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Institution Name BP3IP Jakarta Date -

Assessor Name MUDAHIR Code Item -
Study Program 1
DP II PENINGKATAN Type of Test Multiple
2) Choice
Competence/Subject UU.Pelayaran & Bloom Taxonomy C1,C2,C3
Level of ATT II Criteria 5)
Competences 4 TEHN\KA Medium/
Standard of A III/2
Question 1. Solas diberlakukan terhadap:
(a) Semua kapal
(b) Kapal kapal yang melayani Pelayaran Internasional
(c) Kapal kapal ukuran GT 500 atau lebih
(d) Hanya kapal penumpang () Saya tidaktahu

Answer B

2. Solas 1974 mulai berlaku (entered into force) sejak

a. 1 Nopember 1974
b. 17 Pebruari 1978 ic. 25 Mei 1980|
d. 9 Desember 1980
e. Saya tidaktahu
Answer C
3. Yang tidaktermasuk yang dikecualikan dalam
pemberlakuan Solas adalah:
(a) Kapal perang
(b) Kapal yang dibangun secara tradisinal
(c) Kapal penangkap ikan
(d) Kapal keruk GT 1000 (E) Saya tidaktahu
Answer D
4. Konvensi Load Line tidak diberlakukan terhadap :
(a) Kapal perang
(b) Kapal penumpang
(c) Kapaql container
(d) Kapal tanker () Saya tidaktahu
Answer A
Question 5. Sertifikat CLC diharuskan untuk kapal kapal:
(a) Kapal penumpang
(b) Kapal salvage
(c) Kapal Container
((d) Kapal tanker DWT 2000 atau lebih|
(E) Saya tidaktahu
Answer D
6. Annex 1 Marpol73/78 diberlakukan terhadap :
(a) Semua kapal
(b) Semua kapal tanker
(C) Kapal tanker GT 150 atau lebih (d) Kapal tanker
GT 150 atau lebih an selain tanker GT 400 atau lebih
(E) Saya tidaktahu
Answer A
Questing 7. Marpol 73/78 terdiri dari berapa Annex dan Annex III
mengatur mengenai:
(a) 5 Annex ,Annex III mengatur mengenai
pencegahan pencemaran oleh sampah
(b) 6 Annex ,Annex III mengatur mengenai
pencegahan pencemaran oleh zat berbahaya
yang daiangkutt dalam kemasanl
(C) 7 Annex, Annex III mengatur mengenai
pengawasan pencemaran oleh zat cair beracun
yang diangkut dalam bentukcurah
(d) 5 Annex,Annex IIl mengatur mengenai
pencegahan pencemaran oleh sewage dari kapal
(e) Saya tidaktahu
Answer B
Questing 8. Konvensi Marpol 73/78 berisi :
(a) Peraturan untuk menjaga kebersihan laut
(b) Peraturan untuk kepedulian lingkungan
(c) Peraturan untuk mencegah pencemaran yang
berasal dari kapal
(d) Peraturan untuk pencegahan pencemaran laut
(e) Saya tidaktahu
Answer C
Questions 9. Masa berlaku Serifikat Keselamatan Konstruksi Kapal
Barang adalah:
(a) Selama 1 tahun
(b) Selama 3 tahun
(c) Selama 5 tahun
((d) Sesuai ketentuan Pemerintah tetapi tidak lebih
dari 5 Tahun.
(e) saya tidak tahu.
Answer D () Saya tidaktahu
10. Untuk Sertifikat Garis Muat diadakan survey survey
(a) Initial Survey
(b) Annual Survey
(c) Intermediate Survey
(d) Periodical(Renewal) Survey (E) Saya tidaktahu
Answer D
Question 11 .Pada Survey Tahunan dari Sertifikat Garis Muat yang
diperiksa adalah ,kecuali:
( a) kondisi dari penutup bukaan bukaan
(b) pagarpagar
(c) tanggatangga
(d ) pintu ke kediaman awak kapal
(e) Saya tidaktahu
Answer C
12.Solas 74 saat ini terdiri dari:
(a) 8 Bab
(b) 9 Bab
(c) 10 Bab (D) 12 Bab
(E) Saya tidaktahu
Answer D
13.Bab yang mengatur mengenai Port State Control
(a) Bab 11-1
(b) Bab IX (C) Bab XI-1 (d) Bab XI- 2
(E) Saya tidaktahu
Answer C
14. Yang tidak termasuk survey untuk Sertifikat Safety
Radio adalah :
(a) Initial urvey
(b) Intermediate survey
(c) Annual Survey
(d) Periodical Survey (E) Saya tidaktahu
Answer B
15. Kondisi bagian kapal dibawah garis air tidak perlu
diperiksa pada:
(a) Initila Survey
(b) Annual Survey
(c) Intermediate Survey
(d) Renewal Survey () Saya tidaktahu
Answer B
Question 16. Tanggung jawab serang Nakhoda apabila menerima
berita bahaya dari kapal lain adalah:
(a) Apabila memungkinkan harus menuju kekapal
yang dalam bahaya dan berkomunikasi dengan
kapal ituB
dan tim SAR R
(b) Minta ijin kepada Kantor pusat untuk menolong
(c) Pura pura tidak mendengar berita itu
(d) Tidak perlu menolong karena akan mengganggu
jadwal pelayaran
Answer A () Saya tidaktahu
17.Menurut Solas Bab V Peraturan 26 testing stering gear
(a) 1 jam sebelum berangkat
(b) 3 jam ebelum berangkat
(c) 6 jam sebelum berangkat
(d) l2 jam sebelum berangkat (E) Saya tidaktahu
Answer D
Question 18 Pada waktu testing steering gear yang dilakukan
(a) Mengoperasikan Main steering gear
(b) Mengoperasikan auxiliary steering gear
(c) Mengecek penunjukan sudut daun kemudi di
(d) Mengecek kedudukan daun kemudi dari
belakang kapal
(E) Saya tidaktahu
Answer D
19.Latihan menggunakan kemudi darurat harus
(a) Sekali setahun
(b) Sekali dua minggu
(c) Sekali sebulan
(d) Sekali tiga bulan (E) Saya tidaktahu
Answer D
Question 20. Penggunaan tanda bahaya Internasional:
(a) Tidak boleh digunakan kecuali kapal dalam bahaya
(b) Boleh digunakan kalau sudah habis masa berlaku
(c) Boleh kalau kapal di pelabuhan
(d) Boleh kalau hari besar Internasional (malam tahun
(e) Saya tidaktahu
Answer A
Question 21 Menurut Solas BabV kompas magnit:
(a) Harus ada pada setiap kapal
(b) Tidak perlu kalau kapal sudah dilengkapi dengan
kompas gyro
(c) Tidak perlu kalau kapal sudah dilengkapi GPS
(d) Tidak perlu kalau kapal sudah dilengkapi radar
(e) Saya tidaktahu
Answer A
22. Kalau terjadi pencemaran dari kapal maka yang akan
dikenakan sanksi pidana adalah:
(a) Hanya Nakhoda
(b) Kepala Kamar Mesin
(c) Mualim I
(d) Setiap orang yang terlibat (E) Saya tidaktahu
Answer D
Question 23.Pelaporan mengenai pencemaran dari kapal diatur
dalam :
(a) Protocol 1 Marpol 73/78
(b) Solas 74 Annex II
(c) Appendix B dari Supplemen dari IMDG Code
(d) Konvensi PBB mengenai Pelaporan atas insiden
dan aksiden yang menimbulkan bahaya terhadap
lingkungan maritim
(e) Saya tidaktahu
Answer A
Question 24. Yang tidak termasuk minyak sesuai Annex 1 Marpol
73/78 adalh:
(a) Solar
(b) Naphta
(c) Clarified
(E) Saya tidaktahu
Answer D
Question 25. Sludge tank harus dimiliki oleh :
(a) Semua kapal tanker
(b) Kapal tanker GT 150 atau lebih
(c) Kapal tanker GT 150 atau lebih dan selain tanker
GT 400 atau lebih
(D) Semua kapal motor GT 400 atau lebih )
E) Saya tidaktahu
Answer D
Question 26. Mesin kemudi utama dan rudder stock harus ,kecuali
(a) Mampu mengemudikan kapal pada kondisi maju
(b) Mampu menggerakkan daun kemudi dari 15
derajat di satu sisi ke 15 deraljat di sisi lain
dalam waktu 601
(c) Mampu menggerakkkan daun kemudi dari 35
derajat di satu sisi ke 35 derajat di sisi lain dalam
25 detik
(d) Dioperasikan dengan power yang sesuai dengan
Answer B () Saya tidaktahu
Question 27.Protocol II Marpol 73/78 mengatur mengenai:
(a) Pelaporan mengenai terjadinya pencemaran dari
(b) Prosedur Arbitrasi apabila terjadi perselisihan
antara dua Negara mengenai pencemaran
(c) Penggabungan Konvensi mengenai TSPP dengan
Marpol 73
(d) Panambahan Annex VI pada Marpol 73/78 (E)
Saya tidaktahu
Answer B
Question 29 Yang tidaktermasuk alasan teknis dalam menentukan
Daerah khusus (Special area ) adalah
(a) Kondisi lautnya (Oceanographi condition)
(b) Kondisi lingkungan (ecological condition )
(c) Lebarnya perairan (width of fairways)
(d) Kepadatan lalu litas (Character of its traffic)
(E) Saya tidaktahu
Answer C
30 Yang tidak termasuk Daerah Khusus untuk Annex I
(a) The Mediteranean Sea area
(b) The Baltic Sea area
(c) The Black Sea area
(d) The W\der Caribean Region (E) Saya tidaktahu
Answer D
Question 31. Yang dimaksud dengan Tolak bara bersih ( Clean
ballast) dalam Annex 1 adalah;
(a) Air ballast yang tidak mengandung minyak
(b) Air ballst yang dimuat di tanki ballast terpisah
(c)Air ballast dalam sebuah tanki yang sejak
terakhir dimuat minyaktelah dibersihkan yang
apabila dibuang dari kapal yang sedang diam
ke air yang tenang tidak terlihat ada tanda tanda
minyak pada§
permukaan air
(d) Air ballast yang kandungan minyaknya tidak
lebih dari 15 ppm
Answer C (e) Saya tidak tahu
Question 32. Sertifikat IOPP diharuskan bagi:
(a) Semua kapal tanker
(b) Kapal tanker GT 150 atau lebih (C) Semua kapal
GT 400 atau lebih
(d) Kapal tanker GT 150 atau lebih dan bukan
GT 400 atau lebih|
Answer D (e) Saya tidak tahu
33.Untuk sertifikat IOPP dilakukan survey suvey
(a) Initial Survey
(b) Periodical Survey
(c)Renewal Survey
(d) Additional Survey (E) Saya tidak tahu
Answer B
Question 34.EBerikut adalah persyaratan pembuangan campuran
berminyak dari daerah permesinan ,kecuali:
(a) Kapal berada diluar daerah khusus
(b) Kapal berada lebih dari 12 mil dari daratan
terdekat 1
(c)Pembuangan melalui penyaringan
(d) Kadar minyak dalam pembuangan tidak lebih dari
15 ppm
Answer B (e) Saya tidak tahu
35. Menurut Regulastion 31 dan 32 Annex 1
Marpol73/78 peralatan yang harus ada di kapal
tanker GT 150 atau lebih adalah,kecuali:
(a) Oil discharge monitoring dan control system yang
disapproved oleh Administration
(b) Recording device
(c)Interface detector
(d) Oily Water Separator (E) Saya tidak tahu
Answer D
Question 36. Berikut adalah persyaratan pembuangan minyak atau
campuran berminyak dari daerah cargo
(a) Kapal di luar Daerah khusus
(b) Kapal dalam pelayaran (en route)
(C) Kapal berada lebih dari 12 mil dari daratan
(d) Kecepatan pembuangan tidak lebih dari 30 liter
Answer C per mil
Question () Saya tidak
37. Yang tidak tahu dicatat dalam Oil ecord Book
Bagian II adalah
(A) Pembuangan ballast yang dimuat di tanki bahan
(b) Pemuatan minyak
(c) Pembongkan minyak
(d) Pembuangan dari Slop tank () Saya tidak tahu
Answer A
38. dari IOPP Certificate adalah,kecuali:
(a) Nama kapal
((b) Nama Perusahaan |
(c) Pelabuhan Pendaftaran
(d) IMO Number (E) Saya tidak tahu
Answer B
39Zat cair beracun yang apabila dibuang ke laut dari
pencucian tanki atau pembuangan ballast akan
menimbulkan bahaya besar (major hazard) baik
terhadap sumber daya laut atau kesehatan manusia
dan karenanya dilarang dibuang ke lingkungan laut
termasuk kategori:
(a) Kategori X
(b) Kategori Y
(c) Kategori Z
(d) Kategori OS (E) Saya tidak tahu
Answer A
Question 40.Annex II berlaku untuk:
(a) Semua kapal yang bersertifikat untuk
mengangkut zat cair beracun dalam bentuk
curah |
(b) Kapal Chemical tanker
(a) Kapal yang muatannya zat cair beracun
(b) Kapal chemical tanker GT 150 atau lebih
Answer A (c) Saya tidak tahu
Question 41. \si dari Procedure and Arrangement manual
(a) Gambaran utama dari Annex II Marpol 73/78
(b) Penjelasan dari perlengkapan dan tata susunan
(c) Prosedur pembongkaran dan cuci tangki
(d) Prosedur pembuangan limbah minyak dari
Answer D (e) Saya tidak tahu
Question 42. Annex IV Marpol 73/78 diberlakukan bagi:
( a) Hanya kapal kapal penumpang
(b) Semua kapal
(c) Kapal GT400 atau lebih atau yang orangnya sesuai
sertifikat 15 orang atau lebih|
(d) Kapal GT 500 atau lebih
(e) Saya tidak tahu
Answer D
Question 43. Kapal kapal yang harus mempunyai Garbage
Management Plan adalah
(a)Semua kapal
(b) Semua kapal penumpang (C) Kapal GT 1000 atau
(d)Kapal GT400 atau lebih atau yang menurut
sertifikat membawa orang 15 atau lebih |
(e)Saya tidaktahu
Answer D
Question 44. Annex IV Marpol 73/78 mulai diberlakukan (enter into
force) sejak:
(a)1 Nopember 1973
(b)2 0ktober1983
(c) 6 April 1987
(d)31 Desember 1988 |
(e)Saya tidaktahu
Answer D
Question 45. Annex VI Marpol 73/78 diberlakukan bagi:
(a) Semua kapal
(b) Kapal GT 400 atau lebih (C) Kapal GT 500 atau
(d) Kapal tanker GT 150 atau leh dan bukan tanker
400 atau lebih
Answer A (e) Saya tidaktahu
Question 46.ang tidak termasuk yang digabungkan dalam Maritime
Labour Convention 2006 adalah:
(a) Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards)
Convention, 1976 (No. 147)
(a) Seamen's Articles of Agreement Convention,
1926 (No. 22)
((b) Konvensi terkait dengan dokumen identitas }
Pelaut atau S I D IL0 N9185|
(d) Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Convention,
1936 (No. 57)
(e) Saya tidaktahu
Answer B

