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Tujuan Pembelajaran:
 Peserta didik memahami gagasan utama dari teks dengaran yang kompleks baik tentang
topik konkrit terkait kejadian-kejadian di lingkungan sekitar, maupun abstrak terkait isu
mutakhir atau topik terkait mata pelajaran lain dalam teks diskusi.
 Peserta didik mampu memahami gagasan utama dari teks tulisan, baik dalam bentuk
cetak maupun dalam visual, baik teks tunggal maupun ganda, yang kompleks baik topik
konkrit terkait kejadian-kejadian di lingkungan sekitar, maupun abstrak terkait isu
mutakhir atau topik terkait mata pelajaran lain dalam teks diskusi.(main ideas of
complex written discussion texts)
 Peserta didik mampu menjelaskan pendapat atau pandangan terkait isu dalam topik
tertentu dengan menjelaskan manfaat dan kelemahan atau argumen yang mendukung
dan menentang tentang berbagai pilihan atau pendapat. (How to write sentences to show
the strengths and weaknesses or arguments for and against of different choices or
 Peserta didik mampu berinteraksi dengan lancar dan spontan secara teratur dengan
penutur asli Bahasa Inggris, serta cukup mungkin tanpa ada hambatan bagi kedua belah
pihak yang berkomunikasi atau berinteraksi dalam jenis teks diskusi. (Dialogue of
discussion Text)


teks argumentatif yang mengandung pandangan pro dan kontra secara objektif, memaparkan isu yang
problematik tanpa memihak pada salah satu pendapat atau pandangan saja. Kesimpulan yang terdapat
di Discussion Text umumnya bersifat netral.

memberikan sudut pandang baru terkait sebuah isu kepada pembaca. Sudut pandang baru yang
dimaksud pada Discussion Text bisa berasal dari banyak sumber dan tidak hanya berasal dari satu
sisi. Discussion Text dapat berupa materi seminar dan wacana terkait isu kontroversial.

Issue : paragraph pembuka yang mengenalkan isu yang dibahas
Arguments for : paragraph penjelas bernada positif (pro)
Arguments against : paragraph penjelas bernada negative (kontra)
Conclusion : paragraph penutup berisi kesimpulan

 Simple present tense
 Using connective word
 Adding more information: and, also, as well as, besides, finally, furthermore, moreover,
in addition
 Expressing result: as a result, as a consequence, therefore
 Expressing cause: because, since, due to, because of
Handphone is an essential thing because we need it anytime anywhere.
We need to bring Handphone anytime due to its importance.
 Expressing opinion:
 I think
 I personally believe that
 From my point of view
 Some people say that
 Some people might say that
 Expressing contrast (using contrast conjunction)
 Even if
 However
 Though
 On the other hand
 Despite

Text One:
Not only in transportation, technology also becomes advanced in communication, and this advancement
is the cause of social media. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are some examples of social media.
Adolescents, or even some elementary students, also use one or more social media. People think that
social media has many positive effects for their life. Yet, although social media gives positive effect, it
also gives us negative effect.

The positive effect of social media is that it provides easy way to connect to friends and relations. Social
media allows us to stay in contact with friends and family whom we are unable to see in person because
we cannot meet them every day as for example, they live far away from us. Social media also reduces
communication barriers such as feeling shy to talk in face-to-face communication. If we use social
media, we can share our argument without feeling shy to other people.

On the other hand, social media also has negative effect. Leading to addiction is the most dangerous
effect of social media. When we feel reallycomfortable to use social media, it will make us addicted.
One survey in 2014 shows that 87.4% of 7,000 internet users in Indonesian, like to access social media.
Social media can decrease face-to-face communication among us. Sometimes, it can make us think that
we have a new world. Spending most of the time using social media and forgetting that we have the
‘real’ world are very dangerous effect of social media. Because of these uncontrolled behaviors, we can
forget our real family, friends, study, or even our job.
In conclusion, as the effect of the advancement of technology in communication, it is common to use
social media. However, we must aware of the effect of social media. Not only gives positive effect,
social media also gives us negative effect. It is okay to use social media, but we need to control
ourselves. We must use it very wisely.
(The text was taken from:

Text Two:
Internet has been the most outstanding invention of a mankind history. With internet, our earth has
become a global village. Yet like many humans made technologies, it has its own advantages and

There are plenty of software that can entertain us or help us to communicate with our beloved ones. In a
mere second, we can chat for ours with a person who is sitting at other parts of the world, read our email
in our smart phone or listen to our favorite radio broadcast by streaming it on our table.

