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Laporan Tahunan

2022 Annual Report

Ketahanan dalam Memperkuat

Bisnis Inti untuk Pertumbuhan
yang Berkelanjutan
Resilience in Strengthening The Core
Business for Sustainable Growth

PT ELNUSA Tbk IDX: ELSA Elnusa PT Elnusa Tbk

Ketahanan dalam Memperkuat Bisnis Inti
untuk Pertumbuhan yang Berkelanjutan
Resilience in Strengthening The Core
Business for Sustainable Growth

Merayakan usia ke 53, Perseroan berhasil menaklukan

berbagai tantangan ditengah kondisi ketidakpastian akibat
gejolak global sepanjang tahun 2022 yang masih berlanjut
dari tahun sebelumnya. Untuk memperkokoh daya tahan
terhadap keuangan juga menjaga bisnis yang berkelanjutan
ke depannya, Elnusa berupaya untuk memperkuat bisnis inti
Perseroan dengan konsisten menerapkan kebijakan strategis
Perusahaan dalam pengelolaan biaya yang tepat guna,
optimal dan mengambil peluang dalam Pengembangan
bisnis yang bukan hanya pada industri migas namun juga
non migas. Elnusa juga terus berkomitmen untuk senantiasa
menjalankan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola yang baik (GCG)
dalam setiap proses operasional dan bisnis Perusahaan.

Celebrating its 53rd anniversary, the Company has successfully overcome various challenges
in the midst of uncertainty due to global turmoil throughout 2022 which still lingers from the
previous year. To strengthen financial resilience as well as maintain a sustainable business going
forward, Elnusa strives to strengthen the Company’s core business by consistently implementing
the Company’s strategic policies in managing costs that are appropriate, optimal and taking
opportunities in business development not only in the oil and gas industry but also non-oil and gas.
Elnusa also continues to be committed to always implementing the principles of good governance
(GCG) in every operational and business process of the Company.
Table of Contents

Profil Pejabat Eksekutif 83

KILAS KINERJA 2022 Executive Officers Profile
2022 Performance Highlights Struktur dan Komposisi Pemegang Saham 88
Structure and Composition of Shareholders
Ikhtisar Data Keuangan Penting 8 Daftar Entitas Anak 92
Key Financial Highlights List of Subsidiaries
Ikhtisar Saham 11 Alamat Entitas Anak dan/atau Kantor Cabang atau Kantor Perwakilan 100
Share Highlights Addresses of Subsidiaries and/or Branch Offices or Representative
Informasi tentang Aksi Korporasi 15
Information on Corporate Action Kronologi Pencatatan Saham 102
Sharelisting Chronology
Informasi tentang Obligasi, Sukuk, atau Obligasi Konversi 15
Information on Bonds, Sukuk, or Convertible Bonds Struktur Grup Perseroan 104
Company Group Structure
Penghentian Sementara Perdagangan Saham/Penghapusan 15
Pencatatan Saham Daftar Lembaga dan Profesi Penunjang Perusahaan 105
Temporary Station of Share Trading/Removal of Share Listing List of Supporting Institutions and Professionals of the Company
Peristiwa Penting 16 Daftar Penting Lainnya 105
Event Highlights Other Important List
Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi 19 Profil Sumber Daya Manusia 106
Awards and Certifications Human Resource Profile
Informasi Website Perusahaan 108
Company Website Information
Management Report
Business Support Functions
Laporan Dewan Komisaris 26
Board of Commissioners Report
Laporan Direksi 36 Sumber Daya Manusia 112
Board of Directors Report Human Capital
Lembar Pernyataan Anggota Dewan Komisaris tentang Tanggung 46 Sistem Informasi 132
Jawab atas Laporan Tahunan 2022 PT Elnusa Tbk Information System
Statement of the Board of Commissioners of Responsibility Rantai Pasok 136
for the 2022 Annual Report of PT Elnusa Tbk Supply Chain
Lembar Pernyataan Anggota Direksi tentang Tanggung Jawab atas 47
Laporan Tahunan 2022 PT Elnusa Tbk
Statement of the Board of Directors of Responsibility
for the 2022 Annual Report of PT Elnusa Tbk MANAJEMEN
Management Discussion and Analysis
PROFIL PERUSAHAAN Tinjauan Perekonomian dan Industri 142
Company Profile Economic and Industry Overview
Tinjauan Operasi per Segmen Usaha 149
Operational Overview per Business Segment
Informasi Umum Perusahaan 50 Tinjauan Keuangan 174
Company General Information Financial Review
Jejak Langkah 52 Kinerja Rasio Keuangan, Kolektibilitas Piutang, dan Kemampuan 188
Milestones Membayar Utang
Riwayat Singkat Perusahaan 54 Performance of Financial Ratios, Account Receivables, and Debt
Brief History of the Company Payment Capability
Visi, Misi & Strategi Perusahaan 55 Struktur Modal dan Kebijakan Manajemen atas Struktur Modal 190
Corporate Vision, Mission and Strategy Capital Structure and Management Policy on Capital Structure
Budaya & Nilai Perusahaan 56 Ikatan yang Material untuk Investasi Barang Modal 191
Corporate Values and Culture Material Capital Commitments
Identitas Perusahaan 60 Realisasi Investasi Barang Modal 2022 192
Corporate Identity Realization of Capital Commitments in 2022
Kegiatan & Bidang Usaha 61 Realisasi Penggunaan Dana Penawaran Umum 193
Activities & Line of Business Realization of Proceeds from Public Offering
Wilayah Operasional 66 Informasi Material Mengenai Investasi, Ekspansi, Divestasi, 193
Operational Area Penggabungan Usaha, Akuisisi, dan/atau Restrukturisasi Utang/Modal
Material Information Regarding Investment, Expansion, Divestment,
Struktur Organisasi 72 Business Merger, Acquisition, and/or Debt/Capital Restructuring
Organizational Structure
Keanggotaan dalam Asosiasi/Organisasi 73 Perbandingan antara Target Anggaran dengan Realisasi, dan Proyeksi 193
Membership in Associations/Organizations Usaha
Comparison between Budget Targets with Realization, and Business
Profil Dewan Komisaris 74 Projections
Board of Commissioners Profile
Profil Direksi 78
Board of Directors Profile
Informasi dan Fakta Material yang Terjadi setelah Tanggal Laporan 195 Sistem Pengendalian Internal 309
Akuntan Internal Control System
Material Information and Facts Occurring after the Accountant’s
Report Date
Manajemen Risiko 310
Risk Management
Dampak Nilai Tukar Mata Uang Asing 195 Kasus dan Perkara Penting 322
Impact of Foreign Exchange Rates Litigation Case
Prospek Usaha 195 Informasi Mengenai Sanksi Administratif 324
Business Prospect Information on Administrative Sanctions
Aspek Pemasaran 196 Kode Etik 325
Marketing Aspect Code of Conduct
Kebijakan Dividen dan Pembagiannya 198 Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan 328
Dividend Policy and Its Distribution Anti-Bribery Management System
Kontribusi terhadap Negara 199 Kompensasi Jangka Panjang 331
Contribution to State Revenue Provision of Long-Term Compensation
Informasi Transaksi Material yang Mengandung Benturan 199 Kebijakan Kepemilikan Saham dan Transaksi Bagi Orang Dalam 332
Kepentingan dan/atau Transaksi dengan Pihak Afiliasi/Pihak Berelasi Share Ownership and Transaction Policy for Insiders
Material Transaction with Potential Conflict of Interest and/or
Transactions with Affiliated/Related Parties Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran 333
Whistleblowing System
Informasi Keuangan yang Mengandung Kejadian yang Bersifat Luar 202
Biasa dan Jarang Terjadi Kebijakan Anti Korupsi 336
Extraordinary and Rare Events Anti-Corruption Policy
Perubahan Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang Berpengaruh 202 Akses Informasi dan Data Perusahaan 337
Signifikan terhadap Perusahaan Access for Data and Information about the Company
Changes to Laws and Regulations with Significant Influence on the Penerapan Pedoman Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka 338
Company Implementation of Public Company Governance Guidelines
Perubahan Kebijakan Akuntansi dan Dampaknya terhadap 202 Kesesuaian Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terhadap ASEAN 339
Perusahaan Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS)
Changes in Accounting Standards and Their Impact on the Company Implementation of Corporate Governance Aspects And Principles in
Accordance with the Provisions of the Financial Services Authority
Informasi Kelangsungan Usaha 202
Business Sustainability Penerapan Aspek dan Prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan Sesuai 341
Ketentuan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
Tingkat Kesehatan Perusahaan 203 Implementation of Aspects and Principles of Corporate Governance in
Company Health Level
accordance with the Provisions of the Financial Services Authority
Kesesuaian Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terhadap ASEAN 346
TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS)
Kesesuaian Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terhadap Asean
Corporate Governance Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS)

Prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan 206 TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL DAN

Basic Principles of Corporate Governance
Struktur, Infrastruktur dan Softstructure Tata Kelola Perusahaan 211 Social and Environmental Responsibility Social
Structure, Infrastructure And Softstructure Of Corporate Governance
and Environmental Responsibility
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) 216
General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS)
Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan 352
Dewan Komisaris 224 Social and Environmental Responsibility Social and Environmental
Board of Commissioners Responsibility
Direksi 240 Aspek Ekonomi 352
Board of Directors Economic Aspect
Transparansi Informasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi 253 Aspek Lingkungan 354
Information Transparency on the Board of Commissioners and the Environment Aspect
Board Directors
Aspek Sumber Daya Manusia 354
Hubungan Afiliasi antar Anggota Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan/atau 254 Human Resources Aspect
Pemegang Saham Pengendali
Affiliation among Members of the Board of Commissioners, Aspek Sosial 355
the Board of Directors and/or Controlling Shareholders Social Aspect
Rapat Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi 255
Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors Meeting LAMPIRAN
Keberagaman Komposisi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi 264 Appendix
Diversity in the Composition of the Board of Commissioners and the
Board of Directors Glosarium 358
Assessment/Penilaian Kinerja terhadap Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi 266
Performance Assessment for the Board of Commissioners and Referensi SEOJK No. 16/SEOJK.04/2021: Laporan Tahunan Emiten 360
the Board of Directors atau Perusahaan Publik
SEOJK No. 16/SEOJK.04/2021: Annual Report of Public Company
Nominasi dan Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi 268
Nomination and Remuneration of the Board of Commissioners and Laporan Keuangan 383
Directors Financial Report
Komite Audit 271
Audit Committee
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi 280
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Komite Pemantau Risiko 289
Risk Monitoring Committee
Sekretaris Perusahaan 296
Corporate Secretary
Unit Audit Internal 305
Internal Audit Unit
Theme Continuity

2018 2019 2020


Mencatatkan pendapatan tertinggi sepanjang sejarah Lima dasawarsa perjalanan PT Elnusa Tbk telah dilalui hingga Tekanan bertubi menghantam industri migas bahkan
berdiri melalui penguatan diversifikasi portofolio. Kinerja menjadi Perusahaan jasa energi nasional yang mampu berdampak pada perekonomian nasional dan dunia. Doa
jasa distribusi dan logistik energi digenjot, selaras dengan memberikan solusi total seperti sekarang. Beragam krisis dan dan daya upaya yang dibarengi dengan inovasi dan strategi
penyesuaian aktivitas jasa hulu migas di tengah peralihan dinamika industri berhasil dilewati. Tidak sedikit pula ragam portofolio telah menyelamatkan perusahaan. Ketangguhan
ekuilibrium. kreativitas dan inovasi sudah dihasilkan. Melewati 50 tahun yang menunjukkan keunggulan perusahaan untuk terus
ini, transformasi Elnusa tentu belum berhenti. Perusahaan ini berkontribusi bagi negeri.
akan terus menggeliat mengikuti perubahan jaman. Bukan
sekedar untuk hidup, tetapi tetap kokoh di atas jalur yang
dipilih untuk menjadi jalannya.
STRENGHTENING THE PORTFOLIO The pressure has repeatedly hit the oil and gas industry and
has impacted the national and global economies. Prayers
EQUILIBRIUM JOURNEY TO BRING NATIONAL and efforts following by innovation and portfolio strategy has
CAPACITY saved the Company. Resilience that shows the excellence of
Record the highest revenue since established through the
the Company to continue contributing to the Country.
reinforcement in portfolio diversification. in the midst of Five decades of the journey of PT Elnusa Tbk have been passed
equilibrium transition, the performance of energy distribution to become a national energy service company that is able to
and logistic services has been optimized in conformance with provide a total solution like now. Various crises and dynamics
the adjustment in the upstream oil and gas services activities. of the industry successfully passed. Not a little variety of
creativity and innovation have been produced. Over the past
50 years, Elnusa’s transformation has certainly not stopped.
This company will continue to stretch following the changing
times. Not just for life, but still firm above the path chosen
to be the way.
2021 2022
Merayakan usia ke 53, Perseroan berhasil menaklukan berbagai tantangan ditengah
kondisi ketidakpastian akibat gejolak global sepanjang tahun 2022 yang masih
Di tengah tantangan triple shock, semangat pantang menyerah berlanjut dari tahun sebelumnya. Untuk memperkokoh daya tahan terhadap
keuangan juga menjaga bisnis yang berkelanjutan ke depannya, Elnusa berupaya
dengan terusmaju bersama. Menyatukan Tekad & Tujuan untuk untuk memperkuat bisnis inti Perseroan dengan konsisten menerapkan kebijakan
Satu Elnusa. Dengan penerapan nilai AKHLAK sebagai fondasi strategis Perusahaan dalam pengelolaan biaya yang tepat guna, optimal dan
mengambil peluang dalam Pengembangan bisnis yang bukan hanya pada industri
utama & untuk mencapai kinerja terbaikmenjadi perusahaan migas namun juga non migas. Elnusa juga terus berkomitmen untuk senantiasa
yang unggul. menjalankan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola yang baik (GCG) dalam setiap proses
operasional dan bisnis Perusahaan.


In the middle of the triple shock challenges, spirit to never BUSINESS FOR SUSTAINABLE GROWTH
give up by moving forward together. Unifying Determination
Celebrating its 53rd anniversary, the Company has successfully overcome various
and Purpose for One Elnusa. With the implementation of the challenges in the midst of uncertainty due to global turmoil throughout 2022
AKHLAK value as the main foundation and to achieve the best which still lingers from the previous year. To strengthen financial resilience as well
as maintain a sustainable business going forward, Elnusa strives to strengthen the
performance to be superior company. Company’s core business by consistently implementing the Company’s strategic
policies in managing costs that are appropriate, optimal and taking opportunities
in business development not only in the oil and gas industry but also non-oil and
gas. Elnusa also continues to be committed to always implementing the principles of
good governance (GCG) in every operational and business process of the Company
2022 Performance Highlights
8 Ikhtisar Data Keuangan Penting
Key Financial Highlights
11 Ikhtisar Saham
Share Highlights
15 Informasi tentang Aksi Korporasi
Information on Corporate Action
15 Informasi tentang Obligasi, Sukuk, atau Obligasi Konversi
Information on Bonds, Sukuk, or Convertible Bonds
15 Penghentian Sementara Perdagangan Saham/Penghapusan
Pencatatan Saham
Temporary Station of Share Trading/Removal of Share Listing
16 Peristiwa Penting
Event Highlights
19 Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi
Awards and Certifications
Kilas Kinerja 2022
2022 Performance Highlights

Key Financial Highlights


Consolidated Profit (Loss) and Other Comprehensive Income
Dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Uraian 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Description
Pendapatan 12.305.690 8.136.563 7.726.945 8.385.122 6.624.774 51 Revenue
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi 7.564.058 4.744.166 3.786.529 4.364.090 3.695.856 59 Energy Distribution and Logistic
Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi 4.034.631 2.981.764 3.760.935 3.847.015 2.636.121 35 Integrated Upstream Oil and
Gas Servics
Jasa Penunjang Migas 1.357.387 1.285.491 1.409.031 988.663 292.797 6 Oil and Gas Support Services
Beban Pokok Pendapatan (11.393.357) (7.491.069) (6.984.472) (7.514.040) (5.972.680) 52 Cost of Revenue
Laba Bruto 912.333 645.494 742.473 871.082 652.094 41 Gross Profit
Laba (Rugi) Operasi 498.015 315.228 437.247 533.681 380.775 58 Profit (Loss) of Operation
EBITDA 1.146.434 984.669 1.164.509 970.666 767.220 16 EBITDA
Beban Keuangan* (143.320) (121.341) (132.200) (40.490) (90.092) 18 Financial Costs*
Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan 378.058 108.852 249.086 356.477 276.316 247 Profit (Loss) for the Year
Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif Tahun 393.467 111.924 253.049 345.625 288.075 252 Comprehensive Profit (Loss) for
Berjalan the Year
Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan yang Profit (Loss) for the Year
Dapat Diatribusikan kepada: Attributable to:
– Pemilik Entitas Induk 378.065 108.740 356.474 276.314 247.140 248 Owner of Parent Entity –
– Kepentingan Non Pengendali (7) 112 3 2 3.614 -106 Non-controlling Interest –
Jumlah 378.058 108.852 356.477 276.316 250.754 247 Total
Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif yang Dapat Diatribusikan kepada: Comprehensive Profit (Loss) Attributable to:
– Pemilik Entitas Induk 393.474 111.812 253.045 345.622 288.073 252 Owner of Parent Entity –
– Kepentingan Non Pengendali 7 112 3 3 2 -105 Non-controlling Interest –
Jumlah 393.467 111.924 253.048 345.625 288.075 252 Total
Laba (Rugi) Bersih per Saham 52 15 49 38 34 248 Net Profit (Loss) per Share (Full
Dasar (Nilai Penuh) Amount)
* Beban keuangan yang tercantum dalam Laporan ini tanpa (rugi) selisih kurs atas pinjaman.
The financial costs stated in this report are excluded (loss) the foreign exchange difference on loans.


Revenue Net Profit
Rp miliar | Rp billion Rp miliar | Rp billion




2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

8 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Kilas Kinerja 2022
2022 Performance Highlights


Consolidated Financial Position
Dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Uraian 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Description
Aset Lancar 5.287.016 4.446.784 4.217.325 3.698.370 3.158.507 19 Current Assets
Aset Tetap dan Properti Investasi 1.773.917 1.877.948 1.872.101 1.884.942 1.806.114 -6 Fixed Assets and Investment
– Neto Property – Net
Jumlah Aset 8.836.089 7.234.857 7.562.822 6.805.037 5.657.327 22 Total Assets
Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 3.531.761 2.561.234 2.573.467 2.504.335 2.116.898 38 Current Liabilities
Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 1.187.117 895.489 1.248.409 724.004 240.229 33 Non-current Liabilities
Jumlah Liabilitas 4.718.878 3.456.723 3.821.876 3.228.339 2.357.127 37 Total Liabilities
Utang Berbunga 128.258 333.197 739.326 1.127.040 821.415 -62 Interest Bearing Debt
Ekuitas 4.117.211 3.778.134 3.740.946 3.576.698 3.300.200 9 Equity
Modal Kerja – Neto 1.755.255 1.885.550 1.643.858 1.194.035 1.041.609 -7 Working Capital – Net


Total Assets Total Liabilities
Rp miliar | Rp billion Rp miliar | Rp billion







2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow
Dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Uraian 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Description
Kas Bersih yang Diperoleh dari 1.461.281 1.104.623 928.178 575.797 344.756 32 Net Cash Provided by Operating
Aktivitas Operasi Activities
Kas Bersih yang Diperoleh dari (387.541) (361.321) (483.159) (671.113) (586.671) 7 Net Cash Provided by (Used in)
(Digunakan untuk) Aktivitas Investing Activities
Kas Bersih yang Diperoleh dari (587.419) (833.108) (70.996) 239.286 37.374 -29 Net Cash Provided by (Used in)
(Digunakan untuk) Aktivitas Financing Activities
Kas dan Setara Kas pada akhir 1.656.975 1.144.769 1.231.867 856.122 719.457 45 Cash and Cash Equivalent at the
tahun End of the Year

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 9

Kilas Kinerja 2022
2022 Performance Highlights

Financial Ratios
Dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Uraian 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Description
Margin Laba Bruto 7,41% 7,93% 10,44% 9,84% 11,62% -7% Gross Profit Margin
Margin Laba Operasi 4,05% 3,87% 5,66% 6,36% 5,75% 4% Operating Profit Margin
Margin Laba Bersih* 3,07% 1,34% 3,22% 4,25% 4,17% 130% Net Profit Margin*
Margin Laba Bersih Tanpa Laba 4,28% 1,50% 3,29% 5,24% 4,88% 184% Net Profit Margin Excluded Gain
(Rugi) Penjualan Aset Tetap** (Loss) Sale of Fixed Assets**
Margin EBITDA 9,32% 12,10% 15,07% 11,58% 11,58% -23% EBITDA Margin
Rasio Lancar 1,50 1,74 1,64 1,48 1,49 -14% Current Ratio
Perputaran Total Aset 139,27% 112,46% 102,17% 123,22% 117,10% 24% Total Asset Turnover
Imbal Hasil Aset 4,28% 1,50% 4,71% 4,06% 4,37% 185% Return on Assets
Imbal Hasil Ekuitas 9,18% 2,88% 9,53% 7,73% 7,49% 219% Return on Equity
Utang Berbunga/Ekuitas 0,03 0,09 0,20 0,32 0,25 -65% Interest Bearing Debt/Equity
Utang Berbunga/Jumlah Aset 0,01 0,05 0,10 0,17 0,15 -68% Interest Bearing Debt/Total Assets
Utang Berbunga/EBITDA 0,11 0,34 0,63 1,16 1,07 -67% Interest Bearing Debt/EBITDA
EBITDA/ Beban Keuangan 8,00 8,11 8,81 23,97 8,52 -1% EBITDA/Interest Expense
Jumlah Liabilitas/Ekuitas 1,1 0,9 1,0 0,9 0,7 25% Total Liabilities/Equity
Jumlah Liabilitas/Aset 0,53 0,48 0,51 0,47 0,42 12% Total Liabilities/Assets
Kas Neto yang Diperoleh dari 3,71 9,88 3,67 1,67 1,20 -62% Net Cash Provided by Operating
Aktivitas Operasi/Laba Bersih Activities/Net Income
Kas Neto yang Diperoleh dari 0,88 0,96 0,75 0,67 0,48 -9% Net Cash Provided by Operating
Aktivitas Operasi/Kas dan Setara Activities/Cash and Cash
Kas akhir tahun Equivalents at the End of the Year
Kas dan Setara Kas pada akhir 12,92 3,44 1,67 0,76 0,88 276% Cash and Cash Equivalent at the
tahun/Utang Berbunga End of the Year/Interest Bearing
Laba Bersih/Jumlah Karyawan 358,70 92,94 281,58 156,64 139,55 286% Net Profit/Number of Employees
Perhitungan margin laba bersih yang tercantum dalam laporan ini menggunakan Laba Tahun yang Berjalan yang Dapat Diatribusikan kepada Pemilik Entitas Induk.
Net profit margin in this reports is calculated using the Profit for the Current Year Attributable to Owners of the Parent Entity.
Perhitungan Margin Laba Bersih Tanpa Laba (Rugi) Penjualan Aset Tetap yang tercantum dalam laporan ini menggunakan Laba Tahun Berjalan yang dapat Diatribusikan kepada Pemilik Entitas
Induk - Tanpa Laba (Rugi) Penjualan Aset Tetap.
Net Profit Margin Excluded Gain (Loss) on Sale of Fixed Assets in this reports is calculated using the Profit for the Current Year Attributable to Owners of the Parent Entity Excluded Gain (Loss) on
Sale of Fixed Assets.

10 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Kilas Kinerja 2022
2022 Performance Highlights

Share Highlights

Kuartal Open Highest Lowest Closing Volume Valuasi Market Cap Quarter

Kuartal 1 2021 350 525 332 344 241.924.744 2.510.684.000.000 Quarterly 1 2021
Kuartal 2 2021 346 358 266 266 44.880.998 11.938.345.468 1.941.401.000.000 Quarterly 2 2021
Kuartal 3 2021 306 314 240 306 58.811.904 17.996.442.624 2.233.341.000.000 Quarterly 3 2021
Kuartal 4 2021 306 342 266 276 42.118.625 11.624.740.500 2.014.386.000.000 Quarterly 4 2021
Kuartal 1 2022 276 360 250 294 82.492.544 24.252.808.013 2.145.759.000.000 Quarterly 1 2022
Kuartal 2 2022 296 340 274 302 56.520.591 Quarterly 2 2022
Kuartal 3 2022 300 366 280 308 64.146.552 19.757.138.111 2.247.938.000.000 Quarterly 3 2022
Kuartal 4 2022 308 400 306 312 84.145.609 26.253.430.080 Quarterly 4 2022


ELSA Closing Prices and Trading Volume in 2021-2022

Harga Penutupan Volume Perdagangan

Bulan Month
Closing Price Trading Volume

2021 2021
Januari 358 344.066.600 January
Februari 402 166.712.700 February
Maret 344 85.282.700 March
April 356 169.521.500 April
Mei 304 13.615.700 May
Juni 266 29.187.200 June
Juli 262 43.790.100 July
Agustus 260 11.386.500 August
September 306 103.442.000 September
Oktober 304 36.650.400 October
November 278 27.192.300 November
Desember 276 10.086.300 December
2022 2022
Januari 276 55.460.100 January
Februari 312 307.318.800 February
Maret 294 27.363.500 March
April 292 34.674.000 April
Mei 308 42.556.100 May
Juni 302 16.088.900 June
Juli 302 21.810.100 July
Agustus 318 47.329.500 August
September 308 52.430.400 September
Oktober 376 388.122.900 October
November 328 32.369.400 November
Desember 312 25.939.200 December

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 11

Kilas Kinerja 2022
2022 Performance Highlights


Closing Price & Trading Volume Chart ELSA 2021-2022
500 50.000.000

400 40.000.000

300 30.000.000

200 20.000.000

100 10.000.000

0 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agu Sep Okt Nov Des Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agu Sep Okt Nov Des
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2021 2022

Volume Perdagangan Harga Penutupan

Trading Volume Closing Price


Situasi perekonomian dan geopolitik dunia sepanjang tahun 2022 penuh The year 2022 saw a lot of turmoil and challenges in the world economy
gejolak dan tantangan. Trend pandemi Covid-19 yang mulai terkendali and geopolitics. The Covid-19 pandemic, which has been brought under
tidak menjadi garansi kondisi perekonomian global tahun 2022 menuju control, apparently does not guarantee that global economic conditions
ke arah yang lebih baik. Masyarakat justru dikhawatirkan dengan in 2022 will be on a better track. Global society now faces an escalating
kelangkaan energi dan pangan akibat memanasnya tensi geopolitik Russia-Ukraine geopolitical tension that has led to disruptions in the
Rusia-Ukraina yang mengakibatkan tertanggunya rantai pasokan energi supply chain, resulting in energy and food crises in many parts of the
khususnya minyak dan gas dan pangan akibat konflik yang terjadi. world. The war between the two European countries led many nations
Perang kedua negara Eropa tersebut menimbulkan pro dan kontra to curtail their relations with Russia and even impose sanctions and
yang kemudian menyeret berbagai negara untuk membatasi hubungan embargoes on that country.
hingga menerapkan sanksi serta embargo terhadap Rusia.

Gejolak geopolitik dunia dan ketidakpastian ekonomi dibawah Geopolitical turmoil and global economic uncertainty, coupled with
bayang-bayang resesi serta inflasi yang tinggi fakta nya mempengaruhi the threat of recession and high inflation, have affected the financial
sektor keuangan di hampir seluruh belahan dunia, tidak terkecuali sector worldwide. The United States, one of the largest economies in
Amerika Serikat sebagai negara dengan ekonomi terbesar di dunia saat the world today, is no exception. The Dow Jones index in 2022 fell 9.4%
ini. Indeks Dow Jones sepanjang tahun 2022 turun 9,4% ke level 33.148, to 33,148, while the S&P 500 index fell more sharply by 19.95% to 3,840.
sedangkan indeks S&P 500 turun turun lebih tajam yaitu 19,95% ke level World oil prices in early 2022 responded to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
3.840. Harga minyak dunia di awal tahun 2022 merespon invasi Rusia by creeping up and touching highs of USD122/barrel for West Texas
terhadap Ukraina dengan merangkak naik dan menyentuh titik tertinggi Intermediate (WTI) and USD128/barrel for Brent. Although it fluctuated
di USD122/barrel untuk komoditas jenis West Texas Intermediate (WTI) in the middle of the year, WTI slowly fell back to USD80/barrel and Brent
dan USD128/barrel untuk komoditas jenis Brent. Meskipun sempat at USD86/barrel at the end of December 2022.
berfluktuatif di pertengahan tahun, namun secara perlahan WTI kembali
turun hingga level USD80/barrel dan Brent di level USD86/barrel di akhir
Desember 2022.

12 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Kilas Kinerja 2022
2022 Performance Highlights

1.200 8.000

1.000 7.500

800 7.000

600 6.500

400 6.000

200 5.500

0 5.000

Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agu Sep Okt Nov Des
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

ELSA IDXEnergy IDXComposite

(sumbu kiri) (sumbu kiri) (sumbu kanan)
(left axis) (left axis) (right axis)

Ketegangan akibat tensi geopolitik Rusia-Ukraina tidak hanya Russia-Ukraine geopolitical tensions not only affect neighboring
mempengaruhi negara-negara regional yang tergabung dalam Uni countries but also impact countries in other parts of the world, including
Eropa, tetapi juga berdampak pada belahan dunia lain tidak terkecuali Indonesia. However, owing to Indonesia’s solid economic fundamentals,
Indonesia. Namun demikian, berkat fundamental perekonomian the Indonesia Stock Exchange’s Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) in 2022 was
Indonesia yang cukup kokoh, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) able to withstand global market volatility. The JCI recorded an increase
atau IDXComposite Bursa Efek Indonesia di tahun 2022 dapat dibilang of 2.79% to 6,850 by the end of 2022. Meanwhile, the composite
cukup tangguh menghadapi volatilitas pasar global. IHSG mencatatkan stock index of energy companies incorporated in the IDXEnergy group
kenaikan sebesar 2,79% ke level 6.850 di akhir tahun 2022. Sedangkan recorded a significant increase of 97.86% to 2,280. The increase in this
indeks saham gabungan perusahaan energi yang tergabung dalam index is relatively stable considering the condition of the global market
kelompok IDXEnergy mencatatkan kenaikan yang cukup signifikan index, which corrected quite significantly, and the world oil price, which
yaitu 97,86% ke level 2.280. Kenaikan indeks ini cukup stabil mengingat reversed direction and fell at the end of 2022.
kondisi indeks pasar global yang terkoreksi cukup signifikan dan harga
minyak dunia yang berbalik arah turun di penghujung tahun 2022.

Kenaikan indeks saham energi di Indonesia ternyata cukup relevan The increase in Indonesia’s energy stock index affects Elnusa shares’
dengan pergerakan saham Elnusa yang juga masuk dalam klasifikasi movement, which is also included in the energy stock index classification.
indeks saham ini. Selain akibat dari terganggunya ekspor minyak dan The disruption of Russia’s oil and gas exports to consumer countries
gas Rusia ke negara-negara konsumen, terjadi kenaikan permintaan increased gas demand. This is also due to the energy transition factor,
gas disebabkan oleh faktor transisi energi, pertumbuhan penduduk population growth, and the European region’s need for natural gas
dan kebutuhan pasokan gas alam di kawasan Eropa. Saham Elnusa pun supply. Elnusa’s shares also increased by 13.87% to Rp312 at the end
di tahun 2022 terjadi peningkatan sebesar 13,87% ke level Rp312 di of trading in 2022, with a trading volume of 72,275,074 shares and a
akhir perdagangan tahun 2022 dengan volume perdagangan sebesar market capitalization of Rp2.277 trillion.
72.275.074 lembar saham dan kapitalisasi pasar sebesar Rp2,277 triliun.

500 12.000.000




0 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agu Sep Okt Nov Des
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

ELSA Volume

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 13

Kilas Kinerja 2022
2022 Performance Highlights

ELSA membuka perdagangan 2022 pada posisi Rp276 dan hanya sempat Trading of ELSA shares in 2022 opened at Rp276 and only touched the
menyentuh harga tertinggi di Rp360 pada akhir kuartal I 2022 seiring highest price of Rp360 at the end of the first quarter of 2022, in line with
dengan trend kenaikan indeks saham IDXEnergy yang merespon perang the upward trend of the IDXEnergy stock index, as a response to the war
antara Rusia dan Ukraina. Di kuartal II volatilitas perdagangan saham between Russia and Ukraine. In general, ELSA stock trading was relatively
ELSA tidak terlalu tinggi, namun di akhir kuartal II sempat terjadi trend stable in the second quarter. However, at the end of the second quarter,
kenaikan hingga Rp340 dipengaruhi oleh sentimen positif press release there was an upward trend up to Rp340, influenced by the positive
kinerja ELSA di kuartal I dimana revenue tumbuh 34% YoY dan net profit sentiment generated by the press release of ELSA’s performance in the
tumbuh 4581% YoY dari kuartal yang sama tahun 2021. first quarter, where revenue grew 34% (YoY), and net profit grew 4581%
(YoY) from 2021.

Di kuartal III 2022, saham ELSA kembali atraktif, dan sepanjang In the third quarter of 2022, ELSA shares were again attractive, and
pertengahan hingga akhir kuartal III sempat menyentuh titik tertinggi between the middle and the end of the quarter, had touched the
pada posisi Rp366 di akhir kuartal III 2022 seiring dengan banyaknya highest point at Rp366, in line with much positive coverage related to
pemberitaan positif terkait dengan rencana public expose dan press the plan of public expose and press release of ELSA’s performance until
release kinerja ELSA sampai dengan kuartal II 2022. Di kuartal IV sampai the second quarter of 2022. In the fourth quarter until the end of the
dengan akhir tahun, saham ELSA diperdagangkan semakin atraktif dan year, ELSA shares became more attractive and touched the highest point
menyentuh titik tertinggi sepanjang tahun 2022 di Rp400 dimana kinerja throughout 2022, which was at Rp400. This is mainly because ELSA’s
ELSA di kuartal III semakin meningkat yaitu revenue tumbuh 50% YoY performance in the third quarter has increased, namely revenue YoY
dan net profit tumbuh 675% YoY dari kuartal yang sama tahun 2021. grew by 50%, and net profit YoY grew by 675% from the same quarter in
Setelah menyentuh ceiling saham ELSA kembali turun dan menutup 2021. After touching the ceiling, ELSA’s share price fell again and closed
perdagangan di posisi Rp312. at Rp312.

Kinerja fundamental Elnusa secara full year 2022 sebenarnya jauh Elnusa’s fundamental performance in full-year 2022 is much better than
lebih baik dibanding tahun 2021 terutama pada sisi pendapatan yang in 2021, especially on the revenue side, which experienced a significant
mengalami kenaikan signifikan sebesar 51% YoY menjadi Rp12,3 triliun. increase of 51% YoY to Rp12.3 trillion. Net profit grew significantly
Laba bersih yang berhasil dicatatkan pun tumbuh sangat baik pada tiap throughout the year compared to the previous year, resulting in Elnusa’s
kuartal sepanjang tahun dibanding tahun sebelumnya sehingga Elnusa profit growth of 247% YoY to Rp378 billion at the end of December
berhasil mencatat pertumbuhan laba secara signifikan sebesar 247% 2022. This condition aligns with the increase in ELSA’s share price at
YoY menjadi Rp378 miliar pada akhir Desember 2022. Kondisi ini sejalan the close of year-end trading, where ELSA shares rose 13.87% at Rp312
dengan kenaikan harga saham ELSA pada saat penutupan perdagangan per share. The average trading volume throughout 2022 decreased
akhir tahun, dimana saham ELSA naik 13,87% di angka Rp312 per by approximately 25% to 72 million shares per day compared to the
lembar saham. Rata-rata volume perdagangan sepanjang tahun 2022 previous year. ELSA’s market capitalization at the end of 2022 was
turun kurang lebih 25% menjadi senilai 72 juta lembar saham perhari recorded at Rp2.2 trillion compared to ELSA’s market capitalization at
dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Kapitalisasi pasar ELSA di penghujung the end of 2021, which amounted to Rp2.0 trillion.
2022 tercatat sebesar Rp2,2 triliun dibanding kapitalisasi pasar ELSA
pada akhir 2021 lalu yang sebesar Rp2,0 triliun.

14 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Kilas Kinerja 2022
2022 Performance Highlights

Corporate Actions

Tidak terdapat aksi korporasi seperti aksi pemecahan saham (stock split), In the last two years, there were no corporate actions, such as stock
penggabungan saham (reverse stock), saham bonus, maupun penurunan splits, reverse stock combinations, bonus shares, or a decrease in the
nilai nominal saham, dalam dua tahun terakhir. nominal value of shares.


Information on Bonds, Sukuk, or Convertible Bonds
Perseroan tidak mengeluarkan obligasi/sukuk/obligasi konversi The Company did not issue any bonds/sukuk/convertible bonds
sepanjang tahun 2022. Namun, pada Agustus 2020 Perseroan throughout 2022. However, in August 2020, the Company conducted
telah melakukan aksi korporasi dengan menerbitkan Sukuk Ijarah a corporate action by issuing Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Phase One
Berkelanjutan I Tahap Kesatu (Sukuk) senilai Rp700 miliar untuk jangka (Sukuk) worth Rp700 billion for 5 (five) years, which was fully realized
waktu 5 (lima) tahun yang seluruhnya telah direalisasikan di tahun 2021. in 2021.

Suspension of Share Trading/Delisting of Shares

Sepanjang tahun 2022, Perseroan tidak pernah dikenakan sanksi saham, Throughout 2022, the Company has never been subject to share
baik berupa penghentian sementara perdagangan saham (suspension) sanctions, either in the form of suspension or delisting on the Indonesia
maupun penghapusan pencatatan saham (delisting) di Bursa Saham Stock Exchange.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 15

Kilas Kinerja 2022
2022 Performance Highlights

Event Highlights

Januari April April Mei

25-26 January 7 April 27 April 30 May

Perseroan gelar vaksin booster Perseroan kembali berhasil Berbagi keberkahan ramadhan, SKK Migas & Subholding Upstream
COVID-19 berkolaborasi dengan memperoleh peringkat idAA dan perseroan berikan santunan untuk Pertamina Regional 1 Sumatera Zona 4
Puskesmas Kecamatan Pasar Minggu di peringkat idAA sy untuk Sukuk Ijarah anak yatim dan kaum dhuafa. Apresiasi Kinerja Perseroan.
Ruang Udaya, Graha Elnusa Jakarta. Berkelanjutan 2020.
Sharing the blessings of Ramadan, SKK Migas & Subholding Upstream
The Company held a COVID-19 booster The Company again successfully the Company distributed donations to Pertamina Regional 1 Sumatra
vaccine in collaboration with Pasar obtained idAA rating and idAA sy rating orphans and the poor. Zone 4 Applauded the Company’s
Minggu District Health Center at Udaya for the 2020 Sustainable Sukuk Ijarah. Performance.
Room, Graha Elnusa Jakarta.

Juni Juni Juni Juni

3 June 6 June 9 June 15 June

Penghijauan Perseroan diwakili anak Perseroan gelar Kick Off Meeting Perseroan Gelar Aksi Donor Darah Perseroan Gelar Exclusive Media dan
usahanya Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi Implementasi Internal Control over menyambut Hari Donor Darah Sedunia Analyst Meeting 2022 update informasi
melakukan Penanaman penghijauan Financial Report (ICoFR) di Graha (HDDS). kinerja atau laporan Elnusa pada
yang bertempat di Workshop Cental Elnusa Jakarta. Kuartal 1 2022 serta prospek Elnusa
Shop, Wilayah Kerja Rokan. Company held blood donation event kedepan.
The Company held a Kick Off Meeting to celebrate World Blood Donor Day
The Company, represented by its for the Implementation of Internal (HDDS). The Company held Exclusive Media
subsidiary Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi, Control over Financial Report (ICoFR) at and Analyst Meeting 2022 update
conducted a reforestation planting Graha Elnusa Jakarta. information on Elnusa’s performance or
at the Cental Shop Workshop, Rokan report in Quarter 1 2022 and Elnusa’s
Working Area. prospects going forward.

Juli Juli Juli Juli

11 July 20 July 13-17 July 25-27 July

Perseroan Tebar Hewan Kurban Hingga Perseroan Menggelar Rapat Umum Perseroan Gelar Konsinyering Perseroan melakukan Audit
ke Pelosok Negeri Memperingati Idul Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST) Percepatan Invoicing dan Tingkatkan Surveillance Sistem Manajemen Anti
Adha 1443 H. Tahun Buku 2021 Di Ruang Udaya, Kolaborasi dengan SHU Group di Penyuapan ( ISO 37001 2016 oleh
Graha Elnusa. Bandung. Badan Sertifikasi SGS Indonesia di
The Company Distributed Sacrificial Graha Elnusa).
Animals to Remote Areas of the The Company Held the Annual General The Company held a Consignment
Country to Commemorate Eid al-Adha Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) for to Accelerate Invoicing and Increase The Company conducted an
1443 H. the 2021 Financial Year in Udaya Room, Collaboration with SHU Group in Anti-Bribery Management System
Graha Elnusa. Bandung. Surveillance Audit (ISO 37001 2016
by SGS Indonesia Certification Body at
Graha Elnusa)”.

16 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Kilas Kinerja 2022
2022 Performance Highlights

Juli Agustus September September

27-28 July 31 August 2 September 5 September

Perseroan bekesempatan mengikuti Perseroan menggelar kegiatan Perseroan mengadakan Aksi ‘Green Komisaris Utama Pertamina Kunjungi
FORUM KAPASITAS NASIONAL Corporate Social Responsibility Action’ Mangrove Plating Convervation Kapal Seismik Perseroan ELSA Regent
Forkapnas 2022 yang diselenggarakan melalui Elnusa Goes to Special School dan beach clean up di Pantai Tanjung di Batam.
di Balai Sidang Jakarta Convention di Sekolah Luar Biasa BC Nur Abadi, Pasir, Kabupaten Tangerang.
Center. Jagakarsa Jakarta Selatan. Pertamina’s President Commissioner
The Company held a ‘Green Action’ visited the Company’s seismic vessel
The Company had the opportunity The Company held Corporate Social Mangrove Planting Convervation and ELSA Regent in Batam.
to participate in the Forkapnas 2022 Responsibility activities through Elnusa beach clean up at Tanjung Pasir Beach,
NATIONAL CAPACITY FORUM held at Goes to Special School at BC Nur Abadi Tangerang Regency.
the Jakarta Convention Center. Special School, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta.

September September September September

9 September 15 September 15 September 16 September

Memperingati syukuran Hari Ulang Perseroan unjuk kemampuan Di Perseroan melakukan paparan publik Perseroan dan afiliasinya bekerja sama
Tahun ke 53 Syukuran kali ini digelar Pavilion Oil nd Gas Asia (OGA) secara online dan menyampaikan dengan Perusahaan Umum Daerah
secara hybrid dari Lapangan Sepak Malaysia. kinerja perseroan semester I yang melakukan Pengelolaan Air Perumda
Bola, Graha Elnusa. disampaikan oleh Direksi Elnusa. Tirta Rangga Kab Subang Berbasis
The Company demonstrated its Internet of Things (IoT).
Commemorating the 53rd Anniversary capabilities at the Oil And Gas Asia The company conducted an online
Thanksgiving this time was held in a (OGA) Pavilion in Malaysia. public expose and conveyed the The Company and its affiliates
hybrid manner from the Football Field, company’s performance in the first collaborated with the Regional Public
Graha Elnusa. semester delivered by the Board of Company to conduct Internet of Things
Directors of Elnusa.. (IoT) Based Water Management for
Perumda Tirta Rangga Subang Regency.

September September September Oktober

18 September 21 September 21-23 September 10-13 Oktober

ELBIKE Dukung Program Pertamina Gelar Forum CIP 2022, Elnusa Group Perseroan ikuti IPA Convex 2022 Perseroan Presentasi dalam Pertemuan
Lestari untuk Zero Emisi. Ciptakan 258 Inovasi. terangkan Peningkatan kapabilitas Ilmiah Tahunan HAGI 2022 di Malang di
dan kapasitas yang dilakukan dengan Harris Hotel and Convention, Malang.
ELBIKE supported Pertamina Lestari Held the 2022 CIP Forum, Elnusa Group pengembangan produk dan jasa.
Program for Zero Emissions. created 258 innovations. The Company gave a presentation
The Company participated in the 2022 at the 2022 HAGI Annual Scientific
IPA Convex and explained the increase Meeting in Malang at Harris Hotel and
in capability and capacity carried out by Convention, Malang..
developing products and services.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 17

Kilas Kinerja 2022
2022 Performance Highlights

Oktober November November November

18-20 October 7-9 November 11 November 11-17 November

Perseroan hadiri IKATAN AHLI FASILITAS Perseroan gelar Konsinyering dengan Perseroan gelar Vendor Annual Perseroan Pertahankan ISO Series di
PRODUKSI MINYAK DAN GAS BUMI Subholding Upstream (SHU) Grup Meeting & Encore 2022 menghadirkan Tahun 2022, melalui kegiatan audit
INDONESIA (IAFMI) di Pullman yang diselenggarakan secara offline di 83 Mitra Kerja penunjang kegiatan Surveillance yang berlangsung, di
Bandung. Yogyakarta. operasi Elnusa secara offline di Ruang Graha Elnusa.
Udaya, Graha Elnusa.
The Company attended the Indonesian The Company held a Consignment with The Company Maintains ISO Series
Association of Oil and Gas Production the Subholding Upstream (SHU) Group The Company held Vendor Annual in 2022, through Surveillance audit
Facility Experts (IAFMI) at Pullman held offline in Yogyakarta. Meeting & Encore 2022 presenting 83 activities that take place, at Graha
Bandung. Working Partners supporting Elnusa’s Elnusa.
operations offline at Udaya Room,
Graha Elnusa.

November November November Desember

27 November 28 November 30 November 6 December

ELBIKE, Hasil Karya Perseroan Turut Bantuan Elnusa Group untuk Korban Perseroan lakukan Signing Ceremonial Perseroan gelar AKSI DONOR DARAH
Memeriahkan Pertamina Eco Run Fest Gempa Cianjur Batch 1. bersama Bank ICBC di NHO Lounge, rutin di Ruang Udaya, Graha Elnusa,
2022. Graha Elnusa. Jakarta.
Elnusa Group Aid for Cianjur
ELBIKE, the Company’s Work Product Earthquake Victims Batch 1. Signing Ceremonial with ICBC Bank at The Company held a routine BLOOD
Enliven Pertamina Eco Run Fest 2022. NHO Lounge, Graha Elnusa. DONOR ACTION at Udaya Room, Graha
Elnusa, Jakarta.

Desember Desember
9 December 20 December

Memperingati Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia Perseroan gelar Signing Ceremonial

(Hakordia) 2022, Perseroan gelar bersama Bank Mandiri di NHO Lounge,
PERINGATAN Hakordia 2022, di Ruang Graha Elnusa.
Udaya, Graha Elnusa, Jakarta Selatan.
The Company held a Signing
Commemorating the 2022 World Ceremonial with Bank Mandiri at NHO
Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia), the Lounge, Graha Elnusa.
Company held the 2022 Hakordia
Commemoration, at Udaya Room,
Graha Elnusa, South Jakarta.

18 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Kilas Kinerja 2022
2022 Performance Highlights


Awards and Certifications


1 2
20 Januari | January 2022
22 Februari | February 2022
Elnusa melalui anak usahanya Elnusa
Petrofin Raih Penghargaan Apresiasi
Bintang empat – GOLD World Safety
Penerapan Fleet Safety and Security
Organization (WSO) Indonesia Safety
Culture Award (WISCA) 2022.
Elnusa through its subsidiary Elnusa
Bintang empat – GOLD World Safety
Petrofin won the Fleet Safety and
Organization (WSO) Indonesia Safety
Security Improvement Appreciation
Culture Award (WISCA) 2022.

3 4 5
29 Maret | March 2022 29 Maret | March 2022

Elnusa melalui anak usahanya Elnusa Elnusa Petrofin Raih Penghargaan di

Petrofin Raih Penghargaan di Ajang Ajang Inhouse Magazine Award (InMA)
Inhouse Magazine Award (InMA) 2022 2022 Gold Winner untuk Kategori
Silver Winner untuk Kategori E-Magazine Website Anak Usaha BUMN Terbaik.
Anak Usaha BUMN Terbaik.
Elnusa Petrofin received an award at the
Elnusa through its subsidiary Elnusa Inhouse Magazine Award (InMA) 2022
Petrofin received an award at the Gold Winner for the Best SOE Subsidiary
Inhouse Magazine Award (InMA) 2022 Website Category.
Silver Winner for the Best SOE Subsidiary
E-Magazine Category.

6 30 Mei | May 2022

Elnusa Petrofin Raih Operation WARTA EKONOMI

Excellence Area I Patra Niaga. “INDONESIA DIGITAL
Elnusa Petrofin Achieves Operation INNOVATION AWARDS 2022”
Excellence Area I Patra Niaga. 31 Maret | March 2022

The Most Innovative Energy

8 and Mining Company for The
Development of Integrated and
HINO INDONESIA Sophisticated Digital Systems dalam
15 Juni | June 2022 kategori Energy and Mining Industry.

Elnusa Petrofin Raih Penghargaan di The Most Innovative Energy

Ajang Hino Customer Driver Trainer and Mining Company for The
Contest 2022 Winner Competencies Development of Integrated and
ECONOMIC REVIEW Sophisticated Digital Systems dalam
22 April | April 2022 Economical Driving, Defensive Driving
and Safety Driving kategori Energy and Mining Industry.

The Best Annual Report for Public Elnusa Petrofin Receives Award at Hino
Company Kategori Platinum. Customer Driver Trainer Contest 2022
Winner Competencies Economical
The Best Annual Report for Public Driving, Defensive Driving and Safety
Company Kategori Platinum. Driving.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 19

Kilas Kinerja 2022
2022 Performance Highlights

9 10
6 Juli | July 2022

Korporasi Terpopuler di Media Arus Utama 2022 Kategori Anak Usaha BUMN.
Most Popular Corporations in Mainstream Media 2022 Category of SOE
6 Juli | July 2022 6 Juli | July 2022

Best First-Time Manager Unggul dalam Program Pengelolaan SDM, Elnusa Petrofin Raih Penghargaan
Programme Kategori Bronze. Indonesia Human Resource Excellence 2022 dari SWA Media.

Best First-Time Manager Excelling in HR Management Program, Elnusa Petrofin Receives Indonesia
Programme Kategori Bronze. Human Resource Excellence 2022 Award from SWA Media.

12 13
29 Juli | July 2022
27 Juli | July 2022
The Best Organization Structure, The
Best Excellence in Workforce Flexibility
The Best GRC for Corporate Governance
and Mobility, The Most Resilience
& Compliance 2022, Kategori Energy
Company 2022.
Services, Meraih Empat diamond.
The Best Organization Structure, The
The Best GRC for Corporate Governance
Best Excellence in Workforce Flexibility
& Compliance 2022, Kategori Energy
and Mobility, The Most Resilience
Services, achieving Four diamonds.
Company 2022

14 15
9 Agustus | August 2022 BERITA SATU
15 September | September 2022

Elnusa Petrofin Raih Penghargaan Best

Sales Team Dalam Ajang Indonesia Sales Sukuk Ijarah Terbaik – Sukuk Ijarah
Team Champion 2022. Berkelanjutan I Elnusa Tahap I Tahun
Elnusa Petrofin Achieves Best Sales
Team Award in Indonesia Sales Team Best Sukuk Ijarah - Sukuk Ijarah
Champion 2022. Berkelanjutan I Elnusa Phase I Year

16 17


10 Oktober | October 2022
DAN SUMBER DAYA MINERAL (ESDM) Elnusa Petrofin unit Pulau
15 September | September 2022 Ba’ai Raih Apresiasi terkait Aksi
Pencegahan Narkoba dari BNN
Provinsi Bengkulu.
Keberhasilan Elnusa pada Bussines Unit Cementing Services pada
inovasi cement Slurry merah putih untuk mendukung pengeboran Elnusa Petrofin Ba’ai Island unit
di sumur shallow gas Blok Mahakam, Subholding Upstream (SHU) receives appreciation for drug
Pertamina Regional 3 Zona 8 PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. prevention action from BNN
Bengkulu Province.
Elnusa’s success in the Cementing Services Bussines Unit on the
innovation of red and white cement slurry to support drilling in the
Mahakam Block shallow gas well, Pertamina Upstream Subholding
(SHU) Regional 3 Zone 8 PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam.

20 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Kilas Kinerja 2022
2022 Performance Highlights

18 19 20


19 Oktober | October 2022 31 Oktober | October 2022 31 Oktober | October 2022

Penerapan Tanggung Jawab Sosial & Lost Time Incident (LTI) pada Project Lost Time Incident (LTI) pada Project
Lingkungan (TJSL) kategori Oil and Gas Elnusa Modular Rig (EMR) dengan 1.6 CTU Operation dengan 1.5 Juta Jam
dengan predikat ‘Action’ Silver. Juta Jam Kerja. Kerja.

Implementation of Social & Lost Time Incident (LTI) on Elnusa Lost Time Incident (LTI) on CTU
Environmental Responsibility (CSR) Modular Rig (EMR) Project with 1.6 Operation Project with 1.5 Million
in the Oil and Gas category with the Million Working Hours. Working Hours.
Silver ‘Action’ predicate.

21 23 24
4 November | November 2022

Elnusa Petrofin Raih Penghargaan

Patra Nirbhaya Karya Pratama dari
Kementerian ESDM.

Elnusa Petrofin received the Patra

Nirbhaya Karya Pratama Award from
the Ministry of Energy and Mineral

7 November | November 2022

Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi Meraih

Penghargaan Good Execution and HSE
Performance with No Lost Time Injury
Elnusa Construction Fabrication INNOVATION ASSOCIATION
Achieved Good Execution and HSE 16-19 November | November 2022
Performance with No Lost Time Injury
Silver Prize for Excellent Effort in KEMENTERIAN KESEHATAN
Creating Invention(s) pada “Improving
the Company’s Competitive Advantage
17 November | November 2022
25 in 3d Seismic Operations in Shallow &
Transition Areas with Portable Smart Nodal
Deployment System Innovation in PT Penerapan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan
BNN PROVINSI Kerja (K3) Perkantoran dan Protokol
Pertamina EP_Regional, 3D X-Ray Seismic
SUMATERA BARAT Kesehatan Kategori Kantor Kementerian/
19 November | November 2022 BUMN/ Swasta Nasional.
Silver Prize for Excellent Effort in Creating
Elnusa Petrofin unit Integrated Terminal Invention(s) on “Improving the Company’s Implementation of Office Occupational
Teluk Kabung Raih Apresiasi dari BNN Competitive Advantage in 3d Seismic Safety and Health (OHS) and Health
Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Operations in Shallow & Transition Areas Protocols for Ministry/ State-Owned
with Portable Smart Nodal Deployment Enterprises/ National Private Offices
Elnusa Petrofin Integrated Terminal Teluk System Innovation in PT Pertamina EP_ Category.
Kabung unit received appreciation from Regional, 3D X-Ray Seismic Survey.
BNN West Sumatra Province.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 21

Kilas Kinerja 2022
2022 Performance Highlights

26 27 28

13 Desember | December 2022 13 Desember | December 2022 DIREKTORAT JENDERAL MINYAK DAN
Best CEO Oil & Gas Services Company Best Public Relation Manager Oil & 13 Desember | December 2022
kepada John Hisar Simamora. Gas Services Company kepada Jayanty
Oktavia Maulina. Memenangkan posisi pertama dalam ajang
Best CEO Oil & Gas Services Company
to John Hisar Simamora. Best Public Relation Manager Oil & Festival EOR 2022 ‘1st Place Winner EOR Field
Gas Services Company to Jayanty Achievement’ pada Vibrosesimic EOR.
Oktavia Maulina. Won 1st place in the 2022 EOR Festival ‘1st
Place Winner EOR Field Achievement’ in
Vibrosesimic EOR.

29 30
15 Desember | December 2022 DIADAKAN OLEH
16 Desember | December 2022
Elnusa Petrofin Raih Penghargaan dalam
Ajang Upstream Improvement and
Innovation Award (UIIA) 2022. Best Corporate Secretary in Oil & Gas
Drilling Service Industry.
Elnusa Petrofin Receives Award in
Upstream Improvement and Innovation Best Corporate Secretary in Oil & Gas
Award (UIIA) 2022. Drilling Service Industry.

31 32
ANNIVERSARY YANG 19 Desember | December 2022
Elnusa Petrofin Raih Penghargaan
16 Desember | December 2022
Perusahaan Chemical Penunjang Hulu
Top Good Corporate Governance (GCG)
in Oil & Gas Drilling Service Industry. Elnusa Petrofin Receives Upstream Oil
and Gas Support Chemical Company
Top Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Award.
in Oil & Gas Drilling Service Industry.

33 34

Elnusa meraih 11 award di antaranya

HUMAN CAPITAL HSH AWARD 4 Platinum, 6 Gold & 1 Silver serta
22 Desember | December 2022 mendapatkan beberapa nominasi spesial.

Elnusa won 11 awards including 4 Platinum,

Best Role Model on Data Integration. 6 Gold & 1 Silver and received several
Best Role Model on Data Integration. special nominations

22 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Kilas Kinerja 2022
2022 Performance Highlights


ISO 9001:2015 Sistem Manajemen ISO 14001:2015 Sistem Manajemen

Mutu Lingkungan
dari SGS Indonesia. Masa berlaku dari SGS Indonesia. Masa berlaku
18 Januari 2022-1 Maret 2024 19 Januari 2022-18 Februari 2024

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management ISO 14001:2015 Environmental

System Management System
from SGS Indonesia. Validity period from SGS Indonesia. Validity period
January 18, 2022-March 1, 2024 January 19, 2022-February 18, 2024

ISO 37001:2016 Sistem Manajemen ISO 45001:2018 Sistem Manajemen

Anti Penyuapan (SMAP) Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja
dari SGS Indonesia. Masa berlaku dari SGS Indonesia. Masa berlaku
5 November 2021-12 Agustus 2023 30 Desember 2021-26 Maret 2024

ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health

Management System (SMAP) and Safety Management System
from SGS Indonesia. Validity period from SGS Indonesia. Validity period
November 5, 2021-August 12, 2023 December 30, 2021-March 26, 2024

ISO 55001:2014 Sistem Manajemen

dari SGS Indonesia. Masa berlaku
18 Januari 2021-18 Januari 2024

ISO 55001:2014 Asset Management

from SGS Indonesia. Validity period
January 18, 2021-January 18, 2024

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 23

Management Reports
26 Laporan Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners Report
36 Laporan Direksi
Board of Directors Report
46 Lembar Pernyataan Anggota Dewan Komisaris tentang Tanggung
Jawab atas Laporan Tahunan 2022 PT Elnusa Tbk
Statement of the Board of Commissioners of Responsibility
for the 2022 Annual Report of PT Elnusa Tbk
47 Lembar Pernyataan Anggota Direksi tentang Tanggung Jawab atas
Laporan Tahunan 2022 PT Elnusa Tbk
Statement of the Board of Directors of Responsibility
for the 2022 Annual Report of PT Elnusa Tbk
Laporan Manajemen
Management Report


Board of Commissioners Report

Secara umum Dewan Komisaris menilai,

pencapaian Direksi atas lompatan kinerja
Perusahaan tahun buku 2022 menorehkan
hasil yang mengesankan termasuk
komitmen Direksi dan manajemen dalam
menerapkan protokol kesehatan dan
vaksinasi kepada karyawan, keluarga
karyawan maupun pekerja mitra,
menjadikan seluruh kegiatan operasional
dapat berjalan dengan baik.
In general, the Board of Commissioners considers that the Board of Directors
achievements, based on the Company’s stronger performance for the 2022
fiscal year, have shown impressive results, including the commitment of the
Board of Directors and management in implementing health and vaccination
protocols for employees, employees family and partner workers, so that all
operational activities can run smoothly.

komisaris utama
president commissioner

26 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Laporan Manajemen
Management Report

Para Pemegang Saham dan Pemangku Kepentingan yang Dear valued shareholders and stakeholders,

Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, Tuhan Yang Maha Please allow us to extend our gratitude in the presence of Allah SWT,
Esa yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan karunia-Nya kepada kita the God Almighty, who has bestowed His mercy and grace to all of us, so
semua, sehingga Perseroan dapat melalui tahun 2022 dengan berhasil the Company can go through 2022 by successfully recording impressive
mencatatkan kinerja yang mengesankan. Seiring dengan berakhirnya performance. As the year 2022 comes to an end, allow us to submit a
tahun buku 2022, izinkan kami untuk menyampaikan laporan pelaksanaan report on the implementation of duties and responsibilities of the Board
tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris atas pengelolaan Perseroan of Commissioners for the Company’s management and notes on the
dan catatan terhadap kinerja Perseroan untuk tahun buku yang berakhir company’s performance for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022,
pada 31 Desember 2022 yang juga merupakan bagian dari penerapan which is also part of the implementation of good corporate governance
prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik. principles.


Perekonomian global 2022 mengalami perlambatan laju pertumbuhan In 2022, the global economy experienced a slowdown in the pace of
ekonomi dan diliputi ketidakpastian. Perlambatan pertumbuhan economic growth and was filled with uncertainties. The economic
ekonomi disebabkan oleh tekanan inflasi yang tinggi, respons pengetatan slowdown was caused by high inflationary pressures, a response
kebijakan moneter, kebijakan pengendalian Covid-19, dan tensi to tightening monetary policy, the Covid-19 control policies, and
geopolitik Rusia-Ukraina. International Monetary Fund (IMF) beberapa geopolitical tensions between Russia and Ukraine. The International
kali merevisi ke bawah outlook pertumbuhan ekonomi global. Dalam Monetary Fund (IMF) has made several downward revisions to the
World Economic Outlook (WEO) Oktober 2022, IMF memperkirakan global economic growth outlook. In the World Economic Outlook (WEO)
pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia sebesar 3,2% pada 2022, jauh lebih published in October 2022, the IMF estimated world economic growth
rendah dibandingkan perkiraan pada Januari 2022 sebesar 4,4%. of 3.2% in 2022, much lower than its initial forecast of 4.4% in January

Dalam APBN 2023 (Kementerian Keuangan, 2022), ekonomi nasional According to the 2023 State Budget (the Ministry of Finance, 2022),
tahun 2022 menjadi tahun yang penuh tentangan sebagai imbas dari the year 2022 was full of challenges for the domestic economy due
perekonomian global. Kendati demikian dengan fundamental ekonomi to impacts from the global economic condition. However, with strong
yang kuat dan kebijakan yang akomodatif, perekonomian nasional tetap economic fundamentals and accommodative policies, the domestic
berpotensi tumbuh menguat. Meski masih dalam tahap dini, pemulihan economy still has the potential to expand further. Even though it is
ekonomi nasional terus menguat yang tercemin pada triwulan II still in its early stages, the domestic economic recovery continues
2022 yang mencapai 5,4%. Kinerja positif perekonomian tersebut to strengthen, as reflected in the second quarter of 2022, where the
diperkirakan dapat dijaga sampai dengan akhir tahun 2022, meskipun economy grew 5.4%. This positive economic performance is expected
masih dibayangi oleh dinamika perekonomian global. Proyeksi ini sejalan to remain until the end of 2022, despite being overshadowed by the
dengan kalkulasi lembaga internasional termasuk Bank Dunia (5,1%), dynamics of the global economy. This estimate is in line with calculations
IMF (5,3%) dan Consensus Forecast (5,1%). by international agencies, including the World Bank (5.1%), the IMF
(5.3%), and Consensus Forecast (5.1%).

Untuk kondisi industri migas dalam negeri, dilansir dari Direktorat As for the domestic oil and gas industry, the Directorate General of Oil
Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Kementerian ESDM, 2023) bahwa and Gas (the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, 2023) reported
mempertimbangkan pergerakan harga minyak mentah dunia, harga that considering the movement in global crude oil prices, the Indonesian
minyak mentah Indonesia (Indonesia Crude Price/ICP) diproyeksikan Crude Price (ICP) is seen within the range of US$95–US$105 per barrel
mencapai kisaran US$95–US$105 per barel di tahun 2022, lebih tinggi in 2022, higher than the average ICP in 2021, which stood at US$68.5
jika dibandingkan rata-rata realisasi ICP di tahun 2021 yang hanya per barrel. The increase in the average ICP in 2022 has affected the
sebesar US$68,5 per barel. Kenaikan rata-rata ICP tahun 2022 tersebut, realized revenue in oil and natural gas resources, which is estimated at
berdampak pada realisasi pendapatan SDA migas yang diperkirakan Rp129,185.9 billion, an increase of 33.7% from the realization in 2021.
sebesar Rp129.185,9 miliar atau tumbuh sebesar 33,7% dibandingkan
realisasi tahun 2021.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 27

Laporan Manajemen
Management Report

Masih dilansir dari laporan yang sama, bertolak belakang dengan ICP The same report by the Ministry also mentioned that contrary to higher
maupun realisasi pendapatan SDA migas di tahun 2022 yang lebih tinggi ICP and realized revenue of oil and gas natural resources in 2022, the
dibanding tahun sebelumnya, di sisi produksi terangkut (lifting) migas oil and gas lifting has decreased from 2021. Crude oil lifting in 2022 is
mengalami penurunan dibandingkan pencapaian tahun 2021. Lifting estimated to reach 625,000 – 630,000 barrels per day (bpd), lower than
minyak mentah tahun 2022 diproyeksikan mencapai 625–630 ribu 660,000 bpd in 2021. Natural gas lifting in 2022 is estimated to reach
barel per hari (bph), menurun dibandingkan lifting tahun 2021 sebesar 956,000 – 964,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd). The amount
660 ribu bph. Kinerja lifting gas bumi pada tahun 2022 diproyeksikan of gas lifting is relatively stable compared to the realization in 2021.
mencapai 956–964 ribu barel setara minyak per hari (bsmph). Lifting gas
ini relatif stabil dibandingkan capaian di tahun 2021.

Penurunan produksi hulu migas tersebut terutama disebabkan oleh The decline in upstream oil and gas production was mainly due to aging
sumur migas dan fasilitas produksi migas utama yang telah menua. oil and gas wells and major oil and gas production facilities. In addition,
Selain itu juga rendahnya investasi khususnya pada aktivitas eksplorasi low investment, especially in new exploration activities, has led to the
yang baru sehingga berdampak pada penemuan sumber produksi baru limited discovery of new production sources, which is reflected by a
yang terbatas, dengan ditandai oleh tingkat rasio sukses eksplorasi smaller successful ratio in exploration. Another factor causing lower
yang semakin kecil. Faktor lain yang menyebabkan turunnya produksi upstream oil and gas production is the absence of operations in new
hulu migas adalah belum ditemukan kembali adanya lapangan besar giant fields, which could significantly increase the country’s upstream
(giant field) baru yang beroperasi sehingga dapat meningkatkan oil and gas production capacity. Investors also have a lack of interest in
kapasitas produksi hulu migas nasional secara signifikan dan semakin investing in this sector as the business approach, in terms of corporate
rendahnya minat investor untuk berinvestasi di sektor ini dikarenakan portfolios, is prioritizing new and renewable energy to promote clean
adanya pendekatan bisnis secara portofolio perusahaan yang lebih and more environmentally-friendly energy (Directorate General of Oil
mengedepankan energi baru dan terbarukan guna mendukung konsep and Gas, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, 2023).
energi bersih dan lebih ramah lingkungan (Direktorat Jenderal Minyak
dan Gas Bumi, Kementerian ESDM, 2023).



Penilaian Terhadap Kinerja Direksi Performance Assessment of the Board of Directors

Penilaian terhadap kinerja Direksi pada tahun 2022 didasarkan pada The performance assessment of the Board of Directors in 2022 is based
pencapaian realisasi kinerja dalam Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran on the achievement of targets in the Company’s Work Plan and Budget
Perusahaan (RKAP) 2022. Secara umum Dewan Komisaris menilai, (WPB) for 2022. In general, the Board of Commissioners considers that
pencapaian Direksi atas lompatan kinerja Perusahaan tahun buku 2022 the Board of Directors achievements, based on the Company’s stronger
menorehkan hasil yang mengesankan termasuk komitmen Direksi performance for the 2022 fiscal year, have shown impressive results,
dan manajemen dalam menerapkan protokol kesehatan dan vaksinasi including the commitment of the Board of Directors and management
kepada karyawan, keluarga karyawan maupun pekerja mitra, menjadikan in implementing health and vaccination protocols for employees,
seluruh kegiatan operasional dapat berjalan dengan baik. employees family and partner workers, so that all operational activities
can run smoothly.

Dewan Komisaris mengapresiasi upaya Direksi yang membuahkan hasil The Board of Commissioners appreciates the Board of Directors efforts,
pada tahun buku 2022, dimana Perseroan mencatatkan Pendapatan which have led to positive results in the 2022 fiscal year. The Company
Usaha sebesar Rp12,3 triliun pada tahun 2022 atau tumbuh 51% Year recorded Operating Revenues of Rp12.3 trillion in 2022, or 51% higher
on Year (YoY) dari tahun 2021 sebesar Rp8,1 triliun. Pencapaian kinerja than Year on Year (YoY) 2021 Rp8.1 trillion. This excellent achievements
gemilang juga tercermin dari capaian Laba Bersih tahun buku 2022 also reflected to the net profit for the 2022 fiscal year reached Rp378
yang dibukukan Rp378 miliar atau tumbuh 248% YoY. Pencapaian billion, 248% higher than YoY. The achievement demonstrates Elnusa’s
ini menunjukkan kemampuan Elnusa dalam membuat perubahan- ability to make necessary strategic changes to respond quickly to existing
perubahan strategi yang diperlukan untuk merespon cepat tantangan challenges.
yang ada.

Atas nama Dewan Komisaris, saya mengapresiasi Direksi yang telah On behalf of the Board of Commissioners, I appreciate the Board
menunjukkan kinerja solid di 2022. Dalam pandangan Dewan Komisaris, of Directors, who has shown solid performance in 2022. The Board
Direksi telah berupaya optimal untuk melaksanakan tugasnya dengan of Commissioners believes that the Board of Directors has made
baik. Pencapaian ini senantiasa sebagai manivetasi dari prinsip- maximum efforts to carry out their duties properly. This achievement is
prinsip kecakapan, ketekunan dan adaptabilitas dalam setiap elemen a manifestation of the principles of skills, diligence, and adaptability in
Perusahaan. every element of the Company.

28 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Laporan Manajemen
Management Report

Pemberian Arahan Terhadap Direksi Providing Guidance to the Board of Directors

Pemberian nasihat dan arahan kepada Direksi merupakan bagian dari Providing advice and guidance to the Board of Directors is part
tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris. Dalam pelaksanaannya of the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners.
Dewan Komisaris mempertimbangkan rekomendasi yang diberikan oleh In its implementation, the Board of Commissioners considers the
Komite-Komite yang berada di bawah Dewan Komisaris untuk kemudian recommendations provided by the Committees under the Board of
disampaikan melalui komunikasi yang transparan dan positif antara Commissioners, which later will be submitted through transparent and
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dengan berbagai mekanisme diantaranya positive communication between the Board of Commissioners and the
melalui forum rapat maupun komunikasi melalui penerbitan surat yang Board of Directors with various mechanisms, including meeting and
ditujukan kepada Direksi. communication forum by issuing letters that are addressed to the Board
of Directors.

1. Pelaksanaan Rapat Dewan Komisaris 1. Implementation of Board of Commissioners Meetings

Pelaksanaan rapat Dewan Komisaris dilakukan secara internal These meetings are carried out internally by the Board of
Dewan Komisaris atau dengan mengundang Direksi atau Commissioners or by inviting Directors or Management, who are
Manajemen yang terkait dengan agenda rapat, serta rapat Dewan related to the meeting agenda, or by having regular meetings
Komisaris bersama Direksi secara rutin. between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors.

2. Rapat Komite-Komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris 2. Meetings of Committees under the Board of Commissioners
Peran aktif komite-komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris dalam To assist and support the Board of Commissioners in carrying out
membantu dan mendukung kelancaran tugas Dewan Komisaris its duties smoothly, committees under the Board of Commissioners
antara lain melalui pelaksanaan rapat-rapat komite serta evaluasi, have several active roles, such as, among others, organizing
kajian atau penelahaan terhadap hal-hal yang menjadi tugas committee meetings and evaluating, studying, or reviewing
Dewan Komisaris. matters that are part of the Board of Commissioners’ duties.

3. Arahan dan Pendapat Tertulis 3. Written Guidance and Opinions

Pemberian arahan dan pendapat Dewan Komisaris secara tertulis Providing written guidance and opinions of the Board of
kepada Direksi sebagai tanggapan terhadap laporan pelaksanaan Commissioners to the Board of Directors in response to the report
tugas Direksi, permohonan persetujuan atau konsultasi yang on the implementation of the duties of the Board of Directors,
disampaikan oleh Direksi serta terhadap informasi mengenai requests for approval or consultating that are submitted by the
permasalahan-permasalahan yang bersifat strategis dan signifikan, Board of Directors, as well as information regarding strategic
berdasarkan hasil evaluasi dan penalaahan Dewan Komisaris and significant issues, based on the results of the Board of
terhadap laporan pelaksanaan tugas Direksi kepada Dewan Commissioners’ evaluation and review on reports submitted by the
Komisaris. Board of Directors about its implementation of duties.

4. Kunjungan Kerja Dewan Komisaris 4. Work Visit of the Board of Commissioners

Pelaksanaan kunjungan kerja Dewan Komisaris ke lingkungan unit The implementation of the Board of Commissioners’ work visits to
kerja Perusahaan serta pemberian arahan dan pendapat Dewan the Company’s work units and giving guidance and opinions to the
Komisaris kepada Direksi berdasarkan hasil kunjungan kerja Dewan Board of Directors based on the results of work visits conducted
Komisaris dimaksud. the Board of Commissioners.

Sepanjang tahun 2022, Dewan Komisaris telah menyelenggarakan rapat Throughout 2022, the Board of Commissioners has held 20 internal
secara internal sebanyak 20 kali. Sedangkan rapat gabungan Dewan meetings. Meanwhile, joint meetings between the Board of
Komisaris dengan Direksi telah dilaksanakan sebanyak 14 kali. Seluruh Commissioners and the Board of Directors have been held 14 times.
rapat telah dilaksanakan dengan efektif, dengan frekuensi dan tingkat All meetings have been carried out effectively, with a high frequency
kehadiran Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang tinggi. and attendance rate of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of

Dalam kurun waktu 2022, Dewan Komisaris memberikan nasihat dan In 2022, the Board of Commissioners has provided advice and guidance
arahan kepada Direksi antara lain: to the Board of Directors, including:
1. Pengelolaan Perusahaan dilakukan sesuai dengan peraturan dan 1. Managing the Company according to applicable laws and
perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta tata kelola perusahaan regulations, as well as Good Corporate Governance.
yang baik (Good Corporate Governance).
2. Pelaksanaan dan pengelolaan aspek Health, Safety, Security dan 2. Implementating and managing Health, Safety, Security, and
Environment (HSSE) harus menjadi prioritas utama. Environment (HSSE) aspects as a top priority.
3. Optimalisasi sinergi Anak Perusahaan dengan sebaik-baiknya guna 3. Optimizing the synergy of Subsidiaries in the best possible way
meningkatkan efisiensi operasional dan pengelolaan risiko yang in order to improve operational efficiency and carry out a more
lebih efektif. effective risk management.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 29

Laporan Manajemen
Management Report

4. Penyusunan dan pelaksanaan corrective action atas kinerja 4. Establishing and taking corrective actions to improve upstream
upstream agar lebih optimal. business performance more optimal.

Pengawasan Terhadap Implementasi Strategi Perusahaan Supervision of the Implementation of the Company’s
Salah satu fungsi Dewan Komisaris adalah melakukan pengawasan One of the functions of the Board of Commissioners is supervising the
terhadap pengurusan dan jalannya Perseroan yang dilakukan oleh Board of Directors in managing and running the Company, including
Direksi, termasuk memberikan saran dan nasihat. Dalam melaksanakan providing suggestions and advice. In carrying out this supervisory
fungsi pengawasan tersebut, Dewan Komisaris membangun hubungan function, the Board of Commissioners establishes a working relationship
kerja dengan Direksi melalui kesamaan pandangan untuk mencapai visi with the Board of Directors through a common goal, which is to realize
dan misi Perseroan. the Company’s vision and mission.

Memasuki tahun 2022, Direksi telah merumuskan berbagai kebijakan At the beginning of 2022, the Board of Directors formulated various
dan menyiapkan langkah-langkah strategis dalam menjalankan tugas policies and prepared strategic measures to carry out the Company’s
pengurusan Perseroan yang dituangkan dalam RKAP, sesuai arahan management duties as outlined in the WPB, based on directives of
Pemegang Saham Pengendali, ketentuan Anggaran Dasar dan peraturan Controlling Shareholders, provisions of the Articles of Association, and
perundang-undangan yang berlaku. applicable laws and regulations.

Dalam melaksanakan tugas pengawasan terhadap implementasi In carrying out supervisory duties on the implementation of the 2022
RKAP 2022 sebagai strategi utama Perseroan, Dewan Komisaris WPB as the Company’s main strategy, the Board of Commissioners held
menyelenggarakan 14 kali Rapat Gabungan dengan Direksi, melakukan 14 Joint Meetings with the Board of Directors, conducted work visits
kunjungan lapangan ke lokasi operasional Perseroan serta melakukan to the Company’s operational locations, as well as held meetings with
pertemuan dan meminta penjelasan Direktur dan Divisi atau Unit the Directors and related Divisions or Work Units and asked for their
Kerja terkait dalam rangka memastikan bahwa Direksi telah melakukan explanations, in order to ensure that the Directors have managed the
pengelolaan Perseroan sesuai strategi, kebijakan dan program yang Company according to the established strategies, policies, and programs.
telah ditetapkan.

Dewan Komisaris menilai bahwa Direksi telah berupaya keras dan bekerja The Board of Commissioners believes that the Board of Directors has
dengan baik dalam mengelola Perseroan di tahun 2022, sehingga pada given their best efforts and worked well in managing the Company in
akhirnya mencatatkan perbaikan kinerja. 2022, which led to improvement in the Company’s performance.


Pengaruh dinamika ekonomi global kepada laju perekonomian The impact of the dynamics of the global economy on the domestic
domestik diperkirakan masih akan berlanjut di tahun 2023. Selanjutnya, economy is expected to continue in 2023. The Indonesian economy will
perekonomian Indonesia di tahun 2023 masih menghadapi tantangan still face challenges from high uncertainties and increased global risks.
tingginya ketidakpastian dan peningkatan risiko global. Risiko tersebut The risks are mainly affected by the possibility of stagflation caused
utamanya dipengaruhi potensi stagflasi yang disebabkan oleh lonjakan by a spike in global inflation due to supply disruption and economic
inflasi global akibat supply disruption dan perlambatan perekonomian slowdown as a result of geopolitical tensions. These global risks create
sebagai dampak tensi geopolitik. Risiko global tersebut menciptakan threats of food and energy crises, as well as increase the probability of
ancaman krisis pangan dan energi, serta meningkatkan probabilitas economic recession in many countries. Global growth is predicted at
resesi di banyak negara negara. Untuk tahun 2023, pertumbuhan only 2.9% in 2023, significantly lower than the WEO projection in April
global diprediksi hanya akan berada di tingkat 2,9%, turun signifikan 2022, where the global economy is estimated to grow at 3.6% (The 2023
dari proyeksi WEO April 2022 di tingkat 3,6% (APBN 2023, Kementerian State Budget, the Ministry of Finance, 2022).
Keuangan, 2022).

Mengacu pada kerangka ekonomi makro tahun 2023, Pemerintah Referring to the 2023 macroeconomic framework, the Government is
menyusun strategi kebijakan fiskal dengan melakukan reformasi formulating fiscal policy strategies by carrying out structural reforms
struktural dalam rangka mendorong transformasi ekonomi. Dengan to encourage economic transformation. By implementing economic
berpijak pada kebijakan transformasi ekonomi dan memperhitungkan transformation policies and considering various global economic risks
berbagai risiko ekonomi global serta potensi ekonomi nasional, and domestic economic potential, Indonesian economic growth is
pertumbuhan ekonomi tahun 2023 diperkirakan mencapai 5,3%. estimated to reach 5.3% in 2023. Socio-economic activities, which
Aktivitas sosial ekonomi masyarakat yang pulih di tahun 2023 recovered in 2023, increased public confidence and boosted household
meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat dan mendorong kinerja consumption, which is supported by the Government’s efforts to
konsumsi rumah tangga yang disertai upaya Pemerintah untuk menjaga maintain a stable inflation rate, especially for basic needs.
tingkat inflasi yang stabil terutama untuk kebutuhan pokok masyarakat.

30 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Laporan Manajemen
Management Report

Peningkatan kinerja hulu migas terus diupayakan dengan berbagai Improvement in the upstream oil and gas performance continues
kebijakan sejalan dengan arah transformasi target produksi sektor hulu to be pursued with various policies, in line with the transformation
migas sebesar 1 juta barel minyak per hari dan 12 miliar standar kaki direction of upstream oil and gas production target of 1 million barrels
kubik gas per hari di tahun 2030. Di tahun 2023 strategi dan kebijakan of oil per day and 12 billion standard cubic feet of gas per day in 2030.
yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengejar target Lifting Minyak bumi sebesar In 2023, strategies and policies that can be carried out to achieve oil
660 Ribu BOPD dan lifting gas bumi sebesar 1.100 Ribu BOEPD berupa lifting of 660,000 bpd and natural gas lifting of 1,100,000 boepd include
mempertahankan produksi pada lapangan existing, re-opening sumur- maintaining production at existing fields, re-opening old wells, operating
sumur tua, memproduksikan lapangan baru, penerapan Enhanced Oil new fields, implementing Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), and making
Recovery (EOR) serta melakukan upaya-upaya lain untuk menemukan other efforts to find new reserves.
cadangan baru.

Direksi telah menyusun RKAP 2023 dan telah mendapat persetujuan The Board of Directors has formulated the 2023 WPB, obtained approval
dari Dewan Komisaris dan juga telah dikonsultasikan dengan Pemegang from the Board of Commissioners, and consulted with Controlling
Saham Pengendali. Direksi telah menetapkan sejumlah target yang akan Shareholders. The Board of Directors has laid out several targets to be
dicapai dalam tahun 2023 berikut langkah-langkah strategis yang akan achieved in 2023, along with the strategic plans that will be carried out.
dijalankan. Kami sependapat dengan Direksi bahwa industri jasa energi We agree with the Board of Directors that the energy service industry
masih memiliki potensi yang cukup besar selaras dengan kebijakan still has the potential to grow in line with the policies issued by the
yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah. Oleh karena itu, Dewan Komisaris Government. Therefore, the Board of Commissioners always provides
senantiasa menyampaikan arahan agar ke depan Direksi terus berupaya guidance so the Board of Directors will continuously strive to improve
untuk meningkatkan kinerja secara optimal. the Company’s performance.


Dewan Komisaris terus berupaya mendorong Direksi dan seluruh jajaran The Board of Commissioners encourages the Board of Directors
manajemen Perseroan untuk dapat menunjukkan komitmennya dalam and all levels of the Company’s management to demonstrate their
menjadikan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik (GCG) sebagai dasar commitment to making Good Corporate Governance (GCG) the basis for
dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan usaha every decision-making and implementation of the Company’s business
Perseroan. Kami menilai bahwa Organ GCG baik yang berada di bawah activities. We consider that the GCG Organs, both under the Board
Dewan Komisaris maupun di bawah Direksi telah menjalankan fungsi, of Commissioners and under the Board of Directors, have carried out
tugas dan tanggung jawab serta menjalin kerja sama dengan baik. their functions, duties, and responsibilities and maintain coordination

Kami mencermati bahwa Perseroan telah memiliki aturan-aturan baku We observe that the Company already has standard rules that align
sesuai dengan yang dipersyaratkan oleh regulator. Perseroan juga terus with the requirements set by regulators. The Company also continues
berupaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas penerapan prinsip-prinsip Tata to improve the quality of the implementation of Good Corporate
Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik dengan melakukan penyesuaian dan Governance principles by adjusting and updating the soft structure of
pengkinian soft structure Tata Kelola Perusahaan. Untuk meningkatkan Corporate Governance. To improve the quality of GCG implementation,
kualitas penerapan praktik GCG, kami mendukung penuh pelaksanaan we fully support periodic assessments of the quality of GCG practice
asesmen berkala kualitas penerapan praktik GCG yang dilakukan oleh conducted by independent parties to obtain feedback for improvement.
pihak independen agar diperoleh umpan balik bagi dilakukannya

Bersama-sama Direksi, kami senantiasa berupaya mengimplementasikan Together with the Board of Directors, we always strive to implement
praktik-praktik corporate governance yang terbaik pada setiap the best corporate governance practices in each of the Company’s
pengambilan keputusan strategis Perseroan. Kami juga senantiasa strategic decision-making. We also constantly monitor, evaluate, and
melakukan pemantauan dan mengevaluasi serta menilai pelaksanaan assess the implementation of GCG principles by the Board of Directors
prinsip-prinsip GCG oleh Direksi di lingkungan Perseroan, dan mendorong within the Company and encourage the Directors to ensure that all
Direksi untuk memastikan bahwa seluruh personil Perseroan memiliki of the Company’s personnel have a high work ethic and motivation in
etos dan motivasi kerja yang tinggi dalam memenuhi tuntutan dan hak- fulfilling Stakeholders’ demands and rights through improvement on
hak Pemangku Kepentingan melalui peningkatan kinerja Perseroan. the Company’s performance. The Board of Commissioners consistently
Dewan Komisaris secara konsisten terus mendorong Direksi dan seluruh encourages the Board of Directors and all levels of the Company so the
jajaran agar capaian implementasi GCG yang sudah baik tersebut dapat implementation of GCG principles would lead to the best performance
membuahkan kinerja terbaik bagi keberlanjutan usaha Perseroan. for the Company’s business sustainability.

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Laporan Manajemen
Management Report

Sesuai Peraturan OJK (POJK) No. 21/POJK.04/2015 tentang Pedoman In accordance with OJK Regulation (POJK) No. 21/POJK.04/2015
Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka, Perseroan sebagai perusahaan terbuka concerning Governance Guidelines for Public Company, Elnusa, as a
wajib untuk melakukan pengukuran terhadap penerapan GCG yang public company, is obliged to measure the GCG implementation through
dilakukan melalui penilaian. Perseroan pada kuartal I tahun 2023 melalui an assessment. In the first quarter of 2023, through an independent
asesor independen telah melakukan assessment untuk implementasi assessor, the Company conducted evaluations on GCG implementation
GCG melalui penilaian atas penerapan ASEAN CG Scorecard tahun buku through an assessment of the ASEAN CG Scorecard for the 2022 fiscal
2022 dengan nilai 97,21 atau kategori Very Good. year, with a score of 97.21 or ‘Very Good.’


Perseroan membangun sistem pelaporan pelanggaran atau The Company has built a violation reporting system or Whistleblowing
Whistleblowing System sebagai salah satu mekanisme deteksi dini System as a mechanism for early detection of an act of violation that can
atas terjadinya suatu tindak pelanggaran yang dapat menimbulkan cause financial losses, including matters that can damage the Company’s
kerugian finansial termasuk hal-hal yang dapat merusak citra dan image and reputation. The C-ompany developed WBS as a component of
reputasi Perusahaan. Perseroan mengembangkan WBS sebagai salah the Anti-Bribery Management System that is based on ISO 37001:2016.
satu bagian dari penerapan Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan (Anti
Bribery Management System) berbasis ISO 37001:2016 yang diterapkan
di Perseroan.

Sepanjang 2022, terdapat 2 (dua) pengaduan pelanggaran yang masuk Throughout 2022, there was 2 (two) complaint of violations that entered
atau diterima Perseroan melalui kanal WBS. Satu Laporan telah selesai or received by the Company through the WBS channel. One report
dilakukan proses pemeriksaan dan telah ditindaklanjuti sesuai dengan has been finished through the inspection process and followed up on
kebijakan dan peraturan Perusahaan, untuk satu laporan lainnya masih in accordance with corporate policies and rules, another report is still
dalam proses pemeriksaan lebih lanjut. undergoing further investigation.

Dewan Komisaris menilai bahwa pengelolaan WBS dilakukan dengan The Board of Commissioners considers that WBS management actively
responsif dalam menanggapi setiap pengaduan yang masuk melalui responded to every complaint that comes in through the WBS while
sarana WBS dengan tetap mengedepankan kerahasiaan Pelapor. Tim prioritizing the confidentiality of the Whistleblower. The WBS team has
WBS cukup berhati-hati dengan melibatkan Auditor Internal atau been discreet by involving Internal Auditor or conducting a special audit if
dengan melakukan audit khusus, jika memang diperlukan. Kendati necessary. Nevertheless, the Board of Commissioners provides guidance
demikian, Dewan Komisaris memberikan arahan kepada Direksi agar to the Board of Directors so the WBS implementation can be carried out
sosialisasi penerapan WBS dilakukan secara berkesinambungan untuk continuously to increase employees’ understanding and consideration in
meningkatkan pemahaman dan kepedulian pegawai dalam melaporkan reporting violations in order to create a work environment that is clean
tindak pelanggaran, sehingga dapat mewujudkan lingkungan kerja yang and full of integrity.
bersih dan berintegritas.

Untuk lebih mendekatkan WBS kepada karyawan Perseroan Group, To make WBS more familiar to employees, the Company conducts
sosialisasi GCG dan WBS dikenalkan melalui WBS Campaign (BroadCast/ dissemination of GCG and WBS through the WBS Campaign (BroadCast/
Email blast), sosialisasi dalam Vendor Annual Meeting, WBS Center Email blast), socialization at the Vendor Annual Meeting, WBS Center
dengan link atau melalui at or through letter correspondence.
korespondensi surat.


Dalam menjalankan fungsi pengawasannya, Dewan Komisaris dibantu In its supervisory function, the Board of Commissioners is supported
oleh 3 (tiga) komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris yaitu Komite Audit, Komite by 3 (three) committees under the Board of Commissioners, namely
Nominasi dan Remunerasi serta Komite Pemantau Risiko. Sepanjang the Audit Committee, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee,
tahun 2022, kami memandang bahwa seluruh komite di bawah Dewan and the Risk Monitoring Committee. Throughout 2022, all committees
Komisaris telah bekerja dengan baik dalam memberikan rekomendasi under the Board of Commissioners have worked well in providing
kepada Dewan Komisaris dan memberikan dukungan penuh sehingga recommendations and giving full support so the monitoring mechanism
mekanisme pengawasan terhadap Direksi dapat berjalan dengan baik. for the Board of Directors can run well.

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Laporan Manajemen
Management Report

Komite Audit telah melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab untuk The Audit Committee has carried out its duties and responsibilities to
membantu Dewan Komisaris dalam memastikan efektivitas sistem assist the Board of Commissioners in ensuring the effectiveness of the
pengendalian internal dan sistem audit internal di semua lini Perseroan. internal control and audit systems within the Company. Throughout
Sepanjang tahun 2022, Komite Audit telah melaksanakan rapat internal 2022, the Audit Committee has held 24 internal meetings and completed
sebanyak 24 kali, serta menyelesaikan berbagai tugas lain sesuai dengan various other tasks related to its duties and functions.
tugas dan fungsinya.

Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung The duties and responsibilities of the Nomination and Remuneration
jawab untuk membantu Dewan Komisaris dalam menjalankan Committee are to assist the Board of Commissioners in carrying
tugas pengawasan dan pemberian nasihat di bidang pengelolaan out supervisory and advisory functions in the management and
dan pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) termasuk proses development of Human Capital (HC), including the remuneration and
remunerasi dan nominasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan. nomination process of the Company’s Board of Commissioners and
Sepanjang tahun 2022, Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi dan telah Board of Directors. Throughout 2022, the Nomination and Remuneration
melaksanakan rapat 12 kali serta menjalankan tugas lain sesuai tugas Committee has held 12 meetings and carried out other tasks related to
dan fungsinya. its duties and functions.

Komite Pemantau Risiko melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab untuk The duties and responsibilities of the Risk Monitoring Committee are to
membantu Dewan Komisaris dalam memastikan efektivitas pengelolaan assist the Board of Commissioners in ensuring the effectiveness of Risk
Manajemen Risiko di lingkungan Perseroan. Sepanjang tahun 2022, Management management within the Company. Throughout 2022, the
Komite Pemantau Risiko telah melaksanakan rapat internal sebanyak 6 Risk Monitoring Committee has held 6 internal meetings and carried out
kali, serta menjalankan tugas lain sesuai dengan tugas dan fungsinya. other tasks related to its duties and functions.


Tahun 2022, komposisi anggota Dewan Komisaris Perseroan mengalami In 2022, there was a change in the composition of the Company’s Board
satu kali perubahan sesuai keputusan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham of Commissioners according to the resolution of the Annual General
Tahunan yang diselenggarakan pada 20 Juli 2022. Sesuai RUPS Tahunan Meeting of Shareholders that was held on July 20, 2022. At the Annual
tersebut, Pemegang Saham memberhentikan dengan hormat Sdr. GMS, Shareholders honorably dismissed Mr. Anis Baridwan from his
Anis Baridwan dari jabatan sebagai Komisaris Independen atas dasar position as Independent Commissioner since his term of office has
berakhirnya periode masa jabatan dan mengangkat Sdr. Hernawan Bekti ended. The Shareholders then appointed Mr. Hernawan Bekti Sasongko
Sasongko sebagai Komisaris Independen Perseroan yang diharapkan as the Company’s Independent Commissioner, who is expected to enrich
dapat memperkaya keragaman dan pengawasan yang dilakukan Dewan the diversity and supervision carried out by the Board of Commissioners
Komisaris sesuai kebutuhan Perseroan. based on the needs of the Company.

Sehingga komposisi Dewan Komisaris setelah dilaksanakannya RUPS The composition of the Board of Commissioners after the Annual GMS
Tahunan untuk tahun buku 2022 adalah sebagai berikut: for the 2022 fiscal year is as follows:

Nama Jabatan Periode Jabatan

Name Position Term of Office
Agus Prabowo Komisaris Utama | President Commissioner 2020-2023
Lusiaga Levi Susila Komisaris Independen | Independent Commissioner 2021-2024
Hernawan Bekti Sasongko Komisaris Independen | Independent Commissioner 2022-2025
Wakhid Hasyim Komisaris | Commissioner 2021-2024

Atas nama Perseroan, kami menyampaikan apresiasi dan ucapan On behalf of the Company, we express our appreciation and gratitude to
terimakasih kepada Sdr. Anis Baridwan atas kontribusi dan dedikasinya Mr. Anis Baridwan for his contribution and dedication during his tenure
selama menjabat sebagai Komisaris Independen Perseroan. as the Company’s Independent Commissioner.

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Laporan Manajemen
Management Report


Pencapaian kinerja Persreoan tahun 2022 tidak lepas dari dukungan The achievement of the Company’s performance in 2022 cannot be
segenap pemangku kepentingan. Oleh karenanya, atas nama Dewan separated from the support of all stakeholders. Therefore, on behalf of
Komisaris, kami menyampaikan terima kasih dan penghargaan kepada the Board of Commissioners, we express our gratitude and appreciation
seluruh Pemegang Saham dan para pemangku kepentingan atas to all Shareholders and stakeholders for the support, cooperation, and
dukungan, kerja sama dan kepercayaan yang diamanahkan kepada trust that are mandated to the Board of Commissioners.
Dewan Komisaris.

Kami juga menyampaikan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada Direksi We also express our appreciation and gratitude to the Board of Directors,
dan Jajaran Manajemen serta seluruh Perwira atas kerja keras, dedikasi the Management, as well as all Officers for their hard work, dedication,
dan semangat untuk terus berupaya meningkatkan kinerja Perseroan and enthusiasm to continue to improve the Company’s performance,
sesuai tujuan, visi dan misi sebagaimana diamanatkan Pemegang Saham which is in accordance with the Company’s goals, vision, and mission, as
dan RUPS. mandated by Shareholders and the GMS.

Kami yakin, melalui pengelolaan sumber daya yang optimal serta diiringi We believe that through optimal resource management and
tekad untuk memberi kemampuan terbaik akan menghasilkan kinerja determination to provide the best capabilities, the Company will
Perseroan yang terus meningkat. Kami mengajak seluruh jajaran untuk continue to record stronger performance. We invite all levels of the
memupuk terus semangat kerja keras, kerja cerdas dan kerja ikhlas, Company to cultivate the spirit of working hard, working smart, and
serta menjaga sinergitas antar Karyawan, antar Unit Kerja, antar Divisi working sincerely, as well as maintaining synergy between Employees,
dan antar Direktorat, sehingga setiap kendala dapat segera diatasi dan Work Units, Divisions, and Directorates, in order to quickly overcome
setiap peluang dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal. any obstacles and seize every available opportunity.

Jakarta, 13 Maret 2023 | March 2023

Atas Nama Dewan Komisaris
On Behalf of the Board of Commissioners

Agus Prabowo
Komisaris Utama
President Commissioner

34 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

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Management Report

Board of Commissioners


komisaris independen komisaris utama komisaris
independent commissioner president commissioner commissioner komisaris independen
independent commissioner

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Management Report

Report of the Board of Directors

“Tahun 2022 kami terus

meningkatkan kinerja baik dari sisi
keuangan, operational maupun
keselamatan kerja. Upaya tersebut
berbuah hasil dengan capaian laba
bersih konsolidasi yang tercatat
sebesar Rp378 miliar, tumbuh
signifikan atau naik sebesar 248% jika
dibandingkan dengan pencapaian
tahun sebelumnya yang tercatat
sebesar Rp108,8 miliar.”
“In 2022, we continued improving our performance in
terms of finance, operations, and work safety. These
efforts are paid off, and the Company achieved a
consolidated net profit of Rp378 billion, skyrocketing 248%
from the previous year when the net profit was recorded
at Rp108.8 billion.”


direktur utama
president director

36 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

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Management Report

Pemegang saham dan pemangku kepentingan yang Dear valued shareholders and stakeholders,

Dengan memanjatkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha With praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty and on
Esa, ijinkan kami mewakili segenap manajemen PT Elnusa Tbk untuk behalf of the entire management of PT Elnusa Tbk, allow us to submit
menyampaikan Laporan Tahunan tahun buku 2022 sebagai bentuk Annual Report for the 2022 fiscal year as a form of our accountability to
pertanggungjawaban kepada para Pemegang Saham dan seluruh Shareholders and all other Stakeholders.
Pemangku Kepentingan lainnya.

Pencapaian usaha Perseroan di tahun 2022, seperti yang tertuang The Company’s business achievements in 2022, as stated in this Annual
dalam Laporan Tahunan ini, merupakan gambaran dari upaya strategis Report, are an illustration of strategic efforts that have been carried out
yang telah dilakukan manajemen dan seluruh perwira Elnusa, yang by the management and all officers at Elnusa. These efforts are expected
diharapkan mampu memberikan dampak yang positif terhadap kinerja to have a positive impact on Elnusa’s performance in a sustainable
Elnusa secara berkelanjutan. Selanjutnya perkenankanlah kami selaku manner. Therefore, please allow us, as Elnusa’s Board of Directors, to
Direksi Elnusa untuk menyampaikan pengelolaan Perseroan di tahun explain the Company’s management during the 2022 fiscal year.
buku 2022.


Tahun 2022 merupakan tahun yang cukup menantang bagi Perseroan The year 2022 was quite challenging for the Company to pursue great
untuk mengejar capaian gemilang saat menutup tahun 2022. Perseroan achievements by the end of the year. The Company made maximum
berusaha maksimal dalam menaklukan berbagai tantangan ditengah efforts to tackle various challenges amid uncertainties caused by global
kondisi ketidakpastian akibat gejolak global sepanjang tahun 2022 yang turmoil throughout 2022, which was a continuance from the previous
masih berlanjut dari tahun sebelumnya juga pasca dampak dari pandemi year, as well as the prolonged impact of the pandemic since 2020.
sejak 2020 lalu.

Secara makro, pertumbuhan ekonomi global nyata mengalami On a macro level, the real global economic growth was slowing down in
penurunan pada 2022 yang dapat dikatakan nyaris mendahului issue 2022, preceding economists’ views at the end of 2022, which predicted
resesi yang baru kita dengar pada akhir tahun 2022 dalam menghadapi a recession in 2023. However, the case was different for the economic
2023. Namun berbeda dengan kondisi ekonomi di Indonesia yang masih conditions in Indonesia, which is seen as better than developed
dapat dinilai lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan negara-negara maju countries, which experienced strong economic contractions. Indonesia
yang mengalami kontraksi kuat pada perekonomiannya. Indonesia justru still managed to record economic growth of 5.2% in 2022, better than
mampu menciptakan Pertumbuhan ekonomi sebesar 5,2%, lebih baik 3.7% growth in 2021.
jika dibandingkan dengan Pertumbuhan di tahun 2021 sebesar 3,7%.

Kendati demikian, disisi lain terdapat tantangan masih dari sisi Nevertheless, there were challenges arising from the global and
perekonomian dunia juga Indonesia. Menurut laporan Badan Pusat domestic economies. A report from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS)
Statistik (BPS), Inflasi Indonesia sepanjang tahun 2022 merupakan showed that Indonesia’s inflation in 2022 was at the highest rate over the
inflasi tertinggi dalam 8 tahun terakhir dengan nilai sebesar 5,5%. last 8 years, which stood at 5.5%. While challenges remained, the rise
Atas tantangan tersebut ada pula berkah lain dari peningkatan harga in global oil prices throughout 2022 created some blessings in disguise,
minyak dunia sepanjang tahun 2022 jika dibandingkan dengan tahun even though higher global oil and gas prices do not necessarily have
sebelumnya. Meskipun atas kenaikan harga migas global tersebut a direct impact on the price of the Company’s services for oil and gas
tidak serta merta berdampak langsung pada harga jasa Perseroan companies. However, the momentum of rising global oil and gas prices
yang diberikan kepada perusahaan migas (KKKS). Namun momentum created optimism for the future and resulted in increasing upstream oil
kenaikan harga migas global tersebut memberikan optimisme ke depan and gas activities. This will improve the Company’s productivity in the
dan berdampak pada peningkatan aktivitas hulu migas, sehingga akan upstream oil and gas services segment from the previous year.
meningkatkan produktifitas Perseroan pada segment jasa hulu migas
dari tahun sebelumnya.

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Management Report

Tahun 2022 ini juga menunjukan tren konsumsi BBM yang semakin The year 2022 also showed improving trend of fuel consumption,
membaik dari sebelumnya karena mengalami penurunan yang cukup compared with the previous year, following a significant fall during
signifikan saat pandemi. Dengan demikian Perseroan dapat menjadikan the pandemic. Therefore, the Company can make this momentum an
momentum tersebut sebagai peluang atas peningkatan bisnis Perseroan opportunity to expand business in the energy distribution and logistics
pada segmen jasa distribusi dan logistik energi. services segment.



Strategi Dan Kebijakan Strategis Strategies and Strategic Policies

Sebagai upaya untuk menciptakan nilai positif bagi pemegang saham As an effort to create positive value for shareholders and stakeholders,
dan pemangku kepentingan, Perseroan berkomitmen untuk terus the Company is committed to continuing its efforts to improve
melakukan upaya peningkatan kinerja dan menjamin keberlangsungan performance and ensure business sustainability by realizing Elnusa’s
usaha dengan mewujudkan VISI Elnusa yakni Perusahaan Jasa Energi VISION, namely the Leading Energy Services Company that Provides
Terkemuka yang Memberikan Solusi Total yang diimplenetasikan dalam Total Solutions. This vision is outlined in the Company’s Long-Term Plan
Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP) 2022-2026. Adapun strategi for 2022- 2026. The Company’s strategies that are in line with the long-
yang diimplemntasikan Perseroan sejalan dengan sasaran RJPP, sebagai term objectives are as follows:

• Learning & Growth Perpective • Learning & Growth Perspective

Upaya peningkatan kompetensi pekerja sebagai fundamental Efforts to improve employees’ competency are fundamental
dalam memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik kepada pemberi in providing the best services to employers and responding to
kerja dan menjawab tuntutan operasional yang dinamis. Selain dynamic operational demands. Additionally, building a good
membangun budaya perusahaan baik yang diadopsi dari budaya corporate culture, whether it is adopted from the AKHLAK Values in
BUMN Tata Nilai AKHLAK maupun menciptakan budaya perusahaan State-owned Enterprises or the Company’s own corporate culture,
yang positif dalam mendukung produktivitas di lingkungan kerja is important in supporting productivity in the Company’s work
Perseroan. environment.

• Internal Perspective • Internal Perspective

Melakukan perbaikan bisnis proses internal dari semua lini yang Carry out improvements of internal business process in all business
mendukung operasional Perseroan mencakup proses pengadaan, lines that support the Company’s operations, including the
penguatan perbaikan operasional di site operation, pengelolaan procurement process, strengthening of operational improvements
asset property dan produksi serta peningkatan kapabilitas in site operations, asset property and production management, as
pemasaran. well as enhanced marketing capabilities.

• Customer Perspective • Customer Perspective

Sebagai upaya memberikan value added bagi customer, Perseroan In an effort to provide added value for customers, the Company
mendorong peningkatan kualitas layanan yang diberikan, sehingga encourages improvement in the quality of services provided, which
diharapkan mampu meningkatkan market share baik dalam could lead to an increase in market share, both within Pertamina
Pertamina Group maupun di non Pertamina Group. Group and non-Pertamina Group.

• Financial Perspective • Financial Perspective

Membangun cost awareness dengan discipline terhadap anggaran Build cost awareness by being discipline with the budget as an
sebagai upaya memberikan harga yang kompetitif dan peningkatan effort to offer competitive prices and increase profitability margins.
profitability margin.


Implementasi RJPP 2022-2026 dituangkan dalam Rencana Kerja dan The implementation of the 2022-2026 Long-Term Plan is set forth in the
Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) tahunan dan menjadi panduan kerja Company’s annual Company Work Plan and Budget (WBP) and becomes
tahunan Perseroan dalam pencapaian target RJPP dan RKAP yang the Company’s annual work guidance in achieving the Long-Term Plan
ditetapkan oleh persetujuan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan. and WPB targets approved by the Board of Commissioners.

Penyusunan RKAP Perseroan disusun dengan mempertimbangankan The formulation of the Company’s WBP is carried out by considering
aspek makro antara lain kondisi ekonomi , harga minyak dunia, aktivitas macro aspects, including economic conditions, global oil prices,
hulu migas dan kebutuhan BBM di masyarakat. Rencana kerja yang upstream oil and gas activities, and the need for fuel. The work plan
terkait dengan jasa migas dalam mendukung aktivitas hulu dijabarkan related to oil and gas services that are aimed at supporting upstream

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dalam target Perseroan pada segmen jasa hulu migas terintegrasi dan activities is described in the Company’s targets in the segment of
jasa penunjang hulu migas. Sedangkan asumsi kebutuhan bahan bakar/ integrated upstream oil and gas services and upstream oil and gas
BBM baik yang ada di industri maupun di masyarakat umum menjadi support services. Meanwhile, assumptions about the need for fuel, both
basis dalam penentuan target pada segmen distribusi dan logistik for industry and individuals, become the basis for setting up targets in
energy. the energy distribution and logistics segment.

Perseroan juga melakukan analisa target dan anggaran berbasis risiko The Company also conducts risk-based analysis on targets and budgets
dengan mempertimbangkan ketidakpastian prospek pekerjaan dengan by considering the uncertainty of job prospects by calculating budget
menghitung kebutuhan anggaran dan target pencapaian dari masing- needs and achievement targets of each of the Company’s business units.
masing bisnis unit yang ada di Perseroan. Selain itu Perseroan juga In addition, the Company also carries out a risk mitigation plan that
melakukan rencana mitigasi risiko yang melibatkan fungsi risk Corporate involves the Corporate risk function and the risk owner by periodically
dan risk owner dengan dilakukan monitoring secara berkala hingga monitoring the level of risk management in the project.
ditingkat pengeloaan risiko di project.

Selain itu proses penyusunan RKAP pun dilakukan secara komprehensif, Furthermore, the formulation of WPB is carried out in a comprehensive
yang melibatkan seluruh fungsi terkait baik dalam fungsi pemasaran, manner, which involves all related functions, such as marketing,
operasional maupun fungsi support lainnya. Penyusunan tersebut operational, and other support functions. The preparation is discussed
didiskusikan secara terbuka antara Direksi sehingga dihasilkan target- transparently by the Board of Directors to determine WPB targets that
target RKAP yang menantang dan tentunya mampu mendorong are not only challenging but also boosting the Company’s growth.
pertumbuhan Perseroan. Melalui Persetujuan Dewan Komisaris With approval of the Company’s Board of Commissioners, the Board of
Perseroan, Direksi menetapkan RKAP sebagai panduan kerja tahunan Directors makes WPB as the Company’s annual work guideline.

Direksi berperan aktif dalam melakukan pemantauan pelaksanaan The Board of Directors plays an active role in monitoring the
rencana kerja perusahaan secara berkala. Dari pertemuan rutin dengan implementation of the Company’s work plan on a regular basis. From
manajemen yang dilakukan, Direksi memperoleh umpan balik serta regular meetings with management, the Board of Directors obtains
mengambil langkah cepat dan tepat dalam menyelaraskan kondisi bisnis feedback and takes quick and appropriate measures to adjust to current
dan pasar ditahun berjalan. Tinjauan yang dilakukan di antaranya secara business and market conditions. The review includes routine monitoring
rutin melakukan monitoring terhadap indikator pencapaian bisnis pada of business achievement indicators on operational performance,
kinerja operasonal, kinerja pemasaran, kinerja keuangan, kinerja HSSE, marketing performance, financial performance, HSSE performance,
produktivitas perusahaan, sumber daya manusia, kontrak kerja, risiko the Company’s productivity, human resources, work contracts, and
operational. Fungsi Internal Audit dan Manajemen Risiko membantu operational risks. The Internal Audit and Risk Management function
Direksi dalam memberikan masukan untuk menindaklanjuti temuan assists the Board of Directors in providing inputs to follow up on new
audit yang muncul serta memitigasi dari risiko dalam menjalankan audit findings and mitigate risks in carrying out operations.


Pencapaian realisasi di tahun 2022, Perseroan membukukan adanya For the achievements in 2022, the Company recorded higher-than-
pencapaian pendapatan usaha tumbuh 152% dari target yang ditetapkan, targeted operating income or about 152% above the set target. This was
hal ini didorong dari peningkatan disemua segmen bisnis Perseroan driven by growth in all of the Company’s business segments following
seiring dengan peningkatan aktivitas hulu migas dan kebutuhan BBM improvements in upstream oil and gas activities and bigger fuel needs by
industri maupun masyarakat. Peningkatan pendapatan usaha tersebut both industry and individuals. The increase in operating income followed
diikuti dengan capaian laba bersih Perseroan sebesar Rp378 miliar atau a rise in the Company’s net profit, which stood at Rp378 billion, or 155%
adanya sebesar 155% atau dari Rp244 miliar yang ditargetkan. higher than the target of Rp244 billion.

Pada Segmen Jasa Hulu migas terintegrasi, pencapaian atas hasil pada In the integrated upstream oil and gas services segment, the result
2022 ini di dorong melalui peningkatan productivity pada pekerjaan Well achieved in 2022 is supported by increased productivity of Well &
& Workover Services pada unit bisnis Hydraulic Workover (HWU) Coiled Workover Services in business units such as the Hydraulic Workover
Tubing (CTU) , Cementing Servies (CMT) , Well Testing (WLT), Wireline (HWU), Coiled Tubing (CTU), Cementing Services (CMT), Well Testing
Logging (EWL), Drilling Fluid Services (DFS) dan pekerjaan akusisi data (WLT) Wireline Logging (EWL), Drilling Fluid Services (DFS), and seismic
seismic baik diwilayah darat mapun wilayah transisi. data acquisition work in landed area and transition area.

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Pada Segmen Jasa Distribusi dan logistic energy, Tahun 2022 Perseroan In the Energy Distribution and Logistics Services segment, the Company
berhasil menambah beberapa project antara lain yaitu untuk Layanan succeeded in securing several projects in 2022. For Special Services (VHS
Khusus (VHS Franco) terdapat penambahan 8 project VHS dan 5 project Franco), there were 8 new VHS projects and 5 FRANCO projects, thus
FRANCO, sehingga sampai dengan akhir tahun 2022 Elnusa melalui anak by the end of 2022, through its subsidiary PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN),
usahanya PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN) mengelola 53 Depo. Sementara itu the Company managed 53 Depots. Meanwhile, from the KSO and
dari Unit Bisnis KSO dan Infrastruktur terdapat 2 project tambahan Infrastructure business unit, there were 2 additional projects, namely
yaitu LTSA (long time service agreement) ATG MOR II dan juga sewa the LTSA (long time service agreement) ATG MOR II and the ATG Pare
maintenance ATG Pare Pare, sehingga sampai akhir tahun tercatat Pare maintenance lease, so by the end of the year, there were 16
mengelola 16 project. projects in KSO and Infrastructure business unit.

Di sisi lain, Unit bisnis Transportasi berhasil mengembangkan bisnisnya On the other hand, the Transportation business unit succeeded in
dengan memperoleh pengelolaan Transportasi Non BBM dari Pertamina expanding its business by securing a project of Non-fuel Transportation
Group yakni PT Pertamina Lubricant DSP Indonesia Timur dengan masa from Pertamina Group, namely PT Pertamina Lubricant DSP Indonesia
kontrak 3 tahun dan juga beberapa project angkutan Non BBM lainnya Timur, with a 3-year contract period. There were also other non-fuel
seperti angkutan LPG Makasar dan angkutan Bulk Pelumas Sumbagut. transportation projects, such as Makassar LPG transportation and
Disamping itu dari angkutan BBM juga terdapat penambahan yaitu Sumbagut Lubricant Bulk transportation. For fuel transportation, there
Kelola APMS Sulawesi (+15 titik), angkutan aviasi (Makasar, Kendari, were also new projects, namely Sulawesi APMS Management (+15
Donggala) dan angkutan BBM 1 Harga di P. Baai, sehingga total points), aviation transportation (Makasar, Kendari, Donggala), and
pengelolaan Transportasi BBM di tahun 2022 mencapai 78 Unit. 1-Price fuel transportation in Baai Island. Thus in total, the Company
managed 78 units of fuel Transportation in 2022.

Masih pada segmen bisnis yang sama, Elnusa memiliki Chemical In the same business segment, Elnusa also has Chemical Integrated
Integrated Supply & Services yang menawarkan cakupan jasa mulai Supply & Services that offers a range of services for the upstream to
dari upstream hingga downstream oil and gas industry, antara lain downstream oil and gas industry, including Drilling Fluid Chemicals,
meliputi Drilling Fluid Chemicals, Upstream & Refinery Specialty Upstream & Refinery Specialty Chemicals, Chemicals for Enhanced Oil
Chemicals, Chemicals for Enhanced Oil Recovery (C-EOR), dan Fuel Recovery (C-EOR) ), and Fuel Additives for Downstream/Retail Business.
Additives for Downstream/Retail Business. Selain itu berhasil In addition, the Company succeeded in creating two featured products,
menciptakan dua produk unggulan yang merupakan hasil karya mandiri which were the independent work results of workers, and they have
Pekerja dan telah digunakan diberbagai perusahaan Migas yaitu FIN OSD been used in various oil and gas companies, namely FIN OSD & FIN HIB.
& FIN HIB. Di tahun 2022 specialty Chemical juga berhasil memperoleh In 2022, specialty Chemical has also succeeded in securing several new
beberapa project baru antara lain Consignment Material Chemical PT projects, including Consignment Material Chemical of PT Pertamina
Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) ONWJ Regional 2, Zona 5, Provision Of Hulu Energi (PHE) ONWJ Regional 2, Zone 5, Provision Of Production
Production Optimization Chemicals & Services PHE WMO Regional 4, Optimization Chemicals & Services of PHE WMO Regional 4, Zone 11,
Zona 11 dan Jasa Treatment Produced Water PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan and Produced Water Treatment Services of PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan
Regional 1 Zona 4 Prabumulih. Regional 1, Zone 4, Prabumulih.

Sementara itu pada segmen Jasa Penunjang Migas, pencapaian ditahun Meanwhile in the Oil and Gas Supporting Services segment, the
2022 didorong atas optimalnya okupansi pada jasa layanan warehouse, achievements in 2022 were driven by optimal occupancy in warehouse
jasa layanan Information Communication Technology (ICT), Jasa services, Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) services,
Geodata dan GEoIT, serta optimalisasi productivity bareboat barge dan Geodata and GEoIT services, optimization in the productivity of bareboat
juga offshore support. barges, as well as offshore support.


Ketidakpastian pelaksanaan aktivitas hulu migas yang dipengaruhi harga Uncertainties in the implementation of upstream oil and gas activities,
minyak yang berfluktuatif berdampak pada utilisasi peralatan khususnya which are affected by fluctuations in oil prices, have affected equipment
pada segmen jasa hulu teringtegrasi. Hal tersebut menjadi tantangan utilization, especially in the integrated upstream services. Maintaining
utama bagi Perseroan untuk dapat mempertahankan tingkat utilisasi an optimal level of utilization has become a major challenge for the
yang optimal, adapun upaya – upaya yang dilakukan yakni dengan Company. Efforts made to tackle this challenge are by optimizing
mengoptimalkan sinergi antar lingkungan Pertamina Group dengan synergies within the Pertamina Group environment by providing
memberikan service excellent serta dilakukan selective investment dan excellent service and carrying out selective investments and strategic
juga strategic partnership. partnerships.

Fluktuatif kebutuhan BBM industri dan juga di masyarakat pasca The fluctuation in fuel demand, from both industrial and individuals,
pandemic sangat bergantung kepada pemberlakukan PSBB di setiap after the pandemic highly depends on the implementation of social
wilayah. Pada tahun 2022, program vaksinasi secara menyeluruh menjadi restrictions in each region. In 2022, the national vaccination program
moment recovery yang mampu mendorong peningkatan aktivitas became a moment of recovery that boosted individual and business

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masyarakat dan pelaku usaha sehingga dapat meningkatkan kebutuhan activities, which led to higher demand for fuel. To meet the increased
BBM. Untuk memenuhi peningkatan kebutuhan, pada segmen distribusi demand, there has been a capacity increase in the energy distribution &
& logistik energy terjadi peningkatan kapasitas berupa penambahan logistics segment by managing more depots and transportation, as well
pengelolaan depo dan transportasi juga kesiapan operasional dalam as having a better operating system in the distribution of fuel for the
penyaluran BBM Industri niaga Umum. General Trading Industry.



Analisis tentang Prospek Usaha Perseroan Analysis on the Company’s Business Prospects
Sejalan dengan pemulihan ekonomi atas berbagai dinamika juga In line with the economic recovery from various dynamics and
tantangan yang ada sepanjang 2022, Perseroan berkeyakinan bahwa challenges that happened throughout 2022, the Company believes that
prospek usaha ELNUSA akan lebih gemilang dibandingkan dengan tahun ELNUSA’s business prospects will be brighter than the previous year. This
sebelumnya. Hal ini didukung atas konsistensi Perseroan memperkokoh is supported by the Company’s consistency in strengthening financial
daya tahan terhadap keuangan juga menjaga bisnis yang berkelanjutan resilience and maintaining a sustainable business going forward. ELNUSA
ke depannya. ELNUSA berupaya untuk memperkuat bisnis inti Perseroan seeks to strengthen the Company’s core business by implementing the
dengan menerapkan kebijakan strategis Perusahaan dalam pengelolaan Company’s strategic policies in managing costs in order to be efficient
biaya yang tepat guna, optimal dan mengambil peluang dalam and optimal, as well as taking opportunities in business development, in
Pengembangan bisnis yang bukan hanya pada industri migas namun both oil and gas industry and non-oil and gas industry.
juga non-migas.

Sebagai penyedia jasa energi terintegrasi, Perusahaan berpatisipasi aktif As an integrated energy service provider, the Company actively
dalam mendukung kinerja operasi Subholding Upstream Pertamina participates in supporting the operational performance of Pertamina’s
melalui penyediaan pelayanan jasa migas terintegrasi, penyediaan Upstream Subholding through the provision of integrated oil and gas
teknologi tepat guna, inovasi dan continuous improvement. Salah satu services, suitable technology, as well as continuous innovation and
wujud sinergi Perusahaan adalah dengan terlaksananya HWU drilling improvement. One of the Company’s synergies is the implementation
service yang di fabrikasi secara mandiri untuk kegiatan pengeboran of the HWU drilling service, which is fabricated independently for the
sumur baru Pertamina Hulu Mahakam di Blok Mahakam. Sehingga drilling activities of Pertamina Hulu Mahakam’s new oil well in the
dengan sinergi Pertamina ini, Perusahaan dapat berperan aktif dalam Mahakam Block. With this synergy, the Company can play an active role
memberikan solusi efektivitas operasi dan efisiensi biaya Pertamina in providing solutions for operational effectiveness and cost efficiency in
Group. Pertamina Group.

Prospek usaha selanjutnya adalah optimalisasi program customer The next business prospect is optimizing the customer intimacy program
intimacy melalui proactive engagement diantaranya: Effective Focus through proactive engagement including: Effective Focus Group
Group Discussion, Technical and Commercial Workshop dan kegiatan Discussion, Technical and Commercial Workshop, and other activities.
lainnya. Melalui pendekatan tersebut perusahaan dapat menjalin Through this approach, the Company can establish close connections
kedekatan dengan pelanggan dan mendapatkan lebih banyak market with customers and gain more market insights, including work plans,
insight termasuk rencana kerja, kondisi proyek yang sedang berjalan, ongoing project conditions, and future issues and challenges.
serta isu dan tantangan ke depan.

Perseroan juga melihat peluang besar dengan selarasnya semangat The company also sees great opportunities in the harmony of the spirit
sinergi di lingkungan Subholding Upstream. Perusahaan juga melakukan of synergy in the Upstream Subholding environment. The Company
akselerasi pada peluang – peluang proyek yang dapat terealisasi sinergi also accelerates project opportunities that can realize synergies within
antar Pertamina grup. Selain itu Perseroan juga aktif dalam menjajaki Pertamina group. In addition, the Company is also active in exploring
pasar non-Pertamina, terlaksananya strategi ini tidak lain adalah karena markets outside Pertamina. The success implementation of this strategy
ELNUSA memiliki kapabilitas internal dan juga bermitra dengan penyedia is none other due to ELNUSA’s internal capabilities and partnerships
jasa teknologi yang memiliki kompetensi dan relasi yang baik. with technology service providers that have competence and good


Kinerja HSSE pada tahun 2022 mencatat pencapaian yang sangat baik. The Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) was carried out
Hal ini dikarenakan pencapaian 150 Million Safe Man Hours Operating successfully in 2022. This can be seen from the achievement of 150
Without Loss Time Incident (terhitung dari Desember 2018 sampai Million Safe Man Hours Operating Without Loss Time Incidents (from
Desember 2022) dan angka TRIR terendah selama 10 tahun terakhir December 2018 to December 2022) and the lowest Total Recordable
(0,02) terhitung sejak tahun 2013 hingga tahun 2022. Jumlah jam kerja Incident Rate (TRIR) figure over the last 10 years (0.02) from 2013 to
pun di tahun 2022 mencapai lebih dari 44 juta jam kerja. Atas pencapaian 2022. The number of work hours was more than 44 million hours in
tersebut, ELNUSA juga kerap mendapatkan apresiasi dari klien terkait 2022. For these achievements, ELNUSA also often receives appreciation
safe man-hours yang dicapai pada proyek yang dikerjakan. from clients regarding the safe man-hours recorded in ongoing projects.

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Selama tahun 2022 atas hasil kinerja yang maksimal dari Manajemen Due to maximum performance results from the Management, supported
dan didukung oleh seluruh Perwira Perseroan baik yang berada di by all of the Company’s officers in operating areas and at the office, the
seluruh area operasi maupun di office, Perseroan meraih pengakuan Company has received recognition from many external parties in 2022.
dari berbagai pihak eksternal atas daya upaya tersebut. Beberapa di Some of these recognitions are described in the Awards and Certification
antaranya teradapat pada sub Bab Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi pada Bab sub-chapter in the Performance Overview Chapter of this Annual Report.
Kilas Kinerja

Pencapaian ini merupakan buah kerja bersama atas semua komponen This achievement is the result of collaborative efforts between all
seperti Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan keluarga besar Elnusa Group. elements of the Company, including the Board of Commissioners, the
Board of Directors, and the extended family of Elnusa Group.


Perseroan sangat yakin, bahwa hasil pencapaian ELNUSA sepanjang 2022 The Company believes that its achievements throughout 2022
tidak lepas atas komitmen ELNUSA yang secara penuh meningkatkan cannot be separated from Elnusa’s full commitment to improving the
penerapan pada prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance (GCG) implementation of the Good Corporate Governance (GCG) principles
sebagai landasan dalam menciptakan nilai tambah yang berkelanjutan as the basis for creating sustainable added values that will benefit
bagi kepentingan para pemegang saham dan berbagai pemangku shareholders and other stakeholders, including employees, consumers,
kepentingan lainnya antara lain pegawai, konsumen, regulator, dan regulators, and business partners, in the short- and long term.
mitra kerja, baik dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang.

Tata Kelola yang dijalankan Perseroan didasari oleh prinsip-prinsip GCG, The Company’s governance is based on the GCG principles, namely
yaitu Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independency, dan Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence, and Fairness
Fairness (TARIF) yang merupakan komitmen Perseroan untuk selalu (TARIF), in which the Company is committed to always maintaining
menjaga nilai Perusahaan (corporate value), mendorong pengelolaan corporate values as well as encouraging professional, transparent, and
Perusahaan yang profesional, transparan dan efisien sehingga efficient management, in order to strengthen and sustain the Company’s
fundamental dan daya saing Perseroan semakin kuat dan terjaga dengan fundamentals and competitiveness.

Sesuai Peraturan OJK (POJK) No. 21/POJK.04/2015 tentang Pedoman In accordance with OJK Regulation (POJK) No. 21/POJK.04/2015
Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka, Perseroan sebagai perusahaan concerning Governance Guidelines for Public Company, Elnusa, as a public
terbuka wajib untuk melakukan pengukuran terhadap penerapan GCG company, is obliged to measure the implementation of GCG through an
yang dilakukan melalui penilaian (assessment). Perseroan melakukan assessment. The Company evaluates GCG implementation consistently
penilaian penerapan GCG secara konsisten setiap tahunnya untuk every year to determine the adequacy of GCG implementation within
mengetahui tingkat kecukupan penerapan GCG di lingkungan Perseroan. the Company. The assessment carried out by the Company uses various
Penilaian yang dilakukan oleh Perseroan menggunakan berbagai references to applicable best practices. The Company evaluates the
acuan standar praktik terbaik (best practices) yang berlaku. Perseroan implementation of GCG using the best practice standards applicable
melakukan penilaian penerapan GCG dengan menggunakan standar in Indonesia and overseas, namely the ASEAN Corporate Governance
praktik praktik terbaik yang berlaku di Indonesia maupun di luar negeri, Scorecard (ACGS).
yaitu ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard.

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Perseroan berkomitmen untuk terus berupaya meningkatkan penerapan The Company is committed to improving good corporate governance
praktik Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang baik ke level yang lebih tinggi dengan practices to a higher level using the ASEAN CG Scorecard. As in the
menerapkan ASEAN CG Scorecard. Seperti tahun sebelumnya, penilaian previous year, an assessment of the implementation of the ASEAN
atas penerapan ASEAN CG Scorecard dilakukan oleh pihak independen, CG Scorecard was carried out by an independent party, which is the
Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD) dan menunjukkan Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD). The result
hasil capaian skor sebesar 97,21 poin dengan predikat kategori “Very showed a score of 97.21 points, which falls under the “Very Good” or
Good” atau Level 4 (90-99,99) yang artinya implementasi tata kelola Level 4 category (90-99.99). This means that the Company’s corporate
korporasi perusahaan sudah mematuhi penuh standar internasional governance has fully complied with international standards as required
sebagaimana yang menjadi syarat oleh ACGS. Capaian skor tersebut naik by the ACGS. The score was higher than the previous year, which stood
dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya yaitu 93,45 poin. at 93.45 points.


Sepanjang tahun 2022 berbagai kegiatan juga telah Perseroan lakukan Throughout 2022, the Company has also carried out various activities to
untuk terus memperkokoh juga meningkatkan awareness GCG seluruh continue to strengthen and increase GCG awareness among all Elnusa’s
Perwira Elnusa, diantaranya melakukan sosialisasi GCG, Pengendalian Officers, by carrying out GCG socialization, Gratification Control, Anti-
Gratifikasi, Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan, LHKPN dan juga Whistle Bribery Management System, State Officials Wealth Report (LHKPN),
Blowing System (WBS). and the Whistle Blowing System (WBS).

ELNUSA menerapkan sistem WBS untuk pengaduan sebagai salah satu ELNUSA implements the WBS system for complaints, as part of the
bagian dari penerapan Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan (Anti Bribery implementation of the ISO 37001:2016-based Anti-Bribery Management
Management System) berbasis ISO 37001:2016 telah diterapkan. System. Awareness of the Company’s employees regarding the GCG
Awareness pekerja perseroan terhadap penerapan GCG juga memadai implementation of GCG is adequate and deserves appreciation.
dan patut diapresiasi. Selama tahun 2022, terdapat dua laporan yang Throughout 2022, there were two reports filed into the WBS and have
masuk ke dalam WBS dan telah ditindaklanjuti oleh Fungsi Kepatuhan been followed up by the Anti-Bribery, Ethics, and GCG Compliance
Anti Penyuapan, Etika dan GCG. Di samping itu, terdapat tujuh puluh Functions. In addition, there were seventy-eight reports of receiving and
delapan laporan penerimaan dan pemberian hadiah. Untuk Mendukung giving gifts. To support the Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS)
SMAP yang telah diimplementasikan di Perusahaan, ELNUSA juga telah that has been implemented in the Company, ELNUSA has also realized
mewujudkan komitmen Penerapan tersebut dengan hasil diperolehnya its commitment to the implementation by regaining ISO 37001 ABMS
kembali Sertifikasi SMAP ISO 37001. Certification.


Pada tahun buku 2022, Perusahaan tidak memiliki komite yang berada In the 2022 fiscal year, the Company does not have a committee under
di bawah Direksi. the Board of Directors.


Pada tahun buku 2022, tidak ada perubahan komposisi anggota Direksi. In the 2022 fiscal year, there is no change in the composition of members
of the Board of Directors.

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Atas pencapaian yang gemilang pada tahun 2022, Direksi menyampaikan For the excellent achievements in 2022, the Board of Directors expresses
rasa hormat dan terima kasih kepada Dewan Komisaris, pemegang their respect and gratitude to the Board of Commissioners, the
saham mayoritas Perseroan yaitu PT Pertamina Hulu Energi dan seluruh controlling shareholder, namely PT Pertamina Hulu Energi, and all of the
pemangku kepentingan Perseroan diantaranya kepada regulator, Company’s stakeholders, including regulators, customers, suppliers, and
pelanggan, pemasok, dan mitra usaha atas dukungan dan kerjasama business partners for their supports and cooperations.
selama ini.

Direksi juga menyampaikan apresiasi setinggi-tingginya kepada seluruh The Board of Directors also expresses its highest appreciation to all
Perwira Elnusa Grup atas kerja keras dan kerja cerdas yang telah employees of Elnusa Group for showing their hard work and smart work,
ditunjukkan, baik yang berada di kantor pusat maupun di wilayah whether they are at the head office or in the operating areas. The year
operasi. Tahun 2022 tercatat sebagai tahun emas pertumbuhan yang 2022 was a golden year of positive growth for the Company to provide
positif bagi Perseroan untuk kembali memberikan imbal hasil dan kinerja satisfactory returns and performance. With prayers, support, and
yang memuaskan dan diiringi dengan doa, dukungan dan bantuan assistance from all stakeholders, we firmly believe that going forward,
semua pemangku kepentingan, kami sangat berkeyakinan bahwa ke the Company will continue to grow and improve its performance to a
depan Perseroan akan terus bertumbuh dan meningkatkan performa higher level of excellence.
Perseroan ke tingkat yang lebih excellence.

Jakarta, 13 Maret 2023 | March 2023

Atas Nama Direksi
On Behalf of the Board of Directors

John Hisar Simamora

Direktur Utama
President Director

44 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Laporan Manajemen
Management Report

Board of Directors

direktur pengembangan usaha direktur utama direktur sdm & umum
direktur operasi director of business development president director director of human capital and direktur keuangan
director of operation general affairs director of finance

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 45

Laporan Manajemen
Management Report


Statement of the Board of Commissioners of Responsibility
for the 2022 Annual Report of PT Elnusa Tbk

Kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, menyatakan bahwa semua We the undersigned hereby declare that all the information contained
informasi dalam Laporan Tahunan PT Elnusa Tbk tahun 2022 telah within the 2022 Annual Report of PT Elnusa Tbk has been presented
dimuat secara lengkap dan bertanggung jawab penuh atas kebenaran completely. We are fully responsible for the truthfulness of the content
Laporan Tahunan Perseroan. of the Annual Report.

Demikian pernyataan ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya. This statement has been made truthfully.

Jakarta, 13 Maret 2023 Jakarta, 13 March, 2023

Agus Prabowo
Komisaris Utama
President Commissioner

Lusiaga Levi Susila Hernawan Bekti Sasongko

Komisaris Independen Komisaris Independen
Independent Commissioner Independent Commissioner

Wakhid Hasyim

46 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Laporan Manajemen
Management Report


Statement of the Board of Directors of Responsibility
for the 2022 Annual Report of PT Elnusa Tbk

Kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, menyatakan bahwa semua We the undersigned hereby declare that all the information contained
informasi dalam Laporan Tahunan PT Elnusa Tbk tahun 2022 telah within the 2022 Annual Report of PT Elnusa Tbk has been presented
dimuat secara lengkap dan bertanggung jawab penuh atas kebenaran completely. We are fully responsible for the truthfulness of the content
Laporan Tahunan Perseroan. of the Annual Report.

Demikian pernyataan ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya. This statement has been made truthfully.

Jakarta, 13 Maret 2023 Jakarta, 13 March , 2023

John Hisar Simamora

Direktur Utama
President Director

Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja Charles Harianto Lumbantobing

Direktur Keuangan Direktur Operasi
Director of Finance Director of Operations

Ratih Esti Prihatini Tenny Elfrida

Direktur Pengembangan Usaha Direktur SDM dan Umum
Director of Business Development Director of Human Capital and
General Affairs

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 47

Company Profile
50 Informasi Umum Perusahaan 78 Profil Direksi
Company General Information Board of Directors Profile

52 Jejak Langkah 83 Profil Pejabat Eksekutif

Milestones Executive Officers Profile

54 Riwayat Singkat Perusahaan 88 Struktur dan Komposisi Pemegang Saham

Brief History of the Company Structure and Composition of Shareholders

55 Visi, Misi & Strategi Perusahaan 92 Daftar Entitas Anak

Corporate Vision, Mission and Strategy List of Subsidiaries

56 Budaya & Nilai Perusahaan 100 Alamat Entitas Anak dan/atau Kantor Cabang atau Kantor Perwakilan
Corporate Values and Culture Addresses of Subsidiaries and/or Branch Offices or Representative Offices

60 Identitas Perusahaan 102 Kronologi Pencatatan Saham

Corporate Identity Sharelisting Chronology

61 Kegiatan & Bidang Usaha 104 Struktur Grup Perseroan

Activities & Line of Business Company Group Structure

66 Wilayah Operasional 105 Daftar Lembaga dan Profesi Penunjang Perusahaan

Operational Area List of Supporting Institutions and Professionals of the Company

72 Struktur Organisasi 105 Daftar Penting Lainnya

Organizational Structure Other Important List

73 Keanggotaan dalam Asosiasi/Organisasi 106 Profil Sumber Daya Manusia

Membership in Associations/Organizations Human Resource Profile

74 Profil Dewan Komisaris 108 Informasi Website Perusahaan

Board of Commissioners Profile Company Website Information
Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Company General Information

Nama Perusahaan
Company Name PT Elnusa Tbk
Keterangan Perubahan Pada tahun 1984, nama Perseroan berubah dari PT Elektronika In 1984, the Company’s name was amended from
Nama Nusantara menjadi PT Elnusa berdasarkan Akta Notaris No 18 PT Elektronika Nusantara to PT Elnusa based on Notarial Deed
Information of Name tanggal 8 Juni 1984 yang di buat di hadapan Sinta Susikto, Notaris, No. 18 dated June 8, 1984 made in the presence of Sinta Susikto,
Amandement di Jakarta. Perubahan tersebut memiliki landasan yang kuat yaitu Notary, in Jakarta. The Company has a firm foundation under the
dengan nama Elnusa, Perseroan telah memiliki kemampuan yang name of Elnusa. The Company has the competency to become the
tidak hanya menjadi perusahaan jasa di bidang migas terbesar largest oil and gas service company in Indonesia with international
di Indonesia, sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki pun telah standards human resources in the respective field.
memenuhi standar internasional di bidang yang digeluti.
Tanggal Pendirian 25 Januari 1969 January 25, 1969
Date of Establishment
Tanggal Peresmian 9 September 1969 September 9, 1969
Date of Inauguration
Lama Berdiri 53 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 53 years as of December 31, 2022
Age of Establishment
Dasar Hukum Pendirian Akta Pendirian No. 18 tanggal 25 Januari 1969 yang di buat di Deed of Establishment No. 18 dated January 25, 1969 made in
Legal Basis of hadapan Tan Thong Kie, Notaris, di Jakarta, sebagaimana diubah the presence of Tan Thong Kie, Notary, in Jakarta, as amended
Establishment melalui Akta No. 10 tanggal 13 Februari 1969 dari notaris yang through Deed No. 10 dated February 13, 1969 from the same
sama. Akta pendirian ini, telah mendapat pengesahan dari notary. This deed of establishment has been approved by the
Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia melalui Surat Keputusan Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia through Decree No.
No. J.A.5/18/24 tanggal 19 Februari 1969, serta telah diumumkan J.A.5/18/24 dated February 19, 1969, and has been announced in
dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia No. 35, Tambahan No. 58 the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 35, Supplement
tanggal 2 Mei 1969. No. 58 dated May 2, 1969.
Status Perusahaan Perusahaan Terbuka (Tbk) Public Listed Company
Status of Company
Maksud dan Tujuan Berusaha dalam bidang Jasa (aktivitas profesional; informasi Running business in the field of services (professional activities;
Pendirian dan komunikasi; real estat; aktivitas ketenagakerjaan, dan usaha information and communication; real estate; employment
The Objective and Purpose penunjang lainnya); perdagangan besar dan eceran; pertambangan activities and other supporting businesses); wholesale and retail
of the Establishment dan penggalian; pembangunan (konstruksi); perindustrian; dan trade; mining and excavation; development (construction);
pengelolaan air; pengelolaan air limbah. industry; and water management; wastewater management.
Kegiatan Bisnis Utama a. Bidang jasa (aktivitas profesional, informasi dan komunikasi, a. Services sector (professional activities, information and
Sesuai Anggaran Dasar real estat, aktivitas ketenagakerjaan, dan usaha penunjang communication, real estate, employment activities, and other
Main Business Activities lainnya). supporting businesses).
According to the Articles of b. Bidang perdagangan besar dan eceran. b. Wholesale and retail trade.
Association c. Bidang pertambangan dan penggalian. c. Mining and quarrying.
d. Menjalankan usaha dalam bidang pembangunan (konstruksi). d. Running a business in the field of development (construction).
e. Menjalankan usaha dalam bidang perindustrian. e. Running a business in the industrial sector.
Kegiatan Bisnis Penunjang a. Jasa (aktivitas penunjang pertambangan minyak bumi dan gas). a. Services (oil and gas mining support activities)
sesuai Ketentuan b. Pengelolaan air, pengelolaan air limbah (aktivitas penunjang
Anggaran Dasar pengelolaan air, pengelolaan dan pembuangan air limbah b. Water management, waste water management (supporting
Supporting Business tidak berbahaya, pengelolaan dan pembuangan air limbah activities for water management, non-hazardous waste
Activities in Accordance berbahaya). water management and disposal, hazardous waste water
with the Articles of c. Perdagangan (perdagangan eceran bahan bakar kendaraan di management and disposal)
Association stasiun pengisian bahan bakar umum [SPBU]). c. Trading (retail trade in vehicle fuel at public gas stations [SPBU])
d. Pertambangan (aktivitas penunjang pertambangan dan d. Mining (mining and other excavation support activities)
penggalian lainnya).
e. Pembangunan (konstruksi bangunan pengolahan dan e. Construction (construction of oil and gas goods processing and
penampungan barang minyak dan gas). storage buildings)
f. Perindustrian lainnya (industri mesin penambangan, penggalian f. Other industries (mining, quarrying and construction machinery
dan konstruksi). industry)
Kepemilikan Saham Kepemilikan Saham Perseroan per 31 Desember 2021: Share Ownership of the Company as of December 31, 2021:
Shareholder Composition • PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) dengan kepemilikan 51,1% • PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) with 51.1% share ownership.
saham. • Public (< 5% Individual), with 48.9% share ownership.
• Publik (< 5% Individu), dengan kepemilikan 48,9% saham.
Modal Dasar Rp2. Rp2,250,000,000,000
Authorized Capital
Modal Ditempatkan dan Rp729.850.000.000 Rp729,850,000,000
Disetor Penuh
Issued Capital and Paid-up

50 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

Pencatatan Saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia (d/h Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Bursa Efek Indonesia Stock Exchange (formerly Jakarta Stock Exchange and
Bursa Saham Surabaya), 6 Februari 2008 Surabaya Stock Exchange), February 6, 2008
Listing of Shares on the
Stock Exchange
Kode Saham ELSA ELSA
Share Code
Jumlah Karyawan 1.170 orang (2021) 1,170 employees (2021)
Number of Employees
Alamat Perusahaan Graha Elnusa, Lantai 16 Graha Elnusa, 16th Floor
Company Address Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B
Jakarta 12560, Indonesia Jakarta 12560, Indonesia
Telepon (+61 21) 7883 0850
Faksimile (+62 21) 7883 0907
Situs Perusahaan
Company Website
Media Sosial Linkedin: PT Elnusa Tbk
Social Media Instagram: @elnusaofficial
Youtube: Elnusa
Area Operasi 2021 Indonesia
2021 operational area
Keikutsertaan dalam • Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia (HAGI) • Indonesian Association of Gheophysicist
Asosiasi • World Safety Organization (WSO) • World Safety Organization (WSO)
Participation in Association • Indonesia Corporate Secretary Association (ICSA) • Indonesia Corporate Secretary Association (ICSA)
• Perhimpunan Hubungan Masyarakat Indonesia (PERHUMAS) • Perhimpunan Hubungan Masyarakat Indonesia (PERHUMAS)

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut Asmal Salam Graha Elnusa Lt. 16

mengenai Perseroan dapat Sekretaris Perusahaan Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B
menghubungi: Corporate Secretary Jakarta 12560, Indonesia
For further information about the
Company please contact:
(+62 21) 7883 0850
(+62 21) 7883 0907 elnusaofficial PT Elnusa Tbk elnusaofficial

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 51

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


2011 2013
Melakukan program Turnaround:
“stop the bleeding program”,
“re-financing program”, dan • Mengubah visi menjadi

“perubahan budaya manusia” Energy Services Company.
• Menetapkan fokus usaha. • Perubahan Logo & Corporate
• Melakukan restrukturisasi untuk perbaikan struktur biaya,
struktur pendanaan, model Identity Perusahaan.
bisnis dan portofolio

bisnis, budaya perusahaan & • Year of Human Resources.
Membentuk Divisi Seismic (Merger) serta menjadi
operating Holding. intervensi bisnis.
Data Processing (Cikal • Changed the vision to
bakal PT Elnusa Geosains Conducted Turnaround program: become an Energy Services
Services). • Determined the business Company.
Menjadi Investment Holding focus. “stop the bleeding program”, “re-
financing program”, and “change • Changed the Company’s
dengan lebih dari 10 • Conducted business and Logo & Corporate Identity.
Established the Seismic Portofolio. in human culture” to improve
Data Processing Division portfolio restructuring • Year of Human Resources.
(Merger) to became an cost structure, funding structure,
(the forerunner of PT Become an Investment business model, corporate
Elnusa Geosains Services). operating holding.
Holding with more than 10 culture & business intervention.

1969 2004 2013

1996 2011
1972 2007
1984 2008

1984 2004
Didirikan dengan nama

PT Elektronika Nusantara yang
bergerak di bidang elektronika
pelayaran sebagai marine elektronika Pembentukan PT Elnusa Workover Mendirikan PT Elnusa Drillling Services
services. Services (EWS). (EDS).
• Melakukan Restrukturisasi
Established under the name of Establishment of PT Elnusa Workover Established PT Elnusa Drillling Services Permodalan.
PT Elektronika Nusantara, engaged in Services (EWS). (EDS). • IPO & menjadi Public Listed
marine electronic service provider. Company.

• Conducted Capital Restructuring.

• Conducted IPO & became a
Public Listed Company.

52 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

Merayakan usia ke 53, Perseroan berhasil
menaklukan berbagai tantangan ditengah
kondisi ketidakpastian akibat gejolak
global sepanjang tahun 2022 yang masih
berlanjut dari tahun sebelumnya. Untuk
memperkokoh daya tahan terhadap
keuangan juga menjaga bisnis yang
berkelanjutan ke depannya, Elnusa
berupaya untuk memperkuat bisnis inti
Perseroan dengan konsisten menerapkan

kebijakan strategis Perusahaan dalam

pengelolaan biaya yang tepat guna,
optimal dan mengambil peluang dalam

Pengembangan bisnis yang bukan hanya
Mengembangkan Metode, pada industri migas namun juga non migas.
Memperkuat Keseimbangan Elnusa juga terus berkomitmen untuk
Memantapkan penguatan Portofolio. Mencatatkan senantiasa menjalankan prinsip-prinsip tata
core business dan melakukan pendapatan tertinggi kelola yang baik (GCG) dalam setiap proses
diversifikasi portofolio pada Laba Bersih Konsolidasi Elnusa pada
sepanjang sejarah berdiri tahun 2020 tercatat sebesar Rp249 operasional dan bisnis Perusahaan.
jasa distribusi dan logistik melalui penguatan diversifikasi
energi. miliar, pencapaian yang patut disyukuri
portofolio. dengan kondisi perekonomian yang Celebrating its 53rd year, the Company
terdampak triple shock. has succeeded in conquering various
Strengthened the core business Developing the Methods, challenges amid conditions of uncertainty
and diversified the portfolio in Strengthened the Portfolio due to global turmoil throughout 2022
energy distribution and logistics Elnusa’s Consolidated Net Profit in
Balance. Recorded the highest 2020 was recorded at Rp249 billion, an which continued from the previous year.
services. revenue ever by strengthening To strengthen financial resilience as well
achievement to be grateful of, given the
portfolio diversification. unfavourable economic conditions, as as maintain a sustainable business going
result of the triple shock. forward, Elnusa seeks to strengthen the
Company’s core business by consistently
implementing the Company’s strategic
policies in managing costs that are
appropriate, and optimal and taking
opportunities in business development not
only in the oil and gas industry but also
in non-oil and gas industries. oil and gas
Elnusa also continues to be committed to
always implementing the principles of good
governance (GCG) in every operational and
business process of the Company.

2016 2016 2017 2020

2014 2018 2022

2014 2021
Membuktikan kemampuannya untuk
turut membangun kapasitas nasional
Penguatan posisi kompetitif bisnis inti sebagai perusahaan jasa energi yang
sebagai prioritas utama di samping mengusung Total Solution di usianya
Menetapkan 2014 sebagai Year pengkayaan portofolio bisnis dan Meningkatkan kompetensi dan
of Development, memperkuat yang telah menginjak 50 tahun, kapabilitas melalui berbagai aliansi
pengembangan bisnis baru yang selaras Elnusa.
tatanan operational organisasi dengan pengembangan zaman dan strategi serta sinergi dan berkolaborasi
dan fungsi pengendalian internal kebutuhan klien. untuk mendukung kinerja operasional
serta melakukan evaluasi dan Proving its capability to help building Subholding Upstream Pertamina sebagai
mendefinisikan ulang produk/jasa national capacity as an energy Pemegang saham pengendali
Strengthening the competitive service company that carries Total
Perseroan. position of the core business as a top Solution at the age of 50, Elnusa. Improving competences and capabilities
priority in addition to enriching the
Established the year 2014 as the Year business portfolio and developing new through strategic alliances, synergy and
of Development, strengthening the businesses in line with the progress collaboration, in order to support the
operational order of the organization and client needs. operational performance of Upstream
and internal control functions as Subholding Pertamina as the controlling
well as evaluating and redefining the shareholder.
Company’s products/services.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 53

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Brief History of the Company

PT Elnusa Tbk (“Perseroan”) didirikan dengan nama PT Electronika PT Elnusa Tbk (the “Company”) was established under the name
Nusantara berdasarkan Akta Notaris No.18 tanggal 25 Januari 1969 dari PT Electronika Nusantara based on Notarial Deed No. 18 dated January
Tan Thong Kie, S.H., sebagaimana diubah melalui Akta Notaris No. 10 25, 1969 from Tan Thong Kie, S.H., as amended through Notarial Deed
tanggal 13 Februari 1969 dari notaris yang sama. Akta pendirian ini, yang No. 10 dated February 13, 1969 from the same notary. This deed of
merupakan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, telah mendapat pengesahan establishment, which forms the Company’s Articles of Association, has
dari Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia melalui Surat Keputusan been approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia
No. J.A.5/18/24 tanggal 19 Februari 1969, serta telah diumumkan dalam through Decree No. J.A.5/18/24 dated February 19, 1969, and has been
Berita Negara Republik Indonesia No. 35, Tambahan No. 58 tanggal 2 announced in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 35,
Mei 1969. Supplement No. 58 dated May 2, 1969.

Entitas induk Perseroan adalah PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) dan The parent business entity is PT Pertamina (Persero) and the major
entitas induk terakhirnya adalah PT Pertamina (Persero). Perseroan stakeholder entity is is the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. The
mengawali kiprahnya sebagai pendukung operasi PT Pertamina (Persero), Company initiate the business as the operational support of PT Pertamina
terutama dalam memberikan pelayanan termasuk pemeliharaan dan (Persero), especially in the provision of services including maintenance
perbaikan, di bidang peralatan komunikasi elektronik, peralatan navigasi and repair, in the field of electronic communication equipment,
dan sistem radar yang digunakan oleh kapal-kapal milik Pertamina navigation equipment and radar systems used by Pertamina’s vessels as
maupun kapal-kapal minyak asing yang memiliki perjanjian kerjasama well as foreign oil tanker vessels that have cooperation agreements with
dengan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) di bidang Migas. State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in the field of oil and gas.

Pada tahun 1984, nama Perseroan berubah menjadi PT Elnusa In 1984, the name of the Company was amended to PT Elnusa based on
berdasarkan Akta Notaris No. 23 tanggal 8 Juni 1984 yang dibuat di Notarial Deed No. 23 dated June 8, 1984 made in the presence of Sinta
hadapan Sinta Susikto, Notaris, di Jakarta. Hingga akhirnya pada tahun Susikto, Notary, in Jakarta. In February 6, 2008, the Company is officially
2008, Perseroan secara resmi terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Kode listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (stock code: ELSA), using the
saham: ELSA) pada 6 Februari 2008 dan menggunakan nama PT Elnusa name of PT Elnusa Tbk. Besides oil and gas services, the Company now
Tbk. Melalui lika-liku perjalanan panjangnya yang berawal sebagai provides energy services and is ready to become the trust of national
perusahaan jasa elektornika perkapalan kini Perseroan bertransformasi and international clients.
menjadi perusahaan jasa energi terkemuka di Indonesia yang siap
menjadi kepercayaan dari klien nasional maupun internasional.


Sebagaimana yang telah diuraikan dalam riwayat singkat Perseroan, As described in the brief history of the Company, in 1984, the Company’s
bahwa pada tahun 1984, nama Perseroan berubah dari PT Elektronika name changed from PT Elektronika Nusantara to PT Elnusa based on
Nusantara menjadi PT Elnusa berdasarkan Akta Notaris No 18 tanggal Notarial Deed No. 18 dated June 8, 1984 made before Sinta Susikto,
8 Juni 1984 yang di buat di hadapan Sinta Susikto, Notaris, di Jakarta. Notary, in Jakarta. The change has a strong foundation, namely with
Perubahan tersebut memiliki landasan yang kuat yaitu dengan nama the name Elnusa, the Company has the ability not only to become the
Elnusa, Perseroan telah memiliki kemampuan yang tidak hanya menjadi largest oil and gas service company in Indonesia, but also its human
perusahaan jasa di bidang migas terbesar di Indonesia, sumber daya resources have met international standards in the field.
manusia yang dimiliki pun telah memenuhi standar internasional di
bidang yang digeluti.

54 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Corporate Vision, Mission and Strategy

Visi, Misi, Nilai, dan Budaya Perusahaan senantiasa di kaji secara berkala The Company’s Vision, Mission, Values, and Corporate Culture are regularly
untuk memastikan kesesuaiannya dengan perkembangan lingkungan reviewed to ensure their suitability with the development of the Company’s
bisnis Perseroan. Perumusan Visi, Misi, Nilai, dan Budaya Perusahaan business environment. The formulation of Vision, Mission, Values, and
dilakukan dengan melibatkan seluruh pihak yang terkait yaitu Dewan Corporate Culture is carried out by involving all relevant parties, namely the
Komisaris, Direksi, dan Karyawan, serta memperhatikan kepentingan Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and Employees, as well as taking
dari para Pemangku Kepentingan lainnya. into account the interests of other Stakeholders.

Sejalan dengan perkembangan lingkungan bisnis dan tantangan yang In line with the development of the business environment and the challenges
dihadapi, Perseroan masih menetapkan visi-misi pada tahun sebelumnya faced, the Company still sets the vision and mission of the previous year
karena dinilai masih cukup relevan untuk dilanjutkan Perseroan dalam because it is still considered relevant enough to be continued by the Company
menghadapi dinamika dan tantangan bisnis ke depan. in facing the dynamics and challenges of the business going forward.

Terkemuka Leading
Bereputasi baik berarti perusahaan yang menjadi pilihan utama dan
Perusahaan Jasa terpercaya untuk mendominasi pasar.
Reputable means the company is the first choice and a trusted one that can
Energi Terkemuka dominate the market.

yang Memberikan Perusahaan Jasa Energi Energy Services Company

Untuk menciptakan bisnis yang berkelanjutan (dengan menyeimbangkan
Solusi Total. portofolio dari dinamika bisnis yang berbeda) dan mencapai tingkat
pertumbuhan yang lebih tinggi.
To create a sustainable business (by balancing a portfolio of different business
Reputable Energy dynamics) and achieve higher growth rates.

Services Company
by Providing Total Memberikan Solusi Total Providing Total Solution
Elnusa akan memberikan solusi atau system yang komprehensif untuk memecahkan
Solutions. masalah yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pelanggan dan dinamika pasar.
Elnusa will provide a comprehensive solution or system to solve problems tailored to
customer needs and market dynamics.

• Meningkatkan bisnis yang berkelanjutan dan • Improve business sustainability and profitability in local
menguntungkan dalam industri energi dalam negeri dan and international energy industries to meet shareholders’
internasional untuk memenuhi harapan pemegang saham. Expectations
• Memenuhi dan menjaga kepuasan pelanggan dengan • Fulfill and maintain customer satisfaction by providing Total
memberikan solusi total melalui sinergi, operational Solution through synergy, operational excellence, HSSE and
excellence, HSSE, dan prinsip-prinsip GCG. GCG principles
• Meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kesempatan untuk • Improve employees’ welfare and growth opportunities.
berkembang bagi karyawan.
• Membangun hubungan yang harmonis dan saling • Establish harmonious and mutually beneficial relationships
menguntungkan dengan pemerintah, mitra, dan with governments, partners, and communities.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 55

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Corporate Values and Culture

Elnusa memiliki budaya dan tata nilai perusahaan yang menjadi Elnusa has a code of values and culture of behavior that must be
fundamental dan wajib dipatuhi serta diterapkan dalam pelaksanaan obeyed and applied in the implementation of daily work by all levels
kerja sehari - hari oleh segenap jajaran di Perusahaan. Budaya in the Company. Corporate culture plays an important role in managing
Perusahaan memegang peranan penting dalam pengelolaan Sumber human resources in an effort to realize the Company’s Vision, Mission,
Daya Manusia (SDM) dalam upaya mewujudkan Visi, Misi, dan juga and Targets. Elnusa officers are mandatory to comprehend and apply
Target Perseroan. Perwira Elnusa diwajibkan untuk mengetahui, Elnusa’s values and culture as guidelines in their daily work.
memahami dan menerapkan tata nilai serta budaya Perusahaan sebagai
pedoman dalam bekerja keseharian.

Pada 1 Juli 2020, Kementerian BUMN mengeluarkan Surat Edaran On July 1, 2020, the Ministry of SOEs issued Circular No. SE-7/
No: SE-7/MBU/07/2020 Tentang Nilai-Nilai Utama (Core Values) SDM MBU/07/2020 concerning the Core Values of Human Capital (HC) of
BUMN. Surat Edaran ini diterbitkan dengan tujuan agar setiap SDM SOEs. The purpose of the issuance of this Circular is ensuring every
BUMN mengetahui, mengimplementasikan dan menginternalisasikan SOE’s HR implements and internalizes the Core Values of SOE’s HR
Nilai-nilai Utama (Core Values) SDM BUMN secara sungguh-sungguh, trully, consistently and consequently, thus bring forth daily behavior and
konsisten dan konsekuen, sehingga melahirkan perilaku keseharian form a SOE work culture that is in line with its core values. Each SOE is
dan membentuk budaya kerja BUMN yang selaras dengan Core Values mandatory to apply the Core Values of SOE’s HR into Corporate Culture
tersebut. Setiap BUMN wajib menerapkan Core Values SDM BUMN and become the basis to form the character of human resources within
menjadi Budaya Perusahaan (Corporate Culture) dan menjadi dasar SOE, Subsidiaries, and Consolidated Affiliated Companies.
pembentukan karakter SDM di lingkungan BUMN, Anak Perusahaan,
serta Perusahaan Afiliasi terkonsolidasi.

Mengacu Surat Edaran Kementerian BUMN No SE-7/MBU/07/2020 Referring to the Circular Letter of the Ministry of SOE No SE-7/
tersebut, Direktur Utama PT Pertamina (Persero) mengeluarkan Surat MBU/07/2020, the President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) issued a
Keputusan Tanggal 8 September 2020 No.KPTS-33/C0000/2020-S0 Decree dated September 8, 2020 No. KPTS-33/C0000/2020-S0 regarding
tentang Penerapan Core Values ‘AKHLAK’ di Pertamina, Anak the Implementation of the Core Values of AKHLAK in Pertamina, its
Perusahaan serta Afiliasi terkonsolidasi serta Surat Perintah Direktur Subsidiaries and Consolidated Affiliates as well as an Order of the Director
SDM dan Penunjang Bisnis PT Pertamina Hulu Energi No.Prin-003/ of HR and Business Support of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi No.Prin-003/
PHE50000/2020-S8 tentang Tim Implementasi Tata Nilai ‘AKHLAK’ dan PHE5000/2020 -S8 on the Implementation Team of AKHLAK Values
Program Budaya Inti 135 Sub Holding Upstream tanggal 5 Oktober 2020; and the 135 Sub Holding Upstream Core Culture Program on October
dengan maksud untuk menyelaraskan proses Internalisasi Tata Nilai 5, 2020; The purpose and objective of these Decrees and Orders is to
dan Budaya Pertamina dengan Core Values ‘AKHLAK’ beserta panduan harmonize the Internalization process of Pertamina’s Values and Culture
perilakunya sebagai Core Values SDM. Melalui surat keputusan dan with the Core Values of AKHLAK and their behavioral guidelines as the
surat perintah tersebut menetapkan penyelarasan Transformasi Budaya Core Values of Human Capital. These decrees and warrants stipulate
Pertamina dengan Core Values Sumber Daya Manusia BUMN yaitu the alignment of Pertamina’s Cultural Transformation with the SOE’s
‘AKHLAK’ beserta panduan perilakunya sehingga dapat mendukung Core Values of Human Capital, namely AKHLAK along with behavioral
upaya internalisasi dan implementasinya di masing-masing Perusahaan guidelines so that they can support internalization and implementation
Pertamina Group. efforts in each Pertamina Group Company.

Setiap Perwira Perseroan wajib menerapkan Core Values SDM BUMN, Each Company Officer is required to apply the Core Values of SOE’s
‘AKHLAK’, beserta panduan perilakunya menjadi Budaya Perusahaan Human Capital, AKHLAK, along with behavioral guidelines to become
dan menjadi dasar pembentukan karakter SDM di masing-masing Corporate Culture and become the basis for forming the character of
Perusahaan. Proses Transformasi Tata Nilai dan Budaya di Elnusa human resources in each Company. The process of Transforming Values
dilaksanakan dengan menyelaraskan internalisasi penerapan Core and Culture at Elnusa is carried out by aligning the internalization of the
Values SDM BUMN, ‘AKHLAK’, beserta panduan perilakunya yang terdiri implementation of the Core Values of SOE’s Human Capital, AKHLAK,
dari 18 contoh panduan perilaku AKHLAK yang wajib diketahui dan along with behavioral guidelines which consist of 18 examples of AKHLAK
diterapkan oleh seluruh Perwira. behavior guidelines that must be known and applied by all officers.

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Definisi Panduan Perilaku AKHLAK

Definition AKHLAK Behavioral Guidelines

Memegang teguh kepercayaan 1. Memenuhi janji dan komitmen.

yang diberikan Fulfilling the pledge and the commitment.
Uphold the trust given 2. Bertanggung jawab atas tugas, keputusan dan tindakan yang
Responsible for the task, decisions, and actions taken
3. Berpegang teguh kepada nilai moral dan etika.
Stick to moral and ethical values.

1. Meningkatkan kompetensi diri untuk menjawab tantangan yang

Terus belajar dan mengembangkan selalu berubah.
kapabilitas Improve self-competency to respond to ever-changing
Continue to learn and develop challenges.
abilities 2. Membantu orang lain belajar.
Helping others learn.
3. Menyelesaikan tugas dengan kualitas terbaik.
Complete tasks with the best quality.

Saling peduli dan menghargai 1. Menghargai setiap orang apapun latar belakangnya.
perbedaan Respecting everyone regardless of background.
Care for each other and respect 2. Suka menolong orang lain.
Like to help others.
differences 3. Membangun lingkungan kerja yang kondusif.
Building a conducive work environment.

HARMONIS | HARMONIOUS Berdedikasi dan mengutamakan 1. Menjaga nama baik sesama karyawan, pimpinan, BUMN, dan
LOYAL | LOYAL kepentingan bangsa dan negara Negara.
Dedicate and prioritize the interest Maintain good reputation of fellow employees, leaders, State-
ADAPTIF | ADAPTIVE Owned Company, and the state.
KOLABORATIF | COLLABORATIVE of the Nation and the State 2. Rela berkorban untuk mencapai tujuan yang lebih besar.
Have the willing to sacrifice to achieve a greater goal.
3. Patuh kepada pimpinan sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan
hukum dan etika.
Obey the leaders as long as not against the law and ethics.

Terus berinovasi dan antusias 1. Cepat menyesuaikan diri untuk menjadi lebih baik.
dalam menggerakkan ataupun Quickly adjust to be better.
menghadapi perubahan 2. Constantly making improvements following technological
Continue to innovative and be Continuously make improvements following technological
enthusiastics in driving or facing developments.
change 3. Bertindak proaktif.
Be proactive.

Membangun kerjasama yang 1. Memberi kesempatan kepada berbagai pihak untuk

sinergis berkontribusi.
Building synergistic cooperation Provide opportunities for various parties to contribute.
2. Terbuka dalam bekerja sama untuk menghasilkan nilai tambah.
Open in working together to generate added value.
3. Menggerakkan pemanfaatan berbagai sumber daya untuk tujuan
Mobilize the use of various resources for a common goal.

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Examples of Specific Behavior in Elnusa & Group


Trust Competent Harmonious

1. Tidak melakukan tindakan yang 1. Secara aktif mengikuti aktivitas 1. Menolong rekan kerja untuk
melanggar etika Perusahaan seperti pengembangan yang disediakan menyelesaikan pekerjaan tanpa
melakukan korupsi, menerima & Perusahaan (training/coaching/ membeda-bedakan latar belakangnya.
memberi suap, dan lain-lain. mentoring dan lain-lain) dalam upaya Helping colleagues to get works
Not talking actions that violate memenuhi gap competency. completed without discriminating
Company ethics such as committing Actively participating in development their background.
corruption and accepting bribes etc. activities provided by the Company 2. Menghargai perbedaan pendapat
2. Menyelesaikan komitmen pekerjaan (training, coaching, mentoring/etc.) in dalam forum diskusi/meeting.
yang sesuai kualitas dan deadline yang the effort to meet gap competency. Respect differences opinion in
telah disepakati. 2. Berupaya untuk menyelesaikan discussion forums/meetings.
Accomplish work commitments in pekerjaan dengan kualitas terbaik.
accordance with the agreed quality Strive to accomplish the job with the
and deadline. best quality.


Loyal Adaptive Collaborative

1. Tidak Menjelek-jelekan program/ 1. Menggunakan aplikasi-aplikasi yang 1. Berkoordinasi secara baik dengan
kebijakan Elnusa & Grup Pertamina di tersedia di Elnusa untuk mendukung fungsi lain/mitra kerja sesuai dengan
Media Sosial. pekerjaan (equanta, ESS, dan lain- lingkup pekerjaan yang dibutuhkan
Not vilifying the policy program of lain). untuk penyelesaian pekerjaan.
Elnusa & Pertamina Group. Using the applications available Coordinating well with other
2. Mengikuti arahan atasan dalam in Elnusa to support employment functions/work colleague following
menyelesaikan tugas pekerjaan. (equanta, ESS, etc.). the scope of work needed for the
Following direction by superior to 2. Secara proaktif mendukung program work completion.
complete the work tasks. transformasi yang ada sesuai lingkup 2. Menyediakan sumber daya yang
jabatannya. dimiliki untuk membantu rekan kerja
Proactively supporting the existing dalam upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan
transformation programs according to pelanggan.
the position scope. Providing available resources to
assist colleagues in the effort to meet
customers needs.


Program Internalisasi Tata Nilai AKHLAK mulai digulirkan secara intens The Internalization of AKHLAK Values began to be rolled out intensely
di Elnusa Group sejak tahun 2021 dan terus berlanjut hingga tahun in the Elnusa Group since 2021 and will continue until 2022. This
2022. Pelaksanaan program sosialisasi dan internalisasi mengacu pada socialization and internalization program is carried out with reference to
framework Culture Internalization dari Sub Holding Usptream Pertamina, the Culture Internalization framework from Pertamina’s Usptream Sub
dengan program-program yang dilakukan diantaranya: Holding, with programs including:
1. Culture Assessment 2022 1. Culture Assessment 2022
Culture Assessment dilaksanakan pada tanggal 17-26 Januari Culture Assessment carried out on January 17-26, 2022, is one of
2022 merupakan salah satu program dari Subholding Upstream the programs of the Upstream Subholding to ascertain the maturity
untuk memastikan seberapa jauh level maturitas penerapan level of AKHLAK implementation in each of its Subsidiaries. In this
AKHLAK di masing-masing Anak Perusahaannya. Dalam program program, based on the results of the assessment conducted both
ini, berdasarkan hasil assessment dilakukan baik kepada Elnusa to Elnusa Holding and its Subsidiaries, in general the Company
Holding maupun Anak Perusahaan, secara umum Perseroan obtained an average score of 3.5 with culture maturity at the
memperoleh rata-rata skor 3,5 dengan culture maturity di level “engagement” level.

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2. Change Management Campaign “SATU ELNUSA: “change & 2. Change Management Campaign “ONE ELNUSA: “change &
collaboration to exceed the target” collaboration to exceed the target”
Pada bulan Juni 2022, PT Elnusa Tbk melaunching program In June 2022, PT Elnusa Tbk launched the ONE ELNUSA: “change
kampanye SATU ELNUSA: “change & collaboration to exceed the & collaboration to exceed the target” campaign as a follow-up to
target” sebagai tindak lanjut perubahan organisasi di Perseroan. the Company’s organizational changes. This program is expected
Program ini diharapkan dapat mendorong perubahan melalui to encourage change through the implementation of the values
implementasi nilai “KOLABORATIF” dan “ADAPTIF” Pekerja sehingga of “COLLABORATIVE” and “ADAPTIVE” Workers so as to increase
dapat meningkatkan produktivitas serta kinerja Perseroan. the productivity and performance of the Company. Some of the
Beberapa aktivitas yang dijalankan dalam program ini antara lain: activities carried out in this program include:
• Penyusunan Visual Standard Guide/ template “SATU ELNUSA” • Preparation of Visual Standard Guide/template “ONE
untuk media komunikasi Perseroan seperti Elsa News, ELNUSA” for the Company’s communication media such as
template presentasi, broadcast dan lainnya. Elsa News, presentation templates, broadcasts and others.
• Publikasi E-Flyer Change Management Campaign “SATU • Publication of “SATU ELNUSA” Change Management
ELNUSA” (BIMA, AKHLAK Corner dll) Campaign E-Flyer (BIMA, AKHLAK Corner etc.);
• Pelaksanaan Program Ramadhan 1443H • Implementation of Ramadhan 1443H Program “Strengthen
“Perkuat Sinergi Menuju Kemenangan Elnusa” Synergy Towards Elnusa Victory”;
• Leader Sharing Session “ELSA TALKS” • Leader Sharing Session “ELSA TALKS”
• Pelaksanaan ELSA JOURNO (Elnusa Employee Journalism): • Implementation of ELSA JOURNO (Elnusa Employee
Essay, Photo Caption, & Video Creator Journalism): Essay, Photo Caption, & Video Creator
• Pelaksanaan ELSA FEST - Perayaan Hari Ulang Tahun ke 53 • Implementation of ELSA FEST - Elnusa 53rd Anniversary
Elnusa Celebration
• Pelaksanaan Perayaan Sumpah Pemuda “Bersatu Bangun • Implementation of Youth Pledge Celebration “Unite to Build
Bangsa” the Nation”
3. Program Upskilling Agent Of Change 3. Agent of Change Upskilling Program
Elnusa Group menjalankan program upskilling Agent of Change Elnusa Group runs an Agent of Change (AoC) upskilling program
(AoC) dan berpartisipasi dalam beberapa program upskilling AoC and participates in several AoC upskilling programs organized by
yang diselenggarakan oleh Culture & Change Management (CCM) Culture & Change Management (CCM) Subholding Upstream
Subholding Upstream Pertamina dan CCM Pertamina Persero, seperti: Pertamina and CCM Pertamina Persero, such as:
• Konsolidasi AoC Elnusa Group, Direktur SDM & Umum PT • Elnusa Group AoC Consolidation, HR & General Director of PT
Elnusa Tbk, & Direksi Anak Perusahaan (15 juli 2022) Elnusa Tbk, & Directors of Subsidiaries (July 15, 2022)
• Upskilling Agent of Change (10 Maret 2022) dan Excellence • Upskilling Agent of Change (March 10, 2022) and Excellence
through Collaboration (26-28 September 2022) yang through Collaboration (September 26-28, 2022) organized by
diselenggarakan oleh CCM Subholding Upstream Pertamina CCM Subholding Upstream Pertamina.
• Engagement Session Agent of Change (6-7 Juli 2022) yang • Engagement Session Agent of Change (July 6-7, 2022)
diselenggarakan oleh CCM Pertamina Persero organized by CCM Pertamina Persero.
4. Assessment Living Core Values AKHLAK Tahun 2022 4. Assessment of Living Core Values AKHLAK in 2022
Elnusa Grup berpartisipasi dan menjalankan program Assessment Elnusa Group participates and runs the AKHLAK Living Core Values
Living Core Values (LCV) AKHLAK yang diselenggarakan oleh CCM (LCV) Assessment program organized by CCM Pertamina Persero
Pertamina Persero mulai bulan Agustus s/d November 2022. from August to November 2022. This LCV program consists of
Program LCV ini terdiri dari beberapa kegiatan, antara lain: several activities, including:
• Program Safari LCV kepara para leader, • LCV Safari Program for leaders,
• Penyusunan project charter budaya setiap fungsi, • Preparation of cultural charter projects for each function,
• Pengumpulan evidence internalisasi AKHLAK setiap fungsi, • Collection of evidence of internalization of AKHLAK for each function,
• Survey Budaya HSSE dan Survei Implementasi Tata Nilai • HSSE culture survey and AKHLAK values implementation
AKHLAK, survey,
• Interview LCV. • LCV Interview.

Program LCV AKHLAK diikuti oleh 16 (enam belas) leader level BOD The AKHLAK LCV program was attended by 16 (sixteen) BOD -1
-1 dan Direktur Anak Perusahan. Elnusa Group memperoleh rata- level leaders and Directors of Subsidiaries. Elnusa Group obtained
rata skor 365 yang berarti AKHLAK maturity level-nya tergolong an average score of 365 which means that the AKHLAK maturity
“engagement”, dan hasil skor ini terjadi peningkatan dibandingkan level is classified as “engagement”, and the results of this score
dengan skor Assessment AKHLAK yang diselenggarakan pada bulan have increased compared to the AKHLAK Assessment score held in
Januari 2022. January 2022.

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Company Profile

Corporate Identity

Pada tahun 2013, terdapat perubahan logo ELNUSA dalam rangka menunjang In 2013 Elnusa changed its logo to support the repositioning of the
business repositioning sejalan dengan visi-misi baru Elnusa menjadi Energy business in line with its new vision and mission to become an Energy
Services dan memberikan penekanan sekaligus positive image kepada Services provider, as well as to build a positive image, and socialize
seluruh pemegang saham terhadap perubahan budaya Elnusa. Perubahan Elnusa’s cultural changes to all shareholders. The logo change is effective
logo tersebut efektif berlaku sejak tanggal 9 September 2013 atau bertepatan since September 9, 2013, or coincides with Elnusa’s 44th Anniversary.
dengan Hari Ulang Tahun ke 44 Elnusa. sehubungan dengan perubahan In connection with the logo change, there is no direct impact on the
logo tersebut, tidak terdapat dampak secara langsung terhadap kegiatan Company’s operational activities or financial performance. This logo
operasional maupun kinerja keuangan Perusahaan. Perubahan logo ini change aims to display Elnusa’s new image as a corporation.
menunjukkan image baru terhadap Elnusa sebagai korporasi.


Gagasan dasar logogram adalah “Circular Energy” yang divisualisasikan The basic idea is “circular energy”, visualized in the form of letter “e”,
membentuk huruf “e” sebagai huruf awal nama Perseroan (Elnusa) dan the initial letter of the Company’s name (Elnusa) and the scope of the
ruang lingkup bisnis Perseroan (Energi). Company’s business (Energy).


• Struktur bentuk logo bulat, bermakna dinamis dan sempurna, • The structure of the logogram is round, meaning dynamic and
Elnusa sebagai perusahaan jasa, memiliki semangat dan kekuatan perfect. Elnusa as a service company has a great passion and
besar yang secara dinamis berperilaku responsif, adaptif, dan strength that dynamically behaves responsive, adaptive, and
inovatif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan kepuasan pelanggan. innovative to meet customer needs and satisfaction. Perfect is
Kesempurnaan adalah komitmen dan integritas Elnusa untuk Elnusa’s commitment and integrity to develop the country through
membangun negeri melalui bisnis energy services. the energy services business.
• Konfigurasi gradasi ketebalan garis menciptakan impresi kecepatan • The configuration of the gradation of the thickness of the line on the
berputar yang mengartikulasikan: continuous improvement, logogram creates the impression of a rotating speed that articulates
dalam pengusaan teknologi, peningkatan mutu sumberdaya continuous improvement in technological mastery, increases the
insani, yang menghasilkan profesionalisme yang terpercaya guna quality of human resources and produces trusted professionalism to
mengakselerasi pertumbuhan bisnis dan pengembangan usaha. accelerate business growth and business development.


Typografi Logo Typografi Logo

Tulisan ‘elnusa’ sebagai ‘logotype Elnusa’ menggunakan huruf Frutiger The word ‘elnusa’ as the ‘Elnusa logotype’ uses the Frutiger SAIN Bd v.1
SAIN Bd v.1, memberi kesan ramah (lowercase/huruf kecil) dan tegas font, giving the impression of being friendly (lowercase) and firm (bold).


Komposisi warna yang terdiri dari biru, merah, dan hijau merupakan The composition of colors, consisting of blue, red, and green, is a
cerminan karakteristik dan nilai Elnusa. reflection of Elnusa’s characteristics and values.
• Hijau : CLEAN, humanis dan ramah lingkungan • Green : CLEAN, humanist and environmentally friendly
• Merah : RESPECTFUL dan semangat • Red : RESPECTFUL and passionate
• Biru : SYNERGY, teknologi, dan modern • Blue : SYNERGY, technology and modern

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Activities & Line of Business


Berdasarkan Akta Perubahan terakhir Perseroan Nomor 8 tanggal 17 Based on the Company’s latest Deed of Amendment Number 8 dated
Oktober 2022 dibuat di hadapan Aulia Taufani, S.H., Notaris di Jakarta October 17, 2022 made before Aulia Taufani, S.H., Notary in Jakarta
yang telah mendapat persetujuan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi which has been approved by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of
Manusia RI dengan Surat Keputusan Nomor AHU-0082444.AH.01.02 the Republic of Indonesia with Decree Number AHU-0082444.AH.01.02
Tahun 2022 tanggal 15 November 2022, terdapat penyusunan kembali of 2022 dated November 15, 2022, there is an amendment to Article 3
Pasal 3 Anggaran Dasar Perseroan yaitu: of the Company’s Articles of Association, namely:
1. Maksud dan tujuan Perseroan ini berusaha dalam bidang Jasa 1. The purpose and objective of this Company is to engage in
(Aktifitas Profesional; Ilmiah dan Teknis; Informasi dan Komunikasi; the business of Services (Professional; Scientific and Technical;
Real Estat; Aktifitas Penyewaan dan Sewa Guna Usaha tanpa Hak Information and Communication; Real Estate; Rental and
Opsi, Ketenagakerjaan dan Usaha Penunjang Lainnya); Perdagangan Leasing Activities without Option Rights, Employment and Other
Besar dan Eceran; Reparasi dan Perawatan Mobil dan Sepeda Supporting Businesses); Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair and
Motor; Pertambangan dan Penggalian; Pembangun (Konstruksi); Maintenance of Cars and Motorcycles; Mining and Quarrying;
Industri Pengolahan; Pengadaan Listrik, Gas, Uap/ Air Panas dan Builders (Construction); Processing Industry; Procurement of
Udara Dingin; Treatment Air, Treatment Air Limbah, Treatment dan Electricity, Gas, Steam/Hot Water and Cold Air; Water Treatment,
Pemulihan Material Sampah dan Aktifitas Remediasi. Wastewater Treatment, Treatment and Recovery of Waste
2. Untuk mencapai maksud dan tujuan tersebut di atas, Perseroan Materials and Remediation Activities.
dapat melaksanakan kegiatan usaha sebagai berikut: 2. To achieve the aforementioned purposes and objectives, the
a. Aktifitas profesional; ilmiah dan teknis: Company may carry out the following business activities:
- Aktifitas keinsinyuran dan konsultasi teknis yang a. Professional; scientific and technical activities:
berhubungan dengan itu - Engineering and related technical consulting activities
- Aktifitas konsultasi management industry - Industry management consulting activities
b. Informasi dan Komunikasi: b. Information and Communication:
- Aktifitas pengolahan data - Data processing activities
- Aktifitas penyediaan identitas digital - Digital identity provisioning activities
- Aktifitas penyediaan sertifikat elektronik dan layanan - Provision of electronic certificates and services that use
yang menggunakan sertifikat elektronik electronic certificates
- Aktifitas konsultasi dan perancangan internet of things - Internet of Things (IOT) consulting and design activities
(IOT) - Other computer consulting and computer facility
- Aktifitas konsultasi computer dan manajemen fasilitas management activities
computer lainnya - Information technology activities and other computer
- Aktifitas teknologi informasi dan jasa komputer lainnya services
c. Real estat; aktifitas penyewaan dan sewa guna usaha tanpa c. Real estate; leasing and leasing activities without option
hak opsi, ketenagakerjaan, agen perjalanan dan usaha rights, employment, travel agency and other supporting
penunjang lainnya), antara lain: businesses, such as:
- Aktifitas konsultasi manajemen lainnya. - Other management consulting activities.
- Aktifitas penyeleksian dan penempatan tenaga kerja - Labor selection and placement activities
- Real estat yang dimiliki sendiri atau disewa - Self-owned or leased real estate
- Penyewaan venue penyelenggaraan aktifitas mice dan - Venue rental for mice activities and special events
event khusus - Domestic labor selection and placement activities
- Aktifitas penyeleksian dan penempatan tenaga kerja - Overseas labor selection and placement activities
dalam negeri - Activities of providing combined facility support services
- Aktifitas penyeleksian dan penempatan tenaga kerja
luar negeri
- Aktifitas penyedia gabungan jasa penunjang fasilitas

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d. Menjalankan usaha dalam Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran; d. Conducting business in Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair
Reparasi dan Perawatan Mobil dan dan sepeda motor antara and Maintenance of Cars and motorcycles, such as:
- Perdagangan besar bahan bakar padat, cair, dan gas dan - Wholesale trading of solid, liquid, and gas use fuels and
produk yang berhubungan dengan itu. related products.
- Perdagangan besar atau balas jasa (fee) atau kontrak. - Wholesale or fee or contract trading.
- Perdagangan besar peralatan telekomunikasi. - Wholesale trading of telecommunication equipment.
e. Menjalankan usaha dalam bidang Pertambangan dan e. Conducting business in the field of Mining and Quarrying,
Penggalian antara lain: such as:
- Aktifitas penunjang pertambangan minyak bumi dan gas - Activities supporting petroleum and natural gas mining.
- Aktifitas penunjang pertambangan dan penggalian - Other mining and quarrying supporting activities.
f. Menjalankan usaha dalam bidang Pembangunan (Konstruksi), f. Conducting a business in the field of Development
antara lain: (Construction), such as:
- Konstruksi bangunan sipil minyak dan gas bumi - Construction of oil and gas civil buildings
- Konstruksi bangunan sipil pertambangan - Construction of mining civil buildings
- Konstruksi bangunan sipil panas bumi - Geothermal civil building construction
- Instalasi minyak dan gas. - Oil and gas installation.
- Konstruksi sentral telekomunikasi. - Construction of telecommunication centers.
g. Menjalankan usaha dalam bidang Perindustrian, antara lain: g. Conducting a business in the field of Industry, such as:
- Industri mesin penambangan, penggalian, dan - Mining, quarrying, and construction machinery industry.
konstruksi. - Fuel industry from petroleum refining and refining.
- Industri bahan bakar dari pemurnian dan pengilangan - Petroleum refinery products industry.
minyak bumi. - Electric power generation (including alternative energy).
- Industri produk dari hasil kilang minyak bumi. - Ship and boat industry.
- Pembangkitan tenaga listrik (termasuk juga energi
- Industri kapal dan perahu.
h. Menjalankan usaha dalam bidang Industri Pengolahan h. Conducting a business in the field of Processing Industry
- Industri bahan bakar dari pemurnian dan pengilangan - Fuel industry from petroleum refining and refining.
minyak bumi. - Industry of products from petroleum refineries
- Industri produk dari hasil kilang minyak bumi - Ship and boat industry
- Industri kapal dan perahu
i. Pengadaan Listrik, Gas, Uap/ Air Panas dan Udara Dingin i. Procurement of Electricity, Gas, Steam/Hot Water and Cold
- Pembangkitan tenaga listrik - Electric power generation
- Pembangkit, transmisi, distribusi dan penjualan tenaga - Generation, transmission, distribution and sale of
listrik dalam suatu kesatuan usaha electricity in one business unit
- Pembangkit, distribusi, dan penjualan tenaga listrik - Generation, distribution and sale of electricity in one
dalam satu kesatuan usaha business unit
- Pengoperasian instalasi penyediaan tenaga listrik - Operation of electricity supply installation
3. Untuk mencapai maksud dan tujuan tersebut di atas serta 3. To achieve the above purposes and objectives and to support the
menunjang kegiatan usaha utama Perseroan tersebut di atas, Company’s main business activities mentioned above, the Company
Perseroan melaksanakan juga kegiatan usaha penunjang di bidang: also carries out supporting business activities in the fields of:
a. Industri Pengolahan: a. Processing Industry:
Industri mesin penambangan, penggalian dan konstruksi Mining, quarrying and construction machinery industry
b. Industri Treatment Air, Treatment Air Limbah, Treatment dan b. Water Treatment Industry, Wastewater Treatment, Treatment
Pemulihan Material Sampah dan Aktifitas Remediasi: and Recovery of Waste Materials and Remediation Activities:
- Aktifitas penunjang treatment air - Water treatment support activities
- Treatment dan pembuangan air limbah tidak berbahaya - Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous wastewater
- Treatment dan pembuangan air limbah berbahaya - Treatment and disposal of hazardous wastewater
c. Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran; Reparasi dan Perawatan c. Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair and Maintenance of
Mobil dan Sepeda Motor: perdagangan eceran bahan bakar Automobiles and Motorcycles: retail trade in fuel oil, fuel gas
minyak, bahan bakar gas (bbg), dan liquefied petroleum gas (bbg), and liquefied petroleum gas (lpg) at land, sea and air
(lpg) di sarana pengisian bahan bakar transportasi darat, laut transportation refueling facilities.
dan udara.

62 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Berdasarkan Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) 5 Based on Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) 5 (Revised
(Revisi 2009) tentang “Segmen Operasi”, segmen usaha Perseroan 2009) on “Operating Segments”, the Company’s business segments are
dikelompokkan menurut kegiatan usaha yaitu, Jasa Hulu Migas, Jasa grouped according to business activities, namely, Upstream Oil and
Distribusi & Logistik Energi, serta Jasa Penunjang Migas, dengan Gas Services, Energy Distribution & Logistics Services, and Oil and Gas
keterangan sebagai berikut: Support Services, with the following information:

Segmen Usaha
Kegiatan Usaha Business Activities
Business Field
Jasa Hulu Migas Menyediakan jasa pengukuran data geofisika/seismik, Providing geophysical/seismic data measurement
Upstream Oil & Gas Services jasa pemboran migas, jasa oilfield dan jasa operation & services, oil and gas drilling services, oilfield services,
maintenance (O&M) dan engineering, procurement, & and operation & maintenance (O&M) and engineering,
construction (EPC). procurement, & construction (EPC) services.
Jasa Distribusi & Logistik Energi Menyediakan jasa penyimpanan, perdagangan, Providing storage, trading, distribution and marketing
Energy Distribution & Logistics pendistribusian, serta pemasaran produk minyak dan services for oil and gas products in Indonesia.
Services gas di Indonesia.
Jasa Penunjang Migas Menyediakan jasa penguliran, perdagangan pipa Open Providing threading services, trading Open Cycle
Oil and Gas SupportServices Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT) dan fabrikasi, pembuatan ulir Gas Turbine (OCGT) pipelines and fabrication,
(threading) untuk pemboran migas, jasa pengelolaan thread making (threading) for oil and gas drilling,
data dan informasi energi dan sumber daya mineral data management services and information on
(khususnya eksplorasi dan eksploitasi minyak energy and mineral resources (especially exploration
dan gas bumi), jasa pengelolaan data migas, jasa and exploitation of oil and gas), oil and gas data
pembangunan sistem teknologi informasi terpadu, management services , integrated information
jasa telekomunikasi, jasa penyediaan jaringan, technology system development services,
telekomunikasi satelit dan sistem komunikasi Very- telecommunications services, network services
Small-Aperture Terminal (VSAT). provider, satellite telecommunications and the Very-
Small-Aperture Terminal (VSAT) communication


Berdasarkan maksud dan tujuan serta kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan, Based on the purposes and objectives and business activities carried out,
Perseroan mengembangkan produk dan jasa melalui 3 (tiga) segmen the Company develops products and services through 3 (three) business
usaha, yang juga dijalankan oleh kelompok usaha Perseroan, dengan segments, which are also run by the Company’s business groups, with
penjelasan sebagai berikut: the following explanation:

Segmen Usaha Divisi/Entitas Anak Aktivitas Pokok Aktivitas Bisnis

Business Segment Division/Subsidiary Main Activities Business Activities
Jasa Hulu Migas Divisi: Jasa Akuisisi Data Geofisika/Survei 1. Seismic Data Acquisition (Land, Marine and Transition
Upstream Oil and Gas Divisi Geoscience & Reservoir Seismik Migas Zone/TZ)
Services Services (GRS) 2. Non-Seismic Data Acquisition
Entitas Anak: 3. Seismic Data Processing
PT Elnusa Geosains Indonesia (EGI) 4. Geology, Geophysics & Reservoir
Geoscience & Reservoir Services Geophysical Data Acquisition/Oil and
(GRS) Division Gas Seismic Survey Services
PT Elnusa Geosains Indonesia (EGI)
Divisi: Jasa Pengeboran dan Pemeliharaan 1. Drilling Services
Divisi Oilfield Services (OFS) Lapangan Migas 2. Hydraulic Workover & Snubbing Services
Entitas Anak: 3. Coiled Tubbing Services
PT Elnusa Oilfield Services (EOS) 4. Electric Wireline Logging Services
Division: Oil and Gas Field Drilling and 5. Well Testing Services
Divisi Oilfield Services (OFS) Maintenance Services 6. Cementing & Pumping Services
Subsidiary: 7. Drilling Fluid Services
PT Elnusa Oilfield Services (EOS) 8. Surface Testing & Drill Steam Testing Services
9. Mud Logging & H2S Services
10. Enhance Oil Recovery
11. Well Plug & Abandonment
12. Artificial Lift

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 63

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

Segmen Usaha Divisi/Entitas Anak Aktivitas Pokok Aktivitas Bisnis

Business Segment Division/Subsidiary Main Activities Business Activities
Divisi: Jasa Operation & Maintenance 1. Engineering, Procurement, & Construction
Divisi EPC-OM (Engineering, (O&M) dan Engineering, 2. Operation & Maintenance
Production and Cosntruction – Procurement, & Construction (EPC)
Operation & Maintenance) Operation & maintenance (O&M) and
Division: Engineering Services, Procurement,
EPC-OM (Engineering, Production & Construction (EPC)
and Cosntruction – Operation &
Jasa Distribusi & Logistik Entitas Anak: Jasa penyimpanan BBM, 1. Manajemen depot BBM milik swasta, mulai dari
Energi PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN) pendistribusian BBM, perdagangan kegiatan administrasi pembelian BBM, pengangkutan
Energy Distribution & BBM industri & marine, perdagangan BBM, penyimpanan BBM dan penyaluran BBM di
Logistics Services chemicals, perdagangan pelumas lokasi pelanggan. EPN juga memiliki depot BBM
& aspal, serta pengelolaan SPBU & sendiri dengan kapasitas 4.400 KL di Plumpang-
SPBE Semper, Jakarta Utara untuk menyimpan Pertadex
Subsidiary: Fuel storage services, fuel Pertamina.
PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN) distribution, Industrial & Marine fuel 2. Manajemen distribusi BBM, distribusi BBM dari
trading, chemicals trading, lubricants depot Pertamina ke SPBU, Agen Premium Minyak
& asphalt trading, and SPBU & SPBE Solar (APMS) dan stasiun pengisian bahan bakar
management bunker (SPBB)
3. Pengelolaan SPBU dan SPBE
4. Perdagangan Bahan Kimia
5. Perdagangan BBM Industri – Marine
6. Perdagangan Pelumas dan Aspal
1. Management of privately-owned fuel JH depots,
starting from administration activities for fuel
purchases, fuel transportation, fuel storage and fuel
distribution at customer locations. EPN also has
its own fuel depot with a capacity of 4,400 KL in
Plumpang-Semper, North Jakarta to store Pertamina’s
2. Fuel distribution management, fuel distribution from
Pertamina depots to gas stations, Premium Solar Oil
Agent (APMS) and bunker refueling stations (SPBB)
3. Management of SPBU and SPBE
4. Chemical Trading
5. Industry-Marine fuel trade
6. Lubricants and Asphalt Trading
Jasa Penunjang Migas Entitas Anak: Jasa fabrikasi, penguliran dan 1. Pengolahan bahan mentah dan bahan baku.
Oil and Gas Support PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi (EFK) perdagangan pipa Oil Country 2. Pembuatan serta perbaikan alat-alat perminyakan.
Services Tubular Goods (OCTG), proyek EPC 3. Perdagangan umum, termasuk ekspor, impor,
dan Maintenance Services regional dan lokal.
4. Penyediaan jasa untuk bidang minyak dan gas bumi,
yaitu OCTG dan penguliran pipa. Berperan sebagai
agen dari perusahaan dari dalam maupun luar negeri.
5. Jasa pemeliharaan mesin dan peralatan migas.
6. Layanan jasa desain, engineering, pengawasan, dan
pelaksanaan konstruksi.
1. Processing of raw materials and raw materials.
Subsidiary: 2. Manufacture and repair of petroleum equipment.
PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi (EFK) Fabrication, threading and trading 3. General trade, including export, import, regional and
services for Oil Country Tubular local.
Goods (OCTG) pipes, EPC projects 4. Provision of services for the oil and natural gas sector,
and Maintenance Services namely OCTG and pipelines. Acting as an agent for
companies from within and outside the country.
5. Oil and gas machinery and equipment maintenance
6. Design, engineering, supervision, and construction
implementation services.

64 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

Segmen Usaha Divisi/Entitas Anak Aktivitas Pokok Aktivitas Bisnis

Business Segment Division/Subsidiary Main Activities Business Activities
Entitas Anak: Jasa Pengelolaan Data Migas 1. Pengelolaan data migas (fisik & digital) nasional untuk
PT Patra Nusa Data (PND) Meliputi, Data Fisik (Report/Paper, menarik investasi migas nasional.
Media Simpan Data, Fluida, Batuan) 2. Bisnis Farm in Farm Out.
dan Data Digital, Jasa Alih Media, 3. Bisnis pengelolaan data migas korporat (Corporate
Jasa Remastering, Jasa Prospect Data Repository).
Evaluation, Jasa Aplikasi IT Data 4. Bisnis pengelolaan data non migas
Management, Bisnis Design & 5. Pembangunan System Digital Oilfield Management.
Implementasi Data Governance, Data 6. Pembangunan, pengembangan dan pengelolaan
Warehouse Digital, Advance Well Advance well data management (Online Welldata
Data Management monitoring).
7. Design & implementasi data governance.
8. Bisnis data warehouse digital dan Corporate
Dashboard System.
Oil and Gas Data Management 1. National oil and gas data management (physical &
Services Include, Physical Data digital) to attract national oil and gas investment.
Subsidiary: (Report/Paper, Data Storage Media, 2. Farm in Farm out Business
PT Patra Nusa Data (PND) Fluid, Rocks) and Digital Data, Media 3. The business of managing corporate oil and gas data
Transfer Services, Remastering (Corporate Data Repository)
Services, Prospect Evaluation 4. Non-oil and gas data management business
Services, IT Data Management 5. Development of a Digital Oilfield Management
Application Services, Business System
Design & Implementation of Data 6. Development, development and management of
Governance, Digital Data Warehouse, Advance well data management (Online Welldata
Advance Well Data Management monitoring)
7. Design & implementation of data governance
8. Digital warehouse data business and Corporate
Dashboard System
Entitas Anak: Jasa penyimpanan data fisik, 1. Penyimpanan dan pengelolaan berbagai jenis
PT Sigma Cipta Utama (SCU) pengelolaan data elektronik & sistem dokumen meliputi Magnetic Tape Storage,
informasi, penyimpanan contoh Document Hardcopy Storage, Geological Sample
batuan migas, telekomunikasi radio, Storage, General Warehousing, Geological Sample
jasa aplikasi sistem IT Maintenance Services, Data Assesment, Data Storage
& Library Servicing, Magnetic Media Transferring,
dan Hardcopy Scanning.
2. Information & Communication Technology (ICT),
meliputi Data Center & Disaster Recovery Services, IT
Solution, IT Service Management (ITSM), Knowledge
Management System (KMS), Radio (Trunking
and Conventional) Telecommunication Solution,
Equipment Monitoring Control, Vessel Tracking
Monitoring System, dan GPS Tracking.
3. Pembuatan duplikat data master dalam berbagai
media dan mengubah format data.
4. Proses perlindungan data untuk kepentingan backup
dan recovery data elektronik.
1. Storage and management of various types of
Physical data storage services, documents including Magnetic Tape Storage,
Subsidiary: electronic data management & Document Hardcopy Storage, Geological Sample
PT Sigma Cipta Utama (SCU) information systems, storage Storage, General Warehousing, Geological Sample
of oil and gas samples, radio Maintenance Services, Data Assessment, Data
telecommunications, IT system Storage & Library Servicing, Magnetic Media
application services Transferring, Hardcopy Scanning.
2. Information & Communication Technology (ICT),
including Data Center & Disaster Recovery Services, IT
Solution, IT Service Management (ITSM), Knowledge
Management System (KMS), Radio (Trunking
and Conventional) Telecommunication Solution,
Equipment Monitoring Control, Vessel Tracking
Monitoring System, GPS Tracking.
3. Duplicate master data in various media and change
the data format.
4. Data protection process for the purposes of electronic
data backup and recovery.
Entitas Anak: Jasa pendukung layanan marine 1. Jasa penyewaan kapal untuk keperluan operasional
PT Elnusa Trans Samudera (ETSA) migas lapangan minyak, seperti penyewaan tug boat, crew
boat, AWB dan, multipurpose barges.
2. Jasa penyewaan kapal untuk keperluan seismik
3. Jasa penyewaan kapal untuk keperluan operasional
bisnis lain selain migas.
Subsidiary: 1. Boat rental services for oil field operations, such as
PT Elnusa Trans Samudera (ETSA) Supporting services for marine oil tug boat rental, crew boat, AWB and multipurpose
and gas barges.
2. Ship charter services for seismic survey purposes
3. Ship charter services for business operations other
than oil and gas

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 65

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

Operational Area


Operational Area of Upstream Oil & Gas Services

Aceh Wilayah | Area
• Sumatera Selatan | South Sumatra
• Sumatera Utara | North Sumatra
• Sumatera Barat | West Sumatra
• Aceh
• Jambi
• Riau

Klien | Client
• Pertamina Geothermal Energy
• Pertamina Eksplorasi Sumatera
Sumatera Utara • Hexindo/Mandala Energy Kalimantan Timur
North Sumatra • PT Pertamina EP East Borneo
• Hexindo
• Star Energy
• Ramba Energy
• Pertagas

Sumatera Barat Jambi

West Sumatra
Kalimantan Tengah
Central Borneo

Sumatera Selatan
South Sumatra


Wilayah | Area DKI Jakarta
• Sumatera Selatan | South Sumatra
• Aceh
• Jambi

Klien | Client
• PT Pertamina EP Jawa Barat Jawa Tengah
• Mandala Energy West Java Central Java
Jawa Timur
East Java
Wilayah | Area
• DKI Jakarta
• Jawa Tengah | Central Java
• Jawa Barat | West Java

Klien | Client
• PT Pertamina EP
• PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
• PT Patra Nusa Data
• Saka Indonesia
• Premier Oil
• Kementerian Energi dan Sumber
Daya Mineral | Ministry of Energy
and Mineral Resources
• Conoco Phillips
• Mandala Energy
• Repsol
• Pratama Widya
• Wijaya Karya

66 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

Wilayah | Area
• Kalimantan Timur | East Kalimantan
• Sulawesi Tengah | Central Sulawesi
• Papua Barat | West Papua

Klien | Client
• PT Pertamina EP
• PT Vico Indonesia
• Total E&P Indonesia
• Total E&P Indonesie
• Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
• BP Berau
• Petrogas


Sulawesi Tengah
Central Sulawesi

Papua Barat
Wilayah | Area
• Kalimantan Tengah | Central
• Papua Barat | West Papua

Klien | Client
• PT Pertamina EP
• Conoco Phillips

Wilayah | Area
• DKI Jakarta
• Jawa Tengah | Centra Java
• Jawa Barat | West Java
• Jawa Timur | East Java

Klien | Client
• PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
• PT Pertamina EP
• Pertamina Petrochina East Java
• PGE Saka Energy
• PT Pertamina Gas
• PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
• PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy

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Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Operational Area of Energy Distribution & Logistics Services


Sumatera Utara Kalimantan Timur

North Sumatra East Borneo

Kepulauan Riau
Riau Islands

Kalimantan Barat
West Borneo

Sumatera Barat
West Sumatra
Jambi Bangka Belitung Kalimantan Tengah
Central Borneo

Kalimantan Selatan
Bengkulu South Borneo
Sumatera Selatan
South Sumatra


DKI Jakarta

Jawa Barat
West Java
Jawa Timur
East Java Bali
Nusa Tenggara Barat
West Nusa Tenggara


Fuel Fleet Management Depot Management
Sumatera Sumatera
1. Aceh 1. Aceh
2. Sumatera Utara | North Sumatra 2. Jambi
3. Riau 3. Sumatera Selatan | South Sumatra
4. Jambi
5. Bangka Belitung Jawa
6. Sumatera Selatan | South Sumatra 1. DKI Jakarta
7. Bengkulu
8. Sumatera Barat | West Sumatra Kalimantan
1. Kalimantan Tengah | Central Borneo
Sulawesi 2. Kalimantan Timur | East Borneo
1. Sulawesi Utara | North Sulawesi 3. Kalimantan Selatan | South Borneo
2. Sulawesi Tengah | Central Sulawesi
3. Sulawesi Tenggara | Southeast Sulawesi Papua
4. Sulawesi Selatan | South Sulawesi 1. Papua
5. Gorontalo

1. Kalimantan Barat | West Borneo
2. Kalimantan Timur | East Borneo
3. Kalimantan Selatan | South Borneo

DPPU Management
Nusa Tenggara
1. Nusa Tenggara Barat | West Nusa Tenggara Sumatera
1. Nusa Tenggara Timur| East Nusa Tenggara 1. Sumatera Utara | North Sumatra
2. Lampung
Papua & Maluku
1. Papua Jawa
2. Maluku 1.Jawa Timur | East Java

68 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

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Company Profile

Sulawesi Utara
North Sulawesi

Sulawesi Tengah
Central Sulawesi


Sulawesi Tenggara
Southeast Sulawesi

Sulawesi Selatan
South Sulawesi

Nusa Tenggara Timur

East Nusa Tenggara


Chemical Trading Fuel Inmar Trading
Sumatera Sumatera
1. Sumatera Utara | North Sumatra 1. Sumatera | Sumatra
2. Sumatera Selatan | South Sumatra
3. Kepulauan Riau | Riau Islands Jawa
4. Sumatera Bagian Tengah | Central 1. DKI Jakarta & Jawa | DKI Jakarta & Java
Jawa 1. Kalimantan Tengah | Central Borneo
1. Jawa Barat | West Java 2. Kalimantan Timur | East Borneo
2. Jawa Tengah | Central Java 3. Kalimantan Barat | West Borneo
3. Jawa Timur | East Java 4. Kalimantan Selatan | South Borneo

Kalimantan Bali & Nusa Tenggara

1. Kalimantan Timur | East Borneo 1. Bali
2. Kalimantan Selatan | South Borneo 2. Nusa Tenggara


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Operational Area of Support Services


Kalimantan Utara
North Borneo

Sumatera Utara
North Sumatra
Kalimantan Timur
East Borneo
Kepulauan Riau
Riau Islands

Jambi Bangka Belitung

Kalimantan Selatan
Bengkulu South Borneo
Sumatera Selatan
South Sumatra

Laut Jawa
Lampung Java Sea

DKI Jakarta

Jawa Tengah
Jawa Barat Central Java
West Java
Jawa Timur
East Java Denpasar
Nusa Tenggara Barat
West Nusa Tenggara
Geo IT Business
1. Jambi Digital Data Management
2. Sumatera Selatan | South Sumatra
3. DKI Jakarta Sumatera
1. Sumatera Utara | North Sumatra
Geodata Business 2. Kepulauan Riau | Riau Islands
3. Bangka Belitung
Sumatera 4. Bengkulu
1. Aceh 5. Sumatera Selatan | South Sumatra
2. Sumatera Utara | North Sumatra
3. Kepulauan Riau | Riau Islands Jawa | Java
4. Sumatera Selatan | South Sumatra 1. DKI Jakarta
5. Lampung 2. Banten
6. Sumatera Barat | West Sumatra 3. Jawa Barat | West Java
4. Jawa Tengah | Central Java
Kalimantan 5. Jawa Timur | East Java
1. Kalimantan Utara | North Borneo
2. Kalimantan Timur | East Borneo Bali & Nusa Tenggara Barat
3. Kalimantan Selatan | South Borneo Bali & West Nusa Tenggara
1. Bali
Jawa & Bali | Java & Bali 2. Nusa Tenggara Barat | West Nusa Tenggara
1. Jawa Barat | West Java
2. Jawa Tengah | Central Java Kalimantan
3. Jawa Timur | East Java 1. Kalimantan Timur | East Borneo
4. Bali
5. Banten Sulawesi
1. Sulawesi Tenggara | Southeast Sulawesi
1. Sulawesi Selatan | South Sulawesi Papua & Maluku
1. Papua Barat | West Papua
Nusa Tenggara 2. Maluku
1. Nusa Tenggara Barat | West Nusa
Tenggara Physical Data Management
1. Nusa Tenggara Timur| East Nusa Tenggara 1. Jambi
2. Sumatera Selatan | South Sumatra
Papua & Maluku 3. Banten
1. Papua 4. DKI Jakarta
2. Maluku 5. Jawa Barat | West Java

70 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

Papua Barat
West Papua

Sulawesi Tengah
Central Sulawesi


Sulawesi Tenggara
Southeast Sulawesi

Sulawesi Selatan
South Sulawesi

Nusa Tenggara Timur

East Nusa Tenggara



Sumatera 1. Aceh
1. Aceh 2. Sumatera Selatan | South Sumatra
2. Sumatera Selatan | South Sumatra
3. Riau Jawa | Java
4. Sumatera Utara | North Sumatra 1. Jawa Barat | West Java
2. Jawa Timur | East Java
Jawa | Java
1. DKI Jakarta Kalimantan, Sulawedi, & Maluku
2. Banten 1. Kalimantan Timur | East Borneo
3. Jawa Barat | West Java 2. Kalimantan Barat | West Kalimantan
4. Jawa Tengah | Central Java 3. Sulawesi Tengah | Cental Sulawesi
5. Jawa Timur | East Java 4. Sulawesi Tenggara | Southeast Sulawesi
5. Maluku Utara | North Maluku
Kalimantan & Sulawesi
1. Kalimantan Timur | East Borneo
2. Sulawesi Selatan | South Sulawesi

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 71

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

Organizational Structure

Direksi Dewan Komisaris

Board of Directors Board of Commissioners

Komite Penunjang
Dewan Komisaris
Supporting Committees of the
John Hisar Simamora
Board of Commissioners
Direktur Utama
President Director Komite Audit
Audit Committee
Komite Nominasi & Remunerasi
Nomination & Remuneration
Asmal Salam Committee
Ramon Arias Pili Komite Pemantau Risiko
Sekretaris Perusahaan Vice President HSSE
Corporate Secretary Risk Monitoring Committee

Tugimin Aji Dharmayasa

Chief Audit Executive Vice President Legal Counsel

Charles Harianto Ratih Esti Prihatini Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja Tenny Elfrida
Direktur Pengembangan Usaha Direktur Keuangan Direktur SDM & Umum
Direktur Operasi Director of Business Development Director of Finance Director of HR & General Affairs
Director of Operation

Lulut Sugianto Ferdiansyah Agung Wahidin

Vice President Strategic
Reizky Rahadian Lendra
Vice President Vice President
Planning & Corporate Vice President Controller (PJ)
Upstream Service Human Capital

Mochamad Haithami Hera Handayani Yogi Firdaus Didik Purwanto

Vice President Business Vice President Finance & Vice President Supply Chain
Vice President EPC & Development & Marketing Treasury Management
OM Services

Achmad Zaki Mira Puspitawati Hanggara Hardiansyah

Vice President Asset Senior Manager Enterprise Vice President Property Mgt.
Reliability & Productivity Risk Management General Services (PJ)

72 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

Membership in Associations/Organizations


• Asosiasi Pemboran Minyak, Gas dan Panas Bumi Indonesia (APMI) • Indonesian Oil, Gas and Geothermal Drilling Association (APMI)
• Asosiasi Perusahaan Jasa Pemborongan Non Konstruksi (APJANSI) • Association of Non-Construction Contracting Service Companies (APJANSI)
• Asosiasi Perusahaan Teknik Mekanikal Elektrikal (APTEK) • Association of Mechanical-Electrical Engineering Companies (APTEK)
• Asosiasi Perusahaan dan Konsultan Telematika Indonesia (ASPEKTI) • Association of Indonesian Telematics Companies and Consultants (ASPEKTI)
• Asosiasi Rekanan Pengadaan Barang dan Distributor Indonesia • Association of Indonesian Procurement Partners and Distributors
(ARDIN) Provinsi DKI Jakarta (ARDIN) DKI Jakarta Province
• Asosiasi Perusahaan Survei Pemetaan dan Informasi Geospasial • Association of Mapping Survey and Geospatial Information
(APSPIG) Companies (APSPIG)
• Asosiasi Kontraktor Terintegrasi Indonesia (AKTI) • Indonesian Integrated Contractor Association (AKTI)
• Gabungan Pelaksana Konstruksi Nasional Indonesia (GAPENSI) • Indonesian National Construction Implementers Association (GAPENSI)
• Asosiasi Pelaksana Konstruksi Nasional (ASPEKNAS) • National Construction Executors Association (ASPEKNAS)

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 73

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Board of Commissioners Profile

Selama tahun 2022, komposisi anggota Dewan Komisaris Perseroan During 2022, the composition of the members of the Board of
mengalami perubahan yang dilakukan atas dasar kebutuhan Perseroan Commissioners of the Company underwent changes which were made
dan antisipasi dalam pengembangan usaha di masa yang akan datang. based on the needs of the Company and anticipation of future business
Berikut adalah profil Dewan Komisaris untuk komposisi per 31 Desember development. The following is the profile of the Board of Commissioners
2022 sebagai berikut: for the composition as of December 31, 2022 as follows:

komisaris utama | president commissioner

Menjabat sebagai Komisaris Utama sejak 8 Juli 2020

Served as President Commissioner since July 8, 2020


Warga Negara Indonesia | Indonesian Citizen
Usia 64 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 | Age 64 years old as of December 31, 2022
Kelahiran Yogyakarta, 15 Oktober 1958 | Born Yogyakarta, October 15, 1958
Domisili Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta | Domicile South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta

Pendidikan • S1 Arsitektur, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (1984) • Bachelor of Architecture, Bandung Institute of Technology,
Education • Master of Engineering, Urban & Regional Planning, Hokkaido Indonesia (1984)
University, Jepang (1993) • Master of Engineering, Urban & Regional Planning, Hokkaido
• Doctor of Engineering, Urban Redevelopment, Hokkaido University, Japan (1993)
University, Jepang (1996) • Doctor of Engineering, Urban Redevelopment, Hokkaido
University, Japan (1996)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Ditunjuk pertama kali sebagai Komisaris Utama Elnusa melalui Appointed at first as the President Commissioner of Elnusa
Legal Basis of Appointment Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat RUPS Tahunan No. 15 tanggal 8 through Deed of GMS Minutes No. 15 dated July 8, 2020.
Juli 2020.
Pengalaman Kerja • Komisaris PT Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut (2020-2021) • Commissioner of PT Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut (2020-
Work Experience • Komite Audit PT Pertamina (Persero) (2020) 2021)
• Kepala Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah • Audit Committee of PT Pertamina (Persero) (2020)
(2015-2018) • Head of the Government Procurement Policy Institution (2015-
• Deputi Bidang Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Sumber 2018)
Daya Manusia, Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa • Deputy for Human Resources Development, Government
Pemerintah (2011-2015) Procurement Policy Institution
Rangkap Jabatan • Staf Khusus Menteri PUPR Bidang Pengadaan (2019-sekarang) • Special Staff of the Minister of PUPR for Procurement
Concurrent Position (2019-present)
Hubungan Afiliasi Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of
Affiliated Relationships lainnya, Direksi, dan Pemegang Saham Utama Commissioners, the Board of Directors, and Major Shareholders
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA -
ELSA Share Ownership
Pelatihan Terdapat pada Bab Tata Kelola Perusahaan Mengenai Dewan Available in the Corporate Governance Chapter on the Board of
Training Komisaris Commissioners

74 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


komisaris independen | independent commissioner

Menjabat sebagai Komisaris Independen untuk periode kedua sejak 21 Juli 2021
Served as Independent Commissioner for second period since July 21, 2021


Warga Negara Indonesia | Indonesian Citizen
Usia 66 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 | Age 66 years old as of December 31, 2022
Kelahiran Cianjur, 21 April 1956 | Born Cianjur, April 21, 1956
Domisili Tangerang Selatan, Banten | Domicile South Tangerang, Banten

Pendidikan S1 Fisika, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (1976) Bachelor of Physics, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia
Education (1976)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan • Ditunjuk pertama kali sebagai Komisaris Independen Elnusa • Appointed at first as Independent Commissioner of Elnusa
Legal Basis of Appointment melalui Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat RUPS Tahunan No. 25 through Deed of GMS Minutes No. 25 dated May 14, 2018
tanggal 14 Mei 2018 • Appointed for the second time as an Independent Commissioner
• Ditunjuk kedua kali sebagai komisaris Independen Elnusa melalui of Elnusa through the Deed of Statement of Resolutions of the
Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat RUPS Tahunan No. 4 tanggal Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No. 4 dated July 21,
21 Juli 2021 2021

Surat Pernyataan independensi telah disampaikan pada sub bab The independence statement has been submitted in the sub-
Uraian Dewan Komisaris dalam Bab 6 (Tata Kelola Perusahaan) chapter Description of the Board of Commissioners in Chapter 6
(Corporate Governance)
Pengalaman Kerja • Direktur Operasi PT Elnusa Tbk (2013-2015) • Operation Director of PT Elnusa Tbk (2013-2015)
Work Experience • Direktur Operasi PT Pilar Anggaraksa (2010-2013) • Operation Director of PT Pilar Anggaraksa
• Direktur Operasi PT Permata Drilling International (2008-2010) • Operation Director of PT Permata Drilling International (2008-
• Direktur Operasi PT Saripari Pertiwi Abadi 2010)
(2005-2008) • Operation Director of PT Saripari Pertiwi Abadi (2005-2008)
• Field Engineer di Schlumberger (1981-2005) • Field Engineer of Schlumberger (1981-2005)
Rangkap Jabatan • Ketua Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Perseroan • Chairman of the Company’s Nomination and Remuneration
Concurrent Position Committee
• Tidak memiliki jabatan rangkap pada Perusahaan lain • Does not have any concurrent position at other companies
Hubungan Afiliasi Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of
Affiliated Relationships lainnya, Direksi, dan Pemegang Saham Utama Commissioners, the Board of Directors, and Major Shareholders
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA -
ELSA Share Ownership
Pelatihan Terdapat pada Bab Tata Kelola Perusahaan Mengenai Dewan Available in the Corporate Governance Chapter on the Board of
Training Komisaris Commissioners

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 75

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


komisaris independen | independent commissioner

Menjabat sebagai Komisaris Independen sejak 20 Juli 2022

Served as Independent Commissioner since July 20, 2022


Warga Negara Indonesia | Indonesian Citizen
Usia 60 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 | Age 60 years old as of December 31, 2022
Kelahiran Jakarta, 4 Mei 1962 | Born Jakarta, May 4, 1962
Domisili Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta | Domicile South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta

Pendidikan • S1 Ekonomi, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta (1986) • Bachelor of Economics, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta (1986)
Education • Master of Business Administration, Royal Melbourne, Institute of • Master of Business Administration, Royal Melbourne, Institute of
Technology, Australia (1995) Technology, Australia (1995)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Ditunjuk pertama kali sebagai Komisaris Independen Perseroan Appointed at first as the Independent Commissioner of Elnusa
Legal Basis of Appointment melalui Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat RUPS Tahunan Nomor through Deed of GMS Minutes No. 30 dated
30 tanggal 20 Juli 2022. July 20, 2022.

