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2021 IBN Sudria, scientific learning module: observing – asking – collecting data – associating – communicating

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B. Individual assignment of Unit LR-1
Materi modul setiap unit (kluster 5M) terdiri atas (a) lembar kerja mahasiswa atau
LKM, (b) informasi materi rasional konsepsi ilmiah, dan (c) tugas kelompok dan
Kelengkapan kuliah untuk setiap topik sudah dijelaskan dalam Bab Pendahuluan.
Rubrik penilaian keterampilan dasar praktikum kimia (RPKDPK) dan buku panduan tugas
sebelum kuliah dan pasca-kuliah setiap kluster 5M ilmiah induktif serta arahan akhir untuk
verifikasi dengan penalaran terlampir pada sambungan
Materi pendukung Tabel H, S, dan G pembentukan standar yang dilibatkan oleh
kebanyakan konsep sasaran dapat secara bebas diunduh melalui internet (jika tidak berhasil
dapat minta pada dosen pengasuh). Latihan beberapa contoh soal (50 menit) dalam Buku
“Principle of General Chemistry second edition Boston: The McGraw-Hill Companies
(Silberberg, 2010.)” atau buku-buku General atau Basic Chemistry yang lain. Prosedur
pengambilan data eksperimen dikembangkan lagi dari langkah-langkah umum yang
disajikan dalam lembar kerja mahasiswa (LKM).
ii. Tugas perorangan: pemahaman dan pengayaan konsepsi ilmiah yang disasar.
Identifikasi dan jawab soal-soal penguasaan konsep dan soal-soal pengayaan
konsep (tentang konsep-konsep kimia yang disasar dalam modul) yang ada pada akhir
Chapter 20 di buku sumber “Silberberg, M.S. (2003). Chemistry The Molecular Nature
of Matter and Change. Third Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education” atau
“Principle of General Chemistry second edition” (Silberberg, 2010) sebagai
persiapan mengikuti kuis selama sekitar 20 menit (pukul 20.00 -21.00) bersamaan
dengan unggah terakhir tugas pasca-kuliah untuk modul ini pada hari ketiga setelah
akhir kuliah tatap muka modul ini.

Dalam unit ini kami masih membantu mengenali butir-butir soal penguasaan konsep dan
pengayaan konsep yang mendukung kajian unit topik ini (LR-1).

Unit LR-1
a. Soal-soal penguasaan konsep: PROBLEM 9.2
SAMPLE PROBLEM 16.1 Because it has a nonpolluting combustion product (water vapor), hydrogen
is used for fuel aboard the space shuttle and in prototype cars with Earth-bound engines:
2H2(g) O2(g)  2H2O(g)
(a) Express the rate in terms of changes in [H2], [O2], and [H2O] with time.
(b) When [O2] is decreasing at 0.23 mol/Ls, at what rate is [H2O] increasing?
16.7 Define reaction rate. Assuming constant temperature and a closed reaction vessel, why does
the rate change with time?
16.8 (a) What is the difference between an average rate and an instantaneous rate?
(b) What is the difference between an initial rate and an instantaneous rate?
16.9 Give two reasons to measure initial rates in a kinetics study
16.10 For the reaction A(g)  B(g), sketch two curves on the same set of axes that show
(a) The formation of product as a function of time
(b) The consumption of reactant as a function of time
2021 IBN Sudria, scientific learning module: observing – asking – collecting data – associating – communicating

16.11 For the reaction C(g)  D(g), [C] vs. time is plotted:

How do you determine each of the following?

(a) The average rate over the entire experiment
(b) The reaction rate at time
(c) The initial reaction rate
(d) Would the values in parts (a), (b), and (c) be different if you plotted [D] vs. time? Explain.

b. Soal-soal penguasaan konsep:


(a) Balance the following equation and express the rate in terms of the change in concentration
with time for each substance:
NO(g) O2(g)  N2O3(g)
(b) How fast is [O2] decreasing when [NO] is decreasing at a rate of 1.60104 mol/Ls?
16.12 The compound AX2 decomposes according to the equation 2AX2(g)  2AX(g) + X2(g). In one
experiment, [AX2] was measured at various times and these data were obtained:

(a) Find the average rate over the entire experiment.

(b) Is the initial rate higher or lower than the rate in part (a)? Use graphical methods to estimate
the initial rate.

16.13 (a) Use the data from Problem 16.12 to calculate the average rate from 8.0 to 20.0 s.
(b) Is the rate at exactly 5.0 s higher or lower than the rate in part (a)? Use graphical methods
to estimate the rate at 5.0 s.
16.14 Express the rate of reaction in terms of the change in concentration of each of the reactants
and products:
A(g) + 2B(g)  C(g)
When [B] is decreasing at 0.5 mol/Ls, how fast is [A] decreasing?
16.15 Express the rate of reaction in terms of the change in concentration of each of the reactants
and products:
2D(g) + 3E(g) + F(g)  2G(g) + H(g)
When [D] is decreasing at 0.1 mol/Ls, how fast is [H] increasing?
16.16 Reaction rate is expressed in terms of changes in concentration of reactants and products.
Write a balanced equation for
2021 IBN Sudria, scientific learning module: observing – asking – collecting data – associating – communicating

16.17 Reaction rate is expressed in terms of changes in concentration of reactants and products.
Write a balanced equation for

16.18 The decomposition of nitrosyl bromide is followed by measuring total pressure because the
number of moles of gas changes; it cannot be followed colorimetrically because both NOBr
and Br2 are reddish brown:
2NOBr(g)  2NO(g) Br2(g)
Use the data in the table to answer the following:
(a) Determine the average rate over the entire experiment.
(b) Determine the average rate between 2.00 and 4.00 s.
(c) Use graphical methods to estimate the initial reaction rate.
(d) Use graphical methods to estimate the rate at 7.00 s.
(e) At what time does the instantaneous rate equal the average rate over the entire
16.19 Although the depletion of stratospheric ozone threatens life on Earth today, its accumulation
was one of the crucial processes that allowed life to develop in prehistoric times:
3O2(g)  2O3(g)
(a) Express the reaction rate in terms of [O2] and [O3].
(b) At a given instant, the reaction rate in terms of [O2] is 2.17105 mol/Ls. What is it in terms
of [O3]?

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