants
planned to buy it, the study showed.
Meanwhile, when it comes to buying "green," consumers who
believe that one individual can make even a small difference in
impacting the environment were more likely to buy bamboo. From an
20 environmental standpoint, bamboo is promoted as a product for the
same reasons it is criticized by anyone who has tried to eradicate it from
a yard: It is renewable, shooting to maturity in a mere four years,
boasting a vast root system and clinging tenaciously even to steep hills,
Yoo said.
25 While the fashion industry seeks to earn profits, it is increasingly
trying to do so in ways that do not harm the environment, such as using
organic or recyclable materials, he said. From the industry's standpoint,
bamboo is desirable because it dyes well, feels silkier than cotton and is
less expensive than silk. Producers of bamboo textiles maintain their
30 products to be antimicrobial, processed without chemicals, non-
pollutant, biodegradable and recyclable.

Choose the best answer based on the passage above.

1. According to the study by Jay Yoo, the most important factor for consumers
to buy bamboo apparel is _____.
A. right price B. social status C. function D. novelty
2. The second sentence of Paragraph 1 is a statement of _____.
A. fact B. opinion
3. There was/were _____ university (ies) involved in the study led by Jay Yoo.
A. one B. two C. three D. four
4. The prefix ―co-― in ―co-researcher‖ in line 7 means _____.
A. against B. not C. together D. alone
5. The word ―novelty‖ as explained in line 12 means something _____.
A. old B. new C. usual D. interesting

6. The word ―appealing‖ in line 13 is the same meaning as _____.
A. attractive B. uninteresting C. selling D. enjoyable
7. The least important factor for consumers to consider in planning to buy
bamboo apparel is the _____.
A. novelty B. social factor C. curiosity D. comfort
8. The clause ―whether participants planned to buy it‖ in lines 15-16 is a/an
_____ clause.
A. main B. noun C. adjective D. adverb
9. The following factors are all considered by customers of products in general
EXCEPT _____.
A. feeling B. price C. delivery D. social status
10. Paragraph 2 mainly talks about why consumers _____.
A. buy products in general
B. buy bamboo products
C. are affected by emotion when shopping
D. both A and B
11. The transitional marker ―Meanwhile‖ in line 17 indicates _____ relationship.
A. time B. process C. similarity D. cause-effect
12. The word ―it‖ in line 21 refers to _______.
A. bamboo B. nothing C. standpoint D. a reason
13. The word ―eradicate‖ in line 21 can be replaced by _____.
A. remove B. sell C. grow D. buy
14. It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that bamboo becomes mature _____.
A. very quickly C. after many years
B. in few months D. with few roots
15. The word ―While‖ in line 25 is to indicate a _____ relationship.
A. contrast B. time C. cause-effect D. similarity
16. The phrase ―to do so‖ in line 26 refers to _____.
A. to do nothing C. to earn profits
B. to produce fashion D. to sell fashion
17. According to the last paragraph, using organic materials is an example of
_____ the environment.
A. endangering C. damaging
B. being friendly to D. developing
18. The second sentence of Paragraph 4: From the industry's standpoint,
bamboo is desirable because it dyes well, feels silkier than cotton and is less
expensive than silk, is a statement of _____.
A. fact B. opinion
19. According to the industrial point of view, there are _____ reasons for the good
sides of bamboo.
A. two B. three C. four D. five
20. The word ―chemicals‖ in line 30 is a _____.
A. noun B. verb C. adjective D. adverb