Surat Pernyataan independensi telah disampaikan pada sub bab The independence statement has been submitted in the sub-
Uraian Dewan Komisaris dalam Bab 6 (Tata Kelola Perusahaan) chapter Description of the Board of Commissioners in Chapter 6
(Corporate Governance)
Pengalaman Kerja Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Financial Services Authority
Work Experience • Deputi Komisioner Internasional dan Riset (2020-2022) • Deputy Commissioner for International and Research (2020-2022)
• Advisor Senior/Deputi Komisioner Strategic Committee (2017- • Senior Advisor/Deputy Commissioner Strategic Committee (2017-2020)
• Deputi Komisioner Manajemen Strategis (2016-2017) • Deputy Commissioner for Strategic Management (2016-2017

Bank Indonesia Bank Indonesia

• Kepala Divisi/Analis Ekonomi Senior, Departemen Internasional • Division Head/Senior Economic Analyst, International
(2010-2013) Department (2010-2013)
• Analis Ekonomi Senior, Bank Indonesia, Bandung (2007-2010) • Senior Economic Analyst, Bank Indonesia, Bandung (2007-2010)
• Senior Ekonom, Bank Indonesia, New York (2003-2006) • Senior Economist, Bank Indonesia, New York (2003-2006)
Rangkap Jabatan • Ketua Komite Audit Perseroan • Chairman of the Company’s Audit Committee
Concurrent Position • Tidak memiliki jabatan rangkap pada Perusahaan lain • No concurrent positions in other companies
Hubungan Afiliasi Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of
Affiliated Relationships lainnya, Direksi, dan Pemegang Saham Utama Commissioners, the Board of Directors, and Major Shareholders
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA -
ELSA Share Ownership
Pelatihan Terdapat pada Bab Tata Kelola Perusahaan Mengenai Dewan Available in the Corporate Governance Chapter on the Board of
Training Komisaris Commissioners

76 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

komisaris | commissioner

Menjabat sebagai Komisaris sejak 21 Juli 2021

Served as Commissioner since July 21, 2021


Warga Negara Indonesia | Indonesian Citizen
Usia 55 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 | Age 55 years old as of December 31, 2022
Kelahiran Blora, 1 April 1967 | Born Blora, April 1, 1967
Domisili Blora, Jawa Tengah | Domicile Blora, Central Java

Pendidikan • S1 Teknik Kimia Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia • Bachelor of Chemical Engineering, Gadjah Mada University,
Education (1991) Yogyakarta, Indonesia (1991)
• S2 Teknik Kimia Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia • Master of Chemical Engineering, Gadjah Mada University,
(2005) Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2005)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Ditunjuk pertama kali sebagai Komisaris Elnusa melalui Akta Appointed at first as Commissioner of Elnusa through the Deed
Legal Basis of Appointment Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat RUPS Tahunan No. 4 tanggal 21 Juli of Statement of Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of
2021 Shareholders No. 4 dated 21 July 2021
Pengalaman Kerja • Kepala Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Minyak dan • Head of Oil and Gas Human Resources Development Center,
Work Experience Gas Bumi, Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Energi Energy and Mineral Resources Human Resources Development
dan Sumber Daya Mineral (2016-2021) Agency (2016-2021)
• Kepala Bagian Administrasi Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan, • Head of Academic and Student Administration Division,
Sekolah Tinggi Energi dan Mineral (STEM) Akamigas, Badan Akamigas College of Energy and Minerals (STEM), Energy and
Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, Mineral Resources Education and Training Agency, Ministry of
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (2015-2016) Energy and Mineral Resources (2015-2016)
• Kepala Bagian Tata Usaha Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan • Head of Administration for Oil and Gas Education and Training
Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Energi Center, Energy and Mineral Resources Education and Training
dan Sumber Daya Mineral, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (2013-2015)
Mineral (2013-2015)
• Direktur Teknik dan Lingkungan Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Direktorat • Director of Oil and Gas Engineering and Environment,
Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and
Daya Mineral (2021-2022) Mineral Resources (2021-2022)
Rangkap Jabatan • Sekretaris Jendral, Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia • Secretary General of the Energy and Mineral Resources Human
Concurrent Position Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, Kementerian Energi dan Resources Development Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Sumber Daya Mineral (2022-sekarang) Resources (2022-present)
• Ketua Komite Pemantau Risiko Perseroan • Chairman of the Company’s Risk Monitoring Committee
Hubungan Afiliasi Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of
Affiliated Relationships lainnya, Direksi, dan Pemegang Saham Utama Commissioners, the Board of Directors, and Major Shareholders
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA -
ELSA Share Ownership
Pelatihan Terdapat pada Bab Tata Kelola Perusahaan Mengenai Dewan Available in the Corporate Governance Chapter on the Board of
Training Komisaris Commissioners

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 77

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

Board of Directors Profile

Selama tahun 2022, komposisi Anggota Direksi Perseroan mengalami During 2022, the composition of the Board of Directors of the
perubahan yang dilakukan atas dasar kebutuhan Perseroan dan Company underwent changes which were made based on the needs
antisipasi dalam pengembangan usaha di masa yang akan datang. of the Company and anticipation of future business development. The
Berikut adalah profil Anggota Direksi untuk komposisi per 31 Desember following is the profile of the members of the Board of Directors for the
2022 sebagai berikut: composition as of December 31, 2022 as follows:


direktur utama | president director

Menjabat sebagai Direktur Utama sejak 31 Desember 2021

Served as President Director since December 31, 2021


Warga Negara Indonesia | Indonesian Citizen
Usia 56 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 | Age 56 years old as of December 31, 2022
Domisili DKI Jakarta | Domicile DKI Jakarta

Pendidikan • S1 Teknik Perminyakan, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung • Bachelor Degree in Petroleum Engineering, Institute of
Education (1989) Technology Bandung, Bandung (1989)
• S2 Administrasi Bisnis, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogjakarta • Master of Business Administration, Gadjah Mada University,
(1998) Yogjakarta (1998)
• S2 Teknik Perminyakan, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung • Master of Petroleum Engineering, Institute of Technology
(2003) Bandung, Bandung (2003)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Ditunjuk pertama kali sebagai Direktur Utama Elnusa melalui Akta Appointed at first as President Director of Elnusa through the
Legal Basis of Appointment pernyataan keputusan rapat RUPS Luar Biasa No. 84 tanggal 31 Deed of Decision of the Extraordinary GMS meeting No. 84 dated
Desember 2021 December 31, 2021
Pengalaman Kerja • Direktur Perencanaan Stategis & Pengembangan Bisnis PT • Director of Strategic Planning & Business Development PT
Work Experience Pertamina Hulu Energi (2020-2021) Pertamina Hulu Energi (2020-2021)
• Development Director Pertamina EP Jakarta (2017-2020) • Development Director Pertamina EP Jakarta (2017-2020)
• Direktur PEPC ADK, Jakarta (2015-2017) • Director PEPC ADK, Jakarta (2015-2017)
• VP Production PT Pertamina EP Cepu (2013-2015) • VP Production PT Pertamina EP Cepu (2013-2015)
• VP Project & Planning di Kantor Pusat EP Cepu (2013) • VP Project & Planning EP Cepu Head Office (2013)
Rangkap Jabatan Tidak memiliki jabatan rangkap pada Perusahaan lain Does not have any concurrent position at other companies
Concurrent Position
Hubungan Afiliasi Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of
Affiliated Relationships lainnya, Direksi, dan Pemegang Saham Utama Commissioners, the Board of Directors, and Major Shareholders
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA -
ELSA Share Ownership
Pelatihan Terdapat pada Bab Tata Kelola Perusahaan Mengenai Direksi Available in the Corporate Governance Chapter on the Board of
Training Directors

78 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


direktur keuangan | director of finance

Menjabat sebagai Direktur Keuangan sejak 31 Desember 2021

Served as Director of Finance since December 31, 2021


Warga Negara Indonesia | Indonesian Citizen
Usia 56 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 | Age 56 years old as of December 31, 2022
Domisili DKI Jakarta | Domicile DKI Jakarta

Pendidikan • S1 Teknik Perminyakan, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta (1991) • Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering, Trisakti University, Jakarta
Education • S2 Teknik Perminyakan, University of Tulsa, Oklahoma (1994) (1991)
• Master of Petroleum Engineering, University of Tulsa, Oklahoma
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Ditunjuk pertama kali sebagai Direktur Keuangan Elnusa melalui Appointed at first as Director of Finance of Elnusa through the
Legal Basis of Appointment Akta pernyataan keputusan rapat RUPS Luar Biasa No. 84 tanggal Deed of Decision of the Extraordinary GMS meeting No. 84 dated
31 Desember 2021 December 31, 2021
Pengalaman Kerja • Senior Vice President, Greater China Business Corporate Banking • Senior Vice President, Greater China Business Corporate Banking
Work Experience Bank ICBC Indonesia (2015-2021) Bank ICBC Indonesia (2015-2021)
• Vice President Corporate Banking BII Maybank (2011-2015) • Vice President Corporate Banking BII Maybank (2011-2015)
• Finance Director PT Bina Rasano Engineering (2007-2011) • Finance Director PT Bina Rasano Engineering (2007-2011)
• Finance Director PT Deka Petrindo (2006-2007) • Finance Director PT Deka Petrindo (2006-2007)
• Finance Director PT Telekomindo Nusantoro (2005) • Finance Director PT Telekomindo Nusantoro (2005)
• Deputy Director Bank Persyarikatan Indonesia (2002-2004) • Deputy Director Bank Persyarikatan Indonesia (2002-2004)
• Structured Financed Head, Merchant Banking Group – Bank • Structured Financed Head, Merchant Banking Group – Bank
Universal (2000-2002) Universal (2000-2002)
• Retail & Commercial Banking Division Head – Bank Putera • Retail & Commercial Banking Division Head – Bank Putera
Multikarsa (1997-2000) Multikarsa (1997-2000)
Rangkap Jabatan Komisaris PT Elnusa Petrofin*) Commissioner of PT Elnusa Petrofin*)
Concurrent Position
Hubungan Afiliasi Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of
Affiliated Relationships lainnya, Direksi, dan Pemegang Saham Utama Commissioners, the Board of Directors, and Major Shareholders
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA -
ELSA Share Ownership
Pelatihan Terdapat pada Bab Tata Kelola Perusahaan Mengenai Direksi Available in the Corporate Governance Chapter on the Board of
Training Directors
Entitas Anak Perseroan dan bukan Perusahaan Publik
Company’s Subsidiary Entity and not a Public Company

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 79

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


direktur operasi | director of operation

Menjabat sebagai Direktur Operasi sejak 31 Desember 2021

Served as Director of Operation since December 31, 2021


Warga Negara Indonesia | Indonesian Citizen
Usia 56 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 | Age 56 years old as of December 31, 2022
Domisili DKI Jakarta | Domicile DKI Jakarta

Pendidikan • S1 Teknik Mesin, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan (1989) • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, University of North
Education Sumatra, Medan (1989)
• S2 Ekonomi (Magister Manajemen), Universitas Sumatera Utara, • Master of Economics (Master of Management), University of
Medan (2008) North Sumatra, Medan (2008)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Ditunjuk pertama kali sebagai Direktur Operasi Elnusa melalui Akta Appointed at first as Director of Operation of Elnusa through the
Legal Basis of Appointment pernyataan keputusan rapat RUPS Luar Biasa No. 84 tanggal 31 Deed of Decision of the Extraordinary GMS meeting No. 84 dated
Desember 2021 December 31, 2021
Pengalaman Kerja • General Manager Gas Project JTB (Jambaran Tiung Biru) • General Manager Gas Project JTB (Jambaran Tiung Biru)
Work Experience Pertamina EP Cepu Unititasi JTB (2020-2021) Pertamina EP Cepu Unititas JTB (2020-2021)
• Matindok Gas Development Project Manager Pertamina EP • Matindok Gas Development Project Manager Pertamina EP
(2017-2019) (2017-2019)
• Asset 5 Surface Facilities Manager Pertamina EP (2013-2015) • Asset 5 Surface Facilities Manager Pertamina EP (2013-2015)
• Manager Teknik & Proses Fasilitas Region Kawasan Timur • Facility Engineering & Process Manager Eastern Region of
Indonesia, Jakarta (2011-2013) Indonesia, Jakarta (2011-2013)
• Kepala Pemeliharaan PT Pertamina EP Sumatera, Pangkalan Susu • Head of Maintenance PT Pertamina EP Sumatra, Pangkalan Susu
(2006) (2006)
Rangkap Jabatan Tidak memiliki jabatan rangkap pada Perusahaan lain Does not have any concurrent position at other companies
Concurrent Position
Hubungan Afiliasi Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of
Affiliated Relationships lainnya, Direksi, dan Pemegang Saham Utama Commissioners, the Board of Directors, and Major Shareholders
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA -
ELSA Share Ownership
Pelatihan Terdapat pada Bab Tata Kelola Perusahaan Mengenai Direksi Available in the Corporate Governance Chapter on the Board of
Training Directors

80 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


direktur pengembangan usaha | director of business development

Menjabat sebagai Direktur Pengembangan Usaha sejak 31 Desember 2021

Served as Director of Business Development since December 31, 2021


Warga Negara Indonesia | Indonesian Citizen
Usia 56 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 | Age 56 years old as of December 31, 2022
Domisili DKI Jakarta | Domicile DKI Jakarta

Pendidikan • S1 Teknik Perminyakan, Universitas Trisakti , Jakarta (1991) • Petroleum Engineering, Trisakti University, Jakarta (1991)
Education • Magister Management, IPMI Business School, Jakarta (2004) • Master of Management, IPMI Business School, Jakarta (2004)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Ditunjuk pertama kali sebagai Direktur Pengembangan Usaha Appointed at first as Director of Business Development of Elnusa
Legal Basis of Appointment Elnusa melalui Akta pernyataan keputusan rapat RUPS Luar Biasa through the Deed of Decision of the Extraordinary GMS meeting
No. 84 tanggal 31 Desember 2021 No. 84 dated December 31, 2021
Pengalaman Kerja • Vice President Commercial and Monetization SHU PT Pertamina • Vice President Commercial and Monetization SHU PT Pertamina
Work Experience Hulu Energi (2020-2021) Hulu Energi (2020-2021)
• Vice President Commercial PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (2019- • Vice President Commercial PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (2019-
2020) 2020)
• Commercial Project Manager PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (2018- • Commercial Project Manager PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (2018-
2019) 2019)
• Oil and Gas lifting Manager PHE (2017-2018) • Oil and Gas lifting Manager PHE (2017-2018)
• Marketing Team Leader BP Indonesia, PHE, Offshore North West • Marketing Team Leader BP Indonesia, PHE, Offshore North West
Java (2007-2016) Java (2007-2016)
• HR Advisor for Shared Services Department and Downstream: PT • HR Advisor for Shared Services Department and Downstream: PT
Jasatama and Castrol BP Indonesia (2005-2007) Jasatama and Castrol BP Indonesia (2005-2007)
• Memegang beberapa posisi di Operation Management di BP • Holds several position in Operation Management of BP Indonesia
Indonesia (2000-2005): (2000-2005):
a. Wireline Ops and Support Manager a. Wireline Ops and Support Manager
b. Field Planning and Support Manager b. Field Planning and Support Manager
c. Transportation and Support Manager c. Transportation and Support Manager
d. Java Operation Support Manager d. Java Operation Support Manager
• Shared Technical Services Coordinator and Assistant to FST Vice • Shared Technical Services Coordinator and Assistant to FST Vice
President ARCO (1998-2000) President ARCO (1998-2000)
Rangkap Jabatan Komisaris PT Sigma Cipta Utama*) Commissioner of PT Sigma Cipta Utama*)
Concurrent Position
Hubungan Afiliasi Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of
Affiliated Relationships lainnya, Direksi, dan Pemegang Saham Utama Commissioners, the Board of Directors, and Major Shareholders
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA -
ELSA Share Ownership
Pelatihan Terdapat pada Bab Tata Kelola Perusahaan Mengenai Direksi Available in the Corporate Governance Chapter on the Board of
Training Directors
Entitas Anak Perseroan dan bukan Perusahaan Publik
Company’s Subsidiary Entity and not a Public Company

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 81

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

direktur sdm & umum | director of human capital & general affairs

Menjabat sebagai Direktur SDM & Umum sejak 31 Desember 2021

Served as Director of Human Capital & General Affairs since December 31, 2021


Warga Negara Indonesia | Indonesian Citizen
Usia 43 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 | Age 43 years old as of December 31, 2022
Domisili DKI Jakarta | Domicile DKI Jakarta

Pendidikan S1 Akuntansi Universitas Indonesia (2002) Bachelor of Accounting, University of Indonesia (2002)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Ditunjuk pertama kali sebagai Direktur SDM & Umum Elnusa Appointed at first as Director of Human Capital & General Affairs
Legal Basis of Appointment melalui Akta pernyataan keputusan rapat RUPS Tahunan 8 Juli of Elnusa through the Deed of Decision of the GMS meeting dated
2020 July 8, 2020
Pengalaman Kerja • Vice President Human Capital Management Corporate PT • Vice President Human Capital Management Corporate PT
Work Experience Pertamina (Persero) (2018-2020) Pertamina (Persero) (2018-2020)
• Vice President HR Operation PT Pertamina (Persero) (2017) • Vice President HR Operation PT Pertamina (Persero) (2017)
• Vice President of Human Resource PT Elnusa Tbk (2012-2017) • Vice President of Human Resource PT Elnusa Tbk (2012-2017)
• Senior Manager of Quality Management PT Elnusa Tbk (2010- • Senior Manager of Quality Management PT Elnusa Tbk (2010-
2012) 2012)
• Manager of System & Procedure PT Elnusa Tbk (2009-2010) • Manager of System & Procedure PT Elnusa Tbk (2009-2010)
Rangkap Jabatan Komisaris PT Elnusa Trans Samudera*) Commissioner of PT Elnusa Trans Samudera*)
Concurrent Position
Hubungan Afiliasi Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of
Affiliated Relationships lainnya, Direksi, dan Pemegang Saham Utama Commissioners, the Board of Directors, and Major Shareholders
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA -
ELSA Share Ownership
Pelatihan Terdapat pada Bab Tata Kelola Perusahaan Mengenai Direksi Available in the Corporate Governance Chapter on the Board of
Training Directors
Entitas Anak Perseroan dan bukan Perusahaan Publik
Company’s Subsidiary Entity and not a Public Company

82 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Executive Officers Profile

Corporate Secretary
Menjabat sebagai Corporate Secretary sejak 1 Mei 2022
Served as Corporate Secretary since May 1, 2022

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia Indonesia

Usia 53 tahun 53 years old
Age per 31 Desember 2022 as of Desember 31, 2022
Domisili Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta East Jakarta, DKI Jakarta
Pendidikan M.Kn, Magister Kenotariatan, Universitas Indonesia Jakarta, 2014 M.Kn, Master of Kenotariatan, University of Indonesia Jakarta, 2014
Pengalaman Kerja Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai Corporate Secretary, beliau Prior to his position as Corporate Secretary, he served as Chief of
Work Experience menjabat sebagai Chief of Legal & Compliance (2015 - 2022) Legal & Compliance (2015-2022)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan SK No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 Decree No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022
Legal Basis of Appointment

Chief Audit Executive
Menjabat sebagai Chief Audit Executive sejak 1 September 2022
Served as Chief Audit Executive since September 1, 2022

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia Indonesia

Usia 41 tahun 41 years old
Age per 31 Desember 2022 as of Desember 31, 2022
Domisili Bekasi, Jawa Barat Bekasi, East Java
Pendidikan S.E, Ekonomi Akuntansi, Universitas Indonesia Jakarta, 2004 S.E, Economic Accounting, University of Indonesia Jakarta, 2004
Pengalaman Kerja Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai Chief Of Internal Audit, beliau Prior to his position as Chief Of Internal Audit, he served as
Work Experience menjabat sebagai Manager Internal Audit PT Pertamina (Persero) Manager Internal Audit of PT Pertamina (Persero) (2021 - 2022)
(2021 - 2022)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan SK No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 Decree No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022
Legal Basis of Appointment


Menjabat sebagai VP of HSSE sejak 1 November 2019
Served as VP of HSSE since November 1, 2019

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia Indonesia

Usia 45 tahun 45 years old
Age per 31 Desember 2022 as of Desember 31, 2022
Domisili Depok, Jawa Barat Depok, East Java
Pendidikan S.E, Ekonomi Studi Pembangunan, Universitas Indonesia Jakarta, S.E, Economic Development Studies, University of Indonesia
Education 2001 Jakarta, 2001
Pengalaman Kerja Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of HSSE, beliau menjabat Prior to his position as VP of HSSE, he served as VP of Supply Chain
Work Experience sebagai VP of Supply Chain Management (2018 - 2019) Management (2018 - 2019)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan SK No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 Decree No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022
Legal Basis of Appointment

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Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

VP Legal Counsel
Menjabat sebagai VP Legal Counsel sejak 1 September 2022
Served as VP Legal Counsel since September 1, 2022

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia Indonesia

Usia 49 tahun 49 years old
Age per 31 Desember 2022 as of Desember 31, 2022
Domisili Tangerang Selatan, Banten South Tangerang, Banten
Pendidikan S.H, Ilmu Hukum, Universitas Islam Bandung, 1998 S.H, Legal Science, Bandung Islamic University, 1998
Pengalaman Kerja Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP Legal Counsel, beliau Prior to his position as VP Legal Counsel, he served as Manager
Work Experience menjabat sebagai Manager Legal Contracting III PT Pertamina Legal Contracting III of PT Pertamina Persero (2021 - 2022)
Persero (2021 - 2022)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan SK No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 Decree No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022
Legal Basis of Appointment

VP of Upstream Services
Menjabat sebagai VP of Upstream Services sejak 1 Juli 2022
Served as VP of Upstream Services since July 1, 2022

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia Indonesia

Usia 44 tahun 44 years old
Age per 31 Desember 2022 as of Desember 31, 2022
Domisili DKI Jakarta DKI Jakarta
Pendidikan S.T, Teknik Industri, Universitas Balikpapan, 2004 S.T, Industrial Engineering, University of Balikpapan, 2004
Pengalaman Kerja Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP Of Upstream Services, Prior to his position as VP Of Upstream Services, he served as SM
Work Experience beliau menjabat sebagai SM of Asset Reliability & Prod. POMS of Asset Reliability & Prod. POMS (Persero) (2021 - 2022)
(2017 - 2022)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan SK No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 Decree No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022
Legal Basis of Appointment


VP of EPC & OM Services
Menjabat sebagai VP of EPC & OM Services sejak 11 April 2022
Served as VP of EPC & OM Services since April 11, 2022

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia Indonesia

Usia 40 tahun 40 years old
Age per 31 Desember 2022 as of Desember 31, 2022
Domisili DKI Jakarta DKI Jakarta
Pendidikan M.T, Teknik Kimia, Universitas Indonesia Jakarta, 2008 M.T, Chemical Engineering, University of Indonesia Jakarta, 2008
Pengalaman Kerja Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of EPC & OM Services, Prior to his position as VP of EPC & OM Services, he served as
Work Experience beliau menjabat sebagai Project Management Function Project Management Function of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero)
PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) (2011 - 2022) (2011 - 2022)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan SK No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 Decree No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022
Legal Basis of Appointment

84 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

VP of Asset Realibility & Productivity
Menjabat sebagai VP of Asset Realibility & Productivity sejak 1 November 2018
Served as VP of Asset Realibility & Productivity since September 1, 2018

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia Indonesia

Usia 55 tahun 55 years old
Age per 31 Desember 2022 as of Desember 31, 2022
Domisili Bekasi, Jawa Barat Bekasi, East Java
Pendidikan M.M, Magister Management, Prasetya Mulya Business School M.M, Magister Management, Prasetya Mulya Business School
Education Jakarta, 2009 Jakarta, 2009
Pengalaman Kerja Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of Asset Realibility & Prior to his position as VP of Asset Realibility & Productivity, he
Work Experience Productivity, beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur Utama EFK served as President Director of EFK (2013 - 2015)
(2013 - 2015)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan SK No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 Decree No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022
Legal Basis of Appointment

VP of Business Development & Marketing
Menjabat sebagai VP of Business Development & Marketing sejak 1 September 2022
Served as VP of Business Development & Marketing since September 1, 2022

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia Indonesia

Usia 47 tahun 47 years old
Age per 31 Desember 2022 as of Desember 31, 2022
Domisili Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta
Pendidikan M.M, Magister Management, Universitas Indonesia Jakarta, 2005 M.M, Magister Management, University of Indonesia Jakarta, 2005
Pengalaman Kerja Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of Business Development & Prior to his position as VP of Business Development & Marketing,
Work Experience Marketing, beliau menjabat sebagai VP of Business Development he served as VP of Business Development (2019 - 2022)
(2019 - 2022)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan SK No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 Decree No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022
Legal Basis of Appointment


VP of Controller
Menjabat sebagai VP of Controller sejak 18 Oktober 2022
Served as VP of Controller since October 18, 2022

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia Indonesia

Usia 42 tahun 42 years old
Age per 31 Desember 2022 as of Desember 31, 2022
Domisili Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta East Jakarta, DKI Jakarta
Pendidikan S.Pn., Administrasi Fiskal, Universitas Indonesia Jakarta, 2007 S.Pn., Fiscal Administration, University of Indonesia Jakarta, 2007
Pengalaman Kerja Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of Controller, beliau Prior to his position as VP of Controller, he served as SM of
Work Experience menjabat sebagai SM of Financial Business Controller Financial Business Controller (2011 - 2022)
(2021 - 2022)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan SK No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 Decree No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022
Legal Basis of Appointment

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Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

VP of Finance & Treasury
Menjabat sebagai VP of Finance & Treasury sejak 1 Juni 2019
Served as VP of Finance & Treasury since June 1, 2019

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia Indonesia

Usia 39 tahun 39 years old
Age per 31 Desember 2022 as of Desember 31, 2022
Domisili Tangerang Selatan, Banten South Tangerang, Banten
Pendidikan M.M, Magister Management, Universitas Bina Nusantara Jakarta, M.M, Magister Management, Bina Nusantara University Jakarta,
Education 2009 2009
Pengalaman Kerja Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of Treasury & Financing, Prior to his position as VP of Treasury & Financing, he served as
Work Experience beliau menjabat sebagai Senior Manager of Financing (2019) Senior Manager of Financing (2019)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan SK No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 Decree No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022
Legal Basis of Appointment

VP of Strategic Planning & Corporate Management
Menjabat sebagai VP of Strategic Planning & Corporate Management sejak 21 Juni 2022
Served as VP of Strategic Planning & Corporate Management since June 21, 2022

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia Indonesia

Usia 38 tahun 38 years old
Age per 31 Desember 2022 as of Desember 31, 2022
Domisili Depok, Jawa Barat Depok, East Java
Pendidikan S.Si, Fisika, Universitas Indonesia Jakarta, 2006 S.Si, Physics, University of Indonesia Jakarta, 2006
Pengalaman Kerja Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of Strategic Planning Prior to his position as VP of Strategic Planning & Corporate
Work Experience & Corporate Management, beliau menjabat sebagai VP of Management, he served as VP of Engineering Center & Quality
Engineering Center & Quality Management (2020-2021) Management (2020-2021)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan SK No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 Decree No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022
Legal Basis of Appointment

Senior Manager of Enterprise Risk Management
Menjabat sebagai Senior Manager of Enterprise Risk Management sejak 1 Mei 2021
Served as Senior Manager of Enterprise Risk Management since May 1, 2021

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia Indonesia

Usia 42 tahun 42 years old
Age per 31 Desember 2022 as of Desember 31, 2022
Domisili DKI Jakarta DKI Jakarta
Pendidikan S.E, Ekonomi Manajemen, Universitas Indonesia Jakarta, 2002 S.E, Management Economics, University of Indonesia Jakarta, 2002
Pengalaman Kerja Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai Senior Manager of Enterprise Prior to his position as Senior Manager of Enterprise Risk
Work Experience Risk Management, beliau menjabat sebagai Senior Manager of Management, he served as Senior Manager of Financing
Financing (2019 - 2021) (2019 - 2021)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan SK No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 Decree No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022
Legal Basis of Appointment

86 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

VP of Human Capital
Menjabat sebagai VP of Human Capital sejak 6 Juli 2020
Served as VP of Human Capital since July 6, 2020

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia Indonesia

Usia 47 tahun 47 years old
Age per 31 Desember 2022 as of Desember 31, 2022
Domisili Bekasi, Jawa Barat Bekasi, East Java
Pendidikan S.H, Hukum Bisnis, Universitas Parahyangan Bandung, 1999 S.H, Business Law, Parahyangan University Bandung, 1999
Pengalaman Kerja Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP Of Human Capital, beliau Prior to his position as VP of Human Capital, he served as SM of
Work Experience menjabat sebagai SM of Human Capital Business Partner Human Capital Business Partner (2016 - 2020)
(2016 - 2020)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan SK No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 Decree No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022
Legal Basis of Appointment

VP of Supply Chain Management
Menjabat sebagai VP of Supply Chain Management sejak 1 Desember 2022
Served as VP of Supply Chain Management since December 1, 2022

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia Indonesia

Usia 48 tahun 48 years old
Age per 31 Desember 2022 as of Desember 31, 2022
Domisili Bekasi, Jawa Barat Bekasi, East Java
Pendidikan MSc, Master Of Science, University of Birmingham - UK, 2013 MSc, Master Of Science, University of Birmingham - UK, 2013
Pengalaman Kerja Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP of Supply Chain Prior to his position as VP of Supply Chain Management, he served
Work Experience Management, beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur Utama PT. Elnusa as President Director of PT. Elnusa Trans Samudera (2019 - 2022)
Trans Samudera (2019 - 2022)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan SK No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 Decree No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022
Legal Basis of Appointment

VP Property Mgt & General Services
Menjabat sebagai VP Property Mgt & General Services sejak 1 September 2022
Served as VP Property Mgt & General Services since September 1, 2022

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia Indonesia

Usia 37 tahun 37 years old
Age per 31 Desember 2022 as of Desember 31, 2022
Domisili Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta East Jakarta, DKI Jakarta
Pendidikan M.Psi., Magister Psikologi, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, 2011 M.Psi., Master of Psychology, Airlangga University Surabaya, 2011
Pengalaman Kerja Sebelum menempati posisi sebagai VP Property Mgt & General Prior to his position as VP Property Mgt & General Services, he
Work Experience Services, beliau menjabat sebagai Senior Manager of Elnusa served as Senior Manager of Elnusa Petroleum School
Petroleum School (2020 - 2022) (2020 - 2022)
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan SK No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 Decree No.648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022
Legal Basis of Appointment

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 87

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Shareholder Structure and Composition


Berikut skema komposisi pemegang saham Perseroan, termasuk The Company’s shareholder composition scheme, including major and/
pemegang saham utama dan/atau pengendali, adalah sebagai berikut: or controlling shareholders, is as follows:


Publik | Public



PT Pertamina Hulu Energi merupakan pemegang saham utama dan PT Pertamina Hulu Energi is the main and controlling shareholder of
pengendali Elnusa dengan kepemilikan sebesar 51,103%. Pertamina Elnusa with 51.1% ownership. Pertamina Hulu Energi is a subsidiary
Hulu Energi adalah anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero) yang merupakan of PT Pertamina (Persero) which is a national energy company with
perusahaan energi nasional dengan kepemilikan sahamnya 100% dimiliki 100% share ownership owned by the Government of the Republic of
oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, melalui Kementerian Negara Badan Indonesia, through the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN)
Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) selaku Kuasa Pemegang Saham. Dengan as the Shareholder’s Proxy. Thus, the ultimate parent entity of the
demikian, entitas induk tertinggi, atau ultimate parent entity Perseroan Company is the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, because it is
adalah Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, karena merupakan pemegang the main/controlling shareholder of Pertamina Hulu Energi as the main/
saham utama/pengendali dari Pertamina Hulu Energi selaku pemegang controlling shareholder of the Company.
saham utama/pengendali Perseroan.

Alamat Kantor Pusat Pertamina Hulu Energi | Pertamina Hulu Energi Head Office Address
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 99, RT1/RW1, Kebagusan, Kec. Ps. Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12520
Tel: (021) 29547000, Email:

88 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Berikut skema komposisi kepemilikan saham Perseroan, termasuk The following is the composition scheme for the Company’s share
kepemilikan saham 5% atau lebih dan/atau kepemilikan di bawah 5%, ownership, including ownership of 5% or more and/or ownership of less
adalah sebagai berikut: than 5%, as follows:


Elnusa Share Ownership as of December 31, 2022

Jumlah Pemegang Jumlah Kepemilikan
Saham Nilai Saham
Pemegang Saham Kepemilikan Ownership Shareholder
Number of Share Value
Total Ownership Percentage
Shareholder (%)
Kepemilikan Saham 5% atau Lebih Share Ownership of 5% or More
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi 1 3.729.781.000 372.978.100.000 51,1 PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
Kepemilikan Saham di Bawah 5% Share Ownership Below 5%
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi 0 – – 0,0 Board of Commissioners and
Board of Directors
Publik <5% 48.742 3.568.719.000 356.871.900.000 48,9 Public <5%
Jumlah 48.743 7.298.500.000 729.850.000.000 100,0 Total

Publik | Public Pertamina Hulu Energi
49% 51%


Composition of Share Ownership by Type 2020-2021

Uraian 2022 2021 2020 Description

Badan Usaha Domestik 57,9% 56,8% 63,1% Domestic Institutional Investor
Perseorangan Domestik 33,3% 38,8% 28,6% Domestic Individual Investor
Badan Usaha Asing 8,7% 4,2% 8,2% Foreign Institutional Investor
Perseorangan Asing 0,1% 0,1% 0,1% Foreign Individual Investor

0,1% 0,1% 0,1%

8,2% 4,2% 8,7%

Perseorangan Asing
Foreign Individual Investor
28,6% 38,8% 33,3%
Badan Usaha Asing
Foreign Institutional Investor
Perseorangan Domestik
Domestic Individual Investor

Badan Usaha Domestik

63,1% 56,8% 57,9% Domestic Institutional Investor

2020 2021 2022

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 89

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Number of Shareholders with Ownership of <5% Throughout 2022

Jumlah Pemegang Saham

Bulan Month
Number of Shareholder
Januari 51.745 January
Februari 53.089 February
Maret 53.781 March
April 51.953 April
Mei 50.626 May
Juni 48.848 June
Juli 49.100 July
Agustus 47.969 August
September 49.604 September
Oktober 46.916 October
November 48.439 November
Desember 48.742 December


51.745 51.953
53.781 50.626

49.604 46.916
48.848 49.100 48.742
47.969 48.439

Jan/Jan Feb/Feb Mar/Mar Apr/Apr May/May Jun/Jun Jul/Jul Agu/Aug Sep/Sep Okt/Oct Nov/Nov Des/Dec


Shareholders Composition <5% as of December 31, 2022

Domestik | Domestic Asing | Foreign

Jumlah Jumlah
Kelompok Pemegang Saham Pemegang Jumlah Saham Pemegang Jumlah Saham Shareholders Group
Saham Number of Saham Number of
Number of Shares Number of Shares
Shareholders Shareholders
Ritel 48.428 2.433.659.582 44 9.306.400 Retail
Institusi 153 492.908.882 117 632.844.136 Institution
Jumlah 48.581 2.926.568.464 161 642.150.536 Total


Market Capitalization in 2018-2022
Rp miliar | Rp billion



2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

90 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Sampai dengan akhir tahun buku 2022, jumlah saham ELSA yang dimiliki As of the end of the 2021 financial year, the total number of ELSA shares
oleh karyawan 4.955.000 atau 0,07% dari saham keseluruhan. owned by employees is 4,955,000 or 0.07% of the total shares.

Dewan Direksi dan Komisaris yang menjabat pada periode tahun buku The Board of Directors and Commissioners who serve in the 2022
2022 tidak memiliki kepemilikan saham entitas baik secara langsung financial year period do not have ownership of the entity’s shares, either
maupun tidak langsung. directly or indirectly.

2022 2021
Persentase Persentase
Nama Jabatan Kepemilikan Kepemilikan
Name Position Jumlah Saham Jumlah Saham
Ownership Ownership
Number of Share Number of Share
Percentage Percentage
(%) (%)
Dewan Komisaris | Board of Commissioners
Agus Prabowo Komisaris Utama Nihil Nihil Nihil Nihil
President Commissioner Nil Nil Nil Nil
Wakhid Hasyim Komisaris Nihil Nihil Nihil Nihil
Commissioner Nil Nil Nil Nil
Lusiaga Levi Susila Komisaris Independen Nihil Nihil Nihil Nihil
Independent Commissioner Nil Nil Nil Nil
Anis Baridwan Komisaris Independen Nihil Nihil Nihil Nihil
Independent Commissioner Nil Nil Nil Nil
Direksi | Board of Directors
John Hisar Simamora Direktur Utama Nihil Nihil Nihil Nihil
President Director Nil Nil Nil Nil
Bachtiar Soeria Direktur Keuangan Nihil Nihil Nihil Nihil
Atmadja Director of Finance Nil Nil Nil Nil
Charles Harianto Direktur Operasi Nihil Nihil Nihil Nihil
Lumban Tobing Director of Operation Nil Nil Nil Nil
Tenny Elfrida Direktur SDM & Umum Nihil Nihil Nihil Nihil
Director of HR & General Affairs Nil Nil Nil Nil
Ratih Esti Prihatini Direktur Pengembangan Usaha Nihil Nihil Nihil Nihil
Director of Business Development Nil Nil Nil Nil

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 91

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


List of Subsidiaries

Hingga akhir tahun 2022, Elnusa tidak memiliki Entitas Asosiasi dan Until the end of 2022, Elnusa does not have an Associated Entity and
hanya memiliki Entitas Anak serta Ventura Bersama/Kerja Sama Operasi. only has Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures/Joint Operations.


List of Subsidiaries
Kepemilikan oleh
Tahun Tahun Jumlah Aset
Elnusa Status
Tahun Berdiri Beroperasi Penyertaan (Rp juta)
Nama Bidang Usaha Domisili Ownership by Operasional
Year of Komersial Modal Total Asset
Name Business Segment Domicile Elnusa Operational
Establishment Year Year of (Rp million)
(%) Status
Launched Participation
2022 2021 2022 2021
Entitas Anak Kepemilikan Langsung | Direct Ownership Subsidiaries
PT Elnusa Oilfield Jasa Pengeboran dan Jakarta 2014 – 2014 99,99 99,99 44.395 41.080 Belum
Services Pemeliharaan Lapangan Beroperasi
Migas Not Working
Oil and Gas Field Drilling
and Maintenance Services
PT Elnusa Jasa Akuisisi Data Jakarta 2014 – 2014 99,99 99,99 12.711 11.696 Belum
Geosains Geofisika/Survei Seismik Beroperasi
Indonesia Migas Not Working
Geophysical Data
Acquisition Services/Oil
and Gas Seismic Survey
PT Elnusa Jasa penyimpanan BBM, Jakarta 1996 1996 1996 99,99 99,99 3.386.639 2.495.953 Beroperasi
Petrofin pendistribusian BBM, Working
perdagangan BBM Industri
& Marine, perdagangan
chemicals, perdagangan
pelumas & aspal, serta
pengelolaan SPBU & SPBE
Fuel storage service, fuel
distribution, fuel trade
for Industry & Marine,
chemical trading, lubricant
and asphalt trade, and
the management of gas
stations (SPBU) and LPG
filling stations (SPBE)
PT Elnusa Jasa fabrikasi, penguliran Batam 1983 1983 1983 99,99 99,99 357.610 284.884 Beroperasi
Fabrikasi dan perdagangan pipa Oil Working
Konstruksi Country Tubular Goods
(OCTG), proyek EPC dan
Maintenance Services
Oil Country Tubular
Goods (OCTG) fabrication,
threading and trading
services (OCTG), EPC
projects, and Maintenance
PT Patra Nusa Jasa pengelolaan data Jakarta 1997 1998 1997 99,50 99,50 139.241 134.113 Beroperasi
Data migas, dan penyimpanan Working
data fisik migas,
jasa aplikasi IT data
management, bisnis
desain & implementasi
data governance, data
warehouse digital,
advance well data
Oil and gas data
management services,
as well as physical
data storage, IT data
management application
services, business design
& implementation of data
governance, digital data
warehouse, advance well
data management

92 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


List of Subsidiaries
Kepemilikan oleh
Tahun Tahun Jumlah Aset
Elnusa Status
Tahun Berdiri Beroperasi Penyertaan (Rp juta)
Nama Bidang Usaha Domisili Ownership by Operasional
Year of Komersial Modal Total Asset
Name Business Segment Domicile Elnusa Operational
Establishment Year Year of (Rp million)
(%) Status
Launched Participation
2022 2021 2022 2021
PT Sigma Cipta Jasa penyimpanan data Jakarta 1980 1980 1980 99,99 99,99 312.472 275.644 Beroperasi
Utama fisik, pengelolaan data Working
elektronik & sistem
informasi, penyimpanan
contoh batuan migas,
telekomunikasi radio, jasa
aplikasi sistem IT
Physical data storage
services, electronic
data management and
information systems,
storage of geological
samples, radio
IT system application
PT Elnusa Trans Jasa pendukung layanan Jakarta 2014 2014 2014 99,99 99,99 550.491 551.581 Beroperasi
Samudera marine migas Working
Marine oil and gas support
Entitas Anak Kepemilikan Tidak Langsung (Kepemilikan melalui PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi)
Indirect Subsidiary Entity (Ownership through PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi)
PT Elnusa Daya Jasa konsultasi bidang Jakarta 2015 – 2015 99,99 99,99 10.001 10.001 Belum
Kreatif manajemen sumber daya Beroperasi
manusia konsultasi bidang Not Working
listrik, & perdagangan
Consulting Services in the
Field of Human Capital
Management in the Field
of Electricity & Trade


Joint Venture List/Joint Operations (KSO)
Nama Kepemilikan oleh Kepemilikan oleh Jumlah Aset
Perusahaan Elnusa WAS
Tahun Kerja (Rp juta) Status
yang Bekerja Ownership by Ownership by
Nama Bidang Usaha Sama Total Asset Operasional
Sama Elnusa WAS
Name Business Segment Partnership (Rp million) Operational
Name of (%) (%)
Year Status
Company 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020
KSO Elnusa- Jasa pemeliharaan mekanik 2016 PT Raga Perkasa 51,00 51,00 49,00 49,00 70.357 67.290 Beroperasi
RAGA Mechanical maintenance Ekaguna Working


PT Elnusa Oilfield Services PT Elnusa Oilfield Services

Perusahaan didirikan pada tahun 2014, dengan bidang usaha Jasa Established in 2014, with a business field in Oil and Gas Field Drilling and
Pengeboran dan Pemeliharaan Lapangan Migas. Maintenance Services.

Komposisi Kepemilikan Saham per 31 Desember 2022 Share Ownership Composition as of December 31, 2022
Kepemilikan saham PT Elnusa terhadap PT Elnusa Oilfield Services PT Elnusa’s Share Ownership in PT Elnusa Oilfield Services 99.99%

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 93

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Key Management as of December 31, 2022

Jabatan Position
Dewan Komisaris Charles Harianto Lumbantobing Board of Commissioners
Direksi Dian Sri Santoso Board of Directors


Financial Performance 2021-2022

2022 2021
Uraian (Rp juta) (Rp juta) Description
Growth 2022-2021
(Rp billion) (Rp billion)
Pendapatan 4.046 4.046 0,01 Income
Beban Usaha 1.308 1.307 0,08 Operating Expenses
Laba Bersih 3.585 2.738 30,92 Net Profit
Aset 44.395 41.080 8,07 Asset
Liabilitas 16 286 -94,32 Liability
Ekuitas 44.379 37.605 18,01 Equity

PT Elnusa Geosains Indonesia PT Elnusa Geosains Indonesia

Perusahaan yang didirikan pada tahun 2014 yang memiliki bidang usaha Established in 2014, with a business field in Geophysical Data Acquisition
atas Jasa Akuisisi Data Geofisika / Survei Seismik Migas. Services/Oil and Gas Seismic Survey Services.

Komposisi Kepemilikan Saham per 31 Desember 2022 Share Ownership Composition as of December 31, 2022
Kepemilikan saham PT Elnusa terhadap PT Elnusa Geosains Indonesia PT Elnusa’s Share Ownership in PT Elnusa Geosains Indonesia 99.99%.


Key Management as of December 31, 2022

Jabatan Position
Dewan Komisaris Charles Harianto Lumbantobing Board of Commissioners
Direksi Muhlis Yadi Board of Directors


Financial Performance 2021-2022

2022 2021
Uraian (Rp juta) (Rp juta) Description
Growth 2022-2021
(Rp billion) (Rp billion)
Pendapatan - - - Income
Beban Usaha - - - Operating Expenses
Laba Bersih 1.015 188 441,29 Net Profit
Aset 12.711 11.696 8,68 Asset
Liabilitas - - - Liability
Ekuitas 12.711 11.600 9,58 Equity

94 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

PT Elnusa Petrofin PT Elnusa Petrofin

PT Elnusa Petrofin (“Perusahaan”) didirikan berdasarkan Akta Notaris PT Elnusa Petrofin (the “Company”) was established based on the
Ny. Pudji Redjeki Irawati, S.H., No. 57 tanggal 5 Juli 1996. Akta pendirian Notarial Deed of Ny. Pudji Redjeki Irawati, S.H., No. 57 dated July 5,
ini disahkan oleh Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia berdasarkan 1996. This deed of establishment was ratified by the Minister of Justice
Surat Keputusan No. C2-4.559.HT.01.01.TH.97 tanggal 3 Juni 1997. of the Republic of Indonesia based on Decree No. C2-4, 559.HT.01.01.
Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan telah mengalami beberapa kali perubahan, TH.97 dated June 3, 1997. The Company’s Articles of Association have
terakhir berdasarkan Akta Notaris No. 11 tanggal 29 Desember 2022 been amended several times, most recently based on Notarial Deed No.
oleh Notaris Niken Wahyuningrum,SH.,Mkn. Akta tersebut telah 11 dated December 29, 2022 by Notary Niken Wahyuningrum, SH, Mkn.
diberitahukan kepada Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik The deed has been notified to the Minister of Law and Human Rights of
Indonesia dan memperoleh surat penerimaan pemberitahuan No. AHU- the Republic of Indonesia and obtained notification receipt letter No.
AH.01.09-0028671 tahun 2023 tanggal 21 Januari 2023. AHU-AH.01.09-0028671 of 2023 dated January 21, 2023.

Saat ini, Perusahaan melakukan aktivitas usaha yang meliputi Jasa Currently, the Company conducts business activities which include Fuel
pendistribusian Bahan Bakar Minyak (“BBM”) dan pengelolaan Oil (“BBM”) distribution services and management of BBM tank trucks,
truk tangki BBM, jasa pengelolaan Depo (Layanan khusus dan KSO Depot management services (Special services and Infrastructure KSO),
Infrastruktur), perdagangan Bahan Bakar Minyak Industri & Marine trading of Industrial & Marine Fuel Oil (“Inmar Fuel”), lubricants and
(“BBM Inmar”), pelumas dan bahan kimia serta pengelolaan stasiun chemicals as well as management of public filling stations (“SPBU”) and
pengisian bahan bakar umum (“SPBU”) dan stasiun pengisian bulk elpiji LPG bulk filling stations (“SPBE”).


Share Ownership Composition as of December 31, 2022

Jumlah Saham
Ditempatkan dan Disetor Persentase Kepemilikan
Pemegang Saham Jumlah
Penuh Percentage of Ownership
Shareholders Total
Number of Share Issued (%)
and Fully Paid
PT Elnusa Tbk 207.350 99,93 20.735.000
PT Elnusa Trans Samudra 150 00,07 15.000
Total 207.500 100,00 20.750.000


Key Management as of December 31, 2022

Jabatan Position
Dewan Komisaris Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja Board of Commissioners
Mirza Mahendra
Direksi Aditya Budi Prabowo Board of Directors
Hanny Retno Hapsari


Financial Performance 2021-2022

2022 2021
Uraian (Rp juta) (Rp juta) Description
Growth 2022-2021
(Rp billion) (Rp billion)
Pendapatan 7.564.058 4.744.166 59,44 Income
Beban Usaha 7.126.463 4.372.139 63,00 Operating Expenses
Laba Bersih 305.627 267.393 14,30 Net Profit
Aset 3.386.639 2.495.953 35,69 Asset
Liabilitas 2.079.196 1.361.521 52,71 Liability
Ekuitas 1.307.443 1.134.432 15,25 Equity

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PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi

PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi ( EFK ) didirikan berdasarkan Akta No. 15 PT Elnusa Fabrication Construction (EFK) was established based on
oleh Notaris Sinta Susikto, SH tanggal 7 Mei 1982. Pendirian EFK telah Deed No. 15 by Notary Sinta Susikto, S.H. dated May 7, 1982. The
memperoleh pengesahan dari Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia establishment of EFK has been approved by the Minister of Justice of the
melalui Surat Keputusan No. C2-5406HT.01.01TH’83 Tanggal 6 Agustus Republic of Indonesia through Decree No. C2-5406 HT.01.01 TH 83 dated
1983. Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan terakhir berdasarkan Akta No. 43 oleh August 6, 1983. The last amendment was based on Notarial deed No. 43
Notaris Aulia Taufani SH. tanggal 26 Juni 2018 terkait peningkatan modal dated June 26, 2018 from Aulia Taufani, S.H., regarding the increase in
ditempatkan dan disetor Perusahaan. Perubahan ini telah diterima the issued and paid-up capital of the Company. This amendment has
oleh Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia been accepted by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic
melalui Surat Penerimaan Pemberitahuan Perubahan Anggaran Dasar of Indonesia through the Letter of Acceptance of Notification of Changes
Perusahaan No. AHU-AH.01.10-0006497 tanggal 29 Juni 2018. Saat ini to the Company’s Articles of Association No. AHU-AH.01.03-0216838
Perusahaan bergerak dalam bidang jasa penguliran pipa, penjualan pipa, dated June 29, 2018. Currently, the company provides pipe threading
pembuatan connector, coupling dan peralatan lainnya yang digunakan services and pipe sales, as well as manufactures connectors, couplings,
untuk pengeboran minyak dan gas bumi. and other oil and gas drilling equipment.


Share Ownership Composition as of December 31, 2022

Jumlah Saham
Ditempatkan dan Disetor Persentase Kepemilikan
Pemegang Saham Jumlah
Penuh Percentage of Ownership
Shareholders Total
Number of Share Issued (%)
and Fully Paid
PT Elnusa Tbk 443.851 99,98 44.385.100.000
Annas Mappe Siri 68 0,02 6.800.000
Total 443.919 100,00 44.391.900.000


Key Management as of December 31, 2022

Jabatan Position
Dewan Komisaris Charles Harianto Lumbantobing Board of Commissioners
Direksi Ari Wijaya Board of Directors


Financial Performance 2021-2022

2022 2021
Uraian (Rp juta) (Rp juta) Description
Growth 2022-2021
(Rp billion) (Rp billion)
Pendapatan 441.863 454.206 -2,72 Income
Beban Usaha 460.576 441.079 4,42 Operating Expenses
Laba Bersih (35.828) (8.868) 304,01 Net Profit
Aset 357.610 284.884 25,53 Asset
Liabilitas 333.993 225.966 47,81 Liability
Ekuitas 23.616 58.918 -59,92 Equity

PT Patra Nusa Data PT Patra Nusa Data

PT Patra Nusa Data (“Perusahaan”) didirikan pada tanggal 4 November PT Patra Nusa Data (the “Company”) was established on November 4,
1997 berdasarkan Akta Pendirian No. 5 dari Notaris Pudji Redjeki 1997 based on Deed of Establishment No. 5 of Notary Pudji Redjeki
Irawati,S.H., yang kemudian diubah dan diperbaiki dengan Akta Notaris Irawati, S.H., which was later amended and corrected by Notarial Deed
No. 15 tanggal 12 Mei 1999 dari notaris yang sama. Perubahan akta No. 15 dated May 12, 1999 of the same notary. The amendment of the
pendirian Perusahaan tersebut telah mendapat pengesahan dari Company’s deed of establishment was approved by the Minister of Justice
Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia melalui Surat Keputusan of the Republic of Indonesia through Decree No. C-15964 HT.01.01.Th.99

96 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

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No. C-15964 HT.01.01.Th.99 tanggal 3 September 1999 dan telah dated September 3, 1999 and was announced in the State Gazette of the
diumumkan dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia No. 96 dan Republic of Indonesia No. 96 and Supplement to the State Gazette No.
Tambahan Lembaran Negara No. 8044 tanggal 30 November 1999. 8044 dated November 30, 1999. The Company’s Articles of Association
Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan telah mengalami beberapa kali perubahan. have been amended several times. The latest amendment to the Articles
Perubahan Anggaran Dasar terakhir berdasarkan keputusan pemegang of Association is based on the decision of the shareholders as stated
saham yang dinyatakan dalam Akta Notaris Nuzulla Khairani, S.H., M.Kn. in Notarial Deed of Nuzulla Khairani, S.H., M.Kn. No. 09 dated July 9,
No. 09 tanggal 9 Juli 2022 mengenai perubahan Direksi. Perubahan 2022 regarding changes to the Board of Directors. This amendment to
Anggaran Dasar ini telah disetujui oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi the Articles of Association has been approved by the Minister of Law
Manusia berdasarkan Surat Keputusan No. AHU.AH.01.09-0031789 and Human Rights based on Decree No. AHU.AH.01.09-0031789 dated
tanggal 12 Juli 2022. Ruang lingkup kegiatan Perusahaan meliputi usaha July 12, 2022. The scope of the Company’s activities includes business
dalam bidang jasa perolehan dan pengelolaan data minyak dan gas bumi in the field of oil and gas data acquisition and management services
yang mencakup studi perencanaan dan kelayakan, pembuatan sistem which include planning and feasibility studies, creation of information
informasi dan proses pengelolaan data, konsultasi pengelolaan data systems and data management processes, data management consulting
serta mendapatkan data spatial melalui kegiatan foto udara/citra satelit. and obtaining spatial data through aerial photography/satellite imagery
Share Ownership Composition as of December 31, 2022

Jumlah Saham
Ditempatkan dan Disetor Persentase Kepemilikan
Pemegang Saham Jumlah
Penuh Percentage of Ownership
Shareholders Total
Number of Share Issued (%)
and Fully Paid
PT Elnusa Tbk 19.900 99,5 597.000
PT Elnusa Trans Samudra 100 0,5 3.000
Total 20.000 100,00 600.00


Key Management as of December 31, 2022

Jabatan Position
Dewan Komisaris Ratih Esti Prihatini Board of Commissioners
Direksi Adi Yatama Adi Guna Board of Directors


Financial Performance 2021-2022

2022 2021
Uraian (Rp juta) (Rp juta) Description
Growth 2022-2021
(Rp billion) (Rp billion)
Pendapatan 21.994 30.888 -28,80 Income
Beban Usaha 18.772 38.863 -51,70 Operating Expenses
Laba Bersih 4.192 (6.622) -163,31 Net Profit
Aset 139.241 134.113 3,82 Asset
Liabilitas 7.684 9.731 -21,04 Liability
Ekuitas 131.557 124.382 5,77 Equity

PT Sigma Cipta Utama PT Sigma Cipta Utama

PT. Sigma Cipta Utama (SCU) yang merupakan anak perusahaan dari PT. PT Sigma Cipta Utama (SCU) which is a subsidiary of PT Elnusa Tbk has
Elnusa Tbk telah didirikan sejak 8 April 1980. Perusahaan bisnis dimulai been established since April 8, 1980. The business enterprise started
dengan manajemen data di industri minyak dan gas. Konsisten dengan with data management in the oil and gas industry. Consistent with Elnusa
Kebijakan Holding Company Elnusa, SCU ditunjuk sebagai satu-satunya Holding Company Policy, SCU was appointed as the sole subsidiary
anak tunggal yang bertanggung jawab atas Manajemen Data di Elnusa responsible for Data Management in Elnusa Group. Since November
Group. Sejak November 2007 PT. Elnusa Telematika berpengalaman 2007 PT Elnusa Telematics experienced in telematics (since 1984) and

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 97

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile

dalam bidang telematika (sejak 1984) dan PT Elnusa Rentrakom PT Elnusa Rentrakom experienced in telecommunications (since 1997),
berpengalamn dalam bidang telekomunikasi (sejak 1997), bergabung joined SCU to strengthen and complement the competencies and
dengan SCU untuk memperkuat dan melengkapi kompetensi dan business companies in the field of Data Management Services and ICT.
perusahaan bisnis di bidang Jasa Mananjemen Data dan ICT.


Share Ownership Composition as of December 31, 2022

Jumlah Saham
Ditempatkan dan Disetor Persentase Kepemilikan
Pemegang Saham Jumlah
Penuh Percentage of Ownership
Shareholders Total
Number of Share Issued (%)
and Fully Paid
PT Elnusa Tbk 1.155.450 99,99 115.545.000.000
PT Elnusa Trans Samudera 150 0,01 15.000.000
Total 1.155.600 100,00 115.560.000.000


Key Management as of December 31, 2022

Jabatan Position
Dewan Komisaris Ratih Esti Prihatini Board of Commissioners
Direksi Adi Yatama Adi Guna Board of Directors


Financial Performance 2021-2022

2022 2021
Uraian (Rp juta) (Rp juta) Description
Growth 2022-2021
(Rp billion) (Rp billion)
Pendapatan 367.946 258.547 42,31 Income
Beban Usaha 325.180 226.625 43,49 Operating Expenses
Laba Bersih 29.124 21.821 33,47 Net Profit
Aset 312.472 271.152 15,24 Asset
Liabilitas 129.655 113.987 13,75 Liability
Ekuitas 182.816 157.165 16,34 Equity

PT Elnusa Trans Samudera PT Elnusa Trans Samudera

PT Elnusa Trans Samudera ( ETSA ) didirikan berdasarkan Akta No. 01 PT Elnusa Trans Samudera (ETSA) was established based on Deed No.
oleh notaris Ariani L Rachim SH tangga; 8 November 2013 dan telah 01 by notary Ariani L Rachim SH dated November 8, 2013 and has
memperoleh pengesahan dari Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia been approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia
melalui Surat Keputusan No. AHU-64876.AH.01.01 Tahun 2013 tanggal through Decree No. AHU-64876.AH.01.01 Year 2013 dated December
11 Desember 2013. Anggaran dasar telah mengalami beberapa kali 11, 2013. The Articles of Association have been amended several times,
perubahan, terakhir berdasarkan Akta Notaris Nuzulla Khairani SH M.Kn most recently based on Notarial Deed of Nuzulla Khairani SH M.Kn No.9
No.9 tanggal 23 September 2022 mengenai perubahan pasal 3 Anggaran dated September 23, 2022 regarding the amendment of article 3 of
Dasar Perseroan. Perubahan Anggaran Dasar tersebut telah disetujui the Company’s Articles of Association. The amendment to the Articles
oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia of Association has been approved by the Minister of Law and Human
berdasarkan Surat Keputusan No. AHU-0070266.AH.01.02 Tahun 2022 Rights of the Republic of Indonesia based on Decree No. AHU-0070266.
tanggal 29 September 2022. Adapun perubahan tersebut mencakup AH.01.02 Year 2022 dated September 29, 2022. The amendments
maksud dan tujuan Perseroan. include the purposes and objectives of the Company.

98 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Share Ownership Composition as of December 31, 2022

Jumlah Saham
Ditempatkan dan Disetor Persentase Kepemilikan
Pemegang Saham Jumlah
Penuh Percentage of Ownership
Shareholders Total
Number of Share Issued (%)
and Fully Paid
PT Elnusa Tbk 273.630 99,58 273.630.000
PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi 150 0,42 1.143.000
Total 1.143 100,00 274.773.000


Key Management as of December 31, 2022

Jabatan Position
Dewan Komisaris Tenny Elfrida Board of Commissioners
Direksi Kurniawati Adjie Board of Directors


Financial Performance 2021-2022

2022 2021
Uraian (Rp juta) (Rp juta) Description
Growth 2022-2021
(Rp billion) (Rp billion)
Pendapatan 441.088 401.502 9,86 Income
Beban Usaha 413.880 377.252 9,71 Operating Expenses
Laba Bersih 22.974 20.332 12,99 Net Profit
Aset 550.491 551.581 -0,20 Asset
Liabilitas 117.185 136.297 -14,02 Liability
Ekuitas 433.306 415.284 4,34 Equity

PT Elnusa Daya Kreatif PT Elnusa Daya Kreatif

PT Elnusa Daya Kreatif (EDK) yang merupakan anak perusahaan dari PT. PT Elnusa Daya Kreatif (EDK) which is a subsidiary of PT Elnusa Fabrication
Elnusa Fabrikasi dan Konstruksi telah didirikan sejak 6 Maret 2015. Saat and Construction has been established since March 6, 2015. Currently it
ini belum beroperasi. is not yet operational.

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Company Profile


Addresses of Subsidiaries and/or Branch Offices or Representative

Head Office

PT ELNUSA Tbk Tel.: +62 21-7883 0850 (Hunting)

Graha Elnusa 16th Floor Fax.: +62 21-7883 0907
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B E-mail:;
Jakarta 12560 - Indonesia


Line of Business Address of Subsidiaries
Graha Elnusa 15th Floor Graha Elnusa 15th floor
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B
Jakarta 12560 - Indonesia Jakarta 12560 - Indonesia
Tel.: +62 21-7883 0850 (Hunting) Tel.: +62 21-7883 0850 (Hunting)
Fax.: +62 21-7883 1072 Fax.: +62 21-7883 1072


Graha Elnusa 15th Floor Graha Elnusa 15th floor
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B
Jakarta 12560 - Indonesia Jakarta 12560 - Indonesia
Tel.: +62 21-7883 0850 (Hunting) Tel.: +62 21-7883 0850 (Hunting)
Fax.: +62 21-7884 5507 Fax.: +62 21-7883 5507


Head Office
PERWAKILAN Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B
Branch Office or Representative Office Jakarta 12560 - Indonesia
Jl. Mulawarman No. 91, Batakan Fax.: +62 21-7884 5528
Balikpapan 76116 - Indonesia
Tel.: +62 542-770 139; 770 169 PT ELNUSA PETROFIN
Fax.: +62 542-770 230 Graha Elnusa 14th floor
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B
Jakarta 12560 - Indonesia
CIREBON REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE Tel.: +62 21-7883 0860 (Hunting)
Jl. Moh. Toha No. 59, Kebon Baru, Kejaksaan Fax.: +62 21-7883 0853
Cirebon 45124 - Indonesia E-mail:;
Tel.: +62 231-246 157
Fax.: +62 231-207 258

100 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Graha Elnusa 2nd floor (KSO)
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B Joint Venture/Joint Operation
Jakarta 12560 - Indonesia KSO ELNUSA-RAGA
Tel.: +62 21-7883 0856 (Hunting) Graha Elnusa 2nd floor
Fax.: +62 21-7883 0857 Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B
E-mail: Jakarta 12560 - Indonesia
Web: Tel.: +62 21-7883 0850 (Hunting)

Head Office
Taman Tekno BSD
Tekno I Blok B5-B7 Sektor XI
Tangerang 15314 - Indonesia
Tel.: +62 21-7587 1955
Fax.: +62 21-7587 1933; 7587 1755


Graha Elnusa 2nd floor
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B
Jakarta 12560 - Indonesia
Tel.: +62 21-7816 770
Fax.: +62 21-7816 775

Head Office
Taman Tekno BSD XI Blok G2/1
Tangerang 15314 - Indonesia
Tel.: +62 21-7588 2510
Fax.: +62 21-7588 2511


Gedung Elnusa Trans Samudera
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B
Jakarta 12560 - Indonesia
Tel.: +62 21-7884 6667
Fax.: +62 21-7884 6669
Email :

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Sharelisting Chronology



Ditempatkan Nilai Nominal
Modal Dasar dan Disetor Saham Jumlah Lembar
(Rp miliar) Penuh
Aksi Korporasi Tanggal Peristiwa (Rp per lembar Saham yang
Authorized (Rp miliar)
Corporate Action Date of Event saham) Dikeluarkan
Capital Issued and Nominal Value Total Share Issued
(Rp billion) Fully Paid (Rp per share)
(Rp billion)
Sebelum Aksi Korporasi 750 583,35 500 1.167.700.000
Before Corporate Action
Peningkatan Modal Dasar 9 Oktober 2007 2.250 583,35 500 5.838.500.000
Capital Enlargement October 9, 2007
Pemecahan Nilai Nominal Saham 1:5 9 Oktober 2007 2.250 583,35 500 5.838.500.000
Stock Split 1:5 October 9, 2007
Penawaran Umum Perdana Sebanyak 9-31 Januari 2008 2.250 729,85 100 7.298.500.000
20% dari Modal Dasar atau Sebanyak January 9-13, 2008
1.460.0000.0000 Lembar Saham
Initial Public Offering (IPO) Amounting to
20% of Authorized Capital or Equivalent
to 1,460,000,000 Shares
Mencatatkan Saham Perseroan yang 6 Februari 2008 2.250 729,85 100 7.298.500.000
Beredar Sebanyak 7.298.500.000 Lembar February 6, 2008
Saham di BEI dengan Kode Perdagangan
Listed 7,298,500,000 Shares Issued at
IDX under “ELSA” Ticker
Pembelian Kembali 99.738.000 Lembar 13 Oktober 2008 2.250 729,85 100 7.298.500.000
Saham dan Mencatatkannya sebagai October 13, 2008
Saham Treasury
12 Januari 2009
Buy Back of 99,738,000 Shares &
January 12, 2009
Recorded Them as Treasury Stocks
Menerbitkan Keterbukaan Informasi 16 Desember 2.250 729,85 100 7.298.500.000
untuk Melakukan Penjualan Kembali atas 2011
Saham Treasury melalui BEI, Efektif Mulai December 16, 2011
2 Januari 2012
Published an Information Regarding Sell
Back Program on Treasury Stock in IDX,
Effectively on January 2, 2012
Menerbitkan Keterbukaan Informasi, 28 Juni 2013 2.250 729,85 100 7.298.500.000
Perseroan Telah Melakukan Pengalihan/ June 28, 2013
Penjualan atas Seluruh Saham Hasil
Pembelian Kembali
Published an Information Disclosure
Regarding Sell Back of the Company on
the Buy Back Program

102 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Sebelum melakukan Penawaran Umum Perdana Saham, jumlah Prior to conducting the Initial Public Offering, the number of shares of
saham Perseroan adalah 5.838.500.000 lembar, setelah pada tanggal the Company was 5,838,5000 shares, after the October 9, 2007, the
9 Oktober 2007, Perseroan melakukan Peningkatan Modal Dasar dan Company increased its Authorized Capital and Split Nominal Value of
Pemecahan Nilai Nominal Saham 1:5, dari jumlah saham Perseroan Shares 1:5, from the number of shares of the Company prior to the
sebelum melakukan aksi korporasi yang sebesar 1.167.700.000 lembar corporate action which amounted to 1,167,700,000. shares. On January
saham. Pada tanggal 25 Januari 2008, Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan 25, 2008, the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory
Lembaga Keuangan (“Bapepam-LK”) menerbitkan Surat Pemberitahuan Agency (“Bapepam-LK”) issued an Effective Notification of Registration
Efektif Pernyataan Pendaftaran sehubungan dengan Penawaran Umum Statement in connection with the Company’s Initial Public Offering of
Saham Perdana Perseroan sebanyak 1.460.000.000 saham. Pada tanggal 1,460,000,000 shares. On February 6, 2008, the Company’s shares began
6 Februari 2008, saham Perseroan mulai diperdagangkan di Bursa Efek to be traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) at an initial offering
Indonesia (BEI) dengan harga penawaran perdana sebesar Rp400 (nilai price of Rp400 (full amount) per share. As of December 31, 2022, the
penuh) per saham. Per 31 Desember 2022, komposisi Pemegang Saham composition of the Company’s Shareholders was PT Pertamina Hulu
Perseroan adalah PT Pertamina Hulu Energi sebesar 51,103% (selaku Energi at 51.103% (as the Controlling Shareholder) and the Public at
Pemegang Saham Pengendali) dan Publik sebesar 48,897%, seperti yang 48.897%, as can be seen in the Shareholder Composition section that
dapat dilihat pada bagian komposisi pemegang saham yang telah diulas. was previously reviewed.


Hingga 31 Desember 2022, Perseroan tidak menerbitkan efek lainnya, Until December 31, 2022, the Company did not issue other securities,
sehingga informasi pencatatan lainnya, perubahan jumlah efek lainnya, thus other listing information, changes in the number of other securities,
tindakan korporasi (corporate action) yang menyebabkan perubahan corporate actions that cause changes in the number of other securities,
jumlah efek lainnya, nama bursa di mana efek lainnya dicatatkan, dan the name of the stock exchange where other securities are listed, and
diperingkat efek lainnya tidak disajikan dalam Laporan Tahunan ini. the rating of other securities are not presented in this Annual Report.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 103

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Company Group Structure

Entitas Induk Tertinggi

Ultimate Parent Entity
Entitas Induk/Pemegang Saham Utama Pemerintah Republik Indonesia
Main Shareholder Indonesian Government
Entitas Anak
Entitas Anak Tidak Langsung
Indirect Subsidiary
Joint Venture
Joint Venture
Publik | Public

51,1% 48,9%

99,99% 99,99% 99,93% 99,98% 99,50% 99,99% 99,58%

PT Elnusa PT Elnusa PT Elnusa PT Elnusa

PT Elnusa PT Patra Nusa PT Sigma Cipta
Oilfield Geosains Fabrikasi Trans
Petrofin Data Utama
Services Indonesia Konstruksi Samudera

99,99% 99,99%

PT Elnusa Daya KSO - RAGA



Public Accounting Office
Nama Akuntan Publik Moch. Dadang Syachruna (Registrasi Akuntan Public No. AP 0697) Moch. Dadang Syachruna ( Public Accountant Registration No. AP
Name of Public Accountant 0697)
Kantor Akuntan Publik KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (anggota firma Ernst & Young KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (member firm of Ernst & Young
Public Accounting Office Global Limited) Global Limited)
Alamat Indonesia Stock Exchange Building, Tower II, 7th floor Jl. Jend. Indonesia Stock Exchange Building, Tower II, 7th floor Jl. Jend.
Address Sudirman Kav.52-53 Jakarta 12190, Indonesia. Sudirman Kav.52-53 Jakarta 12190, Indonesia.
Telp. 021 - 5289 5000 Telp. 021 - 5289 5000
Fax. 021 - 5289 4100 Fax. 021 - 5289 4100
Jenis Jasa Audit Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian PT Elnusa Tbk dan Anak Audit of Consolidated Financial Statements of PT Elnusa Tbk and
Service Type Perusahaan Tahun Buku 2022 Subsidiaries for Fiscal Year 2022
Jasa Lainnya Tidak Ada None
Other Service
Biaya Jasa Rp2.797.000.000 Rp2,797,000,000
Service Fee

104 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


List of Supporting Institutions and Professionals of the Company

Lembaga Nama Alamat Jenis Jasa Cost
Institutions Name Address Service Type (Rp)
Biro Administrasi Efek PT Datindo Entrycom Jl. Hayam Wuruk No.28 Pencatatan Daftar Pemegang Saham 44.000.000
Securities Jakarta 10210, Indonesia (DPS) atau jasa administrasi saham
Administration Bureau Tel.: (021) 350 8077 di Pasar Sekunder yang terdaftar di
Fax.: (021) 350 8078 Bursa Efek Indonesia Listing of Shareholders Register (DPS)
or stock administration services
in the Secondary Market which
are listed on the Indonesia Stock
Kustodian PT Kustodian Sentral Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia, Jasa Kustodian Sentral 11.000.000
Custodian Efek Indonesia Tower I, 5th floor Central Custodian Service
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
Tel.: (021) 5299 1099
Fax.: (021) 5299 1199
Pemeringkat Efek PT Pemeringkat Efek Panin Tower-Senayan City Pemeringkatan Perusahaan periode 135.000.000
Securities Rating Indonesia (PEFINDO) 17th­floor Desember 2020
Jl. Asia Afrika Lot. 19 Rating the Company for December
Jakarta 10270, Indonesia 2020 period
Tel.: (021) 7278 2380
Fax.: (021) 7278 2370
Kantor Akuntan Publik KAP Purwantono, Indonesia Stock Exchange Audit Laporan Keuangan
Public Accounting Firm Sungkoro & Surja Building, Tower II, 7th floor Konsolidasian PT Elnusa Tbk dan
(anggota firma Ernst & Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Anak Perusahaan Tahun Buku 2020
Young Global Limited) Jakarta 12190, Indonesia Audit of Consolidated Financial
Tel.: (021) 5289 5000 Statements of PT Elnusa Tbk and
Fax.: (021) 5289 4100 Subsidiaries for Fiscal Year 2020
Konsultan Hukum Tidak Ada Tidak Ada Tidak Ada Tidak Ada
Law Consultant None None None None
Notaris Tidak Ada Tidak Ada Tidak Ada Tidak Ada
Notary None None None None


Other Important List
Informasi Perdagangan dan Pencatatan Saham BURSA EFEK INDONESIA | INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE
Trading and Stock Listing Information Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
Tel.: (021) 515 0515

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 105

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Human Resource Profile


Composition of HR based on Gender
(orang | person)

2022 2021 2020

No Gender Persentase Persentase Persentase Gender
Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah
Percentage Percentage Percentage
Total Total Total
(%) (%) (%)
1 Laki-laki 925 87,8 1033 88,3 1114 88,0 Male
2 Perempuan 129 12,2 137 11,7 152 12,0 Female
Jumlah 1.054 100,0 1.170 100,0 1.266 100,0 Total


Composition of HR based on Position
(orang | person)

2022 2021 2020

No Jenjang Jabatan Persentase Persentase Persentase Position Level
Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah
Percentage Percentage Percentage
Total Total Total
(%) (%) (%)
1 Direktur 5 0,5 5 0,4 4 0,3 Director
2 Vice President & 14 1,3 14 1,2 15 1,2 Vice President &
Fungsional Setara Equivalent
3 Senior Manager & 22 2,1 29 2,5 28 2,2 Senior Manager &
Fungsional Setara Equivalent
4 Manager & Fungsional 127 12,0 145 12,4 138 10,9 Manager & Equvalent
5 Junior Manager & 246 23,3 226 19,3 228 18,0 Junior Manager &
Fungsional Setara Equvalent
6 Supervisor 228 21,6 289 24,7 333 26,3 Supervisor
7 Staf 412 39,1 462 39,5 520 41,1 Staff
Jumlah 1.054 100,0 1.170 100,0 1.266 100,0 Total


Composition of HR based on Age Range
(orang | person)

2022 2021 2020

No Usia Persentase Persentase Persentase Age
Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah
Percentage Percentage Percentage
Total Total Total
(%) (%) (%)
1 ≤ 20 tahun 0 0,0 0 0,0 0 0,0 ≤ 20 years old
2 21-25 tahun 7 0,7 19 1,6 41 3,2 21-25 years old
3 26-30 tahun 88 8,3 131 11,2 161 12,7 26-30 years old
4 31-35 tahun 223 21,2 264 22,6 299 23,6 31-35 years old
5 36-40 tahun 261 24,8 284 24,3 290 22,9 36-40 years old
6 41-45 tahun 183 17,4 178 15,2 185 14,6 41-40 years old
7 46-50 tahun 169 16,0 173 14,8 157 12,4 46-50 years old
8 51-55 tahun 117 11,1 119 10,2 126 10,0 51-55 years old
9 ≥ 55 tahun 6 0,6 2 0,2 7 0,6 ≥ 55 years old
Jumlah 1.054 100,0 1.170 100,0 1.266 100,0 Total

106 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Composition of HR based on Employment Status
(orang | person)

2022 2021 2020

No Status Kepegawaian Persentase Persentase Persentase Employment Status
Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah
Percentage Percentage Percentage
Total Total Total
(%) (%) (%)
1 Kontrak 152 14,4 237 20,3 317 25,0 Contract
2 Tetap 902 85,6 933 79,7 949 75,0 Permanent
Jumlah 1.054 100,0 1.170 100,0 1.266 100,0 Total


Composition of HR based on Education Level
(orang | person)

2022 2021 2020

No TIngkat Pendidikan Persentase Persentase Persentase Education Level
Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah
Percentage Percentage Percentage
Total Total Total
(%) (%) (%)
1 > Strata 2 (S2) 87 8,3 95 8,1 99 7,8 ≥ Master
2 Strata 1 (S1) 663 62,9 749 64,0 801 63,3 Bachelor
3 Diploma 90 8,5 99 8,5 110 8,7 Diploma
4 < SMA 214 20,3 227 19,4 256 20,2 ≤ Highschool
Jumlah 1.054 100,0 1.170 100,0 1.266 100,0 Total

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 107

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile


Company Website Information

Peraturan OJK No. 8/POJK.04/2015 tentang Situs Web Emiten atau OJK Regulation No. 8/POJK.04/2015 concerning Websites of Issuers
Perusahaan Publik mendorong transparansi informasi pada situs web or Public Companies encourages transparency of information on the
dari emiten atau perusahaan publik di Indonesia. Perseroan berupaya websites of issuers or public companies in Indonesia. The Company
untuk meningkatkan keandalan dalam penyediaan informasi secara strives to improve reliability in providing integrated information through
terintegrasi melalui situs Perseroan yakni Perseroan the Company’s website, namely The Company
senantiasa memberikan kemudahan kepada para pemegang saham always provides convenience to shareholders and other stakeholders
dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya dalam mengakses informasi in accessing Company information in an accurate, precise, and
Perseroan secara akurat, tepat, dan transparan. Situs resmi Perseroan transparent manner. The Company’s official website has complied with
telah memenuhi informasi yang wajib di muat sesuai dengan Peraturan the information that must be uploaded in accordance with the Financial
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (POJK) No. 8/POJK.4/2015 tentang Situs Web Services Authority Regulation (POJK) No. 8/POJK.4/2015 concerning
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik yang telah ditetapkan pada tanggal 25 Websites of Issuers or Public Companies that have been stipulated on
Juni 2015, seperti: June 25, 2015, such as:
1. Informasi Umum Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik. 1. General Information of Issuers or Public Companies.
2. Informasi bagi Pemodal atau Investor. 2. Information for Investors or Investors.
3. Informasi Tata Kelola Perusahaan. 3. Corporate Governance Information.
4. Informasi Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan. 4. Corporate Social Responsibility Information.

Situs web Perseroan menjadi portal digital resmi korporasi yang The Company’s website is the official corporate digital portal that can be
dapat diakses secara terbuka, dengan tujuan memberikan informasi accessed openly, with the aim of providing comprehensive information
yang komprehensif tentang Perseroan kepada khalayak luas. Berikut about the Company to a wide audience. The following describes the
disampaikan kesesuaian situs web Perseroan dengan kebutuhan suitability of the Company’s website with the information needs of the
informasi kepada publik, khususnya kepada pemegang saham, dan public, in particular to shareholders and stakeholders.
pemangku kepentingan.

Tautan Gambar
Uraian Description
Link Image
Struktur grup perusahaan dan informasi Company group structure and
pemegang saham sampai dengan pemilik information from shareholders to the 1a
akhir ultimate shareholder
Isi Kode Etik Code of Conduct
Informasi Rapat Umum Pemegang Information on the General Meeting of
Saham (RUPS) paling kurang meliputi Shareholders (GMS) at least includes the
bahan mata acara yang dibahas material for the agenda discussed in the
dalam RUPS, ringkasan risalah RUPS, GMS, summary of the minutes of the
dan informasi tanggal penting yaitu GMS, and important date information,
tanggal pengumuman RUPS, tanggal pemegang-saham namely the date of the announcement
pemanggilan RUPS, tanggal RUPS, of the GMS, the date of the summons for
tanggal ringkasan risalah RUPS the GMS, the date of the GMS, the date
diumumkan of the summary of the GMS minutes was
Laporan keuangan tahunan (5 tahun Annual financial reports (last 5 years)
terakhir) keuangan
Profil Dewan Komisaris dan Direks Profile of the Board of Commissioners
komisaris dan and Board of Directors 5e
Piagam/Charter Dewan Komisaris, Charter of the Board of Commissioners,
Direksi, Komite-komite, dan Unit Audit Board of Directors, Committees, and the 6f
Internal Internal Audit Unit
√ Tersedia pada situs web Perseroan | Available on the Company’s website
x Belum tersedia pada situs web Perseroan | Not available on the Company’s website

108 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Profil Perusahaan
Company Profile







PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 109

Business Support Functions
112 Sumber Daya Manusia
Human Capital
132 Sistem Informasi
Information System
136 Rantai Pasok
Supply Chain
Fungsi Pendukung Bisnis
Business Support Functions


Human Capital

Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) merupakan salah satu faktor penting Human Capital (HC) is one of the important factors in supporting the
dalam mendukung keberlanjutan Perseroan. Pengelolaan SDM yang sustainability of the Company. Proper and sustainable HR management
tepat dan berkesinambungan terus dilakukan Perseroan dalam continues to be carried out by the Company in developing qualified
mengembangkan talenta yang berkualitas di tengah persaingan industri talents in the midst of increasingly fierce industrial competition and an
yang semakin ketat dan lingkungan bisnis yang semakin kompetitif. increasingly competitive business environment. The Company realizes
Perseroan menyadari bahwa keberadaan SDM yang tangguh dan unggul that the existence of strong and superior human resources plays a very
memegang peranan yang sangat penting guna mewujudkan visi dan misi important role in realizing the Company’s vision and mission. Therefore,
Perseroan. Untuk itu, Perseroan senantiasa mengedepankan pendekatan the Company always prioritizes the human capital approach, which
human capital di mana SDM merupakan aset yang sangat berharga bagi means that HR is a very valuable asset for the Company. The Company
Perseroan. Perseroan memandang bahwa SDM merupakan partner views HR as a strategic partner that must be managed and developed to
strategis yang harus dikelola dan dikembangkan dalam mendukung laju support the Company’s growth rate.
pertumbuhan Perseroan.


Per 31 Desember 2022, jumlah SDM Perseroan tercatat mencapai 1.054 As of December 31, 2022, the number of the Company’s human
Pekerja, atau mengalami penurunan 9,9% dari jumlah SDM Perseroan resources was 1,054 workers, or a decrease of 9.9% from the number
per 31 Desember 2021 sejumlah 1.170 Pekerja. Hal ini disebebkan of the Company’s human resources as of December 31, 2021, of 1,170
karena dinamika jumlah SDM mengikuti proyek yang dikelola oleh workers. This is due to the dynamics of the number of human resources
Perseroan, sehingga jumlah SDM dapat berfluktuasi sesuai dengan following the projects managed by the Company, so the number of
kebutuhan proyek. human resources can fluctuate according to project needs.


The Company’s Human Capital Growth in the Last 3 (Three) Years 2020-2022
Pekerja | Employee



2020 2021 2022

Sementara, total jumlah SDM Perseroan dan entitas anak Perseroan per Meanwhile, the total number of human resources of the Company and
31 Desember 2022 mencapai 1.829 orang, dengan jumlah SDM entitas its subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022, was 1,829 persons, with the
anak Perseroan sebanyak 775 orang. Jumlah SDM Perseroan dan entitas number of human resources of the Company’s subsidiaries as many as
anak di tahun 2022 tercatat menurun 10,0%, dibanding tahun 2021 yang 775 people. The number of human resources of the Company and its
mencapai 2.032 orang. subsidiaries in 2022 decreased 10.0%, compared to 2021, which reached
2,032 persons.

112 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Fungsi Pendukung Bisnis
Business Support Functions

The Company and Subsidiaries’ Employee Growth in the Last 3 (Three) Years 2020-2022
Pekerja | Employee

1.068 862
1.170 1.054

2020 2021 2022

Adapun tingkat produktivitas SDM Perseroan yang dihitung berdasarkan The Company’s HR productivity level is calculated based on Revenue,
Revenue, Laba Operasi dan Laba Bersih dibandingkan dengan jumlah Operating Profit and Net Profit compared to the number of HR on a
SDM secara konsolidasi (termasuk SDM entitas anak Perseroan) selama consolidated basis (including HR of the Company’s subsidiaries) for the
3 (tiga) tahun terakhir adalah sebagaimana berikut ini. last 3 (three) years as follows.


HR Productivity Level 2020-2022

Produktivitas (Rp juta) Pertumbuhan (%)

Uraian Productivity (Rp million) Growth (%) Description
2022 2021 2020 2022 2021 2020
Revenue per Jumlah SDM 6.730 3.999 3.313 68,3 20,7 -16,1 Revenue per headcount
Laba Operasi per Jumlah SDM 273 110 189 148,4 -41,7 -18,9 Operating Profit per Headcount
Laba Bersih per Jumlah SDM 206 51 104 304,9 -51,0 -38,2 Net Profit per Headcount

Secara umum, produktifitas SDM Perseroan mengalami peningkatan In general, the productivity of the Company’s human resources has
selama 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir. Ditinjau dari sisi Revenue per Jumlah increased over the past 3 (three) years. In terms of Revenue per Total
SDM, tingkat produktivitas Revenue Per SDM Perseroan pada tahun Human Capital, the productivity level of the Company’s Revenue per
2022 meningkat, yaitu sebesar 68,3%. Sedangkan dari segi Laba Bersih Human Capital in 2022 increased by 68.3%. Meanwhile, in terms of Net
per Jumlah SDM, tingkat produktifitas SDM Perseroan mengalami Profit per Total HR, the productivity level of the Company’s HR increased
peningkatan yaitu sebesar 304,9%. by 304.9%.


Seiring dengan berbagai tantangan dan perkembangan bisnis saat ini, Due to various challenges and recent business developments, the
Perseroan melakukan beberapa penguatan dalam pengelolaan SDM Company has strengthened its HR management to make it more effective
agar lebih efektif dan efisien guna menciptakan SDM unggul agar and efficient in order to create excellent human resources that can adapt
dapat beradaptasi dengan perkembangan lingkungan bisnis yang kerap to the changing business environment. The Company continues to strive
berubah. Di mana Perseroan terus berupaya menjaga komposisi SDM to maintain the composition of HR in accordance with current business
sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan perkembangan bisnis saat ini. needs and developments.

Berikut uraian terkait profil komposisi SDM Perseroan dalam 3 (tiga) The following is a description of the Company’s HR composition profile
tahun terakhir, berdasarkan jenjang jabatan, core function, status in the last 3 (three) years, based on position level, core function,
kepegawaian, tingkat pendidikan, rentang usia, generasi usia, dan employment status, education level, age range, age generation, and
gender atau jenis kelamin. gender or sex.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 113

Fungsi Pendukung Bisnis
Business Support Functions


Composition of HR based on Position
(orang | person)

2022 2021 2020

No Jenjang Jabatan Persentase Persentase Persentase Position Level
Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah
Percentage Percentage Percentage
Total Total Total
(%) (%) (%)
1 Direktur 5 0,5 5 0,4 4 0,3 Director
2 Vice President & 14 1,3 14 1,2 15 1,2 Vice President &
Fungsional Setara Equivalent
3 Senior Manager & 22 2,1 29 2,5 28 2,2 Senior Manager &
Fungsional Setara Equivalent
4 Manager & Fungsional 127 12,0 145 12,4 138 10,9 Manager & Equvalent
5 Junior Manager & 246 23,3 226 19,3 228 18,0 Junior Manager &
Fungsional Setara Equvalent
6 Supervisor 228 21,6 289 24,7 333 26,3 Supervisor
7 Staf 412 39,1 462 39,5 520 41,1 Staff
Jumlah 1.054 100,0 1.170 100,0 1.266 100,0 Total

Perseroan dapat menjaga komposisi Pekerja secara jumlah di setiap The Company can maintain the composition of workers in number at
jenjang jabatan, hal ini ditunjukan oleh mayoritas pekerja yang berada each level of position, this is indicated by the majority of workers who
pada level staf dan supervisor atau dikatakan berbentuk piramida. are at the staff and supervisor levels, or said to be pyramid-shaped.
Sehingga dalam hal ini Perseroan berhasil dalam menjaga efektivitas So in this case the Company succeeded in maintaining organizational
organisasi. effectiveness.


Composition of HR based on Core Function
(orang | person)

2022 2021 2020

No Core Function Persentase Persentase Persentase Core Function
Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah
Percentage Percentage Percentage
Total Total Total
(%) (%) (%)
1 Operasi 868 82,4 959 82,0 1054 83,3 Operational
2 Shared Service 186 17,6 211 18,0 212 16,7 Shared Service
Jumlah 1.054 100,0 1.170 100,0 1.266 100,0 Total

Perseroan memfokuskan kegiatan operasi untuk mendukung The Company focuses its operations to support the completion of
penyelesaian proyek-proyek dari customer Perseroan dan mengatur projects from the Company’s customers and manages the composition
komposisi Pekerja support function secara optimal terhadap core of support function workers optimally against the core function through
function melalui dukungan transformasi digital yang dilakukan secara the support of digital transformation which is carried out continuously.
berkesinambungan. Keberhasilan Perseroan menjaga komposisi ini The Company’s success in maintaining this composition shows the
menunjukkan efektivitas pengembangan bisnis dan optimalisasi biaya effectiveness of business development and optimization of the
operasional Perseroan dari sisi biaya SDM. Company’s operational costs in terms of HR costs.


Composition of HR based on Employment Status
(orang | person)

2022 2021 2020

No Status Kepegawaian Persentase Persentase Persentase Employment Status
Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah
Percentage Percentage Percentage
Total Total Total
(%) (%) (%)
1 Kontrak 152 14,4 237 20,3 317 25,0 Contract
2 Tetap 902 85,6 933 79,7 949 75,0 Permanent
Jumlah 1.054 100,0 1.170 100,0 1.266 100,0 Total

Komposisi SDM berdasarkan status kepegawaian tahun 2022, yaitu The composition of human resources based on employment status in
Pekerja tetap di angka 85% dan kontrak 15%. 2022, namely permanent workers at 85% and contracts at 15%.

114 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Fungsi Pendukung Bisnis
Business Support Functions


Composition of HR based on Education Level
(orang | person)

2022 2021 2020

No TIngkat Pendidikan Persentase Persentase Persentase Education Level
Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah
Percentage Percentage Percentage
Total Total Total
(%) (%) (%)
1 > Strata 2 (S2) 87 8,3 95 8,1 99 7,8 ≥ Master
2 Strata 1 (S1) 663 62,9 749 64,0 801 63,3 Bachelor
3 Diploma 90 8,5 99 8,5 110 8,7 Diploma
4 < SMA 214 20,3 227 19,4 256 20,2 ≤ Highschool
Jumlah 1.054 100,0 1.170 100,0 1.266 100,0 Total

Menjawab tuntutan bisnis dan operasi maka diperlukan SDM yang To answer the demands of business and operations, the Company
memiliki skill yang matang berdasarkan tingkat pendidikannya, sehingga needs human resources who have the right skills based on their level
di tahun 2022 Perseoran tidak banyak merekrut pekerja dengan latar of education. In 2022, the Company did not recruit too many workers
belakang Pendidikan SMA karena tuntutan bisnis dan operasi harus with a senior high school educational background because business
didukung oleh pekerja dengan kapabilitas minimal Diploma. Dengan and operational demands must be supported by workers with at least
komposisi SDM yang lebih tinggi di tingkat pendidikan S2 maupun S1, Diploma capabilities. With a higher composition of human resources at
menunjukkan bahwa kompleksitas bisnis Perseroan terus mengalami the S2 and S1 education levels, it shows that the Company’s business
peningkatan. complexity continues to increase.


Composition of HR based on Age Range
(orang | person)

2022 2021 2020

No Usia Persentase Persentase Persentase Age
Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah
Percentage Percentage Percentage
Total Total Total
(%) (%) (%)
1 ≤ 20 tahun 0 0,0 0 0,0 0 0,0 ≤ 20 years old
2 21-25 tahun 7 0,7 19 1,6 41 3,2 21-25 years old
3 26-30 tahun 88 8,3 131 11,2 161 12,7 26-30 years old
4 31-35 tahun 223 21,2 264 22,6 299 23,6 31-35 years old
5 36-40 tahun 261 24,8 284 24,3 290 22,9 36-40 years old
6 41-45 tahun 183 17,4 178 15,2 185 14,6 41-40 years old
7 46-50 tahun 169 16,0 173 14,8 157 12,4 46-50 years old
8 51-55 tahun 117 11,1 119 10,2 126 10,0 51-55 years old
9 ≥ 55 tahun 6 0,6 2 0,2 7 0,6 ≥ 55 years old
Jumlah 1.054 100,0 1.170 100,0 1.266 100,0 Total

Ditinjau dari usia Pekerja, sampai dengan tahun 2022 mayoritas Pekerja In terms of the age of workers, until 2022 the majority of workers are at
berada pada usia produktif yaitu usia 26 – 45 tahun. Kondisi ini secara productive age, namely 26 - 45 years old. This condition is expected to
berkelanjutan diharapkan dapat menjadi pendorong produktifitas be a sustainable driver of the Company’s productivity.


Composition of HR based on Age Generation
(orang | person)

2022 2021 2020

No Generasi Usia Persentase Persentase Persentase Age Generation
Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah
Percentage Percentage Percentage
Total Total Total
(%) (%) (%)
1 GEN Z (Lahir 1995-2012) 41 3,9 41 3,5 41 3,2 GEN Z (Born 1995-2012)
2 GEN Y (Lahir 1982-1995) 589 55,9 657 56,2 700 55,3 GEN Y (Born 1982-1995)
3 GEN X (Lahir 1965-1981) 423 40,1 471 40,3 518 40,9 GEN X (Born 1965-1981)
4 Baby Boomers 1 0,1 1 0,1 7 0,6 Baby Boomers
(Lahir 1946-1964) (Born 1946-1964)
Jumlah 1.054 100,0 1.170 100,0 1.266 100,0 Total

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Komposisi SDM yang didominasi oleh Gen Y menjadikan tantangan bagi The composition of HR dominated by Gen Y makes it a challenge for the
Perseroan untuk menciptakan budaya organisasi yang kuat, dengan Company to create a strong organizational culture, by providing a Work
menyediakan Work Life Balance Program dan sarana aktualisasi diri Life Balance Program and other means of self-actualization to optimally
lainnya untuk menumbuhkan kemampuan yang terkait teknologi, foster capabilities related to technology, ideas and innovation. The
ide dan inovasi secara optimal. Keberhasilan dalam pengelolaan SDM success in managing HR based on this generational group is evidenced
berdasarkan kelompok generasi ini dibuktikan dengan adanya pekerja by the fact that Gen Y workers have occupied key positions (5 out of 15
Gen Y sudah menduduki posisi kunci (5 dari 15 posisi BOD-1) di BOD-1 positions) in the Company.


Composition of HR based on Gender
(orang | person)

2022 2021 2020

No Gender Persentase Persentase Persentase Gender
Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah
Percentage Percentage Percentage
Total Total Total
(%) (%) (%)
1 Laki-laki 925 87,8 1033 88,3 1114 88,0 Male
2 Perempuan 129 12,2 137 11,7 152 12,0 Female
Jumlah 1.054 100,0 1.170 100,0 1.266 100,0 Total

Perseroan telah memiliki inisiatif untuk mengimplementasikan The Company has initiatives to implement gender equality and women
kesetaraan gender dan pemberdayaan perempuan di tempat kerja. Hal empowerment in the workplace. This is realized by the increasing
itu diwujudkan dengan adanya peningkatan komposisi perempuan di composition of women in the management ranks (2 out of 15 BOD-1). In
jajaran manajemen (2 dari 15 BOD-1). Selain itu, beberapa pekerjaan addition, some operational work can already be done by female workers
operasional sudah dapat dilakukan oleh pekerja perempuan karena because it is supported by technological development.
didukung oleh pengembangan teknologi.


Sesuai dengan arahan strategis jangka panjang Perseroan, Divisi Human In accordance with the Company’s long-term strategic direction, the
Capital telah menyusun konsep SDM Perseroan untuk menciptakan Human Capital Division has conceptualized the Company’s HR to create
Professional People yaitu SDM yang memiliki pengetahuan dan Professional People, i.e., HR, who have the knowledge and skills to
keterampilan untuk melakukan peran spesifik mereka dengan tujuan perform their specific roles with the aim of the Company’s growth and
pertumbuhan dan keberlanjutan Perseroan yang selaras dengan visi dan sustainability in line with the Company’s vision and business objectives.
tujuan bisnis Perseroan. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, pada tahun To realize this, in 2022, the Company, through its Human Capital Division,
2022, Perseroan melalui Divisi Human Capital Perseroan telah menyusun has developed the following HR management strategies:
strategi pengelolaan SDM sebagai berikut:
1. Implementasi Lean Organization melalui restrukturisasi organisasi 1. Implementation of Lean Organization through restructuring the
Perseroan serta optimalisasi jumlah formasi dan headcount; Company’s organization and optimizing the number of formations
and headcount;
2. Implementasi change management program “Satu Elnusa” 2. Implementation of the change management program “Satu Elnusa”
denbgan slogan “change and collaboration to exceed the target” with the slogan “change and collaboration to exceed the target”
untuk mendorong perubahan melalui internalisasi value AKHLAK to encourage change through internalization of AKHLAK values to
untuk meningkatkan produktivitas Pekerja; increase employee productivity;
3. Membentuk SDM multi-skill yang memiliki kompetensi di bisnis 3. Forming multi-skilled human resources who have competence in
eksisting dan bisnis baru serta adaptif, inovatif, dan high learning existing and new businesses as well as adaptive, innovative, and
agility untuk bertahan dan berkembang di kondisi fluktuasi bisnis; high learning agility to survive and thrive in business fluctuation
4. Membentuk leader yang visioner dan mampu menjadi role model 4. Forming leaders who are visionary and able to become role models
perubahan; of change;
5. Redifine kebijakan Human capital untuk mendorong motivasi dan 5. Redefine Human capital policy to boost Worker motivation and
produktifitas Pekerja; productivity;
6. Memperkuat kompetensi personil dan infrastruktur digital HC 6. Strengthen the competence of HC personnel and digital
untuk mendukung peran Human Capital sebagai strategic partner; infrastructure to support the role of Human Capital as a strategic
7. Memperkuat Corporation Management program dan kebijakan 7. Strengthening Corporation Management programs and HR policies
SDM ke Anak Perusahaan. to subsidiaries.

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Diharapkan dengan pelaksanaan strategi SDM tersebut, SDM Perseroan With the implementation of the HR strategy, the Company’s HR can
dapat menjadi penyokong utama atas keberhasilan Perseroan dalam be the main support for the Company’s success in maintaining and
mempertahankan dan meningkatkan bisnisnya di tahun-tahun yang improving its business in the years to come. Some of the HR management
akan datang. Beberapa program pengelolaan SDM berdasarkan strategi programs based on the 2021 HR strategy that have been implemented
SDM 2021 yang telah diimplementasikan adalah sebagai berikut: are as follows:

Organization & Development Organization & Development

Proses-proses yang menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Processes that are an integral part of organizational management and
pengelolaan organisasi dan pengembangan SDM antara lain: HR development include:

Organization Organization
Sebagai implementasi startegi lean organization untuk meningkatkan As an implementation of a lean organization strategy to improve
efektivitas organisasi dalam mengakselerasi kinerja Perseroan organizational effectiveness in accelerating the Company’s performance
dikarenakan revenue dalam 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir stagnan dan dan due to revenue in the last 3 (three) years stagnant and net income
net-income terus menurun, maka Perseroan dirasa perlu melakukan continuing to decline, the Company feels the need to make changes to
perubahan struktur organisasi yang bertujuan antara lain: the organizational structure, which aims among others:
1. Lean organization untuk efisiensi, meningkatkan employee 1. Lean organization for efficiency, increasing employee productivity
productivity dan operational excellence, and operational excellence,
2. Memperkuat marketing dan business development, engineering, 2. Strengthening marketing and business development, engineering,
Upstream services, dan EPC & OM Services, Upstream services, and EPC & OM Services,
3. Perubahan culture dan growth-mindset para Pekerja agar lebih 3. Culture change and growth mindset of the Workers to be more
kompeten, adaptif, dan kolaboratif. competent, adaptive, and collaborative.

Perseroan aktif berkonsultasi dengan fungsi Organization Development- The Company actively consults with the Organization Development-
Human Capital Subholding Upstream berkenaan dengan perubahan Human Capital function of Upstream Subholding regarding the
organisasi PT Elnusa Tbk. Merujuk pada Surat Direktur SDM & Penunjang organizational changes of PT Elnusa Tbk. Referring to the Letter of Director
Bisnis No 063/PHE500000/2022-S8 Perihal Persetujuan Organisasi BOD- of HR & Business Support No. 063/PHE500000/2022-S8 Regarding
1 PT Elnusa Tbk dan Surat Keputusan Direktur Utama PT Elnusa Tbk Approval of BOD-1 Organization of PT Elnusa Tbk and Decree of President
No 648/EN/KPTS000D/2022 tentang Struktur Orgnisasi dan Susunan Director of PT Elnusa Tbk No. 648/EN/KPTS000D/2022 concerning the
Manajemen PT Elnusa Tbk pada tanggal 20 Juni 2022 Perseroan Organizational Structure and Management Structure of PT Elnusa Tbk
mengesahkan struktur organisasi baru yang sebelumnya terdapat 20 on June 20, 2022, the Company ratified the new organizational structure
(dua puluh) fungsi, direstrukturisasi menjadi 15 (lima belas) fungsi BOD- which previously contained 20 (twenty) functions, restructured into 15
1. Dilakukan juga updating proses bisnis (ARCI Matrix) yang mendukung (fifteen) BOD-1 functions. Business process updating (ARCI Matrix) was
peningkatan operational excellence. Tidak lupa change management also carried out to support the improvement of operational excellence.
program untuk mendukung perubahan dengan tema change Not forgetting the change management program to support the change
management campaign “SATU ELNUSA: Change And Collaboration To with the theme of the change management campaign “ONE ELNUSA:
Exceed The Target”. Selanjutnya dilakukan penyusunan kembali jumlah Change And Collaboration To Exceed The Target.” Furthermore, the
formasi dan struktur organisasi semua fungsi Perseroan untuk mencapai number of formations and organizational structure of all functions of the
kinerja Perusahaan yang optimal dan mendukung strategi bisnis yang Company were rearranged to achieve optimal Company performance
telah dicanangkan. Perubahan tersebut ditujukan agar organisasi and support the business strategy that has been launched. These
mampu menyesuaikan diri dengan cepat dan sefleksibel mungkin agar changes are intended to enable the organization to adjust quickly and
efektif mendukung kebutuhan bisnis perusahaan saat ini dan yang akan flexibly to effectively support the Company’s current and future business
datang. needs.

Manpower Planning Manpower Planning

Seiring dengan perkembangan bisnis global dan dalam usaha Along with the development of global business and in an effort to shape
membentuk Elnusa grup menjadi sebuah identitas korporasi, maka Elnusa Group into a corporate identity, comprehensive HR management
diperlukan langkah-langkah komprehensif pengelolaan SDM yang measures are needed, one of which is to make integrated workforce
salah satunya adalah membuat perencanaan tenaga kerja terintegrasi planning in the Company and its subsidiaries. Integrated manpower
di Perseroan dan anak Perseroan. Perencanaan tenaga kerja secara planning is expected to have an impact on optimizing the number of
terintegrasi diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak optimalisasi jumlah human resources in the Company and its subsidiaries so that it can
SDM di Perseroan dan Anak Perseroan sehingga dapat mendukung support the achievement of corporate business targets. The manpower
pencapaian target bisnis korporasi. Strategi manpower planning yang planning strategy used by the Company is adjusted to the needs of the
digunakan oleh Perseroan adalah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan bisnis existing business (Sustain) and business development plans (Growth).
eksisting (Sustain) maupun rencana pengembangan bisnis (Growth).

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Manpower Planning 2022 2021 2020 Manpower Planning

Sustainability 15 25 18 Sustainability
Growth for New Business 34 50 99 Growth for New Business
Growth based on Project 154 211 598 Growth based on Project
Total 198 286 715 Total

Selain strategi Manpower Planning For Sustainability and Growth, In addition to the Manpower Planning for Sustainability and Growth
Perseroan juga berusaha menjaga organisasi yang lean namun produktif strategy, the Company also strives to maintain a lean but productive
melalui pengelolaan prosentase vacant organisasi maksimal sebesar organization through managing the percentage of vacant organizations
10%. at a maximum of 10%.

Recruitment Management Recruitment Management

Dalam rangka menyediakan SDM yang dibutuhkan untuk menunjang In order to provide the human resources needed to support the
opersaional dan pertumbuhan organisasi dalam mencapai visi dan operations and growth of the organization in achieving its vision and
misi, Perseroan melakukan proses rekrutmen sesuai prosedur seleksi mission, the Company conducts a recruitment process in accordance with
Perseroan, serta dilakukan secara independen, transparan dan objektif the Company’s selection procedures and is carried out independently,
bagi masyarakat luas tanpa memandang unsur suku, agama, ras, gender transparently, and objectively for the wider community without regard
maupun jenis kelamin. to ethnicity, religion, race, gender or sex.

Sepanjang tahun 2022, Perseroan melakukan rekrutmen SDM sebanyak Throughout 2022, the Company recruited 58 human resources. This
58 orang. Angka tersebut menurun sebesar 34% dibanding tahun 2021 figure decreased by 34% compared to 2021, of 88 people. In the 2022
sebesar 88 orang. Pada periode 2022, Perseroan melakukan penerimaan period, the Company recruited new human resources to meet the needs
SDM baru untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kegiatan usaha Perseroan of the Company’s business activities with the following details:
dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

Uraian Total Description

SDM 2021 1.170 HR in 2021
Pekerja yang direkrut di 2022 58 Recruited Employee in 2022
SDM yang Berakhir Hubungan Kerja: (174) HR Expiration of Work Relationship:
Pensiun/Meninggal 15 Retired/Passed Away
Atas Permintaan Sendiri 53 Resign
Berakhir Kontrak 36 Contract Expires
Revitalisasi 17 Revitalization
Mutasi 53 Mutation
Total SDM Akhir Tahun 2022 1.054 Total HR at the end of 2022

Talent Management Talent Management

Kebijakan pengelolaan Talent Perseroan diarahkan untuk menyediakan The Company’s Talent management policy is directed at providing
SDM yang memiliki kemampuan di beberapa bidang (multi skill). Upaya human resources with abilities in several fields (multi-skills). This effort
ini juga merupakan inisisasi Perseroan untuk mempersiapkan SDM is also the Company’s initiative to prepare superior human resources
unggul yang mampu beradaptasi dengan dinamika perkembangan who are able to adapt to the dynamics of business development that
bisnis yang kerap berubah. Sistem pengembangan SDM berbasis Talent often change. This Talent Management-based HR development system
Management ini dilakukan agar dapat mendukung kegiatan operasi is carried out in order to support the Company’s operations while
Perseroan sekaligus menjaga kesinambungan bisnis Perseroan. Program maintaining the Company’s business continuity. The HR development
pengembangan SDM dilakukan dengan metode Blended Learning program is carried out using the Blended Learning method, which is
yaitu kombinasi antara metode pembelajaran mandiri, coaching & a combination of self-learning, coaching & mentoring, and learning
mentoring, serta pembelajaran melalui penugasan. Beberapa program through assignments. Some of the HR development programs that have
pengembangan SDM yang telah dilakukan pada tahun 2022 adalah been carried out in 2022 are as follows:
sebagai berikut:

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Successor Planning Successor Planning

Strategi dan rencana untuk mendapatkan calon pemimpin Perseroan Strategies and plans to obtain the Company’s future leaders are carried
dilakukan secara komprehensif melalui pengembangan potensi, talenta out comprehensively by developing the potential, talents, and abilities
dan kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh pekerja yang termasuk dalam Talent of workers included in the Talent Pool. Each key position must have at
Pool. Setiap posisi kunci harus memiliki setidaknya 3 (tiga) Successor least 3 (three) Successor Lists selected through a comprehensive Talent
List yang dipilih melalui proses Talent Management yang komprehensif. Management process. The HR function is responsible for helping the
Fungsi SDM bertanggung jawab untuk membantu memfasilitasi para successors develop all abilities related to career success factors (Soft
successor untuk mengembangkan segala kemampuan terkait career Competency, Technical Competency, Exposure, and Character). By 2022,
success factor (Soft Competency, Technical Competency, Exposure dan the availability of successors for key positions will reach 100%, and all
Character). Ditahun 2022, ketersediaan suksesor atas posisi kunci key positions will be filled by successors who have been determined
mencapai 100% dan seluruh posisi kunci diisi oleh successor yang based on the percentage of their level of suitability with the career
telah ditetapkan berdasarkan presentase tingkat kesesuaiannya dengan success factor of the projected position for the successor.
career success factor jabatan yang diproyeksikan bagi successor.

Pengelolaan Kompetensi Competency Management

Sejalan dengan perkembangan dan tuntutan bisnis, Perseroan selalu In line with business developments and demands, the Company always
berupaya memastikan pengelolaan dan pengembangan Sumber Daya strives to ensure that the management and development of Human
Manusia (SDM) didasarkan pada kompetensi yang sejalan dengan visi, Capital (HC) are based on competencies that align with the Company’s
misi dan strategi Perseroan. vision, mission, and strategy.

Pengelolaan SDM berbasis kompetensi di Perseroan tidak hanya Competency-based HR management in the Company includes not only
mencakup kompetensi teknis tetapi juga kompetensi perilaku technical competencies but also behavioral competencies based on the
berlandaskan Tata Nilai Budaya AKHLAK, profil karekteristik kepribadian AKHLAK Cultural Values, personality characteristics profiles, and task
dan eksposur tugas yang ditujukan untuk memastikan tersedianya exposures aimed at ensuring the availability of Human Capital (HC) that
Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang mampu bersaing. Dalam hal are able to compete. In terms of technical competency, the Company
kompetensi teknis, Perseroan telah melakukan identifikasi kamus has identified technical competency dictionaries, position competency
kompetensi teknis, kebutuhan kompetensi jabatan (KKJ), serta needs (KKJ), and developed a scheme for measuring employee technical
mengembangkan skema pengukuran kompetensi teknis pekerja pada competency in 2022. Several technical competency measurement
tahun 2022. Beberapa metode pengukuran technical competency yang methods have been carried out, such as presentation methods,
telah dilakukan seperti metode presentasi, pengamatan perilaku di observation of workplace behavior, certification, and further education
tempat kerja, sertifikasi maupun jalur pendidikan lanjutan (S2 dan S3). paths (S2 and S3).

Sedangkan dalam hal behavior competency, Perseroan juga telah Meanwhile, regarding behavior competency, the Company has also
melakukan pengukuran kompetensi pekerja secara bertahap dengan measured employee competency in stages using several approaches,
menggunakan beberapa pendekatan antara lain self assessment, panel including self-assessment, panel assessment, and assessment center.
assessment dan assessment center. Hasil pengukuran kompetensi The results of competency measurement will be used as part of the
akan digunakan sebagai bagian dari acuan dalam pembinaan pekerja. reference in employee development. Behavior competency management
Pengelolaan behaviour competency di Perseroan mengacu pada in the Company refers to the provisions of Pertamina Behaviour Skill For
ketentuan Pertamina Behaviour Skill For The Future (BEST) sebagai The Future (BEST) as a guide to behavior competency, which is divided
panduan kompetensi perilaku yang dibagi berdasarkan kategori level based on the Worker level category:
1. Performance Leader Competencies 1. Performance Leader Competencies
2. Executive Leader Competencies 2. Executive Leader Competencies

Dari keseluruhan Pekerja di Perseroan yang telah melakukan pengukuran Of all employees in the Company who have taken behavior competency
behaviour competency, hasil yang didapatkan secara umum telah measurements, the results obtained in general have shown compliance
menunjukkan kesesuaian dengan level kebutuhan di masing-masing with the level of needs in each position.

Talent Mapping Talent Mapping

Pemetaan pekerja bertalenta dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi Pekerja Talent mapping is carried out by identifying employees in the Company
di Perseroan ke dalam Talent Matrix, yang mengacu pada kompetensi, into a Talent Matrix, which refers to the competence, performance,
kinerja, aspirasi serta karakter Pekerja. Pemetaan ini berguna untuk aspirations, and character of employees. This mapping is useful to ensure
memastikan Talent dapat ditempatkan sesuai dengan strategi bisnis talent can be placed in accordance with the Company’s business strategy,
Perseroan, serta memastikan program pengembangan sesuai dengan as well as ensuring development programs are in accordance with the
kebutuhan spesifik yang telah diidentifikasi, sehingga pengembangan specific needs that have been identified so that Worker development
Pekerja menjadi lebih fokus dan efisien. Selama tahun 2022 fungsi becomes more focused and efficient. During 2022 the Human Capital

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Human Capital telah melakukan pemetaan Talent Pool sebanyak 35% function has mapped 35% of the Talent Pool (369 Workers out of 1,054
(369 Pekerja dari 1.054 total Pekerja), yang dikelompokkan dalam total Workers), which are grouped into categories:
a. High Flyer a. High Flyer
b. High Performer b. High Performer
c. High Potential c. High Potential
d. Key Performer d. Key Performer

Job Bidding Program Job Bidding Program

Dalam rangka memberikan kesempatan yang terbuka bagi seluruh In order to provide open opportunities for all workers to achieve their
Pekerja untuk mencapai tujuan karirnya, pada tahun 2022 Perseroan career goals, in 2022, the Company continues to run a Job Bidding
tetap menjalankan program Job Bidding secara terintegrasi dengan program in an integrated manner with the Company’s subsidiaries. Job
anak Perseroan. Job Bidding sendiri merupakan mekanisme pengisian Bidding is a mechanism for filling vacant positions by providing open &
posisi vacant dengan memberikan kesempatan terbuka & kompetitif competitive opportunities for workers with the required qualifications
bagi pekerja yang memiliki kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan untuk mengikuti to participate in a transparent & objective selection process. The main
proses seleksi secara transparan & obyektif. Tujuan utama program ini objectives of this program include the following:
antara lain:
1. Mendapatkan New Leaders yang potensial 1. Getting potential New Leaders
2. Memberikan kesempatan kepada seluruh Pekerja Perseroan 2. Provide an opportunity for all employees of the Company to
menjadi Successor jabatan struktural yang vacant become the Sucessor of vacant structural positions
3. Memacu akselerasi karir bagi pekerja berprestasi (Meritocracy over 3. Encourage career acceleration for outstanding workers
Seniority) (Meritocracy over Seniority).

Proses seleksi dalam program Job Bidding dilakukan melalui 3 (tiga) The selection process in the Job Bidding program is carried out through
tahapan yaitu seleksi administrasi, seleksi kompetensi dan wawancara 3 (three) stages, namely administrative selection, competency selection,
panel. Selanjutnya , bagi Pekerja yang berhasil melalui seluruh tahapan and panel interviews. Furthermore, workers who successfully pass all
dan menduduki jabatan yang dituju akan diberikan masa prajabatan stages and occupy the intended position will be given a 6 (six) months
selama 6 (enam) bulan sebelum ditetapkan sebagai pejabat definitive pre-office period before being appointed as definitive officials or vice
atau sebaliknya. versa.

Elnusa Academy Elnusa Academy

Elnusa Academy adalah program pembelajaran komprehensif melalui Elnusa Academy is a comprehensive learning program through a blended
metode blended learning (10% in class training, 20% coaching learning method (10% in-class training, 20% coaching mentoring, and
mentoring, dan 70% assignment), yang bertujuan untuk melakukan 70% assignment), which aims to upskill workers’ technical competencies.
upskilling kompetensi teknis pekerja. Selama tahun 2022, Perseroan During 2022, the Company held 7 (seven) Elnusa Academies Programs,
menyelenggarakan 7 (tujuh) Program Elnusa Academies, yaitu: namely:
a. Budgeting & Basic Tax Knowledge, sebuah program akademi yang a. Budgeting & Basic Tax Knowledge, an academy program aimed
ditujukan kepada pekerja dengan level jabatan setingkat Manager at workers with Manager-level positions and directly involved in
dan terlibat langsung dalam pengelolaan operasi project Perseroan. managing the Company’s project operations. This academy aims to
Akademi ini bertujuan untuk memastikan seluruh pelaksana project ensure that all of the Company’s project implementers are able to
Perseroan mampu menerapkan praktik menyusun anggaran dan apply good and measurable budgeting and Cashflow Management
Cashflow Management yang baik dan terukur, memastikan seluruh practices, ensure that all of the Company’s projects run with the
project Perseroan berjalan dengan prinsip OTOBOSOR (On Time, On OTOBOSOR principle (On Time, On Budget, On Scope, On Revenue),
Budget, On Scope, On Revenue), dan meningkatkan profitabilitas and increase the profitability of the Company’s ongoing projects.
dari project Perseroan yang sedang berjalan.
b. Electrical Line Academy (E-Line Academy), sebuah program akademi b. Electrical Line Academy (E-Line Academy), an academy program
yang ditujukan kepada pekerja new hire di divisi Upstream Services aimed at new hires in the Upstream Services division with a position
dengan level jabatan setingkat Field Engineer Trainee. Akademi level of Field Engineer Trainee. This academy aims to improve the
ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan pengetahuan competence and knowledge of Field Engineer Trainees in order to
Field Engineer Trainee dalam rangka menciptakan Engineer yang create competent engineers. This activity was attended by 17 new
competent. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 17 pekerja new hire pada hire workers in the Wireline Services Business Line.
Business Line Wireline Services.
c. HSSE Academies, terdiri dari 3 (tiga) Program utama, yaitu: c. HSSE Academies, consisting of 3 (three) main programs, namely:
i. HSSE 101 Academy, sebuah program akademi untuk pekerja i. HSSE 101 Academy, an academy program for Project Manager,
dengan level Project Manager, Chief, Kepala Warehouse, Chief, Warehouse Head, Supervisor, and Field Superintendent
Supervisor, dan Field Superintendent dan pekerja Head level employees and Manager level Head Office employees
Office level Manager yang belum mengikuti pelaksanaan who have not participated in the implementation of HSE 101,

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HSE 101 baik yang sedang dalam masa Promosi Jabatan either those who are in the 6-month Promotion Period (PJ),
(PJ) 6 bulan, maupun yang telah ditetapkan (definitive). or those who have been appointed (Definitive). This program
Program ini bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa setiap aims to ensure that every leader in the Company and its
leader di Perseroan dan Anak Usaha Perseroan mampu Subsidiaries is able to implement all HSSE policies properly
untuk mengimplementasikan seluruh kebijakan HSSE dengan and correctly. The program was conducted using self-learning
baik dan benar. Program ini dilaksanakan dengan metode methods, as well as assignments, and was attended by
pembelajaran mandiri (self learning), serta pemberian 131 employees from all functions in the Company and its
penugasan (assignments), dan diikuti oleh 131 pekerja dari Subsidiaries.
seluruh fungsi di Perseroan dan Anak Usaha Perseroan.
ii. HSSE School Academy, sebuah program akademi untuk pekerja ii. HSSE School Academy, an academy program for employees
dengan jabatan HSE Officer di Perseroan dan Anak Usaha with HSE Officer positions in the Company and its Subsidiaries.
Perseroan. Program ini bertujuan untuk memastikan seluruh This program aims to ensure that all HSE Officers have the
HSE Officer memiliki standar yang sama terkait implementasi same standards regarding the implementation of HSE values
nilai-nilai HSE di seluruh lokasi kerja Perseroan. Program ini at all of the Company’s work sites. This program is conducted
dilakukan secara hybrid (online dan offline) dengan metode in a hybrid manner (online and offline) with interactive
pembelajaran diskusi interaktif bersama pakar-pakar HSSE discussion learning methods with HSSE experts in Indonesia,
di Indonesia, dan diikuti oleh lebih dari 200 HSE Officer dari and attended by more than 200 HSE Officers from all functions
seluruh fungsi di Perseroan dan Anak Usaha Perseroan. in the Company and its Subsidiaries.
iii. HSSE+ Academy, sebuah program akademi untuk pekerja iii. HSSE+ Academy, an academy program for employees with
dengan level jabatan Assistant Manager ke atas di fungsi Assistant Manager level and above in the Company’s HSSE
HSSE Perseroan. Program ini bertujuan untuk memberikan function. This program aims to provide an understanding
pemahaman terkait knowledge dan skill yang berkaitan of knowledge and skills related to the HSSE management
dengan sistem manajemen HSSE . Program ini dilakukan secara system. This program is conducted in a hybrid manner (online
hybrid (online dan offline) dengan metode pembelajaran and offline) with learning methods of lectures, interactive
kuliah, diskusi interaktif, dan workshop. Program ini diikuti discussions, and workshops. This program was attended by
oleh 17 Pekerja dari Divisi HSSE Perseroan. 17 employees from the Company’s HSSE Division.
d. Contract Management Academy, sebuah program akademi yang d. Contract Management Academy, an academy program aimed
ditujukan untuk pekerja di seluruh fungsi Legal & Compliance dan at employees across Legal & Compliance and Project Evaluation
Project Evaluation di tim operasi. Akademi ini bertujuan untuk functions in the operations team. This academy aims to provide an
memberikan pemahaman serta refreshment pengetahuan di understanding and refreshment of knowledge in the legal and non-
bidang hukum dan non hukum yang up to date terkait dengan legal fields that are up to date related to the scope of work. This
lingkup pekerjaan. Program ini dilakukan secara daring (online) program is conducted online with lecture learning methods and
dengan metode pembelajaran kuliah dan diskusi interaktif. interactive discussions. This program was attended by 25 workers
Program ini diikuti oleh 25 Pekerja baik dari dari Perseroan juga from both the Company and its subsidiaries.
Anak Usaha Perseroan.
e. Workshop SCM Academy, sebuah program akademi yang ditujukan e. CM Academy Workshop, an academy program aimed at workers
untuk pekerja di fungsi operasi terutama pada level Desk Eng in the operations function, especially at the Desk Eng and
dan Project Support. Akademi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan Project Support levels. This academy aims to provide a common
pemahaman yang sama dalam proses bisnis pengadaan barang understanding in the business process of procurement of goods
dan jasa, tak hanya itu peserta juga dibekali dengan tata cara and services, not only that participants are also equipped with
penggunaan aplikasi yang berkaitan dengan lingkup tersebut. procedures for using applications related to this scope. The
Akademi ini dilakukan secara luring (offline), dengan metode academy was conducted offline, with learning methods of lectures,
pembelajaran kuliah, diskusi interaktif, serta praktek langsung, dan interactive discussions, and hands-on practice, and was attended
diikuti oleh 25 pekerja dari Divisi Upstream Services dan EPC OM. by 25 workers from Upstream Services and EPC OM Divisions.

Learning Program Learning Program

Penyelenggaraan pengembangan kompetensi dalam bentuk pelatihan The implementation of competency development in the form of training
di lingkungan Perseroan dilakukan oleh fungsi HC Learning. HC Learning within the Company is carried out by the HC Learning function. HC
bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan penyelenggaraan program Learning is responsible for ensuring the implementation of training
pelatihan dan pembelajaran, melakukan evaluasi terhadap kompetensi and learning programs, evaluating the competence of employees
pekerja setelah mendapatkan kegiatan pelatihan, dan memastikan after receiving training activities, and ensuring the documentation
adanya dokumentasi serta pemutakhiran materi pembelajaran pekerja and updating of employee learning materials in order to support the
dalam rangka mendukung peningkatan kompetensi SDM Perseroan. improvement of the Company’s HR competencies. The number of
Jumlah jam pembelajaran Perseroan yang diselenggarakan oleh fungsi learning hours organized by the HC Learning function for the last 3
HC Learning selama 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir tersaji dalam tabel di bawah (three) years is presented in the table below:

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Fungsi Pendukung Bisnis
Business Support Functions

Jam Pelatihan dan Pembelajaran (jam) Pertumbuhan Man Hour Pelatihan (%)
Training and Learning Hour (hour) Man Hour Training Growth (%)
2022 2021 2020 2022 2021 2020
5.482 8.046 7.727 8% 235% 9%


Training and Learning Hour
Pekerja | Employee


2020 2021 2022

Tabel di atas menunjukkan adanya peningkatan jam pembelajaran The table above shows an increase in worker learning hours, this is due
pekerja, hal ini disebabkan karena adanya penambahan aktivitas to the addition of quite a diverse worker learning activities compared to
pembelajaran pekerja yang cukup beragam dibandingkan dengan tahun the previous year.

Perseroan berkomitmen untuk terus meningkatkan kapabilitas Sumber The Company is committed to continuously improving the capabilities of
Daya Manusia di perusahaan, hal ini dibuktikan dengan komitmen untuk its human resources. This is evidenced by the commitment to carry out
melaksanakan pengembangan SDM secara berkelanjutan. Realisasi biaya HR development on an ongoing basis. The realization of HR competency
pengembangan kompetensi SDM pada tahun 2022 tercatat sebesar Rp development costs in 2022 was recorded at IDR 5.48 billion, a decrease
5,48 Miliar, mengalami penurunan 32 % atau ekivalen dengan Rp. 2,56 of 32% or equivalent to IDR 2.56 billion compared to 2021, which was
Miliar, jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2021 yang tercatat sebesar Rp. recorded at IDR 8.04 billion. The amount of the Company’s training cost
8,04 Miliar. Besaran Investasi biaya pelatihan Perseroan dalam 3 (tiga) investment in the last 3 (three) years is as presented in the table below:
tahun terakhir adalah sebagaimana tersaji pada tabel di bawah ini:

Biaya Pelatihan (Rp miliar) Pertumbuhan Man Hour Pelatihan (%)

Training Cost (Rp billion) Man Hour Training Growth (%)
2021 2020 2019 2021 2020 2019
5.482 8.046 7.727 -32% 4% -16%

Training Cost
Pekerja | Employee


2020 2021 2022

Berdasarkan tabel di atas, terlihat bahwa biaya pelatihan di tahun 2022 Based on the table above, it can be seen that training costs in 2022 have
mengalami penurunan sebesar 32 % jika dibandingkan dengan tahun decreased by 32% when compared to the previous year. This decrease is
sebelumnya. Penurunan ini disebabkan oleh aktivitas pembelajaran due to employee learning activities that do not always have to be done
pekerja yang memang tidak harus selalu dilakukan melalui pelatihan through paid training but can also be done through other free learning
yang berbayar tetapi juga sangat bisa dilakukan melalui saluran kegiatan activity channels such as self-study, coaching & mentoring, webinars,
pembelajaran lain yang free semisal self study, coaching & mentoring, sharing sessions, and so on.
webinar, sharing session dan lain sebagainya.

122 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Fungsi Pendukung Bisnis
Business Support Functions

Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan oleh Perseroan, terbagi dalam beberapa Training organized by the Company is divided into several types, as
jenis, yaitu sebagai berikut: follows:
a. Sertifikasi (Certification), pelatihan dan uji kompetensi teknis a. Certification, training and standardized technical competency tests
terstandar yang menjadi persyaratan wajib (mandatory) dalam that become mandatory requirements in performing a job. The
melakukan sebuah pekerjaan. Output dari kegiatan ini adalah output of this activity is a document/certificate stating that the
dokumen/sertifikat yang menyatakan bahwa pekerja kompeten worker is competent in a particular field.
dalam bidang tertentu.
b. Pelatihan Soft Skill, adalah pelatihan yang dilakukan untuk b. Soft Skill Training, is training conducted to improve non-technical
meningkatkan kompetensi non teknikal sesuai dengan kebutuhan competencies in accordance with the needs for certain job levels.
untuk level jabatan tertentu.
c. Pelatihan Technical Skill, adalah pelatihan yang dilakukan untuk c. Technical Skill Training, is training conducted to improve technical
meningkatkan kompetensi teknis yang terkait dengan pekerjaan competencies related to the work performed by workers.
yang dilakukan oleh pekerja.
d. Pelatihan Umum (General), adalah pelatihan yang diberikan dalam d. General Training, is training provided in order to improve
rangka meningkatkan kompetensi yang berhubungan dengan competencies related to the oil and gas industry and other general
industri migas maupun bidang umum lainnya. fields.

Data program pelatihan yang telah terselenggara dalam 3 (tiga) tahun Data on training programs that have been held in the last 3 (three) years
terakhir adalah sebagai berikut: are as follows:

Jam Pelatihan dan Pembelajaran Persentase (%)

Jenis Pelatihan Percentage (%) Type of Training
Man Hour (hour)
2022 2021 2020 2022 2021 2020
Certification 20.301 16.323 13.386 3% 3% 8% Certification
Soft Skill 1.679 2.323 5.229 0% 0% 3% Soft Skill
Technical 45.652 81.228 27.664 8% 15% 17% Technical
General 536.179 458.649 120.593 89% 82% 72% General
Jumlah 603.811 558.523 166.872 100% 100% 100% Total

Perseroan memberikan kesempatan yang sama bagi segenap SDM The Company provides equal opportunities for all HR at every level/
di setiap level / jenjang jabatan untuk mendapatkan program position level to obtain learning programs. The Company’s HR
pembelajaran. Pengembangan kompetensi SDM Perseroan tidak hanya competency development is not only provided for the Staff level who
diberikan untuk level Staff yang bekerja di proyek-proyek Perseroan, work on the Company’s projects but also for all HR at every position
tetapi juga untuk seluruh SDM di setiap jenjang jabatan. Komposisi jam level. The composition of learning hours or training man hours based on
pembelajaran atau man hour pelatihan berdasarkan jenjang jabatan position level in the last 3 (three) years is as follows:
dalam 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir adalah sebagai berikut:

Jam Pelatihan dan Pembelajaran Persentase (%)

Jenjang Jabatan Percentage (%) Position Level
Man Hour (hour)
2022 2021 2020 2022 2021 2020
Director 2.314 2.434 300 0% 0% 0% Director
Vice President 5.112 4.680 2.552 1% 1% 2% Vice President
Senior Manager 27.771 21.598 4.525 5% 4% 3% Senior Manager
Manager 76.625 49.237 14.658 13% 9% 7% Manager
Assistant Manager 145.083 87.068 6.530 24% 16% 2% Assistant Manager
Staff/Officer 346.906 393.506 138.307 57% 70% 4% Staff/Officer
Jumlah 603.811 558.523 166.872 100% 100% 100% Total

Secara umum, dari tabel di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa Perseroan From the table above, it can be concluded that the Company greatly
memiliki fokus yang besar untuk pengembangan SDM bagi semua level focuses on HR development for all levels of employees. The focus of
karyawan. Fokus pembelajaran untuk karyawan level Manager ke atas learning for Manager level employees and above is to build Managerial
adalah membangun kompetensi Manajerial sedangkan fokus untuk competencies, while the focus for Junior Manager level employees and
karyawan level Junior Manager ke bawah adalah untuk pemenuhan below is to fulfill competencies in implementing projects.
kompetensi dalam melaksanakan proyek.

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Fungsi Pendukung Bisnis
Business Support Functions

Coaching & Mentoring Program Coaching & Mentoring Program

Perseroan dan Sub Holding Upstream terus menggalakkan program The Company and Upstream Sub Holding continue to promote
Coaching & Mentoring dalam rangka pengembangan kapabilitas pekerja. the Coaching & Mentoring program in order to develop employee
Program Coaching & Mentoring pekerja dilakukan melalui platform capabilities. The Coaching & Mentoring Program is conducted through
digital Elnusa Coaching Mentoring Academy (ECMA). Aplikasi ini the Elnusa Coaching Mentoring Academy (ECMA) digital platform.
memudahkan pekerja untuk melakukan kegiatan Coaching & Mentoring, This application makes it easier for workers to carry out Coaching &
karena bisa dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja dan memastikan Mentoring activities because it can be done anywhere and anytime
semua aset pengetahuan dapat terdokumentasi dengan baik. Pada and ensures that all knowledge assets can be well documented. In
tahun 2022, tercatat 260 pairing pelaksanaan kegiatan Coaching & 2022, there were 260 pairings for the implementation of Coaching &
Mentoring di lingkungan Elnusa Group. Mentoring activities within the Elnusa Group.

Knowledge Management System Knowledge Management System

Dalam rangka menghindari hilangnya aset pengetahuan intelektual In order to avoid the loss of intellectual knowledge assets when a
ketika seorang pekerja meninggalkan suatu Perseroan, secara worker leaves a Company, continuously since 2017, the Company
berkelanjutan sejak tahun 2017, Perseroan terus memperkuat continues to strengthen the Knowledge Management System to
Knowledge Management System untuk mendokumentasikan asset document knowledge assets (explicit and tacit knowledge) owned by
pengetahuan (explicit dan tacit knowledge) yang dimiliki oleh SDM the Company’s human resources. Knowledge assets are contained in a
Perseroan. Aset pengetahuan dimuat dalam portal knowledge knowledge management portal that is integrated with the management
management yang terintegrasi dengan pengelolaan asset pengetahuan of knowledge assets managed by PT Pertamina (Persero). In addition
yang dikelola oleh PT Pertamina (Persero). Selain melalui portal komet to the comet portal (knowledge management), the Company also has
(knowledge management), Perseroan juga memiliki platform EPS an EPS E-Library platform, an electronic library that serves to store all
E-Library, perpustakaan elektronik yang berfungsi untuk menyimpan knowledge assets and distribute the knowledge to workers who need it.
seluruh aset pengetahuan, serta mendistribusikan pengetahuan
tersebut kepada pekerja yang membutuhkan.

Sharing Session Sharing Session

Perseroan melalui fungsi HC Learning menyelenggarakan program Through the HC Learning function, the Company organizes a knowledge-
sharing knowledge sebagai wadah pertukaran ide, pengetahuan, dan sharing program as a forum for exchanging ideas, knowledge, and
informasi diantara pekerja. Program ini diselenggarakan secara rutin information among employees. This program is held regularly every 2
setiap 2 (dua) kali dalam seminggu, dengan topik bervariasi namun (two) times a week, with varied topics but still relevant to the Company’s
tetap relevan dengan core business Perseroan. Narasumber program core business. The speakers for the sharing session program are internal
sharing session diisi oleh pemateri internal, yaitu pekerja Perseroan, dan speakers, namely the Company’s employees, and external speakers,
pemateri eksternal, yaitu public figure dan sosok inspiratif yang mampu namely public figures and inspirational figures who are able to provide
memberikan wawasan bagi pekerja Perseroan. Pada tahun 2022 Elnusa insight for the Company’s employees. In 2022 Elnusa contributed to
berkontribusi melakukan sharing knowledge di lingkungan Persero dan sharing knowledge within the Persero and Upstream Sub Holding with 8
Sub Holding Upstream dengan jumlah topik sharing sebanyak 8 topik sharing topics in the Centralized Webinar Comet activity and 91 topics in
dalam kegiatan Komet Webinar Terpusat dan 91 topik pada forum the Local Komet forum.
Komet Lokal.

Performance Management System Performance Management System

Dalam rangka menyelaraskan kinerja individu dengan visi, misi, strategi In order to align individual performance with vision, mission, strategy,
serta proses bisnis, Perseroan menerapkan Sistem Pengelolaan Kinerja and business processes, the Company implements a Performance
(SPK) yang mampu menyelaraskan kinerja Perseroan. Pada tahun Management System (PMS) that is able to align the Company’s
2022 Perseroan telah berhasil melakukan cascading dan alignment performance. In 2022, the Company succeeded in cascading and aligning
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dari korporasi hingga ke level individu Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from the corporate to the individual
Pekerja menggunakan aplikasi Performance Management Online yang employee level using the Performance Management Online application,
juga dapat membantu memberikan gambaran pencapaian kinerja which can also help provide an overview of the achievement of employee
Pekerja dan Perseroan secara real time. Secara umum, proses dalam and Company performance in real-time. In general, the process in the
Sistem Pengelolaan Kinerja (SPK) Perseroan adalah sebagai berikut: Company’s Performance Management System (PMS) is as follows:

Perencanaan Kinerja Performance Planning

KPI Perseroan (level korporasi) ditetapkan dan ditandatangani oleh The Company’s KPIs (corporate level) are set and signed by all Directors,
seluruh Direksi, di awal tahun. KPI tersebut menjadi dasar proses at the beginning of the year. These KPIs become the basis for the
cascading KPI ke seluruh unit bisnis sampai level individu Pekerja, baik di cascading process of KPIs to all business units down to the individual
Perseroan maupun di Anak Perseroan. Employee level, both in the Company and in its subsidiaries.

124 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Fungsi Pendukung Bisnis
Business Support Functions

Monitoring Kinerja Performance Monitoring

Monitoring atas kinerja Perseroan di level koporasi dan unit bisnis The Company’s performance at the corporate level, business units,
serta Anak Perseroan dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi Performance and Subsidiaries is monitored using the Performance Management
Management Online, yaitu suatu sistem monitoring pencapaian Online application, a web-based performance achievement monitoring
kinerja berbasis web dan apps yang berisi KPI Perseroan. Update data system, and apps containing the Company’s KPIs. Update data on the
pencapaian indikator kinerja pada Dashboard KPI dilakukan setiap saat achievement of performance indicators on the KPI Dashboard is carried
sehingga dapat dimonitor secara real time. out at any time so that it can be monitored in real-time.

Penilaian Kinerja Performance Assessment

Penilaian Kinerja Perseroan di level koporasi dan unit bisnis serta Anak The Company’s performance assessment at the corporate level,
Perseroan dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi Performance Management business units, and subsidiaries is carried out using the Performance
Online yang secara otomatis menampilkan hasil pencapaian KPI Fungsi, Management Online application, which automatically displays the
pencapaian Individual Contributory (berupa penilaian terhadap HSSE results of the achievement of Function KPIs, Individual Contributory
Objectives, Talent Development, dan Project & Community Involvement achievements (in the form of assessments of HSSE Objectives, Talent
Pekerja), serta penilaian perilaku penting individu Pekerja yang Development, and Project & Community Involvement Workers), as well
mendukung pekerjaan dan pencapaian kinerja berlandaskan Tata Nilai as assessments of important individual worker behaviors that support
Budaya AKHLAK menggunakan metode AKHLAK Behavior Survey (ABS) work and performance achievement based on the AKHLAK Cultural
360 feedback. Metode ABS 360 Feedback merupakan penilaian yang Values using the AKHLAK Behavior Survey (ABS) 360 feedback method.
melibatkan pihak-pihak yang memiliki hubungan kerja langsung dengan The ABS 360 Feedback method is an assessment that involves parties
Pekerja untuk memberikan penilaian antara lain yaitu: Pekerja, atasan who have a direct working relationship with the Worker to provide an
Pekerja, bawahan Pekerja, dan rekan kerja Pekerja. Metode ini ditujukan assessment, among others: Workers, Workers’ superiors, Workers’
untuk meningkatkan objektifitas penilaian kompetensi, memberikan subordinates, and Workers’ coworkers. This method is intended to
gambaran kebutuhan pengembangan kompetensi Pekerja yang lebih increase the objectivity of competency assessment, provide a more
akurat, serta meningkatkan kepedulian Pekerja dalam men-deliver hasil accurate picture of the competency development needs of Workers, and
kerjanya kepada fungsi/ bagian lain berlandaskan Tata Nilai Budaya increase Workers’ concern in delivering their work to other functions/
AKHLAK. sections based on the AKHLAK Cultural Values.

Hasil penilaian kinerja selanjutnya digunakan dalam pengembangan The performance appraisal results are then used in competency
kompetensi, pengembangan karir SDM seperti promosi dan rotasi, development, HR career development such as promotion and rotation,
pengkajian pemberian kompensasi bagi SDM serta penentuan reward assessment of compensation for HR, and determination of performance
kinerja. rewards.

Compensation & Benefit Compensation & Benefit

Pemenuhan hak Pekerja berupa kompensasi dan benefit yang disusun The fulfillment of workers’ rights in the form of compensation and
Perseroan bertujuan untuk dapat menarik, mempertahankan, benefits prepared by the Company aims to attract, retain, motivate, and
memotivasi, dan meningkatkan keterikatan Pekerja sehingga secara increase workers’ engagement so that they continuously provide optimal
terus menerus memberikan kinerja yang optimal, mendukung visi performance to support the Company’s vision, mission, and strategy.
dan misi, serta strategi Perseroan. Untuk remunerasi atau imbalan Remuneration or employee benefits provided by the Company to
kerja yang diberikan oleh Perseroan kepada Pekerja merupakan workers is a form of commitment to reward workers where the Company
bentuk komitmen imbal jasa kepada Pekerja, di mana Perseroan telah has met the provisions of the Provincial / Regency / City Minimum
memenuhi ketentuan Upah Minimum Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota (UMP/ Wage (UMP / UMK) in the area of each work unit of the Company set
UMK) wilayah masing-masing unit kerja Perseroan yang ditetapkan by the Government. Meanwhile, compensation for welfare programs
oleh Pemerintah. Sementara kompensasi program kesejahteraan dan and facilities for the Company’s Workers refers to the Provisions and
fasilitas Pekerja Perseroan mengacu kepada Ketentuan dan Peraturan Regulations of the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, including
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi, termasuk pemenuhan upah the fulfillment of prevailing wages.
yang berlaku.

Pada tahun 2022, Perseroan juga melakukan beberapa program yang In 2022, the Company also conducted several programs related to
berkaitan dengan kompensasi dan benefit yaitu sebagai berikut : compensation and benefits, as follows:

Review Benefit Benefit Review

Untuk meningkatkan efektifitas benefit kesehatan yang diberikan To improve the effectiveness of health benefits provided by the Company
Perusahaan kepada Pekerja (Asuransi Kesehatan & BPJS Kesehatan) to workers (Health Insurance & BPJS Kesehatan) in 2022, a Flexi Benefit
di tahun 2022, diusulkan program Flexi Benefit. Program benefit program is proposed. The health benefits program in 2022 will be carried
kesehatan di tahun 2022 akan dilakukan dengan skema 2 bulan (Juli out with a 2-month scheme (July 2022 - August 2022) using existing
2022 – Agustus 2022) menggunakan benefit existing (As Charge), dan 16 benefits (As Charge) and 16 months (September 2022 - December 2023)

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 125

Fungsi Pendukung Bisnis
Business Support Functions

bulan (September 2022 – Desember 2023) menggunakan Flexi Benefit using Flexi Benefit (As Charge-Inner Limit combination) as well as to
(kombinasi As Charge-Inner Limit) sekaligus juga untuk menyesuaikan adjust the policy period from July-June to January-December.
periode polis dari Juli-Juni menjadi Januari-Desember.

Flexible Benefit adalah benefit non cash yang diberikan oleh perusahaan A flexible Benefit is a non-cash benefit provided by the Company to each
kepada setiap Pekerja yang memungkinkan Pekerja memilih benefit Worker that allows Workers to choose benefits according to their needs
sesuai kebutuhannya berdasarkan paket program yang ditawarkan oleh based on the program package offered by the Company.

Tujuan Flexible Benefit Purpose of Flexible Benefit

1. Memberikan pilihan kepada Pekerja untuk menentukan program 1. To provide options for Workers to determine benefit programs that
benefit yang sesuai preferensi/kebutuhan masing-masing Pekerja. suit the preferences/needs of each Worker.
2. Mengikuti perkembangan demografi Pekerja dengan 2. Following the demographic development of Workers by
mengakomodasi aspirasi kebutuhan benefit dari tiap generasi baik accommodating the aspirations of benefit needs of each
generasi Baby Boomer, X, Y, dan Z. generation, including Baby Boomer, X, Y, and Z generations.

Program Flexible Benefit yang ditawarkan Perusahaan merupakan The Flexible Benefits program the Company offers combines Inner Limit
kombinasi antara Asuransi Inner Limit & Plafon Flexible Benefit. Insurance & Flexible Benefit Ceiling. Health Insurance with Inner Limit:
Asuransi Kesehatan dengan Inner Limit: desain asuransi dengan batasan an insurance design with a ceiling limit on each type of treatment but no
plafon di setiap jenis perawatan namun tidak memiliki limit tahunan annual limit for hospitalization.
untuk rawat inap.

Asuransi Kesehatan yang diberikan Perusahaan saat ini adalah As Charge Health Insurance provided by the Company is currently As Charge, an
yaitu desain asuransi dimana tidak ada batasan plafon di setiap jenis insurance design with no ceiling limit in each type of treatment but an
perawatan tetapi memiliki limit tahunan Jika Pekerja menggunakan annual limit. If the Employee uses As Charge Insurance, he/she does not
Asuransi As Charge, maka tidak mendapatkan program Flexible Benefit. get the Flexible Benefits program.

Program Kesejahteraan SDM HR Welfare Program

Dalam rangka menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang produktif dan In order to create a productive work environment and increase
meningkatkan engagement bagi SDM, Perseroan telah melakukan engagement for HR, the Company has conducted a series of Employee
serangkaian program Employee Welfare di lingkungan Perseroan. Welfare programs within the Company. These programs are carried
Program-program tersebut dilakukan secara mingguan, bulanan, dan out weekly, monthly, and annually in the form of religious, spiritual
tahunan dalam bentuk kegiatan rohani keagamaan, olahraga serta activities, sports, and other forms such as providing welfare assistance
bentuk lainnya seperti pemberian bantuan kesejahteraan dalam bentuk: in the form of:
a. Penghargaan Masa Kerja/Ulang Tahun Dinas (UTD); a. Length of Service Award (UTD);
b. Program Siap Pensiun (SiPP); b. Ready to Retire Program (SiPP);
c. Penghargaan Pekerja Masa Persiapan Pensiun (MPP) usia 55 tahun; c. Retirement Preparation Period (MPP) Worker Award at age 55;
d. Bantuan Ibadah: Haji, Umrah, dan Jerusalem; d. Worship Assistance: Hajj, Umrah, and Jerusalem;
e. Medical Check Up (MCU) massal; e. Mass Medical Check Up (MCU)
f. Pemberian vaksinasi; f. Provision of vaccinations;
g. Fasilitas kesehatan (klinik, Dokter, dan ambulans); g. Health facilities (clinics, doctors, and ambulances);
h. Bantuan Kacamata dan Melahirkan; h. Glasses and childbirth assistance;
i. Bantuan Pemakaman; i. Funeral assistance;
j. Beasiswa untuk anak Pekerja berprestasi j. Scholarships for children of outstanding workers
k. Bantuan anak yatim piatu & dhuafa; k. Assistance for orphans & poor children;
l. Fasilitas tempat olahraga dengan 17 cabang olahraga dan 2 cabang l. Sports facilities with 17 sports and 2 arts;
m. Olahraga online; m. Online sports;
n. Program Ramadhan, Idul Qurban, Pengajian Bulanan, Kajian n. Ramadan, Eid Qurban, Monthly Recitation, Muslimah Study and
Muslimah dan Pendalaman Iman; Faith Deepening programs;
o. Fasilitas ibadah (Masjid & Musholla di setiap lantai Gedung) dan o. Worship facilities (Mosque & Musholla on each floor of the
Fasilitas untuk kegiatan keagamaan; building) and facilities for religious activities;
p. Perayaan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) PT Elnusa Tbk; p. Anniversary Celebration of PT Elnusa Tbk;
q. Bantuan Kemanusiaan untuk Bencana Alam (seperti bantuan q. Humanitarian Assistance for Natural Disasters (such as earthquake
gempa dan banjir), dan bantuan sembako untuk tenaga harian dan and flood relief), and basic food assistance for daily workers and
outsourcing; outsourcing;
r. Bantuan fasilitas paket data/internet; r. Data/internet package facility assistance;

126 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Fungsi Pendukung Bisnis
Business Support Functions

s. Bantuan obat-obatan, suplemen, dan fasilitas pendukung s. Assistance with medicines, supplements, and health support
kesehatan bagi Pekerja yang terinfeksi Covid-19. facilities for Workers infected with Covid-19.

Human Resource Management Services Human Resource Management Services

Program Service Management dikelola untuk memastikan seluruh The Service Management program is managed to ensure that all Human
layanan fungsi Human Capital dapat diterima oleh pekerja sesuai Capital function services can be received by workers in accordance with
dengan standar yang berlaku di Perseroan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk applicable standards in the Company. This aims to realize comfortable,
mewujudkan kondisi kerja yang nyaman, aman, produktif dan efisien safe, productive, and efficient working conditions through guaranteed
melalui terjaminnya pelayanan HR kepada semua pekerja Perseroan. HR services to all employees of the Company.

Employee Productivity Survey Employee Productivity Survey

Sepanjang 2022 Perseroan telah menerapkan pola kerja baru yaitu Through 2022, the Company has implemented a new work pattern,
perpaduan (hybrid) antara work from home (WFH) dan work from namely a hybrid between work from home (WFH) and work from office
office (WFO). Dengan pola kerja ini Perseroan menyusun aturan dan (WFO). With this work pattern, the Company has developed rules and
prosedur yang dijadikan sebagai penduan untuk melaksanakan WFO procedures that serve as a guide for implementing WFO and WFH.
dan WFH. Hampir sepanjang 2022 pola kerja WFH dominan dijalankan Almost throughout 2022, the WFH work pattern is dominantly carried
oleh pekerja based office. maka perlu dilakukan survey kepada pekerja out by office-based workers. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct
office untuk melihat kondisi dan produktivitas pekerja. Para pertengahan a survey of office workers to see the conditions and productivity of
tahun 2022 survey produktivitas dilakukan, dan disimpulkan bahwa 61% workers. In mid-2022, a productivity survey was conducted, and it was
pekerja office WFH sudah produktif dan 67% merasa nyaman bekerja concluded that 61% of WFH office workers were productive, and 67%
dengan pola kerja WFH. felt comfortable working with the WFH work pattern.

Service Level Agreement Service Level Agreement

Perseroan mengatur mekanisme pembuatan, pelaksanaan, pemantauan The Company regulates the mechanism for creating, implementing,
dan pelaporan kemajuan pelaksanaan Service Level Agreement (SLA) monitoring, and reporting on the progress of the implementation of
Fungsi Human Capital, agar terlaksana secara terencana, terukur, the Human Capital Function Service Level Agreement (SLA) so that it is
efektif dan efisien sesuai dengan ketetapan yang berlaku. Beberapa carried out in a planned, measurable, effective, and efficient manner in
kegiatan fungsi Human Capital yang dapat diukur SLA nya adalah accordance with applicable regulations. Some Human Capital function
ketepatan pemenuhan rekrutmen, administrasi payroll, administrasi activities that can be measured by SLA are the accuracy of recruitment
benefit, contract management, outsourcing management, administrasi fulfillment, payroll administration, benefits administration, contract
perubahan pangkat, jabatan dan remunerasi. management, outsourcing management, administration of changes in
rank, position, and remuneration.

Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
Selama tahun 2022, Perseroan terus melakukan improvement terhadap During 2022, the Company continued to make improvements to its
sistem HRIS yang dimiliki, di tahun ini Perseroan mengembangkan ELIPS HRIS system, this year the Company developed ELIPS (Elnusa Integrated
(Elnusa Integrated People System), sebuah platform pengelolaan proses- People System), a platform for managing processes in Human Capital
proses dalam Human Capital Management, yang terdiri dari 3 (tiga) pilar Management, which consists of 3 (three) major pillars, including
besar, antara lain Recruitment Online, Elnusa Talent Management, dan Online Recruitment, Elnusa Talent Management, and HC Services &
HC Services & Administration. Detail fitur-fitur yang ada dalam 3 (tiga) Administration. Details of the features of these 3 (three) big pillars are
pilar besar ini adalah sebagai berikut: as follows:

Proses Recruitment (Recruitment Online) Recruitment Process (Recruitment Online)

Dengan adanya aplikasi recruitment Online pengelolaan proses With the online recruitment application, the recruitment process
rekrutmen dapat dilaksanakan secara komprehensif dan terintegrasi. management can be carried out comprehensively and integrated.
Sehingga memudahkan pekerja untuk mengakses dan melihat historical Making it easier for workers to access and see the historical recruitment
dari kebutuhan rekrutmen Pekerja, sub menu yang ada didalam needs of workers, the sub menus in Recruitment online include:
Recruitment online antara lain :
a. Pengajuan dan Approval Perencanaan Manpower (MPP) a. Submission and Approval of Manpower Planning
b. Pengajuan dan Approval Permintaan tenaga Kerja (PTK) b. Submission and Approval of Labor Requests (PTK)
c. Pengajuan dan Approval Permintaan tenaga Kerja tanpa MPP (PTK c. Submission and Approval of Manpower Request without MPP (PTK
Without MPP) Without MPP)
d. Pengajuan dan Approval Permintaan tenaga Kerja (PTK) d. Submission and Approval of Manpower Request (PTK)
e. Job Posting & Proses Rekrutmen e. Job Posting & Recruitment Process
f. Pembuatan, Pengajuan & Approval Offering Letter f. Offering Letter Creation, Submission & Approval
g. Pembuatan dan Approval Dokumen Kontrak g. Creation and Approval of Contract Documents
h. Pemenuhan fasilitas Pekerja Baru h. Fulfillment of New Worker facilities
i. Pemenuhan fasilitas Pekerja i. Fulfillment of Worker facilities

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Fungsi Pendukung Bisnis
Business Support Functions

Ditahun 2022 recruitment online dilakukan pengembangan berupa: In 2022 online recruitment was developed in the form of :
A. Dashboard reporting untuk memudahkan melihat data yang masuk A. Dashboard reporting to make it easier to see the data entered in
di aplikasi recruitment online the online recruitment application.
B. Penyesuaian aplikasi recruitment online agar bisa digunakan oleh B. Adjustment of the online recruitment application so that it can be
anak perusahaan Elnusa used by Elnusa subsidiaries.

Elnusa Talent Management Elnusa Talent Management

a. Pengelolaan Talent dalam aplikasi Elnusa Talent Management di a. Talent Management in the Elnusa Talent Management application
tahun 2022 terus dilakukan pengembangan dan penambahan fitur in 2022 continues to develop and add features to answer the needs
untuk menjawab kebutuhan di Human capital untuk memudahkan in Human capital to facilitate the Talent development process at PT
proses pengembangan Talent di PT Elnusa, Tbk. Dan untuk Elnusa, Tbk. And for the assessment of behavioral competencies
penilaian kompetensi perilaku di aplikasi ini dibuat lebih flexible in this application, it is made more flexible for determining the
untuk penentuan instrumen penilaian nya, dan juga bisa di atur assessment instrument, and can also be weighted according to
bobot sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan. company needs.
b. Career Aspiration. b. Career Aspiration.
Menu ini berfungsi untuk pengajuan dan approval aspirasi karir This menu serves for submission and approval of Workers’ career
Pekerja. Menu career aspiration dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga), yaitu: aspirations. The career aspiration menu is divided into 3 (three),
pengembangan di posisi eksisting, aspirasi karir di satu skill group namely: development in existing positions, career aspirations
& lintas skill group, Rekomendasi atasan, dan Rekomendasi pejabat in one skill group & across skill groups, Recommendations from
saat ini superiors, and Recommendations from current officials.
c. Individual Development Plan c. Individual Development Plan
Menu ini berfungsi untuk Pengajuan dan realisasi perencanaan This menu functions for the submission and realization of Worker
pengembangan Pekerja terkait Assignment, coaching, training development plans related to Assignments, coaching, training and
dan self learning. Pada aplikasi ini pekerja bisa dengan mudah self learning. In this application, workers can easily monitor the
memonitor individual development plan yang telah diajukan agar individual development plan that has been submitted so that it can
bisa teralisasi dengan baik. be realized properly.
d. Performance management system d. Performance management system
Menu ini berfungsi untuk mengukur performance Pekerja, di This menu serves to measure employee performance, in this
aplikasi ini Pekerja bisa memasukan indikator KPI , mecascade dan application employees can enter KPI indicators, mecascade and
shared KPI , agar kinerja Perusahaan sejalan dengan kinerja level- shared KPIs, so that the Company’s performance is in line with the
level dibawahnya. performance of the levels below.
e. Elsyst (Elnusa Learning System) e. Elsyst (Elnusa Learning System).
Menu ini berfungsi untuk pengelolaan data training (penjadwalan This menu serves to manage training data (training scheduling,
training , approval training dan monitoring data training) , training approval and training data monitoring), based on
berdasarkan pengajuan dari Pekerja dari menu career aspiration, submissions from workers from the career aspiration menu,
training mandatory Pekerja , dan juga training ad-hoc untuk mandatory worker training, and also ad-hoc training for workers.
f. Career Success Factor. f. Career Success Factor.
Menu ini berfungsi untuk melakukan perhitungan seberapa This menu serves to calculate how suitable the Worker’s data is for
kecocokan data Pekerja terhadap jabatan tujuan nya. Ini dihitung his/her destination position. This is calculated based on Knowlodge,
berdasarkan Knowlodge, Behaviour Competency, Exposure, dan Behavior Competency, Exposure, and Personal attributes.
Personal attribute.
g. Succession List g. Succession List.
Menu ini berfungsi untuk melihat long list kandidat yang cocok dari This menu serves to see a long list of candidates who are suitable
jabatan yang ingin dilakukan pemenuhan, kemudian di menu ini for the position you want to fulfill, then in this menu we can also
kita juga bisa memilih siapa yang menjadi short list untuk kemudian choose who becomes the short list for further processing to be able
dilakukan proses lebih lanjut untuk bisa mengisi jabatan yang to fill the vacant position.
sedang kosong.

HC Services & Administration Application HC Services & Administration Application

HC Services & Administration Application merupakan fitur one stop HC Services & Administration Application is a one stop services feature
services untuk pengelolaan administrasi kebutuhan Pekerja, terdiri dari: for managing the administration of Employee needs, consisting of:
a. Employee self service (equanta). a. Employee self service (equanta).
Di dalam equanta Pekerja bisa merequest atau mengajukan In equanta, employees can request or submit their needs related
kebutuhannya terkait proses administrasi human capital secara to the human capital administration process independently. The
mandiri. Fitur-fiturnya terdiri dari pengajuan cuti, izin, update features consist of applying for leave, permits, updating personal
personal data, pengajuan surat-menyurat yang berhubungan data, submitting correspondence related to the Human Capital
dengan divisi Human Capital. division.

128 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Fungsi Pendukung Bisnis
Business Support Functions

b. Presensi Online. b. Online Attendance.

Karena adanya Pandemi Covid-19, Pekerja diminta untuk bekerja Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, workers are asked to work at home
di rumah (WFH), maka untuk memudahkan Pekerja tetap bisa (WFH), so to make it easier for workers to continue to be able to
melakukan presensi dan atasan bisa memantau, maka Divisi attend and supervisors can monitor, the Human Capital Division
Human Capital menyediakan aplikasi presensi yang bisa dilakukan provides a presence application that can be done online, namely
secara online yaitu dengan menggunakan Apps Synergo dan Apps by using Apps Synergo and Apps Dirumahaja. Meanwhile, for
Dirumahaja. Sedangkan, untuk pelaporannya Divisi Human Capital reporting, the Human Capital Division recapitulates the attendance
merekap data presensi tersebut dan membuatkan Dashboard data and creates an Online Monitoring Dashboard (ELMO) based
Monitoring Online (ELMO) yang berbasis Power BI yang bisa dibuka on Power BI which can be opened via the web.
melalui web.
c. Mutasi Online c. Online Mutation.
Menu ini berfungsi untuk melakukan Pengajuan & Approval untuk This menu serves to make Submission & Approval for Employee
form Mutasi Pekerja. Mutation forms.
d. Promosi Kepangkatan d. Rank Promotion.
Menu ini berfungsi untuk pembuatan form promosi kepangkatan, This menu functions for making promotion forms, starting from
mulai dari pengajuan, approval promosi sampai pembuatan submission, promotion approval to making individual letters.
individual letter.
e. Promosi Jabatan dan Surat Pjs. e. Position Promotion and Pjs Letter.
Menu ini berfungsi untuk pembuatan surat penetapan jabatan, This menu functions for the creation of position determination
dan surat Pejabat sementara, mulai pengajuan dan juga proses letters, and temporary official letters, starting from the submission
approvalnya. and approval process.
f. Surat HC Services f. HC Services Letter
Menu ini berfungsi untuk mengotomasi surat kebutuhan pekerja This menu serves to automate letters of worker needs in the
yang ada pada divisI human capital, pada menu ini proses Human Capital division, in this menu the submission process is
pengajuan dilakukan secara pribadi oleh Pekerja, kemudian di carried out personally by the Worker, then circulates the approval
sirkulasi approval didalam aplikasi. in the application.
g. Benefit g. Benefit
Menu ini berfungsi untuk pengajuan This menu functions for submission and approval of reimburse
dan approval reimburse benefit yang di benefits obtained by workers such as obtained by workers such as:
dapatkan oleh Pekerja seperti: kacamata, melahirkan dan flexi glasses, childbirth and flexi benefits.

HC Dashboard HC Dashboard
HC dashboard merupakan sebuah portal yang berisi informasi demografi HC dashboard is a portal that contains worker demographic information
pekerja yang sifatnya umum dan dapat diakses oleh seluruh bagian di that is general in nature and can be accessed by all sections in the
Fungsi Human Capital dan level manajemen. Demografi yang tersedia di Human Capital Function and management level. Demographics available
portal ini antara lain: in this portal include:
a. Data Demografi Pekerja (Usia, Strata, Gender, Generasi, Jabatan, a. Worker Demographic Data (Age, Strata, Gender, Generation,
Pensiun dll) Position, Retirement etc.)
b. Data Productivity b. Productivity Data
c. Data Talent c. Talent Data
d. Data Presensi d. Attendance Data
e. Data Turnover e. Turnover Data

HC Dashboard ini berbasis Power BI dan bisa di akses melalui web, HC HC Dashboard is based on Power BI and can be accessed via the web,
dashboard ini berfungsi ini informasi dan analisa data dalam rangka this HC dashboard functions as information and data analysis in order to
pengambilan keputusan yang terkait dengan Sumber Daya Manusia. make decisions related to Human Capital.

Industrial Relation Industrial Relations

Perseroan selalu berupaya untuk menciptakan suasana kerja yang The Company always strives to create an open and positive working
terbuka dan positif dalam rangka meningkatkan hubungan industrial atmosphere in order to improve harmonious, dynamic, and fair industrial
yang harmonis, dinamis, dan adil. Perseroan berupaya membangun relations. The Company strives to build employment relations that
hubungan ketenagakerjaan yang menjamin kebebasan semua Pekerja guarantee the freedom of all Workers to join a professionally managed
untuk masuk dalam organisasi pekerja (Serikat Pekerja) yang dikelola workers’ organization (Workers Union) as a means of liaison between
secara profesional sebagai sarana penghubung antara Pekerja dan Workers and the Company, as stipulated in Law No. 13 of 2003 and the
Perseroan, sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang No. 13 Tahun Job Creation Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Manpower.
2003 dan Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja No. 11 Tahun 2020 tentang

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Fungsi Pendukung Bisnis
Business Support Functions

Serikat pekerja Elnusa bernama SP Elnusa (SPE) juga memberikan Elnusa’s labor union, SP Elnusa (SPE), also provides consultation to
konsultasi kepada Perseroan dalam penyusunan Peraturan Perusahaan the Company in preparing Company Regulations (PP) for 2021 - 2023,
(PP) tahun 2021 – 2023 yang mengatur hak dan kewajiban Pekerja which regulates the rights and obligations of Workers to the Company
kepada Perseroan dan sebaliknya. Dokumen Peraturan Perusahaan and vice versa. The Company Regulation (PP) document that binds the
(PP) yang mengikat pihak Manajemen Perseroan dan SP Elnusa terakhir Management of the Company and SP Elnusa was last approved through
disahkan melalui Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pembinaan Hubungan the Decree of the Director General of Industrial Relations and Labor
Industrial dan Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja No. KEP.411/ PHIJSK-PKKAD/ Social Security No. KEP.411/ PHIJSK-PKKAD/PP/IV/2015 on April 17,
PP/IV/2015 pada tanggal 17 April 2015. 2015.

Sepanjang tahun 2022, Perseroan terbilang cukup berhasil dalam Throughout 2022, the Company successfully conducted conducive
melakukan pengelolaan Industrial yang kondusif dengan Pekerja, Industrial management with Workers so that there were no labor strikes
sehingga sepanjang tahun tersebut tidak terjadi labor strike yang involving Workers and the Company during the year.
melibatkan Pekerja dan Perseroan.

Peraturan Perusahaan Company Regulations

Peraturan Perusahaan merupakan kaidah tatanan organisasi yang The Company Regulation is a rule of organizational order that is used as
dijadikan landasan untuk bersikap dan bertingkah laku di lingkungan a basis for behaving and behaving within the Company in accordance
Perseroan agar sesuai dengan norma dan nilai yang berbudi luhur. with norms and virtuous values.

Pada tahun 2021 Perseroan telah melakukan perpanjangan dan In 2021, the Company has extended and socialized and distributed the
sosialisasi serta membagikan buku Peraturan Perusahaan 2021- 2021-2023 Company Regulation book which has been approved through
2023 yang telah disahkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direktur Jendral the Decree of the Director General of Industrial Relations and Labor
Pembinaan Hubungan Industrial dan Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja Social Security of the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia
Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia Nomor Kep. 4/ Number Kep. 4/HI.00.00/00.0000.201729004/B/XII/2021 on December
HI.00.00/00.0000.201729004/B/XII/2021 pada 31 Desember 2021. 31, 2021.

Sanksi Disiplin Disciplinary Sanctions

Dalam rangka menerapkan prinsip keadilan bagi seluruh Insan In order to implement the principle of fairness for all employees of the
Perseroan, selain memberikan apresiasi kepada Pekerja yang berkinerja Company, in addition to giving appreciation to employees who perform
baik, Perseroan juga memiliki kebijakan terkait dengan pemberian well, the Company also has policies related to sanctioning employees
sanksi kepada Pekerja yang melakukan pelanggaran sebagai bentuk who commit violations as a form of implementing Good Corporate
penerapan Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Jenis sanksi yang berlaku Governance (GCG). The types of sanctions that apply in the Company are
di Perseroan didasarkan pada jenis pelanggaran yang dilakukan, unsur based on the type of violation committed, the elements of the act, and
perbuatan, serta dampak yang ditimbulkan meliputi: Surat Peringatan the impact caused, including: 1st, 2nd, 1st & Last Warning Letter, as well
1, 2, 1 & Terakhir, serta skorsing. Pemberian sanksi selama 3 (tiga) tahun as suspension. The sanctions for the last 3 (three) years in the Company
terakhir di Perseroan menunjukkan kenaikan sebagaimana tabel berikut: show an increase as shown in the following table:

Jenis Surat Tindakan Disiplin/Sanksi 2022 2021 2020 Type of Disciplanary Action Letter/Sanction
Surat Peringatan 1 (Pertama) 1 2 5 Warning Letter 1 (First)
Surat Peringatan 2 (Kedua) 1 1 0 Warning Letter 2 (Second)
Surat Peringatan 3 (Ketiga) & Terakhir 11 0 3 3 (Third) & Last Warning Letter
Surat Pembebasan Sementara (Skorsing) 1 2 0 Temporary Exemption Letter (Suspension)
Jumlah 14 5 8 Total

Culture Culture
Pentingnya mempertahankan budaya Perseroan adalah untuk The importance of maintaining the Company’s culture is to ensure the
memastikan identitas Perseroan dengan budaya yang kuat dan Company’s identity with a strong culture and character. In addition, the
berkarakter. Selain itu penciptaan budaya yang kuat penting untuk creation of a strong culture is important to ensure the Company’s image
memastikan image Perseroan dilingkungan internal maupun eksternal. in the internal and external environment.

130 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Fungsi Pendukung Bisnis
Business Support Functions

Core Values Tata Nilai AKHLAK Core Values Code of Conduct

Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direktur Utama PT Pertamina (Persero) Based on the Decree of the President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero)
No. KPTS-33/C0000/2020-S0 tentang Penerapan Tata Nilai-nilai Utama No. KPTS-33/C0000/2020-S0 concerning the Implementation of the
(Core Values) AKHLAK di Pertamina, Anak Perusahaan serta Afiliasi AKHLAK Core Values at Pertamina, its Subsidiaries, and Consolidated
Terkonsolidasi tanggal 08 September 2020, dan Surat Perintah Direktur Affiliates dated September 08, 2020, and the Order of the Director of
SDM dan Penunjang Bisnis PT Pertamina Hulu Energi No. Prin-003/ HR and Business Support of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi No. Prin-003/
PHE50000/2020-S8 tentang Tim Implementasi Tata Nilai AKHLAK dan PHE50000/2020-S8 concerning the AKHLAK Core Values Implementation
Program Budaya Inti 135 Sub Holding Upstream tanggal 05 Oktober Team and Core Culture Program 135 Sub Holding Upstream dated
2020, maka pada tahun 2021 Perseroan mulai menerapkan nilai-nilai October 05, 2020, then in 2021, the Company began implementing the
dasar (core values) tata nilai AKHLAK (Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, core values of the AKHLAK values (Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonious,
Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif) yang menjadi bagian dari Budaya Perusahaan. Loyal, Adaptive, Collaborative) which became part of the Corporate
Tata nilai AKHLAK merupakan identitas dan perekat budaya kerja Culture. The AKHLAK values are the identity and glue of the work culture
yang mendukung peningkatan kinerja karyawan dan Perseroan secara that supports the sustainable improvement of employee and Company
berkelanjutan. Perseroan menjalalan program internalisasi tata nilai performance. The Company runs an internalization program of moral
akhlak yang sudah diformulasikan oleh Sub Holding Upstream sebagai values that have been formulated by Sub Holding Upstream as the
parent company, maupun program yang dijalankan secama mandiri di parent company, as well as programs that are run independently within
lingkungan Pereoran. Program internalisasi tata nilai AKHLAk ini berupa the Company. The AKHLAk value internalization program is in the form
sosialisasi, event, “AKHLAK Moment”, campaign secara masif melalui of socialization, events, “AKHLAK Moment,” massive campaigns through
broadcast email, WA, media cetak (spanduk, banner, poster), serta email broadcasts, WA, print media (banners, banners, posters), as well
media-media dan bentuk event lainnya. as other media and forms of events.

Terkait program internalisasi tata nilai AKHLAK yang dijalankan Perseroan Regarding the AKHLAK value internalization program carried out by the
selama tahun 2022 dapat dilihat pada BAB Profil Perusahaan. Company during 2022 can be seen in the Company Profile Chapter.

Code of Conduct Code of Conduct

Sebagai entitas bisnis yang berstatus Perseroan Terbuka, penerapan As a business entity with Public Company status, the implementation
standar etika usaha perlu menjadi perhatian untuk memastikan of business ethics standards needs to be a concern to ensure that the
Perseroan memenuhi hak dan kewajiban Perseroan terhadap para Company fulfills its rights and obligations to stakeholders. The Code of
pemangku kepentingan. Code of Conduct harus bersumber dari nilai- Conduct must be sourced from the values embraced by the Company,
nilai yang dianut Perseroan, dan penerapannya berlaku bagi semua and its application applies to all employees and management (including
pekerja dan manajemen (termasuk Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi) tanpa the Board of Commissioners and Directors) without exception, and is
terkecuali, serta secara berkala direview dan disosialisasikan kembali regularly reviewed and re-socialized to all elements of the Company.
kepada seluruh elemen Perseroan. Sejak tahun 2021 Perseroan telah Since 2021, the Company has obtained an Anti Bribery Management
memperoleh sertifikat Anti Bribery Management System ISO 37001:2016 System ISO 37001:2016 certificate, as a system that helps the Company
atau Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan, sebagai sistem yang membantu to maintain the Code of Conduct.
Perseroan untuk tetap mempertahankan Code of Conduct.

Work Life Balance Work Life Balance

Perseroan telah memberlakukan beberapa program demi mencapai The Company has implemented several programs to achieve a balance
keseimbangan antara pekerjaan dengan kehidupan pribadi/ keluarga between work and personal / family life so that workers can manage their
sehingga pekerja dapat mengatur waktu yang baik (seimbang) antara time well (balanced) between work at work and their personal needs.
pekerjaan di tempat kerja dengan kebutuhan pribadinya. melalui through work-life balance programs, it is hoped that workers will be
program work-life balance, diharapkan pekerja semakin produktif, more productive, high-performing, happier and creative because work
berkinerja tinggi, lebih bahagia dan kreatif karena kehidupan di pekerjaan and personal life support their productivity. Various Work Life Balance
maupun pribadi mendukung produktivitasnya. Berbagai program Work programs managed by the Company include sports, arts, religious and
Life Balance yang dikelola oleh Perseroan antara lain kegiatan olahraga, personal/family matters.
kesenian, keagamaan dan personal/ family matters.

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Fungsi Pendukung Bisnis
Business Support Functions

Information System


Departement Information System PT Elnusa Tbk bertanggungjawab The Information System Department of PT Elnusa Tbk is responsible
melakukan koordinasi dan konsolidasi dengan seluruh anak perusahaan for coordinating and consolidating with all subsidiaries to improve
untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, kecepatan layanan, dan integrasi efficiency, speed of service, and integration of existing information. IT
informasi yang ada. Sistem IT yang dikembangkan memiliki kesamaan systems developed have similarities in the existing business processes
pada proses bisnis yang ada di masing-masing anak perusahaan in each subsidiary and are standardized to increase effectiveness and
dilakukan standarisasi untuk meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi efficiency in carrying out business activities.
dalam menjalankan aktivitas bisnis.

Meningkatnya serangan siber di tahun ini, khususnya pada perusahaan- The increase in cyber attacks this year, especially on companies engaged
perusahaan yang bergerak di sektor energi dan pendukungnya, memicu in the energy sector and its supporters, triggered the IS Department to
Departemen IS untuk meningkatkan sistem keamanan informasi yang improve the existing information security system. This is done so that
ada. Hal ini dilakukan agar informasi yang ada di lingkungan Elnusa Grup information within the Elnusa Group remains safe and protected from
tetap aman dan terlindungi dari serangan siber yang dapat merugikan cyber attacks that can harm the company.

Depertemen IS tetap menjalankan proyek IT yang sedang berjalan serta The IS Department continues to run ongoing IT projects and develop IT
melakukan pengembangan produk teknologi IT merupakan dua hal technology products are two things that must be done simultaneously.
yang harus dilakukan secara bersamaan. Menjalankan proyek IT yang Running an ongoing IT project requires good cooperation between the
sedang berjalan memerlukan kerja sama yang baik antara tim proyek project team and management as well as good monitoring to ensure
dan manajemen serta pemantauan yang baik untuk menjamin proyek the project goes according to plan. Meanwhile, developing IT technology
berjalan sesuai dengan rencana. Sedangkan melakukan pengembangan products is important to improve the quality and value of the products
produk teknologi IT menjadi penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas offered. This will allow the company to compete in an increasingly tight
dan nilai produk yang ditawarkan. Hal ini akan membuat perusahaan market. By continuing to run ongoing IT projects and developing IT
dapat bersaing di pasar yang semakin ketat. Dengan tetap menjalankan technology products, the company can ensure that IT projects run well
proyek IT yang sedang berjalan serta melakukan pengembangan produk and the products offered are always up-to-date.
teknologi IT, perusahaan dapat memastikan bahwa proyek IT berjalan
dengan baik dan produk yang ditawarkan selalu up-to-date.


Dalam tugasnya untuk melayani kebutuhan sistem ERP, pengelolaan In its duties to serve the needs of ERP systems, IT asset management,
asset TI, pengembangan aplikasi, penyediaan alat kerja TI, pengelolaan application development, provision of IT work tools, server management
server dan perangkat pendukung data center, infrastruktur TI dan and data center support devices, IT infrastructure and also support
juga mendukung operasi khususnya dalam kebutuhan infrastruktur TI, operations, especially in IT infrastructure needs, tracking and monitoring
tracking dan monitoring pengeboran. Departemen IS juga menjalankan drilling. The IS Department also runs and develops several projects that
dan mengembangkan beberapa proyek yang sudah berjalan dan are already running and generating new revenue streams.
menghasilkan revenue stream yang baru.

Perubahan struktur organisasi perusahaan dan bergabungnya Changes in the company’s organizational structure and the merger of
Departemen IS ke dalam Departemen PMGS pada Q3 tahun 2022 dan the IS Department into the PMGS Department in Q3 2022 and with the
dengan beralihnya bisnis IoT ke anak perusahaan, mempertegas fungsi transition of the IoT business to a subsidiary, reinforces the functions
dan tugas Departemen IS untuk memberikan layanan IT yang terbaik and duties of the IS Department to provide the best IT services within
dilingkungan Elnusa Grup. the Elnusa Group.

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Departemen IS memiliki komitmen untuk mengelola dan memberikan The IS Department is committed to managing and providing the best
pelayanan terbaik di lingkungan Elnusa Grup. Salah satu prioritas services within the Elnusa Group. One of the priorities emphasized is
yang ditekankan adalah efisiensi biaya pada pengadaan teknologi dan cost efficiency in technology and license procurement. This is done to
lisensi. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa perusahaan dapat ensure that the company can allocate the right budget for the technology
mengalokasikan anggaran yang tepat untuk teknologi yang dibutuhkan needed without having to increase costs. Thus, the IS department will
tanpa harus membengkakkan biaya. Dengan demikian, departemen always choose the best and effective technology. The use of eQuanta
IS akan selalu memilih teknologi yang terbaik dan efektif. Penggunaan program as a cross-functional digitization program, as an integrated
program eQuanta sebagai program digitalisasi lintas fungsi sebagai application development standard so as to maintain consistency of
standar pengembangan aplikasi yang terintegrasi sehingga dapat processes, data and information is an effective solution. Application
menjaga konsistensi proses, data dan informasi merupakan solusi improvements in the current eQuanta are 47 modules and sub modules.
yang tepat guna. Improvement aplikasi pada eQuanta yang ada saat ini Improvement of the utilization and productivity dashboard application
sebanyak 47 modul dan sub modul. Improvement aplikasi dashboard is expected to monitor the use of existing applications in real time.
utilization dan productivity diharapkan dapat memonitoring penggunaan As well as several applications that have begun to be implemented to
aplikasi yang ada secara realtime. Serta beberapa aplikasi yang sudah subsidiaries, including: SCM Online, MCU Online, SPPD, Dirumah aja and
mulai di implementasi ke anak perusahaan, diantaranya: SCM Online, eTop.
MCU Online, SPPD, Dirumah aja serta eTop.

Komitmen Depertemen IS didalam mengelola dan melayani di The commitment of the IS Department to managing and serving the
lingkungan Elnusa Grup ditunjukan dengan improvement aplikasi yang Elnusa Group is shown by the improvement of existing applications
ada saat ini sebanyak 47 modul dan sub modul. Improvement aplikasi totaling 47 modules and sub-modules. Improvement of the utilization
dashboard utilization dan productivity diharapkan dapat me-monitoring and productivity dashboard application is expected to monitor the use
penggunaan aplikasi yang ada secara realtime. of existing applications in real-time.

Tahun 2022 merupakan tahun yang penuh tantangan untuk Departemen The year 2022 is full of challenges for the IS Department. The rise of
IS, maraknya serangan siber terutama yang menargetkan ke perusahaan- cyber attacks, especially those targeting energy sector companies and
perusahaan sektor energi dan pendukungnya yang dilakukan oknum- their supporters carried out by individuals in cyberspace, makes the IS
oknum di dunia maya membuat Departemen IS lebih waspada terhadap Department more vigilant against potential attacks by increasing vigilance
potensi-potensi serangan dengan meningkatkan kewaspadaan dan and improving existing security systems. Increasing DRC facilities to
meningkatkan sistem keamanan yang ada. Peningkatan fasiltas DRC improve the current BCP capabilities and conducting pentests on existing
untuk meningkatkan kemampuan BCP yang ada saat ini dan melakukan networks and applications, as well as increasing the competence of IS
pentest terhadap jaringan dan aplikasi yang ada, serta meningkatkan department human resources in the field of information security, are
kompetensi SDM departemen IS di bidang keamanan informasi adalah some of the efforts made to improve information security. Meanwhile,
beberapa usaha yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan keamanan to improve network services from IT infrastructure, Access Point devices
informasi. Sementara untuk meningkatkan layanan jaringan dari are rejuvenated.
infrastruktur TI melakukan peremajaan perangkat Access Point.

Standarisasi platform pengembangan aplikasi dan Big Data di Elnusa Standardization of application development platforms and Big
Grup terus dilakukan dengan melakukan koordinasi dan konsolidasi Data in Elnusa Group continues to be carried out by coordinating
dengan anak perusahaan dilingkungan Elnusa Grup. Transfer knowledge and consolidating with subsidiaries within Elnusa Group. Transfer
framework yang digunakan di Elnusa Holding ke anak perusahaan, of knowledge framework used in Elnusa Holding to subsidiaries,
sosialisasi arsitektur framework, Big Data dan penggunaan BI ke anak socialization of framework architecture, Big Data, and BI usage to
perusahaan. Secara paralel dengan itu juga diimplementasikannya SAP subsidiaries. In parallel with that, SAP HCM was also implemented in
HCM ke seluruh anak perusahaan. all subsidiaries.

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Dukungan terhadap proyek Survei Seismic 2D Multizona Area Buton The IS Department supported the Buton Area Multizona 2D Seismic
dilakukan Departemen IS dengan menggunakan teknologi VPMS untuk Survey project by using VPMS technology for live vessel monitoring. As
monitoring kapal secara live. Sedangkan untuk kegiatan proyek saat ini, for the current project activities, it carries out its obligations based on
menjalankan sesuai kewajiban berdasarkan kontrak yang ada. the existing contract.

Sejalan dengan fungsi dan tugas Departemen IS diatas, konsolidasi dan In line with the functions and duties of the IS Department above,
koordinasi dengan SHU terus dilakukan, dan mendapatkan penghargaan consolidation and coordination with SHU continued to be carried out,
sebagai Best Role Model Data Integration dalam HSH Award Pertamina and was awarded the Best Role Model Data Integration in HSH Award
Persero atas integrasi data Human Capital di Big Data Elnusa dengan Pertamina Persero for the integration of Human Capital data in Elnusa
Data lake Pertamina Persero. Big Data with Pertamina Persero Data lake.


Melanjutkan dukungan diversifikasi bisnis perusahaan pada tahun Continuing to support the company’s business diversification in the
sebelumnya dengan beberapa pengembangan produk ICT, pada tahun previous year with several ICT product developments, in 2022, the IS
2022 departemen IS berhasil melakukan komersialisasi terhadap department successfully commercialized Smart Water Meter (SWM)
teknologi Smart Water Meter (SWM) pada Perumda Air Minum technology at Perumda Air Minum Bogor City (January to December
Kota Bogor (Januari sampai dengan Desember 2022). Serta meraih 2022). And won an award at the UIIA (Upstream Improvement and
penghargaan diajang UIIA (Upstream Inprovement and Inovation Awards Innovation Awards 2022) with the Platinum title.
2022) dengan predikat Platinum.

Perubahan struktur organisasi dan strategi bisnis perusahaan, dengan Changes in the company’s organizational structure and business strategy,
bergabungnya departemen IS ke departemen PMGS dan pengalihan with the merger of the IS department into the PMGS department and
bisnis teknologi IoT ke anak perusahaan pada Q3 tahun 2022 menjadikan the transfer of the IoT technology business to a subsidiary in Q3 2022,
departemen IS kembali memfokuskan kegiatannya kepada layanan IT made the IS department refocus its activities on IT services within the
dilingkungan Elnusa Grup. Elnusa Group.

Investasi TI di Tahun 2022 IT Investment in 2022

Investasi dalam Teknologi Informasi (TI) sangat penting bagi perusahaan. Investment in Information Technology (IT) is significant for the Company.
Salah satu cara untuk memastikan bahwa perusahaan terus berkembang One of the ways to ensure that the Company continues to grow is to
adalah dengan meningkatkan kompetensi sumber daya dan melakukan improve resource competencies and rejuvenate devices. In this case,
peremajaan perangkat. Dalam hal ini Investasi dalam kompetensi investment in resource competencies will ensure the Company’s staff
sumber daya akan memastikan bahwa staf perusahaan memiliki have the necessary knowledge and skills to address current and future
pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk mengatasi challenges in the form of training and skills development or adding new
tantangan yang dihadapi saat ini dan masa depan. Berupa pelatihan dan resources with better knowledge and skills. Some training that have
pengembangan keterampilan, atau menambahkan sumber daya baru been carried out are SAP Sales and Distribution, Business Continuity
yang memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang lebih baik. Adapun Management & Business Continuity Plan, UI/UX for Developer, Google
beberapa pelatihan yang sudah dilaksanakan adalah: SAP Sales and Cloud Enterprise, as well as ISO 27001 and Certified Ethical Hacker to
Distribution, Business Continuity Management & Business Continuity increase competence in the field of information security.
Plan, UI/UX for Developer, Enterprise Cloud Platform serta ISO 27001
dan Certified Ethical Hacker untuk peningkatan kompetensi dibidang
keamanan informasi.

Sementara itu, peremajaan perangkat akan memastikan bahwa Meanwhile, device rejuvenation will ensure the Company has the latest
perusahaan memiliki teknologi terbaru dan tercanggih yang dapat and most advanced technology to help overcome business challenges
membantu mengatasi tantangan bisnis dan memenuhi kebutuhan. and meet needs. In this case, it is in the form of refurbishing several
Dalam hal ini berupa peremajaan beberapa Access Point yang sudah existing Access Points to improve the performance, security, and stability
ada untuk meningkatkan performa, keamanan, dan stabilitas jaringan of the wireless network.

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Perubahan strategi bisnis perusahaan dan peleburan Departemen IS Changes in the company’s business strategy and the merger of the IS
ke Departemen PMGS, membuat Departemen IS lebih memfokuskan Department into the PMGS Department, made the IS Department focus
diri terhadap layanan IT yang diberikan dilingkungan Elnusa Grup. more on IT services provided within the Elnusa Group. The IT function in
Fungsi IT dalam perusahaan sangat penting untuk memberikan layanan the company is very important to provide the best service to customers.
terbaik kepada pelanggan. IT harus fokus pada efisiensi, kecepatan IT should focus on efficiency, speed of service, security, integration,
layanan, keamanan, integrasi, dan kualitas secara keseluruhan. Dengan and overall quality. By strengthening the IT function, the company can
memperkuat fungsi IT, perusahaan dapat meningkatkan efektivitas dan increase effectiveness and efficiency in its operations.
efisiensi dalam operasionalnya.

Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, perusahaan akan mengembangkan To achieve this goal, the company will develop a new single framework
new single framework architecture big data dan aplikasi. Sehingga for big data architecture and applications. This will allow for the
akan memungkinkan untuk replikasi aplikasi-aplikasi Elnusa ke seluruh replication of Elnusa applications to subsidiaries in need. In addition,
anak perusahaan yang membutuhkan. Selain itu, perusahaan juga the company will also explore the utilization of the cloud platform
akan mengeksplorasi pemanfaatan teknologi cloud platform dalam technology in maximize SAAS (Software as a Service) feature which has
pemanfaatan fitur-fitur SAAS (Software as a Service) yang memiliki a variety of features that can help companies manage data better.
berbagai macam fitur sehingga dapat membantu perusahaan dalam
mengelola data dengan lebih baik.

Tata kelola IT juga akan mengacu pada standar best practice keamanan IT governance will also refer to best practice standards to ensure
informasi dan data. Selain itu, perusahaan akan melanjutkan migrasi security and data. In addition, the company will continue the migration
arsitektur aplikasi untuk meningkatkan performance dan memudahkan of application architecture to improve performance and facilitate the
pengembangan kolaborasi framework di Elnusa Group kedepannya. Hal development of collaboration frameworks in Elnusa Group in the future.
ini akan membuat perusahaan lebih fleksibel dalam mengelola data dan This will make the company more flexible in managing its data and
aplikasinya. applications.

Secara keseluruhan, dengan mempertegas fungsi IT, memberikan Overall, by emphasizing IT functions, providing the best services, and
layanan terbaik, dan mengembangkan infrastruktur yang lebih baik, developing better infrastructure, the company can increase effectiveness
perusahaan dapat meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi dalam and efficiency in its operations. So that it can make the company more
operasionalnya. Sehingga dapat membuat perusahaan lebih sukses successful in achieving its business goals.
dalam mencapai tujuan bisnisnya.

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Supply Chain

Dalam rangka menjaga kinerja operasionalnya, Perseroan memberikan To maintain its operational performance, the Company gives
perhatian besar kepada seluruh mitra kerja pemasok agar dapat considerable thought to ensuring that all suppliers are able to deliver
memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk mendukung seluruh kegiatan their best services in supporting all of Elnusa’s operational activities.
operasional Elnusa. Dimulai sejak proses pendaftaran untuk menjadi Starting from the initial stage, namely the registration process to become
mitra kerja Elnusa, Perseroan menerapkan kriteria khusus guna memilih Elnusa’s work partner, the Company has required some specific criteria
mitra kerja yang berkualitas saja yang dapat bermitra dengan Elnusa. to select only qualified partners to work with Elnusa. In addition, as part
Selain itu, dalam rangka transparansi proses pengadaan barang dan jasa of the transparency of the goods and services procurement process, as
dan memperluas sourcing, pada tahun 2022 ini Elnusa sudah melakukan well as to expand sourcing, in 2022 Elnusa made enhancements to the
enhancement portal pendaftaran aplikasi Vendor Management System Vendor Management System application registration portal in the main
di direktori utama website Elnusa dengan alamat https://vms.elnusa. directory of the Elnusa website, with the address https://vms.elnusa. , dan mencatatkan pertambahan jumlah mitra kerja sebanyak, and recorded an increase in the number of partners of 155
155 sehingga total mitra kerja terdaftar saat ini adalah sebanyak 1.469. so that the total number of registered partners is currently 1,469. After
Setelah mendapatkan informasi yang cukup tentang profil suatu obtaining sufficient information about the profil of a company that will
perusahaan yang akan mendaftar sebagai rekanan Elnusa, tim Elnusa apply as an Elnusa partner, the Elnusa team verifies the company, to
melakukan verifikasi kepada perusahaan tersebut guna memastikan ensure that their legality and competence are in accordance with the
legalitas dan kompetensi yang dimiliki sesuai dengan standard yang standards required by the Company. In addition, the Company will also
dibutuhkan. Selain itu, juga memastikan fasilitas penunjang yang dimiliki ensure that the supporting facilities they have are in keeping with the
apakah sudah sesuai dengan bisnis yang ditawarkan. business they offer.

Sebelum menjadi mitra Elnusa yang melakukan pekerjaan dengan resiko Before becoming a partner of Elnusa, which will perform high-
tinggi, perusahaan harus melalui tahapan prakualifikasi Contractor Safety risk work, the company must go through the Contractor Safety
Management System (CSMS) & Contractor Quality Management System Management System (CSMS) & Contractor Quality Management System
(CQMS) dan memiliki nilai cukup untuk tercatat mendapatkan nomor (CQMS) prequalification stage, and have sufficient scores to get an
identifikasi dan menjadi Approved Vendor List Elnusa. Prakualifikasi identification number and become Elnusa’s Approved Vendor List. CSMS
CSMS adalah suatu sistem pengelolaan aspek keselamatan, kesehatan Prequalification is a system of managing aspects of safety, occupational
kerja dan lindungan lingkungan (K3LL) oleh mitra kerja/vendor dalam health and environmental protection (K3LL) by work partners / vendors
pelaksanaan pekerjaannya. Sedangkan Prakualifikasi CQMS adalah suatu in the implementation of their work. While CQMS Prequalification
metode pengukuran bagaimana suatu perusahaan mengelola day to day is a method of measuring how a company manages their day to day
operasional mereka sesuai dengan prinsip- prinsip kualitas kerja dan operations in accordance with the principles of work quality and fulfils
memenuhi persyaratan kinerja yang diterapkan oleh Elnusa. the performance requirements applied by Elnusa.

CSMS Full Cycle CSMS Full Cycle

Sejalan dengan kajian dan evaluasi yang telah dilakukan oleh Divisi HSSE In line with the review and evaluation conducted by the HSSE
terkait compliance atas ketentuan CSMS Perseroan maka telah dilakukan Division related to compliance with the Company’s CSMS provisions,
pelaksanaan proses CSMS full cycle (siklus lengkap), khususnya untuk the implementation of full cycle CSMS is carried out, especially for
kegiatan operasional yang dikategorikan level medium dan high risk. operational activities categorised as medium and high risk level.
Pemenuhan proses CSMS full cycle dilakukan untuk memastikan para Fulfilment of the full cycle CSMS process is carried out to ensure that
mitra kerja telah menjalankan tahapan proses CSMS secara lengkap satu partners have carried out the stages of the CSMS process in a complete
siklus sebagai bagian dari mitigasi resiko & bahaya dalam mencegah cycle as part of risk & hazard mitigation in preventing accidents, which
terjadinya accident, yang kerap ditimbulkan dari kinerja HSSE mitra are often caused by HSSE performance of partners that are not in
kerja yang tidak sesuai standard yang ditetapkan. Tahapan proses CSMS accordance with established standards. The stages of the CSMS process
dimaksud adalah sebagai berikut : are as follows:

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1. Risk Assesment 1. Risk Assessment

Memastikan proses Identifikasi Bahaya dan Kaji Resiko (Hazard Ensure that the Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment (HIRA)
Identification & Risk Assessment, HIRA) telah dilakukan terhadap process has been carried out at every stage of work, whether
setiap tahap pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan, baik yang bersifat services or materials. The deliverables of this HIRA process are the
jasa ataupun material. Deliverables dari proses HIRA ini berupa determination of the risk category/level of the work to be carried
penetapan kategori/level risiko dari pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan. out.

2. Prakualifikasi 2. Prequalification
Memastikan proses Prakualifikasi sudah diterapkan kepada seluruh Ensure the Prequalification process has been applied to all
mitra kerja sesuai dengan kategori/level resiko pekerjaannya. partners in accordance with the category/level of risk of the
Deliverables dari proses prakualifikasi ini adalah daftar rekomendasi work. The deliverables of this pre-qualification process are a list of
vendor/mitra kerja terpilih yang memenuhi kriteria HSSE. recommendations for selected vendors/work partners that meet
HSSE criteria.
3. Selection (HSSE Plan) 3. Selection (HSSE Plan)
Proses ini bertujuan untuk memilih calon mitra kerja terbaik yang This process aims to select the best prospective work partners who
memenuhi persyaratan HSSE yang telah ditetapkan oleh PT Elnusa meet the HSSE requirements set by PT Elnusa Tbk. The deliverables
Tbk. Deliverables dari proses ini adalah dokumen HSSE Plan yang of this process are HSSE Plan documents that contain details of
berisi rincian kegiatan pengelolaan aspek HSSE oleh calon mitra HSSE aspect management activities by prospective partners.

4. Pre Job Activity (PJA) 4. Pre Job Activity (PJA)

Memastikan proses Pre Job Activity (PJA) telah dilaksanakan kepada Ensure the Pre Job Activity (PJA) process has been carried out
seluruh mitra kerja sebelum pekerjaan dimulai. Deliverables dari to all work partners before work begins. The deliverables of this
proses PJA ini adalah kesiapan personil, peralatan dan elemen lain PJA process are the readiness of personnel, equipment and other
yang telah memenuhi standar HSSE. elements that meet HSSE standards.

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5. Work in Progress (WIP) 5. Work in Progress (WIP)

Setelah melalui proses pengadaan dan mitra kerja mendapatkan After going through the procurement process and the work partner
award untuk menjalankan suatu pekerjaan di lingkungan Elnusa, gets an award to carry out a job in the Elnusa environment, within
dalam jangka waktu tertentu Elnusa melakukan review atas a certain period of time Elnusa reviews the work carried out by
pekerjaan yang dilakukan perusahaan dengan melihat secara the company by directly seeing the implementation of work in
langsung pelaksanaan pekerjaan di lapangan. Review tersebut the field. The review will ensure that the company does the work
akan memastikan perusahaan melakukan pekerjaan sesuai prinsip- according to the quality principles set by CQMS and K3 so that
prinsip kualitas yang sudah di tentukan oleh CQMS dan K3 agar the work can be completed without accidents and get results in
pekerjaan dapat selesai tanpa kecelakaan dan mendapatkan hasil accordance with the operational plan. The WIP was attended by
yang sesuai dengan rencana operasional. Pelaksanaan WIP ini representatives from Operations, SCM and CQMS and HSSE.
dihadiri oleh perwakilan dari Operations, SCM dan CQMS dan

6. Final Evaluation (FE) 6. Final Evaluation (FE)

Memastikan proses Final Evaluation/Penilaian Akhir terhadap mitra Ensure that the Final Evaluation (FE) process is completed
kerja telah dipenuhi segera setelah pekerjaan selesai. Deliverables immediately after the work is finished. The deliverables of this
dari proses FE ini adalah penilaian atas kinerja dan kepatuhan FE process are an assessment of the partner’s HSE performance
HSSE mitra kerja dari pekerjaan yang telah dilaksanakan, sebagai and compliance from the work that has been carried out, as
rekomendasi kemitraan selanjutnya. recommendations for future partnerships.

Contract Review Meeting (CRM) Contract Review Meeting (CRM)

Contract Review Meeting (CRM) adalah pengawasan kinerja Mitra Kerja Contract Review Meeting (CRM) is the supervision of the performance
(Vendor/Subkontraktor) sesuai dengan ketentuan kontrak kerjasama of Partners (Vendors / Subcontractors) in accordance with the terms of
yang dilakukan secara berkala selama periode kontrak dengan the cooperation contract which is carried out periodically during the
melibatkan fungsi terkait seperti fungsi pengguna, asset, Quality, HSSE, contract period by involving related functions such as user functions,
Keuangan dan Legal. Aktivitas ini dilakukan dengan tujuan melakukan assets, Quality, HSSE, Finance and Legal. This activity is carried out with
review secara strategic terhadap kinerja mitra Elnusa dalam memenuhi the aim of conducting a strategic review of the performance of Elnusa
Service Level Agreement (SLA) yang disepakati sesuai kontrak yang partners in fulfilling the agreed Service Level Agreement (SLA) according
sudah didapatkan. CRM dapat dilakukan sesuai dengan kompleksitas to the contract that has been obtained. CRM can be carried out according
pekerjaannya, sehingga diharapkan mitra kerja melakukan pekerjaan to the complexity of the work, so that it is expected that partners work
sesuai prinsip-prinsip kualitas agar pekerjaan dapat selesai tepat waktu according to quality principles so that the work can be completed on
dan memberikan kinerja yang optimal sesuai kontrak. time and provide optimal performance according to the contract.

Demand & Supply Analysis Demand & Supply Analysis

Dari waktu ke waktu Elnusa selalu melakukan analisa terhadap demand From time to time Elnusa always analyzes the demand and supply
dan kinerja supply yang terjadi dalam operasionalnya. Analisa tersebut performance that occurs in its operations. The analysis is used to
digunakan untuk menentukan kebijakan pengadaan yang tepat untuk determine the right procurement policy for all Elnusa’s operational
semua kebutuhan operasional Elnusa, sehingga tujuan kinerja SCM yang needs, so that the goal of better, faster, cheaper, and closer SCM
semakin baik, cepat, murah, dan dekat (better, faster, cheaper, closer) performance can be achieved.
dapat tercapai.

Logistics Services Logistics Services

Kegiatan Logistics Services secara khusus memiliki peran sebagai Logistics Services activities specifically have a role as part of supply
bagian dari supply chain management yang merencanakan, chain management that plans, implements, and controls the flow and
mengimplementasikan, dan mengendalikan aliran dan penyimpanan storage of goods effectively and efficiently from the point of origin to
barang dengan efektif dan efisien sejak dari titik asal sampai dengan titik the point of consumption to meet customer needs. The complexity of
konsumsi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan. Kompleksitas kegiatan logistics activities is modeled, analyzed, visualized, and optimized with
logistik dimodelkan, dianalisis, divisualisasikan, dan dioptimalkan the use of Warehouse Management System (WMS) applications that are
dengan penggunaan aplikasi Warehouse Management System (WMS) currently being developed using internal IT competencies and the use of
yang saat ini sedang dikembangkan menggunakan kompetensi IT internal Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software applications. The logistics
dan penggunaan aplikasi Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. activities carried out include:
Kegiatan logistics yang dilakukan termasuk diantaranya adalah:
1. Pengelolaan jasa transportasi baik itu ekspor-impor, pengurusan 1. Management of transportation services for export-import, custom
custom clearance, dan jasa transportasi (mob/demob) lokal. clearance, and local transportation services (mob/demob).
2. Pengelolaan persediaan mulai dari pengelolaan master data 2. Inventory management starting from material master data
material, pengelolaan permintaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan, management, demand management, receipt, storage, and release
dan pengeluaran barang. of goods.

138 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Fungsi Pendukung Bisnis
Business Support Functions

3. Pengelolaan warehouse mulai dari standarisasi spesifikasi, 3. Warehouse management starting from standardization of
optimalisasi layout dan fasilitas warehouse, kepatuhan terhadap specifications, optimization of warehouse layout and facilities,
peraturan pemerintah, dan memberikan jaminan kesehatan dan compliance with government regulations, and providing health and
keamanan untuk personil yang bekerja didalamnya. safety guarantees for personnel working in it.

Elnusa juga menerapkan sistem Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI), Elnusa also implements a Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) system,
dimana Perusahaan menyediakan tempat di gudang bagi para mitra where the Company provides warehouse space for partners to bring
kerja untuk dapat mendekatkan stock persediaan mereka ke end user. their inventory closer to end users.

SCM Online SCM Online

Salah satu program pengembangan dari SCM adalah sudah dibuatkan One of the development programs of SCM is an integrated and paperless
sistem Source to Pay (S2P) terintegrasi dan paperless dalam satu Source to Pay (S2P) system in one platform, namely SCM Online. In
platform yaitu SCM Online. Dimana di dalam tools ini semua kegiatan this tool, all goods and services procurement activities from the initial
pengadaan barang dan jasa dari awal request sampai closing dapat request to closing can be done in just one door, namely SCM Online. The
dilakukan dalam satu pintu saja, yaitu SCM Online. Dashboard di dalam dashboard in SCM Online can identify all activities in SCM. This system
SCM online dapat mengidentifikasi segala kegiatan di dalam SCM. Sistem provides procurement services with a Service Level Agreement that can
ini memberi layanan pengadaan dengan Service Level Agreement yang be measured and analyzed.
dapat diukur dan dianalisa.

Vendor Performance Evaluation Vendor Performance Evaluation

Mitra Kerja di Elnusa di kelompokan menjadi 3 segment sesuai dengan Partners in Elnusa are grouped into 3 segments according to their
kompetensinya yaitu Strategic (memiliki kontrak jangka panjang), competencies, namely Strategic (have long-term contracts), Preferred
Preffered (digunakan untuk menunjang kegiatan operasional inti (used to support the Company’s core operational activities), and
Perusahaan), dan Indirect/Transactional Operation (digunakan untuk Indirect/Transactional Operation (used to support operational activities
menunjang kegiatan operasional yang bukan kompetensi utama that are not the Company’s main competencies and are non-routine
Perusahaan dan bersifat transaksi tidak rutin, one time PO, atau transactions, one time POs, or low risk jobs). Performance measurement
pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang memiliki resiko rendah). Pengukuran kinerja is carried out since partner gets the job until the completion of the job
dilakukan sejak mitra kerja mendapatkan pekerjaan hingga selama from Elnusa.
menyelesaikan pekerjaan dari Elnusa.

Vendor Annual Meeting Vendor Annual Meeting

Vendor Annual Meeting Tahun 2022 telah dilakukan pada tanggal The 2022 Vendor Annual Meeting was held on November 8, 2022
8 November 2022 di mana seluruh mitra kerja Elnusa berkumpul where all Elnusa’s partners gathered to get insight from Elnusa’s top
untuk mendapatkan insight dari top management Elnusa mengenai management regarding the company’s performance and the Company’s
kinerja perusahaan dan strategi bisnis Perusahaan kedepan. Sehingga future business strategy. So it is hoped that partners can capture the
diharapkan mitra kerja bisa menangkap potensi bisnis tersebut, business potential, provide the best service, and together with Elnusa
memberikan pelayanan terbaik, dan bersama Elnusa meraih kesuksesan achieve success in the coming years. At this event Elnusa also gave
di tahun-tahun mendatang. Pada event ini Elnusa juga memberikan awards to partners who have given the best performance, according to
award kepada mitra kerja yang sudah memberikan kinerja terbaik, the qualifications of their respective fields.
sesuai kualifikasi bidang masing- masing.

Vendor Site Visit Vendor Site Visit

Vendor Site Visit adalah salah satu program kerja yang dilakukan untuk Vendor Site Visit is one of the work programs carried out to gain
mendapatkan wawasan terhadap mitra kerja, untuk meyakinkan Elnusa insight into work partners, to convince Elnusa that work partners have
bahwa mitra kerja memiliki kompetensi dan kapabilitas yang diperlukan the necessary competencies and capabilities so that they will be able
sehingga akan dapat memenuhi komitmen terhadap pekerjaan sesuai to fulfill commitments to work as needed. Of course this will also be
dengan kebutuhan. Tentunya hal ini juga akan dapat mengurangi resiko able to reduce the risk of supply failure and the incidence of additional
kegagalan suplai dan timbulnya tambahan cost yang tidak diperlukan. costs that are not needed. This visit can be done online or offline to the
Kunjungan ini dapat dilakukan secara online maupun offline ke fasilitas partner’s facility, be it an office, warehouse, or workshop.
mitra kerja, baik itu berupa kantor, warehouse, maupun workshop.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 139

Management Discussion & Analysis
142 Tinjauan Perekonomian dan Industri
195 Dampak Nilai Tukar Mata Uang Asing
Economic and Industry Overview Impact of Foreign Exchange Rates
149 Tinjauan Operasi per Segmen Usaha
195 Prospek Usaha
Operational Overview per Business Segment Business Prospect
174 Tinjauan Keuangan
196 Aspek Pemasaran
Financial Review Marketing Aspect
188 Kinerja Rasio Keuangan, Kolektibilitas Piutang, dan
198 Kebijakan Dividen dan Pembagiannya
Kemampuan Membayar Utang Dividend Policy and Its Distribution
Performance of Financial Ratios, Account Receivables, and
Debt Payment Capability 199 Kontribusi terhadap Negara
Contribution to State Revenue
190 Struktur Modal dan Kebijakan Manajemen atas Struktur
Modal 199 Informasi Transaksi Material yang Mengandung Benturan
Capital Structure and Management Policy on Capital Kepentingan dan/atau Transaksi dengan Pihak Afiliasi/
Structure Pihak Berelasi
Material Transaction with Potential Conflict of Interest and/
191 Ikatan yang Material untuk Investasi Barang Modal or Transactions with Affiliated/Related Parties
Material Capital Commitments
202 Informasi Keuangan yang Mengandung Kejadian yang
192 Realisasi Investasi Barang Modal 2022 Bersifat Luar Biasa dan Jarang Terjadi
Realization of Capital Commitments in 2022 Extraordinary and Rare Events
193 Realisasi Penggunaan Dana Penawaran Umum
202 Perubahan Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang
Realization of Proceeds from Public Offering Berpengaruh Signifikan terhadap Perusahaan
193 Informasi Material Mengenai Investasi, Ekspansi, Changes to Laws and Regulations with Significant Influence
Divestasi, Penggabungan Usaha, Akuisisi, dan/atau on the Company
Restrukturisasi Utang/Modal
Material Information Regarding Investment, Expansion,
202 Perubahan Kebijakan Akuntansi dan Dampaknya terhadap
Divestment, Business Merger, Acquisition, and/or Debt/ Changes in Accounting Standards and Their Impact on the
Capital Restructuring Company
193 Perbandingan antara Target Anggaran dengan Realisasi,
202 Informasi Kelangsungan Usaha
dan Proyeksi Usaha Business Sustainability
Comparison between Budget Targets with Realization, and
Business Projections 203 Tingkat Kesehatan Perusahaan
Company Health Level
195 Informasi dan Fakta Material yang Terjadi setelah Tanggal
Laporan Akuntan
Material Information and Facts Occurring after the
Accountant’s Report Date
Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis


Economic and Industry Overview


Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen ini disusun dalam rangka This Management Analysis and Discussion is composed for the
membantu pemegang saham dan pemangku kepentingan untuk purpose of assisting shareholders and stakeholders to acquire a more
mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih komprehensif dalam bentuk narasi comprehensive picture in the form of a narrative on the Company’s
mengenai kinerja bisnis dan keuangan Perseroan serta faktor-faktor lain business and financial performance as well as on other factors that
yang mempengaruhi kinerja Perseroan sepanjang tahun 2022 maupun affect the Company’s performance throughout the year 2022 and on the
prospek usaha Perseroan pada masa yang akan datang. Company’s future business prospects.


Pertumbuhan ekonomi global mengalami penurunan, dimana dari Global economic growth has decreased, where from economic growth
pertumbuhan ekonomi tahun 2021 mencapai 5,9%, pertumbuhan in 2021 reaching 5.9%, global economic growth in 2022 reached 2.9%
ekonomi global tahun 2022 mencapai 2,9% [World Bank, Januari 2023]. [World Bank, January 2023]. During 2022, there was a weakening of
Selama tahun 2022, terjadi pelemahan kondisi keuangan di sebagian financial conditions in most regions, Russia’s geopolitical invasion of
besar wilayah, invasi geopolitik Rusia ke Ukraina, dan masih terjadinya Ukraine, and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in China
dampak pandemi Covid-19 khususnya di negara China [EIA, 2022]. [EIA, 2022]. Several developed countries experienced a decline in
Beberapa negara maju mengalami penurunan pertumbuhan ekonomi di economic growth this year when compared to growth in 2021, such as
tahun ini jika dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan tahun 2021, seperti the United States growth from 5.9% down to 1.9%; Euro Area from 5.3%
Pertumbuhan United States dari 5,9% turun drastis menjadi 1,9%; Euro down to 3.3%; Japan from 2.2% down to 1.2%; China from 8.1% in 2021
Area dari 5,3% turun menjadi 3,3%; Japan dari 2,2% turun menjadi 1,2%; down to 2.7% in 2022; and also in India from 8.7% down to 6.9% in 2022
China dari 8,1% di tahun 2021 turun drastis menjadi 2,7% di tahun 2022; [World Bank, 2023].
dan juga di India dari 8,7% turun menjadi 6,9% di tahun 2022 ini [World
Bank, 2023].

Perekonomian Indonesia pada tahun 2022 mengalami pertumbuhan Indonesia’s economy in 2022 experienced economic growth of 5.2%,
ekonomi sebesar 5,2%, lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan better than the growth in 2021 of 3.7%. This increase was supported by
di tahun 2021 sebesar 3,7%. Kenaikannya ini didukung oleh dengan the strengthening of the tourism industry, improved public consumption
penguatan industri pariwisata, perbaikan konsumsi masyarakat sebagai as a result of post-covid-19 restrictions, and tightened macroeconomic
dampak restriksi pasca covid-19, serta kebijakan makro ekonomi yang policies [Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of
diperketat [Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Republik Indonesia, 2023; World Bank, 2023].
Indonesia, 2023; World Bank, 2023]


Economic Growth in Indonesia, Region and the World
dalam % | in %

8,1 8,7
6,9 7,2 7,2
5,9 5,9 5,7
5,3 5,2

3,3 3,7 3,4

2,9 2,7 3,1
2,2 2,6
1,2 1,5

World United States Euro Area Japan China India Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand Vietnam

Sumber: World Bank, 2023 | Source: World Bank, 2023 2021 2022e

142 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Inflasi Indonesia pada tahun 2022 merupakan inflasi tertinggi dalam Indonesia’s inflation in 2022 was the highest in the last 8 years at 5.5%
8 tahun terakhir dengan nilai sebesar 5,5% [BPS]. Selama tahun 2022, [BPS]. During 2022, the highest inflation occurred in September, reaching
inflasi tertinggi terjadi pada bulan September hingga mencapai 5,95% 5.95% [BI, October 2022]. In that month, the government raised the
[BI, Oktober 2022]. Pada bulan tersebut, Pemerintah menaikkan harga price of Pertalite fuel by 30.72%, Solar by 32.04%, and Pertamax by 16%.
BBM jenis Pertalite 30,72%, Solar naik 32,04%, dan Pertamax naik 16%. The inflation rate slowly declined until it reached 5.51% in December
Tingkat inflasi perlahan menurun hingga mencapai 5,51% di bulan 2022. According to Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati, inflation
Desember 2022. Menurut Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani that occurs in Indonesia is relatively modest compared to all countries in
Indrawati, Inflasi yang terjadi di Indonesia bersifat relative modes the G20 as well as in ASEAN-5 and ASEAN-6. Several policies to continue
dibandingkan dengan semua negara baik di G20 maupun di ASEAN-5 dan to maintain the price level with a combination of using the state budget
ASEAN-6. Beberapa kebijakan untuk terus menjaga tingkat harga dengan by providing subsidies played a role in maintaining extraordinary stability
kombinasi penggunaan APBN dengan memberikan subsidi berperan in 2022 [Ministry of Finance, 2023].
untuk menjaga stabilitas luar biasa besar di tahun 2022 [Kemenkeu,


Inflation Rate in Indonesia
dalam % | in %

6,00 5,71
5,42 5,51
5,00 4,69
2,64 3,47 3,55

2,18 2,06
2,00 1,75 1,87
1,55 1,68 1,52 1,59 1,60 1,66
1,38 1,37 1,42 1,33

Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agu Sep Okt Nov Des
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Sumber: Bank Indonesia, 2022 | Source: Bank Indonesia, 2022 2021 2022

Perusahaan menggunakan mata uang asing dalam kegiatan perdagangan The company uses foreign currencies in international trading activities
internasional sehingga perlu mempertimbangkan penentuan kurs so it needs to consider determining foreign exchange rates because
valuta asing karena dapat berpengaruh pada biaya dan perdagangan it can affect costs and international trade carried out. The Rupiah
internasional yang dilakukan. Nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap Dolar AS exchange rate against the US Dollar depreciated in 2022 when compared
terdepresiasi di tahun 2022 jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2021. to 2021. Since the second quarter of 2022, the Rupiah exchange rate
Sejak Triwulan kedua di tahun 2022, nilai tukar Rupiah cenderung terus tends to continue to weaken. When compared to the Rupiah exchange
melemah. Jika dibandingkan dengan kurs rupiah selama tahun 2021, rate during 2021, the Rupiah exchange rate in 2022 weakened by more
kurs rupiah di tahun 2022 melemah lebih dari 9%. than 9%.

Untuk dapat menguatkan nilai tukar Rupiah, Bank Indonesia melakukan In order to strengthen the Rupiah exchange rate, Bank Indonesia took
inisiatif untuk menaikkan suku bunga acuan bank sebanyak lima kali the initiative to raise the benchmark bank rate five times since August
sejak Agustus 2022 [Bank Indonesia, 2022]. Selain itu, Bank Indonesia 2022 [Bank Indonesia, 2022]. In addition, Bank Indonesia continues
terus memantau perkembangan ketersediaan valas dan memperkuat to monitor the development of forex availability and strengthen
kebijakan stabilisasi nilai tukar Rupiah sesuai dengan mekanisme pasar Rupiah exchange rate stabilization policies in accordance with market

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 143

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

dan nilai fundamental untuk mendukung upaya pengendalian inflasi mechanisms and fundamental values to support efforts to control
dan stabilitas makroekonomi [Bank Indonesia, 2022]. Nilai tukar Rupiah inflation and macroeconomic stability [Bank Indonesia, 2022]. The
terhadap USD ditutup di angka Rp 15.573 per Dolar AS. Rupiah exchange rate against the USD closed at IDR 15,573 per US Dollar.


Rupiah Exchange Rate against USD
dalam rupiah | in rupiah

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2021 2022
Sumber: Bank Indonesia, 2022 | Source: Bank Indonesia, 2022

1. Keputusan Menteri ESDM No 2.K/TL.01/MEM.L/2022: Penugasan 1. The Minister of ESDM Decree No.2.K/TL.01/MEM.L/2022: The
terhadap PT Pertamina (Persero) untuk melakukan penyediaan assignment of PT Pertamina (Persero) to supply and develop
pasokan dan pembangunan infrastruktur Liquefied Natural Gas the Liquefied Natural Gas infrastructure in providing electricity
dalam penyediaan tenaga listrik oleh PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara by PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) (the State Electricity
(Persero), pada setiap pembangkit tenaga listrik dengan volume Company), at each power plant with set volume.
yang terlah ditetapkan.
2. Peraturan Menteri ESDM No.1 Tahun 2022: tentang Pengelolaan 2. The Minister of ESDM Decree No.1 of Year 2022: on the
dan Pemanfaatan Data Minyak dan Gas Bumi mengenai Management and Utilization of Oil and Natural Gas Data regarding
perubahan dalam hal kerja sama pengelolaan Data yang meliputi changes in the data management cooperation that covers
kegiatan perolehan, pengadministrasian, pengolahan, penataan, acquisition, administration, processing, arrangement, storage,
penyimpanan, pemeliharaan, dan pemusnahan mengalami maintenance, and impairment activities, where previously
perubahan dimana sebelumnya kerja sama hanya dilakukan antara cooperation was only carried out between Pusdatin ESDM and
Pusdatin ESDM dengan PT Pertamina (Persero) atau badan layanan PT Pertamina (Persero) or public service agencies under the
umum di bawah kementerian kemudian di tambahkan dapat ministry, then subsequently added with the provision that it can
dilakukan dengan Badan Usaha yang mempunyai kemampuan be carried out by Business Entities with the ability to conduct data
dalam melaksanakan pengelolaan Data sebagaimana saat ini telah management, as currently regulated in the provisions of Article 21
diatur dalam ketentuan Pasal 21 ayat (1). paragraph (1).
3. Peraturan Presiden No. 112 Tahun 2022: tentang Percepatan 3. Presidential Decree No.112 of Year 2022: on the Acceleration of
Pengembangan Energi Terbarukan untuk Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik Renewable Energy Development for the Provision of Electric Power
menandai dimulainya era pembangunan pembangkit listrik rendah that signifies the start of the era on development of low emission
emisi dan ramah lingkungan sekaligus pelarangan pembangunan and environmentally friendly power plants and at the same time on
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) baru, namun dipastikan tidak the prohibition of new Steam Power Plant (PLTU) development, but
akan mengganggu pembangkit-pembangkit yang sudah berjalan. ensured that it will not disrupt existing power plants.


