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Indonesia adalah Negara besar yang terus berkembang. dan seiring dengan
perkembangan tersebut, permasalahan kemiskinan dan kebodohan bukanlah menjadi
hal asing yang kita temukan di masyarakat. Pendidikan adalah sebuah hal yang harus
mendapatkan perhatian serius bagi Negara untuk menentukan kebijakan bagi rakyatnya,
karena Pendidikan merupakan salah satu kunci dari kualitas sebuah Negara. Maka
sesuai dengan amanat yang tertuang dalam UU no.12 tahun 1995 Pasal 14 ayat 1, serta
Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan HAM no.6 tahun 2013 pasal 3 & 4 mengenai hak dari
Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan yang notabene juga bagian dari rakyat Negara
Indonesia, maka Lapas Kelas IIA Cibinong telah berhasil memenuhi UU no.12 tahun 1995
Pasal 14 ayat 1 butir C dan F, untuk memberikan Pendidikan dan Pengajaran melalui
Program kegiatan Belajar PKBM (Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat), Modul Materi Inti
ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM Untuk Kejar Paket A dan B ini dirancang, disusun, dan
dibuat berdasarkan kebutuhan akan pengajaran PKBM Lapas Kelas IIA Cibinong.
Sekaligus bertujuan untuk memperkuat kompetensi Warga binaan dari sisi pengetahuan,
keterampilan dan sikap secara utuh.

Melalui pembelajaran sejumlah materi mata pelajaran yang telah dirangkai

sebagai suatu kesatuan yang saling mendukung, diharapkan mampu menunjang
kompetensi dari warga binaan dalam minat dan bakat mereka. Hal ini juga dimaksudkan
untuk memberikan wawasan yang utuh bagi Warga Binaan yang ikut serta dalam
program dan berada pada jenjang SMP, tentang prinsip-prinsip dasar yang mengatur tata
berbahasa inggris. Modul Campuran Bahasa Inggris Untuk Jenjang SMP ini Diharapkan
mampu membawa Warga binaan di taraf Pendidikan SMP dengan harapan mereka
mampu kembali mengingat materi-materi dasar dan materi lanjutan yang ada, sebagai
sebuah persiapan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi.

Sesuai dengan konsep Kurikulum Nasional yang telah ditetapkan oleh Badan
Standarisasi Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) pada tahun 2006. Sebagai standar Isi Mata
Pelajaran bahasa Inggris Sekolah menengah pertama, modul ini menjabarkan usaha
minimal yang harus dilakukan warga binaan untuk mencapai kompetensi yang
diharapkan. Sesuai dengan pendekatan yang dipergunakan dalam Kurikulum 2013 pada
pendidikan formal sekolah.

Modul ini merupakan panduan materi inti dari Buku English Ring The Bell Untuk
SD dan MI Kelas IV/V/VI Dan SMP VII/VIII/IX serta sumber-sumber lain yang berhasil
dikumpulkan dan ditemukan oleh tim penulis selama penyusunan modul ini berlangsung,
hal tersebut dilakukan untuk menyesuaikan keterbatasan yang dimiliki oleh warga binaan
dengan Kompetensi dan kemampuan mereka untuk menyerap informasi berupa
pengetahuan formal pendidikan. Peran tutor sangat penting untuk membimbing dan
memfasilitasi siswa untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris, termasuk meningkatkan dan
menyesuaikan daya serap warga binaan dengan adanya ketersediaan Modul ini.
Tim penulis dibantu tim reviewer, telah berupaya sebaik-baiknya dalam menyusun
modul ini. Namun demikian, modul ini sangat terbuka dan dapat terus dilakukan
perbaikan serta penyempurnaan di masa mendatang. Untuk itu, kami mengundang para
pembaca memberikan kritik, saran dan masukan untuk perbaikan dan penyempurnaan
pada perkembangan program pendidikan di tahun-tahun mendatang dan Atas kontribusi
tersebut, kami ucapkan terima kasih. Mudah-mudahan kita dapat memberikan yang
terbaik bagi kemajuan untuk sesama manusia dan dunia pendidikan dalam rangka
mempersiapkan warga binaan menuju hidup yang lebih layak sebagai hasil dari
pendidikan yang baik.