Question 47. Berdasarkan regulasi 1/14 STCW 78/95 perusahaan

mempunyai tanggung jawab ekplisit (tidak tertulis)
( a) Memastikan bahwa semua awak kapal
mempunyai sertifikat yang sesuai dengan
(b) Melaksanakan familirisasi untuk pelaut yang
baru naik
(c) Kapal dilengkapi Sertifikat Keselamatan
Awak Kapal (Safe Manning Document)
(d) Buat prosedur perlengkapan khusus untuk
prosedur darurat
Answer C
48. Dalam Time Charter Pencharter bertanggung jawab
atas blaya-blaya tersebut dibawah \ni kecuali;
( a) .Biaya pelayaran (voyage expences)
( b) Biaya bahan bakar. (fuel oil)
(c) Biaya minyak lumas (Lub.OIL)
(d) .Biaya pelabuhan.(Port due)
Answer C
49. Yang tidak termasuk Konvensi Iternasional yang terkait
dengan Kelaik Lautan Kapal sebagai mana diatur dalam
Undang Undang No.17 tahun 2008 tentang Pelatyaran
pasal 1 (33) adalah :
(a) Solas 1974
(b) .CLC 69
(c) Load Line 1966
(d) . Mar.pol 73/78
(e) SSaya tidak tahu
Answer B
Question 50. Berikut ini yang tidak termasuk Statutory
Certificate adalah:
(a) Passenger ship Safety Certifucate
(b) Load Line Certificate
(c) International Oil
Pollution Prevention
(d) Hull and Machinery Certificate
(e) Saya tidak tahu
Answer D

Relevance6) Reliability6) Validity6) Approved 7)

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

Check by Signature
7.(Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and
measures to ensure safety of life at sea, security and the protection of
the marine environment)
Memantau dan mengawasi pelaksanaan persyaratan ketentuan
yang berlaku, dan langkah-langkah yang diambil untuk
menjamin keselamatan jiwa di laut, keamanan dan
perlindungan lingkungan laut.

1. A Cargo Ship Equipment Certificate will be issued for:

5 years with control every 12 months

2. Are there any exceptions from OPA-90

Yes, transit passage through US waters to a non US port

3. For a ship operating or calling in US waters, COTP can request (OPA-

Unannounced drills at any time
4. For how long is the health certificate valid for a seafarer above the age of
One year.
5. For what period of time is the protection and environment committee elected?
1 - 2 years.

6. For which of the following ships, is the MARPOL convention

For all listed vessels.

7. For which ships is the SOLAS convention applicable?

For all vessels

8. How frequent should reports from protection and environmental work be send to
shore based management?

9. How many annexes do we find in MARPOL and what is the content of annex 1
We find 6 annexes in MARPOL and annex 1 is the regulations for the
prevention of pollution by oil
10.If pollution takes place, what would you do immediately?
Report to relevant authorities.
11. In case of pollution in US waters, do you always have to notify the National
Response Center (OPA-90)
Yes, within thirty (30) minutes

12.In relation ot OPA 90, Which of the following statement is

COTP-zones may have additional rules and regulations

13. In US waters "Oil Pollution Act of 1990" was activated in August 1993. What is
the main issue for the introduction of the act?
To prevent oil spills in US waters?

14. MARPOL - Annex IV. Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from ships. What
do you understand by the word "Sewage"?
Drainage/waste from toilets/urinals.

15. New MARPOL regulations came into effect from July 93 stating that the oily
water separator which was previously certified for 100 ppm be changed to:

16. OPA-90 is referring to a Qualified Individual

QI is an authorised individual, situated in the US, and contracted by the
owner or operator of the vessel

17. What are the functions of a flag state administration?

They have responsibility for setting, monitoring and enforcing
standards of safety and pollution prevention on vessels flying the
countries flag

18. What can lead to "Unlimited responsibility" (OPA-90)

Wilful misconduct, gross negligence and violation of Federal Safety
19. What does STCW deal with?
STCW deals with minimum recommendation of education for seafarers
and minimum standards for training centre and schools

20. What does the abbreviation SOLAS mean?

International Convention for the Safety of Lives at Sea

21. What does the abbreviation STCW stand for?

The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping of Seafarers Seafarer's

22. What does the term OIL mean, as used in the Oil Pollution Regulations?
All of the mentioned

23. What IMO conventions take care of the human safety at sea?
It is the SOLAS conventions that take care of the human safety at sea

24. What is a "passenger" according to SOLAS regulations?

Every person other than the Captain and the members of the crew or
other persons employed or engaged onboard the ship in the business of
that ship.