Harga minyak sepanjang tahun 2022 mengalami peningkatan Oil prices throughout the year 2022 have increased compared to the
dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya dimana rata-rata harga previous year where the average Brent oil price reached $100.93/barrel
minyak Brent mencapai $ 100,93/barrel atau meningkat sebesar 42% or an increase by 42% from the average Brent oil price of $79.86/barrel
dibandingkan dengan rata-rata harga minyak Brent di tahun 2021 sebesar in 2021. The same with WTI oil price that increased by 39% reaching
$ 79,86/barrel. Begitu juga dengan harga minyak WTI yang meningkat $94.90/barrel. In line with the world oil prices, ICP oil price also
sebesar 39% mencapai $ 94,90 /barrel. Selaras dengan harga minyak increased by 43% reaching the average price of $97.90/barrel. Oil prices
dunia, harga minyak ICP mengalami peningkatan hingga mencapai reached the highest in June 2022 with Brent oil price of $12.71/barrel,
rata-rata harga sebesar $ 97,90/barrel atau sebesar 43%. Harga minyak WTI with $114.84/barrel, and ICP with $117.62/barrel.
mencapai puncak tertinggi pada bulan Juni 2022 dengan harga minyak
Brent $122,71/barrel, WTI $114,84/barrel, dan ICP $117,62/barrel.

144 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Namun, secara trend, peningkatan harga minyak terjadi di semester Nevertheless, in terms of the trend, the increase in oil prices occurred
pertama 2022 dan mengalami penurunan di semester terakhir. Hal ini in the first semester of 2022 and declined in the last semester. This
dikarenakan adanya ketegangan geopolitik dengan Rusia yang berpuncak was caused by the emergence of geopolitical tensions with Russia that
pada invasi Rusia terhadap Ukraina pada 24 Februari 2022 sebagai titik culminated in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine on 24 February 2022 as
awal kenaikan harga minyak mentah. Dampak berkelanjutan terjadi the starting point for upsurge in crude oil prices. The ongoing impact
hingga terjadi kekhawatiran ketidakseimbangan supply and demand occurred until concerns on the supply and demand imbalances arised
akibat invasi yang terus berlangsung menyebabkan harga minyak due to the continuing invasion which was causing oil prices to climb.
terus meningkat. Selanjutnya, dikarenakan adanya kekhawatiran resesi Subsequently, because of the concerns over economic recession as
ekonomi serta wabah Covid-19 yang masih terjadi khususnya di wilayah well as the Covid-19 pandemic that still existed especially in the China
Tiongkok yang dapat menyebabkan pengurangan permintaan minyak region that may result in the decline in world oil demand, thus oil prices
dunia, maka perlahan-lahan harga minyak turun sejak bulan Juni hingga slowly dropped since June until the end of the year 2022. The balance
akhir tahun 2022. Keseimbangan pasokan dan permintaan minyak dunia between supply and demand for world oil has brought about impact on
berdampak pada aktivitas migas yang akan dilakukan sehingga juga planned activities in oil and gas that more or less affect the Company’s
sedikit banyak dapat berpengaruh kepada kinerja perseroan sebagai performance as an oil and gas services company.
perusahaan servis di bidang migas.


World Crude Oil Prices
dalam USD/bbl | in USD/bbl

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2021 2022
Sumber: EIA, ESDM | Source: EIA, ESDM ICP Brent WTI


Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No. 79/2014 dan Peraturan Based on Government Regulation (PP) No. 79/2014 and Presidential
Presiden No.22/2017, target bauran energi terbarukan Indonesia di Regulation No.22/2017, Indonesia’s renewable energy mix target in
tahun 2025 adalah sebesar 23% dari energi primer. Pada Tahun 2022, 2025 is 23% of primary energy. By 2022, the Ministry of Energy and
Kementerian ESDM menargetkan energi terbarukan dapat mencapai Mineral Resources targets renewable energy to reach 15.7% of the
15,7% dari bauran energi primer. Namun, pertumbuhan bauran energi primary energy mix. However, the growth of renewable energy mix
terbarukan dari total energi primer pada tahun 2022 hanya mencapai from total primary energy in 2022 only reached 10.4% [Indonesia Energy
10,4% [Indonesia Energy Transition Outlook (IETO) 2023, IESR]. Porsi Transition Outlook (IETO) 2023, IESR]. This share is lower than the
ini lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan Pertumbuhan bauran energi renewable energy mix growth in 2021 of 11.5%. This is due to delays in
terbarukan pada tahun 2021 sebesar 11,5%. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya the realization of a number of renewable energy projects in the RUPTL
keterlambatan realisasi sejumlah proyek energi terbarukan yang ada di [ESDM, 2023]. Meanwhile, Coal energy use in 2022 increased to the
RUPTL [ESDM, 2023]. Sementara itu, penggunaan energi Batubara pada highest level reaching 43% of the total primary energy mix.
tahun 2022 meningkat ke level tertinggi mencapai 43% dari total bauran
energi primer.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 145

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis


Primary Energy Mix
dalam % | in %

60 Coal
50 Oil
40 Gas

30 Renewable

2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Q3

Sumber: IESR, Desember 2022 | Source: IESR, December 2022

Namun, di sisi lain kondisi produksi migas nasional dari tahun ke tahun On the other hand, however, the condition of the national oil and gas
terus mengalami penurunan. Menurut laporan SKK Migas, produksi production from year to year continued to decline. According to SKK
minyak pada tahun 2022 menurun sebesar 10,3% dibandingkan dengan Migas (Oil and Gas Special Work Unit) report, oil production in 2022
produksi di tahun 2021 menjadi 616 BOPD. Sedangkan produksi gas dropped by 10.3% to 616 BOPD compared to production in 2021. While
tahun 2022 bumi dibandingkan dengan produksi tahun 2021 menurun natural gas production in 2022 reached 6,588 MMSCFD, a decrease by
sebesar 0,5% dengan capaian sebesar 6.588 MMSCFD. 0.5% from production in 2021.


Kondisi produksi migas nasional dari tahun ke tahun terus mengalami The condition of national oil and gas production from year to year
penurunan. Menurut laporan SKK Migas, produksi minyak pada tahun continues to decline. According to the SKK Migas report, oil production in
2022 menurun sebesar 10,3% dibandingkan dengan produksi di tahun 2022 decreased by 10.3% compared to production in 2021 to 616 BOPD.
2021 menjadi 616 BOPD. Sedangkan produksi gas bumi tahun 2022 Meanwhile, natural gas production in 2022 compared to production in
dibandingkan dengan produksi tahun 2021 menurun sebesar 0,5% 2021 decreased by 0.5% with an achievement of 6,588 MMSCFD.
dengan capaian sebesar 6.588 MMSCFD.


Indonesian Oil and Gas Products
dalam BOPD (Minyak) dan BOEPD (Gas) | in BOPD (Oil) and BOEPD (Gas)

6679 6618 6588

Minyak | Oil
746 706 687 616
2019 2020 2021 2022
Sumber: SKK Migas | Source: SKK Migas

Realisasi investasi hulu migas di tahun 2022 hanya mencapai 93% dari Upstream oil and gas investment realization in 2022 only reached 93%
jumlah yang ditargetkan pada tahun 2022 senilai USD13,2 Miliar. Namun of the targeted amount in 2022 of USD13.2 billion. However, when
apabila dibandingkan dengan realisasi investasi tahun 2021, realisasi compared to investment realization in 2021, investment realization in
investasi 2022 telah mengalami peningkatan 13% atau senilai USD12,3 2022 has increased by 13% or valued at USD12.3 billion (SKK Migas,
Miliar (SKK Migas, 2023). Capaian investasi ini merupakan capaian 2023). This investment achievement is the highest achievement in the
tertinggi dalam kurun waktu 7(tujuh) tahun terakhir sejak 2016. Investasi last 7 (seven) years since 2016. The increased investment is related to
yang meningkat adalah terkait kegiatan Development dengan peningkatan Development activities with an increase of 93% from USD1.4 Billion in
sebesar 93% dari USD1,4 Miliar di tahun 2021 menjadi USD2,7 Miliar di 2021 to USD2.7 Billion in 2022. In addition, Exploration with an increase
tahun 2022. Selain itu, Exploration dengan peningkatan sebesar 33% of 33% from USD0.6 Billion in 2021 to USD0.8 Billion in 2022. The
dari USD0,6 Miliar di tahun 2021 menjadi USD0,8 Miliar di tahun 2022. increase in upstream oil and gas investment in 2022 compared to 2021
Peningkatan investasi hulu migas di tahun 2022 dibandingkan tahun 2021 has a positive impact on increasing exploration activities and other key
memberikan dampak positif pada peningkatan aktivitas eksplorasi dan upstream oil and gas activities.
aktivitas utama hulu migas lainnya.

146 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

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Management Discussion and Analysis


Indonesia’s Upstream Oil and Gas Investment
dalam USD miliar | in USD billion

10,5 10,7
0,7 0,8

8,6 7,9 8,0


1,7 1,5 2,7
0,5 0,5 0,8 Total
2020 2021 2022
Sumber: SKK Migas | Source: SKK Migas

Pada tahun 2022, realisasi aktifitas hulu migas banyak yang di bawah In 2022, the realization of many upstream oil and gas activities was
target yang direncanakan, yakni Seismic 2D dan 3D hanya mencatatkan below the planned target, namely 2D and 3D Seismic only recorded an
pencapaian 55% dan 87%, Pemboran eksplorasi dan pengembangan achievement of 55% and 87%, exploration and development drilling
sebesar 71% dan 96%. Pencapaian realisasi yang lebih besar at 71% and 96%. The realization achievement that is greater than the
dibandingkan dengan target adalah pada workover dan well services target is in workover and well services which reached 110% and 102%.
yang mencapai 110% dan 102%.

Apabila dibandingkan dengan tahun 2021, realisasi aktifitas hulu Compared to 2021, the realization of upstream oil and gas activities
migas tahun 2022 ini sudah mengalami peningkatan, diantaranya in 2022 has increased, including 30 exploration well drilling and 760
terdapat 30 pengeboran sumur eksplorasi dan 760 pengeboran sumur development well drilling (18% higher than in 2021). In addition,
pengembangan (18% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan tahun 2021). workover and well services activities also increased with the achievement
Selain itu, aktivitas workover dan well services juga meningkat dengan of 639 workover activities and 30,299 well services activities. 3D seismic
capaian sebanyak 639 aktivitas workover dan 30.299 aktivitas well activity in 2022 increased with an achievement of 3,790 km2. The
services. Aktivitas seismic 3D di tahun 2022 mengalami peningkatan activity that experienced a decrease was 2D seismic which decreased by
dengan capaian sebesar 3.790 km2. Aktifitas yang mengalami penurunan 26% to 1,950 km2 when compared to the realization in 2021.
adalah seismic 2D yang turun 26% menjadi 1.950 km2 bila dibandingkan
dengan realisasi tahun 2021.


Realization of Seismic Surveys, Drilling, and Oilfield Services

Ukuran Detail
Uraian Detail 2022 2021 Detail Description
Size Detail
Seismic 2D km 1.950 2.635 2D Seismic
Seismic 3D sq km 3.790 1.190 3D Seismic
Pemboran Eksplorasi Sumur | Well 30 28 Exploration Drilling
Development Drilling Sumur | Well 760 480 Development Drilling
Workover Aktivitas | Activity 639 566 Workover
Well Services Aktivitas | Activity 30.299 22.790 Well Services
Sumber: SKK Migas, Januari 2023 | Source: SKK Migas, January 2023

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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis


Tren konsumsi BBM tahun 2022 mengalami peningkatan setelah adanya The trend of fuel consumption in 2022 has increased after the Covid-19
pandemi Covid-19 di tahun 2020. Berdasarkan realisasi konsumsi BBM pandemic in 2020. Based on the realization of fuel consumption in the
dalam kurun waktu 3 tahun terakhir, konsumsi Pertalite mengalami last 3 years, Pertalite consumption experienced a CAGR growth of 28%
pertumbuhan CAGR 28% menjadi 29,48 juta kiloliter (kL). Sedangkan to 29.48 million kiloliters (kL). While Solar consumption experienced a
konsumsi Solar mengalami Pertumbuhan CAGR sebesar 11% sejak tahun CAGR growth of 11% from 2020 to 2022 to 17.61 million kL. This proves
2020 hingga tahun 2022 menjadi 17,61 juta kL. Hal ini membuktikan that people’s needs in using fuel in their daily activities are increasing as
kebutuhan masyarakat dalam penggunaan BBM dalam aktivitas sehari- a result of the economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.
hari semakin meningkat sebagai dampak pulihnya ekonomi setelah
pandemic COVID-19 yang lalu.


Pertalite & Solar Fuel Consumption
Juta KL | million KL



18,1 17,61


2020 2021 2022
Sumber: ESDM | Source: ESDM


Peningkatan harga minyak mentah pasca pandemic Covid 19 di tahun The upsurge in crude oil prices post-Covid 19 in 2022 became an
ini menjadi kesempatan bagi Perseroan untuk dapat meningkatkan opportunity for the Company to be able to increase profitability. Oil
profitabilitas. Kecenderungan kenaikan harga minyak yang pada tahun price hikes in 2022 tend to bring about extensive positive impact on the
2022 masih membawa dampak positif pasar jasa migas yang besar yang oil and gas market, indicated by the increase in the upstream oil and gas
ditandai dengan peningkatan pada realisasi investasi hulu migas dengan investment realization with the increase in work programs of upstream
peningkatan program kerja kegiatan Hulu migas khusus nya yang ada di oil and gas activities, specifically those in the Company’s market share.
market share Perseroan.

Disisi lain Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi dengan sudah turunnya On the other hand, Energy Distribution and Logistics Services, with the
dampak pandemi Covid-19 berdampak pada peningkatan kebutuhan reduced impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, has impacted on increasing
bahan bakar minyak khusus nya di sisi masyarakat, terkait dengan need for fuel oil, especially in the context of the public’s aspect, in
pertumbuhan konsumsi BBM khususnya Indonesia. Peningkatan correlation with fuel consumption growth especially in Indonesia. The
penjualan kenderaan bermotor dan kebutuhan BBM Industri sebagai increase in sales of motor vehicles and in the need for industry fuel,
dampak PSBB di diberlakukan di hampir seluruh wilayah Indonesia as a result of the PSBB (Large-Scale Social Restrictions) being enforced
berdampak pada penjualan BBM dan jasa terkait seperti jasa transportasi in almost all regions of Indonesia, has impacted the sales of fuel and
migas, pengelolaan depo, penjualan BBM Inmar dan lainnya. Selain itu related services such as the oil and gas transportation services, depot
kondisi lapangan migas yang sudah mature berpotensi menekan biaya management, sales of Inmar fuel and others. In addition, the condition
operasional yang akan berdampak pada service rate atas jasa hulu migas. of matured oil and gas fields has the potential to reduce operational
costs that will impact the service rate of upstream oil and gas services.

148 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Menghadapi tantangan, adapun rencana strategis Perseroan yang With facing challenges, the Company’s strategic plan conducted in 2022
dilakukan di tahun 2022 , mencakup : covered the following:

Kondisi/Tantangan Program /Rencana Strategis Strategic Program/Plan

Operation Excellent ,Pencapaian - Penguatan kompetensi bisnis dan kapabilitas - Strengthening of business competency and
Profitability & Mempertahankan capability
kinerja HSE - Program efisiensi di semua lini - Efficiency program in all lines
Operation Excellent, - Peningkatan efektifitas organisasi - Improvement of the organization’s effectiveness
Achievement of Profitability & - Optimasi pengelolaan manajemen kas - Optimization of cash management
Maintaining HSE Performance - Program digitalisasi untuk perbaikan bisnis proses - Digitalization program for the improvement of
business process
Pengembangan bisnis baru & - Percepatan kapabiltas riset & engineering - Acceleration of research and engineering
Penciptaan Nilai/Value Creation capabilities
New Business Development & - Pengembangan bisnis pada industri migas non - Business development in oil and gas and non-oil
Value Creation migas and gas industries
- Penetrasi pada pasar Pertamina Hulu Rokan - Penetration of the Pertamina Hulu Rokan market
Penguatan budaya & Organisasi - Penguatan budaya HSSE dan internalisasi AKHLAK - Strengthening of HSSE culture and AKHLAK
Strengthening of Culture & internalization
Organization - Optimasi organisasi dan Pengembangan talenta - Optimization of the organization and talent


Operational Overview per Business Segment

Perseroan terus berupaya untuk mengoptimalkan setiap segmen operasi The Company continually strives to optimize each of the operating
dalam mendorong kinerja Perseroan untuk meningkatkan nilai bagi para segment in asserting the Company’s performance to enhance value
Pemegang Saham dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Berdasarkan for the shareholders and other stakeholders. Based on the Statement
Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) 5 (Revisi 2009) tentang of the Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) 5 (2009 Revision) on the
“Segmen Operasi”, segmen usaha Perseroan dikelompokkan menurut “Operating Segment”, the Company’s business segment is grouped
kegiatan usaha yaitu, Jasa Hulu Migas, Jasa Distribusi & Logistik Energi, according to the business activities, namely Upstream Oil and Gas
serta Jasa Penunjang Migas. Services, Energy Distribution & Logistics Services, and Oil and Gas
Support Services.


Berdasarkan produk dan jasa yang dihasilkan, Perseroan mengembangkan Based on the products and services generated, the Company develops
produk dan jasa melalui 3 (tiga) segmen usaha, yang juga dijalankan products and services through 3 (three) business segments, which are
oleh kelompok usaha Perseroan, yaitu Jasa Hulu Migas, Jasa Distribusi also executed by the Company’s business groups, namely the Upstream
& Logistik Energi, serta Jasa Penunjang Migas. Berikut sekilas penjelasan Oil and Gas Services, the Energy Distribution & Logistics Services and
operasi masing-masing segmen dalam pelaporan segmen. the Oil and Gas Support Services. Following is brief explanation on the
operation of each segment in the segment reporting.
• Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi • Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services
Jasa hulu migas terintegrasi menyediakan jasa pengukuran data The integrated upstream oil and gas services provides geophysical/
geofisika/seismik, jasa pemboran migas dan , Jasa oilfield dan EPC seismic data measurement services, oil and gas drilling services,
OM. and oilfield and EPC OM services.
• Jasa Distribusi & Logistik Energi • Energy Distribution & Logistics Services
Jasa distribusi dan logistik energi menyediakan jasa penyimpanan, The energy distribution and logistics services provides storage,
perdagangan, pendistribusian dan pemasaran produk minyak dan trading, distribution and marketing services for oil and gas products
gas di Indonesia. in Indonesia.

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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

• Jasa Penunjang Migas • Oil and Gas Support Services

Jasa penunjang migas menyediakan jasa penguliran, perdagangan The oil and gas support services provide threading services,
pipa OCGT (Open Cycle Gas Turbine) dan fabrikasi, pembuatan ulir Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT) pipe trading and fabrication,
(threading) untuk pemboran migas, jasa pengelolaan data dan threading for oil and gas drilling, data management services and
informasi energi dan sumber daya mineral (khususnya eksplorasi information on energy and mineral resources (particularly oil and
dan eksploitasi minyak dan gas bumi), jasa pengelolaan data gas exploration and exploitation), oil and gas data management
migas, jasa pembangunan sistem teknologi informasi terpadu, jasa services, integrated information technology system development
telekomunikasi, jasa penyediaan jaringan, telekomunikasi satelit services, telecommunication services, network provision sevices,
dan sistem komunikasi VSAT (Very-Small-Aperture Terminal). satellite telecommunication and Very-Small-Aperture Terminal
(VSAT) communication system.

Sekilas tentang profitabilitas dan kontribusi segmen operasi terhadap The profitability and contribution of the operating segments on the
kinerja keuangan Perusahaan dapat dilihat pada tabel-tabel di bawah ini. Company’s financial performance are briefly described in the following
tables below.


Total and Contribution of the Operating Segments to Revenue
Dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2022 2021 Increase (Decrease)
Kontribusi Kontribusi Persentase
Segmen Operasi Jumlah Jumlah Selisih Operating Segment
Contribution Contribution Percentage
Total Total Difference
(%) (%) (%)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik 7.564.058 58,7% 4.744.166 52,5% 2.819.892 59,4% Energy Distribution and
Energi Logistics Services
Jasa Hulu Migas 4.034.631 32,4% 2.981.764 36,2% 1.052.867 35,3% Integrated Upstream Oil
Terintegrasi and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang Migas 1.357.387 8,9% 1.285.491 11,3% 71.896 5,6% Oil and Gas Support
Rekonsiliasi (650.386) (874.858) 224.472 -25,7% Reconciliation
Jumlah Pendapatan 12.305.690 8.136.563 100,0% 4.169.127 51,24% Total Income


Contribution to Revenue

11,3% 8,9%

Jasa Distribusi & Logistik Energi

Energy Distribution & Logistics Services

2021 52,5% 32,4%
2022 58,7%
Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi
Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang Migas
Oil and Gas Support Services

150 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

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Management Discussion and Analysis


Total and Contribution of the Operating Segments to Cost of Revenue
Dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2022 2021 Increase (Decrease)
Kontribusi Kontribusi Persentase
Segmen Operasi Jumlah Jumlah Selisih Operating Segment
Contribution Contribution Percentage
Total Total Difference
(%) (%) (%)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik 7.023.966 58,7 4.273.776 52,1 2.750.190 64,4 Energy Distribution and
Energi Logistics Services
Jasa Hulu Migas 3.814.096 33,0 2.984.180 39,2 829.916 27,8 Integrated Upstream Oil
Terintegrasi and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang Migas 1.200.253 8,3 1.105.660 8,7 94.593 8,6 Oil and Gas Support
Rekonsiliasi (644.958) (872.547) 227.589 -26,1 Reconciliation
Jumlah Beban Pokok 11.393.357 100,00 7.491.069 100,00 3.902.288 52,09 Total Cost of Revenue


Contribution to Cost of Revenue

8,7% 8,3%

Jasa Distribusi & Logistik Energi

Energy Distribution & Logistics Services

2021 52,1% 33,0%
2022 58,7%
Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi
Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang Migas
Oil and Gas Support Services


Total and Contribution of the Operating Segments to Current Year Profit
Dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2022 2021 Increase (Decrease)
Kontribusi Kontribusi Persentase
Segmen Operasi Jumlah Jumlah Selisih Operating Segment
Contribution Contribution Percentage
Total Total Difference
(%) (%) (%)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik 305.627 80,8% 267.393 245,9% 38.234 14,3% Energy Distribution and
Energi Logistics Services
Jasa Hulu Migas 16.764 4,4% 240.237) -220,9% 257.001 -107,0% Integrated Upstream Oil
Terintegrasi and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang Migas 52.152 14,7% 74.726 75,0% (22.574) -30,2% Oil and Gas Support
Rekonsiliasi 3.522 6.858 (3.336) -48,6% Reconciliation
Jumlah Laba Tahun 378.065 100,0% 108.740 100,0% 269.325 247,68% Total Current Year Profit

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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis


Contribution to Current Year Profit

75,0% 14,7%
4,4% Jasa Distribusi & Logistik Energi
Energy Distribution & Logistics Services

2021 2022 80,8%

Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi
Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang Migas
-220,9% 245,9% Oil and Gas Support Services


Total and Contribution of the Operating Segments to Assets
Dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2022 2021 Increase (Decrease)
Kontribusi Kontribusi Kontribusi
Segmen Operasi Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah Operating Segment
Contribution Contribution Contribution
Total Total Total
(%) (%) (%)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik 3.386.639 38,3% 2.495.953 34,5% 890.686 35,7% Energy Distribution and
Energi Logistics Services
Jasa Hulu Migas 6.543.854 56,5% 5.931.004 60,3% 612.850 10,3% Integrated Upstream Oil
Terintegrasi and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang Migas 1.416.919 5,2% 1.366.289 5,2% 50.630 3,7% Oil and Gas Support
Rekonsiliasi (2.511.323) (2.558.389) 47.065 -1,8% Reconciliation
Jumlah Aset 8.836.089 100,00% 7.234.857 100,00% 1.601.232 22,13% Total Assets


Contribution to Assets

5,2% 5,2%

34,5% Jasa Distribusi & Logistik Energi

Energy Distribution & Logistics Services

2021 56,5%
2022 38,3%
Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi
Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang Migas
Oil and Gas Support Services

152 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis


Total and Contribution of the Operating Segments to Liabilities
Dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2022 2021 Increase (Decrease)
Kontribusi Kontribusi Kontribusi
Segmen Operasi Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah Operating Segment
Contribution Contribution Contribution
Total Total Total
(%) (%) (%)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik 2.079.196 44,1% 1.361.521 38,5% 717.675 53% Energy Distribution and
Energi Logistics Services
Jasa Hulu Migas 2.332.632 49,4% 2.117.818 60,7% 214.814 10% Integrated Upstream Oil
Terintegrasi and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang Migas 588.534 6,5% 504.846 0,8% 83.688 17% Oil and Gas Support
Rekonsiliasi (281.484) (527.462) 245.978 -47% Reconciliation
Jumlah Liabilitas 4.718.878 100% 3.456.723 100,00% 1.262.155 37% Total Liabilities


Contribution to Liabilities

0,8% 6,5%

38,5% Jasa Distribusi & Logistik Energi

Energy Distribution & Logistics Services

2021 49,4%
2022 44,1%
Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi
Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang Migas
Oil and Gas Support Services


Kegiatan Operasi Segmen Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Operational Activities of the Energy Distribution and
Energi Logistics Services Segment
Untuk mendukung bisnis utama Perseroan di bidang jasa hulu Migas, To support the Company’s main business in upstream oil and gas services,
Perseroan menjalankan usaha jasa hilir migas yang dilakukan oleh the Company conducts its upstream oil and gas services business carried
anak perusahaan melalui PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN). Dalam menjalankan out by subsidiary PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN). In carrying out its business
kegiatan usaha jasa hilir migas, Perseroan berfokus pada kegiatan activities, the Company focuses on operating activities in the following
operasi berupa: forms:
1. Pengelolaan angkutan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) dari Terminal 1. Management of fuel (BBM) transportation from Pertamina BBM
BBM Pertamina ke Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum (SPBU) Terminal to Public Fuel Filling Stations (SPBU) and Premium Diesel
dan Agen Premium Minyak Solar (APMS) serta Stasiun Pengisian Fuel Agent (APMS) as well as Bunker Fuel Filling Stations (SPBB).
Bahan Bakar Bunker (SPBB).
2. Pengelolaan Depo BBM milik swasta, mulai dari kegiatan 2. Management of private-owned BBM Depots, starting from BBM
administrasi pembelian BBM, pengangkutan BBM, penyimpanan purchase administration activities, BBM transportation, BBM
BBM dan penyaluran BBM di lokasi pelanggan. storage and BBM distribution to customer locations.
3. Pengelolaan Depo LPG milik sendiri (Amurang). 3. Management of Company-owned Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Depot (Amurang)
4. Penjualan BBM keekonomian (non subsidi) kepada pelanggan 4. Sales of non-subsidized fuel to Industry & Marine customers
Industri & Marine.
5. Penjualan specialty chemical dan commodity chemical untuk 5. Sales of specialty chemical and commodity chemical for oil and gas
industri migas. industry.
6. Penjualan pelumas Pertamina kepada pelanggan swasta. 6. Sales of Pertamina lubricants to private sector customers.

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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

7. Pengelolaan operasional SPBU dan SPBE milik sendiri dan milik 7. Operational management of Company-owned and private-owned
swasta dengan metode profit sharing, yang menjual produk BBM SPBU and SPBE by method of profit-sharing, selling BBM and BBK
dan BBK serta pengisian produk LPG bersubsidi produksi Pertamina. products as well as filling of subsidized LPG products produced by

Proses Kegiatan usaha jasa hilir migas dapat digambarkan sebagai The business activity process of downstream oil and gas services is
berikut : shown in the following diagram:

Transportasi Industri & Pengapalan
Industrial Transportation Industrial
& Shipping
Oil Refinery

Transportasi Mobil Pangkalan Mobil Tangki

Tangki Tank Car Base
Tank Car Transportation
Depot Consumer

Transportasi Premium Mobil Pribadi

& Solar Private Car
Premium & Solar SPBU
Kendaraan Umum
Public Transportation

Proses Kegiatan perdagangan bahan kimia khusus digambarkan sebagai The trading activity process of special chemicals is shown in the following
berikut : diagram:


Raw Material Chemical Blending Plant Chemical Product • Perusahaan Migas
• Perusahaan Kilang Minyak
• Oil and Gas Company
• Oil Refinery Company

PT. Elnusa Petrofin (EPN) merupakan anak perusahaan dari PT. Elnusa PT. Elnusa Petrofin (EPN) is a subsidiary of PT. Elnusa Tbk, Subsidiary
Tbk yang merupakan Anak Perusahaan PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi, Sub of PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi, Sub-Holding of PT Pertamina (Persero).
Holding PT Pertamina (Persero). EPN bergerak di bidang jasa logistik EPN operates in logistics and distribution of BBM, especially in BBM
dan distribusi BBM, terutama Jasa Transportasi BBM, Energy Storage Transportation Services, Energy Storage Management (Fuel, Gas,
Management (Fuel, Gass, Aviation), Industry and Marine Fuel, Lubricant Aviation), Industry and Marine Fuel, Lubricant and Chemical Integrated
dan Chemical Integrated Service. Elnusa Petrofin merupakan salah satu Services. Elnusa Petrofin is one of Pertamina’s spearheads in distributing
ujung tombak Pertamina untuk menyalurkan BBM PSO (Public Service Public Service Obligation (PSO) BBM to all corners of the Archipelago.
Obligation) ke seluruh penjuru Nusantara.

154 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Tahun 2022 merupakan langkah baru bagi Perusahaan untuk melakukan The year 2022 marked the new step for the Company to recover from
recovery setelah hantaman pandemic covid-19 sejak tahun 2020 lalu. the hit by Covid-19 pandemic since 2020. Various efforts of sustainable
Berbagai upaya perbaikan berkelanjutan dan strategi pengembangan improvement and development strategies were conducted so that all
dilakukan agar semua unit bisnis dapat terus bertumbuh. Hal ini business units were able to continue progressing. This was eventually
kemudian tercermin dari pencapaian Perusahaan dimana pertumbuhan reflected from the Company’s achievements where growth occurred in
terjadi pada hampir semua unit bisnis baik dari sisi operasional maupun almost all of the business units, both from the operation and financial
finansial dibandingkan dengan tahun lalu. Peningkatan tersebut berasal aspects, if compared to the previous year. This improvement stemmed
dari peningkatan volume project existing akibat peningkatan konsumsi from the volume increase in existing projects due to the increase in
masyarakat dan juga dari penambahan Kelola baru disepanjang tahun public consumption and also from the additional new operations / the
2022. new Kelola throughout the year 2022.

Tahun 2022 Perusahaan berhasil menambah beberapa project antara In the year 2022, the Company manage d to add on a number of
lain yaitu untuk Layanan Khusus (VHS Franco) terdapat penambahan projects, among others, additional 8 VHS projects (including PHM,
8 project VHS (antara lain PHM, INEOS, PAMA, AMNT) dan 5 project INEOS, PAMA, AMNT) and 5 FRANCO projects for Special Services (VHS,
FRANCO, sehingga sampai dengan akhir tahun 2022 EPN mengelola 53 Franco), that by the end of 2022 EPN managed 53 Depots. Meanwhile,
Depo. Sementara itu dari Unit Bisnis KSO dan Infrastruktur terdapat 2 from the KSO and Infrastructure Business Unit, there were 2 additional
project tambahan yaitu LTSA (long time service agreement) ATG MOR projects, namely LTSA (long time service agreement) ATG MOR II and
II dan sewa maintenance ATG Pare Pare, sehingga sampai akhir tahun ATG Pare-Pare maintenance rental, that a total of 16 projects were
tercatat mengelola 16 project. Di sisi lain, Unit bisnis Transportasi managed by the end of the year. On the other hand, the Transportation
berhasil mengembangkan bisnisnya dengan memperoleh pengelolaan Business Unit managed to develop its business by acquiring the
Transportasi Non BBM PT Pertamina Lubricant DSP Indonesia Timur management of the Non-BBM Transportation of PT Pertamina Lubricant
dengan masa kontrak 3 tahun dan juga beberapa project angkutan Non DSP Indonesia Timur with a contract term of 3 years and also several
BBM lainnya seperti angkutan LPG Makasar dan angkutan Bulk Pelumas other non-BBM transportation projects such as the LPG Makasar and
Sumbagut. Disamping itu dari angkutan BBM juga terdapat penambahan Sumbagut Bulk Lubricant transportation. Moreover, additional projects
yaitu Kelola APMS Sulawesi (+15 titik), angkutan Aviasi (Makasar, in BBM transportation were the Management of APMS Sulawesi (+ 15
Kendari, Donggala) dan angkutan BBM 1 Harga di Pulau Baai, sehingga locations), Aviation transportation (Makasar, Kendari, Donggala) and 1
total pengelolaan Transportasi BBM di tahun 2022 mencapai 78 Unit. Price BBM transportation in Baai Island, that total BBM transportation
management in 2022 reached 78 units.

EPN juga memiliki Chemical Integrated Supply & Services yang EPN also retains the Integrated Chemical Supply & Services which
menawarkan cakupan jasa mulai dari upstream sampai downstream oil offers a series of services starting from upstream to downstream oil
and gas industry, antara lain meliputi Drilling Fluid Chemicals, Upstream and gas industry, among others including Drilling Fluid Chemicals,
& Refinery Specialty Chemicals, Chemicals for Enhanced Oil Recovery Upstream & Refinery Specialty Chemicals, Chemicals for Enhanced Oil
(C-EOR), dan Fuel Additives for Downstream/Retail Business. Selain itu Recovery (C-EOR), and Fuel Additives for Downstream/Retail Business.
EPN berhasil menciptakan 2 produk unggulan yang merupakan hasil In addition, EPN managed to create 2 products of excellence, the work
karya mandiri insan EPN dan telah digunakan diberbagai perusahaan of EPN internal sources which have also been used by several oil and
Migas yaitu FIN OSD & FIN HIB. Di tahun 2022 specialty Chemical gas companies, namely FIN OSD & FIN HIB. In 2022, Chemical Specialty
berhasil memperoleh beberapa project baru antara lain Consigment succeeded in acquiring several new projects including the Consignment
Material Chemical PHE ONWJ Zona 5 Reg. 2, Provision Of Production of Material Chemical PHE ONWJ Zone 5 Reg. 2, Provision of Production
Optimization Chemicals & Services PHE WMO ZONA 11 Reg. 4 dan Jasa Optimization Chemicals & Services PHE WMO ZONE 11 Reg. 4 and PHR
Treatment Produced Water PHR Regional 1 Zona 4 Prabumulih Regional 1 Treatment Produced Water Services Zone 4 Prabumulih.

Revenue EPN 2022 sebesar Rp7,56 Triliun atau mengalami pertumbuhan EPN’s revenue in 2022 was noted at Rp7.56 trillion, a significant growth
signifikan yaitu 59% dari tahun lalu. Dimana peningkatan penjualan of 59% from the previous year. The increase in sales occurred in almost
terjadi pada hampir semua unit bisnis yaitu masing masing Transportasi all business units, namely Transportation grew by 51%, Depots grew by
tumbuh 51%, Depo tumbuh 43%, BBM Inmar tumbuh 109%, Ritel Bahan 43%, Inmar BBM grew by 109%, Fuel Retail grew by 24% and Lubricants
Bakar tumbuh 24% dan Lubricant tumbuh 146% dibandingkan tahun grew by 146% compared to the year 2021. This was influenced by the
lalu. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh mulai meningkatnya aktivitas masyarakat increasing public activities, thus increasing fuel consumption as well as
sehingga meningkatkan konsumsi BBM dan juga kenaikan harga BBM. fuel prices. The contribution of each business unit to their respective
Adapun kontribusi setiap unit bisnis terhadap pendapatan usaha EPN EPN operating revenues is as follows:
masing-masing adalah sebagai berikut:

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 155

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis


EPN Business Capacity

Unit Bisnis Production/Capacity
Business Unit
2022 2021
Transportasi Kelola mobil tangki BBM PSO dengan Pola All In Plus 1.803 Unit | Units 1.712 Unit | Units
Transportation Manage PSO BBM tank vehicles with All-In-Plus Scheme
Kelola angkutan BBMK sistem tarif (Rp/KL/KM) 40 Unit | Units 40 Unit | Units
Manage BBMK transportation tariff system (Rp/KL/KM)
Menyewakan mobil tangki milik sendiri ke Pertamina 627 unit mobil tangki BBM 540 unit mobil tangki BBM
(sewa mobil tangki) 24 unit mobil tangki LPG 24 unit mobil tangki LPG
4 unit MT Avtur 4 unit MT Avtur
Angkutan Non BBM Angkutan Non BBM

Rental of Company-owned tank vehicles to Pertamina 627 units of BBM tank vehicles 540 units of BBM tank vehicles
(fuel tank vehicles) 24 units of LPG tank vehicles 24 units of LPG tank vehicles
4 units of Avtur MT 4 units of Avtur MT
Non-BBM Transportation Non-BBM Transportation
Distribusi BBM subsidi ke APMS Jumlah transportir : 136 Jumlah transportir : 87
Jumlah APMS : 304 Jumlah APMS : 184

Distribution of subsidized BBM to APMS Total transporter: 136 Total transporter: 87

Total APMS: 304 Total APMS: 184
Pengelolaan angkutan SPBB Jumlah transportir : 20 Jumlah transportir : 17
Management of SPBB transportation Total transporter: 20 Total transporter: 17
Jumlah APMS: 24 Jumlah APMS: 19
Total APMS: 24 Total APMS: 19
Kelola angkutan Industri Pama Persada 8 Unit | Units 8 Unit | Units
Manage Pama Persada Industry transportation
Pengelolaan angkutan Pertashop Jumlah transportir : 98 Jumlah transportir : 67
Jumlah titik : 2529 Jumlah titik : 1799

Management of Pertashop transportation Total transporter: 98 Total transporter: 67

Total location: 2529 Total location: 1799
Angkutan Pola Tarif dengan Sistem Jumlah transportir : 32 Jumlah transportir : 31
Transportation with Tarrif –Scheme System Total transporter: 32 Total transporter: 31
Angkutan Pola Tarif Avtur Jumlah Transportir : 13 Jumlah Transportir : 13
Transportation with Avtur-Tarrif Scheme Total transporter: 13 Total transporter: 13

156 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis


EPN Business Capacity

Unit Bisnis Production/Capacity
Business Unit
2022 2021
Depot Kelola depo milik swasta dengan sistem Vendor Held Kelola VHS di depo : 31 klien Kelola VHS di depo : 20 klien
Depot Stock (VHS)
Manage private-owned depots with Vendor Held Stock Manage VHS in depots: 31 Manage VHS in depots: 20
(VHS) system clients clients
Handling marine dengan sistem Franco Pelanggan : 22 klien Pelanggan : 19 klien
Marine handling with Franco system Customer: 22 clients Customer: 19 clients
KSO (Kerjasama Operasi) Kelola 7 DPPU Kelola 7 DPPU

Joint Operation Manage 7 DPPU Manage 7 DPPU

Maintenance ATG Pare Pare

Pare-Pare Rental & Maintenance
Ritel Bahan Jasa pengelolaan SPBU,SPBE 1 SPBU, 2 SPBE, 1 SPPBE 1 SPBU, 2 SPBE, 1 SPPBE
Bakar (RBB) SPBU, SPBE Management Services
Retail Fuel (RBB)
Kelola SPBU milik sendiri 1 SPBU 1 SPBU
Manage Company-owned SPBU
Trading Specialty Chemical Pelanggan: Pertamina Group Pelanggan: Pertamina Group
Trading dan Swasta dan Swasta

Chemical Specialty Customer: Pertamina Group Customer: Pertamina Group

and Private-owned and Private-owned
Commodity Chemical Pelanggan: Pertamina Group Pelanggan: Pertamina Group
Chemical Commodity Customer: Pertamina Group Customer: Pertamina Group
Industri BBM Pelanggan: Industri Pelanggan: Industri
pertambangan, manufaktur dan pertambangan, manufaktur dan
marine marine

BBM Industry Customer: Mining, Customer: Mining,

manufacturing and marine manufacturing and marine
industries industries
Pelumas Pelanggan Pelumas : Own Use Pelanggan Pelumas : Own Use
Mobil Tangki EPN, Swasta Mobil Tangki EPN, Swasta
Pelanggan Aspalth : Swasta Pelanggan Aspalth : Swasta

Lubricants Lubricant Customer: EPN Lubricant Customer: EPN

Company-use Tank Vehicles, Compay-use Tank Vehicles,
Private-owned Private-owned
Asphalt Customer: Private- Asphalt Customer: Private-
owned owned

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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Production Realization

Satuan Production
Volume per Unit Bisnis Volume per Business Unit
2022 2021
Volume Throughput Transportasi KL 19.958.857 17.368.987 Throughput Transportation Volume
Volume Penyaluran BBM –Depo KL 5.768.112 3.666.952 BBM-Depo Distribution Volume
Volume Ritel Bahan Bakar SPBU KL 10.926 9.908 SPBU Retail Fuel Volume
Volume Ritel Bahan Bakar SPBESPPBE Ton 43.141 37.807 SPBESPPBE Retail Fuel Volume
Volume Depo LPG Amurang Ton 74.020 83.173 Amurang LPG Depo Volume
Volume BBM Inmar KL 217.267 193.148 Inmar BBM Volume
Trading Specialty & Mud Chemical Drum 226.598 356.614 Specialty Trading & Mud Chemical
Trading Pelumas KL 3.673 3.129 Lubricant Trading

Volume penjualan EPN ditahun 2022 rata-rata naik signifikan EPN’s average sales volume in 2022 increased significantly compared
dibandingkan tahun 2021 pada hampir semua unit bisnis yang berasal to 2021 in almost all of the business units, both from Public BBM
baik dari peningkatan konsumsi BBM Masyarakat maupun dari consumption as well as from additional projects. Throughput
penambahan project. Volume thruput Transportasi tahun 2022 mencapai Transportation volume in 2022 reached 19.9 million KL or grew by 15%
19,9 Juta KL atau tumbuh 15% dibandingkan tahun lalu (17,37 Juta KL), compared to the previous year (17.37 million KL), where the increase
dimana peningkatan volume terjadi pada hampir semua wilayah Kelola. in volume occurred in all Kelola (atau operational) region. In addition,
Disamping itu EPN juga melakukan pengembangan dengan memperoleh EPN also undergone development by acquiring several non-BBM
beberapa project angkutan non BBM yaitu antara lain angkutan Pelumas transportation projects, namely among others the Indonesia Timur DSP
DSP Indonesia Timur dan angkutan Chemical. Kemudian dari sisi layanan Lubricant transportation and Chemical transportation. From the special
khusus (VHS/ FRANCO), volume thruput tahun 2022 berhasil mencapai services aspect (VHS/FRANCO), the thruput volume in 2022 managed
4,3 Juta KL atau naik signifikan 82% dibanding tahun lalu (2,36 Juta to reach 4.3 million KL or a significant increase of 82% compared to
KL). Peningkatan ini didukung oleh penambahan kelola layanan khusus the previous year (2.36 million KL). This increment was reinforced
sebanyak 13 project dan juga kenaikan volume tahunan. Sementara itu by the management of special services in 13 projects and also by the
dari sisi trading BBM Industri & Marine (Inmar) terdapat penambahan annual volume increase. While from the Industry & Marine BBM
project BBM INU dengan tambahan volume ± 126 ribu KL sehingga total (Inmar) trading aspect, the additional INU BBM project contributed am
volume penjualan BBM Inmar 2022 tumbuh 8% dari tahun lalu. Selain additional volume of + 126 thousand KL that the total Inmar BBM sales
trading BBM Inmar, pertumbuhan volume penjualan juga terjadi pada volume in 2022 grew by 8% from the previous year. Aside from Inmar
pengelolaan Retail Bahan Bakar (SPBU & SPBE) dan penjualan Lubricant. BBM, growth in sales volume also occurred in the management of Retail
Dari penjualan Chemical, terjadi penurunan volume di tahun 2022 yaitu Fuel (SPBU & SPBE) and sales of Lubricants. From the Chemical sales, a
sekitar 36% dibandingkan tahun lalu karena terdapat beberapa project decrease in volume was noted at 36% if compared to the previous year,
yang tertunda. due to several delayed projects.

Di sepanjang tahun 2022 EPN menambah beberapa project baru antara Throughout the year 2022, EPN added several new projects, among
lain: others are as follows:

Unit Bisnis Projek Project

Business Unit
BBM TRANSPORTATION · Aviasi Makasar, Aviasi Kendari, Aviasi Donggala · Makasar Aviation, Kendari Aviation, Donggala
· BBM 1 Harga P. Baai · BBM 1 Price Baai Island
TRANSPORTASI NON BBM · Angkutan PTPL DSP Indonesia Timur · PTPL DSP Indonesia Timur Transportation
NON-BBM TRANSPORTATION · Bulk PTPL Sumbagut · Bulk PTPL Sumbagut
· Angkutan EFK · EFK Transportation
· MP Surabaya · MP Surabaya
· LPG Makasar · LPG Makasar

158 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Unit Bisnis Projek Project

Business Unit
BBM INMAR Project INU INU Project
LUBRICANT Trading Pelumas PT Prima Wiguna Parama PT Prima Wiguna Parama Lubricant Trading
CHEMICAL · Consigment Material Chemical PHE ONWJ Zona 5 · Consigment Material Chemical PHE ONWJ Zone 5
Reg. 2, Reg. 2,
· Provision Of Production Optimization Chemicals & · Provision of Production Optimization Chemicals &
Services PHE WMO ZONA 11 Reg. 4. Services PHE WMO ZONE 11 Reg. 4.
· Jasa Treatment Produced Water PHR Regional 1 · Treatment Produced Water Services PHR Regional 1
Zona 4 Prabumulih. Zone 4 Prabumulih.

Berikut disampaikan kinerja keuangan dan profitabilitas segmen Jasa The following table presents the financial performance and profitability
Distribusi dan Logistik Energi. of the Energy Distribution and Logistics Services segment.

Financial Performance and Profitability of Energy Distribution and Logistics Services Segment
Dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi Selisih Energy Distribution and Logistics Services
Difference (%)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Laba (Rugi) Bersih Net Profit (Loss)
Pendapatan 7.564.058 4.744.166 2.819.892 59% Revenue
Pendapatan eksternal 7.222.581 4.272.299 2.950.282 69% External Revenue
Pendapatan antarsegmen 341.477 471.867 (130.390) -28% Intersegment Revenue
Beban Pokok Pendapatan (7.023.966) (4.273.776) (2.750.190) 64% Cost of Revenue
Laba Kotor 540.092 470.390 69.702 15% Gross Profit
Beban Penjualan (689) (866) 177 -20% Sale Expenses
Beban Umum dan Administrasi 101.809 97.497 4.312 4% General and Administrative Expenses
Penghasilan Bunga 4.801 5.217 (416) -8% Interest Income
Beban Keuangan (40.060) (27.196) (12.864) 47% Financial Expenses
Lain-lain – Neto (5.975) (3.776) (2.199) 58% Others – Net
Laba Sebelum Pajak Final dan Pajak 396.359 346.272 50.087 14% Profit Before Final Tax and Income Tax
Beban Pajak Final (8.852) (4.794) (4.058) 85% Final Tax Expenses
Laba Sebelum Pajak Penghasilan 387.507 341.478 46.029 13% Profit Before Income Tax
Beban pajak penghasilan (81.880) (74.084) (7.796) 11% Income Tax Expenses
Laba Tahun Berjalan 305.627 267.394 38.233 14% Current Year Profit
Penghasilan komprehensif lain 1.081 1.852 (771) -42% Other Comprehensive Income
Total Laba Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan 306.708 269.246 37.462 14% Total Current Year Comprehensive Profit
Total Aset 3.386.639 2.495.953 890.686 36% Total Assets
Total Liabilitas 2.079.196 1.361.521 717.675 53% Total Liabilities
Ekuitas – Neto 1.307.443 1.134.432 173.011 15% Equity – Net
Penyusutan dan Amortisasi (295.749) (279.757) (15.992) 6% Depreciation and Amortization
Penambahan Aset Tetap 166.986 129.997 36.989 28% Additional Fixed Assets

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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Kegiatan Operasi Segmen Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi Operational Activities of the Integrated Upstream Oil
and Gas Services Segment
Kegiatan Operasi Segmen Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi terdiri dari 2 Divisi, Operating activities of the Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services
terdiri dari Divisi Upstream Services dan DIvisi EPC-OM (Engineering, Segment are divided into 2 divisions, namely the Upstream Services
Production and Construction – Operation & Maintenance) (EPC OM). Division and EPC-OM (Engineering, Production and Construction –
Divisi Upstream Services memiki dua kelompok Jasa pemeliharaan Operation & Maintenance) Division. The Upstream Services Division
dan pengelolaan lapangan migas (OFS) dan Jasa Penyelidikan dan consists of two groups, the Oil & Gas Fields Maintenance and
Pengolahan Jasa Seismik (GRS). Management (OFS) Services and the Investigation and Seismic Services
Processing (GRS).

Proses kegiatan usaha Jasa pemeliharaan dan pengelolaan lapangan The activity process of the oil and gas field maintenance and management
migas (OFS ) secara umum terbagi menjadi: (OFS) business is generally divided as follows:
1. WLI : Jasa Perawatan sumur-sumur yang sudah beroperasi yang 1. WLI : Maintenance services for wells already in operation with the
bertujuan untuk memonitor performa sumur dan meningkatkan aim to monitor well performance and increase well productivity
produktivitas sumur (terutama yang sudah turun produktivitasnya). (especially those declining productivity), by combining the main
Dengan memadukan jasa utama Coiled & Pumping Services, services of Coiled & Pumping Services, Slickline Services, Welltest
Slickline Services, Welltest Processing Services dan Electric Wireline Processing Services and Electric Wireline Logging.
2. DWO : Jasa Pengeboran berintegrasi dari Drilling Services, Drilling 2. DWO : Integrated Drilling Services from Drilling Services, Drilling
Support Services serta Jasa Perawatan sumur-sumur yang sudah Support Services and Maintenance Services of wells already in
beroperasi yang bertujuan meningkatkan produktivitas sumur operation with the aim to increase the productivity of existing
yang ada. Perpaduan ini menghasilkan solusi menyeluruh bagi wells. This combination produces a comprehensive solution for
konsumen yang memiliki permasalahan dengan sumur tua dan consumers who have problems with old wells and the process of
proses pembuatan sumur baru. Serta juga memiliki lini bisnis building new wells, as well as those with a business line processing
pengolahan gas sumur menjadi tenaga Listrik. gas wells into electricity.

Konsep bisnis bidang Jasa pemeliharaan dan pengelolaan lapangan The business concept of the Oil and Gas Field Maintenance and
migas memiliki product line yang terdiri dari : Management Services retains a product line consisting of the following:

No. Group Services Product Line

1. Drilling & Workover Services Drilling Services (DRS)

Hydraulic Workover & Snubbing Group Services (HWS)
Drilling Support Services (DSS)
Artificial Lift Services & Power (ALS & P)
Well Complation Services (WCS)
2. Well Intervention Services Coiled Tubing (CTU), Cementing & Pumping Services (CPS)
Electric Wireline Logging (EWL)
Slickline Services (SLS)
Welltesting & Procesing Services (WPS)

Revenue Contribution per Business – Oil and Gas Field Maintenance and Management Services

4,6% 3,9%
29,2% 28,3% 23,4% 23,2%

2021 2022
8,9% WCS
8,4% DRS

% 9,7% DFS
12,2 %
12,6 %

2,9% 3,8% MLU & H2S

2,3 %
8,3 %

0,4% 0,0% 0,7% 0,0%

160 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

A. Jasa Pengeboran & Jasa Kerja Ulang Sumur (DWO) A. Well Drilling & Workover Services (DWO)
DWO memberikan jasa layanan dibidang drilling & workover DWO provides drilling & workover services which currently
services dimana saat ini fokus pada on-shore drilling sesuai dengan focused on on-shore drilling in line with its competency and
kompetensi dan alat yang dimiliki, namun tetap melakukan equipment on hand, however, DWO remains open for exploration
penjajakan dan pengembangan potensi pada offshore drilling dan and development of prospective offshore-drilling and geothermal
panas bumi mengingat masih besarnya potensi pertumbuhan pada projects considering the vast growth potential in this sector.
sektor tersebut. Sementara itu pada jasa supporting drilling, mud While on drilling support, mud engineering services, mud logging,
engineering services, mud logging, cementing, H2S dan lainnya. cementing, H2S and other services….? Workover services include
Pada jasa workover memberikan jasa layanan dibidang kerja services on workover of oil and gas wells, both offshore and
ulang sumur minyak dan gas baik offshore maupun onshore. Jasa onshore, such as Hydraulic Workover Services, Artificial Lift Service,
yang ditawarkan adalah Hyraulic Workover Services, Artificial Lift Well Compilation, and Power.
Service, Well Complation , dan Power.

Berikut ini adalah penjelasan masing-masing unit usaha dari jasa Following is explanation of each of the business units from the
pengeboran: drilling services segment:
1. Integrated Drilling Management : Jasa manajemen untuk 1. Integrated Drillng Management: Management services to
mengintegrasikan seluruh pelaksanaan pemboran, melalui integrate all drilling implementation, through drilling rig and
drilling rig dan drilling supporting drilling support.
2. Drilling rig : Jasa pelaksanaan aktivitas utama pemboran 2. Drilling Rig: Implementation of main drilling activity services.
3. Drilling Supporting : Jasa pendukung kegiatan pemboran yang 3. Drilling Support services in drilling activities, including:
meliputi :
- Mud Logging : Jasa untuk mengetahui parameter - Mud Logging – Services on identifying drilling
pemboran, termasuk jasa untuk mendeteksi kandungan parameters, including services to detect H2S content
H2S disekitar sumur around wells area
- Mud Engineering : Jasa untuk menyediakan material dan - Mud Engineering – Services in providing materials and
lumpur mud
- Hydrogen Sulphide Services H2S : Jasa penyediaan - Hydrogen Sulphide Services (H2S) – Services in providing
keamanan pengeboran dari gas dan kondisi berbahaya drilling security from gas and hazardous conditions in
di area operasi pengeboran drilling operation areas
4. Hydraulic Workover Services : Jasa pekerjaan ulang 4. Hydraulic Workover Services: Workover services of wells with
sumur dengan Rig Snubbing yang dengan tujuan menjaga Rig Snubbing to maintain performance of oil and gas wells for
performance sumur minyak dan gas sehingga berproduksi continuous production in line with clients’ expectancies.
sesuai dengan harapan klien
5. Artificial Lift Services : Seperangkat jasa yang dapat 5. Artificial Lift Services: Set of services provided through
memberikan dengan cara menjaga produksi sumur dengan maintaining wells’ production by use of man-made supporting
menggunakan alat bantu buatan manusia. Adapun alat yang tools, the Electric Submersible Pump (ESP), that can help
digunakan adalah Electric Submersible Pump (ESP), yang increase production by inserting the pump into the wells.
membantu meningkatkan produksi dengan mamasukan Aside from ESP, ALS also possesses generators fueled by well-
pompa kedalam sumur. Selain ESP, ALS juga memiliki genset flue gas that can be used as electric power.
yang berbahan bakar gas buang sumur sehingga dapat
dimanfaatkan menjadi tenaga listrik.

Peralatan yang digunakan memiliki variasi Hydraulic Workver Unit, Equipment used are of variation, namely the Hydraulic
Drilling Rig, MLU, H2S serta tangki peralatan Mud Plant. Utilisasi Workover Unit, Drilling Rig, MLU, H2S as well as Mud Plant
peralatan dibanding tahun 2021 dapat dijabarkan sebagai berikut: tank equipment. Utilization of these equipment in 2022,
compared to 2021, as shown in the table below:

2022 2021
Capacity Utility Capacity Utility
Hydraulic Workover 12 Hydraulic Rig 94% 12 Hydraulic Rig 100%
Drilling Rig Services 1 Unit Drilling Rig 100% 1 Unit Drilling Rig 50%
Mud Logging Services 14 Unit Mud Logging 100% 11 Unit Mud Logging 94%
H2S Remover Services 9 Unit H2S Remover 100% 9 Unit H2S Remover 100%
Drilling Fluid Services 15 Liquid Mud Plant 100% 15 Liquid Mud Plant 100%

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 161

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

B. Jasa Intervensi Sumur (WLI) B. Well Intervention Services (WLI)

WLI pada Divisi POMS menawarkan jasa perawatan sumur WLI in POMS Division offers maintenance services for oil and
migas dengan memiliki empat bisnis utama: electric wireline gas wells by retaining four main business: electric wireline
logging services, coiled & pumping services, slickline services, logging services, coiled & pumping services, slickline services,
dan welltesting & processing services. Kompetensi peralatan ada and welltesting & processing services. The competency of the
pada area offshore dan onshore area serta sebarannya mulai dari equipment is present in both offshore and onshore areas, and their
Sumatera, Jawa hingga Kalimantan. distribution starts from Sumatera, Java to Kalimantan.

Berikut penjelasan dari masing-masing bisnis yang mendukung Following is explanation on each of the business that supports WLI:
1. Electric Wireline Services : Jasa pelayanan perforasi, evaporasi 1. Electric Wireline Services: Perforation services, evaporation
logging sumur migas dan panas bumi dengan menggunakan logging of oil and gas and geothermal wells using logging
peralatan logging. Proses perforasi dan evaporasi equipment. The process of perforation and evaporation
menggunakan melakukan pengambilan data sumur yang uses collected well data utilized to determine the condition
digunakan untuk mengetahui kondisi dan keadaan sumur and state of the well as a decision making material for well
sebagai bahan pengambil keputusan treatment sumur yang treatment to be carried out.
perlu dikerjakan.
2. Coiled & Pumping Services: Jasa pelayanan intervensi Sumur 2. Coiled & Pumping Services: Well intervention services using
dengan menggunakan peralatan coiled tubing yang dibantu coiled tubing equipment assisted by pumps that pump fluids
peralatan pompa-pompa yang dapat memompakan fluida and chemicals to restore well conditions according to the
dan chemical untuk mengembalikan kondisi sumur sesuai client’s program.
dengan program klien.
3. Slickline Services : Jasa pelayanan intervensi sumur dengan 3. Slickline Services: Well intervention services using Slickline
menggunakan peralatan Slikcline Unit dan peralatan bantu Unit equipment and auxiliary well equipment to clean scale in
sumur yang digunakan untuk membersihkan scale pada oil and gas production wells.
sumur produksi minyak dan gas bumi.
4. Welltesting & Processing Services : Jasa pelayanan sumur 4. Welltesting & Processing Services: Production well services
produksi dengan menggunakan peralatan dan pemisahan using equipment and petroleum separator so that data on the
minyak bumi sehingga dapat didapat data kondisi minyak condition of oil and gas produced by the well can be obtained.
dan gas yang diproduksi oleh sumur. Minyak dan gas bumi The oil and gas are evaluated and manipulated on the ground
tersebut dilakukan evaluasi serta dimanipulasi diatas tanah so as to maintain and increase production.
sehingga menjaga dan meningkatkan produksinya.

Dari tabel berikut didapat jenis Peralatan yang digunakan WLI serta The table below shows the types of equipment used in WLI as well
tingkat utilisasi selama tahun 2022 dibanding dengan tahun 2021 as the level of utilization during the year 2022,as compared to
untuk mendukung kegiatan operasinya adalah sebagai berikut: 2021, to support its business operations, details are as follows:

2022 2021
Capacity Utility Capacity Utility
Coiled Tubing 5 Coil Tubing Units 100% 5 Coil Tubing Units 100%
Cementing 4 Cementing Units 100% 4 Cementing Units 75%
Slickline 12 Portable Slicklines 81% 11 Portable Slicklines 71%
Testing Barge 3 Testing Barges 100% 3 Testing Barges 67%
Surface Testing 4 Surface Testing 92% 4 Surface Testing 100%
Drill Steam 4 DST 100% 4 DST 21%
Wireline Logging Services 19 Wireline Logging Units 99% 19 Wireline Logging Units 96%
3 Wireline Combo Units 97% 3 Wireline Combo Units 31%

C. Jasa Penyelidikan dan Pengolahan Jasa Seismik C. Investigation Services and Seismic Service Processing
Layanan perseroan dalam kegiatan usaha ini merupakan satu- The Company’s services in this business are an integral part and
kesatuan yang terpadu dan terintegrasi dalam ekplorasi sumur- integrated in the exploration of oil and gas wells that covers all
sumur migas yang mencakup semua tahap yang dibutuhkan dalam stages required in seismic research. The process begins from
penelitian geofisika (seismic). Proses dimulai dari pengumpulan collecting data and field survey, data processing of the survey
data dan survei lapangan, pemprosesan data hasil survey, hingga results, up to data interpretation to decide the next steps in oil and

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intrepretasi data untuk pengambilan langkah selanjutnya dalam gas well exploration. However, these services may also be adjusted
ekplorasi sumur-sumur migas. Namun layanan tersebut juga dapat to the customers’ needs of the Company’s services.
disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pelanggan jasa perseroan.

Para pelanggan memerlukan data geologi bawah permukaan Customers require sub-surface geological data in order to identify
(sub-surface) untuk mengetahui keberadaan Migas serta ukuran the presence of oil and gas as well as the size of the oil and gas
besarnya kandungan migas diperut bumi, di lokasi perusahaan- content within the earth at the locations where the companies
perusahaan tersebut beroperasi, yaitu di wilayah kerja masing- operate, namely in each operational area, on land, offshore
masing, baik di daratan, lepas pantai (marine) maupun transisi (marine) as well as in transition area between land and shoreline.
antara daratan dan pesisir pantai.

Jasa Penyelidikan dan Pengolahan Jasa Seismik dilakukan oleh The¸ Investigation Services and Seismic Services Processing are
Division of Geoscience and Reservoir Services (GRS) yang provided through the Division of Geoscience and Reservoir Services
memberikan jasa : (GRS) as follows:
1. Geo Data Acquisition on Land (GDL) ; Seismic Data Acquisition 1. Geo Data Acquisition Land (GDL): Seismic Data Acquisition
Land survey, 3D and 2D , dan Seismic Design Land survey, 3D and 2D, and Seismic Design
2. Geo Data Acquisition TZ & Marine (GDM) : Seismic Data 2. Geo Data Acquisition in Transition Zone (TZ) & Marine (GDM):
Acquisition Transition Zone and Marine survey, Seismic Design, Seismic Data Acquisition in Transition Zone and Marine
Marine Survey, Geodetic Control Point, Rig and Wellsite survey, Seismic Design, Marine Survey, Geodetic Control
Positioning, Road and Pipeline Routing, Magnetotelluric, Point, Rig and Wellsite Positioning, Road and Pipeline Routing,
Microgravity Magnetotelluric, Microgravity
3. Geo Data Processing (GDP) : Seismic Data Processing 2D/ 3D 3. Geo Data Processing (GDP): Seismic Data Processing 2D/ 3D
(land, marine, TZ ), quantify seismic amplitude information, (land, marine, TZ), quantify seismic amplitude information,
lithology, Petrophysical properties of reservoirs, Geology lithology, petrophysical properties of reservoirs, Geology,
Geophysics & Reservoir (Seismic Interpretation and Geological Geophysics & Reservoir (Seismic Interpretation and Geological
Modelling, 2D/3D Depth Imaging, AVO, Petrophysics Analysis, Modelling, 2D/3D Depth Imaging, AVO, Petrophysics Analysis,
Reservoir Simulation), Navigation and Non Seismic ( Land Reservoir Simulation), Navigation and Non Seismic (Land
Survey, Geodetic Control Point, Rig and Wellsite Positioning, Survey, Geodetic Control Point, Rig and Wellsite Positioning,
Road and Pipeline Routing, Magnetotelluric, Microgravity Road and Pipeline Routing, Magnetotelluric, Microgravity

Secara umum proses jasa ini digambarkan sebagai berikut : Overall, this process of services is shown in the diagram below:


Geological Studies Seismic Studies Data Acquisition Process Processing Interpretation

Seismic Design

Geological Studies Seismic Design Topography & Data Processing
Seismic Interpretation
Navigation NON SEISMIK & GGR Process
Non Seismic

Passive Seismic


Geological Studies & Design Geophysical Equipment


Di jasa akuisisi seismic darat, sebanyak 2 proyek merupakan carried In the seismic land acquisition services, as many as 2 projects were
over dari tahun 2021 dan berhasil diselesaikan pada tahun 2022, carried over from 2021 and were successfully completed in 2022,
dengan lokasi proyek di pulau Jawa dan Sumatera. Selain itu with project locations in Java and Sumatra. In addition, a new
ada pekerjaan baru di wilayah Pulau Sumatera. Sedangkan untuk project was carried out in the island of Sumatra. As for the seismic
pekerjaan akusisi seismic laut di tahun 2022 yakni pekerjaan di 2D marine acquisition in 2022, the project in 2D Seismic Marine in the
Seismic Marine di wilayah Sulawesi. Sulawesi region was carried out.

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Income Contribution per Business – Investigation and Seismic Data Processing Services

8,7% 11,5%

2021 52,6% 30,3%
2022 58,2% GDL



Berikut kapasitas dan volume produksi: Following are details of the production capacity and volume:

Satuan Production/Capacity
Alat Penyelidikan Seismik Seismic Acquisition Equipment
2022 2021
Seismic Data Capacity Seismic Data Capacity
Seismic Data Acquisition Land Crew 4 5 Seismic Data Acquisition Land
Seismic Data Acquisition TZ Crew 1 1 Seismic Data Acquisition TZ
Seismic Data Acquisition Marine Crew 1 1 Seismic Data Acquisition Marine
Seismic Data Acquisition Seismic Data Acquisition
2D Data Collection Km 1.478 9.741 2D Data Collection
3D Data Collection Kmsq 335 2.230 3D Data Collection
2D Data Processing Km 7.314 9.273 2D Data Processing
3D Data Processing Kmsq 1.859 1.563 3D Data Processing

D. Engineering Procurement & Construction and Operation D. Engineering Procurement & Construction and Operation
Maintenance Maintenance
Divisi EPC-OM : Jasa perawatan lapangan yang sudah berproduksi EPC-OM Division: Operationally ongoing, field maintenance
diantaranya dengan melakukan operation & maintenance (O&M) services, among others are carried out by conducting operation
terhadap jaringan pipa yang sudah ada atau bahkan membangun & maintenance (O&M) on existing pipelines or even building and
pipa-pipa baru dan merawatnya Engineering, Procurement, & carry out the maintenance of new pipes and maintaining them
Construction (EPC) : Tangki, Pipeline, Platfon Offshore dan Onshore. Engineering, Procurement, & Construction (EPC): Tanks, Pipelines,
Offshore and Onshore Platforms.

Pencapaian revenue unit binis EPC OM ditahun 2022 mengalami Revenue achievement of the EPC OM unit in 2022 decreased by 1%
penurunan 1 % dari tahun 2021, selama tahun 2022 adanya from 2021, and during the year 2022 contract absorption for the
serapan kontrak untuk pekerjaan Perawatan Fasilitas Penyalur Maintenance of Oil Distribution Facilities in Sumatra regions, and
Minyak wilayah di Sumatera, perawatan fasilitas di wilayah Jawa. the maintenance of facilities in Java were implemented. While in
Sedangkan untuk pekerjaan di EPC, antara lain yakni pekerjaan EPC, works have included, among others, the Insertion of the Main
Penyisipan Main Oil Line di wilayah Jawa dan lain – lain. Oil Line in the regions of Java and others.

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Berikut pencapaian revenue unit bisnis OM EPC dari tahun 2020– Following is graphihc on the revenue achievement of the OM OPC
2022 : Business Unit between the years 2020-2022 (in billion Rupiah)


Revenue Generated by OM EPC Business Unit 2020-2022
Rp miliar | Rp million



2020 2021 2022
Berikut disampaikan kinerja keuangan dan profitabilitas segmen Jasa Below is table on the financial performance and profitability of the
Hulu Migas Terintegrasi: Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services segment.


Financial Performance and Profitability of the Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services Segment
Dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi Selisih Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services
Difference (%)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Laba (Rugi) Bersih Net Profit (Loss)
Pendapatan 4.034.631 2.981.764 1.052.867 35% Revenue
Pendapatan eksternal 3.986.489 2.946.830 1.039.659 35% External Revenue
Pendapatan antarsegmen 48.142 34.934 13.208 38% Intersegment Revenue
Beban Pokok Pendapatan (3.814.096) (2.984.180) (829.916) 28% Cost of Revenue
Laba Kotor 220.535 (2.416) 222.951 -9228% Gross Profit
Beban Penjualan (3.798) (757) (3.041) 402% Sale Expenses
Beban Umum dan Administrasi (240.500) (163.155) (77.345) 47% General and Administrative Expenses
Penghasilan Bunga 22.290 17.374 4.916 28% Interest Income
Beban Keuangan (71.190) (83.086) 11.896 -14% Financial Expenses
Lain-lain – Neto 86.532 16.501 70.031 424% Others – Net
Laba Sebelum Pajak Final dan Pajak 13.869 (215.539) 229.408 -106% Profit Before Final Tax and Income Tax
Beban Pajak Final (12.020) (17.099) 5.079 -30% Final Tax Expenses
Laba Sebelum Pajak Penghasilan 1.849 (232.638) 234.487 -101% Profit Before Income Tax
Beban pajak penghasilan 14.914 (7.598) 22.512 -296% Income Tax Expenses
Laba Tahun Berjalan 16.763 (240.236) 256.999 -107% Current Year Profit
Penghasilan komprehensif lain 15.409 3.072 12.337 402% Other Comprehensive Income
Total Laba Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan 32.172 (237.164) 269.336 -114% Total Current Year Comprehensive Profit
Informasi-informasi Lain Other Information
Total Aset 6.543.854 5.931.004 612.850 10% Total Assets
Total Liabilitas 2.332.632 2.117.818 214.814 10% Total Liabilities
Ekuitas – Neto 4.211.222 3.813.186 398.036 10% Equity – Net
Penyusutan dan Amortisasi (278.413) (311.683) 33.270 -11% Depreciation and Amortization
Penambahan Aset Tetap 117.829 194.693 (76.864) -39% Additional Fixed Assets

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PT Sigma Cipta Utama (SCU) PT Sigma Cipta Utama (SCU)

PT. Sigma Cipta Utama sebagai perusahaan penyedia jasa bidang PT. Sigma Cipta Utama, a service provider company in the field of data
pengelolaan data mempunyai peluang pasar yang masih terbuka luas management, has the market opportunity still wide open to develop.
untuk berkembang. Untuk dapat menjadi perusahaan penyedia jasa To become a reliable data management service provider company, as
pengelolaan data yang handal, seperti yang tertuang dalam visi dan misi, stated in the vision and mission, the company must have the leverage
maka perusahaan harus memiliki keunggulan daya saing atas produk dan in competitiveness of the products and services offered to the market,
jasa yang ditawarkan ke pasar, termasuk dalam merencanakan strategi including in planning a directed and effective development strategy.
pengembangan prospek yang terarah dan efektif.

Proses Usaha Manajemen Data Data Management Business Process

Dalam konteks penunjang industri migas, Perseroan memegang peranan In the context of supporting the oil and gas industry, the Company plays
penting dalam pengelolaan dan pelestarian hasil ekplorasi dan produksi an important role in the management and preservation of the results of
sumur-sumur perminyakan dan gas- bumi. Bahkan data-data lama yang exploration and production of oil and natural gas wells. Even outdated
terekam ke dalam bentuk dokumen kertas, dapat ditransfer ke dalam data recorded into paper document format, can be transferred into
bentuk digital sehingga dapat diolah kembali, karena salah satu produk digital format so that it can be reprocessed, as one of the company’s
jasa Perseroan dari kegiatan usaha ini adalah jasa pemindaian dokumen. service products from this business activity is the document scanning
Perseroan juga memiliki kemampuan dan fasilitas untuk melakukan services. The company also has the ability and facility to carry out the
pemeliharaan, pelestarian dan re-identifikasi Geological Sample. maintenance, preservation and re-identification of geological samples.

Perseroan juga berperan penting pada dunia Teknologi Informasi dan The Company also plays an important role in the world of information and
Komunikasi (Information Communication Technology) sektor industri communication technology (Information Communication Technology) in
migas. Kegiatan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi migas memerlukan sarana the oil and gas industry sector. Oil and gas exploration and exploitation
Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi, baik untuk komunikasi personel, activities require information and communication technology facilities,
komunikasi data, maupun pelacakan (tracking) asset dan personal, both for personnel communication, data communication, and tracking
Radio Frequency Identification (RFiD). Di wilayah terpencil dan Remote of assets and personnel, radio frequency identification (RFID). In remote
Area , komunikasi radio menjadi pilihan terbaik; dan Perseroan areas, radio communication is the best choice; and the Company is able
sanggup memberikan jasa penyediaan dan pelayanan komunikasi to provide communication services with radio wave frequencies (radio
dengan frekuensi gelombang radio (Radio Trunking, Broadband trunking, broadband communication, wireless data communication),
Communication, Wireless Data Communication), jasa penyediaan IT and Automation, sensor and tracking services for assets and human/
perangkat IT dan Automation, sensor dan pelacak/tracking baik untuk personnel, including building services/customized software related to
aset maupun human/personel, termasuk juga jasa membangun/ these needs (Control Equipment Monitoring, Vessel Tracking Monitoring
kastemisasi perangkat lunak yang terkait dengan keperluan tersebut System, Fuel Monitoring, GPS Tracking, Inventory and Tagging with RFID).
(Control Equipment Monitoring, Vessel Tracking Monitoring System, Fuel In addition, SCU also provides other ICT (Information Communication
Monitoring, GPS Tracking, Inventory dan Tagging dengan RFID). Selain Technology) services including Data Center & Disaster Recovery Services,
itu, SCU juga memberikan Jasa layanan ICT (Information Communication IT Solution, IT Service Management (ITSM), Knowledge Management
Technology) lainnya meliputi Data Center & Disaster Recovery Services, System (KMS), HWU (Hydroulic Workover Unit) Monitoring System,
IT Solution, IT Service Management (ITSM), Knowledge Management Smart Building and so on.
System (KMS), HWU (Hydroulic Workover Unit) Monitoring System,
Smart Building dan sebagainya.


ICT Business Process


KEBUTUHAN Design System Programming Feasibility Test KEPADA Maintenance
User Requirement Delivery to
Definition Consumer


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Automation Business Process

Local Wellhead Control System

Wireless Telco
Central Cotrol
GPRS/3G Room
UNO 1150GH Base Station
FPM-8151H DIN-rail PC
Industrial Stainless with 2 x LAN,
Monitor 3 x COM

8 ch Analog Input

GPRS Modem GPRS Modem

Oil FIeld Drilling Monitoring System

Voltage Regulator Current Sensor Total Automation System

Tahun 2022 SCU secara umum, terjadi peningkatan pertumbuhan In the year 2022, SCU in general, experienced an increase in revenue
pendapatan SCU sebesar 81% dari Rp 210 miliar tahun 2021 menjadi growth by 81%, from Rp210 billion in 2021 to Rp381 billion in 2022.
Rp 381 miliar tahun 2022. Bisnis warehouse/ jasa pengelolaan data fisik Business Warehouse/Physical Data Management Services experienced
mengalami peningkatan pendapatan dari tahun 2021 sebesar Rp 72,6 an increase in revenue from Rp72.6 billion in 2021 to Rp75.2 billion in
miliar menjadi Rp 75,2 miliar tahun 2022. Penambahan pendapatan ini 2022. This increase in revenue occurred a great deal in the sub-business
banyak terjadi di sub bisnis Jasa Pengolahan Sistem Management Arsip, of the Archive Management System Processing Services, Media Transfer
Alihmedia dan Pertambahan atau Pertumbuhan Dokumen, General and Document Escalation or Development, General Warehousing.
Warehousing. Begitu juga halnya dengan bisnis ICT mengalami kenaikan Likewise, with ICT business, revenue increased from Rp52 billion in
pendapatan dari Rp 52 miliar pada tahun 2021 menjadi Rp 171,8 miliar 2021 to Rp171.8 billion in 2022, the increment in revenue occurred in a
pada tahun 2022, penambahan pendapatan banyak terjadi pada sub number of sub-business IT & Automation, and reinforced by the sinergy
bisnis IT & Automation, serta di tunjang oleh adanya Sinergy Pertamina with Pertamina Group. The Geo Data Business Unit also enjoyed an
Grup. Untuk Business Unit Geo Data juga mengalami peningkatan increase in revenue from Rp56.1 billion in 2021 to Rp72.9 billion in 2022,
pendapatan dari tahun 2021 sebesar 56,1 miliar menjadi 72,9 miliar, while IMS (Information Management Solution) flourished with revenue
sedangkan dan IMS (Information Management Solution) juga mengalami increase from Rp29.5 billion in 2021 to Rp61.2 billion in 2022.
peningkatan pendapatan dari 29,5 miliar ditahun 2021 menjadi 61,2

Pada tahun 2022 pendapatan SCU mengalami peningkatan yang cukup In the year 2022, SCU’s revenue increased quite significantly (81%)
signifikan dibanding tahun sebelumnya yaitu mencatat Rp 381 Milyar compared to the previous year, with Rp210 billion in 2021 to Rp381
(pendapatan tahun 2021 senilai 210 Milyar) atau naik 81% terhadap billion in 2022.
tahun 2021.

Pencapaian ini di topang oleh 4 Strategic Business Unit (SBU) yang secara This accomplishment was reinforced by 4 Strategic Business Units
kontinyu memberikan kontribusi maksimalnya. Adapun kontribusi (SBU) that continuously provided maximum contribution. Revenue
pendapatan masing-masing SBU pada Bisnis Unit Warehouse sebesar Rp contribution of each Business Unit were the Warehouse Business Unit
75,2 milyar, ICT sebesar Rp 171,8 milyar, Geodata sebesar 72,9 milyar, with Rp75.2 billion, Geodata with Rp72.9 billion, IMS with Rp61.2 billion.
IMS sebesar 61,2 milyar. Hampir semua SBU mencatatkan pertumbuhan Almost all of the SBUs recorded high growth due to the increase in the
yang sangat baik karena peningkatan jumlah project dan kapasitas number of projects and the continuous positive growth in the capacity
layanan yang terus mengalami pertumbuhan yang positif of the services.

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Revenue Contribution per Unit Business

16% 20%

19% 38,3%


Okupansi produksi jasa layanan Warehouse adalah sebagai berikut: Production Occupancy of the Warehouse Services is as follows:

Pengelolaan Data Fisik Satuan Kapasitas | Capacity Okupansi | Occupancy

Physical Data Management Unit 2022 2021 2022 2021
Tape Storage M2 414 414 414 414
Reel 210.000 210.000 151.846 151.846
Catridge Room M2 427 427 427 427
Catridge 340.154 340.154 330.154 330.154
Document Storage M2 6.530 6.530 427 6.530
Box 484.190 484.190 447.236 434.236
Core Storage M2 1.797 1.797 1.797 1.797
Box 98.965 98.965 98.965 98.965
General Storage M3 41.013 38.843 34.674 28.330
M2 13.127 15.837 11.878 11.878

Volume penjualan jasa pengelolaan alih media (Remastering) pada jasa Sales volume of the Remastering Management Services in the
layanan Warehouse adalah sebagai berikut: Warehouse Services is as follows:

Volume Penjualan
Warehouse Alih Media Satuan Sales Volume
Data Remastering Unit
2022 2021
Scanner Sheet 2.952.653 5.200.000
Tape Magnetic Drive Reel 2.444 12.300
Kapasitas Jasa layanan ICT (Information Communication Technology) Service capacity of the Information Communication Technology (ICT)
adalah sebagai berikut: Services is as follows:

Warehouse Alih Media Satuan Capacity
Data Remastering Unit
2022 2021
Radio Telecommunication Unit 3.168 3.098
Vessel Tracking Management System Vessel 95 95
GPS Unit 530 505

PT Elnusa Fabrikasi dan Konstruksi (EFK) PT Elnusa Fabrikasi dan Konstruksi (EFK)
Perseroan melalui anak perusahaan PT Elnusa Fabrikasi dan Konstruksi Through subsidiary PT Elnusa Fabrikasi dan Konstruksi (EFK) (Fabrication
(EFK) melakukan kegiatan usaha sebagai berikut : and Construction), the Company carries out business activities as
• Fabrikasi dan Pengadaan Peralatan Migas • Fabrication and Oil & Gas Equipment Supply
• Niaga OCTG sebagai penyedia pipa OCTG selaku pabrikan (Trading) • Niaga OCTG supplier of OCTG pipes as manufacturer (Trading)
• Penguliran Pipa OCTG (Threading) • OCTG Pipe Threading

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• Jasa Konstruksi besar (EPC) • Large Construction Services (EPC)

• Jasa Perbaikan Peralatan Migas (Maintenance Services) • Oil and Gas Equipment Maintenance Services
• Layanan jasa desain, engineering, pengawasan, dan pelaksanaan • Design, Engineering, Supervision and Construction Implementation
konstruksi Services

Proses kegiatan usaha jasa OCTG dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut : Business activity process of OCTG Services is described in the following


Import OCTG Casing Pipe Pipe Trading

Pencapaian Revenue di tahun 2022 mengalami peningkatan yang sangat Revenue achievement in the year 2022 increased significantly by 2%
signifikan sebesar 2 % dari tahun 2021. Kenaikan revenue didorong dari from the year 2021. This increment was supported by several projects
beberapa projek pada unit bisnis OCTG dan unit maintenance. in the OCTG business unit and maintenance unit.

Dari sisi Produksi jasa ulir , perbandingan kinerja operasi tahun 2022 dan From the threading services production aspect, comparative operational
2021 dapat disajikan sebagai berikut: performance in the years 2021 and 2022 is presented in the table below:


Threading Services Production
Jenis Pekerjaan Satuan Production
Type of Work Unit
2022 2021
Threading OCTG MT 3.648 4.828
Trade OCTG MT - 558
Trade & Threading OCTG MT 4802 2.574
Thread & GRE/PE Lining OCTG MT 267 24
Thread & Welding MT 431 1771

PT Patra Nusa Data (PND) PT Patra Nusa Data (PND)

PND sebagai partner utama dari Pertamina Upstream Data Center PND is the main partner of Pertamina Upstream Data Center (PUDC) –
(PUDC) - UTC dalam mengelola data Migas milik negara dengan cakupan UTC in managing the state-owned oil and gas data with the scope of
lingkup kerja yaitu mengumpulkan, mengelola, menyimpan dan work on collecting, managing, storing and socialization of data related to
memasyarakatkan data terkait wilayah kerja migas. the oil and gas working areas.

Merujuk kepada berakhirnya kontrak pengelolaan data Migas antara Referring to the closure of the oil and gas data management contract
Pusdatin ESDM dan PND yang berakhir pada Maret 2018, terjadi between Pusdatin ESDM and PND that ended in March 2018,
perubahan pola bisnis yang cukup mendasar, semula perusahaan fundamental changes occurred in the business pattern, where initially
mendapatkan pendapatan dari lisensi data, namun sejak kontrak the company obtained revenue from the data license, however, since
pengelolaan data beralih ke Pertamina Upstream Data Center (PUDC) the data management contracted was shifted to Pertamina Upstream
- UTC maka pendapatan perusahaan menjadi fixed income berdasarkan Data Center (PUDC)-UTC therefor company revenue became fixed
kontrak services dengan Pertamina Upstream Data Center (PUDC) - UTC. income based on the services contract with Pertamina Upstream Data
Center (PUDC) – UTC.

Jasa yang disediakan PND secara garis besar dikelompokkan ke dalam Services provided by PND are generally grouped into two categories of
dua kategori jasa : services:
1. Jasa Geo Data sebagai partner utama dari Pertamina Upstream 1. Geo Data Services as the main partner of Pertamina Upstream Data
Data Center (PUDC) - UTC untuk melakukan pengelolaan data Center (PUDC) – UTC to carry out oil and gas data management
migas dan pemasyarakatan data baik migas konvensional maupun and socialization of data, both conventional and non-conventional
non konvensional (Coal Bed Methane-CBM dan Shale Gas) (Coal Bed Methane – CBM and Shale Gas)

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2. Jasa Geo IT yang meliputi IT Data Management untuk solusi 2. Geo IT Services that covers IT Data Management for subsurface
Pengelolaan Data subsurface berupa data Fisik, Alih Media (scan, Data Management in the form of Physical Data, Media Transfer
digitasi, vektorisasi, re-drawing, re-mapping) dan Penataan Data (scan, digitalization, vectorization, re-drawing, re-mapping) and
Digital (dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak utama INAMETA Digital Data Mapping (by use of the main software INAMETA Plus/
Plus/Enterprise dan INAMETA Platinum). Enterprise and INAMETA Platinum).

Table of Production Realization

Jenis Pekerjaan Satuan

2022 2021
Type of work Unit
Data Collecting (kumulatif) Seismic 2D (Post Stack) Line 56.999 44.263
Data Collecting (cumulative) Seismic 2D (Field Data) Line 23.299 20.611
Seismic 3D Area 172 111
Well Well 23.168 14.085
Data Remastering (kumulatif) Seismic Vektorisasi Sheet 57.905 57.905
Data Remastering (cumulative) Master Log Well 2.882 2.882
GGR Report 12.788 12.297
Map Sheet 38.090 37.940
Supporting Document 3.329 2.002
Prospect Evaluation & Data Post Stack Km 958.798 958.798
Enhancement (kumulatif) Pre Stack Km 117.547 117.547
Prospect Evaluation & Data
Enhancement (cumulative) 3D Repro Km2 2.521 2.521

Product Development Pengembangan Advance Well Data Persen | Percent 100 85

Management | Advance Well Data
Management Development
Catatan | Remarks:
• Jumlah Data Collecting, Data Remastering Prospect Evaluation & Data Enhancement, disajikan adalah kumulatif dari tahun ke tahun.
The amount of Data Collecting, Data Remastering Prospect Evaluation & Data Enhancement, presented is cumulative from year to year.
• Merujuk pada lingkup pengelolaan data antara PUDC dengan PND, maka kegiatan pekerjaan Prospect Evaluation, Study, dan Data Enhancement sudah tidak dilakukan.
Referring to the scope of data management between PUDC and PND, the Prospect Evaluation, Study, and Data Enhancement work activities have not been carried out.
• Pekerjaan Master Log tidak dilakukan lagi karena tidak termasuk dalam lingkup kontrak dengan Pertamina.
Master Log work is no longer carried out because it is not included in the scope of the contract with Pertamina.
• Prioritas pekerjaan Remastering adalah update Metadata untuk aplikasi MDT (Manajemen Data terintegrasi, milik PUDC), QC & Perbaikan Data untuk pelayanan, dan Input Data Remastering
Remastering work priority is Metadata update for MDT application (Integrated Data Management, owned by PUDC), QC & Data Repair for service, & Data Remastering Input.

Dari sisi pelayanan data kepada pelanggan, perbandingan kinerja From the aspect of data services to customers, the comparative
operasi tahun 2021 dan 2022 untuk bisnis Geo Data dapat disajikan operational performance between the years 2021 and 2022 for the Geo
sebagai berikut: Data business is presented in the following table:

Jenis Data 2022 2021 Type of Data
3D Poststack Data Files 510 195 3D Poststack Data
3D Angle Stack Data Files 593 25 3D Angle Stack Data
2D Poststack Data Files 44.695 9361 2D Poststack Data
2D Angle Stack Data Files 11 1 2D Angle Stack Data
Well Log Files 14.230 614 Well Log
Well Report Files 14.055 475 Well Report
Report Files 19.067 341 Report
2D Field Data Files 17.955 1.386 2D Field Data
2D Navigation Files 7.666 7.679 2D Navigation
Velocity Files 232 148 Velocity
Inversi Files 31 - Inversi
Bundle All Data Files 165.441 14.216 Bundle All Data
Supp Doc Files 7.687 5.433 Supp Doc
Sample Well Bags 593 98 Sample Well

170 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Volume produksi jasa Geo IT tahun 2022 dan 2021 dapat disajikan Production volume of Geo IT services in 2022 and 2021 is presented as
sebagai berikut: follows:

JenisPekerjaan Kapasitas/Volume
Type of Work 2022 2021
Layanan INAMETA Plus Proyek | Project 1 2
Layanan INAMETA Platinum Lisensi | License - 1*
Layanan Pay per Use/Olivia Klien | Client - 1*
Technical Oil & Gas Data Management Services Proyek | Project 1 1
Advance Well Data Management Solution Proyek | Project 1 1
Data Governance for Upstream Data Proyek | Project - 1
Digital Data Warehouse for Corporate Dashboard Proyek | Project 1 1
* as a government support (SKK Migas) | as a government support (SKK Migas)

PT Elnusa Trans Samudera PT Elnusa Trans Samudera

PT Elnusa Trans Samudera (“ETSA”) adalah entitas anak perusahaan PT Elnusa Trans Samudera (“ETSA”) is a subsidiary established on 8
yang didirikan pada 8 November 2013 dan berfokus pada penyediaan November 2013 with a focus on providing marine & offshore support
jasa marine & offshore support vessel. Sejak pendiriannya, ETSA telah vessel services. Since its establishment, ETSA has managed to operate
berhasil mengoperasikan seluruh armada milik PT Elnusa Tbk yang terdiri all fleets of PT ELnusa Tbk consisting of the Landing Craft Tank (LCT),
dari Landing Craft Tank (LCT), Work Barge dan Accommodation Work Work Barge and Accommodation Work Barge as well as succeeded in
Barge serta berhasil membangun armada baru pada tahun 2015 dan developing a new fleet in 2015 and acquisitioned the seismic fleet in
mengakuisisi armada kapal seismik pada tahun 2016. Selain menambah 2016. Moreover, to enhance its asset ownership, ETSA also expanded
kepemilikan asset, ETSA juga telah menambah pengoperasian armada its operational fleet through strategic partnership scheme by starting to
melalui skema strategic partnership dengan memulai penyediaan provide utility vessels in 2018, small marine services as well as acquiring
utility vessel pada tahun 2018, penyediaan small marine services serta the Dredging and Reclamation Business Permit (SIUPR) and provided
perolehan Surat Ijin Usaha Pengerukan dan Reklamasi (SIUPR) dan dredging services in 2019. Subsequently in 2020, ETSA expanded its
penyediaan jasa pengerukan (Dredging) pada tahun 2019. Selanjutnya, refurbishment of the Single Buoy Mooring (SBM) and provided the Diving
pada tahun 2020, ETSA melakukan ekspansi pada project refurbishment Support Vessel (DSV) in 2021. Until the year 2022, ETC managed to
Single Buoy Mooring (SBM) dan penyediaan Diving Support Vessel operate some 75 units of vessel, and this number increased significantly
(DSV) pada tahun 2021. Hingga tahun 2022, ETSA telah berhasil if compared to the number of ETSA ship operation in the past 5 years.
mengoperasikan total 75 unit kapal, jumlah ini meningkat signifikan
dibandingkan dengan jumlah operasi kapal ETSA 5 tahun sebelumnya.


Development of ETSA Ship Operation

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Seiring dengan semakin bertambahnya portfolio penyediaan kapal In line with the increasing portfolio in ship provision conducted in
yang dilakukan, secara keseluruhan, ETSA memetakan kompetensi dan general, ETSA mapped its competency and capability in providing ships
kapabilitasnya dalam penyediaan kapal dan jasa sebagai berikut: and services as follows:


Summary of ETSA’s Capabilities

Pada tahun 2022, ETSA berhasil membukukan pendapatan sebesar In the year 2022, ETSA managed to record a revenue of Rp441 billion
Rp 441 milyar – atau tumbuh 10% dari perolehan revenue tahun – or a growth of 10% from revenue obtained in the previous year. The
sebelumnya. Membaiknya kinerja keuangan perusahaan didukung improvement in the Company’s financial performance was reinforced by
oleh peningkatan utilisasi asset milik serta penambahan armada yang the increase in the utilization of assets owned by the Company? and
dioperasikan. Selain itu, dari sisi profit, ETSA juga berhasil membukukan the additional fleet operated. In addition, from the profit aspect, ETSA
pencapaian net profit 160% diatas target. Dari sisi pemeliharaan asset, also managed to book a net profit achievement of 160% above target.
sepanjang tahun 2022, ETSA telah melaksanakan pengedokan (docking) From the asset maintenance aspect throughout the year 2022, ETSA
pada sebagian besar kapal milik dalam rangka menjaga realibilitas asset conducted docking on most of the owned fleet in the effort to maintain
serta mempertahankan klasifikasi kapal untuk tetap dapat mendukung asset reliability as well as ship classification to remain as support to ETSA
operasi ETSA pada tahun-tahun mendatang. operations years to come.

Dari sisi HSE, ETSA berkomitmen untuk tetap mengedepankan aspek From the HSE aspect, ETSA is committed to remain with prioritizing
QHSSE (Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environment) pada setiap QHSSE (Quality, Health, Safety, Seurity and Environment) aspect in each
kegiatan yang dilakukan dengan terus berupaya untuk mengurangi of the activities conducted by continually striving to reduce incidents
terjadinya insiden melalui penerapan kebijakan, pedoman dan thrugh the implementation of policies, guidelines and improvement
peningkatan kompetensi karyawan. Guna menunjang hal tersebut, ETSA of employees’ competency. In order to support this, ETSA retains the
telah memiliki sertifikasi sistem manajemen yaitu ISO 9001, ISO 14001, management system certification of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, AND ISO
dan ISO 45001. Atas komitmen ini, pada tahun 2022, ETSA telah berhasil 45001. On this commitment, in 2022, ETSA managed to maintain the
mempertahankan Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) tetap berada Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) of 0 (zero).
pada nilai 0.

172 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Disamping upaya ETSA dalam meningkatkan portofolio bisnisnya pada Furthermore, ETSA’s efforts in enhancing its business portfolio in
jasa hulu migas, sepanjang tahun 2022, ETSA juga terus menjajaki potensi upstream oil and gas services throughout the year 2022 are also
pengembangan bisnis baru dalam rangka melakukan diversifikasi bisnis carried out through continuous exploration of potential new business
ke jasa hilir migas maupun diversifikasi ke Non Oil & Gas. Pengembangan development in order to diversify business into downstream oil and
bisnis baru yang dilakukan ETSA tetap mempertimbangkan lingkup gas services as well as non-oil and gas. Development of new business
kapabilitas ETSA saat ini (Adjacent to the core). Berikut disampaikan conducted by ETSA remains in consideration of ETSA’s current scope of
kinerja keuangan dan profitabilitas segmen Jasa Penunjang Migas. capability (Adjacent to the Core). Following are details of the financial
and profitability of the Oil and Gas Support Services performance.


Financial Performance and Profitability of the Oil and Gas Support Services Segment
Dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Jasa Penunjang Migas Selisih Oil and Gas Support Service
Difference (%)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Laba (Rugi) Bersih Net Profit (Loss)
Pendapatan 1.357.387 1.285.491 71.896 6% Revenue
Pendapatan eksternal 1.096.620 921.173 175.447 19% External Revenue
Pendapatan antarsegmen 260.767 364.318 (103.551) -28% Intersegment Revenue
Beban Pokok Pendapatan (1.200.253) (1.105.660) (94.593) 9% Cost of Revenue
Laba Kotor 157.134 179.831 (22.697) -13% Gross Profit
Beban Penjualan (671) (441) (230) 52% Sale Expenses
Beban Umum dan Administrasi (74.820) (76.808) 1.988 -3% General and Administrative Expenses
Penghasilan Bunga 12.238 9.028 3.210 36% Interest Income
Beban Keuangan (11.935) (8.007) (3.928) 49% Financial Expenses
Lain-lain – Neto (9.095) (10.554) 1.459 -14% Others – Net
Laba Sebelum Pajak Final dan Pajak 72.851 93.049 (20.198) -22% Profit Before Final Tax and Income Tax
Beban Pajak Final (8.854) (6.139) (2.715) 44% Final Tax Expenses
Laba Sebelum Pajak Penghasilan 63.997 86.910 (22.913) -26% Profit Before Income Tax
Beban pajak penghasilan (11.845) (12.186) 341 -3% Income Tax Expenses
Laba Tahun Berjalan 52.152 74.724 (22.572) -30% Current Year Profit
Penghasilan komprehensif lain 5.666 132 5.534 4192% Other Comprehensive Income
Total Laba Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan 57.818 74.856 (17.038) -23% Total Current Year Comprehensive Profit
Informasi-informasi Lain Other Information
Total Aset 1.416.919 1.366.289 50.630 4% Total Assets
Total Liabilitas 588.534 504.846 83.688 17% Total Liabilities
Ekuitas – Neto 828.386 861.442 33.056 -4% Equity – Net
Penyusutan dan Amortisasi (87.539) (87.384) 155 0% Depreciation and Amortization
Penambahan Aset Tetap 57.369 33.792 23.577 70% Additional Fixed Assets

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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Financial Review


Analisa dan pembahasan kinerja keuangan pada laporan tahunan ini The analysis and discussion of financial performance in this annual
mengacu pada Laporan Keuangan untuk tahun-tahun yang berakhir report refers to the Financial Statements for the years ended December
pada 31 Desember 2022 dan 31 Desember 2021 yang telah di audit 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021 which have been audited by the Public
oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja ( EY ) yang Accounting Firm Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (EY) in report number
dalam laporan nomor 00130/2.1032/AU.1/02/0697-2/1/II/2023 dengan 00130/2.1032/AU.1 /02/0697-2/1/II/2023 with the opinion that the
pendapat bahwa laporan Keuangan konsolidasian terlampir menyajikan accompanying consolidated Financial statements present fairly, in all
secara wajar, dalam semua hal yang material, posisi Keuangan material respects, the consolidated Financial position of the Group as
konsolidasian Grup tanggal 31 Desember 2022,serta kinerja keuangan of December 31, 2022, and its consolidated financial performance and
dan arus kas konsolidasiannya untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal cash flows for the year then ended, in accordance with Indonesian
tersebut, sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di Indonesia Financial Accounting Standards.


Consolidated Financial Position
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian Selisih Description
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)

Aset Lancar 5.287.016 4.446.784 840.232 19 Current Assets
Aset Tidak Lancar 3.549.073 2.788.073 761.000 27 Non-Current Assets
Jumlah Aset 8.836.089 7.234.857 1.601.232 22 Total Assets
Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 3.531.761 2.561.234 970.527 38 Short-term Liabilities
Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 1.187.117 895.489 291.628 33 Long-term Liabilities
Jumlah Liabilitas 4.718.878 3.456.723 1.262.155 37 Total Liabilities
Utang Berbunga 128.258 333.197 (204.939) -62 Interest-Bearing Debt
EKUITAS 4.117.211 3.778.134 339.077 9 EQUITY
Modal Kerja - Neto 1.755.255 1.885.550 (130.295) -7 Working Capital - Net

Per 31 Desember 2022, total Aset Perseroan mengalami peningkatan 22% dibanding tahun sebelumnya,
Dan total Liabilitas naik sebesar 37% dan Ekuitas mengalami kenaikan 9%.
As of 31 December 2022, the Company’s Total Assets increased by 22% compared to the previous year. And Total Liabilities
increased by 37% and Equity increased by 9%.

Peningkatan Asset sebesar 22 % didorong dari adanya peningkatan Increase in assets by 22% was reinforced by the increase in account
piutang usaha, kas dan setraa kas persediaan yang didorong dengan receivables, cash and cash equivalent inventory supported by the
peningkatan aktivitas di tahun 2022 ditandai dengan peningkatan increased in activities during the year 2022 as indicated by the increase
revenue, peningkatan collection period dan inventory turn over. in revenue, collection period and inventory turnover.

174 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Current Assets
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian Selisih Description
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)

Kas dan Setara Kas 1.656.975 1.144.769 512.206 45 Cash and Cash Equivalents
Piutang Usaha – Neto 2.919.355 2.287.925 631.430 28 Accounts Receivable – Net
Aset Keuangan Lancar Lainnya – Neto 103.538 64.791 38.747 60 Other Current Financial Assets – Net
Persediaan – Neto 429.814 322.656 107.158 33 Inventory – Net
Uang Muka 24.177 80.994 (56.817) -70 Advance Payment
Pajak Dibayar di Muka 93.323 525.112 (431.789) -82 Prepaid Taxes
Beban Dibayar di Muka 59.834 20.537 39.297 191 Prepaid Expenses
Jumlah Aset Lancar 5.287.016 4.446.784 840.232 19 Total Current Assets

Kenaikan sebesar 19% Persen atau 840,2 Miliar Rupiah, didominasi dari The 19% increase or Rp840.2 billion was dominated by the increase in
kenaikan piutang usaha , hal ini didorong dengan peningkatan revenue account receivables, which was supported by the increase in revenue
di banding tahun lalu serta peningkatan kas dan setara kas di dorong dari compared to the previous year, as well as the increase in cash and cash
percepatan collection period. equivalent supported by the acceleration of the collection period.


Cash and Cash Equivalents
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian Selisih Description
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)

Kas 1.287 1.341 (54) -4 Cash

Bank Bank
Rupiah 1.231.358 876.449 354.909 40 Rupiah
Dolar Amerika Serikat 199.330 210.979 (11.649) -6 United States Dollar
Dolar Singapura Singapore Dollar
Jumlah Kas pada Bank 1.430.688 1.087.428 343.260 32 Total Cash in Bank
Call Deposit dan Deposito Berjangka Call Deposits and Time Deposits
Rupiah 225.000 56.000 169.000 302 Rupiah
Jumlah Call Deposit dan Deposito 225.000 56.000 169.000 302 Total Call Deposits and Time Deposits
Jumlah Kas dan Setara Kas 1.656.975 1.144.769 512.207 45 Total Cash and Cash Equivalents

Account Receivables
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian Selisih Description
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)

Difakturkan 902.358 727.554 174.804 24 Billed

Belum Difakturkan 2.229.619 1.749.810 479.809 27 Unbilled
Jumlah Piutang Usaha 3.131.977 2.477.364 654.613 26 Total Trade Receivables
Cadangan Kerugian Penurunan Nilai (212.622) (189.439) (23.183) 12 Allowance for Impairment
Jumlah Piutang Usaha Neto 2.919.355 2.287.925 631.430 28 Total Accounts Receivable - Net

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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis


Non-current Assets
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian Selisih Description
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)

Aset Keuangan Tidak Lancar Lainnya 410.919 459.646 (48.727) -11 Other Non-Current Financial Assets
Pajak Dibayar di Muka – Bagian Tidak 607.579 168.238 439.341 261 Prepaid Taxes – Non-Current Portion
Aset Pajak Tangguhan 129.824 112.660 17.164 15 Deferred Tax Assets
Penyertaan Saham - Neto 30.779 22.366 8.413 38 Share Subscription - Net
Uang Muka Bagian Tidak Lancar 31.750 34.641 (2.891) -8 Advances for Non-current Portion
Aset Tetap - Neto 1.714.770 1.811.519 (96.749) -5 Fixed Assets - Net
Aset Hak Guna - Neto 544.437 83.365 461.072 553 Right of Use Assets - Net
Aset Tak Berwujud 8.098 15.292 (7.194) -47 Intangible Assets
Properti Investasi - Neto 51.049 51.137 (88) 0 Investment Properties - Net
Aset Lain-Lain 19.868 29.209 (9.341) -32 Other Assets
Jumlah Aset Tidak Lancar 3.549.073 2.788.073 761.000 27 Total Non-current Assets

Fixed Assets
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian Selisih Description
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)

Tanah 268.212 263.488 4.724 2 Land

Bangunan, Prasarana, dan Instalasi 157.006 139.129 17.877 13 Building, Improvements and Installations
Mesin dan Peralatan 350.817 383.338 (32.521) -8 Machinery and Equipment
Perabotan dan Perlengkapan Kantor 1.693 5.348 (3.655) -68 Office Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment
Alat Transportasi 253.871 218.275 35.596 16 Transportation
Konstruksi Baja 532.468 538.900 (6.432) -1 Steel Construction
Aset dalam Penyelesaian (Mesin dan 161.311 283.214 (121.903) -43 Construction in Progress (Machinery and
Peralatan) Equipment)
Provisi Penurunan Nilai (10.608) (20.173) 9.565 -47 Allowance for Impairment
Nilai Buku Neto 1.714.770 1.811.519 (96.749) -5 Net Book Value

Total aset tetap tahun 2022 mengalami penurunan dari tahun 2021, hal Total fixed assets in 2022 declined from the total in 2021, this was in
di sesuai dengan strategi Perseoan untuk melakukan selective investment line with the Company’s strategy to conduct selective investment where
dimana realisasi investasi di tahun 2022 di dasari oleh kepastian market investment realization in 2022 was based on market certainty and
dan rencana operasional. operational plans.

Peningkatan sebesar 37 % atau sebesar Rp 1.262 Miliar Rupiah dari The 37% increase or Rp1,262 billion from liabilities was dominated by
liabilitas di dominasi dari peningkatan biaya akrual seiring dengan the increase in accrual costs in line with the increase in costs related to
peningkatan biaya berkaitan dengan aktivitas penjualan. sales activities.

176 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis


Short-term Liabilities
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian Selisih Description
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)

Pinjaman Bank Jangka Pendek 128.258 167.975 (39.717) -24 Short-term Bank Loans
Utang Usaha 678.678 671.338 7.340 1 Accounts Payable
Liabilitas Keuangan Lainnya – Jangka 58.405 70.322 (11.917) -17 Other Current Financial Liabilities
Liabilitas Imbalan Kerja Jangka Pendek 208.143 72.048 136.095 189 Short-term Employee Benefits Liabilities
Utang Pajak 58.255 62.784 (4.529) -7 Taxes Payable
Akrual 2.175.267 1.301.728 873.539 67 Accrual
Utang Jangka Panjang yang Jatuh tempo Long-term Loan Due Within One Year:
dalam waktu satu tahun:
Utang Bank - 144.032 (144.032) -100 Bank Payable
Liabilitas Sewa 224.755 71.007 153.748 217 Lease Liability
Jumlah Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 3.531.761 2.561.234 970.527 38 Total Short-term Liabilities

Liabilitas jangka pendek ditahun 2022 adanya peningkatan dibanding Short-term liabilities in 2022 was affected by the increase in disbanding
tahun 2021, dikarenakan dengan adanya peningkatan biaya akrual in 2021 due to the increase in accrual costs in line with the cost increase
seiring dengan peningkatan biaya atas aktivitas penjualan. Disisi lain juga in sales activities. On the other hand, there was also an increase in lease
Adanya peningkatan atas liabilitas sewa yang didorong dari pembelian liabilities due to purchase of business assets in the energy distribution
asset guna usaha yang ada di segmen distribusi dan logistic energy dan and logistics segment and the increase in the calculation of short-term
Adanya peningkatan atas perhitungan imbalan kerja jangka pendek. employee benefits.


Long-term Liabilities
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian Selisih Description
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)

Pendapatan yang Ditangguhakan – Bagian 58.850 69.550 (10.700) -15 Deferred Income – Non-current Portion
Tidak Lancar
Utang Jangka Panjang – Setelah Dikurangi Long-term Loan – Net of Current Portion
Bagian yang Jatuh Tempo dalam Waktu
Satu Tahun
Utang Bank - 21.190 (21.190) -100 Bank Payable
Liabilitas Sewa 354.092 30.090 324.002 1077 Lease Liability
Utang Sukuk 697.866 697.669 197 0 Sukuk Debt
Liabilitas Imbalan Kerja 76.309 76.990 (681) -1 Employee Benefits Liability
Jumlah Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 1.187.117 895.489 291.628 33 Long-term Liabilities

Liabilitas jangka Panjang pada tahun 2022 meningkat 33 % dibanding Long-term liabilities in the year 2022 increased by 33% compared to
posisi pada tanggal yang sama tahun 2021 didorong dari peningkatan the position on the same date in 2021, which was reinforced by the
libilitas sewa dari aktivitas pinjaman investasi yang digunakan untuk increase in lease liabilities from investment loan activities in the energy
aktivityas pada segmen distribusi dan logistic energy. distribution and logistics segment.

Pada tanggal 3 Agustus 2020, Perusahaan telah mendapatkan pernyataan On 3 August 2020, the Company obtained the statement of effectivity
efektif dari Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) atas penerbitan Sukuk Ijarah from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) on the issuance of Sustainable
Berkelanjutan I Elnusa Tahap I Tahun 2020 dengan sisa imbalan Ijarah Ijarah Sukuk I of Elnusa Phase I of Year 2020 with the remaining Ijarah
sebesar Rp700 Miliar Sukuk Ijarah ini diterbitkan tanpa warkat dan returns of Rp700 billion. This Ijarah Sukuk was issued unscripted and is
dijamin dengan kesanggupan penuh (full commitment) dan ditawarkan guaranteed with full commitment and offered at 100% of the remaining

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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

dengan nilai 100% dari jumlah sisa imbalan sukuk ijarah, dengan jangka amount of the Ijarah Sukuk returns and a term of 5 (five) years from
waktu 5 (lima) tahun sejak tanggal emisi. Cicilan Imbalan sukuk Ijarah the date of issuance. Installment payment of Ijarah Sukuk was at Rp63
adalah sebesar Rp63 miliar, atau ekuivalen sebesar 9% per tahun yang billion, or equivalent to 9% per year payable every 3 (three) months,
akan dibayarkan setiap 3 (tiga) bulan, dan jatuh tempo 11 Agustus 2025. and maturity date on 11 August 2025. Based on reports of the last
Berdasarkan laporan pemeringkatan terakhir yang dipublikasikan oleh rating published by PT Pefindo, the Company’s sukuk rating was idAA-
PT Pefindo, peringkat sukuk Perusahaan adalah idAA-(sy) (double A (sy) (sharia double A minus) and the Company’s rating was idAA-/stable
minus syariah) dan peringkat Perusahaan adalah idAA-/stable (double (double A minus; stable outlook).
A minus; stable outlook).

Total dana yang diterima Perusahaan pada tanggal 11 Agustus 2020 Total funds received by the Company on 11 August 2020 from the
dari hasil penerbitan Perdana Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan I Elnusa Tahap Initial Issuance of the Sustainable Ijarah Sukuk I of Elnus Phase I Year
I Tahun 2020 adalah sebesar Rp700 Miliar Sesuai dengan perjanjian 2020 was Rp700 billion. In accordance with the Company’s agreement
Perusahaan dengan PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk selaku with PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk as trustee and prospectus
wali amanat dan prospektus penawaran sukuk ijarah Perusahaan, dana of the Company’s Ijarah Sukuk offering, the funds were to be used for
tersebut akan digunakan untuk investasi dan modal kerja. investment and working capital.

Sukuk ini mensyaratkan Perusahaan untuk, memelihara rasio total This sukuk required the Company to maintain the total interest-bearing
utang berbunga terhadap ekuitas maksimal sebesar 3:1,5 kali, serta debt to equity ratio at maximum 3:1.5 times, and the EBITDA to loan
rasio EBITDA terhadap bunga pinjaman minimal sebesar 1,5 : 1 kali. interest ratio at minimum 1.5:1 times. On 31 December 2022, the
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022, Perusahaan telah memenuhi seluruh Company fulfilled all lilmitations stipulated under the sukuk agreement.
pembatasan yang diatur dalam perjanjian sukuk.


The Company’s Bank Loan Status
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian Selisih Description
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)

PT Bank UOB Indonesia 31.699 96.351 (64.652) -67 PT Bank UOB Indonesia
Pinjaman Sindikasi - 165.222 (165.222) -100 Pinjaman Sindikasi
PT Bank ICBC Indonesia 74.048 35.157 38.891 111 PT Bank ICBC Indonesia
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk 22.511 36.467 (13.956) -38 PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
Jumlah 128.258 333.197 (204.939) (62) Jumlah

Untuk Pinjaman Sindikasi, pada tanggal 22 Februari 2018, Perusahaan For Syndicate Loans, on 22 February 2018, the Company and subsidiaries
dan entitas anak (EPN dan ETSA) memperoleh fasilitas kredit sindikasi (EPN and ETSA) acquired syndicate loan facilities from PT Bank Sumitomo
dari PT Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Mitsui Indonesia, The Bank of Tokyo-Mirsubishi UFJ Ltd., Jakarta Branch,
UFJ Ltd., Cabang Jakarta, PT Bank ICBC Indonesia dan PT Bank UOB PT Bank ICBC Indonesia and PT Bank UOB Indonesia.

Pada tanggal 14 September 2020 terdapat Perjanjian Transfer mengenai On 14 September 2020 there was a Transfer Agreement on the loan
pengalihan pinjaman dari MUFG Bank Ltd, Jakarta Branch (The Bank of transfer from MUFG Bank Ltd., Jakarta Branch (The Bank of Tokyo-
Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd.,Cabang Jakarta) kepada PT Bank Danamon Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., Jakarta Branch) to PT Bank Danamon Indonesia,
Indonesia, Tbk. Maka dari itu , Pinjaman Sindikasi saat ini diperoleh Tbk. Thus, the current Syndicate Loans are received from PT Bank BTPN
dari PT Bank BTPN Tbk. (Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia), PT Bank Tbk. (Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia), PT Bank Danamon Indonesia,
Danamon Indonesia, Tbk., PT Bank ICBC Indonesia dan PT Bank UOB Tbk., PT Bank ICBC Indonesia and PT Bank UOB Indonesia, divided into 3
Indonesia, yang terbagi dalam 3 (tiga) tranche, yaitu: (three) tranches, namely as follows:
• Tranche A dengan batas maksimum sebesar $AS30.000.000 dan • Tranche A with maximum limit of US$30,000,000 and maturity
akan jatuh tempo dalam waktu 60 (enam puluh) bulan sejak period within 60 (sixty) months from the date of the agreement.
tanggal perjanjian. Pinjaman ini akan dibayarkan melalui cicilan This loan is to be paid through 48 (forty-eight) installments starting
bulanan sebanyak 48 (empat puluh delapan) kali dimulai setelah after 13 (thirteen) months since the date of this agreement.
13 (tiga belas) bulan sejak tanggal perjanjian ini.

178 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

• Tranche B1 dalam mata uang Dolar AS dengan batas maksimum • Tranche B1 in US currency with maximum limit of US$25,000,000
sebesar $AS25.000.000 dan akan jatuh tempo dalam waktu 60 and maturity period in 60 (sixty) months since the date of the
(enam puluh) bulan sejak tanggal perjanjian. Pinjaman ini akan agreement. This loan is to be paid in 36 (thirty-sic) installments
dibayarkan melalui cicilan bulanan sebanyak 36 (tiga puluh enam) starting after 25 (twenty-five) months from the date of this
kali dimulai setelah 25 (dua puluh lima) bulan sejak tanggal agreement.
perjanjian ini.
• Tranche B2 dalam mata uang Rupiah dengan batas maksimum • Tranche B2 in Rupiah currency with a maximum limit of equivalent
setara dengan $AS25.000.000 dan akan jatuh tempo dalam waktu to US$25,000,000 and maturity period of 60 (sixty) months since
60 (enam puluh) bulan sejak tanggal perjanjian. Pinjaman ini the date of the agreement. This loan is to be paid in 36 (thrity-six)
akan dibayarkan melalui cicilan bulanan sebanyak 36 (tiga puluh months starting after 25 (twenty-five) months since the date of this
enam) kali dimulai setelah 25 (dua puluh lima) bulan sejak tanggal agreement.
perjanjian ini.

EPN dan ETSA memperoleh fasilitas Tranche B1 dan Tranche B2 EPN and ETSA acquired the Tranche B1 and Tranche B2 facilities with
dengan batas maksimum masing-masing sebesar $AS20.000.000 dan maximum limit each of US$20,000,000 and US$8,000,000. These
$AS8.000.000. Fasilitas-fasilitas tersebut diberikan untuk keperluan facilities were provided for investment purposes and will be borned by
investasi dan dikenakan bunga sebesar 1,68% per tahun ditambah interest of 1.68% per annum plus LIBOR for US dollar loan and 2.85%
LIBOR untuk pinjaman dalam mata uang Dolar AS dan 2,85% per tahun per annum plus JIBOR for Rupiah loan. In the case where JIBOR is below
ditambah JIBOR untuk pinjaman dalam mata uang Rupiah. Dalam hal 4.65%, then JIBOR is considered 4.65%. In March 2022, repayment was
JIBOR dibawah 4,65%, maka JIBOR dianggap 4,65%. Pada Maret 2022, accelerated for all syndicate loans.
Pelunasan dipercepat atas seluruh pinjaman sindikasi.


Composition of Bank Loans Based on the Currency
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian Selisih Description
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)

Rupiah 67.848 71.378 (3.530) -4,95 Rupiah

Dolar AS 60.410 261.819 (201.409) -77,07 US Dollars
Biaya Pinjaman yang Belum Diamortisasi 0 (2.095) 2.095 -100 Unamortized Borrowing Costs
Total Pinjaman Bank 128.258 331.102 (202.844) -61,26 Total Bank Loan

dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian Selisih Description
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)

Modal Saham Ditempatkan dan Disetor 729.850 729.850 - 0 Issued and Fully Paid-up Capital
Penuh 7.298.500.000 Saham 7,298,500.000 Shares
Tambahan Modal Disetor 435.691 435.691 - 0 Additional Paid-in Capital
Saldo Laba 2.982.928 2.659.237 323.691 12 Retained Earnings
Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain (32.844) (48.253) 15.409 -32 Other Comprehensive Income
Jumlah Ekuitas yang Diatribusikan kepada 4.115.625 3.776.525 339.100 9 Total Equity Attributable to Owners of the
Pemilik Entitas Induk Parent
Kepentingan Non-pengendali 1.586 1.609 (23) -1 Non-controlling Interests
Jumlah Ekuitas 4.117.211 3.778.134 339.077 9 Total Equity

Jumlah ekuitas yang diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk tumbuh The total equity attributed to owners of the parent entity increased
sebesar Rp339 miliar atau 9% di atas posisi ekuitas tahun lalu, berasal byRp339 billion, or 9% above equity position in the previous year,
dari perolehan laba tahun berjalan sebesar Rp378 miliar dikurangi stemmed from the profit earned in the current year amounting to Rp378
dividen yang dibayarkan dalam tahun 2022 sebesar Rp 54,3 miliar. billion minus dividend paid in 2022 at the amount of Rp54.3 billion.

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Management Discussion and Analysis


Consolidated Report on the Change in Equity

dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Tambahan Saldo Penghasilan Kepentingan
Modal Modal Saldo Laba Laba Tidak Komprehensif Non
Saham Disetor Dicadangkan Dicadangkan Lain Jumlah Pengendali
Uraian Ekuitas Description
Capital Additional Retained Unappropriated Other Total Non-
Total Equity
Stock Paid-Up Earnings Retained Comprehensive Controlling
Capital Earnings Income Interests
Saldo Balance per/ 729.850 431.422 106.326 1.615.773 (43.920) 2.839.451 38.292 2.877.743 Balance as of
31/12/2016 31/12/2016
Saldo Balance per/ 729.850 435.688 121.872 1.816.276 (56.195) 3.047.490 4.430 3.051.920 Balance as of
31/12/2017 31/12/2017
Saldo Balance per/ 729.850 435.691 134.229 2.043.161 (44.436) 3.298.495 1.705 3.300.200 Balance as of
31/12/2018 31/12/2018
Saldo Balance per/ 729.850 435.691 135.229 2.329.556 (55.288) 3.575.038 1.660 3.576.698 Balance as of
31/12/2019 31/12/2019
Saldo Balance per/ 729.850 435.691 145.971 2.479.251 (51.325) 3.739.438 1.508 3.740.946 Balance as of
31/12/2020 31/12/2020
Saldo Balance per/ 729.850 435.691 155.934 2.503.303 (48.253) 3.776.525 1.609 3.778.134 Balance as of
31/12/2021 31/12/2021
Saldo Balance per/ 729.850 435.691 158.109 2.824.819 (32.844) 4.115.625 1.586 4.117.211 Balance as of
31/12/2022 31/12/2022



dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2022 2021 Increase (Decrease)
(Rp juta) (Rp juta) Selisih
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian (Rp juta) Description
(Rp million) (Rp million) (%)
Percentage (%)
(Rp million)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Pendapatan 12.305.690 8.136.563 4.169.127 51,2% Revenue
Beban Pokok Pendapatan (11.393.357) (7.491.069) (3.902.288) 52,1% Cost of Revenue
Laba Bruto 912.333 645.494 266.839 41,3% Gross Profit
Beban Usaha (414.318) (330.266) (84.052) 25,4% Operating Expenses
Laba Usaha 498.015 315.228 182.787 58,0% Operating Profit
EBITDA* 1.146.434 984.668 161.766 16,4% EBITDA*
Penghasilan Bunga 29.604 26.970 2.634 9,8% Interest Income
Pendapatan Lain-lain Neto 72.711 9.895 62.816 634,8% Other Inicome - Net
Beban Keuangan*** (112.394) (121.341) 8.947 -7,4% Financial Expenses***
Laba Sebelum Pajak Final Dan 487.936 230.752 257.184 111,5% Profit Before Final Tax and Income
Pajak Penghasilan Tax
Beban Pajak Final dan (109.875) (121.900) 12.025 -9,9% Final Tax and Income Tax Expenses
Pajak Penghasilan
Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan 378.061 108.852 269.209 247,3% Current Year Profit (Loss)
Laba komprehensif Tahun Berjalan 393.470 111.924 281.546 251,6% Current Year Comprehensive Profit
Laba Tahun Berjalan Yang Dapat (7) 112 (119) -106,3% Current Year Profit Attibutable to
Diatribusikan Kepada Kepentingan Non-Controlling Interests
Laba Tahun Berjalan 378.068 108.740 269.328 247,7% Current Year Profit Attributable to
Yang Dapat Diatribusikan Owners of Parent Entity
Kepada Pemilik Entitas Induk
Laba Tahun Berjalan Yang Dapat 379.794 110.466 269.328 243,8% Current Year Profit Attributable to
Diatribusikan Kepada Pemilik Entitas Owners of Parent Entity Excluding
Induk Tanpa Penjualan Aset Gain (Loss) on Sales of Assets
Marjin Laba Bruto 7,4% 7,9% -0,5% -6,5% Gross Profit Margin

180 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2022 2021 Increase (Decrease)
(Rp juta) (Rp juta) Selisih
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian (Rp juta) Description
(Rp million) (Rp million) (%)
Percentage (%)
(Rp million)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Marjin EBITDA 9,3% 12,1% -2,8% -23,0% EBITDA Margin
Marjin Laba Bersih** 3,1% 1,3% 1,7% 129,6% Net Profit Margin**
Marjin Laba Bersih Tanpa Penjualan 3,09% 1,36% 1,7% 127,3% Net Profit Margin Exluding Gain
Aset** (Loss) on Sales of Assets**
* EBITDA Perseroan dalam laporan ini dihitung dengan menambahkan laba usaha dengan beban amortisasi dan depresiasi, baik yang dicatat dalam beban pokok
pendapatan maupun dalam beban usaha Perseroan untuk tahun yang bersangkutan.
** Perhitungan marjin laba bersih yang tercantum dalam laporan ini menggunakan laba (rugi) yang diatribusikan kepada Pemilik Entitas Induk.
*** Beban keuangan yang tercantum dalam Laporan ini tanpa (rugi) selisih kurs atas pinjaman.
Sebagai tambahan informasi pada kinerja Laba Rugi dan Penghasilan Komprehensif lain yang telah disajikan pada tabel di atas, Perseroan juga mendistribusikan nilai
ekonomi langsung berupa dividen tahun buku 2021 yang dibagikan di tahun 2022 senilai Rp 54,3 Miliar . Selain hal itu, Perseroan sebagai badan usaha tidak menerima
bantuan dalam bentuk apapun dari Pemerintah.
* Company’s EBITDA in this report was calculated by adding operating profit with amortization and depreciation expenses, both recorded in the cost of revenue and in
the Company’s operating expenses for the year concerned.
** Calculation of net profit margin stated in this report used profit (loss) attributed to Owners of Parent Entity.
*** Financial expenses stated in this report are excluding (loss) the difference in exchange rate on loans.
As an additional information on the performance of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income presented in the table above, the Company also distributed direct
economic value in the form of dividends for the 2021 fiscal year distributed in 2022 in the amount of Rp54.3 billion. Aside from that, as a business entity, the Company
did not receive assistance in any form from the Government.


2022 Kontribusi 2021 Kontribusi Selisih Persentase

(Rp juta) (%) (Rp juta) (%) (Rp juta) (%)
Uraian 2022 Contribution 2021 Contribution Difference Percentage Description
(Rp million) (%) (Rp million) (%) (Rp million) (%)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Jasa Distribusi dan 7.564.058 59% 4.744.166 53% 2.819.892 59,4% Energy Distribution and
Logistik Energi Logistics Services
Jasa Hulu Migas 4.034.631 32% 2.981.764 36% 1.052.867 35,3% Integrated Upstream Oil
Terintegrasi and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang Migas 1.357.387 9% 1.285.491 11% 71.896 5,6% Oil and Gas Support
Rekonsiliasi (650.386) (874.858) 224.472 -25,7% Reconciliation  
Jumlah Pendapatan 12.305.690 8.136.563 100,0% 4.169.127 51,24% Total Income


Contribution to Income

11,3% 8,9%

Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi

Energy Distribution and Logistics Services

2021 2022 Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi

Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang Migas
36,2% 32,4% Oil and Gas Support Services
52,5% 58,7%

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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Perseroan berhasil membukukan pendapatan sebesar Rp 12,3 triliun The Company managed to record its revenue of Rp12.3 trillion, a 51.24%
Naik 51,24 % atau Rp4,1 triliun pada 2022. Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik increase or Rp4.1 trillion in 2022. Energy Distribution and Logistics
Energi mengalami peningkatan pendapatan sebesar Rp2,8 triliun atau Services experienced an increase in revenue of Rp2.8 trillion or 59.4%,
59,4%, dan Jasa Hulu Migas mengalami peningkatan 35,3% yaitu sebesar and Upstream Oil and Gas Services also with an increase of 35.3%, or the
Rp 1,05 triliun, sedangkan Jasa Penunjang Migas mengalami peningkatan amount of Rp1.05 trillion, while Oil and Gas Support Services increased
sebesar Rp0,07 triliun atau 5,6 %. by Rp0.07 trillion or 5.6%.

Revenue PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN) Ytd Desember 2022 sebesar Rp7,56 The revenue of PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN) year to date as of December
triliun atau mengalami peningkatan 59,4% dari tahun lalu. Peningkatan 2022 was noted at Rp7.56 trillion, or an increase by 59.4% from
tersebut didorong dari peningkatan Permintaan bahan bakar minyak the previous year. This increment was reinforced by the increase in
baik yang ada pada kegiatan penjualan BBM Industri pada ijin niaga fuel demand, both in industry and public BBM (Public Commerce
umum dan Adanya peningkatan jumlah truput baik yang ada pada unit Permit) sales activities as well as the increase in total thruput both in
usaha transportasi maupun Depo . transportation business unit as well as in depots.

Volume penjualan EPN di tahun 2022 rata-rata mengalami peningkatan EPN’s average sales volume in 2022 increased in almost all of the
pada hampir semua unit bisnis, Untuk Unit Bisnis Transportasi adanya business units, with a 15% volume increase from the previous year for
peningkatan volume 15 % dari tahun lalu serta Depo yang mengalami the Transportation Business Unit and 57% increase in Depot Business
peningkatan 57%. Peningkatan volume Depo terutama berasal aktivitas Unit which mostly came from activities of VHS and Franco Depots.
dalam pengelolaan Depo VHS dan Franco.

Dari sisi trading, volume penjualan BBM Inmar di tahun 2022 peningkatan From trading aspect, Inmar BBM sales volume in 2022 surged by 12%
dibandingkan tahun lalu yakni sebesar 12% Hal ini merupakan salah satu from the previous year. This was one of the marketing strategies
strategi marketing yang diterapkan EPN dengan menawarkan harga jual implemented by EPN by offering competitive sales price and the
yang kompetitif serta Adanya penugasan atas penjualan BBM Ijin Niaga assignment of BBM sales with Public Commerce Permit.
Umum .

Jasa Hulu Migas dengan kontribusi pendapatannya sebesar 32%, didukung Revenue contribution of Upstream Oil and Gas Services at 32% was
sebagian besar dari Divisi Operasi Upstream services yang mencatatkan mostly supported by the Upstream Operation Services Division’s
pendapatan sebesar IDR 4,03 triliun . Peningkatan pendapatan sebesar revenue of Rp4.03 trillion, an increase of 35.3% from the achievement in
35,3 % dari pencapaian di tahun 2021 , peningkatan ini di dorong Adanya 2021. This increase was reinforced by the increase in seismic activities to
peningkatan kegiatan seismic peningkatan productivity pada peralatan increase equipment productivity of Well services & Workover services.
di Well services & Workover services .

Sementara itu pendapatan Jasa Penunjang mengalami peningkatan In the meantime, income from Support Services grew by 5.6% compared
pendapatan sebesar 5,6% dibandingkan tahun 2021. Peningkatan to the year 2021. This increase in income was mainly stemmed from
pendapatan terutama berasal dari Pengelolaan warehouse, Pekerjaan warehouse management, ICT works on Bareboat Barges and offshore
ICT , Bareboat Barges dan offshore support. support.


Cost of Revenue
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian Selisih Description
Percentage (%)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Jasa Subkontraktor 2.924.841 2.008.749 916.092 45,6% Subcontrator Services
Gaji , Upah dan kesejahteraan 1.425.436 1.062.464 362.972 34,2% Salary, Wage and Employee Welfare
Sewa 776.137 509.306 266.831 52,4% Lease
Bahan Bakar 602.084 167.836 434.248 258,7% Fuel
Penyusutan dan amortisasi 645.948 663.863 (17.915) -2,7% Depreciation and Amortization
Bahan Pembantu yang digunakan / 522.658 327.728 194.930 59,5% Support Materials Used
Support Materials Used
Biaya Lainnya 4.496.474 2.751.123 1.745.351 63,4% Other Expenses
Total Beban Pokok Pendapatan 11.393.578 7.491.069 3.902.509 52,1% Total Cost of Revenue

182 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Beban pokok pendapatan 2022 naik 52,1 % dibanding tahun 2021 , Cost of revenue in 2022 surged by 52.1% compared to 2021, in line with
sejalan dengan peningkatan revenue . Untuk peningkatan biaya pada the increase in revenue. The increase in costs for subcontractor services,
Jasa subkontraktor , gaji upah dan kesejahteraan karyawan , sewa employee salary, wage and welfare, and lease were mainly due to the
disebabkan karena penurunan aktivitas pada jasa hulu migas , dimana decline in activities in upstream oil and gas services, where the increase
Adanya peningkatan aktivitas khususnya di Seismik sehingga biaya in activities especially in Seismic with variable costs parallel to operating
variable tersebut mengikuti aktivitas operasional yang berjalan di tahun activities in 2022 as well as the increased activities in well services and
2022 serta peningkatan pada kegiatan well services dan Workover workover services. The increase in fuel costs and other costs along with
. Untuk Kenaikan biaya bahan bakar dan biaya lainnya diiring dengan the increase in revenue in the energy distribution and logistics segment
peningkatan revenue pada segmen distribusi dan logistic energy yang are fuel costs for the operation of tank vehicles in the transportation
merupakan biaya bahan bakar untuk operasional mobil tanki pada unit business unit, costs of raw materials for industry BBM sales and depot
bisnis transportasi, biaya bahan baku untuk penjualan BBM industry dan management.
pengelolaan depo.

Gross Profit
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian Selisih Description
Percentage (%)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi 540.092 470.390 69.702 14,8% Energy Distribution and Logistics
Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi 220.535 2.416 222.951 9228,1% Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas
Jasa Penunjang Migas 157.134 179.831 (22.697) -12,6% Oil and Gas Support Services
Rekonsiliasi (5.428) (2.311) (3.117) 134,9% Reconciliation
Total Laba Bruto 912.333 645.494 266.839 41,34% Total Gross Profit

Dari kegiatan operasionalnya, Perseroan mencatat laba bruto sebesar From the operational activities, the Company recorded gross profit of
Rp 912,3 miliar di tahun 2022 atau mengalami peningkatan sebesar Rp912.3 billion in 2022, a 41.34% increase from the year 2021 totaling
41,34% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2021 atas sebesar Rp 266,8miliar. to Rp266.8 billion. The Upstream Oil and Gas Services noted an increase
Segmen Jasa Hulu Migas mengalami peningkatan sebesar Rp22,9 miliar of Rp22.9 billion, due to the increase in seismic and well services. Gross
, hal tersebut karena adanya peningkatan pada pekerjaan seismic dan profit from the Energy Distribution and Logistics Services also escalated
well services. Laba bruto dari segmen Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi by 14% due to the increase in total thruput supported by the increase in
juga mengalami peningkatan sebesar 14% dikarenakan peningkatan public fuel consumption post pandemic condition improvement. While
jumlah truput didorong dari penigkatan BBM di masyarakat pasca the Oil and Gas Support Services Segment recorded a decline by 12.6%
perbaikan kondisi pandemi. Sedangkan untuk Segmen Jasa Penunjang or the amount of Rp22.6 billion due to work delays in fabrication and
Migas mengalami penurunan sebesar 12,6% atau sebesar Rp22,6 construction.
miliar disebabkan adanya keterlambatan pekerjaan pada fabrikasi dan

Operating Expenses
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian Selisih Description
Percentage (%)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Beban penjualan 5.158 2.064 3.094 150% Sales Expenses
Beban umum dan administrasi 409.160 328.202 80.958 25% General and Administrative Expenses
Total Beban usaha 414.318 330.266 84.052 25% Total Operating Expenses
% beban usaha terhadap Penjualan 3% 4,06% -0,7% -17% % of Operating Expenses to Sales

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Management Discussion and Analysis

Beban usaha terdiri dari dua komponen utama, yaitu beban penjualan, Operating expenses consist of two main components, namely sales
dan beban umum serta beban administrasi. Secara nominal, beban expenses, and general and administrative expenses. In terms of
usaha konsolidasi mengalami penurunan 17 % seiring dengan program nominal, the consolidated operating expenses declined by 17% in line
efisiensi atas biaya overhead Perseroan. with the implementation of efficiency programs on the Company’s
overhead costs.


Profit Before Interest Expense, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA)
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian Selisih Description
Percentage (%)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Laba Operasional 498.015 315.228 182.787 58% Operating Profit
Beban Depresiasi 648.419 669.440 (21.021) -3% Depreciation Expenses
EBITDA 1.146.434 984.668 161.766 16% EBITDA
Persentase Depresiasi terhadap 56,6% 68,0% -11,4% -17% Percentage of Depreciation to
Persentase Laba Operasional 4,0% 3,9% 0,2% 4% Percentage of Operating Profit to
terhadap Pendapatan Income
Persentase EBITDA terhadap 9,3% 12,1% -3% -23% Percentage of EBITDA to Income

EBITDA Perseroan naik sebesar 16% dari tahun 2021, hal ini didorong The Company’s EBITDA increased by 16% from 2021, this was driven by
adanya peningkatan profitabililty di segmen jasa hulu migas. Disisi lain an increase in profitability in the Upstream Oil and Gas Services Segment.
beban depresiasi mengalami penurunan 3% sejalan dengan program On the other hand, depreciation expenses decreased by 3% in line with
selective investment dimana rencana investasi didasari dari kepastian the selective investment program where investment plans were based
market dan dimulainya pekerjaan atau operasional . on market certainty and the commencement of work or operations.


Other Income (Expense)
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian Selisih Description
Percentage (%)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Laba (rugi) penjualan aset tetap 948 (1.726) 2.674 -155% Profit (Loss) on Sales of Fixed Assets
Penghasilan bunga 29.603 26.968 2.635 10% Interest Income
Beban Bunga (112.394) (113.473) 1.079 -1% Interest Expenses
Laba (rugi) selisih kurs 63.235 (10.526) 73.761 -701% Profit (Loss) on Exchange Rate
Lain-lain Netto 8.530 14.281 (5.751) -40% Others – Net
Jumlah Pendapatan (beban) lain-lain (10.079) (84.476) 74.397 -88% Total Other Income (Expense)
Pendapatan (beban) lain-lain -2,67% -77,69% 1 -97% Other Income (Expense) to Net Profit
terhadap Laba Bersih

Pendapatan lain-lain tahun 2022 secara kumulatif Adanya biaya lain-lain Cumulative other income in 2022 was due to other expenses which
sebesar Rp 10,079 miliar, lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan tahun 2021. amounted to Rp10,079 billion, declined from the total in 2021. The
Komponen terbesar dari biaya tersebut didominasi dari beban bunga largest components of these expenses were the interest and exchange
dan laba (rugi) kurs. rate profit (loss) expenses.

184 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

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Management Discussion and Analysis


Net Profit and Net Profit Margin
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian Selisih Description
Percentage (%)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi 305.627 267.393 38.234 14,3% Energy Distribution and Logistics
Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi 16.764 (240.237) 257.001 -107,0% Integrated Upstream Oil and Gas
Jasa Penunjang Migas 52.152 74.726 (22.574) -30,2% Oil and Gas Support Services
Rekonsiliasi 3.522 6.858 (3.336) -48,6% Reconciliation
Jumlah Laba bersih Tahun Berjalan 378.065 108.740 269.325 247,7% Total Current Year Net Profit
Net profit Margin 3,1% 1,3% 2% 129,9% Net profit Margin

Laba bersih Perseroan mengalami peningkatn sebesar 247,7 % dari Rp The Company’s net profit significantly rose by 247.7% from Rp108.7
108,7 miliar pada tahun 2021 menjadi Rp378,0 miliar pada tahun 2022. billion in 2021 to Rp378.0 billion in 2022. This increment in net profit
Peningkatan laba bersih ini didorong adanya penurunan aktivitas hulu was reinforced by the decline in activities of the upstream oil and gas
migas yang berdampak pada kegiatan operasional yang ada dalam that impacted the operational activities in the integrated upstream oil
segmen jasa hulu migas terintegrasi. and gas services segment.


“Saldo Kas dan Setara Kas di akhir tahun 2022 tercatat sebesar Rp1,6 “Cash and Cash Equivalent by the end of the year 2022 was noted at
triliun, mengalami kenaikan 45% dibandingkan tahun 2021 yang sebesar Rp1.6 trillion, a 45% increase compared to Rp1.1 trillion in 2021, yet
Rp1,1 triliun, tetapi mengalami kenaikan di aktivitas operasi , dan operational and financial activities escalated compared to the previous
aktivitas pendanaan dibandingkan tahun lalu” year.”

dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2022 2021 Increase (Decrease)
(Rp juta) (Rp juta) Selisih
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian (Rp juta) Description
(Rp million) (Rp million) (%)
Percentage (%)
(Rp million)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Kas neto yang diperoleh dari aktivitas 1.461.282 1.104.625 356.657 32% Net cash obtained from operational
operasi activities
Kas neto yang digunakan untuk (387.541) (361.321) (26.219) 7% Net cash used for investment
aktivitas investasi activities
Kas neto yang digunakan untuk (587.420) (833.108) 245.688 -29% Net cash used for financing activities
aktivitas pendanaan
Dampak perubahan selisih kurs 25.884 2.708 23.177 856% Impact of change in exchange rate to
terhadap setara kas cash equivalent
Kenaikan (Penurunan) neto kas dan 486.321 (89.805) 576.126 -642% Increase (Decrease) in net cash and
setara kas cash equivalent
Kas dan setara kas pada awal tahun 1.144.769 1.231.867 (87.098) -7% Cash and Cash Equivalent at the
beginning of the year
Kas dan setara kas pada akhir tahun 1.656.975 1.144.769 512.206 45% Cash and Cash Equivalent at the end
of the year

Posisi kas dan setara kas pada akhir tahun 2022 mengalami kenaikan Cash and cash equivalent position at the end of the year 2022 increased
45% dari tahun 2021 sebesar Rp1,144 triliun menjadi Rp1,656 triliun di by 45% from Rp1,144 trillion in 2021 to Rp1,656 trillion in 2022. This
tahun 2022. Kenaikan kas dan setara kas ini disebabkan kenaikan dari increase in cash and cash equivalent was due to the increase in
aktivitas operasi yang mengalami kenaikan 32% dari tahun 2021 sebesar operational activities which grew by 32% from Rp1,104 trillion in 2021
Rp1,461 triliun menjadi Rp1,104 triliun di tahun 2022 . Sementara itu to Rp1,461 in 2022. While cash flow for investment activities grew by
arus kas untuk aktivitas investasi mengalami kenaikan sebesar 7% 7% from Rp361,3 billion in 2021 to Rp387.5 billion in 2022 as company

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Management Discussion and Analysis

dari tahun 2021 Rp361,3 miliar menjadi Rp387,5 miliar di tahun 2022, productivity improved post pandemic era which encouraged investment
karena di akhir era pandemi ini sudah mulai meningkatnya produktivitas purchasing power, however, the Company was more selective in
perusahaan yang mendorong daya beli investasi, tetapi perseroan lebih actualizing investment by considering the certainty of the time factor
selektif dalam pemilihan realisasi investasi yang mempertimbangan in the work implementation and the market in upstream oil and gas
kepastian tata waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan dan market di aktivitas hulu activities.


Cash Flow from Operating Activities
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2022 2021 Increase (Decrease)
(Rp juta) (Rp juta) Selisih
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian (Rp juta) Description
(Rp million) (Rp million) (%)
Percentage (%)
(Rp million)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Penerimaan Kas dari Pelanggan 12.190.727 8.086.072 4.104.655 51% Cash Receipts from Customers
Pembayaran Kas Kepada Pemasok, (11.098.338) (7.520.142) (3.578.195) 74% Cash Payments to Suppliers,
Kontraktor dan Karyawan Contractors and Employees
Penerimaan Penghasilan Bunga 29.459 26.521 2.938 11% Receipts from Interest Income
Pembayaran Beban Keuangan (9.546) (11.203) 1.657 -15% Payments of Financial Expenses
Penerimaan Restitusi Pajak 494.841 586.848 (92.007) -16% Receipts of Tax Refunds
Pembayaran Pajak (22.844) (9.300) (13.544) 146% Payments of Taxes
Pembayaran kepada Pemerintah (130.345) (77.997) (52.349) 67% Payments to the Government
Penerimaan atas Aktivitas Operasi 7.327 23.826 (16.498) -69% Receipts from Other Operating
Lainnya – Bersih Activities – Net
Kas Neto Diperoleh dari (Digunakan 1.461.282 1.104.625 356.657 32% Net Cash from (Used for) Operating
untuk) Aktivitas Operasi Activities

Kas bersih yang diperoleh dari kegiatan operasi mengalami kenaikan 32% Net cash obtained from operating activities rose by 32%, from Rp1,104
dari Rp1,104 miliar di tahun 2021 menjadi Rp1,461 triliun pada 2022. billion in 2021 to Rp1,461 billion in 2022. This increase in Operating
Peningkatan Aktivitas Operasi ini disebabkan oleh kenaikan penerimaan Activities was due to the increase in cash receipts from customers by
kas dari pelanggan sebesar 51% dari Rp8 triliun di tahun 2021 menjadi 51%, from Rp8 trillion in 2021 to Rp12 trillion in 2022 in line with the
Rp12 triliun di tahun 2022 seiring dengan peningkatan pendapatan increase in operating income. N the other hand, cash payments to
usaha. Disisi lain pembayaran kas kepada pemasok, kontraktor dan suppliers, contractors and employees also increased by 74%, from Rp7
karyawan juga mengalami peningkatan sebesar 74% dari Rp7 triliun trillion in 2021 to Rp11 trillion in 2022 parallel with the increase in
di tahun 2021 menjadi Rp11 triliun di tahun 2022 seiring sudah mulai company productivitiy.
meningkatnya produktivitas perusahaan.


Cash Flow from Investment Activities
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2022 2021 Increase (Decrease)
(Rp juta) (Rp juta) Selisih
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian (Rp juta) Description
(Rp million) (Rp million) (%)
Percentage (%)
(Rp million)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Penerimaan dari Penjualan Aset Tetap 2.558 1.270 1.287 101% Revenue from Sales of Fixed Assets
Pembelian Aset Tetap (371.333) (331.240) (40.093) -79% Purchase of Fixed Assets
Pembelian Aset Tak Berwujud (1.147) (12.162) 11.015 -91% Purchase of Intangible Assets
Pembelian Barang Konsumsi Tahan (21.722) (20.230) (1.491) 7% Purchase of Durable Consumer
Lama Goods
Penerimaan Dividen Kas dari 4.163 1.041 3.122 300% Proceeds of Cash Dividend from
Perusahaan Asosiasi Associated Companies

186 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

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Management Discussion and Analysis

dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2022 2021 Increase (Decrease)
(Rp juta) (Rp juta) Selisih
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian (Rp juta) Description
(Rp million) (Rp million) (%)
Percentage (%)
(Rp million)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Penambahan (Pelepasan) penyertaan (60) (60) Additional (Release) of Share
saham Placement
Penerimaan (penempatan) aktivitas Receipt (placement) of Other
investasi lainnya Investment Activities
Kas Neto Diperoleh dari (Digunakan (387.541) (361.321) (26.219) 7% Net Cash Obtained from (Used for)
untuk) Aktivitas Investasi Investment Activities

Arus kas bersih yang digunakan untuk aktivitas investasi mengalami Net cash flow used for investment activities declined by 7%, from
penurunan 7% dari negative Rp361,3 miliar di tahun 2021 menjadi negative Rp361.3 billion in 2021 to negative Rp387.5 billion in 2022.
negative Rp387,5 miliar pada 2021. Pengeluaran untuk pembelian Expenditure for the purchase of fixed assets increased by 79% from
aset tetap mengalami kenaikan sebesar 79% dari tahun 2021. Hal ini the year 2021, due to selective investment realization by considering
disebabkan karena adanya realisasi investasi yang selektif dengan the certainty of the time factor in the implementation of work and the
mempertimbangan kepastian tata waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan dan market in upstream oil and gas activities. The purchase of assets in the
market di aktivitas hulu migas. Pembelian asset di sektor hulu yaitu upstream sector, namely investment for OFS at the amount Rp104.7
investasi untuk investasi untuk OFS sebesar Rp104,07 miliar untuk billion for investment equipment improvement and EMR Upgrade,
progress investasi kelengkapan & Upgrade EMR, Fishing Tools (Thru Fishing Tools (Thru Tubing), 3 units of Offshore EWL, HWU #08 and #01
Tubing), 3 Unit EWL Onshore, Kelengkapan HWU #08 dan #01, dan 1 Unit Equipment, and 1 unit of Braided Slickline. GRS investment was Rp9.86
Braided Slickline. Untuk investasi GRS sebesar Rp9,86 miliar dan investasi billion and other investment was Rp46 billion. The purcase of assets in
lainya sebesar Rp46 miliar. Pada Pembelian asset sektor hilir terdiri dari downstream sector consisted of EPN’s investment of Rp233.63 billion
investasi untuk EPN sebesar Rp233,63 miliar untuk progress investasi for investment progress in Jobber Tembilahan Development, MT 16KL,
Pembangunan Jobber Tembilahan, MT 16KL, 8KL, 24KL (Blanket), Pompa 8KL, 24KL (Blanket), Portable Pumps, MT Pertashop Barch 1 & 3, and
Portable, MT Pertashop Batch 1 & 3, dan Pembangunan TLPG Kolaka. Development of Kolaka TLPG.


Casf Flow from Financing Activities
dalam jutaan rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain | in million rupiah, unless otherwise stated
Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2022 2021 Increase (Decrease)
(Rp juta) (Rp juta) Selisih
2022 2021 Persentase
Uraian (Rp juta) Description
(Rp million) (Rp million) (%)
Percentage (%)
(Rp million)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Penerimaan Pinjaman Bank 700.428 1.095.153 (394.725) -36% Proceeds from Bank Loans
Pembayaran Pinjaman Bank (937.900) (1.510.875) 572.976 -38% Payments of Bank Loans
Pembayaran Dividen Kas (54.374) (74.725) 20.351 -27% Payments of Cash Dividend
Pembayaran Liabilitas Sewa (214.691) (252.105) 37.414 -15% Payments of Lease Liabilities
Pembayaran Beban Keuangan (102.412) (100.427) (1.985) 2% Payments of Bank Loan Financial
Pinjaman Bank Expenses
Penarikan Kas yang dibatasi 21.530 (9.872) 11.658 118% Restricted Cash Withdrawals - Net
Penggunaannya – Neto
Kas Neto Diperoleh dari (Digunakan (587.420) (833.108) 245.688 -29% Net Cash Obtained from (Used for)
untuk) Aktivitas Pendanaan Financing Activities

Arus kas bersih dari aktivitas pendanaan mengalami penurunan 29% Net cash flow from financing activities declined by 29%, from negative
dari negative Rp833,1 miliar di tahun 2021 menjadi negative Rp587,4 Rp833.1 billion in 2021 to negative Rp587.4 billion in 2022. In the year
miliar pada 2022. tahun 2022 strategi pendanaan Perseroan baik untuk 2022, the Company’s financing strategy, both for investment activities
kegiatan investasi maupun modal kerja memaksimalkan cash on hand as well as working capital, maximized the increase in cash on hand.
yang mengalamai peningkatan. Perseroan juga melakukan penurunan The Company also reduced bank loans by accelerating repayments,
pinjaman bank dengan melakukan pelunasaan dipercepat khususnya specifically long-term loans for efficiency ini financial expenses.
pinjaman jangka panjang untuk efisensi beban keuangan.

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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Pada tahun 2022 terjadi penurunan penerimaan pinjaman bank sebesar In the year 2022, funds from bank loans declined by 36%, from Rp1,095
36% dari Rp1,095 miliar pada tahun 2021 menjadi Rp700,4 miliar billion in 2021 to Rp700.4 billion in 2022. While the decrease in bank
pada tahun 2022, dan perununan pembayaran pinjaman bank sebesar loan repayments was 17%, from Rp1,510 trillion in 2021 to Rp937.9
17% dari 1,510 trilliun pada 2021 menjadi Rp937,9 miliar pada 2022, billion in 2022, in line with the Compan’s strategy on the use of company
seiringan dengan strategi perseroan pegunaan dana internal perseroan. internal funding.

Selain itu Pada tahun 2022, sesuai dengan keputusan Rapat Umum Moreove, in 2022, as per the resolutions of the General Meeting of
Pemegang Saham Tahun Buku 2020, Perusahaan mendistribusikan Shareholders of Fiscal Year 2020, the Company distributed 50% of the
sebesar 50% dari total laba tahun berjalan setelah pajak tahun buku current year total profit after tax in fiscal year 2021, or equivalent to
2021 atau setara dengan Rp54,3 miliar untuk pembayaran dividen bagi Rp54.3 billion for the payment of dividend to the shareholders.
pemegang saham.


Kenaikan (Penurunan)
Increase (Decrease)

2022 2021 Persentase

Uraian Selisih (%) Description
Difference Percentage
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3:2)
Rasio Profitabilitas Profitability Ratio
Marjin Laba Bruto % 7,4% 7,9% -0,52% -6,5% Gross Profit Margin
Marjin Laba Operasi % 4,0% 3,9% 0,17% 4,5% Operating Profit Margin
Marjin Laba Bersih % 3,1% 1,3% 1,73% 129,6% Net Profit Margin
Rasio Laba Bersih terhadap Aset % 4,3% 1,5% 2,77% 184,4% Net Profit to Asset Ratio
Rasio Laba Bersih terhadap Ekuitas % 9,2% 2,9% 6,30% 218,7% Net Profit to Equity Ratio
Rasio Likuiditas Liquidity Ratio
Rasio Kas kali 0,47 0,45 0,02 5,0% Cash Ratio
Rasio Lancar kali 1,50 1,74 (0,24) -13,8% Current Ratio
Rasio Solvabilitas Solvency Ratio
Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Ekuitas kali 0,03 0,09 (0,06) -64,7% Liability to Equity Ratio
Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Aset kali 0,01 0,05 (0,03) -68,5% Liability to Asset Ratio
Debt Services Coverage Ratio kali 3,38 2,92 0,46 15,8% Debt Services Coverage Ratio
Kolektibilitas Piutang Account Receivables
Periode Rata-rata Tertagihnya hari 86,6 102,6 (16,04) -15,6% Average Period of Receivable
Piutang Usaha Collectibility
Perputaran Persediaan Inventory Turnover
Periode Rata-rata Perputaran hari 12,7 14,5 (1,73) -11,9% Average Period of Inventory Turnover
Perputaran Aset Asset Turnover
Periode Rata-rata Perputaran Aset hari 139,3 112,5 26,80 23,8% Average Period of Asset Turnover

Kinerja Perseroan berdasarkan Marjin profitabilitas untuk mengukur The Company’s performance based on profitability margin to measure
kemampuan Perseroan dalam menghasilkan laba menunjukkan the Company’s capability to generate profit indicated a fair increase in
peningkatan baik secara nominal maupun marjin profitabilitas, hal ini terms of nominal as well as in profitability margin. This was reinforced
di dorong dari peningkatan produktivitas pada segmen jasa hulu migas, by the increase in productivity in the upstream oil and gas services due
karena meningkatnya aktivitas hulu migas. to its increase in activities.

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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Perseroan berkomitmen untuk mengutamakan pemenuhan hak-hak The Company is committed to prioritize the fulfillment of credit
kredit yang ditunjukan dengan pembayaran pinjaman dengan bunga indicated by the loan payments with interest on timely manner. The
yang tepat waktu . Perseroan terus berupaya untuk mengelola likuiditas Company continued to strived for liquidity management and monitoring
dan melakukan monitoring atas waktu jatuh tempo pembayaran pokok of maturity period of principal loand and loan interest payments. The
dan bunga pinjaman. Kemampuan Perseroan dalam memenuhi seluruh Company’s capability to fulfill all obligations, both long-term and short-
kewajiban baik kewajiban jangka panjang maupun jangka pendek diukur term, is measured from several ratios, among others, the liquidity ratio
melalui beberapa rasio antara lain rasio likuiditas dan rasio solvabilitas. and solvency ratio. The liquidity ratio used to measure its capability
Rasio likuiditas digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan melunasi to fully repay short-term obligations, while solvency ratio is used to
kewajiban jangka pendek, sedangkan rasio solvabilitas digunakan untuk measure its capability to fulfill all obligations.
digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan memenuhi seluruh kewajiban.

Rasio likuiditas berdasarkan data rasio kas dan rasio lancar yang Liquidity ratio based on cash ratio and current ratio relatively remained
relatif hampir sama dengan tahun sebelumnya , hal ini dorong adanya the same as in the previous year. This was supported by the increase
peningkatan kas dan setara kas dengan melakukan perbaikan di sisi in cash and cash equivalent by improving the financing aspect as well
pendanaan serta penerapan selektif dalam pemilihan realisasi investasi as in the implementation of selecting investment realization based
yang didasari dari kepastian market dan tata waktu pelaksanaan on the certainty of the market and in the time schedule of the work
pekerjaan. implementation.

Tingkat kolektibilitas piutang dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan Perseroan The level of account receivable collectability is affected by the Company’s
dalam menagih piutangnya. Pada akhir tahun 2022, collection period capability to bill its receivables. As of the end of the year 2022, collection
mengalami perbaikan menjadi 86,6 hari jika dibandingkan dengan period improved to 86.6 days if compared to the 102.6 days in 22021.
tahun 2021 yang mencapai 102,6 hari. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa This indicated that the Company’s capability to convert receivables into
kemampuan Perseroan untuk mengkonversi piutangnya menjadi kas cash was better maintained than it was in the previous year, so that
tetap menjaga dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya, sehingga cashflow the Company’s cash flow was in better position. To avoid the risks of
Perseroan menjadi lebih baik . Untuk menghindari risiko piutang yang uncollected receivables, the Company established impairment reserves
tidak tertagih,Perseroan membentuk pencadangan penurunan nilai in addition to setting up a work unit assigned to accelerate receivable
selain itu pula Perseroan juga membentuk tim kerja untuk melakukan disbursement.
percepatan pencairan piutang

Rasio Solvabilitas menunjukkan peningkatan hutang jangka panjang Solvency ratio indicated the increase in long-term debts with the
dengan adanya realisasi atas penerbitan sukuk ijarah yang digunakan realization of ijarah sukuk issuance of which the proceeds were used
pembiayaan modal kerja dan pembiayaan investasi jangka panjang. for working capital financing and long-term investment financing,
Dimana rasio tersebut masih di bawah batas toleransi atau maksimal where the ratio remained below tolerance level or at maximum level as
yang di syaratkan oleh pihak bank. required by the banks.

Rasio solvabilitas bertujuan untuk menunjukkan kemampuan Perseroan Solvency ratio aimed to show the Company’s capability to pay its
dalam membayar kewajiban-kewajibannya, antaralain dapat diukur obligations, among others, measurable through liability to equity ratio
melalui rasio liabilitas terhadap ekuitas yang dihitungkan dengan cara calculated by means of comparison between the total libilities with
membandingkan jumlah liabilitas dengan jumlah ekuitas, serta rasio total equity, as well as through liability to asset ratio by comparing the
liabilitas terhadap aset yang dapat dihitung dengan cara membandingkan total liabilities with total assets. Overall, the Comopany’s capability
jumlah liabilitas dengan jumlah aset. Secara keseluruhan, kemampuan to complete its long-term debt remained in good position, in terms of
Perseroan untuk menyelesaikan utang jangka panjangnya masih cukup Company Debt that remained covered by Company’s Assets.
baik dilihat dari Utang Perseroan yang masih dapat ditutup dengan Aset
dari Perseroan.

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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis


Capital Structure and Its Changes

Kenaikan (Penurunan)
2022 2021
Increase (Decrease)
Jumlah Kontribusi Jumlah Kontribusi Selisih Persentase
Struktur Modal (Rp juta) (%) (Rp juta) (%) (Rp juta) (%) Capital Structure
Total Contribution Total Contribution Difference Percentage
(Rp million) (%) (Rp million) (%) (Rp million) (%)
(1) (2) (3=1-2) (3/2)
Total Liabilitas 4.718.879 53,40% 3.456.723 47,78% 1.262.156 37% Total Liabilities
Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 3.531.761 39,97% 2.561.234 35,40% 970.527 38% Short-Term Liabilities
Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 1.187.118 13,43% 895.489 12,38% 291.629 33% Long-Term Liabilities
Total Ekuitas 4.117.211 46,60% 3.778.134 52,22% 339.077 9% Total Equity
Ekuitas yang dapat 4.115.625 46,58% 3.776.525 52,20% 339.100 9% Equity Attributable to
diatribusikan kepada Owners of Parent Entity
Pemilik Entitas Induk
Ekuitas yang dapat 1.586 0,02% 1.508 0,02% 78 5% Equity Attributable
diatribusikan kepada to Non-Controlling
Kepentingan Non- Interests
Jumlah Liabilitas dan 8.836.090 100,00% 7.234.857 100,00% 1.601.233 22% Total Liabilities and
Ekuitas Equity

Perseroan mengelola permodalan untuk melindungi kemampuannya The Company manages its capital to protect its capability to maintain
dalam mempertahankan kelangsungan usaha melalui struktur business continuity through an optimal capital structure by reducing
permodalan yang optimal dengan mengurangi biaya modal. Modal capital expenses. Capital consists of a number of equity components
terdiri dari sejumlah komponen ekuitas yang merupakan pertimbangan based on considerations between utilizing Company-owned capital with
antara penggunaan modal sendiri dengan pinjaman atau hutang company loans or debts.

Struktur modal Perseroan lebih didominasi oleh modal sendiri The Company’s capital structure is more dominated by its own capital
dibandingkan dengan liabilitas dengan. Rasio interest bearing debt to compared with liabilities. Interest-bearing debt to equity ratio is
equity dihitung terhadap total seluruh utang (pinjaman bank) terhadap calculated against the total debt (bank loans) to total equity, while
total ekuitas, sementara itu rasio interest bearing debt to EBITDA interest-bearing debt to EBITDA ratio is calculated against total EBITDA.
dihitung terhadap total EBITDA. Rasio liabilitas terhadap ekuitas dihitung Liability to equity ratio is calculated baed on the total liabilities compared
berdasarkan total liabilitas dibandingkan dengan ekuitas neto. Rasio to net equity. Debt repayment ratio is calculated based on profit before
pengembalian utang dihitung berdasarkan laba sebelum pajak, bunga, tax, interest, depreciation and amortization deducted by dividend
penyusutan dan amortisasi dikurangi dividen terhadap pembayaran on principal loan and interest payment, but not including accelerated
pokok pinjaman dan bunga, namun tidak termasuk pelunasan yang repayments.

Kebijakan Manajemen atas Struktur Modal Perusahaan Management Policies on Company Capital Structure
Pengelolaan modal dimaksudkan untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan The management of capital in concern here is to maintain business
usaha dan memberikan imbal hasil usaha yang maksimal kepada para continuity and provide maximum business returns to stakeholders by
pemangku kepentingan dengan menjaga struktur modal yang optimal optimally maintaining the capital structure which covers debt and equity
yang meliputi utang dan ekuitas untuk mengurangi biaya modal. in order to reduce working capital.

Perseroan memiliki kebijakan untuk mempertahankan basis modal The Company retains the policies to maintain strong capital fundamental
yang kuat sebagai dasar pemilihan kebijakan manajemen atas struktur as basis of selecting management policies on capital structure with
modal dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi bisnis, tingkat pengembalian coonsiderations of business conditions, level of capital repayment as
modal serta dividen yang dibagikan. Perseroan memonitor permodalan well as distribution of dividend. The Company monintors its capital
berdasarkan rasio jumlah liabilitas terhadap ekuitas pada kisaran 30% based on total liability to equity ratio within the range of 30%-70%.
: 70%.

190 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Dasar Pemilihan Kebijakan Manajemen atas Struktur Basis of Selecting Management Policies on Capital
Modal Structure
Kebijakan struktur modal Perseroan juga mengikuti rasio yang disyaratkan The policies on the Company’s capital structure also follows the ratio
oleh kreditur. Kondisi industri migas juga menjadi pertimbangan required by creditors. Conditions of the oil and gas industry are also
Perseroan dalam menentukan kebijakan struktur modalnya. Kondisi part of the Company’s consideration in determining its capital structure.
industri migas yang sedang anjlok membuat manajemen lebih The sluggish conditions of the oil and gas industry have urged the
mengutamakan permodalan Perseroan menggunakan ekuitas walaupun management to prioritize more on the Company’s capital by use of
secara rasio keuangan Perseroan masih sangat baik dalam posisi net equity although in terms of the Company’s financial ratios remained in
cash. Penggunaan ekuitas ini sebagai merupakan strategi Perseroan very good net cash position. This utilization of equity as the Cmpany’s
untuk mengurangi beban keuangan dan memanfaatkan likuiditas strategy to reduce financial expenses and leverage on the Company’s
Perseroan. liquidity.

Grup disyaratkan oleh Undang-Undang No.40 tahun 2007 tentang The Group is required by Law No.40 of year 2007 on Limited Liability
Perseroan Terbatas untuk mengalokasikan dana cadangan yang tidak Companies to allocate fund reserves not to be distributed up to 20%
boleh didistribusikan sampai dengan 20% dari modal saham ditempatkan of the issued and fully paid-up share capital. Such external capital
dan disetor penuh. Persayaratan permodalan eksternal tersebut requirement is taken into consideration by the Company in the General
dipertimbangkan oleh Perseroan dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham. Meeting of Shareholders. The Company and subsidiaries are required to
Perseroan dan anak perusahaan dipersyaratkan untuk memelihara maintain a certain capital level by bank loan agreement. The Company
tingkat permodalan tertentu oleh perjanjian pinjaman bank. Perseroan also retains the policies and strategies to maintain debt to equity ratio at
juga memiliki kebijakan dan strategi untuk mempertahankan rasio utang maximum of 3 times and debt repayment ratio at minimum of 1.1 times.
terhadap ekuitas maksimal sebesar 3 kali dan rasio pengembalian utang
minimal sebesar 1,1 kali.


Selama tahun 2022 Perseroan mempunyai ikatan material untuk During the year 2022, the Company held its material commitment
investasi barang modal dalam rangka pendanaan barang modal yang on capital goods investment in the context of capital goods financing
diperlukan untuk investasi peralatan operasi. Perseroan melakukan required for operational equipment investment. The Company
perjanjian perikatan pembiayaan terkait investasi barang modal dengan carried out financial commitment agreements related to capital goods
para kreditur berikut : PT Bank ICBC Indonesia, PT Bank UOB Indonesia, investment with the following creditors: PT Bank ICBC Indonesia, PT
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk yang memberikan fasilitas Pinjaman Bank UOB Indonesia, and PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk that provided
Sindikasi kepada Perseroan. Syndicate Loan facilities o the Company.

Tujuan Ikatan Material untuk Investasi Barang Modal Objectives of Material Commitment on Capital Goods
Tujuan ikatan material untuk investasi barang modal dan modal kerja The objectives of material commitment in capital goods investment and
yang dilakukan oleh Perseroan antara lain untuk kebutuhan support working capital executed by the Company, among others, is to support
kegiatan operasional Perseroan . the Company’s operational activities.

Sumber Dana untuk Memenuhi Ikatan Material Source of Funds to Fulfill Material Commitment on
Investasi Barang Modal Capital Goods Investment
Tingkat leverage Perseroan sepanjang tahun 2022 berada dalam kondisi The Company’s leverage level throughout the year 2022 was in good
baik untuk mendanai belanja modal Perseroan. Perseroan memiliki condition to finance the Company’s capital spending. The Company
alternatif pendanaan lain yaitu menggunakan sumber dana internal dan retains other financing alternatives, namely the use of internal sources
eksternal seperti pendanaan perbankan, instrumen utang dan untuk and such external sources as bank financing, debt instrument and for
investasi barang modal sesuai dengan perencanaan bisnis yang telah investment of capital goods in accordance with the established business
ditetapkan plan.

Mata Uang yang Menjadi Denominasi dalam Ikatan Currency as the Denominationo in Material
Material untuk Investasi Barang Modal Commitment on Capital Goods Investment
Peseroan memiliki karakteristik tersendiri dalam melakukan investasi, The company has its own characteristics in carrying out investment,
yaitu menggunakan beberapa denominasi mata uang dalam ikatan namely by using several currency denominations in its material
material untuk investasi barang modal. Denominasi ini terdiri dari mata commitments for capital goods investment, consisting of Rupiah and
uang Rupiah dan beberapa mata uang asing yaitu US Dollar. several other currencies such as the US Dollar.

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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Mitigasi Risiko dari Mata Uang Asing dalam Ikatan Risk Mitigation from Foreign Currencies in Material
Material untuk Investasi Barang Modal Commitment in Capital Goods Investment
Fluktuasi nilai tukar dapat meningkatkan risiko ikatan material barang The fluctuating exchange rates may escalate risks in material
modal yang menggunakan mata uang asing. Oleh sebab itu, Perseroan commitments on capital goods investment that utilize foreign currency.
menempatkan asset dalam mata uang asing seperti deposito berjangka For this reason, the Company places its assets in foreign currencies such
dalam mata uang asing . Dengan kebijakan tersebut, Perseroan dapat with coreign currency term deposits. With this policy, the Company can
mengimbangi kerugian fluktuasi nilai tukar dengan keuntungan kurs balance the loss in fluctuating exchange rates with exchange rate profit
deposito berjangka dan piutang, sehingga risiko fluktuasi nilai tukar from term deposits and receivables, so that risks of fluctuating exchange
dapat diminimalisir. rates can be minimized.


IN 2022
Nilai 2022 Nilai 2021
(Rp juta) (Rp juta)
Investasi Barang Modal (%) Capital Goods Investment
2022 Total 2021 Total
(Rp million) (Rp million)
(Decrease) (%)
Upstream 113.933 248.148 -54% Upstream
Upstream Services 113.933 247.314 -54% Upstream Services
Engineering, Procurement & - 834 -100% Engineering, Procurement &
Construction (EPC) Construction (EPC)
Distribution & Logistics 233.633 100.572 132% Distribution & Logistics
PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN) 233.633 100.572 132% PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN)
Support 50.098 63.406 -21% Support
PT Sigma Cipta Utama (SCU) & PT 26.758 44.941 -40% PT Sigma Cipta Utama (SCU) &
Patra Nusa Data (PND) PT Patra Nusa Data (PND)
PT Elnusa Trans Samudera (ETSA) 20.512 17.598 17% PT Elnusa Trans Samudera (ETSA)
PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi (EFK) 2.828 867 226% PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi (EFK)
Shared Services 11.383 24.367 -53% Shared Services
Konsolidasi 409.046 436.493 -6% Consolidation

Pada tahun 2022, pengeluaran Perseroan untuk investasi barang In the year 2022, the Company’s expenditure for investment of capital
modal sebesar Rp409 Miliar. Realisasi investasi ini turun sebesar 6% goods was Rp409 billion. Realization of this investment decreased by
dibandingkan tahun lalu sebesar Rp436,5 Miliar. Pembelian barang modal 6% compared to Rp436.5 billion in the previous year. Purchase of capital
selama tahun 2022 ini, sebesar 39% digunakan untuk pengembangan goods during the year 2022, 39% was used for the Company’s business
bisnis Perseroan, 61% digunakan untuk investasi yang bersifat rutin development, 61% for routne investment to maintain production
guna mempertahankan kapasitas produksi, mengganti peralatan yang capacity, replaced unproductive equipment or which have run out of
sudah tidak produktif atau telah habis masa ekonomisnya dan sisanya their economic value and the maining was used for improvement of
digunakan untuk pembenahan fasilitas gedung kantor. office building facilities.

Pembelian barang modal untuk pengembangan bisnis Perseroan selama Purchase of capital goods for the Company’s business development
tahun 2022 sebagian besar digunakan untuk pengembangan bisnis hulu during the year 2022 was mostly used for development of upstream
dan hilir yakni kelengkapan & Upgrade Modular Rig , Fishing Tools (Thru and downstream, namely to complete and upgrade Modular Rig, Fishing
Tubing), Wireline Logging Onshore, Kelengkapan Hydraulic Workover Tools (Thru Tubing), Onshore Wireline Logging, Hydraulic Workover
Unit , dan Braided Slickline, progress investasi Pembangunan Jobber Unit, and Braided Slickline, investment progress in Jobber Tembilahan
Tembilahan, Mobil Tanki BBM , Pompa Portable, , Pembangunan TLPG Development, BBM Tank Vehicles, Portable Pumps, Kolaka TPLG
Kolaka. Selain untuk pengembangan bisnis Perseroan, investasi barang Development. In addition, for the Company business development,
modal juga digunakan untuk revitalisasi dan penggantian peralatan yang capital goods investment was also used for the revitalization and
sudah tidak produktif atau telah habis masa ekonomisnya terutama replacement of equipment that were no longer productive or have run
pada Divisi OFS, GRS dan di bisnis hilir transportasi guna memenuhi out of their economic value, especially in OFS and GRS Divisions, and
kebutuhan pada beberapa proyek besar yang dikerjakan selama tahun in downstream transportation business in order to meet the needs of
2022 several large projects carried out in 2022.

192 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Beberapa investasi barang modal dengan nilai signifikan yang dilakukan Several capital goods investments of significant value carried out by the
Perseroan di tahun 2022 antara lain: Company during the year 2022 are, among others, as follows:

Nilai Investasi
Tujuan (Rp juta)
Investasi Barang Modal Capital Goods Investment
Objective Investment Value
(Rp million)
Progress investasi Pembangunan Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Ekspansi Bisnis 102.167 Progress investment for Tembilahan
Jobber Tembilahan Improvement of Business Capacity and Jobber Development
Mobil Tangki – Transportasi Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Ekspansi Bisnis 85.029 Tank Vehicles - Transportation
Improvement of Business Capacity and
Kelengkapan Elnusa Modular Rig Mempertahankan Kapasitas 31.887 Completion of Modular Rig (EMR)
(EMR) Maintain Capacity
Fishing tools (Thru Tubing) & Mempertahankan Kapasitas 33.234 Fishing Tools (Thru Tubing) &
Kelengkapan HWU Maintain Capacity Completion of HWU
Braided Slickline , SLickline Combo & Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Ekspansi Bisnis 11.041 Braided Slickline, Clickline Combo &
Kelengkapan Slickline Improvement of Business Capacity and Completion of Slickline


Untuk tahun 2022 , tidak ada realisasi terkait dengan penggunaan dana For the year 2022, there were no realization related to the use of
penawaran umum , adapun realisasi terjadi di tahun 2021. proceeds from public offering, while realization occurred in 2021.

Berikut adalah Realisasi penggunaan Dana Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan Following are details of realization on the use of the Company’s
Tahap I Perseroan tahun 2021. Sustainable Ijarah Sukuk Funds Phase I in the year 2021.

Nilai Realisasi Hasil Penawaran Umum

Rencana Pengunanaan Dana Realisasi Pengunanaan Dana
Value of Realization of Proceeds from
Funds Utilization Plan Funds Utilization Realized
Public Offering Sisa Hasil
Jumlah Biaya Penawaran
Penawaran Tanggal
Hasil Penawaran Umum
Umum Efektif Pembayaran Pembayaran
No Penawaran Umum,& Hasil Pembayaran Pembayaran Remaining
Type of Effective Modal Kerja Modal Kerja
Umum PPN Bersih Investasi Investasi Proceeds
Public Date Payment Total Payment Total
Total Expenses Net Payment of Payment of from Public
Offering of Working of Working
Proceeds of Public Proceeds Investmet Investment Offering
Capital Capital
from Public Offering &
Offering PPN Tax
1 Sukuk Ijarah 11/08/2020 700.000 1.210 698.790 349.395 349.395 698.790 349.395 349.395 698.790 -
Tahap I
Ijarah Sukuk
Phase I


Perseroan tidak melakukan ekspansi, divestasi, pengabungan usaha, The Company did not conduct any material expansion, divestment,
Akuisisi dan restrukturisasi utang/modal yang material selama tahun business merger, acquisition and restructuring of debt/capital during
2022. the year 2022.


Manajemen menentukan proyeksi Pendapatan Usaha menggunakan The management determines the Operating Revenue Projections using
asumsi-asumsi internal dan makro yang digunakan pada penyusunan internal and macro assumptions used in preparing the 2022 budget,
anggaran tahun 2022, pergerakan harga minyak dunia diperkirakan as movement in world oil prices was expected to improve in the price
akan mengalami perbaikan pada rentang harga USD 63 / barel. Disisi range of US$63/barrel. On the other hand, demand for increase in the
lain adanya permintaan peningkatan harga jual jasa hulu migas dan tarif selling prices of upstream oil and gas services and fuel transportation

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 193

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

transportasi BBM berlanjut pada tahun 2022. Pendapatan Perseroan rates continued in 2022. The Company’s revenue increased by around
mengalami kenaikan sekitar 51 % dibandingkan tahun 2022 , dengan 51% compared to 2021, with revenue contributors from the integrated
kontributor pendapatan dari segmen jasa hulu migas terintegrasi upstream oil and gas services segment of 32%, Energy Distribution
sebesar 32 % , Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik energy 32 % dan sisanya dari and Logistics Services of 32% and the remainder from the Oil and Gas
Segmen Jasa Penunjang Migas . Supporting Services Segment.

Laba Perseroan ditargetkan meningkat walaupun dengan kondisi The company’s profit was targeted to increase even with the conditions
industri migas tahun 2022 dengan Adanya peningkatan aktivitas yang of the oil and gas industry in 2022. With a significant increase in activities
signifikan dibandingkan tahun lalu, Elnusa menargetkan margin laba compared to previsou year, Elnusa targeted a net profit margin of 3.0%
bersih sebesar 3,0% pada tahun 2022, lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan in 2022, higher than realization in 2021 of 1.3%. Efforts to increase
realisasi di tahun 2021 sebesar 1,3 %. Upaya peningkatan margin profitability margins occurred in the integrated upstream oil and gas
profitabilitas terjadi pada segmen jasa Hulu migas Terintegrasi diiringi services segment, accompanied by an increase in productivity specifically
dengan peningkatan productivity khusus nya pada aktivitas Seismik for seismic, well services and workover activities. On the other hand, an
, Well services dan Workover . DIsisi lain dengan Adanya peningkatan increase in the number of thruput as a result from the increase in the
jumlah truput yang didorong dari peningkatan kebutuhan BBM di public’s and industry’s needs for fuel.
masyarakat dan industry .

Struktur Modal Seiring dengan rencana dan proyeksi pertumbuhan Capital structure was in line with 2022 growth plans and projections. The
tahun 2022. Perseroan membutuhkan investasi pada peralatan jasa Company required investment in upstream and downstream oil and gas
hulu dan hilir migas yang sudah tentu memerlukan permodalan baik service equipment which surely required capital both from sources of
dari sumber liabilitas berupa pinjaman dari lembaga perbankan maupun liability in the form of loans from banking institutions and internal funds
dana internal (ekuitas). Laju pertumbuhan dan rencana investasi (equity). The growth rate and investment plans were carried out while
tersebut dijalankan dengan tetap menjaga struktur modal yang optimal. maintaining an optimal capital structure.


Profit (Loss) and Other Comprehensive Income

(dalam jutaan Rupiah) | (in million Rupiah)

Pencapaian 2023 Proyeksi
Realisasi Terhadap 2023
Terhadap Realisasi Terhadap
Realisasi Proyeksi
Target 2022 2022 Target 2022
2022 Target 2022 2023
(%) (%) (%)
Uraian 2022 2022 Target 2023 Description
2022 2023 2023
Realization Projection
Realization Projection Projection to
Achievement to 2022 2022 Target
to Target (%) Realization (%)
1 2 (1:2) 3 (3:1) (3:2)
Pendapatan 12.305.690 8.101.177 152% 9.085.460 74% 112% Income
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik 7.564.058 4.546.568 166% 5.542.088 73% 122% Energy Distribution
Energi and Logistics Services
Jasa Hulu Migas 4.034.631 3.477.767 116% 3.145.648 78% 90% Integrated Upstream
Terintegrasi Oil and Gas Services
Jasa Penunjang Migas 1.357.387 1.251.726 108% 1.251.484 92% 100% Oil and Gas Support
Laba Bruto 912.333 832.367 110% 930.332 102% 112% Gross Profit
Laba (Rugi) Operasi 498.015 426.744 117% 492.170 99% 115% Operating Profit (Loss)
Laba Rugi Lain-lain (10.079) (76.717) 13% (92.838) 921% 121% Other Profit (Loss)
Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan 378.061 244.034 155% 279.337 74% 114% Current Year Profit
Laba (Rugi) Komprehensif 378.068 244.034 155% 279.337 74% 114% Current Year
Tahun Berjalan Comprehensive Profit

194 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis


Consolidated Financial Position and Capital Structure

(dalam jutaan Rupiah) | (in million Rupiah)

Pencapaian 2023 Proyeksi
Realisasi Terhadap 2023
Terhadap Realisasi Terhadap
Realisasi Proyeksi
Target 2022 2022 Target 2022
2022 Target 2022 2023
(%) (%) (%)
Uraian 2022 2022 Target 2023 Description
2022 2023 2023
Realization Projection
Realization Projection Projection to
Achievement to 2022 2022 Target
to Target (%) Realization (%)
1 2 (1:2) 3 (3:1) (3:2)
Aset lancer 5.287.016 4.272.564 81% 5.464.109 128% 128% Current Assets
Aset Tetap 2.267.305 2.271.894 100% 2.476.261 109% 109% Fixed Assets
Aset lain-lain 1.281.766 1.617.852 126% 974.575 60% 60% Other Assets
Total Aset 8.836.087 8.162.310 92% 9.031.792 111% 111% Total Assets
Liabilitas Lancar 3.531.761 2.588.959 73% 3.535.482 137% 137% Current Liabilities
Liabilitas Tidak Lancar 1.187.118 1.265.200 107% 961.605 76% 76% Non-Current Liabilities
Total Liabilitas 4.718.879 3.854.158 82% 4.497.087 117% 117% Total Liabilities
Ekuitas 4.117.211 4.308.152 105% 4.534.705 105% 105% Equity
Total Liabilitas dan Ekuitas 8.836.090 8.162.310 92% 9.031.792 111% 111% Total Liabilities and


Tidak ada peristiwa/kejadian atau fakta yang terjadi dan tergolong There were no events/incidents or facts that occurred and categorized
material setelah periode laporan keuangan perseroan. as material following the periode of the Company’s financial report.

Mata uang fungsional Grup adalah Rupiah. Grup dapat menghadapi The Group’s functional currency is Rupiah. The Group may be faced with
risiko nilai tukar mata uang asing karena pinjaman, pendapatan dan foreign currency exchange rate risks due to loans, revenues and expenses
biaya beberapa pembelian utamanya dalam mata uang Dolar AS atau on seveal purchases which were primarily denominated in US Dollars or
harganya secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh perubahan tolak ukur their prices were significantly affected by changes in benchmark prices
harganya dalam mata uang asing (terutama Dolar AS). in foreign currencies (mainly US Dollars).

Grup tidak mempunyai kebijakan lindung nilai yang formal untuk laju The Group does not have a formal hedging policy for foreign currency
pertukaran mata uang asing. Bagaimanapun, terkait dengan hal-hal exchange rates. However, in relation to the matters discussed in the
yang telah didiskusikan pada paragraf di atas, fluktuasi dalam nilai tukar paragraph above, the fluctuations in the Rupiah and US Dollar exchange
Rupiah dan Dolar AS menghasilkan lindung nilai natural untuk laju nilai rates provide a natural hedge for the Group’s exchange rates.
tukar Grup.


Selama tahun 2022, sektor hulu migas Indonesia berhasil melakukan During 2022, Indonesia’s upstream oil and gas sector managed to make
investasi yang cukup masif di tahun 2022. Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana quite massive investments in 2022. The Special Task Force for Upstream
Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) mencatat Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) noted that investment
realisasi investasi di 2022 mencapai US$12,3 milyar atau sekitar Rp179 realization in 2022 reached US$12.3 billion or around IDR179 trillion (at an
triliun (pada kurs US$1 = Rp14.572). Jumlah ini meningkat dibanding exchange rate of US$1 = IDR14,572). This amount is an increase compared
realisasi investasi tahun 2021 yang berada pada angka US$10,9 milyar. to investment realization in 2021 which was at US$10.9 billion.

Kebutuhan akan investasi tersebut akan semakin meningkat ke depannya The need for this investment will continue to increase in the future in
untuk mencapai target besar industri hulu migas, yaitu pencapaian order to achieve the big targets of the upstream oil and gas industry,
target produksi minyak sebesar 1 juta barel minyak per hari (BOPD) dan namely to accomplish the oil production target of 1 million barrels of oil

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produksi gas sebesar 12 miliar standar kaki kubik per hari (BSCFD) di per day (BOPD) and gas production of 12 billion standard cubic feet per
tahun 2030. Diperlukan perbaikan fiskal untuk meningkatkan investasi day (BSCFD) in 2030. Fiscal improvements are needed to increase oil and
migas ke depan dan mendukung program 1 Juta BOPD Minyak dan 12 gas investment going forward and support the 1 Million BOPD Oil and 12
BSCFD Gas di tahun 2030. Dampak positif dari peningkatan produksi BSCFD Gas program in 2030. The positive impact of increasing national
migas nasional akan mengurangi current account deficit (CAD), menjaga oil and gas production will reduce the current account deficit (CAD),
ketahanan energi nasional, menciptakan lapangan kerja dan penguatan maintain national energy security, create jobs and strengthen capacity
kapasitas perusahaan nasional penunjang industri hulu migas of national companies supporting the upstream oil and gas industry

Berikut gambaran Aktivitas utama Hulu Migas 2022 : The following provides a picture of the main activities of 2022
Upstream Oil and Gas:
Harga minyak mentah Indonesia (Indonesia Crude Price/ ICP) di Indonesia’s Crude Oil Price (ICP) in December 2022 increased to US$76.6
desember 2022 meningkat menjadi US$ 76,6 per barel dari US$ 68,5 per barrel from US$68.5 per barrel in 2021. ICP realization in 2022
per barel pada 2021 lalu. Realisasi ICP pada 2022 ini juga jauh lebih tinggi was also far higher than assumptions used in the State Income and
dibandingkan asumsi dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara Expenditure Budget (State Budget/APBN) recorded at US$63 per barrel.
(APBN) yang tercatat sebesar US$ 63 per barel.

Lifting minyak pada 2022 sebesar 612 MBOPD , lebih rendah dari Oil lifting in 2022 was at 612 MBOPD, lower than realization in 2021
realisasi 2021 yang tercatat mencapai 660,3 MBOPD , dan bahkan lebih which noted to reached 660.3 MBOPD, and even lower than APBN 2022
rendah dari target APBN 2022 yang sebesar 686 MBOPD. Lifting migas di target of 686 MBOPD. Oil and gas lifting below target was affected by
bawah target dipengaruhi oleh penurunan alamiah produktivitas sumur the natural decline in the productivity of relatively old wells.
yang relatif sudah mulai tua.

Target investasi Hulu Migas di tahun 2023 sebesar US$ 12,3 Miliar atau Investment target of Upstream Oil and Gas for the year 2023 is set at
naik 13 % dari tahun 2021. Pada Jasa Hulu Migas Terintegrasi yang terdiri US$12.3 billion or an increase by 13% from 2021. In the Integrated
dari 2 Divisi , Terdiri dari Divisi Oilfield Services (OFS), Divisi EPC-OM Upstream Oil ang Gas Services consists of 2? Divisions: Oilfield Services
(Engineering, Production and Construction – Operation & Maintenance) Division (OFS), EPC-OM (Engineering, Production and Construction –
( EPC OM ) dan Divisi Upstream Services . Pada tahun 2022, peningkatan Operation & Maintenance) Division and Upstream Services Division. In
revenue di tahun 2022 di dorong dari peningkatan productivitas baik 2022, revenue increase was supported by the increase in productivity in
dari kegiatan well services , workover maupun dari aktivitas seismic. activities of well services, workover as well as seismic.

Pada Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi, Perseroan melalui anak In the Energy Distribution and Logistics Services, through subsidiary
perusahaan PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN) merupakan rekanan Pertamina PT Elnusa Petrofin (EPN), the Company is partnering with Pertamina
dalam bisnis distribusi dan transportasi bahan bakar minyak. Jasa ini in fuel distribution and transportation business. This service became
menjadi kontributor terbesar pendapatan Perseroan sebesar 58,7 the largest contributor to the Company’s income with 58.7%. The
%. Prospek jasa ini pada 2022 mengalami kenaikan seiring dengan prospect of this service in 2022 experienced an increase in line with the
perbaikan dari dampak Covid 19 sehingga kebutuhan bahan bakar improvement in the Covid-19 impact that the need for industry fuel and
Industri dan kebutuhan bahan bakar untuk kendaraan bermotor fuel for motorized vehicles also increased which also impacted the need
mengalami Kenaikan, hal ini juga berdampak pada Kebutuhan BBM of industry and retail fuel.
Industri dan retail .


Memiliki cakupan produk dan jasa yang lengkap dari hulu hingga ke hilir Having a complete range of products and services from upstream to
membuat Elnusa mampu memberikan solusi terhadap setiap kebutuhan downstream makes Elnusa capable of providing solutions for every need
pelanggan. Di Tahun 2022, masih terasanya efek pandemic covid 19 yang of the customers. In the year 2022, effects of the Covid-19 pandemic
mendorong kita untuk tangguh dan bangkit kembali dengan lebih banyak still present which encouraged us to stay strong and to revive with more
imajinasi dan reformasi. Efisiensi masih menjadi fokus para pelanggan di imagination and reformation. Efficiency remains the focus of customers
tambah dengan kondisi bisnis industri saat ini yang masih pasang surut, in addition to the fluctuating conditions of the current industry business
sehingga melakukan kajian dan memberikan perhatian yang lebih pada that it was important for us to conduct analysis and give extra attention
pertumbuhan pasar menjadi sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Strategi to market growth. The strategy to determine selective market was
melakukan pemilihan market yang selektif telah dilakukan untuk carried out to improve the profitability and at the same time increase
menaikan profitabilitas sekaligus meningkatkan kapabilitas internal. internal capabilities.

Strategi Pemasaran Marketing Strategy

Dalam rangka mewujudkan komitmen perusahaan sebagai Perusahaan In the effort to manifest the Company’s commitment as a leading
jasa terkemuka yang memberikan total solution sehingga mampu services company that provides total solution so as to be able to meet
menjangkau kebutuhan pelanggan lebih lengkap, lebih cepat, lebih customers’ needs more thoroughly, faster, better, more affordable
baik, lebih terjangkau dan lebih dekat maka perusahaan melakukan and closer, the Company takes several concrete steps, one of which is

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beberapa langkah nyata, salah satunya dengan adanya strategi the strategy to secure the continuity of existing projects and market
mengamankan keberlangsungan proyek eksisting dan pertumbuhan growth by targeting selective projects and optimizing Pertamina group
pasar dengan menargetkan proyek – proyek selektif serta melakukan synergies. As an integrated energy service provider, the Company takes
optimalisasi sinergi Pertamina grup. Sebagai penyedia jasa energi active part in supporting the operation performance of Pertamina
integrasi Perusahaan berpatisipasi aktif dalam mendukung kinerja Upstream Subholding through the provision of integrated oil and gas
operasi Subholding Upstream Pertamina melalui penyediaan pelayanan services, provision of appropriate technology, innovation and continuous
jasa migas terintegrasi, penyediaan teknologi tepat guna, inovasi dan improvement. One of the manifestation of the Company’s synergy is the
continuous improvement. Salah satu wujud sinergi Perusahaan adalah implementation of the HWU drilling service, fabricated independently
dengan terlaksananya HWU drilling service yang di fabrikasi secara for drilling activities in the new well of Pertamina’s Upstream Mahakam
mandiri untuk kegiatan pengeboran sumur baru Pertamina Hulu in the Mahakam Block. Thus, with this Pertamina’s synergy, the
Mahakam di Blok Mahakam. Sehingga dengan sinergi Pertamina ini, Company plays an active role in providing operational effectiveness and
Perusahaan dapat berperan aktif dalam memberikan solusi efektivitas cost efficiency solutions for Pertamina Group.
operasi dan efisiensi biaya Pertamina Group.

Strategi pemasaran berikutnya adalah optimalisasi program customer The subsequent marketing strategy is optimizing customer intimacy
intimacy melalui proactive engagement diantaranya ; Effective Focus program through proactive engagement, among others including
Group Discussion, Technical and Commercial Workshop dan kegiatan Effective Focus Group Discussion, Technical and Commercial Workshop
lainnya. Harapannya dengan program yang dijalankan ini, perusahaan and other activities. These programs are carried out with the hopes
dapat menjalin kedekatan dengan pelanggan dan mendapatkan lebih that the Company will be able to establish closeness with customers
banyak market insight termasuk rencana kerja, kondisi proyek yang and gain more markete insight, including work plans, ongoing project
sedang berjalan, serta isu dan tantangan ke depan. Dengan semangat conditins as well as future issues and challenges. With the spirit of Total
Total Solution, perusahaan turut serta untuk dapat mensukseskan Solution, the Company takes part in the effort to make the customer
program pelanggan dengan memberikan solusi terhadap isu dan program a success by providing solutions to issues and challenges faced
tantangan yang dihadapi pelanggan, sehingga jasa yang diberikan by customers, so that services provided not only meet custsomer needs
tidak hanya mampu memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan namun berhasil but also to succeed in becoming a part of a company’s growth. Aside
menjadi bagian tumbuhnya sebuah perusahaan. Selain fokus pada from the focus on existing customers, the Company also continuously
pelanggan yang sudah ada, perusahaan juga terus melakukan ekspansi strive to expand in order to attain new opportunities.
untuk mendapatkan peluang baru.

Serta strategi ketiga yang tidak kalah penting adalah langkah perusahaan And the third strategy that is no less important is the Company’s steps
dalam menjangkau pasar yang lebih luas di lingkungan Pertamina grup to reach wider market within Pertamina Group through capability
melalui program optimalisasi kapabilitas dan peningkatan kapasitas. optimization and capacity building programs. In alignment with the
Dengan selarasnya semangat sinergi di lingkungan Subholding spirit of synergy in the Subholding Upstream environment, the Company
Upstream, perusahaan juga melakukan akselerasi pada peluang – also accelerates project opportunities where synergies between the
peluang proyek dimana dapat terealisasi sinergi antar Pertamina grup. Pertamina groups can be realized. In addition, the Company is also
Selain itu Perusahaan juga aktif dalam menjajaki pasar non-Pertamina, active in exploring non-Pertamina markets, the implementation of this
terlaksananya strategi ini tidak lain adalah karena perusahaan memiliki strategy is none other than due to the Company’s internal capabilities
kapabilitas internal dan juga bermitra dengan penyedia jasa teknologi and also partnership with technology service providers retaining the
yang memiliki kompetensi dan relasi yang baik. competency and good relationship.

Pangsa Pasar Market Share

Pertamina group masih menjadi penyumbang pendapatan Pertamina group remains as the Company’s largest income contributor,
perusahaan terbesar, dengan komposisi 79 % dari total Revenue with 79% composition of the Company’s total revenue. In synergy with
Perseroan. Dengan Sinergi Pertamina, Perusahaan optimis mampu Pertamina, the Company is optimistic on its capability to provide the
memberikan service terbaik dengan total solution dan tentunya hal best services of total solution and surely this can also assist with opening
tersebut juga dapat membantu membuka peluang baru Perusahaan up new opportunities for the Company to obtain even greater market
untuk mendapatkan pangsa pasar yang lebih baik lagi. share.

Pada segmen jasa migas hulu pangsa pasar perseroan menjadi 2,3 %. On the upstream oil and gas services segment, the Company’s market
Berikut perbandingan estimasi pangsa pasar perseroan . share stood at 2.3%. Following is comparison on the Company’s market
share estimates:

Uraian 2022 2021 2020 Description

Investasi Hulu Migas Indonesia 12,3 10,7 10,21 Indonesia’s Upstream Oil and Gas
(Miliar dolar AS) Investment (US billion dollar)
Pendapatan Elnusa Segmen Hulu Migas 0,276 0,209 0,269 Income of Elnusa’s Integrated Upstream Oil
Terintegrasi (Miliar dolar AS) and Gas Segment (US billion dollar)
Estimasi Pangsa Pasar 2,3% 1,9% 2,6% Estimate Market Share

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Dasar Kebijakan Pembagian Dividen Dividend Distribution Policy

Sesuai dengan Prospektus Perseroan tahun 2008, Perseroan In line with the Company’s 2008 Prospectus, the Companyplanned and
merencanakan dan berusaha untuk membagikan dividen dalam strived to distribute dividen in the form of cash money at least once
bentuk uang tunai sekurang-kurangnya sekali dalam setahun. Besarnya a year. The amount of dividend is related to the Company’s profit in
dividen dikaitkan dengan keuntungan Perseroan pada tahun buku yang the concerned fiscal year, without disregarding the soundness level of
bersangkutan, dengan tidak mengabaikan tingkat kesehatan Perseroan the Commpany and without prejudice to the rights of the Company’s
dan tanpa mengurangi hak dari Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham General Meeting of Shareholders to determine otherwise in line with
Perseroan untuk menentukan lain sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran the provisions set forth under the Company’s Articles of Association.
Dasar Perseroan.

Dengan mengindahkan ketentuan-ketentuan di atas, Perseroan By complying to the above provisions, the Company strives to maintain
berusaha untuk mempertahankan rasio pembayaran dividen lebih dividend distribution ratio of more than 20% of the Company’s
dari 20% dari laba bersih konsolidasi Perseroan untuk setiap tahunnya. consolidated net profit for each year. Determining the amount and
Penentuan jumlah dan pembayaran dividen tersebut, akan bergantung distribution of this dividend witll depend on the recommendation
pada rekomendasi dari Direksi Perseroan, namun tidak terdapat of the Company’s Board of Directors, however, there is no certainty
kepastian bahwa Perseroan akan dapat membayarkan dividen pada that the Company will be able to distribute dividend for this year or
tahun ini ataupun pada tahun-tahun mendatang. Keputusan Direksi for the coming years. Decision of the Board of Directors in providing
dalam memberikan rekomendasi pembayaran dividen tergantung pada: recommendation on dividen distribution depends on the following:
1. Rencana pengembangan Perseroan dan belanja modal; 1. Company development and capital spending plans;
2. Pertimbangan kebijakan pada sektor industri yang sejenis; 2. Consideration of the policies in similar industry’s sector;
3. Kondisi arus kas dan kebutuhan modal kerja Perseroan; 3. Condition of the Company’s cash flow and working capital
4. Kebijakan struktur permodalan Perseroan; requirement;
5. Laba bersih Perseroan. 4. Policy of the Company’s capital structure;
5. Company’s net profit.

Pembagian dividen di sepanjang tahun 2022 untuk hasil usaha di tahun Dividend distribution throughout the year 2022 for business
2021 sebagai berikut: accomplishments in 2021 is as follows:

Kebijakan pembagian dividen 20% Policy on dividend distribution

Dividen kas yang dibagikan Rp54.370 Juta Distribution of cash dividend
Dividen per lembar saham Rp7,450 Dividend per share
Rasio pembagian Dividen 50% Dividend distribution ratio
Tanggal pengumuman 22 Juli 2022 Date of announcement
Tanggal Pembayaran 21 Agustus 2022 Date of payment


Distribution and payment of dividend in 2018 to 2022

Tahun Pembagian Dividen 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Dividend Distribution Year
Tahun Buku 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Fiscal Year
Tanggal Pengumuman 21 July 2022 21 July 9 July 11 April 14 May 2018 Announcement Date
Tanggal Pembayaran 19 August 2022 20 August 2021 7 August 2020 10 May 2019 8 June 2018 Payment Date
Kebijakan Pembagian 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Dividend Distribution
Dividen (%) Policy (%)
Dividen Kas yang Rp 54,370 Rp74,724 billion Rp89,119 billion Rp69,08 billion Rp37.1 billion Cash Dividend Distributed
Dibagikan (Rp) billion (Rp)
Dividen per Lembar Rp7,450 Rp10,238 Rp12,211 Rp9,465 Rp5,08 Dividend per Share (Rp/
Saham (Rp/lembar) share)
Rasio Pembagian Dividen 50% 30% 25% 25% 15% Dividend Distribution
(%) Ratio (%)

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Sebagai Perusahaan yang patuh terhadap semua peraturan yang As a company that adheres to all prevailing regulations, the Company
berlaku, Perseroan telah melakukan pemenuhan terkait kewajiban has complied with all related obligations to paying taxes as one of
dalam membayar pajak yang merupakan salah satu bentuk kontribusi the Company’s forms of contribution to the country. Details of the
Perseroan kepada negara. Adapun rincian kewajiban Perusahaan terkait Company’s obligations related to tax obligations in the year 2022 and
kewajiban perpajakan di tahun 2022 dan 2021, adalah sebagai berikut: 2021 are as follows:

2022 2021
Uraian (Rp-juta) (Rp-juta) Description
(Rp-million) (Rp-million)
Pajak Penghasilan badan : Corporate Income Tax:
Tahun berjalan 4.909 25.781 Current year
Tahun- tahun sebelumnya - 1.444 Previous years
PPH 4(2) 1.250 2.407 PPH 4(2)
Pajak Final 15 565 910 Final Tax 15
PPH 21   15.443 11.268 PPH 21  
PPH 22 779 620 PPH 22
PPH 23   5.634 3.350 PPH 23  
PPH 25 (Badan) 3.175 201 PPH 25 (Corporate)
PPH 26 - 297 PPH 26
Pajak Pertambahan Nilai 26.500 16.506 Value-Added Tax
Utang pajak lainnya - - Other Tax Payable
Total 58.255 62.784 Total


Sepanjang tahun 2022, Perseroan melakukan transaksi dengan pihak- Throughout the year 2022, the Company conducted transactions with
pihak yang berafiliasi, namun transaksi tersebut dikecualikan dari affiliated parties, however, the transactions are excluded from the
peraturan BAPEPAM-LK No. IX.E.1 karena tidak mengandung benturan BAPEPAM-LK Regulation No. IX.E.1 as they contained conflict of interest
kepentingan mengingat transaksi tersebut merupakan transaksi considering that the transactions were ongoing transactions as well as
berkelanjutan serta kegiatan usaha utama dan penunjang kegiatan the main business activities and supporting business activities of the
usaha Perseroan dan Anak Perusahaan. Entitas dianggap berelasi jika Company and Subsidiaries. An entity is regarded as related if the entity,
entitas tersebut baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, dapat directly or indirectly, can control or jointly control or has significant
mengendalikan atau mengendalikan bersama atau memiliki pengaruh influence of the group in making financial and operational decisions.
signifikan atas grup dalam pengambilan keputusan keuangan dan The entity is also regarded related if the concerned entity is in joint
operasional. Entitas juga dianggap berelasi jika entitas tersebut berada control with the Group.
dalam pengendalian bersama dengan Grup.

Kebijakan Mekanisme Review atas Transaksi dan Review Mechanism Policy on Transactions Compliance
Pemenuhan Peraturan dan Ketentuan Terkait with Related Regulations and Provisions
Perseroan memiliki kebijakan mengenai transaksi yang mengandung The Company has a policy regarding transactions that contain conflicts of
benturan kepentingan dan/atau transaksi dengan pihak berelasi. interest and/or transactions with related parties. Material transactions
Transaksi material yang dilakukan harus diputuskan oleh Dewan carried out must be decided by the Board of Commissioners and always
Komisaris dan senantiasa memperhatikan prinsip kehati-hatian, serta takes into account the precautionary principle, and must comply with
telah memenuhi ketentuan maupun peraturan perundang-undangan the applicable laws and regulations. In addition, material transactions
yang berlaku. Di samping itu, transaksi material juga harus diputuskan must also be decided by the Board of Commissioners independently.
oleh Dewan Komisaris secara Independen.Selama tahun 2022, tidak During 2022, there were no violations of laws and regulations related
terdapat pelanggaran atas peraturanperundang-undangan terkait to transactions with related parties and there were no transactions
dengan transaksi dengan pihakberelasi serta tidak terdapat transaksi containing conflicts of interest.
yang mengandungbenturan kepentingan.

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Kewajaran dan Alasan dilakukannya Transaksi Fairness and Reasons Behind Transactions
Seluruh transaksi yang dilakukan pada tahun 2022 dilakukansecara All transactions made in 2022 were carried out fairly (Arm’s Length)
wajar (Arm’s Length ) dan sesuai dengan persyaratan komersial normal. and in accordance with normal commercial terms. The fairness of
Kewajaran transaksi dengan pihak terkaitatau mengandung benturan transactions with related parties or containing conflict of interest were
kepentingan telah dilakukansecara wajar sesuai peraturan perundang- carried out appropriately in accordance with the laws and regulations.
undangan. Transaksidilakukan atas dasar alasan kebutuhan Perseroan Transactions were carried out on the basis of the Company’s needs and
dan bebasdari konflik kepentingan. were free from conflict of interest.

Dengan demikian, pengungkapan selanjutnya mengenai hal ini Thus, further disclosure regarding this matter is adjusted to PSAK
disesuaikan dengan PSAK Nomor 7 tentang “Pengungkapan atas Pihak- Number 7 concerning “Disclosure of Related Parties”. In detail,
Pihak Berelasi”. Secara rinci, informasi mengenai transaksi ini terdapat information regarding these transactions can be found in the Notes to
pada Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan Nomor 32 tentang “Informasi the Financial Statements Number 32 concerning “Information Regarding
Mengenai Pihak-Pihak Berelasi”. Transaksi dan saldo dengan pihak-pihak Related Parties”. Transactions and balances with related parties are as
berelasi adalah sebagai berikut : follows:


Disclosure of Related Parties

Sifat hubungan Pihak-pihak berelasi Sifat transaksi

Nature of relationship Related parties Nature of transaction
Entitas induk PT Pertamina Hulu Energi PT Pertamina (Persero) Penjualan barang dan jasa dan pembelian barang dagangan
Parent entity of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Sales of goods and services and purchases of merchandise
Entitas induk PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Penjualan jasa
Parent entity Sales of services
Entitas sepengendali PT Pertamina EP Penjualan jasa
Entity under common control Sales of services
PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia Penjualan jasa
Sales of services
PT Pertamina Drilling Services Penjualan jasa
Indonesia Sales of services
PT Pertamina EP Cepu Penjualan jasa
Sales of services
PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan Penjualan jasa
Sales of services
PT Pertamina Gas Penjualan barang dan jasa
Sales of goods and services
PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Penjualan jasa
Sales of services
PT Pertamina Lubricant Penjualan barang dan jasa dan pembelian barang dagangan
Sales of goods and services and purchases of merchandise
PT Nusantara Regas Penjualan jasa
Sales of services
PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk Penjualan jasa
Sales of services
PT Asuransi Tugu Pratama Pembelian jasa asuransi
Indonesia Tbk Purchases of insurance services
PT Pertamina Retail Pembelian barang dagangan
Purchases of merchandise inventories
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Pembelian barang dagangan
Purchases of merchandise inventories
PT Pertamina Trans Kontinental Pembelian jasa sewa
Purchases of rental services
PT Patra Jasa Penjualan jasa
Sales of services
PT Kilang Pertamina International Penjualan barang dan pembelian barang dagangan
Sales of goods and purchases of merchandise
PT Pertamina Power Indonesia Penjualan jasa
Sales of services

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Sifat hubungan Pihak-pihak berelasi Sifat transaksi

Nature of relationship Related parties Nature of transaction
Entitas sepengendali (lanjutan) PT Pertamina Bina Medika Jasa kesehatan
Entity under common control (continued) Healthcare services
Entitas berelasi dengan pemerintah PT Bank Negara Indonesia Jasa perbankan
Government-related entity (Persero) Tbk Banking services
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Jasa perbankan
(Persero) Tbk Banking services
PT Bank Tabungan Negara Jasa perbankan
(Persero) Tbk Banking services
PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk Jasa perbankan
Banking services
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Jasa perbankan
Banking services
PT Bank Mandiri Taspen Jasa perbankan
Banking services
PT Bank Jawa Barat Tbk Jasa perbankan
Banking services
Manajemen kunci yang sama Koperasi Karyawan Elnusa Pembelian jasa sewa dan alih daya
Common key management Purchase of rental and outsourcing services


Realization of Related Party Transactions in 2022

Berikut realisasi transaksi pihak berelasi per 31 Desember 2022. Following are realization of transactions of related parties as of 31
December 2022

2022 2021
Uraian (Rp juta) (Rp juta) Description
(Rp million) (Rp million)
Kas dan setara Kas 1.530.771 667.275 Cash and Cash Equivalent
Piutang usaha 2.756.473 2.068.541 Account Receivable
Aset keuangan lancar lainnya 95.726 55.322 Other current financial assets
Aset keuangan tidak lancar lainnya 299.919 327.261 Other non-current financial assets
Utang usaha 22.511 36.467 Account Payables
Pendapatan ditangguhkan 370.007 191.299 Deferred income
Kompensasi personil manajemen kunci 69.550 80.250 Compensation of key management personnel
Pendapatan 42.296 21.960 Income
Pembelian 8.646.344 6.188.401 Purchase

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 201

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis


Sepanjang tahun 2022, tidak terdapat informasi keuangan yang Throughout the year 2022, there were no financial information that
mengandung kejadian yang bersifat luar biasa dan jarang terjadi. contain events of extraordinary and rare in charateristics..


Sepanjang tahun 2022, tidak terdapat perubahan peraturan perundang- Throughout the year 2022, there were o changes in the laws and
undangan yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Perusahaan baik dari regulations with significant influence on the Company both in terms of
sisi keuangan maupun operasional. financial and operational aspects.



Perubahan Kebijakan
Akuntansi Penjelasan Dampaknya Terhadap Perseroan
Changes in Accounting Explanation Impact on the Company
Amendemen PSAK 22 Kombinasi Bisnis tentang Referensi ke Kerangka Konseptual ini Menambahkan deskripsi dalam penyajian laporan
mengklarifikasi interaksi antara PSAK 22, PSAK 57, ISAK 30 dan keuangan terkait “liabilitas dan liabilitas kontinjensi
Kerangka Konseptual Pelaporan Keuangan. dalam ruang lingkup PSAK 57 atau ISAK 30 /

Business Combination on Reference to this Conceptual Adding a description in the presentation of financial
Framework clarifies the interaction between PSAK 22, PSAK statements regarding "liabilities and contingent
57, ISAK 30 and the Conceptual Framework for Financial liabilities within the scope of PSAK 57 or ISAK 30
Amendemen PSAK 57 mengatur bahwa biaya untuk memenuhi kontrak terdiri dari • Tidak memberikan dampak signifikan hanya perlu
biaya yang berhubungan langsung dengan kontrak. Biaya yang perubahan pengungkapan kebijakan akuntansi.
berhubungan langsung dengan kontrak terdiri dari: • Provisi, Liabilitas Kontinjensi, dan Aset
1. biaya inkremental untuk memenuhi kontrak tersebut, dan; Kontinjensi tentang Kontrak Mengganggu - Biaya
2. alokasi biaya lain yang berhubungan langsung untuk Pemenuhan Kontrak /
memenuhi kontrak.

stipulates that costs to fulfill the contract consist of costs • Having no significant impact, only requires
directly related to the contract. Costs directly related to the changes in accounting policy disclosures.
contract consist of: • Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent
1. incremental costs to fulfill the contract, and; Assets on Interfering Contracts - Contract
2. allocation of other costs directly related to fulfilling the Fulfillment Costs

Uraian memuat antara lain: perubahan kebijakan akuntansi, alasan dan Description containing, among others, on changes in the accounting
dampaknya terhadap laporan keuangan. policies, reasons and impact on the financial statements.


Hal-hal yang Berpotensi Berpengaruh Signifikan Issues with Potential Significant Influence on the
Terhadap Kelangsungan Usaha Perusahaan pada Tahun Company’s Business Continuity in 2022
Tidak terdapat hal-hal yang berpotensi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap There were no issues potentially of significant influence to the
kelangsungan usaha Perseroan selama tahun 2022, mengingat tidak Company’s business continuity during the yea 2022, considering
terdapat kecelakaan kerja berupa fatality yang berpotensi menyebabkan there were no work incident of fatality that may potentially cause
Perseroan mendapatkan sanksi keras. Sepanjang tahun 2022, Perseroan harsh sanctions against the Company. Throughout the year 2022, the
telah memperoleh beberapa kontrak/ pekerjaan yang bersifat multiyear Company received a number of multiyear work contracts for the coming
untuk tahun mendatang, selain itu posisi keuangan dan kas Perseroan years, aside from the Company’s strong financial and cash positions to
dalam kondisi yang kuat untuk kegiatan operasional dan memenuhi support Company operational activities and meet short-term as well as
kewajiban jangka pendek dan jangka panjang Perseroan. long-tem obligations.

202 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen
Management Discussion and Analysis

Assessment Manajemen atas Hal-hal yang Berpotensi Management Assessment on Issues with Potential
Berpengaruh Signifikan Terhadap Kelangsungan Usaha Significant Influence to the Company’s Bsiness
Perusahaan pada Tahun 2022 Continuity in 2022
Dalam mengukur serta menilai hal-hal yang berpotensi berpengaruh In measuring and assessing matters with the potential to significantly
signifikan terhadap kelangsungan usaha Perusahaan, Manajemen influence the continuity of the Company’s business, the Management
menggunakan Laporan Evaluasi Kinerja tahun 2022 yang telah diaudit utilized the Performance Assessment Report of the year 2022 audited by
oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Purwantono , Sungkoro&Surja (E&Y) the Public Accounting Firm Purwantoro, Sungkoro & Surya (E&Y).

Asumsi dalam melakukan Asesmen Assumptions Used in the Assessment

Asusmsi yang digunakan Manajemen dalam melakukan pengukuran dan The assumptions used by the Management in conducting measurements
penilaian meliputi beberapa hal sebagai berikut: and assessments covered the following aspects:
• Aspek keuangan • Financial Aspect
- Membandingkan saldo-saldo realisasi tahun 2022 dengan - Comparing realization of 2022 balances against the audited
Laporan Keuangan yang telah diaudit. Financial Statements
- Menghitung kembali persentase fluktuasi yang dilaporkan - Recalculating the fluctuation percentage as reported by the
oleh Manajemen antara saldo-saldo aktual tahun 2022 dengan Management between the actual 2022 balances against the
target anggaran/RKAP tahun 2022 dan saldo-saldo aktual tahun 2022 budget/RKAP’s targets.
• Penilaian tingkat kesehatan Perusahaan • Assessment on Company’s soundness level
- Melakukan perhitungan ulang dan membandingkan indikator - Recalculating and comparing the financial performance
kinerja keuangan antara realisasi tahun 2022 target anggaran/ indicators between 2022 budget targets based on the criteria
RKAP tahun 2022 berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan set in the Performance Assessment Guidelines of Pertamina‘s
dalam Pedoman Penilaian Kinerja Anak Perusahaan Pertamina. Subsidiaries.
• Perkembangan usaha Perusahaan • Company business development
- Membandingkan informasi keuangan tahun 2022 dan 2021 - Comparing 2022 and 2021 financial information with the
dengan Laporan Keuangan yang telah diaudit. audited Financial Statements.
- Melakukan perhitungan ulang dan membandingkan informasi - Recalculating and comparing information on 2022 and 2021
rasio keuangan tahun 2022 dan 2021. financial ratios.


Tingkat Kesehatan Perusahaan (TKP) mengacu pada ketentuan The Company Soundness Level (TKP) refers to the provisions of the
Pedoman Penilaian Anak Perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero) No. A6- Guidelines for Assessment of PT Pertamina (Persero) Subsidiaries
002/H40000/2019-S9 . Adapun Penilaian diukur dari Penilaian Kinerja No. A6-002/H40000/2019-S9. The assessment is measured from the
Keuangan, Penilaian Kinerja Pertumbuhan, Penilaian Kinerja Operasional Financial Performance Assessment, Growth Performance Assessment,
dan Penilaian Kinerja Administrasi , dengan klasifikasi pada segmen Operational Performance Assessment and Administrative Performance
Industri Jasa Penunjang Eksplorasi/ Produksi . Berdasarkan Penilaian Assessment, with a classification in the Exploration/ Production Support
tersebut untuk tahun Buku 2022 di hasilkan nilai 83 dengan predikat Services Industry segment. Based on this assessment for the 2022 Fiscal
SEHAT AA. year, a score of 83 was obtained with the AA HEALTHY predicate.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 203

Good Corporate Governance
206 Prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan 305 Unit Audit Internal
Basic Principles of Corporate Governance Internal Audit Unit

211 Struktur, Infrastruktur dan Softstructure Tata Kelola Perusahaan 309 Sistem Pengendalian Internal
Structure, Infrastructure And Softstructure Of Corporate Governance Internal Control System

216 Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) 300 Manajemen Risiko

General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) Risk Management

224 Dewan Komisaris 322 Kasus dan Perkara Penting

Board of Commissioners Litigation Case

240 Direksi 324 Informasi Mengenai Sanksi Administratif

Board of Directors Information on Administrative Sanctions

253 Transparansi Informasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi 325 Kode Etik
Information Transparency on the Board of Commissioners and the Code of Conduct
Board Directors 328 Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan
Anti-Bribery Management System
254 Hubungan Afiliasi antar Anggota Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan/atau
Pemegang Saham Pengendali 331 Kompensasi Jangka Panjang
Affiliation among Members of the Board of Commissioners, Provision of Long-Term Compensation
the Board of Directors and/or Controlling Shareholders
332 Kebijakan Kepemilikan Saham dan Transaksi Bagi Orang Dalam
255 Rapat Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Share Ownership and Transaction Policy for Insiders
Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors Meeting
333 Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran
264 Keberagaman Komposisi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Whistleblowing System
Diversity in the Composition of the Board of Commissioners and the
Board of Directors 336 Kebijakan Anti Korupsi
Anti-Corruption Policy
266 Assessment/Penilaian Kinerja terhadap Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi
337 Akses Informasi dan Data Perusahaan
Performance Assessment for the Board of Commissioners and Access for Data and Information about the Company
the Board of Directors
338 Penerapan Pedoman Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka
268 Nominasi dan Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Implementation of Public Company Governance Guidelines
Nomination and Remuneration of the Board of Commissioners and
Directors 339 Kesesuaian Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terhadap ASEAN
Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS)
271 Komite Audit Implementation of Corporate Governance Aspects And Principles in
Audit Committee Accordance with the Provisions of the Financial Services Authority
280 Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi
341 Penerapan Aspek dan Prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan Sesuai
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Ketentuan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
289 Komite Pemantau Risiko Implementation of Aspects and Principles of Corporate Governance in
Risk Monitoring Committee accordance with the Provisions of the Financial Services Authority
296 Sekretaris Perusahaan 346 Kesesuaian Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terhadap ASEAN
Corporate Secretary Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS)
Kesesuaian Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terhadap Asean
Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS)
Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Basic Principles of Corporate Governance

Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik, atau Good Corporate Governance By definition, Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is a series of systems
(GCG) secara definitif merupakan serangkaian sistem yang mengatur that regulate and control business entities that are expected to create
dan mengendalikan entitas usaha yang diharapkan mampu menciptakan added value for all stakeholders; including shareholders There are two
nilai tambah untuk seluruh pemangku kepentingan; termasuk kepada emphases in GCG, first, the right of shareholders, even to minority
pemegang saham. Terdapat 2 (dua) hal penekanan, yaitu pentingnya shareholders, to obtain correct and timely information, and second,
hak pemegang saham untuk memperoleh informasi dengan benar the obligation of business entities to make accurate, timely, transparent
dan tepat pada waktunya bahkan hingga pemegang saham minoritas, disclosures of all information on business entity performance,
dan, kewajiban entitas usaha untuk melakukan pengungkapan secara ownership, and stakeholders. GCG implementation is expected to
akurat, tepat waktu, transparan terhadap semua informasi kinerja provide a foundation for accountable management of business entities.
entitas usaha, kepemilikan, dan pemangku kepentingan. Kehadiran GCG
diharapkan mampu memberikan fondasi atas pengelolaan entitas usaha
yang akuntabel.