Tim PKBM 2021

SPELL (*Reading Method)
GREETING (*Speaking Method)
Standard Greeting Words
Good Morning….
Good Afternoon….
Good Evening….
Good Night….
 How Are you?......
 Are you Alright?.......
 How Do you Feel?.......
 ………….? I ve Got a Headache
 ………….? Just little Dizzy
 ………….? I m Feeling Happy
 Feel Great
 Feel Dizzy
 Feel Happy
 Feel Sad
 Has A Headache
 Has A Toothache

Write Down Theirs Feelings into your note.

 Can I get you something?
 May I…?
 How about…?
 Would you like…?
 Do you need something?
 Do you need anything?
 I would love to help you…
 Can I help you?
 Shall I…?

Accepting Help
 Yes, please
 Yes, please, if you could.
 Yes, if you don’t mind
 Yes, if you wouldn’t mind..
 That is so nice of you, thank you.
 That would be great, thank you so much.

 No, thank you.
 I can do it myself, it’s okay.
 Don’t worry, I can help myself.
 Thanks, but I prefer not to bother you
 What Is It?
 What do You
Think about it?
 What we can do
DAYS,NUMBER,TIME,YEAR (Reading & Speaking Method)
kepemilikan terhadap suatu benda.
According To Text Above, Answer The Question Below

1. According to Mrs. Harum:

a. Siti can help her with the housework before she goes to
b. She can get up early herself.
2. According to Rani:
a. Yuli can
b. She can
c. She can
3. According to Mr. Adnan:
a. Many students can _____________________________
4. According to Denata:
a. Fatima can
5. According to Mrs. Fauzia:
a. Birds can
b. We cannot
c. We can
d. We can
6. According to Mr. Rendy:
a. We cannot
b. We can
7. According to Mrs. Gracia:
a. We can
b. We can
8. According to Widi:
a. Anton can
b. He can
Simple Present Tense Digunakan untuk menunjukkan fakta, kebiasaan,
dan keadaan umum yang terjadi pada saat ini.

 Kata sinyal (Signal Words) :

Always, every, never, normally, often, sometimes, usually, seldom
 Kalimat positif (Positive Words)
(Subject + Verb/ Verb-s/es + Complement)
= I work hard for this company.
 Kalimat negatif (Negative Word)
(Subject + am/are/is/do/does + not + complement)
= He does not work hard for this company.
 Kalimat tanya (Questioning Words)
(Do/does + Subject + Verb1 + Complement?)
= Does he work hard for this company?
Past Continuous Tense Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian
yang sedang terjadi pada masa lampau. Biasanya ada dua kejadian terjadi
di masa lampau dan kejadian yang diinterupsi tersebut yang
menggunakan tense ini.

 Kata sinyal (Signal Words) :

when,while, as long as, at this time yesterday.
 Kalimat positif (Positive Words)
(Subject + was/were + Verb-ing + Complement)
= I was studying English when he called.
 Kalimat negatif (Negative Word)
(Subject + was/were + Not + Verb-ing + Complement)
= I was not studying English when he called.
 Kalimat tanya (Questioning Words)
(Was/were + Subject + Verb-ing + Complement?)
= Was I studying English when he called?
 Please Listen to your teacher playlist
 Write the lyric down to your note
 Try to Find the Words in Dictionary, or
 translate it by your own
 Find The Meaning of the song..
 Don’t be hesitate to ask your teacher

 You ll Read The Sentences by your own.

 Don’t Worry your teacher will correct you, if you
doing wrong while spelling.
Present Continuous Tense Digunakan untuk membicarakan aksi yang
sedang berlangsung. Yang paling utama dari tense ini adalah
adanya durasi waktu untuk kata kerjanya.

 Kata sinyal (Signal Words)

at the moment, just now, now, right now, Listen!, Look!
 Kalimat positif (Positive Words)
(Subject + am/are/is + Verb-ing + Complement)
= We are studying English.
 Kalimat negatif (Negative Words)
(Subject + am/are/is + Not + Complement)
= We are not studying English.
 Kalimat Tanya (Questioning Words)
(Am/are/is + Subject + Verb-ing + Complement?)
= Are we studying English?
Subject + Verb + Object + Complement (+)(-)(?)
Now Fill The Blank Box With The subject/Verb/Object/Complement (+)(-
now Fill the blank box with the word
GREETING CARD(*Reading & Writing Method)
Simple Past Tense Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian di
masa lampau.

