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Nama : Dandi Darmawan

NPM : 203404516030

Mata Kuliah : Manajamen Transport & Pasasi

Assignment/ Tugas 2

Sesuai kesepakatan dan permintaan dari rekan-rekan mahasiswa semua pada saat kuliah tatap
muka maka untuk Tugas 2 sebagai berikut:

1. Dalam dunia penerbangan, Pasasi merupakan sebutan lain dari profesi ground handling.
Berbeda dengan pramugari atau pilot, pasasi termasuk pekerjaan di bandara yang tidak ikut
dalam penerbangan. Bila anda setelah lulus kuliah diberikan kesempatan bekerja sebagai staf
pasasi, menurut anda bidang apakah yang akan anda ambil sebagai staf pasasi yang sesuai
dengan program Studi Pariwisata. Berikan pendapat dan alasan anda mengapa memilih
bidang tersebut .

2. Pariwisata merupakan suatu perjalanan sementara waktu yang dilakukan seseorang dari
suatu tempat ketempat lain dengan meninggalkan tempat semula untuk menikmati kegiataan
reakreasi sehingga disebut perjalanan wisata. Buatlah artikel singkat dalam bahasa Inggris
yang menjelaskan suatu daerah tujuan destinasi wisata sehingga orang-orang tertarik
mengunjungi destinasi wisata tersebut.

Dalam memberikan jawaban, pendapat dan artikel yang anda buat silahkan boleh
menggunakan sumber-sumber penulisan seperti buku, jurnal ilmiah, media internet dan lain-

1. Alasan saya memilih Airline Passengers Service Agent/Airline Passengers Ground Service
Staff karena bidan ini bagian dari tim groundhandling maskapai. Petugas pasasi yang
bertugas di beberapa lini pelayanan penumpang maskapai, seperti check-in, transfer desk,
boarding gate, dan sebagainya. Petugas pasasi ini juga merupakan salah satu profesi
frontliner di bandara yang berhadapan langsung dengan penumpang.
2. Many people are still unsure which vacation destination to choose, now for those of you
who are confused about where to go on vacation, we recommend Labuan Bajo as a tourist
destination that you really must visit.

why should you choose Labuan Bajo compared to other regional tourism destinations? The
following are reasons why you should go to Labuan Bajo:

1. Is One of the Super Priority Destinations

Labuan Bajo is a Tourism Area which is included in the Super Priority Destinations initiated
by the government to further improve the quality of facilities and infrastructure as well as
the satisfaction of tourists visiting Labuan Bajo for one of them visiting the Komodo National

2. It is a UNESCO heritage
The Komodo National Park which is located in Labuan Bajo is one of the UNESCO heritages,
especially for Komodo and Padar Islands, where on these two islands there are Komodo
dragons, which Komodo animals can only be found in the Komodo National Park area and
cannot be found anywhere in the world. also because Komodo animals are native habitat
dwellers in the Komodo National Park.

3. There is a Pink Beach or Pink Beach

Pink Beach is a beach where the sand is pink, caused by millions or even billions of red coral
fragments that are combined into one with beach sand to create pink beach sand.

There are not many Pink Beaches around the world, only certain countries have Pink
Beaches in their area, one of which is in the Komodo National Park.

Did you know that the Pink Beach in Komodo National Park is one of the best Pink Beaches
in the World.

4. Airline ticket prices are now getting cheaper

With the development of tourism destinations in Labuan Bajo, there are many flight routes
that can be enjoyed by tourists visiting Labuan Bajo by plane.

One of them is Air Asia, Lion Air, Citi Link, Garuda, Batik Air and many other airlines, this
makes tourists spoiled by the many choices of flights to the city of Labuan Bajo.

5. A very different tourist destination from the others.

Tourist Destinations in Labuan Bajo sell nature tourism at sea, where tourists have to use
boats to get to the various destinations offered in the Komodo National Park. this then
makes tourism destinations in Labuan Bajo very different from tourism destinations in other
areas which generally sell tours that can be reached using motorized vehicles.

6. Gives You a New Experience

Tourism in Labuan Bajo has an open trip sailing Komodo tour, where you will join tourists
from various regions in Indonesia and abroad, you will get new friends, new experiences
which will be very enjoyable.

7. One of the Best Diving Spots in the World

Komodo National Park is one of the best Diving Spots in the world where there are
thousands or even millions of marine animals of various types and species that you can find
in Komodo National Park, Labuan Bajo.

8. Very Friendly Locals

The original residents of Labuan Bajo consist of various tribes and regions, one of which is of
Makassar Bugis descent, and Flores or manggarai descent. where the indigenous people in
Labuan Bajo are very friendly to everyone, both tourists and non-tourists in Labuan Bajo.

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