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Analytical Exposition Text : Definition,

Purposes, Generic Structures, Language

Analytical Exposition Text adalah text yang berisi tentang pemikiran terperinci penulis tentang
sebuah penomena yang ada di sekitar. Text ini termasuk dalam text argumentative karena
menunjukan suatu pendapat atau argument terhadap sesuatu. Fungsi sosial dari teks Analytical
Exposition adalah untuk meyakinkan pembaca bahwa topik yang dihadirkan adalah topik yang
penting untuk dibahas atau mendapat perhatian dengan cara pemberian argument-argument atau
pendapat-pendapat yang mendukung main idea atau topik tersebut.

Definition of Analytical Exposition Text

Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer‘s idea about the phenomenon surrounding.
Its social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter, and to analyze the topic
that the thesis/opinion is correct by developing an argument to support it.
(Analytical Exposition adalah teks yang menguraikan ide penulis tentang fenomena disekitar. Fungsi
sosialnya adalah untuk membujuk pembaca bahwa ide itu adalah hal yang penting, dan untuk
menganalisis topik yang tesis / pendapat itu benar dengan mengembangkan argumen untuk

Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition Text

# Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s point of view. (Memperkenalkan topik dan
menunjukkan sudut pandang penulis)
# Argument : Explaining the argument to support the writer’s position. The number of arguments
may vary, but each argument must be supported by evidence and explanation. (Menjelaskan
argumen untuk mendukung posisi penulis. Jumlah argumen mungkin berbeda, tetapi setiap
argumen harus didukung oleh bukti-bukti dan penjelasan.)
# Reiteration: Restating the writer’s point of view / to strengthen the thesis. We can use the following
phrase to make conclusion in reiteration : (Menyatakan kembali sudut pandang penulis / untuk
memperkuat tesis.
Kita dapat menggunakan frase berikut untuk membuat kesimpulan dalam Reiteration :
From the fact above …
I personally believe …
Therefore, my conclusion is …
In conclusion …

Purpose of Analytical Exposition Text

– To convince the reader that the topics presented was an important topic to be discussed or gained
attention by way of providing arguments or opinions that support the main idea or topic.

The Characteristics / Language Feature of Analytical Exposition Text:

– Using relational process
– Using internal conjunction
– Using causal conjunction
– Using Simple Present Tense
– Using compound and complex sentence.
– Use word that link argument, such as firstly, secondly, and reasoning through causal conjunction,
such as in addition, furthermore, however, therefore.

Example of Analytical Exposition Text

Example of Analytical Exposition Text about Negative Effect of Car

Read text carefully and see the translation

Cars should be banned in the city

Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of road
deaths and other accidents.

Firstly, cars, as we all know, contribute to most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas
that causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and ‘triggers’ of asthma. Some of these
illnesses are so bad that people can die from them.
Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians
in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers.

Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or
concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to someone.

In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.


Mobil Seharusnya Dilarang di Perkotaan

Mobil seharusnya dilarang di kota. Seperti yang kita semua tahu, mobil menciptakan polusi, dan
menyebabkan banyak kematian di jalan dan kecelakaan lainnya.

Pertama, mobil, seperti yang kita semua tahu, berkontribusi terhadap sebagian besar polusi di
dunia. Mobil mengeluarkan gas mematikan yang menyebabkan penyakit seperti bronkitis, kanker
paru-paru, dan ‘pemicu’ asma. Beberapa penyakit ini begitu buruk bahwa orang bisa mati dari

Kedua, kota ini sangat sibuk. Pejalan kaki berjalan di mana-mana dan mobil umumnya menabrak
pejalan kaki di kota, yang menyebabkan mereka mati. Mobil saat ini adalah pembunuh jalan
terbesar kami.

Ketiga, mobil sangat bising. Jika Anda tinggal di kota, Anda mungkin merasa sulit untuk tidur di
malam hari, atau sulit berkonsentrasi pada pekerjaan Anda, dan terutama berbicara dengan

Kesimpulannya, mobil harus dilarang dari kota karena alasan yang tercantum.

Example of Analytical Exposition Text about Smoking

Is Smoking Good for Us?