Exercise 2
It is easy to make a delicious-looking hamburger at home. But would
this hamburger still look delicious after it sat on your kitchen table under
very bright lights for six or seven hours? If someone took a picture or
Line made a video of this hamburger after the seventh hour, would anyone
5 want to eat it? More importantly, do you think you could get millions of
people to pay money for this hamburger?
These are the questions that fast food companies worry about when
they produce commercials or print ads for their products. Video and photo
shoots often last many hours. The lights that the photographers use can
10 be extremely hot. These conditions can cause the food to look quite
unappealing to potential consumers. Because of this, the menu items that
you see in fast food commercials are probably not actually edible.
Let‘s use the hamburger as an example. The first step towards
building the perfect commercial hamburger is the bun. The food stylist—a
15 person employed by the company to make sure the products look
perfect—sorts through hundreds of buns until he or she finds one with no
Next, the stylist carefully rearranges the sesame seeds on the bun
using glue and tweezers for maximum visual appeal. The bun is then
20 sprayed with a waterproofing solution so that it will not get soggy from
contact with other ingredients, the lights, or the humidity in the room. Next,
the food stylist shapes a meat patty into a perfect circle. Only the outside
of the meat gets cooked—the inside is left raw so that the meat remains
moist. The food stylist then paints the outside of the meat patty with a
25 mixture of oil, molasses, and brown food coloring. Grill marks are either
painted on or seared into the meat using hot metal skewers.
Finally, the food stylist searches through dozens of tomatoes and
heads of lettuce to find the best-looking produce. One leaf of the crispest
lettuce and one center slice of the reddest tomato are selected and then
30 sprayed with glycerin to keep them looking fresh.
So the next time you see a delectable hamburger in a fast food
commercial, remember: you‘re actually looking at glue, paint, raw meat,
and glycerin! Are you still hungry?

Choose the best answer based on the passage above.

1. The first sentence of paragraph 1 is a statement of _____.
A. Fact B. opinion
2. The underlined ‗if … hour‘ in Paragraph 1 (lines 3-4) is a/an _____ clause.
A. adjective B. adverb C. noun D. main
3. The underlined ‗that fast food companies worry about‘ in Paragraph 2 (line 7)
is a/an _____ clause.
A. adjective B. adverb C. noun D. main
4. As used in line 12, something is edible if it _____.
A. can safely be eaten C. seems much smaller in real life
B. looks very delicious D. tastes good
5. The word one in line 16 refers to _____.
A. anyone B. a bun C. nothing D. a stylist

6. According to the passage, a food stylist working on a hamburger commercial
might use glue to _____.
A. make sure the meat patty stays attached to the bun
B. keep the sesame seeds on the bun in perfect order
C. arrange the lettuce on the tomato
D. hold the entire hamburger together
7. According to the passage, fast food companies use things like glue and
glycerin on hamburgers that appear in advertisements because _____.
A. people would certainly buy the food
B. advertisements would pay for the food being advertised
C. no one actually has to eat the food used in the commercial
D. filming a commercial or a print ad can take a very long time
8. The phrase ‗so that‘ in line 23 is to indicate a _____ relationship.
A. time B. cause-effect C. comparison D. exemplification
9. Based on information in the passage, it is most important for the lettuce and
tomato used in a fast food hamburger commercial to _____.
A. have a great taste C. appear natural
B. be the perfect shape and size D. look fresh
10. As used in line 31, which is the best synonym for delectable?
A. disgusting B. familiar C. fake D. delicious
11. It can be inferred that building a perfect commercial burger is _____.
A. simple B. practical C. complex D. easy
12. The major text organization of the whole passage above is _____
A. classification B. process C. listing D. cause-effect
13. The writer‘s main purpose is to _____.
A. convince readers not to eat at fast food restaurants
B. teach readers how to make delicious-looking food at home
C. criticize fast food companies for lying about their products in commercials
D. explain how fast food companies make their food look delicious in

Fill in the following flow chart of making a perfect commercial burger with
the options given. Write A, B, C ONLY on the space provided.
A. Producing a perfect bun
B. Arranging sesame seeds
C. Making the bun waterproof
D. Painting outside of meat patty
E. Forming a meat patty of a perfect circle
F. Making them look fresh by spraying glycerin
G. Looking for best produce of tomatoes and heads of lettuce

1. 2. 3.


7. 6. 5.