25. What is full form of VRP (OPA-90)

Vessel Response Plan

26. What is SOPEP?

A Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan

27. What is the alcohol content in the blood permissible under US legislation
before it is defined as intoxication?
0,04 %

28. What is the maximum oil content in the sludge/ bilge water allowed to be
pumped over board during a voyage?
30 litres per nautical mile
29. What is the status of the rules of the SOLAS convention?

30. What is the top priority if an incident occurs in US waters (OPA-90)

Safety of ship and crew

31. What must be done if the Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (ODME)
should fail during a ballast voyage?
All of the mentioned must be performed

32. What rules and regulations are regulating the watch keeping routines in the
engine room?
Both STCW and Class rules

33. What would happen if, when a ship is under-going a Port State Inspection,
certificates were invalid or missing
Rectification would be required before sailing

34. When a vessel violates the oil pollution laws, who may be held
Any one involved in the operation

35. Where is OPA-90 applicable?

Within 200 nm of US waters including Guam, Hawaii, Alaska and San

36. Where is the Safety Certificates for ships to be kept?

In the Captain's office

37. Where should the placard you are shown be located, according to U.S. Coast
Guard regulations ? (Title 33-Navigation and Navigable waters, § 155.440 )
Both in a conspicuous place in each machinery space and in a
conspicuous place at the bilge and ballast pump control station

38. Which IMO convention takes care of the human safety at sea ?
The SOLAS convention

39. Which international convention deals with fire-fighting equipment etc.

40. Which international convention deals with pollution prevention?
41. Which international organization is preparing conventions and rules for
seafaring nations?
International Maritime Organization (IMO)

42. Which organization or administration is responsible for surveys and

inspections of ships, and the issue of Safety Certificates?
Government Authorities of the Flag State

43. Who are responsible for safe working conditions onboard?

Master, Chief Engineer & Chief Officer.

44. Who is responsible for keeping the required official publications

The master.

45. Who is responsible for the vessel's radio station and mandatory radio
The master.

46. Who is responsible that regulatory working hours are not exceeded?
The master and department heads.

47. Your vessel has been involved in a collision, which has resulted in a heavy oil
leakage. Who should be called to handle pollution claims and damages?
The P & I Club's nearest representative.

48. What governs the disposal of dry bulk cargo residues at sea?
MARPOL regulations

49. When considering how to deal with cargo residues during hatch cleaning at sea
on a Bulk Carrier, what is the most careful consideration?
Consult MARPOL handbook and the vessels Safety Management System
(SMS) for guidance

50. "Noxious Liquid Substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank
cleaning or deballasting operations , are deemed to present a hazard to either
marine resources or human health or cause harm to amenities or other
legitimate uses of the sea and therefore justify a limitation on the quality and
quantity of the discharge into the marine environment". Such substances are:
A category "Y" substance as identified in MARPOL Annex II.

51. A tank which contained a category "X" product must undergo a prewash before
leaving port in compliance with MARPOL. The resulting residues shall be
discharged to a reception facility until the concentration of the substance in
the effluent, as indicated by analysis of samples of the effluent taken by the
authorized surveyor has reached a level of:
0.1% by weight.

52. As per MARPOL 73/78, coal slurry, clay slurry, dextrose solution and
molasses are classified as:
"OS" (Other substances)"

53. MARPOL 73/78 defines ‗solidifying substances‘ as:

A noxious liquid substance which, in the case of a substance with a melting
point of less than 15°C which is at a temperature of less than 5°C above its
melting point at the time of unloading, or in the case of a substance with a
melting point equal to or greater than 15°C which is at a temperature of less
than 10°C above its melting point at the time of unloading.

54. MARPOL 73/78 defines a ‗high viscosity substance‘ as:

A noxious liquid substance of any category with a pour point of
greater than 37.8 degrees Celsius.

55. As per MARPOL, for control of discharge of Noxious Liquid Substances, the
area(s) designated as ―Special Areas‖ are:
The Antarctic.

56. Ballast introduced into a cargo tank on a chemical tanker which has been
washed to such an extent that the ballast contains less than 1 ppm of the
substance previously carried may be discharged into the sea without regard to
the discharge rate, ship's speed and discharge outlet location, but under
certain conditions, which require:
That the vessel is not less than 12 miles from the nearest land and is
in water that is not less than 25 metres deep.

57. In respect of a chemical tanker, carrying category ―X‖, ―Y‖ & ―Z‖
Noxious Liquid Substances, the term ―Clean Ballast‖ as defined in the IBC
Code means:
Ballast water carried in a tank which, since it was last used to carry a cargo
containing a substance in category "X","Y" or "Z", has been thoroughly
cleaned and the residues resulting there from have been discharged and the
tank emptied in accordance with the appropriate requirements of Annex II.

58. In the event of an accidental or other exceptional discharge into the sea of a
Noxious Liquid Substance or mixture containing such a substance, an entry
shall be made in the Cargo record Book, which shall include:
Time of occurrence Approximate quantity, substance(s) and Category(ies)
Circumstances of discharge or escape and general remarks.

59. Vegetable Oils as per MARPOL are classified under:


60. The reporting of incidents involving harmful substances and / or marine

pollutants is regulated under which international guidelines?
Protocol I of MARPOL 73/78.

61. When small amounts of cleaning additives (detergent products) are added to
water in order to facilitate the washing of tanks which previously contained
liquid chemicals, must be ensured that:
No additives containing Pollution Category "X" components shall be used,
except those components that are readily biodegradable and present in a total
concentration of less than 10% of the cleaning additive. No restrictions
additional to those applicable to the tank due to the previous cargo shall apply

62. Since 1st January 2007, as per changes introduced by amendment to MARPOL
and IBC Code, it has become mandatory for vegetable oils to be carried in:
Double hull tankers

63. Which of these definitions is that of a "Marine Pollutant" under the IMDG
A substance which is subject to the provisions of Annex III of MARPOL
73/78, as amended.
64. Does MARPOL apply to LNG carriers?
Yes, MARPOL applies to all ship types..

65. Does the Oil Pollution Act, 1990 (OPA90) apply to vessels engaged in carrying
liquefied natural gas (LNG)?
Yes, OPA90 applies to all ships.

66. An oil tanker with a defective Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment may be
allowed by a Port State Authority to trade for:
One ballast voyage before proceeding to a repair port.

67. An oil tanker's tank-cleaning machine with a rotational speed of 1 rpm and a
selected pitch angle of 1.5 degrees is used to perform a bottom wash with a
vertical angle from 40 degrees to 0 degrees for 1.5 cycles (3 passes). If the
throughput of the machine at design pressure is 90 m3/hr, what will be the
washing time and quantity of crude oil required?
40 minutes and 60 cubic metres of oil.

68. As per OPA 90 requirements, a vessel over 400 feet (121.9 metres) in length
must carry oil spill clean-up gear to be able to handle oil spillages of:
12barrels (1.91 cubic metres).

69. The calibration of the ODME is carried with the use of:
Fresh water.

70. After the last entry being made, the retention period of an oil record book on
board must be:
Not less than 3 years after the date of the last entry.

71.As per MARPOL, Oil Record Book Part II, Cargo/Ballast Operations, must be
carried and completed on oil tankers of:
150 gross tonnes and above.

72. As per MARPOL, the contents of lines and pumps on an oil tanker at
completion of discharge must be:
Drained and then pumped either ashore, or to a cargo tank or slop tank on
73. As per requirements of the International Convention for the Control and
Management of Ship's Ballast Water and Sediments, oil tankers must have a
plan on board to achieve:
95% volumetric exchange of the ballast taken on board at the previous port.

74.One purpose of the US Oil Pollution Act of 1990 is to ………….

To restrict the trade of foreign nations.

75. All tank vessels under OPA 90 are required to carry on board spill recovery
equipment of sufficient capacity to ……………
Accommodate oil spilt on deck.

76.Tools for mitigation include the ships fire hoses. Fire hoses may be used to …
Prevent floating oil from escaping downstream.

77. During oil spill clean up, booming strategies are most effective to contain spills in
A. Areas close to response centers.

78. The costs of cleaning up a major oil spill can …………

All of these.

79. The intentional discharge of 10,000 gallons of oil into the sea is best described as
Willful misconduct.

80. OPA 90 response times for salvage and lightering contractors are calculated
from the time of ………….
The go ahead signal from the Coast Guard

81. Under OPA 90 regulations, each part of the cargo oil or bunkering system not
used during fuel transfer or cargo oil transfer must be secured …………..
With a blank flange.

82. Under OPA 90, all verbal reports regarding an oil spill should be followed ……
Up in writing to facilitate clear communications

83. Most landfills in the United States will not accept ………..
Residue from smelting plants.

84. Under OPA 90, concerning the activation of the OSRO or Oil Spill Response
Organisation, which of the statements below is true ?
The shore management is able to activate the OSRO
85. In event of an oil spill, mooring lines can be used as an interim containment barrier
To keep an oil slick from escaping downstream.

86. Most important in monitoring the loading or bunkering rate is …………..

That tanks should be sounded very regularly.