Sejalan dengan perkembangan dunia usaha, prinsip GCG turut mengalami In line with the development of the business world, GCG has also
perkembangan yang mencakup sistem pengawasan dan pengendalian evolved, which includes supervision and control systems that support
yang mendukung etika kerja dan pengambilan keputusan yang work ethics and responsible decision making, support integrity in
bertanggung jawab, mendukung integritas dalam pelaporan keuangan, financial reporting, proper risk management, and ethical stakeholder
pengelolaan risiko yang layak, serta hubungan pemangku kepentingan and Company relationships. Within the Company, the assessment
dan Perseroan yang berlandaskan etika. Di lingkup Perseroan, penilaian of GCG implementation is carried out to ensure the comprehensive
dilakukan atas penerapan GCG untuk memastikan terwujudnya prinsip realization of GCG principles.
GCG secara komprehensif.

Pada perkembangannya, Regulator bersama-sama dengan berbagai In its development, together with various parties concerned with the
pihak yang menaruh perhatian terhadap perkembangan GCG di development of GCG in Indonesia, the Regulator has strongly emphasized
Indonesia memberikan penegasan yang kuat atas pentingnya hubungan the importance of harmonious relationships between business entities
yang harmonis antara entitas usaha dan pemangku kepentingan. Melalui and stakeholders. Through this harmonious relationship, the business
hubungan yang harmonis ini, diharapkan akan terbentuk dunia usaha world is expected to avoid ways of creating momentary profits, and
yang menghindari cara-cara menciptakan keuntungan sesaat, dan justru instead be able to contribute to the social and environmental dimensions
mampu berkontribusi bagi dimensi sosial dan lingkungan di sekitarnya. around it.

Perseroan memandang bahwa penerapan GCG merupakan sebuah The Company views that the implementation of GCG is a strong pillar to
pilar kuat untuk memajukan pertumbuhan. Oleh sebab itu, Perseroan promote growth. Therefore, the Company strives to always implement
berupaya untuk senantiasa menerapkan GCG terhadap seluruh GCG towards all stakeholders, by complying with applicable laws and
pemangku kepentingan dengan mematuhi peraturan perundang- regulations. Improving the quality of GCG practices is continuously
undangan yang berlaku. Peningkatan kualitas dari penerapan praktik carried out, through updating various policies, standards, guidelines,
terbaik GCG dengan secara terus menerus dilakukan, melakukan procedures that are adjusted to changes in applicable laws and
pemutakhiran berbagai kebijakan, standar, pedoman, prosedur yang regulations, the state of the business environment, as well as business
disesuaikan dengan perubahan peraturan perundang-undangan yang development and the Company’s performance.
berlaku, keadaan lingkungan bisnis, dan juga perkembangan usaha dan
kinerja Perseroan.

Dalam menerapkan prinsip-prisip GCG, Perseroan mengacu pada 5 In implementing GCG principles, the Company refers to 5 (five)
(lima) prinsip dasar yaitu: transparansi, akuntabilitas, responsibilitas, basic principles, namely: transparency, accountability, responsibility,
independensi, dan kewajaran, sebagaimana telah dirilis dalam Pedoman independence, and fairness, as released in the General Guidelines for
Umum Good Corporate Governance yang dikeluarkan oleh Komite Good Corporate Governance issued by the National Committee on
Nasional Kebijakan Governance (KNKG). Governance Policy (KNKG).

206 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Principles of Good Corporate Governance

Transparansi Akuntabilitas Responsibilitas Independensi Kewajaran

Transparency Accountability Responsibility Independency Fairness

Penjelasan prinsip-prinsip dasar di atas dan penerapannya secara umum An explanation of the above basic principles and their general application
di lingkup Perseroan adalah sebagai berikut: within the Company is as follows:

Prinsip Dasar Penjelasan Sesuai Pedoman GCG Elnusa Penerapan di Lingkup Elnusa
Basic Principles Explanation in accordance with Elnusa GCG Guidelines Implementation in Elnusa Scope
Keterbukaan • Tersedianya kebijakan secara tertulis pada sarana akses • Tersedianya Situs web Perseroan
Transparency informasi Perusahaan. • Tersedianya Laporan Tahunan dan Laporan Keberlanjutan
• Informasi yang disajikan selalu akurat dan memadai bagi • Tersedianya siaran Pers
seluruh pemangku kepentingan • Tersedianya berbagai pedoman secara tertulis dalam situs web
• Kemudahan dalam mengakses informasi Perusahaan Perseroan
• Availability of written policies on the Company’s • Availability of the Company’s website
information access facilities. • Availability of Annual Report and Sustainability Report
• The information presented is always accurate and • Availability of press releases
adequate for all stakeholders. • Availability of various guidelines in writing on the Company’s website
• Ease of accessing the Company’s information.
Akuntabilitas • Penilaian kinerja secara berkala • Perseroan secara berkala menyelenggarakan penilaian kinerja Dewan
Accountability • Proses check and balance system dalam pengelolaan Komisaris, Komite Dewan Komisaris, serta Direksi
Perseroan • Melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan, Dewan Komisaris
• Periodic performance assessment dan Direksi mempertanggungjawabkan kinerjanya kepada Pemegang
• Check and balance system in the management of the Saham.
Company Direksizmempertanggungjawabkan kinerjanya kepada Pemegang
• The Company periodically conducts performance appraisals of the
Board of Commissioners, the Board of Commissioners Committee,
and the Board of Directors.
• Through the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of
Commissioners and the Board of Directors are accountable for their
performance to the Shareholders.
Pertanggungjawaban • Menjunjung tinggi integritas Perusahaan melalui • Penerapan standar etika Perusahaan
Responsibility Corporate Value • Tersedianya berbagai bisnis proses secara update
• Melaksanakan praktik bisnis secara bertanggung jawab • Implementation of the Company’s ethical standards
• Upholding the integrity of the Company through • Availability of various updated business processes
Corporate Value
• Implementing responsible business practices
Kemandirian • Keputusan yang Obyektif untuk setiap proses bisnis yang • Perseroan melaksanakan kegiatan usaha secara mandiri dan tidak
Independency dilakukan mendapat intervensi dari Pemegang Saham Pengendali maupun
• Menghindari adanya potensi Benturan Kepentingan pemangku kepentingan lainnya.
• Objective decisions for every business process carried out • The Company carries out business activities independently and does
• Avoiding any potential Conflict of Interest not receive intervention from Controlling Shareholders or other

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 207

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Prinsip Dasar Penjelasan Sesuai Pedoman GCG Elnusa Penerapan di Lingkup Elnusa
Basic Principles Explanation in accordance with Elnusa GCG Guidelines Implementation in Elnusa Scope
Kesetaraan dan Kewajaran • Perlakuan yang setara terhadap pemegang saham • Pemanggilan RUPS dilakukan 21 hari sebelum pelaksanaan RUPS
Fairness • Perlakuan yang setara kepada para karyawan dengan menggunakan bahasa indonesia dan bahasa inggris
• Equal treatment of shareholders • Penyampaian CV dari masing-masing calon pengurus Perseroan dalam
• Equal treatment to employees situs Web Perseroan
• Tersedianya akses yang memudahkan para pemegang saham untuk
memperoleh dokumen proxy pemegang saaham
• GMS invitation is made 21 days prior to the GMS by using Indonesian
and English language.
• Submission of CV of each candidate of the Company’s management
on the Company’s website
• Availability of easy access for shareholders to obtain shareholder
proxy documents


Untuk memuwujudkan Perusahaan yang berdaya saing tinggi dan terus To realize a Company that is highly competitive and continues to grow,
tumbuh, Perseroan mengembangkan struktur dan sistem Tata Kelola the Company has developed a Corporate Governance structure and
Perusahaaan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip GCG, dengan tujuan: system in accordance with GCG principles, with the following objectives:
1. Mengoptimalkan nilai Perusahaan untuk membangun daya saing 1. Optimizing the value of the Company to build strong
yang kuat baik secara nasional maupun internasional, dalam competitiveness both nationally and internationally, in maintaining
menjaga etika dan integritas agar dapat menjaga eksistensi ethics and integrity in order to maintain existence and sustainable
dan pertumbuhan secara berkelanjutan dalam menghadapi era growth in the era of free trade in the ASEAN Economic Community
perdagangan bebas Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA); (AEC);
2. Mendorong pengelolaan perusahaan secara profesional, efisien 2. Encouraging the management of the Company in a professional,
serta efektif selain juga memberdayakan fungsi dan meningkatkan efficient and effective manner, as well as empowering the functions
kemandirian organ-organ dalam perusahaan; and increasing the independence of the organs within the
3. Memberikan jaminan rasa aman sehingga akan menumbuhkan 3. Provide a sense of security so that it will foster the trust of investors
kepercayaan dari para investor maupun calon investor; and potential investors;
4. Mengarahkan serta mengendalikan hubungan kerja antara antara 4. Directing and controlling the working relationship between the
organ Perseroan; organs of the Company;
5. Mendorong agar setiap pengambilan keputusan maupun 5. Encourage that every decision making and implementation must
pelaksanaannya harus dilandasi nilai moral yang tinggi dan sesuai be based on high moral values and in accordance with applicable
dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta laws and regulations as well as high social responsibility;
tanggung jawab sosial yang tinggi;
6. Menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang professional; 6. Creating professional human resources;
7. Meningkatkan kesejahteraan seluruh Insan Elnusa serta 7. Improving the welfare of all Elnusa People and increasing benefits
peningkatan kemanfaatan bagi Stakeholders; for Stakeholders;
8. Mencegah terjadinya penyimpangan dalam pengelolaan Perseroan; 8. Preventing irregularities in the management of the Company;
9. Meningkatkan Budaya Kerja Perseroan; 9. Improving the Company’s Work Culture;

Dasar Hukum Legal Basis

Penerapan GCG di Perseroan mengacu kepada beberapa ketentuan, The implementation of GCG in the Company refers to several provisions,
peraturan, serta perundang-undangan yang berlaku, yaitu: regulations, and applicable laws, namely:
1. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia 1. Law of the Republic of Indonesia
- Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 40 Tahun 2007 - Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 40 of 2007 on Limited
tentang Perseroan Terbatas Liability Companies
- Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 8 Tahun 1995 - Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 8 of 1995 on Capital
tentang Pasar Modal Markets
- Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 28 Tahun 1999 - Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 28 of 1999 on Clean
tentang Penyelenggara Negara yang Bersih dan Bebas dari and Free State Administration from Corruption, Collusion and
Korupsi, Kolusi, dan Nepotisme Nepotism
- Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 5 Tahun 1999 - Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 5 of 1999 on the
tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business
Tidak Sehat. Competition.
- Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 13 Tahun 2003 - Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 13 of 2003 on Manpower.
tentang Ketenagakerjaan.

208 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

- Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 20 Tahun 2001 - Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2001 on the
tentang Perubahan atas Undang- Undang Republik Indonesia Amendment to Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 31 of
No. 31 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana 1999 on the Eradication of the Criminal Acts of Corruption
- Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 15 Tahun 2002 - Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 15 Year 2002 on the
tentang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang sebagaimana telah Crime of Money Laundering as amended by Law of the
diubah dengan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 25 Republic of Indonesia No. 25 Year 2003
Tahun 2003
- Undang Undang Republik Indonesia No. 11 Tahun 2008 - Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of 2008 on Electronic
tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik Information and Transactions
- Undang Undang Republik Indonesia No. 14 Tahun 2008 - Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 14 of 2008 on Information
tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Disclosure
2. Peraturan Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan 2. Regulations of the Capital Market and Financial Institutions
(Bapepam-LK) yang telah dialihfungsikan menjadi Otoritas Jasa Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) which has been transformed
Keuangan (OJK), serta Peraturan Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) into the Financial Services Authority (OJK), as well as Regulations
of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
- Peraturan Bapepam-LK No. X.K.4, Lampiran Keputusan Ketua - Bapepam-LK Regulation No. X.K.4, Attachment to the Decree of
Bapepam No. Kep-27/PM/2003 Tanggal 17 Juli 2003 tentang the Chairman of Bapepam No. Kep-27/PM/2003 Dated July 17,
Laporan Realisasi Penggunaan Dana Hasil Penawaran Umum 2003 concerning the Report on the Realization of the Use of
Proceeds from Public Offerings.
- Peraturan Bapepam-LK No. IX.I.5, Lampiran Keputusan Ketua - Bapepam-LK Regulation No. IX.I.5, Attachment to the Decree
Bapepam No. Kep-29/Pm/2004 Tanggal 24 September 2004 of the Chairman of Bapepam No. Kep-29/Pm/2004 Dated
tentang Pembentukan dan Pedoman Pelaksanaan Kerja September 24, 2004 on the Establishment and Implementation
Komite Audit Guideline of Audit Committee Work
- Peraturan Bapepam-LK No. IX.J.1, Lampiran Ketua Bapepam - Bapepam-LK Regulation No. IX.J.1, Attachment of the Chairman
dan Lembaga Keuangan No. Kep-179/Bl/2008 Tanggal 14 of Bapepam and Financial Institutions No. Kep-179/Bl/2008
Mei 2008, tentang Pokok-Pokok Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan Dated May 14, 2008, regarding the Principles of Articles of
yang Melakukan Penawaran Umum Efek Bersifat Ekuitas dan Association of Companies Conducting Public Offerings of Equity
Perubahan Publik Securities and Public Changes
- Peraturan Bapepam-LK No. X.K.2, Lampiran Keputusan Ketua - Bapepam-LK Regulation No. X.K.2, Attachment to the Decree of
Bapepam dan Lembaga Keuangan No. Kep-346/Bl/2011 the Chairman of Bapepam and Financial Institutions No. Kep-
Tanggal 5 Juli 2011, tentang Penyampaian Laporan Keuangan 346/Bl/2011 Dated July 5, 2011, regarding the Submission of
Berkala Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik Periodic Financial Statements of Issuers or Public Companies
- Peraturan OJK No. 33/POJK.04/2014 tentang Direksi dan - OJK Regulation No. 33/POJK.04/2014 regarding the Board
Dewan Komisaris Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik of Directors and Board of Commissioners of Issuers or Public
- Peraturan OJK No. 34/POJK.04/2014 tentang Komite Nominasi - OJK Regulation No. 34/POJK.04/2014 on the Nomination and
dan Remunerasi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik Remuneration Committee of Issuers or Public Companies
- Peraturan OJK No. 35/POJK.04/2014 tentang Sekretaris - OJK Regulation No. 35/POJK.04/2014 regarding Corporate
Perusahaan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik Secretary of Issuers or Public Companies
- Peraturan OJK No. 8/POJK.04/2015 tentang Situs Web Emiten - OJK Regulation No. 8/POJK.04/2015 regarding Website of
atau Perusahaan Publik Issuer or Public Company
- Peraturan OJK No. 21/ POJK.04/2015 tentang Pedoman Tata - OJK Regulation No. 21/POJK.04/2015 regarding Public
Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka Company Governance Guidelines
- Peraturan OJK No. 30/POJK.04/2015 tentang Laporan - OJK Regulation No. 30/POJK.04/2015 regarding Report on the
Realisasi Penggunaan Dana Hasil Penawaran Umum. Realization of the Use of Public Offering Proceeds.
- Peraturan OJK No. 31/POJK.04/2015 tentang Keterbukaan atas - OJK Regulation No. 31/POJK.04/2015 regarding Disclosure of
Informasi atau Fakta Material oleh Emiten atau Perusahaan Material Information or Facts by Issuers or Public Companies.
- Peraturan OJK No. 55/POJK.04/2015 tentang Pembentukan - OJK Regulation No. 55/POJK.04/2015 regarding the
dan Pedoman Pelaksanaan Kerja Komite Audit Establishment and Implementation Guideline of Audit
Committee Work
- Peraturan OJK No. 56/POJK.04/2015 tentang Pembentukan - OJK Regulation No. 56/POJK.04/2015 regarding the
dan Pedoman Penyusunan Piagam Unit Audit Internal. Establishment and Guidelines for the Preparation of an
Internal Audit Unit Charter.
- Peraturan OJK No. 29/POJK.04/2016 tentang Laporan - OJK Regulation No. 29/POJK.04/2016 concerning Annual
Tahunan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik Report of Issuers or Public Companies

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 209

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

- Surat Edaran OJK No. 32/SEOJK.04/2015 tentang Pedoman - OJK Circular Letter No. 32/SEOJK.04/2015 regarding
Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka Guidelines for Public Company Governance.
- Surat Edaran OJK No. 30/SEOJK.04/2016 tentang Bentuk dan - OJK Circular Letter No. 30/SEOJK.04/2016 on the Form and
Isi Laporan Tahunan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik Content of Annual Reports of Issuers or Public Companies
- Peraturan OJK No. 11/POJK.04/2017 tentang Laporan - OJK Regulation No. 11/POJK.04/2017 regarding Ownership
Kepemilikan atau Setiap Perubahan Kepemilikan Saham Report or Any Change in Share Ownership of Public Companies
Perusahaan Terbuka
- Peraturan OJK No. 13/POJK.03/2017 tentang Penggunaan Jasa - OJK Regulation No. 13/POJK.03/2017 regarding the Use of
Akuntan Publik dan Kantor Akuntan Publik dalam Kegiatan Public Accountant Services and Public Accountant Offices in
Jasa Keuangan Financial Services Activities
- Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 15/POJK.04/2020 - OJK Regulation No. 15/POJK.04/2020 regarding Planning
tentang Rencana dan Penyelenggaraan Rapat Umum and Organizing General Meeting of Shareholders of Public
Pemegang Saham Perusahaan Terbuka Companies
- Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 16/POJK.04/2020 - OJK Regulation No. 16/POJK.04/2020 regarding the
tentang Pelaksanaan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Implementation of Electronic General Meeting of
Perusahaan Terbuka Secara Elektronik. Shareholders of Public Companies.
- Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 17/POJK.04/2020 - OJK Regulation No. 17/POJK.04/2020 regarding Material
tentang Transaksi Material dan Perubahan Kegiatan Usaha. Transactions and Changes in Business Activities.
- Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 42/POJK.04/2020 - OJK Regulation No. 42/POJK.04/2020 concerning Affiliated
tentang Transaksi Afiliasi dan Transaksi Benturan Kepentingan. Transactions and Conflict of Interest Transactions.
- Lampiran Keputusan Direksi BEI No. Kep-305/BEJ/07-2004 - Attachment to IDX Board of Directors Decree No. Kep-305/
tanggal 19 Juli 2004 tentang Peraturan No. I-A Pencatatan BEJ/07-2004 dated July 19, 2004 regarding Regulation No.
Saham dan Efek Bersifat Ekuitas Selain Saham yang diterbitkan I-A Listing of Shares and Equity Securities Other than Shares
oleh Perseroan tercatat issued by listed companies.
3. Pedoman Umum Good Corporate Governance Indonesia Tahun 3. General Guidelines of Good Corporate Governance Indonesia Year
2006 yang diterbitkan oleh Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance 2006 issued by the National Committee on Governance Policy dated
tanggal 17 Oktober 2006 (“Pedoman Umum GCG Indonesia October 17, 2006 (“General Guidelines of GCG Indonesia KNKG”).
4. Anggaran Dasar Perseroan terakhir, yang telah disahkan melalui 4. The latest Articles of Association of the Company, which have been
Nomor 84 tanggal 31 Desember 2021. ratified by No. 84 dated December 31, 2021.
5. ISO 26000 tentang Panduan Tanggung Jawab Sosial 5. ISO 26000 on Social Responsibility Guidelines
6. ISO 37001 tentang Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan 6. ISO 37001 on Anti-Bribery Management System
7. OECD 2004 Principles of Corporate Governance. 7. OECD 2004 Principles of Corporate Governance.

Perkembangan Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Development of Good Corporate Governance
Baik Implementation
Sebagai Perusahaan Publik yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), As a Public Company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX),
Perseroan berkomitmen secara penuh untuk menerapkan prinsip- the Company is fully committed to implementing GCG principles as a
prinsip GCG sebagai landasan dalam menciptakan nilai tambah yang foundation in creating sustainable added value for the interests of
berkelanjutan bagi kepentingan para pemegang saham, masyarakat shareholders, the community at large, and various other stakeholders
secara luas, dan berbagai pemangku kepentingan lainnya (pegawai, (employees, consumers, regulators, partners, etc.) both in the short and
konsumen, regulator, mitra kerja, dan lain-lain) baik dalam jangka long term.
pendek maupun jangka panjang.

Tata Kelola yang dijalankan Perseroan didasari oleh prinsip- prinsip The Company’s governance is based on GCG principles, namely
GCG, yaitu Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independency Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independency and Fairness,
dan Fairness yang merupakan komitmen kuat bagi Perseroan untuk which are a strong commitment for the Company to always maintain
selalu menjaga dan meningkatkan nilai Perusahaan (corporate value), and increase corporate value, encourage professional, transparent
mendorong pengelolaan Perusahaan yang profesional, transparan dan and eficient management of the Company so that the Company’s
efisien sehingga fundamental dan daya saing Perseroan semakin kuat fundamentals and competitiveness are stronger and well maintained.
dan terjaga dengan baik.

Organ Perseroan masing-masing menjalankan fungsinya dengan baik, The Company’s organs each perform their functions well, the Board of
Dewan Komisaris melakukan fungsi pengawasannya atas kebijakan Commissioners performs its supervisory function over the management
pengurusan, jalannya pengurusan, baik mengenai Perseroan maupun policy, the course of management, both regarding the Company and the
usaha Perseroan yang dilakukan oleh Direksi, serta memberi nasehat Company’s business conducted by the Board of Directors, and provides

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kepada Direksi. Direksi menjalankan tugasnya secara kolegial dalam advice to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors carries out its
melaksanakan penguruan Perseroan dan bertanggung jawab kepada duties collegially in carrying out the management of the Company and
RUPS sebagai bentuk perwujudan akuntabilitas pengeloaan Perusahaan is responsible to the GMS as a form of realization of accountability for
sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola perusahaan. managing the Company in accordance with the principles of corporate
Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan selama tahun 2022 diantaranya The implementation of Corporate Governance during 2022 includes the
adalah sebagai berikut: following:
1. Pembaruan Pedoman Code of Conduct 1. Code of Conduct Guidelines Update
2. Pembenahan sistem Whistleblowing System 2. Improvement of the Whistleblowing System system
3. Pengkinan berbagai pedoman Kepatuhan terkait dengan Tata 3. Updating of various Compliance guidelines related to Corporate
Kelola Perusahaan Governance


Structure, Infrastructure And Softstructure Of Corporate Governance


Secara garis besar, struktur GCG di lingkup Perseroan mengacu kepada Broadly speaking, the GCG structure within the Company refers to Law
Undang-undang No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas, yang No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies, which consists
terdiri dari 3 (tiga) organ utama yaitu Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham of 3 (three) main organs, namely the General Meeting of Shareholders
(RUPS), Direksi, dan Dewan Komisaris. Seperti yang telah diuraikan (GMS), the Board of Directors, and the Board of Commissioners.
sebelumnya, sistem pengelolaan Perseroan Terbatas menganut As previously described, the management system of a Limited
model 2 (dua) badan atau two tier system, yaitu Dewan Komisaris dan Liability Company adheres to a two tier system, namely the Board
Direksi dengan kewewenangan dan tanggung jawab yang jelas sesuai of Commissioners and the Board of Directors with clear authorities
fungsinya masing-masing sebagaimana diamanahkan dalam peraturan and responsibilities in accordance with their respective functions as
dan perundang-undangan serta Anggaran Dasar. Sementara RUPS mandated in the laws and regulations and the Articles of Association.
merupakan forum bagi pemegang saham untuk memutuskan hal-hal Meanwhile, the GMS is a forum for shareholders to decide on strategic
yang bersifat strategis. matters.
1. Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham, yang selanjutnya disebut RUPS 1. General Meeting of Shareholders, hereinafter referred to as GMS,
adalah Organ Perseroan yang mempunyai wewenang yang tidak is an organ of the Company that has authority not granted to the
diberikan kepada Direksi atau Dewan Komisaris dalam batas yang Board of Directors or the Board of Commissioners within the limits
ditentukan dalam Undang-Undang dan/ atau Anggaran Dasar. set forth in the Law and/or the Articles of Association.
2. Dewan Komisaris adalah Organ Perseroan yang bertugas 2. The Board of Commissioners is an Organ of the Company whose
melakukan pengawasan secara umum dan/atau khusus sesuai duty is to conduct general and/or special supervision in accordance
dengan Anggaran Dasar serta memberi nasihat kepada Direksi. with the Articles of Association and to provide advice to the Board
of Directors.
3. Direksi adalah Organ Perseroan yang berwenang dan bertanggung 3. The Board of Directors is an Organ of the Company which is
jawab penuh atas pengurusan Perseroan untuk kepentingan authorized and fully responsible for the management of the
Perseroan, sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Perseroan serta Company for the interests of the Company, in accordance with
mewakili Perseroan, baik di dalam maupun di luar pengadilan the purposes and objectives of the Company and representing the
sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar. Company, both inside and outside the court in accordance with the
provisions of the Articles of Association..

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
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Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham

General Meeting of Shareholders

Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners

Board of Directors
Komite-Komite Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners Committees

1. Komite Audit
Divisi Audit Committee
Divisions 2. Komite Nominasi & Remunerasi
Nomination & Remuneration Committee
3. Komite Manajemen Risiko
Risk Management Committee


Berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Based on Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies,
Terbatas, infrastruktur keorganisasian sebuah Perseroan Terbatas the organizational infrastructure of a Limited Liability Company includes
mencakup kepentingan pemegang saham yang dituangkan melalui the interests of shareholders as outlined through the General Meeting
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS); Direksi dengan tugasnya of Shareholders (GMS); the Board of Directors with its duty to manage;
untuk mengelola; serta Dewan Komisaris yang berfungsi melakukan and the Board of Commissioners whose function is to supervise. The
pengawasan. Sistem kepengurusan PT menganut model 2 (dua) badan management system of a PT adheres to the two-tier system, namely
atau two tier system, yaitu Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dengan the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, with clear
kewewenangan dan tanggung jawab yang jelas sesuai fungsinya masing- authorities and responsibilities in accordance with their respective
masing sebagaimana diamanahkan dalam peraturan dan perundang- functions as mandated in the laws and regulations and the Articles of
undangan serta Anggaran Dasar. Association.

Perseroan memiliki ketiga organ utama tersebut, baik RUPS, Dewan The Company has all three main organs, the GMS, the Board
Komisaris dan Direksi. Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi memiliki tanggung of Commissioners, and the Board of Directors. The Board of
jawab untuk memelihara kesinambungan usaha Perseroan dalam jangka Commissioners and Board of Directors are responsible for maintaining
panjang. Oleh karena itu, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi harus memiliki the Company’s business continuity in the long term. Therefore, the
kesamaan persepsi terhadap visi, misi, dan nilai-nilai inti serta budaya Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors must have the same
Perseroan. perception of the Company’s vision, mission, core values, and culture.

Infrastruktur GCG Perseroan juga mengikutsertakan beberapa aspek The Company’s GCG infrastructure also includes several important
penting yang berperan untuk mendukung penguatan kontrol dan aspects that play a role in supporting the strengthening of control
pengelolaan terhadap Perseroan, terdiri dari organ pendukung yang and management of the Company, consisting of supporting organs
meliputi Sekretaris Perusahaan dan Unit Audit Internal yang berada di including the Corporate Secretary and Internal Audit Unit under the
bawah Direksi, serta Komite Audit, Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi, Board of Directors, as well as the Audit Committee, Nomination and
dan Komite Manajemen Risiko yang berada di bawah Dewan Komisaris. Remuneration Committee, and Risk Management Committee under
Selain itu, terdapat proses audit independen atas laporan keuangan the Board of Commissioners. In addition, there is an independent audit
dan laporan lainnya yang dilakukan oleh akuntan eksternal dalam process of financial statements and other reports conducted by external
memperkuat kontrol khususnya terkait laporan kinerja Perseroan. accountants to strengthen controls, especially related to the Company’s
Struktur tersebut telah sesuai dengan ketentuan regulasi yang berlaku performance reports. The structure is in accordance with the prevailing
di Indonesia. regulations in Indonesia.

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Softstructure atau perangkat lunak GCG merupakan sebuah mekanisme GCG soft structure is a mechanism for implementing GCG principles
penerapan prinsip GCG di lingkup sebuah entitas usaha. Softstructure within a business entity. GCG’s soft structure consists of various
GCG terdiri dari berbagai peraturan dan kebijakan yang mengatur regulations and policies that regulate the scope of responsibilities
lingkup tanggung jawab organ GCG, dan hubungan kerja antar organ of GCG organs and the working relationships between GCG organs,
GCG; termasuk dengan pemangku kepentingan baik internal maupun including with both internal and external stakeholders.

Mekanisme penerapan prinsip GCG sendiri merupakan mekanisme The mechanism for implementing GCG principles is reflected in a
atas implementasi tata kelola perusahaan yang tercermin dalam sistem robust system. It is crucial because more than implementing corporate
yang kuat. Hal ini menjadi penting, karena implementasi tata kelola governance is needed to rely on the governance structure pillar, but
perusahaan tidak cukup hanya dengan mengandalkan pilar governance requires clear rules of the game in the form of a mechanism. Governance
structure, melainkan dibutuhkan adanya aturan main yang jelas mechanisms can be interpreted as the rules of the game, procedures,
dalam bentuk mekanisme. Governance mechanism dapat diartikan and transparent relationships between those who make decisions and
sebagai aturan main, prosedur dan hubungan yang jelas antara pihak those who control (supervise) these decisions.
yang mengambil keputusan dengan pihak yang melakukan kontrol
(pengawasan) terhadap keputusan tersebut.

Perseroan telah menyusun, menerapkan dan memperbaharui The Company has compiled, implemented, and updated the GCG soft
softstructure GCG yang terdiri dari Kebijakan dan Prosedur Operasional, structure consisting of Operational Policies and Procedures, including,
meliputi antara lain: among others

Softstructure GCG Softstructure GCG

Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan Company Articles of Association
Panduan Tata Kelola Perusahaan (GCG Code) GCG Code
Panduan Perilaku (Code of Conduct) Code of Conduct
Board Manual (Buku Panduan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi) Board Manual (Board of Commissioners and Directors Handbook)
Piagam Komite Audit Audit Committee Charter
Piagam Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter
Piagam Komite Manajemen Risiko Risk Management Committee Charter
Piagam Sekretaris Perusahaan Corporate Secretary Charter
Piagam Internal Audit Internal Audit Charter
Pedoman Etika Perilaku Manajemen Management Code of Conduct
Pedoman pemberian dan penerimaan hadiah Guidelines for Gratuities
Pedoman Benturan Kepentingan Conflict of Interest Guidelines
Pedoman Whistleblowing system Whistleblowing System Guidelines
Pedoman Anti-Fraud Anti-Fraud Guidelines
Pedoman Anti Suap dan Korupsi Anti-Bribery and Corruption Guidelines
Pedoman Kepemilikan dan Transaksi Bagi Orang Dalam Guidelines on Ownership and Insider Transactions
Pedoman Perlindungan hak Kreditur Guidelines for the Protection of Creditor Rights
Kebijakan SOP dan Instruksi Kerja SOP and Work Instruction Policy
Kebijakan Bisnis proses Business Process Policy
Pedoman Manual Mutu Quality Manual Guidelines

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 213

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Company’s Hierarchy Policies and Operational Procedures

GCG Principles

Transparency Independency
Accountibaility Fairness



Charter Management Policies and Guidelines Code of Conduct

• Board Manual • SOP dan Intrusksi Kerja • Pedoman Etika Perilaku Manajemen
• Piagam Komite Audit SOP and Work Instructions Guidelines for Management Behaviour
Audit Committee Charter • Bisnis Proses Ethics
• Piagam Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Business Process • Pedoman Pemberian dan Penerimaan
Nomination and Remuneration Committee • Manual Mutu Hadiah
Charter Quality Manual Guidelines for the Giving and Receiving of
• Piagam Komite Manajemen Risiko Prizes
Risk Management Committee Charter • Pedoman Benturan Kepentingan
• Piagam Internal Audit Guidelines for Conflict of Interest
Internal Audit Charter • Pedoman Whistleblowing Systems
• Piagam Sekretaris Perusahaan Guidelines for Whistleblowing Systems
Corporate Secretary Charter • Anti Kecurangan
• Anti Suap dan Korupsi
Anti Bribery and Corruption
• Pedoman Kepemilikan dan Transaksi bagi
Orang Dalam
Guidelines for Ownership and Transactions
for Insiders
• Pedoman Perlindungan Hak Kreditur
Guidelines for the Protection of Creditors’

Kebijakan dan Prosedur Operasional terkait penerapan GCG di lingkup Policies and Operational Procedures related to the implementation
Perseroan telah diterbitkan dalam situs web Perseroan dengan alamat of GCG within the Company have been published on the Company’s, yang tersaji dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris website at, which is presented in Indonesian and
dan selalu dilakukan pemutakhiran secara berkala untuk disesuaikan English and is continuously updated regularly to adapt to conditions
dengan kondisi dan best practices serta perubahan peraturan and best practices as well as changes in applicable laws and regulations.
perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

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Belum terpenuhinya Tata
GCG AS A Kelola Perusahaan yang
CULTURE Baik, di mana kepentingan
GCG publik belum sebagai
Belum terpenuhinya Tata prioritas utama.
GOVERNANCE Kelola Perusahaan yang
GCG COMPLY COMPANY Baik, di mana kepentingan Parameter:
publik belum sebagai • Dominasi Kekuasaan
Belum terpenuhinya Tata prioritas utama.
BAD Belum terpenuhinya Tata
Kelola Perusahaan yang
• Birokrasi yang rumit
Kelola Perusahaan yang • Bisnis proses yang tidak
GOVERNANCE Baik, di mana kepentingan Baik, di mana kepentingan Parameter: jelas
publik belum sebagai publik belum sebagai • Dominasi Kekuasaan • Kurangnya pedoman
Belum terpenuhinya Tata prioritas utama. • Birokrasi yang rumit internal sebagai acuan
prioritas utama.
Kelola Perusahaan yang • Bisnis proses yang tidak Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Baik, di mana kepentingan Parameter: jelas
publik belum sebagai • Dominasi Kekuasaan • Kurangnya pedoman Good Corporate
• Dominasi Kekuasaan
prioritas utama. • Birokrasi yang rumit internal sebagai acuan Governance has not been
• Birokrasi yang rumit
• Bisnis proses yang tidak • Bisnis proses yang tidak Tata Kelola Perusahaan fulfilled, where the public
Parameter: jelas interest is not yet a top
• Dominasi Kekuasaan • Kurangnya pedoman Good Corporate priority.
• Kurangnya pedoman
• Birokrasi yang rumit internal sebagai acuan Governance has not been
internal sebagai acuan
• Bisnis proses yang tidak Tata Kelola Perusahaan fulfilled, where the public Parameter:
Tata Kelola Perusahaan
jelas interest is not yet a top • Power Domination
• Kurangnya pedoman Good Corporate priority. • Complicated
Good Corporate
internal sebagai acuan Governance has not been bureaucracy
Governance has not been
Tata Kelola Perusahaan fulfilled, where the public Parameter: • Unclear business
fulfilled, where the public
interest is not yet a top interest is not yet a top • Power Domination processes
Good Corporate priority. • Complicated • Lack of internal
Governance has not been bureaucracy guidelines as a
fulfilled, where the public Parameter: • Unclear business reference for Corporate
interest is not yet a top • Power Domination processes Governance
• Power Domination
priority. • Complicated • Lack of internal
• Complicated
bureaucracy bureaucracy guidelines as a
Parameter: • Unclear business reference for Corporate
• Unclear business
• Power Domination processes Governance
• Complicated • Lack of internal
• Lack of internal
bureaucracy guidelines as a
guidelines as a
• Unclear business reference for Corporate
reference for Corporate
processes Governance
• Lack of internal
guidelines as a
reference for Corporate


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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS)

Mempunyai wewenang yang tidak diberikan kepada Direksi atau Dewan Has authority not granted to the Board of Directors or the Board of
Komisaris dalam batas yang ditentukan oleh Undang-Undang Perseroan Commissioners within limits set by the Limited Liability Company Law
terbatas dan/atau Anggaran Dasar Perseroan. RUPS merupakan wadah and/or the Company’s Articles of Association. The GMS is a forum for
bagi pemegang saham dalam memutuskan arah Perseroan dan merupakan shareholders to decide the direction of the Company and for the Board
forum bagi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi untuk menyampaikan laporan of Commissioners and the Board of Directors to submit reports and
dan pertanggungjawaban atas pelaksanaan tugas serta hasil kinerja accountability for the implementation of duties and the results of the
Perusahaan kepada para Pemegang Saham. RUPS Perusahaan terdiri Company’s performance to the Shareholders. The Company’s GMS
dari RUPS Tahunan (“RUPS Tahunan”) yang diselenggarakan 1 (satu) consists of Annual GMS (“AGM”), which is held 1 (once) time every year,
kali setiap tahun, dan RUPS Luar Biasa (“RUPSLB”) yang dapat diadakan and Extraordinary GMS (“EGM”), which can be held at any time based
sewaktu-waktu berdasarkan kebutuhan. on the need.


TAHUN 2022
Sepanjang tahun 2022, Perseroan mengadakan tiga kali RUPS Tahunan Throughout 2022, the Company held three AGMs held in a hybrid
yang diadakan secara hybrid bertempat di Ruang Medan, Hotel Westin manner at Medan Room, Westin Hotel Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav C-22A.
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav C-22A. Jakarta Selatan untuk penyelenggaraan South Jakarta for the AGM and Udaya Room, Graha Elnusa Jl. TB.
RUPS Tahunan dan Ruang Udaya, Graha Elnusa Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. 1B Simatupang Kav. 1B Jakarta 12560 for the Second and Third AGM.
Jakarta 12560 untuk penyelenggaraan RUPS Tahunan Kedua dan Ketiga.

RUPS Tahunan 20 Juli 2022 | 20 Juli 2022 Annual General Meeting
RUPS Tahunan Kedua 9 Agustus 2022 | 9 Agustus 2022 Second Annual General Meeting
RUPS Tahunan Ketiga 17 Oktober 2022 | 17 Oktober 2022 Third Annual General Meeting

Proses penyelenggaraan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan dan Organizing the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa dilaksanakan berdasarkan Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders is carried out based
Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 15/POJK.04/2020 tentang on the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 15/POJK.04/2020
Rencana dan Penyelenggaraan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham concerning Planning and Organizing General Meetings of Shareholders
Perusahaan Terbuka. of Public Companies.

Mengingat status keadaan tertentu darurat bencana wabah penyakit Given the status of a certain emergency disaster due to the Corona
akibat Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) yang ditetapkan Pemerintah, Virus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak set by the Government, based on
maka berdasarkan Surat Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor the Letter of the Financial Services Authority Number S-124/D.04/2020
S-124/D.04/2020 tanggal 24 April 2020, penyelenggaraan RUPST dapat dated April 24, 2020, the holding of the AGM can be carried out
dilakukan secara virtual dengan mengacu pada Peraturan Otoritas Jasa virtually by referring to the Financial Services Authority Regulation
Keuangan Nomor 16/POJK.04/2020 tentang Pelaksanaan Rapat Umum Number 16/POJK.04/2020 concerning the Implementation of Electronic
Pemegang Saham Perusahaan Terbuka Secara Elektronik. Oleh sebab itu General Meetings of Shareholders of Public Companies. Therefore,
pelaksanaan RUPS Tahunan Perseroan dilakukan dengan dihadiri oleh implementing the Company’s AGMS is carried out by being attended by
pemegang saham baik secara hadir fisik maupun secara online (daring) shareholders either physically present or online by providing electronic
dengan memberikan kuasa secara elektronik melalui fasilitas Electronic power of attorney through the Electronic General Meeting System (eASY.
General Meeting System (eASY.KSEI) yang disediakan oleh PT Kustodian KSEI) facility provided by PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia, in the
Sentral Efek Indonesia. Dalam hal Pemegang Saham yang memberikan case of Shareholders who offer power of attorney outside the eASY.KSEI
kuasa di luar mekanisme eASY.KSEI, maka Pemegang Saham dapat mechanism, Shareholders can download the power of attorney form on
mengunduh formulir surat kuasa dalam situs web Perusahaan (www. the Company’s website (

216 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Proses rencana dan pelaksanaan RUPS Perseroan telah tertuang dalam The process of planning and implementing the Company’s GMS has
surat Perseroan yang telah disampaikan kepada Otoritas Jasa keuangan been stated in the Company’s letter submitted to the Financial Services
(OJK) serta melakukan pengumuman melalui situs web Bursa Efek Authority (OJK) and making announcements through the Indonesia
Indonesia, situs Web eASY.KSEI dan situs web Perseroan. Stock Exchange website, eASY.KSEI website and the Company’s website.

Pada seluruh pelaksanaan RUPS, rapat dipimpin oleh Bapak Agus At all GMS meetings, the meeting was chaired by Mr. Agus Prabowo as
Prabowo selaku Komisaris Utama dengan terlebih dahulu menyampaikan President Commissioner by first stating that the implementation of the
bahwa pelaksanaan RUPS mengacu pada tata tertib RUPS yang telah GMS refers to the GMS rules submitted to the Shareholders through
disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham melalui web Perseroan sebelum the Company’s website before the Meeting begins. The Chairperson of
Rapat dimulai. Pimpinan Rapat memberikan kesempatan kepada the Meeting allowed the Shareholders and/or their proxies to submit
Pemegang Saham dan/atau kuasanya untuk mengajukan pertanyaan questions and/or responses in writing to each Meeting agenda discussed.
dan/atau tanggapan secara tertulis atas setiap agenda Rapat yang

Pimpinan Rapat atau Direktur yang ditunjuk oleh Pimpinan Rapat The Chairman of the Meeting or the Director appointed by the
menjawab pertanyaan dan/atau menanggapi pertanyaan, tanggapan Chairman of the Meeting answered the questions and/or responded
dan/atau usulan Pemegang Saham. Setelah semua pertanyaan dijawab to the Shareholders’ questions, responses and/or proposals. After all,
dan ditanggapi selanjutnya dilakukan pemungutan suara dan hanya questions are answered and responded to, voting is conducted, and only
pemegang saham dan/atau kuasanya yang sah yang berhak untuk shareholders and/or their authorized proxies are entitled to cast votes.
mengeluarkan suara.

Berikut adalah tahapan tata waktu penyelenggaraan RUPS Perseroan The following are the stages of the timeframe for holding the Company’s
sepanjang 2022: GMS throughout 2022:

No Aktifitas Activity
RUPS Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for Fiscal Year 2022
1 Penyampaian rencana RUPS Tahunan kepada OJK 27 Mei 2022 | 27 May 2022 Submission of Annual GMS plan to OJK
2 Pengumuman RUPS Tahunan 6 Juni 2022 | 6 June 2022 Announcement of the Annual GMS
3 Pemanggilan RUPS Tahunan 21 Juni 2022 | 21 June 2022 Summoning of the Annual GMS
4 Pelaksanaan RUPS Tahunan 20 Juli 2022 | 20 July 2022 The holding of the Annual GMS
5 Penyampaian Ringkasan risalah RUPS Tahunan 21 Juli 2022 | 21 July 2022 Submission of summary of minutes of the Annual GMS
6 Penyampaian Risalah RUPS Tahunan Kedua 18 Agustus 2022 | 18 August 2022 Submission of Minutes of the Annual GMS
RUPS Tahunan Kedua
Second Annual General Meeting
1 Pemanggilan RUPS Tahunan Kedua 1 Agustus 2022 | 1 August 2022 Invitation to the Second Annual GMS
2 Pelaksanaan RUPS Tahunan Kedua 9 Agustus 2022 | 9 August 2022 Holding of the Second Annual GMS
3 Penyampaian Ringkasan Risalah 10 Agustus 2022 | 10 August 2022 Submission of Summary of Minutes
4 Penyampaian Risalah RUPS 8 September 2022 | 8 September 2022 Submission of GMS Minutes
RUPS Tahunan Ketiga
Third Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
1 Pemanggilan RUPS Tahunan Ketiga 7 Oktober 2022 | 7 October 2022 Invitation to the Third Annual GMS
2 Pelaksanaan RUPS Tahunan Ketiga 17 Oktober 2022 | 17 October 2022 Implementation of the Third Annual GMS
3 Penyampaian Ringkasan Risalah Ketiga 18 Oktober 2022 | 18 October 2022 Submission of Summary of Minutes of the Third
Annual GMS

4 Penyampaian Risalah RUPS Ketiga 15 November 2022 | 15 November 2022 Submission of Third GMS Minutes

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 217

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Kuorum kehadiran dan kuorum keputusan RUPS untuk mata acara yang The attendance quorum and decision quorum of the GMS for the agenda
harus diputuskan dalam RUPS dilakukan dengan mengikuti ketentuan of the GMS shall be conducted by following the provisions based on the
berdasarkan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dan Anggaran Dasar Financial Services Authority Regulation and the Articles of Association
Perseroan. of the Company.


Perhitungan suara dan prosedur pemungutan suara dalam RUPS The GMS’s voting counting and voting procedures are described in the
dijelaskan dalam tata tertib RUPS yang disampaikan kepada Pemegang GMS rules of procedure submitted to the Shareholders through the
Saham melalui situs Perusahaan sebelum Rapat dimulai. Adapun Company’s website before the Meeting begins. The Meeting decision-
mekanisme pengambilan keputusan Rapat yang diatur Tata Tertib Rapat making mechanism is regulated by the Meeting Rules with due
dengan memperhatikan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan dan observance of the provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association
peraturan yang berlaku. and prevailing regulations.


RUPS Tahunan dan RUPS Luar Biasa dihadiri seluruh anggota Dewan The Annual GMS and Extraordinary GMS were attended by all
Komisaris, Direksi, Pemegang Saham Mayoritas dan Pemegang saham members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, Majority
lainnya dan atau kuasanya dengan kuorum kehadiran adalah sebagai Shareholders, and other shareholders and or their proxies with the
berikut: attendance quorum as follows:

RUPS Tanggal Kuorum Kehadiran

GMS Date Attendance Quorum
RUPS Tahunan | Annual General Meeting 20 Juli 2022 | 20 Juli 2022 4.125.572.149 atau 56,526%
RUPS Tahunan Kedua | Second Annual General Meeting 9 Agustus 2022 | 9 Agustus 2022 4.186.995.033 atau 57,367%
RUPS Tahunan Ketiga | Third Annual General Meeting 17 Oktober 2022 | 17 Oktober 2022 4.206.728.732 atau 57,638%


Presence of Capital Market Supporting Institutions & Professions

Lembaga Penunjang Pasar Modal RUPS Tahunan 20 Juli 2022

Capital Market Supporting Institutions Annual GMS July 20, 2022
Notaris | Notaris Notaris Fathiah Helmi, SH
Kantor Akuntan Publik | Kantor Akuntan Publik Publik Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (“Ernst & Young”)
Biro Administrasi Efek | Biro Administrasi Efek PT Datindo Entrycom

Lembaga Penunjang Pasar Modal RUPS Tahunan Kedua dan Ketiga

Capital Market Supporting Institutions Second and Third Annual General Meeting
Notaris | Notary Notaris Aryanti Artisari, SH.,M.Kn
Biro Administrasi Efek | Public Accountant Office PT Datindo Entrycom


Attendance of the Board of Commissioners and Directors in the GMS

Nama Jabatan Keanggotaan Kehadiran

Name Position Membership Attendance
RUPS Tahunan | Annual GMS
Agus Prabowo Komisaris Utama Hadir
(Pemimpin Rapat | Chairperson) President Commissioner Attendance
Lusiaga Levi Susila Komisaris Independen Ketua Komite Nominasi & Remunerasi Hadir
Independent Commissioner Chairman of the Committee Nomination & Attendance
Wakhid Hasyim Komisaris Independen Ketua Komite Pengendali Risiko Hadir
Independent Commissioner Chairman of Risk Control Committee Attendance
Anis Baridwan Komisaris Independen Ketua Komite Audit Hadir
Independent Commissioner Chairman of the Committee Audit Attendance

218 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

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Attendance of the Board of Commissioners and Directors in the GMS

Nama Jabatan Keanggotaan Kehadiran

Name Position Membership Attendance
John Hisar Simamora Direktur Utama Hadir
President Director Attendance
Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja Direktur Keuangan Hadir
Director of Finance Attendance
Charles Harianto Lumbantobing Direktur Operasi Hadir
Director of Operations Attendance
Ratih Esti Prihatini Direktur Pengembangan Usaha Hadir
Director of Business Development Attendance
Tenny Elfrida Direktur SDM & Umum Hadir
Director of HC & General Affairs Attendance
RUPS Tahunan Kedua | Second Annual General Meeting
Agus Prabowo Komisaris Utama Hadir
(Pemimpin Rapat) President Commissioner Attendance
Lusiaga Levi Susila Komisaris Independen Ketua Komite Nominasi & Remunerasi Hadir
Independent Commissioner Chairman of Nomination & Remuneration Attendance
Hernawan Bekti Sasongko Komisaris Independen Ketua Komite Audit Hadir
Independent Commissioner Chairman of the Audit Committee Attendance
Wakhid Hasyim Komisaris Ketua Komite Pengendali Risiko Hadir
Commissioner Chairman of the Risk Control Committee Attendance
John Hisar Simamora Direktur Utama Hadir
President Director Attendance
Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja Direktur Keuangan Hadir
Director of Finance Attendance
Charles Harianto Direktur Operasi Hadir
Director of Operations Attendance
Ratih Esti Prihatini Direktur Hadir
Director Attendance
Tenny Elfrida Direktur SDM & Umum Hadir
Director of HC & General Affairs Attendance
RUPS Tahunan Ketiga | RUPS Tahunan Ketiga
Agus Prabowo Komisaris Utama Hadir
(Pemimpin Rapat) President Commissioner Attendance
Lusiaga Levi Susila Komisaris Independen Ketua Komite Nominasi & Remunerasi Hadir
Independent Commissioner Chairman of Nomination & Remuneration Attendance
Wakhid Hasyim Komisaris Independen Ketua Komite Pengendali Risiko Hadir
Independent Commissioner Chairman of the Risk Control Committee Attendance
Hernawan Bekti Sasongko Komisaris Ketua Komite Pengendali Risiko Hadir
Commissioner Chairman of the Risk Control Committee Attendance
John Hisar Simamora Direktur Utama Hadir
President Director Attendance
Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja Direktur Keuangan Hadir
Director of Finance Attendance
Charles Harianto Direktur Operasi Hadir
Director of Operations Attendance
Tenny Elfrida Direktur Hadir
Director Attendance
Ratih Esti Prihatini Direktur SDM & Umum Hadir
Director of HC & General Affairs Attendance

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YEAR 2021
Hingga Laporan tahunan ini diterbitkan, seluruh keputusan RUPS Tahun Until the issuance of this annual report, all resolutions of the GMS of the
Buku 2022, telah seluruhnya dilaksanakan. Penjelasan atas setiap mata financial year 2022 have been fully implemented. Explanation of each
acara RUPS Tahun Buku 2021 dan RUPS Luar Biasa tercantum dalam agenda of the GMS of Fiscal Year 2021 and Extraordinary GMS are listed
tabel di bawah ini. in the table below.


Annual GMS July 20, 2022

Mata Acara Keputusan Realisasi

Agenda Resolution Realization

1 Persetujuan Laporan Tahunan 2021 termasuk di 1. Menyetujui dan mengesahkan Laporan Tahunan Perseroan Tahun Buku 2021, Telah ditindaklanjuti
dalamnya Laporan Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris termasuk Laporan Pengawasan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan Tahun Buku 2021;
dan Pengesahan Laporan Keuangan Perseroan 2. Mengesahkan Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian Perseroan dan Entitas Anak untuk
yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember Tahun Buku yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2021 beserta penjelasannya
2021. yang telah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja
termuat dalam Laporan No. 00119/2.1032/AU.1/02/0697-1/1/II/2022 tanggal 25
Februari 2022 dengan pendapat “Wajar dalam semua hal yang material”. Dengan
demikian memberikan pelunasan dan pembebasan sepenuhnya dari tanggung
jawab (Volledig Acquit et de charge) kepada Direksi atas tindakan pengurusan dan
kepada Dewan Komisaris atas tindakan pengawasan yang dilakukan dalam Tahun
Buku yang berakhir 31 Desember 2021 sepanjang:
a. Tindakan-tindakan tersebut tercermin dalam Laporan Tahunan Perseroan
(termasuk laporan keuangan) Tahun Buku yang berakhir 31 Desember
b. Tindakan-tindakan tersebut bukan merupakan tindak pidana dan/atau
perbuatan melawan hukum.
Rapat menyetujui dengan total suara setuju berjumlah saham atau
98,82% dari jumlah suara yang dikeluarkan secara sah dalam rapat.

Approval of the 2021 Annual Report including 1. Approve and ratify the Company’s Annual Report for the Financial Year 2021, Has been followed up
the Board of Commissioners Oversight Report including the Supervisory Report of the Company’s Board of Commissioners for
and Ratification of the Company’s Financial the Financial Year 2021;
Statements ended on December 31, 2021. 2. To ratify the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company and Subsidiaries
for the Financial Year ended December 31, 2021 and its explanations audited by
Public Accounting Firm Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja as contained in Report
No. 00119/2.1032/AU.1/02/0697-1/1/II/2022 dated February 25, 2022 with the
opinion of “Reasonable in all material respects”. Thereby granting full release
and discharge from responsibility (Volledig Acquit et de charge) to the Board
of Directors for management actions and to the Board of Commissioners for
supervisory actions carried out in the Financial Year ended December 31, 2021 to
the extent of:
a. These actions are reflected in the Company’s Annual Report (including
financial statements) for the Financial Year ended December 31, 2021..
b. These actions do not constitute criminal and/or unlawful acts.
The meeting approved with total affirmative votes totaling 4,077,281,335 shares or
98.82% of the total votes validly cast in the meeting.

2 Penetapan penggunaan Laba Bersih Perseroan Menetapkan penggunaan laba bersih Perseroan tahun buku 2021 yang diatribusikan Tata Cara Pembayaran Dividen Tunai Tahun
Tahun Buku 2021 kepada entitas induk sebesar Rp108.740.000.000,00 sebagai berikut : Buku 2021 tercantum dalam Pengumuman
1. Sebesar Rp2.175.000.000,00 (dua miliar seratus tujuh puluh lima juta Hasil Keputusan RUPS Tahunan yang
Rupiah) atau sekitar 2% dari laba bersih Perseroan sebagai cadangan wajib. dipublikasikan IDXNet dan Situs web Perseroan
2. Sebesar Rp54.370.000.000,00 (Lima Puluh Empat Miliar Tiga Ratus Tujuh Puluh pada tanggal 21 Juli 2022.
Juta Rupiah) yaitu sekitar 50% dari laba bersih Perseroan sebagai dividen tunai
kepada Pemegang Saham. Pembayaran Dividen Tunai Tahun Buku 2021
3. Sisanya sebesar Rp,00 (Lima Puluh Dua Miliar Seratus Sembilan telah dilakukan pada tanggal 19 Agustus 2022
Puluh Lima Juta Rupiah) yaitu sekitar 48% dari laba bersih Perseroan sebagai
saldo laba atau retained earning Perseroan.
4. Besarnya dividen yang menjadi hal Pemegang Saham wajib disetorkan kepada
Pemegang Saham selambat- lambatnya 30 (tiga puluh) hari setelah ditetapkan
dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham.
Rapat menyetujui dengan jumlah suara setuju berjumlah
4.124.785.249 saham atau 99,98% dari total seluruh suara yang dikeluarkan dalam

Determination of the appropriation of the Determining the use of the Company’s net profit for the 2021 financial year The Procedure for Payment of Cash Dividends
Company’s Net Income for the Financial Year attributable to the parent entity of Rp108,740,000,000.00 as follows: for the Financial Year 2021 is stated in the
2021 1. An amount of Rp2,175,000,000.00 (two billion one hundred seventy five million Announcement of the Resolutions of the
Rupiah) or approximately 2% of the Company’s net profit as mandatory reserve. Annual GMS published on IDXNet and the
2. A total of Rp54,370,000,000.00 (Fifty Four Billion Three Hundred Seventy Million Company’s website on July 21, 2022.
Rupiah) which is approximately 50% of the Company’s net profit as cash dividends
to Shareholders. Payment of Cash Dividends for the Financial
3. The remaining amount of Rp52,195,000,000.00 (Fifty Two Billion One Hundred Year 2021 has been made on August 19, 2022.
Ninety Five Million Rupiah), which is approximately 48% of the Company’s net
profit as retained earnings of the Company.
4. The amount of dividends due to Shareholders must be deposited to Shareholders
no later than 30 (thirty) days after it is determined at the General Meeting of
The Meeting approved with total affirmative votes of 4,124,785,249 shares or 99.98%
of the total votes cast in the Meeting.

220 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

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Annual GMS July 20, 2022

Mata Acara Keputusan Realisasi

Agenda Resolution Realization

3 Penetapan Tantiem tahun 2021 dan Remunerasi 1. Tantiem Telah ditindaklanjuti

tahun 2022 bagi anggota Direksi dan Dewan Memberikan kuasa dan wewenang kepada Dewan Komisaris Perseroan dengan
Komisaris terlebih dahulu mendapat persetujuan pemegang saham Perseroan yaitu PT
Pertamina (Persero) untuk menetapkan Tantiem bagi anggota Direksi dan Dewan
Komisaris Perseroan untuk tahun buku 2021.
2. Remunerasi
Memberikan kuasa dan wewenang kepada Dewan Komisaris Perseroan,
dengan terlebih dahulu mendapat persetujuan pemegang saham Perseroan
yaitu PT Pertamina (Persero) untuk menetapkan besaran Tantiem bagi anggota
Direksi & Dewan Komisaris Perseroan untuk tahun 2022.
Rapat menyetujui dengan jumlah suara setuju berjumlah saham atau 99,89% dari total seluruh suara yang dikeluarkan dalam

Determination of Tantiem in 2021 and 1. Tantiem Has been followed up

Remuneration in 2022 for Board members. Granting power and authority to the Company’s Board of Commissioners with
prior approval from the Company’s shareholder, PT Pertamina (Persero), to
determine Tantiem for members of the Company’s Board of Directors and Board
of Commissioners for the financial year 2021.
2. Remuneration
Granting power and authority to the Company’s Board of Commissioners,
with prior approval from the Company’s shareholder, PT Pertamina (Persero)
to determine the amount of Tantiem for members of the Company’s Board of
Directors & Board of Commissioners for the year 2022.
The Meeting approved with 4,121,184,849 votes or 99.89% of the total votes cast in
the Meeting.

4 Penunjukan Akuntan Publik untuk Mengaudit Memberikan pelimpahan kewenangan dan kuasa kepada Dewan Komisaris Perseroan Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Dewan
Perhitungan Tahunan Perseroan Tahun Buku untuk menetapkan Akuntan Publik Independen dan/atau Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) Komisaris Nomor L8.014C-2022.022 tentang
2022. dalam melakukan pemeriksaan atas Laporan Keuangan Perseroan untuk tahun buku Keputusan Dewan Komisaris atas Penunjukan
yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP)
Desember 2022 berikut besaran nilai jasanya, sesuai dan/atau Akuntan Publik
ketentuan dan peraturan yang berlaku, termasuk menunjuk Akuntan Publik (AP) untuk Jasa Audit atas Jasa Laporan
Independen dan/atau KAP pengganti bilamana karena sebab apapun juga berdasarkan Keuangan Historis Tahunan Posisi 31
ketentuan pasar modal di Indonesia apabila Akuntan Publik Independen dan/atau KAP Desember 2021
yang ditunjuk tidak dapat melakukan tugasnya, dengan kriteria bahwa: PT Elnusa Tbk dan
1. KAP yang ditunjuk Perseroan dikonsultasikan/dikoordinasikan terlebih Entitas Anaknya.
dahulu dengan PT Pertamina (Persero).
2. KAP tersebut terdaftar di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Dewan Komisaris memutuskan:
3. KAP tersebut termasuk dalam afiliasi KAP empat besar (Big Four) di dunia. • Menunjuk KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro
Sesuai dengan Pasal 59 ayat 3 huruf (a) POJK 15/2020 pelimpahan kewenangan dan dan Surja (anggota firma Ernst & Young)
kuasa kepada Dewan Komisaris Perseroan dilakukan dengan alasan penunjukkan dengan AP Sdr. Moch. Dadang Syachruna
KAP akan dikonsultasikan/dikoordinasikan dengan Pemegang Saham Pengendali untuk melakukan audit atas jasa informasi
dikarenakan untuk kemudahan dan ketepatan waktu laporan konsolidasian PT keuangan historis tahunan posisi 31
Pertamina (Persero). Desember 2022 pada Elnusa dan Grup
Rapat menyetujui dengan total suara setuju berjumlah 3.990.400.349 saham atau dengan perkiraan imbalan jasa sebesar
96,72% dari total seluruh suara yang dikeluarkan dalam Rapat. Rp2.797.000.000,-
• Direksi telah menyampaikan Laporan
Hasil Penunjukan AP/KAP kepada OJK
pada tanggal 23 November 2022.

Appointment of a Public Accountant to Audit the Delegate the authority and power to the Company’s Board of Commissioners to Based on the Decree of the Board of
Company’s Annual Accounts for the Financial determine the Independent Public Accountant and / or Public Accounting Firm (KAP) Commissioners Number L8.014C-2022.022
Year 2022. in conducting an audit of the Company’s Financial Statements for the financial year concerning the Decision of the Board of
ending December 31, 2022, along with the amount of service value, in accordance Commissioners on the Appointment of
with applicable rules and regulations, including appointing a replacement Independent Public Accountant Firm (KAP) and/or Public
Public Accountant and / or KAP if for any reason based on capital market regulations Accountant (AP) for Audit Services of Annual
in Indonesia if the appointed Independent Public Accountant and / or KAP cannot Historical Financial Statements Position
perform their duties, with the criteria that: December 31, 2021 PT Elnusa Tbk and its
1. The KAP appointed by the Company is firstly consulted/coordinated with PT Subsidiaries.
Pertamina (Persero).
2. The KAP is registered with the Financial Services Authority. The Board of Commissioners decided:
3. These KAPs are affiliated with the Big Four in the world. To appoint KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro and
In accordance with Article 59 paragraph 3 letter (a) POJK 15/2020, the delegation of Surja (member firm of Ernst & Young) with
authority and power to the Board of Commissioners is carried out on the grounds AP Br. Moch. Dadang Syachruna to audit the
that the appointment of KAP will be consulted / coordinated with the Controlling annual historical financial information services
Shareholders due to the convenience and timeliness of the consolidated report of PT as of December 31, 2022 of Elnusa and its
Pertamina (Persero). subsidiaries with an estimated service fee of
The Meeting approved with total affirmative votes amounting to 3,990,400,349 shares Rp2,797,000,000.
or 96.72% of the total votes cast in the Meeting. - The Board of Directors has submitted the AP
/ KAP Appointment Result Report to OJK on
November 23, 2022.

5 Laporan Direksi Mengenai Realisasi Penggunaan Mata acara ini bersifat laporan. Oleh karenanya, Perseroan tidak melakukan
Dana Penawaran Umum Berkelanjutan I Sukuk pemungutan suara untuk pengambilan keputusan Rapat
Ijarah Berkelanjutan I

Directors’ Report on the Realization of the Use This agenda is a report. Therefore, the Company did not conduct voting for the
of Proceeds from Sustainable Public Offering I decision-making of the Meeting.
Sustainable Sukuk Ijarah I

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Annual GMS July 20, 2022

Mata Acara Keputusan Realisasi

Agenda Resolution Realization
6 Persetujuan Perubahan Pengurus Perseroan A. Memberhentikan dengan hormat anggota Dewan Komisaris terhitung efektif
sejak penutupan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham, dengan ucapan terima kasih
atas sumbangan tenaga dan pikiran yang diberikan selama menjabat sebagai
anggota Dewan Komisaris, sebagai berikut:
1. Tuan Anis Baridwan selaku Komisaris Independen dengan alasan telah
selesainya satu periode masa jabatan.
B. Menyetujui pengangkatan Tuan Hernawan Bekti Sasongko sebagai Komisaris
Independen Perseroan terhitung efektif sejak penutupan Rapat Umum Pemegang
Saham (RUPS) sampai dengan penutupan RUPS Tahunan ke-3 (ketiga) dengan
tidak mengurangi hak RUPS untuk memberhentikan anggota Dewan Komisaris
tersebut sewaktu-waktu sebelum masa jabatannya berakhir.
C. Menyetujui Perubahan Susunan Pengurus Perseroan, sehingga susunan Direksi dan
Dewan Komisaris Perseroan menjadi sebagai berikut:
a. Sdr. John Hisar Simamor : Direktur Utama
b. Sdr. Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja : Direktur Keuangan
c. Sdr. Charles Harianto Lumbantobing : Direktur Operasi
d. Sdri. Ratih Esti Prihatini : Direktur Pengembangan Usaha
e. Sdri. Tenny Elfrida: Direktur SDM & Umum
Dewan Komisaris:
a. Sdr. Agus Prabowo : Komisaris Utama
b. Sdr. Wakhid Hasyim : Komisaris
c. Sdr. Lusiaga Levi Susila : Komisaris Independen
d. Sdr. Hernawan Bekti Sasongko : Komisaris Independen
Rapat menyetujui dengan total suara setuju berjumlah 3.733.254.800 saham atau
90,49% dari total seluruh suara yang dikeluarkan dalam Rapat.

Approval of Changes in the Company’s A. Honorably discharged the members of the Board of Commissioners effective
Management as of the closing of the General Meeting of Shareholders, with gratitude for the
contribution of energy and thought given during their tenure as members of the
Board of Commissioners, as follows:
1. Mr. Anis Baridwan as Independent Commissioner due to the completion of
one term of office.
B. Approved the appointment of Mr. Hernawan Bekti Sasongko as Independent
Commissioner of the Company effective as of the closing of the General Meeting
of Shareholders (GMS) until the closing of the 3rd Annual GMS without prejudice
to the right of the GMS to dismiss the member of the Board of Commissioners at
any time before his term of office ends.
D. Approved the changes in the composition of the Company’s Management,
so that the composition of the Company’s Board of Directors and Board of
Commissioners is as follows:
Board of Directors:
a. Mr. John Hisar Simamor : President Director
b. Mr. Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja: Director of Finance
c. Mr. Charles Harianto Lumbantobing: Director of Operations
d. Ms. Ratih Esti Prihatini: Director of Business Development
e. Ms. Tenny Elfrida: Director of HR & General Affairs
Board of Commissioners:
a. Mr. Agus Prabowo : President Commissioner
b. Mr. Wakhid Hasyim : Commissioner
c. Mr. Usiaga Levi Susila : Independent Commissioner
d. Mr. Hernawan Bekti Sasongko : Independent Commissioner
The Meeting approved with total affirmative votes amounting to 3,733,254,800 shares
or 90.49% of the total votes cast in the Meeting.
7 Persetujuan Perubahan Anggaran Dasar • Mata Acara keenam tidak dapat dilaksanakan. Dilakukan RUPS Tahunan Kedua sesuai dengan
Perseroan • Tidak memenuhi kuorum kehadiran sesuai yang disyaratkan dalam Anggaran ketentuan POJK 15 tahun 2020.
Dasar Perseroan.

Approval of Amendments to the Company’s The sixth Agenda cannot be implemented. To conduct the Second Annual GMS in
Articles of Association Did not meet the attendance quorum as required by the Company’s Articles of accordance with the provisions of POJK 15
Association. of 2020.


Second Annual General Meeting of Shareholders August 1, 2022

Mata Acara Keputusan Realisasi

Agenda Resolution Realization
1 Persetujuan Perubahan Dalam RUPS Tahunan Kedua tersebut telah Sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 12 ayat (5) Anggaran Dasar Perseroan yang
Anggaran Dasar Perseroan dihadiri oleh Pemegang Saham atau Kuasa mensyaratkan kehadiran Rapat paling sedikit 3/5 (tiga per lima) bagian dari
Pemegang Saham Perseroan yang sah berjumlah jumlah seluruh saham dengan hak suara yang sah yang telah dikeluarkan oleh
4.186.995.033 saham atau sebesar 57,367% dari Perseroan. Oleh karenanya sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, maka
jumlah saham dengan hak suara yang sah yang kuorum untuk penyelenggaraan Rapat Tahunan Kedua ini tidak terpenuhi dan
telah dikeluarkan oleh Perseroan Perseroan harus menyelenggarakan Rapat umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan
Approval of Amendments The Second Annual GMS was attended by In accordance with the provisions of Article 12 paragraph (5) of the Company’s
to the Company’s Articles of Shareholders or Authorized Proxies of Shareholders Articles of Association which requires the attendance of the Meeting to be at
Association of the Company totaling 4,186,995,033 shares, or least 3/5 (three-fifths) of the total number of shares with valid voting rights
57.367% of the total shares with valid voting rights issued by the Company.
issued by the Company.
Therefore, in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, the
quorum for the Second Annual Meeting is not met and the Company must
hold a Third Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

222 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

RUPS Tahunan Ketiga 17 Oktober 2022 Third Annual General Meeting of Shareholders October
17, 2022
Rapat Ketiga ini diselenggarakan sehubungan dengan tidak tercapainya The Third Meeting was convened due to the failure to achieve the
kuorum yang disyaratkan untuk mata acara keenam RUPS Tahunan required quorum for the sixth agenda of the Company’s Annual GMS
Perseroan tahun buku 2021 yang diadakan pada tanggal 20 Juli 2022 for the 2021 financial year held on July 20, 2022 and the Second
dan RUPS Tahunan Kedua yang diadakan pada tanggal 1 Agustus 2022 Annual GMS held on August 1, 2022 pertaining to the Amendment of
terkait dengan Perubahan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan. Perubahan the Company’s Articles of Association. This amendment to the Articles
Anggaran Dasar ini adalah sebagai bentuk kewajiban Perseroan untuk of Association is the Company’s obligation to adjust the Articles of
melakukan penyesuaian Anggaran Dasar sesuai dengan POJK Association in accordance with POJK 15/POJK.04/2020 regarding the
15/POJK.04/2020 tentang Rencana dan Penyelenggaraan Rapat Umum Plan and Implementation of General Meeting of Shareholders of Public
Pemegang Saham Perusahaan Terbuka. Companies.

Sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 57 POJK 15 tahun 2020, Perseroan In accordance with the provisions of Article 57 POJK 15 of 2020, the
menyampaikan permohonan kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan melalui Company submitted an application to the Financial Services Authority by
surat nomor L9.000D.013C-2022.682 pada tanggal 19 Agustus 2022 letter number L9.000D.013C-2022.682 on August 19, 2022 Based on this,
Berdasarkan hal tersebut OJK menyampaikan surat jawaban kepada OJK submitted an answer letter to the Company by letter Number S-66/
Perseroan melalui surat Nomor S-66/PM.2/2022 tanggal 15 September PM.2/2022 dated September 15, 2022 regarding Determination of the
2022 perihal Penetapan Kuorum Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Ketiga, Quorum for the Third General Meeting of Shareholders, which requires
yang mensyaratkan kehadiran pemegang saham untuk RUPS Tahunan the presence of shareholders for the Third Annual GMS of at least 52% of
Ketiga paling sedikit 52% dari jumlah seluruh saham dengan hak suara the total shares with valid voting rights issued by the Company.
yang sah yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Perseroan.

Mata Acara Keputusan Realisasi

Agenda Resolution Realization
1 Persetujuan Perubahan 1. Menyetujui untuk menyusun kembali Pasal 3 Anggaran Dasar Perseroan mengenai Maksud dan Telah terealisasi
Anggaran Dasar Perseroan Tujuan serta Kegiatan Usaha guna Pemenuhan Persyaratan dan Ketentuan Peraturan Badan Pusat
Statistik Nomor 2 Tahun 2020 Tentang Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia tanpa mengubah
kegiatan usaha yang telah dijalankan oleh Perseroan yang usulan perubahannya sebagaimana telah
disampaikan kepada pemegang saham.
2. Menyatakan untuk menyusun kembali seluruh ketentuan dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan
sehubungan dengan perubahan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam butir 1 keputusan rapat di atas.
3. Memberikan wewenang dan kuasa dengan hak substitusi kepada Direksi Perseroan untuk melakukan
segala tindakan yang berhubungan dengan keputusan Rapat, termasuk namun tidak terbatas untuk
menghadap pihak berwenang, mengadakan pembicaraan, memberi dan/atau meminta keterangan,
mengajukan permohonan persetujuan dan/atau pemberitahuan atas perubahan Anggaran Dasar
Perseroan kepada Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia maupun instansi
berwenang terkait lainnya, membuat atau serta menandatangani akta-akta dan surat-surat maupun
dokumen-dokumen lainnya yang diperlukan atau dianggap perlu, hadir di hadapan Notaris
untuk dibuatkan dan menandatangani akta pernyataan keputusan Rapat Perseroan dan melaksanakan
hal -hal lain yang harus dan/atau dapat dijalankan untuk dapat terealisasi/terwujudnya keputusan
Rapat menyetujui dengan total suara setuju berjumlah 4.206.728.732 saham atau sebesar 57,638%
dari total seluruh Suara yang dikeluarkan dalam Rapat.

Approval of Amendments 1. Approved to rearrange Article 3 of the Company’s Articles of Association regarding the Purpose and
to the Company’s Articles of Objectives and Business Activities in order to fulfill the requirements and provisions of the Central Has been realized
Association Bureau of Statistics Regulation Number 2 of 2020 concerning the Indonesian Standard Industrial
Classification without changing the business activities that have been carried out by the Company
whose proposed changes have been submitted to the shareholders.
2. Resolved to recast all provisions in the Company’s Articles of Association in connection with the
amendment as referred to in point 1 of the resolution of the meeting above.
3. To grant authority and power with the right of substitution to the Board of Directors of the Company
to take all actions related to the resolutions of the Meeting, including but not limited to appearing
before the authorities, holding talks, giving and/or requesting information, submitting applications
for approval and/or notification of changes to the Company’s Articles of Association to the Minister
of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia and other relevant authorities, making or and
signing deeds and letters and other documents that are necessary or deemed necessary, appearing
before a Notary to make and sign a deed of statement of the Company’s Meeting resolutions and
carrying out other matters that must be and/or can be carried out in order to realize/realize the
resolutions of the meeting.
The Meeting approved with total affirmative votes amounting to 4,206,728,732 shares or 57.638% of the
total votes cast in the Meeting.

Sedangkan untuk RUPS Tahunan tahun buku 2021 yang dilaksanakan As for the Annual GMS for the 2021 fiscal year which was held on July 20,
pada tanggal 20 Juli 2022, seluruh keputusannya telah direalisasikan dan 2022, all of its decisions have been realized and implemented in 2022.
dilaksanakan pada tahun 2022. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka tidak ada Based on this, there are no GMS resolutions in the previous fiscal year
keputusan RUPS pada tahun buku sebelumnya dan tahun ini yang belum and this year that have not been realized.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 223

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Board of Commissioners

Dewan Komisaris merupakan organ utama Perseroan yang melakukan The Board of Commissioners is the main organ of the Company that
peran pengawasan dan pemberian nasehat kepada Direksi yang performs a supervisory and advisory role to the Board of Directors
menjalankan kepengurusan Perseroan, seperti ditetapkan dalam who carry out the management of the Company, as stipulated in the
Anggaran Dasar. Dewan Komisaris turut melakukan pemantauan Articles of Association. The Board of Commissioners also monitors the
terhadap implementasi GCG di Perseroan, termasuk efektifitas implementation of GCG in the Company, including the effectiveness of
pengendalian internal dan pengelolaan risiko. internal control and risk management.

Dalam peran pengawasan, Dewan Komisaris secara terus menerus In its supervisory role, the Board of Commissioners continuously monitors
memantau efektivitas kebijakan Perseroan, kinerja usaha, dan proses the effectiveness of the Company’s policies, business performance,
pengambilan keputusan oleh Direksi, serta pelaksanaan strategi untuk and decision-making process by the Board of Directors, as well as the
mencapai tujuan Perseroan dan memenuhi harapan para pemegang implementation of strategies to achieve the Company’s objectives and
saham serta pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Dewan Komisaris juga fulfill the expectations of shareholders and other stakeholders. The
melakukan evaluasi dan/atau menyetujui Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Board of Commissioners also evaluates and/or approves the Company’s
Perseroan yang disusun Direksi setiap tahunnya. Work Plan and Budget prepared by the Board of Directors each year.


1. Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 40 tahun 2007 tentang 1. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2007 concerning
Perseroan Terbatas. Limited Liability Companies.
2. Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 33/POJK.04/2014 tanggal 2. Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 33/POJK.04/2014
8 Desember 2014 tentang Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Emiten dated December 8, 2014 regarding the Board of Directors and
atau Perusahaan Publik. Board of Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies.
3. Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor PER- 3. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number
04/MBU/06/2020 tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan Menteri PER-04/MBU/06/2020 concerning Amendments to the Regulation
Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor PER-03/MBU/2012 tentang of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number PER-03/
Pedoman Pengangkatan Anggota Direksi dan Anggota Dewan MBU/2012 concerning Guidelines for the Appointment of
Komisaris Anak Perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara. Members of the Board of Directors and Members of the Board of
Commissioners of Subsidiaries of State-Owned Enterprises.
4. Anggaran Dasar Perseroan yang telah beberapa kali diubah dan 4. Articles of Association of the Company which have been amended
terakhir berdasarkan Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat dan several times and most recently based on Deed of Meeting
Perubahan Anggaran Dasar No. 84 tanggal 31 Desember 2021 yang Resolution and Amendment to Articles of Association No. 84 dated
dibuat oleh Notaris Aulia Taufani, S.H., di Jakarta. December 31, 2021 made by Notary Aulia Taufani, S.H., in Jakarta.


Anggota Dewan Komisaris wajib mengikuti persyaratan dan ketentuan Members of the Board of Commissioners must comply with the
Undang-Undang tentang Perseroan Terbatas, peraturan perundang- requirements and provisions of the Law on Limited Liability Companies,
undangan di bidang Pasar Modal serta Peraturan perundang-undangan laws and regulations in the Capital Market and other applicable laws
lain yang berlaku dan yang terkait dengan kegiatan usaha Perseroan. and regulations related to the Company’s business activities. Based on
Berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan Pasal 17 Ayat 2, yakni Anggota the Company’s Articles of Association Article 17 Paragraph 2, Members
Dewan Komisaris Elnusa adalah orang perseorangan yang memenuhi of the Board of Commissioners of Elnusa are individuals who meet the
persyaratan yang ditentukan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dan requirements set by the Financial Services Authority Regulations and
perundang-undangan yang berlaku antara lain: applicable laws and regulations, among others:
1. Mempunyai akhlak, moral, dan integritas yang baik; 1. Have good morals, character, and integrity;
2. Cakap melakukan perbuatan hukum; 2. Capable of performing legal acts;
3. Dalam 5 (lima) tahun sebelum pengangkatan dan selama menjabat: 3. Within 5 (five) years prior to appointment and during the term of
a. Tidak pernah dinyatakan pailit; a. Never been declared bankrupt;
b. Tidak pernah menjadi anggota Direksi dan/ atau anggota b. Never been a member of the Board of Directors and/or a
Dewan Komisaris yang dinyatakan bersalah menyebabkan member of the Board of Commissioners who was found guilty
suatu perusahaan dinyatakan pailit; of causing a company to be declared bankrupt;

224 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

c. Tidak pernah dihukum karena melakukan tindak pidana yang c. Never been convicted of a criminal offense that is detrimental
merugikan keuangan negara dan/ atau yang berkaitan dengan to state finances and/or related to the financial sector; and
sektor keuangan; dan
d. Tidak pernah menjadi anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota d. Never been a member of the Board of Directors and/or a
Dewan Komisaris yang selama menjabat: member of the Board of Commissioners who during his/her
i. Pernah tidak menyelenggarakan RUPS tahunan; i. Has not held an annual GMS;
ii. Pertanggungjawabannya sebagai anggota Direksi ii. His/her accountability as a member of the Board
dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris pernah tidak of Directors and/or a member of the Board of
diterima oleh RUPS atau pernah tidak memberikan Commissioners was not accepted by the GMS or has
pertanggungjawaban sebagai anggota Direksi dan/atau not provided his/her accountability as a member of the
anggota Dewan Komisaris kepada RUPS; dan Board of Directors and/or a member of the Board of
Commissioners to the GMS; and
Pernah menyebabkan perusahaan yang memperoleh iii. Has caused a company that obtained a license, approval,
izin, persetujuan, atau pendaftaran dari OJK tidak or registration from OJK to not fulfill the obligation to
memenuhi kewajiban menyampaikan laporan tahunan submit annual reports and/or financial reports to OJK..
dan/atau laporan keuangan kepada OJK.
4. Memiliki komitmen untuk mematuhi peraturan perundang- 4. Have a commitment to comply with laws and regulations;
5. Memiliki pengetahuan dan/atau keahlian di bidang yang 5. Have knowledge and/or expertise in the field required by the
dibutuhkan Perseroan; dan Company; and
6. Memenuhi persyaratan lainnya sebagaimana ditentukan dalam 6. Fulfill other requirements as specified in the Limited Liability
Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas, Peraturan Pasar Modal dan Company Law, Capital Market Regulations and other applicable
Peraturan Perundang-Undangan lainnya yang berlaku. laws and regulations.

1. Struktur keanggotaan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan terdiri dari 1. The membership structure of the Company’s Board of
Komisaris Utama dan Komisaris. Commissioners consists of President Commissioner and
2. Komposisi Dewan Komisaris Perseroan terdiri dari Komisaris Non 2. The composition of the Company’s Board of Commissioners
Independen dan Komisaris Independen. consists of Non-Independent Commissioners and Independent
3. Dewan Komisaris merupakan majelis dan setiap anggota Dewan 3. The Board of Commissioners is a panel and each member of the
Komisaris tidak dapat bertindak sendiri-sendiri, melainkan Board of Commissioners cannot act individually, but based on the
berdasarkan keputusan Dewan Komisaris (kolektif kolegial). decision of the Board of Commissioners (collegial collective).

Komposisi dan jumlah anggota Dewan Komisaris ditetapkan oleh The composition and number of members of the Board of Commissioners
RUPS. Pada Tahun 2022 terjadi perubahan komposisi dalam Dewan are determined by the GMS. In 2022 there was a change in the
Komisaris berdasarkan keputusan RUPS Tahunan tanggal 20 Juli 2022, composition of the Board of Commissioners based on the resolution of
yakni diputuskan pemberhentian dengan hormat Bapak Anis Baridwan the Annual GMS dated July 20, 2022, which decided to respectfully dismiss
sebagai Komisaris Independen Perseroan. Kemudian, mengangkat Mr. Anis Baridwan as Independent Commissioner of the Company. Then,
Bapak Hernawan Bekti Sasongko sebagai Komisaris Independen appointed Mr. Hernawan Bekti Sasongko as Independent Commissioner
Perseroan terhitung sejak ditutupnya RUPS Tahunan tanggal 20 Juli of the Company as of the closing of the Annual GMS on July 20, 2022 until
2022 sampai dengan penutupan RUPS Tahunan ke-3 (ketiga) setelah the closing of the 3rd (third) Annual GMS after the date of his appointment,
tanggal pengangkatannya, dengan tidak mengurangi hak RUPS untuk without prejudice to the right of the GMS to dismiss members of the
memberhentikan anggota Dewan Komisaris sewaktu-waktu. Board of Commissioners at any time.

PERIODE 1 JANUARI 2022 – 20 JULI 2022

Period 1 January 2022 – 20 Juli 2022

Nama Jabatan Dasar Pengangkatan

Name Position Legal Appointment
Agus Prabowo Komisaris Utama | President Commissioner RUPS Tahunan 8 Juli 2020 | Annual GMS 8 July 2020
Lusiaga Levi Susila Komisaris Independen | Independent Commissioner RUPS Tahunan 21 Juli 2021 | Annual GMS 21 July 2021
Anis Baridwan Komisaris Independen | Independent Commissioner RUPS Tahunan 11 April 2019 | Annual GMS 11 April 2019
Antonius Ratdomopurbo Komisaris | Commissioner RUPS Tahunan 11 April 2019 | Annual GMS 11 April 2019

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Dengan demikian, komposisi Dewan Komisaris Perseroan per tanggal Thus, the composition of the Company’s Board of Commissioners as of
31 Desember 2022 sebagai berikut: December 31, 2022 as follows:

Nama Jabatan Dasar Pengangkatan

Name Position Legal Appointment
Agus Prabowo Komisaris Utama | President Commissioner RUPS Tahunan 8 Juli 2020 | Annual GMS 8 July 2020
Lusiaga Levi Susila Komisaris Independen | Independent Commissioner RUPS Tahunan 21 Juli 2021 | Annual GMS 21 July 2021
Hernawan Bekti Sasongko Komisaris Independen | Independent Commissioner RUPS Tahunan 20 Juli 2022 | Annual GMS 20 July 2022
Wakhid Hasyim Komisaris | Commissioner RUPS Tahunan 21 Juli 2021 | Annual GMS 21 July 2021


Komisaris Independen adalah anggota Dewan Komisaris yang berasal Independent Commissioner is a member of the Board of Commissioners
dari luar Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik dan memenuhi persyaratan who comes from outside the Issuer or Public Company and fulfills the
sebagai Komisaris Independen sesuai dengan Peraturan OJK Nomor requirements as an Independent Commissioner in accordance with OJK
33/POJK.04/2014 tentang Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Emiten atau Regulation Number 33/POJK.04/2014 concerning Directors and Board of
Perusahaan Publik di antaranya: Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies, among others:

Komisaris Independen Peraturan OJK No. 33/POJK.04/2014

Independent Commissioner OJK Regulation No. 33/POJK.04/2014

Bukan merupakan orang yang bekerja atau mempunyai Not a person who has authority and responsibility for planning,
wewenang dan tanggung jawab untuk merencanakan, memimpin, leading, controlling, or supervising the Company’s activities
mengendalikan, atau mengawasi kegiatan Perusahaan dalam during the last 6 (six) months, except for re-appointment as an
waktu 6 (enam) bulan terakhir, kecuali untuk pengangkatan Independent Commissioner.
kembali sebagai Komisaris Independen.

2 Tidak mempunyai saham baik langsung maupun tidak langsung

pada Perusahaan.
Doesn’t have any shares in the Company, either directly or

3 Tidak mempunyai hubungan usaha baik langsung maupun tidak

langsung yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan usaha Perusahaan.
Does not have any business relationship both direct or indirect that
relates to the Company’s business activities.

4 Tidak mempunyai hubungan Afiliasi dengan Perusahaan, anggota

Dewan Komisaris, anggota Direksi, atau Pemegang Saham
Pengendali Perusahaan.
Doesn’t have any affiliation to the Company, member of the Board
of Commissioners, members of the Board of Director or Controlling
Shareholders of the Company.

Jumlah Komisaris Independen

Number of Independent
Commissioners 30% 50%
4 Komisaris dengan 2 Komisaris 30% dari Keseluruhan Komisaris 50% dari Keseluruhan Komisaris
Independen adalah Komisaris Independen adalah Komisaris Independen
4 Commissioners with 2 30% of All Commissioners are 50% of All Commissioners are
Independent Commissioners Independent Commissioners Independent Commissioners

226 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Perseroan memiliki Komisaris Independen yang telah memenuhi The Company has an Independent Commissioner who has fulfilled the
ketentuan Peraturan Otoriotas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 33/ POJK.04/2014 provisions of the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 33/
tanggal 8 Desember 2014 tentang Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris POJK.04/2014 dated December 8, 2014 concerning the Board of Directors
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik. Dalam peraturan tersebut, Komisaris and Board of Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies. In accordance
Independen wajib paling sedikit berjumlah 30% (tiga puluh persen) dari with this regulation, Independent Commissioners must make up at
jumlah anggota Dewan Komisaris. Komposisi Komisaris Perseroan per least 30% (thirty percent) of the total number of members of the Board
31 Desember 2022 berjumlah 4 (empat) orang yang terdiri dari 1 (satu) of Commissioners. The composition of the Company’s Commissioners
orang Komisaris Utama, 2 (dua) orang Komisaris Independen dan 1 (satu) as of December 31, 2022 amounted to 4 (four) persons consisting of
orang Komisaris. Dengan demikian komposisi Komisaris Independen 1 (one) President Commissioner, 2 (two) Independent Commissioners
Perseroan lebih dari 30% dari seluruh jumlah Dewan Komisaris serta and 1 (one) Commissioner. Thus, the composition of the Company’s
telah memenuhi Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan maupun telah Independent Commissioners is more than 30% of the total number of the
memenuhi jumlah minimal Komisaris Independen yang diatur dalam Board of Commissioners, and has complied with the Financial Services
ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard yang mensyaratkan jumlah Authority Regulation and has met the minimum number of Independent
Komisaris Independen berjumlah 50% dari jumlah seluruh anggota Commissioners stipulated in the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard
Dewan Komisaris. which requires the number of Independent Commissioners to be 50% of the
total number of members of the Board of Commissioners.

Kriteria Independensi
Independence Criteria
Sebagai orang yang bekerja atau
mempunyai wewenang dan tanggung
jawab untuk merencanakan, memimpin,
mengendalikan, atau mengawasi Memiliki hubungan Memiliki hubungan
kegiatan Perseroan dalam waktu 6 Afiliasi dengan
Memiliki saham usaha dengan
(enam) bulan terakhir, kecuali untuk Komisaris, Direksi
Perseroan baik Perseroan baik
pengangkatan kembali sebagai dan Pemegang saham
Komisaris Independen langsung maupun langsung maupun
Komisaris Independen Perseroan pada Utama Perseroan
Independent tidak langsung tidak langsung
periode berikutnya. Has an affiliation with
Commissioner Owns shares of the Has a business
As a person who works or has the the Commissioners,
Company either relationship with
authority and responsibility to plan, Directors and Major
directly or indirectly the Company either
lead, control, or supervise the activities Shareholders of the directly or indirectly
of the Company within the last 6 (six) Company
months, except for reappointment
as Independent Commissioner of the
Company in the following period.
Lusiaga Levi Susila x x x x
Hernawan Bekti Sasongko x x x x
v = ada | x = tidak ada

Adapun pernyataan independensi masing-masing Komisaris Independen The statement of independence of each Independent Commissioner is
sebagai berikut: as follows:

No Nama Jabatan Tanggal Pernyataan Status

Nama Jabatan Tanggal Pernyataan Status
1 Lusiaga Levi Susila Komisaris Independen 21 Juli 2021 Periode Kedua sebagai Komisaris Independen
Independent Commissioner 21 Juli 2021 Second Period as Independent Commissioner
2 Hernawan Bekti Sasongko Komisaris Independen 20 Juli 2022 Pertama kali sebagai Komisaris Independen
Independent Commissioner 20 Juli 2022 First time as Independent Commissioner

Dengan demikian, Komisaris Independen Perseroan telah memenuhi Thus, the Company’s Independent Commissioners have met the criteria
kriteria sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations.

Lampiran surat pernyataan independensi masing-masing Komisaris Attachment to the independence statement letter of each Independent
Independen: Commissioner:

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Periode jabatan Dewan komisaris paling banyak selama 2 (dua) periode The period of office of the Board of Commissioners is at most 2 (two)
berturut-turut kecuali untuk Komisaris Independen dengan ketentuan consecutive periods except for Independent Commissioners with the
sebagai berikut: following provisions:
• Para anggota Dewan Komisaris diangkat untuk jangka waktu • The members of the BOC shall be appointed for a period
terhitung sejak tanggal yang ditetapkan oleh RUPS yang commencing from the date determined by the GMS appointing
mengangkatnya dan berakhir pada penutupan RUPS Tahunan yang them and ending at the closing of the 3rd (third) Annual GMS
ke-3 (ketiga) setelah tanggal pengangkatannya. Namun dengan after the date of their appointment. However, without prejudice
tidak mengurangi hak dari RUPS untuk sewaktu-waktu dapat to the right of the GMS to dismiss the members of the Board of
memberhentikan para anggota Dewan Komisaris sebelum masa Commissioners at any time before their term of office ends.
jabatannya berakhir.
• Setelah masa jabatannya berakhir, para anggota Dewan Komisaris • After their term of office ends, the members of the Board of
diangkat kembali oleh RUPS. Commissioners are reappointed by the GMS.
• Sesuai POJK No. 33/POJK.04/2014 tanggal 8 Desember 2014 • In accordance with POJK No. 33/POJK.04/2014 dated December
tentang Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Emiten atau Perusahaan 8, 2014 concerning the Board of Directors and Board of
Publik bahwa Komisaris Independen dapat diangkat lebih dari 2 Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies that Independent
(dua) periode sepanjang yang bersangkutan menyatakan dirinya Commissioners may be appointed for more than 2 (two) periods as
independen. long as the person concerned declares himself independent.

Mengacu pada Pasal 17 Ayat 4 Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, jabatan Referring to Article 17 Paragraph 4 of the Company’s Articles of
Dewan Komisaris berakhir apabila: Association, the position of the Board of Commissioners ends if:
a. Pengunduran dirinya telah efektif; a. His/her resignation is effective;
b. Tidak lagi memenuhi persyaratan Peraturan OJK dan peraturan b. No longer fulfills the requirements of OJK Regulations and other
perundang-undangan lainnya; laws and regulations;
c. Meninggal dunia; c. Passed away;
d. Diberhentikan berdasarkan RUPS; d. Dismissed based on the GMS;


Berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, mekanisme pemberhentian Based on the Company’s Articles of Association, the mechanism for
dan pengunduran diri anggota Dewan Komisaris adalah sebagai berikut: dismissal and resignation of members of the Board of Commissioners
is as follows:
1. Seorang anggota Dewan Komisaris berhak mengundurkan diri 1. A member of the BOC is entitled to resign from his/her position
dari jabatannya sebelum masa jabatannya berakhir dengan before the end of his/her term of office by notifying the Company
memberitahukan secara tertulis mengenai maksudnya tersebut in writing of his/her intention.
kepada Perseroan.
2. Perseroan wajib menyelenggarakan RUPS untuk memutuskan 2. The Company shall hold a GMS to decide on the request for
permohonan pengunduran diri anggota Dewan Komisaris dalam resignation of a member of the Board of Commissioners within
jangka waktu paling lambat 90 (sembilan puluh) hari setelah a period of no later than 90 (ninety) days after receipt of the
diterimanya surat pengunduran diri. resignation letter.
3. Perseroan wajib melakukan keterbukaan informasi kepada 3. The Company shall disclose the information to the public
masyarakat dan menyampaikan kepada OJK paling lambat 2 (dua) and submit it to OJK no later than 2 (two) business days after
hari kerja setelah diterimanya permohonan pengunduran diri receiving the request for resignation of a member of the Board of
anggota Dewan Komisaris. Commissioners.
4. Sebelum pengunduran diri berlaku efektif, anggota Dewan 4. Before the resignation becomes effective, the member of the
Komisaris yang bersangkutan tetap berkewajiban menyelesaikan Board of Commissioners concerned is still obliged to complete his/
tugas dan tanggung jawabnya sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar ini her duties and responsibilities in accordance with these Articles of
dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Association and the prevailing laws and regulations.
5. Terhadap anggota Dewan Komisaris yang mengundurkan 5. A member of the Board of Commissioners who resigns as
diri sebagaimana tersebut di atas tetap dapat dimintakan mentioned above may still be held accountable as a member of
pertanggungjawabannya sebagai anggota Dewan Komisaris sejak the Board of Commissioners from the date of his/her appointment
pengangkatan yang bersangkutan hingga tanggal disetujuinya until the date of approval of his/her resignation in the GMS.
pengunduran dirinya dalam RUPS.
6. Pembebasan tanggung jawab anggota Dewan Komisaris 6. The release of responsibility of the resigning member of the Board
yang mengundurkan diri diberikan setelah RUPS Tahunan of Commissioners shall be granted after the Annual GMS releases
membebaskannya. him/her.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

7. Dalam hal anggota Dewan Komisaris mengundurkan diri sehingga 7. In the event that the resignation of a member of the BOC results in
mengakibatkan jumlah anggota Dewan Komisaris menjadi kurang the number of members of the BOC being less than the minimum
dari jumlah minimum Komisaris yang dipersyaratkan, harus number of Commissioners required, a GMS must be held to fill the
diselenggarakan RUPS untuk mengisi lowongan dalam jangka vacancy within 90 (Ninety) days after the date of the vacancy.
waktu waktu 90 (Sembilan puluh) hari setelah tanggal terjadinya

Dalam menjalankan tugasnya Dewan Komisaris telah memiliki Pedoman In carrying out its duties, the Board of Commissioners has a Charter of
Kerja/Piagam Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang ditandatangani oleh the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors signed by the
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi pada tanggal 2 Januari 2018. Pedoman Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors on January 2, 2018.
Kerja tersebut ditinjau secara berkala dan dimutakhirkan apabila The Charter is reviewed periodically and updated if deemed necessary
dianggap perlu dengan memperhatikan ketentuan perundangan yang with due observance of the prevailing laws and regulations. Details are
berlaku. Selengkapnya terdapat pada situs Perusahaan www.elnusa. available on the Company’s website

Cakupan Pedoman dan Tata Tertib Kerja Dewan Komisaris: Scope of the Board of Commissioners Charter:
1. Fungsi Dewan Komisaris 1. Function of the Board of Commissioners
2. Tugas dan Kewajiban Dewan Komisaris 2. Duties and Obligations of the Board of Commissioners
3. Hak dan Wewenang Dewan Komisaris 3. Rights and Authorities of the Board of Commissioners
4. Pembagian Kerja Dewan Komisaris 4. Division of Work of the Board of Commissioners
5. Persyaratan Dewan Komisaris 5. Requirements of the Board of Commissioners
6. Pengangkatan Dewan Komisaris 6. Appointment of the Board of Commissioners
7. Keanggotaan Dewan Komisaris 7. Membership of the Board of Commissioners
8. Rangkap Jabatan 8. Concurrent Position
9. Masa Jabatan Dewan Komisaris 9. Term of Office of the Board of Commissioners
10. Pemberhentian Anggota Dewan Komisaris 10. Dismissal of Members of the Board of Commissioners
11. Pengunduran Diri Anggota Dewan Komisaris 11. Resignation of Member of the Board of Commissioners
12. Pengisian Jabatan Lowong Anggota Dewan Komisaris. 12. Filling of Vacant Position of Member of the Board of Commissioners.
13. Keadaan Seluruh Anggota Dewan Komisaris Lowong 13. Vacancy of all members of the Board of Commissioners
14. Komisaris Independen 14. Independent Commissioner
15. Pengungkapan Kepemilikan Saham dan Hubungan Afiliasi 15. Disclosure of Share Ownership and Afiliation Relationship
16. Program Pengenalan dan Peningkatan Kapabilitas 16. Introduction and Capability Enhancement Program
17. Waktu Kerja Dewan Komisaris 17. Working Hours of the Board of Commissioners
18. Etika Jabatan Dewan Komisaris 18. Ethics of Office of the Board of Commissioners
19. Rapat Dewan Komisaris 19. Meeting of the Board of Commissioners
20. Evaluasi Kinerja Dewan Komisaris 20. Performance Evaluation of the Board of Commissioners
21. Pertanggungjawaban Dewan Komisaris 21. Accountability of the Board of Commissioners
22. Organ Pendukung Dewan Komisaris 22. Supporting Organizations of the Board of Commissioners
23. Evaluasi Konerja Komite Dewan Komisaris 23. Board of Commissioners Committee Performance Evaluation

Dalam peran pengawasan dan pemberian nasehat, secara kolegial In its supervisory and advisory role, collegially the Company’s Board of
Dewan Komisaris Perseroan mengemban tugas dan tanggung jawab Commissioners carries out duties and responsibilities, among others, as
antara lain sebagai berikut: follows:
1. Tunduk pada ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang 1. Comply with the provisions of the prevailing laws and regulations,
berlaku, Anggaran Dasar Perseroan dan keputusan RUPS. the Company’s Articles of Association and the resolutions of the
2. Beritikad baik dan dengan penuh tanggung jawab menjalankan 2. In good faith and with full responsibility to carry out duties for the
tugas untuk kepentingan dan usaha Perseroan. interests and business of the Company.
3. Melakukan pengawasan untuk kepentingan Perseroan dengan 3. Supervise for the interests of the Company with due regard to the
memperhatikan kepentingan para pemegang saham dan interests of the shareholders and be responsible to the GMS.
bertanggung jawab kepada RUPS.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

4. Melakukan tugas pengawasan terhadap kebijakan Direksi dalam 4. Supervise the policies of the Board of Directors in carrying out the
melaksanakan pengurusan Perseroan termasuk pelaksanaan management of the Company including the implementation of
Rencana Jangka Panjang Perseroan (RJPP), Rencana Kerja dan the Company’s Long Term Plan (RJPP), the Company’s Work Plan
Anggaran Perseroan (RKAP), ketentuan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar and Budget (RKAP), the provisions of the Articles of Association
dan keputusan RUPS serta peraturan perundang-undangan yang and resolutions of the GMS as well as the prevailing laws and
berlaku, untuk kepentingan Perseroan dan sesuai dengan maksud regulations, for the benefit of the Company and in accordance with
dan tujuan Perseroan. the purposes and objectives of the Company.
5. Memberikan pendapat dan saran kepada Direksi berkaitan dengan 5. Provide opinions and suggestions to the Board of Directors
pengurusan Perseroan. regarding the management of the Company.
6. Memberikan pendapat dan saran kepada Direksi berkaitan dengan 6. Providing opinions and suggestions to the Board of Directors with
penyusunan visi, misi serta rencana-rencana strategis lain yang regard to the preparation of the vision, mission and other strategic
diatur dalam Anggaran Dasar. plans stipulated in the Articles of Association.
7. Menerapkan Good Corporate Governance secara konsisten. 7. Implement Good Corporate Governance consistently.
8. Melaporkan kepada Perseroan mengenai kepemilikan sahamnya 8. Reporting to the Company regarding his/her and/or his/her family’s
dan/atau keluarganya pada Perseroan tersebut dan Perseroan lain share ownership in the Company and other companies including
termasuk perubahannya. changes.
9. Melakukan pembagian kerja di antara para anggota Dewan 9. Carry out a division of labor among the members of the Board of
Komisaris yang diatur oleh mereka sendiri dan untuk kelancaran Commissioners which is regulated by themselves and for the smooth
tugasnya Dewan Komisaris dapat dibantu oleh seorang Sekretaris running of their duties the Board of Commissioners may be assisted
Dewan Komisaris atas beban Perseroan. by a Secretary of the Board of Commissioners at the expense of the


Tugas Komisaris Utama antara lain: The duties of the President Commissioner include:
1. Koordinator pelaksanaan tugas-tugas Dewan Komisaris. 1. Coordinator of the implementation of the duties of the Board of
2. Memimpin Rapat Dewan Komisaris. 2. Presiding over the Board of Commissioners Meeting.
3. Mewakili Dewan Komisaris memimpin Rapat Umum Pemegang 3. Representing the Board of Commissioners to chair the Company’s
Saham Perusahaan. General Meeting of Shareholders.

Selain tugas dan tanggung jawab sebagaimana dijelaskan di atas, In addition to the duties and responsibilities as described above, each
masing-masing anggota Dewan Komisaris memiliki pembagian peran member of the Board of Commissioners has an additional division of
dan tanggung jawab tambahan. Pembagian kerja anggota Dewan roles and responsibilities. The division of labor of the members of the
Komisaris antara lain dilakukan dengan menetapkan pembagian anggota Board of Commissioners, among others, is carried out by determining
Dewan Komisaris sebagai anggota Komite-komite yang dibentuk Dewan the division of members of the Board of Commissioners as members
Komisaris untuk membantu kelancaran tugas Dewan Komisaris, yang of the Committees formed by the Board of Commissioners to assist the
terdiri dari Komite Audit, Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi serta Komite smooth running of the duties of the Board of Commissioners, consisting
Pemantau Risiko. Penetapan masing-masing anggota Dewan Komisaris of the Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee and
sebagai anggota komite-komite dimaksud ditetapkan dalam Surat Risk Monitoring Committee. The assignment of each member of the
Keputusan Dewan Komisaris. Board of Commissioners as a member of these committees is stipulated
in a Board of Commissioners Decree.

Pembagian anggota Dewan Komisaris sebagai anggota komite-komite The distribution of members of the Board of Commissioners as members
tersebut mengalami perubahan-perubahan sebagai penyesuaian of these committees has undergone changes as an adjustment to the
terhadap kebutuhan dan perkembangan kondisi terkini termasuk needs and development of the latest conditions including changes in the
adanya perubahan komposisi Dewan Komisaris, dimana perubahan composition of the Board of Commissioners, where the latest changes
terakhir susunan keanggotaan Dewan Komisaris sebagai ketua dan in the composition of the membership of the Board of Commissioners
anggota komite-komite selama tahun 2022 adalah sebagai berikut: as chairman and members of committees during 2022 are as follows:

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Nama Jabatan Pembagian Bidang Tugas

Name Position Division of Duties
Agus Prabowo Komisaris Utama Koordinator pelaksanaan tugas-tugas Dewan Komisaris
President Commissioner Coordinator of the implementation of the duties of the Board of
Lusiaga Levi Susila Komisaris Independen • Ketua Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi
Independent Commissioner • Anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko
• Chairman of Nomination and Remuneration Committee
• Member of Risk Monitoring Committee
Hernawan Bekti Sasongko1) Komisaris Independen Ketua Komite Audit
Independent Commissioner Chairman of the Audit Committee
Anis Baridwan2) Komisaris Independen Ketua Komite Audit
Independent Commissioner Chairman of the Audit Committee
Wakhid Hasyim Komisaris Ketua Komite Pemantau Risiko
Commissioner Chairman of Risk Monitoring Committee
Keterangan | Description:
Menjabat sejak tanggal 20 Juli 2022 | Serves since July 20, 2022
Menjabat sampai tanggal 20 Juli 2022 | Served until July 20, 2022

Pendelegasian Wewenang Dewan Komisaris Delegation of Authority of the Board of Commissioners

Pendelegasian wewenang oleh seorang anggota Dewan Komisaris Delegation of authority by a member of the Board of Commissioners
kepada anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya hanya dapat dilakukan melalui to another member of the Board of Commissioners can only be done
surat kuasa khusus untuk keperluan dimaksud dan pendelegasian through a special power of attorney for the purpose and the delegation
wewenang tersebut tidak melepaskan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris of authority does not release the collective responsibility of the Board
secara kolektif. of Commissioners.

Fokus Pengawasan serta Realisasi Pelaksanaan Tugas Supervision Focus and Realization of the Implementation
dan Tanggung Jawab Dewan Komisaris Tahun 2022 of Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of
Commissioners in 2022
Dengan memperhatikan isu-isu penting yang menjadi tantangan Taking into account the important issues that challenge the supervision
pengawasan Dewan Komisaris, maka dengan dukungan Komite-Komite of the Board of Commissioners, with the support of the Committees
di bawah Dewan Komisaris, Dewan Komisaris konsisten melaksanakan under the Board of Commissioners, the Board of Commissioners
pengawasan di antaranya dengan: consistently carries out supervision including:

Memperhatikan hal-hal yang sifatnya strategis, di Pay attention to strategic issues, besides routine and
samping hal-hal yang sifatnya rutin dan jangka pendek. short-term matters.

Memperhatikan penanganan GCG, isu sosial, Pay attention to the implementation of GCG, social
lingkungan dan berfungsinya IT Governance serta issues, the environment and IT Governance function
pengendalian internal yang berbasis manajemen and internal control-based risk management.

Fokus, proaktif, intensif serta konsisten dalam Focus, proactive, intensive and consistent in
melakukan pengawasan. monitoring.

Meningkatkan kerja sama sinergi antar Komite dan Improving cooperation between the Committee and
Komite dengan Divisi mitra kerjanya dalam mencapai the synergy of the Committee with the Division of its
target Perusahaan. partners in achieving the Company’s target.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Selama tahun 2022, Dewan Komisaris telah melaksanakan berbagai During 2022, the Board of Commissioners has carried out various duties
tugas dan tanggung jawab dalam peran pengawasan terhadap and responsibilities in its supervisory role over the management of the
pengurusan dan pengelolaan Perseroan. Disamping berupa kegiatan, Company. In addition to the activities, the Board of Commissioners
Dewan Komisaris juga menerbitkan Keputusan Dewan Komisaris serta also issued Decisions of the Board of Commissioners as well as
penyampaian rekomendasi-rekomendasi kepada komite-komite dan recommendations to committees and the Board of Directors.

Kegiatan Dewan Komisaris selama tahun 2022 meliputi antara lain: The activities of the Board of Commissioners during 2022 include,
among others:
1. Menyusun Program Kerja, Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran serta KPI 1. Developing the Work Programme, Work Plan and Budget and KPIs
Dewan Komisaris Tahun 2023. of the Board of Commissioners for 2023.
2. Memberikan persetujuan atas RJPP, RKAP, Pengangkatan/ 2. Approved the RJPP, RKAP, Appointment/Dismissal of Chief Audit
Pemberhentian Chief Audit Executive, Sekretaris Perusahaan, Executive, Corporate Secretary, Commissioners and Directors of
Komisaris dan Direksi Anak Perusahaan serta kebijakan/rencana Subsidiaries and the Company’s strategic policies/plans.
strategis Perseroan.
3. Review dan telaahan atau evaluasi kinerja bulanan Perseroan. 3. Review and review or evaluation of the Company’s monthly
4. Rapat Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi (Radirkom), Rapat Intern 4. Meetings of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors
Dewan Komisaris dan Rapat Dewan Komisaris bersama Organ (Radirkom), Internal Meetings of the Board of Commissioners and
Pendukung Dewan Komisaris. Meetings of the Board of Commissioners with Supporting Organs
of the Board of Commissioners.
5. Memberikan nasihat/saran kepada Direksi terkait bidang Utama, 5. Providing advice to the Board of Directors related to the areas
Operasi, Keuangan, Sumber Daya Manusia dan Pengembangan of Main, Operations, Finance, Human Resources and Business
Usaha. Development.
6. Monitoring tindak lanjut laporan hasil audit/temuan Auditor 6. Monitoring the follow-up of audit reports/findings of Internal
Internal maupun Auditor Eksternal (KAP). Auditors and External Auditors (KAP).
7. Monitoring/evaluasi kinerja Divisi/Satuan Kerja/Unit Kerja/Anak 7. Monitoring/evaluating the performance of Divisions/Work Units/
Perusahaan. Work Units/Subsidiaries.
8. Menyampaikan laporan pelaksanaan tugas pengawasan tahunan. 8. Submitting a report on the implementation of annual supervisory
9. Menyampaikan laporan pelaksanaan KPI Dewan Komisaris. 9. Submitting a report on the implementation of the KPIs of the Board
of Commissioners.
10. Pelaksanaan kunjungan kerja Dewan Komisaris ke lingkungan unit 10. Implementation of working visits of the Board of Commissioners to
kerja maupun Anak Perusahaan Perseroan. work units and subsidiaries of the Company.
11. Mengikuti program pengenalan untuk anggota Dewan Komisaris 11. Participating in the introduction programme for new members of
yang baru. the Board of Commissioners.
12. Rekomendasi Dewan Komisaris antara lain: 12. Recommendations of the Board of Commissioners, among others:
a. Perseroan sebagai perusahaan terbuka dalam menjalankan a. The Company as a public company in running the Company
Perusahaan sedapat mungkin sesuai dengan peraturan as much as possible in accordance with applicable laws and
dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta tata kelola regulations and good corporate governance.
perusahaan yang baik (Good Corporate Governance).
b. Health, Safety, Security and Environment merupakan aspek b. Health, Safety, Security and Environment are fundamental
mendasar dalam operasional Perseroan. Seluruh entitas aspects in the Company’s operations. All entities of the
Perseroan dari mulai pekerja di lapangan hingga pihak Company from field workers to management, as well as third
manajemen, serta kontraktor pihak ketiga yang terlibat dengan party contractors involved with the Company’s activities are
kegiatan Perseroan diwajibkan mematuhi implementasi HSSE. required to comply with the implementation of HSSE.

Sedangkan Keputusan Dewan Komisaris yang dikeluarkan ditahun 2022 While the Decisions of the Board of Commissioners issued in 2022
antara lain: include:
1. Keputusan Dewan Komisaris tentang Perubahan Susunan Komite 1. Decision of the Board of Commissioners on Changes in the
Pemantau Risiko. Composition of the Risk Monitoring Committee.
2. Keputusan Dewan Komisaris tentang Perubahan Susunan Komite 2. Decree of the Board of Commissioners on Changes in the
Audit. Composition of the Audit Committee.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Dewan Komisaris melaksanakan fungsi, tugas, dan kewajibannya The Board of Commissioners carries out its functions, duties and
dilakukan melalui mekanisme sebagai berikut: obligations through the following mechanism:
1. Mekanisme Rapat Dewan Komisaris yang dilakukan secara 1. Meeting Mechanism of the Board of Commissioners are either
internal Dewan Komisaris, atau dengan mengundang Direkur Board of Commissioners Meetings conducted internally by the
atau Manajemen terkait agenda pembahasan serta rapat Dewan Board of Commissioners, or by inviting the Director or Management
Komisaris bersama Direksi secara rutin. related to the discussion agenda and Board of Commissioners
meetings with the Board of Directors on a regular basis.
2. Peran aktif Komite-komite di bawah Dewan komisaris dalam 2. The active role of the Committees under the Board of Commissioners
membantu dan mendukung kelancaran tugas Dewan Komisaris in assisting and supporting the smooth running of the Board of
antara lain melalui pelaksaan rapat-rapat Komite, serta Commissioners’ duties, among others, through the implementation
pelaksanaan/pembuatan evaluasi, kajian atau penelaahan of Committee meetings, as well as the implementation/creation of
terhadap hal-hal yang menjadi tugas Dewan Komisaris. evaluations, studies or reviews of matters that become the duties
of the Board of Commissioners.
3. Pemberian arahan, pendapat atau keputusan Dewan Komisaris 3. Providing directions, opinions or decisions of the Board of
secara tertulis kepada Direksi sebagai: Commissioners in writing to the Board of Directors as:
a. Tindak lanjut hasil Rapat Dewan Komisaris atau rapat Dewan a. Follow-up of the results of the Board of Commissioners
Komisaris bersama Direksi. Meeting or the Board of Commissioners meeting with the
b. Tanggapan terhadap permohonan persetujuan, konsultasi Board of Directors.
atau usulan yang disampaikan oleh Direksi kepada Dewan b. Responses to requests for approval, consultation or
Komisaris, serta informasi mengenai permasalahan- proposals submitted by the Board of Directors to the Board
permasalah yang bersifat strategis dan signifikan berdasarkan of Commissioners, as well as information on strategic and
hasil evaluasi dan penelaahan Dewan Komisaris. significant issues based on the results of the evaluation and
review of the Board of Commissioners.
4. Pelaksanaan kunjungan kerja Dewan Komisaris ke lingkungan unit 4. Implementation of working visits of the Board of Commissioners to
kerja maupun Anak Perusahaan Perseroan serta pemberian arahan the work units and subsidiaries of the Company as well as providing
dan pendapat Dewan Komisaris kepada Direksi berdasarkan hasil direction and opinions of the Board of Commissioners to the Board
kunjungan Kerja Dewan Komisaris dimaksud. of Directors based on the results of the working visits of the Board
of Commissioners.

Selama tahun 2022, transaksi atau tindakan yang dilakukan oleh Direksi During 2022, transactions or actions carried out by the Company’s
Perusahaan yang memerlukan persetujuan tertulis dari Dewan Komisaris Board of Directors that require written approval from the Board of
sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan Pasal 15 Ayat 2 antara lain Commissioners in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association
sebagai berikut: Article 15 Paragraph 2 include the following:
1. Persetujuan atas investasi baik di Unit Bisnis Perusahaan maupun 1. Approval of investments in both the Company’s Business Units and
Anak Perusahaan. Subsidiaries.
2. Persetujuan fasilitas pembiayaan. 2. Approval of financing facilities.
3. Persetujuan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan Tahun 2023. 3. Approval of the Company’s Work Plan and Budget Year 2023.
4. Persetujuan Rolling Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan Tahun 4. Approval of the Rolling of the Company’s Long-Term Plan for 2023
2023 s.d. 2026. to 2026.


Program orientasi dan pengenalan bagi anggota Dewan Komisaris baru The orientation and introduction programme for new members of the
disampaikan dengan cara penyampaian dokumen, pemaparan atau Board of Commissioners is delivered by way of document delivery,
penjelasan yang dapat dilakukan oleh Sekretaris Perusahaan, Divisi- presentation or explanation that can be conducted by the Corporate
divisi atau unit-unit terkait, yang secara umum antara lain mencakup Secretary, Divisions or related units, which generally includes the
informasi/hal-hal sebagai berikut: following information / matters:
1. Visi, misi, struktur organisasi Perseroan, kegiatan usaha/bisnis dan 1. Vision, mission, organisational structure of the Company, business
jaringan operasional; activities and operational network;
2. Laporan Tahunan, Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan 2. Annual Report, Company Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) and
(RKAP) dan Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP), Kode Company Long Term Plan (RJPP), Company Code of Ethics, Work
Etik Perseroan, Budaya Kerja, Pedoman Tata Tertib Kerja Dewan Culture, Board of Commissioners Work Code of Conduct, and
Komisaris, dan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan; Company Articles of Association;

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

3. Good Corporate Governance (rangkap jabatan, kepemilikan saham 3. Good Corporate Governance (dual positions, share ownership and
dan komisaris independen); independent commissioners);
4. Tugas, wewenang dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, 4. Duties, authorities and responsibilities of the Board of
pendelegasian kewenangan serta batasan kewenangan Dewan Commissioners and the Board of Directors, delegation of authority
Komisaris dalam melakukan tugas pengawasan terhadap perseroan and limitation of authority of the Board of Commissioners in
berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku; performing supervisory duties on the company based on prevailing
laws and regulations;
5. Komite-komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris yang dibentuk dan 5. Committees under the Board of Commissioners formed and directly
bertanggung jawab langsung terhadap Dewan Komisaris, Sekretaris responsible to the Board of Commissioners, Secretary of the Board of
Dewan Komisaris dan Kesekretariatan Dewan Komisaris yang Commissioners and Secretariat of the Board of Commissioners that
membantu kelancaran tugas Dewan Komisaris; assist the smooth running of the Board of Commissioners’ duties;
6. Remunerasi dan fasilitas yang diberikan kepada anggota Dewan 6. Remuneration and facilities provided to members of the Board of
Komisaris. Commissioners.

Pada tanggal 25 Juli 2022, telah dilakukan program pengenalan On 25 July 2022, a company introduction programme was conducted for
perusahaan untuk Dewan Komisaris yang baru diangkat berdasarkan the newly appointed Board of Commissioners based on the Resolution
Keputusan RUPS Tahunan Tahun Buku 2021 yakni kepada Bapak of the Annual GMS for the Financial Year 2021, namely Mr Hernawan
Hernawan Bekti Sasongko. Bekti Sasongko.


Perseroan mewajibkan Dewan Komisaris untuk mengungkapkan The Company requires the Board of Commissioners to disclose its share
kepemilikan sahamnya baik pada Perseroan maupun pada perusahaan ownership both in the Company and in other companies domiciled
lain yang berkedudukan di dalam dan di luar negeri. Setiap adanya at home and abroad. Any change in the Board of Commissioners’
perubahan portofolio kepemilikan saham Dewan Komisaris di ELNUSA, shareholding portfolio in ELNUSA, the Board of Commissioners is
maka Dewan Komisaris wajib melaporkan kepada VP Corporate required to report to the VP Corporate Secretary through the submission
Secretary melalui penyerahan Daftar Khusus Kepemilikan Saham untuk of a Special Register of Shareholdings to be subsequently submitted to
selanjutnya disampaikan kepada Otoritas Pasar Modal. the Capital Market Authority.

Berdasarkan ketentuan POJK Nomor 11/POJK.04/2017 tentang Laporan Based on the provisions of POJK Number 11/POJK.04/2017 concerning
Kepemilikan atau Setiap Perubahan Kepemilikan Saham Perusahaan Report on Ownership or Any Change in Share Ownership of Public
Terbuka, Dewan Komisaris wajib melaporkan kepada Otoritas Jasa Companies, the BOC is required to report to the Financial Services
Keuangan atas kepemilikan dan setiap perubahan kepemilikan saham Authority on its ownership and any changes in share ownership of
ELNUSA. Laporan tersebut wajib disampaikan paling lambat 10 (sepuluh) ELNUSA. The report must be submitted no later than 10 (ten) days from
hari sejak terjadinya kepemilikan atau perubahan kepemilikan saham the occurrence of ownership or change in ownership of ELNUSA shares.
ELNUSA. Dewan Komisaris juga dapat memberikan kuasa tertulis kepada The Board of Commissioners may also grant written authorisation to the
VP Corporate Secretary untuk melaporkan kepemilikan dan perubahan VP Corporate Secretary to report the ownership and changes in its share
kepemilikan sahamnya atas ELNUSA dan disampaikan paling lambat 5 ownership of ELNUSA and submitted no later than 5 (five) days from the
(lima) hari sejak terjadinya perubahan kepemilikan atas saham ELNUSA occurrence of changes in ownership of ELNUSA shares to OJK.
tersebut kepada OJK.

Kepemilikan saham Dewan Komisaris Perseroan pada tahun buku 2022 The share ownership of the Company’s Board of Commissioners in the
dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini: financial year 2022 can be seen in the table below:

Kepemilikan Saham
Nama Jabatan Shareownership
Name Position Perseroan Perusahaan Lain
The Company Other Company
Agus Prabowo Komisaris Utama | President Commissioner Nihil | Nil Nihil | Nil
Lusiaga Levi Susila Komisaris Independen | Independent Nihil | Nil Nihil | Nil
Hernawan Bekti Sasongko Komisaris Independen | Independent Nihil | Nil Nihil | Nil
Wakhid Hasyim Komisaris | Commissioner Nihil | Nil Nihil | Nil

Selama tahun 2022 tidak terdapat perubahan kepemilikan saham During 2022 there was no change in the shareholding of the Board of
yang dimiliki Dewan Komisaris di Perusahaan karena anggota Dewan Commissioners in the Company as none of the members of the Board of
Komisaris tidak ada yang memiliki salam di ELNUSA. Commissioners had any interest in ELNUSA.

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Ketentuan mengenai rangkap jabatan Dewan Komisaris ELNUSA The provisions regarding the concurrent position of the Board of
juga tercantum dalam Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 33/ Commissioners of ELNUSA are also stated in the Financial Services
POJK.04/2014 tentang Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Emiten atau Authority Regulation Number 33/POJK.04/2014 concerning the Board of
Perusahaan Publik serta Peraturan Perundang-Undangan lainnya. Directors and Board of Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies
and other Laws and Regulations.


Concurrent Positions of the Board of Commissioners in Other Companies/Agencies

Nama Jabatan Pada Perusahaan Lain Jabatan pada Instansi Lain

Name Position at Other Companies Position at Other Companies
Staf Khusus Menteri PUPR Bidang Pengadaan (2019-sekarang)
Agus Prabowo -
Special Staff to the Minister of PUPR for Procurement (2019-present)
Lusiaga Levi Susila - -
Hernawan Bekti Sasongko - -
Sekretaris Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia, Kementerian Energi dan
Sumber Daya Mineral (2022-sekarang)
Wakhid Hasyim -
Secretary of Human Resources Development Agency, Ministry of Energy and
Mineral Resources (2022-present)


Benturan kepentingan merupakan suatu kondisi dimana kepentingan Conflict of interest is a condition where the economic interests of the
ekonomis Perusahaan berbenturan dengan kepentingan ekonomis Company conflict with personal economic interests. For this reason,
pribadi. Atas hal tersebut maka Anggota Komisaris hendaknya senantiasa members of the Board of Commissioners should always:
1. Mengutamakan kepentingan Perseroan dan tidak mengurangi 1. Prioritising the interests of the Company and not reducing the
keuangan Perseroan dalam hal terjadi benturan kepentingan; Company’s finances in the event of a conflict of interest;
2. Menghindari diri dari pengambilan keputusan dalam situasi dan 2. Avoiding decision making in situations and conditions where there
kondisi adanya benturan kepentingan; is a conflict of interest;
3. Melakukan pengungkapan hubungan kekeluargaan, hubungan 3. Disclose family relationships, financial relationships, management
keuangan, hubungan kepengurusan, hubungan kepemilikan relationships, ownership relationships with other members of the
dengan Anggota Komisaris lain dan/atau anggota Direksi dan/atau Board of Commissioners and/or members of the Board of Directors
pemegang saham pengendali dan atau pihak lainnya dalam rangka and/or controlling shareholders and/or other parties in the context
bisnis Perseroan; of the Company’s business;
4. Melakukan pengungkapan dalam hal pengambilan keputusan tetap 4. Disclose in the event that decision making must still be taken in the
harus diambil pada kondisi adanya benturan kepentingan. condition of a conflict of interest.


Sepanjang tahun buku 2022, Bapak Wakhid Hasyim mengikuti During the financial year 2022, Mr. Wakhid Hasyim Commissioners
pengembangan kompetensi Dewan Komisaris. participated in any Board of Commissioners competency development.


Pembentukan dan pelaksanaan Sekretariat Dewan Komisaris dan Komite- The establishment and implementation of the Board of Commissioners
komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris dilakukan dengan memperhatikan Secretariat and the Committees under the Board of Commissioners are
Peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku antara lain Peraturan carried out with due observance of the prevailing laws and regulations,
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (POJK) serta Peraturan Menteri Badan Usaha among others, the Financial Services Authority Regulations (POJK) and
Milik Negara (BUMN) Nomor PER-14/MBU/10/2021 tentang Perubahan the Regulations of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN),
Kedua Atas Peraturan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor PER- Number PER-14/MBU/10/2021 concerning the Second Amendment
12/MBU/2012 tanggal 24 Agustus 2012 tentang Organ Pendukung to the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number
Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas Badan Usaha Milik Negara. PER-12/MBU/2012 dated 24 August 2012 concerning Supporting Organs
of the Board of Commissioners/Supervisory Board of State-Owned

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Komite-Komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris Committees under the Board of Commissioners

Komite-komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris terdiri dari Komite Audit The committees under the Board of Commissioners consist of the Audit
(KA), Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi (KNR) serta Komite Pemantau Committee (KA), Nomination and Remuneration Committee (KNR) and
Risiko (KPR). Setiap Komite memiliki suatu pedoman yang mengatur Risk Monitoring Committee (KPR). Each Committee has a guideline that
tata cara pengangkatan, pemberhentian dan pengaturan tugas yang regulates the procedures for appointment, dismissal and regulation
secara terus menerus disempurnakan dan diperbaharui sesuai dengan of duties which are continuously refined and updated in accordance
perkembangan/perubahan peraturan hukum yang berlaku serta kondisi with developments/changes in applicable legal regulations and current
terkini. conditions.

Mekanisme Kerja Komite-komite di Bawah Dewan Working Mechanism of Committees under the Board of
Komisaris Commissioners
Komite-komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris melaksanakan tugasnya The Committees under the Board of Commissioners carry out their
sesuai Piagam dan Program Rencana Kerja masing-masing Komite duties in accordance with the Charter and Work Plan Programme of
yang ditetapkan dalam rangka membantu pelaksanaan tugas Dewan each Committee established in order to assist the implementation of
Komisaris, dengan melakukan pemantauan, penelaahan/review serta the duties of the Board of Commissioners, by monitoring, reviewing and
pemberian saran atau rekomendasi kepada Dewan Komisaris terhadap providing advice or recommendations to the Board of Commissioners on
hal-hal yang terkait dengan fungsi dan tugas komite-komite yang matters related to the functions and duties of the committees concerned
bersangkutan melalui mekanisme sebagai berikut: through the following mechanism:
a. Komite melakukan rapat baik secara internal maupun dengan a. The Committee conducts meetings both internally and by inviting
mengundang Direktur terkait, satuan dan/atau divisi dan/atau unit relevant Directors, units and/or divisions and/or related units.
b. Komite melakukan penelaahan/evaluasi/review serta diskusi/ b. The Committee conducts review/evaluation/review as well as
pembahasan di luar forum rapat yang apabila diperlukan dilakukan discussion outside the meeting forum which, if necessary, is
diskusi bersama satuan atau divisi-divisi/unit-unit terkait. discussed with the relevant units or divisions/units.
c. Hasil rapat atau evaluasi/review serta diskusi/ pembahasan di c. The results of the meeting or evaluation/review and discussion
luar forum rapat disampaikan oleh Ketua Komite kepada Dewan outside the meeting forum are submitted by the Chairman of
Komisaris sebagai laporan baik secara tertulis atau dalam forum the Committee to the Board of Commissioners as a report either
Rapat Dewan Komisaris yang membahas agenda terkait. in writing or in the Board of Commissioners Meeting forum that
discusses the related agenda.

Penjelasan dan paparan mengenai masing-masing Komite disampaikan Explanation and description of each Committee is presented in a
dalam sub bab tersendiri. separate sub-section.

Penilaian Kinerja Komite Di Bawah Dewan Komisaris Performance Assessment of Committees Under the
Board of Commissioners
Dewan Komisaris dibantu oleh komite-komite di bawah Dewan The Board of Commissioners is assisted by committees under the Board
Komisaris dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya meliputi of Commissioners in carrying out its duties and responsibilities including
Komite Audit, Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi serta Komite Pemantau the Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee and
Risiko. Di tahun 2022, Dewan Komisaris menilai bahwa komite-komite Risk Monitoring Committee. In 2022, the Board of Commissioners
tersebut telah menjalankan fungsi, tugas, dan tanggung jawab dengan considers that these committees have carried out their functions, duties
baik yang terlihat dari: and responsibilities well, which can be seen from:
• Tercapainya seluruh Rencana/Program Kerja Komite-komite yang • Achievement of all Committee Work Plans/Programmes set by the
ditetapkan pada akhir tahun 2021, serta end of 2021, as well as
• Pelaksanaan Rapat Komite dan tingkat kehadiran anggota Komite. • Implementation of Committee Meetings and attendance rate of
Committee members..

Pelaksanaan program/rencana kerja komite-komite dilakukan melalui The implementation of the committees’ programmes/work plans is
mekanisme rapat komite termasuk dengan mengundang Direktorat carried out through the mechanism of committee meetings including
atau divisi-divisi/satuan kerja terkait serta penelaahan/evaluasi/review by inviting the Directorate or related divisions/work units as well as
secara mendalam oleh masing-masing komite di luar forum rapat yang in-depth review/evaluation/review by each committee outside the
hasilnya disampaikan secara tertulis kepada Dewan Komisaris. meeting forum, the results of which are submitted in writing to the
Board of Commissioners.

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Komite Audit telah melaksanakan fungsi, tugas, dan tanggung jawabnya The Audit Committee has carried out its functions, duties and
diantaranya melakukan penelaahan atas informasi keuangan yang responsibilities including reviewing the financial information that will
akan dikeluarkan Perusahaan kepada publik dan/atau pihak Otoritas. be released by the Company to the public and/or the Authority. The
Komite Audit juga mengevaluasi efektivitas pelaksanaan audit/ jasa Audit Committee also evaluates the effectiveness of the audit/services
yang diberikan Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP), termasuk menelaah provided by the Public Accounting Firm (KAP), including reviewing the
independensi dan objektivitas KAP. independence and objectivity of the KAP.

Kemudian, Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi juga telah melaksanakan Furthermore, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee has also
fungsi, tugas dan tanggung jawab pengawasannya terhadap pelaksanaan carried out its functions, duties and supervisory responsibilities towards
kebijakan nominasi dan remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. the implementation of the nomination and remuneration policies of the
Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors.

Komite Pemantau Risiko telah memberikan dukungan kepada Dewan The Risk Monitoring Committee has provided support to the Board of
Komisaris terkait review atas permohonan persetujuan Direksi kepada Commissioners related to the review of the request for approval from the
Dewan Komisaris atas rencana corporate actions antara lain Investasi, Board of Directors to the Board of Commissioners for corporate actions
Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan, Rencana Jangka Panjang such as Investments, Work Plans and Corporate Budgets, Corporate Long
Perusahaan dan Pembiayaan (Financing). Term Plans and Financing.

Berdasarkan realisasi penyelesaian seluruh program/ rencana kerja serta Based on the realisation of the completion of all work programmes/
pelaksanaan tugasnya komite-komite di bawah Dewan Komisaris yang plans as well as the implementation of the duties of the committees
ditetapkan dapat dilihat bahwa frekuensi dan tingkat kehadiran rapat under the Board of Commissioners, it can be seen that the frequency and
dan laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan Komite Audit, Komite Nominasi dan attendance of meetings and reports on the implementation of activities
Remunerasi serta Komite Pemantau Risiko menunjukkan bahwa tiap- of the Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee and
tiap komite telah menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik. Risk Monitoring Committee show that each committee has carried out
its duties properly.

Penilaian Kinerja atau Evaluasi Anggota Komite Assessment or Evaluation of Committee Members’
Evaluasi atau penilaian terhadap kinerja anggota komite meliputi Evaluation or assessment of the performance of committee members
Indikator Penilaian Kinerja yang antara lain namun tidak terbatas pada includes Performance Assessment Indicators which include but are not
kompetensi dan keahlian, kualitas output, kedisiplinan dan tingkat limited to competence and expertise, quality of output, discipline and
kehadiran anggota komite yang bersangkutan pada Perseroan, serta attendance level of the committee members concerned in the Company,
pelaksanaan tugas dan kewajiban sesuai dengan piagam komite. as well as the implementation of duties and obligations in accordance
with the committee charter.

Hasil evaluasi dan penilaian sebagaimana dimaksud disampaikan The results of the evaluation and assessment as referred to are
sebagai rekomendasi kepada Dewan Komisaris untuk memperpanjang submitted as a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners to
atau melanjutkan atau mengakhiri pengangkatan anggota komite yang extend or continue or terminate the appointment of the committee
bersangkutan pada perseroan. member concerned to the Company.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Board of Directors

Direksi adalah organ perusahaan yang bertugas dan bertanggung jawab The Board of Directors is the organ of the Company that is tasked and
secara kolektif untuk melakukan pengelolaan atas Perseroan untuk collectively responsible for managing the Company for the interests
kepentingan dan tujuan Perseroan sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran and purposes of the Company in accordance with the provisions
Dasar serta melaksanakan GCG pada seluruh tingkatan atau jenjang of the Articles of Association and implementing GCG at all levels of
organisasi. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya Direksi bertanggung jawab the organisation. In carrying out its duties, the Board of Directors is
kepada RUPS sebagi bentuk perwujudan akuntabilitas pengelolaan responsible to the GMS as a form of accountability for managing the
perusahaan sesuai dengan prinsip- prinsip tata kelola perusahaan. company in accordance with the principles of corporate governance.


a. Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas a. Law Number 40 Year 2007 on Limited Liability Companies
b. Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 33/POJK.04/2014 tentang b. Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 33/POJK.04/2014
Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik. regarding the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of
Issuers or Public Companies.
c. Anggaran Dasar Perseroan sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Akta c. The Company’s Articles of Association as amended by Deed
Nomor 83 tanggal 31 Desember 2021. Number 83 dated 31 December 2021.


Berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, anggota Direksi menjabat untuk Pursuant to the Company’s Articles of Association, members of the
jangka waktu terhitung sejak tanggal ditetapkan oleh RUPS dan berakhir Board of Directors hold office for a term commencing on the date of
pada penutupan RUPS Tahunan yang ke-3 setelah pengangkatannya. their appointment by the GMS and ending at the close of the 3rd Annual
GMS after their appointment.


Seluruh anggota Direksi yang diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh RUPS All members of the Board of Directors appointed and dismissed by the
telah sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan serta sesuai dengan GMS are in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association and
persyaratan yang terdapat dalam Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan in accordance with the requirements contained in the Financial Services
Nomor 33/POJK.04/2014 tentang Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Emiten Authority Regulation Number 33/POJK.04/2014 concerning the Board of
atau Perusahaan Publik. Directors and Board of Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies.

Direksi harus memenuhi syarat umum dan syarat khsusus yang juga The Board of Directors must fulfil the general requirements and special
tertuang dalam Board Manual Perseroan, yang mencakup antara lain: requirements which are also contained in the Company’s Board Manual,
which includes, among others:
1. Persyaratan umum: 1. General requirements:
a. Orang perseorangan; a. Individual;
b. Memiliki akhlak, moral dan integritas yang baik; b. Have good character, morals and integrity;
c. Mampu melaksanakan perbuatan hukum; c. Able to carry out legal actions;
d. Tidak pernah dinyatakan pailit oleh pengadilan dalam waktu d. Never been declared bankrupt by the court within the last five
lima tahun terakhir sebelum pencalonan; years prior to nomination;
e. Tidak pernah menjadi Direktur yang dinyatakan bersalah e. Has never been a Director found guilty by the Court within the
oleh Pengadilan dalam waktu lima tahun terakhir sebelum last five years prior to nomination;
f. Tidak boleh ada hubungan keluarga sedarah sampai dengan f. There must be no family relationship by blood up to the
derajat ketiga, baik menurut garis lurus maupun garis ke third degree, either in a straight line or sideways line or
samping atau hubungan semenda (menantu atau ipar) consanguineous relationship (son-in-law or in-law) with other
dengan Direktur lain dan/atau Anggota Dewan Komisaris; Directors and/or Members of the Board of Commissioners;
g. Tidak boleh merangkap jabatan lain yang dapat menimbulkan g. Shall not hold any other position that may cause conflict
benturan kepentingan secara langsung atau tidak langsung of interest directly or indirectly with the Company and/or
dengan Perseroan dan atau yang bertentangan dengan contrary to the prevailing laws and regulations;
ketentuan peraturan perundang- undangan yang berlaku;

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h. Memiliki integritas dan moral yang baik; h. Have integrity and good morals;
i. Berwatak baik dan mempunyai kemampuan untuk i. Be of good character and have the ability to develop business
mengembangkan usaha guna kemajuan Perseroan; for the advancement of the Company;
j. Memiliki kompetensi, yaitu kemampuan dan pengalaman j. Have competence, namely the ability and experience in the
dalam bidang-bidang yang menunjang pelaksanaan tugas dan fields that support the implementation of the duties and
kewajiban Direksi; obligations of the Board of Directors;
k. Memiliki komitmen untuk mematuhi peraturan perundang- k. Have a commitment to comply with the prevailing laws and
undangan yang berlaku; regulations;
l. Bukan pengurus partai politik dan/atau calon anggota l. Not an administrator of a political party and/or legislative
legislatif. candidate.
2. Persyaratan khusus: 2. Special requirements:
a. Memiliki pengalaman menangani korporasi sebagai senior a. Have experience handling corporations as senior management
management dan dapat memberikan rekomendasi dan solusi and can provide recommendations and solutions as needed;
yang diperlukan;
b. Memahami ketentuan-ketentuan terkait dengan perusahaan b. Understand the provisions related to public companies and
terbuka dan pasar modal; capital markets;
c. Berani dan cepat (less bureaucracy) di dalam pengambilan c. Courageous and fast (less bureaucracy) in decision making;
d. Mempunyai rekam jejak yang bersih dari aspek integritas; d. Have a clean track record in terms of integrity;
e. Memiliki leadership, sense of enterpreneurship dan e. Have leadership, sense of entrepreneurship and experience;
f. Networking yang memadai dan interpersonal skill. f. Adequate networking and interpersonal skills.
3. Pertimbangan lainnya: 3. Other considerations:
Keberagaman komposisi anggota Direksi dapat digunakan sebagai The diversity of the composition of the Board of Directors can
salah satu bahan pertimbangan dalam proses nominasi dan suksesi be used as one of the considerations in the nomination and
anggota Direksi dengan memperhatikan pengetahuan, keahlian succession process of the Board of Directors by taking into account
dan pengalaman yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi the knowledge, expertise and experience in accordance with the
perusahaan sehingga mendapatkan komposisi yang optimal serta needs and conditions of the company so as to obtain an optimal
efektifitas dalam pengambilan keputusan. Direksi Perseroan composition and effectiveness in decision making. The Board
diwajibkan untuk menandatangani surat pernyataan terkait dengan of Directors of the Company is required to sign a statement
pemenuhan persyaratan tersebut di atas dan didokumentasikan letter related to the fulfilment of the above requirements and
oleh Perseroan. documented by the Company.

Pengangkatan Direksi Perseroan telah melalui proses fit & proper test The appointment of the Company’s Board of Directors has gone through
(uji kemampuan dan kepatutan) yang dilakukan oleh pemegang saham a fit and proper test process conducted by the controlling shareholder in
pengendali sesuai dengan peraturan perundangan-undangan yang accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations and the provisions
berlaku dan ketentuan tata kelola perusahaan, untuk kemudian diajukan of corporate governance, and then submitted to the GMS for further
kepada RUPS untuk dilakukan proses selanjutnya. process.

Berikut adalah status uji kemampuan dan kepatutan Direksi Perseroan The following is the fit and proper test status of the Company’s Directors
yang menjabat sampai dengan akhir Desember 2021: who served until the end of December 2021:

Hasil fit & proper test

Nama Jabatan Pelaksana
Result of fit & proper
Name Position Examiner
John Hisar Simamora Direktur Utama | President Director Lulus | Passed PT Pertamina (Persero) selaku
Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja Direktur Keuangan | Director of Finance Lulus | Passed Pemegang Saham Pengendali
PT Pertamina (Persero) as the
Tenny Elfrida Direktur SDM & Umum | HR & General Director Lulus | Passed Controlling Shareholder
Charles Harianto Lumbantobing Direktur Operasi | Director of Operations Lulus | Passed
Ratih Esti Prihatini Direktur Pengembangan Usaha | Director of Business Lulus | Passed

Keterangan terkait dengan keberagaman dalam pendidikan, pengalaman Information related to diversity in education, work experience and age
kerja dan usia dapat dilihat secara rinci pada Bab Profil Perusahaan, Sub can be seen in detail in the Company Profil Chapter, Identity Sub Chapter
Bab Identitas dan riwayat hidup singkat anggota Direksi. and brief biography of members of the Board of Directors.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Komposisi Direksi Perseroan harus sedemikian rupa disesuaikan dengan The composition of the Company’s Board of Directors must be in such
besarnya kegiatan kompleksitas bisnis Perseroan dan struktur organisasi a way as to be adjusted to the magnitude of the Company’s business
sehingga memungkinkan pengambilan putusan yang efektif, tepat dan complexity activities and organisational structure so as to enable
cepat dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan-tujuan Perseroan. effective, precise and quick decision making in order to achieve the
Company’s objectives.

Berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan dan Keputusan RUPS Luar Based on the Company’s Articles of Association and the Resolution of
Biasa yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2021 yang tertuang the Extraordinary GMS held on 31 December 2021 as stated in Notarial
dalam Akta Notaris Nomor 83 tanggal 31 Desember 2021 yang dibuat Deed No. 83 dated 31 December 2021 made by Notary Aulia Taufani SH,
oleh Notaris Aulia Taufani SH ditetapkan 5 (lima) orang sebagai anggota 5 (five) persons were appointed as members of the Board of Directors
Direksi yang bertugas untuk melakukan pengurusan Perseroan. whose duty is to manage the Company.

Adapun komposisi dan susunan Direksi per 31 Desember 2022 adalah The composition of the Board of Directors as of 31 December 2022 is
sebagai berikut: as follows:


Composition of the Board of Directors as of 31 December 2022

Nama Dasar Penunjukan Jabatan Periode Jabatan

Name Basis of Appointment Position Period of Position
John Hisar Simamora Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat No. 83 tanggal 31 Desember 2021 yang Direktur Utama Ke-1
dibuat dihadapan Aulia Taufani, SH Notaris di Kota Administrasi Jakarta
Deed of Meeting Resolution No. 83 dated 31 December 2021 made before President Director 1st
Aulia Taufani, SH Notary in the Administrative City of South Jakarta
Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat No. 83 tanggal 31 Desember 2021 yang Direktur Keuangan Ke-1
dibuat dihadapan Aulia Taufani, SH Notaris di Kota Administrasi Jakarta
Deed of Meeting Resolution No. 83 dated 31 December 2021 made before Director of Finance 1st
Aulia Taufani, SH Notary in the Administrative City of South Jakarta
Tenny Elfrida Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat No. 14 tanggal 8 Juli 2020 yang dibuat Direktur SDM & Umum Ke-2
dihadapan Aulia Taufani, SH Notaris di Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan
Deed of Meeting Resolution No. 14 dated 8 July 2020 drawn up in HR & General Director 2nd
the presence of Aulia Taufani, SH Notary in the City of South Jakarta
Charles Harianto Lumbantobing Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat No. 83 tanggal 31 Desember 2021 yang Direktur Operasi Ke-1
dibuat dihadapan Aulia Taufani, SH Notaris di Kota Administrasi Jakarta
Deed of Meeting Resolution No. 83 dated 31 December 2021 made before Director of Operations 1st
Aulia Taufani, SH Notary in the Administrative City of South Jakarta
Ratih Esti Prihatini Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat No. 83 tanggal 31 Desember 2021 yang Direktur Pengembangan Usaha Ke-1
dibuat dihadapan Aulia Taufani, SH Notaris di Kota Administrasi Jakarta
Deed of Meeting Resolution No. 83 dated 31 December 2021 made before Director of Business 1st
Aulia Taufani, SH Notary in the City of South Jakarta Administration Development


Hingga tahun 2022, Perseroan tidak memiliki direksi independen. Untill 2022, Emitten does not have independent board of direction.

242 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Direksi Perseroan memiliki Pedoman Kerja (Board Manual) yang The Board of Directors of the Company has Work Manual (Board Manual)
digunakan sebagai acuan dalam menjalankan tugas, tanggung jawab used as reference in running duties, responsibilities and authorities.
dan wewenangnya, Direksi berpedoman pada Board Manual. Board Thus, the Board of Directors work is guided by the Board Manual.
Manual tersebut berisi tentang petunjuk tata laksana kerja Direksi The Board Manual contains guidelines for the work procedures of the
serta menjelaskan tahapan aktivitas secara terstruktur, sistematis, Directors and explains activities stages that are structured, systematic,
mudah dipahami dan dapat dijalankan dengan konsisten untuk menjadi easy to understand, and can be carried out consistently to be reference
acuan bagi Direksi dalam melaksanakan tugas sesuai dengan standar for the Board of Directors performing tasks following standards of
prinsip tata kelola perusahaan untuk mencapai visi misi Perusahaan. corporate governance principles to achieve the Company’s vision and
Board Manual tersebut senantiasa dilakukan evaluasi secara berkala mission. The Board Manual is regularly evaluated so as to be in line with
agar sejalan dengan perubahan peraturan perundang-undangan yang changes in applicable laws and best practices of corporate governance
berlaku dan praktik terbaik tata kelola Perusahaan yang disesuaikan adjusted the Company needs.
dengan kebutuhan Perseroan.

Board Manual disusun berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip hukum perusahaan, The Board Manual is prepared based on the principles of corporate law,
ketentuan anggaran dasar, peraturan perundang-undangan yang provisions of the articles of association, applicable laws and regulations,
berlaku, arahan dari pemegang saham serta best practices tata kelola directives from the shareholders and best practices of corporate
perusahaan. governance.

Ruang Lingkup 1. Fungsi Direksi 1. Function of the Board of Directors

2. Tugas dan Kewajiban Direksi 2. Duties and Obligations of the Board of Directors
Pedoman Kerja 3. Hak dan Wewenang Direksi 3. Rights and Powers of the Board of Directors
Direksi 4. Persyaratan Direksi 4. Requirements for the Board of Directors
Scope of the 5. Proses Pengangkatan Direksi 5. Process of Appointing the Board of Directors
Board of Directors’ 6. Keanggotaan Direksi 6. Membership of the Board of Directors
Work Guidelines 7. Rangkap Jabatan Direksi 7. Concurrent Position of the Board of Directors
8. Masa Jabatan Direksi 8. Term of Office of the Board of Directors
9. Pemberhentian Anggota Direksi 9. Dismissal of the Board of Directors members
10. Pengunduran Diri Anggota Direksi 10. Resignation of the Board of Directors members
11. Keadaan Anggota Direksi Lowong 11. Vacant Condition of the Board of Directors
12. Pengalihan Tugas Sementara 12. Temporary Duties Transfer of The Board of
Anggota Direksi Directors members
13. Rencana Pergantian atau 13. Replacement or Changes Plan of the Board of
Perubahan Direksi Directors
14. Independensi Direksi 14. Independence of the Board of Directors
15. Pengungkapan Kepemilikan Saham 15. Disclosure of Share Ownership and Affiliation
dan Hubungan Afiliasi Relationship
16. Program Pengenalan dan 16. Introduction and Competency Development
Peningkatan Kapabilitas Program
17. Waktu Kerja Anggota DIreksi 17. Working Hours of the Board of Directors
18. Etika Jabatan Direksi 18. Code of Conduct of the Board of Directors
19. Penetapan Kebijakan Pengurusan 19. Determination of Company Management Policies
Perusahaan oleh Direksi by the Board of Directors
20. Pendelegasian Wewenang Diantara 20. Authority Delegation Among Company’s Board of
Direktur Perusahaan Directors
21. Komposisi dan Pembagian Tugas 21. Composition and Duties Division of the Board of
Direksi Directors
22. Rapat Direksi 22. Meeting of the Board of Directors
23. Organ Pendukung Direksi 23. Supporting Organs of the Board of Directors
24. Hubungan Kerja antara Dewan 24. Work Relationship between the Board of
Komisaris dan Direksi Commissioners and the Board of Directors
25. Evaluasi Kinerja Direksi 25. Performance Evaluation of the Board of Directors
26. Pertanggungjawaban Direksi 26. Accountability of the Board of Directors

Tugas, Kewajiban dan Wewenang Direksi Duties, Obligations, and Authority of the Board of
Direksi menjalankan tugas dan kewenangan pengurusan Perseroan The Board of Directors carries out duties and authority in managing
untuk tujuan dan kepentingan Perseroan termasuk mewakili Perseroan the Company for the purposes and interests of the Company, including
baik di dalam maupun di luar pengadilan. representing the Company both inside and outside the court.
1. Prinsip dasar pelaksanaan tugas dan kewajiban Direksi Perseroan 1. Basic principles of carrying out duties and obligations of the
sebagai berikut: Company’s Board of Directors are as follows:
a. Bertanggungjawab penuh dalam melaksanakan tugasnya a. Fully responsible for carrying out duties for the interests and
untuk kepentingan dan usaha Perseroan dalam mencapai efforts of the Company in achieving its goals and objectives.
maksud dan tujuannya.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

b. Memimpin dan mengurus Perseroan sesuai dengan maksud b. Leading and managing the Company based on purposes and
dan tujuan Perseroan dan senantiasa berusaha meningkatkan objectives of the Company and to always strive to improve
efisiensi dan efektivitas Perseroan. efficiency and effectiveness of the Company.
c. Menguasai, memelihara, dan mengurus kekayaan Perseroan. c. Controlling, maintaining, and managing the Company’s
d. Dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan/tindakan, harus d. In every decision/action, business risks must be considered.
mempertimbangkan risiko usaha.
2. Dalam melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban tersebut, Direksi 2. In running duties and obligations, the Company’s Board of
Perseroan wajib memperhatikan kebijakan umum yang diatur Directors must pay attention to the general policies stipulated in
dalam pedoman kerja (board manual) Perseroan sebagai berikut: the Company’s work guidelines (board manual) as follows:
a. Dengan itikad baik dan penuh tanggung jawab menjalankan a. In good faith and full responsibility for carrying out tasks for
tugas untuk kepentingan Perseroan. the benefit of the Company.
b. Tunduk pada ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan b. Complying with provisions of the applicable laws and
yang berlaku, Anggaran Dasar dan keputusan RUPS serta regulations, the Articles of Association and GMS resolution
memastikan seluruh aktivitas Perseroan telah sesuai dengan and ensuring that all of the Company activities are following
ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, provisions of the prevailing laws and regulations, the Articles
Anggaran Dasar dan keputusan RUPS. of Association and GMS Resolution.
c. Menerapkan good corporate governance secara konsisten. c. Implementing Good Corporate Governance consistently.
d. Mematuhi peraturan internal Perseroan. d. Complying with the Company’s internal regulations.
e. Melaksanakan pengurusan Perseroan untuk kepentingan dan e. Carrying out the Company management for the interests and
tujuan Perseroan. objectives of the Company.
f. Menetapkan susunan organisasi Perseroan lengkap dengan f. Determining the Company’s organizational structure
pelaksanaan tugasnya. complete with the duties implementation.
g. Bertindak selaku pimpinan dalam pengurusan Perseroan. g. Acting as the leader in the Company management.
h. Memelihara dan mengurus kekayaan Perseroan. h. Maintaining and managing the Company’s assets.
i. Bertanggungjawab penuh dalam melaksanakan tugasnya i. Being fully responsible in performing duties for the benefit of
untuk kepentingan Perseroan dalam mencapai maksud dan the Company in achieving its goals and objectives.
j. Mewakili Perseroan baik di dalam maupun di luar pengadilan. j. Representing the Company both inside and outside the court.
k. Memperhatikan masukan-masukan yang diberikan oleh k. Considering input provided by the Board of Commissioners.
Dewan Komisaris.
l. Melakukan segala tindakan dan perbuatan, baik mengenai l. Performing all actions, both regarding the management and
pengurusan maupun pemilikan kekayaan Perseroan serta ownership of the Company’s assets and binding the Company
mengikat Perseroan dengan pihak lain dengan pembatasan with other parties with certain restrictions.
m. Wajib menyelenggarakan dan menyimpan Daftar Khusus yang m. Obliged to hold and maintain Special Register containing
memuat keterangan mengenai kepemilikan saham Direktur information regarding share ownership of the Board of
dan Komisaris beserta keluarganya dalam Perusahaan dan/ Directors and the Board of Commissioners and their families
atau pada perusahaan lain serta tanggal saham itu diperoleh. in the Company and/or in other companies and the date the
shares were acquired.
n. Bertanggung jawab penuh secara pribadi atas kerugian n. Being fully personally responsible for the Company loss if the
Perseroan apabila yang bersangkutan bersalah atau lalai person concerned is guilty or negligent in carrying out duties
menjalankan tugasnya untuk kepentingan dan usaha for the interests and business of the Company.
3. Tugas terkait Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham 3. Duties regarding General Meeting of Shareholders
a. Direksi wajib menyelenggarakan dan menyimpan Daftar a. The Board of Directors is required to hold and keep the list of
Pemegang Saham dan dokumen-dokumen terkait dengan Shareholders and documents related to GMS in accordance
RUPS sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. with statutory provisions.
b. Memberikan informasi material secara accurate, reliable, b. Providing material information in an accurate, reliable, timely,
timely, consistent, dan useful yang memungkinkan bagi consistent, and useful manner that allows the shareholders to
pemegang saham untuk membuat keputusan. make decisions.
c. Menyediakan bahan RUPS dan disampaikan kepada c. Providing GMS material and submitting it to the Company’s
pemegang saham Perseroan. shareholders.
d. Memberikan laporan berkala kepada pemegang saham d. Providing periodical reports to the shareholders according to
menurut cara dan waktu sesuai dengan ketentuan yang the method and time in line with applicable regulations.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

e. Memberikan pertanggungjawaban dan segala keterangan e. Providing accountability and all information regarding
tentang keadaan dan jalannya Perseroan, terutama laporan the Company condition and running, especially financial
keuangan baik dalam bentuk laporan tahunan maupun dalam statement both in the form of annual report and in the form
bentuk laporan berkala lainnya menurut cara dan waktu yang of other periodical report in the manner and time specified in
ditentukan dalam Anggaran Dasar. the Articles of Association.
f. Menandatangani Laporan Tahunan, dalam hal terdapat f. Signing the Annual Report, in the event that the Board
Direktur yang tidak menandatangani Laporan Tahunan, maka of Director does not sign the Annual Report, the person
yang bersangkutan harus menyebutkan alasannya dalam surat concerned must state the reason in a separate letter attached
tersendiri yang dilekatkan dalam Laporan Tahunan. Dalam to Annual Report. In the event that there is Director who
hal terdapat Direktur yang tidak menandatangani Laporan does not sign the Annual Report and does not give reasons
Tahunan dan tidak memberikan alasan secara tertulis, maka in writing, the relevant party shall be deemed to approve the
yang bersangkutan dianggap menyetujui isi laporan tahunan annual report contents.
g. Memanggil dan menyelenggarakan RUPS Tahunan dan/atau g. Inviting and holding Annual GMS and/or Extraordinary GMS.
RUPS Luar Biasa.
h. Membuat dan memelihara Risalah RUPS. h. Drafting and maintaining the GMS Minutes.
4. Tugas terkait dengan Anak Perusahaan. Menetapkan prosedur 4. Duties related to Subsidiaries. Establishing procedure for
pengangkatan anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Anak appointment of Subsidiaries Board of Directors and Board of
Perusahaan, sebagai berikut: Commissioners members, as follows:
a. Direksi membentuk Tim Evaluasi calon Anggota Direksi a. The Board of Directors establishes Evaluation Team for
dan Dewan Komisaris Anak Perusahaan yang diketuai oleh prospective members of the Board of Directors and the Board
Direktur SDM dan Umum. of Commissioners for the Subsidiary, chaired by Director of HR
and General Affairs.
b. Tim Evaluasi menunjuk tenaga ahli atau Lembaga Profesional b. Evaluation Team appoints experts or Professional Institutions
untuk melakukan penilaian (jika diperlukan), melakukan for assessments (if needed), selection of candidates and then
penjaringan calon kemudian diserahkan kepada Direksi untuk submission to the Board of Directors for approval.
memperoleh persetujuannya.
c. Tim Evaluasi melakukan penilaian terhadap calon-calon yang c. Evaluation Team evaluates candidates included in the list
masuk dalam daftar bakal calon yang telah disetujui Direksi. of prospective candidates who have been approved by the
Board of Directors.
d. Dalam hal penilaian dilakukan oleh ahli atau lembaga d. In the event that the assessment is carried out by an expert or
profesional yang ditunjuk, Tim Evaluasi mengevaluasi appointed professional institution, Evaluation Team evaluates
berdasarkan hasil penilaian oleh ahli atau lembaga based on assessment results by the expert or professional
profesional. institution.
e. Tim Evaluasi menyampaikan hasil penilaian tersebut kepada e. Evaluation Team submits the assessment results to the Board
Direksi untuk penetapan calon Anggota Direksi/Dewan of Directors to determine the candidates for the Board of
Komisaris anak Perusahaan terpilih. Directors/Board of Commissioners of the selected subsidiary.
f. Direksi melakukan evaluasi akhir atas hasil penilaian untuk f. The Board of Directors conducts final evaluation of
menetapkan Direksi dan Komisaris terpilih untuk masing- the assessment results to determine the Directors and
masing jabatan Anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Anak Commissioners elected for each position of the Members of
Perusahaan. the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the
5. Tugas terkait dengan strategi dan rencana kerja 5. Duties related to strategies and work plans
a. Menyiapkan visi, misi, tujuan, strategi dan budaya Perseroan, a. Drafting the Company’s vision, mission, goals, strategies and
termasuk logo Perseroan. culture, including the Company’s logo.
b. Mengusahakan dan menjamin terlaksananya usaha dan b. Promoting and guaranteeing business and activities
kegiatan Perseroan sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan serta implementation of the Company following the aims,
kegiatan usahanya. objectives and business activities.
c. Menyiapkan rencana pengembangan Perseroan tepat pada c. Drafting the Company’s development plans on time.
d. Mengupayakan tercapainya sasaran-sasaran jangka panjang d. Striving to achieve the long-term goals listed in the RJPP.
yang tercantum dalam RJPP.
e. Menyampaikan Rencana Kerja yang memuat juga anggaran e. Submitting the Work Plan which also contains the Company’s
tahunan Perseroan kepada Dewan Komisaris selambatnya 30 annual budget to the Board of Commissioners no later than
(tiga puluh) hari sebelum tahun buku berikutnya dimulai. 30 (thirty) days before the next fiscal year begins.
f. Mengupayakan tercapainya target-target jangka pendek yang f. Striving to achieve short-term targets listed in the RKAP.
tercantum dalam RKAP.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

6. Terkait dengan Manajemen Risiko 6. Related to Risk Management

a. Menyusun kebijakan dan strategi manajemen risiko secara a. Developing written and comprehensive risk management
tertulis dan komprehensif di tingkat korporat termasuk policies and strategies at the corporate level including the
penetapan dan persetujuan limit risiko secara keseluruhan, establishment and approval of overall risk limits, per type
per jenis risiko dan per aktivitas fungsional (kegiatan usaha) of risk and per functional activity (business activity) of the
Perseroan. Company.
b. Mengembangkan budaya manajemen risiko pada seluruh b. Developing risk management culture at all organization levels,
jenjang organisasi, antara lain meliputi komunikasi yang including adequate communication to all organization levels
memadai kepada seluruh jenjang organisasi tentang concerning the importance of effective internal control.
pentingnya pengendalian intern yang efektif.
c. Bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan kebijakan manajemen c. Being responsible for the implementation of risk management
risiko dan paparan risiko yang diambil oleh Perseroan secara policies and risk exposure taken by the Company as a
keseluruhan, termasuk mengevaluasi dan memberikan whole, including evaluating and providing direction for risk
arahan strategi manajemen risiko berdasarkan laporan yang management strategies based on reports submitted by the
disampaikan oleh pejabat Risk Management yang ditunjuk. appointed Risk Management officials.
d. Mengevaluasi dan memutuskan transaksi yang melampaui d. Evaluating and deciding on transactions that go beyond the
kewenangan pejabat satu level di bawah Direksi atau transaksi authority of officials one level below the Board of Directors or
yang memerlukan persetujuan sesuai dengan kebijakan dan transactions requiring approval in accordance with applicable
prosedur intern yang berlaku. internal policies and procedures.
e. Memastikan peningkatan kompetensi sumber daya manusia e. Ensuring the increase in human resource competencies
yang terkait dengan penerapan manajemen risiko, antara related to the application of risk management, among others
lain dengan cara program pendidikan dan latihan secara by continuous education and training programs especially
berkesinambungan terutama yang berkaitan dengan sistem those related to risk management systems and processes.
dan proses manajemen risiko.
f. Memastikan bahwa fungsi manajemen risiko telah diterapkan f. Ensuring that the risk management function has been
secara independen yang dicerminkan antara lain adanya implemented independently which is reflected by the
hubungan antara unit Manajemen Risiko yang melakukan relationship between the Risk Management unit conducting
identifikasi, pengukuran, pemantauan dan pengendalian risiko identification, measurement, monitoring, and risk control with
dengan Satuan Kerja yang melakukan dan menyelesaikan the Work Unit that carries out and completes transactions.
g. Melaksanakan kaji ulang secara berkala dengan frekuensi g. Periodically reviewing the frequency following the Company
sesuai dengan kebutuhan Perseroan untuk memastikan: needs to ensure:
i. Keakuratan metodologi manajemen risiko. i. The accuracy of the risk management methodology.
ii. Kecukupan implementasi sistem informasi manajemen ii. Adequacy of risk management information system
risiko. implementation.
iii. Ketepatan kebijakan, prosedur dan penetapan limit iii. Accuracy of policies, procedures and determination of
risiko. risk limits
7. Terkait dengan pemberantasan korupsi 7. Related to corruption eradication
Direksi dilarang untuk memberikan atau menawarkan atau The Board of Directors are prohibited from giving, offering or
menerima baik langsung ataupun tidak langsung sesuatu yang accepting directly or indirectly anything of value to government
berharga kepada pejabat pemerintah dan pihak-pihak lain officials and other parties that influence or as reward for what they
yang mempengaruhi atau sebagai imbalan atas apa yang telah have done and other actions in accordance with applicable laws
dilakukannya dan tindakan lainnya sesuai peraturan perundang- and regulations.
undangan yang berlaku.
8. Terkait dengan sistem pengendalian internal 8. Related to internal control system
Sistem Pengendalian Intern yang efektif merupakan komponen An effective Internal Control System is an important component
penting dalam manajemen dan menjadi dasar bagi kegiatan in management and is the basis for operational activities of the
operasional Perseroan. Sistem Pengendalian Intern harus Company. Internal Control System must be able to ensure that
dapat memastikan seluruh aktivitas bisnis mematuhi peraturan all business activities comply with laws and regulations, good
perundang-undangan, pedoman good corporate governance corporate governance guidelines and Company policies.
maupun kebijakan Perseroan.

Sistem Pengendalian Internal harus dapat mendayagunakan Internal Control Systems must be able to utilize information that
informasi-informasi yang meliputi: includes:
a. Laporan manajemen. a. Management report.
b. Laporan auditor internal. b. Internal auditor report.
c. Opini dan laporan auditor eksternal. c. Opinions and reports by external auditors.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

d. Laporan dan pendapat aktuaris mengenai tingkat risiko dan d. Actuary reports and opinions regarding risk and premium
premi. levels.
e. Hal-hal lain yang dianggap perlu. e. Other matters deemed necessary
9. Terkait dengan keterbukaan dan kerahasiaan informasi 9. Related to information transparency and confidentiality
a. Direksi wajib mengungkapkan informasi penting dalam a. The Board of Directors is required to disclose important
Laporan Tahunan dan Laporan Keuangan kepada pihak lain information in the Annual Report and Financial Statement to
sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. other parties according to applicable laws and regulations.
b. Informasi yang disampaikan berupa: b. Information submitted in the form of
i. Informasi/data non publik yaitu informasi/data yang i. Non-public information/data, namely information/data
diberikan atau disampaikan untuk keperluan intern provided or submitted for internal corporate needs,
Perseroan baik yang bersifat reguler maupun insidental. both regular and incidental.
ii. Informasi/data publik yaitu informasi/data yang ii. Public information/data, namely information/data
diberikan atau disampaikan sebagai laporan kepada provided or submitted as a report to the Shareholders
Pemegang Saham dalam rangka memenuhi kewajiban in order to fulfill routine obligations and incidental
rutin maupun keterbukaan informasi yang bersifat information disclosure.
c. Direksi harus mengungkapkan pelaksanaan prinsip good c. The Board of Directors is required to disclose the
corporate governance yang telah dilaksanakan dalam Laporan implementation of good corporate governance principles that
Tahunan. have been implemented in the Annual Report.
d. Informasi rahasia yang diperoleh sewaktu menjabat sebagai d. Confidential information obtained while serving as the
Direksi Perseroan, termasuk rahasia Perseroan harus tetap Company’s Board of Directors, including the Company’s
dijaga sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang secrets, must be kept based on applicable laws and
berlaku. regulations.
e. Dalam hal menjaga kerahasiaan informasi Perseroan, Direksi e. In terms of maintaining the confidentiality of Company
dituntut untuk mengutamakan kepentingan Perseroan information, the Board of Directors is required to prioritize
daripada kepentingan individu atau kelompok. the interests of the Company rather than the interests of
individuals or groups.
10. Terkait dengan hubungan dengan para Pemangku Kepentingan 10. Related to relationships with the Stakeholders
a. Memastikan terjaminnya hak-hak para pemangku kepentingan a. Ensuring the stakeholders rights arising based on applicable
(stakeholders) yang timbul berdasarkan peraturan perundang- laws and regulations or agreements made by the Company
undangan yang berlaku dan atau perjanjian yang dibuat oleh with employees, partners, partners, suppliers, customers and
Perseroan dengan karyawan, rekanan, mitra kerja, pemasok, other stakeholders.
pelanggan dan stakeholders lainnya.
b. Memastikan Perseroan melakukan tanggung jawab sosialnya b. Ensuring that the Company carries out corporate social
(corporate social responsilibility) secara konsisten dan responsibility consistently and continuously
c. Memastikan Perseroan memperhatikan kepentingan c. Ensuring that the Company pays attention to the stakeholders
stakeholders. interests.
d. Memastikan bahwa aset-aset dan lokasi usaha serta fasilitas d. Ensuring that the Company’s assets and business location
Perseroan lainnya memenuhi peraturan perundang-undangan and other facilities meet the applicable laws and regulations
yang berlaku berkenaan dengan pelestarian lingkungan hidup, related to environmental preservation, health and work
kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja. safety
e. Dalam mempekerjakan, menetapkan besarnya gaji, e. In hiring, setting salary levels, providing training, setting
memberikan pelatihan, menetapkan jenjang karir, serta career paths, and determining other work requirements for
menentukan persyaratan kerja lainnya untuk karyawan, employees, the Company does not discriminate due to one
Perseroan tidak melakukan diskriminasi karena latar belakang ethnic background, religion, gender, age, disability of a person
etnik seseorang, agama, jenis kelamin, usia, cacat tubuh or other special circumstances that are protected by statutory
yang dipunyai seseorang atau keadaan khusus lainnya yang regulations
dilindungi oleh peraturan perundang-undangan.
f. Direksi wajib menyediakan lingkungan kerja yang bebas dari f. The Board of Directors is obliged to provide work environment
segala bentuk tekanan (pelecehan/harrasment). that is free from all harassment forms.
11. Terkait dengan teknologi informasi 11. Related to information technology
a. Menetapkan tata kelola informasi yang efektif. a. Establishing effective information governance.
b. Menyampaikan laporan pelaksanaan tata kelola teknologi b. Periodically submitting reports on the implementation
informasi secara periodik kepada Dewan Komisaris. of information technology governance to the Board of

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 247

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c. Menjaga dan mengevaluasi kualitas fungsi tata kelola c. Maintaining and evaluating the quality of information
informasi di Perseroan. governance function in the Company.
12. Terkait sistem akuntansi dan keuangan 12. Related to accounting and financial systems
a. Menyusun sistem akuntansi berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip a. Developing accounting system based on the principles of
standar akuntansi keuangan yang berlaku. applicable financial accounting standards.
b. Memastikan keandalan data yang mencakup kelengkapan, b. Ensuring the reliability of data covering the completeness,
akurasi, klasifikasi dan otorisasi yang memadai sehingga accuracy, classification and adequate authorization so that
laporan keuangan yang dihasilkan tepat waktu, tepat guna the resulting financial statements are timely, appropriate and
dan bebas dari salah saji material. free from material misstatements.
c. Mengadakan dan memelihara pembukuan dan administrasi c. Holding and maintain the books and administration of the
Perseroan untuk menghasilkan penyeleng garaan pembukuan Company to produce an orderly bookkeeping organizer,
yang tertib, kecukupan modal kerja dengan biaya modal yang adequate working capital with efficient capital costs, a good
efisien, struktur neraca yang baik dan kokoh. and strong balance sheet structure.
13. Terkait dengan tugas dan kewajiban lain 13. Related to other duties and obligations
Menjalankan kewajiban-kewajiban lainnya sesuai dengan Performing other obligations in line with the provisions stipulated
ketentuan-ketentuan yang diatur dalam Anggaran Dasar dan yang in the Articles of Association and those determined by GMS based
ditetapkan oleh RUPS berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan on the applicable laws and regulations.
yang berlaku.


Rincian tugas dan tanggung jawab masing-masing anggota Direksi Details of the duties and responsibilities of each member of the Board of
sebagai berikut: Directors are as follows:
a. Direktur Utama a. President Director
Menentukan, memutuskan dan menetapkan strategi perencanaan Determines, decides and sets the planning strategy and
serta pelaksanaan seluruh kegiatan Perseroan di antaranya Internal implementation of all activities of the Company including Internal
Audit, Legal and Contract, HSSE dan Corporate Secretary di mana Audit, Legal and Contract, HSSE and Corporate Secretary where
seluruh kegiatan tersebut dikaitkan dengan usaha pencapaian visi all activities are associated with efforts to achieve the Company’s
dan misi Perusahaan. vision and mission.
b. Direktur Keuangan b. Director of Finance
Menentukan, memutuskan, menetapkan dan mengendalikan Determine, decide, establish and control the making of the
pembuatan kebijakan dan strategi keuangan Perseroan untuk Company’s financial policies and strategies to increase the
meningkatkan profitabilitas, likuiditas Perseroan guna mencapai Company’s profitability, liquidity in order to achieve the Company’s
tujuan dan sasaran Perseroan secara efektif dan efisien. goals and objectives effectively and efficiently.
c. Direktur Operasi c. Director of Operations
Menentukan, memutuskan, menetapkan dan mengendalikan Determining, deciding, establishing and controlling the Company’s
pembuatan kebijakan operasi Perseroan meliputi Divisi Geoscience operating policies including Geoscience & Reservoir Services
& Reservoir Services; Divisi Production, Operation & Maintenance Division; Production, Operation & Maintenance Services Division;
Services; dan Divisi Asset Reliability & Productivity serta and Asset Reliability & Productivity Division as well as evaluating
mengevaluasi dan mengkaji kinerja operasi unit usaha dan Anak and reviewing the operating performance of business units and
Perusahaan. subsidiaries.
d. Direktur Pengembangan Usaha d. Director of Business Development
Menentukan, memutuskan, menetapkan dan mengendalikan Determining, deciding, establishing and controlling the policy
kebijakan kegiatan Pengembangan usaha Perseroan, melalui of the Company’s business development activities, through
pemantauan dan evaluasi baik operasi di dalam Perseroan maupun monitoring and evaluation of both operations within the Company
di luar Perseroan, guna meningkatkan dan melakukan upaya-upaya and outside the Company, in order to improve and make efforts to
optimalisasi kegiatan pengembangan usaha di bidang migas dalam optimize business development activities in the oil and gas sector
rangka mencapai target yang telah ditetapkan. in order to achieve predetermined targets.
e. Direktur SDM & Umum e. HR & General Director
Menentukan, memutuskan, menetapkan dan mengendalikan Determine, decide, assign and control human resources & general
kegiatan sumber daya manusia & umum meliputi Human Capital, activities including Human Capital, Supply Chain Management,
Supply Chain Management, Property Management & General Property Management & General Affair, Information System
Affair, Information System dan Elnusa Petroleum School dalam and Elnusa Petroleum School in order to prepare reliable human
rangka menyiapkan sumber daya manusia yang handal mendukung resources to support routine operations in a timely, accountable
kegiatan operasi rutin secara tepat waktu, accountable dan and auditable manner.

248 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance



Orientasi Direksi Board of Directors Orientation

Perseroan memiliki dan menjalankan program pengenalan Perseroan The Company has and runs an introduction program for newly appointed
bagi anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang baru menjabat dengan members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors with
tujuan memberikan gambaran kondisi Perseroan secara umum. Program the aim of providing an overview of the Company’s general condition.
pengenalan disusun dan disampaikan oleh Corporate Secretary dalam The introduction program is prepared and delivered by the Corporate
bentuk tampilan presentasi serta hard copy, meliputi: Secretary in the form of a presentation display and hard copy, including
1. Profil Perseroan 1. Company Profile
2. Update Kinerja Perseroan 2. Company Performance Update
3. CoC 3. CoC
4. Board Manual 4. Board Manual
5. HSE 5. HSE
6. Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran (RKAP) 6. Work and Budget Plan (RKAP)

Di tahun 2022 dilakukan Program Pengenalan Perseroan terhadap In 2022, the Company’s Introduction Program was carried out for
anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang baru diangkat pada RUPS members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors who
Tahunan 08 Juli 2020 dan RUPS Luar Biasa 31 Desember 2021. Program were newly appointed at the Annual GMS on July 08, 2020 and the
Pengenalan dilakukan secara bertahap oleh masing-masing fungsi Extraordinary GMS on December 31, 2021. The Introduction Program
sepanjang bulan januari tahun 2022 melalui mekanisme hybrid kepada was carried out in stages by each function throughout January 2022
anggota Direksi. through a hybrid mechanism to members of the Board of Directors.

Kebijakan pelatihan dan/atau peningkatan kompetensi Policy on training and/or competency improvement for
anggota Direksi members of the Board of Directors
Perseroan juga merancang program untuk memberikan wawasan The Company has also designed a program to provide new insights for the
baru bagi Direksi untuk meningkatkan kapasitas Perseroan dalam Board of Directors to increase the Company’s capacity in a competitive
lingkungan usaha yang kompetitif, serta memberikan kesempatan untuk business environment, as well as provide opportunities to build networks
membangun jaringan dalam rangka memberdayakan sumber daya yang in order to empower existing resources in the organization so as to make
ada dalam organisasi sehingga menjadikan Perseroan sebagai organisasi the Company a high-performance organization.
berkinerja tinggi.

Pelatihan dan/atau peningkatan kompetensi yang diikuti anggota Direksi Training and/or competency improvement attended by members of the
dalam tahun 2022 Board of Directors in 2022

Nama Jabatan Pelatihan Lokasi Tanggal Provider

Name Position Training Venue Date Provider
Bachtiar Soeria Direktur Keuangan Pertamina Investor Relations Forum 2022 Virtual/ Online 2022-Feb-18 Pertamina Persero
Atmadja Director of Finance Pertamina Investor Relations Forum 2022 Virtual/ Online 2022-Feb-18 Pertamina Persero
Charles Harianto Direktur Operasi Workshop How to Improve Your Asset Graha Elnusa - R 2022-Jul-01 Elnusa
Lumbantobing Director of Operations Management Eksekutif Lantai 17 2022-Jul-01 Elnusa
Workshop How to Improve Your Asset Graha Elnusa - R
Management Eksekutif Lantai 17
Charles Harianto Direktur Operasi Demo Penggunaan Laser Marking Pada Warehouse Elnusa 2022-Jul-21 Biro Klasifikasi
Lumbantobing Director of Operations Name Plate dan Unit Cakung 2022-Jul-21 Indonesia (BKI)
Demo Penggunaan Laser Marking Pada Warehouse Elnusa Biro Klasifikasi
Name Plate dan Unit Cakung Indonesia (BKI)
Charles Harianto Direktur Operasi Workshop Mitigasi dan Pencegahan Aston Priority 2022-Aug-18 Elnusa
Lumbantobing Director of Operations Cedera Tangan & Jari (Hand & Finger Injury Simatupang, Jakarta 2022-Aug-18 Elnusa
Free) di Lingkup Kegiatan Operasional PT Aston Priority
ELNUSA Simatupang, Jakarta
Workshop Mitigasi dan Pencegahan
Cedera Tangan & Jari (Hand & Finger Injury
Free) di Lingkup Kegiatan Operasional PT
Charles Harianto Direktur Operasi Polis Asuransi Le Meridien Jakarta 2022-Jul-13 Marsh
Lumbantobing Director of Operations Polis Asuransi Le Meridien Jakarta 2022-Jul-13 Marsh
Tenny Elfrida Direktur SDM & Indonesia HR Summit Bali 2022-Jun-28 PT Multi Taruna Sejati
Umum Indonesia HR Summit Bali 2022-Jun-28 PT Multi Taruna Sejati
Director of Human
Capital and
General Affairs

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Corporate Governance


Selama tahun 2022 Direksi telah mengeluarkan berbagai keputusan in 2022During 2022, the Board of Directors has issued various decisions
baik di bidang operasional, keuangan, maupun beberapa penunjang both in the operational, financial and several business support areas
usaha melalui perangkat kebijakan berupa Keputusan Direksi, Peraturan through policy tools in the form of Board of Directors Decisions, Board
Direksi, Surat Edaran, dan Instruksi Direksi. of Directors Regulations, Circular Letters, and Board of Directors


Board of Directors Decree

No. Surat Tanggal Perihal

Letter No. Date Subject
009/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 27 Januari 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang penunjukkan pekerja sebagai panitia tender untuk pengadaan 3(tiga) unit vessel
27 Janury 2022 2000 hp
Decree of the President Director on the appointment of workers as a tender committee for the procurement of 3
(three) units of 2000 hp vessels
010/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 2 Februari 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang pengelolaan organisasi terkait corporation management di pt elnusa tbk
2 Februari 2022 President Director Decree on organizational management related to corporation management at pt elnusa tbk
011/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 7 Februari 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang penerapan pelaporan harta kekayaan penyelenggara negara (LHKPN) di PT Elnusa
7 Februari 2022 Tbk dan anak perusahaan
President Director’s Decree on the implementation of state organizer wealth reporting (LHKPN) at PT Elnusa Tbk
and its subsidiaries
012/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 7 Februari 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang tim penerapan pelaporan harta kekayaan penyelenggara negara (LHKPN) di PT Elnusa
7 Februari 2022 Tbk dan anak perusahaan
President Director’s Decree on the implementation team of state organizer wealth reporting (LHKPN) at PT
Elnusa Tbk and subsidiaries
601/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 16 Februari 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Komite HSSE PT Elnusa Tbk
16 Februari 2022 President Director Decree on HSSE Committee of PT Elnusa Tbk
602/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 16 Februari 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang susunan organisasi implementasi supreme tahun 2022-2023 PT Elnusa Tbk
16 Februari 2022 President Director Decree on the composition of the supreme implementation organization for 2022-2023 PT
Elnusa Tbk.
603/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 16 Februari 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang susunan organisasi tim investgasi insiden PT Elnusa Tbk
16 Februari 2022 President Director Decree on the organization of the incident investigation team of PT Elnusa Tbk.
604/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 16 Februari 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Tim ad hoc contractor safety management system (csms)
16 Februari 2022 President Director Decree on ad hoc contractor safety management system (csms) team
604/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 1 Maret 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Penetapan tim cost optimization untuk pencapaian target laba rkap tahun 2022 PT
1 Maret 2022 Elnusa tbk
Decree of the President Director on the establishment of a cost optimization team to achieve the 2022 profit
target of PT Elnusa Tbk.
606/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 2 Maret 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang addendum SK No. 026/EN/KPTS/005D/2018 tentang pemberian program fasilitas
2 Maret 2022 perangkat kerja ti/ computer operational ownership program ("COOP")
President Director Decree on the addendum of Decree No. 026/EN/KPTS/005D/2018 on the provision of
computer operational ownership program (“COOP”).
617/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 21 Maret 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang ketentuan upah tahun 2022
21 Maret 2022 President Director Decree on wage provisions in 2022
601/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 SKDirektur Utama tentang tunjangan hari raya keagamaan tahun 2022
President Director’s Decree on religious holiday allowances in 2022
627/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 22 April 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang penyesuaian upah minimum provinsi tahun 2022
22 April 2022 President Director’s Decree on the adjustment of the provincial minimum wage in 2022
628/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 22 April 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang penyesuaian upah minimum (UMP) bagi tenaga kerja direct tahun 2022
22 April 2022 President Director’s Decree on minimum wage adjustment (UMP) for direct labor in 2022
629/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 22 April 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang penyesuaian upah minimum (UMP) bagi tenaga kerja outsourcing tahun 2022
22 April 2022 President Director’s Decree on minimum wage adjustment (UMP) for outsourced workers in 2022
635/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 23 Mei 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang_pembentukan tim quality management assessment (QMA) kriteria kinerja ekselen
23 Mei 2022 pertamina (KKEP) tahun 2022
President Director Decree on the establishment of the quality management assessment (QMA) team for
Pertamina’s excellent performance criteria (KKEP) in 2022.
601/EN/KPTS/003D/2022 30 Mei 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang penunjukan tim implementasi (proyek cashlez )
30 Mei 2022 President Director Decree on the appointment of the implementation team (cashlez project)
642/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 07 Juni 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang penetapan tim due diligence untuk mitra usaha (partner) dan mitra kerja
07 Juni 2022 (subkontraktor)
President Director Decree on the establishment of due diligence teams for business partners (partners) and work
partners (subcontractors)
644/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 10 Juni 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang insentif kinerja tahun 2021
10 Juni 2022 President Director Decree on performance incentives in 2021
646/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 13 Juni 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang_pengangkatan management representative (MR)
13 Juni 2022 President Director Decree on the appointment of management representative (MR)

250 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

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Board of Directors Decree

No. Surat Tanggal Perihal

Letter No. Date Subject
647/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 13 Juni 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang penghargaan pemenang CIP dalam forum CIP Elnusa dan penghargaan tambahan
13 Juni 2022 untuk pemenang dalam forum UIIA dan APQA tahun 2021
President Director’s Decree on the awarding of CIP winners in the Elnusa CIP forum and additional awards for
winners in the UIIA and APQA forums in 2021
648/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 20 Juni 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang struktur organisasi dan susunan manajemen PT ELNUSA Tbk
20 Juni 2022 President Director Decree on the organizational structure and management composition of PT ELNUSA Tbk.
650/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 16 Juni 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Tim penghapusan asset inventory PT Elnusa Tbk th 2022-2023
16 Juni 2022 Decree of the President Director on the Team for the elimination of PT Elnusa Tbk inventory assets in 2022-2023
601/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 21 Juni 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Penunjukan tim penyelenggaraan konsinyering unbilled
21 Juni 2022 President Director Decree on the Appointment of the unbilled consignment organizing team
659/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 8 Juli 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang pengangkatan management representative (MR) PT Elnusa Tbk
8 Juli 2022 President Director Decree on the appointment of management representative (MR) of PT Elnusa Tbk.
660/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 8 Juli 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Dewan mutu PT Elnusa Tbk
8 Juli 2022 President Director Decree on the Quality Council of PT Elnusa Tbk
661/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 8 Juli 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang penunjukan tim quality assessment (QMA) kriteria kinerja ekselen pertamina (KKEP)
8 Juli 2022 tahun 2022
President Director’s Decree on the appointment of the quality assessment team (QMA) of Pertamina’s excellent
performance criteria (KKEP) in 2022
663/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 13 Juli 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang pembentukan panitia ulang tahun PT Elnusa Tbk ke 53
13 Juli 2022 President Director Decree on the formation of the 53rd anniversary committee of PT Elnusa Tbk
664/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 14 Juli 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang fungsi kepatuhan anti penyuapan, etika, dan GCG PT Elnusa Tbk
14 Juli 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang fungsi kepatuhan anti penyuapan, etika, dan GCG PT Elnusa Tbk
President Director Decree on the anti-bribery, ethics and GCG compliance function of PT Elnusa Tbk
President Director Decree on the anti-bribery, ethics and GCG compliance function of PT Elnusa Tbk
674/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 28 Juli 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang pembentukan tim abandonment & site restoration (ASR) PT Elnusa Tbk
28 Juli 2022 President Director Decree on the establishment of PT Elnusa Tbk abandonment & site restoration (ASR) team
679/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 5 Agustus 2022 SK tentang struktur organisasi PT Elnusa Tbk pada tanggal 21 Juni 2022
5 Agustus 2022 Decree on the organizational structure of PT Elnusa Tbk on June 21, 2022
680/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 5 Agustus 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Pemberian penghargaan khusus di lingkungan PT Elnusa Tbk
5 Agustus 2022 Decree of the President Director regarding the granting of special awards within PT Elnusa Tbk.
681/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 5 Agustus 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Penetapan mutasi jabatan manajemen PT Elnusa Tbk
5 Agustus 2022 President Director Decree on the Determination of mutation of management positions of PT Elnusa Tbk.
747/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 29 Agustus 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang struktur organisasi human capital
29 Agustus 2022 President Director Decree on human capital organizational structure
748/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 30 Agustus 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Struktur organisasi SCM
30 Agustus 2022 President Director Decree on SCM Organizational Structure
750/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 30 Agustus 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang struktur organisasi ARP
30 Agustus 2022 President Director Decree on ARP organizational structure
752/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 30 Agustus 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang struktur organisasi SPCM
30 Agustus 2022 President Director Decree on SPCM organizational structure
751/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 1 September 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang struktur & susunan organisasi division of upstream services
1 September 2022 President Director Decree on the structure & organization of division of upstream services
760/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 1 September 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Struktur organisasi EPC & OM services
1 September 2022 President Director Decree on EPC & OM services organizational structure
761/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 1 September 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Struktur organisasi PMGS
1 September 2022 President Director Decree on PMGS organizational structure
764/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 2 September 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang penunjukan chief audit executive PT Elnusa Tbk
2 September 2022 President Director Decree on the appointment of chief audit executive of PT Elnusa Tbk
605/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 2 September 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Komite HSSE PT Elnusa Tbk
2 September 2022 President Director Decree on HSSE Committee of PT Elnusa Tbk
769/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 6 September 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang insentif kinerja final tahun 2021
6 September 2022 President Director Decree on final performance incentives for 2021
768/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 6 September 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Struktur organisasi busdev & marketing
6 September 2022 President Director Decree on busdev & marketing organizational structure
770/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 7 September 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang insentif kinerja final tahun 2021 - pekerja OS
7 September 2022 President Director Decree on final performance incentives for 2021 - OS workers
779/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 19 September 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Struktur organisasi SPCM
19 September 2022 President Director Decree on SPCM Organizational Structure
790/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 28 September 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Struktur organisasi ERM
28 September 2022 President Director Decree on ERM Organizational Structure
792/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 28 September 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Struktur organisasi controller
28 September 2022 President Director Decree on the organizational structure of the controller
796/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 3 Oktober 2022 SK Direktur Utama Stentang truktur tentang Struktur organisasi finance & treasury
3 Oktober 2022 President Director Decree on the structure of the finance & treasury organizational structure
797/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 3 Oktober 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Struktur organisasi audit executive
3 Oktober 2022 President Director Decree on the organizational structure of the audit executive

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Board of Directors Decree

No. Surat Tanggal Perihal

Letter No. Date Subject
798/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 3 Oktober 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang STRUKTUR ORGANISASI HSSE
3 Oktober 2022 President Director Decree on HSSE ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE
799/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 3 Oktober 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Struktur Organisasi Legal Counsel
3 Oktober 2022 President Director Decree on Legal Counsel Organizational Structure
601/EN/KPTS/742O/2022 7 Oktober 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Task force litigasi pengembalian biaya admi project penyisipan main oil line xap ke
7 Oktober 2022 mgs balongan
President Director’s Decree on Task force litigation to recover admi project cost of insertion of main oil line xap
to mgs balongan
803/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 19 Oktober 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Struktur organisasi Corporate Secretary
19 Oktober 2022 President Director Decree on Corporate Secretary Organizational Structure
601/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 1 November 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang penunjukan risk owner dan risk champion fungsi dan proyek/tender
1 November 2022 President Director Decree on the appointment of risk owners and risk champions for functions and projects/
602/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 1 November 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang struktur organisasi dan pelaksanaan BCMS (business continuity management system)
1 November 2022 President Director Decree on organizational structure and implementation of BCMS (business continuity
management system)
603/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 2 November 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Komite manajemen risiko
2 November 2022 President Director Decree on Risk Management Committee
817/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 25 November 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Pembentukan tim task force program penyehatan pengelolaan keuangan PT Elnusa
25 November 2022 Fabrikasi & Konstruksi (EFK)
President Director Decree on the Establishment of a task force team for the financial management restructuring
program of PT Elnusa Fabrication & Construction (EFK)
828/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 13 Desember 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang panjar insentif kinerja tahun 2022
13 Desember 2022 President Director Decree on performance incentive reward in 2022
601/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 15 Desember 2022 SK Dir. SDM & umum untuk penunjukan karyawan sebagai panitia tender untuk pengadaan epc pembangunan
15 Desember 2022 tanki lpg – kolaka PT Elnusa Petrofin tahun 2023
SK Dir. HR & general for the appointment of employees as tender committee for the procurement of epc for the
construction of lpg tanks - kolaka PT Elnusa Petrofin in 2023
832/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 15 Desember 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang pembentukan tim panitia tender untuk pengadaan epc pembangunan tanki lpg –
15 Desember 2022 kolaka PT Elnusa Petrofin tahun 2023
Decree of the President Director on the establishment of a tender committee team for the procurement of epc
for the construction of lpg tanks - kolaka PT Elnusa Petrofin in 2023
834/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 20 Desember 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang Struktur organisasi busdev & marketing
20 Desember 2022 President Director Decree on busdev & marketing organizational structure
835/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 22 Desember 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang kenaikan upah pekerja tahun 2021
22 Desember 2022 President Director’s Decree on worker wage increase in 2021
839/EN/KPTS/005D/2022 29 Desember 2022 SK Direktur Utama tentang pembentukan tim negosiasi pengadaan kapal aslo di PT Elnusa Transamudera (ETSA)
29 Desember 2022 President Director Decree on the establishment of a negotiation team for the procurement of aslo vessels at PT
Elnusa Transamudera (ETSA)


Pada tahun 2022 Perseroan tidak memiliki komite dibawah direksi yang In 2022, the Company does not have a committee under the Board of
mendukung pelaksanaan tugas Direksi. Directors that supports the implementation of the duties of the Board
of Directors.

252 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Information Transparency of the Board of Commissioners and
Dalam mewujudkan fungsi check & balance di Perusahaan, Dewan In realizing the check & balance function in the Company, the Board of
Komisaris dan Direksi memiliki hubungan dalam pelaksanaan tugas dan Commissioners and the Board of Directors have a relationship in carrying
tanggung jawabnya sebagaimana diamanahkan dalam Anggaran Dasar out their duties and responsibilities as mandated in the Company’s
Perseroan, Pedoman Kerja/Board Manual Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Articles of Association, the Board Manual of the Board of Commissioners
serta Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Hubungan Dewan and the Board of Directors and the prevailing laws and regulations. The
Komisaris dengan Direksi dapat mencakup tetapi tidak terbatas pada relationship between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of
hal-hal antara lain sebagai berikut: Directors may include but is not limited to the following:
1. Dewan Komisaris menyetujui secara tertulis usulan Direksi 1. The Board of Commissioners approves in writing the proposal of
mengenai RJPP, RKAP, Pengangkatan dan pemberhentian Chief the Board of Directors regarding the RJPP, RKAP, Appointment and
Audit Executive dan Sekretaris Perusahaan serta hal-hal lain dismissal of the Chief Audit Executive and Corporate Secretary
sebagaimana tercantum dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan dan as well as other matters as stated in the Company’s Articles of
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku; Association and applicable laws and regulations;
2. Direksi wajib menyampaikan laporan berkala kepada Dewan 2. The Board of Directors must submit periodic reports to the Board
Komisaris sebagai fungsi pengawasan Dewan Komisaris terhadap of Commissioners as the Board of Commissioners’ supervisory
kebijakan pengurusan Perseroan serta bersama-sama dengan function of the Company’s management policy and together with
Direksi menyampaikan Laporan tahunan kepada RUPS; the Board of Directors submit an annual report to the GMS;
3. Dewan Komisaris wajib mengadakan rapat bersama Direksi dalam 3. The Board of Commissioners must hold meetings with the Board
rangka mengikuti perkembangan kegiatan Perseroan, memberikan of Directors in order to follow the development of the Company’s
pendapat, saran dan nasihat kepada Direksi dalam melakukan activities, provide opinions, suggestions and advice to the Board of
pengurusan Perseroan; Directors in managing the Company;
4. Dewan Komisaris bersama dengan Direksi melakukan kajian Visi 4. The Board of Commissioners together with the Board of Directors
dan misi Perusahaan; conducts a review of the Company’s Vision and mission;
5. Apabila diperlukan, Dewan Komisaris dibantu Direksi dalam proses 5 If necessary, the Board of Commissioners is assisted by the Board of
penunjukan calon auditor eksternal sesuai dengan ketentuan Directors in the process of appointing prospective external auditors
pengadaan barang & jasa, dan penunjukan penilai (assessor) in accordance with the provisions on procurement of goods &
independen dalam proses asesmen penerapan GCG di Perseroan; services, and appointing independent assessors in the process of
assessing the implementation of GCG in the Company;
6. Dewan Komisaris berhak memperoleh akses atas informasi 6. The Board of Commissioners is entitled to obtain access to the
Perseroan secara tepat waktu, terukur, dan lengkap; Company’s information in a timely, measurable and complete
7. Dengan pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu sebelumnya, Dewan 7. With prior notice, the Board of Commissioners may attend
Komisaris dapat menghadiri rapat Direksi dan memberikan meetings of the Board of Directors and provide views on matters
pandangan-pandangan terhadap hal-hal yang dibicarakan; discussed;
8. Hal-hal lainnya sebagaimana tercantum dalam Pedoman Kerja/ 8. Other matters as stated in the Board Manual of the Board of
Board Manual Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi serta Anggaran Dasar Commissioners and the Board of Directors as well as the Company’s
Perseroan dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Articles of Association and prevailing laws and regulations.

Tugas dan tanggung jawab yang terkait hubungan Dewan Komisaris dan The duties and responsibilities related to the relationship between the
Direksi tersebut telah dilaksanakan oleh Perseroan secara efektif dan Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors have been carried
sesuai Anggaran Dasar, Pedoman Kerja/Board Manual Dewan Komisaris out by the Company effectively and in accordance with the Articles of
dan Direksi. Association, the Board Manual of the Board of Commissioners and the
Board of Directors.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 253

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Affiliation Relationship between Members of the Board of
Commissioners, Board of Directors and/or Controlling Shareholders


Pemegang Saham Utama/Pengendali Perseroan adalah PT Pertamina The Company’s Main/Controlling Shareholder is PT Pertamina Hulu
Hulu Energi dengan kepemilikan sebesar 51,10%. PT Pertamina Hulu Energi with 51.10% ownership. PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) is a
Energi (PHE) merupakan anak perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero) subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) that manages a portfolio of oil and
yang mengelola portofolio blok - blok migas di dalam dan luar negeri, gas blocks at home and abroad, as well as engaging in downstream oil and
serta bergerak di kegiatan usaha hilir migas dan services. Sementara gas business activities and services. Meanwhile, PT Pertamina (Persero)
PT Pertamina (Persero) adalah perusahaan energi nasional yang 100% is a national energy company whose 100% share ownership is owned by
kepemilikan sahamnya dimiliki oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, through the Ministry of
melalui Kementerian Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) selaku State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) as the Shareholder Authority. Thus,
Kuasa Pemegang Saham. Dengan demikian, entitas induk tertinggi, atau the ultimate parent entity of the Company is the Government of the
ultimate parent entity Perseroan adalah Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Republic of Indonesia.


Pemegang Saham Pengendali, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi saling The Controlling Shareholders, the Board of Commissioners and the
menghormati pelaksanaan tugas, tanggung jawab, dan wewenang Board of Directors respect each other’s duties, responsibilities and
masing-masing sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan dan Anggaran authorities in accordance with the laws and regulations and the Articles
Dasar. Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan memiliki pedoman of Association. The Company’s Board of Commissioners and Board of
dan tata tertib kerja yang mencantumkan antara lain tanggung jawab, Directors have guidelines and work rules that include, among others,
kewajiban, wewenang, dan hak masing-masing. their respective responsibilities, obligations, authorities and rights.

Setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang baru menjabat juga Each newly appointed member of the Board of Commissioners and Board
diwajibkan untuk membuat surat pernyataan terkait dengan pemenuhan of Directors is also required to make a statement letter related to the
persyaratan yang wajib dipenuhi oleh setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris fulfillment of the requirements that must be met by each member of the
dan Direksi, dimana diantaranya adalah menyatakan status hubungan Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, which includes stating
afiliasi, dan hubungan kepengurusan di perusahaan lain. Hal ini untuk the status of afiliation relationships, and management relationships
memastikan tidak adanya rangkap jabatan yang dapat menimbulkan in other companies. This is to ensure that there are no concurrent
benturan kepentingan secara langsung atau tidak langsung dengan positions that may cause conflicts of interest directly or indirectly with
Perseroan atau yang bertentangan dengan ketentuan peraturan the Company or that are contrary to the provisions of the prevailing laws
perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan. and regulations and the Company’s Articles of Association.

254 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Hubungan Keluarga dengan Hubungan Keuangan dengan

Family Relationship with Hubungan Keuangan dengan
Pemegang Saham Pemegang Saham
Nama dan Jabatan Utama/Pengendali Utama/ Pengendali
Name and Position Dewan Komisaris Dewan Komisaris
Direksi Perseroan Direksi Perseroan
Board of Board of
Board of Directors Major/Controlling Board of Directors Major/Controlling
Commissioners Commissioners
Shareholders of the Shareholders of the
Company Company
Dewan Komisaris | Board of Commissioners
Agus Prabowo x x x x x x
Lusiaga Levi Susila x x x x x x
Hernawan Bekti Sasongko x x x x x x
Wakhid Hasyim x x x x x x
Direksi | Board of Directors
John Hisar Simamora x x x x x x
Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja x x x x x x
Charles Harianto x x x x x x
Ratih Esti Prihatini x x x x x x
Tenny Elfrida x x x x x x
v = terdapat adanya hubungan | there is a relationship
x = tidak terdapat adanya hubungan | no relationship exists


Board of Commissioners and Directors Meetings
Pelaksanaan rapat Dewan Komisaris mengacu pada Anggaran The implementation of the Board of Commissioners meeting refers to
Dasar Perseroan dan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 33/ the Company’s Articles of Association and Financial Services Authority
POJK.04/2014 tanggal 8 Desember 2014 mengenai Direksi dan Dewan Regulation Number 33/POJK.04/2014 dated December 8, 2014 regarding
Komisaris Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik. Dalam peraturan tersebut the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of Issuers or Public
disebutkan bahwa Dewan Komisaris wajib mengadakan Rapat paling Companies. The regulation states that the Board of Commissioners must
kurang 1 (satu) kali dalam 2 (dua) bulan dan mengadakan rapat bersama hold a meeting at least 1 (one) time in 2 (two) months and hold a joint
Direksi secara berkala paling kurang 1 (satu) kali dalam 4 (empat) bulan. meeting with the Board of Directors periodically at least 1 (one) time in
Disamping itu Dewan Komisaris dapat mengadakan rapat sewaktu- 4 (four) months. In addition, the Board of Commissioners may hold a
waktu atas permintaan 1 (satu) atau beberapa anggota Dewan Komisaris meeting at any time at the request of 1 (one) or several members of the
atau Direksi, dengan menyebutkan hal-hal yang akan dibicarakan. Board of Commissioners or the Board of Directors, by stating the matters
to be discussed.

Dewan Komisaris dapat juga mengambil keputusan yang sah tanpa The BOC may also make valid decisions without holding a BOC Meeting
mengadakan Rapat Dewan Komisaris dengan ketentuan semua anggota provided that all members of the BOC have been notified in writing and
Dewan Komisaris telah diberitahu secara tertulis dan semua anggota all members of the BOC approve the proposal in writing and sign the
Dewan Komisaris memberikan persetujuan mengenai usul yang diajukan approval.
secara tertulis serta menandatangani persetujuan tersebut.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 255

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Rapat Dewan Komisaris terdiri atas: Meetings of the Board of Commissioners consist of:
1. Rapat Dewan Komisaris yang terdiri dari Rapat Internal Dewan 1. Meetings of the Board of Commissioners consisting of Internal
Komisaris Meetings of the Board of Commissioners
2. Rapat Dewan Komisaris dengan mengundang Direktur terkait dan 2. Meetings of the Board of Commissioners by inviting relevant
manajemen. Directors and management.
3. Rapat Dewan Komisaris bersama Direksi yaitu Rapat Dewan 3. Meetings of the Board of Commissioners with the Board of
Komisaris bersama Direksi yang dihadiri Corporate Secretary dan Directors, namely Meetings of the Board of Commissioners with
Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris. the Board of Directors attended by the Corporate Secretary and
Secretary of the Board of Commissioners.


Sesuai Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, rapat Dewan Komisaris diadakan In accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, Board of
sekurang-kurangnya sekali setiap 2 (dua) bulan. Pemanggilan rapat Commissioners meetings are held at least once every 2 (two) months.
dilakukan oleh Komisaris Utama dan disampaikan paling lambat 5 (lima) The invitation to the meeting is made by the President Commissioner
hari sebelum rapat diadakan, dengan tidak memperhitungkan tanggal and submitted at the latest 5 (five) days before the meeting is held,
pemanggilan dan tanggal rapat, atau dalam waktu yang lebih singkat without taking into account the date of the invitation and the date of the
jika dalam keadaan mendesak. Rapat Dewan Komisaris adalah sah meeting, or within a shorter time if it is urgent. Meetings of the Board
dan berhak mengambil keputusan yang mengikat apabila dihadiri atau of Commissioners are valid and entitled to make binding decisions if
diwakili oleh paling kurang 2/3 (dua per tiga) dari jumlah anggota Dewan attended or represented by at least 2/3 (two-thirds) of the total number
Komisaris. of members of the Board of Commissioners.

Bahan rapat disampaikan kepada peserta rapat paling lambat 5 (lima) Meeting materials are delivered to meeting participants at the latest 5
hari sebelum rapat diselenggarakan. Jika rapat yang diselenggarakan di (five) days before the meeting is held. If the meeting is held outside the
luar jadwal yang telah disusun, bahan rapat disampaikan kepada peserta schedule that has been prepared, the meeting materials are submitted
rapat paling lambat sebelum rapat diselenggarakan. to the meeting participants at the latest before the meeting is held.

Rapat Internal Dewan Komisaris dipimpin oleh Komisaris Utama, dalam The Internal Meeting of the Board of Commissioners is chaired by the
hal Komisaris Utama tidak dapat hadir atau berhalangan, rapat Dewan President Commissioner, in the event that the President Commissioner
Komisaris dipimpin oleh seorang anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya is unable to attend or is absent, the Board of Commissioners meeting is
yang ditunjuk oleh Komisaris Utama. Dalam hal Komisaris Utama tidak chaired by another member of the Board of Commissioners appointed
melakukan penunjukan, maka anggota Dewan Komisaris yang paling by the President Commissioner. In the event that the President
lama menjabat sebagai anggota Dewan Komisaris bertindak sebagai Commissioner does not make an appointment, the member of the Board
pimpinan Rapat Dewan Komisaris. Dalam hal anggota Dewan Komisaris of Commissioners who has served the longest as a member of the Board
yang paling lama menjabat lebih dari satu orang, maka yang memimpin of Commissioners shall act as chairman of the Board of Commissioners
rapat adalah anggota Dewan Komisaris yang tertua dalam usia. Meeting. In the event that the longest serving member of the Board of
Commissioners is more than one person, the member of the Board of
Commissioners who is the oldest in age shall chair the meeting.

Pada tahun 2022, Rapat Internal Dewan Komisaris 2022 dipimpin oleh In 2022, the 2022 Internal Meeting of the Board of Commissioners
Komisaris Utama. Rapat Dewan Komisaris 2022 telah diagendakan was chaired by the President Commissioner. The 2022 Board of
sebelum tahun berjalan yang dituangkan di dalam program kerja Dewan Commissioners Meeting has been scheduled prior to the current year
Komisaris tahun 2022. Selama tahun 2022, Rapat Internal Dewan as outlined in the 2022 Board of Commissioners work program. During
Komisaris telah dilakukan sebanyak 20 (dua puluh) kali. 2022, the Internal Meeting of the Board of Commissioners has been
conducted 20 (twenty) times.


Board of Commissioners Attendance Table

Jumlah Rapat
Nama Jabatan Kehadiran Presentase
Number of
Name Position Attendance Percentage
Agus Prabowo Komisaris Utama | President Commissioner 20 20 100%
Lusiaga Levi Susila Komisaris Independen | Independent Commissioner 20 20 100%
Hernawan Bekti Sasongko1) Komisaris Independen | | Independent Commissioner 11 11 100%
Anis Baridwan2) Komisaris Independen | | Independent Commissioner 9 9 100%
Wakhid Hasyim Komisaris | | Commissioner 20 19 95%
1) Menjabat sejak 20 Juli 2022 | Served since July 20, 2022
2) Menjabat sampai 20 Juli 2022 | Serving until July 20, 2022

256 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Board of Commissioners Meeting Agenda

No. Agenda Rapat Meeting Agenda

Laporan kinerja bulanan dan progress laporan audit tahunan 31 Desember Monthly performance report and annual audit report progress December 31,
2021 2021
2 Komite Penunjang Dewan Komisaris Supporting Committee of the Board of Commissioners
3 Laporan kinerja bulanan dan laporan audit tahunan 31 Desember 2021 Monthly performance report and annual audit report December 31, 2021
4 Laporan kinerja bulanan Monthly performance report
5 Komite Penunjang Dewan Komisaris Supporting Committee of the Board of Commissioners
6 Usulan Kandidat Pengurus Anak Perusahaan Proposed Candidates for Management of Subsidiaries
7 Laporan kinerja bulanan Monthly performance report
8 Laporan kinerja bulanan Monthly performance report
9 RUPS Tahunan 2021 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
10 Laporan kinerja bulanan dan tindak lanjut RUPS Tahunan 2021 Monthly performance report and follow-up of 2021 AGM
11 Laporan kinerja bulanan dan tindak lanjut RUPS Tahunan 2021 Monthly performance report and follow-up of 2021 AGM
12 Rencana pengembangan usaha dan investasi Business development and investment plan
13 Laporan kinerja bulanan Monthly performance report
14 Laporan kinerja bulanan Monthly performance report
Laporan kinerja bulanan dan Kantor Akuntan Publik untuk audit tahun buku Monthly performance report and Public Accounting Firm for the audit of fiscal
2022 year 2022
16 Laporan kinerja bulanan Monthly performance report
Laporan kinerja bulanan dan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan Tahun
17 Monthly performance report and Company Work Plan and Budget 2023
18 Rencana pengembangan usaha dan investasi Business development and investment plan
19 Rencana pembiayaan Financing plan
Rencana pengembangan usaha dan investasi serta Rencana Kerja Dewan Business development and investment plan and Board of Commissioners and
Komisaris dan Komite Tahun 2023 Committee Work Plan for 2023


Sesuai dengan ketentuan pada Anggaran Dasar Perseroan dan Board In accordance with the provisions of the Company’s Articles of
Manual, Direksi wajib mengadakan rapat internal paling kurang 1 (satu) Association and Board Manual, the Board of Directors must hold internal
kali dalam setiap bulan. Rapat dilakukan untuk membicarakan mengenai meetings at least 1 (one) time per month. Meetings are held to discuss
hal-hal strategis atau operasional. Strategis artinya adalah hal-hal yang strategic or operational matters. Strategic means matters that are
diputuskan dengan memerlukan diterbitkannya surat keputusan Direksi decided by requiring the issuance of a decision letter of the Board of
atau memo Direksi yang berdampak pada semua unit kerja. Sedangkan Directors or memo of the Board of Directors that has an impact on all
operasional, artinya hal-hal yang berkenaan dengan tindak lanjut yang work units. While operational, means matters relating to the follow-up
diperlukan untuk pelaksanaan keputusan strategis. required for the implementation of strategic decisions.

Materi rapat disiapkan oleh Sekretaris Perusahaan dan disampaikan Meeting materials are prepared by the Corporate Secretary and
paling lambat lima hari sebelum rapat diselenggarakan. Materi rapat submitted at least five days before the meeting is held. Meeting materials
disampaikan bersamaan dengan penyampaian undangan rapat. Semua are delivered together with the delivery of meeting invitations. All
keputusan dalam rapat Direksi diambil dengan musyawarah untuk decisions in the Board of Directors meetings are made by deliberation to
mufakat. Apabila tidak tercapai musyawarah mufakat, maka keputusan reach a consensus. If deliberation to reach a consensus is not achieved,
diambil dengan pemutuan suara berdasarkan suara setuju paling sedikit then the decision is made by voting based on the affirmative votes of at
½ (satu per dua) dari jumlah suara yang dikeluarkan dalam rapat. least ½ (one-half) of the total votes cast in the meeting.

Sepanjang tahun 2022, Direksi melaksanakan rapat sebanyak 86 Throughout 2022, the Board of Directors held 86 meetings. The
kali. Berikut disampaikan agenda dan risalah rapat, kehadiran, serta following are the agendas and minutes of meetings, attendance, and
rekapitulasi tingkat kehadiran Direksi dalam rapat-rapat tersebut. recapitulation of the level of attendance of the Board of Directors in
these meetings.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 257

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Minutes and Attendance of Board of Directors Meetings

Tanggal Rapat
No Perihal Subject
Meeting Date
1 Selasa, 4 Januari 2022 1. Penjelasan tata laksana Rapat Direksi 1. Explanation of the procedures for the Board of Directors
Selasa, 4 Januari 2022 Meeting
2. Pembahasan proyek yang sedang berjalan 2. Discussion of ongoing projects
2 Kamis, 6 Januari 2022 Program induksi fungsi ECQM, Corporate Secretary, dan Legal ECQM, Corporate Secretary and Legal function induction
Kamis, 6 Januari 2022 program
3 Jumat, 7 Januari 2022 1. Pembahasan proyek yang sedang berjalan 1. Discussion of ongoing projects
Jumat, 7 Januari 2022 2. Program induksi Fungsi GRS & OFS 2. GRS & OFS function induction program
4 Selasa, 11 Januari 2022 Program induksi Fungsi Controller, Treasury & Financing, Controller, Treasury & Financing, Strategic Planning &
Selasa, 11 Januari 2022 Strategic Planning & Corporate Management, dan Internal Corporate Management, and Internal Audit Functions
Audit induction program
5 Kamis, 13 Januari 2022 Pembahasan proyek yang sedang berjalan Ongoing project discussion
Kamis, 13 Januari 2022
6 Senin, 17 Januari 2022 Program induksi Anak Perusahaan (PT Elnusa Petrofin) Induction program for Subsidiary (PT Elnusa Petrofin)
Senin, 17 Januari 2022
7 Selasa, 18 Januari 2022 Program induksi Anak Perusahaan (PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Subsidiary induction program (PT Elnusa Fabrication
Selasa, 18 Januari 2022 Konstruksi) Construction)
8 Rabu, 19 Januari 2022 Program induksi Anak Perusahaan (PT Elnusa Trans Samudera Subsidiary induction program (PT Elnusa Trans Samudera & PT
Rabu, 19 Januari 2022 & PT Sigma Cipta Utama) Sigma Cipta Utama)
9 Kamis, 20 Januari 2022 Program induksi Fungsi Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management Function induction program
Kamis, 20 Januari 2022
10 Jumat, 21 Januari 2022 Program induksi Fungsi Human Capital Human Capital Function induction program
Jumat, 21 Januari 2022
11 Selasa, 25 Januari 2022 Program induksi Fungsi Marketing & Sales, Business Marketing & Sales, Business Development, ECQM, and
Selasa, 25 Januari 2022 Development, ECQM, dan Information System Information System Functions induction program
12 Rabu, 26 Januari 2022 Program induksi Fungsi Enterprise Risk Management, Property Enterprise Risk Management, Property Management &
Rabu, 26 Januari 2022 Management & General Services, Elnusa Petroleum School, General Services, Elnusa Petroleum School, and AGNI Function
dan AGNI induction program
13 Kamis,27 Januari 2022 Program Induksi Fungsi HSSE HSSE Function Induction Program
Kamis,27 Januari 2022
14 Jumat, 28 Januari 2022 Program Induksi Fungsi Asset Reability & Productivity Asset Reability & Productivity Function Induction Program
Jumat, 28 Januari 2022
15 Rabu, 2 Februari 2022 Pembahasan Risk Assessment Proyek Berlangsung Ongoing Project Risk Assessment Discussion
Rabu, 2 Februari 2022
16 Selasa, 8 Februari 2022 Pembahasan Kinerja PT Elnusa Tbk dan Anak Perusahaan Discussion of Performance of PT Elnusa Tbk and Subsidiaries
Selasa, 8 Februari 2022
17 Kamis, 10 Februari 2022 Pemaparan Hasil Audit Proyek Berlangsung Presentation of Audit Result of Ongoing Project
Kamis, 10 Februari 2022
19 Selasa, 22 Februari 2022 Pembahasan Kinerja PT Elnusa Tbk dan Anak Perusahaan Discussion of Performance of PT Elnusa Tbk and Subsidiaries
Selasa, 22 Februari 2022
20 Rabu, 23 Februari 2022 1. Pembahasan Potensi Bisnis 1. Discussion of Business Potential
Rabu, 23 Februari 2022 2. Pemaparan Proposal Pengembangan Bisnis 2. Presentation of Business Development Proposal
21 Kamis, 24 Februari 2022 Pembahasan Update Progres Berlangsung Ongoing Progress Update Discussion
Kamis, 24 Februari 2022
22 Selasa, 1 Maret 2022 Pembahasan Kinerja Anak Perusahaan Discussion of Subsidiary Performance
Selasa, 1 Maret 2022
23 Rabu, 2 Maret 2022 Pembahasan Pedoman Pelimpahan Kewenangan / Signature Discussion of Guidelines for Delegation of Authority /
Rabu, 2 Maret 2022 Authority Matrix Signature Authority Matrix
24 Senin, 7 Maret 2022 Pembahasan Bisnis dan Rencana Pengembangannya Business Discussion and Development Plan
Senin, 7 Maret 2022
25 Selasa, 8 Maret 2022 Pembahasan Update Kinerja PT Elnusa Tbk Discussion on PT Elnusa Tbk Performance Update
Selasa, 8 Maret 2022
26 Selasa, 15 Maret 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja HSSE, Marketing, Operasi, dan Prospek 1. Presentation of HSSE Performance, Marketing, Operations,
Selasa, 15 Maret 2022 Proyek Maret 2022 Anak Perusahaan and March 2022 Project Prospects of Subsidiaries
2. Pembahasan Program Sinergi Elnusa Group 2. Discussion of Elnusa Group Synergy Program
27 Rabu, 16 Maret 2022 1. Pemaparan Update Prospek Proyek 1. Presentation of Project Prospect Update
Rabu, 16 Maret 2022 2. Pemaparan Kinerja dan Perkembangan Bisnis Baru 2. Presentation of New Business Performance and
28 Senin, 21 Maret 2022 1. Pemaparan Kajian Pengembangan Usaha & Investasi 1. Presentation of Business Development & Investment Study
Senin, 21 Maret 2022 2. Pembahasan Kewenangan Signature Authority Matrix 2. Discussion of Signature Authority Matrix (SAM)
(SAM) 3. Discussion on Purchase Order Status Update & Project
3. Pembahasan Update Status Purchase Order & Pembayaran Payment
29 Selasa, 22 Maret 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja HSSE, Marketing, Business 1. Presentation of HSSE Performance, Marketing, Business
Selasa, 22 Maret 2022 Development, dan Prospek Proyek Maret 2022 PT Elnusa Development, and Project Prospects March 2022 PT
Tbk Elnusa Tbk
2. Pemaparan Realisasi Capitar Expenditure dan Kinerja 2. Presentation of Capitar Expenditure Realization and
Keuangan PT Elnusa Tbk Financial Performance of PT Elnusa Tbk 3.