With its easy access, internet also has its disadvantages or its bad side. One of them is, children may
expose to violence and explicit contents that only suitable for adults. There are thousands of such
inappropriate contents on the internet which can be easily found. It is a very serious issue and may harm
children well-being.

Although internet can create havoc and destruction, its advantages are more important than its
(The text was taken from Strategi Khusus Menghadapi Ujian Nasional)
Text Three:
The use of tablets in schools makes controversies. Is it effective or not? Perhaps many students like
using tablets as the replacement of their textbooks, but some people, especially parents think that tablets
are not effective.

People say that tablets are supported by most teachers and students. Tablets are much lighter than
printed textbooks, and improve standardized test scores. They say that tablets can hold hundreds of
textbooks, save the environment by lowering the amount of printing, increase student interactivity and
creativity and that digital textbooks are cheaper than printed textbooks.

However, some who disagree say that the tablets are expensive, too distracting for students, easy to
break, and costly or time consuming to fix. They say that tablets contribute to eyestrain, headaches, and
blurred vision, increase the excuses available for students not doing their homework, require costly Wi-
Fi networks, and become quickly outdated as new technologies are released.

From those points of view, I personally believe that tablets usage in schools can be effective as long as it
is used correctly.

(The text was taken from Strategi Khusus Menghadapi Ujian Nasional)

Text Four:
There are lots of research on both humans and animals on the effects of caffeine, and there is often
thought that too much is bad for us. There is no conclusive evidence to implicate caffeine consumption
as being significantly harmful to health, but there still is controversy with this, as there is some negative
effects associated with caffeine consumption. Having some caffeine daily is okay, but using food and
exercise strategies listed below will certainly help in reducing fatigue and avoiding caffeine addiction.

Caffeine is a central nervous stimulant and can have some positive effects on the human body. Caffeine
in low dosed is thought to be associated with an improvement is sporting performance, increased
alertness, and reduction in fatigue potentially lifting a person’s mood. Coffee and tea also contain some
antioxidants which have positive effects on heart health.

However, increased amounts of caffeine lead to dependency due to increased tolerance and hence the
need for greater amounts to gain the same stimulatory benefits. Heavy users who gave to go can
experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and fatigue. Too much caffeine can produce
restlessness, nausea, and cardiac.
(The text was taken from Strategi Khusus Menghadapi Ujian Nasional)

Text Five:
Nowadays, the system of payment gradually changes. Most people use debit cards instead of cash to
make payment. They think it is more effective, efficient, easier, and simpler. However, there are still
arguments about the use of debit cards as a method of payment.

Well, if you use the card, you will say that the card is so practical You don't need to count how much
you should pay. When paying in cash, people are afraid of making mistakes in counting the banknote for
both the payment and the change. With debit cards the mistake made is smaller.

Moreover, you should know that the debit cards are safer than money. Suppose you bring a lot of money
when travelling. If it is lost or stolen, you will be left with nothing in your hands. However, if you bring
a debit card, you can just phone the bank which issues the card to block it.

On the other hand, people who disagree on the use of debit card will say that its use is so limited. When
you buy something in a traditional market, or a vendor, for example, can you pay using a credit card?
Another thing is that, if you want to use the card, you should make a purchase at minimum amount. If
you make less than the minimum transaction, you cannot make use of the card.
For those reasons we think that credit cards are not fullly effective as a means of payment. We should
trace the incoming and ongoing money in our account. Besides, we have to control our habit of buying
first, paying later habit. Otherwise, without being realized we are charged a lot. You don't have to use
credit cards if not necessary.

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