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Suggest and offer

= Pada saran atau suggestion, maka seseorang hanya memberikan saran yang berasal dari
pemikirannya, kepada orang lain. Sedangkan ketika seseorang memberikan offer atau
tawaran, maka ada tindakan atau hal yang dilakukan.
Contoh Frasa Suggestion
- I think... - What about...
- I suggest you to... - You better...
- My suggestion is... - How about...
Diah: I'm hungry, what should I order to eat, mom?
Mom: If you're hungry, you better order something like noodle or rice. So you will be feel
Diah: Ah that's a great idea, mom. Maybe I will order seafood fried rice.
Mom: Yes, I think fried rice also a good idea.

Contoh Frasa Offer
- May I... - Do you want me to...
- Would you... - Can I...
Lala: Hey Rama, the books that you bring look so heavy.
Rama: Hello Lala. Yes, these books are heavy.
Lala: May I help you to bring those books?
Rama: Of course if you don't mind helping me.
Lala: It's ok, Rama. Where do you want to bring the books?
Rama: To the table right there, Lala. Thank you very much.
Lala: Yes, you're welcome, Rama.

2. Formal invitation
= - Formal invitation atau undangan resmi merupakan undangan yang biasanya dibuat atau
dikeluarkan oleh seseorang, sebuah perusahaan maupun instansi. formal invitation ini dapat
dibuat dalam bentuk biasa tanpa harus meninggalkan kesan formal dari sebuah undangan
resmi, kaidah, dan aturan tata bahasa seperti maksud dan tujuan undangan, bahasa baku, isi
surat yang harus efektif dan jelas, serta dibuat sesuai dengan keperluan. 
- Tujuan formal invitation adalah untuk mengundang atau mengajak seseorang untuk
menghadiri suatu acara tertentu yang telah dituliskan di undangan dengan situasi formal atau
- Struktur dari surat resmi akan ditulis sebagai berikut:
1. Invitee
Invitee yang dimaksudkan disini adalah tentang siapa yang diundang.
2. Body of invitation
Occasion:  formal Invitation dibuat untuk sebuah acara tertentu.
Day and date: hari dan juga tanggal acara diselenggarakan.
Time: Waktu pelaksanaan acara.
Place: Tempat acara yang telah ditentukan dan disediakan bagi para undangan.
3. Inviter
Jika invitee mengenai siapa yang diundang, maka inviter yang dimaksudkan adalah siapa
yang mengundang atau si pemilik acara. 

- Terdapat tiga data yang harus dimuat di dalam formal invitation antara lain:

Pengirim undangan atau penyelenggara acara.
Tujuan penyelenggaraan acara atau kegiatan.
Kontak, email, atau  informasi nomor telepon/hp yang bisa dihubungi untuk konfirmasi
- Frasa atau Kalimat yang Sering Digunakan dalam Invitation
1. Opening expression
I am very pleased to inform you that our company are successful in running the program.
2. Making invitation
We cordially invite you to join…
3. To state the date, time and place
The anniversary will be held on Sunday, 13 August 2022 at 7.00 pm – 8.00 pm at Sun Hotel
4. Closing
Thank you for your attention.
- Contoh Formal Invitation
To: Mrs. Mikayla
CEO of Best Inc.
Jl. Boulevard  No.12, Jakarta
Dear Mrs Pramitha,
We cordially invite you to our company’s 20th anniversary celebration. 
The anniversary celebration will be held on:
Date: August 20th, 2022
Hours: 07.00 pm to 09.00 pm
Venue: Bright Hotel, 15th-floor meeting room
We hope Mrs Pramitha would be available to come and join us. 
Yours Sincerely,
General Manager Sun Shine Inc.
RSVP: Maesa Hendra (0812-1145-0987)
Dress: Business