258 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Tanggal Rapat
No Perihal Subject
Meeting Date
30 Selasa, 29 Maret 2022 Pemaparan Prognosa dan Prospek Proyek Maret 2022 Anak Exposure of HSSE, Marketing, Operations, and Business
Selasa, 29 Maret 2022 Perusahaan Development Performance April 2022 PT Elnusa Tbk
31 Senin, 4 April 2022 1. Pembahasan Usulan Pemberian Dividen Tahun Buku 2021 1. Discussion on the Proposed Dividend for the Financial Year
Senin, 4 April 2022 2. Pembahasan Usulan Tata Waktu Penyelenggaraan RUPS 2021
Tahunan Tahun Buku 2021 dan RUPS Luar Biasa 2. Discussion on the Proposed Time Schedule for the Annual
3. Pembahasan Usulan Revisi Pedoman Pelimpahan GMS for the Financial Year 2021 and Extraordinary GMS
Kewenangan / Signature Authority Matrix 3. Discussion of Proposed Revision of Guidelines for
Delegation of Authority / Signature Authority Matrix
32 Selasa, 5 April 2022 Pemaparan Kinerja HSSE, Marketing, Operasi, dan Business Presentation of HSSE, Marketing, Operations, and Business
Selasa, 5 April 2022 Development April 2022 PT Elnusa Tbk Development Performance April 2022 PT Elnusa Tbk
33 Jumat, 8 April 2022 1. Pemaparan Update Proyek 1. Project Update Presentation
Jumat, 8 April 2022 2. Pembahasan Perjanjian Pemenuhan Hak dan Kewajiban 2. Discussion of Agreement on Fulfillment of Rights and
34 Senin, 18 April 2022 1. Pemaparan Usulan Draft KPI 2022 PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk KPI 2022 Draft Proposal
Senin, 18 April 2022 2. Pemaparan Usulan Finalisasi Pedoman Pelimpahan 2. Presentation of Proposed Finalization of Guidelines for
Kewenangan Delegation of Authority
35 Selasa, 19 April 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja HSSE, Marketing, Operasi, dan Business 1. Presentation of HSSE, Marketing, Operations, and Business
Selasa, 19 April 2022 Development April 2022 PT Elnusa Tbk Development Performance April 2022 PT Elnusa Tbk
2. Pemaparan Prognosa Capital Expenditure PT Elnusa Tbk 2. Presentation of Capital Expenditure Prognosis of PT Elnusa
36 Selasa, 26 April 2022 Pemaparan Prognosa dan Prospek Proyek April 2022 Anak Project Outlook and Prognosis Presentation April 2022
Selasa, 26 April 2022 Perusahaan Subsidiary Company
37 Rabu, 27 April 2022 1. Pembahasan Materi Rapat Gabungan Dewan Komisaris 1. Discussion of Materials for the Joint Meeting of the Board
Rabu, 27 April 2022 dan Direksi terkait Kinerja Maret 2022 of Commissioners and Directors related to March 2022
2. Pembahasan Persiapan Performance Dialogue Performance
2. Discussion of Performance Dialogue Preparation
38 Selasa, 10 Mei 2022 Pemaparan Kinerja HSSE, Marketing, Operasi, dan Business Presentation of HSSE, Marketing, Operations, and Business
Selasa, 10 Mei 2022 Development Mei 2022 PT Elnusa Tbk Development Performance May 2022 PT Elnusa Tbk
39 Rabu, 11 Mei 2022 Pembahasan Rencana Proyek Anak Perusahaan Discussion on Subsidiary Project Plan
Rabu, 11 Mei 2022
40 Selasa, 17 Mei 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja HSSE dan Prospek Proyek Mei 2022 1. Presentation of HSSE Performance and Project Outlook
Selasa, 17 Mei 2022 Anak Perusahaan May 2022 Subsidiaries
2. Pembahasan Prognosa Keuangan April 2022 2. Financial Forecast Discussion April 2022
41 Selasa, 24 Mei 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja Bulanan PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Monthly Performance Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk
Selasa, 24 Mei 2022 2. Pembahasan Kinerja Keuangan April 2022 PT Elnusa Tbk 2. Discussion on April 2022 Financial Performance of PT
Elnusa Tbk
42 Selasa, 31 Mei 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja Keuangan HSSE, dan Prospek Proyek 1. Presentation of HSSE Financial Performance, and Project
Selasa, 31 Mei 2022 Mei 2022 Anak Perusahaan Outlook May 2022 Subsidiaries
2. Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Perusahaan 2. Company Health Level Assessment
43 Senin, 6 Juni 2022 1. Pembahasan Update Program Investasi 1. Discussion on Investment Program Update
Senin, 6 Juni 2022 2. Pemaparan Proposal Pelaksanaan RUPS Tahunan Anak 2. Presentation of Proposals for the Implementation of the
Perusahaan Annual GMS of Subsidiaries
3. Pemaparan RJPP Anak Perusahaan 3. Presentation of RJPP of Subsidiaries
44 Selasa, 7 Juni 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja Bulanan PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Monthly Performance Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk
Selasa, 7 Juni 2022 2. Pembahasan Kinerja Keuangan Mei 2022 Anak Perusahaan 2. Discussion on May 2022 Financial Performance of
3. Pembahasan Prognosa Keuangan Desember 2022 Anak Subsidiaries
Perusahaan 3. Discussion of Financial Prognosis December 2022
45 Senin, 13 Juni 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja HSSE, Marketing, Operasi, dan Prospek 1. HSSE, Marketing, Operations, and Project Outlook June
Senin, 13 Juni 2022 Proyek Juni 2022 2022 Presentation
2. Pembahasan Prognosa Keuangan Desember 2022 Anak 2. Discussion of Financial Forecast December 2022
Perusahaan Subsidiaries
46 Selasa, 14 Juni 2022 Pembahasan Rencana Proyek Anak Perusahaan Discussion on Subsidiary Project Plan
Selasa, 14 Juni 2022
47 Senin, 20 Juni 2022 Pemaparan Roadmap & Rencana Investasi Roadmap & Investment Plan Presentation
Senin, 20 Juni 2022
48 Selasa, 21 Juni 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja Bulanan PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Monthly Performance Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk
Selasa, 21 Juni 2022 2. Pembahasan Prognosa Keuangan Juni & Desember 2022 2. Discussion on June & December 2022 Financial Prognosis
PT Elnusa Tbk of PT Elnusa Tbk
49 Jumat, 24 Juni 2022 1. Pembahasan Materi Rapat Gabungan Dewan Komisaris 1. Discussion of Materials for the Joint Meeting of the Board
Jumat, 24 Juni 2022 dan Direksi terkait Kinerja Mei 2022 of Commissioners and the Board of Directors related to
2. Pembahasan Update Review Cost Structure PT Elnusa Tbk the May 2022 Performance
2. Discussion on Update Review of Cost Structure of PT
Elnusa Tbk
50 Selasa, 28 Juni 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja HSSE, Marketing, Operasi, dan Prospek 1. HSSE, Marketing, Operations, and Project Outlook June
Selasa, 28 Juni 2022 Proyek Juni 2022 2022 Presentation
2. Pembahasan Kinerja Keuangan Juni 2022 Anak Perusahaan 2. Discussion of June 2022 Financial Performance of
3. Pembahasan Progonsa Keuangan Desember 2022 Anak Subsidiaries
Perusahaan 3. Discussion of Financial Progonsa December 2022

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 259

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Tanggal Rapat
No Perihal Subject
Meeting Date
51 Senin, 4 Juli 2022 Pemaparan Proposal Rencana Investasi Presentation of Investment Plan Proposal
Senin, 4 Juli 2022
52 Selasa, 5 Juli 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja Bulanan PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Monthly Performance Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk
Selasa, 5 Juli 2022 2. Pembahasan Prognosa Keuangan Juni & Desember 2022 2. Discussion on June & December 2022 Financial Prognosis
PT Elnusa Tbk of PT Elnusa Tbk
53 Senin, 11 Juli 2022 Pemaparan Proposal Investasi Presentation of Investment Proposal
Senin, 11 Juli 2022
54 Selasa, 12 Juli 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja HSSE, Marketing, Operasi, dan Prospek 1. HSSE, Marketing, Operations, and Project Outlook July
Selasa, 12 Juli 2022 Proyek Juli 2022 2022 Presentation
2. Pembahasan Kinerja Keuangan Juni 2022 Anak Perusahaan 2. Discussion of June 2022 Financial Performance of
3. Pembahasan Progonsa Keuangan Desember 2022 Anak Subsidiaries
Perusahaan 3. Discussion of Financial Progonsa December 2022
55 Kamis, 14 Juli 2022 Pembahasan Penyelesaian Proyek Discussion on Project Completion
Kamis, 14 Juli 2022
56 Selasa, 26 Juli 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja Bulanan PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Monthly Performance Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk
Selasa, 26 Juli 2022 2. Pembahasan Prognosa Keuangan Juni & Desember 2022 2. Discussion on June & December 2022 Financial Prognosis
PT Elnusa Tbk of PT Elnusa Tbk
57 Selasa, 2 Agustus 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja HSSE, Marketing, dan Prospek Proyek 1. Presentation of HSSE Performance, Marketing, and Project
Selasa, 2 Agustus 2022 Juli 2022 Outlook July 2022
2. Pembahasan Kinerja Keuangan Juni 2022 Anak Perusahaan 2. Discussion of June 2022 Financial Performance of
3. Pembahasan Progonsa Keuangan Desember 2022 Anak Subsidiaries
Perusahaan 3. Discussion of Financial Progonsa December 2022
58 Senin, 8 Agustus 2022 1. Pembahasan Finalisasi Signature Authority Matrix (SAM) 1. Discussion on Finalization of Signature Authority Matrix
Senin, 8 Agustus 2022 2. Pembahasan Strategic Sourcing oleh Fungsi Supply Chain (SAM)
Management 2. Discussion of Strategic Sourcing by Supply Chain
3. Pemaparan Proposal Investasi Anak Perusahaan Management Function
4. Pemaparan Update Persiapan RUPS Tahunan ke-2 3. Exposure of Subsidiary Investment Proposals
4. Update on the Preparation of the 2nd Annual General
Meeting of Shareholders
59 Selasa, 9 Agustus 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja Bulanan PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Monthly Performance Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk
Selasa, 9 Agustus 2022 2. Pembahasan Prognosa Keuangan Desember 2022 PT 2. Discussion of Financial Prognosis December 2022 PT
Elnusa Tbk Elnusa Tbk
60 Kamis, 11 Agustus 2022 1. Pembahasan Tindaklanjut Rencana Investasi 1. Investment Plan Follow-up Discussion
Kamis, 11 Agustus 2022 2. Pembahasan Penghapusan Asset 2. Discussion on Asset Disposal
3. Pembahasan Usulan Top Risk 2023 3. Discussion of Top Risk Proposal 2023
61 Selasa, 16 Agustus 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja HSSE, Marketing, dan Prospek Proyek 1. Presentation of HSSE Performance, Marketing, and Project
Selasa, 16 Agustus 2022 Agustus 2022 Outlook August 2022
2. Pembahasan Kinerja Keuangan Juni 2022 Anak Perusahaan 2. Discussion of Financial Performance of June 2022
3. Pembahasan Progonsa Keuangan Desember 2022 Anak Subsidiaries
Perusahaan 3. Discussion of Financial Progonsa December 2022
62 Selasa, 23 Agustus 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja Bulanan PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Monthly Performance Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk
Selasa, 23 Agustus 2022 2. Pembahasan Prognosa Keuangan Desember 2022 PT 2. Discussion of Financial Prognosis December 2022 PT
Elnusa Tbk Elnusa Tbk
63 Senin, 29 Agustus 2022 Pemaparan Keikutsertaan Proyek Project Participation Exposure
Senin, 29 Agustus 2022
64 Selasa, 30 Agustus 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja HSSE, Marketing, dan Prospek Proyek 1. Presentation of HSSE Performance, Marketing, and Project
Selasa, 30 Agustus 2022 Agustus 2022 Outlook August 2022
2. Progonsa Keuangan Desember 2022 Anak Perusahaan 2. Financial Progonsa December 2022 Subsidiaries
65 Selasa, 6 September 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja Bulanan PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Monthly Performance Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk
Selasa, 6 September 2022 2. Pembahasan Prognosa Keuangan Desember 2022 PT 2. Discussion of Financial Prognosis December 2022 PT
Elnusa Tbk Elnusa Tbk
66 Selasa, 13 September 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja HSSE, Marketing, Operasi dan Prospek 1. HSSE, Marketing, Operations and Project Outlook
Selasa, 13 September 2022 Proyek September 2022 September 2022 Performance Presentation
2. Progonsa Keuangan Desember 2022 Anak Perusahaan 2. Financial Progonsa December 2022 Subsidiaries
67 Selasa, 20 September 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja Bulanan PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Monthly Performance Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk
Selasa, 20 September 2022 2. Pembahasan Prognosa Keuangan Desember 2022 PT 2. Discussion of Financial Prognosis December 2022 PT
Elnusa Tbk Elnusa Tbk
68 Selasa, 27 September 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja HSSE, Marketing, Operasi dan Prospek 1. HSSE, Marketing, Operations and Project Outlook
Selasa, 27 September 2022 Proyek September 2022 September 2022 Performance Presentation
2. Progonsa Keuangan Desember 2022 Anak Perusahaan 2. Financial Progonsa December 2022 Subsidiaries
69 Senin, 3 Oktober 2022 1. Pembahasan Perubahan Pengurus dan Komposisi 1. Discussion of Changes in Management and Composition of
Senin, 3 Oktober 2022 Pemegang Saham Anak Perusahaan Shareholders of Subsidiaries
2. Update Kinerja Keuangan Anak Perusahaan 2. Update on Financial Performance of Subsidiaries
70 Selasa, 4 Oktober 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja Bulanan PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Monthly Performance Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk
Selasa, 4 Oktober 2022 2. Pembahasan Prognosa Keuangan Desember 2022 PT 2. Discussion of Financial Prognosis December 2022 PT
Elnusa Tbk Elnusa Tbk
71 Senin, 10 Oktober 2022 1. Pembahasan Rencana Kebijakan Keuangan Elnusa Group 1. Discussion of Elnusa Group’s Financial Policy Plan
Senin, 10 Oktober 2022 2. Pembahasan Asset & Investasi 2. Asset & Investment Discussion

260 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Tanggal Rapat
No Perihal Subject
Meeting Date
72 Selasa, 11 Oktober 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja Bulanan PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Monthly Performance Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk
Selasa, 11 Oktober 2022 2. Pembahasan Prognosa Keuangan Desember 2022 PT 2. Discussion of Financial Prognosis December 2022 PT
Elnusa Tbk Elnusa Tbk
73 Selasa, 18 Oktober 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja Bulanan PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Monthly Performance Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk
Selasa, 18 Oktober 2022 2. Pembahasan Prognosa Keuangan Desember 2022 PT 2. Discussion of Financial Prognosis December 2022 PT
Elnusa Tbk Elnusa Tbk
74 Rabu, 19 Oktober 2022 Pembahasan Rencana Pengembangan Bisnis dan Investasi Discussion of Subsidiaries’ Business Development and
Rabu, 19 Oktober 2022 Anak Perusahaan Investment Plans
75 Selasa, 25 Oktober 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja HSSE, Marketing, Operasi, dan Prospek 1. HSSE, Marketing, Operations, and Project Outlook October
Selasa, 25 Oktober 2022 Proyek Oktober 2022 2022 Presentation
2. Prognosa Keuangan Desember 2022 Anak Perusahaan 2. Financial Forecast December 2022 Subsidiaries
76 Senin, 31 Oktober 2022 1. Pemaparan Rencana Pengembangan Bisnis PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk Business Development Plan
Senin, 31 Oktober 2022 2. Pemaparan Update Risk Management 2. Exposure of Risk Management Update
3. Pembahasan Human Capital Issue 3. Discussion of Human Capital Issue
77 Selasa, 1 November 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja Bulanan PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Monthly Performance Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk
Selasa, 1 November 2022 2. Pembahasan Prognosa Keuangan Desember 2022 PT 2. Discussion of Financial Prognosis December 2022 PT
Elnusa Tbk Elnusa Tbk
78 Jumat, 4 November 2022 1. Pemaparan RJPP 2022-2026 PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Presentation of RJPP 2022-2026 PT Elnusa Tbk
Jumat, 4 November 2022 2. Pembahasan Kajian Pengembangan Bisnis 2. Discussion of Business Development Study
3. Pemaparan Proposal Investasi 3. Presentation of Investment Proposal
79 Senin, 7 November 2022 Persetujuan Realisasi Investasi Investment Realization Approval
Senin, 7 November 2022
80 Selasa, 8 November 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja Bulanan PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Monthly Performance Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk
Selasa, 8 November 2022 2. Prognosa Keuangan Desember 2022 Anak Perusahaan 2. Financial Prognosis December 2022 Elnusa Subsidiaries
81 Selasa, 15 November 2022 Pembahasan Restrukturisasi Keuangan Anak Perusahaan Discussion on Financial Restructuring of Subsidiaries
Selasa, 15 November 2022
82 Selasa 29 November 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja Bulanan PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Monthly Performance Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk
Selasa 29 November 2022 2. Pembahasan Kinerja Keuangan November & Desember 2. Discussion on Financial Performance of November &
2022 PT Elnusa Tbk December 2022 PT Elnusa Tbk
83 Selasa 6 Desember 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja HSSE, Marketing, Operasi, dan Prospek 1. HSSE, Marketing, Operations, and Project Outlook
Selasa 6 Desember 2022 Proyek Desember 2022 December 2022 Performance Presentation
2. Pembahasan Kinerja Keuangan November 2022 Anak 2. Discussion of Financial Performance of November 2022
Perusahaan Subsidiaries
3. Pembahasan Progonsa Keuangan Desember 2022 Anak 3. Discussion of Financial Progonsa December 2022
Perusahaan Subsidiaries
84 Selasa 13 Desember 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja Bulanan PT Elnusa Tbk 1. Monthly Performance Presentation of PT Elnusa Tbk
Selasa 13 Desember 2022 2. Pembahasan Kinerja Keuangan November & Desember 2. Discussion on Financial Performance of November &
2022 PT Elnusa Tbk December 2022 PT Elnusa Tbk
85 Jumat 16 Desember 2022 1. Prognosa Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi 1. Consolidated Financial Statement Prognosis
Jumat 16 Desember 2022 2. Pembahasan Kebijakan Perpajakan Anak Perusahaan 2. Discussion on Taxation Policy of Subsidiaries
2. Pemaparan Realisasi Anggaran Biaya Operasional 2. Presentation of Operating Expenses Budget Realization
86 Selasa 20 Desember 2022 1. Pemaparan Kinerja HSSE, Marketing, Operasi, dan Prospek 1. HSSE, Marketing, Operations, and Project Outlook
Selasa 20 Desember 2022 Proyek Desember 2022 December 2022 Performance Presentation
2. Prognosa Keuangan Desember 2022 Anak Perusahaan 2. Financial Prognosis December 2022 Subsidiaries


Sesuai Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, Rapat Dewan Komisaris bersama In accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, the Board of
Direksi diselenggarakan secara berkala paling kurang 1 (satu) kali dalam Commissioners Meeting with the Board of Directors is held regularly
4 (empat) bulan, dengan agenda pembahasan di antaranya membahas at least 1 (one) time in 4 (four) months, with the agenda of discussion
progress kinerja Perusahaan, isu-isu strategis Perseroan atau corporate including discussing the Company’s performance progress, strategic
action yang perlu diketahui/disetujui oleh Dewan Komisaris. issues of the Company or corporate actions that need to be known /
approved by the Board of Commissioners.

Rapat Dewan Komisaris bersama Direksi untuk tahun 2022 telah The Board of Commissioners Meeting with the Board of Directors for
diagendakan sebelum tahun berjalan yang dituangkan di dalam program 2022 has been scheduled prior to the current year as outlined in the
kerja Dewan Komisaris tahun 2022, dimana Rapat Dewan Komisaris yang Board of Commissioners work program for 2022, where the Board of
mengundang Direksi akan dilaksanakan 1 (satu) kali dalam sebulan. Pada Commissioners Meeting inviting the Board of Directors will be held
tahun 2022, Rapat Dewan Komisaris yang mengundang Direksi telah 1 (one) time a month. In 2022, the Board of Commissioners Meeting
dilakukan sebanyak 14 (empat belas) kali. inviting the Board of Directors has been conducted 14 (fourteen) times.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 261

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Attendance Table of the Board of Commissioners and Directors

Jumlah Rapat
Nama Jabatan Kehadiran Presentase
Number og
Name Position Attendance Percentage
Agus Prabowo Komisaris Utama | President Commissioner 14 13 93%
Lusiaga Levi Susila Komisaris Independen | Independent Commissioner 14 14 100%
Hernawan Bekti Sasongko1) Komisaris Independen | Independent Commissioner 8 7 88%
Anis Baridwan2) Komisaris Independen | Independent Commissioner 6 6 100%
Wakhid Hasyim Komisaris | Commissioner 14 14 100%
John Hisar Simamora Direktur Utama | President Director 14 13 93%
Charles Harianto Lumbantobing Direktur Operasi | Director of Operations 14 14 100%
Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja Direktur Keuangan | Director of Finance 14 13 93%
Ratih Esti Prihatini Direktur Pengembangan Usaha | Director of Business Development 14 10 71%
Tenny Elfrida Direktur SDM & Umum | Director of HC & General Affairs 14 11 79%
1) Menjabat sejak 20 Juli 2022 | Serving since July 20, 2022
2) Menjabat sampai 20 Juli 2022 | Serving until July 20, 2022


Agenda of the Board of Commissioners Meeting with the Board of Directors

No. Agenda Rapat | Meeting Agenda

1 Laporan kinerja bulanan | Monthly performance report
2 Laporan kinerja bulanan | Monthly performance report
3 Laporan kinerja bulanan | Monthly performance report
4 Laporan kinerja bulanan | Monthly performance report
5 Laporan kinerja bulanan | Monthly performance report

6 Laporan kinerja bulanan | Monthly performance report

7 Laporan kinerja bulanan | Monthly performance report

8 Laporan kinerja bulanan | Monthly performance report

9 Laporan kinerja bulanan | Monthly performance report

10 Laporan kinerja bulanan | Monthly performance report

11 Laporan kinerja bulanan | Monthly performance report

Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan Tahun 2023 dan Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan Tahun 2023 s.d. 2026
Company Work Plan and Budget Year 2023 and Company Long-Term Plan Year 2023 to 2026
13 Laporan kinerja bulanan | Monthly performance report
14 Laporan kinerja bulanan | Monthly performance report

Frequency Of Board Of Commissioners Meetings And Board Of Commissioners Meetings With Directors

Rapat Dewan Komisaris bersama Direksi

Rapat Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners Meeting with the
Board of Commissioners Meeting
Board of Directors
Jumlah dan % Kehadiran Jumlah dan % Kehadiran
Nama Jabatan
Number and % Attendance Number and % Attendance
Name Position
Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah
Rapat Kehadiran Rapat Kehadiran
% %
Number of Number of Number of Number of
Meeting Attendance Meeting Attendance
Agus Prabowo Komisaris Utama
20 20 100% 14 13 93%
President Commissioner
Lusiaga Levi Susila Komisaris Independen
20 20 100% 14 14 100%
Independent Commissioner
Hernawan Bekti Sasongko1) Komisaris Independen
11 11 100% 8 7 88%
Independent Commissioner
Anis Baridwan2) Komisaris Independen
9 9 100% 6 6 100%
Independent Commissioner
Wakhid Hasyim (2) Komisaris
20 19 95% 14 14 100%

262 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Rapat Dewan Komisaris bersama Direksi

Rapat Dewan Komisaris
Board of Commissioners Meeting with the
Board of Commissioners Meeting
Board of Directors
Jumlah dan % Kehadiran Jumlah dan % Kehadiran
Nama Jabatan
Number and % Attendance Number and % Attendance
Name Position
Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah
Rapat Kehadiran Rapat Kehadiran
% %
Number of Number of Number of Number of
Meeting Attendance Meeting Attendance
John Hisar Simamora Direktur Utama
14 13 93%
President Director
Charles Harianto Lumbantobing Direktur Operasi
14 14 100%
Director of Operation
Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja Direktur Keuangan
14 13 93%
Director of Finance
Ratih Esti Prihatini Direktur Pengembangan Usaha
14 10 71%
Director of Business Development
Tenny Elfrida Direktur SDM & Umum
14 11 79%
Director of HC & General Affairs
Keterangan | Description
(1) Menjabat sejak 20 Juli 2022 | Served since July 20, 2022
(2) Menjabat sampai 20 Juli 2022 | Serving until July 20, 2022


Pelaksanaan RUPS Tahun Buku 2022 dihadiri oleh seluruh anggota The 2022 GMS was attended by all members of the Board of
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. Commissioners and Board of Directors.

RUPS Tahunan Tahun Buku 2022

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for
Nama Jabatan Financial Year 2022 Keterangan
Name Position Description
Pertama Kedua Ketiga
First Second THird
Agus Prabowo Komisaris Utama √ √ √ Luring
President Commissioner Offline
Lusiaga Levi Susila Komisaris Independen √ √ √ Luring
Independent Commissioner Offline
Hernawan Bekti Sasongko 1) Komisaris Independen √ √ √ Luring
Independent Commissioner Offline
Anis Baridwan 2) Komisaris Independen √ Luring
Independent Commissioner Offline
Wakhid Hasyim Komisaris √ √ √ RUPS Kedua Daring
Commissioner Online Second AGM
John Hisar Simamora Direktur Utama √ √ √ Luring
President Director Offline
Charles Harianto Lumbantobing Direktur Operasi √ √ √ Luring
Director of Operation Offline
Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja Direktur Keuangan √ √ √ Luring
Director of Finance Offline
Ratih Esti Prihatini Direktur Pengembangan Usaha √ √ √ Luring
Director of Business Development Offline
Tenny Elfrida Direktur SDM & Umum √ √ √ Luring
Director of HC & General Affairs Offline
Keterangan | Description
(1) Menjabat sejak 20 Juli 2022 | Served since July 20, 2022
(2) Menjabat sampai 20 Juli 2022 | Serving until July 20, 2022

Rencana Pelaksanaan Rapat Dewan Komisaris Tahun Implementation Plan of the Board of Commissioners
2023 Meeting in 2023
Dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan telah diatur ketentuan mengenai The Company’s Articles of Association stipulate the provisions regarding
pelaksanaan Rapat Dewan Komisaris dan Rapat Direksi, yakni bahwa the implementation of the Board of Commissioners Meeting and the
Rapat Dewan Komisaris dilaksanakan minimal sekali setiap 2 (dua) bulan, Board of Directors Meeting, namely that the Board of Commissioners
Rapat Dewan Komisaris mengundang Direksi dilaksanakan minimal Meeting is held at least once every 2 (two) months, the Board of
sekali setiap 4 (empat) bulan, serta Rapat Direksi dilaksanakan minimal Commissioners Meeting inviting the Board of Directors is held at least
sekali setiap 1 (satu) bulan. once every 4 (four) months, and the Board of Directors Meeting is held
at least once every 1 (one) month.

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Untuk lebih meningkatkan koordinasi dan pengambilan keputusan yang To further improve coordination and more effective decision making,
lebih efektif, maka untuk tahun 2023, sesuai Program Kerja Dewan for 2023, according to the Board of Commissioners Work Program,
Komisaris, Rapat Internal Dewan Komisaris dan Rapat Dewan Komisaris the Internal Meeting of the Board of Commissioners and the Board
yang mengundang Direksi akan dilaksanakan sekali dalam 1 (satu) of Commissioners Meeting inviting the Board of Directors will be held
bulan. Penyelenggaraan rapat Dewan Komisaris tersebut direncanakan once a month. The Board of Commissioners meeting is planned to be
dilakukan setiap minggu ke-3 pada bulan berjalan dengan agenda held every 3rd week of the current month with the meeting agenda
rapat diantaranya membahas tentang laporan bulanan kinerja, evaluasi including discussing monthly performance reports, evaluation of the
terhadap pelaksanaan keputusan Rapat Dewan Komisaris sebelumnya implementation of the decisions of the previous Board of Commissioners
serta tindak lanjut atas arahan dan/ atau keputusan Dewan Komisaris Meeting and follow-up on the direction and / or decisions of the Board
dan/atau tindak lanjut yang dilaksanakan oleh Direksi serta hal-hal of Commissioners and / or follow-up implemented by the Board of
lain yang dianggap perlu sesuai tugas dan fungsi pengawasan Dewan Directors and other matters deemed necessary in accordance with the
Komisaris. duties and functions of the Board of Commissioners supervision.

Untuk Rapat Direksi di tahun 2023 direncanakan untuk dilaksanakan For the Board of Directors Meeting in 2023, it is planned to be held at
minimal dua kali setiap 1 (satu) bulan, dengan waktu pelaksanaan least twice every 1 (one) month, with the implementation time in every
pada setiap minggu ke-2 dan ke-4 pada bulan berjalan. Agenda 2nd and 4th week of the current month. The meeting agenda includes
rapat di antaranya membahas tentang laporan bulanan masing- discussing the monthly reports of each Directorate, the determination
masing Direktorat, penetapan kebijakan strategis Perusahaan, kinerja of the Company’s strategic policies, operational performance, corporate
operasional, strategi perusahaan serta hal-hal lain yang dianggap perlu strategy and other matters deemed necessary in accordance with the
sesuai tugas dan fungsi Direksi. duties and functions of the Board of Directors.

Tahun Buku 2023 | Financial Year 2023

No. Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agu Sep Okt Nov Des
Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agu Sep Okt Nov Des
1 Rapat Dewan Komisaris M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3
Board of Commissioners Meeting
2 Rapat Dewan Komisaris bersama M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3 M-3
Board of Commissioners Meeting
with the Board of Directors
3 Rapat Direksi M-2&4 M-2&4 M-2&4 M-2&4 M-2&4 M-2&4 M-2&4 M-2&4 M-2&4 M-2&4 M-2&4 M-2&4
Board of Directors Meeting


Diversity of Board Composition
Mekanisme pemilihan dan pengangkatan anggota Dewan Komisaris The election and appointment mechanism of the Company’s Board
Perseroan dilakukan melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS). of Commissioners is conducted through the General Meeting of
Secara umum calon anggota ditetapkan dengan memenuhi prinsip Shareholders (GMS). In general, prospective members are determined
fairness setelah memenuhi aspek terkait keberagaman, non-diskriminasi, by meeting the principles of fairness after fulfilling aspects related to
dan hak asasi manusia. Pengangkatan atau pemilihan Dewan Komisaris diversity, non-discrimination, and human rights. The appointment or
mempertimbangkan kompetensi dan keahlian serta latar belakang yang selection of the Board of Commissioners considers the competence
dibutuhkan Perusahaan, juga penilaian atas integritas. Meski belum and expertise and background required by the Company, as well as
ada kebijakan tertulis mengenai hal ini, Pemegang Saham Pengendali an assessment of integrity. Although there is no written policy on this
Perseroan memperhatikan penerapan prinsip GCG dan UU No. 39 tahun matter, the Company’s Controlling Shareholders pay attention to the
1999 tentang Hak Asasi Manusia di dalam mekanisme tersebut. application of GCG principles and Law No. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights
in the mechanism.

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Perusahaan berupaya untuk menjaga bauran keahlian dan pengalaman The Company strives to maintain a mix of expertise and experience of
anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang mencakup di antaranya the members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors
bidang supply chain management, keuangan, tata kelola, sumber daya that includes supply chain management, finance, governance, human
manusia, perminyakan, komunikasi maupun energi. Identifikasi keahlian resources, petroleum, communications and energy. The identification
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dilakukan berdasarkan latar belakang of the expertise of the Board of Commissioners and Directors is based
pendidikan, pengalaman kerja serta pelatihan yang pernah diikuti. on their educational background, work experience and training.
ELNUSA juga berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan kompetensi Dewan ELNUSA is also committed to improving the competence of the Board
Komisaris dan Direksi, baik melalui training, workshop serta kegiatan of Commissioners and Directors, both through training, workshops and
lainnya yang relevan bagi peningkatan kompetensi Dewan Komisaris dan other activities that are relevant to improving the competence of the
Direksi. Board of Commissioners and Directors.

Keberagaman Komposisi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi per 31 Desember Diversity of Board of Commissioners and Directors Composition as of
2022 December 31, 2022

Nama Jabatan Gender Latar Belakang Keahlian dan Kecakapan Tingkat Pendidikan
Name Position Gender Background Skills and Proficiency Education Level
Dewan Komisaris | Board of Commissioners
1 Agus Prabowo Komisaris Utama Laki-laki Supply Chain Management, Lingkungan Hidup Doktor
President Commissioner Male Supply Chain Management, Environment Doctor
2 Lusiaga Levi Susila Komisaris Independen Laki-laki Oil & Gas Sarjana
Independent Commissioner Male Oil & Gas Bachelor
3 Hernawan Bekti Sasongko Komisaris Independen Laki-laki Manajemen, Keuangan, Regulasi Magister
Independent Commissioner Male Management, Finance, Regulation Master
4 Wakhid Hasyim Komisaris Laki-laki Teknik Kimia, Lingkungan, Sumber Daya Manusia Magister
Commissioner Male Chemical Engineering, Environment, Human Master
Direksi | Board of Directors
5 John Hisar Simamora Direktur Utama Laki-laki Manajemen, Oil and Gas Magister
President Director Male Management, Oil & Gas Master
6 Charles Harianto Direktur Operasi Laki-laki Oil and Gas Magister
Lumbantobing Director of Operations Male Oil & Gas Master
7 Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja Direktur Keuangan Laki-laki Keuangan Magister
Director of Finance Male Finance Master
8 Ratih Esti Prihatini Direktur Pengembangan Perempuan Pemasaran, Commercial Magister
Usaha Female Marketing, Commercial Master
Director of Business
9 Tenny Elfrida Direktur SDM & Umum Perempuan Sumber Daya Manusia Sarjana
Director of HC & General Female Human Resources Bachelor

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Assessment/Performance Assessment of the Board of
Commissioners and Directors
Penilaian kinerja tahun buku 2022 mengacu pada ketentuan yang Performance assessment for the 2022 financial year refers to the
berlaku di Pemegang Saham Pengendali yang berdasarkan ketentuan provisions applicable to Controlling Shareholders, which are based on,
antara lain: among others:
1. Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor 1. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number
PER-11/MBU/11/2020 tentang Kontrak Manajemen dan Kontrak PER-11/MBU/11/2020 concerning Management Contracts and
Manajemen Tahunan Direksi Badan Usaha Milik Negara. Annual Management Contracts of Directors of State-Owned
2. Keputusan Sekretaris Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara Enterprises.
Nomor SK-16/S.MBU/2012 tentang Indikator/Parameter Penilaian 2. Decree of the Secretary of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises
dan Evaluasi Atas Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Number SK-16/S.MBU/2012 concerning Indicators/Parameters
(Good Corporate Governance) Pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara. for Assessment and Evaluation of the Implementation of Good
3. Pedoman Umum Governansi Korporat Indonesia tahun 2021 oleh Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises.
Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governansi. 3. General Guidelines for Indonesian Corporate Governance in 2021
by the National Committee on Governance Policy.


Dewan Komisaris melakukan pengukuran dan penilaian terhadap The Board of Commissioners measures and evaluates the performance
kinerja Dewan Komisaris secara kolegial maupun individu melalui of the Board of Commissioners collegially and individually through an
mekanisme mandiri setiap tahunnya. Evaluasi kinerja tersebut independent mechanism every year. The performance evaluation includes
mencakup tingkat partisipasi anggota Dewan Komisaris dalam rapat dan the level of participation of members of the Board of Commissioners
kegiatan perusahaan, pencapaian target dan sasaran kerja, baik dalam in company meetings and activities, achievement of targets and work
menjalankan fungsinya sebagai anggota Dewan Komisaris maupun objectives, both in carrying out their functions as members of the Board
sebagai anggota komite. of Commissioners and as members of committees.

Secara umum, Dewan Komisaris bertugas melakukan pengawasan In general, the Board of Commissioners is tasked with supervising the
terhadap kebijakan pengurusan dan jalannya pengurusan baik mengenai management policy and the course of management both regarding
Perseroan maupun usaha Perseroan yang dilakukan oleh Direksi. Selain the Company and the Company’s business conducted by the Board of
itu, Dewan Komisaris juga bertugas memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi, Directors. In addition, the Board of Commissioners is also tasked with
termasuk pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan Rencana Jangka Panjang providing advice to the Board of Directors, including supervision of
Perseroan, Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Tahunan Perseroan, ketentuan the implementation of the Company’s Long-Term Plan, the Company’s
Anggaran Dasar dan Keputusan RUPS, serta peraturan perundang- Annual Work Plan and Budget, the provisions of the Articles of
undangan, untuk kepentingan Perseroan sesuai dengan maksud dan Association and Resolutions of the GMS, as well as laws and regulations,
tujuan Perseroan. Tugas-tugas tersebut telah diformulasikan dalam for the benefit of the Company in accordance with the purposes and
bentuk Key Performance Indicator (KPI) pengawasan Dewan Komisaris objectives of the Company. These tasks have been formulated in the
dan juga AKHLAK Behavior. Agregasi hasil evaluasi pada tahun 2022 form of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of the Board of Commissioners’
menunjukkan bahwa Dewan Komisaris telah melaksanakan tugas supervision as well as AKHLAK Behavior. Aggregation of evaluation
pengawasan dengan baik. results in 2022 shows that the Board of Commissioners has performed
its supervisory duties well.

Kriteria penilaian kinerja berdasarkan KPI Program Kerja Dewan The performance assessment criteria based on the KPIs of the Board of
Komisaris terdiri dari tiga aspek yakni: Commissioners Work Program consist of three aspects, namely:
1. AspekPerencanaan 1. Planning Aspect
2. Aspek Pengawasan dan Monitoring 2. Supervision and Monitoring Aspect
3. Aspek Pelaporan 3. Reporting Aspects

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Proses Pelaksanaan Evaluasi Kinerja: Performance Evaluation Implementation Process:

1. Anggota Dewan Komisaris melakukan self-assessment untuk 1. Members of the Board of Commissioners conduct self-assessment
pencapaian KPI. for KPI achievement.
2. Penilaian 360 melakukan AKHLAK Behavior Survey untuk AKHLAK 2. Assessment 360 conducts AKHLAK Behavior Survey for AKHLAK
Behavior Anggota Dewan Komisaris. Behavior of members of the Board of Commissioners.
3. Dewan Komisaris mengevaluai realisasi KPI dan score AKHLAK 3. The Board of Commissioners evaluates the realization of KPIs
Behavior Anggota Dewan Komisaris. and the AKHLAK Behavior score of members of the Board of
4. Dewan Komisaris melaporkan hasil evaluasinya kepada Pemegang 4. The Board of Commissioners reports the results of its evaluation to
Saham the Shareholders


Setiap awal tahun buku, Direksi menyusun kontrak manajemen yang At the beginning of each financial year, the Board of Directors prepares
berisi KPI Korporasi untuk mengukur hasil kinerja dari sasaran-sasaran a management contract containing Corporate KPIs to measure the
yang ditetapkan dalam RKAP yang dievaluasi oleh Dewan Komisaris dan performance results of the targets set in the RKAP which are evaluated
disampaikan kepada Pemegang Saham. by the Board of Commissioners and submitted to the Shareholders.

Kriteria penilaian kinerja berdasarkan KPI Direksi terdiri dari empat The performance assessment criteria based on the KPIs of the Board of
perspektif yakni: Directors consist of four perspectives, namely:
1. Perspektif Finansial 1. Financial Perspective
2. Perspektif Customer Focus 2. Customer Focus Perspective
3. Perspektif Internal Process 3. Internal Process Perspective
4. Perspektif Learning & Growth 4. Learning & Growth Perspective

Proses Pelaksanaan Evaluasi Kinerja Performance Evaluation Implementation Process

1. Direksi melakukan self-assessment untuk pencapaian KPI. 1. Directors conduct self-assessment for KPI achievement.
2. Penilaian 360 melakukan AKHLAK Behavior Survey untuk AKHLAK 2. Assessment 360 conducts AKHLAK Behavior Survey for the AKHLAK
Behavior Direksi. Behavior of the Board of Directors.
3. Dewan Komisaris mengevaluai realisasi KPI dan score AKHLAK 3. The Board of Commissioners evaluates the realization of KPIs and
Behavior Direksi. the AKHLAK Behavior score of the BOD.
4. Dewan Komisaris melaporkan hasil evaluasinya kepada Pemegang 4. The BOC reports the results of its evaluation to the Shareholders.

Pihak yang Melakukan Assessment Parties Conducting Assessment

Penilaian Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dilakukan melalui self-assessment Assessment of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors is
dan penilaian 360 derajat untuk AKHLAK Behavior Survey. conducted through self-assessment and 360 degree assessment for
AKHLAK Behavior Survey.


Hasil Assessment Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi sesuai Surat Edaran The results of the Assessment of the Board of Commissioners and
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 32/SEOJK.04/2015 tanggal 17 November Board of Directors in accordance with the Circular Letter of the Financial
2015 tentang Pedoman Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka dan berdasarkan Services Authority Number 32/SEOJK.04/2015 dated November 17,
ASEAN CG Scorecard dapat dilihat dalam Section Tata Kelola Perusahaan 2015 concerning Guidelines for the Governance of Public Companies
bagian Evaluasi Implementasi Tata Kelola Perusahaan. and based on the ASEAN CG Scorecard can be seen in the Corporate
Governance Section of the Corporate Governance Implementation

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Nomination and Remuneration of the Board of Commissioners and
Anggota Dewan Komisaris diharapkan dapat memberikan keahliannya Members of the BOC are expected to provide their expertise in
dalam melaksanakan pengawasan secara profesional dan senantiasa carrying out supervision in a professional manner and always give their
memberikan yang terbaik selama melaksanakan tugas, tanggung best during the implementation of their duties, responsibilities and
jawab dan kewenangannya. Nominasi anggota Dewan Komisaris authorities. Nomination of members of the Board of Commissioners
direkomendasikan oleh Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi (KNR) kepada is recommended by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Dewan Komisaris, berdasarkan kriteria nominasi dan kandidat sesuai (NRC) to the Board of Commissioners, based on nomination criteria and
dengan kualifikasi yang diperlukan dan peraturan pasar modal serta candidates in accordance with the required qualifications and capital
peraturan lainnya sebagai referensi. market regulations and other regulations as references.

Begitupun dengan anggota Direksi, pengangkatan dan pemberhentian Likewise with members of the Board of Directors, the appointment and
anggota Direksi dilakukan oleh RUPS. Proses nominasi dilakukan dismissal of members of the Board of Directors is carried out by the
oleh KNR yang kemudian disampaikan kepada Dewan Komisaris. GMS. The nomination process is conducted by the KNR which is then
KNR mengkaji struktur dan komposisi Direksi, menetapkan kriteris submitted to the Board of Commissioners. The KNR reviews the structure
pencalonan dan mencari kandidat dengan kualifikasi yang sesuai dengan and composition of the Board of Directors, sets the nomination criteria
kebutuhan Perusahaan dan peraturan pasar modal serta peraturan and seeks candidates with qualifications in accordance with the needs
lainnya sebagai referensi. of the Company and capital market regulations and other regulations
as references.


Remunerasi bagi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi ditetapkan dengan Remuneration for the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors
Keputusan Pemegang Saham saat RUPS dengan mempertimbangkan is determined by Shareholders’ Resolution at the GMS by considering
kondisi dan kinerja Perseroan. Penetapan remunerasi Dewan Komisaris the condition and performance of the Company. The determination of
dan Direksi Perseroan mengacu pada ketentuan: the remuneration of the Board of Commissioners and Directors of the
Company refers to the following provisions:
1. Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor PER- 1. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number
13/MBU/09/2021 tentang Perubahan Keenam Atas Peraturan PER-13/MBU/09/2021 on the Sixth Amendment to Regulation
Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor PER-04/MBU/2014 of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number PER-04/
tentang Pedoman Penetapan Penghasilan Direksi, Dewan MBU/2014 on Guidelines for Determining the Income of Directors,
Komisaris, dan Dewan Pengawas Badan Usaha Milik Negara. Board of Commissioners, and Supervisory Board of State-Owned
2. Anggaran Dasar Perseroan yang telah beberapa kali diubah dan 2. Articles of Association of the Company which have been amended
terakhir berdasarkan Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat dan several times and most recently based on Deed of Meeting
Perubahan Anggaran Dasar No. 84 tanggal 31 Desember 2021 yang Resolution and Amendment to Articles of Association No. 84 dated
dibuat oleh Notaris Aulia Taufani, S.H., di Jakarta. December 31, 2021 made by Notary Aulia Taufani, S.H., in Jakarta.

Berdasarkan Keputusan RUPS Tahunan Perseroan Tahun Buku 2021 Based on the Resolution of the Company’s Annual GMS for the Financial
RUPS memutuskan: Year 2021, the GMS decided:
1. Memberikan kuasa dan wewenang kepada Dewan Komisaris 1. To grant power and authority to the Company’s Board of
Perseroan dengan terlebih dahulu mendapat persetujuan Commissioners with prior approval from the Company’s controlling
pemegang saham pengendali Perseroan yaitu PT Pertamina Hulu shareholder, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi, to determine the tantieme

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Energi untuk menetapkan tantiem bagi anggota Direksi dan Dewan for members of the Company’s Board of Directors and Board of
Komisaris Perseroan untuk tahun buku 2021. Commissioners for the financial year 2021.
2. Memberikan kuasa dan wewenang kepada Dewan Komisaris 2. To grant power and authority to the Company’s Board of
Perseroan dengan terlebih dahulu mendapat persetujuan Commissioners with prior approval from the Company’s controlling
pemegang saham pengendali Perseroan yaitu PT Pertamina Hulu shareholder, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi, to determine the amount
Energi untuk menetapkan besarnya gaji/honorarium, tunjangan of salary/honorarium, allowances and facilities for members of the
dan fasilitas bagi anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Perseroan Company’s Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners for the
untuk tahun buku 2022. financial year 2022.

Prosedur Penetapan Remunerasi Remuneration Determination Procedure

Secara garis besar prosedur penetapan remunerasi Dewan Komisaris Broadly speaking, the procedure for determining the remuneration of
dan Direksi dilakukan melalui tahapan berikut: the Board of Commissioners and Directors is carried out through the
following stages:
1. Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi melakukan evaluasi terhadap 1. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee evaluates the
kajian remunerasi yang berlaku bagi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi remuneration review applicable to the Company’s Board of
Perseroan. Commissioners and Board of Directors.
2. Selanjutnya Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi akan memberikan 2. Furthermore, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
rekomendasi kepada Dewan Komisaris mengenai kajian remunerasi will provide recommendations to the Board of Commissioners
bagi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan. regarding the remuneration review for the Board of Commissioners
and Directors of the Company.
3. Dewan Komisaris menyampaikan usulan rekomendasi remunerasi 3. The Board of Commissioners submits the proposed remuneration
bagi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan kepada Pemegang recommendations for the Board of Commissioners and the Board
Saham Pengendali. of Directors of the Company to the Controlling Shareholders.
4. Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan ditetapkan 4. The remuneration of the Board of Commissioners and the Board
dengan Keputusan Pemegang Saham dalam RUPS. of Directors of the Company is determined by a Shareholder
Resolution in the GMS.


Kajian Remunerasi Remunerasi Dewan Menetapkan Remunerasi
Dewan Komisaris dan Komisaris dan Direksi Dewan Komisaris dan
Direksi Perseroan Perseroan Direksi Perseroan


COMMITTEE Proposed Amount of Determining the
Review of Remuneration Remuneration for the Remuneration of the
of the Company’s Board Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners
of Commissioners and and Directors of the and Board of Directors of
Directors Company the Company


Remuneration Structure for Members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors

Struktur Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris Struktur Remunerasi Direksi

Remuneration Structure of the Board of Commissioners Directors’ Remuneration Structure
· Honorarium Dewan Komisaris · Gaji Direksi
Penghasilan tetap berupa uang yang diterima setiap bulan karena Penghasilan tetap berupa uang yang diterima setiap bulan karena kedudukannya
kedudukannya sebagai anggota Dewan Komisaris Perseroan, dengan ketentuan sebagai anggota Direksi Perseroan, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
sebagai berikut: - Gaji Direktur Utama sebesar 100%
- Honorarium Komisaris Utama adalah 45% dari Gaji Direktur Utama - Gaji Direktur adalah 85% dari Gaji Direktur Utama
- Honorarium Komisaris adalah 90% dari Honorarium Komisaris Utama Directors’ Salary
- Honorarium of the Board of Commissioners Fixed income in the form of money received every month because of his
Fixed income in the form of money received every month because of his position as a member of the Board of Directors of the Company, with the
position as a member of the Board of Commissioners of the Company, with following provisions:
the following provisions: - President Director’s salary is 100%
- Honorarium of the President Commissioner is 45% of the President - Director’s salary is 85% of the President Director’s salary
Director’s Salary
- Commissioner’s Honorarium is 90% of the President Commissioner’s

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Struktur Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris Struktur Remunerasi Direksi

Remuneration Structure of the Board of Commissioners Directors’ Remuneration Structure
· Tunjangan Dewan Komisaris · Tunjangan Direksi
Penghasilan berupa uang atau yang dapat dinilai dengan uang yang diterima Penghasilan berupa uang atau yang dapat dinilai dengan uang yang diterima
pada waktu tertentu oleh anggota Dewan Komisaris selain Honorarium, yang pada waktu tertentu oleh anggota Direksi selain Gaji, yang dapat berupa antara
dapat berupa antara lain: lain:
- Tunjangan Hari Raya Keagamaan - Tunjangan Hari Raya Keagamaan
- Tunjangan Transportasi - Tunjangan Perumahan
- Asuransi Purna Jabatan - Asuransi Purna Jabatan
Board of Commissioners Allowance Directors’ Allowance
Income in the form of money or that can be valued with money received Income in the form of money or that can be valued in money received at a certain
at a certain time by members of the Board of Commissioners other than time by members of the Board of Directors in addition to Salary, which can be in
Honorarium, which can be in the form of, among others: the form of, among others:
- Religious Holiday Allowance - Religious Holiday Allowance
- Transportation Allowance - Housing Allowance
- Post-Office Insurance - Post-Office Insurance
· Fasilitas Dewan Komisaris · Fasilitas Direksi
Penghasilan berupa sarana dan/atau kemanfaatan dan/atau penjaminan Penghasilan berupa sarana dan/atau kemanfaatan dan/atau penjaminan yang
yang digunakan/dimanfaatkan oleh anggota Dewan Komisaris dalam rangka digunakan/dimanfaatkan oleh anggota Direksi dalam rangka pelaksanaan tugas,
pelaksanaan tugas, wewenang, kewajiban dan tanggung jawab berdasarkan wewenang, kewajiban dan tanggung jawab berdasarkan peraturan perundang-
peraturan perundang- undangan, yang dapat berupa antara lain: undangan, yang dapat berupa antara lain:
- Fasilitas Kesehatan - Fasilitas Kesehatan
- Fasilitas Bantuan Hukum - Fasilitas Kendaraan
Board of Commissioners Facilities - Fasilitas Bantuan Hukum
Income in the form of facilities and / or benefits and / or guarantees used / Facilities of the Board of Directors
utilized by members of the Board of Commissioners in the context of carrying Income in the form of facilities and / or benefits and / or guarantees used /
out their duties, authorities, obligations and responsibilities based on laws utilized by members of the Board of Directors in the context of carrying out
and regulations, which can take the form of, among others: their duties, authorities, obligations and responsibilities based on statutory
- Health Facilities regulations, which can take the form of, among others:
- Legal Aid Facilities - Health Facilities
- Vehicle Facilities
- Legal Aid Facilities
· Tantiem Dewan Komisaris · Tantiem Direksi
Penghasilan yang merupakan penghargaan yang diberikan kepada anggota Penghasilan yang merupakan penghargaan yang diberikan kepada anggota
Dewan Komisaris atas pencapaian kinerja. Direksi atas pencapaian kinerja.
Board of Commissioners Tantiem Board of Directors Tantiem
Income which is an award given to members of the Board of Commissioners for Income which is an award given to members of the Board of Directors for
performance achievement. performance achievement.
Struktur dan komponen remunerasi yang diterima oleh Dewan Komisaris tidak Struktur dan komponen remunerasi yang diterima oleh Direksi tidak terdapat
terdapat pemberian bonus non kinerja, dan/atau opsi saham bagi setiap anggota pemberian bonus non kinerja, dan/atau opsi saham bagi setiap anggota Direksi.
Dewan Komisaris. The structure and components of remuneration received by the Board of Directors
The structure and components of remuneration received by the BOC do not do not include the granting of non-performance bonuses, and/or stock options for
include the granting of non-performance bonuses, and/or stock options for each each member of the Board of Directors.
member of the BOC.

Indikator Penetapan Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Indicators for Determining Remuneration of the Board of
Direksi Commissioners and Directors
Dalam menetapkan indikator remunerasi yang diterima anggota In determining the indicators of remuneration received by members of
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan mengacu kepada Peraturan the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, the Company
Menteri BUMN Nomor PER-13/MBU/09/2021 tentang Perubahan refers to the Regulation of the Minister of SOEs Number PER-13/
Keenam Atas Peraturan Menteri BUMN No. PER-04/MBU/2014 tentang MBU/09/2021 concerning the Sixth Amendment to the Regulation of
Pedoman Penetapan Penghasilan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan Dewan the Minister of SOEs No. PER-04/MBU/2014 concerning Guidelines
Pengawasan BUMN sebagai berikut: for Determining the Income of Directors, Board of Commissioners and
Supervisory Board of SOEs as follows:
1. Faktor skala usaha 1. Business scale factor
2. Faktor kompleksitas usaha 2. Business complexity factor
3. Tingkat inflasi 3. Inflation rate
4. Kondisi dan kemampuan keuangan Perusahaan 4. Company’s financial condition and capability
5. Faktor-faktor lain yang relevan, serta tidak boleh bertentangan 5. Other relevant factors, and must not conflict with laws and
dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. regulations.

Transparansi Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Transparency of Remuneration of the Board of
Tahun 2022 Commissioners and Directors in 2022
Rincian jumlah nominal remunerasi bagi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Details of the nominal amount of remuneration for the Board of
berdasarkan struktur remunerasi adalah sebagai berikut: Commissioners and Directors based on the remuneration structure are
as follows:

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Nominal Amount of Remuneration for the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors in 2022

Jumlah Diterima
Number Accepted
Komponen Component
Dewan Komisaris Direksi
Board of Commissioners Board of Directors
Honorarium/Gaji, THR, Tantiem (termasuk pajak) 13.267.571.144 37.419.632.536 Honorarium/Salary, THR, Tantiem (including tax)
Purna Jabatan 855.011.453 818.376.151 Retired
Lain-lain (Iuran) 164.028.793 530.208.529 Other (Dues)


Total Remuneration of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors in 2022

Jumlah (Rp)
Uraian Description
Total (Rp)
Jumlah Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris 14.286.611.390 Total Remuneration of the Board of Commissioners
Jumlah Remunerasi Direksi 38.768.217.216 Total Remuneration of the Board of Directors
Jumlah Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Tahun 2022 Total Remuneration of the Board of Commissioners and Board of
53.054.828.606 Directors in 2022

Bonus Non Kinerja dan Opsi Saham Dewan Komisaris Non-performance Bonus and Stock Options for the
dan Direksi Board of Commissioners and Directors
Struktur dan komponen remunerasi yang diterima oleh Dewan Komisaris The structure and components of remuneration received by the Board
dan Direksi tidak terdapat pemberian bonus non kinerja, dan/atau opsi of Commissioners and Board of Directors do not include the provision
saham bagi setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. of non-performance bonuses, and/or stock options for each member of
the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors.

Audit Committee


Komite Audit merupakan komite yang dibentuk oleh dan bertanggung The Audit Committee is a committee formed by and responsible to the
jawab kepada Dewan Komisaris dengan fungsi membantu memastikan Board of Commissioners with the function of helping to ensure the
efektivitas sistem pengendalian internal di semua lini Perseroan dan effectiveness of the internal control system in all lines of the Company
keandalan informasi keuangan. and the reliability of financial information.

Dasar Pembentukan Komite Audit Legal Basis for the Establishment of the Audit Committee
1. Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 55/ POJK.04/2015 1. Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 55/POJK.04/2015 dated
tanggal 23 Desember 2015 tentang Pembentukan dan Pedoman 23 December 2015 on the Establishment and Implementation
Pelaksanaan Kerja Komite Audit. Guideline of Audit Committee..
2. Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 13/ POJK.03/2017 2. Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 13/POJK.03/2017
tanggal 27 Maret 2017 tentang Penggunaan Jasa Akuntan Publik dated 27 March 2017 regarding the Use of Public Accountant
dan Kantor Akuntan Publik dalam Kegiatan Jasa Keuangan. Services and Public Accounting Firm in Financial Services Activities.
3. Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor 3. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number
PER-14/MBU/10/2021 tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Peraturan PER-14/MBU/10/2021 concerning the Second Amendment to
Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor PER-12/MBU/2012 Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number
tanggal 24 Agustus 2012 tentang Organ Pendukung Dewan PER-12/MBU/2012 dated 24 August 2012 concerning Supporting
Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas Badan Usaha Milik Negara. Organs of the Board of Commissioners/Supervisory Board of State-
Owned Enterprises.
4. Anggaran Dasar Perseroan yang telah beberapa kali diubah dan 4. Articles of Association of the Company which have been amended
terakhir berdasarkan Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat dan several times and most recently based on Deed of Meeting
Perubahan Anggaran Dasar No. 84 tanggal 31 Desember 2021 yang Resolution and Amendment to Articles of Association No. 84 dated
dibuat oleh Notaris Aulia Taufani, S.H., di Jakarta. December 31, 2021 made by Notary Aulia Taufani, S.H., in Jakarta.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
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Piagam Komite Audit Audit Committee Charter

Komite Audit Perseroan telah dilengkapi dengan Piagam Komite The Company’s Audit Committee has been equipped with an Audit
Audit sebagai pedoman kerja komite dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Committee Charter as a guideline for the committee in carrying out
Piagam Komite Audit ditinjau secara berkala dan bila perlu diperbarui its duties. The Audit Committee Charter is reviewed periodically and if
guna menjaga keselarasan dengan kondisi usaha Perseroan maupun necessary updated to maintain alignment with the Company’s business
diperbaharui sesuai dengan perkembangan peraturan perundang- conditions and updated in accordance with the development of
undangan yang berlaku. Pembaharuan/penyempurnaan atas Piagam applicable laws and regulations. The last update/enhancement of the
Komite Audit Perseroan terakhir dilakukan pada tahun 2022. Company’s Audit Committee Charter was conducted in 2022.

Piagam Komite Audit tersebut memuat antara lain: The Audit Committee Charter contains, among others:
1. Landasan hukum 1. Legal basis
2. Struktur organisasi dan keanggotaan Komite Audit 2. Organisational structure and membership of the Audit Committee
3. Persyaratan keanggotaan Komite Auditi 3. Audit Committee membership requirements
4. Tugas dan tanggung jawab Komite Audit 4. Duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee
5. Wewenang hak dan kewajiban Komite Audit 5. Authority rights and obligations of the Audit Committee
6. Rapat Komite Audit 6. Audit Committee Meeting
7. Masa jabatan anggota Komite Audit 7. Term of office of Audit Committee members

Kode Etik Komite Audit Audit Committee Code of Ethics

Setiap anggota Komite Audit berkomitmen memberikan kemampuan Each member of the Audit Committee is committed to giving his/her best
terbaiknya dan mematuhi kode etik yang berlaku, dengan ability and complying with the applicable code of ethics, by prioritising
mengutamakan integritas, independensi, objektivitas, kejujuran, dan integrity, independence, objectivity, honesty, and commitment to GCG
komitmen terhadap prinsip-prinsip GCG. principles.

Keanggotaan Komite Audit Audit Committee Membership

1. Komite Audit dibentuk oleh dan bertanggung jawab kepada Dewan 1. The Audit Committee is formed by and responsible to the Board of
Komisaris. Commissioners.
2. Anggota Komite Audit diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh Dewan 2. Audit Committee members are appointed and dismissed by the
Komisaris. Board of Commissioners.
3. Anggota Komite Audit paling kurang terdiri dari: 3. Members of the Audit Committee shall consist of at least:
a. Komite Audit paling kurang terdiri dari 3 (tiga) orang Anggota. a. The Audit Committee shall consist of at least 3 (three)
b. Ketua Komite Audit merangkap Anggota yang merupakan b. The Chairman of the Audit Committee is concurrently a
Komisaris Independen. member who is an Independent Commissioner.
c. Anggota Komite Audit lainnya merupakan Pihak yang berasal c. Other members of the Audit Committee are parties from
dari luar Perusahaan. outside the Company.

Persyaratan Keanggotaan Komite Audit Audit Committee Membership Requirements

Secara umum, persyaratan keanggotaan Komite Audit Perseroan sebagai In general, the membership requirements of the Company’s Audit
berikut: Committee are as follows:
1. Wajib memiliki integritas yang tinggi, akhlak dan moral yang baik, 1. Must have high integrity, good character and morals, ability,
kemampuan, pengetahuan, pengalaman sesuai dengan bidang knowledge, experience in accordance with the field of work, and
pekerjaannya, serta mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik; able to communicate well;
2. Bukan merupakan orang yang bekerja atau mempunyai 2. Not a person who works or has the authority and responsibility to
wewenang dan tanggung jawab untuk merencanakan, memimpin, plan, lead, control, or supervise the Company’s activities within the
mengendalikan, atau mengawasi kegiatan Perseroan dalam waktu last 6 (six) months except for the Independent Commissioner;
6 (enam) bulan terakhir kecuali Komisaris Independen;
3. Bukan merupakan orang dalam Kantor Akuntan Publik, Kantor 3. Not a person in a Public Accounting Firm, Legal Consultant Firm,
Konsultan Hukum, Kantor Jasa Penilai Publik atau pihak lain yang Public Appraisal Service Firm or other parties providing assurance
memberi jasa asurans, jasa non-asurans, jasa penilai dan/atau services, non-assurance services, appraisal services and/or other
jasa konsultasi lain kepada Perseroan dalam waktu 6 (enam) bulan consulting services to the Company within the last 6 (six) months;
4. Wajib memahami laporan keuangan, bisnis perusahaan khususnya 4. Must understand the financial statements, the company’s
yang terkait dengan layanan jasa atau kegiatan usaha Perseroan, business, especially those related to the Company’s services or
proses audit, manajemen risiko, dan peraturan perundang- business activities, the audit process, risk management, and laws
undangan di bidang Pasar Modal serta peraturan perundang- and regulations in the Capital Market sector and other related laws
undangan terkait lainnya; and regulations;

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5. Wajib mematuhi kode etik yang ditetapkan oleh Perseroan; 5. Must comply with the code of ethics established by the Company;
6. Bersedia meningkatkan kompetensi secara terus menerus melalui 6. Willing to improve competence continuously through education
pendidikan dan pelatihan; and training;
7. Wajib memiliki paling kurang satu anggota yang berlatar belakang 7. Must have at least one member with educational background and
pendidikan dan keahlian di bidang akuntansi dan/atau keuangan; expertise in accounting and/or finance;
8. Tidak mempunyai saham langsung maupun tidak langsung pada 8. Not having direct or indirect shares in the Company;
9. Dalam hal anggota Komite Audit memperoleh saham Perseroan 9. In the event that a member of the Audit Committee acquires
baik langsung maupun tidak langsung akibat suatu peristiwa shares of the Company either directly or indirectly as a result of a
hukum, maka saham tersebut wajib dialihkan kepada pihak legal event, the shares must be transferred to another party within
lain dalam jangka waktu paling lama 6 (enam) bulan setelah a maximum period of 6 (six) months after the acquisition of the
diperolehnya saham tersebut; shares;
10. Tidak mempunyai hubungan Afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan 10. Has no affiliation with members of the Board of Commissioners,
Komisaris, anggota Direksi, atau Pemegang Saham Utama members of the Board of Directors, or Major Shareholders of the
Perseroan; dan Company; and
11. Tidak mempunyai hubungan usaha baik langsung maupun tidak 11. Not having a business relationship, either directly or indirectly,
langsung yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan usaha Perseroan. related to the Company’s business activities.

Ketentuan Masa Jabatan Term of Office Provisions

Masa jabatan anggota Dewan Komisaris yang merangkap sebagai The term of office of a member of the Board of Commissioners who
anggota Komite Audit sama dengan masa jabatannya sebagai anggota concurrently serves as a member of the Audit Committee is the same
Dewan Komisaris sebagaimana ditetapkan melalui RUPS. Masa jabatan as his/her term of office as a member of the Board of Commissioners as
anggota Komite Audit tidak boleh lebih lama dari masa jabatan Dewan determined by the GMS. The term of office of Audit Committee members
Komisaris dan dapat dipilih kembali hanya untuk 1 (satu) periode shall not exceed the term of office of the Board of Commissioners and
berikutnya. may be re-elected only for the next 1 (one) period.

Personalia Anggota Komite Audit Personnel of Audit Committee Members

Jumlah anggota Komite Audit sedikitnya 3 (tiga) orang termasuk The number of members of the Audit Committee is at least 3 (three)
Komisaris Independen sebagai ketua, serta anggota lainnya yang dapat people including an Independent Commissioner as chairman, and other
berasal dari Komisaris Independen lainnya maupun pihak eksternal yang members who can come from other Independent Commissioners or
independen antara lain yang bukan karyawan Perseroan setidaknya independent external parties, among others, who are not employees of
dalam 6 (enam bulan) terakhir. Komite Audit wajib memiliki paling the Company at least in the last 6 (six months). The Audit Committee
sedikit 1 (satu) anggota yang berlatar belakang pendidikan dan keahlian shall have at least 1 (one) member with educational background and
di bidang akuntansi dan keuangan. expertise in accounting and finance.

Susunan Komite Audit Composition of the Audit Committee

Susunan Komite Audit Perseroan per 31 Desember 2022 adalah sebagai The composition of the Company’s Audit Committee as of 31 December
berikut: 2022 is as follows:

Nama Jabatan Dasar Pengakatan Masa Jabatan Periode Jabatan

Name Position Legal Basis of Appointment Terms of Office Period of Office
Hernawan Bekti Sasongko Ketua Komite / Komisaris Independen SK Dewan Komisaris No. 004 Tahun 2022 2022-2025 Ke-1
Committee Chairman/Independent Board of Commissioners Decree No. 004 of 2022 1st
Adil Nusyirwan Anggota SK Dewan Komisaris No. 001 Tahun 2020 2020-2023 Ke-1
Member Board of Commissioners Decree No. 001 of 2020 1st
Serena Karlita Ferdinandus Anggota SK Dewan Komisaris No. 001 Tahun 2020 2020-2023 Ke-1
Anggota Board of Commissioners Decree No. 001 of 2020 1st

Untuk memenuhi Peraturan OJK Nomor 55/POJK.04/2015 tanggal To comply with OJK Regulation Number 55/POJK.04/2015 dated 23
23 Desember 2015 tentang Pembentukan dan Pedoman Pelaksanaan December 2015 regarding the Establishment and Implementation
Kerja Komite Audit, informasi mengenai pengangkatan dan Guideline of the Audit Committee, information regarding the
pemberhentian Komite Audit telah disampaikan kepada Otoritas Jasa appointment and dismissal of the Audit Committee has been submitted
Keuangan dalam jangka waktu paling lama 2 (dua) hari kerja setelah to the Financial Services Authority within a maximum period of 2 (two)
pengangkatan atau pemberhentian, dan telah dimuat dalam Situs Web business days after the appointment or dismissal, and has been published
Bursa Efek dan/atau Situs Web Perseroan. on the Stock Exchange Website and/or the Company’s Website.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
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Profil Anggota Komite Audit Non-Komisaris Profile of Audit Committee Members Non- Commissioners

Anggota | Member
Kewarganegaraan Indonesia
Usia | Tempat & Tanggal Lahir 65 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 65 years as of December 31, 2022
Age | Place & Date of Birth Jakarta, 31 Januari 1957 Jakarta, 31 January 1957
Riwayat Pendidikan · Sarjana Akuntansi, Jurusan Akuntansi, Universitas Sumatera · Bachelor of Accounting, Department of Accounting, University
Education History Utara (1982) of North Sumatra (1982)
· Master Akuntansi, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, · Master of Accounting, University of Illinois at Urbana
USA (1994) Champaign, USA (1994)
Periode Jabatan 2020 - 2023, Periode Ke-1 2020 - 2023, 1st Period
Position Period
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris No. 001 Tahun 2020 Board of Commissioners Decree No. 001 of 2020
Legal Basis for Appointment
Pengalaman Kerja · Direktur Keuangan PT Patra Jasa (2009-2013) · Finance Director of PT Patra Jasa (2009-2013)
Work Experience · Direktur Keuangan & Administrasi PT Patra Niaga · Director of Finance & Administration of PT Patra Niaga
(2005-2009) (2005-2009)
· Direktur Keuangan & Administrasi PT Elnusa Harapan (2003- · Director of Finance & Administration of PT Elnusa Harapan
2005) (2003-2005)
Rangkap Jabatan Tidak ada None
Concurrent Position
Hubungan Afiliasi Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of
Affiliation Relationship Komisaris lainnya, Direksi dan Pemegang Saham Utama Commissioners, Board of Directors and Major Shareholders.
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA Tidak ada None
ELSA Share Ownership
Domisili Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta


Anggota | Member
Kewarganegaraan Indonesia
Usia | Tempat & Tanggal Lahir 62 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 62 years as of 31 December 2022
Age | Place & Date of Birth Surabaya, 29 Februari 1960 Surabaya, 29 February 1960
Riwayat Pendidikan Sarjana Akuntansi, Jurusan Akuntansi, Universitas Indonesia Bachelor of Accounting, Department of Accounting, University of
Education History (1986) Indonesia (1986)
Periode Jabatan 2020 - 2023, Periode Ke-1 2020 - 2023, 1st Period
Position Period
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris No. 001 Tahun 2020 Board of Commissioners Decree No. 001 of 2020
Legal Basis for Appointment
Pengalaman Kerja · Komisaris PT Anpa International (2012-2018) · Commissioner of PT Anpa International (2012-2018)
Work Experience · Anggota Komite Audit PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk · Member of Audit Committee of PT Chandra Asri
(2009-2015) Petrochemical Tbk (2009-2015)
· Anggota Komite Audit PT Barito Pacific Tbk (2009-2013) · Member of Audit Committee of PT Barito Pacific Tbk (2009-
· Senior Vice President of Investment Banking Division PT NC · Senior Vice President of Investment Banking Division of PT NC
Securities (2002-2009) Securities (2002-2009)
· Vice President of Investment Banking Division PT Danareksa · Vice President of Investment Banking Division of PT
Persero (1996-2001) Danareksa Persero (1996-2001)
· Vice President of Direct Investment Division PT Danareksa · Vice President of Direct Investment Division of PT Danareksa
Finance (1996-2001) Finance (1996-2001)
· Manager of Audit Division Ernst & Young Indonesia · Audit Division Manager Ernst & Young Indonesia

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Rangkap Jabatan · Direktur PT Putra Sleman Sembada (2022-sekarang) ·Director of PT Putra Sleman Sembada (2022-present)
Concurrent Position · Komisaris Independen dan Ketua Komite Audit Independen ·Independent Commissioner and Chairman of Independent
PT CIMB Niaga Auto Finance (2012-sekarang) Audit Committee of PT CIMB Niaga Auto Finance
· Ketua Komite Pengawasan Risiko PT CIMB Niaga Auto Finance · Chairman of the Risk Oversight Committee of PT CIMB Niaga
(2020-sekarang) Auto Finance (2020-present)
· Anggota Komite Tata Kelola Terintegrasi PT Bank CIMB Niaga · Member of Integrated Governance Committee of PT Bank
Tbk (2015-sekarang) CIMB Niaga Tbk (2015-present)
· Chief Audit Executive PT Ithaca Resources (2009-sekarang) · Chief Audit Executive of PT Ithaca Resources (2009-present)
Hubungan Afiliasi Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of
Affiliation Relationship Komisaris lainnya, Direksi dan Pemegang Saham Utama Commissioners, Board of Directors and Major Shareholders.
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA Tidak ada None
ELSA Share Ownership
Domisili Tangerang Selatan, Banten South Tangerang, Banten

Independensi Anggota Komite Audit Independence of Audit Committee Members

Anggota Komite Audit memberikan penilaian secara wajar dan seimbang Audit Committee members provide a fair and balanced assessment of all
terhadap seluruh kondisi yang relevan dan tidak terpengaruh oleh relevant conditions and are not influenced by personal interests or other
kepentingan pribadi atau pihak lain dalam menyampaikan pendapatnya. parties in expressing their opinions.

Berdasarkan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 55/POJK.04/2015 Based on the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 55/
tentang Pembentukan dan Pedoman Pelaksanaan Kerja Komite Audit POJK.04/2015 on the Establishment and Implementation Guideline of
seluruh Anggota Komite Audit yang berasal dari pihak independen the Audit Committee, all members of the Audit Committee who come
tidak memiliki hubungan keuangan, kepengurusan, kepemilikan from independent parties do not have financial, management, share
saham dan/atau hubungan keluarga dengan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi ownership and/or family relationships with the Board of Commissioners,
dan/atau Pemegang Saham Pengendali, yang dapat mempengaruhi Board of Directors and/or Controlling Shareholders, which may affect
kemampuannya bertindak independen. Pemenuhan kriteria their ability to act independently. Fulfilment of independence criteria by
independensi oleh anggota Komite Audit disajikan dalam table berikut: Audit Committee members is presented in the following table:

Hernawan Bekti Serena Karlita

Aspek Independensi Adil Nusyirwan Independence Aspect
Sasongko Ferdinandus
Bukan merupakan orang dalam Kantor Akuntan Not a person in a Public Accounting Firm, Legal
Publik, Kantor Konsultan Hukum, Kantor Jasa Penilai Consultant Firm, Public Appraisal Service Office or
Publik atau pihak lain yang memberi jasa assurance, other parties that provide assurance services, non-
√ √ √
jasa non-assurance, jasa penilai dan/ atau jasa assurance services, appraisal services and / or other
konsultasi lain kepada Perusahaan dalam waktu 6 consulting services to the Company within the last
(enam) bulan terakhir. 6 (six) months.
Bukan merupakan orang yang bekerja atau
Not a person who works or has the authority and
mempunyai wewenang dan tanggung jawab untuk
responsibility to plan, lead, control, or supervise the
merencanakan, memimpin, mengendalikan, atau √ √ √
Company’s activities within the last 6 (six) months
mengawasi kegiatan Perusahaan dalam waktu 6
except Independent Commissioner
(enam) bulan terakhir kecuali Komisaris Independen
Tidak mempunyai saham langsung maupun tidak
√ √ √ Has no direct or indirect shares in the Company.
langsung pada Perusahaan.
Tidak mempunyai hubungan Afiliasi dengan anggota Has no Afiliation relationship with any member of
Dewan Komisaris, anggota Direksi, atau √ √ √ the Board of Commissioners, member of the Board
Pemegang Saham Utama Perusahaan. of Directors, or Major Shareholders of the Company.
Tidak mempunyai hubungan usaha baik langsung
Has no direct or indirect business relationship
maupun tidak langsung yang berkaitan dengan √ √ √
related to the Company’s business activities.
kegiatan usaha Perusahaan.
√: memenuhi | complied

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Komite Audit Duties and Responsibilities of the Audit Committee
1. Melakukan penelaahan atas informasi keuangan yang akan 1. Reviewing the financial information that will be released by the
dikeluarkan Perseroan Publik kepada publik dan/atau pihak otoritas Public Company to the public and/or the authorities, including
antara lain laporan keuangan, proyeksi, dan laporan lainnya terkait financial statements, projections, and other reports related to the
dengan informasi keuangan Perseroan. Company’s financial information.
2. Melakukan penelaahan atas ketaatan terhadap peraturan 2. To review the compliance with laws and regulations related to the
perundang-undangan yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan Company’s activities.
3. Memberikan pendapat independen dalam hal terjadi perbedaan 3. Provide an independent opinion in the event of a difference of
pendapat antara manajemen dan Akuntan atas jasa yang opinion between management and the Accountant on the services
diberikannya. provided.

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4. Memberikan evaluasi dan rekomendasi kepada Dewan 4. Provide evaluation and recommendation to the Board of
Komisaris mengenai penunjukan Akuntan yang didasarkan pada Commissioners regarding the appointment of the Accountant
independensi, ruang lingkup penugasan, dan imbalan jasa. based on independence, scope of assignment, and service fees.
5. Melakukan penelaahan atas pelaksanaan pemeriksaan oleh auditor 5. Reviewing the implementation of audits by internal auditors
internal dan mengawasi pelaksanaan tindak lanjut oleh Direksi atas and overseeing the implementation of follow-up by the Board of
temuan auditor internal. Directors on the findings of internal auditors.
6. Melakukan penelaahan terhadap aktivitas pelaksanaan manajemen 6. Reviewing the implementation of risk management activities
risiko yang dilakukan oleh Direksi, jika Perseroan tidak memiliki carried out by the Board of Directors, if the Company does not have
fungsi pemantau risiko di bawah Dewan Komisaris. a risk monitoring function under the Board of Commissioners.
7. Menelaah pengaduan yang berkaitan dengan proses akuntansi dan 7. Reviewing complaints relating to the accounting and financial
pelaporan keuangan Perseroan. reporting process of the Company.
8. Menelaah dan memberikan saran kepada Dewan Komisaris terkait 8. Reviewing and providing advice to the Board of Commissioners
dengan adanya potensi benturan kepentingan Perseroan. regarding potential conflicts of interest of the Company.
9. Menjaga kerahasiaan dokumen, data dan informasi Perseroan. 9. Maintain the confidentiality of the Company’s documents, data
and information.

Pembagian Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Dalam Division of Duties and Responsibilities in Audit
Keanggotaan Komite Audit Committee Membership
Anggota Komite Audit terdiri dari 3 (tiga) orang yang berlatar belakang Members of the Audit Committee consist of 3 (three) people with
pendidikan akuntasi dan keuangan serta mempunya pengalaman kerja accounting and finance educational backgrounds and diverse work
yang beragam. Sifat pekerjaan Komite Audit adalah kolektif kolegial. experience. The nature of the work of the Audit Committee is collegial
Dengan demikian, pelaksanaan tugas Komite Audit dapat dilakukan collective. Thus, the implementation of the Audit Committee’s duties can
secara bersama-sama sesuai dengan latar belakang pendidikan dan be carried out jointly in accordance with the educational background
kompetensi yang dimiliki dari masing-masing anggota Komite Audit. and competence of each member of the Audit Committee.

Wewenang Komite Audit: Authority of the Audit Committee:

1. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya Komite Audit mempunyai 1. In carrying out its duties, the Audit Committee has the following
wewenang sebagai berikut: authority:
a. Mengakses dokumen, data, dan informasi Perseroan tentang a. Accessing the Company’s documents, data, and information
karyawan, dana, aset, dan sumber daya perusahaan yang about employees, funds, assets, and company resources as
diperlukan. needed.
b. Berkomunikasi langsung dengan karyawan, termasuk Direksi b. Communicate directly with employees, including the Board of
dan pihak yang menjalankan fungsi audit internal, manajemen Directors and those who carry out the functions of internal
risiko, dan Akuntan terkait tugas dan tanggung jawab Komite audit, risk management, and accountants related to the
Audit. duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee.
c. Melibatkan pihak independen di luar anggota Komite Audit c. Involve independent parties outside the Audit Committee
yang diperlukan untuk membantu pelaksanaan tugasnya (jika members as needed to assist in carrying out their duties (if
diperlukan). needed).
d. Melakukan kewenangan lain yang diberikan oleh Dewan d. Perform other authorities granted by the Board of
Komisaris. Commissioners.
2. Dalam melaksanakan wewenangnya, Komite Audit dapat 2. In exercising its authority, the Audit Committee may co-operate
bekerjasama dengan Unit Audit Internal. with the Internal Audit Unit.

Laporan Singkat Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Komite Audit Brief Report on the Implementation of Audit Committee
Tahun 2022 Activities in 2022
1. Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian per triwulanan dan audited 1. The Consolidated Financial Statements for the quarterly and
akhir tahun 2022 telah dikaji bersama antara lain dengan auditor audited year-end 2022 have been reviewed together with the
eksternal dan fungsi terkait di Perseroan untuk memastikan bahwa external auditors and related functions in the Company to ensure
Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan dan entitas anaknya telah sesuai that the Financial Statements of the Company and its subsidiaries
dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di Indonesia berdasarkan are in accordance with Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards
Standar Audit yang ditetapkan oleh Institut Akuntan Publik based on the Auditing Standards established by the Indonesian
Indonesia. Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
2. Sepanjang pengetahuan terbaiknya, Komite Audit tidak melihat 2. To the best of its knowledge, the Audit Committee does not see
adanya hal yang menyalahi peraturan perundang-undangan yang anything that violates the laws and regulations related to the
berhubungan dengan kegiatan Perseroan. Company’s activities.

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3. Komite Audit dalam forum rapat-rapat baik dengan Manajemen 3. The Audit Committee in meetings with both Management and
maupun Auditor Eksternal telah menyampaikan pandangan serta External Auditors has expressed its views and opinions related to
pendapatnya terkait dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di Financial Accounting Standards in Indonesia.
4. Untuk Jasa Audit atas Informasi Keuangan Historis Tahunan Tahun 4. For Audit Services on Annual Historical Financial Information for
Buku 2022, Komite Audit telah memberikan rekomendasi Kantor Financial Year 2022, the Audit Committee has recommended the
Akuntan Publik kepada Dewan Komisaris beserta imbalan jasa Public Accountant Firm to the Board of Commissioners along with
auditnya. Sesuai hasil keputusan RUPS Tahunan Tahun Buku 2021 the audit fee. In accordance with the decision of the Annual GMS
pada tanggal 20 Juli 2022 bahwa penunjukan KAP dikonsultasikan/ for the Financial Year 2021 on 20 July 2022 that the appointment
dikoordinasikan dengan Pemegang Saham Pengendali Perseroan. of the Public Accounting Firm is consulted/coordinated with the
Komite Audit juga telah melakukan evaluasi kinerja KAP untuk Controlling Shareholders of the Company. The Audit Committee
tahun buku 2021 yang telah disampaikan kepada regulator pada has also evaluated the performance of KAP for the 2021 financial
bulan April 2022. year which has been submitted to the regulator in April 2022.
5. Komite Audit melakukan penelaahan terhadap rencana audit 5. The Audit Committee reviews the annual internal audit plan,
internal tahunan, secara berkala memonitor pelaksanaan dan hasil periodically monitors the implementation and results of the
pemeriksaan, serta tindak lanjut penyelesaiannya oleh Manajemen audit, as well as the follow-up of its completion by the Company’s
Perseroan. Management.
6. Dewan Komisaris telah memiliki Komite Pemantau Risiko yang 6. The Board of Commissioners has a Risk Monitoring Committee that
secara paralel berkoordinasi dengan Komite Audit dalam melakukan coordinates in parallel with the Audit Committee in reviewing risk
penelaahan aktivitas pelaksanaan manajemen risiko, salah satunya management implementation activities, one of which is the Audit
adalah Komite Audit mengkaji dan menyetujui rencana audit Committee reviewing and approving the 2023 internal audit plan
internal tahun 2023 terkait kecukupannya dari perspekstif audit regarding its adequacy from a risk-based audit perspective.
berbasis risiko.
7. Komite Audit ikut memantau terhadap adanya pengaduan dalam 7. The Audit Committee monitored complaints in the whistleblowing
whistleblowing system dan memonitor tindak lanjutnya. system and monitored the follow-up.
8. Dalam forum rapat-rapat dengan Dewan Komisaris, Komite Audit 8. In meetings with the Board of Commissioners, the Audit Committee
menyampaikan pandangannya atas jalannya aktivitas Perseroan expressed its views on the Company’s activities, including any
termasuk jika ada potensi benturan kepentingan. potential conflicts of interest.
9. Komite Audit maupun Komite Lainnya di bawah Dewan Komisaris 9. The Audit Committee and other Committees under the Board of
sebagaimana tertuang dalam Piagam Komite memiliki kode etik Commissioners as set out in the Committee Charter have a code of
kerahasiaan. conduct on confidentiality.

Pelaporan Reporting
Piagam Komite Audit mengatur bahwa Komite Audit wajib The Audit Committee Charter stipulates that the Audit Committee shall
menyampaikan laporan berikut kepada Dewan Komisaris: submit the following reports to the Board of Commissioners:
1. Komite Audit wajib membuat laporan kepada Dewan Komisaris 1. The Audit Committee shall make a report to the Board of
atas setiap penugasan yang diberikan. Commissioners on each assignment given.
2. Komite Audit wajib membuat laporan tahunan pelaksanaan 2. The Audit Committee shall make an annual report on the
kegiatan Komite Audit yang diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan implementation of the Audit Committee activities disclosed in the
Perusahaan. Company’s Annual Report.

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Hubungan Kerja Komite Audit Audit Committee Working Relationship


Audit Committee Work Relationships

Work Relationships between the Audit Working Relationships between the Audit Working Relationships between the Audit
Committee and the Internal Auditor Committee and the External Auditor Committee and Accounting

1. Melakukan penelaahan atas pelaksanaan 1. Memberikan rekomendasi penunjukan 1. Melakukan penelaahan atas informasi
pemeriksaan oleh auditor internal dan Auditor Eksternal kepada Dewan keuangan yang akan dikeluarkan Emiten
mengawasi pelaksanaan tindak lanjut oleh Komisaris. atau Perusahaan publik dan/atau pihak
Direksi atas temuan Auditor Internal. Providing recommendation for External otoritas antara lain laporan keuangan,
Reviewing audit implementation by Auditor appointment to the Board of poroyeksi, dan laporan lainnya terkait
internal auditor and supervising the Commissioners. dengan informasi keuangan Emiten atau
implementation of follow-up by the Board 2. Melakukan evaluasi pelaksanaan Perusahaan Publik.
of Directors on the findings by Internal pemberian jasa audit. Reviewing the financial information to be
Auditor. Evaluating the implementation of audit issued by the Issuer or Public Company
2. Mengawasi pelaksanaan tindak lanjut services provision by the External Auditor. and/or the authorities, including financial
oleh Direksi atas temuan Auditor Internal. 3. Melakukan Penelaahan atas laporan reports, projections, and other reports
Supervising the implementation of follow- keuangan. related to the financial information of the
up by the Board of Directors on the Conducting a review of the financial Issuer or Public Company.
findings by Internal Auditor. statements 2. Melakukan penelahaan atas ketaatan
3. Melakukan komunikasi secara langsung terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan
dengan pihak yang menjalankan fungsi yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan
audit internal. Emiten atau Perusahaan publik.
Communicating directly with those in Reviewing compliance with laws and
charge of internal audit function. regulations relating to the activities of the
4. Mengadakan rapat secara berkala dan Issuer or Public Company.
insidentil dengan Auditor Internal.
Holding regular and incidental meetings
with Internal Auditor.

Penilaian Kinerja (KPI) Komite Audit Audit Committee Performance Assessment (KPI)
Penilaian kinerja Komite Audit dilakukan setidaknya 1 (satu) tahun The performance assessment of the Audit Committee is carried out at
sekali, dengan mempertimbangkan efektivitas Komite Audit dalam least once a year, by considering the effectiveness of the Audit Committee
menjalankan fungsinya, tingkat kehadiran dalam rapat, dan tingkat in carrying out its functions, the level of attendance at meetings, and the
pemahaman akan masalah yang dihadapi Perusahaan. level of understanding of the problems faced by the Company.

Remunerasi Komite Audit Audit Committee Remuneration

Penentuan jumlah remunerasi Komite Audit ditetapkan dengan The determination of the amount of remuneration of the Audit
mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara Committee is determined by referring to the Regulation of the Minister
Nomor PER-14/MBU/10/2021 tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Peraturan of State-Owned Enterprises Number PER-14/MBU/10/2021 concerning
Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor PER-12/MBU/2012 tanggal the Second Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of State-
24 Agustus 2012 tentang Organ Pendukung Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Owned Enterprises Number PER-12/MBU/2012 dated 24 August
Pengawas Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang mengatur bahwa penghasilan 2012 concerning Supporting Organs of the Board of Commissioners/
anggota Komite Audit, yakni berupa honorarium maksimal sebesar Supervisory Board of State-Owned Enterprises which stipulates that the
20% (dua puluh persen) dari gaji Direktur Utama Perusahaan dengan income of Audit Committee members, in the form of honorarium, is a
ketentuan pajak ditanggung Perusahaan dan tidak diperkenankan maximum of 20% (twenty percent) of the salary of the President Director
menerima penghasilan lain selain honorarium tersebut. Anggota Dewan of the Company with the provision of taxes borne by the Company and is
Komisaris yang menjadi Ketua/Anggota Komite Audit tidak diberikan not allowed to receive other income besides the honorarium. Members
penghasilan tambahan dari jabatan tersebut. of the Board of Commissioners who become Chairman/Members of the
Audit Committee are not given additional income from the position.

Rapat Komite Audit Audit Committee Meetings

1. Komite Audit mengadakan rapat secara berkala paling kurang satu 1. The Audit Committee shall hold regular meetings at least once
kali dalam 3 (tiga) bulan. every 3 (three) months.
2. Rapat Komite Audit dapat mengambil keputusan apabila sekurang- 2. Audit Committee meetings can make decisions if attended by
kurangnya dihadiri oleh lebih dari 1/2 (satu per dua) dari jumlah at least more than 1/2 (one-half) of the members including an
anggota termasuk seorang Komisaris Independen. Independent Commissioner.
3. Keputusan rapat komite dilakukan berdasarkan musyawarah 3. Committee meeting decisions are made based on deliberation to
mufakat. Dalam hal tidak terjadi musyawarah mufakat, reach a consensus. In the event that no consensus is reached, the
pengambilan keputusan dilakukan dengan suara terbanyak. decision shall be made by majority vote.
4. Rapat dipimpin oleh Ketua Komite Audit atau anggota Komite Audit 4. Meetings are chaired by the Chairman of the Audit Committee
dari Komisaris Independen apabila Ketua Komite Audit berhalangan or members of the Audit Committee from Independent
hadir. Commissioners if the Chairman of the Audit Committee is absent.

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5. Setiap rapat Komite Audit harus dituangkan dalam risalah rapat 5. Each meeting of the Audit Committee shall be set forth in the
yang ditandatangani oleh seluruh anggota Komite Audit yang minutes of meeting signed by all members of the Audit Committee
hadir. Perbedaan pendapat yang terjadi dalam rapat komite wajib present. Differences of opinion that occur in committee meetings
dicantumkan secara jelas dalam risalah rapat beserta alasan must be clearly stated in the minutes of the meeting along with the
perbedaan tersebut. reasons for the differences.

Selama tahun 2022, Komite Audit telah melaksanakan 24 (dua puluh During 2022, the Audit Committee has conducted 24 (twenty four)
empat) kali, baik rapat internal Komite maupun rapat bersama Direktur meetings, both internal Committee meetings and meetings with
dan Divisi terkait seperti Fungsi Audit Internal, dan Accounting/ Directors and related Divisions such as the Internal Audit Function, and
Controller. Komite Audit juga aktif hadir dan terlibat dalam Rapat Dewan Accounting/Controller. The Audit Committee also actively attended
Komisaris dengan tujuan agar hal-hal yang bersifat substantif dapat and participated in the Board of Commissioners Meeting with the aim
segera dilaporkan kepada Dewan Komisaris. that substantive matters can be immediately reported to the Board of

Berikut frekuensi dan tingkat kehadiran Rapat Komite Audit: The following is the frequency and attendance rate of the Audit
Committee Meetings:

Nama Jabatan Jumlah Rapat Kehadiran Presentase

Name Position Number of Meeting Attendance Percentage
Hernawan Bekti Sasongko* Ketua Komite / Komisaris Independen 8 7 88%
Chairman/Independent Commissioner
Anis Baridwan** Ketua Komite / Komisaris Independen 16 13 93%
Chairman / Independent Commissioner
Adil Nusyirwan Anggota | Member 24 24 100%
Serena Karlita Ferdinandus Anggota | Member 24 23 96%
* menjabat sejak 20 Juli 2022| Serving since 20 July 2022
** menjabat sampai 20 Juli 2022 | Serving until 20 July 2022

Agenda Rapat Komite Audit Audit Committee Meeting Agenda

Dengan total 24 (dua puluh empat) kali rapat terkait agenda With a total of 24 (twenty four) meetings related to the agenda of
pembahasannya adalah mengenai evaluasi dan penunjukan Kantor the discussion is about the evaluation and appointment of the Public
Akuntan Publik, program kerja Komite Audit dan Fungsi Audit Internal Accounting Firm, the work programme of the Audit Committee and
Elnusa maupun temuan-temuan audit baik dari eksternal maupun Elnusa’s Internal Audit Function as well as audit findings from both
internal serta agenda lainnya. external and internal and other agendas.

Rencana Pelaksanaan Rapat Komite Audit dengan Meeting Plan of Audit Committee with Internal Audit
Fungsi Audit Internal Tahun 2023 Function in 2023
Dalam rangka meningkatkan koordinasi yang lebih efektif, sesuai Program In order to improve more effective coordination, according to the Audit
Kerja Komite Audit tahun buku 2023 bahwa rapat dengan Fungsi Internal Committee Work Programme for the financial year 2023, meetings
Audit Elnusa direncanakan dilakukan setiap minggu ke-2 setidaknya with Elnusa’s Internal Audit Function are planned to be held every 2nd
setiap 2 (dua) bulan dengan agenda rapat diantaranya membahas week at least every 2 (two) months with the meeting agenda including
tentang progress penugasan audit termasuk tindak lanjutnya. Rapat discussing the progress of audit assignments including follow-up.
yang bersifat unplanned juga dapat dilaksanakan sewaktu-waktu sesuai Unplanned meetings can also be held at any time as needed.
dengan kebutuhan.

Pengembangan Kompetensi Anggota Komite Audit Competency Development of Audit Committee Members
Perseroan memfasilitasi pelaksanaan program pengembangan bagi The Company facilitates the implementation of development
Komite Audit dalam rangka meningkatkan kompetensi anggota Komite programmes for the Audit Committee in order to improve the
Audit. Program ini diharapkan mampu memberikan dampak positif competence of Audit Committee members. This programme is expected
terhadap produktivitas dan efektivitas kinerja Komite Audit. to have a positive impact on the productivity and effectiveness of the
Audit Committee’s performance.

Nama dan Jabatan Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Tempat dan Tanggal Penyelenggara
Name and Title Training and Development Place and Date Organizer
Adil Nusyirwan Master Class Internal Audit Online Center for Risk Management & Sustainability
10-11 Oktober 2022 | 10-11 Oktober 2022 (CRMS) Indonesia
Serena Karlita Ferdinandus 2022 IIA Indonesia National Bali Institute Of Internal Auditors (IIA) Indonesia
Anggota | Anggota Conference 12-13 Oktober 2022 | 12-13 Oktober 2022

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Nomination and Remuneration Committee


Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi adalah organ pendukung Dewan The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is a supporting organ of
Komisaris yang bertugas dan tanggung jawab untuk membantu Dewan the Board of Commissioners with duties and responsibilities to assist
Komisaris dalam menjalankan tugas pengawasan dan pemberian nasihat the Board of Commissioners in carrying out its supervisory and advisory
di bidang pengelolaan dan pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) duties in the field of management and development of Human Capital
termasuk proses remunerasi dan nominasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi (HC) including the remuneration and nomination process of the Board of
Perseroan. Commissioners and Directors of the Company.

Dasar Pembentukan Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Legal Basis for the Establishment of the Nomination and
Remuneration Committee
1. Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 34/ POJK.04/2014 tanggal 1. Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 34/POJK.04/2014
8 Desember 2014 tentang Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi dated 8 December 2014 on the Nomination and Remuneration
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik. Committee of Issuers or Public Companies.
2. Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor 2. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number
PER-14/MBU/10/2021 tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Peraturan PER-14/MBU/10/2021 on the Second Amendment to Regulation
Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor PER-12/MBU/2012 of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number PER-12/
tanggal 24 Agustus 2012 tentang Organ Pendukung Dewan MBU/2012 dated 24 August 2012 on the Supporting Organ of
Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas Badan Usaha Milik Negara. the Board of Commissioners/Supervisory Board of State-Owned
3. Anggaran Dasar Perseroan yang telah beberapa kali diubah dan 3. Articles of Association of the Company which have been amended
terakhir berdasarkan Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat dan several times and most recently based on Deed of Meeting
Perubahan Anggaran Dasar No. 84 tanggal 31 Desember 2021 yang Resolution and Amendment to Articles of Association No. 84 dated
dibuat oleh Notaris Aulia Taufani, S.H., di Jakarta. December 31, 2021 made by Notary Aulia Taufani, S.H., in Jakarta.

Piagam Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Perseroan telah memiliki piagam The Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company has a
sebagai pedoman tata cara pelaksanaan kegiatan operasional yang
charter as a guideline for the procedures for implementing operational
secara terus menerus disempurnakan dan diperbaharui sesuai dengan
perkembangan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta activities which is continuously refined and updated in accordance
kondisi terkini. Pembaharuan/penyempurnaan atas Piagam Komite with the development of applicable laws and regulations and current
Nominasi dan Remunerasi Perseroan terakhir dilakukan pada Januari conditions. The last update/refinement of the Company’s Nomination
and Remuneration Committee Charter was carried out in January 2023.

Piagam Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi tersebut memuat: The Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter contains:
1. Landasan hukum; 1. Legal basis;
2. Struktur organisasi dan keanggotaan Komite Nominasi dan 2. Organisational structure and membership of the Nomination and
Remunerasi; Remuneration Committee;
3. Persyaratan keanggotaan Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi; 3. Membership requirements of the Nomination and Remuneration
4. Tanggung jawab Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi; 4. Responsibilities of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee;
5. Tugas Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi; 5. Duties of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee;
6. Wewenang hak dan kewajiban Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi; 6. Authority rights and obligations of the Nomination and
Remuneration Committee;
7. Rapat Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi; 7. Meeting of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee;
8. Masa jabatan anggota Komite Remunerasi dan Nominasi; 8. Term of office of the members of the Remuneration and Nomination

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Corporate Governance

Kode Etik Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Code of Ethics of the Nomination and Remuneration
Setiap anggota Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi berkomitmen Each member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
memberikan kemampuan terbaiknya dan mematuhi kode etik yang is committed to giving his/her best ability and complying with the
berlaku, dengan mengutamakan integritas, independensi, objektivitas, applicable code of ethics, by prioritising integrity, independence,
kejujuran, dan komitmen terhadap prinsip-prinsip GCG. objectivity, honesty, and commitment to GCG principles.

Keanggotaan Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Membership of the Nomination and Remuneration
1. Anggota Komite paling kurang terdiri dari 3 (tiga) orang Anggota 1. The Committee shall consist of at least 3 (three) members, namely:
yaitu :
a. Ketua Komite merangkap Anggota yang merupakan Komisaris a. The Chairman of the Committee who is concurrently an
Independen maupun Anggota Komite yang merupakan pihak Independent Commissioner and Committee Members who
yang berasal dari luar Perusahan wajib memenuhi persyaratan are parties from outside the Company must fulfil the following
sebagai berikut: requirements:
• Tidak memiliki saham baik langsung maupun tidak • Do not own shares either directly or indirectly in the
langsung pada Perusahaan. Company.
• Tidak mempunyai hubungan usaha baik langsung • Do not have direct or indirect business relationship
maupun tidak langsung yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan related to the Company’s business activities.
usaha Perusahaan.
• Bukan merupakan orang yang bekerja atau mempunyai • Not a person who works or has the authority and
wewenang dan tanggung jawab untuk merencanakan, responsibility to plan, lead, control or supervise this
memimpin, mengendalikan atau mengawasi Perusahaan Company within 6 (six) months before being appointed
ini dalam waktu 6 (enam) bulan sebelum diangkat oleh by the Board of Commissioners.
Dewan Komisaris.
• Tidak mempunyai hubungan keluarga sedarah sampai • Do not have a family relationship up to the 3rd degree,
derajat ke-3, baik menurut garis lurus maupun garis either in a straight line or sideways line or a relationship
ke samping ataupun hubungan yang timbul karena arising from marriage with another Member of the
perkawinan dengan Anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya Board of Commissioners or with a Member of the Board
atau dengan Anggota Direksi. of Directors.
b. Anggota Komite lainnya dapat berasal dari : b. Other Committee members may come from :
• Anggota Dewan Komisaris • Member of the Board of Commissioners
• Pihak yang berasal dari luar Perusahaan • Parties from outside the Company
• Pihak yang menduduki jabatan manajerial dibawah • Parties who hold managerial positions under the Board
Direksi yang membidangi Sumber Daya Manusia
2. Anggota Komite lainnya sebagaimana dimaksud pada angka 1 2. Other Committee members as referred to in number 1 letter b
huruf b di atas sebagian besar tidak dapat berasal dari pihak yang above mostly cannot come from parties who hold managerial
menduduki jabatan manajerial di bawah Direksi yang membidangi positions under the Board of Directors in charge of Human
Sumber Daya Manusia. Resources.
3. Anggota Direksi Perusahaan tidak dapat menjadi Anggota Komite. 3. Members of the Company’s Board of Directors cannot be
Committee Members.

Persyaratan Keanggotaan Komite Nominasi dan Nomination and Remuneration Committee Membership
Remunerasi Requirements
Secara umum, persyaratan anggota Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi, In general, the requirements of the Nomination and Remuneration
antara lain: Committee members, among others:
1. Memiliki integritas, dedikasi, kemampuan, pendidikan, 1. Have integrity, dedication, ability, education, independence
independensi dan pengalaman sesuai dengan bidang pekerjaannya, and experience in accordance with the field of work, and be
serta mampu mengkomunikasikan secara lisan maupun tertulis able to communicate orally and in writing all the results of the
semua hasil pelaksanaan tugasnya kepada Dewan Komisaris sesuai implementation of its duties to the Board of Commissioners in
prosedur yang berlaku. accordance with applicable procedures.
2. Memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup untuk dapat memahami prinsip 2. Have sufficient knowledge to be able to understand the principles
dan proses penetapan Nominasi dan Remunerasi serta mampu and process of determining Nomination and Remuneration and
mengkomunikasikan pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsinya kepada be able to communicate the implementation of its duties and
Dewan Komisaris. functions to the Board of Commissioners.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
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3. Memiliki pengetahuan yang memadai tentang Anggaran Dasar 3. Have sufficient knowledge of the Company’s Articles of
Perusahaan, peraturan perundang-undangan dan peraturan Association, laws and regulations and other regulations related to
lainnya terkait penetapan Nominasi dan Remunerasi. the determination of Nomination and Remuneration.
4. Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai Nominasi dan Remunerasi yang 4. Have knowledge of Nomination and Remuneration applicable in
berlaku pada industri sesuai dengan kegiatan usaha Perusahaan the industry in accordance with the business activities of similar
sejenis dan skala usaha dari Perusahaan dalam industrinya. companies and the business scale of the Company in its industry.
5. Sekurang-kurangnya salah satu Anggota Komite harus memiliki 5. At least one of the Committee Members must have a background
latar belakang dan kompetensi dalam pendidikan atau memiliki and competence in education or have expertise in the field of
keahlian dalam bidang Sumber Daya Manusia. Human Resources.

Ketentuan Masa Jabatan Term of Office Provisions

Masa jabatan anggota Dewan Komisaris yang merangkap sebagai The term of office of a member of the Board of Commissioners who
anggota Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi sama dengan masa concurrently serves as a member of the Nomination and Remuneration
jabatannya sebagai anggota Dewan Komisaris sebagaimana ditetapkan Committee is the same as his/her term of office as a member of the
melalui RUPS. Masa jabatan anggota Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Board of Commissioners as determined by the GMS. The term of office
tidak boleh lebih lama dari masa jabatan Dewan Komisaris dan dapat of members of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall not
dipilih kembali hanya untuk 1 (satu) periode berikutnya. exceed the term of office of the Board of Commissioners and may be re-
elected only for the next 1 (one) period.

Personalia Anggota Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Personnel of Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi untuk tahun buku 2022 terdiri dari 3 Members
(tiga) orang diantaranya Komisaris Independen sebagai Ketua. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee for the financial
year 2022 consists of 3 (three) persons, including an Independent
Commissioner as Chairman.

Susunan Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Composition of the Nomination and Remuneration
Per 31 Desember 2022, komposisi dan susunan Komite Nominasi dan As of 31 December 2022, the composition of the Nomination and
Remunerasi terdiri dari 1 (satu) orang ketua dan 2 (dua) orang anggota Remuneration Committee consists of 1 (one) chairman and 2 (two)
sebagai berikut: members as follows

Nama Jabatan Dasar Pengangkatan Masa Jabatan Periode Jabatan

Name Position Legal Basis of Appointment Terms of office Period of Service
Lusiaga Levi Susila Ketua Komite / Komisaris Independen SK Dewan Komisaris No. 003 Tahun 2021 2021-2024 Ke-2
Committee Chairman/Independent Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. 003 of 2nd
Commissioner 2021
Yudo Irianto Anggota SK Dewan Komisaris No. 010 Tahun 2020 2020-2023 Ke-1
Member Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. 010 of 1st
Agung Wahidin Wibisana Anggota SK Dewan Komisaris No. 010 Tahun 2020 2020-2023 Ke-1
Member Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. 010 of 1st

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
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Profil Anggota Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Non- Profile of Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Komisaris Members Non-Commissioners

Anggota | Member
Kewarganegaraan Indonesia
Usia | Tempat & Tanggal Lahir 59 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 59 years old as of 31 December 2022
Age | Place & Date of Birth Kebumen, 14 Oktober 1963 Kebumen, 14 October 1963
Riwayat Pendidikan · Sarjana Ekonomi Akuntansi, Universitas Diponegoro, · Bachelor of Economics, Accounting, Diponegoro University,
Education History Semarang (1988) Semarang (1988)
· Magister Management, Human Resources Management, · Master of Management, Human Resources Management,
Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung dan College Business Padjajaran University, Bandung and College Business
Administration, Kentucky University, USA (1996) Administration, Kentucky University, USA (1996)
Periode Jabatan 2020 - 2023, Periode Ke-1 2020 - 2023, 1st Period
Position Period
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris No. 010 Tahun 2020 Board of Commissioners Decree No. 010 of 2020
Legal Basis for Appointment
Pengalaman Kerja · Komisaris Independen di PT Pertalife Insurance (2021-2022) · Independent Commissioner at PT Pertalife Insurance
Work Experience (2021-current)
· SVP HRD PT Pertamina (Persero) (2017-2018) · SVP HRD PT Pertamina (Persero) (2017-2018)
· VP People Management PT Pertamina (Persero) (2013-2017) · VP People Management PT Pertamina (Persero) (2013-2017)
· VP HR Operation PT Pertamina (Persero) (2009-2013) · VP HR Operation PT Pertamina (Persero) (2009-2013)
· VP HR Group Shared Services PT Pertamina (Persero) (2008- · VP HR Group Shared Services PT Pertamina (Persero) (2008-
2009) 2009)
· Presiden Komisaris PT Pertamina Pedeve Indonesia (2018) · President Commissioner of PT Pertamina Pedeve Indonesia
· Presiden Komisaris PT Pertamina Dana Ventura (2013-2018) · President Commissioner of PT Pertamina Dana Ventura
· Komisaris Perseroan (2017-2018) · Commissioner of the Company (2017-2018)
· Dewan Pengawas di Dana Pensiun Pertamina (2009-2013) · Supervisory Board at Pertamina Pension Fund (2009-2013)
Rangkap Jabatan Tidak ada None
Concurrent Position
Hubungan Afiliasi Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of
Affiliation Relationship Komisaris lainnya, Direksi dan Pemegang Saham Utama Commissioners, Board of Directors and Major Shareholders.
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA Tidak ada None
ELSA Share Ownership
Domisili Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat Bekasi, West Java


Anggota | Member
Kewarganegaraan Indonesia
Usia | Tempat & Tanggal Lahir 47 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 47 years old as of 31 December 2022
Age | Place & Date of Birth Jakarta, 20 Desember 1975 Jakarta, 20 Desember 1975
Riwayat Pendidikan · Sarjana Hukum Bisnis, Universitas Parahyangan, Bandung · Bachelor of Business Law, Parahyangan University, Bandung
Education History (1999) (1999)
· Diploma Human Capital Management, Singapore Human · Diploma in Human Capital Management, Singapore Human
Resources Institute (2009) Resources Institute (2009)
· Master in Business Administration, IPMI Business School · Master in Business Administration, IPMI Business School
(2022) (2022)
Periode Jabatan 2020 - 2023, Periode Ke-1 2020 - 2023, 1st Period
Position Period
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris No. 010 Tahun 2020 Board of Commissioners Decree No. 010 of 2020
Legal Basis for Appointment

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Pengalaman Kerja · Senior Manager of Human Capital Business Partner Perseroan · Senior Manager of Human Capital Business Partner of the
Work Experience (2018 – 2020) Company (2018 – 2020)
· Department Head of Human Resources Drilling & Oilfield · Department Head of Human Resources Drilling & Oilfield
Services Perseroan (2016 – 2018) Services of the Company (2016 – 2018)
· Department Head of Organization Development & Talent · Department Head of Organization Development & Talent
Management Perseroan (2012 – 2016) Management of the Company (2012 – 2016)
· Section Head of Sourcing Perseroan (2010 - 2012) · Section Head of Sourcing of the Company (2010 - 2012)
· Human Resources Policy & System Manager PT Infomedia · Human Resources Policy & System Manager of PT Infomedia
Nusantara (2010) Nusantara (2010)
· Human Resource Performance Manager PT Infomedia · Human Resource Performance Manager of PT Infomedia
Nusantara (2008 – 2010) Nusantara (2008 – 2010)
· Human Resource Operation Manager PT Infomedia Nusantara · Human Resource Operation Manager of PT Infomedia
(2006 – 2008) Nusantara (2006 – 2008)
· Associate di Konsultan Hukum (1999-2002) · Associate di Konsultan Hukum (1999-2002)
Rangkap Jabatan VP Human Capital Perseroan (2020-saat ini) VP Human Capital Company (2020-present)
Concurrent Position
Hubungan Afiliasi Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of
Affiliation Relationship Komisaris lainnya, Direksi dan Pemegang Saham Utama Commissioners, Board of Directors and Major Shareholders.
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA Tidak ada None
ELSA Share Ownership
Domisili Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat Bekasi, West Java

Independensi Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Independence of Nomination and Remuneration

Ketua Komite merangkap Anggota yang merupakan Komisaris The Chairman of the Committee is concurrently a Member who is an
Independen maupun Anggota Komite yang merupakan pihak yang Independent Commissioner and a Committee Member who is a party
berasal dari luar Perusahan sebagai berikut: from outside the Company as follows:

Lusiaga Levi
Aspek Independensi Yudo Irianto Independence Aspect
Tidak berasal dari pihak yang menduduki jabatan manajerial di √ √ Does not come from a party who holds a managerial position
bawah Direksi yang membidangi sumber daya manusia under the Board of Directors in charge of human resources
Tidak mempunyai saham langsung maupun tidak langsung di √ √ Does not have direct or indirect shares in the Company
Tidak mempunyai hubungan Afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan √ √ Has no affiliation with members of the Board of
Komisaris, anggota Direksi, atau Pemegang Saham Utama Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors, or Major
Perusahaan Shareholders of the Company
Tidak mempunyai hubungan usaha baik langsung maupun √ √ Does not have a direct or indirect business relationship related
tidak langsung yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan usaha to the Company’s business activities
Tidak menjabat sebagai pengurus partai politik dan/atau √ √ Does not serve as an administrator of a political party and / or
calon/anggota legislatif dan/atau merupakan calon atau candidate / member of the legislature and / or is a candidate
menjabat sebagai kepala/wakil kepala pemerintahan daerah; or serves as head / deputy head of local government
Tidak memiliki jabatan lain yang dapat menimbulkan benturan √ √ Do not hold other positions that may cause conflicts of interest
kepentingan terkait dengan jabatan di Perusahaan related to positions in the Company
√: memenuhi | complied

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Komite Nominasi dan Duties and Responsibilities of the Nomination and
Remunerasi Remuneration Committee
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi melakukan evaluasi serta menyusun The Nomination and Remuneration Committee evaluates and prepares
dan memberikan rekomendasi kepada Dewan Komisaris mengenai and provides recommendations to the Board of Commissioners
sistem/kebijakan nominasi dan remunerasi bagi Dewan Komisaris dan regarding the nomination and remuneration system/policy for the Board
Direksi: of Commissioners and Board of Directors:
1. Terkait dengan fungsi nominasi: 1. Related to the nomination function:
a. Memberikan rekomendasi kepada Dewan Komisaris a. Provide recommendations to the Board of Commissioners
mengenai: regarding:
• Komposisi jabatan anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota • Composition of positions of members of the Board
Dewan Komisaris; of Directors and/or members of the Board of
• Kebijakan dan kriteria yang dibutuhkan dalam proses • Policies and criteria required in the Nomination process;
Nominasi; dan and
• Kebijakan evaluasi kinerja bagi anggota Direksi dan/atau • Performance evaluation policies for members of the
anggota Dewan Komisaris. Board of Directors and/or members of the Board of

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b. Membantu Dewan Komisaris melakukan penilaian kinerja b. Assist the Board of Commissioners in assessing the
anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris. performance of members of the Board of Directors and/or
members of the Board of Commissioners.
c. Memberikan rekomendasi kepada Dewan Komisaris c. Provide recommendations to the Board of Commissioners
mengenai program pengembangan kemampuan anggota regarding capacity building programmes for members of
Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris; the Board of Directors and/or members of the Board of
d Memberikan usulan/rekomendasi calon anggota Direksi dan/ d. Provide proposals/recommendations for candidates for
atau calon anggota Dewan Komisaris yang memenuhi syarat members of the Board of Directors and/or candidates for
kepada Dewan Komisaris untuk disampaikan kepada Rapat members of the Board of Commissioners who meet the
Umum Pemegang Saham; requirements to the Board of Commissioners to be submitted
to the General Meeting of Shareholders;
e. Menyusun dan memberikan rekomendasi kepada Dewan e. Prepare and provide recommendations to the Board of
Komisaris mengenai sistem dan prosedur pemilihan dan/atau Commissioners regarding the system and procedures for the
penggantian anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi kepada election and/or replacement of members of the Board of
Dewan Komisaris untuk disampaikan kepada Rapat Umum Commissioners and the Board of Directors to the Board of
Pemegang Saham; Commissioners to be submitted to the General Meeting of
2. Terkait fungsi Remunerasi: 2. Related to Remuneration function:
a. Melakukan evaluasi terhadap sistem/kebijakan remunerasi a. Evaluate the remuneration system/policy based on
yang didasarkan atas kinerja, risiko, kewajaran dengan peer performance, risk, fairness with peer groups, goals, and long-
group, sasaran, dan strategi jangka panjang. term strategy.
b. Menyusun dan memberikan rekomendasi kepada Dewan b. Prepare and provide recommendations to the Board of
Komisaris mengenai: Commissioners regarding:
• Struktur remunerasi; • Remuneration structure;
• Kebijakan remunerasi; dan • Remuneration policy; and
• Besaran remunerasi; • Amount of remuneration;
Struktur, kebijakan dan besaran remunerasi bagi Dewan The structure, policy and amount of remuneration for the
Komisaris dan Direksi tersebut di atas dievaluasi oleh Board of Commissioners and Directors mentioned above
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi sekurang-kurangnya are evaluated by the Nomination and Remuneration
satu kali dalam satu tahun. Committee at least once a year.
c. Menyampaikan hasil evaluasi dan memberikan rekomendasi c. Delivering evaluation results and providing recommendations
kepada Dewan Komisaris mengenai kebijakan remunerasi to the Board of Commissioners regarding remuneration
bagi Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris untuk disampaikan kepada policies for the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham. to be submitted to the General Meeting of Shareholders.
d. Memastikan bahwa kebijakan remunerasi telah sesuai dengan d. Ensure that the remuneration policy is in accordance with
ketentuan yang berlaku. applicable regulations.
e. Melakukan evaluasi secara berkala terhadap penerapan e. Conducting periodic evaluations of the implementation of the
kebijakan remunerasi. remuneration policy.
f. Membantu Dewan Komisaris melakukan penilaian kinerja f. Assist the Board of Commissioners in assessing performance
dengan kesesuaian remunerasi yang diterima masing-masing with the suitability of remuneration received by each member
anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris. of the Board of Directors and / or members of the Board of
3. Melaksanakan tugas lainnya yang diberikan oleh Dewan Komisaris 3. Carry out other duties assigned by the Board of Commissioners
terkait fungsi nominasi dan remunerasi. related to the nomination and remuneration function.

Pembagian Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab dalam Division of Duties and Responsibilities in Nomination
Keanggotaan Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi and Remuneration Committee Membership
Sesuai dengan Piagam Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi, tidak ada In accordance with the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
pembagian tugas antar anggota komite, seluruh anggota komite Charter, there is no division of duties between committee members,
bekerja secara kolektif kolegial dengan independen dan profesional, all committee members work collectively collegially with independence
untuk membantu Dewan komisaris melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan, and professionalism, to assist the Board of Commissioners in carrying
pemberian nasihat serta memastikan telah dilaksanakannya proses out its supervisory, advisory functions and ensure the implementation of
nominasi, remunerasi serta pengembangan SDM. the nomination, remuneration and HR development processes.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
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Wewenang Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Authority of the Nomination and Remuneration
1. Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi dapat mengakses catatan atau 1. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee may access records
informasi tentang karyawan, dana, aset, serta sumber daya lainnya or information about employees, funds, assets, and other resources
milik Perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan tugasnya. belonging to the Company related to the implementation of its
Komite wajib melaporkan secara tertulis hasil penugasan tersebut duties. The Committee shall report in writing the results of the
kepada Dewan Komisaris. assignment to the Board of Commissioners.
2. Untuk melaksanakan tugasnya Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi 2. To carry out its duties, the Nomination and Remuneration
dapat bekerja sama dengan Divisi Human Capital dan Divisi lainnya Committee may cooperate with the Human Capital Division and
yang terkait. other related Divisions
3. Anggota Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi wajib menjalankan 3. Members of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall
tugas dengan baik dan menjaga kerahasiaan seluruh dokumen, data perform their duties properly and maintain the confidentiality of
dan informasi Perusahaan, baik dari pihak internal maupun pihak all documents, data and information of the Company, both from
eksternal dan hanya digunakan untuk kepentingan pelaksanaan internal and external parties and shall only be used for the purpose
tugas Komite. of carrying out the duties of the Committee.

Laporan Singkat Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Komite Nominasi Brief Report on the Implementation of Nomination and
dan Remunerasi Tahun 2022 Remuneration Committee Activities in 2022
Pada tahun buku 2022, Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi telah In the financial year 2022, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya antara lain meliputi: has carried out its duties and responsibilities, among others, including:
1. Pelaksanaan tugas nominasi: 1. Implementation of nomination tasks:
a. Melakukan review/penelaahan terhadap calon pengurus a. Conducting a review of candidates for management from
yang berasal dari pihak internal Perseroan serta memberikan internal parties of the Company and providing proposals/
usulan/rekomendasi mengenai calon pengurus yang recommendations regarding candidates for management
memenuhi persyaratan untuk diusulkan dalam RUPS. who meet the requirements to be proposed in the GMS.
b. Melakukan review/penelaahan terhadap para calon pengurus b. Reviewing the candidates for the management of Subsidiaries
Anak Perusahaan yang akan diusulkan kepada Subholding that will be proposed to the Upstream Subholding.
Upstream. c. Make recommendations regarding the Capability
c. Membuat rekomendasi mengenai Program Pengembangan Development Programme for members of the Board of
Kemampuan anggota Direksi dan anggota Dewan Komisaris. Directors and members of the Board of Commissioners.
d. Fasilitator penilaian kinerja anggota Direksi dan anggota d. Facilitator performance assessment of members of the Board
Dewan Komisaris. of Directors and members of the Board of Commissioners.
2. Pelaksanaan tugas remunerasi: 2. Implementation of remuneration tasks:
a. Melakukan evaluasi atas sistem/kebijakan remunerasi bagi a. Evaluate the remuneration system/policy for members of the
anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris. Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.
b. Menelaah remunerasi Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris untuk b. Reviewing the remuneration of the Board of Directors and
tahun 2022 dan tantiem tahun 2021. Board of Commissioners for 2022 and tantiem for 2021.
c. Melakukan evaluasi dan membuat rekomendasi mengenai c. Evaluate and make recommendations regarding remuneration
remunerasi bagi anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris untuk for members of the Board of Directors and Board of
disampaikan kepada RUPS. Commissioners to be submitted to the GMS.

Pelaporan Reporting
Piagam Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi mengatur bahwa Komite The Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter stipulates
Nominasi dan Remunerasi wajib menyampaikan laporan berikut kepada that the Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall submit the
Dewan Komisaris: following reports to the Board of Commissioners:
1. Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi wajib membuat laporan kepada 1. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall make a report
Dewan Komisaris atas setiap penugasan yang diberikan. to the Board of Commissioners on each assignment given.
2. Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi wajib membuat laporan tahunan 2. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall make an
pelaksanaan kegiatan Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi yang annual report on the implementation of the Nomination and
diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan. Remuneration Committee activities disclosed in the Company’s
Annual Report.

Kebijakan Suksesi Direksi Board of Directors Succession Policy

Perseroan memiliki komitmen untuk mencapai pertumbuhan usaha yang The Company is committed to achieving sustainable business growth,
berkelanjutan, termasuk kesinambungan pengelolaan perusahaan oleh including the continuity of company management by leaders who are
pemimpin yang yang profesional, berintegritas, berdedikasi dan memiliki professional, have integrity, dedication and competence in carrying
kompetensi dalam menjalankan kegiatan operasional Perusahaan. out the Company’s operational activities. As stated in POJK Number

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
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Sebagaimana tercantum dalam POJK Nomor 33/POJK.04/2014, usulan 33/POJK.04/2014, proposals for the appointment, dismissal, and/or
pengangkatan, pemberhentian, dan/atau penggantian anggota Direksi replacement of members of the Board of Directors to the GMS must
kepada RUPS harus memperhatikan rekomendasi dari Dewan Komisaris consider the recommendations of the Board of Commissioners or the
atau Komite yang menjalankan fungsi nominasi. Dalam hal ini Perseroan Committee that carries out the nomination function. In this case, the
memiliki Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi yang memiliki peran dalam Company has a Nomination and Remuneration Committee that has a
proses pencalonan Anggota Direksi Perseroan. role in the nomination process of the Company’s Board of Directors.

Lebih lanjut diatur dalam peraturan internal sumber nominasi anggota Further stipulated in the internal regulations, the source of nomination
Direksi dapat berasal dari: of members of the Board of Directors can come from:
a. Anggota Direksi Anak Perusahaan yang sedang menjabat; a. Members of the Board of Directors of Subsidiaries who are
b. Pejabat internal Perusahaan setingkat di bawah Direksi; currently serving;
c. Sumber lain yang telah memiliki reputasi yang baik, relevan dan b. Internal Company officials at the level below the Board of Directors;
dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. c. Other sources that have a good reputation, relevant and

Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi berperan dalam proses pengusulan The Nomination and Remuneration Committee plays a role in the
calon anggota Direksi yang berasal dari internal Perseroan yaitu proses process of proposing candidates for members of the Board of Directors
Fit and Proper Test untuk calon yang merupakan pejabat 1 (satu) level di from within the Company, namely the Fit and Proper Test process for
bawah Direksi yang telah memenuhi kualifikasi melalui assessment yang candidates who are officials 1 (one) level below the Board of Directors
dilakukan oleh Lembaga Independen. who have met the qualifications through an assessment conducted by
an Independent Institution.

Penilaian Kinerja (KPI) Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Performance Assessment (KPI) of the Nomination and
Remuneration Committee
Penilaian kinerja Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi dilakukan setidaknya The performance assessment of the Nomination and Remuneration
1 (satu) tahun sekali, dengan mempertimbangkan efektivitas Komite Committee is carried out at least once a year, by considering the
Nominasi dan Remunerasi dalam menjalankan fungsinya, tingkat effectiveness of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee in
kehadiran dalam rapat, dan tingkat pemahaman akan masalah yang carrying out its functions, the level of attendance at meetings, and the
dihadapi Perusahaan. level of understanding of the problems faced by the Company.

Remunerasi Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Remuneration of the Nomination and Remuneration
Remunerasi Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi ditetapkan dengan The remuneration of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara is determined by referring to the Regulation of the Minister of State-
Nomor PER-14/MBU/10/2021 tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Peraturan Owned Enterprises Number PER-14/MBU/10/2021 concerning the
Menteri BUMN Nomor PER-12/MBU/2012 tentang Organ Pendukung Second Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned
Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas Badan Usaha Milik Negara Enterprises Number PER-12/MBU/2012 concerning Supporting Organs
mengatur terkait penghasilan anggota Komite yakni berupa honorarium of the Board of Commissioners/Supervisory Board of State-Owned
maksimal sebesar 20% (dua puluh persen) dari gaji Direktur Utama Enterprises, which regulates the income of Committee members in the
Perusahaan dengan ketentuan pajak ditanggung Perusahaan dan tidak form of an honorarium of a maximum of 20% (twenty per cent) of the
diperkenankan menerima penghasilan lain selain honorarium tersebut. salary of the President Director of the Company, provided that taxes are
Anggota Dewan Komisaris yang menjadi Ketua/anggota Komite borne by the Company and are not allowed to receive other income
Nominasi dan Remunerasi tidak diberikan penghasilan tambahan dari besides the honorarium. Members of the Board of Commissioners
jabatan tersebut. who are Chairman/members of the Nomination and Remuneration
Committee are not given additional income from the position.

Rapat Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Nomination and Remuneration Committee Meeting
1. Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi mengadakan rapat secara 1. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall meet regularly
berkala paling kurang satu kali dalam 4 (empat) bulan; at least once every 4 (four) months;
2. Rapat Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi dapat mengambil 2. Meetings of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee may
keputusan apabila sekurang-kurangnya dihadiri oleh lebih dari 1/2 make decisions if attended by at least more than 1/2 (one-half)
(satu per dua) dari jumlah anggota termasuk Ketua Komite. of the total number of members including the Chairman of the

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3. Keputusan rapat komite dilakukan berdasarkan musyawarah 3. Committee meeting decisions are made based on deliberation to
mufakat. Dalam hal tidak terjadi musyawarah mufakat, reach consensus. In the event that no consensus is reached, the
pengambilan keputusan dilakukan dengan suara terbanyak; decision shall be made by majority vote;
4. Meetings are chaired by the Chairman of the Nomination and
4. Rapat dipimpin oleh Ketua Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi yang Remuneration Committee who is an Independent Commissioner.
merupakan Komisaris Independen. 5. Each meeting of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
5. Setiap rapat Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi harus dituangkan shall be set forth in the minutes of meeting signed by all members
dalam risalah rapat yang ditandatangani oleh seluruh anggota of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee present.
Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi yang hadir. Perbedaan pendapat Differences of opinion that occur in committee meetings must be
yang terjadi dalam rapat komite wajib dicantumkan secara jelas clearly stated in the minutes of the meeting along with the reasons
dalam risalah rapat beserta alasan perbedaan tersebut. for the differences.

Selama tahun 2022, Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi telah During 2022, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee has
melaksanakan 12 (dua belas) kali rapat internal. Komite Nominasi dan conducted 12 (twelve) internal meetings. The Nomination and
Remunerasi juga aktif hadir dan terlibat dalam Rapat Dewan Komisaris Remuneration Committee also actively attended and participated in the
dengan tujuan agar hal-hal yang bersifat substantif dapat segera Board of Commissioners Meeting with the aim that substantive matters
dilaporkan kepada Dewan Komisaris. can be immediately reported to the Board of Commissioners.

Berikut frekuensi dan tingkat kehadiran Rapat Komite Nominasi dan The following is the frequency and attendance of the Nomination and
Remunerasi: Remuneration Committee Meetings:

Jumlah Rapat
Nama Jabatan Kehadiran Presentase
Number of
Name Position Attendance Percentage
Lusiaga Levi Susila Ketua Komite / Komisaris Independen 12 12 100%
Committee Chairman/Independent Commissioner
Yudo Irianto Anggota | Member 12 12 100%
Agung Wahidin Wibisana Anggota | Member 12 12 100%

Agenda Rapat Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi Nomination and Remuneration Committee Meeting
Dengan total 12 (dua belas) kali rapat terkait agenda pembahasan A total of 12 (twelve) meetings related to special discussion agenda
khusus mengenai Nominasi dan Remunerasi Anggota Dewan Komisaris regarding Nomination and Remuneration of Members of the Board of
dan Direksi dilaksanakan dengan detail sebagai berikut: Commissioners and Board of Directors were held with the following
1. Jumlah agenda rapat terkait Nominasi sebanyak 9 (sembilan) kali 1. The number of meeting agenda related to Nomination was 9 (nine)
rapat. meetings.
2. Jumlah agenda rapat terkait Remunerasi sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali 2. The number of meetings related to Remuneration was 3 (three)
rapat. meetings.

Pengembangan Kompetensi Komite Nominasi dan Competency Development of Nomination and

Remunerasi Remuneration Committee
Perseroan mengikutsertakan Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi dalam The Company participates the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
kegiatan pengembangan kompetensi sebagai bentuk program untuk in competency development activities as a form of programme to
menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan. increase insight and knowledge.

Nama dan Jabatan Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Tempat dan Tanggal Penyelenggara
Name and Title Training and Development Place and Date Organizer
Agung Wahidin Wibisana Indonesia HR Summit Jakarta PT Multi Taruna Sejati
Anggota | Anggota 28 Juni 2022 | 28 Juni 2022
Safety Culture And Leadership Jakarta PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
20 September 2022 | 20 September 2022

288 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Risk Monitoring Committee

Dewan Komisaris membentuk Komite Pemantau Risiko dalam rangka The Board of Commissioners established the Risk Monitoring Committee
membantu Dewan Komisaris untuk memantau dan memastikan bahwa in order to assist the Board of Commissioners to monitor and ensure that
Direksi telah menetapkan kebijakan, prinsip dan sistem pengelolaan the Board of Directors has established the Company’s Risk Management
Manajemen Resiko Perseroan dan melaksanakan secara konsisten di policies, principles and management systems and implement them
dalam seluruh aspek kegiatan perusahaan. consistently in all aspects of the Company’s activities.

Dasar Pembentukan Pemantau Risiko Basis for Establishment of Risk Monitoring

1. Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 33/POJK.04/2014 tanggal 1. Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 33/POJK.04/2014
8 Desember 2014 tentang Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Emiten dated December 8, 2014 regarding the Board of Directors and
atau Perusahaan Publik. Board of Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies.
2. Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor 2. Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number
PER-14/MBU/10/2021 tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Peraturan PER-14/MBU/10/2021 regarding the Second Amendment to
Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor PER-12/MBU/2012 Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number
tanggal 24 Agustus 2012 tentang Organ Pendukung Dewan PER-12/MBU/2012 dated August 24, 2012 regarding Supporting
Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas Badan Usaha Milik Negara. Organs of the Board of Commissioners/Supervisory Board of State-
Owned Enterprises.
3. Anggaran Dasar Perseroan yang telah beberapa kali diubah dan 3. Articles of Association of the Company which have been amended
terakhir berdasarkan Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat dan several times and most recently based on Deed of Meeting
Perubahan Anggaran Dasar No. 84 tanggal 31 Desember 2021 yang Resolution and Amendment to Articles of Association No. 84 dated
dibuat oleh Notaris Aulia Taufani, S.H., di Jakarta. December 31, 2021 made by Notary Aulia Taufani, S.H., in Jakarta.

Piagam Komite Pemantau Risiko Risk Monitoring Committee Charter

Komite Pemantau Risiko memiliki piagam sebagai pedoman tata cara The Risk Monitoring Committee has a charter as a guideline for the
pelaksanaan kegiatan operasional komite. Piagam tersebut secara implementation of the committee’s operational activities. The charter
terus-menerus disempurnakan dan diperbaharui sesuai dengan is continuously refined and updated in accordance with developments/
perkembangan/perubahan peraturan perundangundangan yang berlaku changes in the prevailing laws and regulations and current conditions.
serta kondisi terkini. Pembaharuan/ penyempurnaan atas Piagam The last update/refinement of the Risk Monitoring Committee Charter
Komite Pemantau Risiko terakhir dilakukan pada tahun Desember 2022. was carried out in December 2022.

Piagam Komite Pemantau Risiko tersebut memuat antara lain: The Risk Monitoring Committee Charter contains, among others:
1. Landasan hukum; 1. Legal basis;
2. Struktur organisasi dan keanggotaan Komite Pemantau Risiko; 2. Organizational structure and membership of the Risk Monitoring
3. Persyaratan keanggotaan Komite Pemantau Risiko; 3. Membership requirements of the Risk Monitoring Committee;
4. Tugas dan tanggung jawab Komite Pemantau Risiko; 4. Duties and responsibilities of the Risk Monitoring Committee;
5. Wewenang hak dan kewajiban Komite Pemantau Risiko; 5. Authorities rights and obligations of the Risk Monitoring
6. Rapat Komite Pemantau Risiko; 6. Meeting of the Risk Monitoring Committee;
7. Masa jabatan anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko; 7. Term of office of the members of the Risk Monitoring Committee;

Kode Etik Komite Pemantau Risiko Code of Ethics of the Risk Monitoring Committee
Setiap anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko berkomitmen memberikan Each member of the Risk Monitoring Committee is committed to
kemampuan terbaiknya dan mematuhi kode etik yang berlaku, dengan giving his/her best ability and complying with the applicable code of
mengutamakan integritas, independensi, objektivitas, kejujuran, dan ethics, by prioritizing integrity, independence, objectivity, honesty, and
komitmen terhadap prinsip-prinsip GCG. commitment to GCG principles.

Keanggotaan Komite Pemantau Risiko Membership of the Risk Monitoring Committee

1. Komite Pemantau Risiko paling kurang terdiri dari 3 (tiga) orang 1. The Risk Monitoring Committee shall consist of at least 3 (three)
Anggota. members.
2. Ketua Komite Pemantau Risiko merangkap Anggota yang 2. The Chairman of the Risk Monitoring Committee is concurrently a
merupakan Anggota Komisaris. Member of the Board of Commissioners.

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3. Anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko lainnya merupakan Anggota 3. Other members of the Risk Monitoring Committee shall be
Komisaris maupun Pihak yang berasal dari luar Perusahaan. Members of the Board of Commissioners and Parties from outside
the Company.

Persyaratan Keanggotaan Komite Pemantau Risiko Risk Monitoring Committee Membership Requirements
Secara umum, persyaratan anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko, antara lain: In general, the requirements for members of the Risk Monitoring
1. Memiliki integritas yang tinggi, kemampuan, pengetahuan, Committee include:
pengalaman sesuai dengan bidang pekerjaannya, serta mampu 1. Have high integrity, ability, knowledge, experience in accordance
berkomunikasi dengan baik. with the field of work, and able to communicate well.
2. Memahami bisnis perusahaan khususnya yang terkait dengan 2. Understand the Company’s business, especially those related to
layanan jasa atau kegiatan usaha Perusahaan, proses audit, the Company’s services or business activities, audit process, risk
manajemen risiko, dan peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang management, and laws and regulations in the Capital Market and
Pasar Modal serta peraturan perundang-undangan terkait lainnya. other related laws and regulations.
3. Mematuhi kode etik yang ditetapkan oleh Perusahaan. 3. Comply with the code of ethics established by the Company.
4. Bersedia meningkatkan kompetensi secara terus menerus melalui 4. Willing to improve competence continuously through education
pendidikan dan pelatihan. and training.
5. Memiliki paling kurang satu anggota yang berlatar belakang 5. Have at least one member with educational background and
pendidikan dan keahlian di bidang manajemen risiko, akuntansi expertise in risk management, accounting and/or finance.
dan/atau keuangan.
6. Bukan merupakan orang dalam Kantor Akuntan Publik, Kantor 6. Not an insider of a Public Accounting Firm, Legal Consultant
Konsultan Hukum, Kantor Jasa Penilai Publik atau pihak lain yang Firm, Public Appraisal Service Firm or other parties that provide
memberi jasa assurance, jasa non-assurance, jasa penilai dan/ assurance services, non-assurance services, appraisal services and/
atau jasa konsultasi lain kepada Perusahaan dalam waktu 6 (enam) or other consulting services to the Company within the last 6 (six)
bulan terakhir. months.
7. Bukan merupakan orang yang bekerja atau mempunyai 7. Not a person who works or has the authority and responsibility
wewenang dan tanggung jawab untuk merencanakan, memimpin, to plan, lead, control, or supervise the Company’s activities
mengendalikan, atau mengawasi kegiatan Perusahaan dalam within the last 6 (six) months except for members of the Board of
waktu 6 (enam) bulan terakhir kecuali Anggota Dewan Komisaris. Commissioners.
8. Tidak mempunyai saham langsung maupun tidak langsung 8. Not having direct or indirect shares in the Company. In the event
pada Perusahaan. Dalam hal anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko that a member of the Risk Monitoring Committee acquires shares
memperoleh saham Perusahaan baik langsung maupun tidak of the Company either directly or indirectly as a result of a legal
langsung akibat suatu peristiwa hukum, maka saham tersebut event, the shares must be transferred to another party within a
wajib dialihkan kepada pihak lain dalam jangka waktu paling lama maximum period of 6 (six) months after the acquisition of the
6 (enam) bulan setelah diperolehnya saham tersebut. shares.
9. Tidak mempunyai hubungan usaha baik langsung maupun tidak 9. Have no direct or indirect business relationship related to the
langsung yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan usaha Perusahaan. Company’s business activities.

Ketentuan Masa Jabatan Term of Office Provisions

Masa jabatan anggota Dewan Komisaris yang merangkap sebagai The term of office of a member of the Board of Commissioners who
anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko sama dengan masa jabatannya sebagai concurrently serves as a member of the Risk Monitoring Committee
anggota Dewan Komisaris sebagaimana ditetapkan melalui RUPS. Masa is the same as his/her term of office as a member of the Board of
jabatan anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko tidak boleh lebih lama dari Commissioners as determined by the GMS. The term of office of a
masa jabatan Dewan Komisaris dan dapat dipilih kembali hanya untuk 1 member of the Risk Monitoring Committee may not exceed the term of
(satu) periode berikutnya. office of the Board of Commissioners and may be re-elected only for the
next 1 (one) period.

Personalia Anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko Personnel of Risk Monitoring Committee Members
Jumlah anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko sedikitnya 3 (tiga) orang The number of members of the Risk Monitoring Committee shall
termasuk anggota Komisaris sebagai ketua, serta anggota lainnya yang be at least 3 (three) persons including a member of the Board of
dapat berasal dari anggota Komisaris lainnya maupun pihak eksternal Commissioners as chairman, and other members who may come from
antara lain yang bukan karyawan Perseroan setidaknya dalam 6 (enam other members of the Board of Commissioners or external parties,
bulan) terakhir. among others, who are not employees of the Company for at least the
last 6 (six) months.

Susunan Komite Pemantau Risiko Composition of the Risk Monitoring Committee

Per 31 Desember 2022, komposisi dan susunan Komite Pemantau Risiko As of December 31, 2022, the composition of the Risk Monitoring
terdiri dari 1 (satu) orang ketua dan 3 (tiga) orang anggota dengan Committee consists of 1 (one) chairman and 3 (three) members with the
susunan Komite Pemantau Risiko sebagai berikut: following composition of the Risk Monitoring Committee:

290 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Nama Jabatan Dasar Pengangkatan Masa Jabatan Periode Jabatan

Name Position Basis of Appointment Length of service Term of Office
Wakhid Hasyim Ketua Komite / Komisaris SK Dewan Komisaris No. 002 Tahun 2021 2021-2024 Ke-1
Chairman of the Committee / Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. 002 Ke-1
Commissioner Year 2021
Lusiaga Levi Susila Anggota / Komisaris Independen SK Dewan Komisaris No. 002 Tahun 2021 2021-2024 Ke-2
Independent Member / Commissioner Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. 002 Ke-2
Year 2021
Reynold M. Batubara Anggota SK Dewan Komisaris No. 002 Tahun 2020 2020-2023 Ke-1
Member Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. 002 Ke-1
Year 2020
Taufiq Martakusuma Anggota SK Dewan Komisaris No. 002 Tahun 2022 2022-2025 Ke-1
Member Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. 002 Ke-1
Year 2022

Profil Anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko Non-Komisaris Profile of Risk Monitoring Committee Members Non-

Anggota | Member
Kewarganegaraan Indonesia
Usia | Tempat & Tanggal Lahir 66 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 66 years as of December 31, 2022
Age | Place & Date of Birth Palembang, 4 Juni 1956 Palembang, 4 June 1956
Riwayat Pendidikan Sarjana Ekonomi, Jurusan Akuntansi, Universitas Indonesia (1983) Bachelor of Economics, Department of Accounting, University of
Education History Indonesia (1983)
Periode Jabatan 2020 - 2023, Periode Ke-1 2020 - 2023, 1st Period
Position Period
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris No. 002 Tahun 2020 Board of Commissioners Decree No. 002 of 2020
Legal Basis for Appointment
Pengalaman Kerja · Anggota Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko PT Bank · Member of Audit Committee and Risk Management
Work Experience Net Indonesia Syariah (2020-2021) Committee of PT Bank Net Indonesia Syariah (2020-2021)
· Anggota Komite Audit PT Chandra Astri Tbk (2015-2021) · Member of Audit Committee of PT Chandra Astri Tbk (2015-
· Anggota Komite Tatakelola Perusahaan Terpadu (Integrated · Member of Integrated Corporate Governance Committee of
Corporate Governance) BNP Paribas (2016- 2021) BNP Paribas (2016-2021)
· Komisaris PT Paramitra Multi Finance (2010-2011) · Commissioner of PT Paramitra Multi Finance (2010-2011)
· Komisaris PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk (2009-2021) · Commissioner of PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk (2009-2021)
· Anggota Komite Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko PT · Member of Audit Committee and Risk Management
Maybank Syariah Indonesia (2008-2019) Committee of PT Maybank Syariah Indonesia (2008-2019)
· Konsultan New Frontier Solution (2008) · Consultant of New Frontier Solution (2008)
· Country Head Group Audit ABN AMRO Bank NV Indonesia · Country Head Group Audit ABN AMRO Bank NV Indonesia
(1994-2006) (1994-2006)
· Head of Internal Audit Standard Chartered Bank (1993-1994) · Head of Internal Audit Standard Chartered Bank (1993-1994)
· Audit Manager Ernst & Young International (1990-1993) · Audit Manager Ernst & Young International (1990-1993)
· Senior Auditor Moret, Ernst & Young Nederland, Amsterdam · Senior Auditor Moret, Ernst & Young Nederland, Amsterdam
(1987-1990) (1987-1990)
· Senior Auditor Arthur Young International (1980-1987) · Senior Auditor Arthur Young International (1980-1987)
Rangkap Jabatan · Anggota Komite Audit Bank Sinarmas (2021-saat ini) · Member of Audit Committee of Bank Sinarmas (2021-current)
Concurrent Position · Anggota Komite Audit PT Asuransi Etiqa International (2019- · Member of Audit Committee of PT Asuransi Etiqa
saat ini) International (2019-current)
· Anggota Komite Audit PT Atlas Resources Tbk (2012-saat ini) · Member of Audit Committee of PT Atlas Resources Tbk
· Komisaris PT Paramitra Alfa Sekuritas (2009-saat ini) (2012-current)
· Commissioner of PT Paramitra Alfa Sekuritas (2009-current)
Hubungan Afiliasi Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of
Affiliation Relationship Komisaris lainnya, Direksi dan Pemegang Saham Utama Commissioners, Board of Directors and Major Shareholders.
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA Tidak ada None
ELSA Share Ownership
Domisili Tangerang Selatan, Banten South Tangerang, Banten

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 291

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Anggota | Member
Kewarganegaraan Indonesia
Usia | Tempat & Tanggal Lahir 56 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 56 years per 31 December 2022
Age | Place & Date of Birth Bandung, 2 Maret 1966 Bandung, 2 March 1966
Riwayat Pendidikan · Sarjana Ekonomi Akuntansi, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi · Bachelor of Economics in Accounting, Indonesian National
Education History Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta (1997) College of Economics, Jakarta (1997)
· Magister Administrasi Publik, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu · Master of Public Administration, College of Administration,
Administrasi, Lembaga Administrasi Negara, Jakarta (2015) State Administration Institute, Jakarta (2015)
Periode Jabatan 2022 - 2025, Periode Ke-1 2022 - 2025, 1st Period
Position Period
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris No. 002 Tahun 2020 Board of Commissioners Decree No. 002 of 2020
Legal Basis for Appointment
Pengalaman Kerja · Kepala Bidang Penatausahaan Barang Milik Negara, · Head of State Property Administration, Secretariat General,
Work Experience Sekretariat Jenderal, Pusat Pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara Center for State Property Management, MEMR (2019-2020)
KESDM (2019-2020)
· Kepala Bagian Umum dan Hukum, Sekretariat Badan · Head of General and Legal Section, Secretariat of Human
Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia, KESDM (2019) Resources Development Agency, MEMR (2019)
· Kepala Bagian Keuangan, Sekretariat Direktorat Jenderal · Head of Finance Section, Secretariat of Directorate General of
Minyak dan Gas Bumi, KESDM (2015-2019) Oil and Gas, MEMR (2015-2019)
· Kepala Subbagian Akuntansi, Sekretariat Direktorat Jenderal · Head of Accounting Subdivision, Secretariat of Directorate
Minyak dan Gas Bumi, KESDM (2011-2015) General of Oil and Gas, MEMR (2011-2015)
· Kepala Subbagian Akuntansi dan Pelaporan, Sekretariat · Head of Accounting and Reporting Subdivision, Secretariat of
Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi, KESDM (2007- the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, MEMR (2007-2011)
Rangkap Jabatan · Koordinator Penatausahaan Barang Milik Negara, Sekretariat · State Property Management Coordinator, Secretariat
Concurrent Position Jenderal, Pusat Pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara KESDM (2020- General, Center for State Property Management, MEMR
saat ini) (2020-current)
· Analis Kebijakan Ahli Madya, KESDM (2020-saat ini) · Associate Expert Policy Analyst, MEMR (2020-current)
Hubungan Afiliasi
Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Dewan Has no affiliation with other members of the Board of
Affiliation Relationship Komisaris lainnya, Direksi dan Pemegang Saham Utama Commissioners, Board of Directors and Major Shareholders.
Kepemilikan Saham ELSA Tidak ada None
ELSA Share Ownership
Domisili Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta East Jakarta, DKI Jakarta

Independensi Komite Pemantau Risiko Independence of the Risk Monitoring Committee

Seluruh anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko yang berasal dari pihak All members of the Risk Monitoring Committee who come from
independen tidak memiliki hubungan keuangan, kepengurusan, independent parties have no financial, management, share ownership
kepemilikan saham dan/atau hubungan keluarga dengan Dewan and / or family relationships with the Board of Commissioners, Directors
Komisaris, Direksi dan/atau Pemegang Saham pengendali, yang dapat and / or Controlling Shareholders, which may affect their ability to act
mempengaruhi kemampuannya bertindak independen. independently.

Lusiaga Levi Reynold M. Taufiq

Aspek Independensi Wakhid Hasyim Independence Aspect
Susila Batubara Martakusuma

Tidak mempunyai saham langsung √ √ √ √ Has no direct or indirect shares in the

maupun tidak langsung di Perseroan Company
Tidak mempunyai hubungan usaha √ √ √ √ Does not have a direct or indirect business
baik langsung maupun tidak langsung relationship related to the Company's
yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan usaha business activities
Tidak menjabat sebagai pengurus partai √ √ √ √ Does not serve as an administrator of
politik dan/atau calon/anggota legislatif a political party and / or candidate /
dan/atau merupakan calon atau menjabat member of the legislature and / or is a
sebagai kepala/wakil kepala pemerintahan candidate or serves as head / deputy head
daerah; of regional government;
Tidak memiliki jabatan lain yang dapat √ √ √ √ Does not hold any other position that may
menimbulkan benturan kepentingan cause conflict of interest related to his/her
terkait dengan jabatan di Perseroan position in the Company.
√: memenuhi | Complied

292 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Komite Pemantau Risiko Duties and Responsibilities of the Risk Monitoring
Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Komite Pemantau Risiko berpedoman pada The Duties and Responsibilities of the Risk Monitoring Committee are
Piagam Komite Pemantau Risiko, di antaranya adalah: guided by the Risk Monitoring Committee Charter, including:
1. Melakukan evaluasi kebijakan dan strategi manajemen risiko baik 1. Evaluating risk management policies and strategies for both
operasional dan pengembangan usaha Perseroan. operational and business development of the Company.
2. Memantau dan melakukan evaluasi penerapan manajemen risiko 2. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of risk management
dan mitigasinya atas rencana bisnis dan investasi Perseroan serta and mitigation of the Company’s business and investment plans as
pelaksanaan operasional ditinjau dari sisi keuangan dan legal. well as operational implementation in terms of financial and legal
3. Melaporkan hasil pemantauan dan evaluasi serta memberikan 3. Report the results of monitoring and evaluation and provide
rekomendasi atas hal-hal yang perlu mendapat perhatian Dewan recommendations on matters that need the attention of the Board
Komisaris. of Commissioners.
4. Melakukan review atas permohonan persetujuan Direksi kepada 4. Reviewing the request for approval from the Board of Directors to
Dewan Komisaris atas rencana corporate actions. the Board of Commissioners for the corporate actions plan.

Pembagian Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Dalam Division of Duties and Responsibilities of the Risk
Keanggotaan Komite Pemantau Risiko Monitoring Committee Membership
Komite Pemantau Risiko terdiri dari 4 (empat) orang yang berlatar The Risk Monitoring Committee consists of 4 (four) people with
belakang pendidikan manajemen, akuntasi maupun teknik perminyakan educational backgrounds in management, accounting and petroleum
dan teknik kimia serta mempunyai pengalaman kerja yang beragam. and chemical engineering and has diverse work experience. The nature of
Sifat pekerjaan Komite Pemantau Risiko adalah kolektif kolegial. Dengan the work of the Risk Monitoring Committee is a collegial collective. Thus,
demikian, pelaksanaan tugas Komite Pemantau Risiko dapat dilakukan the implementation of the duties of the Risk Monitoring Committee can
secara bersama-sama sesuai dengan latar belakang pendidikan dan be carried out jointly in accordance with the educational background
kompetensi yang dimiliki dari masing-masing anggota Komite Pemantau and competencies of each member of the Risk Monitoring Committee.

Wewenang Komite Pemantau Risiko Authority of the Risk Monitoring Committee

Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya Komite Pemantau Risiko mempunyai In carrying out its duties, the Risk Monitoring Committee has the
wewenang sebagai berikut: following authority:
1. Mengakses dokumen, data, dan informasi Perusahaan tentang 1. Accessing the Company’s documents, data, and information about
karyawan, dana, aset, dan sumber daya perusahaan yang employees, funds, assets, and company resources as needed;
2. Berkomunikasi langsung dengan karyawan, termasuk Direksi dan 2. Communicate directly with employees, including the Board of
pihak yang menjalankan fungsi audit internal, manajemen risiko, Directors and those who carry out internal audit functions, risk
dan fungsi lainnya terkait tugas dan tanggung jawab Komite management, and other functions related to the duties and
Pemantau Risiko. responsibilities of the Risk Monitoring Committee.
3. Melibatkan pihak independen di luar anggota Komite Pemantau 3. Involve independent parties outside the members of the Risk
Risiko yang diperlukan untuk membantu pelaksanaan tugasnya Monitoring Committee as needed to assist in carrying out their
(jika diperlukan). duties (if needed).
4. Melakukan kewenangan lain yang diberikan oleh Dewan Komisaris. 4. Perform other authorities granted by the Board of Commissioners.

Laporan Singkat Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Komite Pemantau Brief Report on the Implementation of Risk Monitoring
Risiko Tahun 2022 Committee Activities in 2022
Pada tahun buku 2022, Komite Pemantau Risiko telah menyelesaikan In fiscal year 2022, the Risk Monitoring Committee has completed its
tugas dan kegiatan antara lain: tasks and activities, among others:
1. Melakukan review atas permohonan persetujuan Direksi kepada 1. Reviewed the request for approval from the Board of Directors
Dewan Komisaris atas rencana corporate actions antara lain to the Board of Commissioners for corporate actions including
investasi, RKAP, RJPP dan pembiayaan (financing). investment, RKAP, RJPP and financing.
2. Melakukan evaluasi kebijakan dan strategi manajemen 2. Evaluated risk management policies and strategies for both
risiko baik operasional dan pengembangan usaha Perusahaan. operational and business development of the Company.
3. Melaporkan hasil pemantauan dan evaluasi serta memberikan 3. Reporting the results of monitoring and evaluation and providing
rekomendasi atas hal‐hal yang perlu mendapat perhatian Dewan recommendations on matters that need the attention of the Board
Komisaris. of Commissioners.

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4. Melakukan review dan memberikan rekomendasi atas efektivitas 4. Review and provide recommendations on the effectiveness of
pelaksanaan manajemen risiko perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh the implementation of corporate risk management carried out
Divisi Manajemen Risiko melalui pertemuan secara berkala maupun by the Risk Management Division through periodic meetings and
cara lainnya untuk membahas progress dari tahapan-tahapan tugas other means to discuss the progress of the stages of duties and
dan tanggung jawab yang dilakukan oleh Divisi Manajemen Risiko. responsibilities carried out by the Risk Management Division.
5. Melakukan pengawasan atas kegiatan Divisi Manajemen Risiko 5. Supervise the activities of the Risk Management Division as risk
selaku risk manager dalam memantau pelaksanaan mitigasi risiko manager in monitoring the implementation of risk mitigation by
oleh unit-unit kerja terkait selaku risk owner. related work units as risk owners.
6. Melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab lain yang diberikan oleh 6. Carry out other duties and responsibilities assigned by the Board of
Dewan Komisaris dari waktu ke waktu. Commissioners from time to time.

Pelaporan Reporting
Piagam Komite Pemantau Risiko mengatur bahwa Komite Pemantau The Risk Monitoring Committee Charter stipulates that the Risk
Risiko wajib menyampaikan laporan berikut kepada Dewan Komisaris: Monitoring Committee shall submit the following reports to the Board
of Commissioners:
1. Komite menyampaikan laporan atas aktivitas Komite kepada Dewan 1. The Committee submits a report on the Committee’s activities to
Komisaris secara berkala sekurang-kurangnya 1 (satu) kali dalam the Board of Commissioners on a regular basis at least 1 (one) time
setahun atau atas permintaan Dewan Komisaris dan melaporkan a year or at the request of the Board of Commissioners and reports
hasil kerjanya kepada Dewan Komisaris. the results of its work to the Board of Commissioners.
2. Laporan Komite tersebut merupakan bagian dari laporan 2. The Committee report is part of the report on the implementation
pelaksanaan tugas Dewan Komisaris dan disampaikan dalam Rapat of the duties of the Board of Commissioners and is submitted to
Umum Pemegang Saham. the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Penilaian Kinerja (KPI) Komite Pemantau Risiko Performance Assessment (KPI) of the Risk Monitoring
Penilaian kinerja Komite Pemantau Risiko dilakukan setidaknya 1 (satu) The performance assessment of the Risk Monitoring Committee is
tahun sekali, dengan mempertimbangkan efektivitas Komite Pemantau conducted at least once a year, taking into account the effectiveness of
Risiko dalam menjalankan fungsinya, tingkat kehadiran dalam rapat, dan the Risk Monitoring Committee in carrying out its functions, the level of
tingkat pemahaman akan masalah yang dihadapi Perusahaan. attendance at meetings, and the level of understanding of the problems
faced by the Company.

Remunerasi Komite Pemantau Risiko Remuneration of the Risk Monitoring Committee

Penentuan jumlah remunerasi Komite Pemantau Risiko ditetapkan Determination of the amount of remuneration of the Risk Monitoring
dengan mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Committee is determined by referring to the Regulation of the Minister
Negara Nomor PER-14/MBU/10/2021 tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas of State-Owned Enterprises Number PER-14/MBU/10/2021 concerning
Peraturan Menteri BUMN Nomor PER-12/MBU/2012 tentang Organ the Second Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of State-
Pendukung Dewan Komisaris/Dewan Pengawas Badan Usaha Milik Owned Enterprises Number PER-12/MBU/2012 concerning Supporting
Negara yang mengatur bahwa penghasilan anggota Komite, yakni Organs of the Board of Commissioners/Supervisory Board of State-
berupa honorarium maksimal sebesar 20% (dua puluh persen) dari Owned Enterprises which stipulates that the income of Committee
gaji Direktur Utama Perusahaan dengan ketentuan pajak ditanggung members, in the form of honorarium, is a maximum of 20% (twenty
Perusahaan dan tidak diperkenankan menerima penghasilan lain selain percent) of the salary of the President Director of the Company with
honorarium tersebut. Anggota Dewan Komisaris yang menjadi Ketua/ the provision of taxes borne by the Company and is not allowed to
anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko tidak diberikan penghasilan tambahan receive other income besides the honorarium. Members of the Board
dari jabatan tersebut. of Commissioners who are Chairmen/members of the Risk Monitoring
Committee are not given additional income from this position.

Rapat Komite Pemantau Risiko Risk Monitoring Committee Meeting

1. Komite Pemantau Risiko mengadakan rapat secara berkala paling 1. The Risk Monitoring Committee shall hold regular meetings at least
kurang satu kali dalam 3 (tiga) bulan. once every 3 (three) months.
2. Rapat Komite Pemantau Risiko hanya dapat dilaksanakan apabila 2. Risk Monitoring Committee meetings can only be held if attended
dihadiri oleh lebih dari 1/2 (satu per dua) jumlah anggota. Salah by more than 1/2 (one-half) of the total number of members. One
satu dari mayoritas jumlah Anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko of the majority of the members of the Risk Monitoring Committee
merupakan Ketua Komite Pemantau Risiko. shall be the Chairman of the Risk Monitoring Committee.
3. Keputusan rapat Komite Pemantau Risiko diambil berdasarkan 3. Decisions of the Risk Monitoring Committee meetings shall be
musyawarah untuk mufakat. Dalam hal keputusan berdasarkan made based on deliberation to reach a consensus. In the event
musyawarah mufakat tidak tercapai, pengambilan keputusan that a decision based on deliberation to reach a consensus is not
dilakukan berdasarkan suara terbanyak. Jika dalam pengambilan reached, the decision shall be made based on a majority vote. If in

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keputusan yang dilakukan dengan cara pemungutan suara the decision making by voting there are equal votes, the Chairman
terjadi suara yang sama banyaknya, maka Ketua Rapat yang akan of the Meeting will decide.
4. Setiap rapat Komite Pemantau Risiko dituangkan dalam risalah 4. Each meeting of the Risk Monitoring Committee shall be set forth
rapat, termasuk apabila terdapat perbedaan pendapat (dissenting in the minutes of the meeting, including any dissenting opinions,
opinions), yang ditandatangani oleh seluruh anggota Komite signed by all members of the Risk Monitoring Committee present
Pemantau Risiko yang hadir dan disampaikan kepada Dewan and submitted to the Board of Commissioners.

Selama tahun 2022, Komite Pemantau Risiko telah melaksanakan 6 During 2022, the Risk Monitoring Committee has conducted 6 (six)
(enam) kali, baik rapat internal Komite maupun rapat bersama Direktur meetings, both internal Committee meetings and meetings with
dan Divisi terkait. Komite Pemantau Risiko juga aktif hadir dan terlibat Directors and related Divisions. The Risk Monitoring Committee is also
dalam Rapat Dewan Komisaris dengan tujuan agar hal-hal yang bersifat actively present and involved in the Board of Commissioners’ Meetings
substantif dapat segera dilaporkan kepada Dewan Komisaris. with the aim that substantive matters can be immediately reported to
the Board of Commissioners.

Berikut frekuensi dan tingkat kehadiran Rapat Komite Pemantau Risiko: The following is the frequency and attendance of the Risk Monitoring
Committee Meetings:

Nama Jabatan Jumlah Rapat Kehadiran Presentase

Name Position Number of Meetings Attendance Percentage
Wakhid Hasyim Ketua Komite / Komisaris 6 6 100%
Lusiaga Levi Susila Anggota / Komisaris Independen 6 6 100%
Member / Independen Commissioner
Reynold M. Batubara Anggota | Member 6 6 100%
Taufiq Martakusuma* Anggota | Member 5 5 100%
Eddy Rachmadi** Anggota | Member 1 1 100%
* menjabat sejak Mei 2022 | Serving since May 2022
** menjabat sampai Mei 2022 | served until May 2022

Agenda Rapat Komite Pemantau Risiko Meeting Agenda of Risk Monitoring Committee
Dengan total 6 (enam) kali rapat terkait agenda pembahasannya adalah With a total of 6 (six) meetings related to the discussion agenda is about
mengenai pengelolaan risiko, RKAP Tahun 2023, RJPP 2023-2026 risk management, RKAP Year 2023, RJPP 2023-2026 and corporate
maupun corporate action seperti investasi, fasilitas kredit, program actions such as investment, credit facilities, work programs of the Risk
kerja Komite Pemantau Risiko dan Divisi Risk Management Elnusa serta Monitoring Committee and Elnusa Risk Management Division and other
agenda lainnya. agendas.

Pengembangan Kompetensi Anggota Komite Pemantau Competency Development of Risk Monitoring Committee
Risiko Members
Perseroan memfasilitasi pelaksanaan program pengembangan bagi The Company facilitates the implementation of development programs
Komite Pemantau Risiko dalam rangka meningkatkan kompetensi for the Risk Monitoring Committee in order to improve the competence
anggota Komite Pemantau Risiko. Program ini diharapkan mampu of Risk Monitoring Committee members. This program is expected to
memberikan dampak positif terhadap produktivitas dan efektivitas have a positive impact on the productivity and effectiveness of the Risk
kinerja Komite Pemantau Risiko. Monitoring Committee’s performance.

Nama dan Jabatan Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Tempat dan Tanggal Penyelenggara
Name and Position Training and Development Place and Date Organizer
Reynold M. Batubara 2022 IIA Indonesia National Conference Bali Institute Of Internal Auditors (IIA) Indonesia
Anggota | Anggota 12-13 Oktober 2022 | 12-13 Oktober 2022

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Corporate Secretary

Sebagai perusahaan publik, Perseroan wajib memiliki fungsi Sekretaris As a public company, the Company is required to have a Corporate
Perusahaan sesuai dengan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 35/ Secretary function in accordance with the Financial Services Authority
POJK.04/2014 tentang Sekretaris Perusahaan Emiten atau Perusahaan Regulation Number 35/POJK.04/2014 concerning Corporate Secretary
Publik. Sekretaris Perusahaan mempunyai tugas dan tanggung jawab of Issuers or Public Companies. The Corporate Secretary has duties and
dalam memfasilitasi komunikasi antara organ Perseroan, bertanggung responsibilities in facilitating communication between the Company’s
jawab dalam penyusunan kebijakan, perencanaan serta memastikan organs, is responsible for policy formulation, planning and ensuring
efektivitas dan transparansi komunikasi perusahaan, hubungan the effectiveness and transparency of corporate communication,
kelembagaan, hubungan investor dan pelaku pasar modal lainnya institutional relations, investor relations and other capital market
dengan tetap memperhatikan prinsip standar etika Perusa haan, prinsip players while taking into account the principles of the Company’s ethical
tata kelola Perusahaan, dan nilai-nilai Perusahaan. standards, corporate governance principles, and corporate values.

Sekretaris Perusahaan bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Direksi serta The Corporate Secretary is directly responsible to the Board of Directors
diangkat dan diberhentikan berdasarkan Keputusan Direksi berdasarkan and is appointed and dismissed based on the Decree of the Board of
mekanisme internal Perusahaan dengan persetujuan De wan Komisaris. Directors based on the Company’s internal mechanism with the approval
of the Board of Commissioners.

Pihak yang Mengangkat dan Memberhentikan Sekretaris Parties Appointing and Dismissing the Corporate
Perusahaan Secretary
Sekretaris Perusahaan merupakan pejabat senior Perseroan yang The Corporate Secretary is a senior official of the Company who is
diangkat secara khusus untuk melaksanakan fungsi Sekretaris specifically appointed to carry out the functions of the Corporate
Perusahaan serta diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh Direk tur Utama Secretary and is appointed and dismissed by the President Director
berdasarkan mekanisme internal Perseroan dengan persetujuan Dewan based on the Company’s internal mechanism with the approval of
Komisaris. Sekretaris Perusahaan bertanggung jawab dan melaporkan the Board of Commissioners. The Corporate Secretary is responsible
kegiatannya langsung kepada Direktur Utama. Sekretaris Perusahaan and reports his/her activities directly to the President Director. The
dilarang merangkap jabatan apapun di emiten atau perusahaan publik Corporate Secretary is prohibited from holding any position in other
lain. issuers or public companies.

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Corporate Governance

Struktur Organisasi Sekretaris Perusahaan Organisational Structure of the Corporate Secretary

President Director

Corporate Secretary

BOD Support & Investor Relation Corporate Governance

Manager of corporate Senior Manager of Corporate

communication Relations

External Corporate Social Responsibility
Communications & Brand Manager of Community Relation
Communications & Sponsorship

Ass. Manager Community Ass. Manager Community

Relations Upstream Relations EPC OM & PM

Community Relations

Struktur organisasi Sekretaris Perusahaan ditetapkan sesuai The organisational structure of the Corporate Secretary is determined
Keputusan Direksi No. 803/EN/KPTS/2022 tentang Struktur & Susunan in accordance with the Decree of the Board of Directors No. 803/EN/
Organisasi Corporate Secretary. KPTS/2022 on the Structure & Organisational Structure of the Corporate

Pejabat Sekretaris Perusahaan Corporate Secretary

Penetapan Pejabat Sekretaris Perusahaan sesuai dengan Keputusan Direksi The appointment of the Corporate Secretary Officer is in accordance
No. 629/EN/DKP/005D/2022 yang mengangkat Asmal Salam sebagai with the Decree of the Board of Directors No. 629/EN/DKP/005D/2022
Sekretaris Perusahaan dan telah mendapat persetujuan Dewan Komisaris. which appointed Asmal Salam as Corporate Secretary and has been
Pengangkatan Sekretaris Perusahaan telah dipublikasikan di situs web approved by the Board of Commissioners. The appointment of the
Perseroan dan dilaporkan kepada OJK pada 9 Mei 2022 untuk memenuhi Corporate Secretary has been published on the Company’s website and
Peraturan OJK No. 35/POJK.04/2014 tentang Sekretaris Perusahaan reported to OJK on 9 May 2022 to comply with OJK Regulation No. 35/
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik. POJK.04/2014 on Corporate Secretary of Issuers or Public Companies.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Sekretaris Perusahaan | Corporate Secretary
Kewarganegaraan Indonesia
Usia | Tempat & Tanggal Lahir 53 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 53 years as of December 31, 2022
Age | Place & Date of Birth Padang, 23 Mei 1969 Padang, 23 May 1969
Riwayat Pendidikan • Sarjana Hukum Perdata Universitas Indonesia (1995) • Bachelor of Civil Law, University of Indonesia (1995)
Education History • Magister Kenotariatan, Universitas Indonesia • Master of Notary Public, the University of Indonesia
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan No. 629/EN/DKP/005D/2022 No. 629/EN/DKP/005D/2022
Legal Basis for Appointment
Pengalaman Kerja • Mei 2022 – sekarang : Corporate Secretary • May 2022 - present: Corporate Secretary
Work Experience • 2021 – April 2022 : Chief of Legal & Compliance • 2021 - April 2022 : Head of Legal & Compliance
• 2016 - 2021 : Head of Legal & Contract (Pjs) • 2016 - 2021 : Head of Legal & Contracts (acting)
• 2015 - 2016 : Head of Legal Corporate & Subsidiaries • 2015 - 2016 : Head of Corporate & Subsidiary Law Section
• 2014 - 2015 : Senior Legal Counsel • 2014 - 2015 : Senior Legal Advisor
• 2010 - 2014 : Department Head Of Corporate Legal • 2010 - 2014 : Head of Corporate Law Department
• 2008 - 2010 : Corporate Legal • 2008 - 2010 : Corporate Legal
• 2005 - 2008 : Manager Lca • 2005 - 2008 : Lca Manager
Rangkap Jabatan Tidak memiliki rangkap jabatan sesuai POJK Nomor 35/ Does not have concurrent positions in accordance with POJK
Concurrent Position POJK.04/2014 Number 35/POJK.04/2014
Domisili Cipinang Besar Selatan, Jakarta Timur Cipinang Besar Selatan, East Jakarta
Keterangan | Notes :
Asmal Salam resmi menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Perusahaan per 1 Mei 2022 sampai dengan saat ini
Asmal Salam officially served as Corporate Secretary as of May 1, 2022 until now

Program Pengembangan Keahlian Sekretaris Perusahaan Corporate Secretary Expertise Development Program
Program Pengembangan keahlian yang diikuti Sekretaris Perusahaan Expertise development program attended by the Corporate Secretary
selama tahun 2022, sebagai berikut: during 2022, as follows:

Pelatihan/Workshop Tanggal Penyelenggara

Training/Workshop Date Organizer
1 Budaya K3 dalam keberlangsungan Bisnis 17 Januari Elnusa (Internal)
OHS culture in business continuity Bisnis 17 January
2 Pencegahan korupsi di industry hulu migas 18 Januari Pertamina
Prevention of corruption in the upstream oil and gas industry 18 January
3 Best practise compliance capital market ini Public listed company 22 Juni
Best practise compliance capital market ini Public listed company 22 June
4 New Leadership Assesment with Pertamina Behaviour Skill For The Future 9 September Pertamina
New Leadership Assesment with Pertamina Behaviour Skill For The Future 9 September
5 Corporate Governance Officers WOrkshop 20-22 September ICSA
Corporate Governance Officers WOrkshop 20-22 September
6. Project Management is an art, not only a gantt chart 11 Desember Elnusa (Internal)
Project Management is an art, not only a gantt chart 11 December

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Sekretaris Perusahaan Duties and Responsibilities of the Corporate Secretary
Tugas dan tanggung jawab Sekretaris Perusahaan tercantum dalam The duties and responsibilities of the Corporate Secretary are listed in the
Uraian Jabatan tanggal 26 Mei 2015 di mana Sekretaris Perusahaan Position Description dated 26 May 2015 where the Corporate Secretary
memiliki lima fungsi utama da lam mendukung hubungan Perusahaan has five main functions in supporting the Company’s relationship with
dengan stakeholders, yaitu: stakeholders, namely:
1. Sebagai pejabat penghubung. 1. As a liaison officer.
2. Sebagai komunikator perusahaan. 2. As the company’s communicator.
3. Sebagai pelaksana GCG. 3. As an implementer of GCG.
4. Sebagai penatausahaan dokumen perusahaan. 4. As an administrator of company documents.
5. Sebagai pusat informasi dan publikasi resmi perusahaan. 5. As a centre for information and official company publications.

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Corporate Governance

Tugas dan tanggung jawab Sekretaris Perusahaan telah disesuaikan The duties and responsibilities of the Corporate Secretary have been
dengan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 35/POJK.04/2014, adjusted to the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 35/
sebagai berikut: POJK.04/2014, as follows:
1. Persiapan, penyelenggaraan, penyediaan untuk Rapat Direksi, 1. Preparation, organisation, provision for Board of Directors Meetings,
Rapat Dewan Komisaris, Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS), Board of Commissioners Meetings, General Meeting of Shareholders
serta monitoring pelaksanaan keputusan dalam Rapat Direksi, rapat (GMS), as well as monitoring the implementation of resolutions in
Dewan Komisaris dan RUPS dan mengelola dan mengkoordinasikan Board of Directors Meetings, Board of Commissioners meetings and
sumber daya yang ada terkait hal tersebut. GMS and managing and coordinating available resources related
2. Menjadi gerbang informasi perusahaan dan pengelolaan berbagai 2. Becoming the company’s information gateway and managing
communications channel (email blast, internal magazine, website, various communications channels (email blast, internal magazine,
intranet, press release) baik untuk kepentingan internal maupun website, intranet, press release) both for internal and external
eksternal. purposes.
3. Penyusunan strategi untuk peningkatan citra (image) dan kinerja 3. Formulation of strategies to improve the image and performance
perusahaan serta meredam isu negatif yang mungkin atau telah of the company and reduce negative issues that may or have arisen
timbul dan memp unyai dampak terhadap citra, dan kinerja and have an impact on the image and performance of the company.
4. Memastikan perusahaan melakukan kepatuhan terhadap 4. Ensuring the company complies with capital market regulations and
peraturan pasar modal dan melakukan review terhadap seluruh reviewing all information disclosures issued by the company related
keterbukaan informasi yang dikeluarkan perusahaan terkait to the capital market provisions.
dengan ketentuan pasar modal tersebut.
5. Penanggungjawab GCG (Good Corporate Governance) dengan 5. Responsible for GCG (Good Corporate Governance) with
pengaturan terkait pengawalan terhadap penerapan GCG Code arrangements related to overseeing the implementation of the
dan CoC (Code of Conduct) Perusahaan. Company’s GCG Code and CoC (Code of Conduct).
6. Pendamping kegiatan CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) untuk 6. Assistance in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities for
komunitas internal maupun eksternal agar mendukung kegiatan internal and external communities in order to support operational
operasi maupun pembentukan/ pengembangan citra positif activities as well as the establishment / development of a positive
perusahaan. image of the company.
7. Mengarahkan, mengelola, memonitor dan mengevaluasi seluruh 7. Direct, manage, monitor and evaluate all activities related to
kegiatan yang terkait dengan corporate event khususnya yang corporate events, especially those that will affect the company’s
akan mempengaruhi citra perusahaan sesuai kebu tuhan image according to the company’s needs.
8. Bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan program pengenalan 8. Responsible for the implementation of the corporate induction
perusahaan bagi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang baru diangkat. programme for the newly appointed Board of Commissioners and

Pelaksanaan Tugas Sekretaris Perusahaan 2022 Implementation of Corporate Secretary Duties 2022

Terkait Corporate Governance Related to Corporate Governance

Fungsi ini melaksanakan sejumlah aktivitas baik dalam hal pemenuhan This function carries out a number of activities both in terms of fulfilling
kewajiban kepatuhan sesuai dengan regulasi yang berlaku bagi Perseroan compliance obligations in accordance with regulations applicable to
Terbuka maupun program lainnya yang ditujukan untuk memperkuat Public Companies and other programmes aimed at strengthening
implementasi tata kelola perseroan serta penguatan budaya Perseroan the implementation of corporate governance and strengthening the
khususnya terkait dengan kepatuhan dalam bidang Pasar Modal. Company’s culture, especially related to compliance in the Capital

Aktivitas kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan baik secara mandiri These activities are carried out either independently by the Corporate
oleh fungsi Corporate Secretary maupun dilakukan dalam rangka Secretary function or carried out in order to provide services to other
memberikan layanan kepada fungsi lain dalam Perseroan. Dalam functions within the Company. In running its business, the Company
menjalankan usahanya Perseroan secara konsiten menerapkan consistently implements GCG optimally by upholding the five
GCG secara optimal dengan menjunjung tinggi lima prinsip GCG, principles of GCG, namely: transparency, accountability, responsibility,
yaitu: transparansi, a kuntabilitas, tanggung jawab, independensi independence and fairness. The focus of implementation in 2021 is to
dan kewajaran. Fokus pelaksanaan di tahun 2021 adalah masih continue to fulfil all compliance reports required by the Regulator, both
tetap melakukan pemenuhan atas segala laporan kepatuhan yang regular and eventual.
diwajibkan oleh Regulator baik yang bersifat reguler maupun yang
bersifat eventual.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Selain itu Perseroan juga selalu berusaha memperkuat fundamental In addition, the Company also always tries to strengthen the
tata kelola dengan melakukan update beberapa pedoman kepatuhan fundamentals of governance by updating several compliance guidelines
sesuai dengan kebutuhan Perseroan sebagai Perseroan Terbuka serta in accordance with the needs of the Company as a Public Company and
pemenuhan rekomendasi atas hasil assessment GCG berdasarkan fulfilling recommendations on the results of the GCG assessment based
ASEAN CG Scorecard. Berikut adalah ringkasan realisasi kegiatan on the ASEAN CG Scorecard. The following is a summary of the realisation
Corporate Secretary yang terkait dengan Corporate Governance: of Corporate Secretary activities related to Corporate Governance:

Aktivitas Keterangan
Activity Description
1 Kepatuhan kepada Peraturan Pasar Modal (Laporan Bertujuan untuk memenuhi dan memastikan bawah Perseroan mematuhi peraturan yang
Tahunan, laporan keuangan, laporan terkait RUPS, laporan berlaku untuk Perseroan sebagai public & listed company sesuai dengan peraturan yang
registrasi pemegang efek dll). ditetapkan oleh OJK dan BEI.
Compliance with Capital Market Regulations (Annual Report, Aims to fulfil and ensure that the Company complies with the regulations applicable to the
financial statements, GMS related reports, securities holder Company as a public & listed company in accordance with the regulations set by OJK and
registration reports etc.). IDX.
2 Manajemen registrasi pemegang saham. Melakukan manajemen registrasi pemegang saham dibantu dengan BAE Perseroan.
Shareholder registration management. Conduct shareholder registration management with the assistance of the Company’s
3 Penyusunan program pengenalan Perusahaan kepada Dewan Melaksanakan program pengenalan Perusahaan kepada Dewan Komisaris yang baru
Komisaris baru. diangkat mengenai profil Perusahaan secara umum.
Development of a Company introduction programme for the Carry out a Company induction programme for the newly appointed Board of
new Board of Commissioners. Commissioners on the Company’s general profile.
4 Pelaksanaan RUPS Selama tahun buku 2022, Perseroan menyelenggarakan tiga kali RUPS Tahunan.
Implementation of the GMS. During the financial year 2022, the Company held three AGMs.
5 Manajemen dan administrasi pembayaran dividen tahun buku Melakukan manajemen proses administrasi pembayaran dividen sesuai dengan peraturan
2021. yang berlaku.
Management and administration of dividend payments for the Manage the administrative process of dividend payments in accordance with applicable
2021 financial year regulations.
6 Memenuhi Audit ABC Capability Assessment ABC Capability Assessment dari BP
Fulfil ABC Capability Assessment Audit ABC Capability Assessment dari BP
7 Melaksanakan Assessment Implementasi GCG Perseroan Tahun penerimaan dan pemberian hadiah, prosedur anti suap dan korupsi.
Buku 2021
Carrying out the Assessment of the Company’s GCG The Company conducted a GCG Assessment using the ASEAN CG Scorecard parameters
Implementation for the 2021 Financial Year
8 Melakukan Review dan pembaharuan Corporate Governance Pada 2022 Perseroan melakukan sejumlah update atau pembaharuan atas beberapa
Policy prosedur terkait dengan Corporate Governance diantaranya: Code of Conduct, prosedur
whistleblowing system, prosedur
Review and update the Corporate Governance Policy In 2022, the Company updated several procedures related to Corporate Governance
including: Code of Conduct, whistleblowing system procedures, acceptance and gift
procedures, anti-bribery and corruption procedures
9 Melaksanakan pengelolaan upaya kepatuhan terkait anti Perseroan secara berkala melakukan sosialisasi kepada karyawan mengenai kepatuhan
korupsi, pengendalian gratifikasi dan penyampaian LHKPN serta khususnya terkait dengan anti korupsi dan penanganan gratifikasi.
Carry out the management of compliance efforts related to anti- The Company regularly conducts socialisation to employees regarding compliance,
corruption, gratification control and submission of LHKPN as well especially related to anti-corruption and gratification handling
as the implementation of the LHKPN.

300 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Terkait Investor Relations Related to Investor Relations

Investor Relations merupakan fungsi pada Corporate Secretary yang Investor Relations is a function in the Corporate Secretary that is
bertugas melingkupi aspek keterbukaan, kinerja keuangan serta tasked with covering aspects of disclosure, financial performance
strategi perseroan. Secara khusus Investor Relations bertugas and corporate strategy. In particular, Investor Relations is tasked with
untuk memberikan informasi yang akurat, terpercaya dan tepat providing accurate, reliable and timely information to both internal and
waktu kepada pihak ‐ pihak baik internal maupun eksternal termasuk external parties including shareholders, investors, analysts, government
diantaranya pemegang saha m, investor, analis, pemerintah serta and regulators.

Dalam melaksanakan fungsinya, Investor Relations bekerja sama In carrying out its functions, Investor Relations works closely with
dengan pihak manajemen, direktorat keuangan, sekretaris perseroan management, the finance directorate, the company secretary and
dan corporate communications serta pihak terkait lainnya. corporate communications and other related parties.

Sepanjang tahun 2022, kegiatan Investor Relations adalah sebagai Throughout 2022, Investor Relations activities are as follows:

Aktivitas Keterangan
Aktivitas Keterangan

1 Paparan Publik Melakukan 1 (satu) kali paparan public pada tanggal 15 September 2022, bertempat di Graha Elnusa secara daring
Public Expose untuk menyampaikan update kinerja Perseroan 2022 dan strategi serta rencana kerja yang akan datang.
Conducting 1 (one) public expose on 15 September 2022, located at Graha Elnusa online to convey the Company’s 2022
performance update and upcoming strategies and work plans
2 Pertemuan tatap muka dan Pertemuan tatap muka dan conference call dengan analis/investor/fund manager baik
conference call dengan Analis local maupun luar negri untuk memberikan informasi mengenai Perseroan. Tahun ini banyak dilakukan melalui media
Face-to-face meetings and daring.
conference calls with Analysts Face-to-face meetings and conference calls with analysts/investors/fund managers both local and overseas to provide
information about the Company. to provide information about the Company. This year many were conducted through online
3 Roadshow dan konferensi Partisipasi dalam berbagai deal dan non-deal roadshow serta konferensi yang diadakan oleh beberapa perusahaan
Roadshows and conferences sekuritas ternama dengan tujuan memberikan informasi mengenai kinerja serta tantangan dan strategi yang dilakukan
Perseroan. Khusus tahun 2021, dimana aktifitas secara fisik masih sangat dibatasi, Perseroan tidak melakukan aktivitas
Participation in various deal and non-deal roadshows and conferences organised by several securities companies. conferences
held by several well-known securities companies with the aim of providing information about the Company’s performance,
challenges and strategies. Especially in 2021, where physical activities are still very limited, the Company did not conduct
roadshow activities.
4 External Research Report Aktif berupaya agar analis pada sekuritas-sekuritas melakukan penulisan laporan ELSA secara berkala baik yang
sifatnya coverage maupun daily notes.
Actively endeavoured to have analysts at securities firms write ELSA reports on a regular basis, both in terms of
coverage and daily notes. coverage and daily notes.
5 Internal Research Report Aktif melakukan penulisan dan update bulanan maupun insidentil terkait saham ELSA maupun kondisi pasar modal
kepada internal perusahaan, manajemen maupun pemegang saham. Selama tahun 2021 terdapat 4 (empat) laporan yang
diterbitkan oleh Analyst.
Actively writing and updating monthly and incidental monthly and incidental updates related to ELSA shares and
capital market conditions to internal companies, management and shareholders. During 2021 there were 4 (four)
reports published by Analyst.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 301

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Terkait Corporate Communication Related to Corporate Communications

Corporate Communications Elnusa (Corcomm) memiliki tugas dalam Elnusa Corporate Communications (Corcomm) has the task of
memastikan visi, misi, strategi maupun nilai perseroan dapat diterima ensuring that the company’s vision, mission, strategy and values
dan dip ahami oleh setiap stakeholders. Secara spesifik Corporate can be accepted and understood by every stakeholder. Specifically,
Communications memiliki peran , yaitu internal communication, Corporate Communications has the roles of internal communication,
external communication, dan brand management. Pengelolaan merek external communication, and brand management. Brand management
(atau brand management) dalah fungsi Corporate Communnication (or brand management) is a function of Corporate Communications,
adalah bukan pada pengelolaan merek secara keseluruhan. Karena fungsi not the management of the brand as a whole. Because the main
utama pengelolaan merek menjadi tugas dan tanggung jawab fungsi function of brand management is the duty and responsibility of the
Marketing. Pengelolaan merek dalam ruang lingkup corcom terbatas Marketing function. Brand management within the scope of corcom
pada standarisasi dan penyelarasan penggunaan logo perseroan, is limited to standardising and aligning the use of the company logo,
termasuk aplikasinya dalam materi presentasi, media promosi dan atau including its application in presentation materials, promotional media
penggunaan lainnya baik secara on‐line maupun secara fisik. Pelaksanaan and or other uses both on-line and physically. The implementation
fungsi Corporate Communication pada tahun 2022 juga mengacu pada of the Corporate Communication function in 2022 also refers to the
kinerja perseroan tahun 2021. Kinerja bisnis hulu migas yang belum company’s performance in 2021. The performance of the upstream
sesuai harapan pemegang saham. Sehingga komunikasi lebih intensif oil and gas business has not met the expectations of shareholders. So
dilakukan ke dalam atau internal, bagaimana menumbuhkan sense that communication is more intensively carried out inward or internally,
of crisis dan mengedepankan cost leadership pada semua lini/fungsi. how to foster a sense of crisis and prioritise cost leadership in all lines
Sedangkan komunikasi keluar atau external communication, difokuskan / functions. Meanwhile, external communication is focused on future
pada pengembangan bisnis ke depan (investasi) dan juga proyek ‐ business development (investment) and also long-term projects that are
proyek jangka panjang yang sedang dilaksanakan oleh perseroan. being implemented by the company. In addition, the Company prioritises
Di samping itu, ju ga mengedepankan materi edukasi untuk konsumsi educational materials for internal and external media consumption.
media internal, terlebih eksternal. Secara garis besar, pada tahun Broadly speaking, in 2022, 95% of the news is positive news about
2022, 95% berita merupakan berita positif seputar kinerja keuangan, financial performance, operations, events and others. Meanwhile, the
operasi, event dan lain-lain. Sedangkan nilai advertising value dari berita advertising value of the news reached Rp35.934 billion, with PR value
mencapai Rp35,934 miliar, dengan PR value mencapai Rp107,731 miliar. reaching Rp107.731 billion. The result of PR value is ad value multiplied
Hasil PR value merupakan ad value dikali 3. Berdasarkan opportunity by 3. Based on the opportunity to view, Elnusa’s positive news reached
to view nya, berita positif Elnusa mencapai Rp545,394 miliar Viewers. Rp545.394 billion viewers. The opportunity to view value is based on the
Nilai opportunity to view ini didasarkan atas potensi publisitas dari suatu publicity potential of a media that is determined through the number of
media yang ditentukan melalui jumlah oplah ataupun traffic. copies or traffic.

Secara rinci data terkait pencapaian fungsi Corporate Communication In detail, the data related to the achievement of the Corporate
sebagai berikut: Communication function is as follows:

External Channel Management Internal Communication

Realisasi Realisasi
No Channel No Channel
Realization Realization
1 Website 1 News production 116
2 Mementos 1 2 Internal campaign content 1137
3 Souvenir 2 3 Content WA broadcast 813
4 Press Release Production 50 4 Public awareness 32
5 Media Meeting 15 5 Internal engagement 4,88 dari 5
6 Advetorial 7
7 Tonase Pemberitaan Positif 95%

Social Media Management Followers pada channel media sosial

Realisasi Realisasi
No Channel No Channel
Realization Realization
1 Youtube content 42 1 Youtube content 146.661
2 Linkedin 161 2 Linkedin 18.575
3 Instagram 149 3 Instagram 1.260
4 Tiktok 19

302 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Corporate Communication Support Event Support

Realisasi Realisasi
No Channel No Channel
Realization Realization
1 Video Services 10 1 Video Event 24
2 Photo Services 10 2 Photo Event 21
3 Design Services 20 3 Design Event 153

Terkait Corporate Relations Related to Corporate Relations

Di dalam fungsi Corporate Relation terdiri dari dua sub fungsi, yaitu The Corporate Relations function consists of two sub-functions, namely
community relation (kehumasan operasional) dan CSR & Event. community relations (operational public relations) and CSR & Events.

1. Community Relation 1. Community Relation

Community relation atau lebih sering disebut kehumasan Community relations or more commonly called operational public
operasional, lebih melekat pada operasi eksplorasi (seismic), relations, is more attached to exploration operations (seismic),
namun mengikuti perkembangan organisasi, fungsi ini juga but following the development of the organization, this function
menangani hal‐ hal yang berhubungan dengan masyarakat pada also handles matters related to the community in the Company’s
operasional proyek Perseroan. project operations.

Fungsi ini melakukan kegiatan pada sebelum proyek berjalan, saat This function carries out activities before the project runs, during
proyek berlangsung, dan setelah proyek usai (pasca proyek). the project, and after the project is over (post-project).

Kegiatan Pra‐Proyek meliputi: External Chanel Management

• Orientasi dan mapping/pemetaan sosial budaya termasuk • Orientation and socio-cultural mapping including potential
potensi gangguan kelancaran proyek. disruptions to the smooth running of the project.
• Koordinasi dan sosialisasi kepada instansi, ormas, dan tokoh • Coordination and socialization to relevant agencies, mass
masyarakat terkait organizations, and community leaders.
• Perijinan wilayah • Area licensing
• Pengurusan pedoman kompensasi pengganti kerugian sebagai • Processing of compensation guidelines for compensation for
dampak proyek (jika ada) losses as a result of the project (if any)

Kegiatan saat operasi berlangsung meliputi: Activities during the operation include:
• Pengawalan dan pendampingan saat operasi berlangsung • Escort and assistance during the operation
• Pendataan kepemilikan aset yang mendapat dampak operasi • Data collection of asset ownership that is affected by the
(sesuai hasil mapping) operation (according to the mapping results)
• Sosialisasi kepada masyarakat yang terdampak langsung • Socialization to the community directly affected by the project
• Pendampingan/asistensi kegiatan oleh instansi/ormas/tokoh • Assistance/assistance activities by related agencies/non-
terkait governmental organizations/leaders
• Pengamanan peralatan/aset perseroan. • Security of the company’s equipment/assets.

Kegiatan Pasca Operasi meliputi: Post-operation activities include:

• Verifikasi dan persiapan data kompensasi lahan dan asset yang • Verification and preparation of compensation data for land
terdampak proyek. and assets affected by the project.
• Perbaikan fisik bangunan atau asset yang terdampak proyek. • Physical repair of buildings or assets affected by the project.
• Kompensasi atas kerugian sebagai dampak proyek. • Compensation for losses as a result of the project.
• Pendampingan/asistensi kegiatan oleh instansi/ormas/tokoh • Assistance/assistance of activities by related agencies/non-
terkait governmental organizations/leaders.
• Closing Agreement dengan masyarakat dan stakeholder yang • Closing Agreement with the community and stakeholders
terlibat dalam proyek. involved in the project.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 303

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Fungsi Community Relation melakukan kolaborasi dengan beberapa The Community Relations function collaborates with several
fungsi, diantaranya menjadi jembatan permasalah di lapangan functions, including bridging problems in the field that can
yang dapat berpotensi memperlambat penyelesaian proyek. potentially slow down project completion.

2. CSR & Event 2. CSR & Event

Fungsi CSR & Corporate Event adalah fungsi yang diberikan amanah The CSR & Corporate Event function is a function that is given
untuk mengembangkan dan menetapkan standar tata kelola the mandate to develop and set standards for the governance
dan tata la ksana program tanggung jawab sosial & lingkungan and implementation of the company’s social & environmental
perseroan. Dalam hal ini, Tanggung Jawab Sosial Lingkungan (TJSL) responsibility programs. In this case, the Company’s Environmental
atau CSR Perseroan lebih mengarah kepada program community Social Responsibility (TJSL) or CSR is more directed towards
involvement dan development. community involvement and development programs.

Pada 2022 secara konsolidasi Perseroan telah memberikan In 2022, the Company has provided benefits to 79,767 people
manfaat kepada 79.767 orang yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. spread throughout Indonesia. The funds spent by the Company on
Dana yang telah dikeluarkan perseroan secara konsolidasiadalah a consolidated basis amounted to Rp. 4,843,978,696 (four billion
sebesar Rp. 4.843.978.696 (empat miliar delapan ratus empat eight hundred forty-three million nine hundred seventy-eight
puluh tiga juta Sembilan ratus tujuh puluh delapan ribu enam ratus thousand six hundred ninety-six rupiah).
Sembilan puluh enam rupiah).

Kegiatan TJSL meliputi bidang lingkungan, pendidikan, kesehatan, TJSL activities cover the fields of environment, education, health,
dan ekonomi. Sebaran data yang diperoleh selanjang tahun 2022 and economy. The distribution of data obtained during 2022 is as
adalah sbb: follows:

Jumlah Penerima Manfaat

(Orang) Jumlah Dana
Bidang Fields
Number of Beneficiaries Total Funds
Lingkungan 33.892 1,090,017,645 Environment

Pendidikan 6.671 901,936,624 Education

Kesehatan 16.342 424,556,418 Health

Ekonomi 22.862 2,427,468,009 Economy

304 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Internal Audit Unit


Pengangkatan Chief Audit Executive dilakukan oleh Direktur Utama atas The appointment of the Chief Audit Executive is made by the President
Persetujuan Komisaris Utama. Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direksi Director with the approval of the President Commissioner. Based on
PT Elnusa Tbk No.764/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 tanggal 1 September 2022 the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT Elnusa Tbk No.764/EN/
tentang Penunjukan Chief Audit Executive, Direktur Utama mengangkat KPTS/000D/2022 dated 1 September 2022 regarding the Appointment
Sdr. Tugimin sebagai Chief Audit Executive Perusahaan. of Chief Audit Executive, the President Director appointed Br. Tugimin as
the Company’s Chief Audit Executive.

Profil Kepala Unit Audit Internal Profile of Head of Internal Audit Unit

Chief Audit Executive
Kewarganegaraan Indonesia
Usia | Tempat & Tanggal Lahir 42 tahun per 31 Desember 2022 42 years as of December 31, 2022
Age | Place & Date of Birth Boyolali, 15 November 1981 Boyolali, 15 November 1981
Riwayat Pendidikan S1 Akuntansi, Universitas Indonesia, 2004 Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, the University of Indonesia,
Education History 2004
Periode Jabatan 2022 - 2023, Periode Ke-1 2022 - 2023, 1st Period
Position Period
Dasar Hukum Penunjukan Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris No. 002 Tahun 2020 Board of Commissioners Decree No. 002 of 2020
Legal Basis for Appointment
Pengalaman Kerja 1. Oktober 2020 – Agustus 2022 : Manager Region I dan 1. Oktober 2020 – Agustus 2022 : Manager Region I and
Work Experience Manager Region III PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional Manager Region III PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional
2. Februari 2012 – September 2020 : Auditor dan Senior 2. Februari 2012 – September 2020 : Auditor and Senior
Auditor PT Pertamina (Persero) Auditor at PT Pertamina (Persero)
3. Juli 2007 – Januari 2011 : Pemeriksa pada Badan Pemeriksa 3. Juli 2007 – Januari 2011 : Auditor at the Supreme Audit
Keuangan Republik Indonesia (BPK RI) Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI)
Rangkap Jabatan Tidak memiliki rangkap jabatan Does not have concurrent positions
Concurrent Position
Domisili Bekasi Bekasi

Pihak yang Mengangkat dan Memberhentikan Audit Appointing and Dismissing Audit Executives
Internal Audit dipimpin oleh seorang Chief Audit Executive yang Internal Audit is led by a Chief Audit Executive who is appointed and
diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh Direktur Utama dengan persetujuan dismissed by the President Director with the approval of the Board of
Dewan Komisaris. Selanjutnya setiap pengangkatan atau pemberhentian Commissioners. Furthermore, every appointment or dismissal of the
Chief Audit Executive, perusahaan wajib menyampaikan pemberitahuan Chief Audit Executive, the company must submit a notification to the
kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Financial Services Authority (OJK).

Struktur Organisasi dan Kedudukan Internal Audit Organisation Structure and Internal Audit Position
Secara struktural Chief Audit Executive bertanggungjawab kepada Structurally, the Chief Audit Executive reports to the President Director
Direktur Utama dan mempunyai hubungan fungsional dengan Komite and has a functional relationship with the Audit Committee.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 305

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Struktur Organisasi Internal Audit Internal Audit Organisation Structure


President Director Audit Committee


Chief of Internal Audit

Support Officer

Senior Auditor Operation Senior Auditor Support


Hingga akhir tahun 2022, Divisi Internal Audit memiliki 7 pekerja dengan Until the end of 2022, the Internal Audit Division has 7 employees with
penjelasan sebagai berikut: the following explanation:

Jabatan Jumlah | Total Position

Chief Audit Executive 1 orang | orang Chief Audit Executive
Senior Auditor Operation Vacant Senior Auditor Operation
Senior Auditor Support Vacant Senior Auditor Support
Auditor 3 orang | orang Auditor
Junior Auditor 2 orang | orang Junior Auditor
Support Officer 1 orang | orang Support Officer
Jumlah 7 orang | orang Total

Sertifikasi Profesi Internal Audit Internal Audit Professional Certification

Sesuai dengan Standar Profesi Internal Audit, personel Internal Audit In accordance with the Internal Audit Professional Standards, Internal
wajib mengembangkan pengetahuan dan kompetensi melalui sertifikasi Audit personnel must develop knowledge and competence through
profesi. Auditor wajib memenuhi kualifikasi dan persyaratan antara lain: professional certification. Auditors must fulfil the qualifications and
(1) memiliki integritas dan perilaku yang profesional, independen, jujur requirements, among others: (1) have integrity and professional
dan obyektif dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya, (2) memiliki pengetahuan behaviour, independent, honest and objective in carrying out their
dan pengalaman mengenai teknis audit dan disiplin ilmu lain yang duties, (2) have knowledge and experience of technical auditing and
relevan dengan bidang tugasnya, (3) Memiliki pengetahuan tentang other disciplines relevant to their field of work, (3) have knowledge
peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang pasar modal dan peraturan of laws and regulations in the field of capital markets and other laws
perundang-undangan lainnya, (4) memiliki kecakapan untuk berinteraksi and regulations, (4) have the ability to interact and communicate both
dan berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tertulis secara efektif, (5) wajib orally and in writing effectively, (5) must comply with professional
mematuhi standar profesi yang dikeluarkan oleh asosiasi Audit Internal, standards issued by the Internal Audit association, (6) Must comply with
(6) Wajib mematuhi kode etik Internal Audit (Integritas,Objektivitas, the Internal Audit code of ethics (Integrity, Objectivity, Confidentiality
Kerahasiaan dan Kompetensi), (7) Wajib menjaga kerahasiaan informasi and Competence), (7) Must maintain the confidentiality of Company
dan/atau data Perusahaan terkait pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab information and / or data related to the implementation of Internal
Audit Internal kecuali diwajibkan berdasarkan peraturan perundang- Audit duties and responsibilities unless required by laws and regulations
undangan atau penetapan/putusan pengadilan, (8) Memahami prinsip- or court decisions / decisions, (8) Understand the principles of
prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik dan manajemen risiko dan good corporate governance and risk management and (9) Willing to
(9) Bersedia meningkatkan pengetahuan, keahlian dan kemampuan continuously improve their knowledge, skills and professionalism. For
profesionalismenya secara terus menerus. Untuk itu seluruh auditor this reason, all auditors are equipped with knowledge that needs to be
dilengkapi dengan pengetahuan yang perlu ditingkatkan secara improved continuously. The following is a list of Internal Audit employee
berkelanjutan. Berikut daftar sertifikasi pekerja Internal Audit: certifications:

306 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

1. Satu orang yaitu Chief Audit Executive yang memiliki sertifikat 1. One Chief Audit Executive who holds Certified Internal Auditor
Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), Chartered Accountant (CA), (CIA), Chartered Accountant (CA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) dan Qualified Internal Auditor (QIA); and Qualified Internal Auditor (QIA) certificates;
2. Empat orang auditor memiliki sertifikat Qualified Internal Auditor 2. Four auditors with Qualified Internal Auditor (QIA) certificates; and
(QIA); dan
3. Satu orang auditor dan support officer saat ini dalam proses 3. One auditor and support officers are currently in the process of
pendidikan sertifikasi. certification education.

Piagam Internal Audit Internal Audit Charter

Dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya Internal Audit In carrying out its duties and responsibilities, Internal Audit refers to
mengacu pada Piagam Audit Internal (Audit Charter) yang ditetapkan the Internal Audit Charter (Audit Charter) which was first established
pertama kali oleh Direksi PT Elnusa Tbk. dengan SK No. 053/EN/ by the Board of Directors of PT Elnusa Tbk. with Decree No. 053/EN/
KPTS/000d/2009 tanggal 2 Januari 2009 dan telah dilakukan beberapa KPTS/000d/2009 dated 2 January 2009 and has been revised several
kali revisi dan yang terakhir dengan Lembar Pengesahan No.1/PPAI- times and the latest with Ratification Sheet No.1/PPAI-EN/012A/II/2019
EN/012A/II/2019 tanggal 28 Februari 2019 yang ditandatangani oleh dated 28 February 2019 signed by the Chairman of the Audit Committee
Ketua Komite Audit dan Direktur Utama. Perbaikan/Revisi Piagam and President Director. The revision of the Internal Audit Charter refers
Internal Audit mengacu pada Peraturan dan Perundang-undangan yang to the prevailing laws and regulations as well as the International
berlaku maupun International Standards for the Professional Practice of Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards).
Internal Auditing (Standards).

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Duties and Responsibilities

Divisi Internal Audit bersifat independen dan mempunyai tugas dan The Internal Audit Division is independent and has the following duties
tanggung jawab sebagai berikut: and responsibilities:
1. Menyusun dan melaksanakan rencana Audit Internal tahunan 1. Develop and implement an annual risk-based Internal Audit plan;
berbasis risiko;
2. Menguji dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan pengendalian intern dan 2. Test and evaluate the implementation of internal control and risk
sistem manajemen risiko sesuai dengan kebijakan perusahaan management systems in accordance with company policies as
sebagaimana tertera dalam Program Kerja Audit Tahunan (PKAT); stated in the Annual Audit Work Programme (PKAT);
3. Melakukan pemeriksaan dan penilaian atas efisiensi dan efektivitas 3. Examine and assess the efficiency and effectiveness in finance,
di bidang keuangan, akuntansi, operasional, sumber daya manusia, accounting, operations, human resources, marketing, information
pemasaran, teknologi informasi, dan kegiatan lainnya sebagaimana technology, and other activities as stated in the PKAT;
tertera dalam PKAT;
4. Memberikan saran perbaikan dan informasi yang obyektif tentang 4. Provide suggestions for improvement and objective information
kegiatan yang diperiksa pada semua tingkat manajemen; about the activities examined at all levels of management;
5. Membuat laporan hasil audit dan menyampaikan laporan tersebut 5. Prepare an audit report and submit the report to the President
kepada Direktur Utama dan Komite Audit; Director and the Audit Committee;
6. Memantau, menganalisis dan melaporkan pelaksanaan tindak 6. Monitor, analyse and report on the implementation of follow-up
lanjut perbaikan yang telah disarankan; improvements that have been suggested;
7. Bekerja sama dengan Komite Audit; 7. Cooperate with the Audit Committee;
8. Menyusun program untuk mengevaluasi mutu kegiatan Internal 8. Develop a programme to evaluate the quality of Internal Audit
Audit yang dilakukan; dan activities carried out; and
9. Melakukan pemeriksaan khusus apabila diperlukan. 9. Conducting special audit if deemed necessary.

Wewenang Internal Audit Internal Audit Authority

Untuk mendukung kelancaran pelaksanaan tugasnya, Internal Audit To support the smooth implementation of its duties, Internal Audit is
diberikan wewenang untuk: authorised to:
1. Dapat memasuki seluruh area dalam organisasi dan mengakses 1. Can enter all areas of the organisation and access information,
informasi, catatan, meminta keterangan dari setiap orang tanpa records, request information from any person unrestricted;
dibatasi (unrestricted);
2. Auditor berwenang untuk berinteraksi langsung dengan Direktur 2. Auditors are authorised to interact directly with the President
Utama, Dewan Komisaris, dan/atau Komite Audit serta anggota Director, Board of Commissioners, and/or Audit Committee as well
dari Dewan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan/atau Komite Audit; as members of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners,
and/or Audit Committee;
3. Mengadakan rapat secara berkala ataupun insidentil dengan 3. Hold regular or incidental meetings with the President Director,
Direktur Utama, Dewan Komisaris, dan/atau Komite Audit; Board of Commissioners, and/or Audit Committee;
4. Melakukan koordinasi kegiatannya dengan kegiatan auditor 4. Coordinate its activities with those of the external auditors; and
eksternal; dan

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5. Melakukan koordinasi dengan auditor eksternal terkait dengan 5. Coordinating with the external auditor in relation to the annual
laporan tahunan, internal audit melakukan monitoring atas report, internal audit monitors the implementation of the follow-
pelaksanaan tindak lanjut Management Letter yang diterbitkan up Management Letter issued by the external auditor.
pihak auditor eksternal.

Laporan Singkat Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Internal Audit Brief Report on the Implementation of Internal Audit
Tahun 2022 Activities in 2022
Pelaksanaan kegiatan internal audit dilakukan berdasarkan PKAT yang The implementation of internal audit activities is based on the PKAT
telah disetujui oleh Direktur Utama dan Ketua Komite Audit. Aktivitas approved by the President Director and the Chairman of the Audit
yang dilakukan oleh internal audit mencakup kegiatan audit yang Committee. Activities carried out by internal audit include audit
direncanakan dalam PKAT (Planned Assignment) dan kegiatan audit activities planned in PKAT (Planned Assignment) and other audit
lainnya seperti Audit Khusus dan Konsultansi yang tidak direncanakan activities such as Special Audits and Consultancies that are not planned
dalam PKAT (Unplanned Assignment). Berikut gambaran aktivitas Audit in PKAT (Unplanned Assignment). The following is an overview of Audit
tahun 2022: activities in 2022:

Penugasan Terencana Laporan Penugasan Terencana Laporan

No No
Planned Assigment Report Planned Assigment Report
1 Audit Operasional | Operational Audit 6 1 Audit Khusus | Special Audit 3
2 Audit Khusus | Special Audit 3 2 Konsultasi | Consultation 2
Total 9 3 Audit Terpadu - Koordinasi Pertamina Group 1
Integrated Audit - Pertamina Group
Total 6

Hasil pelaksanaan audit tertuang dalam Laporan Hasil Audit (LHA) yang The results of the audit are contained in the Audit Report (LHA)
antara lain memuat rekomendasi perbaikan yang dilaporkan kepada which includes recommendations for improvement reported to the
pihak Manajemen dan Komite Audit, serta tindak lanjutnya dimonitor Management and Audit Committee, and the follow-up is monitored
secara berkala. Selain melakukan monitoring penyelesaian tindak lanjut regularly. In addition to monitoring the completion of the follow-up of
rekomendasi audit internal, juga monitoring terhadap rekomendasi hasil internal audit recommendations, the Audit Committee also monitors the
audit eksternal seperti Audit BPK RI dan Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP). recommendations of external audits such as the BPK RI Audit and the
Public Accounting Firm (KAP).

Kebijakan dan pelaksanaan frekuensi rapat dengan Policy and implementation of meeting frequency with
Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, dan/atau Komite Audit the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and/or
Audit Committee
Untuk meningkatkan koordinasi yang efektif, Internal Audit secara To improve effective coordination, Internal Audit regularly holds
berkala melaksanakan rapat dengan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan/atau meetings with the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and/or
Komite Audit. Audit Committee.

Sepanjang tahun 2022, internal audit melaksanakan rapat dengan Komite Throughout 2022, internal audit held meetings with the Audit Committee
Audit setiap dua bulan dengan agenda rapat diantaranya membahas every two months with the meeting agenda including discussing the
tentang progress penugasan audit termasuk tindak lanjutnya. Rapat juga progress of audit assignments including follow-up. Meetings can also be
dapat diselenggarakan secara insidentil sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Selain held incidentally as needed. In addition, Internal Audit also attended the
itu Internal Audit juga menghadiri Rapat Direksi yang dilaksanakan Board of Directors Meeting which was held at least once a month by
paling kurang satu kali dalam sebulan dengan memberikan pandangan- providing strategic or operational views on matters discussed..
pandangan strategis atau operasional terhadap hal-hal yang dibicarakan.

Pengembangan Kompetensi Unit Audit Internal Internal Audit Unit Competency Development
Untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan profesionalisme personel Internal To improve the competence and professionalism of Internal Audit
Audit, selain standarisasi kompetensi melalui sertifikasi profesi, pekerja personnel, in addition to standardising competence through
Internal Audit juga mengikuti pelatihan non sertifikasi yang dapat professional certification, Internal Audit workers also participate in
menunjang pengembangan manajerial maupun kompetensi audit secara non-certification training that can support managerial development
langsung. Internal Audit juga berperan aktif mengikuti forum Seminar and audit competence directly. Internal Audit also plays an active role
seperti seminar Forum Komunikasi Satuan Pengawasan Intern (FKSPI) in participating in seminar forums such as the ESDM and BUMN Internal
ESDM dan BUMN serta koordinasi dengan Internal Audit PT Pertamina Audit Communication Forum (FKSPI) seminar and coordination with PT
Group. Program ini diharapkan mampu memberikan dampak positif Pertamina Group Internal Audit. This programme is expected to have a
terhadap produktivitas dan efektivitas kinerja Internal Audit. positive impact on the productivity and effectiveness of Internal Audit

308 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Internal Control System

Sistem pengendalian intern adalah salah satu sarana utama untuk The internal control system is one of the main means to ensure that
dapat memastikan bahwa pengelolaan perusahaan telah dilaksanakan company management has been carried out in accordance with the
sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance (GCG). principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG). The implementation
Penerapan sistem pengendalian internal diarahkan untuk memastikan of the internal control system is directed to ensure that the company
bahwa perusahaan telah memiliki suatu sistem yang handal terhadap has a reliable system for compliance with laws and regulations, financial
ketaatan atas peraturan perundang-undangan, pelaporan keuangan, reporting, and safeguarding assets.
dan pengamanan aset.

Sistem Pengendalian Keuangan dan Operasional Financial and Operational Control System
Penerapan Sistem Pengendalian Internal di lingkup perusahaan dilakukan The implementation of the Internal Control System within the company
pada dua aspek, yaitu pengendalian keuangan dan pengendalian is carried out in two aspects, namely financial control and operational
operasional. Pengendalian keuangan diterapkan perusahaan dengan control. Financial control is implemented by the company by providing
cara menyediakan informasi keuangan bagi setiap tingkatan Manajemen, financial information for each level of management, shareholders,
para Pemegang Saham, serta Pemangku Kepentingan yang dijadikan and stakeholders as a basis for decision making. The Company also
dasar pengambilan keputusan. Perusahaan juga menjalankan kebijakan, implements policies, procedures, operational systems, and applies the
prosedur, sistem operasional, dan menerapkan standar akuntansi latest accounting standards to describe actual operational activities.
terbaru guna menggambarkan kegiatan operasional yang aktual.

Pengendalian operasional yang dilakukan oleh Perusahaan antara lain Operational controls carried out by the Company include evaluating
dengan mengevaluasi laporan kinerja operasional Perusahaan, sehingga the Company’s operational performance reports, so that the Board of
Direksi dapat memitigasi dan mendeteksi terjadinya kelemahan Directors can mitigate and detect the occurrence of control weaknesses,
pengendalian, kesalahan laporan keuangan, atau penyimpangan lainnya. financial statement errors, or other irregularities.

Direksi juga menetapkan suatu sistem pengendalian intern yang efektif The Board of Directors also establishes an effective internal control
untuk mengamankan investasi dan aset perusahaan. Lingkungan system to secure the Company’s investments and assets. The internal
pengendalian intern dalam perusahaan dilaksanakan dengan disiplin dan control environment in the company is implemented with discipline and
terstruktur, integritas yang tinggi, nilai etika serta kompetensi karyawan. structure, high integrity, ethical values and employee competence.

Kesesuaian Sistem Pengendalian Intern Perusahaan Conformity of the Company’s Internal Control System
dengan Kerangka yang Diakui Secara Internasional with Internationally Recognised Frameworks
Perusahaan memiliki sistem pengendalian intern yang mengacu kepada The Company has an internal control system that refers to an
kerangka kerja yang diakui secara internasional, yakni Committee of internationally recognised framework, namely the Committee of
Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission (COSO). Menurut Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission (COSO). According
COSO sistem pengendalian intern merupakan proses yang melibatkan to COSO, the internal control system is a process that involves the Board
Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan seluruh personil lainnya. Hal ini sejalan of Commissioners, Directors and all other personnel. This is in line with
dengan sistem pengendalian intern yang ada di Perusahaan yang terus the internal control system in the Company which continues to improve
berupaya meningkatkan sistem kontrol organisasi dengan melibatkan the organisation’s control system by involving all available resources.
seluruh sumber daya yang ada.

Evaluasi Efektivitas Sistem Pengendalian Internal Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Internal Control
Pengendalian internal merupakan bagian yang terintegrasi dalam Internal control is an integrated part of the system and procedures
sistem dan prosedur di setiap kegiatan pada unit kerja sehingga apabila in every activity in the work unit so that if there is a deviation, it can
terjadi penyimpangan maka dapat diketahui secara dini dan dilakukan be known early and corrective steps can be taken by the work unit
langkah perbaikan oleh unit kerja yang bersangkutan. Reviu dan evaluasi concerned. Review and evaluation of the effectiveness of the internal
terhadap efektivitas sistem pengendalian internal dilakukan pada tingkat control system is carried out at the entity and operational levels. Review
entitas dan operasional. Reviu dan evaluasi atas efektivitas Sistem and evaluation of the effectiveness of the Internal Control System is
Pengendalian Internal dilakukan secara berkala oleh auditor Internal carried out periodically by internal and external auditors in accordance
maupun eksternal sesuai prosedur audit yang berlaku. with applicable audit procedures.

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Perusahaan melakukan evaluasi atau penilaian atas efektivitas The Company evaluates or assesses the effectiveness of internal control
pengendalian internal pada tingkat korporat maupun tingkat operasional at the corporate level and operational level by implementing and
dengan menerapkan dan memelihara sistem pengendalian internal dan maintaining an adequate internal control system and financial reporting
prosedur pelaporan keuangan yang memadai sesuai ketentuan berlaku procedures in accordance with applicable regulations through the
melalui fungsi Internal Audit dan Manajemen Risiko. Internal Audit and Risk Management functions.

Pernyataan Direksi dan/atau Dewan Komisaris atas Statement of the Board of Directors and/or Board of
kecukupan sistem pengendalian internal Commissioners on the adequacy of the internal control
Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Perusahaan secara berkala melakukan The Company’s Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners
reviu atas efektivitas penerapan sistem pengendalian di lingkungan periodically review the effectiveness of the implementation of the
Perusahaan. Reviu yang dilakukan Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris terkait control system within the Company. The review conducted by the
mekanisme, struktur dan kecukupan infrastruktur pengendalian Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners is related to the
internal. Hal ini tercermin dari kepatuhan dalam pelaksanaan evaluasi mechanism, structure and adequacy of internal control infrastructure.
atas kecukupan efektivitas penerapan pengendalian internal yang salah This is reflected in compliance with the evaluation of the adequacy of
satunya dilakukan melalui kegiatan audit internal. Perusahaan selalu the effectiveness of the implementation of internal control, one of which
menindaklanjuti rekomendasi yang dihasilkan dari pelaksanaan audit is carried out through internal audit activities. The company always
internal, sebagai bentuk usaha manajemen perusahaan untuk selalu follows up on recommendations resulting from the implementation of
menyempurnakan sistem pengendalian internal agar bisa secara lebih internal audits, as a form of company management’s efforts to always
efektif dan efisien serta mematuhi ketentuan yang berlaku baik internal improve the internal control system to be more effective and efficient
maupun eksternal dalam menjalankan kegiatan operasional perusahaan. and comply with applicable regulations both internal and external in
carrying out the company’s operational activities.

Tahun 2022, Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris memandang bahwa In 2022, the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners
penerapan sistem pengendalian internal di lingkungan Perusahaan consider that the implementation of the internal control system within
sudah cukup memadai. Namun demikian, Perusahaan akan terus the Company is adequate. However, the Company will continue to make
melakukan perbaikan terkait penerapan sistem pegendalian internal improvements related to the implementation of the internal control
agar dapat memberikan manfaat yang lebih besar lagi bagi Perusahaan. system in order to provide greater benefits to the Company.