 Kata sinyal (Signal)

Last year, last month, yesterday, in 1996, last Sunday.
 Kalimat positif (Positive)
(Subject + Verb2 + Complement atau subject + was/were +
= I worked hard for that company.
 Kalimat negative (Negative)
(Subject + did/was/were not + Verb1 + Complement)
= He did not work hard for that company.
 Kalimat tanya (Question)
(Did + Subject + Verb1 + Complement? atau Was/were +
Subject + Complement?)
= Did you work hard for that company?
Past Perfect Tense Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kejadian yang
terjadi sebelum waktu tertentu di masa lampau dan lebih menekankan
pada hasil dari pada durasinya kejadiannya. Biasanya digunakan untuk
menunjukkan kejadian mana yang terjadi terlebih dahulu di antara dua
kejadian yang disebut.

 Kata sinyal (Signal)

Yesterday, till three days ago, already, until that day.
 Kalimat positif (Positive)
(Subject + had + Verb3 + Complement)
= I had finished my homework before I
met up with my friends yesterday.
 Kalimat negatif (Negative)
(Subject + had + not + Verb3 +
= I had not finished my homework
before I met up with my friends
 Kalimat tanya (Question)
(Had + Subject + Verb3 +
= Had I finished my homework before I
met up with my friends yesterday?
Now Fill The Blank Box
CONVERSATION (*Speaking Method)
Write The Statement Based on the picture, on the next page
Now Read And Analyze
Statement Over Conversation (Fill The Blank)
Statement Over Conversation (Fill The Blank)
Now Make Your Own LIst
Simple Future Tense Rumus Bahasa Inggris ini digunakan untuk
menunjukkan aksi atau suatu keadaan di masa depan.

 Kata sinyal (Signal)

next…, tomorrow, five days later.
 Kalimat positif (Positive)
(Subject + will/be going to + Verb1 + Complement)
= I am going to work hard for this company.
 Kalimat negatif (Negative)
(Subject + will not / be not going to + Verb1 + Complement)
= I am not going to work hard for this company.
 Kalimat tanya (Question)
(Will + Subject + Verb1 + Complement? atau Be + Subject +
going to + Verb1 + Complement?)
= Am I going to work hard for this company
ADJECTIVE (Reading & Speaking Method)
Another Differences
Fill The Adjective with direction From your teacher
 Training
INTERACTION (Speaking Method)
Another Class Conversation to do
Another Class Conversation to do
RECIPE (Reading & Speaking Method)
NOW Create your Own Iced Fruit Cocktail With
Condensed milk Step by Step (or method) from the
example scheme below
Your Training to complete the action or steps to cook rice.
Statement Written by Another Conversation
(Listening,Reading,Speaking,Writing Method)
Another Training
Beni’s explanation that Siti’s hobby is reading novels:
1. Now, she is reading novels.
2. When he saw her in the canteen, she was reading a novel.
3. He’s sure when he meet her next time, she will be reading a novel,

Lina’s explanation why she will never see the sun during her stay in
1. Now, it is still raining hard.
2. It was raining hard when she got there three days ago.
3. Maybe when she leaves the town tomorrow afternoon it will be raining
Conversation 1:
Siti : “How many times have you visited the orphan home?”
Dayu : “Five times. I went there three times last year, in January, August,
and October. This year I have been there twice. I went there in
January and last week.”

Conversation 2:
Lina : “You have come to the orphan home !ve times. What have you
done there?”
Dayu : “I have just followed my parents. They are regular donors to the
orphan home. They have donated a lot of money, things, and gifts
to the orphanage. Last year they donated a white-board and 5
English-Indonesian dictionaries.”

Conversation 3:
Dayu : “Riri, how long have you lived here in this orphan home?”
Riri : “For about six years. I came here in 2008.”
Conversation 4:
Udin : “Have you talked to every child in the orphan home?”
Dayu : “No. I have talked only to some of them. I have talked to Riri three
times, but not personally.”