3. Teks eksposisi
= teks yang menjelaskan fenomena atau masalah secara komprehensif dengan menggunakan
argumen yang mendukung ide teks. Fungsi utama analytical exposition text adalah untuk
menceritakan dan meyakinkan pembaca bahwa isu yang diangkat penting.
Struktur ;
1. Thesis (introduction): mengenalkan topik dan mengindikasikan opini penulis terkait topik
2. Series of arguments (badan teks): memaparkan argumen yang mendukung opini penulis
3. Reiteration (kesimpulan): menyampaikan ulang opini penulis
Gaya Bahasa di Analytical Exposition ;
1. Menggunakan simple present tense
2. Menggunakan words of mental process. Contohnya yaitu think, see, feel.
3. Menggunakan words of relational process (being, having, becoming).
4. Menggunakan kata yang menghubungkan frasa dan kalimat
Kata yang menghubungkan frasa dan kalimat menginisiasi poin baru pada sebuah argumen.
Contohnya kata because, so that, dan due to.
Analytical exposition text juga memiliki language features seperti menggunakan modals,
action verbs, thinking verbs, adverbs, adjectives, istilah teknis, general and abstract nouns,
serta connectives atau transitions.
Contoh teks eksposisi ;
Why We Shouldn't Skip Breakfast?
Thesis: Breakfast is the first of three important meals you should eat during the day. It can be
hard to eat breakfast if you’re busy, but skipping your first meal of the day can affect the rest
of your day. Learn the importance of eating breakfast and some breakfast ideas.
Arguments: Breakfast is important for many reasons. Breakfast gives you the energy you
need to start the day.
When you eat breakfast, you are not as hungry during the day. You will have more energy for
school and other activities.
Breakfast keeps your bones healthy and helps you maintain a healthier weight.
If you don’t eat breakfast, you might gain extra weight. This is because eating breakfast
jumpstarts your metabolism (how your body breaks down food to use as energy). When you
skip breakfast, your metabolism slows down.
Reiteration: It’s important for your family to model healthy eating behaviors and not skip
meals. If your family eats breakfast every day, the children are more likely to eat breakfast
every day too. Breakfast the most important meal of the day to keep energize us throughout
the day.

4. Simple present tense dan simple past tense

= Simple present tense; pola kalimat nomina ;
(+) I am an international school student 
(-) She is not an international school student 
(?) Is she an international school student? 
pola kalimat verba ;
(+) I live in Jakarta 
(-) I don’t live in Jakarta
(?) Do I live in Jakarta?

- Simple past tense

Pola nomina ;
(+) She was a teacher.
(-) She was not a teacher.
(?) Was she a teacher?
Pola verba ;
(+) The nurse went to the hospital yesterday. 
(-) The nurse didn’t go to the hospital yesterday. 
(?) Did the nurse go to the hospital yesterday? 

5. Passive Voice (Simple present Tense)

= a. kalimat aktif ;
+. S + V1 + O
-. S + don’t + I doesn’t + V1 + O
?. Do I does + S + V1 + O + ?
b. kalimat pasif
+. S + tobe + V3 + by + O
-. S + tobe + not + V3 + by + O
?. tobe + S + V3 + by + O + ?
Contoh ;
Kalimat aktif
(+) He washes the car
(-) He doesn’t wash the car
(?) Does he wash the car?
Kalimat pasif
(+) English is spoken by students
(-) English is not spoken by students
(?) Is English spoken by students?

6. Passive voice (Simple Past tense)

= a. Kalimat Aktif ;
(+) S + V2 + O + C
(-) S + did + not + V1 + O + C
(?) Did + S + V1 + O + C
b. Kalimat pasif :
(+) S + tobe (was/were) + V3 + by + O + C
(-) S + tobe (was/were) + not + V3 + by + O + C
(?) tobe (was/were) + S + V3 + by + O + C
Contoh :
A : She bought many flowers last night
P : Many flowers were bought by her last night

A : I met them in the park

P : They were met by me in the park

A : My mother gave me a cake yesterday

P : A cake was given by my mother to me yesterday
P : I was given a cake by my mother yesterday

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