Risk Management

Sebagai wujud komitmen ELNUSA dalam penerapan Corporate As a manifestation of ELNUSA’s commitment to the implementation
Governance yang baik, ELNUSA telah membentuk Unit Kerja of good Corporate Governance, ELNUSA has established a Risk
Risk Management (Fungsi Enterprise Risk Management) yang Management Work Unit (Enterprise Risk Management Function) which
bertanggungjawab kepada Direktur Keuangan. Dalam melakukan is responsible to the Director of Finance. In monitoring and managing
pengawasan dan pengelolaan risiko bisnis dan proyek, ELNUSA memiliki business and project risks, ELNUSA has the latest Enterprise Risk
Pedoman Pengelolaan Risiko Perusahaan yang terkini (A42-002/ Management Guidelines (A42-002/F04004/2022) signed by the Finance
F04004/2022) yang ditandatangani oleh Direktur Keuangan tanggal Director on 19 September 2022. The policy aims to provide guidance
19 September 2022. Kebijakan tersebut bertujuan untuk memberi to Elnusa employees to effectively conduct risk management processes
pedoman kepada pegawai Elnusa untuk secara efektif melakukan proses and activities so as to comply with applicable regulations and ensure
dan kegiatan manajemen risiko sehingga sesuai dengan peraturan that management and all employees have the same perception and
yang berlaku serta memastikan bahwa manajemen dan seluruh understanding of the concept of risk management and awareness
pegawai memiliki persepsi serta pemahaman yang sama mengenai of the importance of continuous risk management so that the risk
konsep manajemen risiko dan adanya kesadaran mengenai pentingnya management process can be coordinated and integrated, and to ensure
manajemen risiko yang kontinyu sehingga proses manajemen risiko that the portfolio of strategic initiatives is aligned with the direction of
dapat terkoordinasi dan terintegrasi, serta untuk memastikan portofolio corporate strategy.
inisiatif strategis selaras dengan arahan strategi korporat.

Dalam menerapkan Good Governance, Perseroaan mengambil langkah- In implementing Good Governance, the Company takes steps to
langkah pelaksanaan pengelolaan risikonya, berdasarkan aspek GCG, implement its risk management, based on GCG aspects, transparency
transparansi yang merupakan salah satu aspek yang perlu diperhatikan which is one aspect that needs to be considered in controlling the risks
dalam pengendalian risiko yang dihadapi oleh Perseroan. faced by the Company.

310 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Struktur Organisasi Manajemen Risiko Risk Management Organisation Structure

Pengelolaan manajemen risiko di Elnusa dilakukan oleh Fungsi Risk management in Elnusa is carried out by the Enterprise Risk
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) yang berada di bawah Direktur Management (ERM) Function under the Director of Finance based on
Keuangan berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direksi Nomor 790/EN/ the Decree of the Board of Directors Number 790/EN/KPTS/005D/2022
KPTS/005D/2022 tanggal 11 Oktober 2022 tentang Struktur dan dated 11 October 2022 concerning the Structure and Organisation
Susunan Organisasi Enterprise Risk Management. Untuk pengelolaan of Enterprise Risk Management. For risk management in Functions,
risiko di Fungsi, Proyek dan Anak Perusahaan, Fungsi ERM dibantu oleh Projects and Subsidiaries, the ERM Function is assisted by Risk Owner
Risk Owner dan Risk Champion sesuai dengan Surat Keputusan Direksi and Risk Champion in accordance with the Decree of the Board of
Nomor 601/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 tanggal 1 November 2022 tentang Directors Number 601/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 dated 1 November 2022 on
Penunjukan Risk Owner Dan Risk Champion Fungsi Dan Proyek/Tender. the Appointment of Risk Owner and Risk Champion of Functions and
Pengawasan pelaksanaan pengelolaan manajemen risiko Perusahaan Projects/Tenders. Supervision of the implementation of the Company’s
dilakukan oleh Fungsi Internal Audit dan Komite Manajemen Risiko, risk management is carried out by the Internal Audit Function and the
sehingga pengelolaan risiko Perusahaan selalu dimonitor oleh Direksi Risk Management Committee, so that the Company’s risk management
dari Pelaporan Fungsi ERM dan juga oleh Dewan Komisaris melalui is always monitored by the Board of Directors from the ERM Function
Komite Pemantau Risiko. Reporting and also by the Board of Commissioners through the Risk
Monitoring Committee.

Director of Finance
Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja


Mira Puspitawati

Strategic & Corporate Risk Project & Investment Risk

Management Management

Jumlah Personil, kualifikasi dan Sertifikasi Fungsi Number of Personnel, qualification and Certification of
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Function
Dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggungjawabnya, seluruh personil In carrying out their duties and responsibilities, all 5 (five) ERM Function
Fungsi ERM yang berjumlah 5 (lima) orang telah memiliki sertifikasi personnel have obtained certifications related to Risk Management, as
tekait Manajemen Risiko, yaitu sebagai berikut: follows:

Sertifikasi Dikeluarkan oleh Jumlah Personil Fungsi ERM

Certification Issued by Number of ERM Function Personnel
1. Certified Risk Management Professional (CRMP) Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Manajemen Risiko (LSPMR) 3
Certified Risk Management Officer (CRMO) Risk
Management Professional Certification Institute (LSPMR)
2. Certified Risk Management Officer (CRMO) Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Manajemen Risiko (LSPMR) 2
Certified Risk Management Officer (CRMO) Risk
Management Professional Certification Institute (LSPMR)

Program Pengembangan Kapabilitas Sumber Daya Risk Management Human Capital Capability
Manusia (SDM) Manajemen Risiko Development Program
Dalam meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) sesuai In improving the quality of human resources (HR) in accordance with
dengan perkembangan dan kebutuhan Perusahaan untuk pelaksanaan the development and needs of the Company for the implementation of
tugas manajemen risiko di tahun 2022, baik personil Fungsi ERM dan risk management tasks in 2022, both ERM Function personnel as well as
juga Risk Owner dan Risk Champion telah mengikuti berbagai program Risk Owner and Risk Champion have participated in various capability
pengembangan kapabilitas dalam rangka meningkatkan pengetahuan development programmes in order to improve knowledge and abilities,
dan kemampuan, antara lain: among others:

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Corporate Governance

Training/ Workshop/Seminar Waktu Pelaksanaan Penyelenggara

Training/ Workshop/Seminar Date Organizer
1. Internal Audit ISO Series 5-6 Maret 2022 Inhouse Training
Internal Audit ISO Series 5-6 Maret 2022
2. Awereness ISO 27001 22 -24 Agustus 2022 PT SGS
Awereness ISO 27001 22 -24 Agustus 2022
3. Pelatihan Business Continuity Management dan 31 Maret dan 1 April 2022 Pertamina Training Centre
Business Continuity Management 31 Maret dan 1 April 2022
Business Continuity Management and Business
Continuity Management Training
4. Workshop Upside Risk Assessment 15-17 Juni 2022 IRBA (Indonesia Risk & Business
Workshop Upside Risk Assessment 15-17 Juni 2022 Advisory)
5. Pelatihan Evironmental Social Governance (ESG) 22 – 24 November 2022 Media Edutama Indonesia
Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Training 22 – 24 November 2022
6. Konferensi Nasional Profesional Manajemen Risiko VIII. 01-012 Desember 2022 LPSMR
Dengan tema ESG Investing and Risk Mitigation 01-012 Desember 2022
National Conference of Risk Management
Professionals VIII. With the theme ESG Investing and
Risk Mitigation

Peran dan Tanggung Jawab Fungsi Enterprise Risk Roles and Responsibilities of the Enterprise Risk
Management Management Function
a. Membantu Direktur yang membawahkan Fungsi Manajemen a. Assist the Director in charge of the Risk Management Function in
Risiko dalam menyusun sistem manajemen risiko Perusahaan preparing the Company’s risk management system
b. Merumuskan kebijakan pengelolaan risiko Perusahaan b. Formulate the Company’s risk management policy
c. Mempersiapkan dan memastikan agar implementasi manajemen c. Prepare and ensure that the implementation of the Company’s
risiko Perusahaan dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan sesuai target risk management can run smoothly and according to the planned
yang direncanakan sesuai dengan kebijakan, prosedur, dan instruksi targets in accordance with the Company’s risk management
kerja manajemen risiko Perusahaan. policies, procedures and work instructions.
d. Mengkoordinasikan risk owners dan risk champions di seluruh d. Coordinate risk owners and risk champions in all Functions
Fungsi (Operasi dan Shared Services) melaksanakan proses (Operations and Shared Services) to implement the Company’s risk
pengelolaan risiko Perusahaan management process.
e. Pemantauan pelaksanaan strategi Manajemen Risiko yang telah e. Monitoring the implementation of Risk Management strategies
disetujui oleh Direksi; that have been approved by the Board of Directors;
f. Pemantauan posisi Risiko secara keseluruhan (composite), per jenis f. Monitoring the overall risk position (composite), per type of risk,
Risiko, dan per jenis aktivitas fungsional. and per type of functional activity.
g. Kaji ulang secara berkala terhadap proses Manajemen Risiko; g. Periodic review of the Risk Management process;
h. Melalukan manajemen risiko aktivitas rutin dan tidak rutin h. Conducting risk management of the Company’s routine and non-
Perusahaan routine activities
i. Memberikan rekomendasi kepada Risk Owner Unit dan/atau i. Provide recommendations to the Risk Owner Unit and/or to the
kepada komite Manajemen Risiko, sesuai kewenangan yang Risk Management committee, according to their authority; and
dimiliki; dan
j. Menyusun dan menyampaikan laporan profil Risiko kepada j. Prepare and submit Risk profile reports to the managing director
direktur utama atau direktur yang ditugaskan secara khusus dan or specially assigned director and the Risk Management committee
komite Manajemen Risiko secara berkala. on a regular basis.
k. Berkoordinasi dengan Internal Audit dalam penyusunan k. Coordinate with Internal Audit in the preparation of Risk-Based
Perencanaan Audit Berbasis Risiko Audit Planning

Sistem Informasi Manajemen Risiko Risk Management Information System

Perusahaan telah memiliki sistem internal Perusahaan yaitu Sistem The Company has had an internal system, namely the Enterprise Risk
Manajemen Risiko Perusahaan yang disebut dengan Enterprise Risk Management System (ERMS) in supporting the risk management process
Management System (ERMS) dalam mendukung proses pengelolaan since 2020. ERMS is an information system for the Company to carry out
risiko sejak tahun 2020. ERMS merupakan system informasi bagi risk management processes that can assist bottom up communication
Perusahaan untuk melakukan proses pengelolaan risiko yang dapat in assessment and response so as to assist in achieving the vision
membantu komunikasi bottom up secara penilaian dan respon and mission of the Company’s Risk Management. The scope of ERMS
sehingga membantu dalam pencapaian visi dan misi Manajemen Risiko currently includes RRSA (Risk Register Self Assessment), Monitoring and
Perusahaan. Ruang lingkup ERMS saat ini mencakup RRSA (Risk Register Reporting.
Self Assessment), Monitoring dan Reporting.

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Review dan pengembangan system dilakukan secara periodik sesuai Review and development of the system is carried out periodically in
dengan mekanisme yang berlaku dan kebutuhan Perusahaan. Rencana accordance with applicable mechanisms and Company needs. The ERMS
pengembangan ERMS yang sedang dilakukan pada tahun 2022 - 2023, development plan that is being carried out in 2022 - 2023, one of which
salah satunya adalah menambahkan ruang lingkup Pengelolaan Risiko is adding the scope of Project Risk Management in 2022.
Project pada tahun 2022.

Seluruh data yang masuk dalam ARMS telah diverifikasi dan divalidasi All data entered in ARMS has been verified and validated at multiple
secara bertingkat mulai dari Risk Champion, Risk Owner hingga pejabat levels starting from the Risk Champion, Risk Owner to the authorised
berwenang (Risk Management). Proses review dan persetujuan profil officer (Risk Management). The risk profile review and approval
risiko dilakukan melalui aplikasi ERMS, dimana memiliki kekuatan yang process is carried out through the ERMS application, which has the
sama dengan proses persetujuan manual (tanda tangan/TTD basah). same strength as the manual approval process (wet signature / TTD).
Informasi yang dihasilkan melalui ERMS dapat digunakan oleh Divisi Information generated through ERMS can be used by the Internal Audit
Internal Audit dalam membantu pelaksanaan proses audit berdasarkan Division in assisting the implementation of the risk-based audit process.
risiko (Risk Based Audit).

Monitoring dan Review Kinerja Manajemen Risiko Monitoring and Review of Risk Management
Kinerja manajemen risiko diukur dan dinilai berdasarkan pencapaian Key Risk management performance is measured and assessed based on the
Performance Indicator (KPI) yang dinilai secara tahunan dan merupakan achievement of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) which is assessed on
bentuk komitmen manajemen mulai dari Risk Owner sampai Direktur an annual basis and is a form of management commitment from the
Utama. Beberapa indikator dalam KPI Kinerja Manajemen Risiko adalah Risk Owner to the President Director. Some of the indicators in the Risk
sebagai berikut: Management Performance KPI are as follows:
a. Risk Assessment a. Risk Assessment
b. Risk Treatment b. Risk Treatment
c. Loss event c. Loss event
d. Communication dan Consultation d. Communication and Consultation

Berdasarkan realisasi kinerja tahun 2022, rata-rata pencapain Key Based on the realisation of performance in 2022, the average achievement
Performance Indicator (KPI) Kinerja Manajemen risiko tahun 2022 adalah of the Risk Management Performance Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
sebesar 100%. Risk Owner dan Risk Champion telah menjalankan tugas in 2022 is 100%. Risk Owner and Risk Champion have carried out their
dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai pengelolaan risiko termasuk penilaian duties and responsibilities as risk management including assessment of
efektivitas pelaksanaan Risk Treatment. Risk owners (pemegang the effectiveness of the implementation of Risk Treatment. Risk owners
akuntabilitas) dan risk champions (pemegang responsibilitas) di Fungsi (accountability holders) and risk champions (responsibility holders) in
Operasi maupun Fungsi Shared Services. the Operations Function and Shared Services Function.

Risiko-Risiko Utama Perusahaan Key Risks of the Company

Melalui proses RRSA, Unit Kerja Risk Management memperoleh peta Through the RRSA process, the Risk Management Unit obtains a map
seluruh risiko Perusahaan (Corporate Risk Level). Selanjutnya Unit Kerja of all Corporate risks (Corporate Risk Level). Furthermore, the Risk
Risk Management menentukan risiko-risiko yang berpengaruh signifikan Management Unit determines the risks that have a significant effect on
terhadap arah Perusahaan yang terangkum dalam profile risiko the direction of the Company which are summarised in the company’s
perusahaan yang diperoleh dari pendekatan bottom up dan top down. risk profile obtained from the bottom up and top down approaches.

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Key Risk Profiles and Responses in 2022

Risk Event Risk Cause Aktivitas Risk Treatment Risk Treatment Activity
Project Rugi • Cost overrun • Bekerjasama dengan pihak ketiga untuk • Collaborate with third parties to manage
Project Loss • Keterlambatan mengelola pekerjaan tertentu; certain works;
pelaksanaan pekerjaan; • Pengawasan setiap bulan untuk setiap biaya • Monthly monitoring of each cost utilised
• Cost overrun yang digunakan (Operasi) (Operations)
• Delay in execution of • Melaksanakan proses pengadaan (sourcing • Carry out the procurement process (sourcing
vendor, melakukan perbandingan & negosiasi vendors, conducting price comparison &
harga dan menyesuaikan pengadaan dengan negotiation and adjusting procurement to
master schedule) - SCM the master schedule) - SCM
• Melakukan due dilligence terhadap calon • Conduct due dilligence on prospective
mitra untuk menitigasi partner yang tidak partners to mitigate non-performing partners
• Melakukan review dan analisis yang • Conduct in-depth review and analysis on
mendalam pada dokumen tender (draft tender documents (draft contract and RKS)
kontrak dan RKS) oleh team, secara hukum by the team, legally by Legal, Operational
oleh Legal, Operational (technical) oleh (technical) by Operations and Commercially
Operasi dan secara Commercial oleh Operasi, by Operations, ECQM, MKT and other related
ECQM, MKT dan Fungsi terkait lainnya untuk Functions to avoid additional work without
menghindari adanya pelaksanaan pekerjaan written approval from the client.
tambahan tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari
• Mengajukan clarification dan exception • Submit clarification and exception from the
dari hasil review atas draft kontrak dan RKS review of the draft contract and RKS to the
kepada Client Client.
• Me-define kontrak pengadaan dengan • Define procurement contracts with vendors
vendor atau sub contractor dengan mengacu or sub contractors with reference to the
kepada kontrak dengan client contract with the client.
• Menentukan material-material apa saja • Determine what materials require blanket
yang membutuhkan kontrak blanket (untuk contracts (to bind prices for a certain time) to
mengikat harga selama waktu tertentu) be maintained (continuously updated) by the
untuk dapat dimaintenance (terus terupdate) User (Operations)
oleh User (Operasi)
• Perbaikan Project Management (Operasi) • Project Management Improvement
• Antisipasi keterlambatan karena cuaca • Anticipate delays due to weather by
dengan melakukan analisis cuaca sebelum conducting weather analysis before the
proyek dilakukan (operasi) project is carried out (Operations)
• Audiensi dengan perangkat-perangkat daerah • Audience with local officials and related
dan instansi terkait sebelum project dimulai agencies before the project starts (Public
(Humas) Relations)
• Pendekatan dengan masyarakat lokal dan • Approach with local communities and
tokoh-tokoh masyarakat pada saat kegiatan community leaders during socialisation
sosialisasi (Operasi & Humas) activities (Operations & Public Relations)
• Functional test untuk alat-alat sewa sebelum • Functional test for rental equipment before
dikirim ke lapangan (Operasi, SCM & Asset) being sent to the field (Operations, SCM &
• Melakukan perubahan strategi pengadaan • Making changes to the procurement strategy
agar lebih sesuai dengan keinginan client to better suit the client’s wishes (SCM)
• Memastikan Perijizinan dari pihak client telah • Ensure that permits from the client have
didapatkan/dilakukan oleh client (Operasi) been obtained / carried out by the client
• Memastikan dalam kontrak kerjasama • Ensure in the cooperation contract there
terdapat klausula standby rate apabila terjadi is a standby rate clause in case of setbacks
kemunduran yang disebabkan perubahan caused by changes in the programme which
program yang merupakan scope client (Legal is the scope of the client (Legal & Operations)
& Operasi)

314 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

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Risk Event Risk Cause Aktivitas Risk Treatment Risk Treatment Activity
Produktivitas • Aktivitas di hulu migas • Aktivitas di hulu migas berkurang sehingga • Activity in upstream oil and gas has
alat tidak berkurang sehingga tender yang didapatkan juga berkurang; decreased, resulting in fewer tenders;
optimal tender yang didapatkan • Penyusun perencanaan/kajian untuk • Planning/study for equipment optimisation
Non- juga berkurang; optimalisasi alat (perhitungan BEP). (BEP calculation).
optimal tool • Sinergi antar AP Elnusa • Melaksanakan alternate target pasar/ bisnis • Implement alternate target markets/new
productivity dan AP Pertamina baru dan Perbaikan project management businesses and improve project management
group tidak sepenuhnya dan negosiasi kontrak (untuk project jangka and contract negotiations (for long-term
berjalan; panjang yang lebih dari 1 tahun) projects of more than 1 year).
• Jenis kontrak yang on • Melakukan alternate dengan opsi • Alternate with the option of leasing
call bases sehingga menyewakan alat (GRS) equipment (GRS)
drainase tidak optimal • Melakukan sinergi dengan Pertamina dan AP • Synergise with Pertamina and AP and
• Activities in the dan mengoptimalkan penyusunan Rencana optimise the preparation of a joint Work Plan
upstream oil and gas Kerja (RKAP) bersama, sehingga tercapai (RKAP), so as to achieve effective Integrated
sector were reduced, Integrated activities scheduling yang efektif activities scheduling.
resulting in fewer • Menempatkan PIC (Desc Engineer/ Key • Placed PIC (Desc Engineer / Key Account who
tenders being awarded; Account yang memonitor pekerjaan monitors the work in the field) to optimise
• Synergy between dilapangan) untuk optimalisasi drainase. drainage.
AP Elnusa and AP
Pertamina group is not
fully implemented;
• Type of contract that
is on call bases so that
drainage is not optimal
Penurunan • Tidak bisa melakukan • Tidak bisa melakukan negosiasi dalam • Unable to negotiate in determining prices,
service rate negosiasi dalam menentukan harga, kurangnya kemampuan lack of ability of related PICs to negotiate
Decrease in menentukan harga, PIC terkait untuk bernegosiasi (Skill SDM (lack of HR skills);
service rate kurangnya kemampuan kurang); • Synergise with Pertamina and AP
PIC terkait untuk • Melakukan sinergi dengan Pertamina dan AP
bernegosiasi (Skill SDM
• Adanya Program
• Unable to negotiate in
determining prices, lack
of ability of related PICs
to negotiate (lack of HR
• OPTIMUS programme
from Pertamina
Tender Proyek • Kurangnya komunikasi • Melakukan komunikasi intensif dengan pihak • Intensive communication with clients and
dibatalkan/ & Koordinasi kepada Client dan berpatispasi Aktif dalam kegiatan active participation in Pertamina Synergy
Mundur pihak Client Sinergi Pertamina activities
(Cancel • Harga minyak dan • Melakukan komunikasi dua arah yang intensif • Conduct intensive two-way communication
Project Tender market hulu migas dengan pihak client untuk mengupdate with the client to update information on
cancelled/ fluktuatif; informasi eksistensi suatu prospek yang telah the existence of a prospect that has been
Withdrawn • Kompetensi atau diproyeksikran dalam RKAP atau FS investasi projected in the RKAP or FS investment.
(Cancel) alat kerja tidak siap/ • Melakukan pendekatan intensif dan • Conduct intensive and persuasive approaches
perubahan kebijakan persuasif ke pihak client, terutama Pertamina to the client, especially Pertamina Group to
internal; Group untuk membangun intimacy dan build intimacy and create entry barriers for
• Lack of communication menciptakan entry barrier bagi perusahaan competing companies - MKT
& Coordination to the kompetitor - MKT • Implement Tender Management Online
Client • Mengimplementasikan Tender Management (TMO) in order to detect and minimise
• Fluctuating oil prices Online (TMO) agar dapat mendeteksi dan tender readiness - MKT, SCM, and tender
and upstream oil and meminimalisir dalam kesiapan tender - MKT, preparation parties
gas market; SCM, dan Pihak penyusunan tender • Explore alternative strategies with
• Competence or work • Menjajaki strategi alternatif dengan investment/Lease/Parternship options to
tools are not ready / opsi investasi/Sewa/Parternship untuk complement equipment capacity - MKT, BD,
internal policy changes; melengkapi kapasitas alat - MKT, BD, ECQM, ECQM, Operations & SCMKompetensi atau
Operasi & SCM alat kerja tidak siap/ perubahan kebijakan

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Risk Event Risk Cause Aktivitas Risk Treatment Risk Treatment Activity
Delayed • UB Days lebih dari 90 • Melakukan konsinyering secara berkala • Conduct regular counselling with the client’s
Cash in hari disebabkan oleh dengan PIC klien di lapangan PIC in the field
Delayed faktor klien seperti • Meningkatkan koordinasi dengan PIC fungsi • Improve coordination with PIC functions
Cash in kontrak yang mengikat terkait klien jika ada indikasi unbilled lebih related to clients if there are indications of
penundaan penagihan dari 30 hari unbilled more than 30 days
ke periode budget • Optimalisasi system Revenue Management • Optimising Revenue Management system
tahun berikutnya, dengan autoreverse park unbilled berumur with autoreverse park unbilled more than 90
hambatan sirkulasi lebih dari 90 hariunbilled berumur lebih dari days oldunbilled more than 90 days old
pejabat di klien, 90 hari • Ensure the contract from the client and the
perubahan teknis oleh • Memastikan kontrak dari pihak Client dan completeness of the documents
klien, dan reorganisasi kelengkapan dokumen • Submit to the client Term of Payment (EPC)
perusahaan di klien • Mengajukan kepada client Term of Payment can be billed on a monthly basis
utama (EPC) dapat ditagihkan secara bulanan • Submit to the Client using the approved
• UB Days of more than • Mengajukan kepada Client menggunakan SP3MP (TTD) Client as a supporting
90 days are due to SP3MP yang telah di setujui (TTD) Client document for billing (PIC EPC & Legal)
client factors such as dijadikan sebagai dokumen pendukung • - Placing a special PIC handling billing
contracts that tie billing penagihan ( PIC EPC & Legal) completeness at the main client
delays to the following • Menempatan PIC khusus penanganan
year’s budget period, kelengkapan penagihan di klien utam
circulation bottlenecks
of officials at the client,
technical changes by the
client, and corporate
reorganisation at major
Kalah Tender • Price more expensive • Diskusi Operasi dengan MKT penentuan OE • Operation Discussion with MKT to determine
(loss tender) than competitors (Price dari Client (GRS) OE from Client (GRS)
Loss Tender above OE) • Memberikan perhitungan Bare Cost ke ECQM • Provide Bare Cost calculation to ECQM and
• Kompetensi atau alat dan MKT yang sesuai dan akurat SOW (EPC) MKT that is appropriate and accurate SOW
kerja tidak memenuhi • Mengimplementasikan Tender Management (EPC)
persyaratan yang Online (TMO) agar dapat mendeteksi dan • Implement Tender Management Online
diperlukan sehingga meminimalisir dalam kesiapan tender (TMO) in order to detect and minimise
membutuhkan partner; • Membuat post mortem analysis atas tender readiness.
• Price more expensive kekalahan tender dan faktor-faktor • Make a post mortem analysis of the tender
than competitors (Price penyebabnya guna mengambil langkah- defeat and the factors causing it in order to
above OE) langkah perbaikan selanjutnya take further corrective measures
• Competence or work • Menjajaki strategi alternative dengan opsi • Explore alternative strategies with
tools do not meet the investasi atau partnership untuk melengkapi investment or partnership options to
necessary requirements, kapasitas alat (Technology dan man power complement equipment capacity (Technology
requiring a partner; penyisipan pipa di bawah laut - EPC) and man power for subsea pipe insertion -
Tidak 1. Mundurnya 1. Pemilihan vendor peralatan sesuai spesifikasi 1. Selection of equipment vendors according to
tercapainya penyelesaian oleh dengan kualitas baik yang sesuai dengan specifications with good quality in accordance
Realisasi atas supplier Prosedur yang Prudent, with Prudent Procedures,
Investasi yang 2. Sparepart/material
2. Monitoring oleh SCM dan Operasi untuk 2. Monitoring by SCM and Operations for
sudah disetujui sudah jarang (sulit
penyelesaian oleh supplier completion by suppliers.
Failure ditemukan di pasar)
to realise 3. Mundurnya timeline 3. Melakukan Penambahan sourcing supplier 3. Addition of supplier sourcing
approved dari klien 4. Penambahan sourcing supplier 4. Addition of sourcing supplier
investments 1. Supplier’s delay in 5. Berkoordinasi mengenai progress tata waktu 5. Coordinate the progress of the timeline with
completion dengan Client Client
2. Spareparts/materials
are rare (difficult to find
in the market)
3. Delayed timeline from
the client
Penyusutan • Non Productive • Melakukan review umur manfaat dan • Assess the useful life and compare market
Asset Equipment (rendah nya membandingan nilai market dengan nilai value with book value every year if there is
(Impairement eluang market) buku setiap tahun apabila terdapat indikasi an indication of impairment
Risk) • Adanya factor eksternal impairement • Review the purchase/lease of new
Asset seperti competitor • Membuat kajian pembelian/sewa alat baru equipment or partnerships
Depreciation dengan teknologi baru ataupun partnership • Develop a strategy to increase equipment
(Impairement • Utilisasi alat rendah • Menyusun strategi peningkatan utilisasi alat utilisation and communicate with the SHU
Risk) • Non Productive dan mengkomunikasikan dengan forum SHU forum
Equipment (rendah nya
eluang market)
• Adanya factor eksternal
seperti competitor
dengan teknologi baru
• Utilisasi alat rendah

316 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
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Risk Event Risk Cause Aktivitas Risk Treatment Risk Treatment Activity
Tidak tercapainya Unsafe action & unsafe • Penerapan Safety Transportation • Implementation of Safety Transportation
target HSSE condition • Efisiensi dan mitigasi dengan protocol Covid • Efficiency and mitigation with Covid protocol
Excellent Unsafe action & unsafe dalam pelaksanaan operasional in operational implementation
Failure to achieve condition • Inspeksi, Sosialisasi, dan registrasi rekanan/ • Inspection, Socialisation, and registration
HSSE Excellent mitra/vendor saat pendaftaran pengadaan of partners/vendors during procurement
targets • Minimalisir penggunaan transportasi darat registration
dengan menempatkan pekerja mendekati • Minimise the use of land transportation by
lokasi kerja placing workers near the work location
• Melakukan Toolboox Meeting (daily) sbelum • Conduct Toolboox Meeting (daily) before
melakukan pekerjaan doing work
• Menekan frekuensi turnover tenaga kerja • Reducing the frequency of labour turnover

Business Continuity Management Business Continuity Management

Perusahaan telah menginisiasi penyusunan Pedoman Business The Company has initiated the preparation of Business Continuity
Continuity Management System (BCMS) yang bertujuan untuk memandu Management System (BCMS) Guidelines which aims to guide the
Perusahaan dalam mengimplementasikan BCMS. BCMS menjadi Company in implementing BCMS. BCMS is a must because it prepares
suatu keharusan karena mempersiapkan dan melatih Perusahaan agar and trains the Company to have resilience in critical business operations,
mempunyai ketahanan dalam Operasional bisnis kritikal, sehingga so that in the event of a disaster or disruption the business operational
apabila terjadi bencana atau gangguan proses operasional bisnis process will continue to run. The Company must have policies or
tersebut akan tetap berjalan. Perusahaan harus memiliki kebijakan procedures that are derived from the Company’s Risk Management
atau prosedur yang merupakan turunan dari Kebijakan Pengelolaan Policy. These policies or procedures can be in the form of general
Risiko Perusahaan. Kebijakan atau prosedur tersebut dapat berupa controls and specific controls, namely operational controls that are
pengendalian umum dan pengendalian spesifik yaitu pengendalian general and specific to each line of business and supporting activities of
operasional yang bersifat umum dan spesifik pada masing-masing lini the Company, therefore the Company must have a BCMS.
bisnis dan aktivitas pendukung Perusahaan oleh sebab itu Perusahaan
harus memiliki BCMS.

Pedoman Business Continuity Management System merupakan The Business Continuity Management System guidelines are guidelines
pedoman bagi Fungsi Enterprise Risk Management serta Fungsi for the Enterprise Risk Management Function and other related functions
terkait lainnya sebagai dasar dalam pengelolaan kegiatan Operasional as a basis for managing the Company’s integrated and comprehensive
Perusahaan yang terpadu dan menyeluruh untuk menjamin kegiatan operational activities to ensure that the Company’s operational activities
Operasional Perusahaan tetap dapat berjalan walaupun terdapat can continue to run despite disruptions/disasters/damage in order to
gangguan/bencana/kerusakan guna melindungi kepentingan para protect the interests of stakeholders. The disruptions/disasters/damage
stakeholder. Gangguan/bencana/kerusakan yang dimaksud disebabkan in question are caused by nature or humans in the form of earthquakes,
oleh alam maupun manusia berupa gempa bumi, bom, kebakaran, bombs, fires, floods, power failures, technical errors, human negligence,
banjir, power failure, kesalahan teknis, kelalaian manusia, demo labor demonstrations, riots and so on. The damage that occurs not
buruh, huru-hara dan sebagainya. Kerusakan yang terjadi tidak hanya only affects the technological capabilities of a company, but also affects
berdampak pada kemampuan teknologi suatu Perusahaan, tetapi juga the company’s business operations. Handling a disaster if not handled
berdampak pada kegiatan Operasional bisnis Perusahaan. Penanganan specifically, the Company will face operational risk, will also affect
suatu bencana bila tidak ditangani secara khusus, maka Perusahaan reputational risk and have an impact on reducing the level of public
akan menghadapi risiko operasional, juga akan mempengaruhi risiko trust in the Company. For this reason, it is necessary to manage the
reputasi dan berdampak pada menurunnya tingkat kepercayaan publik Company’s Business Continuty.
kepada Perusahaan. Untuk itu diperlukan adanya pengelolaan Business
Continuty Perusahaan.

Kinerja BCMS Tahun 2022 BCMS Performance in 2022

Pada tahun 2022, Perusahaan telah dilakukan pembaharuan terhadap In 2022, the Company has updated the BCMS Guidelines and several
Pedoman BCMS serta beberapa Prosedur Operasioanal (SOP) turunannya derivative Operational Procedures (SOPs), namely the Business Impact
yaitu Prosedur Business Impact Analysis (BIA) dan Business Continuity Analysis (BIA) and Business Continuity Plan (BCP) procedures. The
Plan (BCP). Pengembangan BCP disusun sesuai depan proses bisnis development of BCP is prepared in accordance with the business
dan karakteristik di setiap Fungsi Kerja, Project dan Anak Perusahaan. processes and characteristics in each Work Function, Project and
Penerapan BCMS di Perusahaan berfokus pada keselamatan pegawai, Subsidiary. The implementation of BCMS in the Company focuses
meminimalkan kerugian dan dampak dari business disruptions, dan on employee safety, minimizing losses and the impact of business
menjamin keberlanjutan kegiatan operasional Perusahaan. disruptions, and ensuring the sustainability of the Company’s operations.

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Pelaksanaan BCMS telah dijalankan berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direksi The implementation of BCMS has been carried out based on the Decree
No. 602/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 tanggal 1 November 2022 tentang of the Board of Directors No. 602/EN/KPTS/000D/2022 dated November
Struktur Organisasi Dan Pelaksanaan BCMS, dimana telah menetapkan 1, 2022 concerning the Organizational Structure and Implementation of
Team BCMS dan PIC Pelaksana BCMS. BCMS, which has established the BCMS Team and BCMS Implementation
Elnusa BCM Milestone

Upaya Peningkatan Budaya Risko Efforts to Improve Risk Culture

Untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dan mencapai tujuan penerapan To increase the effectiveness and achieve the objectives of risk
manajemen risiko, Fungi ERM senantiasa berupaya meningkatkan management implementation, the ERM Function always strives to
komitmen Pimpinan Perusahaan untuk memberikan dukungan increase the commitment of the Company’s leadership to provide full
dan kontribusi penuh dalam pelaksanaan manajemen risiko, support and contribution in the implementation of risk management,
mengembangkan budaya sadar risiko (risk awareness culture) ke seluruh develop a risk awareness culture to all lines of the Company’s organization
lini organisasi Perusahaan dengan menitikberatkan konsep risiko sebagai by emphasizing the concept of risk as the responsibility of each
tanggung jawab setiap individu (risk is everybody’s business) melalui individual (risk is everybody’s business) through continuous socialization
sosialisasi yang berkelanjutan serta selalu mengembangkan kompetensi and always develop competencies and risk learning processes both in
dan proses pembelajaran risiko baik secara umum ataupun khusus. general and specifically. In 2022, training and socialization have been
Pada tahun 2022 telah dilaksanakan pelatihan dan sosialisasi antara lain carried out, among others, as follows:
sebagai berikut:

Tema/ Judul Upskilling Tanggal

Upskilling Theme/Title Date
1. Kick Off Penyusunan Risk Register 2023 19-20 Mei 2022
Kick Off of Risk Register 2023 19-20 Mei 2022
2. Pembahasan STK Manajemen Risiko Subholding Upstream 23 -25 Mei 2022
Upstream Subholding Risk Management STK Discussion 23 -25 Mei 2022
3. Workshop Gap Assessment untuk Persiapan Risk Maturity Assessment 2022 Subholding Upstream Kamis, 24 Feb 2022
Gap Assessment Workshop for the Preparation of Risk Maturity Assessment 2022 Upstream Subholding Kamis, 24 Feb 2022
4. Program Training Manajemen Risiko Tahun 2022 Selasa, 15 Februari 2022
Risk Management Training Program in 2022 Selasa, 15 Februari 2022
5. Workshop Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Batch 1 31 Maret dan 1 April 2022
Workshop Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Batch 1 31 Maret dan 1 April 2022
6. Penyusunan Risk Register 2022 dan Penyampaian Top Risk 2022 Kamis, 3 Februari 2022
Preparation of Risk Register 2022 and Submission of Top Risk 2022 Kamis, 3 Februari 2022
7. Risk Managament and Project Perfomance Kamis, 27 Januari 2022
Risk Managament and Project Perfomance Kamis, 27 Januari 2022
8. Monitoring Top Risk dan Proyek Prioritas periode November 2022, 20 Desember 2022 20 Desember 2022
Monitoring Top Risks and Priority Projects for the period November 2022, December 20, 2022 20 Desember 2022
9. Meeting Monitoring Top Risk periode Oktober 17-Nov-22
Meeting Monitoring Top Risk periode Oktober 17-Nov-22
10 Meeting Portfolio Mapping Risk 15 November 2022
Meeting Portfolio Mapping Risk 15 November 2022

318 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Pelatihan dan sosialisasi tersebut ditujukan bagi Risk Owner dan Risk The training and socialization is intended for Risk Owners and Risk
Champion Fungsi, Project dan Anak Perusahaan Elnusa. Selain program Champions of Elnusa Functions, Projects and Subsidiaries. In addition to
pelatihan, Fungsi ERM juga telah memberikan refreshment mengenai the training program, the ERM Function has also provided refreshment
proses manajemen risiko kepada Risk Owner dan Risk Champion on the risk management process to Risk Owners and Risk Champions of
Fungsi/Project/ Anak Perusahaan sebelum pelaksanaan pendampingan Functions/Projects/Subsidiaries prior to the implementation of the Risk
pengisian Risk Register On Going Business (RRSA) periode tahun 2022. Register On Going Business (RRSA) filling assistance for the 2022 period.
Upaya untuk menanamkan sadar risiko juga dilakukan melalui sosialisasi Efforts to instill risk awareness are also carried out through socialization
menggunakan media email “Risk Blast” kepada seluruh pegawai Elnusa. using the “Risk Blast” email media to all Elnusa employees.

Evaluasi Efektifitas Penerapan Manajemen Risiko (Risk Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Risk Management
Maturity Level) Implementation (Risk Maturity Level)
Pengukuran Risk Maturity Level atau tingkat kematangan pengelolaan Risk Maturity Level measurement or risk management maturity level is
risiko merupakan suatu proses untuk memastikan penerapan manajemen a process to ensure the implementation of risk management that has
risiko yang sudah dijalankan sesuai dengan yang direncanakan dan been carried out in accordance with the plan and in accordance with the
sesuai dengan best practise suatu penerapan Manajemen Risiko. Dalam best practices of a Risk Management implementation. The Risk Maturity
pengukuran Risk Maturity Level tersebut mengunakan pendekatan Risk Level measurement uses the Risk Maturity Assessment approach with
Maturity Assessment dengan metode PRISMA (Pertamina Risk Maturity the PRISMA (Pertamina Risk Maturity Self Assessment) method. The
Self Assessment). Pelaksanaan Risk Maturity Assessment PRISMA implementation of PRISMA Risk Maturity Assessment is carried out in
dilaksanakan dalam rangka mendorong tercapainya Risk Maturity Level order to encourage the achievement of Cultured Risk Maturity Level in
Cultured sesuai Roadmap Pengembangan Manajemen Risiko Pertamina accordance with Pertamina’s Risk Management Development Roadmap
dan Aspirasi Pemegang Saham. and Shareholder Aspirations.

Pelaksanaan pengukuran tingkat kematangan pengelolaan risiko The implementation of measuring the maturity level of the Company’s
Perusahaan telah dilaksanakan Elnusa untuk pertama kalinya pada tahun risk management has been carried out by Elnusa for the first time in
2022 yaitu pada bulan November – Desember 2022 oleh team assessor 2022, namely in November - December 2022 by a team of assessors
across Pertamina Group. Hasil tinjuan berupa Risk Maturity Index yang across Pertamina Group. The results of the review are in the form of
mengambarkan tingkat kematangan Perusahaan dalam menerapkan a Risk Maturity Index which describes the Company’s maturity level in
manajemen risiko. implementing risk management.

Berikut Roadmap Pengembangan Manajemen Risiko Elnusa: The following is Elnusa’s Risk Management Development Roadmap:

Risiko Anti Kecurangan dan Penyuapan (Fraud & Bribery) Anti Fraud and Bribery Risk
Elnusa telah menerapkan Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan dan telah Elnusa has implemented an Anti-Bribery Management System and has
memperoleh sertifikasi ISO 37001 sesuai SNI 37001:2016. Elnusa juga obtained ISO 37001 certification in accordance with SNI 37001: 2016.
sudah melakukan pemetaan dan penilaian risiko fraud dan bribery pada Elnusa has also mapped and assessed fraud and bribery risks in the
proses bisnis Perusahaan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui potensi Company’s business processes with the aim of identifying the potential
terjadinya risiko Fraud dan Bribery di setiap proses bisnis sehingga for Fraud and Bribery risks in each business process so that control and
dapat dilakukan pengendalian dan pencegahan terjasinya tindakan prevention of Fraud and Bribery can be carried out. The Fraud and Bribery
Fraud dan Bribery tersebut. Proses penilaian risiko Fraud dan Bribery risk assessment process considers the perspective of the Company’s
mempertimbangkan prespektif proses bisnis Persusahaan. Hasil business processes. The results of the mapping of bribery risks are then
pemetaan terhadap risiko penyuapan ini kemudian dinilai dan dievaluasi assessed and evaluated to serve as the basis for establishing policies and
yang dijadikan dasar untuk menetapkan kebijakan dan prosedur serta procedures and creating action plans.
membuat rencana tindakan.

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Prosedur Penilaian Risiko Kecurangan (Fraud) dan Penyuapan (Bribery) This Fraud and Bribery Risk Assessment Procedure is intended as:
ini bertujuan sebagai: 1. Guidance for the Company in implementing the Fraud and Bribery
1. Panduan Perusahaan dalam menerapkan proses Penilaian Risiko Risk Assessment process related to the Anti Fraud and Anti Bribery
Kecurangan dan Penyuapan terkait Sistem Manajemen Anti Fraud Management System.
dan Anti Bribery.
2. Mengidentifikasi peristiwa risiko Kecurangan dan penyuapan yang 2. Identifying fraud and bribery risk events that have the potential to
berpotensi menimbulkan tindak kecurangan dan/atau penyuapan cause fraud and / or bribery in each function at PT Elnusa Tbk.
pada setiap Fungsi di PT. Elnusa Tbk.
3. Mencegah (berulangnya kembali) terjadinya tindak kecurangan 3. Preventing (reoccurrence) of fraud and/or bribery by conducting
dan/atau penyuapan dengan melakukan mitigasi risiko. risk mitigation.
4. Meningkatkan awareness dan kepedulian terhadap risiko fraud dan 4. Increase awareness and concern for the risk of fraud and bribery
bribery awareness yang dapat terjadi di lingkungan Perusahaan. awareness that can occur in the Company’s environment.
5. Memberikan gambaran mengenai potensi kecurangan dan 5. Provide an overview of the potential for fraud and bribery in each
penyuapan pada setiap Fungsi dan menghindari adanya tindakan function and avoid fraud committed by ELNUSA personnel.
fraud yang dilakukan oleh Insan ELNUSA.

Hasil Penilaian risiko fraud dan bribery di register kedalam ERMS The results of the fraud and bribery risk assessment are registered in
(Enterprise Risk Management System) dan menjadi bagian dari Risk ERMS (Enterprise Risk Management System) and become part of the
Register dikelola oleh masing-masing Risk Owner dan Risk Champion Risk Register managed by each Risk Owner and Risk Champion Function
Fungsi/Proyek/ Anak Perusahaan sehingga dapat dievaluasi, dinilai dan / Project / Subsidiary so that they can be evaluated, assessed and carried
dilakukan penangangan (risk treatment) secara kontinyu. out risk treatment continuously.

Pernyataan Direksi atas Komitmen Manajemen Risiko Board of Directors Statement on Risk Management
Untuk mencapai visi PT Elnusa Tbk menjadi “Perusahaan Jasa Energi To realize the vision of PT Elnusa Tbk to become a “Leading Energy
Terkemuka yang Memberikan Solusi Total dan misi “meningkatkan Services Company that Provides Total Solutions and the mission of
kelangsungan bisnis yang berkelanjutan dan menguntungkan dalam “increasing sustainable and profitable business continuity in the
industri energi dalam negeri dan internasional serta untuk memenuhi domestic and international energy industry and to meet shareholder
harapan pemegang saham, memenuhi dan menjaga kepuasan pelanggan expectations, meeting and maintaining customer satisfaction by
dengan memberikan solution total melalui sinergi, operational providing total solutions through synergy, operational excellence, HSSE,
Excellence, HSSE, dan prinsip-prinsip GCG, meningkatkan kesejahteraan and GCG principles, improving welfare and providing opportunities for
dan memberikan kesempatan untuk berkembang bagi karyawan, growth for employees, building harmonious and mutually beneficial
membangun hubungan yang harmonis dan saling menguntungkan relationships with the government, partners, and the community”, the
dengan pemerintah, mitra, dan masyarakat”, Direksi atas nama seluruh Board of Directors on behalf of all levels of the company has signed a Risk
jajaran perusahaan telah menandatangani komitmen Manajemen Management commitment on October 31, 2022 as a form of compliance
Risiko pada tanggal 31 Oktober 2022 sebagai bentuk taat pada prinsip, with Risk Management principles, frameworks and processes.
kerangka kerja dan proses Manajemen Risiko.

Kecukupan Kebijakan, Prosedur, dan Penetapan Limit Adequacy of Risk Management Policies, Procedures, and
Manajemen Risiko Limit Setting
Perseroan telah memiliki kebijakan dan prosedur yang memadai untuk The Company has adequate policies and procedures for the
penerapan kerangka kerja manajemen risiko yang efektif, efisien, dan implementation of an effective, efficient and professional risk
profesional dalam mendukung pertumbuhan Perseroan secara prudent, management framework to support the Company’s prudent, consistent
konsisten dan berkelanjutan serta meningkatkan nilai tambah Perseroan and sustainable growth and increase the Company’s added value in the
di mata seluruh pemangku kepentingan. eyes of all stakeholders.

Kebijakan, prosedur dan penetapan limit risiko didokumentasikan Policies, procedures and risk limits are documented and reviewed
dan ditinjau secara berkala serta disesuaikan dengan perkembangan regularly and adjusted to internal and external developments. The
internal maupun eksternal. Kecukupan proses identifikasi, pengukuran, adequacy of risk identification, measurement, monitoring and control
pemantauan dan pengendalian risiko serta sistem informasi manajemen processes as well as risk management information systems are also
risiko juga dimonitor secara berkala. monitored regularly.

Perseroan telah memiliki infrastruktur untuk mengidentifikasi,mengukur, The Company has an infrastructure to identify, measure, monitor and
memantau, dan mengendalikan risiko yang didukung dengan sistem control risks supported by a management information system that is
informasi manajemen yang cukup memadai dan mampu mendukung adequate and capable of supporting the risk management function as
fungsi manajemen risiko secara menyeluruh. a whole.

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Untuk mengantisipasi potensi risiko di masa mendatang, secara forward To anticipate potential risks in the future, in a forward looking manner,
looking, Perseroan mengembangkan pendekatan emerging risk sebagai the Company develops an emerging risk approach as an early warning
mekanisme early warning untuk mengidentifikasi berbagai potensi risiko mechanism to identify various potential risks that may be faced by the
yang mungkin akan dihadapi oleh Perseroan dalam beberapa waktu Company in the future.

Melalui pendekatan emerging risk tersebut, Perseroan mampu Through the emerging risk approach, the Company is able to identify
mengidentifikasi potensi risiko sesuai dengan profil karakteristik bisnis potential risks in accordance with the profile of the Company’s business
Perseroan, baik berupa besaran dampak risiko (severity of material characteristics, both in the form of the amount of risk impact (severity
impact) maupun perkiraan waktu terjadinya risiko tersebut (imminence), of material impact) and the estimated time of occurrence of the risk
sehingga Perseroan mampu melakukan berbagai tindakan yang (imminence), so that the Company is able to take various necessary
diperlukan untuk memitigasi dan mengendalikan potensi risiko tersebut. actions to mitigate and control these potential risks.

Pengawasan Aktif Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Active Supervision of the Board of Commissioners and
Board of Directors
Dalam melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan atas penerapan manajemen In carrying out its supervisory function over the implementation of risk
risiko di Perseroan, Dewan Komisaris memiliki tugas dan tanggung jawab management in the Company, the Board of Commissioners has clear
yang jelas, di antaranya mengawasi pelaksanaan fungsi manajemen duties and responsibilities, including overseeing the implementation of
risiko berlangsung sesuai kebijakan yang ditetapkan, memberikan the risk management function in accordance with established policies,
arahan strategis untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan efektivitas fungsi providing strategic direction to improve the quality and effectiveness
manajemen risiko, serta meninjau dan menyetujui rekomendasi dari of the risk management function, and reviewing and approving
Komite Manajemen Risiko dalam kaitannya dengan: recommendations from the Risk Management Committee in relation to:
1. Menciptakan konteks manajemen risiko, terutama dalam 1. Creating a risk management context, especially in formulating risk
merumuskan risk appetite dan risk tolerance. appetite and risk tolerance.
2. Mendesain struktur organisasi dan merumuskan tugas pokok serta 2. Designing the organizational structure and formulating the main
fungsi manajemen risiko Perusahaan. tasks and functions of the Company’s risk management.
3. Persetujuan transaksi yang melampaui kewenangan pejabat satu 3. Approval of transactions that exceed the authority of officials one
level di bawah Direksi atau transaksi yang memerlukan persetujuan level below the Board of Directors or transactions that require
sesuai dengan kebijakan dan prosedur intern yang berlaku. approval in accordance with applicable internal policies and

Dalam melaksanakan fungsi manajemen risiko, Direksi memiliki tugas In carrying out the risk management function, the Board of Directors has
dan tanggung jawab yang jelas, di antaranya: clear duties and responsibilities, including:
1. Menyusun kebijakan dan strategi manajemen risiko secara tertulis 1. Develop written and comprehensive risk management policies and
dan komprehensif. strategies.
2. Bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan kebijakan manajemen 2. Responsible for the implementation of risk management policies
risiko dan eksposur risiko yang diambil oleh Perseroan secara and risk exposures taken by the Company as a whole.
3. Mengevaluasi dan memutuskan transaksi yang memerlukan 3. Evaluate and decide on transactions that require the approval of
persetujuan Direksi. the Board of Directors.
4. Mengembangkan budaya manajemen risiko pada seluruh jenjang 4. Develop a risk management culture at all levels of the Company’s
organisasi Perseroan. organization.
5. Memastikan kompetensi sumber daya manusia yang terkait dengan 5. Ensure the competency of human resources related to risk
manajemen risiko. management.
6. Memastikan fungsi manajemen risiko telah beroperasi secara 6. Ensure the risk management function has operated independently.
7. Melaksanakan kaji ulang secara berkala sesuai dengan kebutuhan 7. Conduct periodic reviews in accordance with the needs of the
Perseroan untuk: Company to:
a. memastik keakuratan metodologi manajemen risiko; a. ensure the accuracy of the risk management methodology;
b. kecukupan implementasi sistem informasi manajemen risiko; b. adequacy of risk management information system
dan implementation; and
c. ketepatan kebijakan, prosedur, dan penetapan limit risiko. c. the accuracy of policies, procedures, and the establishment of
risk limits.

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Litigation Case
Pada tahun 2022, terdapat perkara atau gugatan hukum oleh Perseroan In 2022, there were cases or lawsuits by the Company as follows:
sebagai berikut:

Perkara Pengadilan Posisi Perseroan Materi Perkara Status Perkara Kuasa Hukum
Case Court Company Position Prinsipal Case Case Status Attorney at Law
1 Perkara gugatan Pengadilan Negeri Penggugat. Gugatan perbuatan Majelis Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan telah Saat ini Perkara ditangani
Perseroan terhadap Jakarta Selatan. melawan hukum yang mengeluarkan Putusan No.284/ PDT.G/2011/PN.JKT.SEL. oleh Fungsi Legal Counsel
PT Bank Mega ditujukan kepada Bank tanggal 22 Maret 2012, dalam Putusan tersebut Majelis Hakim PT Elnusa Tbk
Tbk (“Tergugat”). Mega sehubungan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan memutuskan dalam amar
No. Perkara: 284/ penempatan dana putusannya antara lain sebagai berikut:
PDT.G/2011/ deposito berjangka 1. Menolak eksepsi Tergugat;
PN.JKT.SEL. Tanggal milik Perseroan di 2. Mengabulkan gugatan Penggugat untuk sebagian;
18 Mei 2011. Bank Mega. Perseroan 3. Menyatakan Penggugat beritikad baik;
menuntut ganti rugi 4. Menyatakan penempatan deposito berjangka yang
kepada Bank Mega dilakukan oleh Penggugat sebesar Rp.,-
agar Bank Mega pada tergugat adalah sah mempunyai kekuatan hukum;
mengembalikan dana 5. Menyatakan secara hukum bahwa Tergugat telah
deposito berjangka melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum;
Perseroan berikut 6. Menyatakan sah dan berharga sita jaminan terhadap
bunganya. benda tidak bergerak (Consenvatoir Beslag) milik Tergugat
yang dilakukan oleh Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan
pada tanggal 21 Juli 2011;
7. Menghukum Tergugat untuk membayar ganti kerugian
materiil kepada Penggugat secara tunai yakni pencairan
dana deposito pokok sebesar Rp.,00
dan bunga 6% per tahun terhadap Deposito Berjangka
tersebut terhitung sejak tanggal gugatan perkara ini
didaftarkan hingga Tergugat melakukan penggantian
8. Memerintahkan Tergugat untuk melaksanakan putusan
9. Menghukum Tergugat untuk membayar biaya perkara.

Tergugat yakni Bank Mega mengajukan upaya hukum Banding

terhadap Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan, kemudian
pada tanggal 11 Mei 2012, Perseroan selaku Terbanding telah
mengajukan Kontra Memori Banding kepada Pengadilan Tinggi
DKI Jakarta. Pada tanggal 10 Januari 2013, Pengadilan Tinggi
DKI Jakarta telah memutuskan dengan putusan No. 237/ Pdt/
PT.DKI jo. No. 284/ PDT.G/2011/ PN.JKT.SEL dimana Pengadilan
Tinggi DKI Jakarta menguatkan putusan Pengadilan Negeri
Jakarta Selatan No. 284/ PDT.G/2011/ PN.JKT.SEL tanggal 22
Maret 2012

Atas putusan Pengadilan Tinggi tersebut, Tergugat yakni Bank

Mega mengajukan Kasasi ke Mahkamah Agung dan telah
mengajukan Memori Kasasi pada tanggal 13 Maret 2013 dan
pada tanggal 26 Maret 2013 Perseroan mengajukan Kontra
Memori Kasasi ke MA melalui Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta
Selatan. Pada tanggal 12 Februari 2014 Mahkamah Agung
telah memutuskan dengan Putusan Nomor 1111 K/PDT/ 2013
dimana Mahkamah Agung menolak permohonan kasasi Bank
Mega. Terhadap Putusan Kasasi, pada tanggal 25 Maret 2015
Bank Mega mengajukan upaya hukum Peninjauan Kembali ke
Mahkamah Agung dan telah mengajukan Memori Peninjauan
Kembali pada tanggal 25 Maret 2015 dan pada tanggal 25
Mei 2015 Perseroan mengajukan Kontra Memori Peninjauan
Kembali ke MA melalui Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan.

Pada tanggal 31 Maret 2016 Perseroan mengajukan

permohonan lelang eksekusi atas dua bidang tanah milik Bank
Mega berdasarkan Penetapan Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta
Selatan No. 10/Eks.Pdt/2016 jo. No. 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.
Sel. tanggal 23 Februari 2016 dan saat ini masih dalam proses di
Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan.

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Perkara Pengadilan Posisi Perseroan Materi Perkara Status Perkara Kuasa Hukum
Case Court Company Position Prinsipal Case Case Status Attorney at Law
1 The Company’s South Jakarta District Plaintiff A lawsuit against The District Court of South Jakarta has issued Verdict No.284/ Currently the case is
lawsuit against PT Court. Bank Mega related PDT.G/2011/PN.JKT.SEL. dated March 22, 2012, in which the handled by the Legal
Bank Mega Tbk to the placement Panel of Judges of the District Court of South Jakarta ruled as Counsel Function of PT
(“Defendant”). of the Company’s follows: Elnusa Tbk.
Case No: 284/ time deposit funds 1. Rejected the Defendant’s exception;
PDT.G/2011/ in Bank Mega. The 2. Granting the Plaintiff’s claim in part;
PN.JKT.SEL. Dated Company demanded 3. Declare that the Plaintiff is in good faith;
May 18, 2011. compensation to Bank 4. Declare that the placement of time deposits by the
Mega for Bank Mega to Plaintiff in the amount of Rp.111,000,000,000,- within the
refund the Company’s defendant is valid and legally binding;
time deposit funds 5. Legally stated that the Defendant has committed an
along with the interest. unlawful act;
6. To declare as valid and valuable the guarantee confiscation
against immovable property (Consenvatoir Beslag)
belonging to the Defendant conducted by the South
Jakarta District Court on July 21, 2011;
7. Punish the Defendant to pay material damages to the
Plaintiff in cash, namely the disbursement of the principal
deposit funds amounting to Rp.111,000,000,000,00 and
interest of 6% per annum on the Term Deposit starting
from the date this lawsuit was registered until the
Defendant makes compensation;
8. Order the Defendant to execute this decision;
9. Punish the Defendant to pay the court expenses.

The Defendant, Bank Mega, filed an appeal against the verdict

of the South Jakarta District Court, then on May 11, 2012, the
Company as the Appellant filed a Counter-Memorial of Appeal
to the DKI Jakarta High Court. On January 10, 2013, the High
Court of DKI Jakarta had stated with verdict No. 237/ Pdt/PT.DKI
jo. No. 284/ PDT.G/2011/ PN.JKT.SEL in which the DKI Jakarta
High Court upheld the verdict of South Jakarta District Court
No. 284/PDT.G/2011/ PN.JKT.SEL dated March 22, 2012.

Upon the verdict of the High Court, the defendant, Bank Mega,
filed an appeal to the Supreme Court and has filed a Cassation
Memorandum on March 13, 2013 and on March 26, 2013 the
Company submit a Counter Cassation Memorandum to the
Supreme Court through the South Jakarta District Court. On
February 12, 2014 the Supreme Court has decided with Verdict
No. 1111 K/PDT/ 2013 where the Supreme Court rejected Bank
Mega’s cassation. In regard the Cassation Decision, on March
25, 2015 Bank Mega submit a judicial review to the Supreme
Court and has filed a Memorandum of Review on March
25, 2015 and on May 25, 2015 the Company filed a Counter
Memorandum of Review to the Supreme Court through the
South Jakarta District Court.

On March 31, 2016, the Company submit a request for auction

execution of two lot of land owned by Bank Mega. Based on
Resolution of the Chairman of South Jakarta District Court No.
10/Eks.Pdt/2016 jo. No. 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel. dated
February 23, 2016 and currently still in process at the South
Jakarta District Court.

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Perkara Pengadilan Posisi Perseroan Materi Perkara Status Perkara Kuasa Hukum
Case Court Company Position Prinsipal Case Case Status Attorney at Law
2 Perkara Penundaan Pengadilan Niaga di Pemohon PKPU Gugatan PKPU yang Pada tanggal 4 oktober 2022, Perseroan bersama dengan Johanes Aritonang &
Kewajiban Pengadilan Negeri ditujukan kepada PT Kreditor Lain mengajukan Permohonan PKPU terhadap ADMI Partners Law Firm.
Pembayaran Utang Jakarta Pusat Alpha Dwi Marine melalui Pengadilan Niaga pada Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat.
(“PKPU”) terhadap Indonesia sehubungan Pengajuan permohonan terhadap ADMI selaku Termohon PKPU Gedung Plaza Basmar,
PT Alpha Dwi tidak mampu untuk disebabkan karena terdapat utang kepada Perseroan yang telah Unit 1.2, Jl. Mampang
Marine Indonesia melaksanakan dan jatuh waktu, dapat ditagih dan tertunggak dengan total sebesar Prapatan No. 106, Jakarta
(“Termohon”) memenuhi kewajibann Rp.111.999.988.948,00 (seratus sebelas miliar sembilan ratus Selatan, 12790.
Perkara No. PT Alpha Dwi Marine sembilan puluh sembilan juta sembilan ratus delapan puluh
263/Pdt.Sus- Indonesia sebagaimana delapan ribu sembilan ratus empat puluh delapan Rupiah). Telepon: 021-7976047.
PKPU/2022/PN ketentuan Perjanjian Gugatan ini terdaftar dalam Perkara No. 263/Pdt.Sus-
NIaga Jkt.Pst. Subkontrak. Perseroan PKPU/2022/PN Niaga Jkt.Pst. pada tanggal 4 Oktober 2022 danContact Person: Johanes
menuntut ganti rugi sudah diterima sebagai registrasi perkara dalam Panitera Muda
Eduard Hasiholan
agar PT Alpha Dwi Perdata Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat. Aritonang, S.H. M.H. &
Marine Indonesia Jonner P Lumbantobing,
segera membayar Pada hari Rabu tanggal 28 Desember 2022 telah dilaksanakan S.H, M.H.
utangnya kepada sidang perkara Nomor 263/Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2022/PN.Niaga.Jkt.
Perseroan. Pst. dengan pembacaan kesimpulan oleh Majelis Hakim bahwa
Permohonan PKPU Perseroan terhadap ADMI telah diterima
dan dikabulkan oleh Majelis Hakim.

PKPU terhadap ADMI saat ini masih dalam tahap proses Rapat
Kreditur ADMI.

Postponement Commercial Court at PKPU Applicant On October 4, 2022, the Company together with other creditors Johanes Aritonang &
of Debt Payment the Central Jakarta PKPU lawsuit filed submit a PKPU petition against ADMI through the Commercial Partners Law Firm.
Obligation (“PKPU”) District Court against PT Alpha Dwi Court at the Central Jakarta District Court. The petition against
case against Marine Indonesia due ADMI as the PKPU Respondent is due to the Company’s Gedung Plaza Basmar,
PT Alpha Dwi to PT Alpha Dwi Marine receivables that have fallen due, collectible and overdue Unit 1.2, Jl. Mampang
Marine Indonesia Indonesia’s failure to totaling Rp.111,999,988,948.00 (one hundred eleven billion Prapatan No. 106, Jakarta
(“Respondent”) carry out and fulfill its nine hundred ninety nine million nine hundred eighty eight Selatan, 12790.
Case No. 263/Pdt. obligations as stipulated thousand nine hundred forty eight Rupiah).
Sus-PKPU/2022/PN in the Subcontract This lawsuit was registered as Case No. 263/Pdt.Sus- Telephone : 021-
NIaga Jkt.Pst. Agreement. The PKPU/2022/PN Niaga Jkt.Pst. on October 4, 2022 and has 7976047.
Company demands been accepted as a case registrated in the Civil Registrar of the
compensation so that Central Jakarta District Court. Contact Person: Johanes
PT Alpha Dwi Marine Eduard Hasiholan
Indonesia immediately On Wednesday, December 28, 2022, a hearing session of case Aritonang, S.H. M.H. &
pays its debt to the No. 263/Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2022/PN.Niaga.Jkt.Pst. was held with Jonner P Lumbantobing,
Company. the agenda of conclusion recitation by the Panel of Judges that S.H, M.H.
the Company’s PKPU petition against ADMI has been accepted
and granted by the Panel of Judges.

PKPU against ADMI is currently still in the process of ADMI

Creditor’s Meeting.


Information on Administrative Sanctions

Dampak Permasalahan Hukum terhadap Perusahaan Impact of Legal Issues on the Company
Bahwa terhadap perkara hukum yang dihadapi oleh Perseroan, oleh Regarding the legal cases faced by the Company, because the Company
karena Perseroan masih melakukan upaya hukum maka perkara hukum is still making legal efforts, the legal cases mentioned above have not yet
tersebut di atas sampai saat ini belum mempengaruhi operasional affected the Company’s operations.

Pengungkapan Permasalahan Hukum yang Sedang Disclosure of Legal Issues Faced by the Incumbent Board
Dihadapi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Yang Sedang of Commissioners and Directors
Selama periode tahun 2022, tidak ada anggota Dewan Komisaris maupun During the period of 2022, none of the incumbent members of the
Direksi Perseroan yang sedang menjabat, memiliki permasalahan Board of Commissioners or the Board of Directors of the Company had
hukum, baik perdata maupun pidana. any legal issues, either civil or criminal.

Pengungkapan Permasalahan Hukum yang Sedang Disclosure of Legal Issues Faced by Subsidiaries
Dihadapi Anak Perusahaan
Selama periode tahun 2022, tidak terdapat permasalahan hukum yang During the period of 2022, there were no legal issues faced by Elnusa’s
dihadapi oleh Anak Perusahaan Elnusa baik perdata maupun pidana. subsidiaries either civil or criminal.

324 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Code of Ethics

Agar visi, misi dan nilai inti serta budaya perusahaan dapat diterapkan In order for the vision, mission and core values as well as the corporate
secara lebih nyata, diperlukan sebuah perangkat yang bersifat artikulatif culture to be implemented in a more tangible manner, a tool is needed
serta memiliki mekanisme reward & punishment. Perseroan memiliki that can articulate it, and has a reward & punishment mechanism. The
Standar Etika Perusahaan atau Code of Conduct (CoC) yang disusun Company has a Corporate Ethics Standard or Code of Conduct (CoC)
sejak tahun 2008 memuat prinsip-prinsip GCG, yaitu transparansi, which was prepared since 2008 containing GCG principles, namely
akuntabilitas, responsibilitas, independensi dan kewajaran (fairness) transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence and fairness
dalam pengelolaan bisnis Perusahaan dengan mengedepankan etika in managing the Company’s business by prioritizing business ethics and
bisnis serta pelaksanaan etika kerja di lingkungan Perusahaan agar implementing work ethics within the Company so that each individual
setiap individu Perusahaan mampu bersikap, berperilaku, berinteraksi of the Company is able to behave, interact and carry out work processes
dan melakukan proses kerja baik di dalam dan di luar Perusahaan. both inside and outside the Company.

CoC Perusahaan senantiasa disesuaikan dengan perkembangan hukum, The Company’s CoC is always adjusted to the development of legal,
sosial, norma, peraturan dan perjalanan bisnis Perseroan. CoC terkini social, norms, regulations and the Company’s business journey. The
yang telah ditandatangani oleh Komisaris Utama dan Direktur Utama latest CoC signed by the President Commissioner and President Director
pada 2019 merupakan bentuk pembaharuan yang senantiasa dilakukan in 2019 is a form of renewal that is always carried out in accordance
sesuai dengan perkembangan hukum, peraturan perundang-undangan with legal developments, laws and regulations and the Company’s best
serta praktik terbaik Perseroan. practices.

Pokok-Pokok Kode Etik Principles of Code of Ethics

Perseroan memegang komitmen pada standar etika dan perilaku bisnis The Company is committed to the highest standards of ethics and
tertinggi. Ini meliputi hubungan Perusahaan dengan para pelanggan, business conduct. This includes the Company’s relationships with
para pemasok, para pemegang saham dan investor, komunitas customers, suppliers, shareholders and investors, the communities in
masyarakat dimana Perusahaan beroperasi, serta antar pekerja di semua which the Company operates, as well as among employees at all levels
tingkatan organisasi Perseroan. Setiap unit kerja dan Anak Perusahaan of the Company’s organization. Each work unit and Subsidiary within
dalam lingkup Grup Perseroan harus beroperasi sesuai dengan kebijakan the Company Group must operate in accordance with policies and
dan prosedur yang konsisten dengan nilai-nilai dalam standar etika ini. procedures that are consistent with the values in these ethical standards.

Perseroan tidak akan mentolerir hal-hal terkait dengan integritas. Itu The Company will not tolerate matters related to integrity. That is why
sebabnya beberapa aspek kritikal yang dipandang perlu diatur dalam several critical aspects that are deemed necessary are regulated in the
Standar Etika Perusahaan sebagai pedoman perilaku dalam berhubungan Company’s Ethical Standards as guidelines for behavior in dealing with
dengan stakeholders, baik internal maupun eksternal. Oleh karena ini stakeholders, both internal and external. Therefore, the Company’s
Standar etika Perusahaan memuat hal-hal sebagai berikut: ethical standards contain the following matters:

Bab I: Pendahuluan Chapter I: Introduction

1. Latar belakang 1. Background
2. Visi, Misi dan Nilai Perusahaan 2. Vision, Mission and Corporate Values
3. Tujuan CoC 3. CoC Objectives
4. Manfaat 4. Benefits
5. Prinsip-prinsip GCG 5. GCG Principles
6. Istilah-istilah yang digunakan 6. Terms used

Bab II: Etika Kerja & Bisnis Elnusa Chapter II: Elnusa Work & Business Ethics
1. Pedoman Perilaku 1. Code of Conduct
2. Perilaku Integritas 2. Integrity
3. Patuh Hukum 3. Law-abiding
4. Anti Suap dan Korupsi 4. Anti Corruption
5. Anti Fraud 5. Anti Fraud
6. Konflik Kepentingan 6. Conflict of Interest
7. Sponsor, Hadiah, Jamuan dan Hiburan 7. Sponsorship, Gifts, Meals and Entertainment

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

8. Hubungan dengan Petugas Pemerintahan atau Lembaga 8. Relationship with Government Officials or Government Institutions
9. Perilaku Profesional Perwira Elnusa 9. Professionalism of Perwira Elnusa

Bab III: Whistleblowing System Chapter III: Whistleblowing System

Bab IV: Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Chapter IV: Guidelines

1. Prinsip dasar pelaksanaan 1. Basic principles of implementation
2. Sosialisasi 2. Socialization
3. Pelaporan pelanggaran 3. Violation reporting
4. Sanksi atas pelanggaran 4. Sanctions for violations

Lampiran: Lembar pernyataan kepatuhan Attachment: Compliance statement

Bentuk Sosialisasi Kode Etik Form of Code of Ethics Socialization

Guna memberikan pemahaman kepada seluruh Insan Perseroan, In order to improve the understanding of all Company personnel, the
Perseroan secara berkala melakukan sosialisasi standar etika ini kepada Company regularly socializes these ethical standards to all levels of
seluruh jajaran karyawan mulai dari jajaran Dewan Komisaris dan employees, starting from the Board of Commissioners and Directors,
Direksi, Manajemen, karyawan baik yang berada di kantor pusat maupun Management, to employees both at the head office and in the operating
yang berada di wilayah operasi. Sosialisasi materi CoC dilanjutkan areas. The socialization of CoC material is followed by signing a statement
dengan melakukan penandatanganan pernyataan kepatuhan atas CoC of compliance with the CoC & integrity commitment.
& komitmen integritas.

Perseroan juga menempatkan informasi mengenai Standar Etika melalui The Company also places information on the Ethical Standards through
website Perseroan dan portal internal. Jika terdapat hal-hal yang kurang the Company’s website and internal portal. If there are things that are
lengkap, karyawan dapat sewaktu-waktu bertanya kepada atasan incomplete, employees can at any time ask their direct supervisor or the
langsung masing-masing atau kepada Fungsi Kepatuhan Pengawas Etika Compliance Function of the Ethics and GCG Supervisor as the person in
dan GCG sebagai penanggung jawab atas implementasi Tata Kelola charge of the implementation of Corporate Governance.

Penerapan standar etika merupakan salah satu bentuk penguatan The implementation of ethical standards is a form of strengthening
budaya Perusahaan yang bertujuan untuk membangun fondasi yang the Company’s culture which aims to build a strong foundation for the
kuat bagi kelanjutan eksistensi bisnis Perusahaan. Budaya Perusahaan continuation of the Company’s business existence. Corporate culture is
merupakan kombinasi yang terintegrasi dan selaras dengan Tata Nilai a combination that is integrated and aligned with the AKHLAK Code of
AKHLAK yang merupakan turunan dari niai-nilai utama atau core value Values which is a derivative of the main values or core values of State-
Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang dijadikan sebagai budaya perusahaan. Owned Enterprises which are used as corporate culture.

Upaya Penegakan Kode Etik dan Pengaduan Pelanggaran Code of Ethics Enforcement Efforts and Whistle Blowing
Perseroan melakukan penegakan terhadap Pedoman Standar Perilaku The Company enforces the Company’s Code of Conduct by conducting
Perseroan yang dilakukan dengan melakukan pemantauan secara berkala regular monitoring and providing facilities for complaints of violations.
terhadap penegakan Pedoman Etika Perseroan dan menyediakan fasilitas The mechanism for reporting violations of the Code of Conduct is
bagi pengaduan terhadap pelanggaran Pedoman Standar Perilaku yang carried out as stated in the Whistle Blowing System (WBS) that has been
berlaku di lingkungan Perseroan. Mekanisme pelaporan pelanggaran implemented by the Company.
Pedoman Standar Perilaku dilakukan sebagaimana tercantum dalam
ketentuan Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran atau Whistle Blowing System
(WBS) yang telah dikembangkan Perseroan.

WBS merupakan sistem yang telah dikembangkan Perseroan dan The WBS is a system that has been developed by the Company and
digunakan untuk menerima, mengelola dan menindaklanjuti serta is used to receive, manage and follow up and contain reports on
memuat pelaporan atas informasi yang disampaikan oleh pelapor information submitted by the reporter regarding violations that occur
mengenai tindakan pelanggaran yang terjadi di lingkungan Perseroan, within the Company, namely actions that violate the Company’s Code of
yaitu perbuatan melanggar Pedoman Standar Perilaku Perseroan yang Conduct committed either by employees or leaders that can harm the
dilakukan baik oleh karyawan atau pimpinan yang dapat merugikan Company and other stakeholders.
Perseroan maupun para pemangku kepentingan lainnya.

326 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Bagi insan Perseroan yang terbukti melakukan pelanggaran terhadap Employees of the Company who are proven to have violated the
Pedoman Standar Perilaku yang berlaku, akan diberikan sanksi sesuai applicable Code of Conduct will be sanctioned in accordance with
dengan kebijakan dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. applicable policies and laws and regulations. The form of action is in
Bentuk penindakan berupa pemberian peringatan lisan maupun tertulis the form of giving verbal or written warnings to employees who commit
kepada karyawan yang melakukan pelanggaran. violations.

Pernyataan Bahwa Kode Etik Berlaku Bagi Anggota Statement That the Code of Ethics Applies to Members
Direksi, Anggota Dewan Komisaris, dan Karyawan of the Board of Directors, Members of the Board of
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik Commissioners, and Employees of Issuers or Public
Kode Etik Perseroan merupakan Standar Etika dilingkungan Perseroan The Company’s Code of Ethics is an Ethical Standard within the Company
yang wajib dipatuhi dan dilaksanakan oleh: that must be obeyed and implemented by:
1. Insan Elnusa, di semua level termasuk Dewan komisaris, Direksi 1. Elnusa personnel, at all levels, including the Board of Commissioners,
dan Organ penunjang Dewan Komisaris. Directors and supporting organs of the Board of Commissioners.
2. Pihak Eksternal yang bertindak untuk dan atas nama Elnusa 2. External parties acting for and on behalf of Elnusa.
3. Seluruh entitas Anak Perusahaan 3. All subsidiaries
4. Mitra Kerja yang bekerja sama dengan Elnusa, seperti Konsultan, 4. Working Partners who cooperate with Elnusa, such as Consultants,
Media partner, Lawyer serta rekanan kerja lainnya. Media partners, Lawyers and other work partners.

Sanksi atas Pelanggaran Sanctions for Violations

Perseroan tidak akan mentolerir hal-hal terkait dengan itegritas. The Company will not tolerate matters related to integrity. That is why
Itu sebabnya beberapa aspek kritikal yang dipandang perlu diatur some critical aspects that are deemed necessary to be regulated in the
dalam standar etika Perusahaan sebagai pedoman perilaku dalam Company’s ethical standards as guidelines for behavior in dealing with
berhubungan dengan stakeholders, baik internal maupun eksternal stakeholders, both internal and external, include::
antara lain mencakup:
a. Sikap kerja professional baik sebagai pimpinan maupun bawahan a. Professional work attitude both as a leader and subordinate
b. Selalu melakukan tes etika jika berhadapan dengan situasi b. Always conduct ethical tests when dealing with dilemmatic
dilematika situations
c. Berani mengungkapkan masalah c. Dare to reveal the problem
d. Menghindari diskriminasi d. Avoid discrimination
e. Kesempatan karir yang sama e. Equal career opportunities
f. Bebas Narkotika dan obat-obatan terlarang. Saling menghargai f. Free of narcotics and illegal drugs.
satu sama lain g. Mutual respect for each other
g. Batasan dalam aktivitas politik h. Restrictions on political activity
h. Menjaga rahasia Perusahaan i. Maintain Company secrets
i. Menjaga citra Perusahaan j. Maintain the Company’s image
j. Pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan atas kepentingan Perusahaan. k. Decision making based on the interests of the Company

Jumlah Pelanggaran Kode Etik Number of Code of Ethics Violations

Sebagai realisasi penegakan Pedoman Standar Perilaku Perseroan, As a realization of the enforcement of the Company’s Code of Conduct,
berikut rincian sanksi yang dikenakan terkait penegakan Kode Etik the following are details of sanctions imposed related to the enforcement
selama tahun 2022: of the Code of Ethics during 2022:

Kategori Pelanggaran Jenis Sanksi Jumlah Pelanggaran Jenis Sanksi Kategori Pelanggaran
Category of Violation Type of Sanction Total Violations Type of Sanction Category of Violation
Tidak disiplin presensi Surat Teguran 0 Letter of Reprimand Undisciplined attendance

Tidak Kooperatif Surat Peringatan 1 1 1st Warning Letter Uncooperative

Kelalaian Surat Peringatan 1 0 1st Warning Letter Negligence

Kelalaian Surat Peringatan 2 1 2nd Warning Letter Negligence

Diduga Ethics Skorsing 1 Suspension Suspected Ethics

Kelalaian Surat Peringatan 1 & Terakhir 10 1st & Last Warning Letter Negligence

Diduga Ethic Surat Peringatan 1 & Terakhir 1 1st & Last Warning Letter Suspected Ethics

Kelalaian PHK 0 LAYOFF Negligence

Ethics PHK 0 LAYOFF Ethics

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Sebagai bagian dari transparansi yang dilakukan Perseroan, berikut As part of the Company’s transparency, the following is the number of
disampaikan jumlah penyimpangan internal yang terjadi dan upaya internal irregularities that occurred and the efforts to resolve them.

Jumlah Kasus yang Dilakukan oleh | Number of Cases Committed by

Pegawai Tidak Tetap
Manajemen Pegawai Tetap
Penyimpangan Internal dalam 1 Tahun Non-permanent Internal Deviations in 1 Year
Management Permanent Employees
2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2020
Telah Diselesaikan 2 2 111 8 17 Resolved
Dalam proses penyelesaian internal 4 10 In the process of internal resolution
Belum diupayakan Penyelesaiannya Not yet resolved
Telah ditindaklanjuti melalui proses hukum Has been followed up through the legal
Jumlah Penyimpangan 6 2 121 8 Number of Deviations

Kajian dan Evaluasi Manajemen Management Review and Evaluation

Manajemen Perseroan secara konsisten melakukan kajian dalam rangka The Company consistently reviews and evaluates the performance of the
mengevaluasi kinerja Perseroan, termasuk keterkaitan antara visi, misi Company’s management, including the relationship between the vision,
dan budaya perusahaan serta kode etik dengan rencana jangka panjang mission and corporate culture as well as the code of ethics with the long-
dan profil risiko yang dihadapi Perseroan. Penerapan Pedoman Standar term plan and risk profile faced by the Company. The implementation of
Perilaku juga menjadi kajian manajemen untuk menjadi salah satu the Code of Conduct is also a management study to become one of the
perangkat evaluasi keorganisasian organizational evaluation tools.


Anti-Bribery Management System

Sebagai salah satu program penguatan implementasi Good Corporate As one of the programs to strengthen the implementation of Good
Governance (GCG) dan wujud komitmen Perusahaan dalam menjalankan Corporate Governance (GCG) and a form of the Company’s commitment
operasional Perusahaan dengan lebih transparan, adil dan zero to run the Company’s operations more transparently, fairly and with
tolerance terhadap fraud dan tindakan penyuapan baik oleh Direksi, zero tolerance for fraud and bribery by the Board of Directors, Board
Dewan Komisaris, pegawai maupun pihak eksternal, Perseroan telah of Commissioners, employees and external parties, the Company
memiliki Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan (SMAP) untuk melengkapi has an Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) to complement
kebijakan yang terkait dengan pencegahan penyuapan, yang policies related to bribery prevention, which is guided by international
berpedoman pada standar internasional yaitu SNI ISO 37001:2016 dan standards, namely SNI ISO 37001:2016 and is intended to help the
dimaksudkan untuk membantu Perusahaan menerapkan SMAP yang Company implement an effective ABMS. The Company has established
efektif. Perusahaan telah menetapkan kebijakan, membuat dokumen, policies, created documents, conducted socialization, implemented,
melakukan sosialisasi, menerapkan, mendokumentasikan, memelihara, documented, maintained, and improved them on an ongoing basis in
dan menyempurnakannya secara berkesinambungan sejalan dengan line with the standard requirements in SNI ISO 37001:2016.
persyaratan standar dalam SNI ISO 37001:2016.

Dasar Penerapan SMAP The Basis for SMAP Implementation

Implementasi dan penerapan SMAP Perseroan dilaksanakan The implementation and application of the Company’s SMAP is based
berdasarkan: on:
1. Instruksi Presiden Nomor 10 Tahun 2016 tentang Aksi Pencegahan 1. Presidential Instruction Number 10 of 2016 on Corruption
dan Pemberantasan Korupsi; Prevention and Eradication Action;
2. Surat Menteri BUMN Nomor S-35/MBU/01/2020 tanggal 10 2. Letter of the Minister of SOEs Number S-35/MBU/01/2020 dated
Januari 2020 perihal Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Anti Suap January 10, 2020, regarding the Implementation of the Anti-Bribery
di BUMN sebagai Pelaksanaan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 54 tahun Management System in SOEs as the Implementation of Presidential
2018 tentang Strategi Nasional Pencegahan Korupsi; Regulation Number 54 of 2018 concerning the National Strategy
for Corruption Prevention;

328 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

3. Surat KBUMN Nomor S-17/S.MBU/02/2020 tanggal 17 Februari 3. Letter of KBUMN Number S-17/S.MBU/02/2020 dated February
2020 perihal Sertifikasi ISO 37001 Sistem Manajemen Anti 17, 2020, regarding ISO 37001 Certification of Anti-Bribery
Penyuapan di BUMN; Management System in SOEs;

Penerapan SMAP di Perseroan yang tertuang dalam Management The implementation of SMAP in the Company, which is contained in the
Policy Standar Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan ini memuat Management Policy of the Anti-Bribery Management System Standard,
langkah-langkah yang diperlukan untuk mengelola Anti Penyuapan contains the steps needed to manage Anti-Bribery in the Company
di Perusahaan dan dirancang untuk menerapkan pengendalian yang and is designed to implement appropriate controls to detect, identify
tepat dalam mendeteksi, mengidentifikasi dan mengurangi potensi and reduce the potential for bribery from the start, develop and foster
penyuapan sejak awal, mengembangkan dan menumbuhkan budaya an anti-bribery culture for all Directors, Board of Commissioners,
anti-penyuapan bagi seluruh Direksi, Dewan Komisaris, karyawan employees and related external parties and improve compliance with
maupun pihak eksternal terkait serta meningkatkan kepatuhan terhadap applicable laws and regulations. The Anti-Bribery Management System
hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku. Kebijakan/Management Policy Standard Policy has been effectively implemented in the Company.
Standar Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan telah dilaksanakan secara
efektif di Perusahaan.

Sertifikasi SMAP SMAP Certification

Untuk mendukung SMAP yang telah diimplementasikan di Perusahaan, To support the SMAP that has been implemented in the Company,
maka Perseroan juga telah mewujudkan komitmen penerapan praktik the Company has also realized a commitment to implementing the
terbaik atas SMAP tersebut dengan diperolehnya Sertifikasi SMAP ISO best practices of the SMAP by obtaining the ISO 37001: 2016 SMAP
37001:2016 pada Agustus 2020. Certification in August 2020.

Penerapan Berkelanjutan Continuous Implementation

Perseroan senantiasa akan mengidentifikasi dan mengevaluasi The Company continuously identifies and evaluates the suitability,
kesesuaian, kecukupan dan keefektifan penerapan SMAP, menentukan adequacy and effectiveness of SMAP implementation, determining
peluang untuk Tindakan perbaikan dan penerapan untuk memenuhi opportunities for corrective action, and to fulfill applicable requirements.
persyaratan yang berlaku. Perseroan senantiasa berupaya untuk The Company always strives to increase the awareness of Elnusa
meningkatkan kesadaran Perwira Elnusa untuk turut serta dalam Officers to participate in preventing and avoiding the practice of bribery
mencegah dan menghindari praktik penyuapan sebagai budaya di as a culture in the Company, among others by routinely conducting
Perseroan, antara lain dengan rutin melakukan sosialiasi larangan socialization on the prohibition of receiving or giving gratuities and
penerimaan atau pemberian gratifikasi dan anti suap secara berkala anti-bribery regularly to employees, e-mail, campaigns on social media,
kepada pegawai, e-mail, kampanye di media sosial, broadcast WA serta WA broadcasts and the President Director’s appeal to employees and
himbauan Direktur Utama kepada pegawai dan juga stakeholders. stakeholders.

Pengendalian Gratifikasi Gratification Control

Perseroan juga telah memiliki Pedoman Pengelolaan Gratifikasi di The Company also has Gratification Management Guidelines within
Lingkungan Perseroan dan Entitas Anak, sebagaimana diatur dalam the Company and its Subsidiaries, as stipulated in the Guidelines
Pedoman penerimaan dan pemberian hadiah/hiburan. Di tahun 2022, for receiving and giving gifts/entertainment. In 2022, the Company
Perseroan secara reguler melakukan sosialisasi Kebijakan Anti Gratifikasi will regularly socialize the Anti-Gratification Policy to the Company’s
kepada insan Perseroan maupun mitra kerja Perseroan. employees and partners.

Kebijakan Anti Korupsi Anti-Corruption Policy

Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, serta seluruh pegawai senantiasa menjunjung The Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and all Elnusa
tinggi persaingan yang fair, nilai sportifitas dan profesionalisme, serta employees, always uphold fair competition, sportsmanship and
prinsip-prinsip GCG. Perseroan juga berkomitmen untuk menciptakan professionalism, as well as GCG principles. The Company is committed
iklim usaha yang sehat, menghindari tindakan, perilaku ataupun to creating a healthy business climate, avoiding actions or behaviors
perbuatan -perbuatan yang dapat menimbulkan konflik kepentingan, that can lead to conflicts of interest, Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism
Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme (KKN) serta selalu mengutamakan (KKN). In addition, the Company always prioritizes the interests of the
kepentingan Perseroan di atas kepentingan pribadi, keluarga, kelompok Company over personal, family, group or group interests. The Company
ataupun golongan. Perseroan juga senantiasa memperhatikan kebijakan complies with policies on anti-corruption, as written in Law No. 20
tentang anti korupsi seperti yang tertulis dalam Undang-Undang No. 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning
Tahun 2001 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang No. 31 Tahun 1999 Eradication of Corruption.
tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Perseroan memiliki prosedur Anti Suap dan Korupsi yang disusun sejak The Company has an Anti-Bribery and Corruption procedure that was
2018 dengan tujuan, antara lain: developed in 2018 with the following objectives:
1. Menetapkan tanggung jawab untuk seluruh Insan Elnusa dan 1. Establish responsibility for all Elnusa personnel and external parties
pihak Eksternal yang bertindak untuk dan atas nama Elnusa dalam acting for and on behalf of Elnusa in complying with and supporting
mematuhi dan mendukung sikap anti terhadap penyuapan dan anti-bribery and corruption attitudes.
2. Meningkatkan perilaku yang baik sesuai dengan standar etika yang 2. Promote good behavior in accordance with applicable ethical
berlaku bagi seluruh pekerja. standards for all employees.
3. Mengimplementasikan perwujudan nilai‐nilai serta budaya 3. Implementing the realization of the Company’s values and culture
Perusahaan yang selaras dengan Visi Misi Perusahaan. in line with the Company’s Vision and Mission.

Sosialisasi dan Internalisasi Socialization and Internalization

Guna memberikan pemahaman kepada seluruh Insan Perseroan, Pe To provide understanding to all Company personnel, the Company
rseroan secara berkala melakukan sosialisasi terkait kebijakan anti regularly conducts socialization related to this anti-corruption policy to
korupsi ini kepada seluruh jajaran karyawan mulai dari jajaran Dewan all levels of employees, starting from the Board of Commissioners and
Komisaris dan Direksi, Manajemen, karyawan baik yang berada di kantor Directors, Management, and employees, both at the head office and in
pusat maupun yang berada di wilayah operasi. Sosialisasi kebijakan ini the operating areas. The socialization of this policy is attached to the
melekat pada sosialiasasi dan internalisasi terkait dengan kode etik socialization and internalization related to the code of ethics, followed
yang dilanjutkan dengan melakukan penandatanga nan pernyataan by signing a statement of compliance with the Code of Ethics & integrity
kepatuhan atas Kode Etik & komitmen integritas. commitment.

Perseroan juga menempatkan informasi mengenai kebijakan anti The Company also places information on anti-corruption policies
korupsi melalui website Perseroan dan portal internal. Jika terdapat through the Company’s website and the internal portal. If there are
hal-hal yang kurang lengkap, karyawan dapat sewaktu-waktu bertanya incomplete things, employees can at any time ask their direct supervisor
kepada atasan langsung masing-masing atau kepada Fungsi Kepatuhan or the Compliance Function of the Ethics and GCG Supervisor as the
Pengawas Etika dan GCG sebagai penanggung jawab atas implementasi person in charge of implementing Corporate Governance.
Tata Kelola Perusahaan.

Penerapan anti korupsi merupakan salah satu bentuk penguatan Implementing anti-corruption is a form of strengthening the Company’s
budaya Perusahaan yang bertujuan untuk membangun fondasi yang culture, which aims to build a strong foundation for continuing the
kuat bagi kelanjutan eksistensi bisnis Perusahaan. Budaya Perusahaan Company’s business existence. Corporate Culture is a combination that
merupakan kombinasi yang terintegrasi dan selaras dengan Tata Nilai is integrated and aligned with the AKHLAK Code of Values, which is a
AKHLAK yang merupakan turunan dari niai-nilai utama atau core value derivative of the main values or core values of State-Owned Enterprises
Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang dijadikan sebagai budaya perusahaan. which are used as corporate culture.

Pengelolaan Benturan Kepentingan Conflict of Interest Management

Benturan kepentingan adalah terjadinya konflik antara kepentingan Conflict of interest is a conflict between the economic interests of the
ekonomis Perseroan dengan kepentingan ekonomis pribadi, pemilik, Company and the personal economic interests, owners, members of the
anggota Dewan Komisaris, anggota Direksi, Pejabat Eksekutif, Pegawai Board of Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors, Executive
dan/atau pihak terafiliasi dengan Perseroan. Pencegahan dan mekanisme Officers, Employees and/or parties affiliated with the Company.
terkait dengan benturan kepentingan diatur dalam: Anggaran Dasar, Prevention and mechanisms related to conflict of interest are regulated
Board Manual, GCG Code, CoC serta pedoman khusus mengenai konflik in: Articles of Association, Board Manual, GCG Code, CoC as well as
kepentingan. specific guidelines on conflict of interest.

Prinsip dasar dari Benturan kepentingan adalah Seluruh Insan Elnusa The basic principle of Conflict of Interest is that all Elnusa personnel who,
yang karena jabatannya, apabila menemui potensi atau kondisi/situasi due to their position, encounter potential or conditions/situations of
Konflik Kepentingan DILARANG meneruskan kegiatan/ melaksanakan Conflict of Interest are prohibited from continuing activities/performing
kewajiban terkait jabatannya tersebut. obligations related to their position.

Implementasi atas pelaksanaan ketentuan terkait dengan benturan Implementation of the provisions related to conflict of interest is as
kepentingan adalah sebagai barikut: follows:
1. Mencantumkan ketentuan terkait konflik kepentingan sebagai 1. Including provisions related to conflict of interest as part of the
bagian dari Code of Conduct Perusahaan. Company’s Code of Conduct.
2. Menyampaikan informasi terkait ketentuan ini dalam sosialisasi 2. Conveying information related to this provision in socialization to
kepada seluruh pekerja maupun pihak ketiga secara reguler. all employees and third parties on a regular basis.
3. Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi wajib menyampaikan daftar 3. Members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors are
khusus dan daftar hubungan afiliasi untuk dipublikasikan dalam required to submit a special list and list of affiliated relationships to
laporan tahunan dan website Perseroan. be published in the annual report and the Company’s website.

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4. Jika terjadi kondisi Konflik Kepentingan, yang tidak terdapat/tidak 4. If a Conflict of Interest condition occurs, which is not contained
diatur dalam ketentuan ini maka Insan Elnusa wajib membuat / not regulated in this provision, Elnusa personnel are required
Surat Pernyataan Konflik Kepentingan terhadap kondisi tersebut to make a Conflict of Interest Statement Letter on the condition
disertai dengan disertai penjelasan yang disampaikan kepada accompanied by an explanation submitted to the direct supervisor
atasan langsung atau pimpinan tertinggi setempat dan pihak ketiga or local supreme leader and third parties if necessary.
apabila diperlukan.

Apabila terjadi situasi konflik kepentingan, maka Insan Elnusa wajib If a conflict of interest situation occurs, Elnusa personnel are required to
melaporkan hal tersebut melalui: report it through:
1. Atasan Langsung Pelaporan melalui atasan langsung dilakukan 1. Direct Superiors Reporting through direct superiors is carried out
apabila pelapor adalah Insan Elnusa yang terlibat atau memiliki if the reporter is an Elnusa Personnel who is involved or has the
potensi untuk terlibat secara langsung dalam situasi konflik potential to be directly involved in a conflict of interest situation.
kepentingan. Pelaporan dilaksanakan dengan menyampaikan Surat Reporting is carried out by submitting a Conflict of Interest
Pernyataan Konflik Kepentingan. Statement.
2. Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran (Whistleblowing System) Pelaporan 2. Whistleblowing System Reporting through the Whistleblowing
melalui Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran (Whistleblowing System) System is carried out if the reporter is an Elnusa Personnel or other
dilakukan apabila pelapor adalah Insan Elnusa atau pihak-pihak parties (Customers, Business Partners and the Public) who do not
lainnya (Pelanggan, Mitra Kerja dan Masyarakat) yang tidak have direct involvement, but are aware of the existence or potential
memiliki keterlibatan secara langsung, namun mengetahui adanya for a conflict of interest in the Company. Reporting through the
atau potensi adanya konflik kepentingan di Perusahaan. Pelaporan Whistleblowing System is carried out in accordance with the
melalui Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran (Whistleblowing System) mechanisms and requirements stated in the Whistleblowing
dilaksanakan sesuai dengan mekanisme dan syaratsyarat yang System guidelines.
tercantum di dalam pedoman Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran
(Whistleblowing System).

Setiap Insan Elnusa yang terbukti melakukan tindakan Konflik Every Elnusa employee who is proven to have committed a Conflict
Kepentingan akan ditindaklanjuti berdasarkan peraturan dan ketentuan of Interest action will be followed up based on the rules and
yang berlaku di Perusahaan. Pada 2022, tidak terjadi peristiwa terkait regulations applicable in the Company. In 2022, there were no events
benturan kepentingan yang dilakukan oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi related to conflicts of interest committed by the Company’s Board of
Perseroan. Commissioners and Directors.


Provision of Long-Term Compensation

Management Stock Option Program (MSOP) dan Employee Stock Option Management Stock Option Program (MSOP) and Employee Stock Option
Program (ESOP) adalah program untuk memberikan apresiasi terhadap Program (ESOP) are programs to appreciate the performance and loyalty
kinerja dan loyalitas manajemen dan karyawan. Persyaratan karyawan of management and employees. The requirements for employees and/
dan/atau manajemen yang terpilih untuk ikut program MSOP/ESOP ini or management who are selected to participate in the MSOP/ESOP
ditentukan dengan mempertimbangkan status kepegawaian, posisi/ program are determined by considering the employee’s employment
level, dan konerja karyawan di perusahaan. status, position/level, and performance in the company.

Penyelenggaran program kepemilikan saham oleh karyawan dan/atau The implementation of this employee and/or management share
manajemen ini dilaksanakan pada tahun buku 2008 pada saat Elnusa ownership program was carried out in fiscal year 2008 when Elnusa
melakukan penerbitan saham perdana. Program kepemilikan saham conducted its initial public offering. The employee share ownership
oleh karyawan belum diadakan lagi hingga sekarang. program has not been held again until now.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Share Ownership and Transaction Policy for Insiders

Sebagai bagian dari pelksanaan GCG yang baik, Elnusa juga menerapkan As part of the implementation of good GCG, Elnusa also implements an
kebijakan keterbukaan informasi mengenai kepemilikan saham oleh information disclosure policy regarding share ownership by the Board
Dewan Komisaris maupun Direksi. Kebijakan tersebut mengatur antara of Commissioners and Directors. The policy regulates, among others,
lain tata cara kepemilikan, transaksi hingga informasi yang harus ownership procedures, transactions and information that must be
disampaikan terkait kepemilikan saham secara terbuka. submitted regarding share ownership openly.

Berikut ini adalah Prinsip Dasar Kepemilikan Saham yang diterapkan di The following are the Basic Principles of Share Ownership applied in
Elnusa: Elnusa:
1. Anggota Dewan Komisasaris, Direksi dan seluruh karyawan 1. Members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and
Perseroan diperbolehkan untuk memiliki saham Perusahaan all employees of the Company are allowed to own shares of the
maupun perusahaan lainnya; Company and other companies;
2. Kepemilikan saham tersebut dapat melalui mekanisme transaksi 2. The share ownership can be through the mechanism of buying and
jual beli saham Perusahaan melalui pasar bursa maupun jual beli selling of the Company’s shares through the stock exchange market
langsung antar pihak. Kepemilikan juga dapat melalui program or direct buying and selling between parties. Ownership can also
ESOP/MSOP yang diberikan oleh Perusahaan. be through ESOP/MSOP program provided by the Company.
3. Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang memiliki saham 3. Members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors
Perusahaan Terbuka wajib menyampaikannya kepada OJK dalam who own shares of a Public Company are required to notify
waktu 10 (sepuluh) hari setelah terjadinya kepemilikan dan/atau OJK within 10 (ten) days after the ownership and/or change in
perubahan kepemilikan. ownership.
4. Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi juga wajib menyampaikan 4. Members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors
kepada Perseroan mengenai kepemilikan dan setiap perubahan are also required to inform the Company regarding their ownership
kepemilikannya atas saham Perusahaan Terbuka. and any changes in their ownership of Public Company shares.
5. Penyampaian informasi kepada Perseroan tersebut wajib dilakukan 5. The submission of information to the Company must be made no
paling lambat 3 (tiga) hari kerja setelah terjadinya kepemilikan atau later than 3 (three) business days after the occurrence of ownership
perubahan kepemilikan atas saham Perusahaan Terbuka. or change in ownership of Public Company shares.

Prinsip Dasar Transaksi Bagi Orang Dalam Basic Principles of Insider Transactions
1. Perseroan melarang transaksi efek oleh “Orang Dalam” yang 1. The Company prohibits securities transactions by “Insiders” who
memiliki Informasi “Orang Dalam” sebagai berikut: possess “Insider” Information as follows:
a. Mempengaruhi pihak lain untuk melakukan pembelian atau a. Influencing other parties to make purchases or sales of the
penjualan atas Efek dimaksud, atau Securities in question, or
b. Memberi Informasi orang dalam kepada Pihak manapun yang b. Providing inside information to any party who is reasonably
patut diduga dapat menggunakan Informasi dimaksud untuk suspected of being able to use such information to make
melakukan pembelian atau penjualan atas efek. purchases or sales of securities.
c. Seluruh Karyawan yang memiliki Informasi perdagangan c. All Employees who possess insider trading information are
orang dalam dilarang melakukan kegiatan perdagangan prohibited from conducting trading activities (buying or
(membeli atau menjual) atas efek. selling) of securities.
d. Seluruh Karyawan atau Covered Person dilarang menghubungi d. All Employees or Covered Persons are prohibited from
investor atau pemegang saham untuk mendapatkan Informasi contacting investors or shareholders to obtain information for
yang bertujuan untuk kepentingan perdagangan secara personal trading purposes.
e. Seluruh Karyawan atau Covered Person dapat melakukan e. Any Employee or Covered Person may deal in securities at any
transaksi efek setiap waktu apabila orang tersebut tidak time if that person does not have Inside Information at the
mempunyai Informasi orang dalam pada saat perdagangannya. time of the trade.
f. Sehubungan dengan kegiatan transaksi tersebut, Covered f. In connection with such transaction activities, Covered
Person tidak diperbolehkan melakukan kegiatan transaksi Person is not allowed to conduct transaction activities on the
atas efek Perseroan selama periode black out. Kebijakan ini Company’s securities during the black out period. This policy
juga berlaku untuk mekanisme ESOP/MSOP. also applies to the ESOP/MSOP mechanism.

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g. Periode Black Out diartikan sebagai berikut: g. Black Out Period is defined as follows:
i. 10 (sepuluh) hari kerja sebelum Perseroan i. 10 (ten) business days before the Company submits
menyampaikan keterbukaan atas laporan keuangan disclosure of the Company’s financial statements for the
Perseroan selama tiga kuarter pertama atau satu first three quarters or one month before the Company
bulan sebelum Perseroan menyampaikan keterbukaan submits disclosure of annual performance results and
mengenai hasil kinerja tahunan dan berakhir dua hari ends two business days after the disclosure is submitted.
kerja setelah keterbukaan tersebut disampaikan.
ii. Periode lainnya sebagaimana ditentukan oleh Direksi ii. Other periods as determined by the Board of Directors
sewaktu-waktu sehubungan dengan penyampaian at any time in connection with the submission of
keterbukaan Informasi mengenai rencana tindakan aksi information disclosure regarding the Company’s
Korporasi yang dilakukan Perseroan. corporate action plan.
h. Bagi Suami atau istri dari Karyawan atau Covered Person h. For the husband or wife of an Employee or Covered Person
yang akan melakukan perdagangan atas efek Perseroan who will trade in the Company’s securities or other financial
atau transaksi keuangan lainnya dengan cara yang tidak transactions in a manner that is not regulated in this policy,
diatur dalam kebijakan ini, maka agar menghubungi fungsi they should contact the Corporate Secretary function for
Corporate Secretary untuk memperoleh arahan. guidance.
i. Kegiatan perdagangan Karyawan atau Covered i. Employee or Covered Person trading activities are
Person diharapkan tidak mengganggu tanggung expected not to interfere with their job responsibilities
jawab pekerjaannya


Whistleblowing System

Sebagai upaya untuk mendukung penerapan tata kelola perusahaan yang To support the implementation of good corporate governance, the
baik, Perseroan mengimplementasikan Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran Company implements a Whistleblowing System (WBS) to prevent
atau Whistleblowing System (WBS) dalam rangka mencegah terjadinya fraud by reporting incidents of misconduct and encouraging a culture
tindak kecurangan dengan melaporkan kejadian perilaku pelanggaran of honesty and openness. Implementing WBS is useful for developing
serta mendorong budaya kejujuran dan keterbukaan. Penerapan WBS a well-managed whistleblowing system, which can be the foundation
bermanfaat untuk pengembangan sistem pelaporan pelanggaran yang for the Company to design the necessary evaluation and follow-up.
terkelola dengan baik, yang dapat menjadi fondasi bagi Perseroan WBS is also part of an early warning system for possible problems due
untuk merancang evaluasi dan tindak lanjut yang diperlukan. WBS juga to a violation. For whistleblowers, the WBS assures protection and
menjadi bagian dari mekanisme deteksi dini (early warning system) confidentiality of identity.
atas kemungkinan terjadinya masalah akibat sebuah pelanggaran. Bagi
pelapor, WBS memberikan jaminan perlindungan dan kerahasiaan

Penetapan Pedoman Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran Establishment of Elnusa Whistleblowing System

Elnusa Guidelines
Sistem pelaporan pelanggaran/Whistleblowing System (WBS) Perseroan The Company’s whistleblowing system (WBS) is a system that manages
adalah sistem yang mengelola pengaduan atas pelanggaran dan complaints of violations and or deviations from the code of ethics, laws,
atau penyimpangan kode etik, hukum, standar prosedur, kebijakan standard procedures, management policies, and other rules deemed
manajemen serta aturan lainnya yang dipandang perlu, dimana dapat necessary, which can harm and/or endanger the Company such as
merugikan dan/atau membahayakan Perseroan seperti kerugian financial losses, the environment, working conditions, organizational
finansial, lingkungan, kondisi kerja, reputasi organisasi, pemangku reputation, stakeholders and others.
kepentingan dan lainnya.

Informasi yang diperoleh dari WBS akan ditindaklanjuti baik dengan The Company will follow up information from the WBS with the
pengenaan sanksi yang tegas dan konsisten agar dapat menimbulkan imposition of strict and consistent sanctions to create a deterrent effect
efek jera bagi pelaku pelanggaran maupun bagi mereka yang berniat for perpetrators of violations and those who intend to do the same and
melakukan hal sama dan dapat menjadi masukan untuk perbaikan can be an input for system improvement for the Company’s future.
sistem bagi Perusahaan kedepannya.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Mekanisme Penyampaian Pelaporan Reporting Mechanism

Perseroan telah menyediakan berbagai media untuk mengakomodir The Company has provided various media to accommodate stakeholders
para pemangku kepentingan dalam menyampaikan laporannya jika in submitting their reports if there is a suspected violation committed by
diduga telah terjadi pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh karyawan Perseroan the Company’s employees with the following mechanism:
dengan mekanisme sebagai berikut:
1. Website Perseroan : Whistleblower System Center 1. Company’s website: Whistleblower System Center (https://
2. Telepon: 021.78830850 ext 1623 2. Telephone: 021.78830850 ext 1623
3. Menyampaikan surat resmi kepada: 3. Submitting an official letter to: PT Elnusa Tbk up. WBS Team
PT Elnusa Tbk up. Tim WBS Graha Elnusa 16th Floor, Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B, Cilandak, South
Graha Elnusa Lantai 16, Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B, Cilandak, Jakarta
Jakarta Selatan

Berikut ini adalah ketentuan pelapor: The following are the reporting conditions:
1. Pelaporan dapat dilakukan secara anonim maupun dilengkapi 1. Reporting can be done anonymously or be equipped with the
dengan identitas pelapor dengan memberikan rekomendasi atau identity of the reporter by providing recommendations or
bukti awal dugaan sementara praktik pelanggaran. preliminary evidence of temporary suspicion of violations.
2. Pelapor dapat membatasi identifikasi mengenai identitas yang 2. The reporter may limit the identification of the identity of the
bersangkutan dengan tetap menyertakan bukti yang berkaitan person concerned while still including evidence relating to the
dengan dugaan sementara praktik pelanggaran. provisional allegations of violative practices.
3. Tidak ada hukuman yang dijatuhkan kepada pihak pelapor jika 3. No penalty will be imposed on the whistleblower if the violation is
pelanggaran tersebut terbukti be nar terjadi. Apabila yang proven to have occurred. If the person concerned is also involved in
bersangkutan juga terlibat dalam pelanggaran, laporan yang the violation, the report submitted may be considered to reduce/
disampaikan dapat dipertimbangkan untuk mengurangi/ eliminate the penalty.
meniadakan hukuman.
4. Kerahasiaan pelapor akan dijaga kecuali apabila pengungkapan 4. The confidentiality of the whistleblower will be maintained unless
tersebut diperlukan dalam kaitan dengan penyelidikan yang such disclosure is necessary in connection with an investigation
dilakukan oleh pihak yang berwenang atau diperlukan untuk conducted by the competent authority or necessary to defend the
mempertahankan posisi Perusahaan di depan hukum. Company’s position before the law.
5. Mekanisme di atas tidak dimaksudkan untuk menyampaikan 5. The above mechanism is not intended to address personal
keluhan pribadi. grievances.

Pengelola Pelaporan Pelanggaran Whistleblowing Manager

Sistem pelaporan pelanggaran Perseroan dikelola oleh Tim WBS The Company’s violation reporting system is managed by the WBS Team,
di bawah koordinasi dari Fungsi Kepatuhan Pengawas Etika dan GCG under the coordination of the Ethics and GCG Supervisory Compliance
(FUKAPEG) dengan mekanisme sebagai berikut: Function (FUKAPEG) with the following mechanism:
1. Tim WBS menerima laporan pelanggaran dan melakukan verifikasi 1. The WBS Team receives reports of violations and verifies the
atas laporan yang masuk. incoming reports.
2. Tim WBS akan menentukan apakah masih diperlukan informasi 2. The WBS Team will determine whether further information or
atau bukti tambahan lebih lanjut. additional evidence is required.
3. Laporan yang telah diverifikasi selanjutnya diserahkan kepada 3. The verified report is then submitted to FUKAPEG.

Penanganan Pelaporan Handling of Reports

1. Tim FUKAPEG akan melakukan investigasi atas laporan pengaduan 1. The FUKAPEG team will investigate complaint reports that have
yang telah diverifikasi oleh Pengelola WBS dengan bekerja sama been verified by the WBS Manager in collaboration with the
dengan fungsi Audit Internal. Internal Audit function.
2. Jika pengaduan tidak terbukti benar, maka tidak dilakukan proses 2. If the complaint is not proven to be true, then no further process
lebih lanjut. will be carried out.
3. Apabila laporan atas pelanggaran valid dan telah terbukti, maka 3. If the report on the violation is valid and has been proven, the
tim FUKAPEG akan memberikan laporan serta rekomendasi kepada FUKAPEG team will provide a report and recommendation to the
pihak yang berwenang (manajemen terkait atasan Terlapor untuk authorized party (management related to the superior of the
melaksanakan tindakan koreksi. Reported Party to carry out corrective action.

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Perlindungan Pelapor Whistleblower Protection

1. Pelapor dapat dilakukan secara anonim maupun dilengkapi 1. Reporting can be done anonymously or equipped with a reporter’s
dengan identitas pelapor dengan memberikan rekomendasi atau identity by providing recommendations or preliminary evidence of
bukti awal dugaan sementara praktik pelanggaran; temporary suspicion of violative practices;
2. Pelapor dapat membatasi identifikasi mengenai identitas yang 2. The reporter can limit the identification of the identity concerned
bersangkutan dengan tetap menyertakan bukti yang berkaitan while still including evidence relating to the temporary allegations
dengan dugaan sementara praktik pelanggaran; of violative practices;
3. Tidak ada hukuman yang dijatuhkan kepada pihak pelapor jika 3. No penalty will be imposed on the whistleblower if the violation is
pelanggaran tersebut terbukti benar terjadi. Apabila yang proven to have occurred. If the person concerned is also involved
bersangkutan juga terlibat dalam pelanggaran, laporan yang in the violation, the report submitted may be considered to reduce
disampaikan dapat dipertimbangkan untuk mengurangi/ / eliminate the penalty;
meniadakan hukuman;
4. Kerahasiaan pelapor akan dijaga kecuali apabila pengungkapan 4. The confidentiality of the whistleblower will be maintained
tersebut diperlukan dalam kaitan dengan penyelidikan yang unless disclosure is necessary in connection with an investigation
dilakukan oleh pihak yang berwenang atau diperlukan untuk conducted by the competent authority or necessary to defend the
mempertahankan posisi Perusahaan di depan hukum. Company’s position before the law.

Sanksi atas Pelanggaran Sanctions for Violations

1. Sanksi terdiri dari dua jenis, yaitu sanksi moral dan sanksi 1. Sanctions consist of two types, namely moral sanctions and
administratif. administrative sanctions.
2. Bentuk sanksi moral meliputi: 2. Forms of moral sanctions include:
a. Diumumkan secara terbuka; a. Publicly announced;
b. Meminta maaf secara terbatas dan/atau terbuka; b. Apologizing in a limited and/or public manner;
c. Mengundurkan diri dari jabatannya. c. Resign from his/her position.
3. Bentuk sanksi administratif adalah sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam 3. Forms of administrative sanctions are as stipulated in the Human
Kebijakan Human Capital Management dan Peraturan Perusahaan Capital Management Policy and applicable Company Regulations.
yang berlaku
4. Jika terdapat indikasi pelanggaran pidana, akan diteruskan sesuai 4. If there are indications of criminal offenses, they will be forwarded
dengan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku. in accordance with applicable legal provisions.

Pelaporan Pelanggaran Tahun 2022 dan Tindak Lanjut 2022 Whistleblowing and Follow-Up
Sepanjang 2022, terdapat 2 (dua) pengaduan pelanggaran yang masuk Throughout 2022, there was 2 (two) complaint of violations that entered
atau diterima Perseroan melalui kanal WBS. Satu Laporan telah selesai or received by the Company through the WBS channel. One report
dilakukan proses pemeriksaan dan telah ditindaklanjuti sesuai dengan has been finished through the inspection process and followed up on
kebijakan dan peraturan Perusahaan, untuk satu laporan lainnya masih in accordance with corporate policies and rules, another report is still
dalam proses pemeriksaan lebih lanjut. undergoing further investigation.

Sosialisasi Socialization
Pada tahun 2022, Perusahaan telah melakukan sosialisasi kepada In 2022, the Company has conducted socialization to stakeholders
pemangku kepentingan melalui portal internal, situs Perusahaan through internal portals, the Company’s website and direct socialization
dan sosialisasi langsung kepada pegawai termasuk Anak Perusahaan to employees, including subsidiaries both at the head office and in
baik yang berada di kantor Pusat maupun yang berada di lapangan. the field. The socialization aims to provide an understanding of the
Pelaksanaan sosialisasi bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman Company’s whistleblowing system and guarantee protection for
tentang sistem pelaporan pelanggaran Perseroan serta jaminan whistleblowers as well as increase stakeholders’ and shareholders’ trust
perlindungan bagi pelapor pelanggaran serta menambah kepercayaan in the Company.
stakeholders dan shareholders kepada Perusahaan.

Sosialisasi Whistleblowing System dilakukan bersamaan dengan Socialization of the Whistleblowing System is carried out in conjunction
Sosialisasi Pemahaman GCG, Standar Etika Perusahaan, Pengendalian with the Socialization of GCG Understanding, Corporate Ethics
Gratifikasi, Laporan Harta Kekayaan Penyelenggara Negara (LHKPN), Standards, Gratification Control, State Organizer’s Asset Report (LHKPN),
Anti Penyuapan sesuai Pedoman Pengendalian Gratifikasi dan Sistem Anti-Bribery in accordance with the Gratification Control Guidelines and
Manajemen Anti Penyuapan. Perusahaan melakukan Sosialisasi Anti-Bribery Management System. The Company conducts socialization
terkait Whistleblowing System secara bertahap setiap tahunnya. related to the Whistleblowing System in stages every year.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Anti-Corruption Policy
Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, serta seluruh pegawai senantiasa menjunjung The Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and all employees
tinggi persaingan yang fair, nilai sportifitas dan profesionalisme, serta always uphold fair competition, the value of sportsmanship and
prinsip-prinsip GCG. Perseroan juga berkomitmen untuk menciptakan professionalism, and the principles of GCG. The Company is also
iklim usaha yang sehat, menghindari tindakan, perilaku ataupun committed to creating a healthy business climate, avoiding actions,
perbuatan -perbuatan yang dapat menimbulkan konflik kepentingan, behaviors, or actions that can lead to conflicts of interest, Corruption,
Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme (KKN) serta selalu mengutamakan Collusion, and Nepotism (KKN), and always prioritizing the interests
kepentingan Perseroan di atas kepentingan pribadi, keluarga, kelompok of the Company above personal and family, group, or group interests.
ataupun golongan. Perseroan juga senantiasa memperhatikan kebijakan The Company also always pays attention to anti-corruption policies as
tentang anti korupsi seperti yang tertulis dalam Undang-Undang No. 20 written in Law No. 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law No. 31 of
Tahun 2001 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang No. 31 Tahun 1999 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption.
tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi.

Perseroan memiliki prosedur Anti Suap dan Korupsi yang disusun sejak The Company has an Anti-Bribery and Corruption procedure that was
2018 dan masih beroperasi hingga sekarang yang memiliki tujuan, developed in 2018 and is still operating now, which has the following
antara lain: objectives:
1. Menetapkan tanggung jawab untuk seluruh Insan Elnusa dan 1. Establish responsibility for all Elnusa personnel and external parties
pihak Eksternal yang bertindak untuk dan atas nama Elnusa dalam acting for and on behalf of Elnusa in complying with and supporting
mematuhi dan mendukung sikap anti terhadap penyuapan dan anti-bribery and corruption attitudes.
2. Meningkatkan perilaku yang baik sesuai dengan standar etika yang 2. Promote good behavior in accordance with applicable ethical
berlaku bagi seluruh pekerja. standards for all employees.
3. Mengimplementasikan perwujudan nilai‐nilai serta budaya 3. Implementing the realization of the Company’s values and culture
Perusahaan yang selaras dengan Visi Misi Perusahaan. in line with the Company’s Vision and Mission.

Sosialisasi dan Internalisasi Kebijakan Anti Korupsi Socialization and Internalization of Anti-Corruption
Guna memberikan pemahaman kepada seluruh Insan Perseroan, In order to provide understanding to all Company personnel, the
Perseroan secara berkala melakukan sosialisasi terkait kebijakan anti Company regularly conducts socialization related to this anti-
korupsi ini kepada seluruh jajaran karyawan mulai dari jajaran Dewan corruption policy to all levels of employees, starting from the Board of
Komisaris dan Direksi, Manajemen, karyawan baik yang berada di kantor Commissioners and Directors, Management, to employees, both those
pusat maupun yang berada di wilayah operasi. Sosialisasi kebijakan ini at the head office and those in the operating areas. The said policy is
melekat pada sosialiasasi dan internalisasi terkait dengan kode etik yang attached to the socialization and internalization related to the code of
dilanjutkan dengan melakukan penandatanganan pernyataan kepatuhan ethics followed by signing a statement of compliance with the Code of
atas Kode Etik & komitmen integritas. Ethics & integrity commitment.

Perseroan juga menempatkan informasi mengenai kebijakan anti The Company also posts information on anti-corruption policies through
korupsi melalui website Perseroan dan portal internal. Jika terdapat the Company’s website and internal portal. If there are things that are
hal-hal yang kurang lengkap, karyawan dapat sewaktu-waktu bertanya incomplete, employees can at any time ask their direct superiors or the
kepada atasan langsung masing-masing atau kepada Fungsi Kepatuhan Compliance Function of the Ethics and GCG Supervisor as the person in
Pengawas Etika dan GCG sebagai penanggung jawab atas implementasi charge of the implementation of Corporate Governance.
Tata Kelola Perusahaan.

Penerapan anti korupsi merupakan salah satu bentuk penguatan budaya The implementation of anti-corruption is a form of strengthening the
Perusahaan yang bertujuan untuk membangun fondasi yang kuat bagi Company’s culture which aims to build a strong foundation for the
kelanjutan eksistensi bisnis Perusahaan. Budaya Perusahaan merupakan continuation of the Company’s business existence. Corporate Culture is
kombinasi yang terintegrasi dan selaras dengan Tata Nilai AKHLAK yang a combination that is integrated and aligned with the AKHLAK Code of
merupakan turunan dari niai-nilai utama atau core value Badan Usaha Values which is a derivative of the main values or core values of State-
Milik Negara yang dijadikan sebagai budaya perusahaan. Owned Enterprises which are used as corporate culture.

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Pada tahun 2022 sosialisasi dengan event Hari Anti Korupsi Sedunia In 2022 socialization with the World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia)
(Hakordia) atau International Anti Corruption Day (IACD) diperingati event or International Anti Corruption Day (IACD) is commemorated
setiap tanggal 9 Desember di seluruh dunia dalam rangka meningkatkan every December 9 throughout the world in order to increase public
kesadaran masyarakat akan tindak pidana korupsi dan bersama berperan awareness of corruption and together play a role to prevent, fight and
untuk mencegah, memerangi dan memberantas segala bentuk tindakan eradicate all forms of corruption. In 2022, the Company organized
korupsi. Pada tahun 2022 Perusahaan menyelenggarakan beberapa several activities in commemoration of Hakordia, namely a short video
kegiatan dalam rangka memperingati Hakordia yaitu lomba short video competition with an anti-corruption theme, integrity morning walk
bertemakan anti korupsi, integrity morning walk karyawan bersama for employees together with the Board of Directors and management
dengan Direksi dan management serta sharing session Managing Ethic and sharing session Managing Ethic & Compliance Risk in BP. With
& Compliance Risk in BP. Dengan adanya rangkaian acara tersebut this series of events, it is hoped that it will continue to foster anti-
diharapkan akan terus menumbuhkan kesadaran Anti Korupsi kepada corruption awareness to all employees of the management, Board of
seluruh karyawan jajaran manajemen, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. Commissioners and Board of Directors.


Access for Data and Information about the Company

Elnusa secara berkala melakukan pembaruan informasi dan memebrikan Elnusa regularly updates information and provides easy access to
akses kemudahan terhadap informasi mengenai aktivitas dan kinerja information about the company’s activities and performance to
perusahaan kepada stakeholder agar mengetahui kondisi perusahaan stakeholders in order to know the Company’s condition clearly and
secara jelas dan terbuka. Elnusa memiliki berbagai sarana yang berfungsi openly. Elnusa has various facilities that function as information
sebagai saluran pengungkapan informasi, diantaranya: disclosure channels, including:
1. Pengambilan keputusan tertinggi Perusahaan 1. The Company’s highest decision-making
2. Website: Elnusa melalui tautan melakukan 2. Website: Elnusa through the link publishes
punlikasi informasi dalam website yang mengacu pada POJK information on the website that refers to POJK Number8/
Nomor8/POJK04/2015 POJK04/2015.
3. Email : Elnusa memiliki email resmi perusahaan yaitu corporate@ 3. Email: Elnusa has an official company email, corporate@elnusa.

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4. Media Sosial : Elnusa memiliki akun resmi yang dikelola guna 4. Social Media: Elnusa has an official account that is managed to
menyampaikan keterbukaan informasi terkait dengan perusahaan convey information disclosure related to the Company through
melalui beberpa social media yang dikelola diantaranya: several social media that are managed including:
LinkedIn: Elnusa LinkedIn: Elnusa
Instagram: @elnusaofficial Instagram: @elnusaofficial
5. Laporan Tahunan: Perseroan memberikan keterbukaan informasi 5. Annual Report: The Company provides information disclosure
terkait dengan Kinerja Perusahaan dalam satu tahun melalui buku related to the Company’s performance in one year through a
yang disusun dalam sajian Laporan Tahunan beradasarkan SEOJK book compiled in the Annual Report presentation based on SEOJK
16/2021. 16/2021.

Media Komunikasi Lainnya: Other Communication Media:

Sarana/media komunikasi lainnya yang digunakan Elnusa untuk Other means/media of communication used by Elnusa to engage with
berhubungan dengan Pemegang Saham ataupun Stakeholders lainnya Shareholders or other Stakeholders during 2022 include:
selama tahun 2022 antara lain melalui:
• Investor Relation Meeting & Conference Call (16 kali); • Investor Relations Meeting & Conference Call (16 times);
• Kegiatan Media Relation meliputi Press Conference (15 kali), News • Media Relation activities include Press Conference (15 times),
Release (50 kali), Iklan yang terdiri dari advertorial , banner display, News Release (50 times), Advertisement consisting of advertorial,
Informal Activity dengan Media Energy (7 kali); banner display, Informal Activity with Media Energy (7 times);
• Pameran (11 kali); dan • Exhibition (11 times); and
• Penyampaian Laporan kepada OJK dan Bursa Efek Indonesia (76 • Submission of Reports to OJK and Indonesia Stock Exchange (76
kali) times).

338 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Assessment or Evaluation of the Implementation of Good Corporate

Dasar Penilaian dan Metode Assessment Basis and Method

Perseroan memiliki komitmen untuk selalu menerapkan standar tata The Company has a commitment to always apply the best governance
kelola yang terbaik dengan selalu berusaha menerapkan praktik tata standards by always trying to implement good governance practices
kelola yang baik melalui berbagai usaha perbaikan dan peningkatan, through various improvement and improvement efforts, and referring to
serta merujuk pada standar minimal maupun rekomendasi yang harus the minimum standards and recommendations that must be met.

Sesuai Peraturan OJK (POJK) No. 21/POJK.04/2015 tentang Pedoman In accordance with OJK Regulation (POJK) No. 21/POJK.04/2015
Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka, Perseroan sebagai perusahaan concerning Guidelines for Public Company Governance, the Company
terbuka wajib untuk melakukan pengukuran terhadap penerapan GCG as a public company is required to measure the implementation of GCG
yang dilakukan melalui penilaian (assessment). Perseroan melakukan through assessment. The Company conducts an assessment of GCG
penilaian penerapan GCG secara konsisten setiap tahunnya untuk implementation consistently every year to determine the adequacy of
mengetahui tingkat kecukupan penerapan GCG di lingkungan Perseroan. GCG implementation within the Company. The assessment conducted
Penilaian yang dilakukan oleh Perseroan menggunakan berbagai by the Company uses various references to applicable best practices
acuan standar praktik terbaik (best practices) yang berlaku. Perseroan standards. The Company assesses the implementation of GCG using
melakukan penilaian penerapan GCG dengan menggunakan standar best practice standards applicable in Indonesia and abroad, namely the
praktik praktik terbaik yang berlaku di Indonesia maupun di luar negeri, ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard (“ACGS”).
yaitu ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard (“ACGS”).

Assessment Penerapan GCG Tahun Buku 2022 Assessment of GCG Implementation for Financial Year
Pelaksanaan assessment penerapan GCG untuk tahun buku 2022, The assessment of GCG implementation for the 2022 fiscal year was
dilakukan oleh Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD) carried out by the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD)
dengan menerapkan ACGS. Adapun hasil penilaian implementasi tata by applying the ACGS. The results of the assessment of governance
kelola untuk tahun 2022 adalah sebagai berikut. implementation for 2022 are as follows.

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
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Achievement of Elnusa’s ASEAN CG Scorecard Assessment
Total Nilai untuk Praktik GCG PT Elnusa Tbk | Total Score for GCG Practices of PT Elnusa Tbk
Total Skor Kasar | Total Rough Score
Komponen Penilaian Assessment Components
Bobot | Bobot
Hak-hak Pemegang Saham Shareholder Rights
A. 9,52
95,2X10% 95,2X10%
Perlakuan Setara Terhadap Pemegang Saham Equal Treatment of Shareholders
B. 8,57
64,29X10% 64,29X10%
Peran Pemangku Kepentingan Stakeholder Roles
C. 13,85
X15% X15%
Keterbukaan dan Transparansi Openness and Transparency
D. 24,19
x25% x25%
Tanggung Jawab Dewan Komisaris Responsibility of the Board of Commissioners
E. 35,69
X40% X40%
F. Bonus 8 Bonus
G. Penalti -2 Penalti

Total nilai (overall score) praktik GCG yang diperoleh Perusahaan untuk The total score (overall score) of GCG practices obtained by the Company
tahun buku 2021 (ASEAN Scorecard 2022) adalah sebesar 97,21 Secara for the 2021 financial year (ASEAN Scorecard 2022) is 97.21 Overall,
overall, hasil Assessment implementasi GCG ELSA mendapatkan predikat the results of ELSA’s GCG implementation assessment received the
“VERY GOOD”, artinya Perusahaan sudah mematuhi penuh standar predicate “VERY GOOD”, meaning that the Company has fully complied
internasional sebagaimana disyaratkan oleh ACGS. with international standards as required by ACGS.

Apabila dilihat dari nilai atau skor kasar (tidak tertimbang), dapat When viewed from the rough score (unweighted), it can be concluded
disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kepatuhan perusahaan untuk prinsip Bagian that the company’s level of compliance for the principles of Part A
A (prinsip hak-hak pemegang saham) mencapai 95,24 persen, Bagian B (principle of shareholder rights) reached 95.24 percent, Part B (principle
(prinsip perlakuan setara terhadap pemegang saham) mencapai 85,71 of equal treatment of shareholders) reached 85.71 percent, Part C
persen, Bagian C (prinsip peran para pemangku kepentingan) mencapai (principle of the role of stakeholders) reached 92.31 percent, Part D
92,31 persen, Bagian D (prinsip pengungkapan dan tranparansi) (principle of disclosure and transparency) reached 96.77 percent, and
mencapai 96,77 persen, serta Bagian E (prinsip tanggung jawab dewan) Part E (principle of board responsibility) reached 87.69 percent.
mencapai 87,69 persen.

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Corporate Governance


Implementation of Aspects and Principles of Corporate Governance
in accordance with the Provisions of the Financial Services Authority

Surat Edaran OJK No. 32/SEOJK.04/2015 tentang Pedoman Tata Kelola 5 OJK Circular Letter No. 32/SEOJK.04/2015 on Governance Guidelines
(lima) aspek, 8 (delapan) prinsip, serta 25 (dua puluh lima) rekomendasi for 5 (five) aspects, 8 (eight) principles, and 25 (twenty-five)
penerapan aspek dan prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik recommendations for the implementation of aspects and principles of
berdasarkan pendekatan “comply or explain” sebagai berikut: good corporate governance based on the “comply or explain” approach
as follows:

Prinsip Rekomendasi Implementasi

Principle Recommendation Implementation
Aspek 1: Hubungan Perusahaan Terbuka dengan Pemegang Saham Dalam Menjamin Hak-Hak Pemegang Saham;
Aspect 1: Relationship between Public Listed Company and Shareholders in Ensuring Shareholders’ Rights;
1. Meningkatkan nilai 1. Perusahaan terbuka memiliki cara atau 1. Terpenuhi
penyelenggaraan Rapat prosedur teknis pengumpulan (voting) Perseroan telah memiliki aturan terkait penyelenggaraan RUPS dimana
Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) baik secara terbuka maupun tertutup voting dilakukan secara terbuka dengan mengangkat tangan sesuai dengan
yang mengedepankan independensi dan aturan yang telah disampaikan oleh pemimpin rapat. Sedangkan voting
kepentingan pemegang saham. tertutup dilakukan melalui kartu suara yang dibagikan kepada setiap
2. Seluruh anggota Direksi dan anggota peserta rapat. Hal ini disampaikan kepada pemegang saham dalam tata
Dewan Komisaris perusahaan terbuka tertib RUPS
hadir dalam RUPS Tahunan dan RUPS Luar 2. Terpenuhi
Biasa Perseroan. Dalam RUPS Tahunan 2022 dan RUPS Luar Biasa dihadiri oleh seluruh
3. Ringkasan risalah RUPS tersedia dalam anggota Dewan Komisaris serta dihadiri oleh seluruh anggota Direksi.
situs web perusahaan terbuka paling 3. Terpenuhi
sedikit selama 1 (satu) tahun. Ringkasan risalah RUPS selama 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir tersedia dalam web
1. Increase the value of organizing 1. Publicly listed companies have a method Perseroan (
the General Meeting of or technical procedure for voting, both 1. Fulfilled
Shareholders (GMS) open and closed, that emphasizes The Company has rules related to the organization of the GMS where
the independence and interests of voting is carried out openly by raising hands in accordance with the rules
shareholders. submitted by the chairman of the meeting. Meanwhile, closed voting is
2. All members of the Board of conducted through voting cards distributed to each meeting participant.
Directors and members of the This is conveyed to shareholders in the GMS rules of procedure.
Board of Commissioners of a public 2. Fulfilled
company attend the Annual GMS and The 2022 Annual GMS and Extraordinary GMS were attended by all
Extraordinary GMS of the Company. members of the Board of Commissioners and attended by all members of
3. The summary of GMS minutes is available the Board of Directors.
on the public company’s website for at 3. Fulfilled
least 1 (one) year. Summary of GMS minutes for the last 3 (three) years is available on the
Company’s website (

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Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Prinsip Rekomendasi Implementasi

Principle Recommendation Implementation
2. Meningkatkan kualitas komunikasi 1. Perusahaan terbuka memiliki suatu 1. Terpenuhi
perusahaan terbuka dengan kebijakan komunikasi dengan pemegang Perseroan telah memiliki kebijakan komunikasi dengan pemegang saham
pemegang saham atau investor saham atau investor. atau investor melalui aktivitas Non Deal Roadshow, pertemuan analyst,
2. Perusahaan terbuka mengungkapkan Conference dan public expose.
kebijakan komunikasi perusahaan terbuka 2. Terpenuhi
dengan pemegang saham atau investor Materi dan Informasi yang dimiliki oleh Perseroan selalu disampaikan dalam
dalam situs web. web Perseroan ( untuk menjamin kesetaraan penyampaian
informasi kepada para pemegang saham atau investor
2. Improve the quality of 1. Public companies have a communication 1. Fulfilled
communication between policy with shareholders or investors. The Company has a communication policy with shareholders or investors
publicly listed companies and 2. The listed company discloses its through Non Deal Roadshow activities, analyst meetings, Conference and
shareholders or investors. communication policy with shareholders public expose.
or investors on its website. 2. Fulfilled
Materials and information owned by the Company are always submitted
on the Company’s website ( to ensure equality of
information delivery to shareholders or investors.
Aspek 2: Fungsi dan Peran Dewan Komisaris
Aspect 2: Function and Role of the Board of Commissioners
1. Memperkuat keanggotaan dan 1. Penentuan jumlah anggota Dewan 1. Terpenuhi
komposisi Dewan Komisaris. Komisaris mempertimbangkan kondisi Penentuan jumlah anggota Dewan Komisaris telah disesuaikan dengan
Perusahaan Terbuka. peraturan yang berlaku serta Anggaran Dasar Perseroan sesuai dengan
2. Penentuan komposisi anggota Dewan kondisi dan kebutuhan. Perseroan memiliki 5 anggota Dewan Komisaris.
Komisaris memperhatikan keberagaman 2. Terpenuhi
keahlian, pengetahuan, dan pengalaman Komposisi anggota Dewan Komisaris telah memenuhi aspek keberagaman
yang dibutuhkan. keahlian, pengetahuan dan pengalaman serta kondisi dan kompleksitas
bisnis Perseroan.
1. Strengthen the membership and 1. Determination of the number of members 1. Fulfilled
composition of the Board of of the Board of Commissioners considers The determination of the number of members of the Board of
Commissioners. the condition of the Public Listed Commissioners has been adjusted to the prevailing regulations and the
Company. Company’s Articles of Association in accordance with the conditions and
2. Determination of the composition of needs. The Company has 5 members of the Board of Commissioners.
the Board of Commissioners takes 2. Fulfilled
into account the diversity of expertise, The composition of the Board of Commissioners has fulfilled the aspects of
knowledge, and experience required. diversity of expertise, knowledge and experience as well as the conditions
and complexity of the Company’s business.
2. Meningkatkan kualitas 1. Dewan Komisaris mempunyai kebijakan 1. Terpenuhi
pelaksanaan tugas dan penilaian sendiri (self- assessment) untuk Perseroan telah memiliki kebijakan umum terkait dengan penilaian kinerja
tanggung jawab menilai kinerja Dewan Komisaris. Dewan Komisaris yang tertuang dalam Board Manual dan situs web
Dewan Komisaris. 2. Kebijakan penilaian sendiri (self- Perseroan.
assessment) untuk menilai kinerja Dewan 2. Terpenuhi
Komisaris diungkapkan melalui Laporan Perseroan menyampaikan kebijakan penilaian dalam laporan tahunan
Tahunan Perusahaan Terbuka. bagian Tata Kelola Perusahaan sub bab Penilaian kinerja Dewan Komisaris.
3. Dewan Komisaris memiliki kebijakan 3. Terpenuhi
terkait dengan pengunduran diri anggota Perseroan memiliki kebijakan pengunduran diri secara umum yang tertuang
Dewan Komisaris apabila terlibat dalam dalam Anggaran Dasar dan Board Manual Perseroan.
kejahatan keuangan. 4. Terpenuhi
4. Dewan Komisaris atau Komite yang Perseroan melalui komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi telah memiliki
menjalankan fungsi Nominasi dan kebijakan dalam proses nominasi anggota Direksi sesuai dengan tujuan
Remunerasi menyusun kebijakan suksesi jangka panjang Perusahaan. Kebijakan suksesi dicantumkan dalam situs web
dalam proses Nominasi anggota Direksi. Perseroan
2. Improve the quality of the 1. The BOC has a self-assessment policy to 1. Fulfilled
implementation of the duties and assess the performance of the BOC. The Company has a general policy related to the performance assessment
responsibilities of the Board of 2. The self-assessment policy to assess of the Board of Commissioners as stated in the Board Manual and the
Commissioners. the performance of the Board of Company’s website.
Commissioners is disclosed in the Public 2. Fulfilled
Listed Company’s Annual Report. The Company discloses the assessment policy in the annual report of the
3. The Board of Commissioners has a policy Corporate Governance section of the Board of Commissioners performance
related to the resignation of members of assessment sub-chapter.
the Board of Commissioners if involved in 3. Fulfilled
financial crimes. The Company has a general resignation policy set out in the Company’s
4. The Board of Commissioners or the Articles of Association and Board Manual.
Committee that carries out the 4. Fulfilled
Nomination and Remuneration function The Company through the Nomination and Remuneration committee has
develops a succession policy in the a policy in the nomination process of members of the Board of Directors in
process of nominating members of the accordance with the Company’s long-term goals. The succession policy is
Board of Directors. included in the Company’s website

342 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

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Corporate Governance

Prinsip Rekomendasi Implementasi

Principle Recommendation Implementation
Aspek 3: Fungsi Dan Peran Direksi
Aspect 3: Function and Role of the Board of Directors
1. Memperkuat keanggotaan dan 1. Penentuan jumlah anggota Direksi 1. Terpenuhi
komposisi Direksi. mempertimbangkan kondisi Perusahaan Penentuan jumlah anggota Direksi telah disesuaikan dengan peraturan
Terbuka. yang berlaku serta Anggaran Dasar Perseroan sesuai dengan kondisi dan
2. Penentuan komposisi anggota Direksi kebutuhan Perseroan memiliki 5 (lima) anggota Direksi.
memperhatikan keberagaman keahlian, 2. Terpenuhi
pengetahuan, dan pengalaman yang Komposisi anggota Direksi telah memenuhi aspek keberagaman keahlian,
dibutuhkan. pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang diperlukan oleh Perseroan.
3. Direksi yang membawahi bidang 3. Terpenuhi
akuntansi atau keuangan memiliki Direktur Keuangan Perseroan memiliki pengalaman kerja di bidang
keahlian dan/atau pengetahuan di bidang Perbankan selama lebih dari 25 tahun.
1. Strengthen the membership and 1. Determination of the number of members 1. Fulfilled
composition of the Board of of the Board of Directors considers the The determination of the number of members of the Board of Directors has
Directors. condition of the Public Listed Company. been adjusted to the prevailing regulations and the Company’s Articles of
2. Determination of the composition of the Association in accordance with the conditions and needs of the Company
Board of Directors takes into account the has 5 (five) members of the Board of Directors.
diversity of expertise, knowledge, and 2. Fulfilled
experience required. The composition of the Board of Directors has fulfilled the aspects of
3. Directors in charge of accounting or diversity of expertise, knowledge and experience required by the Company.
finance have expertise and/or knowledge 3. Fulfilled
in accounting. The Company’s Finance Director has more than 25 years of working
experience in Banking.
2. Meningkatkan kualitas 1. Direksi mempunyai kebijakan penilaian 1. Terpenuhi
pelaksanaan tugas dan sendiri (self- assessment) untuk menilai Perseroan telah memiliki kebijakan umum terkait dengan penilaian untuk
tanggung jawab Direksi. kinerja Direksi. menilai kinerja Direksi yang tertuang dalam Board Manual dan situs web
2. Kebijakan penilaian sendiri (self- Perseroan.
assessment) untuk menilai kinerja Direksi 2. Terpenuhi
diungkapkan melalui Laporan Tahunan Perseroan telah menyampaikan kebijakan penilaian dalam laporan tahunan
Perusahaan Terbuka. bagian Tata Kelola Perusahaan sub bab Penilaian kinerja Direksi.
3. Direksi mempunyai kebijakan terkait 3. Terpenuhi
dengan pengunduran diri anggota Perseroan telah memiliki kebijakan terkait dengan pengunduran diri
Direksi apabila terlibat dalam kejahatan anggota Direksi yang tertuang dalam Board Manual Perseroan.
2. Improve the quality of the 1. The Board of Directors has a self- 1. Fulfilled
implementation of the duties and assessment policy to assess the The Company has a general policy related to the assessment to assess the
responsibilities of the Board of performance of the Board of Directors. performance of the Board of Directors as stated in the Board Manual and
Directors. 2. The self-assessment policy to assess the the Company’s website.
performance of the Board of Directors is 2. Fulfilled
disclosed in the Public Listed Company’s The Company has disclosed the assessment policy in the annual report of
Annual Report. the Corporate Governance section of the Board of Directors performance
3. The Board of Directors has a policy related assessment sub-chapter.
to the resignation of members of the 3. Fulfilled
Board of Directors if they are involved in The Company has a policy related to the resignation of members of the
financial crimes. Board of Directors as stated in the Company’s Board Manual.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 343

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Prinsip Rekomendasi Implementasi

Principle Recommendation Implementation
Aspek 4: Partisipasi Pemangku Kepentingan
Aspect 4: Stakeholder Participation
1. Meningkatkan aspek tata kelola 1. Perusahaan terbuka memiliki kebijakan 1. Terpenuhi
perusahaan melalui partisipasi untuk mencegah terjadinya insider Perseroan telah memiliki kebijakan umum terkait dengan insider trading
pemangku kepentingan. trading. yang tertuang dalam situs web Perseroan
2. Perusahaan terbuka memiliki kebijakan 2. Terpenuhi
anti korupsi dan anti-fraud. Perseroan telah memiliki kebijakan umum terkait dengan anti korupsi dan
3. Perusahaan terbuka memiliki kebijakan anti-fraud yang tertuang dalam CoC Perseroan.
tentang seleksi dan peningkatan 3. Terpenuhi
kemampuan pemasok atau vendor. Perseroan telah memiliki SOP terkait dengan prosedur persiapan
4. Perusahaan terbuka memiliki kebijakan pengadaan barang dan jasa serta syarat dan ketentuan umum pengadaan
tentang pemenuhan hak-hak kreditur. barang dan jasa untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengadaan serta kualitas
5. Perusahaan terbuka memiliki kebijakan vendor. Hal tersebut tercantum dalam situs web Perseroan.
sistem whistleblowing. 4. Terpenuhi
6. Perusahaan terbuka memiliki kebijakan Perseroan telah memiliki kebijakan terkait dengan kewajiban untuk
pemberian insentif jangka panjang memenuhi hak- hak kreditur sesuai dengan kebijakan dan ketentuan yang
kepada Direksi dan karyawan. berlaku yang tertuang dalam Perjanjian Kredit yang telah disepakati oleh
kedua belah pihak. Hal tersebut tercantum dalam situs web Perseroan.
5. Terpenuhi
Perseroan telah memiliki kebijakan terkait dengan whistleblowing system. estor-information/corporate-
6. Terpenuhi
Perseroan telah memiliki kebijakan pemberian penghargaan terhadap masa
kerja karyawan sebagai bentuk penghargaan atas loyalitas pekerja. Untuk
Direksi kebijakan insentif tersebut melekat pada kebijakan remunerasi
1. Improving aspects of corporate 1. Public companies have a policy to prevent 1. Fulfilled
governance through stakeholder insider trading. The Company has a general policy related to insider trading as stated on the
participation. 2. Publicly listed companies have anti- Company’s website.
corruption and anti-fraud policies. 2. Fulfilled
3. The publicly listed company has a policy The Company has a general policy related to anti-corruption and anti-fraud
on the selection and upgrading of as stated in the Company’s CoC.
suppliers or vendors. 3. Fulfilled
4. The listed company has a policy on the The Company has SOPs related to the preparation procedure of goods and
fulfillment of creditors’ rights. services procurement as well as the general terms and conditions of goods
5. The publicly listed company has a and services procurement to improve the quality of procurement and
whistleblowing system policy. vendor quality. These are listed on the Company’s website.
6. The publicly listed company has a policy 4. Fulfilled
on providing long-term incentives to the The Company has a policy related to the obligation to fulfill the rights
Board of Directors and employees. of creditors in accordance with the applicable policies and conditions
contained in the Credit Agreement agreed by both parties. This is stated on
the Company’s website.
5. Fulfilled
The Company has a policy related to whistleblowing system. http://www. estor-information/corporate-governance/
6. Fulfilled
The Company has a policy on rewarding employees’ tenure as a form of
appreciation for their loyalty. For Directors, the incentive policy is attached
to the Company’s remuneration policy.

344 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance

Prinsip Rekomendasi Implementasi

Principle Recommendation Implementation
Aspek 5: Keterbukaan Informasi
Aspect 5: Information Disclosure
1. Meningkatkan pelaksanaan 1. Perusahaan terbuka memanfaatkan 1. Terpenuhi
keterbukaan informasi penggunaan tekhnologi Informasi secara Perseroan telah secara rutin menyampaikan Informasi tidak hanya terbatas
lebih luas selain situs web sebagai media pada keterbukaan Informasi yang telah di atur dalam peraturan perundang-
keterbukaan Informasi. undangan, namun juga Informasi lain terkait Perseroan melalui portal
2. Laporan tahunan perusahaan internal, media situs web, news flash, teasers, intranet, Elnusa news corner.
mengungkapkan pemilik manfaat akhir 2. Terpenuhi
dalam kepemilikan saham perusahaan Perseroan telah mengungkapkan pemilik manfaat akhir atas kepemilikan
terbuka sedikit 5%, selain pengungkapan saham Perseroan paling sedikit 5%, juga pengungkapkan pemilik dari
pemilik manfaat akhir dalam kepemilikan manfaat akhir dari kepemilikan saham oleh pemegang saham utama dan
saham perusahaan terbuka melalui pengendali dalam Laporan Tahunan Perseroan.
pemegang saham utama dan pengendali
1. Improve the implementation of 1. Public companies utilize the use of 1. Fulfilled
information disclosure information technology more widely in The Company has routinely submitted information not only limited to
addition to the website as a medium for the disclosure of information that has been regulated in the laws and
information disclosure. regulations, but also other information related to the Company through
2. The company’s annual report discloses internal portals, website media, news flashes, teasers, intranet, Elnusa news
the ultimate beneficial owner in the corner.
shareholding of the public company of 2. Fulfilled
at least 5%, in addition to the disclosure The Company has disclosed the ultimate beneficial owner of the Company’s
of the ultimate beneficial owner in the share ownership of at least 5%, as well as the disclosure of the ultimate
shareholding of the public company beneficial owner of the share ownership by the main and controlling
through the main and controlling shareholders in the Company’s Annual Report.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 345

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Corporate Governance Implementation Compliance with ASEAN
Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS)
ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS) adalah suatu alat The ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS) Scorecard is a
kuantitatif untuk mengukur kepatuhan perusahaan-perusahaan terbuka quantitative tool to measure the compliance of public companies in
di ASEAN terhadap pedoman corporate governance menurut praktik- ASEAN with corporate governance guidelines according to exemplary
praktik keteladanan berbasis standar-standar internasional, khususnya practices based on international standards, particularly the principles
prinsip-prinsip corporate governance yang dikeluarkan oleh the of corporate governance issued by the Organization for Economic
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) yang Cooperation and Development (OECD). which is expressed as follows:
diungkapkan sebagai berikut:
a. Hak-hak para pemegang saham a. Shareholders’ rights
b. Perlakuan yang setara terhadap para pemegang saham b. Equal treatment of shareholders
c. Peran para pemangku kepentingan c. Role of stakeholders
d. Pengungkapan dan transparansi d. Disclosure and transparency
e. Tanggung jawab dewan e. Board responsibilities

Dalam rangka memperkuat prinsip-prinsip GCG yang terdapat dalam The organization took the initiative to build efforts to improve its
standar ACGS, perusahaan berinisiatif membangun upaya-upaya compliance level performance in a measurable and planned manner in
perbaikan terhadap kinerja tingkat kepatuhannya secara terukur dan order to reinforce the GCG principles contained in the ACGS standard.
terencana. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan memandang perlunya suatu As a result, the organization sees the need for a reference that can be
referensi yang dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam mempersiapkan used to prepare an effective strategy in order to make future attempts to
strategi yang efektif dalam rangka melakukan upaya perbaikan terhadap increase GCG practices’ performance.
kinerja praktik GCG ke depan.

Atas dasar tersebut, perusahaan memandang penting agar dilakukan On this basis, the company believes it is critical to conduct regular
penilaian rutin terhadap praktik GCG perusahaan berdasarkan standar assessments of its GCG practices using international standards derived
Internasional yang diadopsi dari prinsip-prinsip corporate governance from the OECD principles of corporate governance, as well as the GCG
yang dikeluarkan oleh OECD, dan tertuang dalam prinsip-prinsip GCG principles outlined in the ACGS.
yang diatur dalam ACGS.

Selanjutnya, hasil penilaian rutin terhadap praktik GCG tersebut Furthermore, the results of the routine assessment of GCG practices are
diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi kepada perusahaan mengenai expected to provide the company with information about the trend of
tren perbaikan kinerja tingkat kepatuhan yang telah dicapai perusahaan improving compliance level performance that the company has achieved
dibandingkan dengan kinerja yang telah dilakukan perusahaan pada compared to previous years’ performance, so that it can be determined
tahun-tahun sebelumnya, sehingga untuk ke depannya dapat diketahui in the future what steps or efforts are the only things that need to be
mengenai langkah-langkah atau upaya apa saja yang masih harus improved by the company so that its compliance level performance can
diperbaiki lagi oleh perusahaan agar kinerja tingkat kepatuhannya dapat be improved.
lebih dioptimalkan lagi pencapaiannya.

Untuk terus mempertahankan dan utamanya meningkatkan penerapan The company has made cross-references to the ACGS evaluation to
prinsip GCG, Perseroan telah membuat referensi silang terhadap enable data collecting in order to sustain and primarily improve the use
penilaian ACGS untuk mempermudah perolehan data, sebagai berikut: of GCG principles as follows:

346 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Principle A: Shareholder Right

Skor CG untuk Prinsip Hak-hak Pemegang Saham

CG Score for Shareholder Rights Principle
Jumlah Kepatuhan
Skor per
Parameter Penentu Pertanyaan pada Jumlah Decision Parameter
No Komponen
Tiap Parameter Pertanyaan
Score per
Number of Number of
Compliance with Questions
Questions on
Each Parameter
1 Hak Dasar Pemegang Saham 1 1 100% Basic Rights of Shareholders
2 Hak berpatisipasi dalam keputusan- 3 3 100% The right to participate in decisions
keputusan terkait perubahan-perubahan regarding corporation fundamental
mendasar korporasi changes
3 Hak untuk berpartisipasi secara efektif dan 15 15 100% The right to participate effectively and
menggunakan suara dalam RUPS serta hak use votes in the GMS as well as the right
untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai to obtain information regarding the
aturan-aturan yang berlaku dalam RUPS rules that apply in the General Meeting
(termasuk prosedur voting) of Shareholders GMS (including voting
4 Pasar untuk pengendalian/kontrol 1 1 100% The market for corporate control and
perusahaan seharusnya dimungkinkan control should be able to function in an
berfungsi dengan cara yang efisien dan efficient and transparent way
5 Pelaksanaan hak kepemilikan pemegang 0 1 100% The implementation of the ownership
saham, termasuk investor institusi rights of shareholders, including
difasilitasi perusahaan institutional investors, is facilitated by the
Total Pertanyaan yang Comply dengan Prinsip 20 21 95,23% Total Questions in Compliance with
Hak-hak Pemegang Saham Shareholder Rights Principle


Principle B: Equitable Treatment of Shareholders

Skor CG untuk Prinsip Hak-hak Pemegang Saham

CG Score for Shareholder Rights Principle
Jumlah Kepatuhan
Skor per
Parameter Penentu Pertanyaan pada Jumlah Decision Parameter
No Komponen
Tiap Parameter Pertanyaan
Score per
Number of Number of
Compliance with Questions
Questions on
Each Parameter
1 Kepemilikan Saham dan Hak Suara 1 1 100% Share Ownership and Voting Right
2 Panggilan RUPST 4 5 80% AGMS Invitation
3 Perdagangan orang dalam dan self- 2 2 100% Insider trading and abusive self-dealing
dealing abusif seharusnya dilarang should be banned
4 Transaksi pihak berelasi yang dilakukan 3 4 75% Related party transactions carried out by
oleh anggota Dewan komisaris dan Direksi members of the Board of Commissioners
and the Board of Directors
5 Perlindungan kepada para pemegang 2 2 100% Protection for minority shareholders from
saham minoritas dari tindakan-tindakan abusive acts
Total Pertanyaan yang Comply dengan Prinsip 12 14 85,71% Total Questions in Compliance with
Perlakuan Setara terhadap Pemegang Saham Equitable Treatment of Shareholders
* Terdapat 1 item penilaian/pertanyaan yang tidak dinilai (N/A), sehingga jumlah item pertanyaan pada prinsip B yang dihitung hanya 14 pertanyaan saja.
There is 1 assessment item/question that is not assessed (N/A), so the number of question items in principle B that are counted is only 14 questions.

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 347

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Principle C: Stakeholder Role

Skor CG untuk Prinsip Hak-hak Pemegang Saham

CG Score for Shareholder Rights Principle
Jumlah Kepatuhan
Skor per
Parameter Penentu Pertanyaan pada Jumlah Decision Parameter
No Komponen
Tiap Parameter Pertanyaan
Score per
Number of Number of
Compliance with Questions
Questions on
Each Parameter
1 Hak-hak para pemangku kepentingan 7 7 100% Stakeholders’ rights established by law or
yang ditetapkan oleh UU atau lewat through collective agreement should be
kesepakatan bersama seharusnya respected
2 Para pemangku kepentingan seharusnya 1 1 100% Stakeholders should have the opportunity
memiliki peluang untuk mendapatkan to obtain effective compensation for
ganti rugi efektif untuk pelanggaran- violations of their rights
pelanggaran atas hak-hak mereka
3 Mekanisme-mekanisme meningkatkan 2 3 66,66% To grow performance-enhancing
kinerja untuk partisipasi karyawan mechanism that encourage employee
seharusnya dimungkinkan berkembang participation
4 Para pemangku kepentingan, termasuk 2 2 100% Individual employees and their
karyawan individu dan badan-badan representative bodies should be able to
perwakilan mereka, seharusnya dapat freely express their concerns to the board
secara bebas mengkomunikasikan about illegal and unethical conduct, and
keprihatinan mereka kepada Dewan atas their rights to do so should be protected
praktik-pratik pelanggaran hukum dan
tidak etis serta hak-hak mereka melakukan
ini seharusnya dilindungi
Total Pertanyaan yang Comply dengan Prinsip 12 13 92,30% Total Questions in Compliance with
Peran Pemangku Kepentingan Stakeholder Role Principle


Principle D: Disclosure and Transparancy

Skor CG untuk Prinsip Hak-hak Pemegang Saham

CG Score for Shareholder Rights Principle
Jumlah Kepatuhan
Skor per
Parameter Penentu Pertanyaan pada Jumlah Decision Parameter
No Komponen
Tiap Parameter Pertanyaan
Score per
Number of Number of
Compliance with Questions
Questions on
Each Parameter
1 Transparansi struktur kepemilikan 5 5 100% Ownership structure transparancy
2 Kualitas Laporan Tahunan 7 8 87,5% Annual Report quality
3 Pengungkapan atas transaksi hubungan 1 2 100% Disclosure of special relationship
istimewa transactions
4 Pengungkapan atas transaksi saham - - 0% Disclosure of company stock transactions
perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh para carried out by members of the Board of
anggota Direksi atau Dewan Komisaris Directors or the Board of Commissioners
5 Eksternal Auditor dan Laporan Auditor 2 2 100% External Auditor and Auditor Report
6 Media Komunikasi Perusahaan 4 4 100% Corporate Communication Media
7 Penyampaian informasi laporan keuangan 3 3 100% Submission of information on financial
atau laporan tahunan secara tepat waktu statements or annual reports in a timely
8 Website Perusahaan 6 6 100% Company Website
9 Keberadaan Investor Relations dalam 1 1 100% The existency of Investor Relations in the
Perusahaan Company
Total Pertanyaan yang Comply dengan Prinsip 30 31 96,77% Total Questions in Disclosure and
Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Transparancy Principle

348 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Corporate Governance


Principle E: Responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners

Skor CG untuk Prinsip Hak-hak Pemegang Saham

CG Score for Shareholder Rights Principle
Jumlah Kepatuhan
Skor per
Parameter Penentu Pertanyaan pada Jumlah Decision Parameter
No Komponen
Tiap Parameter Pertanyaan
Score per
Number of Number of
Compliance with Questions
Questions on
Each Parameter
1 Tugas dan tanggung jawab Direksi dan 6 6 100% Roles and responsibilities of the Board of
Dewan Komisaris Directors and the Board of Commissioners
2 Struktur Dewan Komisaris 21 24 87,50% Board of Commissioners Structure
3 Proses Dewan Komisaris 19 22 90,90% Board of Commissioner Process
4 Individu dalam Susunan Dewan Komisaris 4 6 66,66% Individuals in the Composition of the
Board of Commissioners
5 Kinerja Dewan Komisaris 7 7 100% Board of Commissioners Performance
Total Pertanyaan yang Comply dengan Prinsip 57 65 86,36% Total Questions in Compliance with
Tanggung Jawab Dewan Komisaris Responsibilities of the Board of
Commissioners Principle

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 349

Social and Environmental
Responsibility Social and
Environmental Responsibility
352 Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan
Social and Environmental Responsibility Social and Environmental

352 Aspek Ekonomi

Economic Aspect
354 Aspek Lingkungan
Environment Aspect
354 Aspek Sumber Daya Manusia
Human Resources Aspect
355 Aspek Sosial
Social Aspect
Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
Corporate Social Responsibility


Social and Environmental Responsibility

PT Elnusa Tbk menyajikan informasi tanggung jawab sosial dan PT Elnusa Tbk presents information on social and environmental
lingkungan dalam bentuk Laporan Keberlanjutan pada buku terpisah. responsibility in the form of a Sustainability Report in a separate book.
Laporan tersebut, sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan The report, in accordance with the Circular Letter of the Financial Services
(OJK) No. 16/SEOJK.04/2021 tentang Bentuk dan Isi Laporan Tahunan Authority (OJK) No. 16/SEOJK.04/2021 concerning the Form and Content
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, yaitu mengacu Peraturan OJK Nomor of the Annual Report of Issuers or Public Companies, which refers to OJK
51/POJK.03/2017 tentang Penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan bagi Regulation Number 51/POJK.03/2017 concerning the Implementation of
Lembaga Jasa Keuangan, Emiten, dan Perusahaan Publik. Sustainable Finance for Financial Services Institutions, Issuers and Public

Silahkan merujuk pada Laporan Keberlanjutan 2022 Elnusa untuk Please refer to the Elnusa 2022 Sustainability Report for more detailed
informasi lebih lengkap. Adapun yang disajikan pada halaman ini information. What is presented on this page is only “Sustainability
hanya “Ikhtisar Keberlanjutan”. Overview”.


Economic Aspect (B.1)

Operations, Products, and Services

Satuan 2021-2022
Aspek Ekonomi 2022 2021 2020 Economy Aspect
Unit Changes
Survei Seismik 2D Km 1.950 2.635 28.350 -26% 2D Seismic Survey
Survei Seismik 3D Km 2
3.790 1.190 1.251 218% 3D Seismic Survey
Pengeboran Eksplorasi 30 28 36 7% Exploration Drilling
Pengembang Sumur Sumur Drilling Well
760 480 240 58%
Pengeboran Well Developer
Workover 639 566 585 13% Workover
Well Service 30.299 22.790 24.180 33% Well Service
Jasa Distribusi dan Logistik Energi Energy Distribution and Logistics Services
Volume Throughput
KL 19.958.857 17.368.987 15.665.918 15% Transport Throughout Volume
Volume Throughput BBM – BBM – Depo Fuel Throughout
KL 5.768.112 2.484.112 2.257.614 132%
Depo Volume –Depo
Retail Volume of Gas
Volume Ritel Bahan Bakar SPBU KL 10.926 9.908 9.221 10%
Station Fuel
Volume Ritel Bahan Bakar SPBE Ton 43.141 37.807 27.123 14% SPBE Fuel Retail Volume
Volume Depo LPG Amurang KL 74.020 83.173 82.413 -11% Amurang LPG Depot Volume
Volume BBM Inmar KL 217.267 193.148 219.924 12% Volume BBM Inmar
Trading Specialty & Mud Trading Specialty & Mud
Drum 226.598 356.614 195.642 -36%
Chemical Chemical
Trading Pelumas KL 3.673 3.129 3.254 17% Lubricants Trading

352 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
Corporate Social Responsibility


Economic Value Obtained, Distributed and Retained

Satuan 2021-2022
Aspek Ekonomi 2022 2021 2020 Economy Aspect
Unit Changes
Nilai Ekonomi yang Diperoleh Economic Value Obtained
Pendapatan 12.305.690 8.136.563 7.726.945 51,24% Income
Pendapatan Bunga 29.604 26.970 29.482 9,77% Interest Income
Rp-juta Gain (Loss) on Foreign
Laba (Rugi) Selisih Kurs 63.235 (10.526) 583 -700,75%
Rp-million Exchange
Pendapatan Penjualan Aset 948 (1.726) (1.521) -154,90% Income from Sale of Assets
Pendapatan Lain 8.530 14.281 47.417 -40,27% Other Income
Jumlah 12.408.007 8.165.562 7.802.906 51,96% Total

Nilai ekonomi yang didistribusikan Economic Value Distributed

Biaya Operasional (9.967.921) (6.428.605) (5.182.030) 55,06% Operating Cost
Gaji Karyawan Rp-juta Employee Salaries
(1.425.436) (1.062.464) (1.802.442) 34,16%
dan Benefit Lain Rp-million and Other Benefits
Pembayaran Dividen (54.374) (74.725) (89.119) 27,23% Dividend Payment
Pembayaran Bunga (111.731) (111.631) (100.730) 0,09% Interest Payment
Pembayaran untuk Pemerintah Rp-juta Payment for the Government
(153.189) (87.297) (256.675) 75,48%
(Pajak) Rp-million (Tax)
Investasi Masyarakat (21.834) (13.275) (11.163) 64,47% Community Investment
Jumlah (11.734.485) (7.777.997) (7.442.159) 50,87% Total
Nilai Ekonomi yang Disimpan Economic Value Stored
Sebelum Dividen (II-III exc 618.102 312.840 271.629 97,6% Before Dividends
Dividen) (II-III exc Dividends)
Nilai ekonomi yang Disimpan Rp-juta Economic Value Stored After
672.476 387.565 360.748 73,5%
Setelah Dividen (II-III) Rp-million Dividends (II-III)


Local Party Engagement

Satuan 2021-2022
Aspek Ekonomi 2022 2021 2020 Economy Aspect
Unit Changes
Nilai Pengadaan Barang dan Rp-miliar The Value of the Procurement
2.408 2.526 3.218
Jasa Rp-billion of Goods and Services
Nilai Pengadaan Barang dan Rp-miliar The Value of Procuring Goods
2.340 2.367 3.031
Jasa kepada Pemasok Lokal Rp-billion and Services to Local Suppliers
Persentase Pemasok Lokal Percentage of Local Suppliers to
% 97.15% 93% 91,39%
terhadap Pemasok Perusahaan Company Suppliers

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 353

Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
Corporate Social Responsibility


Environment Aspect (B.2)

Satuan 2021-2022
Aspek Lingkungan 2022 2021 2020 Environment Aspect
Unit Changes

Tumpahan Minyak Barel - - - Oil Spills

Penggunaan Energi Listrik GJ 39.225,03 36.334,19 35.215,21 Use of Electrical Energy

Penggunaan Bahan Bakar

GJ 2.162.310 1.772.888,95 356.827,14 Use of Fuel Oil

Penggunaan Air M3 98.222 66.964 686.845,12 Water Usage

Penggunaan Kertas Rim 512.087 76 1.102 Paper Usage

Pengelolaan dan Pembuangan Waste Management and

Kg 160,5 188,38 60,616
Limbah Disposal


Human Resources Aspect

Aspek Sumber Daya Satuan 2021-2022 Human Resources
2022 2021 2020
Manusia Unit Changes Aspect
Jam Kerja
Manhours 603.811 558.223 166.872 Manhours
Work Hours
Pertumbuhan Man Hour
% 8% 235% 9% Training Man Hour Growth
Biaya Pelatihan 5.482 8.046 7.727 Training Costs

Pertumbuhan Biaya Pelatihan % -32% 4% -16% Training Cost Growth

354 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
Corporate Social Responsibility


Social Aspect (B 3)

Satuan 2021-2022
Aspek Sosial 2022 2021 2020 Social Aspect
Unit Changes
Kesehatan dan Keselamatan
Occupational Health and Safety
Jam Kerja
Manhours 44.624.618 40.152.211 34.629.791 Use of Electrical Energy
Work Hours
Total Recordable Injury Rasio Total Recordable Injury
0.02 0.07 0.17
Frequency Rate* Ratio Frequency Rate*
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rasio Lost Time Injury Frequency
0 0 0
Rate* Ratio Rate*
Highlight Kinerja Rasio Employment Performance
0.02 0.07 0.17
Ketenagakerjaan Ratio Highlights
Tanggung Jawab terhadap
Responsibility to Consumers
Jumlah Inovasi 258 246 200 Number of Innovations
Value Creation 1.981 924 582 Value Creation

Pelibatan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Community Engagement and Development

Jumlah Proyek yang Melibatkan Proyek Number of Projects Involving

474 103 108
Masyarakat Lokal Project Local Communities

Jumlah Masyarakat Lokal dalam Orang Number of Local Communities

3,468 1.661 961
Proyek Person in the Project
Jumlah Penerima Manfaat Number of Beneficiaries of
Program Pengembangan 93,191 65.013 53.594 the Sustainable Community
Komunitas Berkelanjutan Development Program
Nilai Investasi Sosial 21,8 13.3 11.2 Social Investment Value

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 355

358 Glosarium
360 Referensi SEOJK No. 16/SEOJK.04/2021: Laporan Tahunan Emiten
atau Perusahaan Publik
SEOJK No. 16/SEOJK.04/2021: Annual Report of Public Company

Singkatan Definisi Singkatan Definisi

Abbreviation Definition Abbreviation Definition

2D Dua Dimensi | Two Dimension EPS Elnusa Petroleum School

3D Tiga Dimensi | Three Dimension ERM Enterprise Risk Management

AGMS Annual General Meeting of Shareholders ESDM Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
APBN Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara | State Budget
ESOP Employee Stock Option Plan
APMS Agen Premium Minyak Solar | Premium Diesel Fuel Agent
ETSA PT Elnusa Trans Samudera
ARA Annual Report Award
EWL Electric Wireline Logging
AS | US Amerika Serikat | United States
FAME Fatty Acid Methyl Ester
ASEAN Association of South East Asia Nation
GCG Good Corporate Governance
AVO Amplitude Versus Offset
GDL Geo Data Acquisition Land
AWB Accomodation Work Barge
GDM Geo Data Acquisition Transition Zone & Marine Zone &
B3 Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun Marine
Hazardous and Toxic Materials
GDP Geo Data Processing
BAPEPAM Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal
Capital Market Supervisory Agency GGR Geology, Geophysics and Reservoir

Bapepam-LK Badan Pengawasan Pasar Modal – Lembaga Keuangan GPS Global Positioning System
Capital Market Supervisory Agency – Financial Institution
GRI Global Reporting Initiative
BBK Bahan Bakar Khusus | Special Fuels
GMS General Meeting of Shareholders
BBM Bahan Bakar Minyak | Oil Fuel
H2S Hydrogen Sulfide
BBMK Bahan Bakar Minyak Khusus | Special Fuels
HAGI Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia
BEI/IDX PT Bursa Efek Indonesia | Indonesia Stock Exchange Indonesia Association of Geophysicists

BEST Beasiswa Terpadu | Integrated Scholarship HRIS Human Resources Information System

BI Bank Indonesia HSSE Health, Safety, Security & Environment

BNI Syariah Bank Negara Indonesia Syariah HWU Hydraulic Workover Unit
Indonesian State Bank-Sharia
IAI Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia
BUMN | SOE Badan Usaha Milik Negara | State-Owned Enterprise Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants

CBM Coal Bed Methane IAGI Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia

Indonesian Association of Geologist
CIP Continuous Improvement Program
ICBC Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
CMT Cementing Service
ICP Indonesia Crude Price
CoC Standar Etika | Code of Conduct
ICT Information Communication Technology
COSO Committee of Sponsoring Organizations
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standard
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
IHSG Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan | IDX Composite
CTU Coiled Tubing Unit
IIA The Institute of Internal Auditor
DFS Drilling Fluid Services
IMF International Monetary Fund
DMS Document Management System
IPO Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana | Initial Public Offering
DPPU Depot Pengisian Pesawat Udara | Aircraft Filling Depot
ISO International Organization for Standardization
EBITDA Earning Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization
LCT Landing Craft Tank
EER Elnusa Emergency Response
LHA Laporan Hasil Audit | Audit Report
EFK PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
ELSA Kode Saham Elnusa | Elnusa Ticker Code
LTI Lost Time Injury
EPC Engineering, Procurement & Construction
MEA Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN | ASEAN Economic Community
EPN PT Elnusa Petrofin

358 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Singkatan Definisi Singkatan Definisi
Abbreviation Definition Abbreviation Definition

Migas Minyak dan Gas | Oil and Gas RUPS Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham
General Meeting of Shareholder
MLU Mud Logging Unit
SAK Standar Akuntansi Keuangan | Financial Accounting Standards
MOR Marketing Operation Region
SCU PT Sigma Cipta Utama
MPP Masa Persiapan Pensiun | Retirement Preparation Period
SDM | HR Sumber Daya Manusia | Human Resources
MSOP Management Stock Option Pan
SEOJK Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
NPM Net Profit Margin Circular Letter of the Financial Services Authority
O&M Operation & Maintenance SK Surat Keputusan | Decision Letter
OCTG Oil Country Tubular Goods SKK Migas Migas Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu
OHS Occupational Health and Safety Minyak dan Gas Bumi
Special Unit Taskforce of Oil and Gas
OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Assessment System
SPOB Self Propelled & Oil Barge
OJK Otoritas Jasa Keuangan | Financial Services Authority
SL Slickline Services
ONH Ongkos Naik Haji | Pilgrimage Cost Assistance
SMBCI Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp
OPEC NGLS Organizations of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Natural
Gas Liquid SOP Standard Operating Procedures

OPM Operating Profit Margin SPBB Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Bunker
Bunker Fuel Filling Stations
P/B Price to Book
SPBE Stasiun Pengisian Bulk LPG | Bulk LPG Filling Stations
P/E Price to EPS
SPBU Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum | Gas Station
Permen Peraturan Menteri | Ministerial Regulation
SPE Serikat Pekerja Elnusa | Labor Unions Elnusa
Perseroan PT Elnusa Tbk | The Company
SPK Sistem Pengelolaan Kerja | Performance Management System
Pertamina PT Pertamina (Persero)
TBBM Terminal Bahan Bakar Minyak | Fuel Terminal
PEP PT Pertamina EP
TBE Taman Belajar Elnusa | Elnusa Learning Park
PHE PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
THM Tabung Hikmah Mandiri | Hikah Mandiri Tube
PHE ONWJ PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java
THR Tunjangan Hari Raya | Religious Holiday Allowance
PHE WMO PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore
TZ Transition Zone
PHM Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
US$ United States Dollar | Dolar Amerika
POMS Production and Operation Maintenance Services
UU Undang-Undang | Law
PKAT Program Kerja Audit Tahunan | Annual Audit Work Program
UUPT Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas
PNBP Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak | Non-Tax Revenue Limited Liability Company Law

PP Peraturan Perusahaan | Company Regulations UTD Ulang Tahun Dinas | Service Anniversaries

PPh Pajak Penghasilan | Income Tax VHS Vendor Held Stock

PPN Pajak Pertambahan Nilai | Value Added Tax VICO PT Vico Indonesia

PSAK Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan VTMS Vessel Traffic Management and Information System
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
WBS Whistleblowing System
PUMP Pumping Services
WB Working Barge
RJPP Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan
The Company’s Long-term Plan WK Wilayah Kerja | Working Area

RKAP Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan WP & B Work Program and Budget
Work Plan and Budget WT Well Testing Service
ROA Return on Assets WTI West Texas Intermediate
ROE Return on Equity

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 359

SEOJK No. 16/SEOJK.04/2021: Annual Report of Public Company

Keterangan Description
I. Ketentuan Umum I. General Provision
1. Dalam Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan ini yang 1. In this Financial Services Authority Circular Letter
dimaksud dengan: what is meant by:
a. Laporan Tahunan adalah laporan √ a. The Annual Report is a report on the Board
pertanggungjawaban Direksi dan Dewan of Directors and Board of Commissioners
Komisaris dalam melakukan pengurusan dan accountability in managing and supervising
pengawasan terhadap emiten atau perusahaan issuers or public companies within a period
publik dalam kurun waktu 1 (satu) tahun of 1 (one) fiscal year to the general meeting
buku kepada rapat umum pemegang saham of shareholders prepared based on the
yang disusun berdasarkan ketentuan dalam provisions of the Financial Services Authority
Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan mengenai Regulation concerning the Annual Report of
Laporan Tahunan emiten atau perusahaan issuers or public companies.
b. Emiten adalah pihak yang melakukan √ b. Issuers are parties who make public offerings
penawaran umum.
c. Perusahaan Publik adalah perseroan yang √ c. A Public Company is a company whose shares
sahamnya telah dimiliki paling sedikit are owned by at least 300 (three hundred)
oleh 300 (tiga ratus) pemegang saham shareholders and has a paid-up capital of
dan memiliki modal disetor paling sedikit at least Rp3,000,000,000.00 (three billion
Rp3.000.000.000,00 (tiga miliar rupiah) atau rupiah) or a number of shareholders and
suatu jumlah pemegang saham dan modal paid-up capital as determined by the Financial
disetor yang ditetapkan oleh Otoritas Jasa Services Authority.
d. Perusahaan Terbuka adalah Emiten yang telah √ d. A Public Company is an Issuer that has made
melakukan penawaran umum efek bersifat a public offering of equity securities or a
ekuitas atau Perusahaan Publik. Publically-listed Company
e. Laporan Keberlanjutan (Sustainability Report) √ e. A Sustainability Report is a report published
adalah laporan yang diumumkan kepada to the public that contains the economic,
masyarakat yang memuat kinerja ekonomi, financial, social, and environmental
keuangan, sosial, dan lingkungan hidup performance of a financial service institution,
suatu lembaga jasa keuangan, Emiten, dan Issuer, and Public Company in running a
Perusahaan Publik dalam menjalankan bisnis sustainable business
f Direksi: f Board of Directors:
1) bagi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik √ 1) For an Issuer or a Public Company in
berbentuk badan hukum perseroan the form of a limited liability company,
terbatas adalah Direksi sebagaimana it is the Board of Directors as referred
dimaksud dalam Peraturan Otoritas Jasa to in the Financial Services Authority
Keuangan mengenai Direksi dan Dewan Regulation concerning the Board of
Komisaris Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; Directors and Board of Commissioners of
dan an Issuer or Public Company; and
2) bagi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik √ 2) For an Issuer or a Public Company in
berbentuk badan hukum selain perseroan the form of a legal entity other than a
terbatas adalah organ yang melaksanakan limited liability company, it is the body
pengurusan badan hukum tersebut that carries out the management of the
sebagaimana dimaksud dalam peraturan legal entity as referred to in the laws and
perundang-undangan mengenai badan regulations concerning the legal entity.
hukum tersebut.
g. Dewan Komisaris: g. Board of Commissioners:

360 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Keterangan Description
1) bagi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik √ 1) For an Issuer or a Public Company in
berbentuk badan hukum perseroan the form of a limited liability company,
terbatas adalah Dewan Komisaris the Board of Commissioners as referred
sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Peraturan to in the Financial Services Authority
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan mengenai Direksi Regulation concerning the Board of
dan Dewan Komisaris Emiten atau Directors and Board of Commissioners of
Perusahaan Publik; dan an Issuer or Public Company; and
2) bagi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik √ 2) For the Issuer or Public Company in the
berbentuk badan hukum selain perseroan form of a legal entity other than a limited
terbatas adalah organ yang melakukan liability company, it is the body that
pengawasan badan hukum tersebut supervises the legal entity as referred to
sebagaimana dimaksud dalam peraturan in the laws and regulations concerning
perundang-undangan mengenai badan the legal entity.
hukum tersebut.
h. Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham yang h. General Meeting of Shareholders hereinafter
selanjutnya disingkat RUPS: abbreviated as GMS:
1) bagi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik √ 1) For an Issuer or a Public Company in the
berbentuk badan hukum perseroan form of a limited liability company, it is
terbatas adalah RUPS sebagaimana the GMS as referred to in the Financial
dimaksud dalam Peraturan Otoritas Services Authority Regulation concerning
Jasa Keuangan mengenai Rencana dan the Planning and Organizing of the
Penyelenggaraan Rapat Umum Pemegang General Meeting of Shareholders of a
Saham Perusahaan Terbuka; dan Public Company; and

2) bagi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik √ 2) For an Issuer or Public Company in the
berbentuk badan hukum selain perseroan form of a legal entity other than a limited
terbatas adalah organ yang mempunyai liability company, it is the body that has
wewenang yang tidak diberikan kepada authority that is not given to any other
organ yang melaksanakan fungsi body that carries out management and
pengurusan dan fungsi pengawasan, dalam supervisory functions, within the limits
batas yang ditentukan dalam peraturan specified in the legislation and/or articles
perundang-undangan dan/atau anggaran of association governing the legal entity.
dasar yang mengatur badan hukum
2. Laporan Tahunan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik √ 2. The Annual Report of Issuers or Public Companies
merupakan sumber informasi penting bagi investor is an important source of information for investors
atau pemegang saham sebagai salah satu dasar or shareholders as one of the basic considerations
pertimbangan dalam pengambilan keputusan in making investment decisions and a means of
investasi dan sarana pengawasan terhadap Emiten supervision of Issuers or Public Companies.
atau Perusahaan Publik.
3. Seiring dengan perkembangan pasar modal dan √ 3. Along with the development of the capital market
meningkatnya kebutuhan investor atau pemegang and the increasing need for information disclosure
saham atas keterbukaan informasi, Direksi dan by investors or shareholders, the Board of Directors
Dewan Komisaris dituntut untuk menyajikan and the Board of Commissioners are required
informasi yang berkualitas, akurat, dan akuntabel to present quality, accurate, and accountable
melalui Laporan Tahunan Emiten atau Perusahaan information through the Annual Reports of Issuers
Publik. or Public Companies.
4. Laporan Tahunan yang disusun secara teratur dan √ 4. Annual Reports that are prepared regularly and
informatif dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi informatively can provide convenience for investors
investor atau pemegang saham dan pemangku or shareholders and stakeholders in obtaining the
kepentingan dalam memperoleh informasi yang required information.
5 Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan ini merupakan √ 5 This Financial Services Authority Circular is a
pedoman bagi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik yang guideline for Issuers or Public Companies that
wajib diterapkan dalam menyusun Laporan Tahunan must be applied in preparing Annual Reports and
dan Laporan Keberlanjutan. Sustainability Reports.

II. Bentuk Laporan Tahunan II. Format of Annual Report

1. Laporan Tahunan disajikan dalam bentuk dokumen √ 1. Annual Report should be presented in the printed
cetak dan salinan dokumen elektronik. format and in electronic document copy..

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 361

Keterangan Description
2. Laporan Tahunan yang disajikan dalam bentuk √ 2. The printed version of the Annual Report should be
dokumen cetak, dicetak pada kertas yang berwarna printed on light-colored paper of fine quality, in A4
terang, berkualitas baik, berukuran A4, dijilid, dan size, bound and can be reproduced in good quality.
dapat diperbanyak dengan kualitas yang baik.
3. Laporan Tahunan dapat menyajikan informasi √ 3. The Annual Report may present information in the
berupa gambar, grafik, tabel, dan/atau diagram form of pictures, graphs, tables, and/or diagrams
dengan mencantumkan judul dan/atau keterangan by including clear titles and/or descriptions, so that
yang jelas, sehingga mudah dibaca dan dipahami. they are easy to read and understand.

4. Laporan Tahunan yang disajikan dalam bentuk √ 4. The Annual Report presented in electronic
salinan dokumen elektronik merupakan Laporan document format is the Annual Report converted
Tahunan yang dikonversi dalam format pdf. into pdf format.
III. Isi Laporan Tahunan III. Content Of Annual Report
1. Laporan Tahunan paling sedikit memuat informasi 1. Annual Report should contain at least the following
mengenai: information:
a. Ikhtisar data keuangan penting; 8-10 a. Summary of key financial information;
b. Informasi saham (jika ada); 11-15 b. Stock information (if any);
c. Laporan Direksi; 36-44 c. The Board of Directors report;
d. Laporan Dewan Komisaris; 26-34 d. The Board of Commissioners report;
e. Profil Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; 50-109 e. Profile of Issuer or Public Company;
f. Analisis dan pembahasan manajemen; 142-203 f. Management discussion and analysis;
g. Tata kelola Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; 206-349 g. Corporate governance applied by the Issuer or
Public Company;
h. Tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan Emiten 352-355 h. Corporate social and environmental
atau Perusahaan Publik; responsibility of the Issuer or Public Company;
i. Laporan keuangan tahunan yang telah diaudit; 383 i. Audited annual report; and
j. Surat pernyataan anggota Direksi dan anggota 46-47 j. Statement that the Board of Directors and the
Dewan Komisaris tentang tanggung jawab atas Board of Commissioners are fully responsible
Laporan Tahunan; for the Annual Report;
2. Uraian Isi Laporan Tahunan 2. Description of Content of Annual Report
a. Ikhtisar Data Keuangan Penting 8-10 a. Summary of Key Financial Information
Ikhtisar Data Keuangan Penting memuat Summary of Key Financial Information contains
informasi keuangan yang disajikan dalam financial information presented in comparison
bentuk perbandingan selama 3 (tiga) tahun with previous 3 (three) fiscal years or since
buku atau sejak memulai usahanya jika Emiten commencement of business if the Issuers or the
atau Perusahaan Publik tersebut menjalankan Public Company commencing the business less
kegiatan usahanya kurang dari 3 (tiga) tahun, than 3 (three) years, at least contain:
paling sedikit memuat:
1) pendapatan/penjualan; 8 1) income/sales;
2) laba bruto; 8 2) gross profit;
3) laba (rugi); 8 3) profit (loss);
4) jumlah laba (rugi) yang dapat diatribusikan 8 4) total profit (loss) attributable to equity
kepada pemilik entitas induk dan holders of the parent entity and non-
kepentingan non pengendali; controlling interest;
5) total laba (rugi) komprehensif; 8 5) total comprehensive profit (loss);
6) jumlah laba (rugi) komprehensif yang 8 6) total comprehensive profit (loss)
dapat diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas attributable to equity holders of the
induk dan kepentingan non pengendali; parent entity and non controlling interest;
7) laba (rugi) per saham; 8 7) earning (loss) per share;
8) jumlah aset; 9 8) total assets;
9) jumlah liabilitas; 9 9) total liabilities;
10) jumlah ekuitas; 9 10) total equities;
11) rasio laba (rugi) terhadap jumlah aset; 10 11) profit (loss) to total assets ratio;
12) rasio laba (rugi) terhadap ekuitas; 10 12) profit (loss) to equities ratio;

362 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Keterangan Description
13) rasio laba (rugi) terhadap pendapatan/ 10 13) profit (loss) to income ratio;
14) rasio lancar; 10 14) current ratio;
15) rasio liabilitas terhadap ekuitas; 10 15) liabilities to equities ratio;
16) rasio liabilitas terhadap jumlah aset; dan 10 16) liabilities to total assets ratio; and
17) informasi dan rasio keuangan lainnya yang 10 17) other information and financial ratios
relevan dengan Emiten atau Perusahaan relevant to the Issuer or Public Company
Publik dan jenis industrinya; and type of industry;
b. Informasi Saham 11-15 b. Stock Information
Informasi Saham (jika ada) paling sedikit Stock Information (if any) at least contains:
1) saham yang telah diterbitkan untuk setiap 11-15 1) shares issued for each three-month
masa triwulan (jika ada) yang disajikan period in the last 2 (two) fiscal years (if
dalam bentuk perbandingan selama 2 any), at least covering:
(dua) tahun buku terakhir, paling sedikit
a) jumlah saham yang beredar; 11-15 a) number of outstanding shares;
b) kapitalisasi pasar berdasarkan harga 11-15 b) market capitalization based on the
pada Bursa Efek tempat saham price at the Stock Exchange where
dicatatkan; the shares listed on;
c) harga saham tertinggi, terendah, dan 11-15 c) highest share price, lowest share
penutupan berdasarkan harga pada price, closing share price at the
Bursa Efek tempat saham dicatatkan; Stock Exchange where the shares
dan listed on; and
d) volume perdagangan pada Bursa Efek 11-15 d) share volume at the Stock Exchange
tempat saham dicatatkan; where the shares listed on;
Informasi pada huruf a) diungkap oleh √ Information in point a) should be
Emiten yang merupakan Perusahaan disclosed by the Issuer, the public
Terbuka yang sahamnya tercatat maupun company whose shares is listed or not
tidak tercatat di Bursa Efek; listed in the Stock Exchange;
Informasi pada huruf b), c), dan huruf d) √ Information in point b), point c), and
hanya diungkapkan jika Emiten merupakan point d) only be disclosed if the Issuer is a
Perusahaan Terbuka dan sahamnya public company whose shares is listed in
tercatat di Bursa Efek; the Stock Exchange;
2) dalam hal terjadi aksi korporasi, 15 2) in the event of corporate actions,
seperti pemecahan saham (stock split), including stock split, reverse stock,
penggabungan saham (reverse stock), dividend, bonus share, and change in
dividen saham, saham bonus, dan par value of shares, then the share price
perubahan nilai nominal saham, informasi referred to in point 1), should be added
saham sebagaimana dimaksud pada angka with explanation on:
1) ditambahkan penjelasan paling sedikit
a) tanggal pelaksanaan aksi korporasi; 15 a) date of corporate action;
b) rasio pemecahan saham (stock split), 15 b) stock split ratio, reverse stock,
penggabungan saham (reverse stock), dividend, bonus shares, and change
dividen saham, saham in par value of shares;

c) jumlah saham beredar sebelum dan 15 c) number of outstanding shares prior

sesudah aksi korporasi; dan to and after corporate action; and
d) jumlah efek konversi yang 15 d) The number of convertible
dilaksanakan (jika ada); dan securities exercised (if any); and
e) harga saham sebelum dan sesudah 15 e) share price prior to and after
aksi korporasi; corporate action;

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 363

Keterangan Description
3) dalam hal terjadi penghentian sementara 15 3) in the event that the company’s shares
perdagangan saham (suspension), dan/ were suspended and/or delisted from
atau penghapusan pencatatan saham trading during the year under review,
(delisting) dalam tahun buku, Emiten atau then the Issuers or Public Company
Perusahaan Publik menjelaskan alasan should provide explanation on the reason
penghentian sementara perdagangan for the suspension and/or delisting; and
saham (suspension) dan/atau penghapusan
pencatatan saham (delisting) tersebut; dan

4) dalam hal penghentian sementara 15 4) in the event that the suspension and/
perdagangan saham (suspension) dan/ or delisting as referred to in point 3)
atau penghapusan pencatatan saham was still in effect until the date of the
(delisting) sebagaimana dimaksud pada Annual Report, then the Issuer or the
angka 3) masih berlangsung hingga akhir Public Company should also explain the
periode Laporan Tahunan, Emiten atau corporate actions taken by the company
Perusahaan Publik menjelaskan tindakan in resolving the suspension and/or
yang dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan delisting;
penghentian sementara perdagangan
saham (suspension) dan/atau penghapusan
pencatatan saham (delisting) tersebut;

c. Laporan Direksi 36-44 c. The Board of Directors Report

Laporan Direksi paling sedikit memuat: The Board of Directors Report should at least
contain the following items:
1) uraian singkat mengenai kinerja Emiten 38-41 1) the performance of the Issuer or Public
atau Perusahaan Publik, paling sedikit Company, at least covering:
a) strategi dan kebijakan strategis 38 a) strategy and strategic policies of the
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; Issuer or Public Company;
b) peranan Direksi dalam perumusan 38-39 b) Role of the Board of Directors
strategi dan kebijakan strategis in formulating strategies and
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; strategic policies of Issuers or Public
c) proses yang dilakukan Direksi untuk 39 c) Process carried out by the
memastikan implementasi strategi Board of Directors to ensure the
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; implementation of the Issuer’s or
Public Company’s strategy;
d) perbandingan antara hasil yang 39-40 d) comparison between achievement
dicapai dengan yang ditargetkan; dan of results and targets; and

e) kendala yang dihadapi Emiten atau 40-41 e) challenges faced by the Issuer or
Perusahaan Publik; Public Company;
2) gambaran tentang prospek usaha; 41 2) description on business prospects;
3) penerapan tata kelola Emiten atau 42-43 3) implementation of good corporate
Perusahaan Publik; dan governance by Issuer or Public Company;
4) perubahan komposisi anggota Direksi dan 4) changes in the composition of the Board of
alasan perubahannya (jika ada); Directors and the reason behind (if any);
d. Laporan Dewan Komisaris d. The Board of Commissioners Report
Laporan Dewan Komisaris paling sedikit The Board of Commissioners Report should at
memuat: least contain the following items:
1) Penilaian terhadap kinerja Direksi 28-30 1) Assessment on the performance of the
mengenai pengelolaan Emiten atau Board of Directors in managing the Issuer
Perusahaan Publik; or the Public Company;
2) Pengawasan terhadap implementasi 30-31 2) Supervision on the implementation of the
strategi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; strategy of the Issuer or Public Company;
3) Pandangan atas prospek usaha Emiten 31-33 3) View on the business prospects of the
atau Perusahaan Publik yang disusun oleh Issuer or Public Company as established
Direksi; by the Board of Directors;

364 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Keterangan Description
4) Pandangan atas penerapan tata kelola 31-33 4) View on the implementation of the
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; corporate governance by the Issuer or
Public Company;
5) Perubahan komposisi anggota Dewan 5) Changes in the composition of the Board
Komisaris dan alasan perubahannya (jika of Commissioners and the reason behind
ada); dan (if any); and
e. Profil Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik 50-109 e. Profile of the Issuer or Public Company
Profil Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik paling Profile of the Issuer or Public Company should
sedikit memuat: cover at least:
1) Nama Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik 50-51 1) Name of Issuer or Public Company,
termasuk apabila terdapat perubahan including change of name, reason of
nama, alasan perubahan, dan tanggal change, and the effective date of the
efektif perubahan nama pada tahun buku; change of name during the year under
2) Akses terhadap Emiten atau Perusahaan 50-51 2) access to Issuer or Public Company,
Publik termasuk kantor cabang atau including branch office or representative
kantor perwakilan yang memungkinkan office, where public can have access
masyarakat dapat memperoleh informasi of information of the Issuer or Public
mengenai Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, Company, which include:
a) Alamat; 51 a) Address;
b) Nomor telepon; 51 b) Telephone number;
c) Nomor faksimile; 51 c) Facsimile number;
d) Alamat surat elektronik; dan 51 d) E-mail address; and
e) Alamat Situs Web; 51 e) Website address;
3) Riwayat singkat Emiten atau Perusahaan 52-54 3) Brief history of the Issuer or Public
Publik; Company;
4) Visi dan misi Emiten atau Perusahaan 55-59 4) Vision and mission of the Issuer or Public
Publik; Company;
5) Kegiatan usaha menurut anggaran dasar 61-65 5) Line of business according to the latest
terakhir, kegiatan usaha yang dijalankan Articles of Association, and types of
pada tahun buku, serta jenis barang dan/ products and/or services produced;
atau jasa yang dihasilkan;
6) Wilayah operasional Emiten atau 66-71 6) Operational area of the Issuer or Public
Perusahaan Publik; Company
7) Struktur organisasi Emiten atau Perusahaan 72 7) Structure of organization of the Issuer or
Publik dalam bentuk bagan, paling sedikit Public Company in chart form, at least 1
sampai dengan struktur 1 (satu) tingkat di (one) level below the Board of Directors,
bawah Direksi, disertai dengan nama dan with the names and titles;
8) daftar keanggotaan asosiasi industri baik 73 8) List of industry association memberships
dalam skala nasional maupun internasional both on a national and international
yang berkaitan dengan penerapan scale related to the implementation of
keuangan berkelanjutan sustainable finance;
9) Profil Direksi, paling sedikit memuat: 78-82 9) The Board of Directors profiles include:
a) Nama dan jabatan yang sesuai dengan √ a) Name and short description of
tugas dan tanggung jawab; duties and functions;
b) Foto terbaru; √ b) Latest photograph;
c) Usia; √ c) Age;
d) Kewarganegaraan; √ d) Citizenship;
e) Riwayat pendidikan; √ e) Education;
f) Riwayat jabatan, meliputi informasi: √ f) history position, covering information
(1) Dasar hukum penunjukan √ (1) Legal basis for appointment
sebagai anggota Direksi pada as member of the Board of
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik Directors to the said Issuer or
yang bersangkutan; Public Company;

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 365

Keterangan Description
(2) Rangkap jabatan, baik sebagai √ (2) Dual position, as member
anggota Direksi, anggota Dewan of the Board of Directors,
Komisaris, dan/atau anggota member of the Board of
komite serta jabatan lainnya (jika Commissioners, and/or
ada); dan member of committee, and
other position (if any); and
(3) Pengalaman kerja beserta √ (3) Working experience and
periode waktunya baik di dalam period in and outside the
maupun di luar Emiten atau Issuer or Public Company;
Perusahaan Publik;
g) hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota √ g) Affiliation with other members of the
Direksi lainnya, anggota Dewan Board of Directors, members of the
Komisaris, pemegang saham utama, Board of Commissioners, majority and
dan pengendali baik langsung controlling shareholders, either directly
maupun tidak langsung sampai or indirectly to individual owners,
kepada pemilik individu, meliputi including names of affiliated parties. In
nama pihak yang terafiliasi; the event that a member of the Board
of Directors has no affiliation, the Issuer
or Public Company shall disclose this
matter; and
h) perubahan komposisi anggota Direksi 43 h) Changes in the composition of the
dan alasan perubahannya. Dalam hal members of the Board of Directors
tidak terdapat perubahan komposisi and the reasons for the changes. In the
anggota Direksi, maka diungkapkan event that there is no change in the
mengenai hal tersebut; composition of the members of the
Board of Directors, this matter shall be
10) Profil Dewan Komisaris, paling sedikit 74-77 10) The Board of Commissioners profiles, at
memuat: least include:
a) Nama; √ a) Name;
b) Foto terbaru; √ b) Latest photograph;
c) Usia; √ c) Age;
d) Kewarganegaraan; √ d) Citizenship;
e) Riwayat pendidikan; √ e) Education;
f) Riwayat jabatan, meliputi informasi: √ f) History position, covering information
(1) Dasar hukum penunjukan sebagai √ (1) Legal basis for the appointment
anggota Dewan Komisaris yang as member of the Board of
bukan merupakan Komisaris Commissioners who is not
Independen pada Emiten Independent Commissioner
atau Perusahaan Publik yang at the said Issuer or Public
bersangkutan; Company;

(2) Dasar hukum penunjukan √ (2) Legal bases for the first
pertama kali sebagai appointment as member of
anggota Dewan Komisaris the Board of Commissioners
yang merupakan Komisaris who also Independent
Independen pada Emiten Commissioner at the said
atau Perusahaan Publik yang Issuer or Public Company;
(3) Rangkap jabatan, baik sebagai √ (3) Dual position; as member of
anggota Dewan Komisaris, the Board of Commissioners,
anggota Direksi, dan/atau member of the Board of Directors,
anggota komite serta jabatan and/or member of committee
lainnya (jika ada); dan and other position (if any); and
(4) Pengalaman kerja beserta √ (4) Working experience and
periode waktunya baik di dalam period in and outside the
maupun di luar Emiten atau Issuer or Public Company;
Perusahaan Publik;

366 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Keterangan Description
g) Hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota √ g) Affiliation with other members of
Dewan Komisaris lainnya, pemegang the Board of Commissioners, major
saham utama, dan pengendali baik shareholders, and controllers either
langsung maupun tidak langsung directly or indirectly to individual
sampai kepada pemilik individu, owners, including names of affiliated
meliputi nama pihak yang terafilias parties; In the event that a member
of the Board of Commissioners has
no affiliation, the Issuer or Public
Company shall disclose this matter;
h) Pernyataan independensi Komisaris √ h) Statement of independence of
Independen dalam hal Komisaris Independent Commissioner in
Independen telah menjabat lebih dari the event that the Independent
2 (dua) periode (jika ada); Commissioner has been appointed
more than 2 (two) periods (if any);
i) Perubahan komposisi anggota Dewan √ i) Changes in the composition of
Komisaris dan alasan perubahannya. the members of the Board of
Dalam hal tidak terdapat perubahan Commissioners and the reasons for
komposisi anggota Dewan Komisaris, the changes. In the event that there
maka diungkapkan mengenai hal is no change in the composition
tersebut; of the members of the Board of
Commissioners, this matter shall be
11) Dalam hal terdapat perubahan susunan 33 11) In the event that there were changes
anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan in the composition of the Board of
Komisaris yang terjadi setelah tahun buku Commissioners and/or the Board of
berakhir sampai dengan batas waktu Directors occurring between the period
penyampaian Laporan Tahunan, susunan after year-end until the date the Annual
yang dicantumkan dalam Laporan Tahunan Report submitted, then the last and
adalah susunan anggota Direksi dan/atau the previous composition of the Board
anggota Dewan Komisaris yang terakhir of Commissioners and/or the Board of
dan sebelumnya; Directors shall be stated in the Annual
12) Jumlah karyawan menurut jenis kelamin, 107-107 12) Number of employees by gender, position,
jabatan, usia, tingkat pendidikan, dan age, education level, and employment
status ketenagakerjaan (tetap/kontrak) status (permanent/contracted) in the fiscal
dalam tahun buku; year; Disclosure of information can be
presented in tabular form.
13) Nama pemegang saham dan persentase 88-91 13) Names of shareholders and ownership
kepemilikan pada akhir tahun buku, yang percentage at the end of the fiscal year,
terdiri dari: including:
a) Pemegang saham yang memiliki 89-90 a) Shareholders having 5% (five
5% (lima persen) atau lebih saham percent) or more shares of Issuer or
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; Public Company;
b) Anggota Direksi dan anggota Dewan 91 b) Commissioners and Directors who
Komisaris yang memiliki saham own shares of the Issuers or Public
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; dan Company; and

c) Kelompok pemegang saham 89 c) Groups of public shareholders,

masyarakat, yaitu kelompok or groups of shareholders, each
pemegang saham yang masing- with less than 5% (five percent)
masing memiliki kurang dari 5% ownership shares of the Issuers or
(lima persen) saham emiten atau Public Company;
perusahaan publik;
14) Persentase kepemilikan tidak langsung 91 14) The percentage of indirect ownership of
atas saham Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik the shares of the Issuer or Public Company
oleh anggota Direksi dan anggota Dewan by members of the Board of Directors and
Komisaris pada awal dan akhir tahun buku, members of the Board of Commissioners
termasuk informasi mengenai pemegang at the beginning and end of the fiscal year,
saham yang terdaftar dalam daftar including information on shareholders
pemegang saham untuk kepentingan registered in the shareholder register
kepemilikan tidak langsung anggota Direksi for the benefit of indirect ownership of
dan anggota Dewan Komisaris; members of the Board of Directors and
members of the Board of Commissioners;

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 367

Keterangan Description
15) Jumlah pemegang saham dan persentase 89 15) Number of shareholders and ownership
kepemilikan per akhir tahun buku percentage at the end of the fiscal year,
berdasarkan klasifikasi: based on:
a) Kepemilikan institusi lokal; 89 a) Ownership of local institutions;
b) Kepemilikan institusi asing; 89 b) Ownership of foreign institutions;
c) Kepemilikan individu lokal; dan 89 c) Ownership of local individual; and
d) Kepemilikan individu asing; 89 d) Ownership of foreign individual;
16) Informasi mengenai pemegang saham 88 16) Information on major shareholders and
utama dan pengendali Emiten atau controlling shareholders the Issuers of
Perusahaan Publik, baik langsung maupun Public Company, directly or indirectly, and
tidak langsung, sampai kepada pemilik also individual shareholder, presented in
individu, yang disajikan dalam bentuk the form of scheme or diagram;
skema atau bagan;
17) Nama entitas anak, perusahaan asosiasi, 92-99; 104 17) Name of subsidiaries, associated
perusahaan ventura bersama dimana companies, joint venture controlled by
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik memiliki Issuers or Public Company, with entity,
pengendalian bersama entitas, beserta percentage of stock ownership, line of
persentase kepemilikan saham, bidang business, total assets and operating
usaha, total aset, dan status operasi Emiten status of the Issuers of Public Company
atau Perusahaan Publik tersebut (jika ada); (if any);

Untuk entitas anak, ditambahkan informasi √ For subsidiaries, include the addresses of
mengenai alamat entitas anak tersebut; the said subsidiaries;

18) Kronologi pencatatan saham, jumlah 102-103 18) Chronology of share listing, number of
saham, nilai nominal, dan harga penawaran shares, par value, and bid price from
dari awal pencatatan hingga akhir tahun the beginning of listing up to the end
buku serta nama Bursa Efek dimana saham of the financial year, and name of Stock
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik dicatatkan Exchange where the Issuers of Public
(jika ada); Company shares are listed;
19) Informasi pencatatan efek lainnya selain 103 19) Other securities listing information other
efek sebagaimana dimaksud pada angka than the securities as referred to in
18), yang belum jatuh tempo pada tahun number 18), which have not yet matured
buku paling sedikit memuat nama efek, in the fiscal year, at least contain the name
tahun penerbitan, tingkat suku bunga/ of the securities, year of issue, interest
imbal hasil, tanggal jatuh tempo, nilai rate/yield, maturity date, offering value,
penawaran, dan peringkat efek (jika ada); and securities rating (if any);
20) Informasi penggunaan jasa akuntan 104 20) Information on the use of a Public
publik (AP) dan kantor akuntan publik Accountant (AP) and a Public Accounting
(KAP) beserta jaringan/asosiasi/aliansinya firm (KAP) services and their networks/
meliputi: associations/alliances include:
a) nama dan alamat; 104 a) name and address;
b) periode penugasan; 104 b) period of assignment;
c) informasi jasa audit dan/atau non 104 c) informasi jasa audit dan/atau non
audit yang diberikan; audit yang diberikan;
d) biaya jasa (fee) audit dan/atau 104 d) Audit and/or non-audit fees for
non audit untuk masing-masing each assignment given during the
penugasan yang diberikan selama fiscal year; and
tahun buku; dan
e) dalam hal AP dan KAP beserta 104 e) In the event that AP and KAP and
jaringan/asosiasi/aliansinya, yang their network/association/alliance,
ditunjuk tidak memberikan jasa non which are appointed do not provide
audit, maka diungkapkan mengenai non-audit services, then the
informasi tersebut; dan information is disclosed; and
21) Nama dan alamat lembaga dan/atau 105 21) Name and address of capital market
profesi penunjang pasar modal selain AP supporting institutions and/or
dan KAP; professionals other than AP and KAP
f. Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen 142-203 f. Management Discussion and Analysis

368 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Keterangan Description
Analisis dan pembahasan manajemen memuat Management Analysis and Discussion Annual
analisis dan pembahasan mengenai laporan should contain discussion and analysis on
keuangan dan informasi penting lainnya dengan financial statements and other material
penekanan pada perubahan material yang information emphasizing material changes that
terjadi dalam tahun buku, yaitu paling sedikit occurred during the year under review, at least
memuat: including:
1) Tinjauan operasi per segmen operasi 149-173 1) Operational review per business segment,
sesuai dengan jenis industri Emiten according to the type of industry of the
atau Perusahaan Publik, paling sedikit Issuer or Public Company including:
a) Produksi, yang meliputi proses, 149-173 a) Production, including process,
kapasitas, dan perkembangannya; capacity, and growth;
b) Pendapatan/penjualan; dan 173 b) Income/sales; and
c) Profitabilitas; 173 c) Profitability;
2) Kinerja keuangan komprehensif yang 174-188 2) comprehensive financial performance
mencakup perbandingan kinerja keuangan analysis which includes a comparison
dalam 2 (dua) tahun buku terakhir, between the financial performance
penjelasan tentang penyebab adanya of the last 2 (two) fiscal years, and
perubahan dan dampak perubahan explanation on the causes and effects of
tersebut, paling sedikit mengenai: such changes, among others concerning:

a) Aset lancar, aset tidak lancar, dan 174-176 a) Current assets, non-current assets,
total aset; and total assets;
b) Liabilitas jangka pendek, liabilitas 176-179 b) Short term liabilities, long term
jangka panjang, dan total liabilitas; liabilities, total liabilities;
c) Ekuitas; 179-180 c) Equities;
d) Pendapatan/penjualan, beban, laba 180-185 d) Sales/operating revenues,
(rugi), penghasilan komprehensif lain, expenses and profit (loss), other
dan total laba (rugi) komprehensif; comprehensive revenues, and total
dan comprehensive profit (loss); and
e) Arus kas 185-188 e) Cash flows
3) Kemampuan membayar utang dengan 188-189 3) The capacity to pay debts by including
menyajikan perhitungan rasio yang relevan; the computation of relevant ratios;

4) Tingkat kolektibilitas piutang emiten atau 188-189 4) Accounts receivable collectability of the
perusahaan publik dengan menyajikan Issuer or Public Company, including the
perhitungan rasio yang relevan; computation of the relevant ratios;

5) Struktur modal (capital structure) dan 190-191 5) Capital structure and management
kebijakan manajemen atas struktur modal policies concerning capital structure,
(capital structure) tersebut disertai dasar including the basis for determining the
penentuan kebijakan dimaksud; said policy;

6) Bahasan mengenai ikatan yang material 191-192 6) discussion on material ties for the
untuk investasi barang modal dengan investment of capital goods, including
penjelasan paling sedikit meliputi: the explanation on at least:
a) Tujuan dari ikatan tersebut; 191 a) The purpose of such ties;
b) Sumber dana yang diharapkan untuk 191 b) Source of funds expected to fulfill
memenuhi ikatan tersebut; the said ties;
c) Mata uang yang menjadi denominasi; 191 c) Currency of denomination; and
d) Langkah yang direncanakan emiten 191 d) Steps taken by the Issuer of Public
atau perusahaan publik untuk Company to protect the position of
melindungi risiko dari posisi mata a related foreign currency against
uang asing yang terkait; risks;
7) Bahasan mengenai investasi barang modal 192-193 7) Discussion on investment of capital
yang direalisasikan dalam tahun buku goods which was realized in the last fiscal
terakhir, paling sedikit meliputi: year, at least include:
a) Jenis investasi barang modal; 193 a) Type of investment of capital goods;

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 369

Keterangan Description
b) Tujuan investasi barang modal; dan 193 b) Objective of the investment of
capital goods; and
c) Nilai investasi barang modal yang 193 c) Value of the investment of capital
dikeluarkan; goods;
8) Informasi dan fakta material yang terjadi 195 8) Material Information and facts
setelah tanggal laporan akuntan (jika ada); that occurring after the date of the
accountant’s report (if any);
9) Prospek usaha dari emiten atau 195-196 9) Information on the prospects of the
perusahaan publik dikaitkan dengan Issuer or the Company in connection
kondisi industri, ekonomi secara umum with industry,economy in general,
dan pasar internasional disertai data accompanied with supporting
pendukung kuantitatif dari sumber data quantitative data if there is a reliable data
yang layak dipercaya; source;
10) Perbandingan antara target/proyeksi pada 193-195 10) Comparison between target/projection at
awal tahun buku dengan hasil yang dicapai beginning of year and result (realization),
(realisasi), mengenai: concerning:
a) Pendapatan/penjualan; 194 a) Income/sales;
b) Laba (rugi); 194 b) Profit (loss);
c) Struktur modal (capital structure); 195 c) Capital structure; or
d) Kebijakan dividen; atau 193-195 d) Dividend policy; or
e) Hal lainnya yang dianggap penting 193-195 e) Others that deemed necessary for
bagi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; the Issuer or Public Company;

11) Target/proyeksi yang ingin dicapai Emiten 193-195 11) Target/projection at most for the next
atau Perusahaan Publik untuk 1 (satu) one year of the Issuer or Public Company,
tahun mendatang, mengenai: concerning:
a) Pendapatan/penjualan; 194 a) Income/sales;
b) Laba (rugi); 194 b) Profit (loss);
c) Struktur modal (capital structure); 195 c) Capital structure; or
d) Kebijakan dividen; atau 195 d) Dividend policy;
e) Hal lainnya yang dianggap penting 193-195 e) Or others that deemed necessary
bagi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; for the Issuer or Public Company;

12) Aspek pemasaran atas barang dan/atau 196-197 12) Marketing aspects of the company’s
jasa Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, paling products and/or services the Issuer or
sedikit mengenai strategi pemasaran dan Public Company, among others marketing
pangsa pasar; strategy and market share;
13) Uraian mengenai dividen selama 2 (dua) 198 13) Description regarding the dividend policy
tahun buku terakhir (jika ada), paling during the last 2 (two) fiscal years, at
sedikit: least:
a) Kebijakan dividen; 198 a) Dividend policy;
b) Tanggal pembayaran dividen kas dan/ 198 b) The date of the payment of cash
atau tanggal distribusi dividen non dividend and/or date of distribution
kas; of non-cash dividend;
c) Jumlah dividen per saham (kas dan/ 198 c) Amount of cash per share (cash
atau non kas); dan and/or non cash); and
d) Jumlah dividen per tahun yang 198 d) Amount of dividend per year paid;
Dalam hal Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik Disclosure of information can be
tidak membagikan dividen dalam 2 presented in tabular form. In the event
(dua) tahun terakhir, maka diungkapkan that the Issuer or Public Company does
mengenai hal tersebut. not distribute dividends in the last 2 (two)
years, this matter shall be disclosed.
14) Realisasi penggunaan dana hasil 193 14) Use of proceeds from Public Offerings,
Penawaran Umum, dengan ketentuan: under the condition of:

370 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Keterangan Description
a) Dalam hal selama tahun buku, Emiten 193 a) during the year under review, on
memiliki kewajiban menyampaikan which the Issuer has the obligation
laporan realisasi penggunaan to report the realization of the use
dana, maka diungkapkan realisasi of proceeds, then the realization of
penggunaan dana hasil Penawaran the cumulative use of proceeds until
Umum secara kumulatif sampai the year end should be disclosed;
dengan akhir tahun buku; dan and

b) Dalam hal terdapat perubahan 193 b) In the event that there were
penggunaan dana sebagaimana changes in the use of proceeds as
diatur dalam Peraturan Otoritas Jasa stipulated in the Regulation of the
Keuangan tentang Laporan Realisasi Financial Services Authority on the
Penggunaan Dana Hasil Penawaran Report of the Utilization of Proceeds
Umum, maka Emiten menjelaskan from Public Offering, then Issuer
perubahan tersebut; should explain the said changes;
15) Informasi material (jika ada), antara lain 194; 199-201 15) Material information (if any), among
mengenai investasi, ekspansi, divestasi, others concerning investment, expansion,
penggabungan/peleburan usaha, akuisisi, divestment, acquisition, debt/capital
restrukturisasi utang/modal, transaksi restructuring, transactions with related
Afiliasi, dan transaksi yang mengandung parties and transactions with conflict of
benturan kepentingan, yang terjadi pada interest that occurred during the year
tahun buku, antara lain memuat: under review, among others include:
a) Tanggal, nilai, dan objek transaksi; 200-201 a) Transaction date, value, and object;
b) Nama pihak yang melakukan 200-201 b) Name of transacting parties;
c) Sifat hubungan Afiliasi (jika ada); 200-201 c) Nature of related parties (if any);
d) Penjelasan mengenai kewajaran 200-201 d) Description of the fairness of the
transaksi; dan transaction; and
e) Pemenuhan ketentuan terkait; 199 e) Compliance with related rules and
f) dalam hal terdapat hubungan afiliasi, 199-201 f) In the event that there is an
selain mengungkapkan informasi affiliation relationship, apart from
sebagaimana dimaksud dalam disclosing the information as
huruf a) sampai dengan huruf e), referred to in letter a) to letter e),
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik juga the Issuer or Public Company also
mengungkapkan informasi: discloses information:

1) Pernyataan Direksi bahwa 199 1) A statement from the Board

transaksi afiliasi telah melalui of Directors that the affiliate
prosedur yang memadai untuk transaction has gone through
memastikan bahwa transaksi adequate procedures to
afiliasi dilaksanakan sesuai ensure that the affiliate
dengan praktik bisnis yang transaction is carried out in
berlaku umum antara lain accordance with generally
dilakukan dengan memenuhi accepted business practices,
prinsip transaksi yang wajar by complying with the arms-
(arms-length principle); dan length principle; and

2) Peran Dewan Komisaris dan 199 2) The role of the Board of

komite audit dalam melakukan Commissioners and the
prosedur yang memadai untuk audit committee in carrying
memastikan bahwa transaksi out adequate procedures
afiliasi dilaksanakan sesuai to ensure that affiliated
dengan praktik bisnis yang transactions are carried out
berlaku umum antara lain in accordance with generally
dilakukan dengan memenuhi accepted business practices,
prinsip transaksi yang wajar by complying with the arms-
(arms-length principle); length principle;

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 371

Keterangan Description
g) Dalam hal transaksi afiliasi atau 200-201 g) For affiliated transactions or material
transaksi material dimaksud telah transactions which are business
diungkapkan dalam laporan keuangan activities carried out to generate
tahunan, ditambahkan informasi business income and are carried
mengenai rujukan pengungkapan out regularly, repeatedly, and/or
dalam laporan keuangan tahunan continuously, an explanation is added
tersebut. that the affiliated transactions or
material transactions are business
activities carried out to generate
operating income. and run regularly,
repeatedly, and/or continuously;
h) Untuk pengungkapan transaksi 199-200 h) For disclosure of affiliated
afiliasi dan/atau transaksi benturan transactions and/or conflict of
kepentingan yang merupakan hasil interest transactions resulting from
pelaksanaan transaksi afiliasi dan/ the implementation of affiliated
atau transaksi benturan kepentingan transactions and/or conflict of
yang telah disetujui pemegang saham interest transactions that have
independen, ditambahkan informasi been approved by independent
mengenai tanggal pelaksanaan RUPS shareholders, additional
yang menyetujui transaksi afiliasi dan/ information regarding the date
atau transaksi benturan kepentingan of the GMS which approved the
tersebut; affiliated transactions and/or
conflict of interest transactions is
i) Dalam hal tidak terdapat transaksi 199-201 i) In the event that there is no
afiliasi dan/atau transaksi benturan affiliated transaction and/or conflict
kepentingan, maka diungkapkan of interest transaction, then this
mengenai hal tersebut; shall be disclosed;
16) Perubahan ketentuan peraturan 202 16) Changes in regulation which have a
perundang-undangan yang berpengaruh significant effect on the Issuer or Public
signifikan terhadap Emiten atau Company and impacts on the company (if
Perusahaan Publik dan dampaknya any); and
terhadap laporan keuangan (jika ada); dan

17) Perubahan kebijakan akuntansi, alasan dan 202 17) Changes in the accounting policy,
dampaknya terhadap laporan keuangan rationale and impact on the financial
(jika ada); statement (if any);
g. Tata Kelola Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik 206-349 g. Corporate Governance of the Issuer or Public
Tata kelola Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik paling Corporate Governance of the Issuer or Public
sedikit memuat uraian singkat mengenai: Company contains at least:

1) RUPS, paling sedikit memuat: 216-223 1) GMS, at least contains:

a) Informasi mengenai keputusan RUPS 220-223 a) Information regarding the
pada tahun buku dan 1 (satu) tahun resolutions of the GMS in the fiscal
sebelum tahun buku meliputi: year and 1 (one) year prior to the
fiscal year include:
1) keputusan RUPS pada tahun 220-221 1) Resolutions of the GMS in the
buku dan 1 (satu) tahun sebelum fiscal year and 1 (one) year
tahun buku yang direalisasikan before the fiscal year realized
pada tahun buku; dan in the fiscal year; and