Conversation 5:
Beni : “Why haven’t you talked to Riri personally?”
Dayu : “I haven’t had a chance. And, lately, she has been very busy.”

Conversation 6:
Edo : “Why haven’t most of us seen an orphanage?”
Dayu : “Because we have never had a program to do in an orphanage.”

Conversation 7:
Dayu : “What has your sister done in an orphan home?”
Lina : “She has taught the young children to read and write.”

Conversation 8:
Dayu’s mother : “Have your friends planned to go to an orphanage?”
Dayu : “Not really. But we have talked about it.”
Conversation 1:
Dayu : “Riri, ____________________________________________?”
Riri : “For eight years now. My father died when I was a baby, and my
mother died eight years ago.”

Conversation 1:
Dayu : “How long have you been an orphan?”
Riri : “For eight years now. My father died when I was a baby, and my
mother died eight years ago.”

Conversation 2:
Dayu : “Why don’t you live with your grandparents?”
Riri : “________________________________. My grandfather died even
before I was born, and my grandmother died six years ago.”
Conversation 2:
Dayu : “Why don’t you live with your grandparents?”
Riri : “Because they have passed away. My grandfather died even
before I was born, and my grandmother died six years ago.”

Conversation 3:
Dayu : “________________________________________________?”
Riri : “For about six years. I came here in 2008.”

Conversation 4:
Dayu : “How have you come to this orphanage?”
Riri : “_________________________________________________.”

Conversation 5:
Dayu : “________________________________________________?”
Riri : “Never. He has !ve children and his house is very small.”

Conversation 6:
Dayu : “Have your uncle and his family visited you this year?”
Riri : “____________________________________. They visit me
routinely once a month.”

Conversation 7:
Dayu : “________________________________________________?”
Riri : “Yes, I have joined it since it was founded early last year.”
Conversation 8:
Dayu : “What have you done to get the money for the needy?”
Riri : “_________________________________________________.”

Conversation 9:
Dayu : “________________________________________________?”
Riri : “We have given them money. Last year we gave thirty street
children twenty thousand rupiahs each.”

Conversation 10:
Dayu : “What have you done for some poor families in the
Riri : “_________________________________________________.”
Present Perfect Continuous Tense Digunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi
yang dimulai pada masa lampau dan terus berlanjut sampai saat ini.
Biasanya aksi yang menggunakan tense ini mempunyai durasi waktu tentu
dan mempunyai relevansi dengan kondisi sekarang.
 Kata sinyal (Signal)
since, for the past …, the whole week.
 Kalimat positif (Positive)
(Subject + has/have + been + Verb-ing +
= She has been speaking for the last 3
 Kalimat negatif (Negative)
(Subject + has/have + not + been + Verb-
ing + Complement)
= You have not been working here since
 Kalimat Tanya (Question)
(Has/have + Subject + been + Verb-ing + Complement?)
= Have you been working here since 2015?
Remember if its Started From Past till Up To
Now! It’s a Continuous Action
1. Udin is saying that the roads are not safe now, because many
people do not drive carefully. They drive too fast.
2. According to Udin, many pedestrians get accidents because__
According to Lina, because ___there are many traffic jams in big
3. Lina is also saying that you need more time to go from one place to
another now because____________________
4. Beni goes to school on foot because he thinks__________________.
5. In Beni’s opinion his father is always healthy because____________.
6. Siti thinks her father saves the environment because_____________.
7. In Edo’s opinion the air pollution is very bad now because_________.
8. Edo also thinks that because___________people get sick easily now.
9. In Dayu’s opinion city people can see few stars in the sky at night
because _______________ and Dayu also thinks that there are more
stars in the village than in the city because_____________________.
1. The following sentences are about Mr Jufri.
 It is not easy for Mr. Jufri to stop smoking because ....
 He smokes a lot so ....
 Now he believes that smoking is not healthy, so ....
 He keeps trying to smoke fewer but ....
1. The following sentences are about Mr Jufri.
 It is not easy for Mr. Jufri to stop smoking because he started
smoking a long time ago when he was in SMP.
 He smokes a lot so he often has bad coughs and gets sick easily.
 Now he believes that smoking is not healthy, so he wants to stop
 He keeps trying to smoke fewer but he knows it is not easy.