Exercise 3
The conventional plastic mulch can provide earlier crop maturity,
higher yields, increased quality, improved disease and insect resistance,
and more efficient water and fertilizer use, but carries a high cost
Line financially and environmentally when it comes to removing the estimated
5 one million tons of mulch film used internationally each year.
Mathieu Ngouajio, of the Department of Horticulture at Michigan
State University, led a study comparing black and white biodegradable
mulch films in two thicknesses to traditional plastic mulch in the production
of tomato. The study found that the lowest soil temperatures were
10 identified with the white films, which is also associated with the white film's
higher rate of degradation. Breakdown of white mulch occurred early and
exposed the bed for weed growth, creating competition for nutrients
between weeds and tomato. As the weeds grew, they tore the mulch,
leading to further degradation. Furthermore, the weeds hosted a large
15 insect population that reduced the quality of the tomato.
"The conventional LDPE mulch provided 100% weed control in both
years, which confirms why this is the preferred mulch used by most
vegetable growers," Ngouajio remarked. Weed control levels for both
thicknesses of the black biodegradable mulch were more than 90%. Black
20 biodegradable mulch performed well in the field, producing tomato crops
similar to conventional mulch during both years of the study.
The study authors explain that there are three factors to be resolved
before black biodegradable mulch can be seen as a viable replacement for
conventional methods. First, more research is needed to produce mulch
25 that can fully break down in the field. Second, biodegradable mulch must
be able to withstand the stresses of being applied to fields by machine.
Last, the price of biodegradable mulch needs to be economically
acceptable compared to conventional mulch after factoring in the savings
for removal and disposal.

Transfer the information about mulch in the passage into the following table. Fill
in each blank with A, B, C, etc.
A. break down F. insect K. price
B. cost G. large L. quality
C. disease H. low M. stresses
D. environmental I. maturity N. water
E. fertilizer J. plastic O. yields

Not biodegradable: 1)__ mulch Biodegradable mulch

Advantages Disadvantages White Black
 faster crop 2)__  high financial  making lowest Three problems to
 higher 3)__ 9)__ soil solve before it can
 better 4)__  high 10)__ cost temperature replace plastic
 higher  quick break- mulch:
resistance to down  weed  can 13)__ in the
5)__ and 6)__ growth 11)__ field
 less use of 7)__ number of  can withstand
and 8)__ insects 12)__ machine 14)__
quality of  acceptable
tomato 15)__

Identify whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE based on the
passage above.
1. The first sentence of Paragraph 2 is a statement of opinion.
2. This clause ―… that the lowest soil temperatures were identified with the
white films‖ in lines 9-10 is an adverb clause.
3. The word ―As‖ in line 13 is to indicate time or process relationship.
4. The word ―Furthermore‖ in line 14 is a transitional marker to show the
addition of an idea.
5. It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that traditional mulch is still better than
the black biodegradable mulch in weed control.
6. It can be concluded that the black biodegradable mulch has been widely
used by farmers.
7. The text organization of the last paragraph is a process.
8. According to Paragraph 3, the tomato yields were not much different in both
fields (one with plastic mulch and the other with black biodegradable mulch).
9. The word ―remarked‖, in line 18, can be replaced by the word ―said‖.
10. The word ―that‖ in line 25 refers to more research.

Exercise 4
The relatively slow growth of agricultural value-added is another
important issue in Indonesian agriculture. This slow agricultural
productivity growth has persisted for almost three decades, despite bright
Line spots like increased poultry production.
5 This problem has damaged the pursuit of increased self-sufficiency
by limiting the crop yield growth and cost reductions that would enhance
its comparative advantage in food crops. It has also reduced Indonesia‘s
international competitiveness in agricultural products. Without productivity
growth, what can reduce reliance upon imports is restricting trade and
10 raising domestic prices with negative effects on consumers and poverty
The seriousness of this productivity shortfall is finally causing it to
receive serious attention among multilateral aid agencies as well as
among government officials. High farm prices have not been sufficient.
15 The Government of Indonesia with World Bank support has formulated a
rural development strategy with an emphasis on reinvigorating productivity
growth among rural producers and ensuring these measures are
sustainable in the long run.
The components of this strategy draw on established methods to
20 enhance productivity and sustainable resource management. They include
improving property rights to land by increasing the proportion of formal title
certificates from the current 25%, improving water resource management
through better irrigation operations and maintenance, and reducing water
waste, groundwater depletion, water pollution, and soil degradation.
25 Agricultural research expenditures must be increased significantly
after 20 years of decline. The details include replacing retiring senior
researchers, integrating private sector agricultural research capacity (such
as commercializing new varieties and hybrid seeds) with public sector
efforts, reinvigorating sub-national adaptation institutes, strengthening
30 biotechnology research capacity and giving greater emphasis to non-rice