2) keputusan RUPS pada tahun 222-223 2) Resolutions of the GMS in the

buku dan 1 (satu) tahun fiscal year and 1 (one) year
sebelum tahun buku yang belum before the fiscal year that
direalisasikan beserta alasan have not been realized and the
belum direalisasikan; reasons for not realizing them;
b) dalam hal Emiten atau Perusahaan 218 b) In the event that the Issuer or Public
Publik menggunakan pihak Company uses an independent
independen dalam pelaksanaan RUPS party in the conduct of the GMS to
untuk melakukan perhitungan suara, calculate the votes, then this matter
maka diungkapkan mengenai hal shall be disclosed;

372 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Keterangan Description
2) Direksi, mencakup antara lain: 240-252; 257- 2) The Board of Directors, covering:
263; 266-267
a) Tugas dan tanggung jawab masing- 248 a) The tasks and responsibilities of each
masing anggota Direksi; member of the Board of Directors;
b) Pernyataan bahwa Direksi memiliki 243 b) Statement that the Board of
pedoman atau piagam (charter) Directors has already have board
Direksi; manual or charter;
c) Kebijakan dan pelaksanaan tentang 257-263 c) Policies and implementation of
frekuensi rapat Direksi, termasuk the frequency of meetings of the
rapat bersama Dewan Komisaris, dan Board of Directors, meetings of the
tingkat kehadiran anggota Direksi Board of Directors with the Board
dalam rapat tersebut termasuk of Commissioners, and the level
tingkat kehadiran dalam RUPS; of attendance of members of the
Board of Directors in the meeting
including attendance at the GMS;
d) pelatihan dan/atau peningkatan 249 d) Training and/or competency
kompetensi anggota Direksi: development of members of the
Board of Directors:
(1) kebijakan pelatihan dan/atau 249 (1) Policies for training and/or
peningkatan kompetensi anggota improving the competence
Direksi, termasuk program of members of the Board
orientasi bagi anggota Direksi of Directors, including an
yang baru diangkat (jika ada); orientation program for newly
dan appointed members of the
Board of Directors (if any); and
(2) pelatihan dan/atau peningkatan 249 (2) Training and/or competency
kompetensi yang diikuti anggota improvement attended by
Direksi dalam tahun buku (jika members of the Board of
ada); Directors in the fiscal year (if
e) penilaian Direksi terhadap kinerja 252 e) The Board of Directors’ assessment
komite yang mendukung pelaksanaan of the performance of the
tugas Direksi pada tahun buku paling committees that support the
sedikit memuat: implementation of the Board of
Directors’ duties for the fiscal year
shall at least contain:
(1) prosedur penilaian kinerja; dan 252 (1) Performance appraisal
procedures; and
(2) kriteria yang digunakan seperti 252 (2) The criteria used are
capaian kinerja selama tahun performance achievements
buku, kompetensi dan kehadiran during the fiscal year, are
dalam rapat; dan competence and attendance
at meetings; and
f) dalam hal Emiten atau Perusahaan 252 f) In the event that the Issuer or
Publik tidak memiliki komite yang Public Company does not have
mendukung pelaksanaan tugas a committee that supports the
Direksi, maka diungkapkan mengenai implementation of the duties of the
hal tersebut. Board of Directors, this matter shall
be disclosed.
3) Dewan Komisaris, mencakup antara lain: 224-239; 256- 3) The Board of Commissioners, among
257; 261-263; others include:
a) Tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan 234-235 a) Duties and responsibilities of the
Komisaris; Board of Commissioners;
b) Pernyataan bahwa Dewan Komisaris 231 b) Statement that the Board of
memiliki pedoman atau piagam Commissioners has already have
(charter) Dewan Komisaris; the board manual or charter;

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 373

Keterangan Description
c) Kebijakan dan pelaksanaan tentang 256-257; 261- c) Policies and implementation of the
frekuensi rapat Dewan Komisaris, 263 frequency of meetings of the Board
termasuk rapat bersama Direksi, dan of Commissioners, meetings of the
tingkat kehadiran anggota Dewan Board of Commissioners with the
Komisaris dalam rapat tersebut Board of Directors and the level of
termasuk tingkat kehadiran dalam attendance of members of the Board
RUPS;; of Commissioners in these meetings
including attendance at the GMS;
d) pelatihan dan/atau peningkatan 237 d) Training and/or competency
kompetensi anggota Dewan improvement of members of the
Komisaris: Board of Commissioners:
(1) kebijakan pelatihan dan/atau 237 (1) Policy on competency training
peningkatan kompetensi anggota and/or development of members
Dewan Komisaris, termasuk of the Board of Commissioners,
program orientasi bagi anggota including orientation programs
Dewan Komisaris yang baru for newly appointed members
diangkat (jika ada); dan of the Board of Commissioners
(if any); and
(2) pelatihan dan/atau peningkatan 237 (2) Competency training and/
kompetensi yang diikuti anggota or development attended
Dewan Komisaris dalam tahun by members of the Board of
buku (jika ada); Commissioners in the fiscal year
(if any);
e) penilaian terhadap kinerja anggota 266-267 e) The assessment on the performance
Direksi dan anggota Dewan Komisaris of the Board of Directors and
dan pelaksanaannya, paling sedikit Board of Commissioners and the
memuat: implementation, at least covering:
(1) Prosedur pelaksanaan penilaian 266-267 (1) procedure for the implementation
kinerja; of performance assessment;
(2) Kriteria yang digunakan seperti 267 (2) Criteria used are performance
capaian kinerja selama tahun achievements during the
buku, kompetensi dan kehadiran fiscal year, competency and
dalam rapat; dan attendance at meetings; and
(3) Pihak yang melakukan penilaian; 267 (3) Assessor;

f) penilaian Dewan Komisaris terhadap 238-239 f) Board of Commissioners’

kinerja Komite yang mendukung assessment of the performance of
pelaksanaan tugas Dewan Komisaris the Committees that support the
pada tahun buku meliputi: implementation of the duties of the
Board of Commissioners in the fiscal
year includes:
(1) prosedur penilaian kinerja; dan 238 (1) Performance appraisal
procedures; and
(2) kriteria yang digunakan seperti 239 (2) The criteria used are performance
capaian kinerja selama tahun achievements during the
buku, kompetensi dan kehadiran fiscal year, competency and
dalam rapat; attendance at meetings;
4) Nominasi dan remunerasi Direksi dan 268-271 4) The nomination and remuneration of
Dewan Komisaris, paling sedikit memuat: the Board of Directors and the Board of
Commissioners shall at least contain:
a) prosedur nominasi, meliputi uraian 268 a) Nomination procedure, including
singkat mengenai kebijakan dan a brief description of the policies
proses nominasi anggota Direksi dan/ and process for nomination of
atau anggota Dewan Komisaris; dan members of the Board of Directors
and/or members of the Board of
Commissioners; and
b) prosedur dan pelaksanaan 268-271 b) Procedures and implementation
remunerasi Direksi dan Dewan of remuneration for the Board
Komisaris, antara lain: of Directors and the Board of
Commissioners, among others:

374 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Keterangan Description
(1) prosedur penetapan remunerasi 268-269 (1) Procedures for determining
Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris; remuneration for the Board
of Directors and the Board of
(2) struktur remunerasi Direksi dan 270-271 (2) The remuneration structure of
Dewan Komisaris seperti, gaji, the Board of Directors and the
tunjangan, tantiem/bonus dan Board of Commissioners such
lainnya; dan as salary, allowances, tantiem/
bonus and others; and
(3) besarnya remunerasi masing- (3) The amount of remuneration
masing anggota Direksi dan for each member of the Board
anggota Dewan Komisaris; of Directors and member of
the Board of Commissioners
5) Dewan Pengawas Syariah, bagi Emiten n/a 5) Sharia Supervisory Board, for Issuer or
atau Perusahaan Publik yang menjalankan Public Company that conduct business
kegiatan usaha berdasarkan prinsip syariah based on sharia law, as stipulated in the
sebagaimana tertuang dalam anggaran articles of association, at least containing:
dasar, paling sedikit memuat:
a) nama; n/a a) name;
b) dasar hukum pengangkatan dewan n/a b) Legal basis for the appointment of
pengawas syariah; the sharia supervisory board;
c) periode penugasan dewan pengawas n/a c) Period of assignment of the sharia
syariah; supervisory board;
d) tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan n/a d) duty and responsibility of Sharia
Pengawas Syariah; dan Supervisory Board; and
e) frekuensi dan cara pemberian n/a e) frequency and procedure in
nasihat dan saran serta pengawasan providing advice and suggestion,
pemenuhan Prinsip Syariah di as well as the compliance of Sharia
Pasar Modal terhadap Emiten atau Principles by the Issuer or Public
Perusahaan Publik; Company in the Capital Market;
6) Komite Audit, mencakup antara lain: 271-279 6) Audit Committee, among others covering:
a) Nama dan jabatannya dalam 273-275 a) Name and position in the
keanggotaan komite; committee;
b) Usia; 273-275 b) Age;
c) Kewarganegaraan; 273-275 c) Citizenship;
d) Riwayat pendidikan; 273-275 d) Education background;
e) Riwayat jabatan, meliputi informasi: 273-275 e) History of position; including:
(1) Dasar hukum untuk pengangkatan 273-275 (1) Legal basis for appointment as
sebagai anggota komite; committee member;
(2) Rangkap jabatan, baik sebagai 273 (2) Dual position, as member
anggota Dewan Komisaris, of Board of Commissioners,
anggota Direksi, dan/atau member of Board of Directors,
anggota komite serta jabatan and/or member of committee,
lainnya (jika ada); dan and other position (if any); and
(3) Pengalaman kerja beserta 273-275 (3) working experience and period
periode waktunya baik di dalam in and outside the Issuer or
maupun di luar Emiten atau Public Company;
Perusahaan Publik;
f) Periode dan masa jabatan anggota 273 f) Period and terms of office of the
Komite Audit; member of Audit Committee;
g) Pernyataan independensi Komite 275 g) statement of independence of the
Audit; Audit Committee;
h) Pendidikan dan/atau pelatihan yang 279 h) Training and/or competency
telah diikuti dalam tahun buku (jika improvement that have been
ada); dan followed in the fiscal year (if any);

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 375

Keterangan Description
i) Kebijakan dan pelaksanaan tentang 278-279 i) Policies and implementation of
frekuensi rapat Komite Audit dan the frequency of audit committee
tingkat kehadiran anggota Komite meetings and the level of
Audit dalam rapat tersebut; attendance of audit committee
members in those meetings; and
j) Pelaksanaan kegiatan Komite Audit 276-277 j) the activities of the Audit
pada tahun buku sesuai dengan yang Committee in the year under
dicantumkan dalam pedoman atau review, in accordance with the Audit
piagam (charter) Komite Audit; Committee Charter;
7) Komite atau fungsi nominasi dan 282-284 7) The nomination and remuneration
remunerasi Emiten atau Perusahaan committee or function of the Issuer or
Publik, paling sedikit memuat: Public Company, at least containing:
a) Nama dan jabatannya dalam 283-284 a) Name and position in committee
keanggotaan komite; membership;
b) Usia; 283-284 b) Age;
c) Kewarganegaraan; 283-284 c) Nationality;
d) Riwayat pendidikan; 283-284 d) Educational history;
e) Riwayat jabatan, meliputi informasi: 283-284 e) Position history, including
information on:
(1) Dasar hukum penunjukan 282 (1) Legal basis for appointment as
sebagai anggota komite; committee member;
(2) Rangkap jabatan, baik sebagai 283-284 (2) Concurrent positions, either
anggota Dewan Komisaris, as a member of the Board of
anggota Direksi, dan/atau Commissioners, member of
anggota komite serta jabatan the Board of Directors, and/or
lainnya (jika ada); dan committee member and other
positions (if any); and
(3) Pengalaman kerja beserta 283-284 (3) Work experience and period of
periode waktunya baik di dalam time both inside and outside
maupun di luar Emiten atau the Issuer or Public Company;
Perusahaan Publik;
f) Periode dan masa jabatan anggota 282 f) Period and term of office of the
komite; committee members;
g) Pernyataan independensi komite; 284 g) Statement of committee independence;
h) Pendidikan dan/atau pelatihan yang 288 h) Training and/or competency
telah diikuti dalam tahun buku (jika improvement that have been
ada); dan followed in the fiscal year (if any);
i) Uraian tugas dan tanggung jawab; 284-286 i) Description of duties and
j) Pernyataan bahwa telah memiliki 281 j) A statement that it has a guideline
pedoman atau piagam (charter) or charter;
k) Kebijakan dan pelaksanaan tentang 287-288 k) Policies and implementation of the
frekuensi rapat komite dan tingkat frequency of meetings and the level
kehadiran anggota komite dalam of attendance of members at the
rapat tersebut; meeting;
l) uraian singkat pelaksanaan kegiatan 286 l) Brief description of the
pada tahun buku; dan implementation of activities in the
fiscal year; and
m) dalam hal tidak dibentuk komite n/a m) In the event that no nomination
nominasi dan remunerasi, Emiten and remuneration committee
atau Perusahaan Publik cukup is formed, the Issuer or Public
mengungkapkan informasi Company is sufficient to disclose the
sebagaimana dimaksud dalam information as referred to in letter i)
huruf i) sampai dengan huruf l) dan to letter l) and disclose:
(1) alasan tidak dibentuknya komite; n/a (1) Reasons for not forming the
dan committee; and

376 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Keterangan Description
(2) pihak yang melaksanakan fungsi n/a (2) The party carrying out the
nominasi dan remunerasi; nomination and remuneration
8) Komite lain yang dimiliki Emiten atau 289-295 8) Other committees owned by Issuers or
Perusahaan Publik dalam rangka Public Companies in order to support the
mendukung fungsi dan tugas Direksi (jika functions and tasks of the Board of Directors
ada) dan/atau komite yang mendukung (if any) and/or committees that support
fungsi dan tugas Dewan Komisaris, paling the functions and duties of the Board of
sedikit memuat: Commissioners, the least contains:
a) Nama dan jabatannya dalam 291-292 a) Name and position in the
keanggotaan komite; Committee;
b) Usia; 291-292 b) Age;
c) Kewarganegaraan; 291-292 c) Citizenship;
d) Riwayat pendidikan; 291-292 d) Education background;
e) Riwayat jabatan, meliputi informasi: 291-292 e) History of position, including:
(1) Dasar hukum penunjukan 291 (1) Legal basis for the appointment
sebagai anggota komite; as member of the committee;
(2) Rangkap jabatan, baik sebagai 291-292 (2) Dual position, as member
anggota Dewan Komisaris, of Board of Commissioners,
anggota Direksi, dan/atau member of Board of Directors,
anggota komite serta jabatan and/or member of committee,
lainnya (jika ada); dan and other position (if any); and
(3) Pengalaman kerja beserta 291-292 (3) Working experience and
periode waktunya baik di dalam period in and outside the
maupun di luar Emiten atau Issuer or Public Company;
Perusahaan Publik;
f) Periode dan masa jabatan anggota 291 f) Period and terms of office of the
komite; member of Audit Committee;
g) Pernyataan independensi komite; 292 g) Statement of committee independence;
h) Pendidikan dan/atau pelatihan yang 295 h) Training and/or competency
telah diikuti dalam tahun buku (jika improvement that have been
ada); dan followed in the fiscal year (if any);
i) Uraian tugas dan tanggung jawab; 293 i) Description of duties and
j) Pernyataan bahwa telah memiliki 289 j) A statement that the committee has
pedoman atau piagam (charter) had guidelines or charters;
k) Kebijakan dan pelaksanaan tentang 294-295 k) Policies and implementation of the
frekuensi rapat komite dan tingkat frequency of committee meetings
kehadiran anggota komite dalam and the level of attendance
rapat tersebut; of committee members at the
meeting; and
l) uraian singkat pelaksanaan kegiatan 293-294 l) A brief description of the
pada tahun buku; dan committee’s activities for the fiscal
9) Sekretaris Perusahaan, mencakup antara 296-304 9) Corporate Secretary, including:
a) nama; 298 a) name;
b) domisili; 298 b) domicile;
c) riwayat jabatan, meliputi informasi: 298 c) history of position, including:
(1) dasar hukum penunjukan sebagai 297 (1) legal basis for the appointment
Sekretaris Perusahaan; dan as Corporate Secretary; and

(2) pengalaman kerja beserta 298 (2) working experience and period
periode waktunya baik di dalam in and outside the Issuer or
maupun di luar Emiten atau Public Company;
Perusahaan Publik;

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 377

Keterangan Description
d) riwayat pendidikan; 298 d) education background;
e) pendidikan dan/atau pelatihan yang 298 e) education and/or training during
diikuti dalam tahun buku; dan the year under review; and
f) uraian singkat pelaksanaan tugas 299-304 f) brief description on the
Sekretaris Perusahaan pada tahun implementation of duties of the
buku; Corporate Secretary in the year
under review;
10) Unit Audit Internal, mencakup antara lain: 305-308 10) Internal Audit Unit, among others
a) Nama kepala Unit Audit Internal; 305 a) Name of Head of Internal Audit Unit;
b) Riwayat jabatan, meliputi informasi: 305 b) History of position, including:
(1) Dasar hukum penunjukan 305 (1) Legal basis for the appointment
sebagai Kepala Audit Internal; as Head of Internal Audit Unit;
dan and
(2) Pengalaman kerja beserta 305 (2) Working experience and
periode waktunya baik di dalam period in and outside the
maupun di luar Emiten atau Issuer or Public Company;
Perusahaan Publik;
c) Kualifikasi atau sertifikasi sebagai 306-307 c) Qualification or certification as
profesi audit internal (jika ada); internal auditor (if any);
d) Pendidikan dan/atau pelatihan yang 308 d) Education and/or training during
diikuti dalam tahun buku; the year under review;
e) Struktur dan kedudukan Unit Audit 305-306 e) Structure and position of Internal
Internal; Audit Unit;
f) Uraian tugas dan tanggung jawab; 307-308 f) Description of duties and
g) Pernyataan bahwa telah memiliki 307 g) Statement that the Internal Audit
pedoman atau piagam (charter) Unit Unit has already have Internal Audit
Audit Internal; dan Unit charter; and
h) Uraian singkat pelaksanaan tugas Unit 308 h) Brief description on the implementation
Audit Internal pada tahun buku; of duty of Internal Audit Unit during the
year under review;
11) Uraian mengenai sistem pengendalian 309-310 11) Description on internal control system
internal (internal control) yang diterapkan adopted by the Issuer or Public Company,
oleh Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, paling at least covering:
sedikit mengenai:
a) Pengendalian keuangan dan 309 a) Financial and operational control,
operasional, serta kepatuhan and compliance to the other
terhadap peraturan perundang- prevailing rules; and
undangan lainnya; dan
b) Tinjauan atas efektivitas sistem 309-310 b) Review on the effectiveness of
pengendalian internal; internal control systems;
c) Pernyataan Direksi dan/atau Dewan 310 c) Statement of the Board of Directors
Komisaris atas kecukupan sistem and/or Board of Commissioners on the
pengendalian internal; adequacy of the internal control system;
12) Sistem manajemen risiko yang diterapkan 310-321 12) Risk management system implemented
oleh Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, paling by the company, at least includes:
sedikit mengenai:
a) Gambaran umum mengenai sistem 310-313 a) General description about the
manajemen risiko Emiten atau company’s risk management system
Perusahaan Publik; the Issuer or Public Company;
b) Jenis risiko dan cara pengelolaannya; 314-317 b) Types of risk and the management;
dan and
c) Tinjauan atas efektivitas sistem 319-320 c) Review the effectiveness of the risk
manajemen risiko Emiten atau management system applied by the
Perusahaan Publik; Issuer or Public Company;

378 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Keterangan Description
d) Pernyataan Direksi dan/atau Dewan 320-321 d) Statement of the Board of Directors
Komisaris atau komite audit atas and/or the Board of Commissioners or
kecukupan sistem manajemen risiko; the audit committee on the adequacy
of the risk management system;
13) Perkara hukum yang berdampak material 322-324 13) Legal cases that have a material impact
yang dihadapi oleh Emiten atau Perusahaan faced by Issuers or Public Companies,
Publik, entitas anak, anggota Direksi dan subsidiaries, members of the Board of
anggota Dewan Komisaris (jika ada), antara Directors and members of the Board of
lain meliputi: Commissioners (if any), at least contain:
a) Pokok perkara/gugatan; 322-324 a) Substance of the case/claim;
b) Status penyelesaian perkara/gugatan; 322-324 b) Status of settlement of case/claim;
dan and
c) Pengaruhnya terhadap kondisi Emiten 322-324 c) Potential impacts on the condition
atau Perusahaan Publik; of the Issuer or Public Company;
14) Informasi tentang sanksi administratif yang 324 14) information about administrative
dikenakan kepada Emiten atau Perusahaan sanctions imposed to Issuer or Public
Publik, anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Company, members of the Board
Direksi, oleh otoritas Pasar Modal dan of Commissioners and the Board
otoritas lainnya pada tahun buku (jika ada); of Directors, by the Capital Market
Authority and other authorities during
the last fiscal year (if any);
15) Informasi mengenai kode etik Emiten atau 325-328 15) information about codes of conduct of
Perusahaan Publik meliputi: the Issuer or Public Company, includes:
a) Pokok-pokok kode etik; 325-326 a) Key points of the code of conduct;
b) Bentuk sosialisasi kode etik dan upaya 326-328 b) Socialization of the code of conduct
penegakannya; dan and enforcement; and
c) Pernyataan bahwa kode etik berlaku 327 c) Statement that the code of
bagi anggota Direksi, anggota Dewan conduct is applicable for the Board
Komisaris, dan karyawan Emiten atau of Commissioners, the Board of
Perusahaan Publik; Directors, and employees of the
Issuer of Public Company;
16) Uraian singkat mengenai kebijakan 331 16) A brief description of the policy of
pemberian kompensasi jangka panjang providing long-term performance-based
berbasis kinerja kepada manajemen compensation to management and/
dan/atau karyawan yang dimiliki oleh or employees owned by the Issuer or
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik (jika ada), Public Company (if any), including the
antara lain berupa program kepemilikan management stock ownership program
saham oleh manajemen (management (MSOP) and/or program employee stock
stock ownership program/MSOP) dan/ ownership (ESOP);
atau program kepemilikan saham oleh
karyawan (employee stock ownership
program/ESOP); Dalam hal pemberian
kompensasi berupa program kepemilikan
saham oleh manajemen (management
stock ownership program/MSOP) dan/atau
program kepemilikan saham oleh karyawan
(employee stock ownership program/
ESOP), informasi yang diungkapkan paling
sedikit memuat:

a) jumlah saham dan/atau opsi; 331 a) Number of shares and/or options;

b) jangka waktu pelaksanaan; 331 b) Implementation period;
c) persyaratan karyawan dan/atau 331 c) Requirements for eligible employees
manajemen yang berhak; dan and/or management; and
d) harga pelaksanaan atau penentuan 331 d) Exercise price or determination of
harga pelaksanaan; exercise price;
17) Uraian singkat mengenai kebijakan 332-333 17) A brief description of the information
pengungkapan informasi mengenai: disclosure policy regarding:

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 379

Keterangan Description
a) Kepemilikan saham anggota Direksi 332-333 a) Share ownership of members of the
dan anggota Dewan Komisaris paling Board of Directors and members of
lambat 3 (tiga) hari kerja setelah the Board of Commissioners no later
terjadinya kepemilikan atau setiap than 3 (three) working days after
perubahan kepemilikan atas saham the occurrence of ownership or any
Perusahaan Terbuka; dan change in ownership of shares of a
Public Company; and
b) Pelaksanaan atas kebijakan dimaksud; 332-333 b) Implementation of the policy;
18) Uraian mengenai sistem pelaporan 333-366 18) Description of whistleblowing system at
pelanggaran (whistleblowing system) di the Issuer or Public Company (if any),
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik (jika ada), among others include:
antara lain meliputi:
a) Cara penyampaian laporan 334 a) Mechanism for violation reporting;
b) Perlindungan bagi pelapor; 335 b) Protection for the whistleblower;
c) Penanganan pengaduan; 334 c) Handling of violation reports;
d) Pihak yang mengelola pengaduan; 334 d) Unit responsible for handling of
dan violation report; and
e) Hasil dari penanganan pengaduan, 335 e) Results from violation report
paling sedikit meliputi: handling, at least includes:
(1) Jumlah pengaduan yang masuk 335 (1) Number of complaints
dan diproses dalam tahun buku; received and processed during
dan the fiscal year; and
(2) Tindak lanjut pengaduan; 335 (2) Follow up of complaints;
19) Uraian mengenai kebijakan anti korupsi 336-337 19) A description of the anti-corruption
Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, paling policy of the Issuer or Public Company, at
sedikit memuat: least containing:
a) program dan prosedur yang dilakukan 336 a) Programs and procedures
dalam mengatasi praktik korupsi, implemented in overcoming corrupt
balas jasa (kickbacks), fraud, suap practices, kickbacks, fraud, bribery
dan/atau gratifikasi dalam Emiten and/or gratification in Issuers or
atau Perusahaan Publik; dan Public Companies; and

b) pelatihan/sosialisasi anti korupsi 336-337 b) Anti-corruption training/

kepada karyawan Emiten atau socialization to employees of Issuers
Perusahaan Publik; or Public Companies;
20) Penerapan atas Pedoman Tata Kelola 341-345 20) Implementation of the Guidelines
Perusahaan Terbuka bagi Emiten yang of Corporate Governance for Public
menerbitkan Efek Bersifat Ekuitas atau Companies for Issuer issuing Equity-
Perusahaan Publik, meliputi: based Securities or Public Company,
a) pernyataan mengenai rekomendasi 341-345 a) statement regarding recommendation
yang telah dilaksanakan; dan/atau that have been implemented; and/or
b) penjelasan atas rekomendasi yang 341-345 b) description of recommendation that
belum dilaksanakan, disertai alasan have not been implemented, along
dan alternatif pelaksanaannya (jika with the reason and alternatives of
ada); implementation (if any);
h. Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Emiten 352-355 h. Social and Environmental Responsibility of the
atau Perusahaan Publik Issuer or Public Company
1) Informasi yang diungkapkan dalam bagian Laporan 1) The information disclosed in the social
tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan Keberlanjutan and environmental responsibility section
merupakan Laporan Keberlanjutan yang disajikan is a Sustainability Report as referred
(Sustainability Report) sebagaimana dalam to in the Financial Services Authority
dimaksud dalam Peraturan Otoritas Jasa dokumen Regulation Number 51/POJK.03/2017
Keuangan Nomor 51/POJK.03/2017 tentang terpisah concerning the Implementation of
Penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan bagi Sustainability Sustainable Finance for Financial
Lembaga Jasa Keuangan, Emiten, dan Report Services Institutions, Issuers, and Public
Perusahaan Publik, paling sedikit memuat: presented in Companies, at at least includes:
a separate

380 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Keterangan Description
a) penjelasan strategi keberlanjutan; a) Explanation of the sustainability
b) ikhtisar aspek keberlanjutan b) Overview of sustainability
(ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan aspects (economic, social, and
hidup); environmental);
c) profil singkat Emiten atau Perusahaan c) Brief profile of the Issuer or Public
Publik; Company;
d) penjelasan Direksi; d) Explanation of the Board of Directors;
e) tata kelola keberlanjutan; e) Sustainability governance;
f) kinerja keberlanjutan; f) Sustainability performance;
g) verifikasi tertulis dari pihak g) Written verification from an
independen, jika ada; independent party, if any;
h) lembar umpan balik (feedback) untuk h) Feedback sheet for readers, if any;
pembaca, jika ada; dan and
i) anggapan Emiten atau Perusahaan i) The response of the Issuer or Public
Publik terhadap umpan balik laporan Company to the previous year’s
tahun sebelumnya; report feedback;
2) Laporan Keberlanjutan sebagaimana √ 2) The Sustainability Report as referred
dimaksud pada angka 1), harus disusun to in number 1) must be prepared in
sesuai Pedoman Teknis Penyusunan accordance with the Technical Guidelines
Laporan Keberlanjutan (Sustainability for the Preparation of a Sustainability
Report) Bagi Emiten dan Perusahaan Publik Report for Issuers and Public Companies
sebagaimana tercantum dalam Lampiran II as contained in Appendix II which is an
yang merupakan bagian tidak terpisahkan integral part of this Financial Services
dari Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Authority Circular Letter;
3) Informasi Laporan Keberlanjutan √ 3) Information on the Sustainability Report
(Sustainability Report) pada angka 1) in number 1) can:
a) diungkapkan pada bagian lain yang √ a) Disclosed in other relevant sections
relevan di luar bagian tanggung outside the Social and Environmental
jawab sosial dan lingkungan, seperti Responsibility section, such as the
penjelasan Direksi terkait Laporan Directors’ explanation regarding the
Keberlanjutan diungkapkan dalam Sustainability Report disclosed in
bagian terkait Laporan Direksi; dan/ the section related to the Directors’
atau Report; and/or
b) merujuk pada bagian lain di luar √ b) Refers to other sections outside
bagian tanggung jawab sosial dan the Social and Environmental
lingkungan dengan tetap mengacu Responsibility section by still
pada Pedoman Teknis Penyusunan referring to the Technical Guidelines
Laporan Keberlanjutan (Sustainability for the Preparation of Sustainability
Report) Bagi Emiten dan Perusahaan Reports for Issuers and Public
Publik sebagaimana tercantum dalam Companies as listed in Appendix
Lampiran II yang merupakan bagian II which is an integral part of this
tidak terpisahkan dari Surat Edaran Financial Services Authority Circular
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan ini, seperti Letter, such as the profile of the
profil Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik; Issuer or Public Company;

4) Laporan Keberlanjutan (Sustainability √ 4) The Sustainability Report as referred to

Report) sebagaimana dimaksud pada in number 1) is an inseparable part of
angka 1) merupakan bagian yang tidak the Annual Report but can be presented
terpisahkan dari Laporan Tahunan namun separately from the Annual Report;
dapat disajikan secara terpisah dengan
Laporan Tahunan;
5) Dalam hal Laporan Keberlanjutan disajikan √ 5) In the event that the Sustainability
secara terpisah dengan Laporan Tahunan, Report is presented separately from the
informasi yang diungkapkan dalam Laporan Annual Report, the information disclosed
Keberlanjutan dimaksud harus: in the Sustainability Report must:

PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 381

Keterangan Description
a) memuat seluruh informasi √ a) Contains all the information as
sebagaimana dimaksud pada angka referred to in number 1); and
1); dan
b) disusun sesuai Pedoman Teknis √ b) Prepared in accordance with
Penyusunan Laporan Keberlanjutan the Technical Guidelines for the
(Sustainability Report) Bagi Emiten Preparation of a Sustainability
dan Perusahaan Publik sebagaimana Report for Issuers and Public
tercantum dalam Lampiran II yang Companies as listed in Appendix
merupakan bagian tidak terpisahkan II which is an integral part of this
dari Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Financial Services Authority Circular
Keuangan ini; Letter;
6) Dalam hal Laporan Keberlanjutan disajikan 352 6) In the event that the Sustainability
secara terpisah dengan Laporan Tahunan, Report is presented separately from
maka dalam bagian tanggung jawab sosial the Annual Report, then the Social and
dan lingkungan memuat informasi bahwa Environmental Responsibility section
informasi mengenai tanggung jawab sosial contains information that information on
dan lingkungan telah diungkapkan dalam Social and Environmental Responsibility
Laporan Keberlanjutan yang disajikan has been disclosed in the Sustainability
secara terpisah dari Laporan Tahunan; dan Report which is presented separately
from the Annual Report; and

7) Penyampaian Laporan Keberlanjutan √ 7) Submission of the Sustainability Report

(Sustainability Report) yang disajikan which is presented separately from
secara terpisah dengan Laporan Tahunan the Annual Report must be submitted
harus disampaikan bersamaan dengan together with the Annual Report.
penyampaian Laporan Tahunan.
i Laporan Keuangan Tahunan yang Telah Diaudit i Audited Annual Financial Statement

Laporan keuangan tahunan yang dimuat dalam 383 Financial Statements included in Annual Report
Laporan Tahunan disusun sesuai dengan should be prepared in accordance with the
Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di Indonesia dan Financial Accounting Standards in Indonesia
telah diaudit oleh Akuntan. Laporan keuangan and audited by an Accountant. The said
dimaksud memuat pernyataan mengenai financial statement should be included with
pertanggungjawaban atas laporan keuangan statement of responsibility for financial report
sebagaimana diatur dalam peraturan perundang- as stipulated in the legislations in the Capital
undangan di sektor Pasar Modal yang mengatur Markets sector governing the responsibility of
mengenai tanggung jawab Direksi atas laporan the Board of Directors on the financial report
keuangan atau peraturan perundang-undangan or the legislations in the Capital Markets sector
di sektor Pasar Modal yang mengatur mengenai governing the periodic reports of securities
laporan berkala Perusahaan Efek dalam hal company in the event the Issuer is a Securities
Emiten merupakan Perusahaan Efek; dan Company; and

j Surat Pernyataan Anggota Direksi dan Anggota j Letter of Statement of the Board of Directors
Dewan Komisaris tentang Tanggung Jawab atas and the Board of Commissioners regarding the
Laporan Tahunan Responsibility for Annual Reporting
Surat pernyataan anggota Direksi dan anggota 46-47 Letter of statement of the Board of Directors
Dewan Komisaris tentang tanggung jawab atas and the Board of Commissioners regarding
Laporan Tahunan disusun sesuai dengan format the responsibility for Annual Reporting should
Surat Pernyataan Anggota Direksi dan Anggota be prepared according to the format of letter
Dewan Komisaris tentang Tanggung Jawab of statement of member of Board of Directors
atas Laporan Tahunan sebagaimana tercantum and the Board of Commissioners regarding the
dalam Lampiran yang merupakan bagian tidak responsibility for Annual Reporting as attached
terpisahkan dari Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa in the Attachment, which is an integral part of
Keuangan ini. this Circulation Letter of the Financial Services

382 PT ELNUSA Tbk Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report

Financial Report
PT Elnusa Tbk
dan ent it as anaknya/ and it s subsidiaries

Laporan keuangan konsolidasian

tanggal 31 Desember 2022
dan untuk tahun yang berakhir
pada tanggal tersebut
beserta laporan auditor independen/
Consolidated financial statements
as of December 31, 2022
and for the year then ended
with independent auditors’report
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.


Daftar Isi Table of Contents


Laporan Auditor Independen ......................................... i-x ................................. Independent Auditor’s Report

Laporan Posisi Keuangan Konsolidasian ....................... 1-2 .......... Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

Laporan Laba Rugi dan Penghasilan Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss

Komprehensif Lain Konsolidasian........................... 3 ...................... and Other Comprehensive Income

Laporan Perubahan Ekuitas Konsolidasian.................... 4 .......... Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

Laporan Arus Kas Konsolidasian .................................. 5 .................... Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Catatan Atas Laporan Keuangan Notes to the Consolidated

Konsolidasian ........................................................ 6-126 .......................................... Financial Statements

Lampiran I: Informasi Keuangan Entitas Induk ............... 127-132 ......... Appendix I: Parent Entity Financial Information

The original report included herein is in the Indonesian

Laporan Audit or Independen Independent Audit ors’ Report

Laporan No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697- Report No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697-
2/ 1/ II/ 2023 2/ 1/ II/ 2023

Pemegang Saham, Dewan Komisaris, dan Dir eksi The Shareholders and t he Boards of
PT Elnusa Tbk Commissioners and Direct ors
PT Elnusa Tbk

Opini Opinion

Kami telah mengaudit laporan keuangan We have audited the accompanying consolidated
konsolidasian PT Elnusa Tbk (“ Perusahaan” ) dan financial statements of PT Elnusa Tbk
entitas anaknya (secara kolektif disebut sebagai (the “ Company” ) and it s subsidiaries (collectively
“ Grup” ) terlampir, yang terdiri dari laporan referred to as the “ Group” ), which comprise the
posisi keuangan konsolidasian tanggal consolidated statement of financial position as of
31 Desember 2022, serta laporan laba rugi dan December 31, 2022, and the consolidated
penghasilan komprehensif lain konsolidasian, statement of profit or loss and other
laporan perubahan ekuitas konsolidasian dan comprehensive income, consolidated statement of
laporan arus kas konsolidasian untuk tahun yang changes in equity and consolidated statement of
berakhir pada tanggal tersebut, serta catatan atas cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to
laporan keuangan konsolidasian, termasuk the consolidated financial statements, including a
ikhtisar kebijakan akuntansi signifikan. summary of significant accounting policies.

Menurut opini kami, laporan keuangan In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated
konsolidasian terlampir menyajikan secara wajar, financial statements present fairly, in all material
dalam semua hal yang material, posisi keuangan respect s, the consolidated financial position of the
konsolidasian Grup tanggal 31 Desember 2022, Group as of December 31, 2022 and their
sert a kinerja keuangan dan arus kas consolidated financial performance and cash flows
konsolidasiannya untuk tahun yang berakhir pada for the year then ended, in accordance with
tanggal tersebut, sesuai dengan Standar Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards.
Akuntansi Keuangan di Indonesia.

Basis opini Basis for opinion

Kami melaksanakan audit kami berdasarkan We conducted our audit in accordance with
Standar Audit yang ditetapkan oleh Institut Standards on Auditing established by the
Akuntan Publik Indonesia (“ IAPI” ). Tanggung Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants
jawab kami menurut standar tersebut diuraikan (“ IICPA” ). Our responsibilities under those
lebih lanjut dalam paragraf Tanggung Jawab standards are further described in the Auditors’
Auditor terhadap Audit atas Laporan Keuangan Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated
Konsolidasian pada laporan kami. Kami Financial Statements paragraph of our report .
independen terhadap Grup berdasarkan We are independent of the Group in accordance
ketentuan etika yang relevan dalam audit kami with the ethical requirements that are relevant to
atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian di Indonesia, our audit of the consolidated financial statements
dan kami telah memenuhi tanggung jawab etika in Indonesia, and we have fulfilled our other
lainnya berdasarkan ketentuan tersebut. Kami ethical responsibilities in accordance with these
yakin bahwa bukti audit yang telah kami peroleh requirements. We believe that the audit evidence
adalah cukup dan tepat untuk menyediakan suat u we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to
basis bagi opini audit kami. provide a basis for our audit opinion.

The original report included herein is in the Indonesian

Laporan Audit or Independen (lanjut an) Independent Audit ors’ Report (cont inued)

Laporan No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697- Report No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697-
2/ 1/ II/ 2023 (lanjutan) 2/ 1/ II/ 2023 (continued)

Hal audit ut ama Key audit mat t er

Hal audit utama adalah hal-hal yang, menurut Key audit matter are those mat ters that, in our
pertimbangan profesional kami, merupakan hal- professional judgment, were of most significance in
hal paling signifikan dalam audit kami atas laporan our audit of the consolidated financial statements
keuangan konsolidasian periode kini. Hal audit of the current period. Such key audit matters were
ut ama tersebut disampaikan dalam kont eks audit addressed in the context of our audit of the
kami atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian secara consolidated financial statements taken as a whole
keseluruhan dan dalam merumuskan opini kami and in forming our opinion t hereon, and we do not
atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian terkait , dan provide a separate opinion on such key audit
kami tidak menyatakan suatu opini terpisah atas matters. For the key audit matter below, our
hal audit utama tersebut. Untuk hal audit utama di description of how our audit addressed such key
bawah ini, penjelasan kami tentang bagaimana audit matter is provided in such context.
audit kami merespons hal tersebut disampaikan
dalam konteks tersebut.

Kami telah memenuhi tanggung jawab yang We have fulfilled the responsibilities described in
dijelaskan dalam paragraf Tanggung Jawab the Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the
Auditor terhadap Audit atas Laporan Keuangan Consolidated Financial Statement s paragraph of
Konsolidasian pada laporan kami, termasuk our report, including in relation to the key audit
sehubungan dengan hal audit utama yang matter communicated below. Accordingly, our
dikomunikasikan di bawah ini. Oleh karena itu, audit included the performance of procedures
audit kami mencakup pelaksanaan prosedur yang designed to respond to our assessment of the risks
didesain untuk merespons penilaian kami atas of material misstatement of the accompanying
risiko kesalahan penyajian material dalam laporan consolidated financial statements. The results of
keuangan konsolidasian terlampir. Hasil prosedur our audit procedures, including the procedures
audit kami, termasuk prosedur yang dilakukan performed to address the key audit matter below,
untuk merespons hal audit utama di bawah ini, provide the basis for our audit opinion on the
memberikan dasar bagi opini audit kami atas accompanying consolidated financial statements.
laporan keuangan konsolidasian terlampir.

The original report included herein is in the Indonesian

Laporan Audit or Independen (lanjut an) Independent Audit ors’ Report (cont inued)

Laporan No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697- Report No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697-
2/ 1/ II/ 2023 (lanjutan) 2/ 1/ II/ 2023 (continued)

Hal audit ut ama (lanjut an) Key audit mat t er (cont inued)

Penurunan nilai atas aset keuangan tidak lancar Impairment of other non-current financial assets at
lainnya yang diukur pada biaya perolehan yang amortized cost: claim of deposits to PT Bank Mega
diamortisasi: klaim atas deposito ke PT Bank Mega Tbk

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022, klaim atas As of December 31, 2022, the claim of deposits t o
deposito ke PT Bank Mega Tbk sebesar PT Bank Mega Tbk amounted to Rp111,000
Rp111.000 juta. Klaim tersebut terutang sejak million. The claim has been outstanding since 2011
tahun 2011 ketika Perusahaan mengajukan when the Company filed a civil lawsuit on such
gugatan perdata atas klaim tersebut. claims. The related disclosures of claim of deposits
Pengungkapan terkait klaim atas deposito ke to PT Bank Mega Tbk are included in Notes 10 and
PT Bank Mega Tbk disajikan dalam Catatan 10 dan 33a to the consolidated financial statements. The
33a atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian. Kajian Company’s impairment assessment requires
penurunan nilai Perusahaan memerlukan significant judgment and estimates due to the
pertimbangan dan estimasi signifikan karena uncertaint y of the timing of the settlement of the
ketidakpastian waktu penyelesaian klaim, claims, as well as the assumptions to be used in the
termasuk asumsi yang digunakan dalam model impairment model.
penurunan nilai.

Tanggapan audit Audit response

Kami memeroleh pemahaman terhadap kajian We obtained an understanding of the assessment

atas klaim Perusahaan dan diskusi dengan of the Company’s claims and conducted discussions
manajemen atas perkembangannya pada periode with management on the developments during the
kini. Kami memeroleh dan melakukan evaluasi current period. We obtained and evaluated the
terhadap kajian manajemen dengan management’s assessment considering the most
mempertimbangkan perkembangan terkini atas recent updates of the claims. We tested the
klaim tersebut. Kami menguji akurasi dari mathematical accuracy of the calculation of
perhitungan biaya diamortisasi, termasuk amortized cost, including the cash flow forecasts,
terhadap perkiraan arus kas, dan menilai serta and assessed and tested the reasonableness of the
menguji kewajaran asumsi utama yang digunakan, key assumptions used, such as the amount of
seperti jumlah arus kas masa depan yang expected future cash flows to be received. We
diharapkan akan diterima. Kami melakukan reviu checked the adequacy of the disclosures in the
atas kecukupan pengungkapan pada catatan atas notes to the consolidated financial statements.
laporan keuangan konsolidasian.

The original report included herein is in the Indonesian

Laporan Audit or Independen (lanjut an) Independent Audit ors’ Report (cont inued)

Laporan No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697- Report No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697-
2/ 1/ II/ 2023 (lanjutan) 2/ 1/ II/ 2023 (continued)

Hal lain Ot her mat t er

Audit kami atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian Our audit of the accompanying consolidated
Perusahaan dan entitas anaknya tanggal financial statements of the Company and its
31 Desember 2022 dan untuk tahun yang subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and for the
berakhir pada tanggal tersebut terlampir year then ended was performed for t he purpose of
dilaksanakan dengan tujuan merumuskan suatu forming an opinion on such consolidated financial
opini atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian statements taken as a whole. The accompanying
tersebut secara keseluruhan. Informasi keuangan financial information of the Company (parent entit y
Perusahaan (entitas induk saja) terlampir, yang only), which comprises the statement of financial
terdiri dari laporan posisi keuangan pada tanggal position as of December 31, 2022, and the
31 Desember 2022, serta laporan laba rugi dan statements of profit or loss and other
penghasilan komprehensif lain, laporan comprehensive income, changes in equity, and
perubahan ekuitas, dan laporan arus kas untuk cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary
tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal tersebut, dan of significant accounting policies (collectively
ikhtisar kebijakan akuntansi signifikan (secara referred to as the “ Parent Entit y Financial
kolektif disebut sebagai “ Informasi Keuangan Information” ), which is presented as
Entitas Induk” ), yang disajikan sebagai informasi a supplementary information t o the accompanying
tambahan terhadap laporan keuangan consolidated financial statements, is presented for
konsolidasian terlampir, disajikan untuk tujuan the purpose of additional analysis and is not a
analisis tambahan dan bukan merupakan bagian required part of the accompanying consolidated
dari laporan keuangan konsolidasian terlampir financial statements under Indonesian Financial
yang diharuskan menurut Standar Akuntansi Accounting Standards. The Parent Entit y Financial
Keuangan di Indonesia. Informasi Keuangan Information is the responsibilit y of management
Entitas Induk merupakan tanggung jawab and was derived from and relates directly to the
manajemen serta dihasilkan dari dan berkaitan underlying accounting and other records used to
secara langsung dengan catatan akuntansi dan prepare the accompanying consolidated financial
catatan lainnya yang mendasarinya yang statements. The Parent Entit y Financial
digunakan untuk menyusun laporan keuangan Information has been subjected to the audit
konsolidasian terlampir. Informasi Keuangan procedures applied in the audit of the
Entitas Induk telah menjadi objek prosedur audit accompanying consolidated financial statements in
yang diterapkan dalam audit atas laporan accordance with Standards of Auditing established
keuangan konsolidasian terlampir berdasarkan by the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public
Standar Audit yang ditetapkan oleh Institut Accountants, and in our opinion, the Parent Entit y
Akuntan Publik Indonesia, dan menurut opini Financial Information is fairly stated, in all material
kami, Informasi Keuangan Entitas Induk disajikan respect s, in relation to the accompanying
secara wajar, dalam semua hal yang material, consolidated financial statements taken as a whole.
berkaitan dengan laporan keuangan konsolidasian
terlampir secara keseluruhan.

The original report included herein is in the Indonesian

Laporan Audit or Independen (lanjut an) Independent Audit ors’ Report (cont inued)

Laporan No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697- Report No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697-
2/ 1/ II/ 2023 (lanjutan) 2/ 1/ II/ 2023 (continued)

Informasi lain Ot her informat ion

Manajemen bertanggung jawab atas informasi Management is responsible for the other
lain. Informasi lain terdiri dari informasi yang information. Other information comprises the
tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan. Laporan information included in the Annual Report. The
Tahunan diharapkan akan tersedia bagi kami Annual Report is expected to be made available to
setelah tanggal laporan auditor independen ini. us after the date of this independent auditors’

Opini audit kami atas laporan keuangan Our audit opinion on the accompanying
konsolidasian terlampir tidak mencakup Laporan consolidated financial statements does not cover
Tahunan, dan oleh karena itu, kami tidak the Annual Report, and accordingly, we do not
menyatakan bentuk keyakinan apapun atas express any form of assurance on the Annual
Laporan Tahunan tersebut. Report.

Sehubungan dengan audit kami atas laporan In connection with our audit of the accompanying
keuangan konsolidasian terlampir, tanggung consolidated financial statements, our
jawab kami adalah untuk membaca responsibility is to read the Annual Report when it
Laporan Tahunan ketika tersedia dan, becomes available and, in doing so, consider
dalam pelaksanaannya, mempertimbangkan whether the Annual Report is materially
apakah Laporan Tahunan mengandung inconsistent with the accompanying consolidated
ketidakkonsistensian material dengan laporan financial statements or our knowledge obtained in
keuangan konsolidasian terlampir atau the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially
pemahaman yang kami peroleh selama audit, atau misstated.
mengandung kesalahan penyajian material.

Ketika kami membaca Laporan Tahunan, jika kami When we read the Annual Report , if we conclude
menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat suatu kesalahan that there is a material misstatement therein, we
penyajian material di dalamnya, kami diharuskan are required to communicate the matter to those
untuk mengomunikasikan hal tersebut kepada charged with governance and take appropriate
pihak yang bertanggung jawab atas tata kelola actions based on the applicable laws and
dan melakukan tindakan yang tepat berdasarkan regulations.
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

The original report included herein is in the Indonesian

Laporan Audit or Independen (lanjut an) Independent Audit ors’ Report (cont inued)

Laporan No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697- Report No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697-
2/ 1/ II/ 2023 (lanjutan) 2/ 1/ II/ 2023 (continued)

Tanggung jawab manajemen dan pihak yang Responsibilit ies of management and t hose
bert anggung jawab at as t at a kelola t erhadap charged wit h governance for t he consolidat ed
laporan keuangan konsolidasian financial st at ement s

Manajemen bertanggung jawab atas penyusunan Management is responsible for the preparation and
dan penyajian wajar laporan keuangan fair presentation of such consolidated financial
konsolidasian tersebut sesuai dengan Standar statements in accordance with Indonesian Financial
Akuntansi Keuangan di Indonesia, dan atas Accounting Standards, and for such internal
pengendalian internal yang dianggap perlu oleh control as management determines is necessary to
manajemen untuk memungkinkan penyusunan enable the preparation of consolidated financial
laporan keuangan konsolidasian yang bebas dari statements that are free from material
kesalahan penyajian material, baik yang misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
disebabkan oleh kecurangan maupun kesalahan.

Dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan In preparing the consolidated financial statements,

konsolidasian, manajemen bertanggung jawab management is responsible for assessing the
untuk menilai kemampuan Grup dalam Group’s abilit y to continue as a going concern,
mempertahankan kelangsungan usahanya, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going
mengungkapkan, sesuai dengan kondisinya, hal- concern, and using the going concern basis of
hal yang berkaitan dengan kelangsungan usaha, accounting, unless management either intends to
dan menggunakan basis akuntansi kelangsungan liquidate the Group or to cease its operations, or
usaha, kecuali manajemen memiliki intensi untuk has no realistic alternative but to do so.
melikuidasi Grup atau menghentikan operasi, atau
tidak memiliki alternatif yang realistis selain

Pihak yang bertanggung jawab atas tata kelola Those charged with governance are responsible for
bertanggung jawab untuk mengawasi proses overseeing the Group’s financial reporting process.
pelaporan keuangan Grup.

The original report included herein is in the Indonesian

Laporan Audit or Independen (lanjut an) Independent Audit ors’ Report (cont inued)

Laporan No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697- Report No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697-
2/ 1/ II/ 2023 (lanjutan) 2/ 1/ II/ 2023 (continued)

Tanggung jawab audit or t erhadap audit at as Audit ors’ responsibilit ies for t he audit of t he
laporan keuangan konsolidasian consolidat ed financial st at ement s

Tujuan kami adalah untuk memeroleh keyakinan Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance
memadai tentang apakah laporan keuangan about whether the consolidated financial
konsolidasian secara keseluruhan bebas dari statements taken as a whole are free from material
kesalahan penyajian material, baik yang misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and
disebabkan oleh kecurangan maupun kesalahan, to issue an independent auditors’ report that
dan untuk menerbitkan laporan auditor includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a
independen yang mencakup opini kami. high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that
Keyakinan memadai merupakan suatu tingkat an audit conducted in accordance with Standards
keyakinan tinggi, namun bukan merupakan suatu on Auditing established by the IICPA will always
jaminan bahwa audit yang dilaksanakan detect a material misstatement when it exists.
berdasarkan Standar Audit yang ditetapkan oleh Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and
IAPI akan selalu mendeteksi kesalahan penyajian are considered material if, individually or in the
material ketika hal tersebut ada. Kesalahan aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to
penyajian dapat disebabkan oleh kecurangan influence the economic decisions of users taken on
maupun kesalahan dan dianggap material jika, the basis of such consolidated financial statements.
baik secara individual maupun agregat , dapat
diekspektasikan secara wajar akan memengaruhi
keputusan ekonomi yang dibuat oleh pengguna
berdasarkan laporan keuangan konsolidasian

Sebagai bagian dari suatu audit berdasarkan As part of an audit in accordance with Standards on
Standar Audit yang ditetapkan oleh IAPI, kami Auditing established by the IICPA, we exercise
menerapkan pertimbangan profesional dan professional judgment and maintain professional
mempertahankan skeptisisme profesional selama skepticism throughout the audit . We also:
audit. Kami juga:

 Mengidentifikasi dan menilai risiko kesalahan  Identify and assess the risks of material
penyajian material dalam laporan keuangan misstatement of the consolidated financial
konsolidasian, baik yang disebabkan oleh statements, whether due to fraud or error,
kecurangan maupun kesalahan, mendesain design and perform audit procedures
dan melaksanakan prosedur audit yang responsive to those risks, and obtain audit
responsif terhadap risiko tersebut, serta evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to
memeroleh bukti audit yang cukup dan tepat provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not
untuk menyediakan basis bagi opini kami. detecting a material misstatement resulting
Risiko tidak terdeteksinya kesalahan from fraud is higher than for one resulting
penyajian material yang disebabkan oleh from error, as fraud may involve
kecurangan lebih tinggi daripada yang collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,
disebabkan oleh kesalahan, karena misrepresentations, or the override of internal
kecurangan dapat melibatkan kolusi, control.
pemalsuan, penghilangan secara sengaja,
kesalahan representasi, atau pengabaian
pengendalian internal.

The original report included herein is in the Indonesian

Laporan Audit or Independen (lanjut an) Independent Audit ors’ Report (cont inued)

Laporan No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697- Report No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697-
2/ 1/ II/ 2023 (lanjutan) 2/ 1/ II/ 2023 (continued)

Tanggung jawab audit or t erhadap audit at as Audit ors’ responsibilit ies for t he audit of t he
laporan keuangan konsolidasian (lanjut an) consolidat ed financial st at ement s (cont inued)

Sebagai bagian dari suatu audit berdasarkan As part of an audit in accordance with Standards on
Standar Audit yang ditetapkan oleh IAPI, kami Auditing established by the IICPA, we exercise
menerapkan pertimbangan profesional dan professional judgment and maintain professional
mempertahankan skeptisisme profesional selama skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
audit. Kami juga: (lanjutan) (continued)

 Memeroleh suatu pemahaman tentang  Obtain an understanding of internal control

pengendalian internal yang relevan dengan relevant to the audit in order to design audit
audit untuk mendesain prosedur audit yang procedures that are appropriate in the
tepat sesuai dengan kondisinya, tetapi bukan circumstances, but not for the purpose of
untuk tujuan menyatakan opini atas expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of
keefektivitasan pengendalian internal Grup. the Group’s internal control.

 Mengevaluasi ketepatan kebijakan akuntansi  Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting

yang digunakan serta kewajaran estimasi policies used and the reasonableness of
akuntansi dan pengungkapan terkait yang accounting estimates and related disclosures
dibuat oleh manajemen. made by management.

 Menyimpulkan ketepatan penggunaan basis  Conclude on the appropriateness of

akuntansi kelangsungan usaha oleh management's use of the going concern basis
manajemen dan, berdasarkan bukti audit yang of accounting and, based on the audit evidence
diperoleh, apakah terdapat suatu obtained, whether a material uncertainty
ketidakpastian material yang terkait dengan exists related to events or conditions that may
peristiwa atau kondisi yang dapat cast significant doubt on the Group's ability to
menyebabkan keraguan signifikan atas continue as a going concern. If we conclude
kemampuan Grup untuk mempertahankan that a material uncertaint y exists, we are
kelangsungan usahanya. Ketika kami required to draw attention in our independent
menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat suatu auditors’ report to the related disclosures in
ketidakpastian material, kami diharuskan the consolidated financial statements or, if
untuk menarik perhatian dalam laporan such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our
auditor independen kami ke pengungkapan opinion. Our conclusions are based on the
terkait dalam laporan keuangan konsolidasian audit evidence obtained up to the date of our
atau, jika pengungkapan tersebut tidak independent auditors’ report. However, future
memadai, memodifikasi opini kami. events or conditions may cause the Group to
Kesimpulan kami didasarkan pada bukti audit cease to continue as a going concern.
yang diperoleh hingga tanggal laporan auditor
independen kami. Namun, peristiwa atau
kondisi masa depan dapat menyebabkan Grup
tidak dapat mempertahankan kelangsungan

The original report included herein is in the Indonesian

Laporan Audit or Independen (lanjut an) Independent Audit ors’ Report (cont inued)

Laporan No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697- Report No. 00130/ 2.1032/ AU.1/ 02/ 0697-
2/ 1/ II/ 2023 (lanjutan) 2/ 1/ II/ 2023 (continued)

Tanggung jawab audit or t erhadap audit at as Audit ors’ responsibilit ies for t he audit of t he
laporan keuangan konsolidasian (lanjut an) consolidat ed financial st at ement s (cont inued)

Sebagai bagian dari suatu audit berdasarkan As part of an audit in accordance with Standards on
Standar Audit yang ditetapkan oleh IAPI, kami Auditing established by the IICPA, we exercise
menerapkan pertimbangan profesional dan professional judgment and maintain professional
mempertahankan skeptisisme profesional selama skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
audit. Kami juga: (lanjutan) (continued)

 Mengevaluasi penyajian, struktur, dan isi  Evaluate the overall presentation, structure
laporan keuangan konsolidasian secara and contents of the consolidated financial
keseluruhan, termasuk pengungkapannya, statements, including the disclosures, and
dan apakah laporan keuangan konsolidasian whether the consolidated financial statements
mencerminkan transaksi dan peristiwa yang represent the underlying transactions and
mendasarinya dengan suatu cara yang events in a manner that achieves fair
mencapai penyajian wajar. presentation.

 Memeroleh bukti audit yang cukup dan tepat  Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence
terkait informasi keuangan entitas atau regarding the financial information of the
aktivitas bisnis dalam Grup untuk menyatakan entities or business activities within the Group
opini atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian. to express an opinion on the consolidated
Kami bertanggung jawab atas arahan, financial statements. We are responsible for
supervisi, dan pelaksanaan audit Grup. Kami the direction, supervision and performance of
tetap bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya atas the Group audit . We remain solely responsible
opini audit kami. for our audit opinion.

Kami mengomunikasikan kepada pihak yang We communicate with those charged with
bertanggung jawab atas tata kelola mengenai, governance regarding, among other matters, the
antara lain, ruang lingkup dan saat yang planned scope and timing of the audit and
direncanakan atas audit, serta temuan audit significant audit findings, including any significant
signifikan, termasuk setiap defisiensi signifikan deficiencies in internal cont rol that we identify
dalam pengendalian internal yang teridentifikasi during our audit.
oleh kami selama audit.

Kami juga memberikan suatu pernyataan kepada We also provide those charged with governance
pihak yang bertanggung jawab atas tata kelola with a statement that we have complied with
bahwa kami telah mematuhi ketentuan etika yang relevant ethical requirements regarding
relevan mengenai independensi, serta independence, and to communicate with them all
mengomunikasikan kepada pihak tersebut seluruh relationships and other matters that may
hubungan, serta hal-hal lain yang dianggap secara reasonably be thought to bear on our
wajar berpengaruh terhadap independensi kami, independence, and where applicable, related
dan jika relevan, pengamanan terkait . safeguards.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
kecuali dinyatakan lain) unless otherwise stated)

31 Desember/ Catatan/ 31 Desember/

December 31, Notes December 31,
2022 2021


Kas dan setara kas 1.656.975 4,32a 1.144.769 Cash and cash equivalents
Piutang usaha - neto: 2h,5 Trade receivables - net:
Pihak ketiga 162.882 219.384 Third parties
Pihak berelasi 2.756.473 2j,32b 2.068.541 Related parties
Aset keuangan lancar lainnya - neto: 2h,6 Other current financial assets - net:
Pihak ketiga 7.812 9.469 Third parties
Pihak berelasi 95.726 2j,32c 55.322 Related parties
Persediaan - neto 429.814 2i,7 322.656 Inventories - net
Uang muka - bagian lancar 24.177 8 80.994 Advances - current portion
Pajak dibayar di muka - bagian lancar 93.323 2u,19a 525.112 Prepaid taxes - current portion
Biaya dibayar di muka dan aset Prepaid expenses and other
lancar lainnya 59.834 9 20.537 current assets
Total Aset Lancar 5.287.016 4.446.784 Total Current Assets


Aset keuangan tidak lancar lainnya - neto: 2h,3b,10 Other non-current financial assets - net:
Pihak ketiga 111.000 132.385 Third parties
Pihak berelasi 299.919 2j,32d 327.261 Related parties
Investasi pada saham - neto 30.779 11 22.366 Investments in shares - net
Uang muka - bagian tidak lancar 31.750 2h,8 34.641 Advances - non-current portion
Aset tetap - neto 1.714.770 2k,3b,12 1.811.519 Fixed assets - net
Aset takberwujud - neto 8.098 2l,2o,13 15.292 Intangible assets - net
Properti investasi - neto 51.049 2n,3b,14 51.137 Investment properties - net
Pajak dibayar di muka - Prepaid taxes - non-current
bagian tidak lancar 607.579 2u,19a 168.238 portion
Aset hak-guna - neto 544.437 2m,3b,15 83.365 Right-of-use assets - net
Aset pajak tangguhan 129.824 2u,3b,19d 112.660 Deferred tax assets
Aset lain-lain 19.868 29.209 Other assets
Total Aset Tidak Lancar 3.549.073 2.788.073 Total Non-current Assets
TOTAL ASET 8.836.089 7.234.857 TOTAL ASSETS

Catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian terlampir The accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements
merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements
konsolidasian ini secara keseluruhan. taken as a whole.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
kecuali dinyatakan lain) unless otherwise stated)

31 Desember/ Catatan/ 31 Desember/

December 31, Notes December 31,
2022 2021



Pinjaman bank jangka pendek 128.258 2j,32e,33d 167.975 Short-term bank loans
Utang usaha: 2h,17 Trade payables:
Pihak ketiga 308.671 358.324 Third parties
Pihak berelasi 370.007 2j,32f 313.014 Related parties
Liabilitas jangka pendek lainnya 47.705 2h,18 59.622 Other current liabilities
Liabilitas imbalan kerja Short-term employee
jangka pendek 208.143 2h,24d 72.048 benefits liability
Beban akrual 2.175.267 2h,3b,20 1.301.728 Accrued expenses
Utang pajak 58.255 2u,19b 62.784 Taxes payable
Pendapatan ditangguhkan - Deferred income -
bagian lancar 10.700 23, 32g 10.700 current portion
Utang jangka panjang yang jatuh Current maturities of
tempo dalam waktu satu tahun long term debt
Utang bank - 21 144.032 Bank loans
Liabilitas sewa 224.755 2h,2m,15 71.007 Lease liabilities
Total Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 3.531.761 2.561.234 Total Current Liabilities


Pendapatan ditangguhkan - Deferred income -
bagian tidak lancar 58.850 23, 32g 69.550 net of current portion
Utang jangka panjang - setelah
dikurangi bagian yang jatuh Long-term debts -
tempo dalam waktu satu tahun net of current maturities
Utang bank - 2h,21 21.190 Bank loans
Liabilitas sewa 354.092 2h,2m,15 30.090 Lease liabilities
Utang sukuk 697.866 22 697.669 Sukuk payable
Liabilitas imbalan kerja 76.309 2s,3b,24 76.990 Employee benefits liability
Total Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 1.187.117 895.489 Total Non-current Liabilities


Ekuitas yang dapat diatribusikan Equity attributable to

kepada pemilik entitas induk owners of the parent entity
Modal saham - nilai nominal Share capital - Rp100 (full amount)
Rp100 (nilai penuh) per saham par value per share
Modal dasar - 22.500.000.000 saham Authorized - 22,500,000,000 shares
Modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh - Issued and fully paid -
7.298.500.000 saham 729.850 25a,37e 729.850 7,298,500,000 shares
Tambahan modal disetor 435.691 2f,2x,25b 435.691 Additional paid-in capital
Saldo laba: Retained earnings:
Dicadangkan 158.109 25c 155.934 Appropriated
Tidak dicadangkan 2.824.819 2.503.303 Unappropriated
Penghasilan komprehensif lain (32.844) 2s,25d (48.253) Other comprehensive income
Ekuitas yang dapat diatribusikan Equity attributable to
kepada pemilik entitas induk - neto 4.115.625 3.776.525 owners of the parent entity - net
Kepentingan nonpengendali 1.586 2b,26 1.609 Non-controlling interests
EKUITAS - NETO 4.117.211 3.778.134 EQUITY - NET

Catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian terlampir The accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements
merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements
konsolidasian ini secara keseluruhan. taken as a whole.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada For the Year Ended
Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 December 31, 2022
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
kecuali dinyatakan lain) unless otherwise stated)

Tahun yang Berakhir

Pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended December 31,

2022 Notes 2021
2j, 2r,
PENDAPATAN 12.305.690 27,32i 8.136.563 REVENUES
BEBAN POKOK PENDAPATAN (11.393.357) 28,32j (7.491.069) COST OF REVENUES

Beban penjualan (5.158) (2.064) Selling expenses

Beban umum dan administrasi (409.160) 29 (328.202) General and administrative expenses
Pendapatan keuangan 29.604 26.970 Finance income
Beban keuangan (143.320) 30 (121.341) Finance expenses
Lain-lain - neto 102.588 31 9.895 Others - net

Beban pajak final (29.726) 2u (28.032) Final tax expense

Beban pajak penghasilan (79.103) 2u,19c (93.868) Income tax expense


Pos-pos yang tidak akan direklasifikasi Items that will not be reclassified to
ke laba rugi profit or loss
Pengukuran kembali program Remeasurements of defined
imbalan pasti 19.755 2s,24a 3.938 benefit plans
Pajak tangguhan terkait (4.346) 2u,19d (866) Related deferred tax


Pemilik entitas induk 378.065 108.740 Owners of the parent entity
Kepentingan nonpengendali (7) 112 Non-controlling interests
Total 378.058 108.852 Total


Pemilik entitas induk 393.474 111.812 Owners of the parent entity
Kepentingan nonpengendali (7) 112 Non-controlling interests
Total 393.467 111.924 Total


(NILAI PENUH) 51,80 2w,35 14,90 (FULL AMOUNT)

Catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian terlampir The accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements
merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements
konsolidasian ini secara keseluruhan. taken as a whole.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 For the Year Ended December 31, 2022
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in millions of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

Ekuitas yang dapat diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk/

Equity attributable to owners of the parent entity
Saldo laba/Retained earnings Penghasilan
Tambahan komprehensif Kepentingan
modal disetor/ Tidak lain/Other nonpengendali/ Ekuitas -
Catatan/ Modal saham/ Additional Dicadangkan/ dicadangkan/ comprehensive Neto/ Non-controlling neto/
Notes Share capital paid-in capital Appropriated Unappropriated income Net Interest Equity - net

Saldo 31 Desember 2020 729.850 435.691 145.971 2.479.251 (51.325) 3.739.438 1.508 3.740.946 Balance as of December 31, 2020

Laba komprehensif - - - 108.740 3.072 111.812 112 111.924 Comprehensive income

Cadangan umum 25c - - 9.963 (9.963) - - - - Appropriation for general reserve

Dividen kas 25c - - - (74.725) - (74.725) (11) (74.736) Cash dividend

Saldo 31 Desember 2021 729.850 435.691 155.934 2.503.303 (48.253) 3.776.525 1.609 3.778.134 Balance as of December 31, 2021

Laba komprehensif - - - 378.065 15.409 393.474 (7) 393.467 Comprehensive income

Cadangan umum 25c - - 2.175 (2.175) - - - - Appropriation for general reserve

Dividen kas 25c - - - (54.374) - (54.374) - (54.374) Cash dividend

Kenaikan presentase
kepemilikan pada Increase in percentage
entitas anak - - - - - - (16) (16) of ownership in subsidiary
Saldo 31 Desember 2022 729.850 435.691 158.109 2.824.819 (32.844) 4.115.625 1.586 4.117.211 Balance as of December 31, 2022

Catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian terlampir merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan The accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements form an integral part of
dari laporan keuangan konsolidasian ini secara keseluruhan. these consolidated financial statements taken as a whole.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada OF CASH FLOWS
Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 For the Year Period Ended
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, December 31, 2022
kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
unless otherwise stated)

Tahun yang Berakhir pada

Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended December 31,

2022 Notes 2021
Penerimaan dari pelanggan 12.190.727 8.086.072 Receipts from customers
Pembayaran kepada pemasok Payments to suppliers
dan kontraktor (9.684.837) (6.380.524) and contractors
Pembayaran untuk karyawan (1.387.720) (1.139.619) Payments to employees
Kas yang dihasilkan dari operasi 1.118.170 565.929 Cash generated from operations
Penerimaan pendapatan keuangan 29.459 26.521 Receipts of finance income
Pembayaran beban administrasi bank (9.546) (11.203) Payments of bank administrations
Pembayaran pajak penghasilan (48.625) (9.300) Payments of income taxes
Penerimaan restitusi pajak 494.841 19e 586.848 Receipts of tax refunds
Pembayaran kepada pemerintah (130.345) (77.997) Cash paid to government
Penerimaan lainnya - neto 7.327 23.825 Other receipts - net
Kas neto diperoleh dari Net cash provided by
aktivitas operasi 1.461.281 1.104.623 operating activities
Pembelian aset tetap (371.333) (306.963) Purchases of fixed assets
Penerimaan dari penjualan aset tetap 2.558 1.270 Proceeds from sale of fixed assets
Pembelian aset tetap untuk piutang Purchases of fixed assets
sewa pembiayaan - (24.277) for finance lease receivables
Pembelian aset takberwujud (1.147) (12.162) Purchases of intangible assets
Pembelian barang konsumsi Purchase of long-life
tahan lama (21.722) (20.230) consumable goods
Penerimaan dividen kas dari Receipts of cash dividends from
perusahaan asosiasi 4.163 1.041 associates
Penambahan kepemilikan Addition of ownership
saham di entitas anak (60) - in subsidiary
Kas neto digunakan untuk Net cash used in
aktivitas investasi (387.541) (361.321) investing activities
Penerimaan dari pinjaman bank 700.428 16,21 1.095.153 Proceeds from bank loans
Pembayaran pinjaman bank (937.900) 16,21 (1.510.875) Payments for bank loans
Pembayaran dividen kas (54.374) 25c (74.725) Payments of cash dividends
Pembayaran liabilitas sewa (214.691) (252.105) Payments of lease liabilities
Pembayaran bunga Payment of interests
pinjaman dan imbalan sukuk (69.603) (83.623) from loan and sukuk
Pembayaran beban bunga sewa (32.809) (16.805) Payment of interest lease expenses
Penerimaan kas yang Proceeds of
dibatasi penggunaannya - neto 21.530 9.872 restricted cash - net
Kas neto digunakan untuk Net cash used in
aktivitas pendanaan (587.419) (833.108) financing activities
Dampak perubahan selisih kurs Effect of exchange rate changes
terhadap kas dan setara kas 25.885 2.708 on cash and cash equivalents


AKHIR TAHUN 1.656.975 4 1.144.769 AT THE END OF THE YEAR

Catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian terlampir The accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements
merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements
konsolidasian ini secara keseluruhan. taken as a whole.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


a. Pendirian Perusahaan a. Establishment of the Company

PT Elnusa Tbk (“Perusahaan”) didirikan dengan PT Elnusa Tbk (the “Company”) was established
nama PT Electronika Nusantara berdasarkan under the name of PT Electronika Nusantara
Akta Notaris No. 18 tanggal 25 Januari 1969 based on Notarial Deed No. 18 dated
dari Tan Thong Kie, S.H., sebagaimana diubah January 25, 1969 of Tan Thong Kie, S.H., which
melalui Akta Notaris No. 10 tanggal was subsequently amended by Notarial Deed No.
13 Februari 1969 dari notaris yang sama. Akta 10 dated February 13, 1969 of the same notary.
pendirian ini, yang merupakan Anggaran Dasar The Deed of Establishment, which is the
Perusahaan, telah mendapat pengesahan dari Company’s Articles of Association, was approved
Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia melalui by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of
Surat Keputusan No. J.A.5/18/24 tanggal Indonesia in its Decision Letter No. J.A.5/18/24
19 Februari 1969, serta telah diumumkan dalam dated February 19, 1969, and was published in
Berita Negara Republik Indonesia No. 35, Supplement No. 58 of State Gazette of the
Tambahan No. 58 tanggal 2 Mei 1969. Republic of Indonesia No. 35 dated May 2, 1969.
Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan telah beberapa The Company’s Articles of Association have been
kali mengalami perubahan. Perubahan terakhir amended several times. The latest amendment
adalah untuk menyesuaikan ruang lingkup was made to adjust the scope of the Company’s
kegiatan Perusahaan berdasarkan Akta Notaris activities, under Notarial Deed No. 31 dated
No. 31 tanggal 11 April 2019 dari Aulia Taufani, April 11, 2019 of Aulia Taufani, S.H., which has
S.H., yang telah diberitahukan kepada been reported to and approved by the Minister of
Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Law and Human Rights of the Republic of
Manusia Republik Indonesia dan telah Indonesia through its Decision Letter
memperoleh persetujuan Menkumham sesuai No. AHU-0022730.AH.01.02 Year 2019 dated
dengan Surat Keputusannya April 26, 2019 and has been
No. AHU-0022730.AH.01.02.Tahun 2019 registered in the Company Lists under
tanggal 26 April 2019 serta telah didaftarkan No. AHU-0067954.AH.01.11 Year 2019 dated
dalam Daftar Perusahaan di bawah No. AHU- April 26, 2019.
0067954.AH.01.11. Tahun 2019 tanggal
26 April 2019.

Berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan, In accordance with the Company’s Articles of

ruang lingkup kegiatan Perusahaan adalah Association, the scope of its activities is in the
bergerak di bidang jasa, pengelolaan air dan air business of services, water and wastewater
limbah, perdagangan, pertambangan, management, trading, mining, construction and
pembangunan dan perindustrian. Saat ini, industry. Currently, the Company is engaged in
Perusahaan beroperasi di bidang jasa hulu upstream oil and gas services and investing in
migas dan penyertaan saham pada entitas anak shares of stock of subsidiaries and joint ventures
serta ventura bersama yang bergerak dalam that are engaged in various businesses in oil and
berbagai bidang usaha jasa penunjang migas gas support services and energy distribution and
dan jasa distribusi dan logistik energi. logistics services. The Company also provides
Perusahaan juga beroperasi di bidang goods and services including providing and
penyediaan barang dan jasa termasuk managing office space for its subsidiaries, related
penyediaan dan pengelolaan ruang parties and third parties.
perkantoran kepada entitas anak, pihak berelasi
dan pihak ketiga.

Perusahaan berdomisili di Graha Elnusa, The Company is located at Graha Elnusa,

Lantai 16, Jl. T.B. Simatupang Kav. 1B, Jakarta 16th Floor, Jl. T.B. Simatupang Kav. 1B, South
Selatan, dan mulai beroperasi secara komersial Jakarta, and started its commercial operations in
pada bulan September 1969. September 1969.

Entitas induk Perusahaan adalah PT Pertamina The Company’s parent is PT Pertamina Hulu
Hulu Energi. Entitas induk terakhir Perusahaan Energi. The Company’s ultimate parent is the
adalah Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

1. UMUM (lanjutan) 1. GENERAL (continued)

b. Penawaran umum saham b. Public offering of shares

Pada tanggal 25 Januari 2008, Badan On January 25, 2008, the Capital Market and
Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Financial Institutions Supervisory Agency
Keuangan (“Bapepam-LK”) menerbitkan Surat (“Bapepam-LK”) issued the Effective Statement
Pemberitahuan Efektif Pernyataan Pendaftaran Letter in accordance with the Company’s Initial
sehubungan dengan Penawaran Umum Saham Public Offering of 1,460,000,000 shares. On
Perdana Perusahaan sebanyak 1.460.000.000 February 6, 2008, the Company’s shares were
saham. Pada tanggal 6 Februari 2008, saham listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange at an
Perusahaan mulai diperdagangkan di Bursa initial offering price of Rp400 (full amount) per
Efek Indonesia dengan harga penawaran share.
perdana sebesar Rp400 (nilai penuh) per

Ringkasan tindakan korporasi Perusahaan The summary of the Company’s corporate actions
(corporate actions) yang mempengaruhi saham affecting its capital stock from the date of its initial
yang diterbitkan sejak tanggal penawaran public offering up to December 31, 2022 and
umum perdana sampai dengan tanggal 2021 is as follows:
31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, adalah sebagai
Jumlah saham Nilai nominal
ditempatkan per saham
dan disetor dalam Rupiah
penuh/ (angka penuh)/
Number of Par value per
Keterangan/ shares issued share in Rupiah
Tanggal/Date Description and fully paid (full amount)

29-31 Januari 2008/ Penawaran umum perdana sebanyak 20%

January 29-31, 2008 dari Modal Dasar atau sebanyak
1.460.000.000 saham/
Initial public offering amounting to 20% of
Authorized Capital or equivalent to
1,460,000,000 shares 7.298.500.000 100

6 Februari 2008/ Mencatatkan saham Perusahaan yang

February 6, 2008 beredar sebanyak 7.298.500.000 saham di
BEI dengan kode perdagangan “ELSA”/
Listed 7,298,500,000 shares issued at IDX
under “ELSA” ticker 7.298.500.000 100

13 Oktober 2008 - Pembelian kembali 99.738.000 saham dan

12 Januari 2009/ mencatatkannya sebagai saham treasury/
October 13, 2008 - Buy back of 99,738,000 shares and recorded
January 12, 2009 as treasury stocks 7.298.500.000 100

16 Desember 2011/ Menerbitkan Keterbukaan Informasi untuk

December 16, 2011 melakukan penjualan kembali atas saham
treasury efektif mulai 2 Januari 2012/
Published an Information Disclosure regarding
sell back program on the treasury stocks
effective on January 2, 2012 7.298.500.000 100

28 Juni 2013/ Menerbitkan Keterbukaan Informasi bahwa

June 28, 2013 Perusahaan telah melakukan pengalihan atau
penjualan atas seluruh saham hasil pembelian
Published an Information Disclosure regarding
sell back of the Company’s shares on the buy
back program 7.298.500.000 100

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

1. UMUM (lanjutan) 1. GENERAL (continued)

b. Penawaran umum saham (lanjutan) b. Public offering of shares (continued)

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, all of the
2021, seluruh saham Perusahaan tercatat di Company’s shares are listed on the Indonesia
Bursa Efek Indonesia. Stock Exchange.

c. Penawaran umum berkelanjutan Sukuk c. Public offering of sustainable Sukuk Ijarah 1

Ijarah Berkelanjutan 1 Tahap 1 Phase 1

Pada tanggal 3 Agustus 2020, Perusahaan On August 3, 2020, the Company has obtained an
telah mendapatkan pernyataan efektif dari effective statement from Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) atas penerbitan (OJK) on the issuance of Sukuk Ijarah
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan 1 Elnusa Tahap 1 Berkelanjutan (sustainable Sukuk Ijarah) 1 Phase
Tahun 2020 dengan sisa imbalan Ijarah 1 Year 2020, with Residual Ijarah Benefits
sebesar Rp700.000. Sukuk Ijarah ini diterbitkan amounted to Rp700,000. The Sukuk Ijarah is
tanpa warkat dan dijamin dengan kesanggupan issued without notes and guaranteed with full
penuh (full commitment) dan ditawarkan commitments and offered with 100% value of
dengan nilai 100% dari jumlah sisa imbalan Residual Ijarah Benefits, with period of 5 (five)
ijarah, dengan jangka waktu 5 (lima) tahun sejak years from the issue date. The Ijarah Installments
tanggal emisi. Cicilan Imbalan Ijarah adalah amounted Rp63,000, or equivalent of 9%
sebesar Rp63.000, atau ekuivalen sebesar 9% annually, which will be paid every 3 (three)
per tahun yang akan dibayarkan setiap 3 (tiga) months and will be due on August 11, 2025.
bulan, dan jatuh tempo 11 Agustus 2025.

d. Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Komite Audit dan d. Board of Commissioners, Directors, Audit
karyawan Committee and employees

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, the
susunan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi composition of the Company’s Boards of
Perusahaan adalah sebagai berikut: Commissioners and Directors is as follows:

31 Desember 2022 December 31, 2022

Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners
Komisaris Utama Agus Prabowo President Commissioner
Komisaris Independen Lusiaga Levi Susila Independent Commissioner
Komisaris Independen Hernawan Bekti Sasongko Independent Commissioner
Komisaris Wakhid Hasyim Commissioner

Direksi Directors
Direktur Utama John Hisar Simamora President Director
Direktur Pengembangan Usaha Ratih Esti Prihatini Business Development Director
Direktur Operasi Charles Harianto Lumban Tobing Operations Director
Direktur Keuangan Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja Finance Director
Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia Human Resources
& Umum Tenny Elfrida & General Affair Director

31 Desember 2021 December 31, 2021

Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners
Komisaris Utama Agus Prabowo President Commissioner
Komisaris Independen Lusiaga Levi Susila Independent Commissioner
Komisaris Independen Anis Baridwan Independent Commissioner
Komisaris Wakhid Hasyim Commissioner

Direksi Directors
Direktur Utama John Hisar Simamora President Director
Direktur Pengembangan Usaha Ratih Esti Prihatini Business Development Director
Direktur Operasi Charles Harianto Lumban Tobing Operations Director
Direktur Keuangan Bachtiar Soeria Atmadja Finance Director
Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia Human Resources
& Umum Tenny Elfrida & General Affair Director

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

1. UMUM (lanjutan) 1. GENERAL (continued)

d. Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Komite Audit dan d. Board of Commissioners, Directors, Audit
karyawan (lanjutan) Committee and employees (continued)

Personil manajemen kunci Perusahaan adalah Key management personnel of the Company are
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi sebagaimana the above mentioned Boards of Commissioners
disebutkan di atas (Catatan 32h). and Directors (Note 32h).

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, the
susunan Komite Audit Perusahaan adalah composition of the Company’s Audit Committee is
sebagai berikut: as follows:

31 Desember 2022 December 31, 2022

Ketua Hernawan Bekti Sasongko Chairman
Anggota Adil Nusyirwan Member
Anggota Serena Karlita Ferdinandus Member

31 Desember 2021 December 31, 2021

Ketua Anis Baridwan Chairman
Anggota Adil Nusyirwan Member
Anggota Serena Karlita Ferdinandus Member

Perusahaan dan entitas anaknya memiliki 1.819 The Company and its subsidiaries have 1,819
karyawan (1.429 karyawan tetap dan 390 employees (1,429 permanent employees and 390
karyawan kontrak) dan 2.020 karyawan (1.448 contractual employees) and 2,020 employees
karyawan tetap dan 572 karyawan kontrak) (1,448 permanent employees and 572 contractual
masing-masing pada tanggal 31 Desember employees) as of December 31, 2022 and 2021,
2022 dan 2021. respectively.

e. Entitas Anak e. Subsidiaries

Laporan keuangan konsolidasian meliputi The consolidated financial statements include the
laporan keuangan Perusahaan dan entitas financial statements of the Company and its
anaknya (secara kolektif disebut sebagai subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the
“Grup”) sebagai berikut: “Group”) as follows:
Persentase kepemilikan Total aset sebelum
Mulai efektif/ eliminasi/
beroperasi Effective percentage of Total assets before
secara ownership elimination
Tempat komersial/
kedudukan/ Start of 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
Nama entitas anak/ Kegiatan usaha/ Place of commercial December 31, December 31 December 31, December 31
Name of subsidiaries Business activities domicile operations 2022 2021 2022 2021

Kepemilikan langsung/
Direct ownership
PT Sigma Cipta Utama Manajemen data, teknologi Jakarta 1980 99,99 99,99 312.472 275.644
(“SCU”) informasi dan
Data management,
information technology
and telecommunications

PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Jasa penguliran, perdagangan Batam 1983 99,97 99,97 357.610 284.884
Konstruksi (“EFK”) dan pabrikasi pipa/
Pipe threading, trading and
manufacturing services

PT Elnusa Petrofin SPBU, depo, transportasi dan Jakarta 1996 99,99 99,99 3.386.639 2.495.953
(“EPN”) perdagangan BBM dan
bahan kimia/
Retail gas station, fuel
storage, oil and chemicals
distribution and trading

PT Patra Nusa Data Jasa perolehan dan Jakarta 1998 99,50 99,50 139.241 134.113
(“PND”) dan produksi migas/
Oil and gas exploration and
production data acquisition
and management services

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

1. UMUM (lanjutan) 1. GENERAL (continued)

e. Entitas Anak (lanjutan) e. Subsidiaries (continued)

Laporan keuangan konsolidasian meliputi The consolidated financial statements include the
laporan keuangan Perusahaan dan entitas financial statements of the Company and its
anaknya (secara kolektif disebut sebagai subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the
“Grup”) sebagai berikut: (lanjutan) “Group”) as follows: (continued)
Persentase kepemilikan Total aset sebelum
Mulai efektif/ eliminasi/
beroperasi Effective percentage of Total assets before
secara ownership elimination
Tempat komersial/
kedudukan/ Start of 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
Nama entitas anak/ Kegiatan usaha/ Place of commercial December 31, December 31 December 31, December 31
Name of subsidiaries Business activities domicile operations 2022 2021 2022 2021

Kepemilikan langsung/
Direct ownership

PT Elnusa Trans Samudera Jasa penyewaan kapal laut Jakarta 2014 99,99 99,99 550.491 551.581
(“ETSA”) dan agen perkapalan
perusahaan pelayaran/
Ship rental services and
shipping agent of
shipping company
PT Elnusa Geosains Belum beroperasi/ Jakarta - 99,99 99,99 12.711 11.696
Indonesia (“EGI”) Pre-operating
PT Elnusa Oilfield Services Belum beroperasi/ Jakarta - 99,99 99,99 44.395 41.080
(“EOS”) Pre-operating
KSO Elnusa - RAGA Jasa pemeliharaan mekanik/
Mechanical maintenance
service Jakarta 2016 100,00 100,00 70.357 67.290
Kepemilikan melalui EFK/
Ownership through EFK
PT Elnusa Daya Kreatif Belum beroperasi/ Jakarta - 99,99 99,99 10.001 10.001
(“EDK”) Pre-operating

f. Penerbitan laporan keuangan konsolidasian f. Issuance of consolidated financial statements

Laporan keuangan konsolidasian ini These consolidated financial statements are

diselesaikan dan diotorisasi untuk terbit oleh completed and authorized for issuance by the
Direksi Perusahaan pada tanggal Company’s Directors on February 27, 2023. The
27 Februari 2023. Direksi Perusahaan yang Company’s Directors who signed the Directors’
menandatangani Surat Pernyataan Direksi Statement are responsible for the fair preparation
bertanggung jawab atas penyusunan dan and presentation of such consolidated financial
penyajian wajar laporan keuangan statements.
konsolidasian tersebut.



Berikut ini adalah kebijakan akuntansi signifikan Presented below are the significant accounting
yang diterapkan dalam penyusunan laporan policies adopted in preparing the Group’s consolidated
keuangan konsolidasian Grup yang sesuai dengan financial statements, which are in conformity with
Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (“SAK”), yang Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (“SAK”)
mencakup Pernyataan dan Interpretasi yang which comprised of Statements and Interpretations
dikeluarkan oleh Dewan Standar Akuntansi issued by the Board of Financial Accounting Standards
Keuangan Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia dan Peraturan of the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants
No. VIII.G.7 sebagai lampiran dari Keputusan Ketua and Regulation No. VIII.G.7 as appendix of the Decree
OJK (dahulu Bapepam-LK) No. KEP-347/BL/2012 of the Chairman of OJK (formerly Bapepam-LK) No.
tertanggal 25 Juni 2012 tentang Penyajian dan KEP-347/BL/2012 dated June 25, 2012 regarding the
Pengungkapan Laporan Keuangan Emiten atau Presentation and Disclosure of Financial Statements
Perusahaan Publik. of an Issuer or a Public Company.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

Kebijakan ini telah diterapkan secara konsisten These policies have been consistently applied to all
terhadap seluruh periode yang disajikan, kecuali jika periods presented, unless otherwise stated.
dinyatakan lain.

a. Dasar penyajian laporan keuangan a. Basis of preparation of the consolidated

konsolidasian financial statements

Laporan keuangan konsolidasian, kecuali The consolidated financial statements, except for
laporan arus kas konsolidasian, disusun the consolidated statement of cash flows, are
berdasarkan konsep akrual dan biaya prepared using the accrual basis and based on
perolehan historis, kecuali beberapa akun historical costs, except for certain accounts which
tertentu yang diukur dengan cara sebagaimana are measured on the basis described in the
yang diuraikan dalam kebijakan akuntansi di related accounting policies of those accounts.
akun yang bersangkutan.

Laporan arus kas konsolidasian disajikan The consolidated statement of cash flows is
dengan menggunakan metode langsung yang presented using the direct method by classifying
mengelompokkan penerimaan dan the receipts and disbursements of cash and cash
pengeluaran kas dan setara kas ke dalam equivalents into operating, investing and financing
aktivitas operasi, investasi dan pendanaan. activities.

Kebijakan akuntansi yang diterapkan oleh Grup The accounting policies adopted by the Group are
adalah selaras bagi tahun yang dicakup oleh consistently applied for the years covered by the
laporan keuangan konsolidasian, kecuali untuk consolidated financial statements, except for new
standar akuntansi baru dan revisi seperti and revised accounting standards as disclosed in
diungkapkan pada Catatan 2c dibawah ini. the following Note 2c.

Grup telah menyusun laporan keuangan The Group has prepared the consolidated
konsolidasian dengan dasar bahwa Grup akan financial statements on the basis that it will
terus beroperasi secara berkesinambungan. continue to operate as a going concern.

Seluruh angka dalam laporan keuangan All figures in the consolidated financial statements
konsolidasian ini, dibulatkan dan disajikan are rounded to and expressed in millions of
dalam jutaan Rupiah (“Rp”), kecuali dinyatakan Rupiah (“Rp”), unless otherwise stated.

b. Prinsip-prinsip konsolidasi b. Principles of consolidation

Laporan keuangan konsolidasian meliputi The consolidated financial statements include the
laporan keuangan Perusahaan dan entitas financial statements of the Company and its
anaknya seperti yang diungkapkan dalam subsidiaries as disclosed in Note 1e. Subsidiaries
Catatan 1e. Entitas anak merupakan semua are all entities over which the Company is
entitas dimana Perusahaan terekspos atau exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its
memiliki hak atas imbal hasil variabel dari involvement with the entities and has the ability to
keterlibatannya dengan entitas tersebut dan affect those returns through its power over the
memiliki kemampuan untuk mempengaruhi entities. Thus, an entity is considered a subsidiary
imbal hasil tersebut melalui kekuasaannya atas if and only if the Company has power over the
entitas tersebut. Dengan demikian, suatu entity, exposure or rights to variable returns from
entitas dianggap sebagai entitas anak jika dan its involvement with the entity and the ability to use
hanya jika Perusahaan memiliki kekuasaan its power over the investee to affect the amount of
atas entitas tersebut, eksposur atau hak atas the Company’s returns.
imbal hasil variabel dari keterlibatannya dengan
entitas tersebut dan kemampuan untuk
menggunakan kekuasaannya atas entitas
tersebut untuk mempengaruhi jumlah imbal
hasil Perusahaan.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

b. Prinsip-prinsip konsolidasi (lanjutan) b. Principles of consolidation (continued)

Semua saldo dan transaksi antar entitas yang All material intercompany accounts and
material, termasuk keuntungan atau kerugian transactions, including unrealized gains or losses,
yang belum direalisasi, jika ada, dieliminasi if any, are eliminated to reflect the financial
untuk mencerminkan posisi keuangan dan hasil position and the results of operations of the Group
operasi Grup sebagai satu kesatuan usaha. as a single business entity. Accounting policies of
Kebijakan akuntansi di entitas anak telah subsidiaries have been changed where necessary
diubah seperlunya agar konsisten dengan to ensure consistency with the policies adopted by
kebijakan akuntansi yang diterapkan oleh Grup. the Group.

Entitas anak dikonsolidasikan mulai dari tanggal Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date
pengendalian beralih kepada Perusahaan dan on which control is transferred to the Company.
tidak lagi dikonsolidasikan dari tanggal They are deconsolidated from the date on which
hilangnya pengendalian. that control ceases.

Kendali diperoleh bila Grup terekspos atau Control is achieved when the Group is exposed,
memiliki hak atas imbal hasil variabel dari or has rights, to variable returns from its
keterlibatannya dengan investee dan memiliki involvement with the investee and has the ability
kemampuan untuk mempengaruhi imbal hasil to affect those returns through its power over the
tersebut melalui kekuasaannya atas investee. investee. Thus, the Group controls an investee if
Dengan demikian, investor mengendalikan and only if the Group has all of the following:
investee jika dan hanya jika investor memiliki
seluruh hal berikut ini:

i) Kekuasaan atas investee, yaitu hak yang i) Power over the investee, that is existing rights
ada saat ini yang memberi investor that give the Group current ability to direct the
kemampuan kini untuk mengarahkan relevant activities of the investee,
aktivitas relevan dari investee,
ii) Eksposur atau hak atas imbal hasil variabel ii) Exposure, or rights, to variable returns from its
dari keterlibatannya dengan investee, dan involvement with the investee, and
iii) Kemampuan untuk menggunakan
kekuasaannya atas investee untuk iii) The ability to use its power over the investee
mempengaruhi jumlah imbal hasil. to affect its returns.

Bila Grup tidak memiliki hak suara atau hak When the Group has less than a majority of the
serupa secara mayoritas atas suatu investee, voting or similar rights of an investee, the Group
Grup mempertimbangkan semua fakta dan considers all relevant facts and circumstances in
keadaan yang relevan dalam mengevaluasi assessing whether it has power over an investee,
apakah mereka memiliki kekuasaan atas including:
investee, termasuk:

i) Pengaturan kontraktual dengan pemilik hak i) The contractual arrangement with the other
suara lainnya dari investee, vote holders of the investee,
ii) Hak yang timbul atas pengaturan ii) Rights arising from other contractual
kontraktual lain, dan arrangements, and
iii) Hak suara dan hak suara potensial yang iii) The Group's voting rights and potential voting
dimiliki Grup. rights.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

b. Prinsip-prinsip konsolidasi (lanjutan) b. Principles of consolidation (continued)

Grup menilai kembali apakah mereka The Group re-assesses whether or not it controls
mengendalikan investee bila fakta dan keadaan an investee if facts and circumstances indicate
mengindikasikan adanya perubahan terhadap that there are changes to one or more of the three
satu atau lebih dari ketiga elemen dari elements of control. Consolidation of a subsidiary
pengendalian. Konsolidasi atas entitas-entitas begins when the Group obtains control over the
anak dimulai sejak Grup memperoleh subsidiary and ceases when the Group loses
pengendalian atas entitas anak dan berakhir control of the subsidiary. Assets, liabilities, income
pada saat Grup kehilangan pengendalian atas and expenses of a subsidiary acquired during the
entitas anak. Aset, liabilitas, penghasilan dan year are included in the consolidated financial
beban dari entitas anak yang diakuisisi pada statements from the date the Group gains control
tahun tertentu disertakan dalam laporan until the date the Group ceases to control the
keuangan konsolidasian sejak tanggal Grup subsidiary.
memperoleh kendali sampai tanggal Grup tidak
lagi mengendalikan entitas anak tersebut.

Seluruh laba rugi dan setiap komponen Profit or loss and each component of other
penghasilan komprehensif lain (“PKL”) comprehensive income (“OCI”) are attributed to
diatribusikan pada pemilik entitas induk dan the equity holders of the parent of the Group and
pada kepentingan nonpengendali (“KNP”), to the non-controlling interests (“NCI”), even if this
walaupun hal ini akan menyebabkan saldo KNP results in the NCI having a deficit balance. When
yang defisit. Bila dipandang perlu, penyesuaian necessary, adjustments are made to the financial
dilakukan terhadap laporan keuangan entitas statements of subsidiaries to bring their
anak untuk diselaraskan dengan kebijakan accounting policies into line with the Group’s
akuntansi Grup. accounting policies.

Seluruh aset dan liabilitas, ekuitas, penghasilan All intra-group assets and liabilities, equity,
dan beban dan arus kas atas transaksi antar income, expenses and cash flows relation to
anggota Grup dieliminasi sepenuhnya pada transactions between members of the Group are
saat konsolidasi. eliminated in full on consolidation.

Perubahan dalam bagian kepemilikan Grup A change in the ownership interest of a subsidiary,
pada entitas anak yang tidak mengakibatkan without a loss of control, is accounted for as an
hilangnya pengendalian dicatat sebagai equity transaction. If the Group loses control over
transaksi ekuitas. Bila kehilangan pengendalian a subsidiary, it derecognizes the related assets
atas suatu entitas anak, maka Grup (including goodwill), liabilities, NCI and other
menghentikan pengakuan atas aset (termasuk component of equity, while the difference is
goodwill), liabilitas dan komponen lain dari recognized in the profit or loss. Any investment
ekuitas terkait, dan selisihnya diakui pada laba retained is recognized at fair value.
rugi. Bagian dari investasi yang tersisa diakui
pada nilai wajar.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

c. Perubahan kebijakan akuntansi c. Changes in accounting principles

Grup telah menerapkan sejumlah amendemen The Group has applied a number of amendments
dan penyesuaian standar akuntansi yang and improvements to accounting standards that
relevan dengan pelaporan keuangan dan efektif are relevant to its financial reporting and effective
untuk periode yang dimulai pada atau setelah for annual periods beginning on or after
1 Januari 2022 sebagai berikut: January 1, 2022 as follow:

- Amendemen PSAK 22: Kombinasi Bisnis - Amendments to PSAK 22: Business

tentang Referensi ke Kerangka Combinations regarding Reference to
Konseptual Conceptual Frameworks

Amendemen PSAK 22 Kombinasi Bisnis The amendments to PSAK 22 Business

tentang Referensi ke Kerangka Combinations regarding Reference to
Konseptual ini mengklarifikasi interaksi Conceptual Frameworks clarify the
antara PSAK 22, PSAK 57, ISAK 30 dan interactions between PSAK 22, PSAK 57,
Kerangka Konseptual Pelaporan ISAK 30 and the Conceptual Framework of
Keuangan. Financial Reporting.

Secara umum Amendemen PSAK 22 ini: In general, the Amendments to PSAK 22:
• Menambahkan deskripsi terkait • Add a description regarding “liabilities
“liabilitas dan liabilitas kontinjensi and contingent liabilities within the
dalam ruang lingkup PSAK 57 atau scope of PSAK 57 or ISAK 30” stated
ISAK 30” yang dinyatakan dalam in paragraphs 21A-21C.
paragraf 21A-21C.
• Mengubah paragraf 23 dengan • Amend paragraph 23 by clarifying the
mengklarifikasi liabilitas kontinjensi contingent liabilities recognized at the
yang diakui pada tanggal akuisisi. acquisition date.
• Menambahkan paragraf 23A terkait • Add paragraph 23A regarding the
definisi aset kontinjensi dan definition of a contingent asset and its
perlakuan akuntansinya. accounting treatment.

- Amendemen PSAK 57: Provisi, Liabilitas - Amendments to PSAK 57: Provisions,

Kontinjensi, dan Aset Kontinjensi Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent
tentang Kontrak Mengganggu - Biaya Assets regarding Aggravating Contracts -
Pemenuhan Kontrak Contract Fulfillment Costs

Amendemen ini mengklarifikasi biaya This amendment clarifies the cost of fulfilling
untuk memenuhi suatu kontrak dalam a contract in relation to determining whether
kaitannya untuk menentukan apakah a contract is a burdensome contract.
suatu kontrak merupakan kontrak

Amendemen PSAK 57 mengatur bahwa The amendments to PSAK 57 provide that

biaya untuk memenuhi kontrak terdiri dari costs to fulfill a contract consist of costs that
biaya yang berhubungan langsung are directly related to the contract. Costs
dengan kontrak. Biaya yang berhubungan that are directly related to the contract
langsung dengan kontrak terdiri dari: consist of:
1. biaya inkremental untuk memenuhi 1. incremental costs to fulfill the contract,
kontrak tersebut, dan; and;
2. alokasi biaya lain yang 2. allocation of other costs that are
berhubungan langsung untuk directly related to fulfilling the contract.
memenuhi kontrak.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

c. Perubahan kebijakan akuntansi (lanjutan) c. Changes in accounting principles (continued)

- Penyesuaian Tahunan 2020 - PSAK 71: - 2020 Annual Improvements - PSAK 71:
Instrumen Keuangan - Imbalan dalam Financial Instruments - Fees in the ’10
pengujian '10 persen' untuk penghentian percent’ test for derecognition of financial
pengakuan liabilitas keuangan liabilities

Amandemen ini mengklarifikasi biaya The amendment clarifies the fees that an
yang diperhitungkan entitas dalam entity includes when assessing whether the
mengevaluasi apakah persyaratan yang modified terms of a financial liability
dimodifikasi dari suatu liabilitas keuangan required derecognition of the original
menyebabkan penghentian pengakuan financial liability and recognition of a new
liabilitas keuangan orisinal dan financial liability. These fees include only
pengakuan liabilitas keuangan baru. those paid or received between the
Biaya tersebut hanya mencakup yang borrower and the lender, including fees paid
dibayarkan atau diterima antara or received by either the borrower or lender
peminjam dan pemberi pinjaman, on the other’s behalf.
termasuk fee yang dibayarkan atau
diterima baik oleh peminjam atau pemberi
pinjaman atas nama pihak lain.

- Penyesuaian Tahunan 2020 - PSAK 73: - 2020 Annual Improvements - PSAK 73:
Sewa Leases

Amandemen ini tidak memperbolehkan The amendments prohibit entities to deduct

entitas untuk mengurangi suatu hasil from the cost of an item of fixed assets, any
penjualan item yang diproduksi saat proceeds from selling items produced while
membawa aset tersebut ke lokasi dan bringing that asset to the location and
kondisi yang diperlukan supaya aset condition necessary for it to be capable of
dapat beroperasi sesuai dengan intensi operating in the manner intended by
manajemen dari biaya perolehan suatu management. Instead, an entity recognizes
aset tetap. Sebaliknya, entitas mengakui the proceeds from selling such items, and
hasil dari penjualan item-item tersebut, the costs of producing those items, in the
dan biaya untuk memproduksi item-item profit or loss.
tersebut, dalam laba rugi.

Perubahan-perubahan ini berlaku efektif untuk The amendments is effective for annual reporting
periode pelaporan tahunan yang dimulai pada periods beginning on or after January 1, 2022 with
atau setelah 1 Januari 2022 dengan penerapan earlier adoption permitted. The amendments is
dini diperkenankan. Perubahan ini dinilai tidak not expected to have significant impacts to the
memiliki dampak signifikan pada pelaporan financial reporting of the Group upon first-time
keuangan Grup pada saat diadopsi untuk adoption.
pertama kali.

d. Investasi pada ventura bersama d. Investment in joint ventures

Ventura bersama adalah semua entitas yang Joint ventures are all entities which are jointly
dikendalikan bersama oleh Grup bersama controlled by the Group and other venturers, in
dengan venturer lain dimana Grup memilik hak which the Group has rights to only the net assets
atas aset neto ventura bersama tersebut. of the joint ventures. Investments in joint ventures
Investasi pada ventura bersama dicatat dengan are accounted for using the equity method of
menggunakan metode ekuitas yang pada accounting and initially recognized at cost.
awalnya diakui pada harga perolehannya.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

d. Investasi pada ventura bersama (lanjutan) d. Investment in joint ventures (continued)

Bagian Grup atas laba rugi ventura bersama The Group’s share of the joint ventures’ post-
pasca akuisisi diakui dalam laba rugi dan bagian acquisition profits or losses is recognized in profit
atas mutasi penghasilan komprehensif lain or loss, and its share of post-acquisition
pasca akuisisi diakui di dalam penghasilan movements in other comprehensive income is
komprehensif lain dan diikuti dengan recognized in other comprehensive income with a
penyesuaian pada jumlah tercatat investasi. corresponding adjustment to the carrying amount
Dividen yang akan diterima dari ventura of the investment. Dividends receivable from joint
bersama diakui sebagai pengurang jumlah ventures are recognized as reductions in the
tercatat investasi. Jika bagian Grup atas carrying amount of the investment. When the
kerugian ventura bersama sama dengan atau Group’s share of losses in a joint venture equals
melebihi nilai kepemilikannya di ventura or exceeds its interest in the joint venture, the
bersama, Grup menghentikan pengakuan Group does not recognize further losses, unless
bagian kerugiannya, kecuali Grup memiliki the Group has incurred legal or constructive
kewajiban hukum atau harus melakukan obligations or made payments on behalf of the
pembayaran tertentu atas nama ventura joint venture.
bersama tersebut.

Laba rugi yang dihasilkan dari transaksi antara Profits and losses resulting from transactions
Grup dengan ventura bersama diakui dalam between the Group and its joint ventures are
laporan keuangan konsolidasian Grup hanya recognized in the Group’s consolidated financial
sebesar bagian venturer lain yang tidak berelasi statements only to the extent of unrelated
dalam ventura bersama. Pada setiap tanggal venturer’s interest in the joint ventures. The Group
pelaporan, Grup menentukan apakah terdapat determines at each reporting date whether there
bukti obyektif bahwa telah terjadi penurunan is any objective evidence that the investment in
nilai pada investasi di ventura bersama. Jika the joint venture is impaired. If this is the case, the
demikian, maka Grup menghitung besarnya Group calculates the amount of impairment as the
penurunan nilai sebagai selisih antara jumlah difference between the recoverable amount of the
yang terpulihkan dan jumlah tercatat investasi joint venture and its carrying amount and
pada ventura bersama dan mengakui selisih recognizes the amount adjacent to “shares of
tersebut pada “bagian atas laba (rugi) ventura profit (loss) of joint ventures” in profit or loss.
bersama” dalam laba rugi.

e. Kombinasi bisnis e. Business combination

Kombinasi bisnis dicatat dengan menggunakan Business combinations are accounted for using
metode akuisisi. Biaya perolehan dari sebuah the acquisition method. The cost of an acquisition
akuisisi diukur pada nilai agregat imbalan yang is measured as the aggregate of the consideration
dialihkan, diukur pada nilai wajar pada tanggal transferred, measured at acquisition date fair
akuisisi dan jumlah setiap KNP pada pihak yang value and the amount of any NCI in the acquiree.
diakuisisi. Untuk setiap kombinasi bisnis, Grup For each business combination, the Group
mengukur KNP pada entitas yang diakuisisi, measures the NCI in the acquiree either at fair
baik pada nilai wajar ataupun pada proporsi value or at the proportionate share of the
kepemilikan KNP atas aset neto yang acquiree’s identifiable net assets. Acquisition
teridentifikasi dari entitas yang diakuisisi. Biaya- costs incurred are directly expensed and included
biaya akuisisi yang timbul dibebankan langsung in “general and administrative expenses”.
dan dimasukkan dalam “beban umum dan

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

e. Kombinasi bisnis (lanjutan) e. Business combination (continued)

Ketika melakukan akuisisi atas sebuah bisnis, When the Group acquires a business, it assesses
Grup mengklasifikasikan dan menentukan aset the financial assets acquired and liabilities
keuangan yang diperoleh dan liabilitas assumed for appropriate classification and
keuangan yang diambil alih berdasarkan pada designation in accordance with the contractual
persyaratan kontraktual, kondisi ekonomi dan terms, economic circumstances and pertinent
kondisi terkait lain yang ada pada tanggal conditions as at the acquisition date. This includes
akuisisi. Hal ini termasuk pemisahan derivatif the separation of embedded derivatives in host
melekat dalam kontrak utama oleh pihak yang contracts by the acquiree.

Pada tanggal akuisisi, goodwill awalnya diukur At acquisition date, goodwill is initially measured
pada biaya perolehan yang merupakan selisih at cost being the excess of the aggregate of the
lebih nilai agregat dari imbalan yang dialihkan consideration transferred and the amount
dan jumlah setiap KNP atas selisih jumlah dari recognized for NCI over the net identifiable assets
aset neto teridentifikasi yang diperoleh dan acquired and liabilities assumed. If this
liabilitas yang diambil alih. Jika imbalan tersebut consideration is lower than the fair value of the net
kurang dari nilai wajar aset neto entitas yang assets of the acquiree, the difference is
diakuisisi, selisih tersebut diakui dalam laba rugi recognized in profit or loss as gain on bargain
sebagai keuntungan dari pembelian dengan purchase after revisiting the identification and fair
diskon setelah sebelumnya manajemen value measurement of the acquired assets and
meninjau kembali identifikasi dan nilai wajar dari the assumed liabilities.
aset yang diperoleh dan liabilitas yang diambil

Setelah pengakuan awal, goodwill diukur pada After initial recognition, goodwill is measured at
jumlah tercatat dikurangi akumulasi penyisihan cost less any accumulated allowance for
penurunan nilai. Untuk tujuan pengujian impairment. For the purpose of impairment
penurunan nilai, goodwill yang diperoleh dari testing, goodwill acquired in a business
suatu kombinasi bisnis, sejak tanggal akuisisi combination is, from the acquisition date,
dialokasikan kepada setiap unit penghasil kas allocated to each of the Group’s cash-generating
(“UPK”) dari Grup yang diharapkan akan units (“CGU”) that are expected to benefit from the
memberikan manfaat dari sinergi kombinasi combination, irrespective of whether other assets
tersebut, terlepas dari apakah aset atau or liabilities of the acquiree are assigned to those
liabilitas lain dari pihak yang diakuisisi CGUs.
ditetapkan atas UPK tersebut.

Jika goodwill telah dialokasikan pada suatu Where goodwill forms part of a CGU and part of
UPK dan operasi tertentu atas UPK tersebut the operation within that CGU is disposed of, the
dihentikan, maka goodwill yang diasosiasikan goodwill associated with the operation disposed of
dengan operasi yang dihentikan tersebut is included in the carrying amount of the operation
termasuk dalam jumlah tercatat operasi when determining the gain or loss on disposal of
tersebut ketika menentukan keuntungan atau the operation. Goodwill disposed of in this
kerugian dari pelepasan. Goodwill yang circumstance is measured based on the relative
dilepaskan tersebut diukur berdasarkan nilai values of the operation disposed of and the
relatif operasi yang dihentikan dan porsi UPK portion of the CGU retained.
yang ditahan.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

f. Kombinasi bisnis entitas sepengendali f. Business combination of entities under

common control

Kombinasi bisnis entitas sepengendali, berupa Business combination of entities under common
pengalihan bisnis yang dilakukan dalam rangka control, represents the transfer of business which
reorganisasi entitas-entitas yang berada dalam is carried out within the framework of reorganizing
suatu Grup yang sama, bukan merupakan entities under the same group, does not constitute
perubahan kepemilikan dalam arti substansi a change of ownership based on the economic
ekonomi, sehingga transaksi tersebut tidak substance of such transaction, hence it does not
dapat menimbulkan laba atau rugi bagi Grup result in gain or loss to the group as a whole or to
secara keseluruhan ataupun bagi entitas the individual entity within the group. Hence, such
individual dalam Grup tersebut. Oleh karena itu, transaction is recognized at carrying amount
transaksi tersebut diakui pada jumlah tercatat using the pooling-of-interests method. The
berdasarkan metode penyatuan kepemilikan. financial statements of the combined entities are
Laporan keuangan entitas yang bergabung presented as if they had been combined from the
disajikan sedemikian rupa seolah-olah beginning of the period they were under common
penggabungan tersebut telah terjadi sejak awal control.
periode entitas yang bergabung berada dalam

Selisih antara imbalan yang diberikan/diterima Difference between the consideration

dan jumlah tercatat bisnis yang diterima/dilepas transferred/received and the carrying amount of
dalam kombinasi bisnis entitas sepengendali the acquired/disposed business in a business
dicatat pada akun tambahan modal disetor combination of entities under common control is
dalam laporan posisi keuangan konsolidasian. recorded in additional paid-in capital account in
the consolidated statement of financial position.

g. Kas dan setara kas g. Cash and cash equivalents

Kas dan setara kas terdiri dari kas, bank dan Cash and cash equivalents are cash on hand,
deposito berjangka yang jatuh tempo dalam cash in banks and time deposits with maturity
3 (tiga) bulan atau kurang dari tanggal periods of 3 (three) months or less at the time of
penempatannya dan tidak digunakan sebagai placement and which are not used as collateral or
jaminan atau dibatasi penggunaannya. not restricted.

Deposito berjangka dengan jangka waktu lebih Time deposits with maturities of more than
dari 3 (tiga) bulan tapi tidak melebihi 1 (satu) 3 (three) months but not exceeding 1 (one) year
tahun dari tanggal penempatannya disajikan at the time of placement are presented as part of
sebagai bagian dari “aset keuangan lancar “other current financial assets”.

Kas dan setara kas yang dibatasi Cash and cash equivalents which are restricted
penggunaannya yang akan digunakan untuk for repayment of current maturing obligations are
membayar liabilitas yang akan jatuh tempo presented as “restricted cash” under “other
dalam waktu 1 (satu) tahun disajikan sebagai current financial assets”. Cash and cash
“kas yang dibatasi penggunaannya” sebagai equivalents which are restricted for repayment of
bagian dari ”aset keuangan lancar lainnya”. Kas obligations maturing after 1 (one) year are
dan setara kas yang dibatasi penggunaannya presented as part of “other non-current financial
untuk membayar liabilitas yang akan jatuh assets”.
tempo dalam waktu lebih dari 1 (satu) tahun
disajikan sebagai bagian dari “aset keuangan
tidak lancar lainnya”.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

h. Instrumen keuangan h. Financial instruments

Instrumen keuangan adalah setiap kontrak A financial instrument is any contract that gives
yang memberikan aset keuangan bagi satu rise to a financial asset of one entity and a
entitas dan liabilitas keuangan atau ekuitas bagi financial liability or equity instrument of another
entitas lain. entity.

i. Aset keuangan i. Financial assets

Pengakuan dan pengukuran awal Initial recognition and measurement

Pada pengakuan awal, Grup mengukur At initial recognition, the Group measures a
aset keuangan pada nilai wajarnya financial asset at its fair value plus
ditambah biaya transaksi, dalam hal aset transaction costs, in the case of a financial
keuangan tidak diukur pada nilai wajar asset not measured at fair value through
melalui laba rugi (“NWLR”). Piutang usaha profit or loss (“FVTPL”). Trade receivables
yang tidak mengandung komponen that do not contain a significant financing
pembiayaan yang signifikan, dimana Grup component, for which the Group has applied
telah menerapkan cara praktis, diukur pada the practical expedient are measured at the
harga transaksi yang ditentukan sesuai transaction price determined under PSAK 72.
PSAK 72.

Agar aset keuangan diklasifikasikan dan In order for a financial asset to be classified
diukur pada biaya perolehan diamortisasi and measured at amortized cost or fair value
atau nilai wajar melalui penghasilan through other comprehensive income
komprehensif lain (“NWPKL”), aset (“FVOCI”), it needs to give rise to cash flows
keuangan harus menghasilkan arus kas that are solely payments of principal and
yang semata dari pembayaran pokok dan interest (“SPPI”) on the principal amount
bunga (“SPPB”) dari jumlah pokok outstanding. This assessment is referred to
terutang. Penilaian ini disebut sebagai uji as the SPPI test and is performed at an
SPPB dan dilakukan pada tingkat instrument level.

Model bisnis Grup untuk mengelola aset The Groups’s business model for managing
keuangan mengacu pada bagaimana financial assets refers to how it manages its
mereka mengelola aset keuangannya financial assets in order to generate cash
untuk menghasilkan arus kas. Model bisnis flows. The business model determines
menentukan apakah arus kas akan whether cash flows will result from collecting
dihasilkan dari penerimaan arus kas contractual cash flows, selling the financial
kontraktual, penjualan aset keuangan, atau assets, or both.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

h. Instrumen keuangan (lanjutan) h. Financial instruments (continued)

i. Aset keuangan (lanjutan) i. Financial assets (continued)

Pengukuran selanjutnya Subsequent measurement

Untuk tujuan pengukuran selanjutnya, aset For purposes of subsequent measurement,

keuangan diklasifikasikan dalam empat financial assets are classified in four
kategori: categories:
- Aset keuangan pada biaya perolehan - Financial assets at amortized cost (debt
diamortisasi (instrumen utang), instruments),
- Aset keuangan pada NWPKL dengan - Financial assets at FVOCI with recycling
reklasifikasi ke keuntungan dan of cumulative gains and losses (debt
kerugian kumulatif (instrumen utang), instruments),
- Aset keuangan pada NWPKL tanpa - Financial assets designated at FVOCI
reklasifikasi ke keuntungan dan with no recycling of cumulative gains and
kerugian kumulatif atas pelepasan losses upon derecognition (equity
(instrumen ekuitas), dan instruments), and

Pengukuran selanjutnya dari aset The subsequent measurement of financial

keuangan tergantung kepada klasifikasi assets depends on their classification as
masing-masing aset keuangan seperti described below:
berikut ini:

Grup mengukur aset keuangan pada biaya The Group measures financial assets at
perolehan diamortisasi jika kedua kondisi amortized cost if both of the following
berikut terpenuhi: conditions are met:

- Aset keuangan dimiliki dalam model - The financial asset is held within a
bisnis dengan tujuan untuk memiliki business model with the objective to
aset keuangan dalam rangka hold financial assets in order to collect
mendapatkan arus kas kontraktual, contractual cash flows, and
- Persyaratan kontraktual dari aset - The contractual terms of the financial
keuangan menghasilkan arus kas asset give rise on specified dates to
pada tanggal tertentu yang cash flows that are SPPI on the
merupakan SPPB dari jumlah pokok principal amount outstanding.

Aset keuangan yang diukur pada biaya Financial assets at amortized cost are
perolehan diamortisasi selanjutnya diukur subsequently measured using the effective
dengan menggunakan metode suku bunga interest rate (“EIR”) method and are subject
efektif (“SBE”) dan menjadi subjek to impairment. Gains and losses are
penurunan nilai. Keuntungan dan kerugian recognized in profit or loss when the asset is
diakui dalam laba rugi pada saat aset derecognized, modified or impaired.
dihentikan pengakuannya, dimodifikasi
atau diturunkan nilainya.

Aset keuangan Grup yang diukur pada The Group’s financial assets at amortized
biaya perolehan diamortisasi termasuk kas cost includes cash and cash equivalent, trade
dan setara kas, piutang usaha, aset receivables, other current financial assets
keuangan lancar lainnya dan aset and other non-current financial assets.
keuangan tidak lancar lainnya.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

h. Instrumen keuangan (lanjutan) h. Financial instruments (continued)

i. Aset keuangan (lanjutan) i. Financial assets (continued)

Pengukuran selanjutnya (lanjutan) Subsequent measurement (continued)

Untuk instrumen keuangan yang diukur For financial instruments at FVOCI, interest
pada NWPKL, pendapatan bunga, income, foreign exchange revaluation and
revaluasi mata uang asing dan kerugian impairment losses or reversals are
penurunan nilai atau pembalikan diakui recognized in the statement of profit or loss
dalam laporan laba rugi dan dihitung and computed in the same manner as for
dengan cara yang sama seperti untuk aset financial assets measured at amortized cost.
keuangan yang diukur pada biaya The remaining fair value changes are
perolehan diamortisasi. Perubahan nilai recognized in OCI. Upon derecognition, the
wajar yang tersisa diakui di PKL. Pada saat cumulative fair value change recognized in
penghentian pengakuan, perubahan nilai OCI is recycled to profit or loss.
wajar kumulatif yang diakui di PKL
direklasifikasi ke laba rugi.

Aset keuangan Grup yang diukur pada The Group’s financial assets at FVOCI
NWPKL termasuk investasi pada saham. includes invenstment in shares.

Grup tidak memiliki aset keuangan yang The Group has no financial assets measured
diukur melalui NWLR. in FVTPL.

Penghentian pengakuan Derecognition

Aset keuangan (atau, sesuai dengan A financial asset (or, where applicable, a part
kondisinya, bagian dari aset keuangan atau of a financial asset or part of a group of similar
bagian dari kelompok aset keuangan financial assets) is primarily derecognized
serupa) terutama dihentikan (i.e., removed from the Group’s statement of
pengakuannya (yaitu, dihapuskan dari financial position) when:
laporan posisi keuangan Grup) ketika:
- Hak untuk menerima arus kas dari - The rights to receive cash flows from
aset telah berakhir, atau the asset have expired, or

- Grup telah mengalihkan haknya untuk - The Group has transferred its
menerima arus kas dari aset atau rights to receive cash flows from the
menanggung kewajiban untuk asset or has assumed an obligation to
membayar arus kas yang diterima pay the received cash flows in full
tersebut secara penuh tanpa without material delay to a third party
penundaan yang material kepada under a ‘pass-through’ arrangement;
pihak ketiga berdasarkan and either (a) the Group has
kesepakatan ‘pass-through’, dan transferred substantially all the risks
salah satu dari (a) Grup telah and rewards of the asset, or (b) the
mengalihkan secara substansial Group has neither transferred nor
seluruh risiko dan manfaat atas aset, retained substantially all the risks and
atau (b) Grup tidak mengalihkan rewards of the asset, but has
maupun tidak memiliki secara transferred control of the asset.
substansial atas seluruh risiko dan
manfaat atas aset, tetapi telah
mengalihkan kendali atas aset.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

h. Instrumen keuangan (lanjutan) h. Financial instruments (continued)

i. Aset keuangan (lanjutan) i. Financial assets (continued)

Penghentian pengakuan (lanjutan) Derecognition (continued)

Ketika Grup telah mengalihkan haknya When the Group has transferred its rights to
untuk menerima arus kas dari suatu aset receive cash flows from an asset or has
atau telah menandatangani kesepakatan entered into a pass-through arrangement, it
‘pass-through’, Grup mengevaluasi jika, evaluates if, and to what extent, it has
dan sejauh mana, Grup masih retained the risks and rewards of ownership.
mempertahankan risiko dan manfaat atas When it has neither transferred nor retained
kepemilikan aset. Ketika Grup tidak substantially all of the risks and rewards of
mengalihkan maupun seluruh risiko dan the asset, nor transferred control of the asset,
manfaat atas aset dipertahankan secara the Group continues to recognize the
substansial, maupun tidak mengalihkan transferred asset to the extent of its
kendali atas aset, Grup tetap mengakui continuing involvement. In that case, the
aset yang dialihkan sebesar keterlibatan Group also recognizes an associated liability.
berkelanjutannya. Dalam kasus tersebut, The transferred asset and the associated
Grup juga mengakui liabilitas terkait. Aset liability are measured on a basis that reflects
yang dialihkan dan liabilitas terkait diukur the rights and obligations that the Group has
dengan basis yang mencerminkan hak dan retained.
kewajiban yang masih dipertahankan oleh

Keterlibatan berkelanjutan dalam bentuk Continuing involvement that takes the form of
jaminan atas aset yang ditransfer, diukur a guarantee over the transferred asset is
pada nilai yang lebih rendah antara jumlah measured at the lower of the original carrying
tercatat awal aset dan jumlah maksimum amount of the asset and the maximum
imbalan yang dibutuhkan oleh Grup untuk amount of consideration that the Group could
membayar kembali. be required to repay.

Penurunan nilai aset keuangan Impairment of financial assets

Grup mengakui penyisihan Kerugian Kredit The Group recognizes an allowance for
Ekspektasian (“KKE”) untuk semua Expected Credit Loss (“ECL”) for all debt
instrumen utang yang bukan diukur pada instruments not held at FVTPL and financial
NWLR dan kontrak jaminan keuangan. guarantee contracts. ECLs are based on the
KKE ditentukan atas perbedaan antara difference between the contractual cash
arus kas kontraktual menurut kontrak dan flows due in accordance with the contract and
semua arus kas yang diharapkan akan all the cash flows that the Group expects to
diterima oleh Grup, yang didiskontokan receive, discounted at an approximation of
dengan perkiraan SBE orisinal. Arus kas the original EIR. The expected cash flows
yang diharapkan mencakup setiap arus kas include any cash flows from the sale of
dari penjualan agunan yang dimiliki atau collateral held or other credit enhancements
perbaikan kredit lainnya yang merupakan that are integral to the contractual terms.
bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam
ketentuan kontrak.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

h. Instrumen keuangan (lanjutan) h. Financial instruments (continued)

i. Aset keuangan (lanjutan) i. Financial assets (continued)

Penurunan nilai aset keuangan (lanjutan) Impairment of financial assets (continued)

KKE diakui dalam dua tahap. Bila belum ECLs are recognized in two stages. When
terdapat peningkatan risiko kredit signifikan there have not been significant increases in
sejak pengakuan awal, KKE diakui untuk credit risks since initial recognition, ECLs are
kerugian kredit yang dihasilkan dari provided for credit losses that result from
peristiwa gagal bayar yang mungkin terjadi default events that are possible within the
dalam jangka waktu 12 bulan ke depan next 12-months (a 12-month ECL). However,
(KKE 12 bulan). Namun, bila telah terdapat when there have been significant increases in
peningkatan signifikan risiko kredit sejak credit risks since initial recognition, a loss
pengakuan awal, penyisihan kerugian allowance is recognized for credit losses
diakui untuk kerugian kredit yang expected over the remaining life of the asset,
diperkirakan selama sisa umur aset, tanpa irrespective of timing of the default (a lifetime
mempertimbangkan waktu gagal bayar ECL).
(KKE sepanjang umurnya).

Karena piutang usaha tidak memiliki Because its trade receivables do not contain
komponen pembiayaan signifikan, Grup significant financing component, the Group
menerapkan pendekatan yang applies a simplified approach in calculating
disederhanakan dalam perhitungan KKE. ECL. Therefore, the Group does not track
Oleh karena itu, Grup tidak menelurusi changes in credit risk, but instead recognizes
perubahan dalam risiko kredit, namun a loss allowance based on lifetime ECL at
justru mengakui penyisihan kerugian each reporting date. The Group established a
berdasarkan KKE sepanjang umurnya provision matrix that is based on its historical
pada setiap tanggal pelaporan. Grup credit loss experience, adjusted for forward-
membentuk matriks provisi berdasarkan looking factors specific to the debtors and the
pengalaman kerugian kredit masa lampau, economic environment.
disesuaikan dengan perkiraan masa depan
(forward-looking) atas faktor yang spesifik
untuk debitur dan lingkungan ekonomi.

Untuk kelompok aset keuangan tertentu, For certain categories of financial assets,
seperti piutang, aset yang dinilai tidak akan such as receivables, assets that are
diturunkan secara individual akan assessed not to be impaired individually are,
dievaluasi penurunan nilainya secara in addition, assessed for impairment on a
kolektif. collective basis.

Bukti objektif dari penurunan nilai portofolio Objective evidence of impairment for a
piutang dapat termasuk pengalaman Grup portfolio of receivables could include the
atas tertagihnya piutang di masa lalu, Group’s past experience of collecting
peningkatan keterlambatan penerimaan payments, an increase in the number of
pembayaran piutang dari rata-rata periode delayed payments in the portfolio past the
kredit, dan juga pengamatan atas average credit period, as well as observable
perubahan kondisi ekonomi nasional atau changes in national or local economic
lokal yang berkorelasi dengan gagal bayar conditions that correlate with default on
atas piutang. receivables.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

h. Instrumen keuangan (lanjutan) h. Financial instruments (continued)

i. Aset keuangan (lanjutan) i. Financial assets (continued)

Penurunan nilai aset keuangan (lanjutan) Impairment of financial assets (continued)

Untuk aset keuangan yang diukur pada For financial assets carried at amortised cost,
biaya perolehan diamortisasi, jumlah the amount of the impairment loss is
kerugian penurunan nilai merupakan measured as the difference between the
selisih antara jumlah tercatat aset asset’s carrying amount and the present
keuangan dengan nilai kini dari estimasi value of estimated future cash flows,
arus kas masa depan yang didiskontokan discounted at the financial asset’s original
menggunakan suku bunga efektif awal dari effective interest rate.
aset keuangan.

Jumlah tercatat aset keuangan tersebut The carrying amount of the financial asset is
dikurangi dengan kerugian penurunan nilai reduced by the impairment loss directly for all
secara langsung atas seluruh aset financial assets with the exception of
keuangan, kecuali piutang yang jumlah receivables, where the carrying amount is
tercatatnya dikurangi melalui penggunaan reduced through the use of an allowance
akun cadangan piutang. Jika piutang tidak account. When a receivable is considered
tertagih, piutang tersebut dihapuskan uncollectible, it is written off against the
melalui akun cadangan piutang. allowance account.

Pemulihan kemudian dari jumlah yang Subsequent recoveries of amounts

sebelumnya telah dihapuskan dikreditkan previously written off are credited against the
terhadap akun cadangan. Perubahan allowance account. Changes in the carrying
jumlah tercatat akun cadangan piutang amount of the allowance account are
diakui dalam laba rugi. recognized in profit or loss.

ii. Liabilitas keuangan ii. Financial liabilities

Pengakuan dan pengukuran awal Initial recognition and measurement

Liabilitas keuangan diklasifikasikan Financial liabilities are classified as financial

sebagai liabilitas keuangan yang diukur liabilities at fair value through profit or loss or
pada nilai wajar melalui laba rugi atau financial liabilities at amortized cost. The
liabilitas keuangan pada biaya perolehan Group determines the classification of its
diamortisasi. Grup menentukan klasifikasi financial liabilities at initial recognition.
liabilitas keuangan mereka pada saat
pengakuan awal.

Liabilitas keuangan awalnya diukur Financial liabilities are initially measured at

sebesar nilai wajarnya. Biaya transaksi fair value. Transaction costs that are directly
yang dapat diatribusikan secara langsung attributable to the acquisition of financial
dengan perolehan liabilitas keuangan liabilities (other than financial liabilities at fair
(selain liabilitas keuangan yang diukur value through profit or loss) are added to or
pada nilai wajar melalui laba rugi) deducted from the fair value of the financial
ditambahkan atau dikurangkan dari nilai liabilities, as appropriate, on initial
wajar liabilitas keuangan, yang sesuai, recognition. Transaction costs directly
pada pengakuan awal. Biaya transaksi attributable to the acquisition of financial
yang dapat diatribusikan secara langsung liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are
dengan perolehan liabilitas keuangan yang recognized immediately in profit or loss.
diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laba rugi
langsung diakui dalam laba rugi.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

h. Instrumen keuangan (lanjutan) h. Financial instruments (continued)

ii. Liabilitas keuangan (lanjutan) ii. Financial liabilities (continued)

Pengakuan dan pengukuran awal Initial recognition and measurement

(lanjutan) (continued)

Liabilitas keuangan Grup terdiri dari The Group’s financial liabilities consist of
pinjaman bank jangka pendek, utang short-term bank loans, trade payables, other
usaha, liabilitas jangka pendek lainnya, current liabilities, short-term employee
liabilitas imbalan kerja jangka pendek, benefits liability, accrued expenses, sukuk
beban akrual, utang sukuk, utang bank payable, long-term bank loans and lease
jangka panjang dan liabilitas sewa liabilities classified as financial liabilities at
diklasifikasikan sebagai liabilitas keuangan amortized cost. The Group has no financial
yang diukur dengan biaya diamortisasi. liabilities measured at fair value through profit
Grup tidak memiliki liabilitas keuangan or loss.
yang diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laba

Biaya transaksi yang dapat diatribusikan Transaction costs directly attributable to the
secara langsung dengan perolehan acquisition of financial liabilities at fair value
liabilitas keuangan yang diukur pada nilai through profit or loss are recognized
wajar melalui laba rugi langsung diakui immediately in profit or loss.
dalam laba rugi.

Pengakuan selanjutnya Subsequent measurement

Setelah pengakuan awal, liabilitas After initial recognition, interest-bearing

keuangan yang dikenakan bunga diukur financial liabilities are subsequently
pada biaya perolehan diamortisasi dengan measured at amortized cost using the EIR
menggunakan metode SBE. method.

Pada tanggal pelaporan, beban bunga At the reporting dates, accrued interest
akrual dicatat secara terpisah dari pokok expenses is recorded separately from the
pinjaman terkait dalam bagian liabilitas associated borrowings within the current
jangka pendek. Keuntungan atau kerugian liabilities section. Gains and losses are
harus diakui dalam laba rugi ketika liabilitas recognized in profit or loss when the liabilities
tersebut dihentikan pengakuannya serta are derecognized as well as through the EIR
melalui proses amortisasi SBE. amortization process.

Biaya perolehan diamortisasi dihitung Amortized cost is calculated by taking into

dengan mempertimbangkan diskonto atau account any discount or premium on
premium atas perolehan dan komisi atau acquisition and fee or costs that are an
biaya yang merupakan bagian tidak integral part of the EIR. The EIR amortisation
terpisahkan dari SBE. Amortisasi SBE is included in “Finance Expenses” in profit or
dicatat sebagai “Beban Keuangan” dalam loss.
laba rugi.

Penghentian pengakuan Derecognition

Suatu liabilitas keuangan dihentikan A financial liability is derecognized when it is

pengakuannya pada saat kewajiban yang extinguished, that is when the obligation
ditetapkan dalam kontrak dihentikan atau specified in the contract is discharged or
dibatalkan atau kadaluwarsa. cancelled or expired.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

h. Instrumen keuangan (lanjutan) h. Financial instruments (continued)

ii. Liabilitas keuangan (lanjutan) ii. Financial liabilities (continued)

Penghentian pengakuan (lanjutan) Derecognition (continued)

Ketika sebuah liabilitas keuangan ditukar When an existing financial liability is replaced
dengan liabilitas keuangan lain dari by another from the same lender on
pemberi pinjaman yang sama atas substantially different terms, or the terms of
persyaratan yang secara substansial an existing financial liability are substantially
berbeda, atau bila persyaratan dari modified, such an exchange or modification is
liabilitas keuangan tersebut secara treated as derecognition of the original
substansial dimodifikasi, pertukaran atau financial liability and recognition of a new
modifikasi persyaratan tersebut dicatat financial liability, and the difference in the
sebagai penghentian pengakuan liabilitas respective carrying amounts is recognized in
keuangan awal dan pengakuan liabilitas the profit or loss.
keuangan baru, dan selisih antara nilai
tercatat masing-masing liabilitas keuangan
tersebut diakui pada laba rugi.

iii. Reklasifikasi instrumen keuangan iii. Reclassification of financial instruments

Grup diperkenankan untuk melakukan The Group is allowed to reclassify the

reklasifikasi atas aset keuangan yang financial assets owned if the Group changes
dimiliki jika Grup mengubah model bisnis the business model for the management of
untuk pengelolaan aset keuangan dan financial assets and the Group is not allowed
Grup tidak diperkenankan untuk to reclassify the financial liabilities.
melakukan reklasifikasi atas liabilitas

Perubahan model bisnis sifatnya harus Changes in the business model should
berdampak secara signifikan terhadap significantly impact the Group's operational
kegiatan operasional Grup seperti activities such as acquiring, releasing or
memperoleh, melepaskan, atau ending a line of business. In addition, the
mengakhiri suatu lini bisnis. Selain itu, Group needs to prove the change to external
Grup perlu membuktikan adanya parties.
perubahan tersebut kepada pihak

Yang bukan merupakan perubahan model The following are not considered as change
bisnis adalah: (a) perubahan intensi in business model: (a) the change of intention
berkaitan dengan aset keuangan tertentu relates to certain financial assets (even in
(bahkan dalam situasi perubahan signifikan situations of significant changes in market
dalam kondisi pasar), (b) hilangnya conditions), (b) temporary loss of certain
sementara pasar tertentu untuk aset markets for financial assets, and (c) the
keuangan, dan (c) pengalihan aset transfer of financial assets between parts of
keuangan antara bagian dari Grup dengan the Group and different business models.
model bisnis berbeda.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

h. Instrumen keuangan (lanjutan) h. Financial instruments (continued)

iv. Saling hapus instrumen keuangan iv. Offsetting of financial instruments

Aset keuangan dan liabilitas keuangan Financial assets and financial liabilities are
disalinghapuskan dan nilai netonya offset and the net amount presented in the
disajikan dalam laporan posisi keuangan consolidated statement of financial position
konsolidasian jika Grup memiliki hak yang when the Group has a legally enforceable
dapat dipaksakan secara hukum untuk right to set off the recognized amounts; and
melakukan saling hapus atas jumlah yang intends either to settle on a net basis, or to
telah diakui; dan berintensi untuk realise the asset and settle the liability
menyelesaikan secara neto atau untuk simultaneously. A right to offset must be
merealisasikan aset dan menyelesaikan available today rather than being contingent
liabilitasnya secara simultan. Hak saling on a future event and must be exercisable by
hapus harus ada pada saat ini daripada any of the counterparties, both in the normal
bersifat kontinjen atas terjadinya suatu course of business and in the event of default,
peristiwa di masa depan dan harus insolvency, or bankruptcy.
dieksekusi oleh pihak lawan, baik dalam
situasi bisnis normal dan dalam peristiwa
gagal bayar, peristiwa kepailitan, atau

v. Pengukuran nilai wajar v. Fair value measurement

Grup mengukur pada pengakuan awal The Group initially measures financial
instrumen keuangan pada nilai wajar, dan instruments at fair value, and assets and
aset dan liabilitas yang diakuisisi pada liabilities of the acquirees upon business
kombinasi bisnis. Grup juga mengukur combinations. It also measures certain
jumlah terpulihkan dari UPK tertentu recoverable amounts of the CGU using fair
berdasarkan nilai wajar dikurangi biaya value less cost of disposal (“FVLCD”).
pelepasan (“FVLCD”).

Nilai wajar adalah harga yang akan Fair value is the price that would be received
diterima dari menjual suatu aset atau harga to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in
yang akan dibayar untuk mengalihkan an orderly transaction between market
suatu liabilitas dalam transaksi teratur participants at the measurement date. The
antara pelaku pasar pada tanggal fair value measurement is based on the
pengukuran. Pengukuran nilai wajar presumption that the transaction to sell the
mengasumsikan bahwa transaksi untuk asset or transfer the liability takes place
menjual aset atau mengalihkan liabilitas either:

i. di pasar utama untuk aset atau i. in the principal market for the asset or
liabilitas tersebut, atau liability, or
ii. jika tidak terdapat pasar utama, di ii. in the absence of a principal market, in
pasar yang paling menguntungkan the most advantageous market for the
untuk aset atau liabilitas tersebut. asset or liability.
Pasar utama atau pasar yang paling The principal or the most advantageous
menguntungkan tersebut harus dapat market must be accessible to by the Group.
diakses oleh Grup.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

i. Persediaan i. Inventories

Persediaan dinyatakan sebesar nilai terendah Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net
antara biaya perolehan atau nilai realisasi neto. realizable value. Cost is determined using the
Biaya perolehan ditentukan dengan metode weighted average cost method and includes
rata-rata tertimbang dan termasuk semua expenditure incurred in acquiring the inventories,
pengeluaran untuk memperoleh persediaan, production or conversion costs and other costs
biaya produksi atau konversi, dan biaya lainnya incurred in bringing the inventory to its existing
yang timbul untuk membawa persediaan ke location and condition. It excludes borrowing
tempat dan kondisi saat ini. Biaya tersebut tidak costs. Net realizable value is the estimated sales
termasuk biaya pinjaman. Nilai realisasi neto amount in the ordinary course of business less the
adalah estimasi harga penjualan dalam costs of completion and selling expenses.
kegiatan usaha normal dikurangi dengan biaya
penyelesaian dan penjualannya.

Penyisihan persediaan usang dibentuk untuk Allowance for inventory obsolescence is provided
mengurangi jumlah tercatat persediaan ke nilai to reduce the carrying amount of inventories to
realisasi netonya yang ditentukan melalui their net realizable value based on the periodic
pengujian berkala atas estimasi penggunaan review of the estimated future usage or sale of
atau penjualan masing-masing jenis persediaan individual inventory items.
di masa yang akan datang.

j. Transaksi dengan pihak-pihak berelasi j. Transactions with related parties

Grup mempunyai transaksi dengan pihak The Group has transactions with related parties
berelasi sebagaimana didefinisikan pada PSAK as defined in PSAK No. 7 (Improvement 2015),
No. 7 (Penyesuaian 2015) “Pengungkapan “Related Party Disclosures”.
Pihak-pihak Berelasi”.

Transaksi ini dilakukan berdasarkan The transactions are made based on terms
persyaratan yang disetujui oleh kedua belah agreed by the parties, in which such terms may
pihak, dimana persyaratan tersebut mungkin not be the same as those of the transactions
tidak sama dengan transaksi lain yang between unrelated parties.
dilakukan dengan pihak-pihak yang tidak

Saldo dan transaksi signifikan dengan pihak- All significant balances and transactions with
pihak berelasi diungkapkan dalam Catatan 32. related parties are disclosed in Note 32.

Kecuali diungkapkan khusus sebagai pihak- Unless specifically identified as related parties,
pihak berelasi, maka pihak-pihak lain yang the parties disclosed in the notes to the
disebutkan dalam catatan atas laporan consolidated financial statements are third
keuangan konsolidasian merupakan pihak parties.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

k. Aset tetap k. Fixed assets

Seluruh aset tetap awalnya diakui sebesar All fixed assets are initially recognized at cost,
biaya perolehan, yang terdiri atas harga which comprises the purchase price and any
perolehan dan biaya-biaya tambahan yang costs directly attributable in bringing the assets to
dapat diatribusikan langsung untuk membawa the location and condition necessary for the
aset ke lokasi dan kondisi yang diinginkan assets to be capable of operating in the manner
supaya aset tersebut siap digunakan sesuai intended by management.
dengan maksud manajemen.

Aset tetap dinyatakan sebesar biaya perolehan Fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated
dikurangi dengan akumulasi penyusutan dan depreciation and allowance for impairment. Land
penyisihan penurunan nilai. Tanah tidak is not depreciated. The cost includes the cost of
disusutkan. Termasuk juga ke dalam biaya replacing part of the fixed assets when that cost is
perolehan adalah biaya-biaya penggantian incurred, only when it is probable that future
bagian dari aset tetap jika biaya itu terjadi, dan economic benefits associated with the item will
apabila terdapat kemungkinan yang besar flow to the Group and the cost of the item can be
bahwa Grup akan mendapat manfaat ekonomis measured reliably. Likewise, when a major
di masa depan dari bagian aset tersebut serta inspection is performed, its cost is recognized in
biaya perolehannya dapat diukur secara andal. the carrying amount of the fixed assets as a
Demikian pula, pada saat inspeksi yang replacement if the recognition criteria are
signifikan dilakukan, biaya inspeksi itu diakui ke satisfied. All other repairs and maintenance costs
dalam jumlah tercatat (carrying amount) aset that do not meet the recognition criteria are
tetap sebagai suatu penggantian jika memenuhi recognized in profit or loss as incurred.
kriteria pengakuan. Semua biaya pemeliharaan
dan perbaikan yang tidak memenuhi kriteria
pengakuan diakui dalam laba rugi pada saat

Biaya legal awal yang terjadi untuk memperoleh Initial legal costs incurred to obtain legal rights of
hak atas tanah diakui sebagai bagian dari biaya land are recognized as part of the acquisition
akuisisi. costs.

Penyusutan dihitung dengan menggunakan Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line

metode garis lurus selama estimasi masa method over the estimated useful lifes of the
manfaat aset tetap yang bersangkutan yaitu assets as follows:
sebagai berikut:

Bangunan, prasarana dan instalasi 4-20 Buildings, improvements and installations

Mesin dan peralatan 2-15 Machinery and equipment
Perabotan dan perlengkapan kantor 2-5 Office furniture, fixtures and equipment
Alat transportasi 2-5 Transportation equipment
Konstruksi baja 2-15 Steel constructions

Efektif 31 Juli 2021, Perusahaan melakukan Effective July 31, 2021, the Company changed
perubahan umur manfaat aset mesin dan the useful life for assets machinery and equipment
peralatan serta konstruksi baja dari 2 (dua) and steel constructions from 2 (two) up to 10 (ten)
sampai 10 (sepuluh) tahun menjadi 2 (dua) years to 2 (two) up to 15 (fifteen) years. The
sampai 15 (lima belas) tahun. Dampak dari impact from such changes is disclosed in Note 12.
perubahan tersebut diungkapkan pada Catatan

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

k. Aset tetap (lanjutan) k. Fixed assets (lanjutan)

Aset dalam penyelesaian merupakan biaya- Construction in progress represents costs directly
biaya yang berhubungan langsung dengan attributable to the construction and acquisition of
pembangunan dan akuisisi aset tetap, termasuk fixed assets, including financial costs, if any.
biaya pendanaan, jika ada. Biaya-biaya These costs are transferred to the relevant asset
tersebut akan dipindahkan ke aset tetap yang account when the construction is complete.
bersangkutan pada saat pembangunannya Depreciation is charged from the date the assets
telah selesai. Penyusutan mulai dibebankan are ready for use.
pada saat aset tersebut siap digunakan.

Jumlah tercatat aset tetap dihentikan An item of fixed asset is derecognized upon
pengakuannya pada saat dilepaskan atau saat disposal or when no future economic benefits are
tidak ada manfaat ekonomis di masa depan expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss
yang diharapkan dari penggunaan atau arising from derecognition of the asset, calculated
pelepasannya. Laba atau rugi yang timbul dari as the difference between the net disposal
penghentian pengakuan aset, yang merupakan proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset, is
perbedaan antara jumlah neto hasil pelepasan included in profit or loss.
dengan jumlah tercatatnya, disajikan dalam
laba rugi.

Nilai residu, umur manfaat dan metode The residual values, useful lifes and methods of
penyusutan ditinjau ulang dan, jika diperlukan, depreciation are reviewed, and adjusted
akan disesuaikan secara prospektif pada setiap prospectively, if appropriate, at each reporting
tanggal pelaporan. date.

l. Aset takberwujud l. Intangible assets

Biaya terkait dengan pembaruan hak atas tanah Cost related to renewal of land rights are
diakui sebagai aset takberwujud dan recognized as intangible assets and amortized
diamortisasi sepanjang umur hukum hak yang during the period of the land rights which are
berkisar antara 20 (dua puluh) sampai ranging from 20 (twenty) to 30 (thirty) years.
30 (tiga puluh) tahun.

Biaya yang terkait dengan pemeliharaan Costs associated with maintaining computer
program piranti lunak komputer diakui sebagai software programs are recognized as an expense
beban pada saat terjadinya. Biaya perolehan as incurred. Acquisition and development costs
atau pengembangan yang dapat secara that are directly attributable to the design and
langsung diatribusikan kepada desain dan testing of software products are recognized as
pengujian produk piranti lunak diakui sebagai intangible assets.
aset takberwujud.

Biaya-biaya yang dapat diatribusikan secara Directly attributable costs that are capitalized as
langsung dan dikapitalisasi sebagai bagian dari part of the software product include the software
produk piranti lunak mencakup beban pekerja development employee costs and an appropriate
pengembang piranti lunak dan overhead yang portion of the relevant overheads. The acquisition
relevan. Biaya perolehan dan pengembangan and development costs is amortized using the
piranti lunak diamortisasi dengan menggunakan straight-line method over 2 (two) years.
metode garis lurus selama 2 (dua) tahun.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

l. Aset takberwujud (lanjutan) l. Intangible assets (continued)

Aset takberwujud dihentikan pengakuannya Intangible assets is derecognized either when it

pada saat pelepasan atau aset tersebut tidak has been disposed of or when the assets is
digunakan lagi secara permanen dan tidak permanently withdrawn from use and no future
memiliki manfaat ekonomis di masa depan benefit is expected from its disposal. Any gains or
yang dapat diharapkan pada saat losses on the derecognition or disposal of an
pelepasannya. Laba atau rugi yang timbul dari intangible assets are recognized in profit or loss
penghentian pengakuan atau pelepasan aset on the date of derecognition or disposal.
takberwujud diakui dalam laba rugi pada saat
terjadinya penghentian atau pelepasan

m. Sewa m. Lease

Grup menilai pada saat insepsi kontrak apabila The Group assesses at contract inception
kontrak tersebut adalah, atau mengandung, whether a contract is, or contains, a lease. That
sewa. Yaitu, bila kontrak tersebut memberikan is, if the contract conveys the right to control the
hak untuk mengendalikan penggunaan aset use of an identified asset for a period of time in
identifikasian selama suatu jangka waktu untuk exchange for consideration.
dipertukarkan dengan imbalan.

Grup sebagai Penyewa The Group as Lessee

Grup menerapkan pendekatan pengakuan dan The Group applies a single recognition and
pengukuran tunggal untuk semua sewa, kecuali measurement approach for all leases, except for
untuk sewa jangka-pendek dan sewa yang aset short-term leases and leases of low-value assets.
pendasarnya bernilai-rendah. Grup mengakui The Group recognizes lease liabilities to make
liabilitas sewa untuk melakukan pembayaran lease payments and right-of-use assets
sewa dan aset hak-guna yang mewakili hak representing the right to use the underlying
untuk menggunakan aset pendasar. assets.

Aset hak-guna Rights-of-use assets

Grup mengakui aset hak-guna pada tanggal The Group recognizes right-of-use assets at the
permulaan sewa (yaitu tanggal aset pendasar commencement date of the lease (i.e., the date
tersedia untuk digunakan). Aset hak-guna the underlying asset is available for use). Right-
diukur pada harga perolehan, dikurangi of-use assets are measured at cost, less any
akumulasi penyusutan dan penurunan nilai, accumulated depreciation and impairment losses,
serta disesuaikan dengan pengukuran kembali and adjusted for any remeasurement of lease
liabilitas sewa. Biaya perolehan aset hak-guna liabilities. The cost of right-of-use assets includes
mencakup jumlah liabilitas sewa yang diakui, the amount of lease liabilities recognized, initial
biaya langsung awal yang terjadi, dan direct costs incurred, and lease payments made
pembayaran sewa yang dilakukan pada atau at or before the commencement date less any
sebelum tanggal permulaan dikurangi setiap lease incentives received. Right-of-use assets are
insentif sewa yang diterima. Aset hak-guna depreciated on a straight-line basis over the lease
disusutkan dengan metode garis lurus selama term.
masa sewa.

Jika kepemilikan aset pendasar sewa beralih ke If ownership of the leased asset transfers to the
Grup pada akhir masa sewa atau biaya Group at the end of the lease term or the cost
perolehan aset hak-guna merefleksikan Grup reflects the exercise of a purchase option,
akan mengeksekusi opsi beli, maka penyusutan depreciation is calculated using the estimated
aset hak-guna dihitung menggunakan estimasi useful life of the asset.The right-of-use assets are
masa manfaat aset. Aset hak-guna juga also assessed for impairment.
dievaluasi untuk penurunan nilai.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

m. Sewa (lanjutan) m. Lease (continued)

Grup sebagai Penyewa (lanjutan) The Group as Lessee (continued)

Liabilitas sewa Lease liabilities

Pada tanggal permulaan sewa, Grup mengakui At the commencement date of the lease, the
liabilitas sewa yang diukur pada nilai kini Group recognizes lease liabilities measured at the
pembayaran sewa yang harus dilakukan present value of lease payments to be made over
selama masa sewa. the lease term.

Pembayaran sewa juga mencakup harga The lease payments also include the exercise
pelaksanaan dari opsi beli yang secara wajar price of a purchase option reasonably certain to
pasti dilaksanakan oleh Grup dan pembayaran be exercised by the Group and payments of
pinalti untuk mengakhiri sewa, jika masa sewa penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease
merefleksikan adanya opsi dapat mengakhiri term reflects exercising the option to terminate.
sewa. Pembayaran sewa variabel yang tidak Variable lease payments that do not depend on
bergantung pada indeks atau tarif diakui an index or a rate are recognized as expenses in
sebagai beban pada periode terjadinya the period in which the event or condition that
peristiwa atau kondisi yang memicu terjadinya triggers the payment occurs.
pembayaran tersebut.

Dalam menghitung nilai kini pembayaran sewa, In calculating the present value of lease
Grup menggunakan Suku Bunga Pinjaman payments, the Group uses its Incremental
Inkremental (“SBPI”) pada tanggal permulaan Borrowing Rate (“IBR”) at the lease
sewa karena suku bunga implisit dalam sewa commencement date because the interest rate
tidak dapat langsung ditentukan. Setelah implicit in the lease is not readily determinable.
tanggal permulaan, jumlah kewajiban sewa After the commencement date, the amount of
ditingkatkan untuk mencerminkan akresi bunga lease liabilities is increased to reflect the accretion
(atas efek diskonto) dan dikurangi untuk of interest and reduced for the lease payments
pembayaran sewa yang dilakukan. Selain itu, made. In addition, the carrying amount of lease
nilai tercatat liabilitas sewa diukur kembali jika liabilities is remeasured if there is a modification,
terdapat modifikasi, perubahan masa sewa, a change in the lease term, a change in the lease
perubahan pembayaran sewa, atau perubahan payments or a change in the assessment of an
penilaian atas opsi untuk membeli aset option to purchase the underlying asset.

Sewa jangka pendek dan sewa dengan aset Short-term leases and leases of low-value assets
bernilai rendah

Grup menerapkan pengecualian pengakuan The Group applies the short-term lease
sewa jangka pendek untuk sewa yang jangka recognition exemption to its short-term leases
waktu sewanya pendek (yaitu, sewa yang (i.e., those leases that have a lease term of 12
memiliki jangka waktu sewa 12 bulan atau months or less from the commencement date and
kurang dari tanggal permulaan dan tidak do not contain a purchase option). The Group also
memiliki opsi beli). Grup juga menerapkan applies the lease of low-value assets recognition
pengecualian pengakuan sewa dengan aset exemption to leases that are considered to be low
bernilai rendah untuk sewa yang aset value. Lease payments on short-term leases and
pendasarnya dianggap bernilai rendah. leases of low-value underlying assets are
Pembayaran sewa untuk sewa jangka pendek recognized as expense on a straight-line basis
dan sewa dari aset bernilai rendah diakui over the lease term.
sebagai beban dengan metode garis lurus
selama masa sewa.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

m. Sewa (lanjutan) m. Lease (continued)

Grup sebagai Pesewa The Group as Lessor

Sewa yang dalam pengaturannya Grup tidak Leases in which the Group does not transfer
mengalihkan secara substansial seluruh risiko substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to
dan manfaat yang terkait dengan kepemilikan ownership of an asset are classified as operating
suatu aset diklasifikasikan sebagai sewa leases. Lease income arising is accounted for on
operasi. Pendapatan sewa yang timbul dicatat a straight-line basis over the lease terms and is
dengan metode garis lurus selama masa sewa included in operating income in the profit or loss
dan diakui sebagai bagian dari pendapatan due to its operating nature. Initial direct costs
usaha pada laba rugi karena sifatnya. Biaya incurred in negotiating and arranging an operating
langsung awal yang terjadi dalam negosiasi dan lease are added to the carrying amount of the
pengaturan sewa operasi ditambahkan ke leased asset and recognized over the lease term
jumlah tercatat dari aset sewaan dan diakui on the same basis as lease income. Contingent
selama masa sewa atas dasar yang sama rent are recognized as revenue in the period in
dengan pendapatan sewa. Sewa kontijensi which they are earned.
diakui sebagai pendapatan pada periode
dimana sewa kontijensi tersebut diperoleh.

n. Properti investasi n. Investment property

Properti investasi terdiri dari tanah, bangunan Investment property consists of land, building
prasarana dan instalasi, yang dikuasai Grup facilities and installations, which are held by the
untuk disewakan atau untuk mendapatkan Group to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or
keuntungan dari kenaikan nilai atau kedua- both, rather than for use in the production or
duanya dan tidak untuk digunakan dalam supply of goods or services or for administrative
produksi atau penyediaan barang atau jasa purposes or sale in the ordinary course of
atau untuk tujuan administratif atau dijual dalam business. Investment property is stated at cost,
kegiatan usaha normal. Properti investasi including expenditure that is directly attributable to
dinyatakan sebesar biaya perolehan termasuk acquisition of the investment property.
pengeluaran yang dapat diatribusikan secara
langsung untuk perolehan properti investasi.

Selanjutnya, properti investasi diukur Investment property is subsequently measured at

berdasarkan biaya perolehan dikurangi cost less accumulated depreciation (except for
akumulasi penyusutan (kecuali tanah yang land which is not depreciated) and allowance for
tidak disusutkan) dan penyisihan penurunan impairment. The carrying amount includes the
nilai. Jumlah tercatat termasuk bagian biaya cost of replacing part of an existing investment
penggantian properti investasi yang ada pada property at the time that cost is incurred if the
saat terjadinya biaya, jika kriteria pengakuan recognition criteria are met and excludes the costs
terpenuhi dan tidak termasuk biaya harian of day to day servicing of an investment property.
penggunaan properti investasi. Nilai wajar Fair value of the investment property is
properti investasi ditentukan berdasarkan determined with reference to market value for the
acuan harga pasar untuk properti sejenis. same type of property.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

n. Properti investasi (lanjutan) n. Investment property (continued)

Penyusutan bangunan, prasarana dan instalasi Depreciation of buildings, facilities and

dihitung dengan menggunakan metode garis installations are calculated using the straight-line
lurus selama estimasi umur manfaat aset method based on the estimated useful lifes of the
antara 4 (empat) sampai 20 (dua puluh) tahun. assets between 4 (four) and 20 (twenty) years.

Properti investasi dihentikan pengakuannya Investment property is derecognized either when

pada saat pelepasan atau ketika properti it has been disposed of or when the investment
investasi tersebut tidak digunakan lagi secara property is permanently withdrawn from use and
permanen dan tidak memiliki manfaat ekonomis no future benefit is expected from its disposal. Any
di masa depan yang dapat diharapkan pada gains or losses on the derecognition or disposal
saat pelepasannya. Laba atau rugi yang timbul of an investment property are recognized in profit
dari penghentian pengakuan atau pelepasan or loss on the date of derecognition or disposal.
properti investasi diakui dalam laba rugi pada
saat terjadinya penghentian atau pelepasan

Transfer ke properti investasi dilakukan jika, Transfers to investment property are made when,
dan hanya jika, terdapat perubahan and only when, there is a change in use,
penggunaan yang ditunjukkan dengan evidenced by the end of owner occupation,
berakhirnya pemakaian oleh pemilik, commencement of an operating lease to another
dimulainya sewa operasi ke pihak lain atau party or completion of construction or
selesainya pembangunan atau pengembangan. development. Transfers from investment property
Transfer dari properti investasi dilakukan jika are made when, and only when, there is a change
dan hanya jika terdapat perubahan in use, evidenced by commencement of owner
penggunaan yang ditunjukkan dengan occupation or commencement of development
dimulainya penggunaan oleh pemilik atau with a view to sale.
dimulainya pengembangan yang bertujuan
untuk dijual.

Untuk transfer dari properti investasi ke aset For a transfer from investment property to an
yang digunakan dalam operasi, Grup asset used in operations, the Group uses the cost
menggunakan metode biaya pada tanggal method at the date of change in use. If the asset
perubahan penggunaan. Jika aset yang used by the Group becomes an investment
digunakan Grup menjadi properti investasi, property, the Group accounts for the asset in
Grup mencatat aset tersebut sesuai dengan accordance with the policy stated under fixed
kebijakan aset tetap sampai dengan tanggal assets up to the date of change in use.
terakhir perubahan penggunaannya.

o. Penurunan nilai aset nonkeuangan o. Impairment of non-financial assets

Aset yang memiliki umur manfaat tidak Assets that have an indefinite useful life, for
terbatas, sebagai contoh goodwill atau aset example, goodwill or intangible assets not ready
takberwujud yang belum siap digunakan, tidak for use, are not subject to amortization and are
diamortisasi dan dilakukan pengujian tested annually for impairment, or more frequently
penurunan nilai secara tahunan, atau lebih if events or changes in circumstances indicate
sering apabila terdapat peristiwa atau that they might be impaired.
perubahan pada kondisi yang mengindikasikan
kemungkinan penurunan nilai.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

o. Penurunan nilai aset nonkeuangan o. Impairment of non-financial assets

(lanjutan) (continued)

Aset yang diamortisasi atau disusutkan ditinjau Assets that are subject to amortization or
ulang ketika terdapat indikasi bahwa jumlah depreciation are reviewed for impairment
tercatatnya mungkin tidak dapat dipulihkan. whenever events or changes in circumstances
Penurunan nilai diakui jika jumlah tercatat aset indicate that the carrying amount may not be
melebihi jumlah terpulihkan. Jumlah terpulihkan recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized for
adalah nilai yang lebih tinggi antara nilai wajar the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount
aset dikurangi biaya untuk menjual dan nilai exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable
pakai aset. Dalam menentukan penurunan nilai, amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less
aset dikelompokkan sampai tingkat yang paling costs to sell and value in use. For the purposes of
rendah dimana arus kasnya dapat diidentifikasi assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the
(“UPK”). Aset nonkeuangan selain goodwill lowest levels for which there are separately
yang mengalami penurunan nilai ditinjau ulang identifiable cash flows (“CGU”). Non-financial
pada setiap tanggal pelaporan untuk assets other than goodwill that suffer an
menentukan apakah terdapat kemungkinan impairment are reviewed for possible reversal of
pemulihan penurunan nilai. the impairment at each reporting date.

Pemulihan kerugian penurunan nilai untuk aset Reversal on impairment loss for assets other than
selain goodwill, diakui jika, terdapat perubahan goodwill would be recognized if there had been a
estimasi yang digunakan dalam menentukan change in the estimates used to determine the
jumlah terpulihkan aset sejak peninjauan ulang asset’s recoverable amount since the last
penurunan nilai yang terakhir. Pembalikan impairment test was carried out. Reversal on
kerugian penurunan nilai tersebut diakui segera impairment loss will be immediately recognized in
dalam laba rugi, kecuali untuk aset yang profit or loss, except for assets measured using
disajikan pada jumlah revaluasian yang diatur the revaluation model as required by other PSAK.
PSAK lain. Kerugian penurunan nilai yang Impairment loss relating to goodwill would not be
diakui atas goodwill tidak dibalik kembali. reversed.

p. Biaya pinjaman p. Borrowing costs

Biaya pinjaman yang terjadi untuk konstruksi Borrowing cost for a qualifiying asset should be
aset kualifikasian, dikapitalisasi selama waktu capitalized over the asset construction years. For
yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan borrowings directly attributable to a qualifying
konstruksi. Untuk pinjaman yang dapat asset, the amount to be capitalized is determined
diatribusikan secara langsung pada suatu aset as the actual borrowing costs incurred during the
kualifikasian, jumlah yang dikapitalisasi adalah year, less any income earned on the temporary
sebesar biaya pinjaman yang terjadi selama investment of such borrowings. For borrowings
periode berjalan dikurangi pendapatan investasi that are not directly attributable to a qualifying
jangka pendek dari pinjaman tersebut. Untuk asset, the amount to be capitalized is determined
pinjaman yang tidak dapat diatribusi secara by applying a capitalization rate to the amount
langsung pada suatu aset kualifikasian, jumlah expended on the qualifying asset. The
biaya pinjaman yang dikapitalisasi ditentukan capitalization rate is the weighted-average of the
dengan mengalikan tingkat kapitalisasi dengan borrowing costs applicable to the total borrowings
pengeluaran untuk aset kualifikasian. Tingkat outstanding during the period, excluding
kapitalisasi adalah rata-rata tertimbang biaya borrowings directly attributable to finance the
pinjaman dibagi dengan jumlah pinjaman qualifying asset.
selama periode tertentu, tidak termasuk
pinjaman yang dapat diatribusikan secara
langsung untuk membiayai aset kualifikasian.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

q. Provisi q. Provision

Provisi diakui jika, sebagai akibat peristiwa A provision is recognized if, as a result of a past
masa lalu, Grup memiliki kewajiban kini, baik event, the Group has a present legal or
bersifat hukum maupun bersifat konstruktif yang constructive obligation that can be estimated
dapat diukur secara andal dan kemungkinan reliably, and it is probable that an outflow of
besar penyelesaian kewajiban tersebut economic benefits will be required to settle the
mengakibatkan arus keluar sumber daya yang obligation. Where the time value of money is
mengandung manfaat ekonomi. Jika dampak material, provision is stated at the present value
nilai waktu uang cukup material, maka provisi of the expenditure expected to be required to
dinyatakan pada estimasi nilai kini dari jumlah settle the obligation.
kewajiban yang harus diselesaikan.

r. Pengakuan pendapatan dan beban r. Revenues and expenses recognition

Dalam menentukan pengakuan pendapatan, In determining revenue recognition, the Group

Grup melakukan analisa transaksi melalui lima perform analysis transaction through the following
langkah analisa berikut: five steps of assessment:

1. Mengindentifikasi kontrak dengan 1. Identify contracts with customers with certain

pelanggan, dengan kriteria sebagai berikut: criteria as follows:
- Kontrak telah disetujui oleh pihak- pihak - The contract has been agreed by the
terkait dalam kontrak; parties involved in the contract;
- Grup bisa mengidentifikasi hak dari - The Group can identify the rights of
pihak-pihak terkait dan jangka waktu relevant parties and the term of payment
pembayaran dari barang atau jasa yang for the goods or services to be transferred;
akan dialihkan;
- Kontrak memiliki substansi komersial; - The contract has commercial substance;
dan and
- Besar kemungkinan Grup akan - It is probable that the Group will receive
menerima imbalan atas barang atau benefits for the goods or services
jasa yang dialihkan. transferred.

2. Mengidentifikasi kewajiban pelaksanaan 2. Identify the performance obligations in the

dalam kontrak, untuk menyerahkan barang contract, to transfer distinctive goods or
atau jasa yang memiliki karakteristik yang services to the customer.
berbeda ke pelanggan.

3. Menentukan harga transaksi, setelah 3. Determine the transaction price, net of

dikurangi diskon, retur, insentif penjualan, discounts, returns, sales incentives, luxury
pajak penjualan barang mewah, pajak sales tax, value added tax and export duty,
pertambahan nilai dan pungutan ekspor, which an entity expects to be entitled in
yang berhak diperoleh suatu entitas exchange for transferring promised goods or
sebagai kompensasi atas diserahkannya services to a customer.
barang atau jasa yang dijanjikan ke

4. Mengalokasikan harga transaksi kepada 4. Allocate the transaction price to each

setiap kewajiban pelaksanaan dengan performance obligation on the basis of the
menggunakan dasar harga jual dari setiap selling prices of each goods or services
barang atau jasa yang dijanjikan di kontrak. promised in the contract.

5. Mengakui pendapatan ketika kewajiban 5. Recognise revenue when performance

pelaksanaan telah dipenuhi (sepanjang obligation is satisfied (over time or at a point
waktu atau pada suatu waktu tertentu). in time).

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

r. Pengakuan pendapatan dan beban r. Revenues and expenses recognition

(lanjutan) (continued)

Pembayaran harga transaksi berbeda untuk Payment of the transaction price differs for each
setiap kontrak. Aset kontrak diakui apabila contracts. Contract asset is recognised when
kewajiban pelaksanaan yang telah dipenuhi performance obligation satisfied is more than the
melebihi pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh payments by customer. Contract liability is
pelanggan. Liabilitas kontrak diakui ketika recognised when the payments by customer is
pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh pelanggan more than the performance obligation satisfied.
melebihi kewajiban pelaksanaan yang telah Contract assets are presented under “Trade
dipenuhi. Aset kontrak disajikan dalam receivables” and contract liabilities are presented
“Piutang usaha” dan liabilitas kontrak disajikan under “Unearned Revenue”.
dalam “Pendapatan diterima dimuka”.

Kriteria tertentu juga harus terpenuhi untuk The specific criteria also must be met for each of
setiap aktivitas Grup seperti yang dijelaskan di the Group’s activities as described below.

i. Penjualan barang i. Sales of goods

Pendapatan dari penjualan barang dalam Revenue from the sale of goods in the
kegiatan usaha normal Grup diukur pada ordinary course of the Group’s activities is
nilai wajar imbalan yang diterima atau akan measured at the fair value of the
diterima, setelah dikurangi Pajak consideration received or receivable, net of
Pertambahan Nilai, retur, diskon dan Value Added Tax, returns, discounts and
potongan harga. rebates.

Pendapatan penjualan barang diakui pada Revenue from sales of goods is recognized
saat terpenuhinya seluruh kondisi berikut: when all of the following conditions are met:

- Grup telah memindahkan risiko dan - the Group has transferred to the buyer
manfaat kepemilikan barang secara the significant risks and rewards of
signifikan kepada pembeli; ownership of the goods;

- Grup tidak lagi melanjutkan - the Group retains neither continuing

pengelolaan yang biasanya terkait managerial involvement to the degree
dengan kepemilikan atas barang usually associated with ownership nor
maupun melakukan pengendalian effective control over the goods sold;
efektif atas barang yang dijual;

- jumlah pendapatan dapat diukur - the amount of revenue can be measured

secara andal; reliably;

- kemungkinan besar manfaat ekonomi - it is probable that the economic benefits

yang terkait dengan transaksi tersebut associated with the transaction will flow
akan mengalir ke Grup; dan to the Group; and

- biaya yang terjadi atau akan terjadi - the costs incurred or to be incurred in
sehubungan transaksi penjualan relation to the sales transaction can be
tersebut dapat diukur secara andal. measured reliably.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

r. Pengakuan pendapatan dan beban r. Revenues and expenses recognition

(lanjutan) (continued)

ii. Penjualan jasa ii. Sales of services

Pendapatan dari penjualan jasa diakui Revenue from sales of services is recognized
dalam laba rugi pada saat jasa diberikan. in profit or loss when the services are
Untuk penjualan jasa yang mengacu pada rendered. For sales of services in which the
tingkat penyelesaian dari transaksi service are rendered by reference to the
pada tanggal pelaporan, tingkat stage of completion of the transaction at the
penyelesaian transaksi ditentukan dengan reporting date, the stage of completion is
memperhatikan survei pekerjaan yang assessed by reference to surveys of work
telah dilaksanakan. performed.

Pendapatan dari penjualan jasa diakui Revenue from rendering of services is

pada saat terpenuhinya seluruh kondisi recognized when all of the following
berikut: conditions are met:
- jumlah pendapatan dapat diukur secara - the amount of revenue can be measured
andal; reliably;

- besar kemungkinan manfaat ekonomi - it is probable that the economic benefits

sehubungan dengan transaksi tersebut associated with the transaction will flow
akan mengalir ke Grup; to the Group;

- tingkat penyelesaian dari suatu - the stage of completion of the

transaksi pada tanggal pelaporan dapat transaction at the reporting date can be
diukur secara andal; dan measured reliably; and

- biaya yang timbul untuk transaksi dan - the costs incurred for the transaction and
biaya untuk menyelesaikan transaksi the costs to complete the transaction can
tersebut dapat diukur dengan andal. be measured reliably.

Bila hasil transaksi penjualan jasa tidak When the outcome of a transaction involving
dapat diestimasi dengan andal, pendapatan the rendering of services cannot be
yang diakui hanya sebesar beban yang estimated reliably, revenue is recognized
telah diakui yang dapat diperoleh kembali. only to the extent of the expenses recognized
Taksiran rugi pada jasa segera diakui that are recoverable. An expected loss on a
dalam laba rugi. service is recognized immediately in profit or

iii. Penghasilan sewa iii. Rental income

Penghasilan sewa dari properti investasi Rental income from investment property and
dan aset tertentu diakui dalam laba rugi certain assets is recognized in profit or loss
dengan dasar garis lurus selama jangka on a straight-line basis over the term of the
waktu sewa. lease.

iv. Beban iv. Expenses

Beban diakui pada saat terjadinya Expenses are recognized when incurred on
berdasarkan konsep akrual. an accrual basis.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

s. Imbalan kerja s. Employee benefits

i. Program imbalan pasti i. Defined benefit plans

Liabilitas program pensiun imbalan pasti The liability recognized in the consolidated
yang diakui dalam laporan posisi keuangan statement of financial position in respect of
konsolidasian adalah nilai kini kewajiban defined benefit pension plans is the present
imbalan pasti pada tanggal pelaporan value of the defined benefit obligation at the
dikurangi nilai wajar aset program. reporting date less the fair value of plan
Perhitungan tersebut dilakukan oleh assets. The calculation is performed by an
aktuaris independen dengan independent actuary using the projected unit
menggunakan metode projected unit credit. credit method. The present value of the
Nilai kini kewajiban imbalan pasti defined benefit obligation is determined by
ditentukan dengan mendiskontokan discounting the estimated future cash
estimasi arus kas keluar di masa depan outflows using government bond interest
menggunakan tingkat bunga obligasi rates considering currently there is no deep
pemerintah dengan pertimbangan bahwa market for high quality corporate bonds that
pada saat ini tidak terdapat pasar aktif have terms to maturity approximating the
untuk obligasi korporasi yang berkualitas terms of the related liability.
tinggi yang memiliki periode jatuh
temponya berdekatan dengan periode
liabilitas tersebut.

Beban yang diakui di laba rugi termasuk Expense charged to profit or loss includes
biaya jasa kini, beban/pendapatan bunga, current service costs, interest
biaya jasa lalu dan keuntungan/kerugian expense/income, past-service cost and gains
penyelesaian. and losses on settlements.

Pengukuran kembali program imbalan Remeasurements of defined benefit plans

pasti diakui dalam penghasilan are recognized in other comprehensive
komprehensif lain. Pengukuran kembali income. Remeasurements comprise
terdiri dari keuntungan dan kerugian actuarial gains and losses, the return on plan
aktuaria, imbal hasil aset program (diluar assets (excluding amounts included in net
pendapatan bunga yang sudah interest on the net defined benefit
diakumulasi dalam perhitungan bunga liability/asset) and any change in the effect of
neto/aset) dan setiap perubahan atas the asset ceiling (excluding amounts included
dampak batas atas aset (diluar pendapatan in net interest on the net defined benefit
bunga yang sudah diakumulasi dalam liability/asset).
perhitungan bunga neto/aset).

Biaya jasa lalu diakui segera dalam laba Past-service costs are recognized
rugi, kecuali perubahan pada program immediately in profit or loss, unless the
pensiun tergantung pada kondisi karyawan changes to the pension plan are conditional
memberikan jasanya selama periode on the employees remaining in service for a
tertentu (periode vesting). Dalam hal ini, specified period of time (the vesting period).
biaya jasa lalu diamortisasi dengan In this case, the past-service costs are
menggunakan metode garis lurus amortized on a straight-line basis over the
sepanjang periode vesting. vesting period.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

s. Imbalan kerja (lanjutan) s. Employee benefits (continued)

i. Program imbalan pasti (lanjutan) i. Defined benefit plans (continued)

Keuntungan dan kerugian atas kurtailmen Gains and losses on curtailment are
diakui ketika terdapat komitmen untuk recognized when there is a commitment to
mengurangi jumlah karyawan yang make a material reduction in the number of
tercakup dalam suatu program secara employees covered by a plan or when there
signifikan atau ketika terdapat perubahan is an amendment of defined benefit plan
ketentuan dalam program imbalan pasti terms such as that a material element of
yang menyebabkan bagian yang material future services to be provided by current
dari jasa masa depan, karyawan tidak lagi employees will no longer qualify for benefits,
memberikan imbalan atau memberikan or will qualify only for reduced benefits.
imbalan yang lebih rendah.

Program imbalan pasti yang The defined benefit plans provided by the
diselenggarakan oleh Grup meliputi Group cover defined benefit pension and
pensiun imbalan pasti dan kewajiban defined benefit obligation under Job Creation
imbalan pasti berdasarkan Undang- Act No. 11/2020 (“Labour Law”) or
Undang (“UU”) Cipta Kerja Government Regulation No. 35/2021, as well
No. 11/2020 dan Peraturan Pemerintah as Collective Labor Contracts.
No. 35/2021, serta Kontrak Kerja Bersama.

ii. Program iuran pasti ii. Defined contribution plans

Program iuran pasti merupakan program A defined contribution plan is a post-

imbalan pasca kerja, dimana entitas employment benefit plan under which the
membayar iuran tetap kepada suatu entitas entity pays fixed contributions into a separate
terpisah dan tidak memiliki kewajiban entity and will have no legal or constructive
hukum ataupun konstruktif untuk obligation to pay further amounts. Obligations
membayar iuran lebih lanjut. Kewajiban for the regular contributions constitute
untuk membayar iuran secara reguler employee benefit costs for the year during
merupakan biaya imbalan kerja karyawan which services are rendered by employees.
untuk tahun dimana jasa diberikan oleh

iii. Imbalan kerja jangka panjang lainnya iii. Other long-term benefits

Karyawan Grup memiliki hak untuk Employees of the Group are entitled to
menerima penghargaan masa kerja untuk receive long service awards, namely Ulang
jangka waktu tertentu dalam bentuk kas Tahun Dinas (“UTD”) in the form of certain
dalam jumlah tertentu atau barang, yang cash awards or goods and long-service paid
disebut Ulang Tahun Dinas (“UTD”) atau leave (“LSL”) in the form of a certain number
cuti berimbalan jangka panjang (“cuti of days of leave benefits based on the length
besar”) dalam bentuk jumlah hari cuti of service requirements.
berdasarkan periode jasa yang

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

s. Imbalan kerja (lanjutan) s. Employee benefits (continued)

iii. Imbalan kerja jangka panjang lainnya iii. Other long-term benefits (continued)

Kewajiban terkait dengan UTD dihitung The obligation with respect to UTD is
oleh aktuaris independen dengan calculated by an independent actuary using
menggunakan metode projected unit credit the projected unit credit method, and paid at
dan dibayarkan pada saat karyawan the time the employees reach certain
mencapai UTD tertentu selama masa anniversary dates during employment.

Cuti besar merupakan imbalan sejumlah LSL is a certain number of days leave benefit,
hari cuti tertentu, yang tergantung pada subject to approval by management,
persetujuan manajemen, diberikan kepada provided to employees who have met the
karyawan yang telah memenuhi requisite number of years of service.
persyaratan jumlah tahun memberikan

Biaya jasa lalu dan keuntungan atau Past service cost and actuarial gains or
kerugian aktuarial yang timbul dari losses arising from experience adjustments
penyesuaian akibat perbedaan antara and changes in actuarial assumptions are
asumsi aktuarial dan kenyataan dan charged immediately to profit or loss.
perubahan asumsi-asumsi aktuarial
dibebankan secara langsung ke laba rugi.

Perubahan Kebijakan Akuntansi Changes in Accounting Policy

Pada bulan April 2022, Dewan Standar In April 2022, the Institute of Indonesia
Akuntansi Keuangan Ikatan Akuntan Chartered Accountants’ Accounting Standard
Indonesia (“DSAK IAI”) menerbitkan siaran Board (“DSAK IAI”) issued a press release
pers atas persyaratan pengatribusian regarding attribution of benefits to periods of
imbalan pada periode jasa sesuai PSAK service in accordance with PSAK 24: Imbalan
24: Imbalan Kerja yang diadopsi dari IAS Kerja which was adopted from IAS 19
19 Employee Benefits. Siaran pers tersebut Employee Benefits. The press release
menyampaikan informasi bahwa pola fakta conveyed the information that the fact pattern
umum dari program pensiun berbasis of the pension program based on the Labor
undang-undang ketenagakerjaan yang Law currently enacted in Indonesia is similar
berlaku di Indonesia saat ini memiliki pola to those responded and concluded in the
fakta serupa dengan yang ditanggapi dan IFRS Interpretation Committee (“IFRIC”)
disimpulkan dalam IFRS Intepretation Agenda Decision Attributing Benefit to
Committee (“IFRIC”) Agenda Decision Periods of Service IAS 19. The Company has
Attributing Benefit to Periods of Service adopted the said press release and
IAS 19. Grup telah menerapkan siaran pers accordingly changed its accounting policy
tersebut dan dengan demikian merubah regarding attribution of benefits to periods of
kebijakan akuntansi terkait atribusi service previously applied.
imbalan kerja pada periode
jasa dari kebijakan yang diterapkan

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

s. Imbalan kerja (lanjutan) s. Employee benefits (continued)

Perubahan Kebijakan Akuntansi Changes in Accounting Policy

(lanjutan) (continued)

Pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, Grup In prior years, the Group attribute benefits
mengatribusikan imbalan berdasarkan under the defined benefit plan’s benefit
formula imbalan program imbalan pasti formula to periods of service from the date
berdasarkan masa kerja sejak tanggal when employees provide their services until
pekerja memberikan jasa hingga usia their retirement age. Based on the press
pensiun. Berdasarkan siaran pers Dewan release of the Board of Financial Accounting
Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (“DSAK”) di Standard (“DSAK”) in April 2022, the Group
bulan April 2022, Grup telah mengubah change the policy for attributing benefits
kebijakan akuntansinya untuk under the plan to the date when employee
mengatribusikan imbalan berdasarkan service first leads to benefits under the plan
program tersebut, yaitu dari tanggal ketika until the date when further employee service
jasa pekerja pertama kali menghasilkan will lead to no material amount of further
imbalan dalam program sampai dengan benefits under the plan. However, the impact
tanggal ketika jasa pekerja selanjutnya is not material to the financial statements and
tidak akan menghasilkan jumlah imbalan charged to current period.
yang material dibawah program tersebut.
Namun, perubahan tersebut tidak
berdampak material terhadap laporan
keuangan dan telah dibebankan pada
periode berjalan.

t. Mata uang t. Currency

i. Mata uang fungsional dan penyajian i. Functional and presentation currency

Pos-pos dalam laporan keuangan Items included in the consolidated financial

konsolidasian dari setiap entitas dalam statements of each of the Group’s entities are
Grup diukur dalam mata uang pada measured using the currency of the primary
lingkungan ekonomi utama dimana entitas economic environment in which the entity
beroperasi (“mata uang fungsional”). operates (the “functional currency”). The
Laporan keuangan konsolidasian disajikan consolidated financial statements are
dalam Rupiah, yang merupakan mata uang presented in Rupiah, which is the Group’s
fungsional dan penyajian Grup. functional and presentation currency.

ii. Transaksi dan saldo dalam mata uang ii. Transactions and balances in foreign
asing currencies

Transaksi dalam mata uang selain mata Transactions denominated in currencies

uang Rupiah dijabarkan menjadi mata other than Rupiah are converted into Rupiah
uang Rupiah dengan menggunakan kurs at the rates prevailing as of the date of the
yang berlaku pada tanggal transaksi. transaction.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

t. Mata uang (lanjutan) t. Currency (continued)

ii. Transaksi dan saldo dalam mata uang ii. Transactions and balances in foreign
asing (lanjutan) currencies (continued)

Pada tanggal pelaporan, aset dan liabilitas At the reporting date, monetary assets and
moneter dalam mata uang asing dijabarkan monetary liabilities denominated in foreign
ke mata uang Rupiah dengan kurs JISDOR currencies are translated into Rupiah using
Bank Indonesia untuk mata uang Dolar AS JISDOR Bank of Indonesia for US Dollar and
dan menggunakan kurs tengah Bank using the Bank of Indonesia middle rate
Indonesia yang berlaku pada tanggal prevailing as of that date for other currencies.
tersebut untuk mata uang lainnya. Kurs The exchange rates of the major foreign
yang digunakan untuk mata uang asing currencies used are as follows (full amount):
utama adalah sebagai berikut (nilai penuh):
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Dolar AS (“$AS”) 15.592 14.278 US Dollar (“US$”)
Dolar Singapura (“$SG”) 11.659 10.534 Singapore Dollar (“SG$”)
Euro (“€”) 16.713 16.127 Euro (“€”)

Keuntungan atau kerugian dari selisih kurs, Realized or unrealized foreign exchange
yang sudah terealisasi maupun yang gains or losses arising from transactions in
belum, baik yang berasal dari transaksi foreign currency and from the translation of
dalam mata uang asing maupun foreign currency monetary assets and
penjabaran aset dan liabilitas moneter liabilities are recognized in profit or loss,
dibebankan dalam laba rugi, kecuali jika except when deferred in other
ditangguhkan dalam penghasilan comprehensive income as qualifying cash
komprehensif lain sebagai lindung nilai flow hedges and qualifying net investment
arus kas dan lindung nilai investasi neto hedges.
yang memenuhi syarat.

u. Perpajakan u. Taxation

Pajak final Final tax

Peraturan perpajakan di Indonesia mengatur Tax regulation in Indonesia determined that

beberapa jenis penghasilan dikenakan pajak certain income is subject to final tax. Final tax
yang bersifat final. Pajak final yang dikenakan applied to the gross value of transactions is
atas nilai bruto transaksi tetap dikenakan applied even when the parties carrying the
walaupun atas transaksi tersebut pelaku transaction are recognizing losses.
transaksi mengalami kerugian.

Grup menyajikan beban pajak final atas The Group presents final tax expense on
pendapatan dari jasa penyewaan ruangan revenues arising from rental of office space and
kantor dan tongkang serta penjualan bahan barges and sales of fuel as a separate line item,
bakar sebagai pos tersendiri, sementara beban while final tax expense on interest income is
pajak final atas penghasilan bunga disajikan presented as part of “others - net” in profit or loss.
sebagai bagian dari “lain-lain - neto” dalam laba

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

u. Perpajakan (lanjutan) u. Taxation (continued)

Pajak kini Current tax

Aset dan liabilitas pajak kini untuk periode Current tax assets and liabilities for the current
berjalan diukur sebesar jumlah yang diharapkan period are measured at the amount expected to
dapat direstitusi dari atau dibayarkan kepada be recovered from or paid to the tax authority.
otoritas perpajakan.

Beban pajak kini ditentukan berdasarkan Current tax expense is determined based on the
estimasi penghasilan kena pajak periode estimated taxable income for the period computed
berjalan yang dihitung berdasarkan tarif pajak using the prevailing tax rates.
yang berlaku.

Kekurangan pembayaran pajak penghasilan Underpayment of income tax are presented as

dicatat sebagai bagian dari beban pajak kini part of current tax expense in profit or loss. The
dalam laba rugi. Grup juga menyajikan Group also presented interest/penalty, if any, as
bunga/denda, jika ada, sebagai bagian dari part of current tax expense.
beban pajak kini.

Koreksi terhadap liabilitas perpajakan diakui Amendments to tax obligations are recorded
pada saat surat ketetapan pajak diterima atau, when a tax assessment letter is received or, if
jika diajukan keberatan, pada saat keputusan appealed against, when the result of the appeal is
atas keberatan ditetapkan. determined.

Pajak tangguhan Deferred tax

Aset dan liabilitas pajak tangguhan diakui Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized
menggunakan metode liabilitas atas using the liability method for the future tax
konsekuensi pajak pada masa mendatang yang consequences attributable to differences between
timbul dari perbedaan jumlah tercatat aset dan the carrying amounts of existing assets and
liabilitas menurut laporan keuangan liabilities in the consolidated financial statements
konsolidasian dengan dasar pengenaan pajak and their respective tax basis at each reporting
aset dan liabilitas pada setiap tanggal date. Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for all
pelaporan. Liabilitas pajak tangguhan diakui taxable temporary differences and deferred tax
untuk semua perbedaan temporer kena pajak assets are recognized for all deductible temporary
dan aset pajak tangguhan diakui untuk semua differences and accumulated fiscal losses to the
perbedaan temporer yang boleh dikurangkan extent that it is probable that taxable income will
dan akumulasi rugi fiskal, sepanjang besar be available in future years against which the
kemungkinan perbedaan temporer yang boleh deductible temporary differences and
dikurangkan dan akumulasi rugi fiskal tersebut accumulated fiscal losses can be utilized.
dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengurangi
penghasilan kena pajak pada masa depan.

Jumlah tercatat aset pajak tangguhan ditelaah The carrying amount of a deferred tax assets is
ulang pada akhir setiap periode pelaporan dan reviewed at the end of each reporting period and
diturunkan apabila penghasilan kena pajak reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable
mungkin tidak memadai untuk that sufficient taxable income will be available to
mengkompensasi sebagian atau semua allow the benefit of part or all of that deferred tax
manfaat aset pajak tangguhan tersebut. Pada asset to be utilized. At the end of each reporting
akhir setiap periode pelaporan, Grup menilai period, the Group reassesses unrecognized
kembali aset pajak tangguhan yang tidak diakui. deferred tax assets. The Group recognizes a
Grup mengakui aset pajak tangguhan yang previously unrecognized deferred tax assets to
sebelumnya tidak diakui apabila besar the extent that it has become probable that future
kemungkinan bahwa penghasilan kena pajak taxable income will allow the deferred tax assets
pada masa depan akan tersedia untuk to be recovered.
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

u. Perpajakan (lanjutan) u. Taxation (continued)

Pajak tangguhan (lanjutan) Deferred tax (continued)

Pajak tangguhan dihitung dengan Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that
menggunakan tarif pajak yang berlaku atau have been enacted or substantively enacted at
secara substansial telah berlaku pada tanggal the reporting date. Changes in the carrying
pelaporan. Perubahan nilai tercatat aset dan amount of deferred tax assets and liabilities due
liabilitas pajak tangguhan yang disebabkan oleh to a change in tax rates are charged to current
perubahan tarif pajak dibebankan pada laba period profit or loss, except to the extent that they
rugi periode berjalan, kecuali untuk transaksi- relate to items previously charged or credited to
transaksi yang sebelumnya telah langsung equity.
dibebankan atau dikreditkan ke ekuitas.

Aset dan liabilitas pajak tangguhan disajikan Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset in the
secara saling hapus dalam laporan posisi consolidated statement of financial position,
keuangan konsolidasian, kecuali aset dan except if they are for different legal entities,
liabilitas pajak tangguhan untuk entitas yang consistent with the presentation of current tax
berbeda, sesuai dengan penyajian aset dan assets and liabilities.
liabilitas pajak kini.

v. Segmen operasi v. Operating segments

Segmen operasi adalah suatu komponen dari An operating segment is a component of the
Grup yang melaksanakan aktivitas bisnis Group that engages in business activities from
dimana komponen tersebut memperoleh which it may earn revenues and incur expenses,
pendapatan dan menimbulkan beban, termasuk including revenues and expenses that relate to
pendapatan yang diperoleh dan beban yang transactions with other components within the
timbul dari transaksi dengan komponen lain Group.
dalam Grup yang sama.

Hasil operasi dari segmen operasi tersebut, The operating results of the operating segments,
dimana tersedia informasi keuangan terpisah for which discrete financial information is
untuk segmen tersebut, dikaji ulang secara available, are reviewed regularly by the Chief
reguler oleh Pengambil Keputusan Operasional Operating Decision Maker (“CODM”) to make
(“PKO”) untuk mengambil keputusan mengenai decisions about resource allocation and to assess
pengalokasian sumber daya dan untuk menilai performance. The Group’s CODM are the
kinerja segmen operasi. PKO Grup adalah Directors.

Kinerja segmen yang dilaporkan kepada Direksi Segment results that are reported to the Directors
meliputi unsur-unsur yang dapat diatribusikan include items directly attributable to a segment as
secara langsung kepada segmen operasi well as those that can be allocated on a
tersebut serta yang dapat dialokasikan secara reasonable basis.

Pelaporan segmen primer atas informasi The primary segment reporting of financial
keuangan disajikan berdasarkan bisnis utama information is presented based on the core
dari setiap segmen yang dilaporkan. Pelaporan business of each of the reporting segments. The
segmen sekunder ditentukan berdasarkan secondary segment reporting is defined based on
kelompok pelanggan. customer grouping.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

w. Laba per saham w. Earnings per share

Laba per saham dihitung dengan membagi laba Earnings per share are calculated by dividing the
tahun berjalan yang dapat diatribusikan kepada profit for the year attributable to owners of the
pemilik entitas induk dengan jumlah rata-rata parent by the weighted average number of shares
tertimbang saham yang beredar sepanjang outstanding during the year.
tahun berjalan.

x. Biaya emisi saham x. Shares issuance cost

Biaya langsung yang berkaitan dengan Costs directly attributable to the issuance of new
penerbitan saham baru disajikan dalam akun shares are shown in “additional paid-in-capital”
“tambahan modal disetor” sebagai pengurang, account as a deduction, net of tax, from the
setelah dikurangi pajak, dari jumlah yang proceeds.

y. Standar akuntansi yang telah disahkan y. Accounting standards issued but not yet
namun belum berlaku efektif effective

Standar akuntansi dan interpretasi yang telah The standards and interpretations that are issued
disahkan oleh Dewan Standar Akuntansi by the Indonesian Financial Accounting
Keuangan (DSAK), tetapi belum berlaku efektif Standards Board (DSAK), but not yet effective for
untuk laporan keuangan periode berjalan current financial statements are disclosed below.
diungkapkan di bawah ini. Grup bermaksud The Group intends to adopt these standard, if
untuk menerapkan standar tersebut, jika applicable, when they become effective.
dipandang relevan, saat telah menjadi efektif.

- Amendemen PSAK No. 1: Penyajian - Amendments to PSAK No. 1: Presentation

Laporan Keuangan (Klasifikasi Liabilitas of Financial Statements (Liabilities
sebagai Jangka Pendek atau Panjang). Classification as Short or Long Term).

Amandemen ini menentukan persyaratan The amendments specify the requirements

untuk mengklasifikasikan suatu liabilitas for classifying liabilities as current or non-
sebagai jangka pendek atau jangka current and clarify:
panjang dan menjelaskan:
1) hal yang dimaksud sebagai hak untuk 1) what is meant by a right to defer
menangguhkan pelunasan, settlement,
2) hak untuk menangguhkan pelunasan 2) the right to defer must exist at the end of
harus ada pada akhir periode the reporting period,
3) klasifikasi tersebut tidak dipengaruhi 3) classification is not affected by the
oleh kemungkinan entitas akan likelihood that an entity will exercise its
menggunakan haknya untuk deferral right, and
menangguhkan liabilitas, dan
4) hanya jika derivatif melekat pada 4) only if an embedded derivative in a
liabilitas konversi tersebut adalah convertible liability is an equity
suatu instrumen ekuitas, maka syarat instrument would the terms and
dan ketentuan dari suatu liabilitas conditions of a liability will not impact its
konversi tidak akan berdampak pada classification.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

y. Standar akuntansi yang telah disahkan y. Accounting standards issued but not yet
namun belum berlaku efektif (lanjutan) effective (continued)

- Amendemen PSAK No. 1: Penyajian - Amendments to PSAK No. 1: Presentation

Laporan Keuangan (Klasifikasi Liabilitas of Financial Statements (Liabilities
sebagai Jangka Pendek atau Panjang) Classification as Short or Long Term)
(lanjutan) (continued).

Amandemen tersebut berlaku efektif untuk The amendment is effective for annual
periode pelaporan tahunan yang dimulai reporting periods beginning on or after 1
pada atau setelah 1 Januari 2023 dan January 2023 and shall be applied
diterapkan secara retrospektif. Grup saat retrospectively. The Group is currently
ini sedang menilai dampak dari assessing the impact of the amendment to
amandemen tersebut untuk menentukan determine the impact they will have on the
dampaknya terhadap pengungkapan Group’s accounting policy disclosures.
kebijakan akuntansi Grup.

- Amandemen PSAK 1: Penyajian laporan - Amendment of PSAK 1: Presentation of

keuangan tentang Pengungkapan financial statement - Disclosure of accounting
Kebijakan Akuntansi policies

Amandemen ini memberikan panduan This amendments provides guidance and

dan contoh untuk membantu entitas examples to help entities apply materiality
menerapkan pertimbangan materialitas judgements to accounting policy disclosures.
dalam pengungkapan kebijakan akuntansi. The amendment aim to help entities provide
Amandemen tersebut bertujuan untuk accounting policy disclosures that are more
membantu entitas menyediakan useful by replacing the requirement for
pengungkapan kebijakan akuntansi yang entities to disclose their ‘significant’
lebih berguna dengan mengganti accounting policies with a requirement to
persyaratan untuk mengungkapkan disclose their ‘material’ accounting policies
kebijakan akuntansi 'signifikan' entitas and adding guidance on how entities apply
dengan persyaratan untuk the concept of materiality in making decisions
mengungkapkan kebijakan akuntansi about accounting policy disclosures.
'material' entitas dan menambahkan
panduan tentang bagaimana entitas
menerapkan konsep materialitas
dalam membuat keputusan tentang
pengungkapan kebijakan akuntansi.

Amandemen tersebut berlaku efektif untuk The amendment is effective for annual
periode pelaporan tahunan yang dimulai reporting periods beginning on or after 1
pada atau setelah 1 Januari 2023 dan January 2023 and shall be applied
diterapkan secara retrospektif. Grup saat retrospectively. The Group is currently
ini sedang menilai dampak dari assessing the impact of the amendment to
amandemen tersebut untuk menentukan determine the impact they will have on the
dampaknya terhadap pengungkapan Group’s accounting policy disclosures.
kebijakan akuntansi Grup.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

y. Standar akuntansi yang telah disahkan y. Accounting standards issued but not yet
namun belum berlaku efektif (lanjutan) effective (continued)

- Amendemen PSAK No. 16: Aset Tetap - Amendments to PSAK No. 16: Fixed Assets
tentang Hasil Sebelum Penggunaan yang regarding Proceeds before Intended Use.

Amandemen ini tidak memperbolehkan The amendments prohibit entities to deduct

entitas untuk mengurangi suatu hasil from the cost of an item of fixed assets, any
penjualan item yang diproduksi saat proceeds from selling items produced while
membawa aset tersebut ke lokasi dan bringing that asset to the location and
kondisi yang diperlukan supaya aset dapat condition necessary for it to be capable of
beroperasi sesuai dengan intensi operating in the manner intended by
manajemen dari biaya perolehan suatu management. Instead, an entity recognizes
aset tetap. Sebaliknya, entitas mengakui the proceeds from selling such items, and the
hasil dari penjualan item-item tersebut, dan costs of producing those items, in the profit or
biaya untuk memproduksi item-item loss.
tersebut, dalam laba rugi.

Amandemen tersebut berlaku efektif untuk The amendment is effective for annual
periode pelaporan tahunan yang dimulai reporting periods beginning on or after 1
pada atau setelah 1 Januari 2023 dan January 2023 and shall be applied
diterapkan secara retrospektif untuk aset retrospectively to items of property, plant and
tetap yang tersedia untuk digunakan pada equipment made available for use on or after
atau setelah awal dari periode sajian paling the beginning of the earliest period presented
awal dimana entitas pertama kali when the entity first applies the amendment.
menerapkan amandemen tersebut.

Amandemen tersebut diperkirakan tidak The amendments are not expected to have a
akan berdampak material terhadap material impact on the financial reporting of
pelaporan keuangan Grup. the Group.

- Amandemen PSAK 25: Kebijakan - Amendment of PSAK 25: Accounting

Akuntansi, Perubahan Estimasi Akuntansi, Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates
dan Kesalahan terkait Definisi Estimasi and Errors - Definition of Accounting
Akuntansi Estimates

Amandemen tersebut memperkenalkan The amendments introduces a definition of

definisi 'estimasi akuntansi' dan ‘accounting estimates’ and clarify the
mengklarifikasi perbedaan antara distinction between changes in accounting
perubahan estimasi akuntansi dan estimates and changes in accounting policies
perubahan kebijakan akuntansi dan and the correction of errors. Also, they clarify
koreksi kesalahan. Amandemen tersebut how entities use measurement techniques
juga mengklarifikasi bagaimana entitas and inputs to develop accounting estimates.
menggunakan teknik pengukuran dan input
untuk mengembangkan estimasi

Amandemen tersebut berlaku efektif pada The amendments are effective on or after 1
tanggal 1 Januari 2023 dan berlaku untuk January 2023 and apply to changes in
perubahan kebijakan akuntansi dan accounting policies and changes in
perubahan estimasi akuntansi yang terjadi accounting estimates that occur on or after
pada atau setelah awal periode tersebut. the start of that period. Earlier application is
Penerapan dini diperkenankan. Grup saat permitted. The Group is currently assessing
ini sedang menilai dampak dari the impact of the amendment to determine
amandemen tersebut untuk menentukan the impact they will have on the Group’s
dampaknya terhadap pelaporan keuangan financial reporting.
The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

y. Standar akuntansi yang telah disahkan y. Accounting standards issued but not yet
namun belum berlaku efektif (lanjutan) effective (continued)

- Amendemen PSAK No. 46: Pajak - Amendments to PSAK No. 46: Income taxes
penghasilan tentang pajak tangguhan - deffered tax related to asset and liabilities
terkait aset dan liabilitas yang timbul dari arising from a single transaction, effective
transaksi tunggal, berlaku efektif 1 Januari January 1, 2023.

Amendemen ini mengusulkan agar entitas This amendment proposes that entities
mengakui aset maupun liabilitas pajak recognize deferred tax assets and liabilities
tangguhan pada saat pengakuan awalnya, at the time of initial recognition, for example
sebagai contoh dari transaksi sewa, untuk from a lease transaction, to eliminate
mengeliminasi perbedaan praktik saat ini differences in current practice for such
atas transaksi tersebut dan transaksi lain transactions and similar transactions.
yang serupa.

Amendemen tersebut berlaku efektif untuk The amendments are effective for annual
periode pelaporan tahunan yang dimulai reporting periods beginning on or after
pada atau setelah 1 Januari 2023 dengan January 1, 2023 with early adoption
penerapan dini diperkenankan. Grup saat permitted. The Group is currently assessing
ini sedang menilai dampak dari the impact of the amendment to determine
amandemen tersebut untuk menentukan the impact they will have on the Group’s
dampaknya terhadap pelaporan keuangan financial reporting.

z. Klasifikasi lancar dan tak lancar z. Current and non-current classification

Grup menyajikan aset dan liabilitas dalam The Group presents assets and liabilities in the
laporan posisi keuangan konsolidasian statement of financial position based on
berdasarkan klasifikasi lancar/tak lancar. Suatu current/non-current classification. An asset is
aset disajikan lancar bila: current when it is:
1) akan direalisasi, dijual atau dikonsumsi 1) expected to be realized or intended to be sold
dalam siklus operasi normal, or consumed in the normal operating cycle,
2) untuk diperdagangkan, 2) held primarily for the purpose of trading,
3) akan direalisasi dalam 12 bulan setelah 3) expected to be realized within 12 months
tanggal pelaporan, atau after the reporting period, or
4) kas atau setara kas kecuali yang dibatasi 4) cash or cash equivalent unless restricted
penggunaannya atau akan digunakan untuk from being exchanged or used to settle a
melunasi suatu liabilitas dalam kurun waktu liability for at least 12 months after the
12 bulan setelah tanggal pelaporan. reporting period.

Seluruh aset lain diklasifikasikan sebagai tidak All other assets are classified as non-current.

Suatu liabilitas disajikan lancar bila: A liability is current when it is:

1) akan dilunasi dalam siklus operasi normal, 1) expected to be settled in the normal
2) untuk diperdagangkan, operating cycle,
3) akan dilunasi dalam 12 bulan setelah 2) held primarily for the purpose of trading,
tanggal pelaporan, atau 3) due to be settled within twelve months after
4) tidak ada hak tanpa syarat untuk the reporting period, or
menangguhkan pelunasannya dalam 4) there is no unconditional right to defer the
kurun waktu 12 bulan setelah tanggal settlement of the liability for at least twelve
pelaporan. months after the reporting period.

Seluruh liabilitas lain diklasifikasikan sebagai All other liabilities are classified as non-current.
tidak lancar.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


(lanjutan) POLICIES (continued)

z. Klasifikasi lancar dan tak lancar (lanjutan) z. Current and non-current classification

Aset dan kewajiban pajak tangguhan Deferred tax assets and liabilities are classified as
diklasifikasikan sebagai aset tidak lancar dan non-current assets and liabilities.
kewajiban jangka panjang.



Penyusunan laporan keuangan konsolidasian The preparation of consolidated financial statements,

sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di in conformity with Indonesian Financial Accounting
Indonesia mewajibkan manajemen untuk membuat Standards, requires management to make judgements
estimasi dan asumsi yang mempengaruhi jumlah- of estimations and assumptions that affect the
jumlah yang dilaporkan dari pendapatan, beban, amounts reported on income, expenses, assets and
aset dan liabilitas, dan pengungkapan liabilitas liabilities and disclosures of contigent liabilities at the
kontinjensi pada tanggal pelaporan. Ketidakpastian reporting date. The estimation uncertainty may cause
mengenai asumsi dan estimasi tersebut dapat adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and
mengakibatkan penyesuaian nilai tercatat aset dan liabilities within the next reporting period.
liabilitas dalam periode pelaporan berikutnya.

Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa pengungkapan Management believes that the following represent a
berikut telah mencakup ikhtisar pertimbangan, summary of the significant judgements, estimates and
estimasi dan asumsi signifikan yang dibuat oleh assumptions made that affected certain reported
manajemen, yang berpengaruh terhadap jumlah- amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial
jumlah yang dilaporkan serta pengungkapan dalam statements.
laporan keuangan konsolidasian.

a. Pertimbangan a. Judgements

Pertimbangan-pertimbangan berikut dibuat oleh The following judgements, made by management

manajemen dalam proses penerapan kebijakan in the process of applying the Group’s accounting
akuntansi Grup yang memiliki dampak yang policies, have the most significant effects on the
paling signifikan terhadap jumlah-jumlah yang amounts recognized in the consolidated financial
diakui dalam laporan keuangan konsolidasian: statements:

Penentuan mata uang fungsional Determination of functional currency

Mata uang fungsional Perusahaan dan entitas The functional currency of the Company and its
anaknya adalah mata uang dari lingkungan subsidiaries is the currency of the primary
ekonomi utama dimana setiap entitas economic environment in which each entity
beroperasi. Mata uang tersebut adalah mata operates. It is the currency that mainly influences
uang yang terutama mempengaruhi the revenue and cost of rendering services.
pendapatan dan beban dari jasa yang

Tagihan restitusi pajak dan keberatan atas hasil Claims for tax refund and tax assessments under
pemeriksaan pajak appeal

Berdasarkan peraturan perpajakan yang Based on tax regulations currently enacted, the
berlaku saat ini, manajemen management judges if the amounts of claims for
mempertimbangkan apakah jumlah tagihan tax refund recorded under prepaid taxes account
restitusi pajak yang dicatat dalam akun pajak are recoverable from and refundable by the Tax
dibayar di muka dapat dipulihkan dan direstitusi Office.
oleh Kantor Pajak.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)



a. Pertimbangan (lanjutan) a. Judgements (continued)

Klasifikasi aset keuangan dan liabilitas Classification of financial assets and financial
keuangan liabilities

Grup menetapkan klasifikasi atas aset dan The Group determines the classification of certain
liabilitas tertentu sebagai aset keuangan dan assets and liabilities as financial assets and
liabilitas keuangan dengan mempertimbangkan financial liabilities by judging if they meet the
apakah definisi yang ditetapkan PSAK No. 71 definition set forth in PSAK No. 71. Accordingly,
dipenuhi. Dengan demikian, aset keuangan dan the financial assets and financial liabilities are
liabilitas keuangan diakui sesuai dengan accounted for in accordance with the Group’s
kebijakan akuntansi Grup seperti diungkapkan accounting policies disclosed in Note 2h.
pada Catatan 2h.

b. Estimasi dan asumsi b. Estimates and assumptions

Asumsi utama mengenai masa depan dan The key assumptions concerning the future and
sumber utama lain dalam mengestimasi other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the
ketidakpastian pada tanggal pelaporan yang reporting date that have a significant risk of
mempunyai risiko signifikan yang dapat causing a material adjustment to the carrying
menyebabkan penyesuaian material terhadap amounts of assets and liabilities within the next
jumlah tercatat aset dan liabilitas dalam periode reporting period are disclosed below. The Group
pelaporan berikutnya diungkapkan di bawah ini. based its assumptions and estimates on
Grup mendasarkan asumsi dan estimasi pada parameters available when the consolidated
parameter yang tersedia saat laporan keuangan financial statements were prepared. Existing
konsolidasian disusun. Kondisi yang ada dan circumstances and assumptions about future
asumsi mengenai perkembangan masa depan developments may change due to market
dapat berubah karena perubahan situasi pasar changes on circumstances arising beyond the
yang berada di luar kendali Grup. Perubahan control of the Group. Such changes are reflected
tersebut tercermin dalam asumsi ketika in the assumptions when they occur.
keadaan tersebut terjadi.

Penurunan nilai aset keuangan Impairment of financial assets

Grup menggunakan matriks provisi untuk The Group uses a provision matrix to calculate
menghitung KKE atas piutang usaha. Tarif ECLs for trade receivables. The provision rates
provisi didasarkan pada hari yang lewat jatuh are based on days past due for groupings of
tempo untuk mengelompokkan pelanggan ke various customer segments that have similar loss
segmen yang memiliki pola kerugian serupa. patterns. The provision matrix is initially based on
Matriks provisi awalnya berdasarkan tarif the Group’s historical observed default rates. The
default yang diamati Perusahaan secara Group will calibrate the matrix to adjust the
historis. Grup akan mengkalibrasi matriks historical credit loss experience with forward-
tersebut untuk menyesuaikan pengalaman looking information. For instance, if forecast
kerugian kredit historis dengan informasi economic conditions are expected to deteriorate
kedepan. Misalnya, jika prakiraan kondisi over the next year which can lead to an increased
ekonomi diperkirakan memburuk selama tahun number of defaults in the Group’s industry sector,
depan yang dapat menyebabkan peningkatan the historical default rates are adjusted. At every
jumlah default di sektor usaha Grup, tingkat reporting date, the historical observed default
default historis disesuaikan. Pada setiap rates are updated and changes in the forward-
tanggal pelaporan, tarif default yang diamati looking estimates are analysed.
secara historis diperbarui dan perubahan dalam
estimasi ke depan dianalisis kembali.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)



b. Estimasi dan asumsi (lanjutan) b. Estimates and assumptions (continued)

Penurunan nilai aset keuangan (lanjutan) Impairment of financial assets (continued)

Penilaian korelasi antara tingkat default yang The assessment of the correlation between
dapat diamati secara historis, taksiran kondisi historical observed default rates, forecast
ekonomi dan KKE adalah estimasi yang economic conditions and ECLs is a significant
signifikan. Jumlah KKE sensitif terhadap estimate. The amount of ECLs is sensitive to
perubahan keadaan dan taksiran kondisi changes in circumstances and of forecast
ekonomi. Pengalaman kerugian kredit historis economic conditions. The Group’s historical credit
Grup dan perkiraan kondisi ekonomi mungkin loss experience and forecast of economic
juga tidak mewakili aktual default pelanggan conditions may also not be representative of
yang sebenarnya di masa depan. customer’s actual default in the future.

Penyusutan, estimasi nilai sisa dan masa Depreciation, estimate of residual values and
manfaat aset tetap dan properti investasi useful life of fixed assets and investment
Masa manfaat aset tetap dan properti investasi The useful life of the Group’s fixed assets and
Grup diestimasi berdasarkan jangka waktu aset investment properties are estimated based on the
tersebut diperkirakan dapat digunakan. period over which the assets are expected to be
Estimasi tersebut didasarkan pada penilaian available for use. Such estimation is based on a
kolektif berdasarkan bidang usaha yang sama, collective assessment of similar businesses,
evaluasi teknis internal dan pengalaman internal technical evaluations and experience with
terhadap aset sejenis. Taksiran masa manfaat similar assets. The estimated useful life of each
setiap aset ditelaah secara berkala dan asset is reviewed periodically and updated if
diperbarui jika estimasi berbeda dari perkiraan expectations differ from previous estimates due to
sebelumnya yang disebabkan karena physical wear and tear, technical or commercial
pemakaian, usang secara teknis atau komersial obsolescence and legal or other limits on the use
serta keterbatasan hak atau pembatasan of the asset.
lainnya terhadap penggunaan aset.

Hasil operasi di masa mendatang mungkin It is possible, however, that future results of
dapat terpengaruh secara signifikan oleh operations could be materially affected by
perubahan dalam waktu dan biaya yang terjadi changes in the amounts and timing of recorded
karena perubahan yang disebabkan oleh faktor- expenses brought about by changes in the factors
faktor yang disebutkan di atas. Penurunan mentioned above. A reduction in the estimated
taksiran masa manfaat ekonomis setiap aset useful life of any item of fixed assets and
tetap dan properti investasi akan menyebabkan investment properties would increase the
kenaikan beban penyusutan dan penurunan recorded depreciation and decrease the carrying
nilai tercatat aset tetap dan properti investasi. values of fixed assets and investment properties.

Penyusutan aset hak-guna Depreciation of right-of-use assets

Biaya perolehan aset hak-guna disusutkan The costs of right-of-use assets are depreciated
dengan metode garis lurus berdasarkan on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful
taksiran masa manfaat ekonomisnya. lives. Management estimates the useful life of
Manajemen mengestimasi masa manfaat these leased assets to be within 2 (two) to 10 (ten)
ekonomis aset hak-guna antara years. These are common life expectancies
2 (dua) sampai dengan 10 (sepuluh) tahun, applied in the industries where the Group
yang merupakan umur yang secara umum conducts its businesses. Changes in the expected
diharapkan dalam industri dimana Grup level of usage could impact the economic useful
menjalankan bisnisnya. Perubahan tingkat lives and the residual values of these assets, and
pemakaian dan perkembangan teknologi dapat therefore future depreciation charges could be
mempengaruhi masa manfaat ekonomis dan revised.
nilai sisa aset, dan karenanya biaya
penyusutan masa depan mungkin direvisi.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)



b. Estimasi dan asumsi (lanjutan) b. Estimates and assumptions (continued)

Beban akrual untuk bonus Accrued expense for bonuses

Beban akrual untuk bonus merupakan biaya Accrued expense for bonuses represents
untuk manfaat karyawan yang terdiri dari purna expenses from payment of employee benefits
jabatan, bonus kinerja dan insentif karyawan. which consist of post-employee bonuses,
Biaya yang masih harus dibayar tersebut performance bonuses and employee incentives.
didasarkan pada metode perhitungan yang The accrual is based on a formula that was
disetujui manajemen dimana tergantung agreed by management and which depends on
pengukuran kinerja keuangan maupun financial and non-financial performance
nonkeuangan. Manajemen mengestimasikan measurements. Management estimates the
jumlah yang harus diakui berdasarkan pada amount based on the existing supporting
informasi pendukung yang ada pada tanggal information at the reporting date. The amount may
pelaporan. Jumlahnya dapat berubah apabila change if the actual financial and non-financial
pengukuran kinerja keuangan dan measurements of performance are finalized.
nonkeuangan difinalisasi.

Imbalan kerja Employee benefits

Penentuan liabilitas imbalan kerja Grup The determination of the Group’s employee
bergantung pada pemilihan asumsi yang benefits liability is dependent on its selection of
digunakan oleh aktuaris independen dalam certain assumptions used by the independent
menghitung jumlah-jumlah tersebut. Asumsi actuaries in calculating such amounts. Those
tersebut termasuk antara lain, tingkat diskonto, assumptions include among others, discount
tingkat kenaikan gaji, tingkat kematian, usia rates, salary increase rate, mortality rate,
pensiun dan tingkat pengunduran diri. Hasil retirement age and resignation rate. Actual results
aktual yang berbeda dari asumsi yang that differ from the Group’s assumptions are
ditetapkan Grup diakui dalam penghasilan recognized in other comprehensive income. While
komprehensif lain. Sementara Grup the Group believes that its assumptions are
berkeyakinan bahwa asumsi tersebut adalah reasonable and appropriate, significant
wajar dan sesuai, perbedaan signifikan pada differences in the Group actual results or
hasil aktual atau perubahan signifikan dalam significant changes in the Group’s assumptions
asumsi yang ditetapkan Grup dapat may materially affect its estimated liabilities for
mempengaruhi secara material liabilitas employee benefits and net employee benefits
imbalan kerja dan beban imbalan kerja neto expense recognized in profit or loss and other
yang diakui dalam laba rugi dan penghasilan comprehensive income.
komprehensif lain.

Beban pajak kini Current tax expense

Grup mengakui beban pajak kini berdasarkan The Group recognizes current tax expense based
estimasi penghasilan kena pajak periode on the estimated taxable income for the period
berjalan yang dihitung berdasarkan tarif pajak computed using the prevailing tax rates.
yang berlaku.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)



b. Estimasi dan asumsi (lanjutan) b. Estimates and assumptions (continued)

Aset pajak tangguhan Deferred tax assets

Aset pajak tangguhan diakui untuk semua Deferred tax assets are recognized for all
perbedaan temporer yang boleh dikurangkan deductible temporary differences and
dan akumulasi rugi fiskal, sepanjang besar accumulated fiscal losses to the extent that it is
kemungkinan perbedaan temporer yang boleh probable that taxable income will be available in
dikurangkan dan akumulasi rugi fiskal tersebut future years against which the deductible
dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengurangi temporary differences and accumulated fiscal
penghasilan kena pajak pada masa depan. losses can be utilized. Significant management
Estimasi signifikan oleh manajemen estimates are required to determine the amount of
disyaratkan dalam menentukan total aset pajak deferred tax assets that can be recognized, based
tangguhan yang dapat diakui, berdasarkan saat upon the likely timing and the level of the future
penggunaan dan tingkat penghasilan kena taxable income together with future tax planning
pajak serta strategi perencanaan pajak masa strategies.