2. The following sentences are about Donny.

 Donny is only 15 years old but ....
 He can ride on a motorcycle because ....
 He does not have a driving license so ....
 He cannot have a driving license now because ....
3. The following sentences are about Saskia.
 Saskia is the eldest in her family so ....
 She has so many things to do at home but ....
 She can !nish her homework because ....
4. The following sentences are about the furniture in the classroom.
 The furniture in the classroom is very strong because ....
 The chairs, the tables, and the cupboard are old but they look good
because ....
 They are very heavy so ....
5. The following sentences are about the class’s football team.
 Our class has the best football players of our school but ....
 We did not even go to the !nal this year because ....
 Maybe our team have lost the matches because ....
6. The following sentences are about learning English with Mr. Dede.
 To many students English is di"cult so ....
 The English teacher is Mr. Dede so ....
 The students have to work hard in his class but....
 They enjoy doing the tasks because ....
1. This cloth __________ an ulos. It __________ in North Sumatra,
Indonesia. It __________ in special events like weddings and
funerals. It __________ on one shoulder or both shoulders. It is made
of cotton. It is woven by hand.
2. This bag __________ a noken. It __________ in Papua, Indonesia.
The bag is very strong because it __________ of wood !bre or leave
!bre. It __________ to carry many things. It __________ on the head.
3. The beautiful umbrellas __________payung geulis. They
__________ in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia. They __________ of plain
waterproof paper or cloth. Beautiful pictures of "owers __________on
paper umbrellas. On cloth umbrellas, the pictures __________.

1. The sandals __________kelom geulis. They __________ in

Tasikmalaya, Indonesia. They __________ of light wood.
They__________ by hand. They are beautiful because they
__________ beautiful colours. They __________ with artistic
pictures. The straps __________ of fabric, plastic, or leather. They
__________ for formal occasions.
2. These knives __________ in Indonesia. Actually they are weapons,
but they __________ in wars now. They __________ as souvernirs.
They __________ on the walls for decoration. The one that
__________ like an L, __________ a rencong. It __________ in
Aceh. The other one __________ in Kalimantan. It is called a
3. Jepara and Bali __________ for their beautiful wood carving. These
wood carvings __________ of hard wood. They __________ by hand
by very skillful traditional carvers. They __________ by using a very
sharp mullet called a tatah. The ganesha wooden sculpture
__________ in Bali. The wall decoration carving __________ in
4. These puppets __________ wayang kulit. They __________ in
Indonesia. They __________ of water bu!alo hide. The sticks to hold
the puppets __________ of water bu!alo horn or wood. A wayang
have "ne holes all over the body. They __________ one by one with
a mullet called a tatah. Leather wayangs __________ to tell stories.
They __________ by a very clever puppeteer. The puppeteer
__________ a dalang.
 TO REMEMBER (Grammars)
Simple Present Tense, Digunakan untuk menunjukkan fakta,
kebiasaan, dan keadaan umum yang terjadi pada saat ini.

 Kata sinyal
always, every, never, normally, often, sometimes, usually, seldom
 Kalimat positif
(Subject + Verb/ Verb-s/es + Complement)
= I work hard for this company.
 Kalimat negatif
(Subject + am/are/is/do/does + not + complement)
= He does not work hard for this company.
 Kalimat tanya
(Do/does + Subject + Verb1 + Complement?)
= Does he work hard for this company?

Present Continuous Tense, Digunakan untuk

membicarakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung. Yang paling utama dari
tense ini adalah adanya durasi waktu untuk kata kerjanya.

 Kata sinyal
at the moment, just now, now, right now, Listen!, Look!
 Kalimat positif
(Subject + am/are/is + Verb-ing + Complement)
= We are studying English.
 Kalimat negatif
(Subject + am/are/is + Not + Complement)
= We are not studying English.
 Kalimat tanya
(Am/are/is + Subject + Verb-ing + Complement?)
= Are we studying English?

Present Perfect Tense, Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu aksi

atau kejadian sudah selesai dan menekankan pada hasilnya.