Before we are going to smoke, it is better to look at the fact. About 50 thousands people die every
year in Britain as direct result of smoking. This is seven times as many as die in road accidents.
Nearly a quarter of smokers die because of diseases caused by smoking.

Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke five cigarettes a day, we are six
times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non smoker. If we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the
risk is nineteen greater. Ninety five percent of people who suffer of bronchitis are people who are
smoking. Smokers are two and half times more likely to die of heart disease than non smokers.

Additionally, children of smoker are more likely to develop bronchitis and pneumonia. In one hour in
smoky room, non smoker breathes as much as substance causing cancer as if he had smoked
fifteen cigarettes.

Smoking is really good for tobacco companies because they do make much money from smoking
habit. Smoking however is not good for every body else.

Example of Analytical Exposition Text about Computer Technology for Children

Controlling Children Using Computer

Computer and internet are useful as well as powerful. Information about health and safe usage of
computer and Internet, especially for children, should be owned by each family. Computer
connected to internet is powerful way to socialize with others. It can be good but also bad effect.
Recently we hear a lot of children get the advantage of social networking sites but we often see the
news about the disadvantage of it for children. Healthy and safety of computer and Internet usage
should continue to be campaigned.

The role of parent in assisting and directing children in using computer is very necessary. Installation
of software monitor such as key logger which has function to watch and note all activities relating to
keyboard usage is helpful but not enough to protect children from potential harms. Children tend to
hide what they have done in front of the computer to their parent. They see that all of they have done
are their privacy and no one may know.

We can not prevent children from using computer because it is multifunctional. However, many
parents worry about what their kids do in front of the computer; whether they are doing homework or
even just playing games. Or spending all time to surf internet which is the materials do not fit with his
age. There is a tendency, especially teenagers, want to become acquainted with many strangers out
side. The lack parental supervision of children’s activities is likely to pose a potential danger to them.
So parental monitor against the use of computers needs to be done from time to time.


Mengontrol Anak Menggunakan Komputer

Komputer dan internet sangat berguna sekaligus bertenaga. Informasi tentang kesehatan dan
penggunaan komputer dan internet yang aman, terutama untuk anak-anak, harus dimiliki oleh
masing-masing keluarga. Komputer yang terhubung ke internet adalah cara ampuh untuk
bersosialisasi dengan orang lain. Bisa bagus tapi juga berpengaruh buruk. Baru-baru ini kita
mendengar banyak anak mendapatkan keuntungan dari situs jejaring sosial namun kita sering
melihat berita tentang kerugiannya untuk anak-anak. Sehat dan amannya penggunaan komputer
dan internet harus terus dikampanyekan.

Peran orang tua dalam membantu dan mengarahkan anak dalam menggunakan komputer sangat
diperlukan. Pemasangan monitor perangkat lunak seperti keylogger yang berfungsi untuk melihat
dan mencatat semua aktivitas yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan keyboard sangat membantu
namun tidak cukup untuk melindungi anak-anak dari bahaya potensial. Anak-anak cenderung
menyembunyikan apa yang telah mereka lakukan di depan komputer ke orang tua mereka. Mereka
melihat bahwa semua yang telah mereka lakukan adalah privasi mereka dan tidak ada yang tahu.

Kita tidak bisa mencegah anak menggunakan komputer karena multifungsi. Namun, banyak orang
tua khawatir tentang apa yang anak-anak mereka lakukan di depan komputer; apakah mereka
mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah atau bahkan sekedar bermain game. Atau menghabiskan sepanjang
waktu untuk berselancar internet yang bahannya tidak sesuai usianya. Ada kecenderungan,
terutama remaja, ingin berkenalan dengan banyak orang asing di luar. Kurangnya pengawasan
orangtua terhadap aktivitas anak cenderung menimbulkan bahaya bagi mereka. Jadi monitor orang
tua terhadap penggunaan komputer perlu dilakukan dari waktu ke waktu.

Example of Analytical Exposition about Accredited School

Why is It Important to Choose the Accredited School?