Kas dan setara kas terdiri dari: Cash and cash equivalents consist of:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Kas 1.287 1.341 Cash on hand
Bank Cash in banks
Rupiah Rupiah
Pihak ketiga Third parties
PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk 67.305 251.242 PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk 3.205 2.064 PT Bank Central Asia Tbk
PT Bank UOB Indonesia 3.063 1.830 PT Bank UOB Indonesia
PT Bank Oke Indonesia Tbk 2.162 2.075 PT Bank Oke Indonesia Tbk
Lain-lain (masing-masing Others (each below
di bawah Rp1.000) 2.016 1.853 Rp1,000)
77.751 259.064
Pihak berelasi (Catatan 32a) Related parties (Note 32a)
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk 365.630 467.693 PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk 310.889 108.279 (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Tabungan Negara PT Bank Tabungan Negara
(Persero) Tbk 265.432 - (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Negara Indonesia PT Bank Negara Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk 206.858 38.352 (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk 4.798 3.061 PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk
1.153.607 617.385
Subtotal 1.231.358 876.449 Sub-total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


Kas dan setara kas terdiri dari: (lanjutan) Cash and cash equivalents consist of: (continued)

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Bank (lanjutan) Cash in banks (continued)
Dolar AS US Dollar
Pihak ketiga Third parties
PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk 18.214 169.515 PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk
PT Bank BTPN Tbk 5.201 3.543 PT Bank BTPN Tbk
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd 4.063 3.721 The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd
PT Bank Central Asia Tbk 3.061 3.182 PT Bank Central Asia Tbk
PT Bank ICBC Indonesia 2.142 3.090 PT Bank ICBC Indonesia
PT Bank Mizuho Indonesia 2.013 1.843 PT Bank Mizuho Indonesia
PT Bank UOB Indonesia 1.709 1.495 PT Bank UOB Indonesia
PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk 763 700 PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk
37.166 187.089

Pihak berelasi (Catatan 32a) Related parties (Note 32a)

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk 139.253 3.899 (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk 20.177 13.446 PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Negara Indonesia PT Bank Negara Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk 2.734 6.545 (Persero) Tbk
162.164 23.890
Subtotal 199.330 210.979 Sub-total
Total bank 1.430.688 1.087.428 Total cash in banks

Call deposit dan deposito berjangka Call deposits and time deposits
Rupiah Rupiah
Pihak ketiga Third parties
PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk 10.000 - PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk
PT Bank Woori Saudara PT Bank Woori Saudara
Indonesia 1906 Tbk - 16.000 Indonesia 1906 Tbk
PT Bank BTPN Syariah - 14.000 PT Bank BTPN Syariah
10.000 30.000
Pihak berelasi (Catatan 32a) Related parties (Note 32a)
PT Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk PT Bank Tabungan Negara
(Persero) Tbk 130.000 - (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk 65.000 10.000 PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah
Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk 10.000 10.000 Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk 10.000 - (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Mandiri Taspen - 6.000 PT Bank Mandiri Taspen
215.000 26.000

Total call deposit dan deposito berjangka 225.000 56.000 Total call deposits and time deposits
Total 1.656.975 1.144.769 Total

Tingkat suku bunga tahunan call deposit dan Annual interest rates on call deposits and time
deposito berjangka sebesar 2,90% - 6,00% dan deposits are 2.90% - 6.00% and 2.95% - 4.25% for
2,95% - 4,25% masing-masing untuk tahun 2022 2022 and 2021, respectively.
dan 2021.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Pihak ketiga Third parties
Difakturkan 242.187 319.418 Billed
Belum difakturkan 114.254 77.110 Unbilled
356.441 396.528
Penyisihan penurunan nilai (193.559) (177.144) Allowance for impairment
Piutang usaha pihak ketiga - neto 162.882 219.384 Trade receivables third parties - net

Pihak berelasi (Catatan 32b) Related parties (Note 32b)

Difakturkan 660.171 408.136 Billed
Belum difakturkan 2.115.365 1.672.700 Unbilled
2.775.536 2.080.836
Penyisihan penurunan nilai (19.063) (12.295) Allowance for impairment
Piutang usaha pihak berelasi - neto 2.756.473 2.068.541 Trade receivables related parties - net

Rincian piutang usaha berdasarkan mata uang The details of trade receivables based on currencies
adalah sebagai berikut: are as follows:
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Rupiah 2.180.310 1.590.076 Rupiah
Dolar AS 951.284 887.122 US Dollar
Dolar Singapura 383 166 Singapore Dollar
Total 3.131.977 2.477.364 Total
Penyisihan penurunan nilai (212.622) (189.439) Allowance for impairment
Neto 2.919.355 2.287.925 Net

Tabel berikut menyajikan analisis umur piutang The following table presents the aging analysis of trade
usaha. receivables.

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021

Belum jatuh tempo 2.761.552 1.973.286 Not yet overdue

Lewat jatuh tempo Overdue
1-30 hari 120.858 239.105 1-30 days
31-60 hari 16.767 64.074 31-60 days
61-150 hari 10.568 4.959 61-150 days
Lebih dari 150 hari 222.232 195.940 Over 150 days
Total 3.131.977 2.477.364 Total
Penyisihan penurunan nilai (212.622) (189.439) Allowance for impairment
Neto 2.919.355 2.287.925 Net

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

5. PIUTANG USAHA (lanjutan) 5. TRADE RECEIVABLES (continued)

Piutang individual yang diturunkan nilainya The individually impaired receivables are mainly due
disebabkan karena faktor-faktor yang to factors that may affect collectability, such as
mempengaruhi kolektibilitas, antara lain probability of insolvency or significant financial
kemungkinan kesulitan likuiditas atau keuangan difficulties of the debtor or significant delay in
yang dialami oleh debitur atau penundaan payments.
pembayaran yang signifikan.

Mutasi penyisihan penurunan nilai adalah sebagai The movements in the allowance for impairment are
berikut: as follows:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Saldo awal 189.439 167.639 Beginning balance
Penyisihan tahun berjalan 13.774 24.010 Allowance for the year
Penghapusan - (2.520) Write-off
Selisih kurs 9.409 310 Foreign exchange differences
Saldo akhir 212.622 189.439 Ending balance

Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa penyisihan Management believes that the allowance for
penurunan nilai cukup untuk menutup kemungkinan impairment is adequate to cover possible losses that
kerugian yang timbul dari tidak tertagihnya piutang may arise from the uncollectability of trade receivables
usaha (Catatan 37c). (Note 37c).

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, tidak As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, there is no trade
terdapat piutang usaha yang digunakan sebagai receivables used as collateral.


Aset keuangan lancar lainnya terdiri dari: Other current financial assets consist of:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Pihak ketiga: Third parties:
Piutang lain-lain 21.970 22.737 Other receivables
Penyisihan penurunan nilai (14.158) (13.268) Allowance for impairment
Neto 7.812 9.469 Net
Pihak berelasi (Catatan 32c): Related parties (Note 32c):
Piutang sewa pembiayaan - bagian lancar 40.616 45.082 Finance lease receivable - current portion
Piutang lain - lain (Catatan 33b) 55.110 10.240 Other receivables (Note 33b)
Neto 95.726 55.322 Net
Total 103.538 64.791 Total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)



Mutasi penyisihan penurunan nilai untuk The movements in the allowance for impairment in
31 Desember 2022 dan 2021 adalah sebagai December 31, 2022 and 2021 are as follows:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021

Saldo awal 13.268 13.220 Beginning balances

Penyisihan 5 - Allowance
Selisih kurs 885 48 Foreign exchange differences
Saldo akhir 14.158 13.268 Ending balances

Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa penyisihan Management believes that the allowance for
penurunan nilai cukup untuk menutup kemungkinan impairment is adequate to cover possible losses that
kerugian yang timbul dari tidak terpulihkannya aset may arise from the unrecoverability of other current
keuangan lancar lainnya. financial assets.

Penghasilan bunga dari sewa pembiayaan untuk Interest income from finance leases for the years
tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 amounted to
2022 dan 2021 masing-masing sebesar Rp44.187 Rp44,187 and Rp55,277, respectively.
dan Rp55.277.


Persediaan terdiri dari: Inventories consist of:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Barang kebutuhan proyek 203.191 154.861 Project materials
Barang dagangan 128.944 124.000 Merchandise inventories
Bahan baku 83.987 25.672 Raw materials
Barang dalam proses 19.513 23.124 Work in progress
Barang jadi 1.888 3.471 Finished goods
Total 437.523 331.128 Total
Penyisihan persediaan usang (7.709) (8.472) Allowance for inventory obsolescence
Neto 429.814 322.656 Net

Mutasi penyisihan persediaan usang adalah sebagai The movements in the allowance for inventory
berikut: obsolescence are as follows:
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021

Saldo awal 8.472 9.410 Beginning balance

Provisi (pemulihan) tahun berjalan (763) (938) Provision (reversal) during the year
Saldo akhir 7.709 8.472 Ending balance

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

7. PERSEDIAAN (lanjutan) 7. INVENTORIES (continued)

Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa penyisihan Management believes that the allowance for inventory
persediaan usang cukup untuk menutup obsolescence is adequate to cover possible losses
kemungkinan kerugian yang timbul dari penurunan that may arise from a decline in the realizable value of
nilai realisasi neto persediaan. inventories.

Biaya persediaan yang diakui sebagai beban dan The cost of inventories recognized as an expense and
termasuk dalam “beban pokok pendapatan” untuk included in “cost of revenues” for the years ended
tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal December 31, 2022 and 2021 amounted to
31 Desember 2022 dan 2021 masing-masing Rp3,618,256 and Rp2,028,739, respectively
sebesar Rp3.618.256 dan Rp2.028.739 (Note 28).
(Catatan 28).

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, project materials
persediaan barang kebutuhan proyek dan barang and merchandise inventories are insured against all
dagangan telah diasuransikan terhadap semua risks at a total insurance coverage amounting to
risiko dengan total nilai pertanggungan masing- Rp149,160 and Rp93,719, respectively. Management
masing sebesar Rp149.160 dan Rp93.719. believes that the insurance coverage is adequate to
Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa asuransi tersebut cover possible losses arising from the insured
telah memadai untuk menutup kerugian yang inventories.
mungkin timbul atas persediaan yang

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, finished goods,
persediaan barang jadi, barang dalam proses dan work in progress and raw materials are not covered by
bahan baku tidak diasuransikan karena manajemen insurance, as management has assessed the risk of
menilai risiko kerugian adalah minimal. loss as minimal.

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, tidak As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, there is no
terdapat persediaan yang digunakan sebagai inventory used as collateral.


Uang muka terdiri dari: Advances consist of:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Lancar Current
Uang muka operasi 18.903 72.412 Advances for operation
Lain-lain 5.274 8.582 Others
Total 24.177 80.994 Total

Tidak lancar Non-current

Uang muka pembelian aset tetap 31.750 34.641 Advances for purchase of fixed assets

Uang muka operasi merupakan uang muka untuk Advances for operation mainly represent advances for
sewa peralatan, pembelian suku cadang, bahan rental of equipment, purchases of spare parts, fuel and
bakar dan biaya operasi lainnya. other operating costs.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


Biaya dibayar di muka dan aset lancar lainnya terdiri Prepaid expenses and other current assets consist of:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Biaya dibayar dimuka: Prepaid expenses:
Sewa 6.704 3.898 Rent
Asuransi 4.960 6.713 Insurance
Lain-lain 13.178 9.926 Others
Aset lancar lainnya 34.992 - Other current assets
Total 59.834 20.537 Total

Aset lancar lainnya merupakan biaya yang Other current assets represent costs for the
dikeluarkan atas pembangunan dan pemeliharaan construction and maintenance of VHS facilities as
aset fasilitas VHS sesuai perjanjian yang akan stipulated in the agreement which will be billed to
ditagihkan kepada PT Pertamina Patra Niaga PT Pertamina Patra Niaga (Note 33b).
(Catatan 33b).


Aset keuangan tidak lancar lainnya terdiri dari: Other non-current financial assets consist of:
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Pihak ketiga: Third parties:
Klaim atas deposito ke Bank Mega Claim of deposits to Bank Mega
(Catatan 33a) 111.000 111.000 (Note 33a)
Bank yang dibatasi penggunaannya - 21.385 Restricted cash in banks
Neto 111.000 132.385 Net
Pihak berelasi (Catatan 32d): Related parties (Note 32d):
Piutang sewa pembiayaan - Finance lease receivables -
bagian tidak lancar 299.919 327.261 non-current portion
Total 410.919 459.646 Total

Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa tidak diperlukan Management believes that the allowance for
penyisihan penurunan nilai atas klaim dengan impairment is not required for the claim considering the
mempertimbangkan estimasi waktu pembayaran estimated time of the claim payment and the potential
klaim serta potensi perolehan bunga atas deposito for interest on the deposits.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


a. Investasi tersedia untuk dijual a. Available-for-sale investments

Rincian investasi tersedia untuk dijual adalah The details of available-for-sale investments are
sebagai berikut: as follows:
Persentase kepemilikan/ Jumlah tercatat/
Percentage of ownership Carrying amount
31 Desember/ Desember 31/ 31 Desember/ Desember 31/
December 31, December 31, December 31, December 31,
2022 2021 2022 2021

PT Margaraya Jawa Tol 16,7% 16,7% 36.827 36.827 PT Margaraya Jawa Tol
PT Bhakti Patra Nusantara 10,0% 10,0% 960 960 PT Bhakti Patra Nusantara
Total 37.787 37.787 Total
Penyisihan penurunan nilai (37.787) (37.787) Allowance for impairment

Neto - - Net

Investasi tersedia untuk dijual diturunkan Available-for-sale investments are impaired

nilainya terutama terkait dengan ketidakpastian mainly due to uncertainty of return on investment.
atas pengembalian investasi.

b. Investasi pada ventura bersama b. Investment in joint venture

KSO PT Elnusa Tbk dan PT Waskita Adhi KSO PT Elnusa Tbk dan PT Waskita Adhi
Sejahtera (“KSO Elnusa-WAS”) Sejahtera (“KSO Elnusa-WAS”)

Pada tanggal 12 Desember 2016, Perusahaan On December 12, 2016, the Company and WAS
dan WAS menandatangani Perjanjian entered into Joint Operation (“JO”) agreement.
Kerjasama Operasi (“KSO”). KSO ini dibentuk The JO is established in order to perform electrical
untuk melakukan proyek jasa pemeliharaan and instrumentation maintenance services project
elektrikal dan instrumentasi dari BP Berau Ltd. from BP Berau Ltd. The composition of
Komposisi kepemilikan pada KSO adalah 51% ownerships in JO are 51% owned by the
oleh Perusahaan dan 49% oleh WAS Company and 49% owned by WAS (Note 33b). As
(Catatan 33b). Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 of December 31, 2022 and 2021, the carrying
dan 2021, jumlah tercatat investasi pada KSO amount of investment in KSO Elnusa-WAS is
Elnusa-WAS masing-masing sebesar Rp30.779 Rp30,779 and Rp22,366, respectively.
dan Rp22.366.

Untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal For the year ended December 31, 2022 and 2021,
31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, Perusahaan the Company recorded equity income amounted
mencatat bagian laba sebesar Rp12.576 dan to Rp12,576 and Rp3,785 and are presented as
Rp3.785 dan disajikan sebagai bagian dari akun part of other income account in the consolidated
pendapatan lain-lain dalam laporan laba rugi statement of profit or loss and other
dan penghasilan komprehensif lain comprehensive income.

Ringkasan informasi keuangan KSO Elnusa- The summary of KSO Elnusa-WAS financial
WAS adalah sebagai berikut: information is as follows:
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021

Total aset 85.409 54.890 Total assets

Total liabilitas 26.256 12.233 Total liabilities
Total ekuitas 59.153 42.657 Total equity

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


b. Investasi pada ventura bersama (lanjutan) b. Investment in joint venture (continued)

Ringkasan informasi keuangan KSO Elnusa- The summary of KSO Elnusa-WAS financial
WAS adalah sebagai berikut: (lanjutan) information is as follows: (continued)
Tahun yang Berakhir
pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended
December 31,

2022 2021
Pendapatan 107.848 50.868 Revenue
Laba tahun berjalan 24.658 7.421 Profit for the year


Mutasi aset tetap adalah sebagai berikut: The movements in fixed assets are as follows:
Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal 31 December 2022/
Year Ended December 31, 2022
Saldo awal/ Saldo akhir/
Beginning Penambahan/ Pengurangan/ Reklasifikasi/ Ending
balance Additions Deductions Reclassifications balance
Biaya perolehan Cost
Tanah 263.488 609 - 4.115 268.212 Land
Bangunan, prasarana Buildings, improvements
dan instalasi 512.137 14.991 (5.265) 30.076 551.939 and installations
Mesin dan peralatan 2.062.696 35.544 (24.229) 72.160 2.146.171 Machinery and equipment
Perabotan dan perlengkapan Office furniture, fixtures
kantor 73.637 4.548 (953) 464 77.696 and equipment
Alat transportasi 441.671 2.818 (5.824) 87.516 526.181 Transportation equipment
Konstruksi baja 1.924.328 473 (15.532) 112.518 2.021.787 Steel constructions
Aset dalam penyelesaian 283.214 280.574 - (402.477) 161.311 Construction in progress
Total 5.561.171 339.557 (51.803) (95.628) 5.753.297 Total
Akumulasi penyusutan Accumulated depreciation
Bangunan, prasarana Buildings, improvements
dan instalasi (373.008) (26.095) 4.170 - (394.933) and installations
Mesin dan peralatan (1.679.358) (142.820) 23.920 2.904 (1.795.354) Machinery and equipment
Perabotan dan perlengkapan Office furniture, fixtures
kantor (68.289) (8.667) 953 - (76.003) and equipment
Alat transportasi (223.396) (54.738) 5.824 - (272.310) Transportation equipment
Konstruksi baja (1.385.428) (119.405) 15.514 - (1.489.319) Steel constructions
Total (3.729.479) (351.725) 50.381 2.904 (4.027.919) Total
Penyisihan penurunan nilai (20.173) - 3.133 6.432 (10.608) Allowance for impairment
Nilai buku neto 1.811.519 1.714.770 Net book value

Tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2021/

Year ended December 31, 2021
Saldo awal/ Saldo akhir/
Beginning Penambahan/ Pengurangan/ Reklasifikasi/ Ending
balance Additions Deductions Reclassifications balance
Biaya perolehan Cost
Tanah 259.491 3.997 - - 263.488 Land
Bangunan, prasarana Buildings, improvements
dan instalasi 502.500 3.905 (641) 6.373 512.137 and installations
Mesin dan peralatan 1.966.321 22.800 (48.974) 122.549 2.062.696 Machinery and equipment
Perabotan dan perlengkapan Office furniture, fixtures
kantor 71.787 3.070 (2.130) 910 73.637 and equipment
Alat transportasi 418.627 - (7.218) 30.262 441.671 Transportation equipment
Konstruksi baja 1.889.007 11.887 (25.682) 49.116 1.924.328 Steel constructions
Aset dalam penyelesaian 179.601 312.823 - (209.210) 283.214 Construction in progress
Total 5.287.334 358.482 (84.645) - 5.561.171 Total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

12. ASET TETAP (lanjutan) 12. FIXED ASSETS (continued)

Mutasi aset tetap adalah sebagai berikut: (lanjutan) The movements in fixed assets are as follows:
Tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2021/
Year ended December 31, 2021
Saldo awal/ Saldo akhir/
Beginning Penambahan/ Pengurangan/ Reklasifikasi/ Ending
balance Additions Deductions Reclassifications balance
Akumulasi penyusutan Accumulated depreciation
Bangunan, prasarana Buildings, improvements
dan instalasi (350.884) (22.692) 568 - (373.008) and installations
Mesin dan peralatan (1.574.976) (152.192) 47.810 - (1.679.358) Machinery and equipment
Perabotan dan perlengkapan Office furniture, fixtures
kantor (65.694) (4.724) 2.129 - (68.289) and equipment
Alat transportasi (182.461) (47.308) 6.373 - (223.396) Transportation equipment
Konstruksi baja (1.293.236) (115.223) 23.031 - (1.385.428) Steel constructions
Total (3.467.251) (342.139) 79.911 - (3.729.479) Total
Penyisihan penurunan nilai (8.104) (12.469) 400 - (20.173) Allowance for impairment
Nilai buku neto 1.811.979 1.811.519 Net book value

Seluruh aset tetap dimiliki secara langsung oleh All fixed assets are directly owned by the Group.

Hak kepemilikan atas tanah Grup merupakan Hak Land rights of the land owned by the Group are in the
Guna Bangunan yang hak secara legalnya akan form of Building Rights Title (“Hak Guna Bangunan”)
berakhir antara tahun 2024 sampai dengan tahun which the terms will expire between 2024 up to 2045.
2045. Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa hak tersebut Management believes that these land rights can be
akan dapat diperpanjang pada saat berakhirnya. extended upon their expiration.

Reklasifikasi pada tahun 2022 termasuk reklasifikasi Reclassifications in 2022 include the reclassification
dari aset tetap ke akun piutang lain-lain dan aset from fixed assets to other receivables and other
lancar lainnya masing-masing sebesar Rp51.300 current assets amounting to Rp51,300 and Rp34,992,
dan Rp34.992 atas pembangunan dan respectively for the construction and maintenance of
pemeliharaan fasilitas dan instalasi VHS dengan VHS facilities and installation with net book value of
nilai buku sebesar Rp86.292 (Catatan 6, 9 dan 33b). Rp86,292 (Notes 6, 9 and 33b).

Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa penyisihan Management believes that the allowance for
penurunan nilai pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 impairment as of December 31, 2022 and
dan 2021 adalah cukup. 2021 is adequate.

Penyusutan aset tetap dibebankan sebagai berikut: Fixed assets depreciation is charged as follows:
Tahun yang
Berakhir pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Period Ended
December 31,

2022 2021

Beban pokok pendapatan 350.348 337.618 Cost of revenues

Beban umum dan administrasi 1.377 4.521 General and administrative expenses
Total 351.725 342.139 Total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

12. ASET TETAP (lanjutan) 12. FIXED ASSETS (continued)

Efektif 31 Juli 2021, Perusahaan melakukan Effective on July 31, 2021, the Company changed the
perubahan umur manfaat aset atas mesin dan useful lifes of machinery and equipment and steel
peralatan dan konstruksi baja dari 2 (dua) sampai 10 constructions from 2 (two) until 10 (ten) years to 2 (two)
(sepuluh) tahun menjadi 2 (dua) sampai 15 (lima until 15 (fifteen) years. The impact of such changes is
belas) tahun. Dampak dari perubahan tersebut a reduction of depreciation expense starting in year
adalah pengurangan beban penyusutan mulai tahun 2021 and the following years are as follows:
2021 dan tahun-tahun berikutnya adalah sebagai
Pengurangan dalam
beban penyusutan/
Reduction of
depreciation expense

2021 41.959 2021

2022 41.319 2022
2023 37.139 2023
2024 - habis umur manfaat 139.333 2024 - end of useful life

Rincian aset dalam penyelesaian adalah sebagai The details of construction in progress are as follows:
31 Desember/December 31, 2022
Persentase Akumulasi
penyelesaian/ biaya/
Percentage of Accumulated Estimasi penyelesaian/
completion costs Estimated completion
Depot bahan bakar minyak 52% 134.113 Desember/December 2024 Fuel depot
Truk tangki 65% 15.767 Mei/May 2023 Fuel transportation vehicles
Hydraulic workover unit 65% 7.028 September/September 2023 Hydraulic workover unit
Lain-lain (masing-masing dibawah
Rp5.000) 61% 4.403 Juni/June 2023 Others (each below Rp5,000)

31 Desember/December 31, 2021

Persentase Akumulasi
penyelesaian/ biaya/
Percentage of Accumulated Estimasi penyelesaian/
completion costs Estimated completion
Depot bahan bakar minyak 46% 152.470 Desember/December 2024 Fuel depot
Hydraulic workover unit & coiled Hydraulic workover unit & coiled
tubing unit 66% 52.802 Maret/March 2022 tubing unit
Truk tangki 90% 35.451 Maret/March 2022 Fuel transportation vehicles
Gudang 89% 18.132 April/April 2022 Warehouse
Slickline 44% 11.187 Oktober/October 2022 Slickline
Lain-lain (masing-masing dibawah
Rp5.000) 62% 13.172 Desember/December 2022 Others (each below Rp5,000)

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, tidak As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, there are no fixed
terdapat aset tetap yang tidak dipakai sementara. assets temporarily not in use.

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, jumlah As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, the gross carrying
tercatat bruto aset tetap yang telah disusutkan amounts of fixed assets which have been fully
penuh dan masih digunakan masing-masing depreciated and are still in use amounted to
sebesar Rp1.667.976 dan Rp1.347.836. Rp1,667,976 and Rp1,347,836, respectively.

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, tidak As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, there are no fixed
terdapat aset tetap yang diklasifikasikan sebagai assets classified as held for sale or terminated from
tersedia untuk dijual atau yang dihentikan dari active use.
penggunaan aktif.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

12. ASET TETAP (lanjutan) 12. FIXED ASSETS (continued)

Rincian rugi penjualan/pelepasan aset tetap adalah Details of loss on sale/disposal of fixed assets are as
sebagai berikut: follows:
Tahun yang Berakhir
pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended
December 31,

2022 2021

Harga jual 2.558 1.270 Proceeds

Dikurangi: Nilai buku neto (1.422) (4.734) Less: Net book value

Laba (rugi) - neto 1.136 (3.464) Gain (loss) - net

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, aset As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, fixed assets with
tetap dengan nilai buku masing-masing sebesar net book value of Rp1,380,628 and Rp1,044,735,
Rp1.380.628 dan Rp1.044.735 telah diasuransikan respectively, are covered by insurance against all risks
atas semua risiko dengan total nilai pertanggungan at a total coverage amounting to Rp3,822,465 (2022)
masing-masing sebesar Rp3.822.465 (2022) dan and Rp4,507,872 dan US$20,000,000 (2021),
Rp4.507.872 dan $AS20.000.000 (2021). respectively. Management believes that the insurance
Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa jumlah tersebut coverage is adequate to cover possible losses arising
telah memadai untuk menutup kerugian yang in relation to the insured assets.
mungkin timbul terkait dengan aset yang

Nilai wajar aset tetap dengan nilai buku The fair value of fixed assets with net book value of
sebesar Rp523.685 pada tanggal 31 Desember Rp523,685 as of December 31, 2022 based on
2022 berdasarkan laporan dari penilai independen independent appraisal reports amounted to
adalah sebesar Rp829.967. Jumlah nilai buku aset Rp829,967. The net book value of fixed assets that
tetap yang tidak dilakukan penilaian pada tanggal were not appraised by independent appraiser as of
31 Desember 2022 sebesar Rp1.191.085. December 31, 2022 amounted to Rp1,191,085.
Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa tidak ada Management believes that there is no significant
perbedaan signifikan antara nilai wajar dan jumlah difference between the fair value and carrying amount
tercatat aset tetap yang tidak dilakukan penilaian of these fixed assets.

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, tidak As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, there is no fixed
terdapat aset tetap yang digunakan sebagai assets used as collateral.


Mutasi aset takberwujud adalah sebagai berikut: The movements in intangible assets are as follows:

Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal 31 Desember 2022/

Year Ended December 31, 2022
Saldo awal/ Saldo akhir/
Beginning Penambahan/ Pengurangan/ Reklasifikasi/ Ending
balance Additions Deductions Reclassifications balance
Biaya perolehan Cost
Hak atas tanah 8.872 199 - - 9.071 Land rights
Perangkat lunak dan lisensi 142.319 966 - - 143.285 Software and licenses
Total 151.191 1.165 - - 152.356 Total

Akumulasi amortisasi Accumulated amortization

Hak atas tanah (3.865) (406) - - (4.271) Land rights
Perangkat lunak dan lisensi (132.034) (7.953) - - (139.987) Software and licenses
Total (135.899) (8.359) - - (144.258) Total
Nilai buku neto 15.292 8.098 Net book value

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

13. ASET TAKBERWUJUD (lanjutan) 13. INTANGIBLE ASSETS (continued)

Mutasi aset takberwujud adalah sebagai berikut: The movements in intangible assets are as follows:
(lanjutan) (continued)

Tahun yang berakhir pada Tanggal 31 Desember 2021/

Year ended December 31, 2021
Saldo awal/ Saldo akhir/
Beginning Penambahan/ Pengurangan/ Reklasifikasi/ Ending
balance Additions Deductions Reclassifications balance
Biaya perolehan Cost
Hak atas tanah 8.872 - - - 8.872 Land rights
Perangkat lunak dan lisensi 127.910 14.409 - - 142.319 Software and licenses
Total 136.782 14.409 - - 151.191 Total

Akumulasi amortisasi Accumulated amortization

Hak atas tanah (3.459) (406) - - (3.865) Land rights
Perangkat lunak dan lisensi (124.960) (7.074) - - (132.034) Software and licenses
Total (128.419) (7.480) - - (135.899) Total
Nilai buku neto 8.363 15.292 Net book value

Amortisasi aset takberwujud dibebankan sebagai Intangible assets amortization is charged as follows:
Tahun yang Berakhir
pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Period Ended
December 31,

2022 2021

Beban pokok pendapatan 7.354 6.511 Cost of revenues

Beban umum dan administrasi 1.005 969 General and administrative expenses
Total 8.359 7.480 Total


Mutasi properti investasi adalah sebagai berikut: The movements in investment properties are as
Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal 31 Desember 2022/
Year Ended December 31, 2022
Saldo awal/ Saldo akhir/
Beginning Penambahan/ Pengurangan/ Reklasifikasi/ Ending
balance Additions Deductions Reclassifications balance
Biaya perolehan Cost
Tanah 50.052 - - - 50.052 Land
Bangunan, prasarana dan Buildings, improvement
instalasi 5.729 - - - 5.729 and installations
Total 55.781 - - - 55.781 Total
Akumulasi penyusutan Accumulated depreciation
Bangunan, prasarana dan Buildings, improvement
instalasi (4.644) (88) - - (4.732) and installations
Nilai buku neto 51.137 51.049 Net book value

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


Mutasi properti investasi adalah sebagai berikut: The movements in investment properties are as
(lanjutan) follows: (continued)
Tahun yang berakhir pada Tanggal 31 Desember 2021/
Year ended December 31, 2021
Saldo awal/ Saldo akhir/
Beginning Penambahan/ Pengurangan/ Reklasifikasi/ Ending
balance Additions Deductions Reclassifications balance
Biaya perolehan Cost
Tanah 50.586 - (534) - 50.052 Land
Bangunan, prasarana dan Buildings, improvement
instalasi 5.729 - - - 5.729 and installations
Total 56.315 - (534) - 55.781 Total
Akumulasi penyusutan Accumulated depreciation
Bangunan, prasarana dan Buildings, improvement
instalasi (4.556) (88) - - (4.644) and installations
Nilai buku neto 51.759 51.137 Net book value

Untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal For the year ended December 31, 2022 and 2021,
31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, beban penyusutan depreciation expenses amounting to
masing-masing sebesar Rp88 seluruhnya Rp88, respectively, were charged to “general and
dialokasikan ke “beban umum dan administrasi” administrative expenses” in profit or loss.
dalam laba rugi.

Nilai wajar properti investasi pada 31 Desember The fair value of investment properties as of December
2022 dan 2021 dihitung berdasarkan Nilai Jual 31, 2022 and 2021 are calculated based on taxable
Objek Pajak (“NJOP”) masing-masing sebesar sale value (“NJOP”) amounted to Rp561,344 and
Rp561.344 dan Rp527.842. Rp527,842, respectively.

Penghasilan sewa dari properti investasi untuk Rental income from investment properties for the year
tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 amounted to
31 Desember 2022 dan 2021 masing-masing Rp84,456 and Rp82,133, respectively.
sebesar Rp84.456 dan Rp82.133.

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, certain
beberapa properti investasi telah diasuransikan investment properties were covered by insurance
untuk semua risiko dengan nilai pertanggungan against all risks at a total coverage amounting to
masing-masing sebesar Rp25.342. Manajemen Rp25,342, respectively. Management believes that the
berkeyakinan bahwa jumlah asuransi tersebut telah insurance coverage is adequate to cover possible
memadai untuk menutup kerugian yang mungkin losses.

Berdasarkan penelaahan manajemen Grup, tidak Based on the review of the Group’s management,
terdapat kejadian-kejadian atau perubahan- there were no events or changes in circumstances
perubahan keadaan yang mengindikasikan adanya which indicate impairment in the value of investment
penurunan nilai properti investasi pada tanggal properties as of December 31, 2022 and
31 Desember 2022 dan 2021. 2021.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


Mutasi aset hak-guna adalah sebagai berikut: The movements in right-of-use assets are as follows:

Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal 31 Desember 2022/

Year Period Ended December 31, 2022
Saldo awal/ Saldo akhir/
Beginning Penambahan/ Pengurangan/ Reklasifikasi/ Ending
balance Additions Deductions Reclassifications balance
Biaya perolehan Cost
Tanah dan bangunan 51.808 6.309 (5.031) - 53.086 Land and building
Mesin dan peralatan 39.851 - (39.301) - 550 Machinery and equipment
Alat transportasi 451.899 713.650 (434.139) - 731.410 Transportation equipment
Kapal 24.684 - (24.684) - - Vessel
Total 568.242 719.959 (503.155) - 785.046 Total
Akumulasi penyusutan Accumulated depreciation
Tanah dan bangunan (23.177) (16.246) 5.031 - (34.392) Land and building
Mesin dan peralatan (31.094) (10.050) 39.301 - (1.843) Machinery and equipment
Alat transportasi (415.621) (222.892) 434.139 - (204.374) Transportation equipment
Kapal (14.985) (9.699) 24.684 - - Vessel
Total (484.877) (258.887) 503.155 - (240.609) Total
Nilai buku neto 83.365 544.437 Net book value

Tahun yang Berakhir Pada Tanggal 31 Desember 2021/

Year ended December 31, 2021
Saldo awal/ Saldo akhir/
Beginning Penambahan/ Pengurangan/ Reklasifikasi/ Ending
balance Additions Deductions Reclassifications balance
Biaya perolehan Cost
Tanah dan bangunan 58.470 2.896 (9.558) - 51.808 Land and building
Mesin dan peralatan 47.625 560 (8.334) - 39.851 Machinery and equipment
Alat transportasi 454.831 4.491 (7.423) - 451.899 Transportation equipment
Kapal 34.451 30.089 (39.856) - 24.684 Vessel
Total 595.377 38.036 (65.171) - 568.242 Total
Akumulasi penyusutan Accumulated depreciation
Tanah dan bangunan (15.581) (17.154) 9.558 - (23.177) Land and building
Mesin dan peralatan (19.428) (16.623) 4.957 - (31.094) Machinery and equipment
Alat transportasi (207.925) (215.119) 7.423 - (415.621) Transportation equipment
Kapal (20.804) (21.726) 27.545 - (14.985) Vessel
Total (263.738) (270.622) 49.483 - (484.877) Total
Nilai buku neto 331.639 83.365 Net book value

Liabilitas sewa terdiri dari: Lease liabilities consist of:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Bagian jatuh tempo
dalam waktu satu tahun 224.755 71.007 Current maturities
Bagian setelah dikurangi jatuh tempo 354.092 30.090 Net-off current maturities
Total 578.847 101.097 Total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

(lanjutan) LIABILITIES (continued)

Jumlah yang diakui dalam laporan laba rugi Amounts recognised in the consolidated statement of
komprehensif konsolidasian: comprehensive income:
Tahun yang Berakhir
pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Period Ended
December 31,
2022 2021
Beban terkait liabilitas sewa Expense related to short-term liabilities
dengan nilai rendah atau jangka pendek 460.974 279.678 low-value assets
Beban penyusutan aset hak guna 258.887 270.622 Depreciation on right of use assets
Bunga atas liabilitas sewa 32.814 16.887 Interest on lease liabilities
Total 752.675 567.187 Total


Pinjaman bank jangka pendek terdiri dari: Short-term bank loans consist of:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Rupiah Rupiah
Pihak berelasi (Catatan 32e) Related parties (Note 32e)
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk 22.511 36.467 PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
Pihak ketiga Third parties
PT Bank UOB Indonesia 28.985 23.406 PT Bank UOB Indonesia
PT Bank ICBC Indonesia 16.352 11.505 PT Bank ICBC Indonesia

Dolar AS US Dollar
Pihak ketiga Third parties
PT Bank ICBC Indonesia 57.696 23.652 PT Bank ICBC Indonesia
PT Bank UOB Indonesia 2.714 72.945 PT Bank UOB Indonesia
Total 128.258 167.975 Total

a. PT Bank UOB Indonesia a. PT Bank UOB Indonesia

Berdasarkan perjanjian kredit tanggal Based on a credit agreement dated

3 Desember 2015 yang terakhir kali diubah December 3, 2015 which was amended on
tanggal 18 Januari 2022, Perusahaan January 18, 2022, the Company obtained Multi
memperoleh fasilitas Multi Option Trade untuk Option Trade facilities for working capital
keperluan modal kerja yang terdiri dari purposes consisting of LC/SKBDN, BEP-Buyer,
LC/SKBDN, BEP-Buyer, Invoice Financing Invoice Financing (“IF”), Bank Guarantee (“BG”),
(“IF”), Bank Guarantee (“BG”), RCF, SBLC, RCF, SBLC, Trust Receipt (“TR”), and Clean
Trust Receipt (“TR”), dan Clean Trust Receipt Trust Receipt (“CTR”) with a maximum combined
(“CTR”) dengan batas maksimum gabungan limit of US$20,000,000.
sebesar $AS20.000.000.

Fasilitas TR, CTR dan IF dikenakan bunga The TR, CTR and IF facilities bear interest at the
sebesar LIBOR ditambah marjin tertentu per rate of LIBOR plus certain margin per annum for
tahun untuk penarikan dalam Dolar AS dan withdrawal in US Dollar and JIBOR plus certain
JIBOR ditambah marjin tertentu per tahun untuk margin per annum for withdrawal in Rupiah.
penarikan dalam Rupiah. Fasilitas ini berjangka These facilities are available until
waktu sampai dengan tanggal 1 Februari 2023. February 1, 2023.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


a. PT Bank UOB Indonesia (lanjutan) a. PT Bank UOB Indonesia (continued)

Fasilitas ini mengharuskan Perusahaan untuk These facilities require the Company to comply to
memenuhi beberapa persyaratan, diantaranya certain requirement, among others, financial
persyaratan rasio keuangan sebagaimana ratios as stipulated in the credit agreement:
ditetapkan dalam perjanjian kredit:
- Minimal Debt Service Coverage Ratio - Minimal Debt Service Coverage Ratio
(DSCR) sebesar 1,25 kali. (DSCR) of 1.25 times.
- Maksimal Gross Debt to EBITDA Ratio - Maximal Gross Debt to EBITDA Ratio of 4
sebesar 4 kali. times.

Fasilitas ini diberikan tanpa jaminan (clean- These facilities are provided on a clean-basis.

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, the
2021, saldo terutang fasilitas pinjaman ini outstanding balances of these loan facilities
masing-masing sebesar $AS174.052 (setara amounted to US$174,052 (equivalent to Rp2,714)
dengan Rp2.714) dan Rp28.985 serta sebesar and Rp28,985 and US$5,108,875 (equivalent to
$AS5.108.875 (setara dengan Rp72.945) dan Rp72,945) and Rp23,406, respectively.

b. PT Bank ICBC Indonesia (“ICBC”) b. PT Bank ICBC Indonesia (“ICBC”)

Berdasarkan perjanjian kredit tanggal Based on a credit agreement dated

21 Oktober 2015, Perusahaan memperoleh October 21, 2015, the Company obtained
fasilitas Omnibus Uncommitted untuk Uncommitted Ombinus facilities to finance the
membiayai keperluan Perusahaan yang terdiri Company’s expenditure consisting of on-demand
dari pinjaman tetap on-demand (“PTD”), LC, fixed loan (“PTD”), LC, SKBDN, TR and BG.

Pada tanggal 21 September 2016, fasilitas As of September 21, 2016, the facilities have been
tersebut dilakukan perpanjangan dan extended and amended with ETSA as Co-
penambahan ETSA sebagai Co-Borrower Borrower with maximum amount of
dengan maksimal penarikan sebesar US$5,000,000.

Pada tanggal 10 Desember 2020, fasilitas As of December 10, 2020, the facilities have been
tersebut dilakukan perpanjangan dan extended and amended with EFK as Co-Borrower
penambahan EFK sebagai Co-Borrower with maximum amount of US$5,000,000.
dengan maksimal penarikan sebesar

Pada tanggal 30 November 2022, fasilitas As of November 30, 2022, the facilities have been
tersebut dilakukan perpanjangan dan extended and amended with SCU as Co-
penambahan SCU sebagai Co-Borrower Borrower with maximum amount of
dengan maksimal penarikan sebesar US$5,000,000.

Fasilitas PTD dikenakan bunga sebesar biaya The PTD facility bears interest at the rate of cost
pendanaan ICBC ditambah marjin tertentu per of fund of ICBC plus certain margin per annum for
tahun untuk penarikan dalam Dolar AS dan withdrawal in US Dollar and at certain fixed rate
sebesar suku bunga tetap tertentu per tahun per annum for withdrawal in Rupiah, while the
untuk penarikan dalam Rupiah, sementara UPAS/UFAM and TR facilities bear interest at the
fasilitas UPAS/UFAM dan TR dikenakan bunga rate of cost of fund of ICBC plus certain margin
sebesar biaya pendanaan ICBC ditambah per annum.
marjin tertentu per tahun.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


b. PT Bank ICBC Indonesia (“ICBC”) (lanjutan) b. PT Bank ICBC Indonesia (“ICBC”) (continued)

Fasilitas Omnibus Uncommitted dengan batas Uncommitted Ombinus facilities with a maximum
maksimum gabungan sebesar $AS15.000.000, combined limit of US$15,000,000 will be available
dan akan jatuh tempo sampai dengan tanggal until October 31, 2023.
31 Oktober 2023.

Fasilitas ini mengharuskan Perusahaan untuk These facilities require the Company to comply to
memenuhi beberapa persyaratan, diantaranya certain requirement, among others, financial
persyaratan rasio keuangan sebagaimana ratios as stipulated in the credit agreement:
ditetapkan dalam perjanjian kredit:
- Maksimal Interest Bearing Debt to - Maximal Interest Bearing Debt to EBITDA
EBITDA Ratio sebesar 4 kali. Ratio of 4 times

Fasilitas ini diberikan tanpa jaminan (clean- These facilities are provided on a clean-basis.

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, the
2021, saldo terutang fasilitas pinjaman ini outstanding balance of these loan facilities
sebesar masing-masing $AS3.700.339 (setara amounted to US$3,700,339 (equivalent to
dengan Rp57.696) dan Rp16.352 dan Rp57,696) and Rp16,352 and US$1,656,560
$AS1.656.560 (setara dengan Rp23.652) dan (equivalent to Rp23,652) and Rp11,505,
Rp11.505. respectively.

c. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk c. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk

Berdasarkan perjanjian kredit tanggal Based on a credit agreement dated

16 November 2018, Perusahaan memperoleh November 16, 2018, the Company obtained a
fasilitas non cash loan yang terdiri dari Standby non cash loan facility consisting of Standby Letter
Letter of Credit (“SBLC”)/Bank Garansi (“BG”) of Credit (“SBLC”)/Bank Guarantee (“BG”) and
dan Letter of Credit (“LC”)/Surat Kredit Letter of Credit (“LC”)/Surat Kredit Berdokumen
Berdokumen Dalam Negeri (“SKBDN”) dengan Dalam Negeri (“SKBDN”) with a maximum
batas maksimum gabungan sebesar combined limit of US$20,000,000 and Trust
$AS20.000.000 dan batas maksimum Trust Receipt (“TR”) with a maximum limit of
Receipt (“TR”) sebesar $AS12.000.000. US$12,000,000.

Pada tanggal 20 Mei 2021, Perusahaan As of May 20, 2021, the Company obtained a
memperoleh fasilitas Kredit Jangka Pendek Short Term Credit facility with a combined
dengan batas maksimum gabungan Elnusa maximum limit of Elnusa (Borrower) and EPN
(Borrower) dan EPN (Co-Borrower) sebesar (Co-Borrower) of US$20,000,000.

Pada tanggal 11 Februari 2022, Perusahaan As of February 11, 2022, the Company obtained
memperoleh tambahan fasilitas Supplier additional Supplier Financing (“SF”) facility with a
Financing (“SF”) dengan limit maksimal maximum limit of US$15,000,000.

Pada tanggal 20 Desember 2022, fasilitas As of December 20, 2022, the facilities have been
tersebut dilakukan perpanjangan dan extended and amended with ETSA as Co-
penambahan ETSA sebagai Co-Borrower. Borrower.

Fasilitas-fasilitas, kecuali SF, dikenakan bunga The facilities, excluding SF, bear interest at the
yang suku bunganya akan ditetapkan secara rate which will be determined through negotiation
negosiasi pada saat realisasi dan fasilitas ini on withdrawal and these facilities are available
berjangka waktu sampai dengan tanggal until November 15, 2023.
15 November 2023.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


c. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (lanjutan) c. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (continued)

Fasilitas ini mengharuskan Perusahaan untuk These facilities require the Company to comply to
memenuhi beberapa persyaratan, diantaranya certain requirement, among others, financial
persyaratan rasio keuangan sebagaimana ratios as stipulated in the credit agreement:
ditetapkan dalam perjanjian kredit:
- Minimal Current Ratio sebesar 1 kali. - Minimal Current Ratio of 1 times.
- Maksimal Debt to Equity Ratio sebesar 3 - Maximal Debt to Equity Ratio of 3 times.
- Minimal Debt Service Coverage Ratio - Minimal Debt Service Coverage Ratio of 1.1
sebesar 1,1 kali times.

Fasilitas ini diberikan tanpa jaminan (clean- These facilities are provided on a clean-basis.
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, the
2021, saldo terutang fasilitas pinjaman ini outstanding balances of these loan facilities
masing-masing sebesar Rp22.511 dan amounted to Rp22,511 and Rp36,467,
Rp36.467. respectively.

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022, Grup telah As of December 31, 2022, the Group has complied
memenuhi seluruh pembatasan yang diatur dalam with all covenants as required by the loan agreements
perjanjian pinjaman.

Tingkat suku bunga kontraktual pinjaman bank Contractual interest rates on short-term bank loans are
jangka pendek adalah sebagai berikut: as follows:

Tahun yang Berakhir

pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended
December 31,
2022 2021

Rupiah Rupiah
Pinjaman pada suku bunga mengambang 4,80% - 9,21% 6,00% - 7,50% Loans at floating interest rate

Dolar AS US Dollar
Pinjaman pada suku bunga mengambang 0,5% - 7,00% 0,51% - 2,90% Loans at floating interest rate


Rincian utang usaha berdasarkan pemasok adalah The details of trade payables based on vendors are as
sebagai berikut: follows:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Pihak ketiga 308.671 358.324 Third parties
Pihak berelasi (Catatan 32f) 370.007 313.014 Related parties (Note 32f)
Total 678.678 671.338 Total

Utang usaha pihak ketiga pada tanggal Trade payables from third parties as of
31 Desember 2021 sejumlah Rp121.715 telah December 31, 2021 amounted Rp121,715 have been
direklasifikasi ke utang usaha pihak berelasi agar reclassified to trade payables from related parties to
sesuai dengan penyajian akun pada laporan conform with the presentation of accounts in the
keuangan konsolidasian pada tanggal 31 Desember consolidated financial statements as of December 31,
2022. 2022.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

17. UTANG USAHA (lanjutan) 17. TRADE PAYABLES (continued)

Rincian utang usaha berdasarkan mata uang adalah The details of trade payables based on currencies are as
sebagai berikut: follows:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Rupiah 652.947 656.502 Rupiah
Dolar AS 24.439 13.196 US Dollar
Dolar Singapura 1.292 1.167 Singapore Dollar
Euro - 473 Euro
Total 678.678 671.338 Total

Saldo utang usaha pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 Outstanding balances of trade payables as of
dan 2021 tidak memiliki jaminan. Tidak ada surat December 31, 2022 and 2021 are unsecured. There
jaminan yang diberikan maupun diterima untuk have been no guarantees provided or received for any
utang usaha. trade payables.

Perusahaan bekerja sama dengan PT Bank Rakyat The Company entered into supply chain financing
Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (“BRI”) dan PT Bank Mandiri facility with PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
(Persero) Tbk (“Mandiri”) dalam fasilitas pembiayaan (“BRI”) and PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (“Mandiri”).
supply chain. Fasilitas tersebut dapat digunakan Those facilities can be used by the Company’s supplier
oleh pemasok Perusahaan untuk memperoleh to obtain payment of invoices that have been approved
pembayaran atas tagihan yang telah disetujui oleh by the Company to be paid by the bank in accordance
Perusahaan untuk dibayarkan oleh bank sesuai with certain terms and conditions. The maximum limit
dengan syarat dan ketentuan tertentu. Batas facility of BRI and Mandiri are amounted to Rp300,000
maksimum fasilitas yang diberikan oleh BRI dan and US$15,000,000, respectively.
Mandiri masing-masing sebesar Rp300.000 dan

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, fasilitas As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, the outstanding
pembiayaan supply chain yang digunakan oleh supply chain facilities used by the Group’s suppliers in
pemasok Grup pada BRI masing-masing BRI were amounted to Rp116,345 and Rp107,175,
sebesar Rp116.345 dan Rp107.175. respectively. As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, the
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan outstanding supply chain facilities used by the
2021, fasilitas pembiayaan supply chain yang Company’s suppliers in Mandiri were amounted to
digunakan oleh pemasok Perusahaan pada Mandiri Rp35,267 and RpNil.
sebesar Rp35.267 dan RpNihil.


Liabilitas jangka pendek lainnya terdiri dari: Other current liabilities consist of:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Titipan pelanggan 23.815 28.868 Customer deposits
Utang lain-lain 18.977 22.536 Other payables
Pendapatan diterima di muka 4.913 8.218 Unearned revenue
Total 47.705 59.622 Total

Utang lain-lain terutama merupakan utang pajak Other payables mainly represents regional tax for fuel
daerah atas penjualan bahan bakar serta setoran sales and non-tax state revenue (“PNBP”) for
Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (“PNBP”) terkait downstream oil and gas activities.
aktivitas hilir migas.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


a. Pajak dibayar di muka a. Prepaid taxes

Pajak dibayar di muka terdiri dari: Prepaid taxes consist of:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Pajak penghasilan badan: Corporate income tax:
Tahun berjalan 82.860 56.718 Current year
Tahun-tahun sebelumnya 58.219 66.782 Prior years
Pajak Pertambahan Nilai: Value Added Tax:
Tahun berjalan 414.373 313.603 Current year
Tahun-tahun sebelumnya 145.450 256.247 Prior years
Total 700.902 693.350 Total

Bagian lancar 93.323 525.112 Current portion

Bagian tidak lancar 607.579 168.238 Non-current portion

Pada tahun 2022, Grup menerima sejumlah In 2022, the Group received several tax
surat ketetapan pajak terkait dengan restitusi assessment letters in relation to its claims for tax
pajak yang diajukan (Catatan 19e). refund (Note 19e).

b. Utang pajak b. Taxes payable

Utang pajak terdiri dari: Taxes payable consists of:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Pajak penghasilan badan: Corporate income tax:
Tahun berjalan 4.909 25.781 Current year
Tahun-tahun sebelumnya - 1.444 Prior years
Pajak lain-lain: Other taxes:
Pajak final pasal 4 (2) 1.250 2.407 Final tax article 4 (2)
Pajak final pasal 15 565 910 Final tax article 15
Pajak penghasilan pasal 21 15.443 11.268 Income tax article 21
Pajak penghasilan pasal 22 779 620 Income tax article 22
Pajak penghasilan pasal 23 5.634 3.350 Income tax article 23
Pajak penghasilan pasal 25 3.175 201 Income tax article 25
Pajak penghasilan pasal 26 - 297 Income tax article 26
Pajak Pertambahan Nilai 26.500 16.506 Value Added Tax
Total 58.255 62.784 Total

Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Based on the Finance Minister Regulation

No. 37/PMK.03/2015 tanggal 4 Maret 2015, No. 37/PMK.03/2015 dated March 4, 2015, the
Perusahaan ditunjuk sebagai pemungut Pajak Company was appointed as Value Added Tax
Pertambahan Nilai (“PPN”) efektif tanggal collector effective April 1, 2015. As such, the
1 April 2015. Dengan adanya peraturan ini, Company collects, pays and reports the VAT
Perusahaan memungut, menyetor dan arising from the sales of goods and services by
melaporkan PPN yang terutang atas other parties to the Company.
penyerahan barang dan jasa oleh pihak lain
kepada Perusahaan.

Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Based on the Finance Minister Regulation

No. 107/PMK.10/2015 tanggal 8 Juni 2015, No. 107/PMK.10/2015 dated June 8, 2015, the
Perusahaan ditunjuk sebagai pemungut pajak Company was appointed as income tax article 22
penghasilan pasal 22 efektif tanggal collector effective August 8, 2015.
8 Agustus 2015.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

19. PERPAJAKAN (lanjutan) 19. TAXATION (continued)

b. Utang pajak (lanjutan) b. Taxes payable (continued)

Saldo utang pajak termasuk PPN dan pajak The balances of taxes payable include the VAT
penghasilan pasal 22 yang belum disetor ke kas and income tax article 22 which have not yet been
negara atas kewajiban ini. paid to the treasury fund arising from such

c. Beban pajak penghasilan c. Income tax expense

Beban pajak penghasilan terdiri dari: Income tax expense consists of:
Tahun yang Berakhir
pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended
December 31,

2022 2021

Beban pajak kini: Current tax expenses:

Tahun berjalan 94.961 89.610 Current year
Penyesuaian atas hasil surat
ketetapan pajak 5.652 153 Adjustment for tax assessment letter
100.613 89.763
Beban (pendapatan) pajak tangguhan (21.510) 4.105 Deferred tax (income) expense
Total 79.103 93.868 Total

Rekonsiliasi antara beban pajak penghasilan The reconciliation between consolidated income
konsolidasian dengan laba sebelum tax expense and consolidated profit before income
pajak penghasilan konsolidasian dengan tax using the applicable tax rate is as follows:
menggunakan tarif pajak yang berlaku adalah
sebagai berikut:
Tahun yang Berakhir
pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended
December 31,

2022 2021

Laba sebelum pajak penghasilan

badan menurut laporan laba rugi Profit before corporate income tax
dan penghasilan komprehensif lain in consolidated statement of profit or loss
konsolidasian 457.161 202.720 and other comprehensive income
Dikurangi: Rugi (laba) dari pendapatan Less: Loss (profit) from revenue
yang dikenakan pajak final (45.733) 13.306 subject to final tax
Laba yang dikenakan pajak penghasilan 411.428 216.026 Profit subject to income tax
Pajak penghasilan dihitung dengan Income tax calculated at
tarif yang berlaku 78.171 41.045 applicable rate
Dampak perbedaan permanen: Effect of permanent differences:
Beban yang tidak dapat dikurangkan
untuk tujuan perpajakan 22.480 30.271 Non-deductible expenses
Rugi (laba) penjualan aset tetap (5) (465) Loss (gain) on sale of fixed asset
Pendapatan keuangan yang
dikenakan pajak final (6.034) (4.608) Finance income subject to final tax
Beban bunga yang tidak dapat
dikurangkan untuk tujuan perpajakan 1.135 2.320 Non-deductible finance expenses
Hasil ketetapan pajak 5.652 153 Tax assessment letters
Pemanfaatan kompensasi rugi fiskal (22.296) - Tax loss compensation
Rugi fiskal yang tidak diakui Tax loss not recognized as
sebagai aset pajak tangguhan - 25.152 deferred tax assets
Beban pajak penghasilan 79.103 93.868 Income tax expense

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

19. PERPAJAKAN (lanjutan) 19. TAXATION (continued)

c. Beban pajak penghasilan (lanjutan) c. Income tax expense (continued)

Rekonsiliasi antara laba sebelum pajak The reconciliation between the profit before
penghasilan seperti yang tercantum dalam income tax expense as shown in the consolidated
laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan statement of profit or loss and other
komprehensif lain konsolidasian dan estimasi comprehensive income (loss) and the current year
laba (rugi) kena pajak Perusahaan tahun estimated taxable income of the Company is as
berjalan adalah sebagai berikut: follows:

Tahun yang Berakhir

pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended
December 31,

2022 2021

Laba sebelum pajak penghasilan -

konsolidasian 457.161 202.720 Profit before income tax - consolidated
Dikurangi: Laba sebelum pajak
penghasilan - entitas anak (428.223) (390.229) Less: Profit before income tax - subsidiaries
Laba (rugi) sebelum pajak penghasilan - Income (loss) before income tax
Perusahaan 28.938 (187.509) - the Company
Ditambah (dikurangi): Laba dari
pendapatan yang dikenakan Add (less): Profit from revenue
pajak final - Perusahaan 12.072 40.201 subject to final tax - the Company
Laba (rugi) yang dikenakan pajak Income (loss) subject
penghasilan - Perusahaan 41.010 (147.308) to income tax - the Company
Perbedaan temporer: Temporary differences:
Penyusutan aset tetap (41.705) (13.884) Fixed assets depreciation
Gaji, upah dan kesejahteraan
karyawan 76.940 (33.585) Salaries, wages and employee benefits
Liabilitas imbalan kerja 19.818 9.121 Employee benefits liability
Penyisihan penurunan nilai 18.024 (334) Allowance for impairment
Sewa (3.170) 4.147 Lease
Perbedaan permanen: Permanent differences:
Beban yang tidak dapat dikurangkan
untuk tujuan perpajakan 11.206 54.064 Non-deductible expenses
Rugi penjualan aset tetap (27) (2.450) Loss on sale of fixed asset
Beban bunga yang tidak dapat
dikurangkan untuk tujuan perpajakan 5.972 12.212 Non-deductible Interest expenses
Pendapatan keuangan yang
dikenakan pajak final (12.118) (12.724) Finance income subject to final tax
Taksiran laba kena pajak Estimated taxable income
(rugi pajak) - Perusahaan 115.950 (130.741) (tax loss) - the Company
Rugi fiskal: Tax loss:
Tahun fiskal 2021 (130.741) - Fiscal year 2021

Rugi fiskal yang masih dapat Tax losses carried forward

dikompensasikan di akhir tahun (14.791) (130.741) at the end of the year

Beban pajak kini dengan Current income tax calculated at

tarif yang berlaku - Perusahaan - - applicable rate - the Company

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

19. PERPAJAKAN (lanjutan) 19. TAXATION (continued)

c. Beban pajak penghasilan (lanjutan) c. Income tax expense (continued)

Perhitungan beban pajak kini - tahun berjalan The calculation of current tax expense - current
dan taksiran lebih bayar dan kurang bayar pajak year and estimated overpayment and
penghasilan badan adalah sebagai berikut: underpayment of corporate income tax is as
Tahun yang Berakhir
pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended
December 31,
2022 2021

Beban pajak kini - tahun berjalan: Current tax expenses - current year:
Perusahaan - - The Company
Entitas anak 94.961 89.610 Subsidiaries
94.961 89.610

Dikurangi: Pembayaran di muka Less: Prepayment of income

pajak penghasilan: taxes:
Perusahaan (47.584) (51.356) The Company
Entitas anak (125.328) (69.191) Subsidiaries
(172.912) (120.547)

Taksiran lebih bayar Estimated overpayment of

pajak penghasilan: income tax:
Perusahaan 47.584 51.356 The Company
Entitas anak 35.276 5.362 Subsidiaries
82.860 56.718

Taksiran kurang bayar Estimated underpayment of

pajak penghasilan: income tax:
Perusahaan - - The company
Entitas anak 4.909 25.781 Subsidiaries
4.909 25.781

Pajak penghasilan badan dihitung untuk Corporate income tax is calculated for each
masing-masing perusahaan sebagai entitas individual company as a separate legal entity.
yang terpisah secara hukum.

Perhitungan taksiran penghasilan kena pajak The calculation of estimated taxable income for
pada tahun 2022 akan menjadi dasar dalam the year 2022 will be used as a basis in filling the
pengisian Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan Pajak Annual Corporate Income Tax Return for the year
Penghasilan Badan tahun 2022. 2022.

Perhitungan taksiran penghasilan kena pajak The calculation of estimated taxable income at the
pada tahun 2021 telah dilaporkan sebagai dasar end of the year has been filed in the Annual
dalam pengisian Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan Corporate Income Tax Return for the year 2021.
Pajak Penghasilan Badan tahun 2021.

Berdasarkan undang-undang perpajakan yang Under the taxation laws of Indonesia, entities
berlaku di Indonesia, entitas-entitas di dalam within the Group calculate and pay tax on the
Grup menghitung dan membayar sendiri basis of self assessment. The Directorate General
besarnya jumlah pajak yang terutang. Direktorat of Tax may assess or amend tax liabilities within
Jenderal Pajak dapat menetapkan atau 5 (five) years of the time the tax becomes due.
mengubah liabilitas pajak dalam batas waktu 5
(lima) tahun sejak saat terutangnya pajak.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

19. PERPAJAKAN (lanjutan) 19. TAXATION (continued)

d. Aset pajak tangguhan d. Deferred tax assets

Mutasi aset pajak tangguhan adalah sebagai The movements in deferred tax assets are as
berikut: follows:

Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal 31 Desember 2022/

Year Ended December 31, 2022
Dibebankan ke/Charged to
Saldo Saldo
awal/ akhir/
Beginning Laba (rugi)/ Ekuitas/ Ending
balance Profit (loss) Equity balance

Penyusutan aset tetap 58.854 (7.542) - 51.312 Fixed assets depreciation

Penyisihan penurunan nilai Allowance for impairment of
aset keuangan 36.348 3.282 - 39.630 financial assets
Beban akrual untuk bonus 122 17.304 - 17.426 Accrued expense for bonuses
Liabilitas imbalan kerja 16.937 4.197 (4.346) 16.788 Employee benefits liability
Lain-lain (masing-masing
di bawah Rp5.000) 399 4.269 - 4.668 Others (each below Rp5,000)
Total 112.660 21.510 (4.346) 129.824 Total

Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal 31 Desember 2021/

Year ended December 31, 2021
Dibebankan ke/Charged to
Saldo Saldo
awal/ akhir/
Beginning Laba (rugi)/ Ekuitas/ Ending
balance Profit (loss) Equity balance

Penyusutan aset tetap 61.164 (2.310) - 58.854 Fixed assets depreciation

Penyisihan penurunan nilai Allowance for impairment of
aset keuangan 34.466 1.882 - 36.348 financial assets
Beban akrual untuk bonus 7.385 (7.263) - 122 Accrued expense for bonuses
Liabilitas imbalan kerja 14.926 2.877 (866) 16.937 Employee benefits liability
Lain-lain (masing-masing
di bawah Rp5.000) (310) 709 - 399 Others (each below Rp5,000)
Total 117.631 (4.105) (866) 112.660 Total

e. Hasil pemeriksaan pajak signifikan e. Significant tax assessment

Perusahaan The Company

Pada tahun 2022, Perusahaan menerima In 2022, the Company received refund on
pengembalian lebih bayar pajak atas PPN dan overpayment of VAT and corporate income tax for
pajak penghasilan badan untuk tahun pajak fiscal year 2021 and 2020. After being
2021 dan 2020. Setelah dikompensasikan compensated with underpayment for the same tax
dengan kurang bayar pajak untuk masa pajak periods, the net refund received amounted to
yang sama, jumlah yang diterima sebesar Rp222,837. The Group recognized income
Rp222.837. Grup mengakui pendapatan amounted Rp4,739 related to such refund in profit
sebesar Rp4.739 sehubungan dengan restitusi or loss for 2022.
tersebut dalam laba rugi 2022.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

19. PERPAJAKAN (lanjutan) 19. TAXATION (continued)

e. Hasil pemeriksaan pajak signifikan e. Significant tax assessment (continued)


Perusahaan (lanjutan) The Company (continued)

Pada tahun 2021, Perusahaan menerima In 2021, the Company received refund on
pengembalian lebih bayar pajak atas PPN dan overpayment of VAT and corporate income tax for
pajak penghasilan badan untuk tahun pajak fiscal year 2019 and 2020. After being
2019 dan 2020. Setelah dikompensasikan compensated with underpayment for the same tax
dengan kurang bayar pajak untuk masa pajak periods, the net refund received amounted to
yang sama, jumlah yang diterima sebesar Rp490,118. The Group recognized income
Rp490.118. Grup mengakui pendapatan amounted Rp5,836 related to such refund in profit
sebesar Rp5.836 sehubungan dengan restitusi or loss for 2021. In addition, the Company also
tersebut dalam laba rugi 2021. Disamping itu, paid the notice of tax collection of VAT for fiscal
Perusahaan juga melakukan pembayaran atas year 2019 amounted to Rp8.
surat tagihan pajak PPN tahun pajak 2019
sebesar Rp8.


Pada berbagai tanggal di tahun 2022, EPN, On various date in 2022, EPN, ETSA and PND
ETSA dan PND menerima pengembalian lebih received refund on overpayment of VAT and
bayar pajak atas PPN dan pajak penghasilan corporate income tax for fiscal year 2020. After
badan untuk tahun pajak 2020. Setelah being compensated with underpayment of various
dikompensasikan dengan kurang bayar serta taxes and notice of tax collection for the same
surat tagihan pajak beberapa jenis pajak untuk fiscal year, the net refund received amounted to
tahun pajak yang sama, jumlah yang diterima Rp201,432. The Group recognized expenses
sebesar Rp201.432. Grup mengakui beban amounting to Rp4,443 related to such refund in
sebesar Rp4.443 sehubungan dengan restitusi profit or loss for 2022.
tersebut dalam laba rugi tahun 2022.

Pada tahun 2022, EPN menerima In 2022, EPN received refund on overpayment of
pengembalian lebih bayar pajak atas PPN untuk of VAT for tax periods January-June in fiscal year
masa pajak Januari-Juni di tahun fiskal 2021 2021 and corporate income tax underpayment
dan surat ketetapan kurang bayar pajak assessment letter for fiscal year 2017. After being
penghasilan badan 2017. Setelah compensated with underpayment of various taxes
dikompensasikan dengan kurang bayar serta and notice of tax collection for the same fiscal
surat tagihan pajak beberapa jenis pajak untuk year, the net refund received amounted to
tahun pajak yang sama, jumlah yang diterima Rp70,572. The Group recognized expenses
sebesar Rp70.572. Grup mengakui beban amounting to Rp2,018 related to such refund and
sebesar Rp2.018 sehubungan dengan restitusi the underpayment assessment letter in profit or
dan penerimaan surat keputusan tersebut loss for 2022.
dalam laba rugi tahun 2022.

Pada tahun 2021, EPN, PND dan ETSA In 2021, EPN, PND and ETSA refund on
menerima pengembalian lebih bayar pajak atas overpayment of received refund on overpayment
PPN dan pajak penghasilan badan untuk tahun of VAT and corporate income tax for fiscal year
pajak 2019. Setelah dikompensasikan dengan 2019. After being compensated with
kurang bayar serta surat tagihan pajak underpayment of various taxes and notice of tax
beberapa jenis pajak untuk tahun pajak yang collection for the same fiscal year, the net refund
sama, jumlah yang diterima sebesar Rp96.730. received amounted to Rp96,730. The Group
Grup mengakui beban sebesar Rp153 recognized expenses amounting to Rp153 related
sehubungan dengan restitusi tersebut dalam to such refund in profit or loss for 2021.
laba rugi tahun 2021.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

19. PERPAJAKAN (lanjutan) 19. TAXATION (continued)

f. Beban pajak final f. Final tax expense

Beban pajak final timbul dari pajak final atas Final tax expense arises from final taxes on
pendapatan jasa penyewaan ruangan kantor revenue from rental of office space and barges,
dan tongkang, serta penjualan bahan bakar. and sales of fuel.

g. Tarif pajak g. Tax rates

Pada tanggal 29 Oktober 2021, Presiden On October 29, 2021, the President of the
Republik Indonesia menandatangani UU Republic of Indonesia signed UU No.7/2021
No.7/2021 tentang “Harmonisasi Peraturan regarding “Harmonization of Tax Regulation”,
Perpajakan”, yang menerapkan, antara lain, which applies, among others, the corporate
tarif pajak penghasilan badan sebagai berikut: income tax rate as follows:

a. sebesar 22% yang mulai berlaku pada a. 22% effective starting fiscal year 2022
tahun pajak 2022 (sebelumnya 20% yang (previously 20% as stipulated in Perppu No.1
diatur dalam Perppu No.1 Tahun 2020 Year 2020 dated March 31, 2020).
tertanggal 31 Maret 2020).
b. Perusahaan Terbuka dalam negeri dengan b. Resident publicly-listed companies in
jumlah keseluruhan saham yang disetor Indonesia whose at least 40% or more of the
diperdagangkan pada bursa efek di total paid-up shares or other equity
Indonesia paling sedikit 40% dan instruments are listed for trading in the
memenuhi persyaratan tertentu sesuai Indonesia stock exchanges and meet certain
dengan peraturan pemerintah, dapat requirements in accordance with the
memperoleh tarif sebesar 3% lebih rendah government regulations, can apply tariff of
dari tarif pada butir a di atas. 3% lower than tariff as stated in point a

Perusahaan terbuka yang memenuhi syarat- Publicly listed entities which comply with certain
syarat tertentu berhak memperoleh penurunan requirements are entitled to a tax rate reduction
tarif pajak penghasilan yang berlaku. Untuk from the applicable tax rates. For the fiscal year
tahun pajak 2022 dan 2021, Perusahaan 2022 and 2021, the Company complied with these
memenuhi persyaratan tersebut dan telah requirements and has therefore applied the lower
menetapkan tarif pajak yang lebih rendah. tax rate.


Beban akrual terdiri dari: Accrued expenses consist of:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Jasa subkontrak 1.119.047 547.028 Sub-contract services
Beban proyek 595.373 360.821 Project expenses
Pembelian persediaan 252.198 194.185 Purchase of inventories
Sewa dan fasilitas kantor 161.710 119.851 Rental and office facilities
Jasa professional 6.138 2.651 Professional services
Lain-lain (masing-masing di bawah Rp5.000) 40.801 77.192 Others (each below Rp5,000)
Total 2.175.267 1.301.728 Total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


Pinjaman bank jangka panjang terdiri dari: Long-term bank loans consist of:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021

Dolar AS US Dollar
Pinjaman Sindikasi - 166.829 Syndicated Loan

Rupiah Rupiah
Pinjaman Sindikasi - - Syndicated Loan
Total pinjaman bank - 166.829 Total bank loans
Biaya pinjaman yang belum diamortisasi - (1.607) Unamortized costs of loan
Neto - 165.222 Net

Bagian lancar Current portion

Pinjaman bank - 144.997 Bank loans
Biaya pinjaman yang belum diamortisasi - (965) Unamortized costs of loans
Neto - 144.032 Net

Bagian tidak lancar Non-current portion

Pinjaman bank - 21.832 Bank loans
Biaya pinjaman yang belum diamortisasi - (642) Unamortized costs of loans
Neto - 21.190 Net

a. Pinjaman Sindikasi a. Syndicated Loans

Pada tanggal 22 Februari 2018, Perusahaan As of February 22, 2018, the Company and
dan entitas anak (EPN dan ETSA) memperoleh Subsidiaries (EPN and ETSA) obtained
fasilitas kredit sindikasi dari PT Bank Sumitomo Syndicated Loan facilities from PT Bank
Mitsui Indonesia, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia, The Bank of Tokyo-
UFJ Ltd., Cabang Jakarta, PT Bank ICBC Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., Jakarta Branch, PT Bank
Indonesia dan PT Bank UOB Indonesia. ICBC Indonesia and PT Bank UOB Indonesia.

Pada tanggal 14 September 2020 terdapat As of September 14, 2020, Transfer Agreement is
Perjanjian Transfer mengenai pengalihan made by the MUFG Bank, Ltd., Jakarta Branch
pinjaman dari MUFG Bank, Ltd., Cabang (The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., Jakarta
Jakarta (The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., Branch) “Existing Lender” to PT Bank Danamon
Cabang Jakarta) kepada PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk “The New Lender”. Therefore, this
Indonesia Tbk. Maka dari itu, Pinjaman syndicated loan obtained from PT Bank BTPN Tbk
Sindikasi saat ini diperoleh dari PT Bank BTPN (Bank Sumitomo Mitsui), PT Bank Danamon
Tbk (Bank Sumitomo Mitsui), PT Bank Indonesia Tbk, PT Bank ICBC Indonesia and PT
Danamon Indonesia Tbk, PT Bank ICBC Bank UOB Indonesia, which are divided into 3
Indonesia dan PT Bank UOB Indonesia, yang (three) tranches as follows:
terbagi dalam 3 (tiga) tranche, yaitu:

Tranche A Tranche A
Tranche A dengan batas maksimum sebesar Tranche A with a maximum limit facility of
$AS30.000.000 dan akan jatuh tempo dalam US$30,000,000 and will mature in 60 (sixty)
waktu 60 (enam puluh) bulan sejak tanggal months since the date of agreement. The loan will
perjanjian. Pinjaman ini akan dibayarkan be paid through 48 (forty eight) monthly
melalui cicilan bulanan sebanyak 48 (empat installment starting 13 (thirteen) months after the
puluh delapan) kali dimulai setelah 13 (tiga date of this agreement.
belas) bulan sejak tanggal perjanjian ini.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


a. Pinjaman Sindikasi (lanjutan) a. Syndicated Loans (continued)

Tranche B1 Tranche B1
Tranche B1 dalam mata uang Dolar AS dengan Tranche B1 in US Dollar currency with maximum
batas maksimum sebesar $AS25.000.000 dan limit facilities of US$25,000,000 and will mature in
akan jatuh tempo dalam waktu 60 (enam puluh) 60 (sixty) months since the date of agreement.
bulan sejak tanggal perjanjian. Pinjaman ini The loan will be paid through 36 (thirty six)
akan dibayarkan melalui cicilan bulanan monthly installment starting 25 (twenty five)
sebanyak 36 (tiga puluh enam) kali dimulai months after the date of this agreement.
setelah 25 (dua puluh lima) bulan sejak tanggal
perjanjian ini.

Tranche B2 Tranche B2

Tranche B2 dalam mata uang Rupiah dengan Tranche B2 in Rupiah currency with maximum
batas maksimum setara dengan limit facility equivalent to US$25,000,000 and will
$AS25.000.000 dan akan jatuh tempo dalam mature in 60 (sixty) months since the date of
waktu 60 (enam puluh) bulan sejak tanggal agreement. The loan will be paid through 36 (thirty
perjanjian. Pinjaman ini akan dibayarkan six) monthly installment starting 25 (twenty five)
melalui cicilan bulanan sebanyak 36 (tiga puluh months after the date of this agreement.
enam) kali dimulai setelah 25 (dua puluh lima)
bulan sejak tanggal perjanjian ini.

EPN dan ETSA memperoleh fasilitas Tranche EPN and ETSA obtained Tranche B1 and Tranche
B1 dan Tranche B2 dengan batas maksimum B2 facility with maximum limit of US$20,000,000
masing-masing sebesar $AS20.000.000 dan and US$8,000,000, respectively.

Fasilitas-fasilitas tersebut juga mencakup These facilities contain certain restrictions for the
persyaratan yang membatasi hak Perusahaan, Company, EPN and ETSA such as, among
EPN dan ETSA antara lain untuk mengizinkan others, permit to subsist any security or quasi-
adanya jaminan dan atau kuasi-jaminan atas security for any of its assets except for permitted
salah satu asetnya kecuali untuk jaminan yang security, disposal of assets except for permitted
diperbolehkan, melepas aset-aset kecuali untuk disposal, conduct merger, consolidation or
pelepasan yang diperbolehkan, melangsungkan corporate reconstruction except with prior consent
merger, konsolidasi atau rekonstruksi korporasi, of the syndicate, conduct substantial changes of
melakukan akuisisi atau investasi lainnya its business, enter into any derivative transaction,
kecuali dengan persetujuan dari sindikasi, be a creditor of any financial indebtness or remain
melakukan perubahan kegiatan usaha yang outstanding any guarantee in respect of any
substansial, melangsungkan transaksi derivatif, obligations of any entity, and incur or permit to
menjadi kreditur sehubungan dengan suatu remain outstanding, any financial indebtness
utang keuangan atau membiarkan adanya except for permitted financial indebtness.
penanggungan sehubungan dengan kewajiban
pihak manapun, serta menimbulkan atau
mengizinkan adanya utang keuangan yang
tertunggak kecuali untuk utang keuangan yang

Fasilitas-fasilitas tersebut juga mengharuskan These facilities also require the Company, EPN
Perusahaan, EPN dan ETSA untuk memenuhi and ETSA to maintain certain financial ratios as
persyaratan rasio keuangan sebagaimana stated in the credit facilities agreement.
disebutkan dalam perjanjian kredit.

Fasilitas-fasilitas tersebut diberikan tanpa These facilities were provided on a clean-basis.

jaminan (clean-basis).

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


a. Pinjaman Sindikasi (lanjutan) a. Syndicated Loans (continued)

Saldo terutang atas fasilitas-fasilitas pinjaman The outstanding balance of these loan facilities
ini masing-masing sebesar Tranche A: $ASNihil each amounted to Tranche A: US$Nil (equivalent
(setara dengan RpNihil), Tranche B1: $ASNihil to RpNil), Tranche B1: US$Nil (equivalent to
(setara dengan RpNihil) dan Tranche B2: RpNil) and Tranche B2: RpNil as of
RpNihil pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022, dan December 31, 2022, respectively, and amounted
masing-masing sebesar Tranche A: to to Tranche A: US$1,962,121 (equivalent to
$AS1.962.121 (setara dengan Rp28.015), Rp28,015), Tranche B1: US$9,722,222
Tranche B1: $AS9.722.222 (setara dengan (equivalent to Rp138,814) and Tranche B2: RpNil
Rp138.814) dan Tranche B2: RpNihil pada as of December 31, 2021. Early repayment has
tanggal 31 Desember 2021. Pelunasan been carried out in March 2022.
dipercepat seluruhnya dilakukan pada bulan
Maret 2022.

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2021, Grup telah As of December 31, 2021, the Group has
memenuhi seluruh pembatasan yang diatur complied with all covenants as required by the
dalam perjanjian pinjaman. loan agreements.

Tingkat suku bunga kontraktual pinjaman bank Contractual interest rates on long-term bank loans are
jangka panjang adalah sebagai berikut: as follows:
Tahun yang
Berakhir pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended December 31,
2022 2021

Rupiah Rupiah
Pinjaman pada suku bunga mengambang - 7,50% Loans at floating interest rate
Dolar AS US Dollar
Pinjaman pada suku bunga mengambang 1,85% 1,77% Loans at floating interest rate


Utang sukuk terdiri dari: Sukuk payable consist of:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan 1 Sukuk Ijarah Sustainable 1
Tahap 1 Tahun 2020 700.000 700.000 Phase 1 Year 2020
Biaya penerbitan sukuk yang Unamortized issuance
belum diamortisasi (2.134) (2.331) costs of sukuk
Total 697.866 697.669 Total

Pada tanggal 3 Agustus 2020, Perusahaan telah On August 3, 2020, the Company has obtained an
mendapatkan pernyataan efektif dari Otoritas Jasa effective statement from Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
Keuangan (OJK) atas penerbitan Sukuk Ijarah (OJK) on the issuance of Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan
Berkelanjutan 1 Tahap 1 Tahun 2020 dengan sisa (sustainable Sukuk Ijarah) 1 Phase 1 Year 2020, with
imbalan Ijarah sebesar Rp700.000. Sukuk Ijarah ini residual Ijarah Benefits amounted to Rp700,000. The
diterbitkan tanpa warkat dan dijamin dengan Sukuk Ijarah is issued without notes and guaranteed
kesanggupan penuh (full commitment) dan with full commitments and offered with 100% value of
ditawarkan dengan nilai 100% dari jumlah sisa residual Ijarah benefits, with period of 5 (five) years
imbalan Ijarah, dengan jangka waktu 5 (lima) tahun from the issue date. The Ijarah Installments amounted
sejak tanggal emisi. Cicilan Imbalan Ijarah adalah Rp63,000, or equivalent of 9% annually, which will be
sebesar Rp63.000, atau ekuivalen sebesar 9% per paid every 3 (three) months and due on
tahun yang akan dibayarkan setiap 3 (tiga) bulan, August 11, 2025.
dan jatuh tempo 11 Agustus 2025.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

22. UTANG SUKUK (lanjutan) 22. SUKUK PAYABLE (continued)

Total dana yang diterima Perusahaan pada tanggal Total funds received by the Company on
11 Agustus 2020 dari hasil penerbitan Perdana August 11, 2020 from the first issuance of Sukuk Ijarah
Sukuk Ijarah Berkelanjutan 1 Tahap 1 Tahun 2020 Berkelanjutan (sustainable Sukuk Ijarah) 1 Phase 1
adalah sebesar Rp700.000. Sesuai dengan Year 2020 was Rp700,000. Based on the agreement
perjanjian Perusahaan dengan PT Bank Rakyat between the Company and PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Indonesia (Persero) Tbk selaku wali amanat dan (Persero) Tbk as Trustee and the Company’s
prospektus penawaran sukuk ijarah Perusahaan, prospectus, the fund will be used for investment and
dana tersebut akan digunakan untuk investasi dan working capital.
modal kerja.

Objek ijarah yang mendasari penerbitan sukuk Ijarah objects underlying the issuance of sukuk are the
adalah hak manfaat atas aset tetap tertentu berupa relevant beneficial interest of certain fixed assets of
tanah dan bangunan yang dimiliki oleh Perusahaan. land and building which are owned by the Company.

Sukuk ini mengharuskan Perusahaan untuk The sukuk requires the Company to comply to certain
memenuhi beberapa persyaratan, diantaranya requirement, among others, financial ratios as
persyaratan rasio keuangan sebagaimana stipulated in the credit agreement:
ditetapkan dalam perjanjian kredit:
- Rasio total pinjaman berbunga dengan total - Maximum interest bearing debt to equity ratio of
ekuitas (interest bearing debt to equity) tidak 3:1.5
lebih dari 3:1,5
- Rasio EBITDA dengan beban bunga - Minimum EBITDA to interest expense ratio of
pinjaman tidak kurang dari 1,5:1 1.5:1

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, the Company has
Perusahaan telah memenuhi seluruh pembatasan complied with all the covenants as required by the
yang diatur dalam perjanjian sukuk. sukuk agreement.

Perusahaan dapat membeli kembali sebagian atau The Company can buy back part or all of the sukuk at
seluruh sukuk pada harga pasar setelah satu tahun market price after the first anniversary of the sukuk.
dari tanggal penerbitan. Berdasarkan laporan Based on the latest rating report issued by PT Pefindo,
pemeringkatan terakhir yang dipublikasikan oleh PT rating of the Company’s sharia bonds is idAA-(sy)
Pefindo, peringkat sukuk Perusahaan adalah idAA- (double A minus sharia) and the rating of the Company
(sy) (double A minus syariah) dan peringkat is idAA-/stable (double A minus; stable outlook). All
Perusahaan adalah idAA-/stable (double A minus; sukuk are neither collateralized by any specific
stable outlook). Company’s assets nor guaranteed by other parties.
Seluruh sukuk ini tidak dijamin dengan aset tertentu All sharia bonds are neither collateralized by any
yang dimiliki oleh Perusahaan maupun oleh pihak specific Company’s assets nor guaranteed by other
lain. parties.


Pendapatan ditangguhkan merupakan selisih antara Deferred income is the difference between the book
nilai buku aset tetap sewa pembiayaan dengan value of fixed assets under finance lease with the
jumlah penerimaan minimum sewa pembiayaan. minimum amount received from finance lease.
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021

Pendapatan ditangguhkan Deferred income

(Catatan 32g dan 33b) 69.550 80.250 (Note 32g and 33b)

Bagian lancar 10.700 10.700 Current portion

Total setelah dikurangi bagian lancar 58.850 69.550 Total net of current portion

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


Aset program imbalan pensiun (liabilitas imbalan Pension benefit plan assets (employee benefits
kerja) yang diakui dalam laporan posisi keuangan liability) recognized in the consolidated statement of
konsolidasian adalah sebagai berikut: financial position are as follows:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Liabilitas imbalan kerja Employee benefits liability
Program imbalan pensiun - asuransi 32.893 44.982 Pension benefits - insurance
Imbalan kerja jangka panjang lainnya 43.416 32.008 Other long-term employee benefits
Total 76.309 76.990 Total

Perhitungan aktuarial tahun yang berakhir pada The actuarial calculations for the year ended
31 Desember 2022 dan 2021 masing-masing December 31, 2022 and 2021 was performed by
dilakukan oleh Kantor Konsultan Aktuaria Steven & Kantor Konsultan Aktuaria Steven & Mourits and
Mourits dan Kantor Konsultan Aktuaria Yusi dan Kantor Kantor Konsultan Aktuaria Yusi dan Rekan,
Rekan berdasarkan laporannya masing-masing respectively, with reports dated January 27, 2023 and
tertanggal 27 Januari 2023 dan 21 Januari 2022 January 21, 2022, respectively, using the Projected
dengan menggunakan metode Projected Unit Unit Credit method.

a. Program imbalan pensiun a. Pension benefits plan

Imbalan pensiun - Asuransi Pension benefits - Insurance

Grup menyelenggarakan program pensiun The Group has a defined benefit pension plan
imbalan pasti untuk semua karyawan tetap yang covering all permanent employees which is
dikelola oleh beberapa perusahaan asuransi. managed by several insurance companies.
Asumsi-asumsi penting yang digunakan oleh The significant assumptions used by the actuary
aktuaris dalam laporannya adalah sebagai in its reports are as follows:

Tingkat diskonto : 6,90% - 7,35% pada tahun 2022 : Discount rate

dan 3,40% - 7,55% pada tahun 2021
6.90% - 7.35% per annum in 2022
and 3.40% - 7.55% per annum in 2021
Tingkat kenaikan gaji : 5% per tahun / 5% per annum : Salary increase rate
Tingkat kematian : Tabel Mortalita Indonesia 4 tahun 2019 : Mortality rate
Indonesian Mortality Table 4 Year 2019
Usia pensiun Retirement age
Perusahaan, EFK, SCU, The Company, EFK, SCU,
PND, ETSA : 56 tahun / 56 years old : PND, ETSA
EPN : 57 tahun / 57 years old : EPN
Tingkat pengunduran diri Resignation rate
Perusahaan : 5% untuk karyawan yang berusia di bawah 30 tahun : The Company
dan akan menurun sampai 0% pada usia 46 tahun/
5% for employees younger than 30 years old which
will decrease to 0% at the age of 46 years old
EPN : 1% untuk karyawan yang berusia di bawah 30 tahun : EPN
dan akan menurun sampai 0% pada usia 46 tahun/
1% for employees younger than 30 years old which
will decrease to 0% at the age of 46 years old
SCU : 1% untuk karyawan yang berusia di bawah 30 tahun : SCU
dan akan menurun sampai 0% pada usia 46 tahun/
1% for employees younger than 30 years old which
will decrease to 0% at the age of 46 years old
PND : 1% untuk karyawan yang berusia di bawah 30 tahun : PND
dan akan menurun sampai 0% pada usia 46 tahun/
1% for employees younger than 30 years old which
will decrease to 0% at the age of 46 years old

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

24. IMBALAN KERJA (lanjutan) 24. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued)

a. Program imbalan pensiun (lanjutan) a. Pension benefits plan (continued)

Imbalan pensiun - Asuransi (lanjutan) Pension benefits - Insurance (continued)

Asumsi-asumsi penting yang digunakan oleh The significant assumptions used by the actuary
aktuaris dalam laporannya adalah sebagai in its reports are as follows: (continued)
berikut: (lanjutan)

Tingkat pengunduran diri (lanjutan) Resignation rate (continued)

EFK : 1% untuk karyawan yang berusia di bawah 30 tahun : EFK
dan akan menurun sampai 0% pada usia 54 tahun/
1% for employees younger than 30 years old which
will decrease to 0% at the age of 54 years old
ETSA : 5% untuk karyawan yang berusia di bawah 30 tahun : ETSA
dan akan menurun sampai 0% pada usia 46 tahun/
5% for employees younger than 30 years old which
will decrease to 0% at the age of 46 years old

Jumlah yang diakui dalam laporan posisi Amounts recognized in the consolidated
keuangan konsolidasian adalah sebagai statement of financial position are as follows:
31 Desember/December 31, 2022 31 Desember/December 31, 2021

Entitas Entitas
Perusahaan/ Anak/ Jumlah/ Perusahaan/ Anak/ Jumlah/
Company Subsidiaries Total Company Subsidiaries Total

Nilai kini kewajiban (165.461) (45.415) (210.876) (174.249) (54.077) (228.326) Present value of obligation
Nilai wajar aset program 136.402 45.487 181.889 147.431 35.913 183.344 Fair value of plan assets

Surplus (defisit) (29.059) 72 (28.987) (26.818) (18.164) (44.982) Surplus (deficit)

Dampak batas atas aset - (3.906) (3.906) - - - Effect of asset ceiling

Surplus (liabilitas Surplus (employee

imbalan kerja) (29.059) (3.834) (32.893) (26.818) (18.164) (44.982) benefits liability)

Mutasi nilai kini kewajiban adalah sebagai The movements in present value of obligation are
berikut: as follows:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Saldo awal (228.326) (225.657) Beginning balance
Biaya jasa kini (21.938) (20.163) Current service cost
Biaya bunga (13.942) (10.405) Interest cost
Keuntungan (kerugian) aktuarial 30.411 10.195 Actuarial gains (losses)
Imbalan yang dibayarkan 22.103 17.704 Benefits paid
Aplikasi IFRIC 816 - Application of IFRIC
Saldo akhir (210.876) (228.326) Ending balance

Mutasi nilai wajar aset program adalah sebagai The movements in fair value of plan assets are as
berikut: follows:
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Saldo awal 183.344 187.136 Beginning balance
Imbal hasil atas aset program 12.235 12.810 Return on plan assets
Keuntungan (kerugian) aktuarial (6.547) (6.257) Actuarial gains (losses)
Iuran pemberi kerja 11.815 5.603 Employer’s contributions
Imbalan yang dibayarkan (18.958) (15.948) Benefits paid
Saldo akhir 181.889 183.344 Ending balance

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

24. IMBALAN KERJA (lanjutan) 24. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued)

a. Program imbalan pensiun (lanjutan) a. Pension benefits plan (continued)

Imbalan pensiun - Asuransi (lanjutan) Pension benefits - Insurance (continued)

Rincian aset program adalah sebagai berikut: The details of plan assets are as follows:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Nilai wajar/ Nilai wajar/
Fair value % Fair value %
Instrumen pendapatan tetap 80.380 43 92.653 51 Fixed income instruments
Instrumen pasar uang 63.023 35 69.729 38 Money market instruments
Instrumen utang 21.036 12 - - Liability instruments
Instrumen ekuitas 17.450 10 20.962 11 Equity instruments
Total 181.889 100 183.344 100 Total

Jumlah yang diakui dalam beban pokok Amounts recognized in cost of revenues and
pendapatan dan beban umum dan administrasi general and administrative expenses are as
adalah sebagai berikut: follows:
Tahun yang berakhir
pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended December 31,

2022 2021

Biaya jasa kini 21.938 20.163 Current service cost

Aplikasi IFRIC (816) - Application of IFRIC
Biaya bunga 13.942 10.405 Interest cost
Pengukuran kembali nilai kini liabilitas Remeasurement of present value of
atas penyesuaian pengalaman (203) - liabilities from experience adjusment
Imbal hasil atas aset program (12.235) (12.810) Return on plan assets
Kelebihan pembayaran imbalan 168 - Excess benefit paid directly by Company

Total 22.794 17.758 Total

Mutasi liabilitas imbalan kerja adalah sebagai The movements in employee benefits liability are
berikut: as follows:

Perusahaan The Company

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Saldo awal 26.818 19.577 Beginning balance
Biaya diakui dalam laba rugi 18.596 10.055 Expense recognized in profit or loss
Biaya (penghasilan) diakui dalam Expense (income) recognized
penghasilan komprehensif lain (11.105) (1.394) in other comprehensive income
Iuran pemberi kerja (4.333) (1.342) Employer’s contributions
Imbalan yang dibayarkan (917) (78) Benefits paid
Saldo akhir 29.059 26.818 Ending balance

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

24. IMBALAN KERJA (lanjutan) 24. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued)

a. Program imbalan pensiun (lanjutan) a. Pension benefits plan (continued)

Imbalan pensiun - Asuransi (lanjutan) Pension benefits - Insurance (continued)

Mutasi liabilitas imbalan kerja adalah sebagai The movements in employee benefits liability are
berikut: (lanjutan) as follows: (continued)

Entitas anak Subsidiaries

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Saldo awal 18.164 18.944 Beginning balance
Biaya diakui dalam laba rugi 4.198 7.703 Expense recognized in profit or loss
Biaya (penghasilan) diakui dalam Expense (income) recognized
penghasilan komprehensif lain (8.650) (2.544) in other comprehensive income
Iuran pemberi kerja (7.482) (4.260) Employer’s contributions
Imbalan yang dibayarkan (2.396) (1.678) Benefits paid
Koreksi aset - (1) Asset correction
Saldo akhir 3.834 18.164 Ending balance

Jumlah yang diakui dalam penghasilan Amounts recognized in other comprehensive

komprehensif lain adalah sebagai berikut: income are as follows:

Tahun yang berakhir

pada tanggal 31 Desember/
Year ended December 31,
2022 2021

(Keuntungan) kerugian aktuarial (19.755) (3.938) Actuarial (gains) losses

Analisa sensitivitas atas perubahan asumsi Sensitivity analysis on the change of financial
keuangan adalah sebagai berikut: assumptions is as follows:

31 Desember / 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Kenaikan/ Penurunan/ Kenaikan/ Penurunan/
Increase of Decrease of Increase of Decrease of
1% 1% 1% 1%
Perubahan tingkat diskonto Change in discount rate
Dampak pada nilai kini Effect on present value of
kewajiban (16.265) 18.617 (20.982) 18.519 obligation
Dampak pada biaya jasa
kini (2.058) 2.408 (2.115) 1.890 Effect on current service cost
Perubahan tingkat kenaikan
gaji Change in salary increase rate
Dampak pada nilai kini Effect on present value of
kewajiban 20.774 (18.175) 23.209 (20.281) obligation
Dampak pada biaya jasa
kini 2.606 (2.249) 2.379 (2.015) Effect on current service cost

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

24. IMBALAN KERJA (lanjutan) 24. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued)

a. Program imbalan pensiun (lanjutan) a. Pension benefits plan (continued)

Imbalan pensiun - Asuransi (lanjutan) Pension benefits - Insurance (continued)

Profil jatuh tempo pembayaran imbalan adalah Maturity profile of benefit payments is as follows:
sebagai berikut:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Kurang dari 1 tahun 23.811 14.428 Less than 1 year
Antara 1-5 tahun 74.906 64.853 Between 1-5 years
Lebih dari 5 tahun 917.016 1.214.326 More than 5 years

b. Imbalan kerja jangka panjang lainnya b. Other long-term employee benefits

Imbalan kerja jangka panjang lainnya Other long-term employee benefits represent
merupakan penghargaan tertentu yang certain awards provided by the Company, EPN,
diberikan Perusahaan, EPN, SCU dan PND SCU and PND to their employees based on the
kepada para karyawannya berdasarkan employees’ length of service, namely Ulang
lamanya masa kerja karyawan, yang Tahun Dinas (“UTD”). The benefit is awarded in
dinamakan Ulang Tahun Dinas (“UTD”). the form of goods or certain amount of cash which
Imbalan ini diberikan dalam bentuk barang atau is paid at the time the employees reach certain
kas dalam jumlah tertentu yang dibayarkan anniversary dates during employment.
pada saat karyawan mencapai UTD tertentu
selama masa kerjanya.

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, liability
2021, liabilitas yang diakui dalam laporan posisi recognized in the consolidated statement of
keuangan konsolidasian terkait dengan financial position with respect to the program
program ini masing-masing sebesar Rp43.416 amounted to Rp43,416 and Rp32,008,
dan Rp32.008. respectively.

c. Program pensiun iuran pasti c. Defined contribution pension plan

Perusahaan, EPN, SCU dan PND menyediakan The Company, EPN, SCU and PND provide a
program pensiun iuran pasti untuk karyawan defined contribution pension plan for employees
tetap yang dipekerjakan sejak 1 Oktober 2002. hired with permanent status since October 1,
Iuran program tersebut dikelola oleh Dana 2002. The contribution to the plan is managed by
Pensiun Lembaga Keuangan (”DPLK”) PT Bank Dana Pensiun Lembaga Keuangan (“DPLK”)
Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk dan DPLK PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk and
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. DPLK PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.

Untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal For the year ended December 31, 2022 and 2021,
31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, beban yang expenses recognized with respect to the plan
diakui terkait dengan program tersebut masing- amounted Rp2,140 and Rp3,905, respectively.
masing sebesar Rp2.140 dan Rp3.905.

d. Liabilitas imbalan kerja jangka pendek d. Short-term employee benefits liability

Akun ini merupakan liabilitas imbalan kerja This account represents short-term employee
jangka pendek yang terdiri dari akrual untuk benefits liability consisting of accounts for
gaji, iuran dana pensiun, jaminan sosial tenaga salaries, contributions for pension funds,
kerja dan imbalan kerja karyawan lainnya. employee social security and other employee

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


a. Modal saham a. Share capital

Susunan pemegang saham Perusahaan adalah The composition of shareholders of the Company
sebagai berikut: is as follows:

31 Desember/December 31, 2022

Jumlah Persentase
saham/ kepemilikan/
Number of Percentage of
shares ownership Total
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi 3.729.781.000 51,10% 372.978 PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
Lain-lain (masing-masing
dengan kepemilikan Others (ownership
kurang dari 5%) 3.568.719.000 48,90% 356.872 below 5% each)
Total 7.298.500.000 100,00% 729.850 Total

31 Desember/December 31, 2021

Jumlah Persentase
saham/ kepemilikan/
Number of Percentage of
shares ownership Total
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi 3.729.781.000 51,10% 372.978 PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
Lain-lain (masing-masing
dengan kepemilikan Others (ownership
kurang dari 5%) 3.568.719.000 48,90% 356.872 below 5% each)
Total 7.298.500.000 100,00% 729.850 Total

Pada tanggal 1 September 2021, PT Pertamina On September 1, 2021, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
Hulu Energi mengambil alih saham Perusahaan took over the Company's shares previously
yang sebelumnya dimiliki oleh PT Pertamina owned by PT Pertamina (Persero) amounting
(Persero) sebanyak 41,10%. 41.10%.

Pada tanggal 1 Desember 2021, PT Pertamina On December 1, 2021, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
Hulu Energi mengambil alih seluruh saham took over all of the Company's shares owned by
Perusahaan yang dimiliki oleh Dana Pensiun Dana Pensiun Pertamina amounting 9.99%,
Pertamina sebanyak 9,99%, sehingga bringing the share ownership of PT Pertamina
kepemilikan saham Perusahaan oleh Hulu Energi to 51.10%.
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi menjadi sebanyak

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, the entire
2021, seluruh saham Perusahaan telah dicatat shares of the Company are listed on the Indonesia
di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Stock Exchange.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


b. Tambahan modal disetor b. Additional paid-in capital

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Agio saham 438.000 438.000 Share premium
Biaya emisi saham (18.042) (18.042) Shares issuance costs
Selisih nilai transaksi penjualan Difference in value from
saham treasuri 9.654 9.654 sale of treasury stock
Difference in value from
Selisih nilai transaksi restrukturisasi restructuring transaction of
entitas sepengendali 1.810 1.810 entities under common control
Selisih transaksi dengan Difference in transaction
pihak nonpengendali 4.269 4.269 with non-controlling interest
Total 435.691 435.691 Total

c. Dividen dan cadangan umum c. Dividend and general reserve

Dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham In the Shareholders’ Annual General Meetings of
Tahunan Perusahaan yang berita acaranya the Company, the minutes of which was notarized
diaktakan dengan Akta Notaris No. 9 tanggal under Notarial Deed No. 9 dated September 9,
9 September 2022 dari Aulia Taufani, S.H., para 2022 of Aulia Taufani, S.H., the shareholders
pemegang saham menyetujui untuk agreed to distribute cash dividends amounting to
membagikan dividen kas sebesar Rp54.374. Rp54,374.

Dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham In the above mentioned Shareholders’ Annual
Tahunan Perusahaan sebagaimana disebutkan General Meetings of the Company, the
di atas, para pemegang saham juga menyetujui shareholders also agreed to allocate
untuk membentuk cadangan umum appropriation for general reserve so that the
sehingga menjadi Rp158.109 pada tanggal balance becoming Rp158,109 as of
31 Desember 2022. Cadangan umum tersebut December 31, 2022. Such general reserve is
ditetapkan untuk memenuhi ketentuan Undang- appropriated to meet the requirement of the
undang No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Limited Liability Company Law No. 40 of 2007, the
Perusahaan Terbatas yang penggunaannya use of which is in accordance with the Company’s
sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan. Articles of Association.

Dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham In the Shareholders’ Annual General Meetings of
Tahunan Perusahaan yang berita acaranya the Company, the minutes of which was notarized
diaktakan dengan Akta Notaris No. 3 tanggal 21 under Notarial Deed No. 3 dated July 21, 2021 of
Juli 2021 dari Aulia Taufani, S.H., para Aulia Taufani, S.H., the shareholders agreed to
pemegang saham menyetujui untuk distribute cash dividends amounting to Rp74,725.
membagikan dividen kas sebesar Rp74.725.

Dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham In the above mentioned Shareholders’ Annual
Tahunan Perusahaan sebagaimana disebutkan General Meetings of the Company, the
di atas, para pemegang saham juga menyetujui shareholders also agreed to allocate
untuk membentuk cadangan umum sehingga appropriation for general reserve so that the
menjadi Rp155.934 pada tanggal 31 Desember balance becoming Rp155,934 as of December
2021. Cadangan umum tersebut ditetapkan 31, 2021. Such general reserve is appropriated to
untuk memenuhi ketentuan Undang-undang meet the requirement of the Limited Liability
No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perusahaan Company Law No. 40 of 2007, the use of which is
Terbatas yang penggunaannya sesuai dengan in accordance with the Company’s Articles of
Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan. Association.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


d. Penghasilan komprehensif lain d. Other comprehensive income

Mutasi penghasilan komprehensif lain (setelah The movements in other comprehensive income
pajak penghasilan) adalah sebagai berikut: (net of income tax) are as follows:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Saldo awal (48.253) (51.325) Beginning balance
Penghasilan komprehensif lain Other comprehensive income
tahun berjalan 15.409 3.072 for the year
Saldo akhir (32.844) (48.253) Ending balance


Kepentingan nonpengendali merupakan bagian Non-controlling interests represent the non-controlling

pemegang saham nonpengendali atas ekuitas shareholders’ portion on equity of the following
entitas anak sebagai berikut: subsidiaries:
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
PND 4.218 4.217 PND
EFK 1.048 1.056 EFK
SCU - 16 SCU
EPN (3.681) (3.681) EPN
Total 1.586 1.609 Total


Rincian pendapatan adalah sebagai berikut: The details of revenues are as follows:

Tahun yang Berakhir

pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended
December 31,

2022 2021

Pihak ketiga: Third parties:

Jasa distribusi dan logistik energi 3.010.243 1.476.092 Energy distribution and logistics services
Jasa hulu migas terintegrasi 532.074 349.112 Integrated upstream oil and gas services
Jasa penunjang migas 117.029 122.958 Oil and gas support services
3.659.346 1.948.162
Pihak berelasi (Catatan 32i): Related parties (Note 32i):
Jasa distribusi dan logistik energi 4.212.338 2.796.206 Energy distribution and logistics services
Jasa hulu migas terintegrasi 3.454.415 2.676.582 Integrated upstream oil and gas services
Jasa penunjang migas 979.591 715.613 Oil and gas support services
8.646.344 6.188.401
Total 12.305.690 8.136.563 Total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

27. PENDAPATAN (lanjutan) 27. REVENUES (continued)

Rincian penjualan kepada pelanggan dengan jumlah Details of sales to customers that make up more than
lebih besar dari 10% pendapatan adalah sebagai 10% of revenues are as follows:
Tahun yang Berakhir
pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended December 31,
Persentase dari total
Pendapatan/Revenue of total revenue

2022 2021 2022 2021

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga 4.151.057 1.051.827 33,7% 12,9% PT Pertamina Patra Niaga
PT Pertamina EP 1.543.046 1.621.775 12,5% 20,0% PT Pertamina EP
PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia 1.343.466 938.434 10,9% 11,5% PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia
Total 7.037.569 3.612.036 57,1% 44,4% Total


Rincian beban pokok pendapatan adalah sebagai The details of cost of revenues are as follows:

Tahun yang Berakhir

pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended
December 31,
2022 2021

Jasa subkontrak 2.924.841 2.008.749 Sub-contract services

Gaji, upah dan kesejahteraan karyawan 1.425.436 1.062.464 Salaries, wages and employee benefits
Sewa 776.137 509.306 Rent
Penyusutan dan amortisasi 645.948 663.863 Depreciation and amortization
Bahan bakar 602.084 167.836 Fuel
Bahan pembantu yang digunakan 522.658 327.728 Additional materials used
Fasilitas kantor 168.825 125.891 Office facilities
Utilitas 154.556 75.486 Utilities
Mobilisasi dan demobilisasi 134.992 105.501 Mobilization and demobilization
Transportasi dan perjalanan 109.987 69.289 Transportation and travelling
Perlengkapan workshop 66.545 33.924 Workshop supplies
Perizinan 49.526 55.215 Permit
Asuransi 43.632 37.951 Insurance
Perbaikan dan pemeliharaan 38.853 91.485 Repairs and maintenance
Jasa profesional 36.323 33.461 Professional service
Representasi dan donasi 21.869 14.739 Representation and donation
Penalti project 18.236 13.240 Penalty project
Pelatihan 9.140 6.083 Training
Perpajakan 6.873 43.065 Taxation
Lain-lain (masing-masing di bawah Rp5.000) 18.640 17.054 Others (each below Rp5,000)
Subtotal 7.775.101 5.462.330 Sub-total
Persediaan awal 201.972 144.589 Beginning inventories
Pembelian 3.670.450 2.086.122 Purchases
Persediaan akhir (254.166) (201.972) Ending inventories

Biaya persediaan 3.618.256 2.028.739 Inventory costs

Total 11.393.357 7.491.069 Total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

28. BEBAN POKOK PENDAPATAN (lanjutan) 28. COST OF REVENUES (continued)

Pembelian dari pemasok dengan jumlah lebih besar Purchases from vendor that make up more than 10%
dari 10% pendapatan adalah dari PT Pertamina of revenues are arising from PT Pertamina Patra
Patra Niaga sebesar Rp3.819.899 dan dari Niaga amounting to Rp3,819,899 and from
PT Pertamina (Persero) sebesar Rp1.107.290 PT Pertamina (Persero) amounting Rp1,107,290 for
masing-masing untuk tahun yang berakhir pada the year ended December 31, 2022 and 2021,
tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan 2021. respectively.


Rincian beban umum dan administrasi adalah The details of general and administrative expenses are
sebagai berikut: as follows:

Tahun yang Berakhir

pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended December 31,
2022 2021

Gaji, upah dan kesejahteraan karyawan 292.504 224.990 Salaries, wages and employee benefits
Jasa teknik dan profesional 29.884 22.764 Technical and professional services
Fasilitas kantor 16.466 18.170 Office facilities
Transportasi dan perjalanan 16.333 7.128 Transportation and travelling
Penyisihan penurunan nilai Allowance for impairment
aset keuangan 13.779 24.010 of financial assets
Office support 12.273 6.208 Office support
Utilitas 8.159 9.438 Utilities
Sewa 7.627 4.733 Rent
Perizinan 3.038 2.562 Permit
Penyusutan dan amortisasi 2.471 5.578 Depreciation and amortization
Lain-lain (masing-masing di bawah Rp2.000) 6.626 2.621 Others (each below Rp2,000)
Total 409.160 328.202 Total


Rincian beban keuangan adalah sebagai berikut: The details of finance expenses are as follows:
Tahun yang Berakhir
pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended
December 31,
2022 2021

Bunga sukuk 63.000 65.100 Interest on sukuk

Bunga liabilitas sewa 32.814 16.887 Interest lease liability
Biaya administrasi bank 8.624 10.362 Bank administration charges
Bunga pinjaman 6.500 19.653 Interest on loan
Amortisasi biaya pinjaman 1.456 1.473 Amortization of costs of loan
Loss on foreign currency
Rugi selisih kurs atas pinjaman 30.926 7.866 exchange of loan

Total 143.320 121.341 Total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


Tahun yang Berakhir
pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended
December 31,
2022 2021

Gain (loss) on foreign currency

Laba (rugi) selisih kurs mata uang asing - neto 94.122 (2.660) exchange - net
Bagian laba dari entitas asosiasi 12.576 3.785 Equity income from associates
Klaim asuransi - 8.979 Insurance claim
Penurunan nilai asset tetap - (12.469) Impairment of fixed assets
Lain-lain - neto (masing-masing
di bawah Rp10.000) (4.110) 12.260 Miscellaneous - net (each below Rp10,000)

Neto 102.588 9.895 Net



Dalam kegiatan usaha normal, Grup melakukan In the normal course of business, the Group enters into
transaksi dengan pihak-pihak berelasi. Entitas transactions with related parties. Entities are
dianggap berelasi jika entitas tersebut, baik secara considered to be related if the entity has the ability,
langsung maupun tidak langsung, dapat directly or indirectly, to control or jointly control or have
mengendalikan atau mengendalikan bersama, atau significant influence over the Group in making financial
memiliki pengaruh signifikan atas Grup dalam and operating decisions. Entities are also considered
pengambilan keputusan keuangan dan operasional. to be related if they are under common control with the
Entitas juga dianggap berelasi jika entitas tersebut Group. Since the Company’s ultimate parent is the
sepengendalian dengan Grup. Karena entitas induk Government of the Republic of Indonesia, the Group
terakhir Perusahaan adalah Pemerintah Republik recognized related party relationship with
Indonesia, Grup mengakui hubungan berelasi Government-related entities.
dengan entitas berelasi dengan Pemerintah.

Transaksi dan saldo dengan pihak-pihak berelasi Transactions and balances with related parties are as
adalah sebagai berikut: follows:

a) Kas dan setara kas (Catatan 4) a) Cash and cash equivalents (Note 4)

Persentase terhadap
total aset/
Percentage to
total assets

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/

December 31, December 31 December 31, December 31,
2022 2021 2022 2021

Bank Cash in banks

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk 450.142 112.178 5,1 1,6 (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Mandiri PT Bank Mandiri
(Persero) Tbk 385.807 481.139 4,4 6,6 (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Tabungan Negara PT Bank Tabungan Negara
(Persero) Tbk 265.432 - 3,0 - (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Negara Indonesia PT Bank Negara Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk 209.592 44.897 2,4 0,6 (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Syariah Indonesia PT Bank Syariah Indonesia
Tbk 4.798 3.061 0,0 0,0 Tbk

Subtotal 1.315.771 641.275 14,9 8,8 Sub-total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


BERELASI (lanjutan)

Transaksi dan saldo dengan pihak-pihak berelasi Transactions and balances with related parties are as
adalah sebagai berikut: (lanjutan) follows: (continued)

a) Kas dan setara kas (Catatan 4) (lanjutan) a) Cash and cash equivalents (Note 4) (continued)
Persentase terhadap
total aset/
Percentage to
total assets

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/

December 31, December 31 December 31, December 31,
2022 2021 2022 2021

Call deposit dan deposito Call deposits and time

berjangka deposits
PT Bank Tabungan Negara PT Bank Tabungan Negara
(Persero) Tbk 130.000 - 1,5 - (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk 65.000 10.000 0,7 0,1 PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk
PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah
Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk 10.000 10.000 0,1 0,1 Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk 10.000 - 0,1 - (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Mandiri Taspen - 6.000 - 0,1 PT Bank Mandiri Taspen

Subtotal 215.000 26.000 2,4 0,3 Sub-total

Total 1.530.771 667.275 17,3 9,1 Total

b) Piutang usaha (Catatan 5) b) Trade receivables (Note 5)

Persentase terhadap
total aset/Percentage to
total assets

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/

December 31, December 31 December 31, December 31,
2022 2021 2022 2021

Difakturkan Billed
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga 327.171 131.883 3,7 1,8 PT Pertamina Patra Niaga
PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia 138.923 124.388 1,6 1,7 PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia
PT Pertamina EP 74.932 90.959 0,8 1,3 PT Pertamina EP
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi 54.531 17.335 0,6 0,2 PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan 14.701 10.103 0,2 0,1 PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan
PT Pertamina (Persero) 13.495 1.184 0,2 0,0 PT Pertamina (Persero)
PT Perusahaan Gas Negara T bk 6.373 6.317 0,1 0,1 PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk
PT Pertamina Lubricants 5.830 2.625 0,1 0,0 PT Pertamina Lubricants
Lain-lain (masing-masing
dibawah 0,5% dari Others (each below 0.5% of
modal disetor) 24.215 23.342 0,3 0,4 paid-in capital

Subtotal 660.171 408.136 7,6 5,6 Sub-total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


BERELASI (lanjutan)

Transaksi dan saldo dengan pihak-pihak berelasi Transactions and balances with related parties are as
adalah sebagai berikut: (lanjutan) follows: (continued)

b) Piutang usaha (Catatan 5) (lanjutan) b) Trade receivables (Note 5) (continued)

Persentase terhadap
total aset/Percentage to
total assets

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/

December 31, December 31 December 31, December 31,
2022 2021 2022 2021

Belum difakturkan Unbilled

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga 762.246 557.773 8,6 7,7 PT Pertamina Patra Niaga
PT Pertamina EP 591.905 654.644 6,7 9,0 PT Pertamina EP
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi 274.285 197.168 3,1 2,7 PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia 257.863 197.372 2,9 2,7 PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia
PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan 149.770 5.914 1,7 0,1 PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan
PT Perusahaan Gas Negara T bk 22.633 19.607 0,3 0,3 PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk
PT Pertamina (Persero) 20.411 21.329 0,2 0,3 PT Pertamina (Persero)
PT Pertamina Lubricants 17.516 1.905 0,2 0,0 PT Pertamina Lubricants
PT Pertamina Drilling PT Pertamina Drilling
Service Indonesia 6.202 1.364 0,1 0,0 Service Indonesia
Lain-lain (masing-masing
dibawah 0,5% dari Others (each below 0.5% of
modal disetor) 12.534 15.624 0,1 0,3 paid-in capital)

Subtotal 2.115.365 1.672.700 23,9 23,1 Sub-total

Total 2.775.536 2.080.836 31,5 28,7 Total

Penyisihan penurunan nilai (19.063) (12.295) (0,2) (0,2) Allowance for impairment

Neto 2.756.473 2.068.541 31,3 28,5 Net

c) Aset keuangan lancar lainnya (Catatan 6) c) Other current financial assets (Note 6)
Persentase terhadap
total aset/Percentage to
total assets

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/

December 31, December 31 December 31, December 31,
2022 2021 2022 2021

Piutang lain-lain Other receivables

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga 55.110 10.198 0,6 0,2 PT Pertamina Patra Niaga
Lain-lain (masing-masing
dibawah 0,5% dari Others (each below 0.5% of
modal disetor - 42 - 0,0 paid-in capital)
Piutang sewa pembiayaan Finance lease receivables -
- bagian lancar current portion
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga 34.846 38.595 0,4 0,5 PT Pertamina Patra Niaga
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi 5.227 4.587 0,1 0,1 PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
PT Pertamina (Persero) 543 351 0,0 0,0 PT Pertamina (Persero)
PT Pertamina EP - 1.549 - 0,0 PT Pertamina EP

Total 95.726 55.322 1,1 0,8 Total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


BERELASI (lanjutan)

Transaksi dan saldo dengan pihak-pihak berelasi Transactions and balances with related parties are as
adalah sebagai berikut: (lanjutan) follows: (continued)

d) Aset keuangan tidak lancar lainnya d) Other non-current financial assets (Note 10)
(Catatan 10)
Persentase terhadap
total aset/Percentage to
total assets

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/

December 31, December 31 December 31, December 31,
2022 2021 2022 2021

Piutang sewa pembiayaan Finance lease receivables -

- bagian tidak lancar non-current portion
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga 285.864 307.437 3,2 4,2 PT Pertamina Patra Niaga
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi 12.742 17.969 0,1 0,3 PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
PT Pertamina (Persero) 1.313 1.855 0,0 0,0 PT Pertamina (Persero)

Total 299.919 327.261 3,3 4,5 Total

e) Pinjaman bank jangka pendek (Catatan 16) e) Short-term bank loans (Note 16)
Persentase terhadap
total liabilitas/Percentage to
total liabilities

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/

December 31, December 31 December 31, December 31,
2022 2021 2022 2021

PT Bank Mandiri PT Bank Mandiri

(Persero) Tbk 22.511 36.467 0,5 1,1 (Persero) Tbk

Total 22.511 36.467 0,5 1,1 Total

f) Utang usaha (Catatan 17) f) Trade payables (Note 17)

Persentase terhadap
total liabilitas/Percentage to
total liabilities

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/

December 31, December 31 December 31, December 31,
2022 2021 2022 2021

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga 178.694 167.834 3,8 4,9 PT Pertamina Patra Niaga
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk 116.435 107.175 2,5 3,1 (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk 35.267 - 0,7 - PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
PT Dahana Persero 12.022 14.540 0,3 0,4 PT Dahana Persero
PT Pertamina Lubricants 10.951 3.568 0,2 0,1 PT Pertamina Lubricants
PT Asuransi Tugu Pratama PT Asuransi Tugu Pratama
Indonesia Tbk 4.039 2.182 0,1 0,0 Indonesia Tbk
PT Pertamina Bina Medika 3.826 2.553 0,1 0,1 PT Pertamina Bina Medika
PT Pertamina Retail 3.671 11.934 0,1 0,3 PT Pertamina Retail
Lain-lain (masing-masing
di bawah 0,5% dari Others (each below 0.5% of
modal disetor) 5.102 3.228 0,1 0,1 paid-in capital)

Total 370.007 313.014 7,9 9,0 Total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


BERELASI (lanjutan)

Transaksi dan saldo dengan pihak-pihak berelasi Transactions and balances with related parties are as
adalah sebagai berikut: (lanjutan) follows: (continued)
g) Pendapatan ditangguhkan (Catatan 23) g) Deferred income (Note 23)
Persentase terhadap
total liabilitas/Percentage to
total liabilities

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/ 31 Desember/

December 31, December 31 December 31, December 31,
2022 2021 2022 2021

PT Pertamina (Persero) 69.550 80.250 1,5 2,3 PT Pertamina (Persero)

Total 69.550 80.250 1,5 2,3 Total

h) Kompensasi personil manajemen kunci h) Key management personnel compensation

Tahun yang Berakhir

pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended
December 31,
2022 2021
Imbalan kerja jangka pendek 42.296 18.906 Short-term employee benefits
Pesangon pemutusan kerja - 3.054 Termination benefits

Total 42.296 21.960 Total

i) Pendapatan (Catatan 27) i) Revenues (Note 27)

Persentase terhadap
total pendapatan/
Percentage to
total revenues

Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal 31 Desember/

Year Ended December 31,
2022 2021 2022 2021

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga 4.151.057 1.051.827 33,7 12,9 PT Pertamina Patra Niaga
PT Pertamina EP 1.543.046 1.621.775 12,5 20,0 PT Pertamina EP
PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia 1.343.466 938.434 10,9 11,5 PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia
PT Pertamina Hulu Energi 771.358 439.554 6,3 5,4 PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan 359.624 99.197 2,9 1,2 PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan
PT Perusahaan Gas PT Perusahaan Gas
Negara Tbk 186.135 113.267 1,5 1,4 Negara Tbk
PT Pertamina (Persero) 131.770 1.834.253 1,1 22,6 PT Pertamina (Persero)
PT Kilang Pertamina PT Kilang Pertamina
International 33.653 5.873 0,3 0,1 International
PT Pertamina Lubricants 29.820 8.744 0,2 0,1 PT Pertamina Lubricants
PT Pertamina Drilling Service PT Pertamina Drilling Service
Indonesia 8.754 4.794 0,1 0,0 Indonesia
PT Pertamina Power Indonesia 8.185 7.758 0,1 0,1 PT Pertamina Power Indonesia
Lain-lain (masing-masing
di bawah 0,5% dari Others (each below 0.5% of
modal disetor) 79.476 62.925 0,6 0,8 paid-in capital)

Total 8.646.344 6.188.401 70,2 76,1 Total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


BERELASI (lanjutan)

j) Pembelian (Catatan 28) j) Purchases (Note 28)

Persentase terhadap total
beban pokok pendapatan/
Percentage to
total cost of revenues

Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal 31 Desember/

Year Ended December 31,

2022 2021 2022 2021

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga 3.819.899 788.309 33,5 10,5 PT Pertamina Patra Niaga
Koperasi Karyawan Elnusa 512.971 438.279 4,5 5,9 Koperasi Karyawan Elnusa
PT Pertamina Lubricants 46.571 15.295 0,4 0,2 PT Pertamina Lubricants
PT Asuransi Tugu Pratama PT Asuransi Tugu Pratama
Indonesia Tbk 15.006 13.598 0,1 0,2 Indonesia Tbk
PT Pertamina Retail 10.961 9.375 0,1 0,1 PT Pertamina Retail
PT Pertamina Bina Medika 9.194 10.952 0,1 0,1 PT Pertamina Bina Medika
PT Patra Jasa 6.908 4.217 0,1 0,1 PT Patra Jasa
PT Pertamina (Persero) 98 1.107.290 0,0 14,8 PT Pertamina (Persero)
Lain-lain (masing-masing
di bawah 0,5% dari Others (each below 0.5% of
modal disetor) 513 814 0,0 0,0 paid-in capital)

Total 4.422.121 2.388.129 38,8 31,9 Total

Ringkasan sifat hubungan dan transaksi yang Summary of the nature of the relationship and
signifikan dengan pihak-pihak berelasi adalah significant transactions with related parties are as
sebagai berikut: follows:

Sifat hubungan/ Pihak-pihak berelasi/ Sifat transaksi/

Nature of relationship Related parties Nature of transaction
Entitas induk PT Pertamina Hulu Energi/ PT Pertamina (Persero) Penjualan barang dan jasa dan pembelian
Parent entity of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi barang dagangan/
Sales of goods and services and purchases
of merchandise inventories
Entitas induk/ PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Penjualan jasa/
Parent entity Sales of services

Entitas sepengendali/ PT Pertamina EP Penjualan jasa/

Entity under common control Sales of services

PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia Penjualan jasa/

Sales of services

PT Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia Penjualan jasa/

Sales of services

PT Pertamina EP Cepu Penjualan jasa/

Sales of services

PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan Penjualan jasa/

Sales of services

PT Pertamina Gas Penjualan barang dan jasa/

Sales of goods and services

PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Penjualan jasa/

Sales of services

PT Pertamina Lubricants Penjualan barang dan jasa dan pembelian

barang dagangan/
Sales of goods and services and
purchases of merchandise

PT Nusantara Regas Penjualan jasa/

Sales of services

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


BERELASI (lanjutan)

Ringkasan sifat hubungan dan transaksi yang Summary of the nature of the relationship and
signifikan dengan pihak-pihak berelasi adalah significant transactions with related parties are as
sebagai berikut: (lanjutan) follows: (continued)

Sifat hubungan/ Pihak-pihak berelasi/ Sifat transaksi/

Nature of relationship Related parties Nature of transaction
Entitas sepengendali (lanjutan)/ PT Pertamina Bina Medika Jasa kesehatan/
Entity under common control (continued) Healthcare services

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk Penjualan jasa/

Sales of services

PT Asuransi Tugu Pratama Indonesia Tbk Pembelian jasa asuransi/

Purchases of insurance

PT Pertamina Retail Pembelian barang dagangan/

Purchases of merchandise

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Pembelian barang dagangan/

Purchases of merchandise

PT Pertamina Trans Kontinental Pembelian jasa sewa/

Purchases of rental services

PT Patra Jasa Penjualan jasa/

Sales of services

PT Kilang Pertamina International Penjualan barang dan pembelian barang

Sales of goods and
purchases of merchandise

PT Pertamina Power Indonesia Penjualan jasa/

Sales of services
Entitas berelasi dengan pemerintah/ PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Jasa perbankan/
Government-related entity Banking services

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Jasa perbankan/

(Persero) Tbk Banking services

PT Bank Tabungan Negara Jasa perbankan/

(Persero) Tbk Banking services

PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk Jasa perbankan/

Banking services

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Jasa perbankan/

Banking services

PT Bank Mandiri Taspen Jasa perbankan/

Banking services

PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat Jasa perbankan/

dan Banten Tbk Banking services

PT Dahana (Persero) Pembelian barang proyek/

Purchases of inventories
for projects

Manajemen kunci yang sama/ Koperasi Karyawan Elnusa Pembelian jasa sewa
Common key management dan alih daya/
Purchase of rental and outsourcing services

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)



a. Perkara hukum a. Legal case

PT Bank Mega Tbk PT Bank Mega Tbk

Pada tanggal 18 Mei 2011, Perusahaan On May 18, 2011, the Company filed a civil lawsuit
mengajukan gugatan perdata melalui with the South Jakarta District Court against
Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan kepada PT Bank Mega Tbk (“Bank Mega”) on liquidation
PT Bank Mega Tbk (“Bank Mega”) atas of deposits worth Rp111,000
pencairan deposito senilai Rp111.000 yang without the consent of the Company.
dilakukan tanpa persetujuan Perusahaan. The lawsuit was registered in Case
Gugatan ini terdaftar dalam Perkara No. 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel. On
No. 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel. Pada tanggal July 21, 2011, the Panel of Judges of the South
21 Juli 2011, Majelis Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta District Court issued an order of collateral
Jakarta Selatan mengeluarkan penetapan sita foreclosure on 2 (two) plots of land owned by
jaminan atas 2 (dua) bidang tanah milik Bank Bank Mega based on the following certificates:
Mega berdasarkan sertifikat sebagai berikut:

i. Sertifikat Hak Guna Bangunan (“HGB”) No. i. Building Rights Title (“HGB”) Certificate
95/Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan, No. 95/Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta,
tercatat atas nama PT Bank Mega Tbk; registered under the name of PT Bank Mega
ii. Sertifikat HGB No. 97/Mampang Prapatan, ii. HGB Certificate No. 97/Mampang Prapatan,
Jakarta Selatan, tercatat atas nama South Jakarta, registered under the name of
PT Bank Mega Tbk. PT Bank Mega Tbk.

Pada tanggal 22 Maret 2012, Pengadilan On March 22, 2012, the South Jakarta
Negeri Jakarta Selatan mengeluarkan Putusan District Court issued Verdict
No. 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel yang isinya, No. 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel, the decision of
antara lain, mengabulkan gugatan Perusahaan which, among others, partially accepted the
untuk sebagian dan memerintahkan Bank Mega lawsuit filed by the Company and ordered Bank
untuk membayar dana deposito senilai Mega to pay the deposits fund amounting to
Rp111.000 dan bunga 6% per tahun kepada Rp111,000 and interest of 6% per annum to the
Perusahaan. Company.

Atas putusan tersebut, pada tanggal Responding to the verdict, on April 16, 2012, Bank
16 April 2012, Bank Mega mengajukan Memori Mega filed a Memorandum of Appeal to the
Banding kepada Pengadilan Tinggi DKI Jakarta. Jakarta High Court. On May 11, 2012, the
Pada tanggal 11 Mei 2012, Perusahaan Company submitted its Counter-Memorandum of
menyampaikan Kontra Memori Banding kepada Appeal to the Jakarta High Court.
Pengadilan Tinggi DKI Jakarta.

Pada tanggal 5 Februari 2013, Pengadilan On February 5, 2013, the Jakarta High Court
Tinggi DKI Jakarta mengeluarkan Putusan issued Verdict No. 237/Pdt/2012/PT.DKI dated
No. 237/Pdt/2012/PT.DKI tertanggal January 10, 2013, which reaffirmed the verdict
10 Januari 2013 yang isinya menguatkan issued by the South Jakarta District Court which
putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan ordered Bank Mega to pay the deposits fund
yang memerintahkan Bank Mega untuk amounting to Rp111,000 and interest of 6% per
membayar dana deposito senilai Rp111.000 annum to the Company.
dan bunga 6% per tahun kepada Perusahaan.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)



a. Perkara hukum (lanjutan) a. Legal case (continued)

PT Bank Mega Tbk (lanjutan) PT Bank Mega Tbk (continued)

Atas putusan banding tersebut, pada tanggal Responding to the appeal verdict, on
26 Februari 2013, Bank Mega mengajukan February 26, 2013, Bank Mega filed a
Memori Kasasi kepada Mahkamah Agung Memorandum of Cassation to the Supreme Court
Republik Indonesia (“MA”) yang of the Republic of Indonesia (the “Supreme
pemberitahuannya diterima oleh Perusahaan Court”) of which the notice was received by the
pada tanggal 13 Maret 2013. Pada tanggal Company on March 13, 2013. On March 26, 2013,
26 Maret 2013, Perusahaan menyampaikan the Company submitted its Counter-
Kontra Memori Kasasi kepada MA. Memorandum of Cassation to the Supreme Court.

Pada tanggal 8 Januari 2015, Perusahaan On January 8, 2015, the Company received the
menerima Surat Pemberitahuan Isi Putusan Verdict Notification Letter from the Supreme Court
Kasasi MA No. 1111 K/Pdt/2013 tertanggal No. 1111 K/Pdt/2013 dated February 12, 2014,
12 Februari 2014 yang isinya menolak which rejected the cassation filed by Bank Mega.
permohonan kasasi Bank Mega. Dengan As such, the Supreme Court has reaffirmed the
demikian, MA telah menguatkan putusan verdicts issued by the Jakarta High Court and the
Pengadilan Tinggi DKI Jakarta dan Pengadilan South Jakarta District Court which ordered Bank
Negeri Jakarta Selatan yang memerintahkan Mega to pay the deposits fund amounting to
Bank Mega untuk membayar dana deposito Rp111,000 and interest of 6% per annum to the
senilai Rp111.000 dan bunga 6% per tahun Company.
kepada Perusahaan.

Atas putusan kasasi tersebut, pada tanggal Responding to the cassation verdict, on
25 Maret 2015, Bank Mega mengajukan March 25th, 2015, Bank Mega filed a
Memori Peninjauan Kembali (“PK”) kepada MA. Memorandum of Judicial Review to the Supreme
Pada tanggal 25 Mei 2015, Perusahaan Court. On May 25, 2015, the Company submitted
menyampaikan Kontra Memori PK kepada MA. its Counter-Memorandum of Judicial Review to
Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia telah the Supreme Court. Supreme Court of Indonesia
Menolak permohonan Peninjauan Kembali dari had reject the aplication o fJudicial Review of
Bank Mega berdasarkan Putusan Mahkamah Bank Mega based on Supreme Court verdict No.
Agung Republik Indonesia No. 472 472/PK/PDT/2015 dated on December 30, 2015.
PK/PDT/2015 tanggal 30 Desember 2015.

Sehubungan dengan adanya putusan tersebut, In relation to the verdict, the Company filed a
Perusahaan mengajukan permohonan eksekusi request for execution to the South Jakarta District
kepada Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan Court through a letter dated April 13, 2015. The
melalui surat tertanggal 13 April 2015. Ketua Head of the South Jakarta District Court then
Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan kemudian issued Order No. 10/Eks.Pdt/2016 jo. No.
menerbitkan Penetapan No. 10/Eks.Pdt/2016 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel dated February 23,
jo. No. 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel tertanggal 2016 which ordered the issuance of a warning
23 Februari 2016 yang memerintahkan (Aanmaning) to Bank Mega to implement the
pemberian teguran (Aanmaning) kepada Bank courts verdicts. On March 23, 2016, the Head of
Mega agar melaksanakan putusan pengadilan the South Jakarta District Court issued the
tersebut. Pada tanggal 23 Maret 2016, Ketua warning (Aanmaning) to Bank Mega in which
Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan memberikan Bank Mega refused to pay on the reason that it
teguran (Aanmaning) kepada Bank Mega has filed a tierce opposition which was registered
dimana Bank Mega menolak melakukan in Case No. 162/Pdt.G/2016/PN.Jkt.Sel.
pembayaran dengan alasan telah mengajukan
gugatan perlawanan dalam Perkara
No. 162/Pdt.G/2016/PN.Jkt.Sel.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)



a. Perkara hukum (lanjutan) a. Legal case (continued)

PT Bank Mega Tbk (lanjutan) PT Bank Mega Tbk (continued)

Pada tanggal 31 Maret 2016, Perusahaan On March 31, 2016, the Company filed a request
mengajukan permohonan lelang eksekusi atas for executionary auction on 2 (two) plots of land
2 (dua) bidang tanah milik Bank Mega yang owned by Bank Mega which have been
telah ditetapkan sebagai sita jaminan dalam determined as collateral foreclosure in this case to
perkara ini kepada Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta the South Jakarta District Court. The Head of
Selatan. Ketua Pengadilan Negeri South Jakarta District Court then issued
Jakarta Selatan kemudian menerbitkan Order No. 10/Eks.Pdt/2016 jo.
Penetapan No. 10/Eks.Pdt/2016 jo. No. 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel dated
No. 284/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel tertanggal April 12, 2016 which ordered the implementation
12 April 2016 yang memerintahkan of public executionary auction/sale on such
pelaksanaan eksekusi pelelangan/penjualan di collateral foreclosure assets.
muka umum atas aset-aset sita jaminan

Pada tanggal 6 Desember 2017, Perusahaan On December 6, 2017, the Company received the
menerima dari kuasa hukum Perusahaan Verdict Letter from South Jakarta District Court, in
Salinan Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta relation to the Bank Mega’s case
Selatan terkait gugatan Perlawanan Bank Mega No. 162/Pdt.G/2016/PN.Jkt.Sel dated
No. 162/Pdt.G/2016/PN.Jkt.Sel tertanggal October 25, 2017 from the Company legal
25 Oktober 2017, yang isinya antara lain counsels, whose contents include rejecting the
menolak gugatan perlawanan Bank Mega untuk Bank Mega resistance lawsuit to the entirely.
seluruhnya. Selanjutnya pada tanggal Subsequently, on January 10, 2018, the Company
10 Januari 2018, Perusahaan telah menerima has received the letter of notification from South
relaas (surat) pemberitahuan dari Pengadilan Jakarta District Court on submission letter of Bank
Negeri Jakarta Selatan tentang penyerahan Mega memorandum appeal to the resolution’s
memori banding Bank Mega terhadap putusan decision.
perlawanan tersebut.

Terhadap Memori Banding Bank Mega, pada Responding to Bank Mega Memorandum Appeal,
tanggal 26 Maret 2018, kuasa hukum on March 26, 2018, the Company filed Counter -
Perusahaan mengajukan Kontra Memori Memorandum Appeal to Jakarta High Court,
Banding kepada Pengadilan Tinggi DKI Jakarta through South Jakarta District Court.
melalui Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan.

Sampai dengan tanggal penyelesaian laporan Until the completion date of the consolidated
keuangan konsolidasian, perkara perlawanan financial statements the case resistance of verdict
atas eksekusi putusan masih dalam proses execution is still in appeal process at DKI Jakarta
banding di Pengadilan Tinggi DKI Jakarta. High Court.

Manajemen tetap mengupayakan penyelesaian Management is still striving for solution of the
perkara tersebut dan yakin bahwa perkara lawsuit and believes they will not have a material
hukum di atas tidak akan berdampak material adverse effect to current year’s financial position.
terhadap posisi keuangan periode kini.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)



a. Perkara hukum (lanjutan) a. Legal case (continued)

Gugatan PKPU kepada PT Alpha Dwi Marine PKPU Lawsuit to PT Alpha Dwi Marine Indonesia

Pada tanggal 4 Oktober 2021, Perusahaan dan On October 4, 2021, the Company and PT Alpha
PT Alpha Dwi Marine Indonesia (“ADMI”) Dwi Marine Indonesia (“ADMI”) entered into a
menandatangani Perjanjian Subkontrak Segmental Partial Replacement Agreement for
Penyisipan (Segmental Partial Replacement) the Main Oil Line to MGS Balongan (“Agreement
Main Oil Line ke MGS Balongan (“Perjanjian with ADMI”), whereby ADMI was appointed as a
dengan ADMI”), dimana ADMI ditunjuk sebagai subcontractor on the Company's project with PT
subkontraktor pada proyek Perusahaan dengan Pertamina EP in Balongan. The agreement with
PT Pertamina EP di Balongan. Perjanjian ADMI has been amended through Amendment I
dengan ADMI telah dirubah melalui dated January 6, 2022 and Amendment II dated
Amendemen I tanggal 6 Januari 2022 dan January 11, 2022 which added provisions
Amendemen II tanggal 11 Januari 2022 yang regarding the takeover of part or all of ADMI's
menambahkan ketentuan mengenai work by the Company and additional costs billed
pengambilalihan sebagian atau keseluruhan by the Company to ADMI due to ADMI's inability
pekerjaan ADMI oleh Perusahaan serta to complete the work.
tambahan biaya yang ditagihkan Perusahaan
kepada ADMI akibat adanya ketidaksanggupan
ADMI untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan.

Selanjutnya, atas tidak dipenuhinya kewajiban Furthermore, for the non-fulfillment of ADMI's
ADMI terhadap perjanjian, pada tanggal 29 April obligations under the agreement, on April 29,
2022 Perusahaan telah mengirimkan Surat 2022 the Company has sent a Notification Letter
Pemberitahuan Pengakhiran Kontrak kepada of Contract Termination to ADMI.

Pada tanggal 12 Mei 2022, Perusahaan dan On May 12, 2022, the Company and ADMI held a
ADMI telah mengadakan pertemuan untuk meeting to discuss the continuation of ADMI's
membahas kelanjutan pekerjaan dan kewajiban work and obligations to the Company, but ADMI
ADMI kepada Perusahaan, namun ADMI belum has not been able to fulfill its obligations according
bisa memenuhi kewajiban sesuai perjanjian dan to the agreement and amendments.

Pada tanggal 23 September 2022, Perusahaan On September 23, 2022, the Company has sent
telah mengirimkan somasi kepada ADMI untuk subpoena to ADMI to pay the fees according to
membayar biaya-biaya sesuai ketentuan Amendment II of the Agreement with ADMI.
Amendemen II atas Perjanjian dengan ADMI.

Selanjutnya pada tanggal 4 Oktober 2022, Furthermore, on October 4, 2022, the Company
Perusahaan bersama dengan kreditur lain along with other creditors filed Suspension of
mengajukan permohonan Penundaan Debt Repayment Obligation (“PKPU”) to ADMI
Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang (“PKPU”) through Commercial Court in Central Jakarta
terhadap ADMI melalui Pengadilan Niaga pada Distric Court. This lawsuit is registered as Case
Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat. Gugatan ini No. 263/Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2022/PN Niaga Jkt.Pst.
terdaftar sebagai Perkara No. 263/Pdt.Sus- on October 4, 2022 and has been accepted as a
PKPU/2022/PN Niaga Jkt.Pst. pada tanggal 4 case registration at the Central Jakarta District
Oktober 2022 dan sudah diterima sebagai Court Civil Junior Register.
registrasi perkara dalam Panitera Muda Perdata
Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)



a. Perkara hukum (lanjutan) a. Legal case (continued)

Gugatan PKPU kepada PT Alpha Dwi Marine PKPU Lawsuit to PT Alpha Dwi Marine Indonesia
Indonesia (lanjutan) (continued)

Pada tanggal 28 Desember 2022, On 28 December 2022 the trial

telah dilaksanakan sidang perkara was held with case number
No. 264/Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2022/PN.Niaga.Jkt.Pst. No. 264/Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2022/PN.Niaga.Jkt.Pst.,
dengan pembacaan kesimpulan oleh Majelis with the conclusion by the Panel of Judges that
Hakim bahwa Permohonan PKPU Perusahaan the Company's PKPU application against ADMI
terhadap ADMI telah diterima dan dikabulkan has been accepted and granted by the Panel of
oleh Majelis Hakim. Judges.

Sampai dengan tanggal penyelesaian laporan Until the completion date of consolidated financial
keuangan konsolidasian, PKPU terhadap ADMI statements, the PKPU ADMI is currently still in the
saat ini masih dalam tahap proses Rapat ADMI’s Creditor Meeting process.
Kreditur ADMI.

Manajemen tetap mengupayakan penyelesaian Management is still striving for solution of the
perkara tersebut dan yakin bahwa perkara lawsuit and believes they will not have a material
hukum di atas tidak akan berdampak material adverse effect to current year’s financial position.
terhadap posisi keuangan periode kini.

b. Perjanjian kerja sama b. Cooperation agreement

Pusat Data dan Informasi Energi dan Sumber Pusat Data dan Informasi Energi dan Sumber
Daya Mineral (“PUSDATIN”) Daya Mineral (“PUSDATIN”)

Pada bulan Maret 1998, PND menandatangani In March 1998, PND entered into a Cooperation
Perjanjian Kerjasama dengan Direktur Jenderal Agreement with the Director General of Oil and
Minyak dan Gas (“Dirjen Migas”) No. Gas (“Dirjen Migas”) No. 242A/32/DJM/1998:
242A/32/DJM/1998: 012/PND/KTR/X100/98 012/PND/KTR/X100/98 to manage and socialise
untuk pengelolaan dan pemasyarakatan data the oil and gas data. This agreement
minyak dan gas bumi. Perjanjian ini was based on the Decision Letter
didasari atas Surat Keputusan No. 176.K/702/D.DJM/1997 dated
No. 176.K/702/D.DJM/1997 tanggal November 24, 1997, regarding the appointment
24 November 1997, tentang penunjukan PND of PND as the executor of oil and gas exploration
sebagai pelaksana pengelolaan dan and exploitation data management and
pemasyarakatan data eksplorasi dan socialization.
eksploitasi minyak dan gas bumi.
Selanjutnya pada tanggal 4 Januari 2007, PND Furthermore, on January 4, 2007, PND together
bersama dengan Dirjen Migas dan PUSDATIN with the Dirjen Migas and the PUSDATIN signed
menandatangani Amandemen Perjanjian the Amendment on the Cooperation Agreement.
Kerjasama. Dalam amendemen perjanjian The amended agreement stated that the Dirjen
tersebut disebutkan bahwa Dirjen Migas Migas transferred all of its rights and obligations
mengalihkan seluruh hak dan kewajibannya to PUSDATIN. PUSDATIN will receive a 5% to
kepada PUSDATIN. PUSDATIN akan 15% share from the proceeds of data
memperoleh 5% hingga 15% dari penghasilan management and socialization obtained by PND
PND yang diperoleh dari pengelolaan dan which shall be paid to the State Treasury as Non-
pemasyarakatan data dan disetorkan ke Kas tax State Revenues (“PNBP”). The amended
Negara dalam bentuk Penerimaan Negara Cooperation Agreement will be valid until
Bukan Pajak (“PNBP”). Amandemen Perjanjian March 10, 2018.
Kerja Sama ini akan berlaku sampai dengan
tanggal 10 Maret 2018.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)



b. Perjanjian kerja sama (lanjutan) b. Cooperation agreement (continued)

Pusat Data dan Informasi Energi dan Sumber Pusat Data dan Informasi Energi dan Sumber
Daya Mineral (“PUSDATIN”) (lanjutan) Daya Mineral (“PUSDATIN”) (continued)

Sejak tanggal 11 Maret 2018, PT Pertamina Since March 11, 2018, PT Pertamina (Persero)
(Persero) ditunjuk sebagai pelaksana has the right as the executor of oil and gas
pengelolaan dan permasyarakatan data exploration dan exploitation data management
eksplorasi dan eksploitasi minyak dan gas and socialization. PND received direct
bumi. PT Pertamina (Persero) menunjuk appointment from PT Pertamina (Persero) for
langsung PND untuk pengelolaan dan those data management and socialization valid
permasyarakatan data tersebut sampai dengan until January 29, 2021.
29 Januari 2021.

Sejak bulan Februari 2021, pengelolaan dan Since February 2021, those data management
permasyarakatan data tersebut akan dikelola and socialization managed by SCU valid until
oleh SCU sampai dengan 19 Maret 2023. March 19, 2023.

Grup Pertamina Pertamina Group

Perjanjian jasa hulu migas Upstream oil and gas services

Perusahaan menandatangani berbagai The Company signed several seismic data,

perjanjian pekerjaan jasa data seismic, drilling drilling and oilfield maintenance services
dan oilfield maintenance dengan Grup agreements with Pertamina Group. These
Pertamina. Perjanjian-perjanjian ini akan agreements are valid up to October 31, 2025.
berakhir sampai dengan tanggal 31 Oktober

Perjanjian pengelolaan truk tangki dan jasa Agreement regarding management of fuel tanker
sewa pakai truk tangki and rental for fuel tanker

EPN menandatangani beberapa perjanjian EPN signed several agreements with

dengan PT Pertamina (Persero) mengenai PT Pertamina (Persero) on the management of
pengelolaan truk tangki dan jasa sewa pakai fuel transportation vehicles and also rental of
truk tangki di beberapa wilayah. Perjanjian- transportation vehicles services covering several
perjanjian ini akan berakhir pada berbagai areas. The agreements will be ended in various
tanggal, terakhir pada tanggal 31 Mei 2025. dates, with the latest is up to May 31, 2025.

Pada berbagai tanggal di tahun 2021, EPN dan On various date in 2021, EPN and PT Pertamina
PT Pertamina (Persero) menandatangani (Persero) signed novation agreement for all
novasi atas perjanjian-perjanjian tersebut, mentioned agreements, in which all rights and
dimana seluruh hak dan kewajiban obligations of PT Pertamina (Persero) in the
PT Pertamina (Persero) dalam perjanjian agreement was transferred to PT Pertamina Patra
dialihkan ke PT Pertamina Patra Niaga. Novasi Niaga. The novation was effective starting
tersebut berlaku efektif sejak tanggal September 1, 2021.
1 September 2021.

Untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal For the year ended December 31, 2022 and 2021,
31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, total penghasilan total service and rental income from these
jasa dan sewa dari perjanjian-perjanjian agreements amounted to Rp3,040,501 and
tersebut masing-masing sebesar Rp3.040.501 Rp2,083,709, respectively.
dan Rp2.083.709.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)



b. Perjanjian kerja sama (lanjutan) b. Cooperation agreement (continued)

Grup Pertamina (lanjutan) Pertamina Group (continued)

Perjanjian penyediaan jasa depot LPG di Agreement for LPG depot services in Amurang

EPN dan PT Pertamina (Persero) EPN and PT Pertamina (Persero) signed

menandatangani perjanjian penyediaan Jasa agreement to provide Depot Mini LPG
Depot Mini LPG Pressurized di Amurang, Pressurized Services in Amurang, North Sulawesi
Sulawesi Utara (“Depot Mini LPG”). Jangka (“Depot Mini LPG”). The duration of the
waktu perjanjian ini adalah 10 (sepuluh) tahun agreement is 10 (ten) years since the operation of
sejak dimulainya pengoperasian Depot Mini the Depot Mini LPG started. At the end of the
LPG. Pada saat berakhirnya perjanjian, agreement, PT Pertamina (Persero) or its
PT Pertamina (Persero) atau afiliasinya berhak affiliates have rights to purchase the whole assets
untuk membeli keseluruhan aset dengan nilai with agreed amount of Rp107,000 or to extend the
yang disepakati sebesar Rp107.000 atau agreement for 5 (five) years with later adjusted
memperpanjang perjanjian selama 5 (lima) tariff.
tahun dengan tarif yang akan disesuaikan

Pada bulan Agustus 2021, EPN dan On August, 2021, EPN and PT Pertamina
PT Pertamina (Persero) menandatangani (Persero) signed novation agreement for the
novasi atas perjanjian tersebut, dimana seluruh mentioned agreement, in which all rights and
hak dan kewajiban PT Pertamina (Persero) obligations of PT Pertamina (Persero) in the
dalam perjanjian dialihkan ke PT Pertamina agreement was transferred to PT Pertamina Patra
Patra Niaga. Novasi tersebut berlaku efektif Niaga. The novation was effective starting
sejak tanggal 1 September 2021. September 1, 2021.

Untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 For the year ended December 31, 2022 and 2021,
Desember 2022 dan 2021, total penghasilan total rental income from the agreement amounted
sewa dari perjanjian tersebut adalah sebesar to Rp 38,457 and Rp42,859. As of December 31,
Rp38.457 dan Rp42.859. Pada tanggal 31 2022 and 2021, unamortized deferred income
Desember 2022 dan 2021, pendapatan from the agreement amounted to Rp69,550 and
tangguhan yang belum diamortisasi dari Rp80,250.
perjanjian tersebut adalah sebesar Rp69.550
dan Rp80.250.

Perjanjian Handling Agent untuk Layanan Handling Agent Agreement for Vendor Held Stock
Vendor Held Stock PT Aneka Tambang Tbk Services of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk East
Site Halmahera Timur Halmahera Site

Pada tanggal 30 Desember 2019, EPN dan As of December 30, 2019, EPN and PT Pertamina
PT Pertamina (Persero) (“Pertamina”) (Persero) (“Pertamina”) signed a Handling Agent
menandatangani perjanjian Handling Agent agreement for PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (“Antam”)
untuk Layanan Vendor Held Stock (“VHS”) Vendor Held Stock (VHS) Services in East
PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (“Antam”) di Halmahera. EPN will act as a handling agent
Halmahera Timur. EPN akan bertindak sebagai covering the transportation and distribution of
handling agent meliputi kegiatan pengangkutan High Speed Diesel (HSD) and Marine Fuel Oil
dan penyaluran Bahan Bakar Minyak High (MFO) on a VHS basis as well as other activities
Speed Diesel (HSD) dan Marine Fuel Oil (MFO) to Antam.
secara VHS serta kegiatan lainnya kepada

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)



b. Perjanjian kerja sama (lanjutan) b. Cooperation agreement (continued)

Grup Pertamina (lanjutan) Pertamina Group (continued)

Perjanjian Handling Agent untuk Layanan Handling Agent Agreement for Vendor Held Stock
Vendor Held Stock PT Aneka Tambang Tbk Services of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk East
Site Halmahera Timur (lanjutan) Halmahera Site (continued)

Berdasarkan perjanjian, EPN wajib Based on the agreement, EPN is required to

melaksanakan pembangunan dan conduct construction and maintenance of VHS
pemeliharaan fasilitas dan instalasi VHS di facilities and installations at Antam's location with
lokasi Antam dengan metode Build, Operate Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) method with
and Transfer (BOT) dengan masa construction period of 11 (eleven) months starting
pembangunan selama 11 (sebelas) bulan February 1, 2018. The handover of VHS facilities
terhitung mulai tanggal 1 Februari 2018. Serah and installations from EPN to Antam will be
terima fasilitas dan instalasi VHS dari EPN carried out when the distribution volume reaches
kepada Antam akan dilakukan pada saat the cumulative throughput as stipulated in the
volume penyaluran mencapai kumulatif agreement.
throughput sebagaimana diatur di perjanjian.

Atas pembangunan dan kegiatan layanan VHS, For the VHS construction and service activities,
Pertamina wajib membayarkan fee investasi Pertamina is required to pay investment fee and
dan fee layanan VHS kepada EPN VHS fees to EPN as stipulated in the agreement.
sebagaimana diatur dalam perjanjian. Other significant terms are stipulated in the
Ketentuan penting lainnya diatur dalam agreement.

Efektif 1 September 2021, perjanjian tersebut Effective September 1, 2021, the agreement was
dinovasikan dari Pertamina kepada novated from Pertamina to PT Pertamina Patra
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga (“Patra Niaga”). Niaga (“Patra Niaga”).

Perjanjian tersebut berlaku sejak 1 Februari The agreement is effective from February 1, 2018
2018 sampai dengan 31 Januari 2022 dan tidak until January 31, 2022 and not extended.

Selanjutnya, pada tanggal 20 Desember 2022, Furthermore, as of December 20, 2022, EPN and
EPN dan Patra Niaga menandatangani Patra Niaga signed a Handling Agent agreement
perjanjian Handling Agent Bahan Bakar Minyak for PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (“Antam”) Vendor
untuk layanan Vendor Held Stock (VHS) PT Held Stock (VHS) Services in East Halmahera.
Antam (Persero) Tbk Site Halmahera Timur.

Berdasarkan perjanjian tersebut, EPN kembali Based on the agreement, EPN was again
ditunjuk untuk menyelesaikan pembangunan appointed to complete the construction and
dan pemeliharaan aset fasilitas VHS sesuai maintenance of the VHS facility in accordance
perjanjian sebelumnya. Aset tersebut akan with the previous agreement. The assets will be
diserahkan kepada Antam setelah siap handed over to Antam when they are ready to
dioperasikan (termasuk telah lengkap dengan operate (including complete with permits) within
perizinan) dalam masa perjanjian berdasarkan the agreement period based on the verification by
hasil pemeriksaan yang disepakati oleh Para the Parties.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)



b. Perjanjian kerja sama (lanjutan) b. Cooperation agreement (continued)

Grup Pertamina (lanjutan) Pertamina Group (continued)

Perjanjian Handling Agent untuk Layanan Handling Agent Agreement for Vendor Held Stock
Vendor Held Stock PT Aneka Tambang Tbk Services of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk East
Site Halmahera Timur (lanjutan) Halmahera Site (continued)

Atas penyerahan aset tersebut, EPN berhak Upon handover of these assets, EPN has the right
untuk menerima pembayaran fee investasi to receive investment fee of Rp86,292, a contract
senilai Rp86.292, contract change order senilai change order of Rp3,133 and cost of money
Rp3.133 dan cost of money yang nilainya akan which will be agreed upon in a separate
disepakati dalam perjanjian terpisah. agreement. Payments of investment fee and
Pembayaran fee investasi dan contract change contract change orders to EPN were agreed in 2
order kepada EPN disepakati dalam 2 (dua) (two) phases, namely Phase I amounted
tahap yaitu Tahap I sebesar Rp54.433 yang Rp54,433 which was agreed through the Minutes
telah disepakati melalui Berita Acara Progress of Completion Progress dated August 8-9,2022
Penyelesaian tanggal 8-9 Agustus 2022 dan and Phase II amounted Rp34,992 which will be
Tahap II sebesar Rp34.992 yang akan agreed through the Minutes of Final Development
disepakati melalui Berita Acara Progress Progress.
Pembangunan Terakhir.

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022, Grup telah As of December 31, 2022, the Group recorded
mencatat piutang lain-lain sebesar Rp54.333 other receivables of Rp54,333 from Patra Niaga
kepada Patra Niaga atas tagihan Tahap I dan for Phase I bills and other current assets of
aset lancar lainnya sebesar Rp34.992 atas Rp34,992 for Phase II bills.
tagihan Tahap II.

Perjanjian tersebut berlaku sejak 7 Juni 2022 The agreement is effective from June 7, 2022 until
sampai dengan 31 Oktober 2023. october 31, 2023.

Pada tanggal 16 Februari 2023, Perusahaan On February 16, 2023, the Company has received
telah menerima pembayaran fee investasi dan payment for investment fee and contract change
contract change order Tahap I dari Patra Niaga order Phase I from Patra Niaga amounted
senilai Rp51.300 dan Rp3.133. Rp51,300 and Rp3,133.

PT Waskita Adhi Sejahtera (“WAS”) PT Waskita Adhi Sejahtera (“WAS”)

Perusahaan dan PT Waskita Adhi Perkasa The Company and PT Waskita Adhi Perkasa
(“WAS”) menandatangani Perjanjian Kerjasama (“WAS”) entered into Joint Operation (“JO”)
Operasi (“KSO”) dengan tanggal efektif agreement with effective date of the agreement on
perjanjian yaitu 12 Desember 2016. KSO ini December 12, 2016. The JO is established in
dibentuk untuk melakukan proyek jasa order to perform electrical and instrumentation
pemeliharaan elektrikal dan instrumentasi dari maintenance services project from BP Berau Ltd.
BP Berau Ltd. Komposisi kepemilikan pada The composition of ownerships in JO are 51%
KSO adalah 51% oleh Perusahaan dan 49% owned by the Company and 49% owned by WAS
oleh WAS (Catatan 11b). (Note 11b).

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)



c. Komitmen pengeluaran barang modal c. Capital expenditure commitments

Grup memiliki komitmen pengeluaran barang The Group has capital expenditure commitments
modal dalam menjalankan usaha normalnya. in the normal course of business. As of
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, December 31, 2022 and 2021, the Group’s total
total komitmen pengeluaran barang modal Grup outstanding capital expenditure commitments
yang belum terealisasi masing-masing sebesar amounted to Rp141,604 and Rp131,988,
Rp141.604 dan Rp131.988. respectively.

d. Fasilitas pinjaman non-kas bank d. Non-cash bank loan facilities

Grup memiliki beberapa fasilitas non-cash loan The Group has several non-cash loan facilities of
yang batas maksimumnya tergabung dengan which the maximum limits are combined with the
fasilitas pinjaman dari BNI, BRI, ICBC, Mizuho, loan facilities from BNI, BRI, ICBC, Mizuho, UOB,
UOB, MUFG, BPTN dan Mandiri. Pada tanggal MUFG, BTPN and Mandiri. As of December 31,
31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, total fasilitas yang 2022 and 2021, the total unused facilities
belum digunakan masing-masing sebesar amounted to US$117,790,115 and
$AS117.790.115 dan $AS95.487.145. US$95,487,145, respectively.

e. Perjanjian bank e. Credit agreement

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Berdasarkan perjanjian kredit tanggal Based on a credit agreement dated July 4, 2012,
4 Juli 2012 yang terakhir kali diubah pada with latest amandement on June 30, 2022, the
tanggal 30 Juni 2022, Perusahaan memperoleh Company obtained an Indirect Credit facility for
fasilitas Kredit Tidak Langsung untuk keperluan guarantee and working capital purposes
penjaminan dan modal kerja yang terdiri dari consisting of Standby Letter of Credit
Standby Letter of Credit (“SBLC”)/Bank Garansi (“SBLC”)/Bank Guarantee (“BG”), Letter of Credit
(“BG”), Letter of Credit (“LC”)/Surat Kredit (“LC”)/Surat Kredit Berdokumen Dalam Negeri
Berdokumen Dalam Negeri (“SKBDN”), Trust (“SKBDN”), Trust Receipt (“TR”), and post-
Receipt (“TR”), dan kredit modal kerja post- financing working capital credit with a maximum
financing dengan batas maksimum gabungan combined limit of US$50,000,000.The credit limit
sebesar $AS50.000.000. Batas kredit tersebut is eligible to be used by the Company’s
dapat digunakan oleh entitas anak. subsidiaries.

Fasilitas TR dikenakan bunga yang suku The TR facility bears interest at the rate which will
bunganya akan ditetapkan secara negosiasi be determined through negotiation on withdrawal
pada saat realisasi dan fasilitas ini akan jatuh and these facilities will mature up to July 3, 2023.
tempo sampai dengan tanggal 3 Juli 2023.

PT Bank Tabungan Pensiun Nasional PT Bank Tabungan Pensiun Nasional

Berdasarkan perjanjian kredit tanggal Based on a credit agreement dated
24 Maret 2016 yang terakhir kali diubah tanggal March 24, 2016 which was amended on
11 April 2022, Perusahaan memperoleh fasilitas April 11, 2022, the Company obtained facilities to
untuk membiayai aktivitas operasional dan finance the Company’s operating activities and
modal kerja Perusahaan yang terdiri dari working capital consisting of trade facilites (LC,
fasilitas perdagangan (LC, Acceptance, Loan Acceptance, Loan on Note - TR) and loan facilities
on Note - TR) dan fasilitas pinjaman (Loan on (Loan on Note 1 and 2) with a maximum combined
Note 1 dan 2) dengan batas maksimum limit of US$20,000,000.
gabungan sebesar $AS20.000.000.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)



e. Perjanjian bank (lanjutan) e. Credit agreement (continued)

PT Bank Tabungan Pensiun Nasional (lanjutan) PT Bank Tabungan Pensiun Nasional (continued)

Fasilitas Loan on Note - TR dan Loan on Note 1 The Loan on Note – TR and Loan on Notes 1 and
dan 2 dikenakan bunga sebesar biaya 2 facilities bear interest at the rate of cost of fund
pendanaan BTPN ditambah margin tertentu per of BTPN plus certain margin per annum for
tahun untuk penarikan dalam Dolar AS ataupun withdrawal in US Dollar or Rupiah. These facilities
Rupiah. Fasilitas ini akan jatuh tempo sampai will mature up to March 31, 2023.
dengan tanggal 31 Maret 2023.

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Berdasarkan perjanjian kredit tanggal Based on a credit agreement dated
27 September 2012 yang terakhir kali diubah September 27, 2012, with latest amendment on
pada tanggal 9 Februari 2023, Perusahaan February 9, 2023, the Company obtained an
memperoleh fasilitas Kredit Tidak Langsung Indirect Credit facility for guarantee and working
untuk keperluan penjaminan dan modal kerja capital purposes consisting of Kredit Modal Kerja
yang terdiri dari fasilitas Standby Letter of Credit Lokal, Standby Letter of Credit (“SBLC”)/Bank
(“SBLC”)/Bank Garansi (“BG”), Letter of Credit Guarantee (“BG”), Letter of Credit (“LC”)/Surat
(“LC”)/Surat Kredit Berdokumen Dalam Negeri Kredit Berdokumen Dalam Negeri (“SKBDN”),
(“SKBDN”), Kredit Modal Kerja Lokal, dan Trust Kredit Modal Kerja Lokal, and Trust Receipt (“TR”)
Receipt (“TR”) dengan batas maksimum with a maximum combined limit of
gabungan sebesar $AS23.000.000. Batas US$23,000,000.The credit limit is eligible to be
kredit tersebut dapat digunakan oleh entitas used by the Company’s subsidiaries

Pada perubahan tanggal 3 September 2020, On the amendment dated September 3, 2020,
Perusahaan mendapatkan fasilitas Supplier the Company obtained facility for Supplier Chain
Chain Financing (“SCF”) AP sebesar Financing (“SCF”) AP amounting Rp300,000
Rp300.000 yang dapat digunakan oleh which can be used by the Company and its
Perusahaan dan entitas anak. subsidiaries.

Fasilitas TR dikenakan bunga yang suku The TR facility bears interest at the rate which will
bunganya akan ditetapkan secara negosiasi be determined through negotiation on withdrawal.
pada saat realisasi. Fasilitas-fasilitas ini akan These facilities will mature up to September 27,
jatuh tempo sampai dengan tanggal 27 2023.
September 2023.

PT Bank Mizuho Indonesia (“Mizuho”) PT Bank Mizuho Indonesia (“Mizuho”)

Berdasarkan perjanjian kredit tanggal Based on a credit agreement dated

23 November 2015 yang terakhir kali diubah November 23, 2015 which was amanded on
pada tanggal 22 April 2022, Perusahaan April 22, 2022, the Company obtained credit
memperoleh fasilitas kredit untuk keperluan facilities for guarantee and working capital
penjaminan dan modal kerja yang terdiri dari purposes consisting of LC/SKBDN, TR, working
LC/SKBDN, TR, kredit modal kerja dan capital credit and BG/SBLC with a maximum
BG/SBLC dengan batas maksimum gabungan combined limit of US$10,000,000.
sebesar $AS10.000.000.
Fasilitas ini dikenakan bunga sebesar biaya This facility bear interest at the rate of cost of fund
pendanaan Mizuho ditambah marjin tertentu per of Mizuho plus certain margin per annum for
tahun untuk penarikan dalam Dolar AS atau withdrawal in US Dollar or Rupiah. These facilities
Rupiah. Fasilitas ini akan jatuh tempo sampai will mature up to April 23, 2023.
dengan tanggal 23 April 2023.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)



e. Perjanjian bank (lanjutan) e. Credit agreement (continued)

MUFG Bank, Ltd. (“MUFG”) MUFG Bank, Ltd. (“MUFG”)

Berdasarkan perjanjian kredit tanggal 27 Maret Based on a credit agreement dated March 27,
2020 yang terakhir kali diubah pada tanggal 2020 which was amanded on December 30,
30 Desember 2022, Perusahaan memperoleh 2022, the Company obtained credit facilities for
fasilitas kredit untuk keperluan penjaminan dan guarantee and working capital purposes
modal kerja yang terdiri dari LC/SKBDN, TR, consisting of LC/SKBDN, TR, short term revolving
pinjaman bergulir jangka pendek dan BG/SBLC loan and BG/SBLC with a maximum combined
dengan batas maksimum gabungan sebesar limit of US$15,000,000.

Fasilitas ini dikenakan bunga sebesar biaya This facility bear interest at the rate of cost of fund
pendanaan MUFG ditambah marjin tertentu per of MUFG plus certain margin per annum for
tahun untuk penarikan dalam Dolar AS atau withdrawal in US Dollar or Rupiah. These facilities
Rupiah. Fasilitas ini akan jatuh tempo sampai will mature up to December 31, 2023.
dengan tanggal 31 Desember 2023.


Ringkasan berikut ini menggambarkan bisnis utama The following summary describes the core businesses
dari setiap segmen yang dilaporkan Grup: of each of the Group’s reportable segments:

a) Jasa hulu migas terintegrasi menyediakan jasa a) Integrated upstream oil and gas services provide
pengukuran data geofisika/seismik, jasa geophysical/seismic data services, oil and gas
pemboran migas dan jasa oilfield. drilling service and oilfield services.

b) Jasa penunjang migas menyediakan jasa b) Oil and gas support services provide threading
penguliran, perdagangan pipa OCGT (Open services, OCGT (Open Cycle Gas Turbine) pipe
Cycle Gas Turbine) dan fabrikasi, pembuatan trading and manufacturing, threading for oil and
ulir (threading) untuk pemboran migas, jasa gas drilling, data and information on energy and
pengelolaan data dan informasi energi dan mineral resources management services
sumber daya mineral (khususnya eksplorasi (particularly oil and gas exploration and
dan eksploitasi minyak dan gas bumi), jasa exploitation), oil and gas data management
pengelolaan data migas, jasa pembangunan services, integrated information technology
sistem teknologi informasi terpadu, jasa development services, telecommunication
telekomunikasi, jasa penyediaan jaringan, services, network services provider, satellite
telekomunikasi satelit dan sistem komunikasi communications and VSAT (Very-Small-Aperture
VSAT (Very-Small-Aperture Terminal). Terminal) based communication systems.

c) Jasa distribusi dan logistik energi menyediakan c) Energy distribution and logistics services provide
jasa penyimpanan, perdagangan, storage services, trading, distribution and
pendistribusian dan pemasaran produk minyak marketing of oil and gas products in Indonesia.
dan gas di Indonesia.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

34. INFORMASI SEGMEN (lanjutan) 34. SEGMENT INFORMATION (continued)

Informasi mengenai segmen yang dilaporkan dan Information about reportable segments and
rekonsiliasi antara ukuran segmen dengan jumlah reconciliation between segment measure and the
yang diakui dalam laporan keuangan konsolidasian amount recognized in the consolidated financial
adalah sebagai berikut: statements are as follows:
31 Desember 2022 dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal Tersebut/
December 31, 2022 and for the Year Then Ended

Jasa distribusi
hulu migas Jasa dan logistik
terintegrasi/ penunjang energi/ Jumlah
Integrated migas/ Energy sebelum
upstream Oil and gas distribution eliminasi/
oil and gas support and logistics Total before Eliminasi/ Konsolidasian/
services services services elimination Elimination Consolidated
Pendapatan eksternal 3.986.489 1.096.620 7.222.581 12.305.690 - 12.305.690 External revenues
Pendapatan antarsegmen 48.142 260.767 341.477 650.386 (650.386) - Inter-segment revenues

Total pendapatan 4.034.631 1.357.387 7.564.058 12.956.076 (650.386) 12.305.690 Total revenues
Beban pokok pendapatan (3.814.096) (1.200.253) (7.023.966) (12.038.315) 644.958 (11.393.357) Total cost of revenues

Laba bruto 220.535 157.134 540.092 917.761 (5.428) 912.333 Gross profit
Beban penjualan (3.798) (671) (689) (5.158) - (5.158) Selling expenses
General and administrative
Beban umum dan administrasi (240.500) (74.820) (101.809) (417.129) 7.969 (409.160) expenses
Pendapatan keuangan 22.290 12.238 4.801 39.329 (9.725) 29.604 Finance income
Beban keuangan (71.190) (11.935) (40.061) (123.186) (20.134) (143.320) Finance expenses
Lain-lain - neto 86.532 (9.095) (5.975) 71.462 31.126 102.588 Others - net

Laba sebelum pajak final dan Profit before final tax and
pajak penghasilan 13.869 72.851 396.359 483.079 3.808 486.887 income tax
Beban pajak final (12.020) (8.854) (8.852) (29.726) - (29.726) Final tax expense

Laba sebelum pajak penghasilan 1.849 63.997 387.507 453.353 3.808 457.161 Profit before income tax
Beban pajak penghasilan 14.914 (11.845) (81.880) (78.811) (292) (79.103) Income tax expense

Laba tahun berjalan 16.763 52.152 305.627 374.542 3.516 378.058 Profit for the year

Penghasilan komprehensif lain 15.409 5.666 1.081 22.156 (6.747) 15.409 Other comprehensive income

Total laba komprehensif Total comprehensive income

tahun berjalan 32.172 57.818 306.708 396.698 (3.231) 393.467 for the year

Informasi-informasi lain Other information

Total aset 6.543.854 1.416.919 3.386.639 11.347.412 (2.511.323) 8.836.089 Total assets
Total liabilitas 2.332.632 588.534 2.079.196 5.000.362 (281.484) 4.718.878 Total liabilities
Ekuitas - neto 4.211.222 828.386 1.307.443 6.347.051 (2.229.840) 4.117.211 Equity - net
Penyusutan dan amortisasi (278.413) (87.539) (295.749) (661.701) 13.282 (648.419) Depreciation and amortization
Penambahan aset tetap 117.829 57.369 166.986 342.184 (2.627) 339.557 Additions of fixed assets

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

34. INFORMASI SEGMEN (lanjutan) 34. SEGMENT INFORMATION (continued)

Informasi mengenai segmen yang dilaporkan dan Information about reportable segments and
rekonsiliasi antara ukuran segmen dengan jumlah reconciliation between segment measure and the
yang diakui dalam laporan keuangan konsolidasian amount recognized in the consolidated financial
adalah sebagai berikut: (lanjutan) statements are as follows: (continued)
31 Desember 2021 dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal Tersebut/
December 31, 2021 and for the Year Then Ended

Jasa distribusi
hulu migas Jasa dan logistik
terintegrasi/ penunjang energi/ Jumlah
Integrated migas/ Energy sebelum
upstream Oil and gas distribution eliminasi/
oil and gas support and logistics Total before Eliminasi/ Konsolidasian/
services services services elimination Elimination Consolidated

Pendapatan eksternal 2.946.830 921.173 4.272.299 8.140.302 (3.739) 8.136.563 External revenues
Pendapatan antarsegmen 34.934 364.318 471.867 871.119 (871.119) - Inter-segment revenues
Total pendapatan 2.981.764 1.285.491 4.744.166 9.011.421 (874.858) 8.136.563 Total revenues
Beban pokok pendapatan (2.984.180) (1.105.660) (4.273.776) (8.363.616) 872.547 (7.491.069) Total cost of revenues

Laba bruto (2.416) 179.831 470.390 647.805 (2.311) 645.494 Gross profit
Beban penjualan (757) (441) (866) (2.064) - (2.064) Selling expenses
General and administrative
Beban umum dan administrasi (163.155) (76.808) (97.497) (337.460) 9.258 (328.202) expenses
Pendapatan keuangan 17.374 9.028 5.217 31.619 (4.649) 26.970 Finance income
Beban keuangan (83.086) (8.007) (27.196) (118.289) (3.052) (121.341) Finance expenses
Lain-lain - neto 16.501 (10.554) (3.776) 2.171 7.724 9.895 Others - net

Laba sebelum pajak final dan Profit before final tax and
pajak penghasilan (215.539) 93.049 346.272 223.782 6.970 230.752 income tax
Beban pajak final (17.099) (6.139) (4.794) (28.032) - (28.032) Final tax expense

Laba sebelum pajak penghasilan (232.638) 86.910 341.478 195.750 6.970 202.720 Profit before income tax
Beban pajak penghasilan (7.598) (12.186) (74.084) (93.868) - (93.868) Income tax expense

Laba tahun berjalan (240.236) 74.724 267.394 101.882 6.970 108.852 Profit for the year

Penghasilan komprehensif lain 3.072 132 1.852 5.056 (1.984) 3.072 Other comprehensive income

Total laba komprehensif Total comprehensive income

tahun berjalan (237.164) 74.856 269.246 106.938 4.986 111.924 for the year

Informasi-informasi lain Other information

Total aset 5.931.004 1.366.289 2.495.953 9.793.246 (2.558.389) 7.234.857 Total assets
Total liabilitas 2.117.818 504.846 1.361.521 3.984.185 (527.462) 3.456.723 Total liabilities
Ekuitas - neto 3.813.186 861.422 1.134.432 5.809.040 (2.030.906) 3.778.134 Equity - net
Penyusutan dan amortisasi (311.683) (87.384) (279.757) (678.824) 9.383 (669.441) Depreciation and amortization
Penambahan aset tetap 194.693 33.792 129.997 358.482 - 358.482 Additions of fixed assets

Informasi tentang pelanggan utama Information on major customers

Berikut ini adalah alokasi pendapatan usaha Grup The following is the Group’s operating revenues
berdasarkan kelompok pelanggan: allocation based on customer grouping:
Tahun yang Berakhir
pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended
December 31,
2022 2021

Pihak ketiga Third parties

Bahan bakar minyak 3.010.243 1.473.503 Fuel oil
Kontraktor bagi hasil 515.194 349.112 Production sharing contractors
Pelanggan eceran/masyarakat 31.522 35.253 Retail customers/public
Lainnya 102.387 90.294 Others
Subtotal pihak ketiga 3.659.346 1.948.162 Sub-total third parties
Pihak berelasi (Catatan 32i) 8.646.344 6.188.401 Related parties (Note 32i)
Total 12.305.690 8.136.563 Total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)

34. INFORMASI SEGMEN (lanjutan) 34. SEGMENT INFORMATION (continued)

Grup tidak bergantung pada pendapatan dari suatu The Group does not rely on revenue from any specific
pelanggan tertentu karena jasa-jasa yang customer group due to the services provided by the
disediakan oleh Grup bukan merupakan jenis jasa Group are not being provided exclusively to a certain
yang secara khusus diberikan untuk satu kelompok group of customers.
pelanggan tertentu.


Rekonsiliasi perhitungan laba per saham adalah The reconciliation of earnings per share calculation is
sebagai berikut: as follows:
Tahun yang Berakhir
pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended
December 31,
2022 2021

Laba tahun berjalan yang dapat

diatribusikan kepada pemilik Profit for the year attributable to
entitas induk 378.065 108.740 owners of the parent entity
Jumlah rata-rata tertimbang saham 7.298.500.000 7.298.500.000 Weighted average number of shares
Laba per saham (nilai penuh) 51,80 14,90 Earnings per share (full amount)

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, there were no
2021, tidak terdapat efek yang berpotensi dikonversi securities potentially converted into ordinary shares
menjadi saham biasa yang dapat menimbulkan that would give rise to a dilution of earnings per share.
pengaruh dilusi pada laba per saham.


Nilai wajar didefinisikan sebagai jumlah dimana Fair value is defined as the amount at which an
instrumen tersebut dapat dipertukarkan di dalam instrument could be exchanged in a current
transaksi jangka pendek antara pihak yang transaction between knowledgeable willing parties in
berkeinginan dan memiliki pengetahuan yang an arm's length transaction, other than in a forced or
memadai melalui suatu transaksi yang wajar, selain liquidation sale.
di dalam penjualan terpaksa atau penjualan

Instrumen keuangan yang disajikan dalam laporan Financial instruments presented in the consolidated
posisi keuangan konsolidasian dicatat sebesar nilai statement of financial position are carried at fair value,
wajar, atau disajikan dalam jumlah tercatat, baik otherwise, they are presented at carrying amounts as
karena jumlah tersebut mendekati nilai wajarnya either these are reasonable approximation of fair
atau karena nilai wajarnya tidak dapat diukur secara values or their fair values cannot be reliably measured.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


Grup menentukan pengukuran nilai wajar untuk The Group determined the fair value measurement for
tujuan pengungkapan setiap aset keuangan dan disclosure purposes of each financial asset and
liabilitas keuangan berdasarkan metode dan asumsi financial liability based on the following methods and
sebagai berikut: assumptions:

- Nilai wajar aset keuangan lancar dan liabilitas - The fair value of current financial assets and
keuangan jangka pendek yang mencakup, current financial liabilities which includes, among
antara lain, kas dan setara kas, piutang usaha, others, cash and cash equivalents, trade
aset keuangan lancar lainnya, pinjaman bank receivables, other current financial assets, short-
jangka pendek, liabilitas imbalan kerja jangka term bank loans, short - term employee benefits
pendek, utang usaha, liabilitas jangka pendek liability, trade payables, other non-current
lainnya - utang lain-lain dan titipan pelanggan liabilities - other payables and customer deposits
dan beban akrual, dianggap mendekati jumlah and accrued expenses, are considered to
tercatatnya. approximate their carrying amounts.

- Estimasi nilai wajar aset keuangan tidak lancar - The estimated fair values of other non-current
lainnya ditentukan dengan mendiskontokan financial assets are determined by discounting the
arus kas masa depan menggunakan tingkat future cash flows using risk-free interest rates for
suku bunga bebas risiko untuk instrumen similar instruments.

- Aset keuangan tersedia untuk dijual yang terdiri - Available-for-sale financial asset that comprised
dari investasi pada saham dengan persentase investments in shares with percentage of
kepemilikan dibawah 20% dicatat pada biaya ownership interest less than 20% are recognized
perolehan karena investasi pada instrumen at cost due to such investments in equity
ekuitas tersebut tidak memiliki kuotasi harga di instruments have no quoted market price in an
pasar aktif dan nilai wajarnya tidak dapat diukur active market and their fair value cannot be
secara handal. reliably measureable.

- Estimasi nilai wajar pinjaman bank jangka - The estimated fair values of long-term bank loans
panjang ditentukan dengan mendiskontokan are determined by discounting the future cash
arus kas masa depan dengan menggunakan flows using market interest rates for instruments
tingkat suku bunga pasar untuk instrumen with similar terms, credit risk and remaining
dengan syarat, risiko kredit dan jatuh tempo maturities.
yang serupa.

Tabel berikut menyajikan perbandingan jumlah The following table presents the comparison between
tercatat dengan estimasi nilai wajar instrumen the carrying amounts and the estimated fair values of
keuangan dalam laporan posisi keuangan financial instruments in the consolidated statement of
konsolidasian. financial position.

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Jumlah Estimasi Jumlah Estimasi
tercatat/ nilai wajar/ tercatat/ nilai wajar/
Carrying Estimated Carrying Estimated
amount fair value amount fair value
Aset keuangan Financial assets
Kas dan setara kas 1.656.975 1.656.975 1.144.769 1.144.769 Cash and cash equivalents
Piutang usaha - neto 2.919.355 2.919.355 2.287.925 2.287.925 Trade receivables - net
Aset keuangan lancar lainnya - Other current financial
neto 103.538 103.538 64.791 64.791 assets - net
Aset keuangan tidak lancar Other non-current financial
lainnya - neto 410.919 410.919 459.646 459.646 assets - net
Total 5.090.787 5.090.787 3.957.131 3.957.131 Total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


Tabel berikut menyajikan perbandingan jumlah The following table presents the comparison between
tercatat dengan estimasi nilai wajar instrumen the carrying amounts and the estimated fair values of
keuangan dalam laporan posisi keuangan financial instruments in the consolidated statement of
konsolidasian.(lanjutan) financial position. (continued)
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Jumlah Estimasi Jumlah Estimasi
tercatat/ nilai wajar/ tercatat/ nilai wajar/
Carrying Estimated Carrying Estimated
amount fair value amount fair value
Liabilitas keuangan Financial liabilities
Pinjaman bank jangka pendek 128.258 128.258 167.975 167.975 Short-term bank loans
Utang usaha 678.678 678.678 671.338 671.338 Trade payables
Liabilitas jangka pendek lainnya Other current liabilities
Titipan pelanggan 23.815 23.815 28.868 28.868 Customer deposits
Utang lain-lain 18.977 18.977 22.536 22.536 Other payables
Liabilitas imbalan kerja Short-term employee
jangka pendek 208.143 208.143 72.048 72.048 benefits liability
Beban akrual 2.175.267 2.175.267 1.301.728 1.301.728 Accrued expenses
Pinjaman bank jangka panjang - - 165.222 165.222 Long-term bank loans
Utang sukuk 697.866 697.866 697.669 697.669 Sukuk payable
Liabilitas sewa 578.847 578.847 101.097 101.097 Lease liability
Total 4.509.851 4.509.851 3.228.481 3.228.481 Total

Hierarki Nilai Wajar Fair Value Hierarchy

 Tingkat 1 : Nilai wajar diukur berdasarkan pada  Level 1 : Fair value measured based on quoted
harga kuotasi (tidak disesuaikan) prices (unadjusted) in active markets
dalam pasar aktif untuk aset atau for identical assets or liabilities.
liabilitas sejenis.

 Tingkat 2 : Nilai wajar diukur berdasarkan  Level 2 : Fair value measured based on
teknik-teknik valuasi, yaitu untuk valuation techniques for which all
seluruh input yang diketahui baik inputs which have a significant effect
secara langsung ataupun tidak on the recorded fair values are
langsung memiliki dampak observable, either directly or indirectly.
signifikan atas nilai wajar tercatat.

 Tingkat 3 : Nilai wajar diukur berdasarkan  Level 3 : Fair value measured based on
teknik-teknik valuasi, yaitu untuk valuation techniques for which any
seluruh input yang tidak dapat inputs which have a significant effect
diketahui baik secara langsung on the recorded fair values that are not
ataupun tidak langsung memiliki based on observable market data
dampak signifikan atas nilai wajar (unobservable inputs).

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


Hierarki Nilai Wajar (lanjutan) Fair Value Hierarchy (continued)

Hierarki nilai wajar Grup pada tanggal 31 Desember Fair value hierarchy of the Group as of December 31,
2022 dan 2021 adalah sebagai berikut: 2022 and 2021 are as follows:
31 Desember 2022/December 31, 2022

Total/ Level 1/ Level 2/ Level 3/

Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Aset yang nilai wajarnya diungkapkan Assets for which fair value are disclosed
Aset tidak lancar Non-current Assets
Aset tetap *) 829.967 - 829.967 - Fixed assets *)
Properti investasi 561.344 - 561.344 - Investment properties

*) Untuk aset tetap dengan nilai buku sebesar Rp523.685/For fixed assets with net book value of Rp523,685

31 Desember 2021/December 31, 2021

Total/ Level 1/ Level 2/ Level 3/

Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Aset yang nilai wajarnya diungkapkan Assets for which fair value are disclosed
Aset tidak lancar Non-current Assets
Aset tetap *) 1.628.811 - 1.628.811 - Fixed assets *)
Properti investasi 527.842 - 527.842 - Investment properties

*) Untuk aset tetap dengan nilai buku sebesar Rp840.917/For fixed assets with net book value of Rp840,917

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022, tidak terdapat As of December 31, 2022, there is no transfer between
pengalihan antara pengukuran nilai wajar level 1 dan measurement of fair value of level 1 and level 2.
level 2.

Tidak terdapat aset dan liabilitas lain yang diukur No other assets and liabilities have been measured
dan diungkapkan selain yang telah dijelaskan diatas. and disclosed other than above explained.


Risiko utama dari instrumen keuangan Grup adalah The main risks arising from the Group’s financial
risiko tingkat suku bunga, risiko mata uang, risiko instruments are interest rate risk, currency risk, credit
kredit dan risiko likuiditas. Penelaahan Direksi dan risk and liquidity risk. The Directors review and
kebijakan yang disetujui untuk mengelola masing- approve policies for managing each of these risks,
masing risiko ini dijelaskan secara detail sebagai which are described in more detail as follows:

a. Risiko tingkat suku bunga a. Interest rate risk

Risiko tingkat suku bunga Grup terutama timbul The Group’s interest rate risk mainly arises from
dari pinjaman untuk tujuan modal kerja dan loans for working capital and investment
investasi. Pinjaman pada tingkat suku bunga purposes. Loans at floating rates expose the
mengambang membuat Grup terekspos Group to cash flow interest rate risk.
terhadap risiko suku bunga atas arus kas.

Untuk pinjaman modal kerja dan investasi, Grup For working capital and investment loans, the
berusaha mengurangi risiko tingkat suku Group may seek to mitigate its interest rate risk by
bunganya dengan cara mendapatkan struktur obtaining loans structured with competitive
pinjaman dengan suku bunga kompetitif. interest rates.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


a. Risiko tingkat suku bunga (lanjutan) a. Interest rate risk (continued)

Tabel berikut ini menunjukkan sensitivitas The following table demonstrates the sensitivity to
perubahan tingkat suku bunga pinjaman. changes in interest rates of the loans. The effect
Dampak perubahan tingkat suku bunga of changes in interest rates of the loans to profit
pinjaman terhadap laba sebelum pajak before income tax is as follows:
penghasilan adalah sebagai berikut:

Tahun yang Berakhir

pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended
December 31,
2022 2021

Kenaikan 50 basis poin 5.540 7.232 Increase by 50 basis points

Penurunan 50 basis poin (5.540) (7.232) Decrease by 50 basis points

Penurunan/kenaikan laba sebelum pajak Such decrease/increase in profit before income

penghasilan tersebut terutama sebagai akibat tax is mainly as a result of higher/lower interest
kenaikan/penurunan biaya bunga atas expense on loans with floating interest rates. The
pinjaman dengan tingkat bunga mengambang. analysis assumes that all other variables remain
Analisis mengasumsikan bahwa seluruh constant.
variabel lain tetap tidak berubah.

Pada 31 Desember 2022, Grup masih As at December 31, 2022, the Group still uses
menggunakan LIBOR sebagai acuan tingkat LIBOR as an interest rate benchmark for bank
bunga untuk pinjaman dari bank. Pada saat loan. At the date of financial reporting, the Group
tanggal pelaporan, Grup masih melakukan is still assessing impact for interest rate
penilaian terhadap reformasi acuan suku bunga benchmark reform for this financial instrument.
untuk instrumen keuangan ini.

b. Risiko mata uang asing b. Foreign currency risk

Mata uang fungsional Grup adalah Rupiah. The Group’s functional currency is the Rupiah.
Grup dapat menghadapi risiko nilai tukar mata The Group faces foreign exchange risk as its
uang asing karena pinjaman, pendapatan dan borrowings, revenues and the costs of certain key
biaya beberapa pembelian utamanya dalam purchases are either denominated in US Dollars
mata uang Dolar AS atau harganya secara or their prices are significantly influenced by their
signifikan dipengaruhi oleh perubahan tolok benchmark price movements in foreign currencies
ukur harganya dalam mata uang asing (mainly US Dollars). To the extent that the
(terutama Dolar AS). Apabila pendapatan dan revenue and purchases of the Group are
pembelian Grup dalam mata uang selain denominated in currencies other than Rupiah, and
Rupiah tidak seimbang dalam hal jumlah are not evenly matched in terms of amount and/or
dan/atau pemilihan waktu, Grup terekspos timing, the Group has exposure to foreign
risiko mata uang asing. currency risk.

Grup tidak mempunyai kebijakan lindung nilai The Group does not have any formal hedging
yang formal untuk laju pertukaran mata uang policy for foreign exchange exposure. However, in
asing. Bagaimanapun, terkait dengan hal-hal relation to the matters discussed in the preceding
yang telah didiskusikan pada paragraf di atas, paragraph, the fluctuations in the exchange rates
fluktuasi dalam nilai tukar Rupiah dan Dolar AS between the Rupiah and US Dollar provide some
menghasilkan lindung nilai natural untuk laju degree of natural hedge for the Group’s foreign
nilai tukar Grup. exchange exposure.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


b. Risiko mata uang asing (lanjutan) b. Foreign currency risk (continued)

Grup memiliki aset dan liabilitas moneter dalam The Group’s monetary assets and liabilities
mata uang asing sebagai berikut: denominated in foreign currencies are as follows:
31 Desember/December 31, 2022 31 Desember/December 31, 2021

Dalam mata Setara dalam Dalam mata Setara dalam

uang asing/ Rupiah/ uang asing/ Rupiah/
In foreign Equivalent In foreign Equivalent
currencies in Rupiah currencies in Rupiah

Aset Assets
Kas dan setara kas $AS 12.784.120 199.330 $AS 14.776.480 210.979 Cash and cash equivalents
Piutang usaha $AS 61.010.967 951.284 $AS 62.132.091 887.122 Trade receivables
$SG 32.850 383 $SG 15.759 166
Aset keuangan lancar lainnya $AS 673.743 10.505 $AS 673.762 9.620 Other current financial assets
Aset keuangan tidak lancar
lainnya $AS - - $AS 1.497.759 21.385 Other non-current financial assets
Aset lain-lain $AS 509 8 $AS 509 7 Other assets
€ 242.500 4.053 € 242.500 3.911

Total 1.165.563 1.133.190 Total

Liabilitas Liabilities
Pinjaman bank jangka pendek $AS 3.874.391 60.410 $AS 6.765.435 96.597 Short-term bank loans
Utang usaha $AS 1.567.406 24.439 $AS 924.197 13.196 Trade payables
$SG 110.815 1.292 $SG 110.795 1.167
€ - - € 29.311 473
Liabilitas jangka pendek lainnya $AS 137.314 2.141 $AS 531.490 7.589 Other current liabilities
Beban akrual $AS 8.065.675 125.760 $AS 2.892.138 41.294 Accrued expenses
$SG - - $SG 2.336 25
Pinjaman bank jangka
Panjang $AS - - $AS 11.684.339 166.829 Long-term bank loans

Total 214.042 327.170 Total

Aset neto 951.521 806.020 Net assets

Apabila aset dan liabilitas moneter dalam mata Had monetary assets and liabilities denominated
uang asing pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 in foreign currencies as of December 31, 2022
dijabarkan ke dalam Rupiah dengan been translated to the Rupiah using JISDOR and
menggunakan JISDOR dan kurs tengah the middle rate transaction published by Bank
transaksi yang dipublikasikan Bank Indonesia Indonesia as of February 27, 2023 the net
pada tanggal 27 Februari 2023, maka aset monetary assets would have been increased by
moneter neto akan menurun sebesar Rp19.462. approximately Rp19,462.

Tabel berikut ini menunjukkan sensitivitas The following table demonstrates the sensitivity to
perubahan nilai tukar mata uang asing. Dampak changes in the exchange rate of foreign
perubahan nilai tukar mata uang asing terhadap currencies. The effect of changes in the exchange
laba sebelum pajak penghasilan adalah rate of foreign currencies to profit before income
sebagai berikut: tax is as follows:
Tahun yang Berakhir
Pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended
December 31,
2022 2021

Penguatan 1% 9.515 8.060 Strengthening by 1%

Pelemahan 1% (9.515) (8.060) Weakening by 1%
Analisis mengasumsikan bahwa seluruh The analysis assumes that all other variables, in
variabel lain, khususnya tingkat suku bunga, particular interest rates, remain constant and
tetap tidak berubah dan mengabaikan dampak ignores any impact of forecasted sales and
atas perkiraan penjualan dan pembelian. purchases.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


c. Risiko kredit c. Credit risk

Eksposur maksimum Grup terhadap risiko The Group’s maximum exposure to credit risk is
kredit adalah senilai dengan jumlah tercatat dari equal to the carrying amount of each financial
setiap aset keuangan. assets.

Risiko kredit utama yang dihadapi oleh Grup The main credit risk faced by the Group arises
berasal dari kredit yang diberikan kepada from the credit granted to its customers. To
pelanggan. Untuk meringankan risiko ini, ada mitigate this risk, it has policies in place to ensure
kebijakan untuk memastikan penjualan that sales of services/products are made only to
jasa/produk hanya dibuat kepada pelanggan creditworthy customers with proven track records
yang dapat dipercaya dan terbukti mempunyai or good credit history. It is the Group’s policy that
rekam jejak atau sejarah kredit yang baik. Ini all customers who wish to trade services/products
merupakan kebijakan Grup dimana semua on credit are subject to credit verification
pelanggan yang akan melakukan pembelian procedures. For revenues, the Group may grant
jasa/produk secara kredit harus melalui its customers credit terms from the issue of
prosedur verifikasi kredit. Untuk pendapatan, invoices. In addition, receivables balances are
Grup memberikan jangka waktu kredit dari monitored on an ongoing basis to reduce
faktur yang diterbitkan. Sebagai tambahan, exposure to bad debts.
saldo piutang dipantau secara terus menerus
untuk mengurangi kemungkinan piutang yang
tidak tertagih.

Tabel berikut menyajikan analisis umur piutang The following table presents the aging analysis of
usaha. trade receivables.
31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021

Belum jatuh tempo 2.761.552 1.973.286 Not yet overdue

Lewat jatuh tempo Overdue
1-30 hari 120.858 239.105 1-30 days
31-60 hari 16.767 64.074 31-60 days
61-150 hari 10.568 4.959 61-150 days
Lebih dari 150 hari 222.232 195.940 Over 150 days
Total 3.131.977 2.477.364 Total
Penyisihan penurunan nilai (212.622) (189.439) Allowance for impairment
Neto 2.919.355 2.287.925 Net

Risiko piutang usaha yang belum jatuh tempo The risk of trade receivables that are neither
dan tidak mengalami penurunan nilai untuk overdue nor impaired becoming impaired is low as
mengalami penurunan nilai adalah kecil karena the parties have a good track record with the
debitur memiliki rekam jejak yang baik dengan Group.

Tergantung pada penilaian Grup, penyisihan Depending on the Group’s assessment, specific
khusus mungkin dibuat jika piutang dianggap allowance may be made if a receivable was
tidak tertagih. deemed uncollectible.

d. Risiko likuiditas d. Liquidity risk

Grup mengelola profil likuiditasnya untuk dapat The Group manages its liquidity profile to be able
mendanai pengeluaran modalnya dan to finance its capital expenditure and manage its
mengelola utang yang jatuh tempo dengan maturing debts by maintaining sufficient cash and
menjaga kas yang cukup dan ketersediaan the availability of funding through an adequate
pendanaan melalui jumlah fasilitas kredit amount of committed credit facilities.
berkomitmen yang cukup.

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


d. Risiko likuiditas (lanjutan) d. Liquidity risk (continued)

Grup secara reguler mengevaluasi proyeksi The Group regularly evaluates its projected and
arus kas dan terus menerus menilai kondisi actual cash flow information and continuously
pasar keuangan untuk mengevaluasi assesses conditions in the financial markets to
kemungkinan mengejar inisiatif penggalangan evaluate the possibility of pursuing fund-raising
dana. initiatives.

Tabel berikut menyajikan profil jangka waktu The following table presents the maturity profile of
pembayaran liabilitas keuangan Grup the Group’s financial liabilities based on
berdasarkan pembayaran kontraktual yang undiscounted contractual payments.
tidak didiskontokan.
31 Desember/December 31, 2022
Biaya Jumlah
pinjaman/ tercatat/
< 1 tahun/ 1-2 tahun/ 2-3 tahun/ Costs of Carrying
< 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years Total loan amounts

Pinjaman bank jangka

pendek 128.258 - - 128.258 - 128.258 Short-term bank loans
Utang usaha 678.678 - - 678.678 - 678.678 Trade payables
Liabilitas jangka pendek
lainnya: Other current liabilities:
Utang lain-lain 18.977 - - 18.977 - 18.977 Other payables
Titipan pelanggan 23.815 - - 23.815 - 23.815 Customer deposits
Liabilitas imbalan kerja Short-term employee
jangka pendek 208.143 - - 208.143 - 208.143 benefits liability
Beban akrual 2.175.267 - - 2.175.267 - 2.175.267 Accrued expenses
Utang sukuk - 700.000 700.000 (2.134) 697.866 Sukuk payable
Liabilitas sewa 224.755 349.734 51.191 625.680 - 625.680 Lease liabilities

Total 3.457.893 349.734 751.191 4.558.818 (2.134) 4.556.684 Total

31 Desember/December 31, 2021


Biaya Jumlah
pinjaman/ tercatat/
< 1 tahun/ 1-2 tahun/ 2-3 tahun/ Costs of Carrying
< 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years Total loan amounts

Pinjaman bank jangka

pendek 167.975 - - 167.975 - 167.975 Short-term bank loans
Utang usaha 671.338 - - 671.338 - 671.338 Trade payables
Liabilitas jangka pendek
lainnya: Other current liabilities:
Utang lain-lain 22.536 - - 22.536 - 22.536 Other payables
Titipan pelanggan 28.868 - - 28.868 - 28.868 Customer deposits
Liabilitas imbalan kerja Short-term employee
jangka pendek 72.048 - - 72.048 - 72.048 benefits liability
Beban akrual 1.301.728 - - 1.301.728 - 1.301.728 Accrued expenses
Pinjaman bank jangka
panjang 144.997 21.832 - 166.829 (1.607) 165.222 Long-term bank loans
Utang sukuk - - 700.000 700.000 (2.331) 697.669 Sukuk payable
Liabilitas sewa 71.007 30.090 - 101.097 - 101.097 Lease liabilities

Total 2.480.497 51.922 700.000 3.232.419 (3.938) 3.228.481 Total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


e. Pengelolaan modal e. Capital management

Tujuan Grup dalam pengelolaan modal adalah The Group’s objectives when managing capital
untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan usaha are to safeguard the Group’s ability to continue as
Grup guna memberikan imbal hasil kepada a going concern in order to provide returns for
pemegang saham dan manfaat kepada shareholders and benefits to other stakeholders
pemangku kepentingan lainnya serta menjaga and to maintain an optimum capital structure
struktur modal yang optimal yang meliputi utang covering debt and equity to minimise the cost of
dan ekuitas untuk mengurangi biaya modal. capital.

Secara periodik, Grup melakukan penilaian Periodically, the Group conducts debt valuation to
utang untuk menilai kemungkinan pembiayaan assess possibilities of refinancing existing debts
kembali utang yang ada dengan utang baru with new ones which have more efficient cost that
yang memiliki biaya yang lebih efisien sehingga will lead to more optimized cost-of-debt.
mengoptimalkan biaya utang.

Grup dipersyaratkan oleh Undang-undang The Group is required by the Limited Liability
No. 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas Company Law No. 40 of 2007 to allocate and
untuk mengalokasikan dana cadangan yang maintain a non-distributable reserve fund until
tidak boleh didistribusikan sampai dengan 20% such reserve reaches 20% of the issued and fully
dari modal saham ditempatkan dan disetor paid capital stock. This externally imposed capital
penuh. Persyaratan permodalan eksternal requirement is considered by the Group in the
tersebut dipertimbangkan oleh Grup dalam General Meeting of Shareholders.
Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham.

Perusahaan dan EFK dipersyaratkan untuk The Company and EFK are required to maintain
memelihara tingkat permodalan tertentu oleh certain level of capital by bank loan agreements
perjanjian pinjaman bank (Catatan 16 dan 21). (Notes 16 and 21). As of December 31, 2022 and
Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan 2021, this externally imposed capital requirement
2021 , persyaratan permodalan eksternal has been complied.
tersebut telah dipenuhi.

Strategi Grup adalah mempertahankan rasio The Group’s strategy is to maintain the maximum
utang terhadap ekuitas maksimal sebesar debt to equity ratio at 3 times and the minimum
3 kali dan rasio pengembalian utang minimal debt service coverage ratio at 1.1 times.
sebesar 1,1 kali.

Rasio utang terhadap ekuitas dihitung Debt to equity ratio was calculated by comparing
berdasarkan total liabilitas dibandingkan total liabilities to net equity. The calculation of debt
dengan ekuitas neto. Perhitungan rasio utang to equity ratios is as follows:
terhadap ekuitas adalah sebagai berikut:

31 Desember/ 31 Desember/
December 31, December 31,
2022 2021
Total liabilitas 4.718.878 3.456.723 Total liabilities
Ekuitas - neto 4.117.211 3.778.134 Equity - net
Rasio utang terhadap ekuitas 1,1 0,9 Debt to equity ratio

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


e. Pengelolaan modal (lanjutan) e. Capital management (continued)

Rasio pengembalian utang dihitung Debt service coverage ratio was calculated by
berdasarkan laba sebelum pajak, bunga, comparing earning before tax, interest,
penyusutan dan amortisasi dikurangi dividen depreciation and amortization less dividend to
terhadap pembayaran pokok dan bunga. principal and interest payment. Principal and
Pembayaran pokok dan bunga tidak termasuk interest payment exclude early repayment made.
pelunasan yang dipercepat. Perhitungan rasio The calculation of debt service coverage ratios is
pengembalian utang adalah sebagai berikut: as follows:

Tahun yang Berakhir

pada Tanggal 31 Desember/
Year Ended
December 31,
2022 2021

Laba sebelum pajak, bunga, Profit before tax, interest, depreciation

penyusutan dan amortisasi 1.247.700 1.003.735 and amortization
Dividen 54.374 74.725 Dividend
Pembayaran pokok dan bunga 354.365 514.438 Principal and interest payment
Rasio pengembalian utang 3,37 1,81 Debt service coverage ratio


Aktivitas signifikan yang tidak mempengaruhi arus Significant activities which did not affect the Group’s
kas Grup adalah sebagai berikut: cash flows are as follows:

Tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal

31 Desember/
Year ended December 31
2022 2021
Penambahan aset tetap melalui: Addition of fixed assets through:
Utang usaha 42.890 55.617 Trade payable

Perubahan pada liabilitas yang timbul dari Movement of liabilities arising from financing activities
aktivitas pendanaan pada laporan arus kas in the consolidated statement of cash flows are as
konsolidasian adalah sebagai berikut: follows:
Non- arus kas/Non-cash flow
31 Desember
Selisih kurs/ 2022/
1 Januari 2022/ Arus kas/ Foreign exchange Lainnya/ December 31,
January 1, 2022 Cash flow difference Others 2022
Pinjaman bank jangka pendek 167.975 (69.636) 29.919 - 128.258 Short-term bank loans
Pinjaman bank jangka panjang 165.222 (167.836) 1.007 1.607 - Long-term bank loans
Utang sukuk 697.669 - - 197 697.866 Sukuk payable
Liabilitas sewa 101.097 (247.500) - 725.250 578.847 Lease liabilities
Total 1.131.963 (484.972) 30.926 727.054 1.404.971 Total

The original consolidated financial statements included herein
are in the Indonesian language.

Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
dan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir and for the Year Then Ended
pada Tanggal Tersebut (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)
kecuali dinyatakan lain)


Operasi Grup telah dan mungkin terus dipengaruhi The Group’s operation has and may continue to be
oleh pandemi Covid-19. Dampak pandemi Covid-19 impacted by the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic. The
terhadap ekonomi global dan Indonesia meliputi effects of Covid-19 pandemic to the global and
pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih rendah, Indonesian economy include lower economic growth,
penurunan pasar modal, peningkatan risiko kredit, decline in capital markets, increase in credit risk,
depresiasi nilai tukar mata uang asing dan depreciation of foreign currency exchange rates and
gangguan operasi bisnis. Dampak pandemi ini disruption of business operation. The effects of the
terhadap Grup belum memberikan pengaruh pandemic to the Group are not significant. Further
signifikan. Pengaruh lebih lanjut yang signifikan dari significant impact of the pandemic, if any, will be
pandemi ini, bila ada, akan direfleksikan dalam reflected in the Group’s financial reporting in the
pelaporan keuangan Grup di periode-periode subsequent periods.

Grup akan terus menilai situasi, bekerja sama The Group will continue to assess the situation, work
dengan otoritas setempat untuk mendukung upaya closely with local authorities to support efforts to
dalam mencegah penyebaran COVID-19, dan prevent the spread of COVID-19, and implement
menerapkan langkah-langkah untuk meminimalkan actions to minimize the impact on the Group's
dampak terhadap bisnis Grup. business.

Dampak akhir dari virus COVID-19 terhadap The ultimate impact of the COVID-19 virus on the
kegiatan usaha Grup dalam jangka pendek maupun Group's business activities in the short and long term
panjang tetap tidak dapat dipastikan dan akan remains uncertain and will depend on a variety of
tergantung pada berbagai faktor yang tidak dapat factors that the Group cannot accurately predict,
diperkirakan secara akurat oleh Grup, termasuk including the duration, severity, likelihood of
durasi, tingkat keparahan, kemungkinan terjadinya reoccurrence and scale of the pandemic and the
kembali dan skala pandemi serta sifat dan nature and extent of the pandemic decisive steps
ketegasan langkah yang diambil oleh pemerintah. taken by the government.

Lampiran 1 Appendix 1

Berikut ini adalah Informasi Keuangan terpisah The following is separate PT Elnusa Tbk (the Parent
PT Elnusa Tbk (Entitas Induk), terdiri dari laporan Entity) Financial Information, consisting of the
posisi keuangan Entitas Induk pada tanggal statements of financial position of the Parent Entity as
31 Desember 2022 dan laporan laba rugi dan of December 31, 2022 and the related separate
penghasilan komprehensif lainnya, laporan statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive
perubahan ekuitas dan arus kas Entitas Induk terkait income, changes in equity and cash flows of the
untuk tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2022, dan Parent Entity for the year ended December 31, 2022,
ikhtisar kebijakan akuntansi signifikan. Informasi and a summary of significant accounting policies. The
Keuangan Entitas Induk disajikan sebagai informasi Parent Entity Financial Information is presented as
tambahan terhadap laporan keuangan supplementary information to the consolidated
konsolidasian Perusahaan dan entitas anaknya financial statements of the Company and
pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan untuk tahun its subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and for the
yang berakhir pada tanggal tersebut. year the ended.


Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
kecuali dinyatakan lain) unless otherwise stated)

31 Desember/December 31,
2022 2021



Kas dan setara kas 861.349 420.879 Cash and cash equivalents
Piutang usaha - neto Trade receivables - net
Pihak ketiga 122.596 136.578 Third parties
Pihak berelasi 1.418.650 1.205.202 Related parties
Aset keuangan lancar lainnya - neto 1.117 91 Other current receivables - net
Persediaan - neto 149.319 114.365 Inventories - net
Uang muka - lancar 7.091 41.480 Advances - current
Pajak dibayar di muka - bagian lancar 54.490 108.302 Prepaid taxes - current portion
Biaya dibayar di muka 9.788 7.024 Prepaid expenses
Total Aset Lancar 2.624.400 2.033.921 Total Current Assets


Piutang pihak berelasi 68.053 234.299 Due from related party
Aset keuangan tidak lancar Other non-current financial
lainnya - neto 111.000 132.385 assets - net
Investasi pada saham - neto 526.377 526.377 Investments in shares - net
Uang muka - tidak lancar 30.809 31.695 Advances - non-current
Aset tetap - neto 910.627 1.003.169 Fixed assets - net
Aset takberwujud - neto 7.184 13.231 Intangible assets - net
Properti investasi - neto 131.811 131.899 Investment properties - net
Pajak dibayar di muka - Prepaid taxes - non-current
bagian tidak lancar 221.932 163.244 portion
Aset pajak tangguhan 106.448 93.977 Deffered tax assets
Aset lain-lain 19.669 28.889 Other assets
Aset hak guna 9.915 43.629 Right of use assets
Total Aset Tidak Lancar 2.143.825 2.402.794 Total Non-current Assets
TOTAL ASET 4.768.225 4.436.715 TOTAL ASSETS

Lampiran 1 Appendix 1


(lanjutan) (continued)
Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 As of December 31, 2022
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
kecuali dinyatakan lain) unless otherwise stated)

31 Desember/December 31,
2022 2021


Pinjaman bank jangka pendek - 71.390 Short-term bank loans
Utang usaha: Trade payables:
Pihak ketiga 134.990 184.677 Third parties
Pihak berelasi 184.838 15.541 Related parties
Liabilitas jangka pendek lainnya 18.012 29.471 Other current liabilities
Liabilitas imbalan kerja Short-term employee
jangka pendek 77.952 - benefits liability
Utang pajak 37.233 25.826 Taxes payable
Beban akrual 1.102.658 828.673 Accrued expenses
Utang jangka panjang yang jatuh Current maturities of
tempo dalam waktu satu tahun long term debt
Utang bank - 144.356 Bank loans
Liabilitas sewa 6.230 37.812 Lease liabilities
Total Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 1.561.913 1.337.746 Total Current Liabilities


Utang sukuk 697.866 697.669 Sukuk payable
Utang jangka panjang yang jatuh Current maturities of
tempo dalam waktu satu tahun long term debt
Utang bank - 20.867 Bank loans
Liabilitas sewa 5.370 10.672 Lease liabilities
Liabilitas imbalan kerja 59.578 50.865 Employee benefits liability
Total Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 762.814 780.073 Total Non-current Liabilities

Modal saham - nilai nominal Share capital - Rp100 (full amount)
Rp100 (nilai penuh) per saham par value per share
Modal dasar - 22.500.000.000 saham Authorized - 22,500,000,000 shares
Modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh - Issued and fully paid -
7.298.500.000 saham 729.850 729.850 7,298,500,000 shares
Tambahan modal disetor 453.011 453.011 Additional paid-in capital
Saldo laba: Retained earnings:
Dicadangkan 158.109 155.934 Appropriated
Tidak dicadangkan 1.140.955 1.027.190 Unappropriated
Penghasilan komprehensif lain (38.427) (47.089) Other comprehensive income
EKUITAS - NETO 2.443.498 2.318.896 EQUITY - NET


Lampiran 1 Appendix 1


Untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada For the Year Ended
Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 December 31, 2022
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
kecuali dinyatakan lain) unless otherwise stated)

Tahun yang berakhir pada

tanggal 31 Desember/
Year ended December 31,
2022 2021

PENDAPATAN 4.017.751 3.060.628 REVENUES



Beban penjualan (3.798) (757) Selling expenses
Beban umum dan administrasi (240.657) (163.156) General and administrative expenses
Pendapatan keuangan 21.843 17.373 Interest income
Beban keuangan (71.964) (83.892) Finance expenses
Lain-lain - neto 233.633 128.373 Others - net


Beban pajak final (12.020) (17.099) Final tax expense

Beban pajak penghasilan 14.913 (7.598) Income tax expense


Pos-pos yang tidak akan direklasifikasi Items that will not be reclassified to
ke laba rugi profit or loss
Pengukuran kembali program Remeasurements of defined
imbalan pasti 11.105 1.394 benefit plans
Pajak tangguhan terkait (2.443) (307) Related deferred tax





Lampiran 1 Appendix 1

Untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada For the Year Ended
Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 December 31, 2022
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) (Expressed in millions of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated)

Saldo laba/Retained earnings Penghasilan

Tambahan komprehensif
modal disetor/ Tidak lain/Other Ekuitas -
Modal saham/ Additional Dicadangkan/ dicadangkan/ comprehensive neto/
Share capital paid-in capital Appropriated Unappropriated income Equity - net

Saldo pada tanggal 31 Desember 2020 729.850 453.011 145.971 1.206.995 (48.176) 2.487.651 Balance as of December 31, 2020

Dividen kas - - - (74.725) - (74.725) Cash dividend

Cadangan Umum - - 9.963 (9.963) - - Appropriation for general reserve

Laba komprehensif - - - (95.117) 1.087 (94.030) Comprehensive income

Saldo pada tanggal 31 Desember 2021 729.850 453.011 155.934 1.027.190 (47.089) 2.318.896 Balance as of December 31, 2021

Dividen kas - - - (54.374) - (54.374) Cash dividend

Cadangan Umum - - 2.175 (2.175) - - Appropriation for general reserve

Laba komprehensif - - - 170.314 8.662 178.976 Comprehensive income

Saldo pada tanggal 31 Desember 2022 729.850 453.011 158.109 1.140.955 (38.427) 2.443.498 Balance as of December 31, 2022

Lampiran 1 Appendix 1


Untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada For the Year Ended
Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 December 31, 2022
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
kecuali dinyatakan lain) unless otherwise stated)

Tahun yang berakhir pada

tanggal 31 Desember/
Year ended December 31,
2022 2021


Penerimaan dari pelanggan 3.795.394 2.993.148 Receipts from customers
Pembayaran kepada pemasok Payments to suppliers
dan kontraktor (2.793.979) (2.378.747) and contractors
Pembayaran untuk karyawan (647.639) (540.642) Payments to employees

Kas yang dihasilkan dari operasi 353.776 73.759 Cash generated from operations
Penerimaan pendapatan keuangan 20.379 16.675 Receipts of finance income
Pembayaran beban administrasi bank (5.398) (8.113) Payments of bank administration expenses
Penerimaan restitusi pajak 222.837 490.118 Receipts of tax refunds
Penerimaan lainnya - neto 2.396 19.861 Other receipts - net
Kas neto diperoleh dari Net cash provided by
aktivitas operasi 593.990 592.300 operating activities
Penerimaan dividen kas dari Receipts of cash dividends from
perusahaan asosiasi 245.291 20.684 associates
Pembelian aset tetap (125.316) (272.515) Purchases of fixed assets
Penerimaan dari penjualan aset tetap 1.490 1.270 Proceeds from sale of fixed assets
Kas neto diperoleh dari Net cash provided by (used in)
(digunakan untuk) aktivitas investasi 121.465 (250.561) investing activities


Penerimaan dari pinjaman bank 433.790 700.795 Proceeds from bank loans
Pembayaran pinjaman bank (675.925) (969.349) Payments of bank loans
Pembayaran dividen kas (54.374) (74.725) Payments of cash dividends
Pembayaran liabilitas sewa (34.880) (49.655) Payment of lease liabilities
Pembayaran bunga Payment of interest
pinjaman dan imbalan sukuk (62.241) (69.246) from expenses and sukuk
Pembayaran beban bunga sewa (2.005) (5.279) Payment of interest lease expenses
Penerimaan dari pihak hubungan Proceeds from due to
berelasi 77.237 22.684 related party
Pembayaran dari pihak hubungan Payment of due to related
berelasi - (167.975) party
Penarikan (penempatan) kas yang Withdrawal (placement) of
dibatasi penggunaannya - neto 21.530 (217) restricted cash - net
Kas neto digunakan untuk Net cash used in
aktivitas pendanaan (298.868) (612.967) financing activities
Dampak perubahan selisih kurs Effect of exchange rate changes
terhadap kas dan setara kas 23.883 1.822 on cash and cash equivalents





Lampiran 1 Appendix 1


Tanggal 31 Desember 2022 dan untuk As of December 31, 2022, and
Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal Tersebut For the Year Then Ended
(Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, (Expressed in millions of Rupiah,
kecuali dinyatakan lain) unless otherwise stated)



Dasar Penyajian Informasi Keuangan Entitas Basis of Preparation of Parent Entity Financial
Induk Information

Laporan keuangan tersendiri disajikan sesuai The separate financial statements are prepared in
dengan Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan accordance with the Statement of Financial
(PSAK) No. 4 (Revisi 2009), “Laporan Keuangan Accounting Standards (PSAK) No. 4 (Revised 2009),
Konsolidasian dan Tersendiri”. “Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements”.

PSAK No. 4 (Revisi 2009) menyatakan bahwa ketika PSAK No. 4 (Revised 2009) provides that when
sebuah entitas induk memilih untuk menyajikan a parent entity chose to present the separate financial
laporan keuangan terpisah, laporan keuangan statements, such financial statements should only be
tersebut seharusnya hanya disajikan sebagai presented as supplementary information to the
informasi tambahan terhadap laporan keuangan consolidated financial statements. Separate financial
konsolidasi. Laporan keuangan tersendiri yang statements are those presented by a parent, in which
disajikan oleh entitas induk, di mana investasi dalam the investments in the subsidiary, associate entity and
entitas anak, entitas asosiasi dan entitas jointly controlled entity are accounted for on the basis
dikendalikan bersama dicatat berdasarkan atas of the direct equity interest rather than on the basis of
kepemilikan langsung dan bukan berdasarkan hasil the reported results and net assets of the investees.
yang dilaporkan dan aset neto entitas investasi.

Kebijakan akuntansi yang diterapkan dalam Accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the
penyusunan informasi keuangan entitas induk parent entity financial information are the same as the
adalah sama dengan kebijakan akuntansi yang accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the
digunakan dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan Company and its subsidiaries consolidated financial
konsolidasian Perusahaan dan entitas anak statements as disclosed in Note 2 to the consolidated
sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam Catatan 2 atas financial statements, except for investments in
laporan keuangan konsolidasi, kecuali untuk subsidiaries.
investasi pada entitas anak.

Sesuai dengan PSAK No. 4 (Revisi 2009), entitas In accordance with PSAK No. 4 (Revised 2009),
induk mencatat investasi pada entitas anak the parent entity recorded the accounting for
menggunakan metode biaya. investments in subsidiaries using cost method.

Laporan Tahunan
2022 Annual Report

Ketahanan dalam Memperkuat

Bisnis Inti untuk Pertumbuhan
yang Berkelanjutan
Resilience in Strengthening The Core

Ketahanan dalam Memperkuat Bisnis Inti untuk

Business for Sustainable Growth

Resilience in Strengthening The Core Business for Sustainable Growth

Pertumbuhan yang Berkelanjutan

PT Elnusa Tbk
Graha Elnusa 16th Floor

Jl. T.B. Simatupang Kav. 1B

Jakarta 12560, Indonesia

kontak | contacts
Tel. ⁺62 21-78830850
Annual Report
Laporan Tahunan

Fax. ⁺62 21-78830907

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