87. A tank vessel owner or operator can ensure he has met the planning criteria of
the OPA 90
Contracting sufficient resources to meet the tiered planning guidelines for
each area in which the ship is trading.
88. Which major port is not a high volume port ?
Port Angeles
89. When reporting an oil spill to the National Response Center and a recorded
message is heard and you are placed on hold, your alternate contact should be
The nearest U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port.
90. The penalty for failure to immediately notify the appropriate U.S. Government
agency of an oil spill is………
A fine of not more than U.S $ 10,000 and/or one year in prison.
91. To ensure clear communications under OPA 90, all verbal reports should be
followed by
A telex, fax or cable.
92. A routine cause of operational oil spills is ………….
The tendency of the vessel to report a lesser amount of bunkers than actually
remains on board and sole dependency on remote gauging systems.
93. Basic spill prevention measurements include ……….
A signed exchange between ship and terminal.
94. The first phase of emergency response is …………
Breefing the incident commend system.
95.A key element of the Incident Command System is ……………
Liaison with government agencies.

96.The US Oil Pollution Act of 1990 applies to……………

Petroleum, animal and vegetable oils.
97.The most important guideline for dealing with the news media is …………….
All of these.
98.Three functions of the Incident Command staff are……………
Information, safety and liaison.
99. Who is responsible for the supervision of cleanup until the Oualified Individual
arrives on the scene. ?
The person in charge of oil transfer
100. Under OPA 90 , Group 1 oils are …………….
Non persistent oils.
101. The three types of boom are ……………
Heavy duty offshore, river & harbour, sorbent.
102. The primary forces that will affect the movement of oil on the water are……………
Currents, tides and winds.
103. According to OPA 90 Pollution Response, clean-up of which oil group may
involve underwater recovery ?
Group V
104. OPA 90 regulations are effective up to ………..miles offshore.
105. Under OPA 90 regulations actuation of Tier I response resources must be
made………after discovery oil discharge.
Immediately, in any case not later than 30 minutes
106. Under normal conditions a spill of Group V oil will ……………
107. The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 is ………….
United States legislation
108. Any discharge of oil into the sea is prohibited except when some conditions
are satisfied. One of these conditions for a tanker is that……….
The tanker is not within a Special Area
109. Any discharge of oil into the sea is prohibited except when some conditions
are satisfied. One of these conditions for an oil tanker is that…………
The tanker is more than 50 nautical mites from the nearest land.
110. Any discharge of oil into the sea is prohibited except when some conditions
are satisfied. One of these conditions for a tanker is that ……….
The tanker is en route.
111. For existing tankers the total quantity of oil discharged into the sea should be
no more than ……..of the total quantity of the particular cargo of which the
residue formed part.
112. The instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content of a tanker shall not exceed ?
30 litres per nautical mile

113. Tank overflows while loading oil cargo or bunkering are one of the most
common cases of oil pollution. Which flue of these items are the main
preventive measures against tank overflow ?

B. I. Ill, IV, V, VI

114. According to Marpol, what does the term "oil "mean ?

Petroleum in any form including crude oil, fuel oil, sludge oil, oil
refuse and refined products
115. According to Marpol, what is the meaning of the term "oily mixture " ?
A mixture with any oil content
116. Under Marpol, can a chemical tanker be considered an oil tanker ?
Yes, when it is carrying a cargo or part cargo of oil in bulk
117. According to Marpol, what is the meaning of the term "oil fuel" ?
Any oil used on board in connection with the propulsion and
auxiliary machinery
118. Does the definition of an "oil tanker "applies to a gas carrier ?
No, it is not
119. According to Marpol, what does the term "new ship" mean ?
A ship for which the keel was laid or was in any similar stage of
construction after 30 June 1976
120. What does the 'instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content "mean according
to Marpol ?
The rate of oil discharge in litres per hour at any instant divided by
the speed of the ship in knots at the same instant
121. What is the best description of a "special area" as defined by Marpol ?
An area with a particular traffic characteristics where extra
precautions are required
122. What is the meaning of "slop tank" as defined by Marpol ?
A tank specifically designed for the collection of tank D drainings,
washings or other oily mixtures
123. Which description given below is nearest to the description of clean ballast as
defined by Marpol ?
If discharged from a ship stationary in clean calm water on a clear
day will not produce visible traces of oil on the water surface nor
emulsion belo
124. Which answer is nearest to the Marpol description of segregated ballast ?
The ballast water introduced in a tank which is completely separated
from cargo or fuel oil system and permanently allocated to ballast

125. In order for a tanker to be called a "new oil tanker "according to Marpol, the
date on its building contract would read……………
After 1st June 1982.
126. Every oil tanker of ….. Tons gross tonnage and above and every other ship of tons
gross tonnage and above shall be subject to Marpol (IOPP) surveys.
150, 400
127. The initial Marpol (10PP) survey carried out before a ship enters service in
order to ensure compliance with the applicable regulations shall include……
A complete survey of all wing tanks, centre tanks, stop tanks.
128. Periodical Marpol surveys are to be carried out at intervals as specified by the
administration. These intervals are not to exceed…………..
Five years.
129. At least one survey must to be carried out during the validity of the IOPP
certificate. This shall ensure that the equipment, pumps and piping systems
including ODME are in order. What is this survey called ?
The Annual survey
130. Marpol permits additional inspections in order to ensure that the ship and its
equipment remain in all respects satisfactory for service. What are these
inspections called ?
Annual Inspections
131. Here are FIVE items concerning topping off procedures during oil cargo
loading and bunkering. Which one of these is not true ?
III- is not true
132. If Mandatory annual surveys are established by the Administration, how will it
effect unscheduled Inspections carried out according to Marpol ?
The unscheduled inspections shall no longer be obligatory
133. Who may carry out MARPOL surveys ?
Approved ship's officers

134. Who may carry out marpolinspections ?

Officers authorised by the Government having jurisdiction over the
port in which the ship is located, generally referred to as Port State

135. What is the meaning of a ―harmful substance" under Marpol ?

Any substance creating harm to health and life or able to damage amenities.

136. These items are standard inspection items for Marpol as given in guidelines to
inspectors and surveyors. Which item does not belong ?
Item II - does not belong

137. What does "discharge" means in relation to harmful substances as defined by

Dumping or disposal from the ship
138. What is the meaning of an incident" according to Marpol ?
The actual or probable discharge into the sea of a harmful substance
or effluents containing such substances

139. Penalties under the Law for violation of Marpol requirements shall be…..
Adequate in severity to discourage violations and shall be equally
severe irrespective of where the violation occurs.
140. To what administrative matter must you comply with if an incident under
Marpol occurs ?
A report shall be made without delay to the fullest extent in
accordance with Marpol Protocol 1.

141. A new oil tanker of less than 20,000 tons deadweight may be designated as…
A crude oil I product carrier

142. A new oil tankers of 20,000 tons deadweight and above which satisfy the
requirements for Segregated Ballast Tanks with Protective location as well as
COW may be designated as
Crude oil / product carrier

143. A new oil tanker of 20,000 tons or above satisfying the requirements SBT and
PL, but not fitted with COW should be designated as a …..….on the IOPP
Product carrier

144. New oil tankers of 20,000 tons dwt and above but less than 30,000 tons dwt NOT
fitted with SBT and PL should be designated as a …….on the IOPP certificate.
Product carrier

145. Stew oil tankers of 70,000 dwt and above satisfying the requirements of SBT
may be designed as a …………….on the IOPP certificate.
Crude oil /product carrier

146. How would existing oil tankers of less than 40,000 tons dwt be designated on
the IOPP certificate ?
As a crude oil / product carrier

147. For existing tankers of 40,000 tons dwt and above satisfying the requirements
of SBT, what should their designation be on the IOPP certificate ?
Crude oil / product carrier

147. For existing tankers of 40,000 tons dwt and above fitted only with a COW
system, what should their designation be on the IOPP certificate ?
Crude oil tanker
148. Discharge of oily mixtures from machinery space bilges of tankers are
prohibited except when, amongst other requirements, which of the following
equipment is fitted ?
A 15 ppm oily bilge water separator with alarm system

149. When shall the IOPP Certificate cease to be valid ?

Any one of these

150. When alterations to ships construction, equipment, materials , fittings or

arrangements are carried out without sanction the IOPP certificate ceases to
be valid. What is the exception
Modification of arrangements as long as purpose and ay-out does not
deviate from Marpol requirements

151 What are the consequences if an IOPP intermediate survey is not carried out as
specified ?
The IOPP certificate remains valid, however an unscheduled
inspection is to be carried out by the Port State inspection of the
country of call

152. Amongst other requirements, what kind of arrangement is required for a tanker
in order to be allowed to discharge oily mixtures into the sea ?
15 ppm oil filtering equipment

153. A ship other than tanker of 3000grt and above, but less than 10,0000, cannot
discharge oily mixtures from machinery spaces, unless certain conditions are
satisfied. Which of these conditions must be satisfied ?

154. What is the oil content of a mixture which may be discharged into the sea
when the ship is not in a special area ?
Less than 15 ppm

155. Is it permitted to introduce dillutants or to apply other chemical treatment to

oily mixtures prior to discharge these into the sea ?
Not allowed at all
156. Are the Marpol regulations governing discharge of oily mixtures applicable to
issues of safety at sea ?
They remain in force, only Government Organisations can decide to
lift same in case of emergencies.

