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By: Mei Rinta, S.Hub.Int., S.S

Tarigan (1990:3-4) defines that speaking is a language skill that is

developed in child life, which is produced by listening skill, and at that
period speaking skill is learned.
Based on Competence Based Curriculum speaking is one of the four basic comp
etences that the students should gain well. It has an important role in com
munication. Speaking can find in spoken cycle especially in Joint Construct
ion of Text stage (Departmen Pendidikan Nasional, 2004). In carrying out sp
eaking, students face some difficulties one of them is about language its s
elf. In fact, most of students get difficulties to speak even though they h
ave a lot of vocabularies and have written them well. The problems are afra
id for students to make mistakes.Speaking is the productive skill. It could
not be separated from listening. When we speak we produce the text and it s
hould be meaningful.


Menurut Hurlock (1978: 187) anak mempelajari dua jenis kosakata yakni kosakata umum dan
kosakata khusus. Kosakata umum terdiri atas kata yang dapat digunakan dalam berbagai situa
si yang berbeda. Kosakata khusus terdiri atas kata arti spesifik yang hanya digunakan pada sit
uasi tertentu. Hurlock (1978: 188) mengemukakan jenis-jenis kosakata, yaitu:

1. Kosakata Umum
Kosakata umum terdiri dari kata benda, kata kerja, kata sifat, dan kata keterangan.
a. Kata benda. Kata yang pertama digunakan oleh anak adalah kata benda, umumnya yang be
rsuku kata satu yang diambil dari bunyi celoteh yang disenangi.
b. Kata kerja. Setelah anak mempelajari kata benda yang cukup untuk menyebutkan nama da
n benda disekitarnya, mereka mulai mempelajari kata-kata baru khususnya yang melukiskan t
indakan seperti ”beri”, ”ambil” atau ”pegang”.
c. Kata Sifat. Kata sifat muncul dalam kosakata anak yang berumur 1,5 tahun. Pada mulanya
kata sifat yang paling umum digunakan adalah ”baik”, ”buruk”, ”bagus”, ”nakal”, ”panas” da
n ”dingin”. Pada prinsipnya kata-kata tersebut digunakan pada orang, makanan dan minuman.
d. Kata keterangan. Kata keterangan digunakan pada umur yang sama untuk kata sifat. Kata k
eterangan yang muncul paling awal dalam kosakata anak, umumnya adalah ”disini” dan ”dim

The Important of Vocabulary

A good mastery of vocabulary helps the learners to express their idea precisely. By having m
any stocks of word learners will be able to comprehend the reading materials catch other tal
king, give response, speak fluently and write some kind of topics. On the contrary, if the learn
ers do not recognize the meaning of the words use by those who address them, the will be un
able to participate in conversation, unable to express some ideas, or unable to ask for inform

Considering the important of vocabulary role in learning foreign language. The mastery of th
is element should be ensured and develop. Otherwise, the vocabulary mastery of the children
will be limited and consequence of it is that they will find difficulties in learning the skills of t
he language. Therefore, schools have a task to teach vocabulary to their students as suggeste
d by John Carol as showed by Margaretha MC Keown (1987; 01).

Although a considerable amount of vocabulary, learning is associated with primary languag

e learning in early years. The acquisition of most the vocabulary characteristic of an educate
d adult occur during the years of schooling, and infects one of the primary task of the school
as far as language learning in concerned, as to teach vocabulary.

In teaching to children, teacher has to use performance to teach vocabulary to them, because
the children in literacy level are Performance, it means children learn language with accomp
anying action / scaffolding. In this level, teacher can use media, according to Nation (1990) i
n recited by Cameron is listed basic technique of explaining the meaning of new words.

Let’s Practice!

 Tell me about yourself and your family!

 Where do you want to live?
 In what kind of job do you see yourself in the following years?
 What do you think about a family later?
 What will be the most important things for you in the future?

 Tell something about your favourite subjects at school.

 Tell something about your work experience.
 What is your dream job?
 A good job - what does this mean to you?
 What would you change at your school to make it more attractive?
What would you like to learn?
If you had a free day every week and could use your day to learn something new, what would
it be and why?
Give students a few ideas such as:
- Cooking
- Home repair/decoration
- Languages
- Sport
- Music
- Computer skills

Your best decision

What is the best decision you ever made?
Why are you confident that you made the right choice?
For example:
- Studies
- Family
- Travel
- Health
- Place where you live

Your experiences in life

- What is the best idea you hav ever had? 
- What is your biggest stroke of luck?
- What if the best / the worst piece of advice you ever received?
- What achievement are you most proud of?
- What initiative would you never take again?

Manners and politeness 

- What do you think are some good/bad manners?
- Can good manners in one country be bad manners in another country?
- What are some good manners for using a mobile/cell phone?
- Why are manners important?
- Do people have better manners now than before? 


Dalam ilmu Pronunciation terdapat yang namanya “stress”. Stress artinya tekanan, str
ess ditandai dengan tanda titik atas ( ‘ ) yaitu apabila membaca kata yang terdapat titik di atas
(stress) maka kita membacanya harus menekan/keras, seperti contoh kata become /bɪ’kʌm/ ki
ta harus membacanya dengan nada yang lebih menekan/keras pada huruf come yang mempun
yai tanda stress, untuk contoh yang lain silahkan lihat pada kamus OXFORD POCKET DICT
IONARY. Menurut buku yang saya baca, stress berguna sekali untuk audience, karena dari st
ress, audience bisa mengenali kata perkata dari apa yang sedang kita bicarakan. Coba kalau n
ggak ada stress/tekanan nada kalimat, semuanya datar dan tak ada seni dalam berbahasa. Ada
pun ketentuan jenis kata yang distress dan yang tidak yaitu:
Yang distress: Noun, Main Verb, Adjective dan Adverb
Yang tidak distress: Pronoun, Article dan Conjuction

Menggunakan “good at”

Menggunakan ‘good at” merupakan sebuah pemberitahuan kepada seseorang bah

wa Anda unggul dalam sesuatu dan nyaman ketika melakukannya. Beberapa conto
hnya adalah sebagai berikut.

I’m good at math.

I’m good at drawing.
I’m good at football.

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