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Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Tugas
Mata Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris
Dosen Pengampu: Rosa Lesmana, S.E., M.M.

Kelompok 1:
1. Alangit Putri Nurda 5. Andhira Putri Yusharyanto
(231010503522) (231010503492)
2. Alfian Aji Wicaksono 6. Anggitan Putri Bantari
(231010503474) (231010503558)
3. Ali Rahman Yasin 7. Arya Danu Pratama
(231010503516) (231010503475)
4. Amelia Putri Sari Dewi 8. Aulia Novianita Putri
(231010503470) (231010503493)



Segala puji syukur kami panjatkan kepada kehadirat Tuhan Yang

Maha Esa yang telah melimpahkan segala rahmat-Nya kepada kita
semua sehingga kami diberikan kesehatan dan dapat menyelesaikan
pembuatan makalah yang berjudul “Adjective Clauses” sebagai
bagian dari tugas yang diberikan dalam mata kuliah “Bahasa Inggris”
yang sebagaimana diampuh oleh dosen kami yaitu: Ibu Rosa
Lesmana, S.E., M.M.

Dalam penyusunan makalah ini, kami menyadari sepenuhnya

bahwa makalah ini masih jauh dari kesempurnaan, karena pengalaman
dan pengetahuan penulis yang terbatas. Oleh karena itu kami harapkan
kritik dan saran dari semua pihak demi terciptanya makalah yang lebih
baik dimasa yang akan datang.

Tangerang Selatan, 30 Oktober 2023

Hormat Kami,



Kata Pengantar ................................................................................................ i

Daftar isi .......................................................................................................... ii

Chapter I Introduction ..................................................................................... 1

A. Problem Backgrouund ............................................................................... 1

B. Problem Formulation ................................................................................ 1

Chapter II Discussion ...................................................................................... 2

A. Definition of Adjective Clause .................................................................. 2

B. Use Adjective Clause ................................................................................ 2

1. Introduction With Relative Pronouns ............................................... 3

2. Introduction With Relative Adverbs ................................................. 4

C. The Function of Adjective Clause ............................................................. 4

D. Placement in Adjective Clause .................................................................. 5

E. Punctuation in Adjective Clause ............................................................... 5

Chapter III Closing .......................................................................................... 6

A. Conclusion ................................................................................................ 6

B. Suggestion ................................................................................................. 7

Daftar Pustaka ................................................................................................. 8



A. Problem Background

English is the language used by almost every person in the world. At

the present time, learning English is very important. English language is not

only used to talk to the west, but has become a requirement to enter the

world of work. Children in schools in Asian countries, must learn English.

There is so much discussion in English however, what will be discussed in

this papper is about adjective clauses. Adjective clauses are a very important

part of the discussion because they are very often used both in conversation

and in English writing. In this papper we will try to explain a little about

clauses adjective.

B. Problem Formulation

1. What is Definition of Adjective Clause?

2. How To Use Adjective Clause?

a. Introduction With Relative Pronouns

b. Introduction With Relative Adverbs

3. What Are The Function of Adjective Clauses?

4. How To Place Adjective Clause?

5. How To Use Punctuation in Adjective Clause?



A. Definition of Adjective Clause

An adjective clause is a dependent clause (bound word + subject and

verb) that describes a noun. You can imagine that an adjective clause takes

two phrases about the same noun and turns them into one phrase. An

adjective clause is a group of words, which contains a separate subject and

predicate and performs the function of an adjective. An adjective clause can

be reduced to an adjective phrase under certain grammatical conditions. In

the example below, you will see a noun modified by an adjective phrase,

then an example of a noun the same thing is modified with a shorter

adjective phrase. The red dot indicates an incomplete main clause because

you only focused on reducing the clause to a phrase in this example. For

such a contraction to occur, the relative pronoun must be the subject

pronoun in all cases.

B. Use Adjective Clause

Adjective clauses, also known as relative clauses, are an important

part of English grammar. They are used to provide additional information

about a noun in a sentence. Adjective clauses are introduced by relative

pronouns or relative adverbs. Here's a more detailed explanation of adjective


1. Introduction With Relative Pronouns

Relative pronouns are pronouns used to introduce relative clauses.

Relative clauses introduce further information about the preceding noun

or noun phrase, either helping to identify what is meant (in restrictive

clauses) or simply providing additional details (in nonrestrictive

clauses). The main relative pronouns in English are who, which, that,

whom and whose. These words can also function as other parts of

speech they are not exclusively used as relative pronouns. Here’s the

definition of the main relative pronouns:

a. Who: Used to refer to people.

Example: The girl who is wearing a red dress is my sister.

b. Which: Used to refer to things or animals.

Example: The car which is parked in the garage is expensive.

c. That: Used to refer to people, things, or animals.

Example: The book that I bought yesterday is interesting.

d. Whom: Used to refer to people, often in formal contexts.

Example: The artist whom I admire is exhibiting her work.

e. Whose: Shows possession and is used for both people and things.

Example: The woman whose purse was stolen is upset.

2. Introduction With Relative Adverbs

Relative adverbs or relative adverbs where, when, and why can be

used to join sentences or clauses. These words replace the more formal

preposition + structure, which is used to introduce relative clauses.

Here’s the definition of relative adverbs:

a. Where: Used to refer to a place.

Example: This is the house where I grew up.

b. When: Used to refer to a time.

Example: That was the day when we met.

c. Why: Used to refer to a reason.

Example: She explained the reason why she was late.

C. The Function of Adjective Clauses

Adjective clauses offer many benefits by adding appropriate

information to part of a sentence. Adjective Clauses are clauses consisting

of a subject and a predicate, which function as adjectives in the sentence.

Here’s the function of adjective clause:

- Adjective clauses provide more information about a noun in the sentence.

By having an adjective clause in a sentence, the information in the

sentence has more weight. You can capture additional information so you

can better understand the condition of the noun.

- They help clarify which noun we are talking about when there might be

several possibilities.

D. Placement in Adjective Clause

Adjective clause placement is used to clarify a sentence. Because, if the

placement of the clauses is different then the meaning can also be different.

Adjective clauses can be placed right after the noun they modify or at the

end of the sentence.


- With early placement:

The man who is sitting at the table is my boss.

- With late placement:

The man is my boss who is sitting at the table.

E. Punctuation in Adjective Clause

Punctuation is a sign or symbol used in the spelling system. Punctuation

in English itself is called punctuation. In a text, punctuation functions to

show the structure of writing which can determine intonation and pauses

when reading:

- If the adjective clause is necessary to understand the sentence, no

commas are used.

Example without commas (necessary information):

The girl who won the race is my cousin

- If the adjective clause is additional information, commas are used.

Example with commas (additional information):

My cousin, who won the race, is very talented.




Adjective clause are a versatile and essential part of English grammar

that allow you to provide details and specificity in your writing and


An adjective clause is a group of words that contains a separate subject

and predicate and performs the function of an adjective. Adjective clauses

can be reduced to adjective phrases under certain grammatical conditions.

In the examples bellow, you’ll see a noun modified by an adjective

phrase, then an example of the same noun modified by a shorter adjective

phrase. For such a contraction to occur, the relative pronoun must be the

subject pronoun in all cases. The conjunctions between them in the adjective

clause are:

1. Who

It’s function is to replace the subject (person)

2. Whom

It’s function is to describe the object (person)

3. Which

It’s function is to be used for objects, either in subject position or object



As students who are still learning English, we really welcome about

criticism and suggestions from readers for writers. We will gladly accept

criticism and suggestion given regarding adjective clause material.


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