158. The Marpol regulations prohibit discharges oil mixtures at sea. The
regulations will not apply if the discharge is the result of damage arising from
which items in this list

159. Marpol regulations prohibit oily mixture discharges at sea. The regulations do
not apply if the discharge is the result of damage to the ship or its equipment.
What is the exception ?
Collision or groundings

160. It is possible to discharge substances containing oil, approved by the

Administration, (eg. Oil dispersants) for the purpose of combating specific
pollution incidents, into the sea. Under which of these conditions ?
. I, III

161. For new tankers of 20,000 tons dwt and above, the capacity of the segregated
ballast tanks shall be such hat, at any part of the voyage, the ships draught
and trim meet which of these requirements ?


162. New tankers of 20,000 dwt and above shall in no case carry ballast water in
cargo tanks, except when which of these circumstances arise ?
A. IV, V

163. For the purpose of determining the capacity of the clean ballast tanks in
tankers, which tanks may be included ?
Segregated ballast tanks, fore and after peak tanks as well as cofferdams.

164. Under which conditions are Fore Peak tanks, After Peak tanks and cofferdams
allowed to be included in the total capacity determination of Cars for tankers
Provided oil discharge monitoring equipment with automatic stop
when 15 ppm level is exceeded is to be fitted
165. If a tanker with separate independent piping and pumps for CBT and operating
with COW is to change its designation to product carrier and vice versa,
which provisions will apply ?
The tanker needs to be surveyed each time its switches trade

166. If an oil tanker is used for the storage of oil and its machinery modified to
immobilise the ship, what are the requirements for SOT, COT, PL and COW
? The requirements for SBT, PL and CBT do not apply

167. Hi an oil tanker is used to receive dirty ballast from oil tankers, what are the
requirements for SBT, CBT, PL and COW ?
The requirement for SET does not apply

168. One of the requirements for an oil tanker operating with Dedicated Clean Ballast
shall be that it is e
An oil content meter.

169. The regulations for existing tankers for SBT, CBT and COW shall not apply if
the tanker is engaged in specific trades provided reception facilities are
existing in ports. What document is to be endorsed ?
The ship's IOPP certificate

170. Which of the following is NOT classed as pollution prevention

equipment ?
Air or electric portable pumps.

171. Existing oil tankers which complies at all times with SBT draught and trim
requirements without the use of ballast water, may be considered to comply
with SBT requirements in full provided which of these items apply ?

C. II, V, VI

172. What is the purpose of Regulation 13 E - Rules for Protective Location of

Segregated Ballast Tanks on Oil Tankers ?
To provide a measure of protection against oil outflow in event of
grounding or collision
173. Where is disposal of wooden dunnage allowed ?
Outside 25 miles offshore.

174. Regulation 14 of Marpol states that no ballast water shall be carried in any fuel
oil tank. What is the exception ?
Ships with special nature of trade which stay for long time at sea, for
example: tugs, fishing boats

175. Under Marpol, slop tanks shall have the capacity to retain the slop generated
by tank washings, oil and dirty ballast residues. Their total capacity shall not
be less than
% of the tank capacity.

176. In an existing tanker, which tanks can be designated as slop tanks ?

Any tank provided with adequate means for collecting dirty ballast
residue and tank washings from the cargo tanks.

177. At least two slop tanks are required for……..

New oil tankers of 70,000 tons dwt and above.

178. To prevent pollution you should look at how the operations that may lead to
pollution are conducted on board of your ship and ask yourself 3 questions.
What are these questions ?
A. I, III, V

179. How can a ship dispose of plastic at sea ?

1isposal of plastic is not allowed anywhere at sea.

180. An Instruction Manual for Oil Retention and Oil Discharge Monitoring is
required on board. This manual must mention all operations and …….
Shall be approved by the Administration. It must contain instructions
to ensure that no oil can be discharged except in compliance with

181. Any ship of 400 tons gross and above but less than 10000 tons, which does not
carry ballast water in fuel oil tanks shall be fitted with a …….oil filtering
equipment for
engine bilge discharge.

182. Must the ship's Oil Record Book (part I or part II) be of Standard Format
and/or may it be part of the ship's official Log Book ?
It may be part of the ships official Log, its format is not standard but
must contain the required information.

183. In the event of accidental or exceptional discharges (for example allowed

discharge in order to save life), a statement shall be made in the oil record
book explaining what ?
The amount and the specifications of the oil discharged

184. Each operation as specified by regulations must be noted in the oil record book
without delay and…..…..
Will be signed by the Officer or Officers in charge of the operation
and each completed page will be signed by the Master.

185. Who can certified true copies of Oil Record Books ?

The Master

186. Of the four categories of discharges associated with the operation of offshore
platforms for which type or types is Marpol 73.(03 applicable ?
Type I and Type IV

187. What can be a major cause of pollution from a dry cargo ship without the
vigilance of the entire crew ?
Improper discharge from bilges and engine room.

188. Which of the following oils is not an asphalt solution ?

Roofers Flux

189. Which of the following products is not listed under "oils" in Appendix I of
Marpol Annex I ?

190. The following products is not listed as "gasoline blending stock" in Appendix
I of Marpol Annex I?
Alkylates fuel

191. Which of the following products is not listed under "gasolines" in Appendix I
of marpolannexi?
Fuel oil No 4

192. The Record of Construction and Equipment, has a chapter about Tanks for Oil
Residues (Sludges). What information is recorded in this chapter ?
The location and capacity of the sludge tanks

193. If ships other than tankers have spaces constructed and utilised to carry oil in
bulk of a capacity of …….or more, the regulations of Annex I for oil tankers
200cubic metres

194. There are 6 annexes to MARPOL 73R8 (Annex Ito VI). They dealing with pollution
caused by ……..
A. I = Oil, II = Noxious liquid in bulk, III = Harmful packaged substances, IV
= Sewage, V = Garbage, VI = Air pollution.

195. Annex II of Marpol 73/78 deals mainly with ……

The pollution hazards from chemical tankers and their
arrangementsfor discharge of cargo residues

196. Annex IV of Marpol, deals with Sewage. How does it affect shipboard
operations concerning processing and treatment of sewage ?
The regulations are not yet universally in force, but a number of
countries have adapted them and have stingent regulations

197. How do the requirements of Marpol stand in relation to national or port regulations ?
They are the same for any country which has ratified the Marpol

198. According to Annex V of Marpol , no garbage can be thrown overboard inside

the Special Areas. Which is the exception ?
Comminuted (ground up) food waste may be thrown overboard
beyond 12 miles offshore
199. Marpol garbage disposal regulations outside Special Areas specify that within
3 miles from the nearest land and in all inland waters……….
You cannot throw paper, crockery, rags, glass metal or food
overboard unless ground to less than 25 mm.

200. Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that dunnage,
lining and packing materials that float …….
May be thrown overboard outside 25 miles offshore.

201. Before starting bunkering operations, which one of the following precautions
would you say is most important?
Plug scuppers.

202. Garbage disposal regulations outside special areas specify that paper,
crockery, rags, metal , glass and food may be thrown overboard within 3 to
12 miles offshore, provided it is ground to less than

203. Marpol Annex V garbage disposal regulations outside special Areas specify
the type of garbage which can be thrown overboard at a given distance
offshore. Is this universally accepted ?
Yes, accepted by all states and regions

204. Why is on board training important in relation to pollution prevention ?

Because each ship has her own characteristics and equipment with
which the new crew member must become familiar

205. How can an on board pollution prevention training program help the new crew
member know clearly what is expected of him ?
By composing a realistic training program with special emphasis on
the personal responsibilities and duties of the trainee

206. For on board pollution prevention training to work, it is important that …..
A quite considerate amount of time is spent with the incoming new crew
member for the first week on board

207. To prevent pollution you should look at how the operations that may lead to
pollution are conducted on board of your ship and ask yourself 3 questions.
What are these questions ?
A. I, III, V
208. Pick the flue operations, from this list, which when conducted on cargo ships
may lead to a pollution incident ?

209. Permanently posted information and procedures concerning bunkering and

transfer procedures should be available on board in a place where they can be
easily seen and used. Where on board?
Either in the alleyways near the main entrance OR near the bunkers
emergency shut off valves OR in the cargo — control room

210. There is potential for pollution when starting taking ballast on non-SBT
tankers because oil may backflow into the sea via the sea chests. In order to
prevent this a notice should be placed on the ballast pump. Which one ?

211. Containment is critical when oil has spilled on deck. Pollution can be avoided
if prompt action and careful preparation for containment is carried out. Which
three of these items are vital ?


212. In order to contain oil spills Gutter Bars (Fish Plates) should be regularly
inspected to make sure that……..
They have not developed cracks or holes.

213. Tank overflows while loading oil cargo or bunkering are one of the most
common cases of oil pollution. Which flue of these items are the main
preventive measures against tank overflow ?

C. I, II, Ill, VI, VII

214. During Marpol inspections by port state control inspectors ships have been
detained because ……..
No up to date deck port log was kept.
215. A master or any other person in authority on board treating a person
in an improper manner or fails to prevent his being so treated by other
persons onboard shall be liable to:
Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months.

216. A subordinate who unlawfully brings intoxicating beverages on board shall

be liable to:
Fines or in especially aggravating circumstances to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.

217. Any master who makes or permits a false entry to be made in the log book,
shall be liable to fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 1 year
according to:
The Ship Safety and Security Act, Section 65..

218. Any person serving on board who without the permission of the shipmaster
leaves the ship in distress or other danger while the master still on board
shall be liable to
Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months.

219. Any shipmaster who in distress or other danger abandons the ship without
this being necessary shall be liable to:
Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.

220. Any shipmaster who refuses to provide any person carried on the ship with
anything which he is entitled to receive in such capacity, or who permits
such refusal, shall be liable to:
Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months, but not
exceeding year if there are especially aggravating circumstances.