 Kata sinyal:
already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now.
 Kalimat positif
(Subject + has/have + Verb3 + Complement)
= I have finished my homework.
 Kalimat negatif
(Subject + has/have + not + Verb3 + Complement) = She has not
finished her homework.
 Kalimat tanya
(Has/have + Subject + Verb3 + Complement?)
= Have they finished their homework?

Present Perfect Continuous Tense, Digunakan untuk

menunjukkan aksi yang dimulai pada masa lampau dan terus berlanjut
sampai saat ini. Biasanya aksi yang menggunakan tense ini mempunyai
durasi waktu tentu dan mempunyai relevansi dengan kondisi sekarang.

 Kata sinyal
since, for the past …, the whole week.
 Kalimat positif
(Subject + has/have + been + Verb-ing + Complement)
= She has been speaking for the last 3 hours.
 Kalimat negatif
(Subject + has/have + not + been + Verb-ing + Complement)
= You have not been working here since 2015.
 Kalimat tanya
(Has/have + Subject + been + Verb-ing + Complement?)
= Have you been working here since 2015?

Simple Past Tense, Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian

di masa lampau.

 Kata sinyal
last year, last month, yesterday, in 1996, last Sunday.
 Kalimat positif
(Subject + Verb2 + Complement atau subject + was/were +
= I worked hard for that company.
 Kalimat negatif
(Subject + did/was/were not + Verb1 + Complement)
= He did not work hard for that company.
 Kalimat tanya
(Did + Subject + Verb1 + Complement? atau Was/were + Subject +
= Did you work hard for that company?

Past Continuous Tense, Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu

kejadian yang sedang terjadi pada masa lampau. Biasanya ada dua
kejadian terjadi di masa lampau dan kejadian yang diinterupsi tersebut
yang menggunakan tense ini.

 Kata sinyal
when, while, as long as, at this time yesterday.
 Kalimat positif
(Subject + was/were + Verb-ing + Complement)
= I was studying English when he called.
 Kalimat negatif
(Subject + was/were + Not + Verb-ing + Complement)
= I was not studying English when he called.
 Kalimat tanya
(Was/were + Subject + Verb-ing + Complement?)
= Was I studying English when he called?

Past Perfect Tense, Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kejadian yang

terjadi sebelum waktu tertentu di masa lampau dan lebih menekankan
pada hasil dari pada durasinya kejadiannya. Biasanya digunakan untuk
menunjukkan kejadian mana yang terjadi terlebih dahulu di antara dua
kejadian yang disebut.

 Kata sinyal
yesterday, till three days ago, already, until that day.
 Kalimat positif
(Subject + had + Verb3 + Complement)
= I had finished my homework before I met up with my friends
 Kalimat negatif
(Subject + had + not + Verb3 + Complement)
= I had not finished my homework before I met up with my friends
 Kalimat tanya
(Had + Subject + Verb3 + Complement?)
= Had I finished my homework before I met up with my friends

Past Perfect Continuous Tense, Digunakan untuk

menunjukkan aksi yang terjadi di masa lalu dan sudah selesai pada
waktu tertentu di masa lalu juga. Tense ini menekankan pada durasi
kejadiannya. Tense ini juga digunakan pada Reported Speech.

 Kata sinyal
for, since, the whole day, all day.
 Kalimat positif
(Subject + had + been + Verb-ing + Complement)
=You had been crying for an hour.
 Kalimat negatif
(Subject + had + not + been + Verb-ing + Complement)
= He had not been crying for an hour.
 Kalimat tanya
(Had + Subject + been + Verb-ing + Complement?)
= Had she been crying for an hour?

Simple Future Tense, Rumus Bahasa Inggris ini digunakan untuk

menunjukkan aksi atau suatu keadaan di masa depan.

 Kata sinyal
next…, tomorrow, five days later.
 Kalimat positif
(Subject + will/be going to + Verb1 + Complement)
= I am going to work hard for this company.
 Kalimat negatif
(Subject + will not / be not going to + Verb1 + Complement)
= I am not going to work hard for this company.
 Kalimat tanya
(Will + Subject + Verb1 + Complement? atau Be + Subject + going
to + Verb1 + Complement?)
= Am I going to work hard for this company?
Future Continuous Tense, Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu
aksi atau keadaan yang akan terjadi di suatu waktu tertentu di masa
yang akan datang.