commodities. Extension services are equally in serious need of greater
public sector contributions to upgrade educational qualifications, raise
salaries, retain the most capable personnel, and coordinate with private
sector and civil society extension providers. Rural infrastructure also
35 suffers from a long term decline in investment. Reinvestment, including
roads, rail and sea transport, irrigation, and electricity provision, is
necessary both to support intensification of commercial agriculture and to
improve living standards of the rural poor.
Closely related to these productivity growth issues is attention to
40 environmentally sustainable practices. This includes reduction of
deforestation and pollution externalities from agriculture and food
processing. Deforestation, partly from biofuel subsidies, has become a
particularly pressing issue due to the contribution it makes to Indonesia‘s
greenhouse gas emissions. Although this can be reduced, it is complex
45 and will be expensive.

(A) Identify whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE based on

the passage above.
1. The paragraph before this passage most probably talks about a slow
agricultural productivity growth.
2. According to Paragraph One, agricultural productivity had grown slowly for
almost 30 years.
3. During this 30-year period the poultry production had also declined.
4. The word ‗like‘ in line 4 signals a similarity.
5. Paragraph Two implies that higher domestic prices intensify poverty.
6. At present, the proportion of formal title certificates is only one-fourth.
7. Paragraph Four states that operating and maintaining irrigation better is an
improvement in water resource management.
8. According to Paragraph Five, reinvigorating sub-national adaptation institutes
will reduce agricultural research expenditures.
9. The passage mainly talks about issues in productivity growth.
10. Paragraph Six states that deforestation is an example of environmentally
sustainable practice.

(B) Focus on Parts of Speech. Identify whether the following words are
Noun, Verb, Adjective, or Adverb as they are used in the passage.
1. bright, in line 4 6. established, in line 19
2. pursuit, in line 5 7. increased, in line 25
3. seriousness, in line 12 8. upgrade, in line 32
4. causing, in line 12 9. suffers, in line 35
5. rural, in line 17 10. environmentally, in line 40

(C) Focus on Referent. What do the following reference refer to?

1. This problem, in line 5 6. This, in line 40
2. its, in line 7 7. it, in line 43
3. these measures, in line 17 8. this, in line 44
4. this strategy, in line 19 9. it, in line 44
5. They, in line 20

(D) Focus on Clauses. Identify whether the following clauses are main,
noun, adjective, or adverb clauses.
1. that would enhance its comparative advantage in food crops, in lines 6–7
2. what can reduce reliance upon imports, in line 9
3. High farm prices have not been sufficient, in line 14
4. Although this can be reduced, in line 44

(E) Focus on Meaning. Match the meaning of the following words as used
in the context (the passage above) with the options on the right.
1. limiting, in line 6 A. development
2. growth, in line 17 B. essential
3. enhance, in line 20 C. increase
4. retain, in line 33 D. keep
5. necessary, in line 37 E. restricting