221. Anyone who without valid reason places, removes, changes or conceals
nationality marks or registration marks of a registered ship shall be liable to:

222. For how long shall a ship's log-book be kept on board?

For at least five years

223. How can the master ensure obedience?

He shall ensure obedience by the use of force if he finds it
necessary, but not use harsher means than the circumstances
make necessary.

224. If the master goes ashore, he is obliged to inform:

The deck officer of the highest rank present

225. What are the master's duties if punishable acts are committed on board?
If at sea, the master shall immediately undertake an investigation, secure
evidence and take statements, inform Norwegian Consulate/Maritime

226. Who is responsible for ensuring that ratings forming part of a watch and
personnel assisting or performing cargo operations on tankers are properly
It is incumbent on the shipowners and the master to ensure that the
requirements are complied with and documented.

227. Who is responsible for the ship being safely manned?

The master and the shipowner are responsible for the adequate manning of the

228. Are the seafarers entitled to free boat service to exercise their right to go
Where possible the master shall provide such service.
Cost and other circumstances may be taken into
consideration. Yes, but only if it is combined with the
agent's use of the same boat.

229. Can any ground be given for dismissing a seafarer?

No, only those listed in the Seamen's Act as dereliction of duty.

230. Do regulations on the scope of the Seamen's Act apply:

To both passengers and cargo ships? Yes.

231. Does the employer have to give a reason for a notice of termination?
Yes, if the seafrers demands it
232. Does the seafarer have a right to leave service on board for special reasons?
Yes, if the ship, for example, is not in a seaworthy condition for the voyage and the
master fails to take steps to remedy the defects

233. For how long shall time sheets concerning working hours on board ships be
kept after their completion?
For minimum 3 years

234. How shall accidents and health hazards be prevented?

By all the other mentioned alternatives.

235. Is it the duty of the Master to see to it that legislation and CWA/CBA are
available to seafarers on board?
The seafarers shall have available for their use the Seamen's and NIS-
acts with regulations, together with all relevant CWA's/CBA's.

236. Is the crew entitled to compensation if the master has to reduce the diet
during a voyage?

237. Is there any particular procedure to be followed when dismissing a

A hearing shall be held before a committee on board.

238. On what kind of document shall working hours on board ships be

On a time sheet arranged by the Norwegian Maritime

239. Shall the seafarer receive a statement showing the calculation of his
Yes, showing how it has been calculated and with possible

240. The restriction of overtime work is that the person shall not be required,
under normal circumstances, to work more than:
14 hours per day
241. What are the average total working hours per week that must be exceeded
over a period of at most one year on board NIS ships?
56 hours

242. What are the duties of a master if a seafarer gets ill at sea?
All the other mentioned alternatives according to the situation

243. What are the duties of a master if he has to leave a sick or injured seafarer
behind in a foreign port?
Notify nearest Norwegian Consulate

244. What are the duties of the master if a seafarer dies in service on board?
The master shall notify next of kin/ Norwegian Consulate - arrange
for burial/ repatriation of coffin/ashes - and maritime inquiry

245. What are the duties of the master regarding a sick or injured seafarer?
He shall arrange for proper care, including medical care

246. What is the difference between the Safety Representative and the Working
Environment Committee's area of activity?
The Safety Representative's field is the work situation, the
committee‘s the total environment, also spare time

247. What is the main rules as to period of notice of termination as per the
Seamen's Act?
One month

248. Which mandatory handbooks for medical treatment shall be carried on board?
One control book for special medicines, one approved by Norwegian
authorities medical book ("International Medical Guide for ships") and
three pamphlets regarding first aid.

249. Which of the below word(s) is defined as follows: "Service on board a ship
which gives the knowledge, insight and skills required for the issue of a
certificate or other document referred to in these regulations"
Seagoing service
250. Which rights does a seafarer who is unfit for work normally have?
Care, wages, free passage home

251. Who is responsible for the storage and use of substances injurious to health
on board?
The shipping company and the master

252. Who shall check the ship's medical supplies?

A pharmacy authorised or accepted by the Norwegian Board of
Health or, if no such pharnacy is available, the master and a doctor
approved by a Norwegian Consulate shall perform inspection once
every 12 months.

253. A rating has approved emergency preparedness training, a certificate for

watchkeeping in the deck department and 3 years of service time on deck
and necessary knowledge of English. What post is a seafarer, with these
required qualifications, qualified for on a Norwegian cargo vessel?
As an able seaman

254. A seaman's right to go ashore on a day when shops and offices are open is:
At least once a month if circumstances permit it

255. An invalidated vessel's certificate shall be:

Returned to the Ship Control via a Norwegian Consulate

256. For how long shall a ship's log-book be kept on board?

For at least three years

257. How often shall a survey for renewal of cargo ship safety construction
certificate be carried out?
Every fifth year with a periodical survey every 12. Month.

258. If extensive repair to the superstructure has been carried out, it will affect the:
Load line certificate
259. The restriction of overtime work is that no person shall be required, under
normal circumstances, to work more than:
14 hours a day

260. To whom does the requirement as to knowledge of English apply?

Seafarers employed or engaged on board ship on the business of that
ship as part of the ship's complement with designated safety or
pollution duties

261. What are the contents of the book "Excerpts from the Norwegian Ship
Control Legislation" ?
A compilation of Norwegian laws and regulations concerning the
safety of ships and crew.

262. What is the ISM Code?

The ISM Code is an international standard for the safe management
and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.

263. What is the purpose of the unscheduled inspections on board ships?

Mainly to determine whether the manning regulations have been adhered to

264. What kind of permanent documentation is required for personnel assigned

specific dutys and responsibilities related to cargo or cargo equipment on ,
for example, a liquefied tanker?
A tankerman certificate

265. Where do you find regulations concerning washing of crockery and cutlery?
The regulations are a part of the Norwegian Ship Control Legislation
regulations, concerning production and serving of foodstuffs.

266. Who has the overall responsibility for the general supervision of ships and for
matters governing the seaworthiness of ships?
The recognized classification societies
267. Who is responsible for keeping documentation of the qualifications required
for personnel on board?
The ship's master

268. Who shall check the ship's medical supplies if the ship is in a foreign port, for
example outside Europe?
A pharmacy authorised to do so or if no such pharmacy is available,
the master and an approved seamen's doctor

269. As per the legislation in question, a copy of the provisions, as you know, shall
generally speaking be accessible to the crew. Does this apply as well as to a
collective wage agreement?
The NIS Act does not regulate this

270. At what number of crew members is it mandatory to have an Working

Environment Committee on board?
Minimum eight crew members.

271. How many Working Environmental committee members should be elected on

a ship with a crew of 13 members?
1 member

272. To which Act(s) do(es) the special provisions relating to the seafarers in the
Act chiefly relate?
The Act relating to hours of work and the

273. Which provisions concerning holidays must the master ensure that is carried
A. The Act relating to holydays and Regulations relating to holydays for
employees on ships.

274. Who is responsible for implementation of working environment work on

Both master and shipping company..
275. All requirements of the ISM code are to ensure that safe practices are taken
into account in ship operation through written procedures. These
requirements include the following information: …………….
All of these.

276. The functional requirements for a Safety Management System is to develop,

implement and maintain a system which includes the following :……………..
a safety and environmental protection policy 2) instructions and
procedures to ensure safe operations and protection of the

277. Under ISM, the Company should establish ………….to describe how the objectives
of the ISM code willbe achieved.
A safety and environmental policy

278. Under the ISM code the Company must ensure that the Safety and
Environmental Policy is …………….
Known and maintained at all levels of the organisation both ship based as
well as shore based.

279. The safety objectives and requirements of a Company may be …………..standards

required by the ismcode ?
Asubstrtute for

270. A Company's safety management objectives and requirements, which are set
above the standards of the ISM code, should be …………..
Encouraged and supported.

271. It is the responsibility of the Company to define and document the

company's which forms an integral part of the Safety Management
System ?
Safety management objectives

272. Under ISM, the holder of the DOC or Document of Compliance is the
company who ………..the ship.
Has assumed responsibility for the operation of
273. Under ISM, can a company contract with third parties to manage specific ship
related activities such as manning, technical support or maintenance ?
Yes, it is allowed

274. Under ISM, if the Company has subcontracting arrangements for manning,
technical support or maintenance, how many Documents of Compliance are
to be issued ?
Only one DOC can be issued to the Company

275. Linder ISM, any responsibility imposed on the Company by the ISM Code
which is subcontracted……..
Remains the responsibility of the Company

286. Under ISM, during assessment for issue and compliance with a DOC the
auditor must be satisfied that the company is in control of ……………
All activities concerning the Safety Management System which have
been subcontracted.

