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Dosen Pengampu :

Maylisa Isnaini Hidayah, M.Pd

Makalah Ini Diajukan Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Disusun Oleh :

Dian Hidayat




2023 M/1445 H

Alhamdulillah puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat dan
karunia-Nya, sehingga penulis mampu menyelesaikan kewajiban penulis, yakni dalam rangka
untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat tugas individu. Sholawat serta salam semoga senantiasa
tercurahkan kepada beliau Baginda Nabi Agung Muhammmad SAW yang telah
mengantarkan kita kepada jalan yang terang dan menjadikan jalan yang indah berupa ajaran
agama Islam.

Ucapan terima kasih kepada Ibu Maylisa Isnaini Hidayah, M.Pd, beliau selaku dosen
pengampu pada mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris yang telah memberikan bimbingan serta arahan
sehingga makalah ini dapat diselesaikan tepat waktu. Seiring dengan usaha kerja keras
penulis, tidak lupa penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah
membantu, karena tanpa bimbingan dan dorongannya, penulis tidak akan menyelesaikan
makalah ini sampai selesai. Penulis pun menyadari bahwa dalam pembuatan makalah ini
masih banyak kekurangan dan jauh dari kesempurnaaan, oleh karena itu penulis
mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dalam rangka perbaikan makalah ini.
Semoga makalah ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua dan mempunyai tanggapan yang
positif serta dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca semua. Amin Ya Rabbal ‘Alamin


HALAMAN JUDUL .............................................................................................................. i

KATA PENGANTAR ........................................................................................................... ii

DAFTAR ISI ......................................................................................................................... iii

STRUCTURE AND GRAMMAR ........................................................................................ 1

1.Explanation of Structure ................................................................................................ 1

2.Grammar Explanation ................................................................................................... 3


1. Explanation of Structure
Structure is a collection of several constituent words that form a sentence.
So what is meant by constituent?
Constituents are units of words that have special markers for each group of words. for
example Subject (subject) is marked with S, Object (object) is marked with O, Noun (noun)
is marked with N, Verb (verb) is marked with V, Adjective (adjective) is marked with Adj,
Adverb (adverb) is marked with Adv, Tobe (auxiliary verbs am, is, are, was, were) Be, and
others. The following is an example of structure arrangement in English.
S + V + es/s + O
S + Be + V + Ing + O
The example above is the arrangement (sentence structure) of word constituents as explained
previously. But basically, the purpose of structure is not only to provide constituents for
words, but also to differentiate and understand the formation of sentence structure. Look at
the following example sentences:
(1) I the market going to am go (saya pasar akan pergi ke)

(2) I am going to the market (saya akan pergi ke pasar)

It is clear that the two sentences have the same form of constituent word arrangement, where
the structure can be illustrated as follows:
(1) S + O + V+ Ing + p + Be + V
(2) S + Be + V + ing + V + O

Please note that sentences (1) and (2) have clear differences. In sentence (1) it is clear that the
sentence has the wrong word constituent. Meanwhile, sentence (2) has the correct word
structure, so it is easy to understand the meaning and purpose of the sentence. This is the
position of structure in a language, structure occupies the most important place. With the
right structure, other people will easily know the meaning of a sentence that we say or write.

English has a clear language structure which can start with the easiest forms of
word formation and each word has its own constituents. For example, the structure of using
tenses and other basic rules that must be applied to form correct sentences. For example:
(1) I go to the market everyday (saya pergi ke pasar setiap hari)

(2) She goes to the market everyday (dia/perempuan pergi kepasar setiap hari)

(3) He went to buy a gadget yesterday (dia/laki-laki pergi membeli sebuah gadget kemarin)

(4) He is sending an email to his friend now. (dia/laki-laki sedang mengirinkan sebuah surat
elektronik kepada temannya sekarang).

Pay attention to the sentences above, each of the sentences above has its own
characteristics based on its structure. What is interesting about each of these sentences? Try
looking at the following illustration:
In sentence (1) you can see "I go" and in sentence (2) you can see "she goes". Sentences (1)
and (2) have the same verb which has the basic form of the verb "go", but in this case the
forms of sentences (1) and (2) look different.

So what caused the verb to change form?

The form of the verb is influenced by the position of the subject being explained in the
sentence. In terms of structure, this can be explained based on certain rules contained in the
rules of the English language. When the subjective element of a sentence comes from the first
person singular, the structure that must be applied is "S + V". And if the subject of the
sentence comes from a third person singular sentence such as He, She, It then the structure
that must be applied is "S + V+ Es/s". This is what is called a structure based on the rules that
must be applied in English.
Meanwhile, sentences (3) and (4) explain the time emphasis used in the sentence, where the
Subject is known to carry out an activity at a certain time. in sentences (3) and (4) the thing
that needs to be underlined is the placement of the Verb (verb) and Adverb (adverb). in
sentence (3) has the constituent "S + V2". it can be concluded that this activity was an
activity carried out in the past, this can also be indicated by the placement of the adverb
accompanying "yesterday". Likewise with sentence (4) which has the constituent "S + Be +
V + Ing" which is then followed by the adverb (adverb) "Now". So this sentence can be
interpreted as meaning that the subject is carrying out activities at the moment. This is what is
called the structure used to emphasize time. And there are many more important things
related to learning this structure.

In conclusion, structure functions to arrange constituent words correctly in a sentence. The
goal is to be able to create or differentiate between correct and incorrect sentences. This
discussion is quite extensive, to understand the knowledge, at least you need several
guidebooks or a guide who is quite knowledgeable. Learning via the internet is only a small
part of the many learning efforts that can be done.

2. Grammar Explanation
Grammar is a system of rules and conventions used in language to form correct and
effective sentences, grammar helps us understand how sentences are formed and how the
elements of a sentence are related to each other. Grammar also helps us understand how the
meaning of sentences can be understood and translated correctly.

Below I have included the Grammar Formula so that the meaning of the sentence can be
understood and translated correctly:
a. Subject + Verb + Object (SVO) – this formula is the basic form of an English
sentence, where subject is the subject of the sentence, verb is the verb, and object is
the object of the sentence.
b. Subject + Verb + Adverb + Object (SVOA) – this formula is the same as SVO, but
adds an adverb that explains how or when the action is performed.
c. Subject + Verb + Adjective (SVA) – this formula describes the subject of the
sentence and how the subject is in certain conditions, through adjectives.
d. Subject + Verb to be + Adjective (SVA) – this formula uses the verb “to be” to
describe the subject of the sentence in certain conditions, through an adjective.
e. Subject + Verb to be + Complement – this formula uses the verb "to be" to describe
the subject of the sentence and how the subject is in certain conditions, through
f. Subject + Modal verb + Base verb – this formula uses modal verbs such as “can”,
“could”, “should”, etc. to show the level of ability or certainty of the action carried
out by the subject.
g. Infinitive Phrase – this formula uses the infinitive (the basic form of the verb) to
describe the goal or intent of the action.
h. Gerund Phrase – this formula uses a gerund (the -ing form of the verb) to describe the
action that is taking place.

These are just some basic grammar formulas in English, and there are many other formulas
that can be found and used in English.

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