Exercise 5
A new study has found that the feeding habits of mammals have not
always been what they are today, particularly for omnivores. Some
groups of mammals almost exclusively eat meat -- take lions and tigers
Line and other big cats, for example. Other mammals such as deer, cows and
5 antelope are predominantly plant-eaters, living on a diet of leaves, shoots,
fruits and bark. A new study by researchers working at the National
Evolutionary Synthesis Center in Durham, North Carolina highlights that
particularly for omnivores that live on plant foods in addition to meat, the
situation was not always that way.
10 Past studies have shown that animals with similar diets tend to
share certain characteristics. But this study is the first of its kind to look
across all mammal groups, including omnivores, to reconstruct how
mammal diets have changed over evolutionary time. To do that, the
researchers compiled previously published diet data for more than 1500
15 species representing more than one third of mammals alive today,
including primates, ungulates, bats, rabbits and rodents. By mapping those
data onto the mammal family tree, the researchers were able to trace
backwards in time and infer what the ancestors of each species most
likely ate.
20 They found that while some groups of mammals maintained steady
diets, others changed their feeding strategies over time. Today's
omnivores in particular -- a group that includes primates, bears, dogs and
foxes -- came from ancestors that primarily ate plants, or animals, but not
both, said co-author Samantha Price of the University of California Davis.
25 While omnivorous mammals were not always that way, plant-
eaters and meat-eaters have diversified within a more well-worn path.
Radical shifts were unlikely for these animals. Mammals that eat meat for
a living, for example, never gave up their taste for flesh without
transitioning through an omnivorous stage first. "Direct transitions from
30 carnivory to herbivory were essentially nonexistent," said co-author Louise
Roth of Duke University. "It is an intuitive result because it takes very
different kinds of equipment to have those kinds of diets," she added.
"Plant- and animal-based foods require different digestive
chemistries and different processing mechanisms in the mouth and

35 stomach," explained co-author Samantha Hopkins of the University of
Oregon. The kinds of teeth adapted for tearing and slicing meat, for
example, are remarkably different from the large, flat-topped molars
adapted for grinding nuts and roots.

(A) Identify whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE based on

the passage above.
1. The passage mainly talks about the feeding habits of mammals.
2. According to Paragraph One there are two different groups of mammals –
they are either meat eaters or plant eaters.
3. Paragraph One implies that the types of food that mammals have been eating
are always the same.
4. The word ‗such as‘ in line 4 indicates an exemplification.
5. The prefix re- in the word ‗reconstruct‘ in line 12 means ―again‖.
6. It can be inferred from Paragraph Two that there are about 1500 species of
mammals alive today.
7. The clause ‗the researchers compiled previously published diet data for more
than 1500 species‘ in lines 13–15 is a statement of Fact.
8. The passage indicates that both antelope (line 4) and ungulates (line 16) are
9. Paragraph Three implies that the ancestors of dogs might have eaten only
plants in the past.
10. It can be concluded from Paragraph Five that tearing and slicing meat needs
a flat kind of teeth.

(B) Focus on Parts of Speech. Identify whether the following words are
Noun, Verb, Adjective, or Adverb as they are used in the passage.
1. highlights, in line 7 6. taste, in line 28
2. share, in line 11 7. omnivorous, in line 29
3. kind, in line 11 8. Direct, in line 29
4. steady, in line 20 9. require, in line 33
5. primarily, in line 23 10. remarkably, in line 37

(C) Focus on Referent. What do the following references refer to?

1. they, in line 2 6. others, in line 21
2. that way, in line 9 7. these animals, in line 27
3. To do that, in line 13 8. it, in line 31
4. those data, in lines 16–17 9. she, in line 32
5. They, in line 20

(D) Focus on Clauses. Identify whether the following clauses are main,
noun, adjective, or adverb clauses.
1. what they are today, in line 2
2. that live on plant foods, in line 8
3. the researchers were able to trace backwards in time, in lines 17–18
4. While omnivorous mammals were not always that way, in line 25

(E) Focus on Meaning. Match the meaning of the following words as used
in the context (the passage above) with the options on the right.
1. exclusively, in line 3 A. a part of a plant
2. bark, in line 6 B. changes
3. infer, in line 18 C. conclude
4. steady, in line 20 D. meat
5. primates, in line 22 E. not change
6. shifts, in line 27 F. omnivores
7. flesh, in line 28 G. only
8. molars, in line 37 H. the kind of teeth