287. Under ISM, the company should define and document the responsibility,
authority and interrelation of all personnel who manage, perform and verify
work relating to and affecting safety and pollution prevention. How ?
By charts and/or job descriptions to identify positions related to
safety and pollution prevention activities for each functional area

288. Under ISM, what kind of support is to be provided to the Designated Person
in order to carry out his functions ?
Adequate resources and shore based support

289. Under ISM, the responsibility and authority of the Designated Person should
Monitoring the safety and pollution prevention aspects of the
operation of each ship

290. Under ISM, what qualifications are required by the Designated Person ?
Appropriate knowledge and experience associated with verification and
control of safety and pollution prevention requirements of the ISM code

291. Under ISM, is shipboard presence required by the Designated Person ?

May be necessary

292. Under ISM, who is responsibility to implement the Company's Safety and
Environmental Policy on board ?
The Master's

293. Under ISM, how could it be assessed whether or not the Master has
effectively implemented the Safety and Environmental Protection policy as
defined by the Company ?
Through interviewing officers and crew

294. Under ISM, who should motivate the crew to observe the Safety and
Environmental policy on board ?
The Master

295. Under ISM, what methods should be used to motivate the crew to observe the
Safety and Environmental protection policy ?
A. Ensure that the crew understands the dangers present on board and
the heavy fines to be paid for Pollution

296. How can the crew be helped to understand how they personally benefit from
the SEP policy and how could their perception of ownership be encouraged ?
Through regular meetings at which the crew members are encouraged
to participate in the continuous development of the objectives of the

297. Under ISM, the master must implement the Company's Safety and
Environmental policy and should issue appropriate orders and instructions in
a clear and simple manner. How is this to be done ?
By Standing Orders, Bridge night order book, as examples
298. It is the Master's responsibility to verify that the specific requirements
(procedures and instructions) regarding the Safety Management System are
observed. Who will actually verify this on board ?
The Master

299. What are the best means of verifying that specked requirements (procedures
and instructions) regarding the Safety Management System are observed ?
By inspecting the Deck and Engine work book daily by the Master

300. It is the Master's responsibility of reviewing the Safety Management System

and reporting its deficiencies to ………..
The shore based management

301. The Master's review reporting on the Safety Management system should include
any deficiencies and may include …………..
The officer's and crew's appraisal reports

302. Whenever the Master, in his role as the responsible person for on-board
safety, finds a deficiency in the Safety Management system relevant to the
ships operation he should …………
Correct the deficiency and make note of the correction applied in the
official log book.

303. When is the Master to review the Safety Management System and to report to
the Company ?
The Company should set a standard interval for such reviews

304. Should the Master's authority be emphasized in the Safety Management

system ?
The Company should ensure that the SMS operating on board the ship
contains a clear statement emphasizing the Master's authority

305. Under ISM, the overriding authority of the Master applies …………….
In case of oil spill clean-ups

306. It should be checked that the Company has documented that the Master has
overriding responsibility and authority as required …………..
By the International Association of Classification
307. The Company must be sure that the Master is …………….
A safety and environmental protection licensed person.

308. Verification of the master's qualifications should be done firstly by …………..

Confirmation of the validity of his certificates in compliance with the
STCW convention.

309. The Company should ensure that the Master is informed of all requirements
relating to safety and environmental protection by ……………...
Having the Designated Person sent on board at specified intervals.

310. To make sure that the Master and the crew understand the tasks required of
them by the Safety Management System ………..should be described.
Safety and environmental protection hazards

311. Masters are to be given the necessary support so that they can perform their
duties safely. Support from the Company includes ……………
Having port watchmen assigned on the ship in every port.

312. Manning requirements and qualifications are part of ……….with which the
Company should be familiar.
National and International requirements

313. The Company should have a system in place for firstly ………….personnel,
especially if obtained through a manning agent.

314. To confirm seafarers as medically first is generally difficult …………

Since there are no International or National standards.


1. What is the function of the contiguous zone?
The contiguous zone is a zone in which the coastal State is permitted to
prevent and punish infringements of customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary

2. Which of the UN member states below has UNCLOS III?


3. Which State exercises jurisdiction over vessels on the high seas?

The flag State is to exercise exclusive jurisdiction over its vessels on the high
seas, with the exception of specific cases, such as piracy

4. When did the third UN convention on the law of the sea conference (UNCLOS
III) take place?
Between 1973 and 1982

5. To achieve safe maritime operation, the Indonesian sea transportation

and communication directorate works in compliance with:

The International Maritime Organization (IMO)

6. What is the purpose of baselines under the law of the sea?

The determination of baselines is instrumental to the establishment of all
maritime zones, since they constitute the starting point for measuring the
breadth of each zone

7. When does an illegal act of violence on the high seas fall short of qualifying as piracy?
When it is not committed against another vessel and when it is not committed
for 'private ends'

8. Which is ‘rock’ under the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)?
Rocks are the islands which cannot sustain human habitation or economic
life of their own

9. What is the 'equitable result' in the law and practice of maritime delimitation?
It is the end result that all delimitations of areas of continental shelf and EEZ
should achieve, after, however, drawing a provisional 'equidistance line' and
adjusting the zone in the light of the relevant circumstances and the
proportionality test

10. Do third States enjoy any fishing rights within the Exclusive Economic Zone
of another State?
When the coastal State cannot harvest the 'total allowable catch', the coastal
State is to give other State access to that surplus with priority to be given to
developing and land-locked States

11. How many nautical miles out are considered "territorial water"?
12 nautical miles from the baseline

12. What kind of passage does qualify as 'innocent passage'?

A vessel's passage is considered 'innocent' where it is not prejudicial to the
peace, good order or security of the coastal State

13. What kind of rights do coastal States enjoy over their continental shelf?
The coastal State enjoy ipso facto and ab initio sovereign rights over its
continental shelf for the purpose of exploring it and exploiting its natural

14. Which is a 'rock'under the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)?
Rocks are the islands which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life of their own and
according to article 121 (3) have no Exclusive Economic Zone or continental shelf

15. When coastal States do enforce their criminal jurisdiction over foreign vessels in their
ports?Port States generally do not enforce their criminal jurisdiction over crimes that do
not infringe their customs laws or disrupt peace and public order
16. What kind of passage does qualify as 'innocent passage'? A vessel's passage is
considered 'innocent' where it is not prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the
coastal State
17. What kind of rights do coastal States enjoy over their continental shelf? The coastal
State enjoy ipso facto and ab initio sovereign rights over its continental shelf for the
purpose of exploring it and exploiting its natural resources
18. Do third States enjoy any fishing rights within the Exclusive Economic Zone of
another State? a) When the coastal State cannot harvest the 'total allowable catch', the
coastal State is to give other State access to that surplus with priority to be given to
developing and land-locked States

For what period of time is the protection and environment committee elected?
1 - 2 years

For which of the following ships, is the MARPOL convention applicable?

For all listed vessels.

For which ships is the SOLAS convention applicable?

For all vessels.

If pollution takes place, what would you do immediately?

Report to relevant authorities

What is a "passenger" according to SOLAS regulations?

Every person other than the Captain and the members of the crew or other
persons employed or engaged onboard the ship in the business of that ship.

Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measure to ensure safety of life
at sea, security and the protection of the marine environment
1. Which is the following principle in general insurance that not written in policy but must be
obeyed by the insured (Assured) ?
a. Principle of Insurable interest
b. Principle of Indemnity
c. Principle of utmost good faith
d. Principle of legality

2. Cover Not is a Temporary coverage of Insurance, which then by the insurer will be issued a
policy. The policy is
a. Underwriter agreements authorized by Notary
b. The Insurance agreement signed by the insurer only
c. The Insurance agreement signed by the assured only
d. Underwriter agreements signed by the assurer and the insurer

3. Broke is Person who serve as a trusted agent that has legal expertise related to the coverage of
insured from the prospective assured. The fee of services by broker is paid by :
a. Insurer of the premium received from the assured
b. Insurer after the slip is signed by the underwriter
c. Assured as an additional premium
d. The Assured should have been issued cover note

4. A cover note is a temporary certificate of insurance issued by the insurer before the issuance of a
policy. The information that would not usually appear on a cover note is :
a. Deductable
b. Conditions of coverage and promise of the insured (Warranty)
c. Sum insured
d. Name and address of the Assured (Assured)

5. Under the terms of the Marine Insureances Act 1960 the party prossesing Contingent Interest is :
a. Consignee which is a loss due to ship delay or damaged goods
b. Share holders in the shipping company on their ship
c. Interests owned by banks that provide debt with ship guarantees
d. Shipper in the form of goods rejected by the buyer due to damage or delay

6. In the case of responsibility of cargo where the carrier is responsible for carriage, the cargo
owner shall take action.................... Except.
a. Made receipt for damaged goods
b. Ask the carrier for a joint survey
c. Make a note of protest if the carrier rejects the receipt is clean
d. Claims to the carrier of damage/ lost of goods

7. The fee charged by the insurer on account of providing services is called....

a. Policy
b. Insurance
c. Assured
d. Premium

8. The assured (Insured) must have an insurable interest in policy when..

a. The name adventure begins
b. It’s elects to acquire interest after a loss
c. A loss occurs
d. The policy is effected

9. One of the basic principle of insurance that is not written in the policy but must be obeyed by the
insured (assured) is THE PRINCIPLE OF INDEMNITY. The purpose of the principle of indemnity is.?
a. The assured is not permitted to make a profit on the insurance
b. The insurer shall not be entitled to deduct “new for old” when he pays for new material to
repair ship
c. The insurer shall not be entitled to take over the goods which have been given compensation
d. The Assured is entitled to make profit to the extent of the loss
10. Broker is Person who serve as a trusted agent that has legal expertise related to the coverage of
insured from the prospective assured.The fee of service by broker is paid by ?
a. Insurer after the ship is signed by the underwriter
b. Insurer of the premium received from the assured
c. The assured should have been issued cover note
d. Assured as an additional premium

11. In case any accident occurs, the cause in known as?

a. Risk
b. Damage
c. Marine peril
d. None of the above



2434. *The steps of the embarkation ladder used must be spaced apart by a distance of:
A. Equally spaced and not less than 300 mm or more than 380 mm

2435. As per SOLAS regulations, the general emergency alarm system must be tested:
A. Every week

2436. During test and/or maintenance work of the CO2 system affecting the release
system, precautions to ensure that the gas is not released into the engine room due
to a mistake are to be ensured. What precautions should be taken?
A. The main supply line to be blanked off prior to the work.