 Kata sinyal
tomorrow morning, in ten years.
 Kalimat positif
(Subject + will / be going to+ be + Verb-ing + Complement)
= I will be studying English.
 Kalimat negatif
(Subject + will not / be not going to + be + Verb-ing + Complement)
= I will not be studying English.
 Kalimat tanya
(Am/are/is + Subject + Verb-ing + Complement?)
= Are you going to be studying English?

Future Perfect Tense, Digunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi yang

akan berakhir di masa depan.

 Kata sinyal
next…, in a week.
 Kalimat positif
(Subject + will have + Verb3 + Complement)
= I will have finished my homework by tomorrow.
 Kalimat negatif
(Subject + will not have + Verb3 + Complement)
= I will not have finished my homework by tomorrow.
 Kalimat tanya
(Will + Subject + have Verb3 + Complement?)
= Will I have finished my homework by tomorrow?

Future Perfect Continuous Tense, Rumus Bahasa Inggris ini

digunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi yang akan terus terjadi di masa
depan. Tense ini menekankan pada hasil.

 Kalimat sinyal
for the last…, all day long.
 Kalimat positif
(Subject + would + have + been + Verb-ing + Complement)
= In 2020, she would have been working here for two years.
 Kalimat negatif
(Subject + would + not + have + been + Verb-ing + Complement)
= In 2020, she would not have been working here for two years.
 Kalimat tanya
(Would + Subject + have + been + Verb-ing + Complement?)
= In 2020, would she have been working here for two years?

Past Future Tense, Digunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi yang

seharusnya dilakukan di masa lalu namun gagal (rencana yang gagal).

 Kalimat sinyal
yesterday, the day before, last week.
 Kalimat positif
(Subject + would/should + Verb1 + Complement)
= I would come to your party if you invited me.
 Kalimat negatif
(Subject + would/should not + Verb1 + Complement)
= I would not come to your party if you did not invite me.
 Kalimat tanya
(Would/should + Subject + Verb1 + Complement?)
= Would I come to your party if you invited me?

Past Future Continuous Tense, Digunakan untuk

menunjukkan suatu aksi yang akan dilakukan di masa lampau dan
akan berlangsung hingga waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Tense ini
menekankan pada durasi aksinya.

 Kalimat positif
(Subject + would/should + be + Verb-ing + Complement)
I would be studying if you had not disturbed me yesterday.
 Kalimat negatif
(Subject + would/should not + be + Verb-ing + Complement)
I would not be studying if you had not disturbed me yesterday.
 Kalimat tanya
(Would/should + Subject + be + Verb-ing + Complement?)
Would I be studying if you did not disturb me yesterday?
Past Future Perfect Tense, Digunakan untuk menunjukkan
suatu aksi yang akan sudah dilakukan di masa lampau namun ternyata
tidak dilakukan (rencana yang gagal). Tense ini menekankan pada hasil.

 Kalimat positif
(Subject + would/should + have + Verb3 + Complement)
I would have bought a new car if I had enough money.
 Kalimat negatif
(Subject + would/should not + have + Verb3 + Complement)
I would not have bought a new car if I had enough money.
 Kalimat tanya
(Would/should + Subject + be + Verb3 + Complement?)
Would I have bought a new car if I had enough money?

Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense, Rumus Bahasa

Inggris ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi yang akan sudah dan
masih sedang dilakukan di masa lampau, namun sebenarnya tidak
terjadi. Tense ini menekankan pada durasi dan hasilnya.

 Kata sinyal
for, but, unfortunately.
 Kalimat positif
 (Subject + would/should + have + been + Verb-ing + Complement)
She would have been waiting for me for three hours yesterday but
she had left by 9.00 PM.
 Kalimat negatif
(Subject + would/should not + have + been + Verb-ing +
She would not have been waiting for me for three hours yesterday
but she had left by 9.00 PM.
 Kalimat tanya
(Would/should + Subject + have + Verb-ed + Complement?)
Would she have waited for me for three hours yesterday?

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