Exercise 6
Complete each number in the passage below with the best choice (A, B, C)
provided in the table.
People who use computers regularly are constantly __(1)__ the movements
of their hand and computer mouse to the cursor on the screen. Now, researchers
have shown __(2)__ all activities of pointing and clicking change the way the
brain generalizes movements.
Konrad Kording of Northwestern University and the Rehabilitation Institute of
Chicago says that computers __(3)__ this problem that screens of different
sizes and mice have different gains. __(4)__ also says that we want to quickly
learn about these so that we do not need to relearn all __(5)__ movements once
we switch to a new computer. If we have broad __(6)__ then we need to move
the mouse just once, and there we are calibrated.
And indeed, their A B C
studies found that 1. map mapped mapping
Chinese migrant 2. that what which
workers accustomed 3. produce produced will produce
to using computers 4. He His Him
made broader 5. possible possibly possibility
generalizations when
6. general generalize generalization
it comes to movement
7. as like than
learning __(7)__ a
8. who whom whose
group of age-and
education-matched 9. how what when
migrant workers 10. ready readily readiness
__(8)__ had never 11. another other others
used a computer 12. study studied are studying
before. While both 13. demonstrated neglected required
computer users and 14. abundant enough lacking
non-users learned equally quickly __(9)__ to move a cursor while their hand was
hidden from view, computer-experienced individuals more __(10)__ generalized
what they learned about movement of the cursor in one direction to movements
made in __(11)__ directions.
To get to the bottom of that difference, the researchers __(12)__ another
group of 10 people unfamiliar with computers both before and after they spent 2
weeks playing computer games that __(13)__ intensive mouse use for 2 hours
each day. The researchers report that two weeks of experience was __(14)__ to
convert the generalization pattern of those computer-naïve individuals to that of
regular computer users.

Exercise 7
Complete each number in the passage below with the best choice (A, B, C)
provided in the table.
Blake Whisenant is an American farmer __(1)__ has developed an unusual
device. For 20 years people around the world have been buying __(2)__
invention. He and his family live in the American state of Florida. For nearly 100
years they __(3)__ fruits and vegetables, and sold them to businesses around
the world. The __(4)__ weather in central Florida is good for growing crops,
especially tomatoes. That is __(5)__ he grows the most of on his 800 hectares of
In 1992 Whisenant A B C
__(6)__ some bad 1. who whom whose
luck. It began to rain 2. him his himself
badly and regularly. 3. will grow are growing have grown
Nearly 50 cm of rain 4. warm warming warmth
__(7)__ the tomato 5. how what where
crop that year. Blake
6. has has had had
Whisenant was not
7. destroyed cultivated disseminated
happy, so he began
8. enable ensure encourage
looking to find a way
9. development developing develop
to __(8)__ this never
happened again. He 10. that where whose
wanted to __(9)__ a 11. found finds will find
system that would 12. length long lengthen
provide water to the 13. insert pour spray
plants from below. He 14. where that which
thought some kind of 15. coverage covering cover
cover would keep rain 16. useful harmful grateful
away and the soil 17. development environment movement
warm. He wanted the 18. is needed has needed needs
plants to be grown in 19. run running ran
a box _(10)__ would 20. which what where
take up little space.
After years of work he knew what to do. He __(11)__ a company that agreed
to make the box. It would be made of thick plastic, and would be about one meter
__(12)__, and half a meter deep. Inside the box would be a plastic tube to
__(13)__ the water in, and a plastic screen with many holes in it. Something like
peat moss, but not soil, would be placed in the box on top of the screen,
__(14)__ would hold it above the water in the bottom of the box. A thin plastic
__(15)__ would fit over the top of the box to keep out rain and __(16)__ insects.
Blake called it the Earth Box.
Growing crops in containers is good for the __(17)__. In addition to using less
water, little fertilizer __(18)__, and it all stays in the box. There is no way the
chemicals can __(19)__ off into nearby waterways. The same potting mix can be
used for five or six years. In countries __(20)__ potting mix is not available or too
costly, growers can use coconut coir instead.


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2. Anson M. Chris, Schwegler A. Robert. 2001. The Longman Handbook for Writers and
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