2437. Every inflatable liferaft , inflatable lifejacket and hydrostatic release units
shall be serviced:
A. Every 12 months.
2438. How often must the Emergency Steering Gear be tested, and how is
this information recorded in the OLB?
A. Every three months. Details of test with
signatures of Master and witness

2439. How often should the lifeboat wire falls be turned and renewed?
A. Turned at intervals of not more than 30 months
and renewed every 5 years

2440. On all UMS operated vessels and also on most other vessels the engine
room is equipped with fire detectors. What requirements of testing and
checking of the detectors are to be observed?
A. All the mentioned alternatives.

2441. The steps of the embarkation ladder used must be proportioned as it follows:
A. Length = 480 mm, breadth = 115 mm, depth = 25 mm

2442. Which of the following requirements regarding life-buoys correspond to
present regulations? (SOLAS III/7.1)
A. Not less than half the total number of lifebuoys shall be provided with self-
ignighting lights

2443. Which one of the listed requirements regarding life-saving appliances

corresponds to present regulations?
A. All prescribed life-saving appliances shall be made of non-combustible or
fire retardant material

2444. Which one of the listed requirements regarding service and maintenance of
life-saving appliances correspond to present regulations?
A. Instructions for onboard maintenance of life-saving appliances in accordance
with the regulations shall be provided

2445. *On-board training in the use of davit-launched liferafts (including inflation

and lowering whenever practicable) must take place
A. Every 4 months

2446. *The Master is responsible that all crew participate in monthly emergency
drills. If 25% of the crew - or more - has not participated in such drill during the
last month, what is the time limit to conduct such a drill after the vessel has left a
A. Within 24 hrs

2447. *When reasonable and practicable, how often shall rescue boats be launched
with their assigned crew aboard and manoeuvred in the water?
A. Every month

2448. *When should a crew member joining a ship for the first time be given
some training and instructions in the use of the ship's fire-fighting
appliances ?
A. As soon as possible but not later than 2 weeks after he joins the ship

2449. *Where do you find minimum drill requirements?

A. In the SOLAS convention and its annex

2450. *Which of following items shall be included in an abandon ship drill?

A. Instruction in the use of radio life-saving appliances

2451. *Which of the following items must be included in each fire drill?
A. All the items mentioned

2452. *Which one of the listed requirements regarding abandon ship drills
corresponds to present SOLAS regulation?
A. Each lifeboat shall be launched, and manoeuvered in the water with its assigned
crew at least once every three months during an abandon ship drill

2453. At least, how often shall life boats be launched with their assigned operating
crew aboard and manoeuvered in the water according to SOLAS?
A. Every three months.

2454. During abandon ship exercise, what life-saving equipment must be demonstrated?
A. Wearing and fastening of lifejackets and associated equipment

2455. How often are "abandon ship" drills required to be held on cargo vessels
according to SOLAS?
A. Once every month.

2456. How often shall crew members participate in fire drills?

A. Once every month

2457. How often shall each member of the crew participate in an "abandon ship"-drill?
A. Once every month

2458. On board passenger ships an abandon ship drill must be performed:

A. Every week

2459. Referring to the SOLAS convention, how often should a crew member on a
cargo ship participate in one abandon ship drill and one fire drill?
A. Monthly
2460. The emergency fire pump is in accordance with good seamanship and
precautionary routines run and tested weekly. Routine checks and maintenance are
normally carried out by dedicated personnel. To ensure safe and appropriate
operation of the pump, would you consider it beneficial that the same dedicated
personnel operate the pump in emergencies?
A. In case of accidents, it is important that a wide range of personnel must
be permitted and trained to operate the pump.

2461. Which of the following items shall be included in an "abandon ship"-drill?
A. Checking that passengers and crew are suitably dressed and lifejackets
correctly donned

2462. Which one of the following items has to be included in an abandon ship
drill according to SOLAS regulations?
A. Checking that life-jackets are correctly donned.

2463. Who is the leader of the lifeboat drill (abandon ship drill)?
A. The appointed lifeboat commander.

2464. "A contractor is hired to install new navigation equipment onboard your ship
while it‘s berthed. For a period of time he‘s left unsupervised and photographs
schematics of the ship that he finds rolled up and stored in the corner of a nearby
office. Later, from home, he hacks into the network and prints off information
about the ship‘s security procedures. Which of these information security measures
would have prevented his unauthorized access?"
A. "Secure area, passwords, a firewall and a secure network."

2465. "From the list below, which is among the recommended actions for a vessel to
take, on entering an area known for pirate activity?"
A. To transit with maximum safe speed

2466. "If drugs or suspected drugs are found onboard your ship, follow the five
c‘s. Confirm, Clear, Cordon, Control and:"
A. Check
2467. "Part way through a profiling interview with a supplier, the package the
individual is carrying arouses your suspicion. What do you do?"
A. Discreetly inform someone of your suspicions so he or she can get assistance.

2468. "Which of these precautionary measures can reduce the threat of

piracy, if implemented?"
A. Sail at full speed.

2469. "Your ship security plan must include procedures for responding to security
threats, auditing security activities and interfacing with the port facility."

2470. A Ship Security Assessment is integral to the creation of your ship‘s security plan.

2471. Assign men to search men and women to search women unless a device such
as a metal detector is used.

2472. Check the items that can be a possible threat

A. All alternatives

2473. Eavesdropping and phone taps are examples of which threat to

information security?
A. Espionage

2474. For a search to be effective it must be:

A. Centrally controlled.

2475. If drugs are discovered onboard your ship….

A. Ensure the witness to the discovery signs your incident report.

2476. In which of these circumstances can your ship request a dos?

A. Your ship is conducting activities with a port or ship that is not required to
implement an approved security plan.

2477. Information about your ship‘s security arrangements and procedures is

stored electronically. Which of these measures will help safeguard it from
potential threats?
A. Passwords

2478. One of the categories of information that must be included in your SSP is:
A. Security arrangements

2479. Only search vehicle compartments where you suspect objects may be hidden.

2480. Records relating to breaches of security and changes in security level must be secured
against unauthorized access and available for review by contracting governments.

2481. Searches are often triggered by:

A. An increase in security level by the Flag State.

2482. The best way to ensure you get the equipment you need is to:
A. Determine your needs and do some research.

2483. The best way to prevent stowaways from boarding your ship is to:
A. "Seal spaces that are not in use while in port, and perform a search
of the ship before leaving."

2484. The Declaration of Security:

A. Addresses the security requirements shared between ships or between a port
facility and a ship.

2485. The dos addresses the responsibility for the security of the water around the
ship and the verification of increased threat levels.

2486. The first step in completing an SSA is to:

A. Create a list of potential motives for security incidents against your ship.

2487. The International Maritime Bureau Piracy Reporting Centre attributes the
increased numbers of hijackings to:
A. The greater involvement in piracy of well-organized and armed crime

2488. The most effective way to combat the threat of drug smuggling is to?
A. "Combining routine, but irregular searches of the
ship with spontaneous targeted searches."

2489. The purpose of profiling is to?

A. Get beneath the outer shell of an individual to obtain a more complete

2490. What is a Continuous Synopsis Record?

A. A record of the vessels history

2491. What is a Declaration of Security?

A. A checklist jointly completed by the ship and shore security representatives

2492. What percentage of the baggage is required to be checked at Security Level 1?
A. The percentage is not specified.

2493. What percentage of the ship‘s stores are required to be inspected at Security Level 3?
A. 100% of the ship‘s stores are required to be inspected at Security Level 3.

2494. What type of bomb search should you conduct to avoid panic
when the credibility of the threat is in doubt and you don‘t want to disrupt
ship business?
A. Nominated officers search

2495. Which information should be included in your search plan?

A. Areas to be searched and personnel to be involved in the search.

2496. Which of following are security duties?

A. All alternatives

2497. Which of these actions should you take it your ship is

successfully boarded by armed pirates?
A. Assure your captors that you‘re not planning an attack to overthrow them.

2498. Which of these conventions is The International Ship and Port Facilit y
Security (ISPS) Code a part of?

2499. Which of these measures would you implement to prevent drugs from
being smuggled onboard your ship while it‘s berthed?
A. Maintain restricted areas.

2500. Which of these statements about drug smugglers modes of operating is true?
A. "Drugs smuggled by an organized conspiracy are usually concealed in a
primary ship system suchas the engine room or in a tank, void or

2501. Which of these statements about drug smuggling is true?

A. The risks to ships are not restricted to specific areas or trading routes.

2502. Which of these statements about profiling is correct?
A. Verify that answers to questions match up with what‘s already known
About the person being questioned.

2503. Which of these tasks are performed as part of the SSA?

A. Assess the likelihood and potential consequences of security incidents.

2504. Which of this information must be included in a piracy attack alert?

A. Your ship‘s name and call sign.

2505. Which statement about the use of profiling onboard a ship is true?
A. A random selection process must be established.

2506. Which two persons check the Declaration of Security?

A. The Port Facility Security Officer and the Ship Security Officer

2507. Which type of profiling is used to obtain information about rival

companies and their employees?
A. Industrial

2508. Who is responsible for completing the dos on behalf of the ship?
A. Ship Security Officer

2509. Who is responsible for ensuring that your ship‘s security plan
meets the requirements of the ISPS Code?
A. Company Security Officer

2510. Who is responsible for ensuring your ship completes a security assessment?
A. Company Security Officer
2511. Who is responsible for issuing an ISPS certificate?
A. The Flag State

2512. Who is responsible for the development of the Ship Security Plan?
A. The Company Security Officer

2513. Who is responsible for the regular security inspections of the ship?
A. The Ship Security Officer

2514. You can reduce the need for security guards in certain areas by
A. Anti-intruder devices


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