Most of teenagers need to go to school and there are a lot of schools over there. Nowadays, schools
grow to offer plenty of choice; private and state ones. However it is a hard choice since there are
many factors which need to be considered before making the selection. Some will be influenced by
friends; because some friend got to certain school than we go to there too. Some prefer to choose
certain school because of the closer distance. In fact, the primary decisive matter for selecting
school is whether the school has been accredited or not.

Why is important to choose an accredited school? Well, accredited schools have an edge over the
unaccredited schools. This label of Accredited School has an impact in employment opportunities.
As result, if there are two or more students with similar qualifications, the student who comes from
the accredited school will have an edge over the other candidate. Student from an accredited school
has more open door than student with an accredited one.

Many students select certain school depending more on short term factors like friend influence and
short distance from home. It is not bad since commuting actually needs much cost. Choosing school
which is closer to home will save time, energy and money. However if that school is not accredited,
the time and money spent along studying seems to be waste in the long term because it could
become a limiting factor in gaining future opportunities.

Accredited school is not the only factor which will drive student’s success. Personality and
characterization are very important too. However a student with good personality who comes from
an accredited school is better than the others.

Generic structure of analytical exposition

Analytical exposition is one of argumentative texts which present some supporting idea on why
certain writer’s opinion is important. The opinion is formulated in a thesis which needs to prove by
selecting arguments.

The above example of analytical exposition about accredited school has the following generic
Thesis: it is the main topic of discourse in analytical exposition essay. Commonly the thesis will be
placed in the first paragraphs. It also has functionality of introduction of the text. From the text above
we see that choosing school will be wiser and safer if it is based on the status of the school;
accredited or not.

Arguments: the arguments are the heart of an analytical exposition. The absence of argument,
analytical will just talk nothing since a thesis must be evaluated, whether it is true or false later, it
does not matter. From the analytical exposition sample above, we see an accredited school
graduate will hold better opportunity. Additionally choosing school based on short term interests
seem to be less benefit in the end.

Reiteration: it is the writer’s thesis which is re-stated in another word. The purpose is to strengthen
the thesis. From the text above, we realize that choosing an accredited school is really important.


Mengapa Penting Memilih Sekolah Terakreditasi?

Sebagian besar remaja perlu pergi ke sekolah dan ada banyak sekolah di sana. Saat ini, sekolah
tumbuh untuk menawarkan banyak pilihan; swasta dan negara. Namun itu adalah pilihan yang sulit
karena ada banyak faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan sebelum melakukan seleksi. Beberapa akan
dipengaruhi oleh teman; Karena ada teman yang sampai ke sekolah tertentu dari kita ke sana juga.
Beberapa lebih memilih untuk memilih sekolah tertentu karena jaraknya lebih dekat. Sebenarnya,
hal utama yang menentukan untuk memilih sekolah adalah apakah sekolah tersebut telah
terakreditasi atau tidak.

Mengapa penting memilih sekolah terakreditasi? Nah, sekolah terakreditasi memiliki keunggulan
atas sekolah-sekolah yang tidak terakreditasi. Label Sekolah Terakreditasi ini memiliki dampak pada
kesempatan kerja. Akibatnya, jika ada dua atau lebih siswa dengan kualifikasi serupa, siswa yang
berasal dari sekolah terakreditasi akan memiliki keunggulan dibanding kandidat lainnya. Siswa dari
sekolah terakreditasi memiliki pintu yang lebih terbuka daripada siswa yang terakreditasi.

Banyak siswa memilih sekolah tertentu lebih bergantung pada faktor jangka pendek seperti
pengaruh teman dan jarak dekat dari rumah. Hal ini tidak buruk karena komuter sebenarnya
membutuhkan banyak biaya. Memilih sekolah yang lebih dekat ke rumah akan menghemat waktu,
energi dan uang. Namun jika sekolah itu tidak terakreditasi, waktu dan uang yang dihabiskan
sepanjang belajar nampaknya terbuang dalam jangka panjang karena bisa menjadi faktor pembatas
dalam mendapatkan peluang masa depan.

Sekolah terakreditasi bukanlah satu-satunya faktor yang akan mendorong kesuksesan siswa.
Kepribadian dan karakterisasi juga sangat penting. Namun seorang siswa dengan kepribadian baik
yang berasal dari sekolah terakreditasi lebih baik dari yang lain.

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